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Don't forget the 80x bangbros boopons edition.

Last: >>484155735

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>Lycaon Character Demo

>Billy Character Demo

>Nicole Character Demo

>Anby Character Demo

>Nekomata Character Demo

>Grace Character Demo

>Koleda Character Demo

>Rina Character Demo

>Solder 11 Character Demo

>ZZZ stickers
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Remember who owns this game.
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Ellen Joe Mama
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Zensored Zone Zero
Shark sexo soon
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zhuyuan can easily do a standing split!
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I don't like furries
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ZZZ has forced soul
I wonder how many blacked drawings Waterkuma has kept to himself of the ZZZ characters he designed.
>ruined grace's chest and cleavage
>added extra detail to her navel
I'm conflicted...
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Zensored Animations
I mean he's being tard wrangled super hard by mihoyo now
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Here you go gig and hsrg bros <3
He doesn't do that stuff anymore. He's a man of God now.
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coomer game
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why are wuwakeks like this?
Go back.
Why would he do that, no artist jacks off to his own stuff
It's over, expect more censorships
>if only they went with a design like that for the ingame model
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so ellen is one of THESE types, huh?
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>who owns this game
i don't want to start a rivalry this early into the game's life, but aren't there more playable cunny characters and hag characters than furries
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If any anons were still wondering, this move is from her Normal Attack string
eango is based? what happened
/zzz/ better be ready to spend on their "lolis" because furry wallets are legendary
I was wondering, thanks.
this is fake cunny
the same size as genshins hebes
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Lol this eango guy definitely browser /vg/ he is even using some webms that came from here
In case you were wondering further
Artists can still get obsessed with drawing a particular fetish, whether they jack off to it or not.
I was wondering further, thanks.
Always has been. Tectone unfollowed him when he called him out on following lolicon artists.
>zzz will poach all the nip BA artists
feels good
yeah definitely wondering further

rolling btw
now I understand why this got in the game, it's so fucking fast
nips don't like zzz bwo
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He's one of the good ones
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I'm beginning to think that twitter is 4chan culture
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>hoyotards literally BEG to be censored
what went wrong?
>Ellen Joe
What kind of retarded name is that?
You know... Watching her gameplay actually makes her look pretty fun.
The one complaining is a wuwa guy though
Her name is Eleanor Joseph Stalin Biden Rogan and she made millions seethe
joe... mama
damn that bitch has a fat ass wtf
>call other retard
>is retard himself
wish she was the first banner
>told everybody to save for qingyi
uhhh based ?
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>characters gets english sounding name
>NOOOOO it's not like my anime anymore!!!
I'm here you fucking bitchass losers.
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It's pretty easy to see why people are having less sex when all their hear about is about how they're not supposed to be finding normally aged character sexy.
For the memes bwo, please understand
I hope they don't do another wave of censorship on a release version.
ryuuku sensei is kurotard tho
Feel like Joe is just wordplay with Jaws
Cat poster, immediately ignored.
she looks like she fucks little boys (me)
noooooooooo her name needs to be hitoshi sukisashi honda takayuki!!!!!!!!!
this but unironically
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Reminder that the lolis are meta and must builds
Waterkuma cannot be defeated. He has drawn loli rape BBC porn and does not care what normalfags think.

MIhoyo normies will kneel.
is that polyphia at the end of ellen's trailer
We won
>Post downward spiral
>Did extremely well
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She certainly talks like she does too
You can't convince this nigga is not getting paid
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Will they determine the western meta like they did for HSR?
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I'm seeing this guy posted here all the time just how much of a wuwa dickrider he is
they should rangeban SEA
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Rolling for Soldier 11's girlfriend
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So what, Jonathan Joestar, Josuke, Joseph Joestar, Johnny Joestar, Jodio Joestar, George Joestar, Jolyne Cujoh, Jotaro Kujo, are all fine and dandy. Joe from Megalo Box is fine. But Ellen Joe is a step too far?
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>I don't know how to read charts
I always thought they just copied chinks
This is a SEACHAD game albeit. Mihoyo even sponsored graffity artists in indonesia for ZZZ
The age of consent is 18.
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Lolis will filter screeching SJWs
Furries will filter whiny incels
Can they do it? Will ZZZ achieve perfect equilibirium?
Is she the sniper that was in her quest in the beta? Looks cute
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It's time for the most important poll
hmm she likes bears
Its 16, actually.
14 where I live
nice meme bro
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Jap artists couldn't care less about censored Mihoyoslop. Mihoyo was only famous with them for a short period of time after GI released, before they started censoring females.
Top up bros unite.
They will ditch BA for ZZZ after they see the dating mechanic.
Artists draw whatever is popular and ZZZ is the next big thing.
>the dating mechanic
lol genshit had hangouts years ago and no one gave a single shit
BA is just as censored desu
with the exception of some alts
blue archive/FGO has the artists in an iron grip.
Waiting till I actually get to play the game to decide but if I really like it then monthly + BP.
you think hoyo will swallow their pride and actually pay fan artists? lol
Uhh they already pay them with ingame currency all the time (enough for one roll)
They showed the dating mechanic it was just like
F2P, I'll dip into the coffers for BP+Sub if they show more characters on release. No one particularly interests me besides Nicole and Anby, so I'll be doing my beginner banner and then no pulling till we get new characters.
not happening. BA is too powerful
God i love long slender legs
Any idea how long to wait for her? 6 months at least?
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It's very simple

no money = f2poor
welkin only = f2p
welkin + bp = f2p btw
first time top ups = f2p plus
anything else = whale
Why doesn't this ad include anby or neko
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>meanwhile on TikTok
I'm not talking about some hoyolab art contests where kids jerk each other off, I mean the doujin scene that BA dominates in
no money spent = hard mode
any money spent = easy mode
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welkin only is actually a tier beyond f2p since you're technically stealing money from dawei due to how good of a deal it is
it's called "p2p" (paid to play)
>complaining about censorship while playing BA
Young women want rich sugar daddies to fund their lifestyle. Older women who hit the wall want young guys to still find them attractive. Blame women.
It's a reference to The Creature From the Black Lagoon
Victoria housekeeping are all references to black-and-white era Hollywood movies
I don't remember how it all goes but I think Helen and Joe are from Revenge of the Creature
doujin communities unironically depend on the unity of coomers
BA and FGO players are all degens and horny so their circles actually work and make stuff
Hoyo gamers are a mixed bag that are actually hostile to each other if you ship the wrong thing.
I rolled for Jiyan and Jinshi because dragons are cool. I’ll get Ellen Joe too. I have superior taste. Skipping the cop.
its mostly just a westerner problem
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Honest thoughts?
why can't hoyo do this?
They're not gonna alienate their biggest region
why won't you retards make strawpolls? You can literally vote as many times as you want on poal even with a free shitty vpn. These polls mean nothing
Same, bro. Jiyan, Jinhsi, and Ellen.
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Maybe you're onto something.
You talk like poll result actually mean anything
No one cares to bot a random ass poll buddy
its porn featuring lycanrock (forgot his name) and sharpedo (forgot her name)
i don't know what i'm supposed to think about it
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>BA and FGO players are all degens and horny
And thank god for that
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BA had 0 Censorship ever since they got the ratings fixed

they even change the ENG translations whenever the global players complain
Outside of a few alts (still jpgs btw) most BA designs are still tame even in the "uncensored". Only the doujins is where you find the degenerate stuff
poal.me polls are used to shitpost. it's so easy to bot that i do it to push certain narratives.
I wonder if I will drop this game like I did Genshin. HSR turn based combat is too dull for me. The character at least look more a bit varied and fun. Feels like its been forever since this game was teased.
whats the gameplay like?
devil may cry
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Imagine being straight and skipping this sex goddess
Personally I'm surprised a Mihoyo game is launching with two female limited in 1.0.
You retards say this to every action gacha and it's always wrong, it's like any of you ever actually played dmc
This >>484206514 There's a character that has perfect timings on her attacks like Nero's exceed for bonus damage.
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I'm rolling the china police instead so my china cunny will work
I always make sure to vote 5 to 10 times. I care.
It's an arena battler. Play HI3 and PGR
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>poach all the nip BA artists
good luck bwo
Don't talk if you don't know
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Cute android wife
baggots on suicide watch
all paid by nexon ;)
What happens if you press the square buttons on her legs?
I can't wait for people to get btfo when Ellen and Miyabi are bis together.
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see pees on you
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Still better than all the designs being tame right ? (0 censorship btw)
What's the advantage of making robot size of a small child with human skin colour and wearing shortpants
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ZZZs for this feel?
makes it easier to bait a certain class of criminal
Is this the power of cunny?
small = can fit into places a regular adult couldn't
girl = makes people lower their guard
No yuribait in this game
Same but with nekomiya>>484206514
What's the point of hiring graffiti artists in Indonesia if by tomorrow every single one will be covered by other vandals? 99% people who do graffiti hate beauty. They just want to destroy.
Fixing Grace
*paid by yostar
What's your dream team for the first patch?
Honkai impact 3rd
shuichi won
I don't like yuri though
Yeah I was so happy when I saw the hairpin on the ending
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>make feet character
>give her feet art
>give her feet trailer
>then make her wear shoes
Ellen Rina Blue Oni Whose Name I Forgot
I instantly think of Shukuchi from Dota
Don't want to make her feet dirty running around.
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Even Vtumors lost
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I don't know any of the mechanics, so Grace plus the bear and other girl from her faction I guess.
How long until unfurrification mods?
>Uma Musume is 4th
>none of it is porn
For what purpose?
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So is he siding with us now?
>don't like yuri
>watches yuribait, trumpet edition
Cute fan stories
why are we so dead, bros...
He just know That if he does like everyone else and shit on the game he would look like a clown when the opposite happen
furries are the ones to be funding zzz so stop being so disrespectful
Touhou truly fell off as the cunny king
this might be news to an EOP, but non-ero doujinshi are actually the most popular and most numerous form of doujinshi
It's all non-H yuri
It saddens me if that's all you got from the show but that's fine. I genuinely love the story and couldn't care less about yuri shipping.
Dead hours and the game don't come out for another 2 days
some of the oldest 4chan memes come from SFW doujins bro
nips love them
Sometimes you just want a safe space for heckin wholesome stuff.
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Be honest, is this one of pic related?
I will let you know when the game release
It's hard to buy in this shitpost infested general but sure. If there is more to it than that, great. Not a fan of kyoani however. will dabble in the source material sometime perhaps
>amazing story
no? the combat is literally just DMC but with character switching
We will know that when the game is released
Story and world is meh. Character writing is meh too. Combat is mashy and easy but feels good to play.

Music is good. Art is good but censored.
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>6.2% chance per reroll for Ellen
I think I'll go for it, if you can skip dialogue it'll be 20 mins max
Nobody will be selling an Ellen EU Wise account for cheap
I'd worry more about the TV minigame. Is that shit gone or no?
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Could be similar to how I feel about "Two Finger Death Punch", where there is only 2 buttons used in the game, but the game oozes so much style that it is still fun.
How do you reroll when you already have your star rail account. Don’t you want them to match up together?
Choosing Wise just to make him more silent
Bwo... Not everyone has autism like (Us)
>implying I have a star rail account
I have a genshin account
gacha stories will never be good
1999 pure kino
I liked robbing the bank in blue archive and the ghost story event in star rail
Use a email generator to reroll, then switch it over to your actual email/account once you're done rerolling
FGO, retard
Does Belle call Wise onii-chan or onii-san?
Same for Wise does he call Belle onee-chan or onee-san?
Who's the older sibling
I'm not starting until I get Ellen + a random standard S rank
FGO story is bloated and fragmented too much because of filler combat encounters being put every time
>small lore drip
>oh, sorry, we encountered X! Mastah, prepare for combat!
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Is your sister for (you)?
Does that even work? You can swap emails on your Hoyoverse account?
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Finally I can be gay homo with furries and men and still have hot girls to be horny for too. Arknights failed me on that aspect.
What does the "IN" hairpin mean?
Clearly not blood related.
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She's fucking the furry men while Wise only goes for robots
If you get Ellen you'll get a guaranteed standard S rank from the standard banner
Unless you mean getting both from 20 pulls on limited which is a 0.3% chance lol
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>Mihoyo gacha stories have always been trash but maybe /zzz/ will be different

There I fixed it for you
Why is Wise's in-game face model lower quality than anything else in the game
You log in when open the game not launcher, you can log in different account for each game
Fairy, activate the filters.
>Dash Cancel
>Some characters have timed presses
That's it? There's no aerial combat? What makes this like DMC?
Same eyes
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Mods get his ass >>484208480
Genshin's story was so boring to me I just mashed the button since it felt like they were sniffing their own farts on trying to be interesting. I don't really ask a lot but holy fuck it was bad.
Is this E6 Lycaon?
That doesn’t help when I want everything on the same Hoyoverse account because it’s easier for the check in bonus and web events.
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>Finish all the content day 1
>Complain in this thread about lack of content and EoS
Yep, it's coming
SFW. cry more.
In a game with both lolis and furries the furries will win because someone needs to be knotted
Pubes are not SFW
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Genshin is loreGOD territory, sparkledumbo
Surely there's enough content for at least a week even for the biggest nolifes?
You're reading the wrong way. Its right to left. Its NI
The lore is ass
their fotm flopped and slopped and didnt even put a scratch on genshin so they are picking on a smaller target like zzz
furfaggotry belongs in /trash/ and /b/
its just fur not pubes
I still remember go take a shower post on /gig/ at launch
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He is straight btw
Yeah SOTE sucked
If you want everything on the same account forget rerolling
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Is he really /ourguy/?
Never thought I'd see this goddess here
genshin already MOGS zelda in terms of both quality and quantity, and in gameplay as well
especially now that they have doubled down on kiddie build sandbox shit
Surely there will be multiple timegates so you can't clear it in 1 day
Only if they lock content behind levels and it takes a week to reach it, otherwise it'll be cleared in 4 or 5 days
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Wow nice lore that was never engaged upon and was all mystic babble

oh wait let's also retcon it via Neuvillette

ok now let me tell you about how i love these noodles I'm eating so much
Genshin with story removed has better story than genshin
Elden Ring lore be like:
Uhh Marika's tits!
Uhh Miquella makes you gay!
self-inserts are a shit narrative device and will never be good which applies to almost every gacha game therefore gacha stories are shit (self-insert pandering aside)
average wuwashill moment
sis, xe shills for hsr and zzz too
elden ring is just a summary of european culture and mythos.
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Apep is back in the next region so all will heal
Do zzz have stages or does it have zones you explore?
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erm sis he likes zzz too
I still don't get the appeal of this dude at all
He genuinely likes nothing
He just always does what gives him more attention
It's instance based

there's a main city/hub and you go do instances think soulworker
um... d-doesn't count...
h-he's just a bandwaggoner..!! no one actually has fun playing more than 1 game... do they? people enjoying games... that's not possible right, it must be fake...
Do we have a base we can later kind of decorate. I don't be mean like full island level like Genshin.
no, he doesnt
he realized the fotm slop he shilled for flopped and even his army of turdworlders have now turned on him for trying to jump back into the hoyo train
but he will literally never be accepted by anyone now since hoyo has already cut him off and now his turdie army also hates him for ditching pisswaves and worming his way into zzz like the parasitic leech he is
maybe our room in the future
what about the baldman triggers 4trannies so much? lol
uh oh, wuwakek melty
I'm as "triggered" by kektone as I am by seeing a cockroach in my kitchen
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I can see it....
when I said wanting to touch her tail I didn't mean her front tail..
I don't want to reroll, what do you guys think how much would I have to spend at most to get Ellen?
Yup, I'm rerolling for this
Just make a bunch of accounts right now you have 3 more days and pre-register all of them

log-in on launch and then just pick the account with the shark
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>play as the cute retarded sister
>play as the basement dwelling weeb (literally me) and stalk your cute retarded sister
ZZZ is the first game to strike perfect MC harmony, I'm so proud
How long do dailies take in this game? I don't want another 20 minute part time job. Yes, spending energy counts as part of dailies.
Go back and bring him too.
Nah I don't want to play a male
So after ranting about the evils of lolicons he's fine with it now? CCs have zero spine
Probably not much is needed if at all given she will have a focus banner. Playing through the content should.be sufficient
10 minutes if you include using stamina for grinding material stages
I always pick female and roll for males though
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You don't need to
We don't do MC schizowars here, everyone is welcome
Where all the furry women?
Cause I want to look at cute girls. Femboys would also be okay
Its a sounding toy, not a piercing. Also she still have a vagina because she is a WOMAN.
>Get me out of wuwa train
do I have to get her a shrubbery?
I don't see no vagina there buddy
>femalepicker is also gay
You can headcanon either futa (true) or newhalf (no vagina) depending on your tastes
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>thread for a game that isn't even out is faster than wuwa on their first week of a new patch
Will all male unit be gay furries?
Its behind her balls. the dick grows where the clit is.
I want to pick Wise but man they have to fix his eyes
No they've already shown a male japwank character + a kemonomini male (not total furry, just ears and tail)
I hope so.
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Why is Anby always eating hamburgers?
Bro have you seen Piper's belly button? Yunli just got shit on by zzz.
Is the mc choice permanent? I can't look at cute sister animations if I pick literallyme?
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Do I look like I care about your imaginary tribalism war?
Belle is still a character and you can swap to her and go around the town if you want and gawk at her animations
But you play the story with the MC you pick
Do you think New Eridu will like Miss Robin new Album, INSIDE
>being attracted to femininity makes you gay
EXTREMELY illegal sex with high school sharks
Stop mentioning them. The insecurity in this thread is fucking ridiculous.
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Yeah, you do faggot.
So does this game do anything different than Honkers or Genshit?
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Is it possible that she gonna be one of the big bad in the future or just be in some kind of celebrity faction?
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the yurislayer
wuwa shills will never recover
>Stop mentioning us!!!!
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>Koleda's entire kit is tied to the fucking bear
prelaunch thread were always like this, stop baiting
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And think this the last one so far
These two look too similar. Like the same dude in a different outfit.
fat fuck her thighs are going to be bigger than Nicoles if she keeps eating
It seems that they want to pander to (you) with the message system but I don't know if they really want to take that path
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I think it looks better in 3d
Something about that animation makes him relatable. I can't explain it. He just seems like a total dork.
thats the point, all asians look the same
I hope we'll get mechas.
Pretty sure lighter isn't asian inspired though.
Yes, do this! And also ban lolis cause they made SEAniggers drool. Imo furries gatekeeps them the most effectively. There might be SEAfurries but they are too poor to spend anyway. So Less lolis, more furries, and rangeban SEA.
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If you don't complain they are just going to keep censoring stuff
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in this one here lol
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Crab mentality is universally abhorred, it's why we hate pags here. We have schizos writing essay-long, diaper-filled rants about this shit like their whole personality is contingent on much better one game is to another. Nobody gives a fuck outside of your auto-fellatio chamber.
I like him.
I saved some more of his animations if you want to see
It's just a terminally online thing, people have so little going on in they need to feel superior by the media they consume. Sad state of affairs.
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Sure, why not.
estelle wouldn't know a term like auto-fellatio
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The only major artists ZZZ going to have are furry ones. You'd better hope that Miyabi whatever that samurai girl's name is ultra for (You), Firefly tier to have that many fanarts.
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Twin tail maho ftw
As long as they won't make a banner with both a male and female I don't mind them making one or two male characters
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This dude feels like a total meme and I love it.
sure he is, hes asian american
Release the game already ffs
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the other ones I have are of the sex nun
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lol this sensei guy
Renne taught her that using Joshua
where's the lore about this?
Be prepared for Eango to just steal content from this thread and turn it into a video
yeah he is even using webms made here on vg to shitpost on twitter
oh no
my content stolen like that...
Just came to the realization this is game is actually a for (you) one. Makes it even harder to decide which MC to be
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This is houhou's turf now.
If you're a normal straight male you should pick Wise
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is he gonna use this one ?
>why are angloshits like this?
You're forced to play as one sibling or the other for some scenes anyway, I really don't know why people are fretting so much.
4chan thinks its funnier than it really is
they really think the character you pick you become a silent mc when that's not the case
Grace gets to plap THAT? She's so lucky...
It's just a divide on if you want to ship cute girls with Belle or if you want to be literally me
Different tastes etc
self-inserters will never shut the fuck up just like their yurifag sisters
>Eango visits 4chang
should upload the clown ellen instead is he stupid ?
picking belle and skipping all dialogue
I usually pick cute girl MC but Fem MC in this game walks like a total spastic dork and that just irks me.
He does, but most of the time he just likes to be a contrarian.
based 4chango
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this one?
Firefly sisters... our response?
Have actual waifus/husbandos instead of appealing to shiptrannies
Is this the Nathan Fielder of gacha?
This. I hope all shiptroons get filtered at latest when Anby wants to come over to (you)r house for date.
>wannabe mongolian basket weaving forum eceleb speaks like a spastic zoomer and tries to be the next ebin shitposter LEMAO!!!
How long till xe starys taking HRT and necks xemselves
kek that's good
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are you okay?
>speaks like a spastic zoomer
>tries to be the next ebin shitposter LEMAO!!!
Honestly fuck genders. I'm going to pretend to be a bisexual girl and self-insert as Belle. Best of both worlds
yes, though obviously less funny but still funnier than any gachatuber (which isn't hard to do)
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Are they gonna add these furries eventually?
Don't pretend as if you don't understand what that anon is saying.
i genuinely don't know what ebin means, is it a pag thing?
>sexy shark girl is filtering the Twitter sisters
Zzz... is saved
oh. theres underage people here
why, because she's too much for those "sisters"?
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he's next
Newfagsis.... I'll spoonfed you this one time
ebin = epic
ecelebs should all be executed in a purge like they did with european politicians in the 20th century
ecelebs are not human beings
ecelebs should be forcefully castrated by law
eceleb talk should be abolished from freedom of speech
eceleb parents need to be hung upside down
eceleb parters need to be decapitated
eceleb offspring need to be chased into the sea and executed on international waters
ecelebs themselves need to be executed nuremberg-style on the gallows
Kill ecelebs. Behead ecelebs. Roundhouse kick an eceleb into the concrete. Slam dunk a zoomer baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy ecelebs. Defecate in an ecelebs food. Launch ecelebs into the sun. Stir fry ecelebs in a wok. Toss ecelebs into active volcanoes. Urinate into an ecelebs gas tank. Judo throw ecelebs into a wood chipper. Twist eceleb heads off. Report ecelebs to the IRS. Karate chop eceleb in half. Curb stomp pregnant eceleb girlfriends. Trap ecelebs in quicksand. Crush ecelebs in the trash compactor. Liquefy ecelebs in a vat of acid. Eat ecelebs. Dissect ecelebs. Exterminate ecelebs in the gas chamber. Stomp eceleb skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate ecelebs in the oven. Lobotomize ecelebs. Mandatory abortions for ecelebs. Grind zoomer fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown ecelebs in fried chicken grease. Vaporize ecelebs with a ray gun. Kick ecelebs in their 20's down the stairs. Feed ecelebs to alligators. Slice ecelebs with a katana.
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Thoughts on the free characters we will get on 1.0?
Holy genshintourists
Man the 3d models are ass compared to the artwork. Shading makes them look plastic.
That's all correct but I am not sure if you saw hiw there were schizos raiding here spamming how wuwa is the best. Could falseflag but I generally approach everything at face value. I just found it funny that the one mention of the game here negatively gets told to not mention wuwa. Everyone should like what they like and not be attacked for it.
Only if they sell well, which is really unlikely
You spend 99% of the time running around with the MC if you're not in combat. Turning yourself into Belle is the only sensible option here.
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which one of you did this?
his "comeback" kek
Lucy is free?
Have you seen how she runs?
I actually like them, for HSR I refused to build any male character, but here I think I'll do it.
NTA but yes, she cute.
>"now post the in game model" victims again
billy looks alright though
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Nobody where is ACTUALLY going to reroll for a limited character in a mihoyo game, right?
It's all just a good?
Holy ESL
She's A rank so yes, you basically get her as a sloppy second "for free" when pulling for the actual S ranks
What yuckka posting does to an anon
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I only post on the shitter of /vg/ from the shitter
>giving 60% of the characters (and the good ones at that) for free
What's the catch here?
They're gonna be powercrept by S-Ranks fairly soon
What the fuck did anon mean by this?
Nicole, Billy, and Anby for the SOVL team.
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Did you have a stroke anon?
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technically also a free 5* from beginner/standard (and some pity)
and another limited 5* with content currency

and like 2 bangboos S-rank too
based, we have our own memes already
any others from the thread?
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Ellen trailer was good for reaction pics
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How true is this statement?
>big 4
that is? genshin, hsr, wuwa, zzz?
Well I shouldn't be surprised that Ayaka fans are braindamaged, she's so damn ugly in game.
There game will have less content than expected. Giving rolls and free characters constantly will be the only way to keep players engaged.
>big four
did this nigga seriously sneak in wuwa there
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Today is gacha revenue day other generals won't come here to shitpost right our game even isn't out yet
My fee-fees tell me the same but that's going to be long term. Obviously it's going to have some peaks btfo-ing the others.
People considering WuWa to be even remotely on the same ballpark of Genshin and Star Rail is actually shameful.
It's G*nshin, HSR, ZZZ and Love & Deepspace.
not wuwa but naruto mobile
>big four
>counting WuWa as "one of the big four", above Arknights, Uma Musume, NIKKE, and FGO
Muttoid to the core lmao
Are all wuwakeks like this? Do they really believe they sell more than horse pussy? Or NIKKE? Or FGO??? Or ARKNIGHTS????????
wuwa will be part of the big 4 for the first month only, so he isn't completely wrong
Azur Lane

These are the only gachas that have soul and matter
No way even worm shills think their game is over Nikke
>bro should I reroll
Depends on what they meant by "skip button"
If the tutorial is the same as CBT3 but you can skip the text and cutscenes from the start you can pull in 15-20mins
he obviously has an agenda to push wuwa as a big franchise, no clue if wuwakeks are also braindead to believe him however
>today is gacha revenue day
How long till the monthly pvp table drops? I wanna see how hard i can laugh at the games I want EoS'd
I'm noticing a distinct lack of salesposting
Weren't the sacred Sensortower (PBUH) reports supposed to be out?
In a few hours the moment it's out someone will without a doubt post it here to shitpost
1-2 hours for revenue PvP
Why do people still post sensortower anyways. That shit is entirely based on fictitious numbers.It has no credible source.
WuWa deserves the big 4 title because the only high budget gachas are HSR, WuWa, ZZZ, and Genshin. Everything else (such as Snowbreak, BA, Nikke) are operating on much lower costs. It's like comparing AAAs to AAs.
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>Why do people still post sensortower anyways
Stirring up drama
The issue is mihoyo gachage are incredibly polished while wuwa feels like a bootleg
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Street Fighter bro here. What the FUCK does my game have to do with ZZZ? In what way are they even comparable?? Who's idea was this...?
guys are we sure the game is releasing on the 4th
like 100% sure??
That's because WuWa is indeed a bootleg. But it's still AAA in the world of gacha.
I feel like genshin is bleeding a lot of player though, and there is a lot of games coming up, if 5.0 flops, It may be the year that genshin dies unironically
Countdown here. It's releasing on the 3rd for some people.
uh oh is this pre-charts cope i'm smelling?
so what matters is how much budget was spent to make the game? Fucking retarded. Why isn't ToF part of the big 4 then, it must've been fucking expensive to make, more than hsr at least.
Bootleg is being too generous. If you ever opened Genshin Impact, you will instantly recognize the almost 1 to 1 copied shit on WuWa.
Wait what? There's no credible source, then why do people entertain it at all?
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ToF was very cheaply made, what are you on about? This is the entirety of Hotta Studio.
>But it's still AAA in the world of gacha.
Is it just a matter of scope then?
Wuwa has massive scope (it's aping up Genshin after all) but stretched so thinly they plugged the holes with AI and stock Unreal assets
Meanwhile more grounded gacha games with simpler scope can be a lot more polished and enjoyable (like Limbus)
So it it the open world or what?
Any time I say anything about ZZZ in other generals I get bullied and made fun of nonstop. Is this how it feels to be a Hoyo drone?
>Who's idea was this...?
>AI and stock unreal assets
kek, let's see em
The only way to get reliable numbers is if the companies decided to reveal their revenue. They don't. All those charts are based on market feel. Most of the charts you see take IOS numbers (lol) and extrapolate them.
>big 4
heh. Sensortower soon.
Well it would've part of the big "#" back when it released if it didn't kill itself with bad decisions
WuWa is going to do at least 40-50 million. They shamelessly did 3 limited characters in a month. People will dismiss this but it's fucking greedy as shit.
>Is this how it feels to be a Hoyo drone?
only kuroshills say "hoyo drone" so you outed yourself, faggot
but since you're also probably a newfag, allow me to explain /vg/ simply to you
if you post off topic on any thread about ANYTHING other than the topic, you'll get called a retard, because you're not on /v/ where shitposting is rule, if you talk about SF in erg you'll get called a retard as much as if you talk about FGO in gig
now go back and go do a flip while you jump, faggot
They should have replaced some of the female limited characters with males. They're so greedy that they're running THREE females in a row.
Honestly this is wuwa's only chance, Genshin had probably one of their worst months, hell even Nikka had a skip banner.
Genshin's "problem" is that it's too demanding
Most gacha games are played casually, but it's impossible to casually play Genshin. Even if you don't max exploration or do every quest it's still a massive game with mandatory milestones and quest order to progress, and to appreciate the best part of the game (worldbuilding and archaeology) you have to care to pay attention to the world and take it slow
Most people just don't care enough to keep up with Genshin, so it's just constant secondary shedding
HSR is similar structurally but because of autoplay you can just treat it as an average VN with less of an investment
Genuine question, why do you guys watch ecelebs? Ever new general I come to I assume we're all better than that but low and behold eceleb faggotry is part and parcel.
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sorry to pop your bubble but the scale is steadily tipping towards the new idolmaster game for nips. I wouldn't be surprised if the next comiket is the last one that BA dominates and imas resurges.
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They watch some literal who gachatubers.
Ecelebs are a substantial part of a video games fanbase nowadays because companies like mihoyo decided to use them for marketing. And also because some people here actually have fun watching them
So this is the power of AI translation... Soon our games and anime will be filled with this AI shit. The future is doomed. Fuck AI.
>people here actually have fun watching them
This is literally 13-19 year old behavior. I like to think we're above that. I guess not.
Wow you are so smart.
>THREE females
Are we being facetious? I know a lot of you don't like WuWa, but there are a lot more tangible things to hate than this.
It's a sign of greed.
The post processing effects, bloom, AA, sharpening, lighting, bloom etc. are all stock UE
You can instantly tell the material defaults are Unreal as well, from the beautiful grey cum smeared on all textures
Epic had a blog post about WuWa with Kuro shilling the new UE version and how they used its lighting system for the day night cycle, and you can tell
boredom? it's really dumb tho
>*extrapolates your data*
Heh, it seems your game is "flopping" after all.
Nothing personnel, kid.
>16:30 in Jakarta, Indonesia
>suddenly salesfagging
wew lad, guess they're back home from their wagecuck cage
>if you post off topic on any thread about ANYTHING
You have to doompost or act "concerned" while pretending to be one of them then it is fine. Newbros are just too stupid
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Be honest is he right ?
>They rushed the release to avoid Genshin
>Asked players for unpaid work to help edit text in a beta weeks before release
>Lied about releasing with 120 fps
>Instead of fixing broken shit at release they just send more pulls
>Tell players you'll add a skip button because they won't fix translation
>Refuse to compensate players after wrong translation made players spend on a weapon that didn't work
>Cave in and ask to players affected to send emails if they were affected by the wrong TL
>Leak internal player emails by being incompetent
>Lie about improving the game and increasing the Tacet Fields drops
>Release another new 5* banner days into the patch because they weren't getting enough money
>Also announce that they are moving 1.1 to the same month to milk players again
>Game still doesn't have 120 fps
>Game still has broken camera
>Game still has broken auto-targeting
>Game still is unplayable on some mobile devices
How anyone still playing this fucking garbage is mentally disabled and just does out of spite towards other games.
Lads, I've extrapolated the data... I think it's actually over this time.
>sensortower now doesn't count
How long until 'ida app ranking is fake and unreliable'
>Refuse to compensate players after wrong translation made players spend on a weapon that didn't work
They eventually enabled refund for Japanese players and gave 10.000 Yen gift card to each
>just does out of spite towards other games
As I said, HSR used to be like that, the only discussion that game ever got was "Genshin could never"
It toned down after ecelebs jumped over to WuWa and took their mouthbreather fans with them
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WuWa does what Genshindont
that is like 500 buck
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Ellen Joe Rogan
I don't watch any ecelebs. I wish people would stfu about retards and talk about more cunny or gameplay, etc.
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It's very poetic that Genshin is getting killed by being copied in the same way they copied Zelda
Doxx their whales?
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I love my bangbros
man its so easy to forget how incompetent every gacha developer besides mihoyo and cygames actually are
While I agree with you on some of these, you're exaggerating or making up some others.
If you want to shit on a game, at least do it for the right reasons.
So whats the metachad team?
It's over for us
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Belle is the canon MC. If you pick the male counterpart, you are bricking your account forever. Also remember to date all the females and leave the males on seen. This is a yuri game
Don't bang your bros.
Shit on wuwa all you want but one thing I really like about wuwa is that you can buy character dupes directly at the exchange store and the 4 star character dupes are extremely affordable, so if you really like a certain 4 star character you can complete her kit relatively easy.
Lucy/Piper mains WISH they could have this feature instead of having to wait for god knows how many months to max out their favorite cunny.
>Geh wild
Even the "successful" translation is shit lmao
Based xister always telling THE TRUTH
girls are for girls
boys are for boys
it's current year for hecks sake
Mihoyo is not competent, they only appear to be competent but their internal management is a mess. Leaked Genshin dev kit, leaked Penacony script, leaked Genshin concept art, are pretty huge. We just don't care because it mainly affects them not us.
What a faggot that is a good thing about genshin
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it take less roll to max out lucy/piper than buying 1 copy of featured SSR on exchange store lmao
Mihoyo needs to start calling out these double standards.
I will pick Wise and imagine my sister Belle going out with all kinds of men when I'm not there. She has her own life after all.
That argument makes no sense. Not letting things affect the customers experience IS competence. A big organisation cannot completly avoid internal problems.
Have pre-release tier lists ever been accurate?
Yeah Diluc is S tier, reroll
no, see Bennet and Pela
Depends on if there are balance changes or not.
None of them are rate ups but sure believe in your luck bro you do you
Belle also uses your last equipped bangbro to pleasure herself while you aren't home
When we get our hands on the game, we'll know. For now, pre-release discussion is happening because there's not really much to talk about until the game is out. Or until someone datamines the pre-download on July 2.
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It's scuffed
For people who care about avoiding leaks it can be considered as harmful. It's gotten to the point where people straight up avoid /hsrg/ and /gig/ due to rampant spoilers. Developers have a responsibility to prevent leaks, but for some reason Mihoyo's security is so bad that even leakers have called them out for it.
I'm not into lolis but I'm glad there are anons drawing stuff still. Good job.
Mihoyo has been using 'leaks' as drip marketing for years. The only genuine leak they had in a long time was the Penacony one.
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You did well anon
Mihoyo has squashed every actual leakers, they drip feed info to "leakers" for marketing
Very cute anon :)
I'd like serious answers for once.
If I like Belle, should I pick her or Wise? Does MC get shafted like in the other hoyo games or will she actually be voiced and have a role in this game if picked?
>Developers have a responsibility to prevent leaks
No they don't? What kind of retardation is this? Developers prevent leaks for their own sake. Its not some duty they have.
Their bad resource/time management and increasingly insecure writing (see constant re-writes) are the only actual competence issue at Mihoyo.
That's just a conspiracy theory to soften the blow, we're basically closing our eyes and ears refusing to acknowledge the fact that Mihoyo is just bad at this. Dimbreath and his ilks basically admitted that they've been getting leaks by hacking into dev kit (no company would want that to leak, ever) and by the time Mihoyo realized, the dev kit had spread everywhere.
In story, fully voiced
No both mcs still voiced and talk just as much regardless of who you choose belle and wise are not silent mcs
there are less bugs and errors in all the years of genshin impact AND honkai star rail COMBINED than there were in just a few months of wuthering waves.
mihoyo is competent. you can deny that as much as you, but its objective fact.
>That's just a conspiracy theory
Oh no, its actually retarded.
What about sidequest
Maybe in the past, but Genshin actually has the opposite problem right now. There have been no solid Natlan leaks and the game is currently in an antihype cycle. Mihoyo greatly increased security in the last year and leakers are afraid of posting what they have or they don't have anything.
If you like Belle I don't see why you shouldn't pick her
>release a multi-platform open-world game globally
>0 server errors
how the fuck did they do it
>Developers prevent leaks for their own sake. Its not some duty they have.
It is a duty because some parts of the story would be better experienced without spoilers. It is a matter concerning game quality.
In no circumstance does game developers would want their dev kit to leak to the public.
just wanted to let you know i fapped to this. was a huge load too.
You should absolutely pick Belle so that you get to see her more. The only advantage to picking Wise is hearing her more in some endgame mode.
Belle and Wise are both fully voiced, fully realised characters and you just pick which one leaves their love nest.
On contrary the leaks are what keep the hype if anything
>leaking in-game stuff is just as bad as leaking customer emails
use this for the next thread
More soulful than 99% of the generic slop on X
Man, you think "leak" hyping would be almost too transparent for drip marketing but then mouthbreathers like you come along to remind us just how incredibly stupid and naive the average gachatard is.
less than 3 days now, bro...
preload tomorrow, maybe we'll have more stuff to talk about
I can't wait for Wednesday night too anon
They already do that with drip marketing. For example they revealed the entire Penacony cast minus Boothill since 1.6. But story spoilers are just straight up harmful.
Noted, that's a big upgrade over previous games.
I like lumine so I picked her in genshin and it's just shit how the other twin is 10 times more interesting a character with better lines and she's just a silent zombie paimon pilots around, hence why I was worried.
Because I want to take her out on dates and have her call me oniichan?
If I want to see her animations I can just swap to her, none are combat playable anyway
what time will the preload drop tomorrow
I think there's a clear line between character concept leaks and straight up devkit leak. If you can't distinguish between them you're a retard.
Since the devs complained on stream about leaks we legit don't get anything outside of the gameplay and characters kit nowadays
The exchange store at least gives you the option to bypass limited banners and their rate up roasters that you aren't interested in so you can save your rolls for something more pragmatic. For example zhu yuan's banner has ben and nicole rate up, but if you love nicole and really hate the bear you are then forced to share the drop pool with him.
>I can just swap to he
Its gonna be funny when people realise this is straight up not true. Shitposters spread the same thing about wuwa and it was hilarious after launch.
Okay my oshi is live, time to leave this cesspool of people unironically talking about w*wa
Later virgins.
Ziggers... Our narrative...
Bwo your Elden ring? your Penacony epilogue? your dawntrail grinds?
There isn't an MC swap feature or something but you do play as the opposite one for specific sections
Hope they don't patch the ability to use the other MC in the city
>Elden Ring dlc
Melted my gpu, fix your shit performance from
Epilogue was 2 hours worth like 2 weeks ago
The fuck is this
Based, enjoy your pink cat bwo
ZZZ will make $150m first month
Sounds about right
>3 new waifu banner
>can't even beat genshin latest cunny + rerun
>4nigga won again
It's over for emptyworld
It's only 2, the 3rd waifu hasn't released yet.
Not really, Mihoyo is hitting diminishing returns with advertising HSR
They most insane marketing wave ever pushed and still couldn't beat Acheron, and still trails bar behind year 2 Genshin
I feel this will be as high as it'll go
>Mihoyo is hitting diminishing returns with advertising HSR
Any proof to back up your claim
To be fair genshin is also on a sharp decline right now so it's a good time to release ZZZ to scoop the dwindling market back in.
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>"gacha analyst" making up shit again
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Me and my wife
not surprising on mobile only revenue. ZZZ will probably suffer from this too
Firefly is the most aggressively marketed character they've ever sold and her sales are only good, couldn't beat their best banner a couple months ago and now they're heading back to the region that tanked the game's popularity and revenue again.
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He literally typed his argument and he's mostly right
Tho FF """low""" sales are due to people saving for her, being an expected character doesn't garantee you will sell
Like just look at Jinhsi, bitch is by far the most hyped char in the game and lost to green tall xiao in some places
Still waiting for proof
your wife is a dog?
is this game going to be fun? it'll be my second gacha ever
Mihoyo is by far the biggest online game advertiser, beats Nintendo at second plus a few lower ones combined
Last time there was data on it, 80% of their marketing went to HSR
They did everything short of hiring prostitutes to blow you when you pull Firefly and this is the best it could do
They spent so much in game story presence and real world marketing to shill so it'll take a while before they can realistically sell another character like her
Not going to say something psychotic like they lost money on it or anything, but pouring more and more money on promoting HSR has hit a wall
Me and my husband.
>Firefly is the most aggressively marketed character they've ever
So you are ignoring Dan2?
yeah looks fun
just try it and judge yourself bwo
That's just cope. With the same cope people could say Aventurine sold really well, unfortunately the lack of male banners compelled people to save for him.
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44+ trillion pre registrations kino
ZZZ wasn't advertised until late June because Hoyo wanted maximum Firefly shilling btw
>Dickless Daniel
Not even close
All of Penacony is now about reuniting with your predestined canon gf, they painted fucking skyscrapers to advertise her, no other character has ever been given that much marketing
Funniest shit is that they pushed the "canon wife" angle so hard I don't think they can do it again with another character in the future or it'll look like the MC "cheating" on her
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and anons wonder why they don't advertise in the west as much
Umm.... Go cope in your own general bros
is rerolling going to be worth it?
Depends on how long it ends up taking and if you actually want Ellen or whoever enough to spend the time to do it.
Mental illness.
Who the fuck is this invested in video game stories?
No, but I'll do it for the shark
You will get more than enough income for Ellen and the cop so no
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wasting days of your life rerolling for the diluc/seele of zzz that also knows is getting powercreped by miyabi
I'll reroll only if I get furfag from the novice banner
Poal is botted. Use strawpolls.
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>abhorrent metacuck opinion
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100% worth it imagine getting Ellen with just 10 rolls, the real question is do you continue on the account if you lost the 50/50 but its early
frogposters lost all their credibility in hoyo generals because they've been always incorrect
b-but ecelebs on youtube have all told me furry is the strongest character in the novice banner?
>the real question is do you continue on the account if you lost the 50/50 but its early
If I lost early coinflip to Neko or something I'd keep playing to get the guaranteed standard from 50 pulls
If it's Alexandrina or Grace I continue and use guarantee on Ellen, if it's the wolf or some garbage or dupe I reroll
>skipping the Seele of ZZZ to roll for the Jing Yuan of ZZZ
Not a good plan, sis
Maybe, but do YOU want to use a gay BDSM diaperfur wolf?
Huh? Miyabi isn't the 2nd banner, Zhu Yuan is
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This game looks cool.
What type of game is it? ;Turn based?, Open world?
Sorry, for the Blade of ZZZ
The blade of zzz will be lighter
Zenless Zone Zero is an Urban Fantasy Action Role Playing game developed by Hoyoverse pla
It's an RTS
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Soulworkerlike with less coom and two more teammates
Action Corridor
Dragalia Lost but good
Yeah I'm skipping both limited banner characters to save for miyabi, but I just want Rina or Grace, I'm rerolling if I don't get either of them
>1/16 odds
>soft reset every 20 minutes
That's literally free
It's better than soft resetting for one (1) shiny pokemon
A single aderall fuelled 10 hour reroll session is a 91% chance of starting the game with Ellen. Try again tomorrow, 99%
You aren't that autistic, right anon?
>Poll made at 2am
>rerolled 9 hours on genshin for mona, got a lucky venti right after
>rerolled 9 hours on star rail for bronya (using my genshin account as last-ditch effort)
not rerolling zzz because my accounts are tied together, but I would've
So, how do you reroll in these games? Do you just make a whole new account with new email and all that?
just work minimum wage job for 10 hours and you will get more pulls lmao
Instance based game, you have a main city/hub and you go on instanced dungeons
Topass of ZZZ*, aka a must roll if you are a heterosexual man over the age of 18.
Same here I want everything on the same account
Why do reroll time estimates vary so much? I keep reading from 15 to 40 minutes
Don't we know how long it took in CBT3, if you could skip all the dialogue?
how "soft reset"?
sponsored video is rolling in now
You can't make unlimited emails because Google will cuck you with mandatory phone verification after the first three
You make one email, then make multiple hoyo accounts with it using salting (if you make ellensex@gmail.com, you can make different accounts with e.llensex, el.lensex, e.l.lensex etc., all of those are different hoyo accounts tied to the same email)
Then once you roll an account you like, transfer it to another email
You can make unlimited email on android
Sounds like a pain. Also, you'd need to have maintained these multiple accounts to claim all the rewards from the Stock Up event, right? So if you start that now, you'll miss out on those rewards.
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Iori crossover when
>Then once you roll an account you like, transfer it to another email
Why won't these anons do that?
No rewards from the stock up event are more valuable than guaranteeing a character you want. If you don't care who you get, obviously don't do it.
I'm more autistic about UID than good start
>a shitty 4* weapon you can craft anyway
Getting an early Ellen is more valuable
But you do need to prepare your accounts in advance so you can preregister with them
>Why won't these anons do that?
you can't, if an account exists you can't bind it to that same email
you CAN change the email (if that email isn't associated to a hoyo account)
Boku no Pico
Why couldn't they have made rerolling user friendly like in BA?
What do you get for preregistering?
What is welkin?
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>UID schizos
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what are these elements called? does ZZZ have a wind element?
fire, physical, ice, electro, ether
I think, wind was in CBT1, but was cut, I guess.
badge of honor
dont shitpost with my cute dorkness
The monthly pass
>You can make unlimited email on android
True, but
>doing it on a fucking phone with a touchscreen is pain
>it's far slower because you have to constantly link and unlink Google accounts from your phone
It's necessary only if you're making thousands of accounts in advance for an account farm, since every account is bound to a unique email you can sell them. You can't sell salted accounts because one email will have dozens of accounts attached to it
If you don't want to sell your reroll accounts just use one or two emails and make salted accounts
what hoyo tards call daily premium currency rewards
They really don't want to implement air combat huh
not like this hoyo bwos
it's a masturbatin term
I never got what it meant too
It's like frotting. We touch your peepees simultaneously while cosplaying
Boku no Pico
When do preregistrations end?
I'm still not done making reroll accounts....
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pre-registration rewards are for post-launch accounts too
yea i always assumed this is just a normal case.
Revenue should be multiplied by 3 then if %60+ of the userbase is on PC
Ah so something were you get currency each day for a month? Sorry haven't played that many gacha
>Wuwacucks cant afford a phone
How do you expect to be top in the monthly chart when your playerbase is made out of poor niggas
Wait, really?
So there's no point to making them in advance?
nah, just for the stock-up event
in Genshin you still get them if you create an account right now
Not such a thing as a good start. Game is too easy and you'll get everything eventually. A low UID is a one time thing on the other hand so that takes priority.
It's usually a $5 thing where you get some extra gems over a period of 30 days, typically around 10 rolls worth and sometimes more than that depending on the game. They're pretty much always the best value for spenders in gachas.
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gross pink whore *touches weenie*
If you mean the 40 mil pre-reg milestone campaign, then it awards everyone, once the milestone has been reached.
Wait, do i need to actually pre-register?
Usually it's always gives rewards on day 1 of playing for new accounts, no way Mihoyo is that stingy
Yes. Pay 9-10 bucks for a total of 20-25 pulls over the course of a month
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If your UID doesn't start with at least 3 zeroes you are not allowed to enter the /zzz/ guild
hoyo standard is 18.75 pulls
Click on "pre-register now", I guess.
I just recently thought about this, after playing some Helldivers and it crashing right before extraction. Mihoyo put out 2 (soon free) incredibly big game releases, with constant updates, and barely any bugs. Never anything gamebreaking. I only remember some images showing incorrect Trailblazer in hsr, that's it.
Anyone else taking time off work to play this?
I don't think ZZZ has those.
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>you CAN change the email (if that email isn't associated to a hoyo account)
Aren't you forced to create a hoyo account when you preregister in zzz's website? (You also can't register until you tick the box below)
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best we can do is the /zzz/ friends list
Never forget.
prereg is whatever
but yes, you need to create a hoyo account to play any of their games at all

but yeah, you can link it to a different email as long as that doesn't have a hoyo account attached (so fresh account basically)
damn that sucks, I liked collecting wind characters in Genshin and Star Rail, I was also planning on collecting them here but I guess that dream is dead.
Who's the main character?
Wise and Belle (they fuck)
Kill yourself.
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>We aren't even on the chart

Is it over my fellow ziggers?
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Soukaku (then Aoukaku) used to be Wind, and she still has 風 written on her mask. She still kinda does "wind" attacks with her EX Special, it's just now cold icy winds.
when are the schizos arriving?
>ZZZ made 0$ in June
It's so over...
zzz has good potential to bring action back up if emptyworld design philosophy is what repelled people from genshin. I also feel like the elemental reaction system is pretty uncompromising even if it’s casual friendly
ZZZ will be the gacha with the highest difficulty in a year. Devs are just waiting until the players are comfortable enough with the mechanics
>elemental reaction system
>casual friendly
any account incapable of nahida hyperbloom is in permanent brick status though
NIKKE and BA are harder
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This chart must be broken bros
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it's just not the same, I'll still try the game and maybe opt for a more normal playstyle now
>All those red
Everyone is saving for ZZZ!
>highest difficulty
You mean they'll release new bosses with bloated up the ass shield/toughness/resist bars that you'll then need certain "newly released" 5 stars to break?
Are Koleda and Soldier 11 both standards?
>everyone won
Who do we shitpost now????
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Is this really normal behaviour between siblings?
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Combat has a pretty good amount of promise from what they’ve shown so far but we can’t be sure
they bounce back soon enough tho cuz both banner is so hot
No, Belle has clearly enslaved that homunculus.
fucking orochimaru looking sisterfucker
Congrats wuthering sisters
literally EoS
This is our next OP don't fuck it up cunnybros
yes, I carry my sister to bed every night
xof spotted
What kind of autism is this
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On your wallet, maybe.
Wise looks too much like a kpop fag. I'm picking Belle SEX. It's decided.
Only in Alabama
Yup, I'm going Wise
He is literally me
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I would princess carry my sister
Actually torn on the MC choice for once
If you are a male that picks Belle I will make fun of you for being a tranny.
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My UID is on the /hsrg/ friend list because someone sniped it from my screenshot. I learned my lesson.
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what if I'm a tranny that's going to pick belle
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So now that the dust has settled
And Firefly couldn't beat Acheron
That means you guys need your Bronya, Seele, Raiden in order to actually make some money
You're supposed to brag with your UID bwi (if it's low)
Pick Belle - you're a trannyx
Pick Wise - you're a faggot
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This will not stop me from going on yuri dates
This threat has NEVER stopped people from picking the girl. It didn't stop Lumine pickers, Stelle pickers, fem Rover pickers, etc.
It is a completely ineffective strategy.
Honkai will never be as big as Final Fantasy, Dawei
Unrelated to the honkai universe bwo
i'm not a tranny im just AGP
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I could say the same about most big gaming YouTube. I don’t see the appeal in Asmondgold or MoistCritical
asmondgold is really similar and moistcritical is just some guy with the most average take on everything, I’ve only ever watched him to fall asleep to
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Naruto Mobile.... no.....
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Okay? I play who I want bro
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