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#1062: Bags Seggs Edition
Previous: >>484030546

This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Megaman games as well as original titles developed by IntiCreates.

>/mmg/ news
Dive modding status: still no new animations, but custom models + custom menu backgrounds
MMGB1-5 now playable on Nintendo Switch Online

>fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine, X4 for PC and X7 demake engine are open-sourced
Knot Barret finished
MMVGB remake on pause
MaGMML 3 released
MMGB remasters announced
Mega Man Reverse Space-Time is still going

>/inti/ news:
Dogvolt DLC fight for Umbraclaw already out
Card-en-Ciel stated to be released in October 24th, both standard and limited physical releases will include Divine Dynamo Flamefrit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO4njobE1uQ
New world for Card-en-Ciel, Majogami: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP-6cluvhU0
Also has cards themed after Gal*Gun, Gunvolt and Umbraclaw.
Inticreates Gold Archive Collection coming August 20th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE7K4w5d8f4

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
Akira Kitamura has returned, made a Twitter account and has a Mega Man project coming up though it's not a game or a music album.
Inafune is working on Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time
RiCo found dead in her home from apparent overdose

>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
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bags month is over

now it is julius belmonth
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why are megachud fags so entitled? this is about x8 demake
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And so it ends RiCO's story. Maybe if had allowed Roll to wear more lewd costumes she wouldn't have slit her wrists
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>coomershit is dead
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What has Wiley been up to lately?
She dresses like a nun (the actual kind). Who would even bother rolling or spending for her?
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bein old
Pride has generic design, is ugly, and a hag. Explains why there's so few art of her.
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if anything, it's impressive a 1.5-off character gets this much art
(BN2, and BN5: Protoman, so not quite a one-off, and not quite a two-off)
she even has the anime boost
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Is it any good? It looks like fantasy MMZ
>Stop being evil
>Lose all your appeal
Women have it hard.
you just wanna fuck evil women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
40 year old manchildren
you don't see problems with bn/sf because they're younger
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>it's impressive a 1.5-off character gets this much art
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divided by three
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And that's all from me.
You're late. Pride Month is almost over.
Simmering with rage about things from the 20th century. Not the 21st century, what remains into the ZX period is still a sore loser about Blues taking off instead of Double Gear System retrofits.
It's more like MMZ if it was a MMO
I just think of Maplestory seeing it.
>it's called making a game
20 bucks this dude never own a single game development software.
Hell he probably doesn't even know basic coding.
>have Serges as a cool concept of how Willy transcended life
>waste the concept
>second chancet with Isoc
>waste the concept , again.
I just see it as one of those B-plots that's never meant to get resolved in the main series. Wily's influence basically ends with X5 after being teased in the previous game.
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We've been discovered. Wipe your hard drives.
Nuns aren't a problem
I think they just forgot Xtreme exists
no thanks fag
I think they want to forget how xtremely rehashed it was that Techno (or Midi?) just sent you to fight some X1&2 bosses again
You speak as if a nun fetish does not exist
They are for Bandai. They still refuse to allow sistermon noire exist in the west due to fears of offending catholics.
But the loli trident nun that grows a big bust ripping her shirt and the blue nun with a katana are fine apparently.
in X8 , X kinda feels like a supremasist that only cares about his own words and not the rest.
>you are a maverick!
>fuck off bitch i am doing my work
>*gets killed by X for no reason*
>But the loli trident nun that grows a big bust ripping her shirt and the blue nun with a katana are fine apparently.
You can't just say that and not provide examples
>offending catholics
Mexico ruining things again
sistermon are dogshit designs so good
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I'm talking about sistermon blanc and ciel.
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>Sistermon Noir
that's... a name
at least we got ciel
Doesn't that mean the color of their outfit is the issue? Which means Berkana's shouldn't really be an issue.
Not the strangest name in Digimon I can tell you that.
I guess. Fucking stupid reason to even erase her from the background of cards.

Also I misrememebered, it's Noire and Ciel whom have their clothes on their chests rip open.
>nebula makes their own characters
>won't release the last one
What was Regal smoking?
when is Fuckmon#
It's not any stranger than Blanc or Ciel
These aren't digimon, these are literally just anime girls. Angewoman at least has wings
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and this is just a furry, what of it
>coomerfag also defend the dogshit waifumons
lol lmao even
>these are literally just anime girls
What if I tell you they're not the worst offenders.
This just goes to show how incredibly arbitrary decisions for censorship are, since it's the same damn model for Ciel that Noire used in HaMe except blue with more rounded ears.
So them not putting Berkana for any bullshit non reason is equally plausible.

Don't look up venusmon.

Mammon already exists.
The color thing is part of the censorship, but Bandai Japan rewrote Ciel into a badass, only thrown into missions most dangerous.

In addition, I never heard enough appreciation for the Sistermons. They are my favorite Digimon since Cyber Sleuths, at least.
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red forehead triangle...........
But they should know that Catolics have bigger things to deal with at the moment, that's why them japs like Iga can lewd nuns to their hearts content
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did someone say church
Anime girls have been part of digimon since it wad being designed.
Their addition was already planned, and we'll keep getting more. Same with cool dinosaurs, Gundam mechs, super sentai, and everything else that appeals to men and boys.
>people here lewding nuns and they aren't posting nun Lola, Gibril or Zonda
STOP talking about digimon
Are navis digimon?
Good. Adept fucking shits belong in the grave.
Shut the fuck up Acura.
no, only the cybeasts (and derivatives) are
everybody else is built on the new internet based on hub DNA
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omega-xis might as well be a digimon
They are just written as a married couple and no one bats an eye like it's the most normal thing ever.
>pride parade boycotted by them catholics and their sexy nuns
>church is....le bad!
and people wonder why castlememe is dead
Look, as long as it isn't something like a Leomon surving the whole series it isn't lorebreacking
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Cute cringy human dorks BELONG to digistacies
but colon leomon never dies
At least it never had a Castle: Other M
>God made women like these for men to embrace
And the church is bad because...?
but they did...
two times...

>even attractive
>first-person castlevania
>pride parade boycotted by them catholics
>parade happened yesterday in a catholic zone
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We can digimon to the list of "will rabidly fight for any minos they can get".
What a shitshow this is gonna be.

Liking that is bad and wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself.
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i like her design
i think is the only thing i like from that cursed game
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>the church is good
>their god is real
>his enemy is also real
>their teaching do help stop the armageddon
>therefore everything this guys does to destroy the enemies of the church is justfied
Themenos would have been the main villian on any other piece of japanesse media
No, there's just one two exeptions that try to fuck humans and they don't seem to aim for fatties either
game has decent music (although like everything in the game, MGB did them better)
so would the two blatant capitalists, but what can we do
I like the Evenicle type gods.
Bastemon is definitely desesperate enough to try.
>brings progress and prosperity whenever he goes
>puts billions of people with funny hats and big noses in the ground to make his dream of equal opportunity for all a reality
>even the evil god wonders how the fuck this man serving the weakest of his brothers has been able to make more damage to his plans that the god damn church made in honor of the strongest of his brothers and the one who defeated him at the dawn of time
there's also the slut
That was a human and her name was Mimi
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All you had to do was to vote for the one in the middle
Legends 3 would be alive if she won instead
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Here's your Lion REPURIROIDO
what's slutty about this
Why does Apollo Justice have a telescope
liked her better when she was a pinkbeast
>it has the most basic rule
>Talk about fucking megaman
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your own fault when you invite the inti coomers in
pic related is on topic for example
I don't wanna fuck megaman. Do I look like Luna to you?
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>Talk about fucking megaman
Only if he is dressed like his sister.
>Fucking Megaman
I am not homosexual
It is also very fun.
no its not
got one as a gift it was like a bootleg time cop but for coomers
Really illustrates how laughably out of touch and behind the times Japs are to think America is still ran by religious fundamentalists. Won't even get rid of their flip phones for 20 years.
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>he can't chain ecstasy
Flip phones are based though
>GV3 has a character named Kirin fight a Zinogre
>No MH parodies made of it
sir bag month ended 05:34:28 before bake
Pacific franchise.
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>intislop nowhere to be seen
I see Z Zero.
extra 30 minutes of mayro that may or may not be corrupted
>Discuss anything Mega Man related, whether it be IntiCreates games or with a similar MM fashion.
it was never about the entire of inti games
/mmg/ really got vored by inti lmao
XOver represent!
You sound suspicious
Z and ZX fully confirmed to be their own completely separate timeline now.
>three BN panel
>two Classic and SF
>one X and Legend
By this arbitrary metric I guess we know which one Capcom favors more, huh.
x6 won
inameme lost
Why do some people care so much about timeline faggotry again?
Anons want the easy (You)s
Because they're sad weirdos.
The bottom two Bass sketches seem to be ones that weren't reproduced in OCW, is there are another photo with a clearer view.
they skipped other characters for a s rank alt. The megamen don't get a s rank. Marino, alia, roll and layer don't get one. Regal couldn't commit.
t. seething rollfag
t. intifag seething that he's guaranteed to never be canon anymore
I'm not sure why it's so bad Z and ZX are a different timeline from the "main" one.
BN leads to SF as their own timeline and it's fine foe example.
Because Intifags would seethe and shitpost on the threads because of it. CM overwrote the series anyway and the canon is better for it.
>rollfag ever suggesting alia getting a s rank
The bottom right and top right sketches are new. The top right one seems to have inspired Bass' 10 pose anyways.
>Lan and Star Force's jobber gay friends are more important than MMZ
Ohnonononono Intitroons? We lost!
Can you not in-fight for one second?
what's the good dijitaru monster game called again
>Implying mmzfags were not the ones lighting the first match and attacking us constantly alongside claiming they revived the general thread
>Pointing figures, and continuing the cycle of shitposting
I don't give a fuck who started it, you retards are annoying.
Quit running around the ring bitchboy.
>He writes when we are the aggressor in the conversation and the cycle is only going to continue until they're humbled and other groups driven out.
>tribalism gobbledygook
>implying anybody is going to """get humbled""", and not just shitpost louder in response to your shitposting
I'd like to think myself more civilized than shitting where I eat, but you do you.
but Zmelts attest that the majority are gunfighters
>when we are the aggressor
One hell of a Fraudian Slip, holy kek.
Xfags have always been a massive tumor everywhere they go. The absolute worse Zfags get is just autism over artstyles and timelines
>The absolute worse Zfags get is just autism over artstyles and timelines
You've missed out.
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The sad part is, canonically, Rouge and Joan are persona non grata to everyone but Ciel given they came in with el janny.
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Colonelwhores need to be dealt with first, then the off topic lolifags then the MMZ and ZX fags.
You've been at it for 3 years and no results
Anon. This image would work but the girls are here are actually trannies and gays larping. No biological woman would be attracted to Duo and Colonel. They like X, Zero, Axl and Dynamo and that's what Capcom wanted.
That is the most gayest thing ever said here.
I find it particularly curious that these anons feigning outrage over inti/lolis/husbandowhores for the 8394726th time were seemingly very quiet last thread
>and that's what Capcom wanted.
Capcom also wanted fans to be satisfied with X Dive and the NFTs and not ask for a real game
t. Gay tranny seething
No biological woman likes anything megaman related, hell the highest ranking megaman character for women was fucking Sonia from SF. Robots are for faggots.
You all deserve each other
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Puedo morir como nací, sabedlo
Puro, sencillo y optimista
De pié sobre la tierra como un árbol
En las filas del partido comunista
En las filas del partido cominista.
You should've written it in Fr*nch
No. Women like the X series. But only for X, Zero, Axl and Dynamo. They're meant to be attractive. Every other subseries has trannies only liking it.
You should also add wanting to remake the first few Classic games again, selling glorified rom collections for 60-80 dollars with the implied promise of maybe one new game
I'm just here to watch shit unfold and take part in the occasional topic I find interesting. It's like watching the monkeys at the zoo fight one another except its sexually frustrated Americans and Mexicans screaming at clouds.
I scream at inti for making yet more dubs.
That's at least somewhat reasonable.
>But only for X, Zero, Axl and Dynamo. They're meant to be attractive.
And tell me, what makes those "attractive"? "Attractive" means different things for everyone and nobody likes the same things as the other. When you make something just to appeal, just to fit a small popular chiche you won't actually make it stand out or interesting because you're focusing on only one point, instead of using creativity. The pretty boys are countless and boring.
enjoy luke's shitposting for cards in ciel
>new TEPPEN story arc has Rebellion put a bunch of reploids and resi humans in prison
>the reploids and humans carry out a prison break and beat up Ferhan
>One of the prisoners, Double, shows his true self and kills one of the humans
>Buffalo and Walrus have an argument and the former is killed by the latter
>Classic MM may or may not have been killed by one of those mace and shield enemies from X1, since one of them as has equipped his torn buster
>Nero took the buster anyway and is using it to escape the underworld
what is canon in teppen even like? like, do characters die in one event, and come back the next, or what?
Ohnonono CMbros!!!
There's some generic witch lady that's causing everyone to come back to life/merge their worlds but that never gets expanded upon but so far X and Zero were the first to return and they had to fight because Zero went maverick. Colonel, Iris and Alia had a holiday at some hotel, Sigma somehow manages to find a way to infect the Street Fighters and X jobs to no. 1 jobber Cammy White and John Talbain opened up to Cinnamon while she only just wanted to treat his wounds.
If they die they die but usually they don't
>John Talbain opened up to Cinnamon while she only just wanted to treat his wounds.
ugh, stop trauma dumping, and let me patch you up
is the generic witch lady hot?
That's (your) dom wife they're beating up
So the witch is the true main antagonist for turning every single Capcom character into her own chess pieces. Where have I seen this plot before...
>yfw Card an Ciel sells gangbusters because of him
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Don't forget to mention:
>Lilith in a bunny outfit is also in jail
Also Sigma, B. Colonel, as well as Droitclair iirc got involved into a Rival Schools incident.
We don't even see the witch
You forgot that Karin Kanzuki made a task force of Colonel, Ada Wong, Chris Redfield, Leo and Blade from Red Earth to kill demons and investigate shit with her.
So the witch is playing dolls with the Capcom characters in the most cosmically Ryu's Adventures way
Oddly appropriate
cute boy
>We don't even see the witch
hm, yes, bet she's hot
gonna goon to her tonight
Angie and Droit got enrolled in Taiyo High where Sigma was up to some evil shit until B. Colonel, Batsu and the Rival Schools cast (but mostly Batsu) fucked his shit up and turned him good.
Sigma was just taking over a school with strongest leads in bancho fasion.
Is teppen still mobile onry? I tried to play it on an android emulator ages ago, but shit didn't work, and last I checked, there wasn't a PC release.
Nero was in the prison which implies Rebellion possibly executed Rock or he died from a failed escape. No other Classic characters have appeared so knows what really went down.
>taking over the school
Then he got beat up by Batsu for trying to control the schools.
Basically RS1's plot but with Sigma instead of Hyo.
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>scenario 1:< Silly highschool hijinks!>
>scenario 2: "Rock might have been executed by rebels"
Yes, it's still on mobile. Daily reminder that Teppen is the one thing Capcom put their faith in instead of Daibu.
>Rebellion possibly executed a 10 year old
That took a turn
Nah, nah, nah! Justice 4 my uncle!
We just know for sure MM was imprisoned and that he died there, because am Homganer found his torn buster arm and equipped it, then Nero destroyed the Homganer during the escape, equipped the buster himself and broke out the prison with Felicia and Playboy Lilith by his side.

Optic Sunflower was leading the escape and had a emotional speech about how nobody can tell him what to do anymore as he was turning off the power.
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so like, you say playboy lillith, and i'm also seeing mention of sigma both, acting a fool in highschool, and brainwashing meatbags
are there like, multiple copies of characters running around, or something?
>Classic Mega Man died as a POW in the CM Rebellion's prison and his legacy is his buster arm being Nero's new go-to weapon.
I feel Capcom is trying to say something here.
Lilith was just wearing the costume.
Sigma was infecting humans until he got stopped somehow, then tried to take over a school before turning good.
Same energy
They escaped using his weapon so the true message is Megaman must be sacrificed for a Darkstalkers 4, a new BOF and revivals
That one poster that likes the X8 mavericks must be so happy now.
>Darkstalkers 4
Let's not do that
I never cared about TEPPEN but reading all this makes it feel like a crack fanfiction.
I've read Touhou fanworks more coherent than this.
>Metro City
>Rebellion invaded Metro City
Sounds like a repeat of Command Mission. Cody probably got a cell all to himself where Ferham drains his dick every 4 hours.
How is the story even told in this mobile card game? Is it all shown through the cards or something. Also I'm not very pleased with the way the mavericks are drawn, most of them feel wrong, I love all the X bosses and it feels sad seeing them drawn like this, I noticed the Reploids have a plastic look in most of the cards. But this is what to expect from such a game I guess.
Mainly images but also on the card's description.
The cards have plot descriptions. Anons have left out the fact that the Fat Double card says that he's larping as a prisoner and is in fact one of the guards. Meaning Rebellion hired Double.

As for the artstyle, it looks like those shitty images you'd find on ArtStation. X and Zero have a fucking mpreg orb and a plump ass.
>after losing her human boyfriend to EoS, Ferham does terrorism again
>this ended up killing Rock
Holy hell.
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And because of the ball joints, they also ended up making it look like X, Zero and Axl are wearing thigh high socks.
With design choices like that, I am wondering if the artist is a fujo
Wouldn't be the first time it happened in the Megaman side.
I only know of Iwamoto in this case
No, the only people who ever draw on that style are Asian-American men and the TEPPEN artist is exactly that.
The only fujo was the lady who drew the box art for MM figures back in the early 10s (think of that one with all the Rolls), ironically her favorite characters are the X versions of Iris+Colonel and Classic Roll according to an interview in OCW.
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I know the orb torso makes people think of mpreg and fujos, but orb torsos don't fit with it at all. If a character has a normal flat belly you can see the different stages of pregnancy, how the body changes and how the growing fetus makes it bigger. You can't do that with a ball waist. The ball waist makes the character look like a doll with no organs to grow a baby inside.
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I am also wondering why did they feel the initial need to redesign the characters
X feels like he sticks out like a sore thumb in comparison in an image like >>484226474
Was it because the artist was not familiar with the X art style at the time?
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Holy fuark
Quiz Nanairo Dreams 2 real!?
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Sorry but 2nd place doesn't get shit
Considering that they suggested a remake of the first three classics, I'm ok with that.
>it was a rigged vote all along
So how many space stations have fallen on earth?
Is this why aliens don't visit? We have too many reploids causing wars and spacestations falling?
This cropped the remaining panels in this expo that showed the remaining series
Megaman is big enough to use but is mostly too "kiddy" to use in crssovers with TEPPEN's stone. X, unlike MMZ, is both popular enough to use and faux-"deep". But they still had to make changes

This is also why X characters have always been used in crossovers the past 15ish years.
Two, I think; Eurasia and Ragnarok.
I am aware but I was questioning the art style choice
Everyone else in that image looks around the same as expected and then there is X and then you have the other X series characters looking about the same
There's that time Alia nearly killed an entire hotel with a T virus bomb because they called her fat and ugly one too many times. Or the time Lan and RiCO had to help Ryu come out of the closet to save ACDC with his new gay pride no hado
You could just have said, Because Capcom is run by a bunch of greedy niggers.
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Global DiVE EoS announced 6 hours ago. How come no one here mentioned it?

>Hello, fellow hunters!
It's been an absolute pleasure playing with you all. And we have nothing but appreciation for the last 3 wonderful years we shared together.
But, all good things must come to an end, sadly...
Thus, we are announcing the end of service... on 7/30

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Nobody here likes Mega Man. They do love his little sister tho
is saturmelt miwario or that's docked until luggi is done
We already did but there's no comment about it besides that they were afraid of releasing the character that Shang Tsung made
>How come no one here mentioned it?
Someone did last thread. What do you think the
was for?
...And some cheap plastic toys here and there
>Nobody here likes Mega Man
Why thank you.
Read the OP, there's already a mention of that
Wario? Which Wario?
Ware? Land? World? Woods? Pizza Tower?
Gotta be more specific there
>couldn't even be bothered to post the sad rico png
nebula has fallen
the second land of wario I think
He's been making Harpy Ladies ever since their relationship with the Ojamas was discovered
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no one here plays global and it was dead well before this announcement anyway. it was a rotting corpse that finally got the sweet release of death.
>Not wanting Powered Up 2&3
Fake fan
dos 1-3 remake
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What happened to Uno
Reminder that you'll never get to have these unless someone physically attends Wonfes and decides to resell them.
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it's over
I heard they did release SSJ Zero a while ago. It's just that no one bothered to check.
I don't want classic shit
What's the joke behind the Onegai Zero thing anyway?
Shipping brainrot
Mainly shipping and S-Rank Zero has a shield and healing capabilities which are close to what Cinnamon has, even though they work differently. Hence the joke.
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Lev if she was real
Some people also pay dealers to go to Wonfes and get those for them. One guy I know takes like 150 bucks per figure
Lev covered in my white, hot, sticky paint
Classic is and always was the core of the series, Zerofag
Little wonder why Megaman died the way it did.
So that's why it's dead, it's rotten to the core.
With this all Daibu versions are over right?
RiCO lost the Pureiyabowl.
Technically no, as Offline is still being sold.
There's no saving it, we need to pull it out by the roots.
Chinese RiCO still getting mating pressed to this day
Yes. You could tecnically count offline but nobody is playing that so this is it for that most disgracefull of chapters in Mega Man history. Also, somebody inform Shang Tsung to update RiCO's model for Daibugrass, she needs to look like a hobbo now.
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Judging from the steam numbers, doesn't look like so.
Aliens only visited during classic and mostly got BTFO'd.
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>copy zero and copy x....
So if they are copies why aren't more of them are around?
Only Ciel could make Copy X, and Weil repaired him worse than the original.
As for Zero whoever made the copy body is no longer around.
Copy Zero was a spare body with his brain transferred, not a mass produced plan.
Copy X was a one time thing by Ciel before realizing she fucked up.
Now this is the only Riko that matters to this general
Because it's not cost-effective as they're anachronistic bullshit. Copy Zero was built for DNA-Soul bullshit as part of the R&D for the Mother Elf, and Copy X was built for political bullshit because Neo Arcadia was built almost exclusively on X's reputation.

If you don't have a reason to make one-for-one copies, you'll get more bang for your buck out of a design like High Max or Axl.
Her yandere knife has rusted
And it became a hobbo knife
For the hobbo life is all that's waiting for those who failed to upheld the core values
We still have LatinX
So just a regular yandere knife with bonus damage? Sounds good!
*had LatinX, we lost him to the koreans.
>We lost him to the koreans
God dammit managerbossman!
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because this news is so old it was literally in the last thread anon >>484184039
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why didn't ciel build a copy X for elf X to live in
>but elf X wanted to an hero
just put him to sleep
...Pretty sure that is in fact why she built Copy X, but he didn't want to move in so she booted it up as a separate person.
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Bilibili archaeologists have dug up yet another Z5, this time it's Beggar's Edition Rockman Zero 5 (Beggar's Edition is kind of what they call kusoge)

It looks like a flash game but it has DiVE assets, so somehow it was made in the last 5 years.
Apparently the dev is also in the coments
Ah yes, the Super Blue Dragon
He died anon, like a nigger to a low level enemy... Some said that Capcom's core values comitee had something do do with this
Holy shit, Mega Man Omega!
Then why did they leave Lilith with the bunny suit?
There's a severe lack of brats in need of correction in here
12 years old
8 years old
16 years old
Become gasoline and carry the endless pain
Now you know why she and Felicia were next to him cell on the area named death row
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Lilith is flat though, and her series is super dead.
>Ghost Game
Reminder it flopped, so much a huge fan became an investor to find out what's happening to Digimon: an ADVENTUREEEEEEEEE singularity is happening franchise-wide, no more individual stories.
This is a huge opposite to what the Pokemon franchise is doing since Gen 2 (games) and Gen 9 (anime).
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Can't believe Crapcom stole the Cartoon Erasement Camp from Drawn Together
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Then they escaped.
More reasons for the commitee, since Roll was also very flat on the chest.
Zero/ZX bros....we got GT'd
I like how Lilith was originally supposed to be some agendered thing, but everyone from day 1 just said cute girl and so she's just a girl.
Kinda how Sal was supposed to be a boy but everyone just saw a girl so she's a girl instead.
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meanwhile with NebulaJoy's other pet project....
Next Teppen character will be Roll. Ready to bring havok and take vengence on the core values comitee.
Yes, the old school swimsuit will be her default costume
Too woke for Capcom
Haruo Murata said he decided to make Lilith a woman instead of a hermaphrodite because he thought making Lilith that would come off as treating trans people as a passing fad since a lot of Japanese media was also experimenting with doing that in the mid 90s.
So how do we convince the rest of the 300k to stop playing this garbage?
>Too based for Capcom
Sorry anon, according to my uncle that works at Capcom, they'll just make more X series cards, and maybe touch upon Starforce on the eventual collection release, featuring more Street Fighter because yes.
But maybe you'll get Roll's dress on Chun-Li or something.
Well, another reason to hit the bottle.
So where's the flop part? This is just execs doubling down on nostalgia to force through a recession.
>survive going to be perma canon
guess i'll stick to world
Not ADENTURE so not canon. Does explain why Saviors is a fucking webcomic.
Umbraclaw if it was good
They should start by releasing a good game first.
This is hell, i hate it. At least the O12 game is still coming out right?
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The rest of the recession will force their hand.
I wouldn't get my hopes up desu.
"Likely not sell well in the market"
So how's the market for anime BDs?
>rather than release something that will likely not sell well
Does putting out BDs even work like that? From my understanding they're dirt cheap to make
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Could also just be panicking and being very stubborn.
You know, how Capcom only seems to want to remake classic era Megaman for nostalgia bucks.
Just sounds like Bandai treating Digimon as it always does
The same as releasing a Xenosaga remaster collection during the Xenoblade's hayday.
She got that "smell my booty" face...
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>card game doing good?
>quick, release the OP card game!
>VBs are selling well?
>we can't squander this on digimon, let's make an anime based off of a game show instead
It's fascinating how openly hostile they are to their own ip.
I see Bocchi on your post I instantly disregard whatever you have to say
Stop hating on Ukrainian oinkers
Capcom released a mid budget MM11 that got 1+ million sales and there were not happy with it
Japan companies are beyond retarded
it's not that they weren't happy with it, the people working on it just got pulled off to work on even bigger projects
Is not that they aren't happy with 1m sales with low budgets, the thing is that Megaman is never going to be a priority on their minds so all the working hands go to the big 3 instead.
They would have to screw utterly bad with those to scrape the bottom of the barrel and rescue Megaman from the depths of hell.
or just hire/train more people, which takes time
>Japan companies are beyond retarded
I don't think being japanese has much to do with it in this case
They probably are doing that already but all of them get trained to work on those 3 anyway.
Capcom must lose big money like Squeenix to consider investing on minor projects, otherwise they'll keep pumping up more SF, MonHun and RE over and over.
wasn't SF6 a bust already with how much they spent on shilling it
This has a lot to do with AAA companies wanting prestige by using a gorillion dollars on a game and then expecting a bazillion profit, lest we forget Capcom's president saying he wants games to be US$100 because "their prices are too low". It's all about chasing the eternal green line going up rather than something steady.
Maybe, but then again, Capcom's own stock reports in May 9th says
>During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, Capcom’s core Digital Contents business drove results, delivering annual sales of 45.89 million units for its home video game software, marking a year-over-year increase. The company achieved this with Street Fighter 6, which leads the Group’s esports activities, the release of Dragons Dogma 2 launched in March 2024, and promotional activities to gain wider recognition for its IPs and acquire new fans.
In another article, in April, Capcom comments on Dragons Dogma 2 selling over 2.5 million.
Their financial reports mention their profits increasing. While there's mentions of them also investing on things like merch, esports, movies and pachislots, this is also something to keep in mind, and there was a comment on how that one Street Fighter movie STILL makes them money.
>Moving forward, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, Capcom anticipates net sales of 165,000 million yen and operating income of 64,000 million yen, which would result in twelve consecutive years of operating income growth and eight consecutive years of record high profit at all levels.
>URL has 'GRANNY' in it
what does it mean?
YJK is not just exclusive to the current generation of white women it is historic.
I don't think I'd mind if SF, MH, and RE hadn't sold out to normalfags abd began to fucking suck as a result.
>Look up some MH music the other day
>"Huh, why does it not sound as good as I remember?"
>Rise remix
nuMH sux tbqh
MHWorld/iceborne have one of my favorite songs in the franchise but the overall OST is so bad
SF has been a normalfag fighting game since 2.
street fighter belongs to the streets
haven't heard that they did just event character rereleases.
Ryu from streets never recovered after SFIV.
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>we never got r63 out of Daibu
Truly a worthless "game".
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someone made a comission to an artist I like of Netto and Subaru having sex and now everytime I open the home page I have to see that
fuck you who commissioned that abomination
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Adept uggo landwhale confesses her feelings of love.
Realistically who could've been a candidate to get pranked? aside from Zero which already got blissed before.
Literally anyone? Sigma, X, Axl, Massimo, Vile, etc.
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>search what adept is
>its just intislop
>Septimal power
lol lmao even
Would've been the best if they did it like Chang and turned him into a loli with a huge axe.
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Mayl is more aggressive than I remember.
You had Iris Alter who was Colonel before they transitioned to be a tranny man. They are a canon tranny.
>inb4 seething eeks and uuks
You're a tranny of you think otherwise.
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>Iris Another
Not a rule 63 as the character is referred to and considered Iris instead of Colonel
Where is number 2?
See >>484287025
Mayl was doing /ss/ before it was cool or illegal for her.
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Iris is X-Gender
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She's a tranny too but Colonel is the bigger canon tranny.
Axl turns into rafflesian
So you are tsundere for both
What a non surprise
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Can't say anything without triggering some retarded response in this place.
The best way is to let it run its course.
its insane how they fucked Sonia in SF2
It was but it sold 5 millions less than what they hoped instead of 9 millions less like MM11 so that's a win. Never mind the astronomic amount of money they used to make it and shill it.
You think they made Axl and A-Trans out of Iris and Colonel's remains?
It's something Sony has been doing for a while now. They count "revenue" (money made) instead of profit (money earned)
I have my doubts as Iris died in space and Colonel would most likely be repurposed for Signas
But she wasn't in Street Fighter 2?
You list increasingly revenue, dumbass investors give you more money, and you get greater profit that way!
It's very endemic to the AAA space. It's a lot easier to say to your investors that you made 75 million revenue-wise in a quarter of a month vs 63 million profit-wise in the same time. Number is up, no lies by law, happy investors and happy extra money for that jacuzzi in a lamborghini.
What do you believe was the turning point for the modern market in the levels of the big fishes turning this way?
/mmg/ - Having a middle schooler's understanding of financial markets
Considering how many studio closures and layoffs are happening lately that seems to be above average undertanding for the game industry.
layoffs aren't necessarily bad from the perspective of capital.
You hire a bunch when money is cheap and then you fire when interest rates go up. What's the big deal?
>anticipates even higher numbers for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
Based on what, they've got jack shit releasing this year aside from the MvC port. Is there a Street Fighter 6 battlepass or DD2 dlc or something? Are they just gonna drop MH Wilds in Jan and ride that to the bank?
In that case aren't you better off outsourcing instead of directly hiring people?
>is there a Street Fighter 6 battlepass
not anymore retarded than your crossover pic, tourist
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Too easy 2007. That's the year after videogames crushed movies as the most profitable entretainment industry and all the investors and activists started moving into videogames. They used to be treated as "toys" that only were for children and losers up to that point. But after that, they where a legit thing and the industry as a whole had to "grow up".
depends. Sometime you want to onboard people who are working closely with your Actual Developers rather than hire an outside team working separately
I think what you really mean is contracting rather than outsourcing, in which case yes that's exactly what they want, but people would rather be full-time hires than contractors. There was steep competition from talent in the post-covid zero-interest era so that's all the more reason companies needed to wave a Full Time Offer in front of folks to get them.
Now that the market sucks they can just cut the people who aren't the best.
There is a number, but overall:
>Gaming industry makes a lot of money, and at one point surpassed movies and other entertainment industries with profits/growth rates. This attracts investors who want their money and want it good on the bigger companies around
>The gaming industry has had historically spent a lot in marketing, even before the current day, and said marketing also involves publishers, who have a say on what goes and what doesn't go
>The eternal chase for growth over stability. Unless there is complete, secure domination, it's not good enough. The games need to sell more and have more money poured into it for prestige/marketing reasons. This is also something that has been happening for years
>The dripfeed of anti-consumer practices being normalized. Remember when DLCs meant full expansions instead of relatively minor things that may be even on disk were the norm? Remember when mobile games of real quality actually costed money instead of being free to play with extra paid features meant to drain money out of their playerbase? Remember when gacha meant you went to a real machine to obtain a real product instead of a jpeg or a gif that will inevitably go away once said gacha disappears? Remember when games were largely physical and you could really own most of them? Now this is accepted as the norm
With the link itself:
>leveraging its major brands in movies (again, the Street Fighter movie is mentioned as making money for them), character merchandise (see: Megaman related figures releasing recently), and esports
>promoting efficient operations and new store formats in its Arcade Operations business
>introducing smart pachislo machines in its Amusement Equipments business
SF6 is mentioned as leading the Group’s esports activities and I heard they're releasing things like crossover DLCs there.
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>What's the big deal?
Well, in both X Box and Sony's current case. That there's nobody left to make games and that means that both of of their current get consoles are doorstoppers. And now add to that both of them wanna sell doorstopper+ right now and doorstopper 2(doorstopper 4 in play station's case) in 2 fucking years.
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Can't believe Taisen wasn't announced today...
well maybe hollywood could try making some good movies that people want to see

just a thought
>>The eternal chase for growth over stability. Unless there is complete, secure domination, it's not good enough.
The ironic part is that the only dev who gave a shit about stability instead of growth might have entire domain over the whole industry outside of the mobile sector next gen. Hell, if they were to go full XC2 on all their IPs even the mobile market might have to bend the knee
Why would you want to see Luigi in a leotard?
>might have to bend the..ACK!
That's the other thing. Movies and TV won't make a comeback into mainstream entretainment unless most of the production moves away from Hollywood. It's not just about them refusing to give up their scewed beliefs, it's just that the tecnical debt in the movie industry has basically catched up to the whole American scene that nobody even knows how to make a good movie even if they tried.
We already had Luigi in a leothard
That was Nintendo trying to make a mobile game instead of Nintendo making a Nintendo game but making is as lewd as a mobile game
And why would you want to see more of that?
Moreso, do you really want to give furfags more fuel with Bowser?
NTA but there's a higher chance that Luigi would look like a gigachad.
Don't think it's a good idea with the existence of Animal Crossing, just throwing it out there.
>re: luigi
"that's how it is on this bitch of an earth".png
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Dragalia... lost because it didn't appeal to coomers at all.
>implying thought happens with this subject
are some generic isekai sluts still all it takes
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This was isekai slut in Dragalia.
dragalia melt
Furfags got mad at Bossette because it made o lot of furry artists don't wann draw furry...for as long as the fad lasted
And do you really think they will not just make Bowser but more muscular since the character is far more recognizable than Bowsette?
What you wanna use as a deterrent already came to be with Canela ages ago. So, since we already suffering the bad part of it might as well get the good part too and lewd the Zelda girls.
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>the latest coomershit
>pic related
How the coomer whales turned out for Daibu
>Dragalia co-op
You're dealing with forces beyond your comprehension.
They will make Bossette but more Xenoblades because that's the kind of doujin artists Nintendo has at hand right now. Also, if you wanna fear for someone fear for Ashley! The Warioware team been adding easter eggs that let you interact with her since the wii game.
Doa lives on the beach.
And I'm just gonna say that you're most likely getting even more furry art in that scenario than Zelda girls.
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manager bossman got turned into a girl for his managerial failures
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And all they did is show the world that they talk big but always fold to the easiest bit of PR pushback
>They will make bowsette
Not really in that scenario
If they know their audience, they will turn Bowser into the large lizard NTR furfag that fucks the princesses as that has persisted before and past Bowsette, and is a more reocurring current idea in doujins
The fuck it will. Did you not see how much material yoga pants Zelda got from just crawling in front of the player once? The thirst for this is palpable
King Bo Omb has way more fat bastard vives than Bowser. So i'm calling BS on your basic understanding of the doujin arts.
It's all your fault
Yet I see more images of Bowser fucking Princess Peach
And do you have any idea of how much money furries make to commission metric fucktons of porn, even of talking animals that look like this? You do not absolutely give these people one single finger because they'll be taking several kilometers.
You mean it takes more than lewd stuff to be successful? But XC2 is Nintendo's highest selling game ever, surely /mmg/ wouldn't lie to me...
came at the perfect time after stacy peach rejected both bowser and shitrio
lots of pahetic butthurt incels gor motivated
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>bo omb
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ESL general, please understand
are you complaining about the zoras and bird girls or something
my favourite marior (if he real) character
he would be best friends with fenrir and shadow
Who the fuck is mario. Don't you mean Mayro?
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>coomer trannoid cannot stop talking about everything but megaman
hmmm....really makes one ponder
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Who would be the Princess Daisy of Megaman?
I have put zero thought into this answer, but I'm going to go with Tron
Who's gonna get mad? The shitalians! They don't even exist.
Unauthorized Chinese knockoff Roll. Reported to be defective and dangerous.
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We are so back, Hubbros
Why am I imagining Craft as Luigi now?
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Who cares about shitaly's historical figures?
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Friendly remainder that the only time Nintendo stocks took a huge hit was because of Luigi. They might survive the impending Japanesse economic implode but they won't survive another year of Luigi
aquele que te comeu atrás do armário
dam luigi is really the zero
>Mexicano after his existence got erased by Italiano
She preys on your historical ignorance.
isn't luigi green biker dude
>those hands
jesus christ that's a monster
right size for my penis
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Sorry, but the answer is Garibaldi.
Wow, even stretching what topics this general can cover, you guys still are horrible at staying on topic.
Guitar Hero melt
But he burned his guitar, he didn't melt it.
nevermind about size they curl around like slugs
>have to wait 12 days to extract the model
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why praire be whore?!
right texture for my penis
Carbon, but same thing really.
>nothing to do
Fine I'll buy DMFD
There are better ways to waste your life.
just goon until bed time, like a normal human bean
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Nobody would give a fuck if Luigi died so no
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oh good, they kept the servbot heads in - at least they didn't change that for a felyne costume, or something.
Had a friend that was worried they'd change Jo Slade (Butch lesbian hambeast cop) because they altered Larry Chiang, but I was able to show him the recent Teppen footage w/ Jo in the first 10 seconds, and alleviate his fears.
Thanks, minti!!!
dam...intishit aka zeroslop collection floppped just like luigi year LMAO
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Watch Digimon Savers and read Demonbane and Lovecraft's works instead
Efficient reploid design, peak performance specs.
Is a reploid born, or are they assembled. I know as the timeline goes on for centuries and centuries, the line between human and reploid blurs more and more. Is there a point where reploids are basically machines that function as organic beings?
What a coincidence, I too bought it, should be arriving around next week.
Yes. It's either ZX or Legends, depending on your definition.
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Why Kelsingers did die
Balance is crap axel rosered.
nah man, they're weighted, they give her fuel efficiency. They're silos of resources. She's a walking station.
Efficiency is down. I'm sorry but you did not meet the architectural designs for peak efficiency.
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Make use of a reploid's tits and everyone calls you an idiot, make a fat reploid and no one blinks an eye.
>yelling at alouette
>hitting alouette
>making alouette cry
Efficiency is down with this one too
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Double's moobs are cute
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Idk, seems pretty well made for his role.
I'd have never suspected this jolly-looking fellow
>iX2 on sale
>All DLC still full price
I hate Interactive Image Creates
I would considering his fucking name is DOUBLE
he's double sized you paranoid little ninner
>t. Double
Then why is he so short?
Double's behind it all
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>c'mon Agent Double, quit fiddling with your weird-ass phone and get back to work, pal!
>btw how are Solo and Triple? Eh? Ehhhhh? You're tired of that joke aren'cha, haha!
I fail to see the issue with this gentleman
I thought Inticreates was a play with indie and create.
Intercreates are makers of bad plots
Reploidrevo was right
Tell everyone
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You thought wrong.
Was indie even a term used for games back in 98?

But never forget the words for their test logo "IMAGE? IDEA? EXPRESSION!"
Reploidrevo was always wrong.
So I can copyright Indiecreates and compete with them and make a better job then.
People gave a shit about those and the Zero collection in particular is a very scalped item on Mexico
The true question for me is: did they break even at least?
it flopped intitrannie
>buh buh mexicoom!
>Intercreates are makers of bad plots
>very scalped
>Mexico is now killing the Zero collection
I hate that they didn't give an options to have english text and subtitled cutscenes with jap audio for X4 in the X legacy, I'm fucking dying. I didn't buy this game when I was a kid cause X sounded lame as hell.
Welcome to the legacy collection experience, it doesn't get better.
No. Peak gynoid design is a lolibot
>Mexico is now killing all Zeroes
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it is time to learn the nihongo
>Killing for the Zero collection
Share the link.
>Killing the Zero collection
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Could the humans in Battle Network be reploid descendants?
>¡Dios mío, mataron a todos los Ceros!
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inb4 aislop
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Today's weird crossover.
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Roro has a black daughter. . . she went to la costa chica after all. . . .
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Senran Kagura, but you play as Lev killing the resistance soldiers. Ciel, Cial, Allouette, Bliss Zero, and several OCs are playable.
Yes, all the disposable zako are some variation of Regina even if you play a resistance character mission.
Is that a Legend of Zelda tatoo
Can't believe you got your netnavi to draw mayl
Hylia demands her bloodline propagate.
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Now Ryu can become a south american
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Assuming BN takes place after Legends, way after with the Reaverbots successfully ending all Carbons and then Volnutt and his wives resurrecting humanity, then no. Reploids were long gone by the time of The Master, so at best you'd have very trace dna of Yuna, Sera, Volnutt, and Matilda none of whom are reploids.
wish that system came back
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Oh, huh, I guess the Global server is finally shutting down. I'm kind of surprised it lasted as long as it did.

As far as I've seen, besides S-Rank X, Maximum Massimo, Vengeful Vile, True Zero (Z), and Advance Pallette, the only other S-rank that got added was MH Layer. S-Rank Zero hasn't been added, apparently.
Something's not right... I haven't been flashed by Cial today.
This should have an adept variant
>Acting like she didn't meant to do that
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So...since this is THE action platformer general. Has anyone here beaten this absolute unit of a game?
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I beat it, but didn't 100% it. Clancers are cute, I want to bully them (but not to the point they die, that made me sad)
i did it great funky music
treasure could do a good megaman , they did gaist crusher so close enough i guess
Treasure is on topic anyway since they made a Mega Man game.
professor theo would be right at home with you robot fuckers tbqh
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Astro Boy is certainly more megaman than half the franchises we got.
Rollfags learning to love Uran-chan when.
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Megaman Legends 3 looking hot
Why Capcom wasted money on this instead of investing on Legends 3
It even had an anime
new good
old bad
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flashing her pantsu since 1963
>hey cool lets talk about astrob..
why you freaks are like this
she was drawn naked in the original more times than roll appeared, it makes sense on this one
I doubt more than one fourth of the anon here know enough to discuss the series.
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Who'd have thought the ghost of Tezuka lurks our general, I'm surprised myself. Then again he was the Pochincoff of his time.
Imagine if Aile's ZX forms wore Pandora's manko patch instead of that big white metal diaper. Maybe also no shoulder pads like Pandora.
Not gonna suggest you try running this through AI.
This rat is too sexy for this general.
and we melted it
and nobody joined
You are responding to a retard that still isn't able to understand why a Mega Man general would be filled with Mexicans and Arabs
/mmg/bros we are frauds....
>cyber elf x meets aile and model x
what happens
do we even have mexicans here
I thought it was SA only, and by that, the far south
He gets sad because his likeness is used to put a child soldier in the field, but also understand that it's a necessary thing.
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I’d have bothered with it if I could’ve kept all my shit
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all goes back
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>Not gonna suggest you try running this through AI.
That would require a lot of inpainting and trial/error
I'd rather make a kk mockup instead

maybe it was better on imagination or the original parts are too big but i can't modify the crotch plate size since it's not my mod and it's a cloth accesory

yes, that's why the "official /mmg/ channel" isn't allowed to enter capcom content creator program
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prometheus wants his *ahem* "manko patch" back.
oh fug, that's why it felt familiar
>robotfucker general wants to fuck a robot
Less bizarre than loving anime humans to be honest.
I think I'd use KK mode if my shitty laptop didn't fail to even boot the fucking thing up half the time.
>Street Fighter movie still generating revenue for Capcom
Clearly we need a live action Legends movie
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Capcom got you covered bro
Why is this guy posting his BOF playthroughs on /mmg/? At least melt it so we can pretend its somewhat on topic.
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there is no breah of fire general and the staff was basically the same as megaman, so I just took the liberty
Please do not melt BoF, one anon suffering through it is enough.
>the staff was basically the same as megaman
Not seeing it
well if you don't like it, I'll stop
If you are actually him, please don't. It's better than 95% of the posts in an average thread here
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I'll come back later when I start playing battle network, or if I find something specifically related to megaman, I'm in heavy spoiler territory anyway
Better BoF than Castlevania or Mario
As long as you're sure, just don't let one faggot be the sole reason
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are you sure
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oh don't worry, I'll still spam a lot of BoF4 hehe
the fourth one is my favorite after all
Every melt
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The Bonnes fashion indeed
Maybe it's some kind of survivorship bias armor piece?
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when is blaster master getting another game
I need a better ending
henry kelsinger
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so, when will he become the next CEO
henry tsukamoto is better
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Years later and I still have no idea what the fuck this reaction image is trying to convey
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I love manko plates.
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Buy a reploid already you worthless bastard.
If you don't make her fall for you then what's the point?
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This isn't ZX anon, reploids aren't free.
Hmm, horny. :)
Wrong. (You) are not free.
To the Pandora anon commissioning stuff.
Please stop commissioning garbage artists like Ichduhernz, thanks.
it's more a perineum plate since it goes between the legs, and also covers the butt
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Just get the japanese or the american to do it
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The staff for 1 included almost all the talent at capcom they had available.
Look at how many composers they got. That's why it feels stiched together instead of a unified vision.
Ershin says we'll have to melt her game.
And what Ershin says is a fact.
Become gasoline and carry the endless pain
Bondrewd please.
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That anime made my cry in more than one way.
Didn't Fromsoft tried to make a comeback into the videogame industry and failed spectacularly?
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You mean Sunsoft. From is the Dark Soul guys.
But yes. The only thing they're doing now is remaking their old games to little fanfare.
sounds better than what crapcom is doing
Man, that dog bite really did him in
One of the few artists that copycats Metata (at least a year ago or 2, artstyle is more different now). Recently got into an accident where their dog just bite em and had to get checked up. He's been mumbling weird shit since.
If reploids are free by zx how will I amass my reploid harem?
>Gets bitten once
>Mental breakdown
What kinda dog is it?
Metata is also not doing too well thanks to AI driving him mad.
a rabid one
>cunnytards btfo
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>300 bugfrags for a HP memory
Fucking scammer
>thanks to AI driving him mad
actual concerns or just the usual artfag howling at slop
Mostly upset over how fast it can output shit compared to him and terrified of AI that copies his style by being fed his works.
>using filters
That's most likely a screencap of a program like OBS since you can't resize that shitty emulator
... I think he might have rabies.
but you can disable the vaseline filter in OBS
Explain how then
I'm using that shaderglass thing since that one of the rockmanexe people were using since you can't resize the emulator manually
I've checked and followed their settings and I'm certain I have no filters on
I have no idea why it comes out blurry
One AIfag mocked him, got pisses off, and the hikikomori nigga is now trying to pursue anyone providing models of his art.
He doesn't care either, he rather quit due to his mental health/ADHD issues too
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But he's one of the few people who has such a good skill that AI won't hurt his job or reputation
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You're underestimating the same kind of people who ask you to never "reprint" their works
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SLAMMO was more of a average pop culture Instagram artist, but considering his Metata clone arc, he might be pro-cunny as well.
>Dawn and Fillia
>But not Tharja and/or Shantae
He's not that versed in the ways of the butt
>cunnyfags losing their shit
>t-this unrelated artist might be pro-cunny or something
that's some awful copium on top of goalpost moving
You're supposed to draw ass, not a negative butt
Dats Lev!
No one is because they've never acknowledge the best butt of them all: Gutsman's ass
>one of the rockmanexe people
I'm assuming you're referring to this.
If it's giving you too much trouble you can always just use obs like >>484377731 said.
Youre unmedicated, please get help.
Why do Xsisters hate young girls so much?
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We know, Alex.
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We can always talk about Melmo if you like?
Dagon: Raped To Death
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lmaoing @ you Mariobabs
I like how flat and capsuley roccochan looks like
Don't you have roadkill to violate?
Animal Crossing is for leftist kemono karens, they'll get little to no furry adult fanservice, especially when the current director of the series is a w*man.
If you think they'll get none under that idea, you're either stupid or wrong.
It will get homosexual furfag fanservice
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Aile sex
I've seen what copium does to someone, you keep it
You have first hand experience?
Yeah I'm seeing cunnyfags go to weird tangents to deny their idols are having meltdowns and shit because they overdose on it
I do not see such things happening on the posts above
I do see you becoming rabid, which seems oddly regular for your behavior
You need some prescription glasses and perhaps literacy skills

>I do see you becoming rabid, which seems oddly regular for your behavior
>everyone I don't like is the same person
>a-also t-this is rabid
And once again, you behave rabidly, and try to pretend it was not you
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Yeah I'll just switch over
Capcom managed to make phone games I'll be willing to replay so I don't mind taking new screenshots whenever I decide to
Thanks for the advise
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This is inexplicably erotic
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He got that mass murderer energy.
You can use his weapon in the woods, so that's a match.
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>Cygnus innertube
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Would Kirin get along with NuCopen?
I just took this and ran it through google translate.
deep ocean flotation device?
Punished XX Kirin tried to kill roboCope at first sight (most likely as a misunderstanding) so take a guess
She's just racist and took her chance to kill a minos.
Hatefucking romance...
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>take ciel's helmet
>take her weird floating flower thing
how long before zero finds me
it's the butt cheeks
1 minute, 13 seconds apparently.
Nigga, that was 3 minutes and 13 seconds.
Kirin sees all non septimals as lesser beings. I don't think those two could have been friends regardless of what version you use of them
It was reverse rape but OK
Any Slammo Rolls? Better if they show her butt.
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Edea should have been there too
Dammit Roomi! this isn't the kind of Yai OC we want from you
>Can't handle the yai forehead
there is no such thing.
can't believe edea was yai
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All the Yai is erotic, not just the forehead
i think foreheads SUCK
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This reminds me, I finally had curry.
From a Thai place. Thought it was alright, but now I'm even more baffled by BNs love of it.
Be like being obsessed with molletes.
Wonder if we will see more adept girls being electrocuted
BN cast went mad over Indian curry. Try going to an Indian place
what happens if i roll.exe?
Thai curry is very different from japanese or indian curry. Try those instead.
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draw a rat
do it now
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I refuse to collude with the rattons.
Reminder the voice of the franchise Protodude is literally Jewish
One more reason to behead him
doesn't jewishness pass through the mother's side
Shang Tsung, make a render of shirtless Colonel with the Hamas headband to send to Brian again.
If KFC is Lebanese wouldn't a Hizbollah symbol be more fitting?
>not Hezbollah
Apply yourself!
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according to onsen-san, no
Figures the guy with a Jewish grandma would say it doesn't count.
wasn't it a jewish guy knocking up his grandma
black girl megaman, protoman, bass and black wily
Probably jewish by religion rather than blood.
It's usually the father's side, unless that's how they do it the US.
How many black girl versions of MM characters are there at this point?
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Hex Maniac if her game sucked... oh, wait...
>whores here think hamas and hezbollah are heroes
Ratty, please.
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XY were really underdeveloped.
They're trying to make Elise 3.

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