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Previous: >>484190604

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
Changli holy GYATT
For Oscillated corals, do I need to buy out the green rolls too or just the limited character and weapon rolls?
Changli blindfold handjob
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Fire the stupid nigger that thought copying the Abyss was a good idea. It's fucking boring and it feels like shit fighting against extremely bloated trash mobs... It's like they decided to make a endgame showcasing the worst aspects of this games combat. It honestly just feels like shit having to fights several smaller mobs spread out throughout the floor.
Illusive realm >>> holograms and tower

that shit is pure dopamine
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I'd buy all of them, you want to throw standards at the weapon banner.
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What should Kuro replace it with anon?
Alright then, also when do they refresh? Once per month? And what's with the discount?
Bro? Your jiyan?
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PCbwos that only buy packs on pc
How are we feeling knowing our packs won’t be included in the shitposting chart?
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Is wuwa ready?
Once per patch and they will always be "discounted" so don't worry about that.
copy Orcs Must Die
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So do the other shit games.
dont pc sales go through google as well? Or is there a way to cut google out of the equation? I'll gladly give kuro more money and google none if I can.
Alright then, guess I'll buy them out now after missing them on the previous patch, thanks
Anything else. Or just focus on the Rouge-lite mode instead. They could at the very least have you fighting a boss on every floor instead of shitters.

I mean nobody likes the tower, and I honestly think it only serves to showcase the worst aspects of combat in this game.
True, but I'm pretty confident it's gonna be easy once you hit 90 and max your characters. People thinking they need to complete it right now are retarded.
only android sales go through google
At what point does it go through google? Can't you buy it directly in game with a cc?
Same with

which is their own payment processing shit
>Confirmed Wuwa make a shit ton of money but not enough to attract CCP and troons
Holy fuck we’re literally Nikke 2.0
Stellar blade from kuro when?
Mini bloody palace survival mode, 10 floors and no levelgating
Good, hope all sales posters gonna choke and die.
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Woowah? Wahwoo?
where are the sales of june?
we will never know since literally all of you fuckers refuses to play on phone.
Genshin would never.
Wuwa could never.
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>the NRT smile
Need my phoenix wife
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they should add the new mode that they are making for pgr, you fight bosses and it has a style meter like dmc, thats how you get points, no dpscheck bullshit
Just further proof that Genshin is the superior game.
Just download koikatsu at this point
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holy moly snowbreak models are so ugly
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I sleep, thought it was gonna be new units.
most literate cuckpag
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What does it have to do with the ideal gas law?
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I wouldn't mind a dynasty-warriors esque lategame where I just mow down weak mobs that charge at me continuously. I bet that would be max comf. Also fits the wuxia vibe if that's what Kuro's going for in the future.
Once most people reach that point, they will just increase the difficulty...
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which one?
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Mihoyo would never do anything like this again after the incident.

China bros don't look
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Do people actually quit over salesposting and doomposts?
changli will save wuwu
I'd take that too but
>mobile players
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/wuwa/ will surely love this if they replace abyss with guild war, you guys like to play the game right?
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Dragon ass
I looked.
No they quit due to stale gameplay and shitty power-creep
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How much of a retard do you have to be to pay for a .jpeg skin that doesn't even give stats
>only wuwa pc sales should count!!!!
Mystery Dungeon mode
>Sexually attractive woman smiling = NTR smile
Why are you like this?
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Acktually SEAposters are one of the highest IQ posters in this place.
They can speak their own language + English
How many languages can you speak? That’s right
Neuroreflexotherapy for 2 big reasons
>Imagine being this weak willed that you let an anon influence what you play
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gonna be funny when we hear more chimping from the monkeys that have weak phones. Not our fault your phone can't handle 100+ exile models charging at you rajesh.
>10/15 of the guaranteed echos roll crit or crit damage
>all of them get garbage substats
I hate artifact farming...
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>shitposter anon outs himself as a vanilla enjoyer
Cute tbqh
Idc I save 20% being a proud jp citizen
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2 and can ask directions in french and japanese
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My time is better invested in successful games
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nah that's cap... if that's true a bunch of Gacha like Genshin would never have retained their massive player base.
Are they gonna buff the unit cus be kind lame to buy a skin for a E tier unit. They should had made a new unit instead of a skin IMO
abyss. no time limit, instead character deaths. enemies do more.
That is literally THE NTR smile, you turbovirgin.
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Friendly reminder to VPN to JP (if you're from a first-world country) for a nice 25% discount when topping up at https://payment.kurogame-service.com/pay/wutheringwaves/
If the SEA posters' IQ here are on the higher side, then the average SEA must be genuinely retarded
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Friendly reminder to the avoid the thread for the next 48 hours.
Or any gacha game thread.
i will now buy your character
Every single anon native to this board is fluent in Japanese.
/akg/ is completely unaffected by salesfaggotry aside from their own banners due to lack of competition
It doesn't matter the website the thing is that burst 1 is dogass
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It sucks that my $$$ contribution to the revenue won't be included in the sensor tower crap.
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I will be the one posting it on other smaller generals while everyone's busy seething here
ETA until the shitposting chart drops?
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see you in 2 days anon i'm gonna hibernate from /vg/ as well.
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Is anyone mildly upset that the state of gacha game news have essentially been boiled down to being autistic about revenue numbers? A few years ago only shitposters cared about this shit
teach me how to use vpn plis paisen
sorry but I'm in an echo chamber of devout cult will never shit on its own game when its clearly pretty shit. its lcg
All because gachagaming started making these charts
I mean it would be fun to have stuff like that and the musou modes as renewable content but I think you need something sweaty like the abyss too.

We have a good amount of end game repeatable content compared to genshin but having more added overtime would be great
Seek mental help, cuckfag
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Warzone works too
Just not norman
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Grab OpenVPN from https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/ then grab a JP .ovpn file from https://www.umavpn.pro/. Import the .ovpn file into your OpenVPN and connect, then you should be able to visit the top-up website and top-up with your account as usual, but with JP Yen prices instead.
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redditors started playing gacha.
Don't you have minors to groom, Antillar?
nothing wrong with the charts themselves, it's all because of retards, who built their whole persona around them
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Just look at the threads at /vt/, these SEA faggots jerk off to sales numbers
Norman made me quit PGR
>t. paid $200 for skins in that game
What the fuck Unkoposter was the shitposter all along?!
I now hate all Unkoposters
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/vg/ should've just make a dedicated thread for revenue i just want comfy generals, i play other game too and it's kinda shit on both threads during revenue news
Genshin Impact and it consequences…
Range banning sea would do the trick
There's no world where these charts wouldn't lead to the outcome it did, shitflinging and dick measuring was inevitable with its creation
there's so much potential and the production is there but they need to sort the writing out man
quarantine zone for revenue posting would be good.
[good news] They started hiring in every department including more writers
1.1 is pretty good to me though
I think they changed the writer
My enjoyment of the game is dropping with every day I'm farming echoes. Can't this change this system, and soon?
1.1 was definitely an improvement, not a high bar to get over but an improvement nonetheless. As long as it keeps getting better in future patches that's all that matters to me.
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yeah but at least back then profitposters can get btfo by gameplay chads. Now everyone's just flinging revenue numbers like a bunch of chimps. They don't care about gameplay anymore.
It was good until the asspull at the end how you are the literal god
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Settle for less. Embrace comfy.
>wagie cagie but enemies have their full patterns instead of the neutered versions there
>wagezone but find a way to not make it shit like pgr's
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Just pretend any substats is good
It's probably a mix of no direction and the Frankenstein mess they made when people weren't happy with CB2/ story.
I'm not sure what else they can do with Jinzhou. But how the next zone plays out will be indication to if there are any improvements in this regard.
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There are a bunch of people who've made certain gachas their whole identity (see https://www.reddit.com/user/Chemical-Teaching412/comments/ as an example). They've deluded themselves into thinking they're part of a "community" and will vehemently defend the bad parts of their game and act as toxic evangelists for absolutely no reason other than that game being their entire life.
that's pretty much revealed to you during the prologue
More Anderson NTR I hope, i'm running out atm.
i'd hope that would lead to a positive change but my gut feeling tells me it'd be even worse
they don't need more writers, they need good writers who can get you invested into the world and characters and not do retarded shit
maybe i'm the retard, i feel like jue dying wasn't even addressed and she just fucked off triumphantly, or that time where rover has to ask what overclocking is for the retards who didnt read anything in game despite encountering it multiple times
maybe im just nitpicking idk
Can chronosorter be used on humans?
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im sure the opening cinematic didn't give away your ambiguous otherworldly origins and didn't show that you were sent by some sort of goddess.
I buy packs by VPNing to Japan so I'd like my 20% savings to be deducted from overall sales as it's the money I stole from Kuro.
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>have literally never farmed an echo and 4 star weapons that aren't even the bis 4 star weapons
>still 18/30
>will probably 30/30 when I eventually upgrade shit to level 90

Why do people do shit they don't want to do?
Yeah, there's a section of people who treat revenue as the end all be all argument. I'm willing to bet they don't play any of the games they shitpost about, be it in a positive light or otherwise.
We already knew Rover was THAT guy
Bro, Rover is immediately fellated as Chinese Jesus by everyone including the bad guy factions. How did you miss this?
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>(You) are the master of Jue
What were they thinking
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Do you think Hongzhen has a public bath tradition where everyone, regardless of age and sex, bath together in the same spring? If so, then Jinhsi must partake in these, being the magistrate of the region and hailing from this region.
A smart frog poster? No freaking way….
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But I said I'll make my shitposts outside of here...
i did laugh when they reveled that the fucking god dragon was rover's pet
People are so goddamn burnt out on all the "top" games that this is the new form of entertainment. I like a good chart but that's just it - it's a chart. Shit is depressing at this state.

It's also wild seeing a whole bunch of streamers try to make these games their main game
I really hated the Rover wank at first but at this point, I just want to see how far they go with it, fuck it, make Rover the ultimate mary sue in all of fiction. Trying to back down now would just be cowardly.
kys, go back to your yuritranny games
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No... if you could, the pedos will chronosorter changli in a heartbeat anon... Anko bwos will suffer a complete and utter. Not only powercrept but lolicrept as well.
Sex with NPCs!
>number hasn't dropped yet
>wuwa already coping
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absolutely seething
give up on 5/5 and 4/5s, there I saved you from shaving 10 years off your lifespan malding.
t. played and quit e7, 3 years clean.
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how do i get this? i can't grip onto the tower
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WHY isn't she voiced fucking kuroooooooooooo you voiced all the other npcs this patch
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>There are a bunch of people who've made certain gachas their whole identity
this one is a better example lol
Glide all the way from the mountain south of Jinzhou.
>incel mad that someone else is growing their brand and business hustling
>meanwhile incel sits on 4chan and seethes about more successful men
What do you mean?
Rover is already the capital G Creator god of the setting
This is the limit
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Can someone tell me why so much of /vg/ is so terrible right now? Even my small gacha general that hasn't hurt anyone is getting shitposted to death.
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With how fast AI is progressing dead internet theory doesn't seem too far fetched when I see accounts like these
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>tfw forced to build Chix*a if I want to play DPS Changli
>90% of people here already forgot about her
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Fucking Kek. I used the Chemical guy as an example as that nigger (likely pag-eater) shows up in literally every thread I click on that has even a passing mention of Wuwa to shill against it in favor of Genshit.
Glory to RCN.
timezone issue
What's your general?
I thought Changli was a main dps? Does she suck if you don't have Chixia? I might have to reconsider rolling since I don't have her.
Huh? Why?
If you are autistic, do NOT play gacha. All of them require you to have a VERY important skill to have: The ability to prioritize and be content with something not perfect.

It starts with pulling, and continues towards building chars.
The future dead AI internet still won't be any worse than sharing it with a bunch of thirdies
okay so now that honeymoon is over is jinshi mega broken or it was exaggerated
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Idk man, after genshin released everything just became tribalistic as fuck
Why can we just enjoy the game?
Fellow... I'm out of content to do. I'm thinking of moving onto ZZZ when it comes out.
My lvl 80 S0 Jinhsi nukes for 200k every like 10-20 seconds so you tell me. Also using a lvl 1 fedora guy in the team.
she's balanced. About on par with jiyan.
No one likes you.
roll or you're bricked forever
Summer break
She kinda Jiyan sidegrade/a bit better
Jiyan has better grouping and better support
Jinhsi has better boss nuking
she is the best dps in the game right now. people were doomposting as cope for not rolling her, but in reality you are bricked if you didnt get her and her weapon.
Does she let you avoid the oh so precious complex combat of this game?
why would you not buy via google and miss out on points ?

Is up
Mega broken. And will become better as more coordinate attackers come out.
No, Jiyan does not compare. Jinhsi does not require anywhere near his investment.
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Just gotta wait for the next electro main DPS!
Or just don't care about the last XX astrite/jade/primos when clearing endgame? it doesn't matter in the long run if you're spending 10s of 1000s for meta units to do it in the first place.
>anti mixed toilet gacha game movement started in China
>its get too big that the big 6 gacha game companies do special meeting in Shanghai
>the numbers for June revenue will get dropped in 2 hours
my advice dont go to /vg/ and /v/ go outside touch some grass or play elden ring thats what im doing rn.
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>Wuwa rating is crashing so hard like the app
>Sales lost to Gensh
>The next patch is male patch Xiangling and Zhi Zhi
>No content for creators, crashing view at Twitch
Tell me just one thing that can save all of us.
Just one.
Protip: you can't
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Does jiyan? You shitposting tranny that doesn't play the game?
game will be good when we leave chinatown
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>same energy
>same looks
Is that faggot from Canada as well?
obviously mihomos. The moment gachas became reddit-tier it was all over as the tranny rot revenueposting slowly came back here. If you look back at the previous threads, mihomo reddit fags have already been exposed as no-lifers that just constantly shill their game without rest all day.
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Chixia can utilize Changli outro buff, no?
Yes. Even better than Encore
Oh nyo....
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Kuro stop slacking, where is this shit?
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looks better than genshins lol
I hope you have s6 chixia
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you will build the jinzhou speedster, or you will be bricked
>can blow my entire astrite load on Changli before an entire patch of homobanners
I wonder how hard she will outsell Jinhsi
Oh no no no no
no one play Chixia
Sure, but why does that force you to build Chixia for Changli?
using play store rating as benchmark is dumb because in launch day Wuwa get bombarded by Indonesian for not having Indonesia subtitle
she wont because jinshi is the metanigger choice and most people will quit before she drops
not making her banner first was the biggest mistake kuro could have done
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>Jinzhou Speedster
why is Chixia so cringy?
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>Sanhua's first personal story
You can cut someone with that
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Last week Yinlin was considered the bestest hotest wuwa
What happened? no one is posting about her now
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Not so fast
>male patch
Dumb fuck doesn't know, but then again what would you expect from a shitposting faggot that doesn't play the game
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Kuro surely won't release someone on the same quality as changli that quickly right?

That can't be sustainable
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You know why
I'm not a coomer is this game for me
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Who is that? Jinhsi's sister?
>3 females in a row
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Part of Jinhsi's harem
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Sorry this is a Yuanwu general
Rerollbros should be fine I'm at +200 rolls with yinlin, jinshi and her weapon
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It's giga hopeless. Jingshi is literally meta breaking one shooting haxard tower, for you shilling and supposed to be the big shot character and she flopped.
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How long are they going to make me wait?
Zhe (哲): This character can mean "wise" or "philosopher."
Zhi (志): This character often means "will," "aspiration," or "ambition."
So, if written as 哲志, the name "Zhe Zhi" could mean "wise aspiration" or "philosophical ambition."
Clearly a male. any chinese knew.
You levelled intimacy on a male character? u gey
Most polls had jinshi / changli at 30:70 who you roll for vote distribution
>we have unironic chink in here
its fucking over
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No. All the characters want your seed (of fate)
4* you forgot yinlin
She also has sanhua on her banner. She has good 4*s to max.
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AHHHHHH took me two fucking days but i finally killed this faggot praise me fellow wuwers
kimi no nawa looking ahh
But we already know the chinese don't like it much. It largely made its money outside of china.
Which is funny. The chinese beta testers basically just ruined the game for everyone else, the way it stands right now. We'd have a good 1.0 if it weren't for their "feedback".
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It will go far. It's already been established the Rover (canonically male) gets sent by his wife, the goddess to the world whenever it faces an impending existential threat. The fact that Jue calls (you) the Lord Arbiter together with how Jue (and basically other people that are in the know with state-level government secret stuff like Changli and Jinhsi) talked to (you) seems to imply that you're an adjudicator of sorts and that you don't move until you've seen enough. They seem to be wary about imposing anything on (you) and just hopes constantly hopes that you make the right choice.

The opening slowly starts making sense, since after you did your terminator entrance in the world, just suddenly put there like you're a gmod asset, all of the major power players already have key people ready to at least make contact with you, with Jinzhou having sent midnight rangers and a scientist, the Fatsidus sending Scar and Phrolova, and the niggashores having Tsubaki, Aalto, and Anko at Jinzhou. The Fatsidus obviously got orders to either convert you to their cause or eliminate you if they can't, while central government and black shores try to win you over by just outright telling you their plight (that is, they're getting analed constantly by TD outbreaks and a sword of damocles is hovering over the state (new Threnodian invasion probably) looms over the horizon. It's really slowly starting to get intersting although I hope the normies who play this game are actually in it for the long haul since the pacing, while slow, might not appeal to normies who just want everything to be finished right away.

I find it really dumbb tho that Fatsidus sends scar to woo you over to their side when they have fucking Phrolova there with her awoogas and her femme fetale charm, stupid Fatsidus. Yeah I know nobody will read comments that are not revenueposting anymore in this thread , but i just wanna lorefag for a bit anyway.
You are supposed to post team and time not the chevo
Yea and Mr Pokke is my favorite CC
You are supposed to praise me retard also who the fuck says "chevo" lmao
That's jp that's very low.
Mihoyochad here, eagerly awaiting June monthly revenue numbers
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Ok but now post the gameplay.
Dev money goes towards buying sluts for pole dance animations
Lmao who would finance that
pags are not welcomed here
That is the gameplay
Just install Honey Select 2 or Koikatsu at this point anon.
Wtf is going, no fucking shot wuwa actually lost to siggy
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>22 more days

How do you holding up, Changlibros? How do you contain your urge to use all these siting asterites?
That is literally the gameplay. Give it like half a year and it will be DoAXVV but with guns
She got sexcrept by Changli
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if wuwa loses it'll be to the archon rerun
Build up your teams. After getting them to 80 shit gets wild
help I'm being conditioned into thinking her feather markings are hot
When is acheron rerun tho im waiting for it to download HSR
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Why you guys quitting the game?
What happened? i am enjoying it so far
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Both of them are so fucking hideous how is this shit top 1 of gacha is baffling to me
Why are (You) such a turboslut?
Pedophiles with sunk cost fallacy
>ID for sale
Report that nigga so he gets banned instead, that's gonna be hilarious. As for your question, I'm still playing, UL50 as of yesterday, still having fun
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by being literally the only chinks to think of turning these mobile gacha games into a 3d open world game 4 years ago
I abandoned my main and is on my reroll account now bro
all turned into Mihomofags
They didnt lose to sigger they lost to the water god
You guys better stay faithful to Wuwa even after Mugen and Azur Promilia is released in the future
screenshots/fanart remind me to stay strong
keep posting them Changlibros
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All of my NA friends logged in today
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Don't forget the covid buff. The chink normies had nothing to do in their cuckcage during the lockdown. Genshin is lierally their salvation.
Of course the SEA server has all the rerollers
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this shit is never releasing lol
>azur promilia
also heard some drama with this but if it actually releases I'll try it out since it looks comfy. Probably not worth it as a main game though
Damn, /zzz/ is seething hard at us. /wuwa/ is living rent free in their heads.
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my country has mandatory english, french and german lessons in school
I'll keep playing till I can full clear the tower
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Imagine if we get something like this so we no longer have to buy ingredients on absurd rates. I can finally feed my characters their 5* food regularly.
>shoots twice
just another E+Q game then
No way. Wuwa is too similar to genshit. If i got bored of Genshit then i will get bored of Wuwa eventually. I'll Play whatever i like.
Why do you people grows stupid loyalty towards a fucking gacha game anyway?
You see, scar is actually the best because hes a relatable sort compared to what a "villian" could be. He jokes but still has (you) think with serious questions and genuinely didnt want us to be the gov'ts puppet.
Now phrolova could do these to the player but i think she will just be a methodical person and not really win (you) over. Scar until a new person shows up is the best man for the job.
Wuwa is a hag chad game
When all normals see ZZZ is a menu stage game they'll flee. People love their open world slop
>ESL babble
holy sea alright that's bedtime for me
Flashbanged an entire mountaintop. Blinded all the animals in the locale i reckon. Stupid flat dragon whore.
Haghomos treat their characters like a booba checklist, they have 0 loyalty, everyone already knows this stop acting like you don't you stupid frog
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>Languages i can speak
I'm European. Speaking 2 lenguages and one of them being English doesn't say anything to me cus IMO that is a basic thing to learn in today world.
It would be like me praising a mofo for finishing high school, im not gonna do it.
enjoy recolting 50 gold materials that takes 8hours to grow!
She had 1 character quest and fucked off. She should actually show up again in the story for regular posters
it's zoomers they have been raised to fight and protect their favorite brands for free
to them it's some part of their identity weird as that it

mindless zombies unwilling to question, be critical or research anything
Its a furry loli to compliment lingyang. Like unironically.
Remember this or ignore it. Doesnt matter, but its the truth
what is always better than a hot girl is the next new hot girl we haven't explored yet
changli will suffer the same fate
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Id. Now. Before i sleep
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bros, if g****in wins in sales, i don't think i could handle the humillation
/wuwa/ thinks they're shareholds of Kuro Games lmao
i dont play gacha games, is it normal for characters to disappear forever after their companion quest and release? i see chixia and yapyap still showing up in the main quests pretty often, will other limited 5* / 4* be the same?

All the other NA friends are in the OP https://rentry.org/wuwafrens
We'll get third place, which is enough desu. Can't let kuro get too cocky before they fix optimization and the camera system.
The lock-on is still fucked and the hologram memphis is still bugged as fuck. Does Kuro even listen to feedback? This is getting annoying when I have enemies that can one shot because the game decides to fuck me over that moment.
If the story is relevant to a character they will show up. Pretty much how it goes in any game.
skill issue
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i know I was just thinking with my dick. Honestly the execution of the black sheep sequence was well made. I dunno what direction Kuro is going with the Fatsidus but I always do wonder if their end game is as straightforward as it seems. A part of me thinks that a possible plotline for them to explore would be that Fatsidus just wants to elevate humanity to the next level by merging ourselves with TD, maybe after becoming TDs themselves they plan to usurp the Threnodians and become the guiding force of the then 'uplifted' human-TD hybrid race. I dunno really but it's fun to speculate sometimes.
It might be >prydwen but it's not wrong, those characters sucks.

t. prydwen
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There's a better Nikke out there
Sowwy, bwo. I have to wewowu for Changwi.
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(previous is 12m total)
Do we get any of those profits?
Damn the iphone niggas do really spend a lot now dont they
They definitely worked on the camera for 1.1, since it is even more sensitive. Which isn't good but uh, it's something.
Does this include CN?
IDK how people play this game on a phone not gonna lie
>barely 3 million
It's over....
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This doesn't seem high or low enough to shitpost with
Retard bwo that’s download…
wtf bros i thought android spent 1.75x more than ios
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to the guy collecting mihomo redditards that shill 24/7, you can add this tranny to the collage.


and of course, he's an indog.
>has not rolled yet
>waiting for cumilla or phrolova
>friends mad at me because a dont roll

waifu > meta
Source? I can't find shit via google. But ~30mil seems very low when like the first 3 days of the Jiyan banner were already 20mil.
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>IDK how people play this game on a phone not gonna lie
like this
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Won? Genshin made double that during a banner everyone considers a massive flop.
WuWacucks are delusional.
What's wrong with what he said exactly?
Why are you even in reddit looking for this kinda shitpost?
I remember reading the right one, fuck I forgot the code
M*homopags are shitposting as usual.
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EOS in 3 days
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When they add controller support on mobile, I can finally play wuwa anywhere!
its been posted before but in the similiar reddits to gachagaming. theres genuine fucking countries in the top 15. guess which?
Indogs. malaycunts. singapoors AND phillipags. its astounding honestly.
Just enter sensortower.com
Then search "wuthering waves"
We are equal to genshin right now.
But against HSR's Iphone is losing hard (21m in iphone alone).
At least we won't EOS
how could wuwaks ever compete?
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Hey, we almost beat Genshin (I don't know what these numbers are, because they seem hella low for revenue).
Fedora man fills jinhsi's womb so fast, bros... I feel like a cuck...
unironically is surprising to even see wuwa get anything higher after the disaster of the stream, open beta claims, and the shit launch
The f why is there a Vietnam company there?
its the reality of any chart. people just inflate it to show IOS, or android(this one actually is android), PC, or other third parties(steam/playstation/epic etc)
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>Why are you even in reddit looking for this kinda shitpost?
I was looking for wuwa leaks there as well when I encountered this nigger. I won't bother to screenshot his comment history but a cursory look is all you have to do.
this faggot actually goes out of his way to go to wuwa-related subreddits to just hate on the game, it's fucking psychotic at this point. he doesnt sleep he doesn't bathe, he just HATES wuwa.
>28m and some change vs 29 mil for wuwa
Seems like we did win no?
>not open world
>worse gameplay
>worse graphics
>more gacha element
>probably more stingy
It got the MHY polish, but why would people play that over WuWa or even Genshin?
Uh oh bro check again...
No, genshin won
Just play snowbreak retard bro is the same but w/o furry pandering and much better coom
What the fuck is a wuwaks
Did you mean to say wuwakeks but choked on a dick?
>shit banner
>dead patch second half
>literally the worst selling banner in Genshin history next to Keqings
>quoth the Wucuck

I connected to a JP IP using Private Internet Access and I can't access that page.

I've tried using Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
>archon rerun
You lost. Deal with it, sweety.
It's ower
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Why don't we have a cool widget like hsrg?
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uh oh, thread's about to become unusable
Oh the melty here it comes
No wonder these threads are so shit, snowcucks can't help themselves.
>not open world
thats a plus
>worse gameplay
>worse graphics
>more gacha element
>probably more stingy
zoomer babble
>third rerun
>everyone has her already
>first run of most metafag character
>literally C6R5d by everyone
lol stay delusional
Jinhsi gyatt?
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Snowniggers don't know what coom is
I don't need to know about your favorite pastime wuwak
WuWa is actually #1 on the Sensor Tower revenue chart for June.
keep the copes coming. its exciting to watch you chimp out
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>we will never have a game where you spawn metroid style as a naked giga chad
Ok cool then go to the furry thread bro nobody is stopping you
Seapags cant do arithmetic...
Since when does Jinhsi have such a fat ass?
>no argument
We need to see the chart
Mathlet bro...
And Furina is a c2 and c6 bait character, meanwhile everybody in Wuwa is rolling for the guaranteed weapon instead of the shit cons.
Can't you pags actually wait for it to be out before jerking off to numbers? Or is being a quickshot just a side effect of being a SEAmonkey?
>no argument
>SEApag tries desperately to defend his homo game's income
ohnonono SEAbros? Is this troglodyte yours? Damn fucking shameful that you share the same race with this monkey
do you even know anything about the game you're shilling? it has an even more necessary version of HI3 ELFs/PGR Pets which caused a CN shitstorm when they added those, in addition to weapons and characters
If we flop it's Yinlin's fault. If we don't flop it's thanks to Jiyan's final day sales.
Games need a Vietnamese publisher to operate in Vietnam
Argument for what, for kuro games pushing ahead ? i dont understand
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Only 3mil off from HSR's total, and that's with Firefly being the most shilled character ever. Not too shabby, honestly. I guess she really did flop.
Keep him, he's a funny clown.
Just don't let too many of your retards fall for his bait, otherwise you're all just as retarded as him.
good luck on your 15 guaranteed echo drops today
since Camellya is not on the horizon I'll go grind more herons I guess
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But my wife….
>18/30 will be forever easy
>only miss out 5 rolls a patch
Abyss is fine
how about you flop on my pp
I just realized i might be dropping 2k+ on pixel hags within a span of 48 hrs.
S6 Changli, E6 Jade, and P2 Isolde all within the same time.
Why do my gachas release characters all at the same time
hsr >92.5
gen >66.5
wuwa >45.5
fuck is her weapon really better than jinhsi valuewise? I can only choose one
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Imagine not being able to beat a game in mobile revenue that's barely runnable on mobile kekaroo hoyokeks
If wuwa had genshin's predatory weapon banner, we would have btfo them hard. Rolling for a weapon in this game is literally stealing money from kuro games.
There are whales with shitty microphones and phones, they just aren't bothered upgrading things like that, due to time mostly or lazy. Wuwa still needs the phone/mobile demographic, since it's a gacha after all.
Why do mihomofags go to literally every single general, aside from their own games? Do they feel that ashamed?
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LMAO what is he thinking right now?
I'm gonna do 18/30 with sanhua and danjin every week and not buy a single premium unit until this score isn't possible anymore
The game runs okayish on my phone since the update
Enough to do dailies
They are free you can't pay for pets
>worse gameplay
>worse graphics
Cope and dilate mihomoshill
Too much text, give me the TLDR.
Everybody knew she wasn't going to meet expectations, now mind you her banner is mega expensive cuz you need a LOT of shit going for her to be close to acheron performance
Lmao wuwa won by a landslide.
Seapag subhumans are coping by shitting up the general.
>barely runnable on mobile
maybe for turd worlders
I like how you tag people lol
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probably rallying his discord troonmates and marching to gachagaming as we speak
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are you tards braindead? sensortower is a very rough guesstimate and doesnt include sales from any non-mobile platform and you're using their numbers like company financials
These numbers do seem like bullshit tbqh. No way HSR, Genshin, and Wuwa are all so close. Probably not fully updated yet. I'm expecting HSR to do twice the numbers of Genshin at least.
They unironically shouldn't have added db21, it would've given me a reason to play for longer trying to get good gear for my units. As it is I have no reason to login because I'm already done building the characters I like.
Don't be discouraged, Wuwa is a PC game after all. Our revenue on Sensortower was meant to be low.
As amazingly funny as that would be, it isn't.
OHNONONO Mihomosisssies what's our cope now?
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They are gacha, AKA you need to roll for them I unironically want to crush your skull
>her banner is mega expensive cuz you need a LOT of shit going for her to be close to acheron performance
Wut, if anything Super Break is the Hyperbloom of HSR.
The only SSR from the gacha you need is her, and that team is functioning.
Add Ruan Mei and it's the top meta team for months at the minimum, and more to come.
Acheron is about as cheap too.
Sorry, kockomi, but you lost. Also, you're getting powercrept yet again in Natlan...
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Holy shit stop treating gacha companies like sport teams you filthy SEAniggers.
Absolutely pathetic.
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>are you tards braindead?
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When's the sensortower monthly chart dropping?
blame changli
Revenuefagging is kinda important for Wuwa because it's trying to be the Genshin Killer. Falling far behind Genshin would demoralize Wuwa players.
Tell that to all mihomoseaniggers that take it as gospel
It's on the Livestream you massive retard you can't pay for the currency for pets you can only obtain that by doing events and bo rewards
This is the best I can do right now. My echo luck is absolutely horseshit.

I caved and bought that 25 gold box pack for 980 coins too. Well worth it with the rough cost of 3 monthly card coins
I expected wuwa to beat genshin but lose to firefly. She flopped massively if she's barely outselling wuwa and a furina rerun
Why does she have cum in her eyes
What the fuck did they do to Chixia's JP voice lines this patch? They're much lower and weird sounding than before?
YOU ROLL FOR THEM YOU NIGGER THAT IS GACHA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eni3n1h3y8U&ab_channel=KyoStinV
a month ago when may revenue numbers were out "people" were claiming it's all downhill from there because "launch revenue it always the peak revenue on average"
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>he thinks it constitutes as an argument
you cant make this shit up
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HSR: Elite iphone users. low download, highest revenue. firefly.
Wuwa: Android users. Yinlin/jinhsi

It's over. Our community is filled with android fag
I'm from SEA and most sports in SEA is pretty much dead since the entire region is so poor that we can't afford any professional teams. So these idiots pretty much treats the daily revenue as a way to cope for having no sports to enjoy. I'm gonna go back to lurking since I don't want to add any form of accidental shitposting in this thread
>mobile revenue
spent shit on PC
You can't pay for that gacha currency necessary to roll for them you double nigger
>farm 20 4* monkeys
>2 crit rate ones, both brick
>farm some of the 3* monkeys
>all of them healing set
I can no longer cope now I must seethe
Honestly, only good ZZZ design. Still not enough for me to even try because game seems to be boring and have a lot of red flags already.
>I find it really dumbb tho that Fatsidus sends scar to woo you over to their side when they have fucking Phrolova there with her awoogas and her femme fetale charm
>possible plotline for them to explore would be that Fatsidus just wants to elevate humanity to the next level by merging ourselves with TD
not that anon but her spying on you from the sidelines and her cutscene at the end of 1.1 after Jue fight basically explains the Fractsidus plans. No one can drag you to any side by force yet, it’s like you’re being put to the test for now
i am nothing if not honest in my tagging
That's also one of my gripes they changed the way camera works. It drifts for a bit which fucks a little bit with my senses.
There is no fucking way SR number are that low.
>accidental shitposting
but that's the best kind?
Excuse me is this the gachage shareholder general?
>Barely has any money to eat shit from the streets
>Worship a company based on It's revenue
How is this behavior called?
shit on genshin as much as you want, but legit only slop game does this. When your game is so garbage that you need to go full co0m to jsave it. garbage like this is why genshin is so successful.
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>ZZZ has more gacha elements, see this pet stuff where you put rolls into a pachinko machine like every other gacha
>ummmm in the CBT you dont buy that with premium currency so it doesnt count as gacha
Isn't Star Rail being that low for Firefly kind of a way bigger deal than any Wuwa vs Genshin shit?
holy kek. hoyopags unironically defending having to roll weapon and pet scam banner to play a character lmao
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Kuro Games saw Firefly's popularity and decided to foolishly replicate "white haired vanilla-flavored waifu who cheated death and she's also ultra for (You)" not knowing that Firefly herself would flop months later. Should've put Changli as the main girl.
Oh no no no no hoyotards what's your cope now.
Why do people think WuWa is gonna have crazy revenue? The game has been way too generous for that.
The only thing to spend on is for Eidolons that barely do anything. Everyone already got all the characters they wanted.
The first banner people might actually spend on is Changli because they'd finally be out of freemojades.
>iToddler calling anyone else a fag
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bro there was someone in /wuwa/ who unironically bought the 1000 USD pack on PC we wuwon bigly tbqhwyd
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Uh bros, what the fuck? Reddit is saying we flopped and slopped in china. Only 6mil revenue there vs 25mil in global...
There's a 1000 USD pack???
You disingenuous cretin it was already confirmed by the devs you can't pay for the pet gacha currency
I play both on an M2 ipad
no wondered they had to go full (you)pandering. 90% of the people playing it aren't even there for the game.
yes 500 and 1k
>we might get Western influence Wuxia kino
Fuck yeah, fuck those slit eye bastards for nerfing Crownless
Jinshi more popular in Japan right now than firefly.
That's a bad news, That just means Kuro will focus the pandering on worldwide audience like Genshit
>all whales are on PC
it has a crazy revenue bwo if thats how mobile looks like
i was tempted to but i bought the 500 one in the end for 360 cause vpn
>get kuro to absolutely gut the story, making it garbage
>spend no money
Yeah, never trust chinks.
You need her E1 at least, her sig, her new relics, her new ball, RM, a good Harmony MC, Bar guy. Then she can start doing close to what Acheron does with just her sig and potato crit set
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yeah anon I was just thinking with my penis when I made that side comment. You make good points, the story as laid out has great potential but I'd hate it if we only have 2 sides vying to be the Lord Arbiter's option.
Hope we get more other ambiguous and not-so-ambiguous factions later down the line for some variety. Them having different gourds really piques my fancy and it really adds to the aesthetic of certain factions.
mugen seems interesting, but doubt it will release any time soon.
slop that's almost bad as tof.
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they're gonna remove the chinese region in 1.4 trust the plan
You've just met her one week ago in game time and her eyes are already gleaming towards (You), stated she trusts you over and over, and her master/lifesaver was revealed to be your minion (which basically means she is in your posession).
>game flopped on china
>chinks will now have to pander to westerners
>devs are so fucking stupid they will listen to twittertroons
>Wuwa will have 1 year of homos like genshin
Next patch better be Black Shore and not more chinaslop.
>Should've put Changli as the main girl.
She IS the main girl according to the storyboard leaks
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If u guys keep arguing I will have to send liv after you
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Its been floping in chinkland for more than two weeks, the number doesn't even goes up during 1.1.
E0S1 Firefly completely mogs E0S1 Brickeron thoughever
you can pay the battle pass to get 5 more :))
>China gets dropped
>Global only
>Ok we can go all out, pull the slut sins

we are fucking winning so hard
Makes complete sense
>apple and mihomo
Brainless drones fooled by hype and marketing, willing to settle for an inferior product
>android and wuwa
Ppl that care about the actual product itself, not swayed by marketing
There comes a point where the shilling becomes egregious and offputting
Acheron’s was perfect since she’s just this hot mysterious lady who’s super strong and the HSR version of an Archon. The hype felt organic and I got her to E2.
Firefly had date quests, IRL events, a shit ton of PVs, her custom made relic and planar set usable only really usable by her and mihomo sabotaged the banners before and after her own banner.
Not to mention how ridiculously strong they made her.
I’m a metafag and I skipped firefly out of spite.
The money I was gonna use to e2s1 her just turned into s2r1 Changli / s0r1 Jinhsi funds.
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is this item bugged?
I used it but teleported away and it deactivated
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Who the fuck was that retard saying that chinks "put their money where their mouth is"? LMAO.
DEVS LISTENED to whale feedback so they added bigger whaling packs.
wtf did we just rape mihoyo?
No it went up when jinhsi banner came out it's all over bilibili who are posting revenue report.
who do I get with my select thing?
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android is not good for gaming at all while ios products is it's just that simple
>he cooked the scam food
Everyone who thinks the game flopping in mainland is good, is a fucking retard. Devs would rather EoS the game than depend on global.
>playing games on a phone
Peak SEApoor hours
>almost equal to genshin and hsr in global
>completely decimated by them in chinkland
What does this mean for the future of Wuthering Waves?
just like with real actual games, sticking with 1 for a while is better than having 200+ in your steam catalogue cause your consoomer brain can't handle it not playing or getting the new fotm.
I hate China. They ruined countless gachas with their stupid incel opinion and now they don't even spend money on Wuwa.
Mahe would never scam me
Android beat iPhone in the end. Because Andrpid does listen to user feedback.
Nigga, that app report from sensor tower. >>484221176
It was accurate last month with chink rank #1 in revenue.
Encore if you're planning to pull Changli otherwise the monk girl.
If u roll for changli get monk
we will get rid of this chinese wuxia slop and get some actual good content for once
that there is a hope Kuro will go Manjuu route, instead of mihomo route
>chink phones are not good for chink games
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anyone playing wuwa on a phone is a psychopath
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>saves your revenue
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>Noooo CN flop trust me
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I blame it on YANGYANG's game icon.
She is so ugly from the side (no boob).
>paimon tee hee
>Asta's cheerful smile
What the hell is kuro doing?
They should use chixia!!
>no stutter
>it just works
>run at max settings
>tons of battery life
sucks to to have green chat bubbles
Are you actually serious or just retarded? E0S0 Firefly mogs E2S1 Acheron with HMC and RM E0S0
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Did I do good bros?
mihoyo =iPhone nigger
kuro = androidGOD
I do my dailies on phone while taking my morning dump.
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Isn't this good for us if Kuro starts pandering to Korea and Japan?
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Two possibilities : they will go full Snowbreak and release coom costumes to appeal to Chinkcels, or go Love and Deepspace and appeal hard to yumes.
>game runs like shit on mobile (where vast majority of chinks play)
>story is utter shit
>rushed game filled with bugs
Seems like the do put their money where their mouth is, unlike global who slurps whatever kuro shits.
>3 star Hazard but 1 star Resonant
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You guys arguing about revenue can all leave now right? Thanks for the report, you can go home now.
add another one to the mentally ill list bwos https://www.reddit.com/user/fantafanta_/
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WuWon status?
t. unplayer
aix fight is a bitch, harder than memphis
as long as the numbers keep being consistent, it's good, the less power CN region has, the better
already seeing a preview on what's to come today until the full chart comes out. already a melty is happening.
>runs like shit on mobile
If the game runs like shit on mobile it's because your phone is outdated trash
It's... complicated. It's a company for the Chinese public.
Not when they own by Tencent, their game need to be on par as their moba clone and PUBG mobile, which BTFO all mihoyo games combined.
Japan are full of pedophiles and Koreans are gigacoomers. We unironically lost if they start pandering to them.
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Korea is based, they literally shit their diapers and made multiple melties when Genshit released their transfemboy Lyney https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/15oujzt/korean_teaser_for_lyney_got_a_mass_disliked_and_a/
just woke up
did we win the pvp ?
Yeah this is certainly mentally ill behavior. I'm talking about you if it wasnt obvious, get off reddit retard
This is true. The icon is retarded. Whoever decide this should get fired.
My Calchudo and Yinlin are still lv 70 :(
Genshin 28.5M
Wuwa 29M
>pandering too gigacoomers is bad
people by those controller support devices for their phones, to simulate holding a console controller.
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Winning. Biggly.
I only play on pc, retard. But it's an undeniable fact that it runs like shit on mobile.
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>Level 70 cost: 6 purples
>Level 80 cost: 8 golds
this has to be a bug right
They should unironically use Femrover, she's the most popular character in fanart/porn.
They should use Jiyan having gay sex with male Rover
Droidcuck detected. Must suck to be poor.
Uhhh how is redditshit even relevant to /wuwa/?
Ironically Tencent's MOBA (Honor of Kings) has just released its global version and they've been going all-in on freebies and ads despite struggling to take a foothold. So Tencent definitely craves that global popularity.
no country is too poor to have sports teams
t. south american
>they can speak[An Irrevelant Langague] + [The defacto most important language on the planet]
This isn't as much of a gacha as you think it is,SEAchimp.
It's meaningless if the HQ is still in China.
They need to move to Japan or Singapore so they can make more coomer stuff and be free from forced chinesewank.
Buy the gold box pack
>When is acheron rerun tho im waiting for it to download HSR
why aren't you saving then?
acheron should rerun in like 6 months
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faggot detected
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there's a group of redditors (all from indonesia) who post all day in wuwas reddit and gachagaming insulting wuwa
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Nah lets see what does acheron need to pop off.
>Pela < this is easy
>Crit set < this is mega pain
>Sig no other options < this is pain
What does FF need
>Good fedora MC < this is pain
>Ok'ish RM < This is pain
>New relics and ball < This is mega pain
>Bar guy < This is pain
>Sig being at least 15% better than any other option < This is pain
>Must have at least E1 to not perma run out of SP > This is mega pain
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Another day of farming 3costs for Jinhsi.
the chinkcels have no money
Nope lol, as soon as I saw that I went from tacet fields to prefarming skill mats for when I hit 50.
Global will be pocket change for them, their chink apps alone literally make 100 times of hoyo revenue with less effort.
Genshin 1M
Wuwa 100 Wuwillion Dollars
Whats a Manju route?
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all of the SEA languages ive heard sound fuckin awful blud
And why should we in 4chan care about what's happening in reddit?
Give me a few minutes I got this
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I thought Koreans were hagchads? All I see from them are hag pornhwas
OUR kind of audience

Japs and koreans are also not shy about spending on games so if Kuro can just maintain this audience we can get a consistent rev stream for at least 3 years.... right?
Im not playing the game w/o acheron bro it is what it is, gonna wait and play the whole thing with the coolest and hottest character hoyo have ever made. I dont mind swiping here and there so it will be fine
Nice cope androidcuck. I don't recall iphone users crying about stutter.
ummm it's fun
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Let's farm them together !
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I don't have problem with Koreans because they sexualize everything equally not just the females
keeping CN retardation to CN only, not porting censorships and drama to global
He thinks we're his personal army
You meant to type seconds, right?
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If you think about it...those 30 million Wuwa won are 30 million less than Genshin/HSR got, so in theory we not only won, we made Mihoyo lose, so it's a double victory.

>don't like changli
>little kid uses ranged attacks
easy pick thanks bros
No we would win because you would go back to mihomo games
Just make sure not to fall for the trap of trying to play her as a main dps
kek bricked
At least you get lightcrusher for dedicated spectro bocchi-chan
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>>Good fedora MC < this is pain
>>Bar guy < This is pain
>>Ok'ish RM < This is pain
Did you skip her the first time? Fucking dumbass.
Also if Acheron isn't going to use any other 5* then FF can do the same.
>>New relics and ball < This is mega pain
Acheron also needed new relics at the time, retardbro.
>>Sig being at least 15% better than any other option < This is pain
No because Aeon exist, it's a good alternative unlike Acheron who lacked any good F2P LC.
>>Must have at least E1 to not perma run out of SP > This is mega pain
Actual skill issue.
Since I don’t see a lot of revenue spam, I’ll assume we won.
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They won't use our whalebucks to fund their next turn based game right?
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Jinhsi actually gave me a second wind to farm echoes for funny enough. Hadn't done so for at least a couple weeks until I got her.
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Don't you ever dare to think of wuwa players as Genshin's sloppy seconds
I expect different levels of fan service from different games.
I like Jinhsi because she’s a pure and conservative maiden. If she kept bending over and showing her ass her character will lose her appeal.
If I wanted korean level coomer pandering I’d just play nikke or snowbreak.
You forgot that Pela needs a specific 4* gacha cone that hasn't been rerun for a while. She also needs a second nihility preferably SW with either tutorial (a 1.1 event cone that a lot of players don't have) or her S1. Firefly on the other hand only needs MC who is free, A Ruan Mei with some speed (you don't need to build BE on her since her A6 trace doesn't work for firefly teams) and bar man that you'll get while rolling for her anyway. Sig is barely better than S1 to the point most people are skipping it. E1 is useless as long as bar man is running multiplication. You never run out of SP.
>wasting rolls on character instead of weapon banner
holy bricked
from all pre number posting wuwa might even be slightly ahead hsr
sure thing anon
Not this early in the cycle
They been working nonstop in their prison making content and moving up their plans
But most probably are, at least 80%+ here have played genshit before
Kung Fu solves all problems.
we don't give a shit about what you want gigafaggot
I swear i played that game years ago. What do you mean it just released? Is this like a reboot? I think it was called Arena of Valor or Vain glory. Something like that
nah more like genshit players would get even more annoying. They trashed on hsr, until they that game made similar and more than genshin on multiple occasions. That's when they start shutting up or lie they never trash on the hsr.
Will Changli ever get mogged?
i care and give a shit about anon's taste
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People are forgetting about 1 important thing
>turned based
They will skip the turn based game to straight up release PGR 2.0 (titled YYY)
Thats fine, as long as the devs care about what I want which is the current direction of the game then I win.
whats wrong with that
its fun
Being a turned based is a plus for mobile game, this piece of shit ran like turd on mobile and we can't track PC revenue.
>gig is having a melty

>Why do people think WuWa is gonna have crazy revenue? The game has been way too generous for that.
People aren't spending on standard banners unless whale. Limited units and weapons is where the real money is
reddit is making fun of us again...
>drawing even on mobile when its a pc first game
uhh, hoyobros, did we actually lose?
>ran like turd on mobile
Yeah, on your pissdroid phone. I get 60fps easily on iphone.
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post the sensor tower sales, i'm goin full schizo today on /g*g/
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I'm not talking about have a brick FF that works i'm talking about a FF that actually pop off retard bro. Also having a banner that requires you to have at least 2 already build units (good builds) is a massive red flag
Lets not pretend now that there's not a huge amount of players who ignore building fedora MC cuz is lame and gay aright. That shit got meme into oblivion when it released
Look idk what are you arguing against but the reality is, Acheron is the most F2P friendly DPS unit HSR have ever seen. Nobody can argue the opposite
FF failed to meet expectations, it is what it is move on.
You idiots
It's still too early for Wuwa to win against Genshin.
The game is barely just launched. We can have kuro devs getting complacent yet.
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Uh oh melty by turn based tourists
lol no but the funny part is people are talking them up in here when the trends in this month alone would have me feeling pretty glum if I was in management in kuro.
S6R5 is significantly cheaper in this game given shop copies and 100% weapon banner and lower pity
Arena of Valor was Honor of Kings but globalized (same hero kits but instead of Chang and Xing and Chong you got Albert, John, and Dave). It failed to take off so Tencent is now releasing the Chinky version to the world. With AoV heroes but their original chink versions, mixed with HoK heroes.
You niggers seriously playing this game on mobile?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
stick with snowbreak, dumbfuck.
It comes out tomorrow, it's not looking good for wuwa
roflmao even
>mobile gaymen
I play on PC bwo
Probably ran off to shit up hoyo generals or something, it's not like these thread stirring summer tourists have any integrity to begin with. Good riddance
My uid is 600076320
>ntr smile danjin
i never knew i needed this
i think wuwa won bigly
I blame this flop on the first banner being homo. The first banner is always the most important banner, yet some retards at kiro thought it was a good idea to bet the most profitable banner on a homo.
Yes, once we got Bianca expy.
She's Solon's favorite character.
I'm sure she'll be in wuwa.
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i play on iphone 13 pro max and it turns hot as fuck after 10 minutes, though good enough for dailies. PC with 120 FPS is the optimal experience
1. HSR
2. Genshin
8. Wuwa
You're welcome
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>I'm not talking about have a brick FF that works i'm talking about a FF that actually pop off retard bro.
You're retarded if you think Acheron doesn't need 5 stars to pop off.
Using 4* teammates is absolute cope.
>Also having a banner that requires you to have at least 2 already build units (good builds) is a massive red flag
You're genuinely retarded if you think other characters isn't the same.
Go play Acheron with level 1 characters.
>Lets not pretend now that there's not a huge amount of players who ignore building fedora MC cuz is lame and gay aright. That shit got meme into oblivion when it released
What are you even talking about?
Nothing like that happened and only retards skipped building HTB.
>Look idk what are you arguing against but the reality is, Acheron is the most F2P friendly DPS unit HSR have ever seen. Nobody can argue the opposite
>FF failed to meet expectations, it is what it is move on.
Don't cope too hard just because FF stomped Acheron.
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I can't tell if it's just the camerawork, but are we shorter than Changli?
go back snowbreak troon
Woah mama look at the size of those thighs...
cunny bros stay winning https://youtu.be/xguWSLTgUPU?si=yzWKPOVWzJ-PVx0L
she wears heels, anon
Thats so confusing. I remember actually buying skins on that game for the memes
>egregious boob jiggles removed from jianxin
>datamine reveals that we’re still moving with around a 70/30 female to male ratio
Yeap, normalfags like me are winning. Seethe nigger
Wuwa would've been even more dead without Jiyan. He was the only well-written character in the entirety of 1.0 story. I almost dropped this game thanks to Yangyang
2 already built units? Are you including RM there because she literally just needs Meshing Cogs (a 3* cone) and some speed. Nothing else. For HMC you just need as much BE on him as possible. Even if your HMC is badly built, Firefly will do insane damage because the super break damage scales off of HER stats. I'm talking from experience since I have both characters. My Acheron team is gigabricked because my Pela doesn't have this specific fucking 4* cone that NEEDS to be S5. So even if I get a single copy it won't matter since I need 4 more copies of it. If you don't have S1 for your Acheron you're fucked while you can easily skip out on S1 and just run E0S0 Firefly. Firefly is the better F2P option and you're a retard if you think otherwise.
>try to farm turtle for verina
>50 tries later
>all 10 healing turtles are the wrong set

God fucking dammit
bro? we're celebrating about the game flopping in cn and the upcoming western homo pandering here.
Yeah she's great
take a shower, iphone is water proof
How tall is Rover even? 5'7?
You nigger seriously playing this game on phone?
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>Fedoraman + Verina fill Jinhsi stacks in matter of seconds in every rotations
Didn't Firefly flop?That's what people here were saying anyway. How is star rail so high?
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This is not wuwa at full power yet, just wait until they release skin gacha
faggots will never be normal. rope
Genshin is merely a stepping stone that will make wuwa reach greater height
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tik tok wukeks
you may have won last month but this time a new queen is in town
Doesn't matter, male Rover should be at max height like Cal and jiyan.
nigga wtf is 3-7
Aright this is pointless you are so high on copium you not even trying to make sense no more
BIG bird
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I have 70 rolls, should I go for S2 Jinhsi? I don't have a guarantee.
She flopped in terms of how hard she got shilled, she should've had way higher numbers STILL with how much pandering they did just for her
How long did it take PGR to do skins? I feel if they released skins with new banner characters concurrently it would make more sense.
As long as Wuwa didn't lose to love and deepspace...
165cm like FRover since they have the same animations
Please no I hated that shit in tof
Changli is such a gigastacy...
they can't do that
they have to pander to the average man since they are the ones that play these games
the tall men are there for female players
>censored bait and switch for gay furry pandering
yiff in hell furfaggot
Skin gachas are always bullshit just let us buy them upfront.
Save your rolls for future characters anon
If we lose to Love and Deepspace again it's truly over
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for what purpose
She flopped but you have to remember that a Star Rail flop still does 2x Wuwas biggest banners. Star Rails big banners are 5-6x Wuwas ones.
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this kills the wuwakek
I accept your concession, shitposterbro.
this we need jinhsi toes
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Keep seething nigger.
Conservative, mainstream friendly omnipandering games will forever be the meta.
Hypercoomer games will never be anything more than a niche
Asian games will never give you a tall or buff MC.
Look at what they did to Sensei in the BA anime.
They need to make them twinks so the asians can keep coping with "literally me"
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do girls really find this attractive?
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>What is this game, new Open Wor-
Wuwa bro did we win ???

I want to laugh at genshit troons.
our wuwaxisters would never leave us
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nice CN revenue wuwakeks
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45 mil
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I'm not interested in a single character in sight.
S2 will put me closer to S3 and S4 on her rerun
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You fucking flopped and lost
why are people posting the shit version of this chart? do not include chink values, they are incorrect
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Wuwa lost to the electro pork and hydro buddypoke again...
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>flopfly did double yinlin+jinshi+jiyan banner
Holy shit that's bad
>I want to laugh at genshit troons.
Do you even need a reason?
>they are incorrect
That's not gonna change the fact that FF flopped retard bro
I think the real money will come when they release the head of a country and not just the magistrate of one of the cities
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tbqhwy i dont believe the CN numbers 5M is like indonesia levels of revenue
>firefly failing to break 100M
Thats the biggest win by far.
t. Plays both HSR and Wuwa but fucking hates firefly
What the fuck. /wuwa/ told me that Genshin was dead
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That'll be all. I sincerely hope you'll never make the mistake of believing your garbage game could ever topple Genshin again.
All that glazing over your hot women and you couldn't win against a fucking slug.
See you never mongrels
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Left or right?
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>fireflop coping is about to begin
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I am not even shitposting with my question - how do you get gems in WW? I got offbannered on the banner and I want to start farming properly.
No one gives a shit about her flopping or not, retardbro.
Why would I care? I don't own shares in MHY.
We lost to a fucking lizard's onahole...
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China HATE wuwa so much. It's not even close. why??
firefly made only as much as homo cowboy?
Game needs more blonde wuwas, we only have Verina right now.
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I was told this game is going to kill genshit that's the only reason I play but now wuwa is losing to a useless loli banner??
Firefly (solo) even managing to get close to 100m is impressive bro. Boothill's banner made absolutely no money.
Someone talk me out of rerolling my pre-reg account (Jiyan/Yinlin) for not!Ayucka and maybe Changli. Losing Yinlin would suck but I can cope with Yuanwu for the time being.
dailes, chests, missions, events, trophies
no fucking way dude, i called it a bull
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That's about it
erm how does sensortower get the Android CN numbers?
Did you already lose 50/50 on Jinhsi?
freebies are gone, not worth it
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Next month you guys only got one banner rotation and a furry Mihoyo game to fight with.
Firefly ran alongside Boothill who had the worst banner sales of all time alongside Huohuo, she did pretty well all things considered.
>even with furina carrying, genshin got mogged so badly by hsr
hsrchads can't stop winning. feel like rev will improve next month for wuwa with changli
So, is the Crownless Holo the cbt1 Crownless that betafags were bitching about got removed?
HSR got hard carried by china ?
>Top 3
>Completely fine on global sales
The current objective now is to find a chink fanbase, after that we're safe
You need to realize the majority of asians are manlets twigs, just look at every isekai MC, they all look the fucking same because all asians looks like that
There's a reason why males with beard and muscles are seen as hyper masculine
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our comfy bread... it's over...
I just want Jiyan off my account, to be honest.
Hmmm.... Wuwa is here to stay with those numbers
what do you prioritize to make characters stronger? char level > weapon level > skill level > echoes?
Don't ask stupid questions.
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Guys Changli will crush genshit right????

Trust the plan
I seriously don't understand the appeal of HSR. It's a fucking turned-based game with 3 FUCKING 3 abilities in combat. That's less depth fucking FF1.
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>beat genshit in global
baby steps
general opinion of wuwa after Jinhsi is more positive compared to launch in China at least
Does number literally got boosted by the schedule changed, we are doomed next month.
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If it makes you feel better the next months banners are so fucking dogshit you might unironically beat us
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everything is misinformation. my game is winning and all of you tourists are seething and pissing yourselves
>I just want the king of DPS out of my account
FUCK it's over.
ZZZ is going to steal a potion of Wuwa playerbase this month. it's over. Our peak revenue has ended
but google play is banned there right
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>last month not even in the same ballpark
>this month close behind, top 3
>everyone spent f2p resources on jinhsi, will be bringing out cards for changli
its looking good bros
How much are you expected to get in a week?
Kuro investing into fusion energy soon.
>Stays at 90m for 2 months
That is fucking nuts no matter how hard you fags keep telling it flops.
I will never relinquish my potion
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>The clone can't beat the original
>even with boothill and firefly flopping wuwa couldn't get half of star rail
What went wrong?
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The fact that CN spent so little and lost to waito piggues is gonna hurt their pride and next month they'll gigawhale trust the plan
Yeah we got no chance. It's yinlin and jinhsi banner revenue.
If they take the money and reinvest in homo I'll drop the game.
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Good job guys, I will keep playing wuwa and abandon ZZZ for next month.
We need to keep advertising wuwa in global.
That's good tho the chink player base is as cancerous as having the devs listen to the twitter mob.
I care about cute girls more than I care about deeps
you can get enough for one pity if you play like a madman in less than a week
t. did it to get yinlin
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We don't have furries theres nothing to steal lmao

ZZZ is furry focus central
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Holy cope. It's over for you retards. Unless you go the Snowbreak route you'll always be now known as the garbage Genshin copycat that failed to even once make more money than the game you copied everything from LMAO!
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Name 1 good thing the CN community has done for Genshin
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>the amount of cope in this general is amusing
its like dems acting as if Biden totally destroyed Drumpf
Changli will save us, trust the plan.
HSR is a comfy game for whales. They don't want to bother with sweaty action gameplay.
Depends on how much you explored and how lifeless you are
You should be able to get around 4 full 80 rolls in any account right now
There's like 10 or so languages that aren't completely irrelevant, and even the big ones like Russian are irrelevant for practical purposes.
Funding the game
China slurping mihoyo turds , that's what is wrong.
Chinese are phone gamers and game plays like ass on phone.
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>theres nothing to steal lmao
Bro... we lost our global ambassador.
>c-changli will save us
western homos won't spend on a pair of tits and changli is garbage meta wise. it's wuwover
Genshart are sweating right now. Their number keep dropping.
because mobile phone optimization is trash, also weapon banner has no 50/50. It's a lot cheaper to max out units in that game.
Yes but get the echo at least to lvl 20
China was always the main target demographic for chink games.

Blame the disastrous launch.
Although things should be getting better slowly.
Now we wait for ZZZ, will it stir up the hornet's nest or not
I would swap weapon to most important but otherwise its about right.
Both Genshin and Wuwa also only have 3 fucking abilities.
This and genshit also has three but that's what you get when you cater to mobilefags.
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and this is only phone sales? quite impressive our game will live on and we can have a comfy general
friendly reminder that chink numbers on this website are made up
anything but global figures is fanfiction
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Friendly reminder that revenue and sales mean nothing if you blow it all on buying a nuclear power plant
That's right. I went there.
That power plant keep Kuro's lights on while they work overtime. Show some respect.
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not like this bwos...
4m vs 150k oof aint this the 30m pre registrations game
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>hsr flop
is looking grim considering most western ccs stopped shilling past june 20 and moving on to other games, wuwa already lost all viewership lmao we know westerners are heavily influenced by ccs, theres tons of niggers saying theyll only play the games if their cc plays them too
theres only changli next month, thats it, the patch will last 2 months till 1.2 and 1.2 has 2 male banners and no new map is over.
they got xbox ps5 and pc too dividing the revenue, ps announced 1b revenue in 2 years alone
>1.2 has 2 male banners
gonna start playing in 3 days, any tips?

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