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You can't just paste Charlotta in Blood™ that doesn't even make sense edition.

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

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Previous Thread: >>484041116
You can't just paste Charlotta in Blood™ that doesn't even make sense!
Thanks for playing anon. Ask anytime and ill try to queue up for you guys.
Satyr sex
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de arimasu
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shouldnt it be "ganbatte arimasu"
I am fairly certain I heard her say "ganbare" twice, but I've been wrong before when it comes to things I head in this game.
i feel like it should be "ganbarou de arimasu" or something
tɓh i have no idea how "であります" is supposed to be used
Is Metera doing shorthop j.H into air L arrow a real mix or is it fake shit. It's still a mid right and a true blockstring so what are people doing to get hit by it? Delay 2L brain?
Why is she considered a futa? Is it a joke like Djeeta or is it canon? Please be canon.
if she had a vagina she'd be a satyress
>japs have never genderbent a character when porting them to their media.
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So, I gather from their in-game conversations that Belial and Lucifer are the closest either one has to actual friends. Does that mean that Belial is on board with the whole "destroying everything" plan? He seems be having a good time compared to Lucifer who is pure angst.
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is ranked dead? theres more players in casual
or maybe its just S+ ranks thats dead
issa 4 am
We're always so negative here. What's your favorite character to fight? Bonus points if you don't just say Ferry or Vane cuz free wins.
avatar belial
I'm an S rank shitter and I get matches often enough. From what I understand S+ has half the amount of players so yeah...
Eustace, his red and green grenade set ups are neat.
ironically i hate fighting ferry but i enjoy fighting anila or eustace. lowain too if he didnt have that ssba
Soriz. Shits tense with his plus frames, but he has some obvious weaknesses that you can react to.
He's also an incredibly buff geezer and just fun to watch. Will pick him up at some point.
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i know at some point the system will just throw lower ranks at you if it cant find anyone and then this happened.
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Belial is one of Lucillius creations and the only one who is loyal to him (or so it seems), so whatever Lucillius wants to do Belial will follow.
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Why would a Beafag refuse to rematch what is generally agreed to be a bottom 5 character?
What even goes on in the mind of these creatures?
Ah, this is a pretty nifty and cute chart, thanks Anon
Those angels to the right of Belial are those leotard wearing girls I sometimes see posted here, right? I hope one of them gets added to the game. Leotards are the one thing this game is lacking in terms of hot girl character design.
neat, i had no idea lucio and lucilius were completely different people
erotic cagliostro...
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I haven't played in a couple week, what's the consensus on the Bea nerfs?

Can I play Metera again?
She is fundamentally the same obnoxious cunt, just as unfun to play against as ever.
I'm not sure I understand your question but if you're asking whether or not Bea can still force her aggression on you like a fucking gorilla then yes.
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Hmm I figured.

Do Sieg and Anila still have the best matchup against her due to their low profile fireballs?
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>I will soon be able to take this game seriously instead of having to guess how big and how disjointed each poke is
Thank fucking god
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Nyoo they can't do this!!!
Funny, I like fighting Ferry, but loath having to deal with Metera.
Because satyrs in folklore had diccs
I haven't played since finishing the beatrix battlepass
is there a new one out yet
is the patch out yet
is the game still a pain
No, fuck your negativity.
thank god, I don't have to play this game for a while longer. See you in a week or two.
That's reasonable, not everyone hyperfocuses on one game alone.
See you in a couple of weeks!
How low can we go?
anything about 15 is high enough
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Got a little upset from a casual game i lost only to realize that was a 1000+ crystal master player
who raped you anon..
>no new battlepass
>no steam sale
They want the game to die
game is already on life support
>no new battlepass
The Bea battle pass is still on, are you really incapable of enjoying a game unless they jingle keys in your face by constantly releasing shit?
I feel kinda stuck with my current character, should I try learning a new one to get another perspective?
What if people try the 1.50 demo at Evo and no one can find anything different about Nier?
i don't see the problem
>I feel kinda stuck with my current character,
it was actually more than i thought

Idk, I have like a 75% winrate completely shitting on everyone in S++, it's getting kinda dull, was thinking of trying out Nier or Seox for a bit
I swear to fucking god I've seen 6 different yuel masters in casual, its like they are all fucking predators.
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I wanna play Zeta but I'm too slow for the split-second pin-point precise mid-air dive shenanigans.
>4 star difficulty rating
>no meterless DP
My ass
zeta has the best meterless reversal in granblue fantasy versus and granblue fantasy versus rising
Forget all your biases. Forget how frustrating the old 22M was.
Watch this video and pretend like you’re seeing Beatrix for the first time.
Can you honestly tell me that she’s CLEARLY a better character than Anila? Maybe she’s slightly better, sure, but is she CLEARLY a much stronger top 10 contender based on what you see here?
Her entire kit was balanced around 22M and 22U being as strong as they were. Her initial design clearly had a lot of thought put into it. Now that 22M and 22U are gone she’s just another shoto (but with worse buttons).
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The general corner-combos aren't thaaat difficult, though it takes some practice.
Mid-screen combos, landing after air Arvess-penetration, that's finnicky.
Zeta is fun and you don't need the fanciest combos to win, don't want to discourage you.
>Forget all your biases
mmmmmm nyo
Yeah. I know people won’t.
First impressions are forever. They could nerf her to be ABel tier and give 22M 100 frames of startup and people would go “hmmm it still do be low profile tho, so the move can’t be that bad, she’s still a solid top 10 contender for sure”
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I wonder why?
this can still happen after the nerf
let that sink in
grappler who sets pace of neutral you are bad.
What is risk/reward.
What is counterplay.
What is analyzing a move in the context of both your own kit and the opponent’s kit, instead of posting silly meme pics as arguments.
Watch this video and pretend like you’re seeing Sieg for the first time.
Can you honestly tell me that he's CLEARLY a better character than Vaseraga?
Eustace, S++
It mostly feels bad in certain MUs where I'm kind of afraid of pressing buttons (belial, sieg for example)
>move is bigger on the back
no wonder i keep getting hit for trying to run under her floats to space around it. fuck this bs character
this is one screenshot. it probably moves and this is a late frame. don't take this to heart.
>tell people that the game is shit for months
>people quit because you’ve convinced them that the game is shit
>”n-no wait, come back…”
5% of the post launch hype player base is remaining. maybe taking a big blue shart all over a beloved game was a bad idea? no it's obviously just the narrative...
Tell me what the poor munchkin is meant to do about this move
>a beloved game
Go to bed nezu, everyone shat on GBVS for being a slow, dull mess with obnoxious zoners. GBVSR wouldn't be so rushdown oreinted if vanilla GBVS didn't suck so hard
this is historical revisionism. the only negative things ever said about vanilla were netcode, and belial being dumb i guess. everyone in the fgc always said the game was awesome and it deserved the world. I am willing to accept the idea that these people might have been lying bastards who didn't actually care about the game and were just yapping. but that still doesn't change the fact that what you said is made up false bullshit.
its easy to be positive about a dead game people can only play offline
same trajectory as melty blood
Well post-patch you just fucking block. But even pre-patch:
The universal answer to every move in every fighting game is to just not be in range for the move to connect. Move out of the fucking way. Anre's 236X outranges 22M by a good amount so this is a comfortable range for him to play in.
At close range you have the same answers everyone has if you actually want to check it: 2L, 2M, 2U, throw.
yep, exactly this.
>zoners are a cancerous archetype that deserve to be neutered in every game moving forward, so rising made the right choice with adding blue skills with slowdown
>gbvs pokefests were not fun either because acting second to whiff punish pokes while reactively walling beat every pre-emptive approach, and since pressure would push you out quickly after one frametrap sequence you would reset to that scenario over and over without a good way to reset up close pressure. 66l was added to fix those issues
>there was nothing to do with meter and combo decisions were entirely static so RSRC was introduced to address that
all in all rising is a better game in every way. street fighter 2 was dogshit and there's a reason why every new game is moving away from that archaic formula
there still isn't anything to do with combo decisions lmfao
only if you're playing a bullshit top tier like cag who doesn't need to use rsrc/blue skills to get midscreen damage/corner carry/sideswap/setups
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>all in all rising is a better game in every way.
and yet is still terrible
Then leave.
Waiting for the august patch first but if you look at the playerbase falling every month most are deciding to do that
>Throwable reversal is the best
El retardo,..
Being immune to safe jumps > being immune to wake up grab
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>most are deciding to do that
just like they did with the original LMAO
Now compare the starting numbers and the rate of the decline
Pretty sure every ultimate DP beats safe jumps
Isn't one of the options following a safe jump to grab the opponent?
>Rising has more characters, stages, music and rollback
>Still has the same fall off of that Versus had during covid with delay based netcode
Rising is an embarrassment.
thank you eatsports
no they don't. ult DPs just stop safe jabs
Funny how Cygames are so obsessed with Rising being an entry level fighter, but hold off on balancing because of fucking tourneys.
no lol
FKHR is just that retarded, amazing how he managed to ruin both a gacha and a fighting game all by himself
Both of these games just have major flaws on a fundamental level. They are way too slow and defensive and that turns people off.
People scream about "anime bullshit" and how much they hate it, but then they vote with their feet and Strive is 10x more popular than Rising.
Don't forget about one of the most played JRPGs of the year!
>They are way too slow and defensive and that turns people off.
Now try and reconcile why people hate 66L then which is the definition of not slow or defensive
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They either should've just reaffirmed Versus as being a slow and simple fighter, or went all in on the anime bullshit. The decision they went with is terrible, anime bullshit with the movement and defensive options of a simple fighter. DNF Duel did the exact same shit, albeit at a much greater degree.
The people who are most vocal about hating 66L are a small group of dedicated vanillafags. I personally like 66L.
Fundamentally we don't know why 9500+ people logged on at launch but then decided to quit. All I'm saying is, look at Strive/T8/SF6 and ask yourself why those games have better player retention than Rising, and if the gameplay might have anything to do with it. People here are convinced that Rising has a lot of "bullshit" but do you really think it's more bullshit than those games?
>The people who are most vocal about hating 66L are a small group of dedicated vanillafags. I personally like 66L.
Risingbaby here and I'm honestly growing fatigue from 66L too.

Can someone post that webm? Not the Nier spamming 66L one, there was a newer one we all replied and some posters were going "maybe vanillafags are right".
SF6 and Tekken are brand names. They sell and retain because they are the biggest thing so people who get into the game because it's the biggest naturally go to them.
>People here are convinced that Rising has a lot of "bullshit" but do you really think it's more bullshit than those games?
Because the "bullshit" in Rising is unfun regardless of whether you're on offense or defense and the characters are all samey
I agree. The game is in a weird middle ground and ends up satisfying no one as a result.
Damage is too high
Pressure is too simplistic
Defense is too strong
Neutral is too braindead
The game does nothing good other than "it looks nice"
>The people who are most vocal about hating 66L are a small group of dedicated vanillafags
Remember remember.
Critical and fair analysis is not fun.
Its far more entertaining when you complain and post memes of a specific move in a specific situation.
It should attract more players to try your game after you complain hyperbole nonstop about it.
she winked at me
>Damage is too high
I agree
>Pressure is too simplistic
What the fuck does this even mean
>Defense is too strong
It's too strong and shit at the same time because of the limited options at your disposal
>Neutral is too braindead
Really depends on the characters on screen
>What the fuck does this even mean
It means that you have no option to beat delay tech other than fucking manually creating a fucking frame trap which is the most retarded shit I've ever seen in a game
The game unironically would've been better with the shitty near unreactable raging strike from beta
>Really depends on the characters on screen
Most of the cast has some form of "I throw my ultimate skill now you are either -, dead or I suffer no real consequences if you block"
or in the case of characters like Nier, Lancelot, Siegfried or Seox it doesn't even need to be an ultimate skill
I wish Metera had real ult skills that aren't dp
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How to make people play your videogame:
advertising and memes.

Welcome to 2024, where quality doesn't matter.
Biggest games this year were fucking Palworld and Helldivers 2, neither of which received much marketing or memes prior to blowing up.
>other than fucking manually creating a fucking frame trap
This happens in other games aswell where you are targeting a specific option though? You could say that delay tech is too strong and you always have to do that shit but this is no different from other fighting games
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Palworld had its own uniqueness, a.k.a. any monster collector putting any kind of bare minimum effort will always be appreciated because of Game Freak being absolutely garbage.
he hasn't played anything but anime looping 50/50 oki slop
eh maybe but Craftopia wasn't exactly a small game
>Helldivers 2
Sony shilled it to hell and back.
in other games you can't cover both mash and throw tech with the same button for barely any penalty, that's the difference
Delay jab kills the game at a high level
Temtem didn't do nearly as well as Palworld
>Sony shilled it to hell and back.
Showing trailers at a state of play is not shilling to hell and back anon. Nobody gave a shit about Helldivers 2 until they could actually play it.
helldivers 2 had ads running on tw*tch 24/7
i know because it raped me watching granblue content
>Delay jab kills the game at a high level
that's why no one gets hit in high level, it all ends in time outs
Sony ran a shit ton of ads for helldivers way before release
It does look REALLY nice though
Go watch the combo breaker VODs, it's all fucking late techs and then Death tags someone in neutral for 60%
>Delay jab kills the game at a high level
Is this something high level players are saying?
They/them is literally Pokémon 1:1 with nothing unique and fucking unironic trannies.
How would we know? The top players all stay in their groomcord and don't interact or share anything with the plebs other than to steal their money
by far the worst top players
>Twitch ads
Tons of games get twitch ads and still flop, see Suicide Squad
it was more than twitch, it was on actual tv too.
they also clearly sent copies of the game to every streamer with 10 viewers.
It helps that Magicka is still remembered fondly, HD1 was an ok enough game, and I'd even go out on a whim and say that HD2 is a nice game, even though it has obviously flaws.
Do you actually think this game did well because it was successor of a vita game almost nobody fucking played lol.
the peak player count on the steam release was 2000 on launch month and then spiraled down to 200.
No nigga it did well because sony plastered it fucking everywhere.
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playing an actually alive game right now
>it was on actual tv too.
Is that suppose to mean something? Nobody watches TV these days.
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>is the only character with ZERO battlepass items in your way
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Post the webm were she stomps on the opponent.
Can I play with you?
if 66L is your go to whenever you don't know what to press then how is it not a 66L problem?
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I've seen worse
Once played a game whose top player sandbagged HARD against literally anyone but his Discord buddies, then pulled out some bullshit tech in grand finals of a tournament when $100+ was on the line if he felt he needed to. Then said Discord buddies would chastise people for not knowing the matchup
GBVSR isn't that bad. At least when I fight someone like SenpaiSpyder or Nekotech they give it their all and earnestly try to beat me, so I can properly learn the MU fighting them
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I need Gentildonna to pin me down and fuck me
Don't even try to argue with people saying Rising sucks in this thread
No, I'm not saying Rising is immune criticism, but just look at who you're arguing with
>delay 2L schizo
>a literal tranny that's terminally online, a discordfag and plays one of the strongest character in the game while shitposting about how supposedly bad the character is
>a /fgg/ namefag who says Delay netcode is better than rollback
Nothing good will come out of humoring these people
>delay 2L is actually not a problem bros
Because it's not. No one cares about slime being the only thing to press in dix, no one cared about 2M/5M being the only thing to press in GBVS in most matchups, no one cared about air dash being the only thing to press in old GG when you didn't know what to press.
A strong option on the table is not something anyone cares about, especially not at a casual level which constitutes the majority of players we're talking about retaining. 66L was entirely manufactured controversy made up by ecelebs for clickbait, like simple inputs before it. Hell, mash teching affects the game fundamentally a lot more than 66L and neutral skips Ult Skills do, but because it doesn't make for meme clips at the level ecelebs want to target their clickbait to it gets no discussion.
delay melty
delay 2l unironically killed the game. imagine being able to call out your opponent's move and timing but losing because it's a matter of frames so literal human error affects the outcome of the situation
delay meaty
delay golshi
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This gen is degrading quickly.
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desu... they told me to delay 2L and I got killed for it... castrate them desu
then bring my tendies please
please cygames i beg you, give me canned 50/50s
Should I keep trying to get good at this game or should I just drop it since it looks like its dying? I've sunk a little over 100 hours so far
>read the exact move
>read the timing to the best of his ability
>whether you or him got the hit depended on pure chance/human error
>the outcome was rigged in your favor because the longer startup of cH means he wouldn't be able to block your 2L even if he was holding back (which he probably wasn't because he had to run up to hit you)
>and you had 18f of leeway to change your timing
so, as with all nier players that manage to lose with that broken character: SKILL ISSUE
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>don't just say Ferry or Vane cuz free wins.

They're not free wins. Stop babying them, stupid. STUPIDDDDD
You don't need to drop it just because of low player counts, but if you're not enjoying yourself that much then maybe start playing other games too.
A game being "dead" doesn't matter if you love it, and eventually you'll find "your" game that plays exactly how you want
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up to you
for what it's worth the time I spent trying to learn how to play Gbvs made me a much better fg player overall, before that i played strive and it was the opposite
the game is on a low point sure but we have 1.5 coming and a few fan favorites soon like vikky and sandy
for me particularly if this game dies I just fuck off from FGs
I ain't playing soive, slime rush, Kekken, 2xkuso
>still posting that webm like it means anything
4 Niers in top 8
The steam numbers will never go back up to 4 digits again, if that really bothers you then you've like 3 other games to try, 2 of which have demos.
I haven't been here in like a month, when did this general become so negative? The game still hasn't gotten a big patch so what changed?
Balance has been fucked for months and the devs decide to take their sweet ass time instead of patching shit quickly assuming people aren't able to play other games.
>The game still hasn't gotten a big patch
That's exactly why the general has become so negative. Problems people have had since launch have festered over time and people are losing patience
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Nier is bad
Nier's players are... special...
Well, the game is on the verge of dying so people can become negative quite easily. Tournament days are still comfy. I don't know if there are many people on lobbies.
4 Niers in top 8 of CEO + the Beatrix fiasco + frustration that it's taken this long to get a major update + people just getting more annoyed with the flaws of the game as time goes on
Player count drop right after Bea nerfs announcement.
we need more tournaments
someone host a 3v3
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luv 66L
>66L into 66L got a counterhit
If you're going to mash on a +2 why would you not mash with a quick button?
I was going to suggest an EU vs NA tournament, but then I realized that it would be really boring to watch since EU would just steamroll.
What? We'll easily reach 1000+ with character releases
It's the only fighting game I've ever played (for more than like 2 hours) and I picked it up only because I like GBF. I don't care much for how alive or dead the game is but if it ends up dropping to like double digit players where everyone is in Master then I won't really be able to play against anyone. The fighting aspect is probably the least enjoyable part for me (currently, but I don't hate it) because I just get wrecked almost every game. Though whenever I match up with someone on my skill level, we go close and it's quite fun. I like the visuals and music though and the mascot partners are adorable
change your delay 2L timing then
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This is Nier's game.
We love Nier (dayo).
>he thinks danchou's mom will push the game up to 1000+ again.
lol. lmao.
Weird Belial's 66L remains the same and not a peep about it.
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Honestly what the fuck?
Are they just getting off on fucking with us at this point?
these tweets have been so tone deaf from the very first one it's amazing
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We really do.
Giving Nier players my tip....
>release broken character
>player count drops because players that don't like that character leave
>fix broken character
>player count drops again because players that like that character leave
devs are retarded
But enough about 2B
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>release summer Anila
>player count rises again
It really is that simple.
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Rising would be the biggest game of all time if instead of 32 different characters we had 32 Anilas
NA steamrolls because 300 ping grimnir
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Rat, though...
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>32 Anilas
My favorite part about Nier is that for any other Puppet character if their puppet was crushed or taken out it'd be a
>Oh shit my puppet is gone better play safe for a bit
moment but for Nier it's just
>My puppet is gone? Fuck it 66L 66L Sweep f.H
and your buttons are still better than nearly anyone elses' in the cast
that will be 50% of your hp + tip
ooc garbage
how many people are playing arcana heart 3?
she wont be out of cum when i'm done
...I don't think this means what you thought it would mean.
I like Siegfried.
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No Zoi I won't cum on your glove stop asking
*misses every shot on purpose*
thank you zoi
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>blows nose

Thanks, servant.
This will be her win screen
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You're no fun
people really think they aren't going to poz Vikala up the ass
I bet she wont even have panty shots
I told you to go to bed nezu
Sieg is one of these characters I would like to like, if he wasn't so busted, and was interested in checking out when the game started.
Don't get me wrong, you paid for the game, enjoy your character.
Or you didn't, as he's basically a permanent part of the rotation.
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Lancey still has his SSBA
>STILL seething over honest mid tier Bea even after they nerfed the fuck out of her
how does this dude have the audacity to complain playing like he does
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They exist but they're rather hard to see in actual gameplay
Anila should realistically be panty shot central but they gave her an anti gravity skirt
you can still sniffmolest her fat sheep ass when she gets wall splated
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Horses are the only thing that can save this game
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this but sheep instead
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How many gonna DQ
Holy shit, poor KoF. I know it's a lame duck game at this point, but still.
Gotta love the whole "ggs HOWEVER" messages
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ah what a wonderful day to queue ranked
>one fag on sieg
>one fag on nier
>one fag on bea
masters eu is cooked
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>people pick strong characters in fighting games as opposed to weak ones
>the higher ranks have a disproportionate number of stronger characters
I don't even know how to begin processing this information
i guess i just hate this game
my bad
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This but sheep (horse) instead
i think ferry is pretty
apology for bad english
where were u when mortal kombat die
i was at house eating dorito when phone ring
-"mortal kombat is kill"
Well, MK's scene has never been the strongest despite how much that franchise sells. Mortal One Kombat seems to be doing worse than usual, though.
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I have a hard time bringing myself back to MK1 to play it again. I really like playing Kenshi just as much as I like playing Nier! Puppet characters take skill yahoo!
Looks so ass. Animations have no weight, characters are... random dudes with super powers, boring as fuck. Even homoknights compared to that are the peak of originality and uniqueness
>Jitta does not, in fact, wear pure white pantsu
I've been lied to...
I'm just tired of MK adding more and more guest characters with capes
Yeah. I was so disappointed, I had to mod it in.
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thank you
I don't want the game to die bros
it's my only refuge as a granxdjeeta shipper
why are you shipping?
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Still not playing it.
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>Rising SUCKS
okay /gbvsg/, look at [Other Fighting Game]
>that game SUCKS, Rising is better...
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I don't think the game is going to DIE die for at least 2 years, but I do wish Cygames took it more seriously and invested resources into making it grow.
>granxdjeeta shipper
This nigga wants the universe to implode.
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they are MEANT for each other
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>they didn't give gran and djeeta different job installs from the mobage
>but we get two fucking belials
It's not fair man.
They should have used a more interesting Gran job for his slot
Base Gran is too fucking garbage
Djeeta is kino though
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Chaos ruler or chrysaor would've been kino
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imma be honest nezumiku killed this general
what is weird is that the freak hates this game and is hated by the majority of this gen, yet he's fucking incapable of letting this gen or even the game itself go
feels like he's chained to the game, bound to be the last man standing in this general. One day this general will die, and the last post will be made by him
Maybe he really just likes being made fun of and openly despised, I mean sure there are the hopeless chasers like the grimnig, but I doubt they'd make up for the hate from the rest of the thread
to add to the second point
seems like granblue is such a central part of his life that when the game dies he'll soon follow
I miss peak ferry anon hours, nothing but ferry pits and actual people playing the game instead of shit posting.
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Bea's meal for the day
I still fucking hate the actual, in-game Bea though
you can thank nezumiku for that
What is even worth hating about her at this point besides maybe her command grab
I've been here for a month and i don't know most of the people you guys talk about or what's a kizzington
She's still the same fucking gorilla she was on release. She can still lose most of her interactions in a match and then just steamroll you when you make one (1) mistake.
>She can still lose most of her interactions in a match and then just steamroll you when you make one (1) mistake.
Just BC lmao.
Nice try Beafag, then I'll have less defense and you can kill me even faster.
I never played Bea but I legitimately don't notice a difference pre and post nerf Bea from the ones I encounter. I guess one wrong interaction and then I get fucked in the corner and the match ends in 25 seconds all the same.
For me Bea and Siegfried are way more enjoyable to fight against than Seox and Nier
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She can’t one touch you at 70% anymore. You need to be at 65% now
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bait used to be believable
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Buffs (again) soon, sheep has the lowest Master winrate of all
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ď̷͉̤̉̉̌̐̿̔̊̎̋͆͛͜͜ͅa̸̛̮͇͂͐́͘t̴̨͉̼̫̹́͌̈́̎͂̀̀̀͘͝͠͝s̵̗͐̔̈͒̚ ̶̛̙̞̾̆̊̐͑̂̑̕g̸͖̩̦̹͚̾̌̿̓̌̽́͘͠a̴̢̻̦̺̪̥̣͗͘͝w̸̝̯͔͈̝̤̰̙͌̏̃͝͝d̸̡̹̘͍͉̼̹̝̘̱͉͆̀́͌͊̒́̏̒͒̓͝ͅl̶̡̠͈͈̰̩͙͉̖̖̙̟̝̉̊̂͐̌͜͝ͅḯ̶̧̧̼̗̱̹͕̠̏̈́̊͊k̶̥͗͂̚͠ę̵̱͕̘̥͈̘͔͈̝͓̗̎̽̾͝
When did sign-ups start?
during combo breaker so May I think
Sexy shot of Yuel there. I'm confused though. Sometimes it looks like she's in panties and other times like her autocombo overhead it looks like she's in full on biker shorts.
Like half of them at least
I think she has both, pantsu if you select... something in the options, I forget what it is.
this is vanilla gbvs
when is the next goypass
>sf6 got their goypass 1 day into the month
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i do not like this character
stop smugging
That is someone's lover.
>Pre-Bea hype
Yep, at least 400 dqs
I like this character.
She inspires me.
Inspires you... In which way? She's a toddler with a sword and a big ass crown.
this granny wears bloomers
surely they are memeing
beafags cant be this delusional
>The last Sunday Slot spot goes to Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, which also set a new franchise record this year at 1,377 competitors, marking the first time in the franchise’s history that a tournament has surpassed 1,000 entrants

>Suffering from success, as now Granblue takes the Sunday morning slot rather Saturday primetime like last year
>You don't want to be the Sunday morning game. If this lands third strike at primetime on Saturday...fuckin A
Lol did we just get fucked over... again?
you know it baaabyyy
Cygames should've paid enough, but at least not a lot of people are gonna see the mirror niers
Who cares, it'll be another Nierfes anyway
>barely awoken competitors
probably the highest chance for a non-nier win
Guys I really like Xerom. He's like, yoooo lets play gober with charl and have fun. Hah so sickkk
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you fell for the fake top player persona
would you suck his dick? just wondering
everyone's persona is fake, the only real one is when they do something you don't like
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Every Charlotta player is not only honest and genuine, but also pure, righteous and super virgin.
that's it, i'm a lance main
but I have sex with charlotta on the regular
Laggy Charlotta players should commit suicide
this, but djeeta and bea players in general
you got something against our stinky, bub?
wtf I love lancey now
this and also cag and nier players as well
this and also frauderaga fags
I played against a teleporting jeeter one time
it was the worst experience i've had playing this game
>What character do you play?
>I pl-
>You're a carried fraud, kill yourself.
Why is /gbvsg/ like this?
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I can play in a bit
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Well, one of those is correct.
i'm gonna go afk for 10minsish in case someone shows up
why is every fucking narm player a complete fucking unhinged retard? they are worse than lowain players
a lot of bad players with no sense of accountability
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And she slaps the shit out of people twice her size, not to mention angels, primal beasts and all other kinds of shit.
Are you perhaps saying she's OUR HERO?
t. Beafag
Why does everyone always know exactly when to mash on my pressure?
Someone join!
I'm having a schizo meltdown
If Narm players stop pressing buttons, they die irl
It's true, that is how I died.
who do you play?
They smell weakness
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i'm not good enough
Not a Beafag, just look at the numbers. We lost a good chunk of our tiny player base after Bea got nerfed. A good chunk of entrants are probably Beafags.
Unironically, Bea. I’m not memeing or shitposting. People are just psychic about when I want to go for command grab or 214M.
playing a character that takes skill might make your grabs less obvious
my doctor is a genius
S+ is unplayable right now
they should nerf those characters
They’re halfway there
Remember when /gbvsg/ was coping that everyone would drop Bea post-nerfs because people were only playing her because she was top 5, and not because she’s a fun rushdown hot girl?


>Remember when /gbvsg/ was coping that everyone would drop Bea post-nerfs because people were only playing her because she was top 5, and not because she’s a fun rushdown hot girl?
She's still top 5 you fucking clown, that is why she's still so popular.
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bros what is the point of this move aside from seggs?
>getting hit by Metera 66H
>getting hit by Yuel's 66H
infecting your opponent with aids
big ass punishes
Needs a mod that puts some Jordans on her, like the one Juri has in SF6
a lot of 66Hs are useless
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There is no universe where she’s top 5.
Top 10 maybe, but even that’s a bit of a stretch.
Shut the fuck up.
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jesus CHRIST
My husbands (Belial not pictured) who I peg every night.
They seriously need to add some fucking recovery frames to moves in 1.50. It's so fucking stupid not being able to punish Kat's or Charlotta's DPs
>not being able to punish Kat's or Charlotta's DPs
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Nigga, I get punished every time, how many frames do you need?
as much as everyone fucking else
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this character is poorly designed
>Un placer.
>is a fucking lagging spic
every time
Get better Internet Gringo.
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Ew, Desu don't look
>bubs is a leglet
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i finally managed to beat my demon in a long set
who was it
bryos why am I nyot impryoving
you lack calories
a djeeta player
>losing to 44% winrate honest jeeters
>block dp
>press medium
>it doesn't hit because charlotta nigger magic that bypasses the framedata
you deserve c.HXX as a starter for getting your DP blocked
you mean crumple 66H into c.h starter
this too
I'm sorry you play vane
charlotta i can understand but what's so hard about punishing kat's dp?
if your dp gets blocked the game should register a successful punish as -2 bp immediately
where is everyone? 10 minutes of standby and i can't get a match
we're all in the platform lobby, bro
Sorry bwo, I managed to luck my way into S+ once so now literally all my characters are at least A
it sometimes throws me an S or S+ player after 10+ minutes of waiting because i assume it can't find anyone at or below my skill level and then i get taunted and disrespected in match lol
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That's fucked up. I think your only option might be to play in lobbies until you can beat As and Ss and then go queue in ranked to beat those fags
That's fucked.
When I am ranking up my A characters, if I realize I am fighting an actual beginner I take it a little easy. Not like, allowing myself to just get hit but you know, not overwhelming them with pressure, doing simple combos, things like that. I hope it doesn't feel condescending.
nierfrauds can't handle the vanegawds
Just you wait big guy, my other Nierfriends will arrive shortly to back me up and post cute Nier images
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thank you
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GGs official lobby, Metera is so weird to play with. I need to mess around with her more.
stop that!
dang psychic hooker with the 2nd hit read
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I liked that one clash sequence when you were playing Abel. It was kino.
I've only had this happen twice. It feels bad, and now I privately hold a grudge against the characters, but it can't be that common for people to behave this way.

I do this also. I don't cut them too much slack, but I stick to basic BnBs and avoid the nastier knowledge checks. If it's a mirror, I try to show them some tech.
GGs, I was happy to finally get some more experience fighting her.
D/C/B are probably the least populated ranks.
You can go to the open lobby instead if you want, should be able to get matches quicker there.
When they add the slow mo on spot dodge for bc I will rule the world!
LMAO I wasn’t sure who even got hit at the end. Those matches were like 15 seconds. KINO
Glad to help bro, I’ll practice her more. The butterflies are so much pressure but I feel like I’m not using them right.
Who downplays harder, beafags or cagtroons?
>10pm cag post
like cockwork
bea is merely top 5 while cag is top 1, so cagtroons
who's down playing cag other than one shitposter??
who's down playing bea other than *checks notes* no one??
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It's hard to tell... I thought in terms of volume, Bea has a lot more downplayers but for all I know, the retard downplaying Bea in this thread could be actually just a single person too.
youre not even making sense
We downplay Cagliostro and Beatrix here
*stands up*

I'm the zeta downplayer
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I am... the Vane upplayer
So how are they gonna nerf top tiers, anyway? Most of them just have good movesets. What do you nerf on someone like Siegfried? his damage? he has the buff stacks he can just put on for free. Seox is still gonna be good, Nier is still gonna be good. The root of WHY these characters are good is their movesets. You can nerf some of the frame data maybe? so they have more recovery on some stuff? I dunno, it seems very difficult to do.
nerf sieg damage significantly, give him base health, make 236H move faster. make his dash attacks smaller. make his 2M frame 9 instead of frame 8. Make 214X no longer move his hurtbox back.

for seox reduce his health to 15000. make his [2]8U and 214U require counterhit to combo (along with scaling on ulti starters in general being put in the game). Make [2]8U also punishable on spotdodge. Make his c.5M frame 7 instead of 6. Nerf his damage by a bit more too.

Nier is the trickiest one since death will probably always be absurd. Personally I'd say take away 623L's strike invuln so she can't rps you whenever death touches your block into looping 50/50s. you probably also have to nerf her normals a lot. They're all best in class when they shouldn't be. making them smaller is the best way to do this but sometimes devs are weird about not doing that. At the very least slow them down so she doesn't have the best button at every range. Also nerf her damage by a decent margin.
I’m trans btw if that matters
The lack of Cagliostro nerfs gave it away
nier, 2b and cag are gimmick fraud characters, they can absolutely gut them and should. sieg, seox, lance, bea and belial aren't that crazy, just tuning the risk reward on their options would be enough of a fix.
he fucking asked how to nerf those three in particular holy delusion
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*loses to dogshit tier perci*
>using grimnig's bitch as a yardstick
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this general kind of sucks
grimnig wouldn't even get out of 100 crystals masters with bea, slurper
she's an actual low tier
nyou cyan be nyice
other anons are mean so.... mmmm nyo
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>she's an actual low tier
>So how are they gonna nerf top tiers, anyway?
they wont
You can nerf Siegfried's H Fireball and Dash attack so his slow movement speed can actually be an inconvenience.
For Nier, I'd say you can reduce her chip damage and increase her stock consumption, so that defensive play against her becomes a more viable option. Also, reduce or remove her damage increase when she's low on stock.
Seox would be mostly nerfed by more universal changes, like dash light or meter gain.
Not nerfs, but also make their install more interesting.
Belial - 2B isn't +
Sieg - Lower damage across the board, slower movement speed, lower health, 236H can be rolled
Seox - No combo from empty hand, lower health
Lancelot - Remove the slow effect from his ultimate projectile entirely, get rid of his 500 hit combos in the corner by applying combo limit earlier
Nier - Every time you hit death -1 stock, -2 if you knock death out of an EX, nerf chip damage, find some way to make her even more crippled when death isn't available normal wise

Universal - Ult skill combo starters actually prorate
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>LTG in slow motion
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new golshi
>bea is released
>grimCHUD never queues into shinku again
hmm, coincidence? scared mayhaps..?
How the FUCK do you anti-air as Charlotta?
your one button dp, tardo?
>Remove all unique stuff and make everyone into a distilled shoto
I pray to god they don't listen to these retards. The Bea nerfs make me stay hopeful though, they kept the fun parts of her kit while nerfing her risk reward on her options. Probably should have nerfed her a bit harder, but at least the direction is good.
>>Remove all unique stuff and make everyone into a distilled shoto
How the FUCK did you get this from that post, you fucking retard?
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my konitor died, there's digital ants crawling all over it so i cant play rising
dumb frogposter
>The Bea nerfs
What Bea nerfs?
You can't make Sieg 2m 9f start-up, his f.m is also 9f and has longer range, so you would make 2m extremely redundant, and his f.m doesn't really need nerfs so making it slower too isn't a solution. A better choice would be giving 2m more recovery, so it's more whiff-punishable so you can't throw it out willy-nilly.
Nier needs so many changes to not be braindead strong. Her 2U, 2M and 5H are way way way too good for a puppet character, death should be hittable any time it's out, you should lose stocks for getting death hit, death needs to have way more time before she comes back when hit, and nier's damage needs to be toned down in general. This is all on top of system mechanics needing a desperate change.
id rather have everyone buffed to be at least cag levels of bullshit
Thank god retards like you aren't balancing the game
i've already thought of a few solutions for the low tier characters:
>avatar belial doesn't use meter, only HP when using ult skills
>decreased charge time for gran's 5U
>katalina's(and Yuel's) 5U are now able to block lows
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>avatar belial doesn't use meter, only HP when using ult skills
>abel doesnt use meter
Actual RETARD kekw
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Remember how Gouken had an option with his Demon Flip that allowed him to tank one hit in the air instead of doing an attack? Charlotta should get that too!
Change the 22 H followup to that, and make it so that if you want to use the grab you just input the grab while in the air. It would be cool
If Nier lost stocks when death was hit she would pretty much be balanced. When she is doing shit right she basically ends up having one stock leftover so if you can hit death twice you could force her into a deathless situation.

Right now you gain basically nothing from hitting Death since it comes back to her so fast.
Death's time out being 4 seconds because of the "shi" thing is an unfortunate example of SOVL translating into fucking awful gameplay.
It's not like they have ever cared about implementing stuff like that for other characters
Hell if I get blade level 5 as Luci I should get 12 labors and instant kill ssba
you mean nerfed to her level of honesty?
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>make everyone Cag-tier bullshit
>make everyone Gran-tier honesty
Choose wisely.
Plus man's 2M not being plus, Seox empty hand not comboing, Lance ult ice removed and combo limit changes, removing Nier's chip, gutting the only combo starters you want to use over poking normals/66L. How do you not get that from that post?
Literally none of that results in the characters becoming shotos you goon, besides, all those things are completely busted and they NEED to be toned down.
>katalina's(and Yuel's) 5U are now able to block lows
based. i'll be submitting feedback daily asking for that change
hate when dis happens.
I think Zooey's laser is annoying
Yes, Gran honest.
Having a couple of good buttons does not magically give him bullshit setups or anything the actual dishonest characters have.
what i hate most is whoever made this image made the background a light blue that is not the color of the page background nor the reply boxes. truly wicked machinations..
what about it, too based for you pussies?
who is more honest than gran?
Seox's parry's active frames need to get gutted. He should have as many as Strive Baiken's. I agree his health should be lower too and he doesn't need fucking everything he does to be plus
>Gutting a character's unique tools and leaving them with a shoto kit with one usable gimmick special won't result in them being distilled shotos
Lol. Street Fighter characters are basically all different flavors of shotos following that philosophy, this game should stay far away from that kind of design.
Those things may need to be toned down, but it's not by changing the functionality of the moves. Well, except Nier's kit which has no real drawbacks on the puppet right now.
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I kneel retard.
Instant kill SSBA at blade level 5 would be a neat gimmick that doesn't affect gameplay actually. You don't get to level 5 in normal matches and even if you do your opponent is going to be almost dead anyway so it wouldn't matter in most scenarios.
Nah that'd be stupid if not broken. If they tone the damage down in the game luci could regularly get to level 5 also
yuel should honestly auto-counter everything in the startup of her stance moves too, recovery and active frames should be the only times she should be able to get hit. stance is basically useless for that reason because it's a 50/50 situation where her opponent gets the better reward on hit
There is not a world where any buff given by blade level 5 is broken, simply by the virtue that you are not going to reach blade level 5 in vast majority of matches.
agreed, it would be pretty cool. fitting for the final boss too.
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His balls? No Desu, don't be sillly. Vane is a bottom, proper a batty boy. Crush his prostate instead.
I'm still shocked the calm and collected Vane Nation would rage quit against Nier. I'll never trust a Vane player ever again
Gran shouldn't have a +2 2M. What is this "mom said it's my turn" move? Fuck outta here
*presses button twice*
*slides all the way to africa*
its all mids
This but belial
Or they could map it to U since there's no U follow up for the flip.
OK retard.
no u
Belial has to have the best of every single move, of course he gets to keep his 2m
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Oh right...
Chang but unironically
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>demon flip parry
>Vane is my only character in S+
>literally, literally all my matches in there have been against Cagliostro
Holy fuck, just fucking kill me.
I'll take a 2B at this point.
what did you do in your previous life to deserve this?
I wish I knew kek
This last one who beat me had a bunch of characters in Master so I feel a little less shit at least. I can accept that I just got out-fundied.
abel is the worst and riskiest character in the game he needs some buffs
CHADlotta Fenia.
me, ask me anything I'm never dishonest
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>avatar belial doesn't use meter, only HP when using ult skills
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>avatar belial doesn't use meter, only HP when using ult skills
Honestly just give Abel more hp, hes strong enough and this way it can mitigate SOME of the health loss. He doesnt need anything else.
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>avatar belial doesn't use meter, only HP when using ult skills
I'm going to be real with you bwos... I kind of DON'T want Abel to be good. That sounds like it could get really cancer really fast.
He's a shit ass character to fix because he has some godlike things and some terrible things, he might stay like this forever
He's already cancer. There is no justifiable buff for that character. The only people that play him are faggots that want to diceroll all the time and make the game worse for everybody, including themselves.
We need Zooey buffs tho
explain why avatar belial should spend meter to do his combos when he already has to kill himself to get any sort of corner carry
because any of his random attacks leads into high damaging combos
high damage suicide you mean
>dishonest BITCH
See? Do you fucking see?
I agree anon, they really should fix that by giving him a 214U infinite
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Like what?
50% bigger onion
Anon, he doesn't actually kill himself. He damages himself, but his opponent needs to hit him to kill him.
Abelial is a high damage character with insane combos (for this game) and all around strong attacks, that can basically two-shot his opponent. Him damaging himself doesn't matter when he caught you at 50% health in the corner, because you are dead.
High-level players know how to deal with his bullshit, but he would be absolute faggotry at lower levels if he got buffed.
>he would be absolute faggotry at lower level
>A5 abel shitter drops his combo
wow so heckin' oppressive...
also katalina should be able to get a full combo off her 236U no matter the distance
and her parry needs some big buffs
>katalina should be able to get a full combo off her 236U no matter the distance
hmmmmm... nyo
>her parry needs some big buffs
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Katalina has a parry???
Now watch his A5 opponent dropping their spaghetti and getting caught in the next 22X situation, dying to a knowledge-check.
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It's boring, but it feels good when Sieg's been just out buttoning you for 20 seconds and then you finally get him in the blender.
The 3 second cooldown is already pretty nutty, honestly. Lets you do double fireball in your combos which can let you link.
Not broken, but blade 5 Luci actually can start doing some robbery that puts him in the A+ tier at minimum. I still think they should just kill levels 2 and 4 and see how that works out.
Getting to max blade level in 6 specials instead of 10 would be a world of difference, and the initial ~10 to 15 seconds of the match would play the same current pace.
why didnt you go for an SBA?
shit game
great game
mid game
that second jump, is it a true 50/50 or is it fuzziable?
Zeta positioning after SBA is a lot weaker, and still would have led to a mix but now I have zero meter to threaten in case he guesses correctly.
If I had SSBA I probably would have went for it, I imagine the 3.3k would have been enough. SBA you have to just do cMM instead of cM > 214H~M (unless you did all your spears frame perfect but that's a very rare occurence). Means you lose out on a lot of damage because you do a lower damaging move AND have to cancel instead of link.
tl;dr wouldn't have killed, may as well save the resources.
Zeta 22U in the corner with the 2L frame kill has the air button hit legitimately one frame before landing, it's insane how nicely it works out.
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I have decided to pick up Metera now on top of Ferry. Delicious zoner women...
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*spot dodges your no*
why are female erunes so oppressed
well, you know, except THAT one
your metera was weird
Aside from playing her in my lunalu rotation I never actually took any time in training with her I just played by feel. Probably why
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we take matches very seriously around here
do u gays use shitbox or pad
pad now that hitbox hurts your hands worse
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Hey Zeta-anon, do you have any tipps for catching the opponent with a land c.L after j.214.H? Like all the cool Zeta-players do for maximum corner carry.
The timing both for the j.H and the c.L is fucking me up, can't get it to work.
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I'm assuming you're talking about the air series where you do like j22H~8H~3H and then land and hit them with your boot.
I'm not good enough for that, I just stick to the vanilla cXXX > 623H~6H~6H
Or, if I'm feeling spicy (and metered up), I do cXXX > RC, 22U, 623U, 2H > 22H~9H~9H
Yeah okay, guess that's some high level shit that I shouldn't bother with rught now.
I'll stick to my mid-screen pogo-dance combos.
and they say mixup aint real.
Imagine if the tranny picked up Metera. Already downplays Cag and Ferry, combine that with the usual Metera downplaying and the world might end
i wanna learn to play zeta so bad
yeah, at most you can shoot for like a tipper
>66H, 66L, cMMM > 214L~H, jH, 22H~9X~3X
If you wanna get fancy. I haven't actually tested if the 66L puts them too far out, I've only done it on a closer 66H, cHHH sequence.
“Listening to community feedback” my ass. It’s clear that a substantial percentage of the community is unhappy about the Beatrix nerfs.
reminder that beatrix nerfs are justified
you are a victim of beatrix, not the other way around
whats a ditto
No, people are unhappy that Bea got nerfed and the other stupid characters didn't get touched
If Kats barrier gets broken they need to make it so the moves levels up by one she would actually have a reason to use it defensively and give her actual combo potential that doesn't rely on the opponent being a retard that stares at her charging it
I for one think if EVO was played in the big meaty patch it would be hilarious
imagine it
drop the big meaty one day before EVO
everybody has tried catering to esports
but has any dev actively tried to fuck over their competitors in such a way?
Street Fighter 6 and Rising both dropped Akuma/Bea respectively right before Combo Breaker. SF6 had a ton of balance changes with that patch, too.
I've been using hitbox for a few weeks now and haven't noticed any pain
How do I safejab
My timing is supoer dogshit
wait whats a safejab
Doing c.L > pause > c.L on your opponent's wakeup to beat M and H DPs
can it beat throw and wake up 2L
Yes because the first c.L is a meaty but recovers fast enough that you don't get clipped by DPs (except U DPs)
supers too? that's kinda op
If it's slower than 9f then it's cooked
The fact that this isn't common knowledge kinda shows just how shit the info about the game is however
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Bros... I took this screenshot yesterday at peak NA hours.
uh bro elden ring pal world steam sale ff14 expansion joe biden
This is what you deserve for shitting on UNI2
I'll buy your game when it's $10 again and will not spend a penny more
If there is no Nier or Seox in grand finals of Evo I will post....? Idk actually.......
Any ideas?
i can't believe that zeta anon lied to everybody.
Are they seriously just not going to do another battlepass?
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>Hmm today I will parry this obvious shimmy attempt
Never again. I hate this parry so god damn much. I should have just f.M'd him.
you are suppose to 2L or 2U if you think they are going to shimmy
if only they'd release HD arcana heart or vanguard princess so I could drop this game
Nen Impact soon
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True. I was in Genji stance so I didn't consider 2U at the time, and I'm generally bad at late tech, but either of those would've netted me a full punish.

But I'm still bummed Narmaya's parry couldn't even hold for a few more frames.
thank you
that game looks like shit
finally the sequel to mvc3 we deserve

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