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Previous: >>484210493

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I [Open] (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik [Open] (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI [Open] (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA [Open] (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
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It's fucking over
Fellow newbros how do we cope
>Not enough Principal Cast members, have more Alternate Cast members join the Principal Cast
Wtf is this shit
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I win
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that's right baby
wtf how did i get 1200 primos just from fighting some monsters in a theater?
By doing the easy mode. Why do you think it's there?
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look at her go
>Wuwa - Global (IOS+Android) and China (IOS) - $35M
The game is dead in China btw
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we are so back
>aaand it's over
Wow. Those 10 minutes a month of gameplay were fun... I guess.
this is way easier than abyss
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There's literally no hope for me.
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I don't fucking understand this shitty now game mode. I got to round 4 and suddenly I'd run out of characters. Like why? This shit is so needlessly complicated for no fucking reason. Why the fuck could it just be
>have limited selection of characters
>go through some stages with those characters
>get rewards based on how far you get
And that's it. Why the fuck does this stupid fucking game mode have so many god damn added bells and whistles?
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My wife
smartest genkek lole
>Superstar: Yoimiya
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Oh no no no starxisters what did Hu Tao mean by this?
>too dumb to pick new characters
Unironic skull issue.
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Now that the dust has settled, do we like the new game mode?
>it's too hard to strategically save up your good characters and make sure you keep getting new ones to flesh out your roster
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Genshin has fallen, billions must be 5*
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>filtered by a fucking genshin impact event
fucking hell
now get all the achievements
Bro I'm trying to play this shit while at work. I don't fucking care about this shitty gimmicks. Just let me play the fucking game.
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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Jin danchou.
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nyooo do i really need one more?
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reminder aloy is unfairly BANNED
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post it
>waifufags left
The 8 consecutive female releases weren't enough
>yumes left
The fontaine males apart are cuckbait including lyney (because of his sister), they were still obsessed with xiao cheld and scara
>fujos left
the designated fontaine yaoi ship wasn't sufficient for them, especially after haikaveh
>yurifags left
same as above but yuri ship and eimiko
>self inserters left
none of the females are interested in you
>lorefags left
Lots of inconsistencies in the lore
>musicfags left
Awful boss OSTs
>exploration fags left
The empty area was the final straw

It's over. Genshin is dead. Floptaine killed Genshin.
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Have to wait till next reset to get the last award afaik.
You don't have to play this or pick easy.
Isn't the character choice basically RNG?
>google the game's name purely out of intellectual curiosity (straight male btw, main aether and everything)
>open the official website
>get a warning it's an 18+ website
why can't straightbros get games like this...
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The global without China
The power of Pagfly lmao
where is fontaine?
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whos that
>playong at work
You deserve to suffer for being a flaming faggot
why is the best medal available gold and not platinum? wtf were they thinking
Who wants to try out a C6 Sigewinne?
good morning i hate men and imaginary theater
>why can't straightbros get games like this...
you do. open up steam and get blasted in the face with 18+ games
The event version of IT we got a few patches back was better designed than this live one
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any literateGOD already read this book?
Boar princess
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>straight male btw, main aether
this can't be real
4chan analysts told me she is expected to be the best selling character in history of gacha gaming
We, real gamers, hate Imaginarium Theater btw.
It is but that's why you keep rolling them so you're not at the mercy of RNG, otherwise you have nothing to pick.
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I'm sorry Klee
dunno but I want to fug her in the pussy
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It’s over
ain't reading all of that shit for free, nigga
the boar princess
Boar princess
The chasm one? Yeah, that was solid. I don't know why Mihoyo keeps taking events that worked well and taking away the good parts while shoving in a bunch of annoying junk. They could use internal playtesting for that sort of thing, meanwhile it's more or less guaranteed that whenever we get a great version of an event, it will never see the light of day again.
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clorinde's monarch
So much soul
where are the sales?
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Must be lucky to be a Xiao sister to get an entire meal, dev favorite I guess
I just get crumbs
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so now they are forcing you to build garbage you don't like to get rewards?
nice game lmao
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So? Which ones are you picking?

Can the medals be saved for the next seasons?
i don't get it
translation please
why is what he said is NO WAY :skull: :skull: :skull:
i wish we got golden archipelago instead
first rover stole all of aether's straight male players now they are stealing his sister
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kept him moaning all night, my bad.
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>have no well builded anemo pyro and electro characters
How long until NA gets it?
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This event is genuinely dogshit.
At least I can share my characters to my friend because she lacks Pyro AND electro but guess what? Guest characters are locked at ONE so she's gonna struggle like hell.
The 3 girl ones obviously.
ITT newfags, verticalinvestmentroons, CVtroons are all seething because xhey cannot clear piss easy "floor 11 expansion"
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True, the 4.8 scenes are kinda mild too. I suppose it's better than nothing
I know what you know, good game
Why would you want four stars?
XL, Jean, Ei
Noelle is cute but nothing special
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very nice
Explain why furina flopped. It can't be meta since she's a c2 bait
>reactions to IT on Nip Xitter are mixed
It's over!
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Stinky neet Shogun
No Archon aura
xiangling and ei, torn between jean and noelle
You should've bought a decent account!
I chose Raiden, Ayato and Jean.
Damn that shit was MAD easy. Thanks Mihoyo.
what did they get?
>season requires 3 elementes
>you can slot any character you want in support
this game is retarded as fuck
Da Wei made more money in the first 10 minutes of Furina's banner than you'll make in your entire life. If you consider that a flop then what does that say about (you)
she's uglier than yaka but some people just don't wanna acknowledge this
Why did neuvillette flop then?
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Neuvillette. Unironically. He destroyed the story and everything after 4.2 was mediocre in sales. They are also extremely embarrassed because he fucking flopped despite all the shilling so as punishment we're getting Wanderer, another HATED character to be a main 4.8 event cast.
Were the trails from theater? Do I save my toy medals?
He did not
Xiangling, Jean, Raiden
Noelle's was cuter than Jean's, but I just like Jean more.
I trust in the dialogues.
can I slot my alhaitham for my frens? he is a special guest
Anyone still playing this game is either a troon, a femcel or a moron.
Hey hold your horses, each Furina cost a lot to produce. Dawei barely broke even.
Anyone have screenshots with the current new poses to share? Please do it now.
I'm all of that
yes but you don't need medals, they are from another mode that is added in 4.8
First try I got 6/8 of those crystals. Fucking Trial wanderer failed to get stars
Any point to try to get max? If there no rewards I probably won’t try
Ah, ty
then why she flopped on her 1st ever rerun doe
You can slot Al Habibi yes. Baizhu too.
I basically slotted Arlecchino, Kazuha, Al Habibi, Baizhu, Yae Hu Tao and Chevy.
Tried to give a bit of everything to people.
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FACT: If you can throw a basic 1-2, you could go to a hypothetical /gig/ meetup and drop 30 moetroons in a row
wait my wanderer is buffed in abyss too?
I will go take them just for (You), give me a few minutes unless someone is faster than me
They tried to force people to like him so much that it had the opposite effect.
>looks it up
Jesus, that's fucked up. It sounds like a Yandere story about a woman who sacrified her own family for a man.
I chose Noelle and will plan to buy the Raiden one. Can't decide if I want to buy XL or Jean pose.
>Nahida shipped with Scara
>Raiden shipped withYae
>Furina shipped with Neuvillette
Only CEO of GEO and Venti aren't shipped
Evens Noelle, odds XL
>GT Troon immediately triggered
>He's either fat or skinny fat or a pag skelly
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>"Ei still rarely leaves her Plane of Euthymia" when we got a b-day letter a few days ago and a tiny scene from that music event.
There are about 60 million active players in the last month. If only 10% of those players bought Welkin that's $30 million right there, 20% would be $60 million solely from Welkin sales retarf and I'm being very generous when I say only 20%
>Throw a punch.
Rayman 4 when?
>I could handle the upcoming battles on my own, but I know you wouldn't agree to it.
>So promise me at least that you will not let your guard down.
>No matter. If you need to rest, I will stay here with you until you are ready.

Xiaolumi is my second fave to be fair, but still
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Why the fuck are the main quests so long?
The jail arc was fucking 5 hours long, this is just ridiculous compared to earlier quests in Liyue and Mondo where these quests were at much more comfortable 1-2h length
no, i am at 7/8 and I won't bother touching it ever again. not a completionistfag.

if you have cleared the act 8, everything is good.
every female is cuckbait
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>they didn't pull venti
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wolfy sex
he doesnt want to talk to you during his break so he wants you to leave him alone and "give your vocal chords a rest"
It's an allegory to Teyvat and its inhabitants, they're all meant to be eaten. The world is a slaughterhouse, but the inhabitants think they're living in a paradise.
Raiden's because duh
Xiangling's because it's cute
Noelle's because she's my wife even if Jean's is objectively better
>Dives head on but one frame later feet are deeper
smoll ind cmpany prease undertand??
So I guess I'm not a hikkiNEET because I leave my home to visit the local gas station to buy booze at 3 in the morning every two weeks? Okay retard.
thx for funding our game xisters
And you think the genesis crystals just pop into existence? You're not taking into account production costs. Welkin probably loses them money.
But I don't spend money in Genshin and only do in HSR occasionally?
revenue chart out or nah? I wanna laugh at wuwa
wanderer more like blunderer lmaoo
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You are legitimately retarded. Do you think it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to run Genshin? Those costs are covered by Welkin
Fire master skills revealed
Fire Lord Skills
The e skill gives the characters on the field a halo that lasts for a certain period of time, which can increase attack power. The duration is less than the cooldown.
The entire chart ain’t out yet, but from that one recent post they gained 35 million total, but only 6 mil from CN
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Nahida is really sexy.
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deep investment c6r5 players are seething, broad investment collectors are elated.
All those event weapons I leveled out of laziness because I don't wanna switch the one good 4* weapon arround even if its a bit worse, all those good enough but not perfect artifacts I kept arround and put on the B-team characters so I don't have to jumble artifacts when I wanna play them for fun, doing the 3 bosses each week for billets and trying to collect the craftables, leveling my roster to max ascension and giving them a good talent baseline to work with just paid off.
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Reminder that half of Genshin's global money are on PC/PS while shartrail is a pure mobile game
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Neuvillette is a superb example of the hero's journey
>sovereign dragons are defeated by the primordial one and forced to hide in the depths
>focalors finds him and forces him to live among fontainians
>he undergoes challenges due to his innate nature, the gap between his emotions and that of humans, and the fate of his early friends carole and vautrin
>as planned by focalors, he eventually comes to accept and love humans to the point of wanting to save them from their cruel preordained fate
>meets focalors one last time, she grants him the missing piece he needs to achieve his goal
>he is reborn as the sovereign of hydro and forgives the fontainians' sin, reaching atonement
>he finally defeats the whale, obtaining his people's safety and ushering in a new era of stability for fontaine with the prophecy now a thing of the past
can you clear the entire new gamemode with trial characters or no??
you have 1 month to level up 3 more characters
change tabibito maybe
Go talk to Yves you dumbass.
when is it coming out? Watching an asmon clip and every time genshin comes out of this niggas mouth he has to roast it its annoying, he thinks wuwa will beat either genshin/SR this revenue chart
IT usage rates doko
if you like to suffer, yes
>Sporkle pic
Fuck off Aha. Work on your baits.
tweet reaction to that was rather strange, so i thought there was some hidden meaning i'm too straight to understand
isnt that expected of him to politely tell you to leave him alone
>Fire master
>Fire Lord
No, you need to go and level up all your shit characters like Sayu and Yanfei and Dori.
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fuck you too
No, they’re like 1/3rd of hard mode, counting a friend assist and not including the special non element restricted characters

You need about 11 different characters that aren’t part of the trial roster and at least level 70 that match the needed elements
it's ok i just had to level up amber
Rude. I played using that account from scratch.
OKay but Miko makes it sounds like she's still a shut-in-neet after everything that happened.

WE WON...... cocacolabros
>hero's journey
i fucking wish except he does nothing and only chose to do something when he got his power back. and that wasn't even from his own effort
the problem isn't that they're shipped, the problem is that the male characters in this game are absolute dogshit so they drag down everything they touch
>Do you think it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to run Genshin?
Yes? They have thousands of employees, massive studios, enormous server farms, operate and pay taxes in practically every country, pump out quality content at an extreme pace... Did you think it's cheap?
Hello u/komorebi-mikazuki
Just put two jobbers anon. It doesn't even matter.
So long as you plan for the last boss you're fine.
My final team was Yoimiya Bennett Kazuha and Raiden, did short work of COPElius.
Imo this thing that makes this mode hard. Let me duo clear so I can save my OP characters for last stage aaaaaa
*headpats the jean*
Hi Assmon
I'm glad my favorite male character is unpopular, it means I get to keep him all for myself!
Genshin is dead, I’d suggest you start buying and playing with real games
Do you even have a job. What would you know about labor and production costs
do the needful sir, no cheating
I really wanna try irn bru can't find that shit anywhere in my shithole tho
Chongyunsister vocarooposter...
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>1 friend is giving raiden and miko both at c6r5
well damn I didn't know this
Kaveh? When is he even getting a rerun btw.
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>People STILL believe its the story itself that drives people away and not the way it's presented
Slurpers who read the story like Xiao's AI generated ramblings. Only /gig/ doesn't like the long-winded Sumeru and Fontaine stories; those who still remain in the game all adore them. Why is this the case, you might ask? It's because everyone who plays games for the sake of the game's story AND isn't a total moron has jumped off the ship a long time ago
It’s part of his tribalism strat to piss off people, and I hate to say it, but it is working especially since in the past he praised the game. I swear it’s either Tectone or him being salty that he didn’t get a sponsor, or both
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No thanks. I'd rather right for Hong Kong Independence with my friends at Tencent
I'm an accountant.
based and same
it feels better spending resin on something that is guaranteed to be an upgrade (boss mats, talent mats) rather than farming artifacts for 0.00001% dps increase
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Wuwa's best banner is equal to gig's worst banner lol

I cant see shit btw
Yeah I'm calling bullshit
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give me your mora NOW
fake and gay
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We won if true
Anymore pixels?
open the picture in a new tab and remove the "m" at the end of the url
>nooo goy you didn't spend enough
kek, that's your brain on gacha
Why did Sawashiro make her voice so fucking retarded for Ei. I love her voice acting as Shogun and Acheron but Ei sounds ridiculous
Anon, we all know Genshin is shit story wise. But Troonvillette still ruined it because of, as you said, the way HE was presented. Other characters were basically accessories and cheerleaders for him.
Sorry, I only drink water and fruit juice.
shartfly could barely beat robin's sales lole
bro you need to extrapolate
HSR won
Wuwa lost
Repeat for X months from now
So if im reading this right we got destroyed by 2 weeks of firefly banner
I don't have enough characters. Not for a lack of primos or caused by vertical investment, I just don't like most of the cast.
Fuck this gay ass game mode.
Hoyo won
>lost to wuwa
it's actually over
Compared to how much money they make yeah it's "cheap"
because ei is a dumb helpless moeblob for thirdies to jerk off to and call their waifu and not a real respectable character
>total coke dominance
d-d-d-don't worry wuwuwuwuuu bros, this chart is not extrapolated....
Anon I've been complaining since the moment we saw Ei. She's so retarded moe whatever it's grating. I wish the puppet would be the one to talk instead of Ei.
Jesus they’re closing the gap, this isn’t looking good for us in the future bros
>no post on gacha gaming yet

>posts a chart that says we won
What happened to Firefly being more popular than Raiden?
I accept your concession.
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>the two new female characters and the archon rerun are only $13M more than Wanderer's 3rd run and the green donut weapon banner alone
1 week of WUWA destroyed Genshin…
we won cokeGODS
china sales are "extrapolated"
less global sales than wuwa is a fucking embarassment
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HSR can't stop winning...
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Apologise right now, Pork saved Genshin from complete humiliation.
/hsrg/ here, is the new Genshin grooming loli actually a furry?
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For how often you love to tell shounenfags to fuck off you sure love to discuss revenue charts as if they're power levels. It's pretty funny.
Thank you Furina for saving genshin
I thought that between him calling you soft and his small talk dialogue we got pretty good food sis
Firefly Flopped. Acheron won thougheverbeit. And her record won't be broken.
Genuinely what happened to fgo
Holy shit… Furina saved our faces guys
are these just iphone numbers or is iphone + made up android numbers?
>CN lower than global
good luck to all soon to be pozzed wuwa players LOL
Fireflop was real...
Only Raiden isn't maximum lazy and I'm one of the biggest Noelle fag. What a shitshow.
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>30 million below HSR
I guess that’s a win for nu Genshin
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>two new banners+Archon rerun lost to Firefly
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Ummmmmmm the waifupags on /gig/ and r/gachagaming told everyone that Firefly, Furina, Sigewinne, Clorinde, Yinlin, Jihnsi will BREAK SALES RECORDS

So, what happened, waifuxisters?
i regret getting yoimiya
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Global carrying Wuwa pretty hard.
Impressive all things considering.
Irnbru is carbonated, caffeinated rat poison.
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still won this month regardless
>dead as fuck patch and two shit characters
>still makes millions
This is why there's no improvement for Genshin
Fake and gay post
Dont forget to post the multipliers RUMAO
You can get a thing that lets you get characters back so I used Arlecchino like 6 times lmao.
Can someone post furina's new line for the new mode?
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>wuuwuuwaawaa retards who glazed over their hot women 24/7 lost to a fucking SLUG

Hydro buddypoke I kneel...
Am I missing something? Genshin made more?
Furina is still the best selling from Fontaint… because of her debut lol
What’s the point of the crystals?

Post your pay stub
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when will gig finally realize 90% of the games income comes from ten trillion casuals buying welkin every month and that whales are a comparatively small % of the games revenue, especially compared to traditional gacha
they could literally have a diluc keka and qiqi dehya banner and the game would still hit 25+ mil
See >>484222992
Wuwa's actual sales are probably bigger too because the game works like trash on mobiles
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to all /wuwa/keks visiting
ehh i dunno it doesnt feel like a big victory. all the numbers are really low. what happened this month? how come gacha spending is so low now
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bullying Yoimiya
Can't use furina this season so you can't invite her to the teather
She had Ruan Mei, which is the equivalent to Hu Tao Yelan in Genshin.
While Acheron dumpstered everyone while having fucking Luochud.
But yeah owning Genshin is a formality now .
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i fucking KNEEL mommy thank you for saving us from /wuwa/ bullying
I think these are solely Iphone numbers. I dint even think it counts Ipad sales despite being iOS tio
sis he's willing to make you happy by listening
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>Alhaitham (LOL), Floprina, Siggwinne.
All Clorinde btw
You're fucking welcome, hag Chads won't be saving you next month from Wuwa
>shilled beyond belief, broken and strongest character for at least 2 patches couldn't even break 100M
Yeah, flopped
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She's a slimy, but she drank a magic potion that made her for all intents and purposes, a human.
>Furina: There's only a handful of monsters blocking the way ahead — surely I won't need to personally make an appearance...?
>Furina: Um... Heh, I mean, I did read your report, it's just... Okay, perhaps they do a little tough, yes, but mostly... I'm just not feeling up to fighting today...
>Furina: ...No, of course I'm not afraid of them! ...Fine, fine! If you insist on performing as a duo, then I shall indulge you.
>Furina: Whenever I'm reading a story, I like to picture it vividly in my mind.
>Furina: In the theater of my imagination, the scene plays out in full color. I can see the expressions on the characters' faces, hear their words, feel the cadence of their speech... Text on the page is transformed into a spellbinding show, and I watch with bated breath to see where each person's story will take them.
>Furina: So, you see? I'm not just another celebrity. I've got solid directing chops, too!
>Furina: Oh, this is woeful. I am Fontaine's biggest star! Where is the pomp and circumstance?
>Furina: Well, never mind. I suppose I could do with a short break.
>Furina: One has to replenish one's blood sugar to deliver an ideal performance, after all.
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based siggy saving genshin from humiliation
ok that was very easy you were right anons
I somehow managed to run out of characters. It forced you to use 4 characters and then makes it so you can actually run out so you literally can't continue playing. Fuck this game mode.
And just like on /a/, mods refuse to ban the subhumans who spam sales threads.
The game runs like trash on PC too. Genshin can actually run on a potato, Wuwa can't.
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Mine also had 56k damage taken lol, but I only ran her on Copelia.
that was acheron + aventurine with top-ups, wasn't it?
Just furina or what other characters? That's dumb
Global - IOS + Android
China - IOS + made up Android numbers
Clorinde didn’t save shit…
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and now we wait for hoyolab to update...
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Gotta give it to kektone, he's top tier as a shill. Kuro would do better to pay him well.
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you didn't doubt the mihoyo difference did you extrapolated anons?
Fucking rigged. Pepsi Max is way better thane coke.
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Round 2 /gig/. Good luck
>literally adding fake china sales to hide genshitters getting mogged
>they're now pretending they won
>if you insist on performing as a duo
but we literally can't. They force us to perform as quartet.
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Omg hi KEKtone
who the fuck is having a melty right now lmao
me on the left
I really cannot fathom why you faggots are here discussing this off topic garbage and why you aren't given public bans and told to fuck off and die.
Acheron*, Aventurine flopped retard. Typical femcels riding off the coattails of a successful strong and independent woman
She lost to Acheron, not Aventurine but nice try homo Fujo. Also he's the best sustain alongside HuoHuo.
>If you insist on performing as a duo, then I shall indulge you.
i would say that i hope we get a pig girl but we already have clorinde
can the tranime pagfly faggot kindly fuck off back to their shithole thank you
She has a personality of a cardboard
The design is NPC looking too
plis do not redeem welkin saaaaar
You know I was genuinely apathetic about my Genshin account before I got furina because I was doing such shit damage that any content is a fucking chore but getting her is a fucking game changer holy shit. Even with my shit builds I am clearing everything like 10x faster now.
the bald duo
>>484224246 >>484224341
Omg hi CU:::::CKtone
you better sell more sexy woman to keep making money
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Congrats beating the clone but you still lost Genkeks
>HSR actually LOST more money in global + japan compared to last month
how the fuck is that possible?
>new game mode launches
>instead of discussing that /gig/ will spend the next 10 hours talking about star rail's income
>/pol/fag melty
Wuwa's China's IOS sales are $6M
Those aren't made up
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very nice
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maybe i should stop doing wishes on the weapon banner xdd i got too many bows lately
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>Wuwa only increased by 3 million in china
Wait, that can't be right. That's like pag levels of growth.
who tf asked random US vassal state resident now go give your tax money to zelensky and israel while your government tells you that putin is coming for your family while random muslims rape it outside
Can't use hydro except for the special guest casts which is only sigewinne for this season. But see >>484224110
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Genkeks, why do we keep flopping?
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We should be mogging the CCP with our US allies right now
The same thing could be said about all slavs, not just Russians
Even male western CCs don't like Pagfly as a character
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Left or right?
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Cope zigger
The new mode isn't even worth talking about. It's shit. Easy but punishes people with no Horizontal investment. New players are getting fucked more by this mode than Abyss.
My account is old and I invested in many elements. The moment they'll shill geo I'll be dead because I have 0 geo bricks. Until I get Chiori when she comes back.
they had the multiplier just like us, the chinese were just smart enough to drop that garbage
>lost to a fucking auto-battler that can't even jump
>not once, but TWICE in a row
Fontaine truly was a mistake
isnt there a way to see china numbers without the made up android nonsense?
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A brand new game and a game with the most heavily shilled girl in recent history still couldn't significantly outperform Furina rerun.
That's not a cursed word tho
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Got Kirara (new) and Aquila Favonia (new) from my monthly pulls
The people have decided that HSR > Genshit
Wtf I thought genshit was dying but it actually did better than last month?
left i like ayaya
Congratulations anon, if only I can get ONE Kirara in time for her new skin...
No one cares about HSR's income this time. We'll be running victory laps over wuwa failing to overcome Genshin in what's its probably best-earning banner. Then again there was never any doubt. Their sexo women lost against a fucking slug
The left because she didn't flop lmao
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not a zigger just hate westoids you lot are pathetic buying the propaganda from your masters that you need to feed israel and zelensky to continue and preserve your epic way of life of muslim rape in europe and nigger rape in US now stop posting politics
What kind of melty is this?
Sensor Tower's site
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wait I can just hoard coin for later
I don't have to buy everything
Wuwakeks are so busy shitposting about Genshin that they fail to notice PGR lost to Tears of Themis too.
Dawei won.
>save by the phony god
Kek. Abraxas is here to slay you all.
Real? Source?
really is a reddit colony here
>Unironic hoyoverse shareholders ITT
Why is this American parasite sperging out like this is /pol/? You aren't welcome here, zog bot.
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Where are the sales for PC and PS5 though hmm?
>Pagfly didn't even hit 100mil
Holy mother of flop
Well that's more humiliating
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You are right sisters
That was naive of me sorry
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>wuwa 45 million
watch, I 100% bet anti-genshin shitters will ignore the CN revenue and only use the global revenue to prove wuwa beat genshin

i can see it now
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no I'm not jealous of debauched dying society run on fake digital numbers delusion and nigger cum china will steamroll you lot soon
>wasting 3 SPs against the 3 free wins
>don't play for 2 years
>log back for Clorinde
>lose pity for Diluc
>frustrated, but get primogems again for Clorinde
>both pulled at the 80 pity
>new banner, might as Well pull for Furina
>lose pity at 80 for Mona
Brits will answer for this...
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>CTRL-F Murata
0 results
>CTRL-F Natlan
0 results
Christ, you're a homosexual as well. It's as though you fags go out of your way to be as stereotypically subhuman as possible.
you lost genkek
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>pagfly will be the most successful banner in gacha history
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>I'm literally chad and make 6 figures, nevermind my country being a nigger infested dystopia sucking off Jews and treating corporations as a religion
Not a good look.
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watchu gettin?
>lost to hydro buddypoke and Furina rerun
>use the global revenue to prove wuwa beat genshin
That's a fact, yes.
Deal with it
I-isn't that wuwa revenue a little close? If they go up another 20 million next month...
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bwos, why are starGODS so much better than us?
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But who?
Gayming and Thoma? They are both c6
You mean round 4?
>Jiyan flopped
>Yinlin flopped
>Jinxin flopped
Will anyone even play ww after this humiliation?
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It looks cool + to speed it up bwo, not like I'd lose the future fights without the SP, it'd just make them slightly longer, but yeah mostly 4fun
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Backgrounds are quite nice.
Well that was the most boring and predictable outcome. Now what?
an open world lost to a turn-base game

really /gig/???
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>pay to unlock leaks
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>losing to WuWa


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XL Raiden Jean is the only correct answer
Sayu, Beidou, Keqing, Yanfei are good choices
It's gonna slow down eventually. Next patch is China slop so it's bound to not make a lot of money.
Literally copied IX's domain.
It was very ironic how Putin lifted a car to Kim Jong Un during their treaty signing to create a defense pact against NATO... but the car was a BMW lmao
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You're all cucks.
Shut the fuck up about which game made the most money already, it's not like we're going to be feeling it anyway.
Also I noticed that the dialogue with him implies that you're more assertive (with him) now?
Wrong. It's more like
>Standard banner whale sales flopped
>Jiyan flopped
>Yinlin flopped
>Jinxin flopped
Wuwa's revenue will tank in July.
you gonna need sucrose
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I'm not an apple subhuman nor do I play genshin on mobile couldn't care less
I guess if you're not using Threshold it doesn't matter since you can just refill.
>Game that more accessible on mobile earns more in mobile revenue
Holy sheit
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>End of cycle banners of 0 hype characters make slightly less than peak cycle nonstop shilled characters
wow, what a shocker
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The music is nice as well. I really enjoyed the overall aesthetic, it's just the minigame getting in the way of combat that I didn't enjoy so much.
wait really? they have reached a new level of pathetic with this. I hope hoyo smites their asses for trying to earn money from their intellectual property
>can't use charlotte
>can't use gadget
I want to take pics without the ugly UI. No I won't use mods
The profit lost from the arrival of wuwa is pretty noticeable.
People don't have time for the huge open genshin worlds anymore.
just in case, that's not Murata, shitposter-kun...

Our girl is out for blood
So we went from claiming Furiflop would destroy Firefly to coping with a win over WuWa
>Jujutsu TROONsen
Post disregarded.
Are you a bot? That's several times this exact post has been made.
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Just play ZZZ to feel it, bro!
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name 1 (one) thing he said wrong
Genshin monthly revenue on Playstation alone is 20m+
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WTF is this thread?
Buy adspace.
>Wuwa's revenue will tank in July.
What is this cope
Genshin global lost
4.8 is a fucking lego patch
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>Mihoyo hired like the VAs for like 30-40% of the playable character cast (in four languages) just to record 2-3 lines for the characters who are lounging in the library (SOUL)
>They likely also already had the VAs for characters belonging to the elements on next month's rotation record similar lines in advance
>Yet they couldn't be bothered to get some unpaid interns to voice the flagship event
What gives? Not even trying to stir up shit, but what exactly is the reason for this decision?
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>WuWa will die they said
>The first month is the highest revenue they said
>More Shounen troonery that's gonna have a shitty ending too
Ayy lmao.
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>people actually taking mobile only revenue seriously
Quick schizos! Wuthering was mentioned, quickly post the tianamen pasta, it's totally going to disconnect them from the internet!
i love sailor moon
this is the flagship event
>Two new characters + 1st Rerun of "the most popular Archon and strongest character in the game"
>0 Hype
Nice revisionism, lmao.
I remember all the shills saying Firefly can't possibly outsell Furina.
>Boar Princess
Fuck yeah more schizophrenic fairytale metaphor esoteric lore
Feels good to know I'm the target group for Genshin's worldbuilding
Wuwa beats Genshin in global but lost to Genshin in CN. Chink fujos will save Genshin.
>it's the end of the world
>political uproar has lead to another WW
>nukes are flying, it truly is the end
>instead of the usual sirens, the following track starts playing

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When natlan drops and until 5.4ish HSR will have it's dead patch period. I predict that salesposting will coincidentally die down during that time and pick up again in full force after 4.5
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We actually won so bigly it's insane. Wuwagger having to grasp at straws and exclude Chinese revenue and do rain dances to somewhat turn the result in their favor in what's probably their best month revenue-wise. I love Genshin Impact
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there is only one man that can save us now
Yeah, genshitters are pretty fucking dumb, coping with those ugly ass models for literal years that some of them paid 100s for. Thank fuck they made Star rail's models better.
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>lost to hydrobuddypoke
>lost to furiner rerun
But she is ugly...
I'd like to build Yanfei, but she c0
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I was told to invest in a few character off the start and make them good instead of leveling a bunch. I feel like I have been scammed now since I have no idea how people get so many books to level people.
God. Genshin's character models are trash.
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>more assertive
He needs to be punished for his bratty era
You know the game is dead when the highlight of every single thread is sales NUMBER and if genshin Made more than someone else. You didn't discuss the game for months here!
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>Firefly flopped
Jihnsi flopped
>Clorinde flopped
Sigewinne flopped
>Furina rerun flopped
Waifuflopper, don't cry...
>won global
>lost to extrapolated CN
at worst it's 1-1, great result for something you thought was never going to compete. I love how nervous you're getting
I like how firefly is considered a flop despite topping the monthly charts.
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Graphs have been analysed by our zzzerofriends
You can now quit salesposting
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>/hsrg/ is dead as usual despite all the winning
it's over
When will WuWa fix the following:
>Lag and crash when launching
>Any resolution above 1080p being made available
>Keyboard layouts not being respected and forcing a change in the OS
And many more. I play the game but it's insane to me people completely overlook these issues.
got i want to creampie changli so badly bros.. why does Yae have to look and talk like an actual man
>Patch will new area will make less than a patch of literally nothing
is this the new wuwa cope?
Holy shit you fags are upset
Yeah, you have to visit the website and set the multiplier for the made up Android numbers to 0.
I don't play Genshin but, is Genshin ingame model always this ugly?
Wuwa have no chance of beating genshin anymore especially with ZZZ coming out this week which will take some traction.
posting this won't make it true
>wuwajeets resort to compare their characters to 4 year old models again
Next time don't put a fucking garbage 4* on femoid banners
Finally. You ready to go back to mmo times bros?
Just the IOS sales alone is a massive gap though. Lmao.
My Ukrainian wife
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I think Kurumi sucks!
I keep seeing you guys call IT an event but isn't this a new game mode?
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>What gives?
No idea but what I would give to be a fly on the wall that could understand Chinese, during one of their quarterly board meetings.
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Post brutal mogs
Furina saved your ass. Be grateful to her you dumb bitch.
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hsr runs this industry you disgusting freak troons
I can understand you retards making a fuss about the sales because we're all shitposters.
But for someone to make a whole youtube video about it is something else, I guess it's just bait too.
GlobalGODS, as expected, chads like us prefer wuthering waves. Only bugbrains would play genshit.
it's an event that will stay permanently
>muh unreal bloom and oversharpening nigga
your game feels like a bootleg shat out of new delhi, and yes I played it to know
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Wuwa is 4chan
Genshin is reddit
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I'm okay with wuwa taking the western playbase though
Thank you Clorinde, you saved us from unparalleled Humiliation.
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It's all they can do. Repost the same webms and gloat about flashier movesets and then still fail to gross highly than Genshin despite having three fucking banners in one month. Even saying "they had a good run" isn't accurate - they were never in contention to harm Genshin in any way. Now that it's clear which game earns more they now have to play their garbage copycat chinkslop game and dread ZZZ taking away their playerbase. We came on top like we usually do
I have 5800x3d too bro and plan to keep it for few years more or until my pc breaks.
Really good cpu.
>burning support
What were they thinking
Waiting for Blackwell and Arrowlake.
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You don't even need to compare Yae with Changli.
Yae got mogged by rando enemy mob.
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>forced to either roll characters or build bricks
>have to dilute resource usage, every character needs its build, can't swap artifacts, if you don't buy bp or refresh resin you are fucked
>can't use coherent teams, forced to use the shilled characters and if you didn't roll them you have to use the ones they give with shit builds
>fucked if you have few friends due to the use resistrictions, and likely your friend will have even less characters than you if you are an old fag
>element restrictions to force you to roll and build elements full of characters you don't like
>actual game is easy once you pass the character check
the actual game is easy once you pass the character check, so you won't even get the satisfaction fron clearing a hard mode

they managed to make a mode that pisses off f2p, whales, hardcore and anxiety players in one go, all in a desperate attempt to force people to roll the ugly, censored or homosexual characters they shit out and renew bp even if they are old players

maybe I have too much faith in humanity, but I think that even some slurpers won't defend them this time
>saves a reddit screenshot
Wtf I'm getting filtered so hard by the theater
oh, I thought that it was endgame content like gig keeps clamoring for
femcel please all your faggot banners flopped and if it wasn't for waifu the game would eos
>No, I don't want to "chat."
>What are you making that face for? I thought you knew my deal by now.
>...*sigh*. Fine. Happy now?
I'm like "Hey, what's up? Hello"
Seen your pretty ass soon as you came in the door
I just wanna chill, got a sack for us to roll
Married to the money, introduced her to my stove
Showed her how to whip it, now she remixing for low
She my trap queen, let her hit the bando
We be counting up, watch how far them bands go
We just set a goal, talking matching Lambos
At 56 a gram, 5 a 100 grams though
Man, I swear I love her, how she work the damn pole
Hit the strip club, we be letting bands go
Everybody hating, we just call them fans, though
In love with the money, I ain't never letting go

And I get high with my baby
I just left the mall, I'm getting fly with my baby, yeah
And I can ride with my baby
I be in the kitchen cooking pies with my baby, yeah
And I can ride with my baby
I just left the mall, I'm getting fly with my baby, yeah
And I can ride with my baby
I be in the kitchen cooking pies

I'm like, "Hey, what's up? Hello"
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>genshin is slowly dying
>it will be even worse when ZZZ launches
Didn't Wuwa like fully dox all of their Jap whales? So they did kinda worst then the first one
wrong time to come here wuwajeet
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Because you faggots can't talk shit so you chose to punch down in Wuwa instead.
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>the absolute fucking state of wuwakeks
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>wuwa flopped
>totally organic wuwa shilling begins
calling janny
it's just a matter of how you call it
yes. aventurine only sold 40 mil tops. he did well for a sustain but that's it. that's all acheron sales.
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I am waiting for waifu xcom and then i am done here with All you. I am done with genshin, i am done with Wuwa, i am done with Starrail.
Literally all 3 generals keep mentioning the other 2.
Wuwa is the game for europeans and americans, Only poor third worlders and asians who can only afford phones play Genshit and HRT.
>>won global
>>lost to extrapolated CN
Did you really think the Global number going around was officially sourced from Mihoyo?
bwos why is Wuwa mobile revenue biting at our heels? You told me no one could play that game on mobile without their phones exploding!
>Wuwa only 12m + 29m
But I thought extrapolated sales said it would be over 70m...
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>some people are actually being filtered in IT
how? the trial characters can beat some stages just fine.
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>Furina Sigewinne Clorinde
>just $13M than May 2024
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Hi giggers, you missed me?
Omg hi Tencent
Thanks for your support in liberating China from the CCP
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>Ameritroon worhsips Nvidia like the kike faggot he is
>Thinks I'm a 3rd worlder too
I already posted my passport. Keep flaunting your shit numbers though lmao. You still didn't counter any of the other settings being from 2007.
1080p locked is a disgrace.
With PC and PS5 sales included these results would be even more embarrassing for Shartrailkeks and PooWafags.
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hands off topaz gypsy
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>1 banner
>2 banners
>3 banners
Do they even try?
solo levelingchads...
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What's with the proportions on wuwa characters? Why is her head so tiny? Why is it shaped and colored like a penis? Do wuwashills seriously slurp this?
This but Zen 5 and RDNA 4
Hey kids, you lost to Wuwa on global
Have fun
>playing cuck game
Don't do it.
>Didn't Wuwa like fully dox all of their Jap whales?
No, how would they even do that? Mihoyo doesn't handle your personal details. Why do you think they use dedicated third party merchants to handle transactions? Handling that sort of data is both expensive and involves far more liability than video game development.
holy sex
No one is being filtered by it being hard, people just don't the very few characters you are oked to use and you can only use characters a limited amount of times. I have no idea why people keep calling it filtered
>That pic
He's the same mentally ill faggot spamming his account and steam on every possible thread lmao.
Holy obsessed he is.
There's literally nothing like that in it. It's just chinks being retarded, like they retarded with Wuwa beta story.
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>Yes Clorinde sama I apologise for ever calling you a flop. Thank you for saving Genshin from complete anhilation in this months sales report.
That's all you had to say genshitters
I remember all the shills saying Pagfly will break sales records and beat HuTao + Yelan banner. Not only did she not do that, she flopped to fucking space kaveh WHILE being carried by the kazuha of HSR Ruan Mei
Wuwa fans are the most disingenuous faggots ever, all they can do is keep saying how much better it is from genshin without anything innovative or new to add onto the gacha space. They'll spam the same shit over and over whether they win or they lose, it's embarrassing esp that 4.7 is such an extra filler patch for the most part, this should've been their time to shine and they still lost. But don't worry some retarded CC will go out there and blow their dicks anyway
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Waifus? Flopped bigly.
Cope and seethe.
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Which gacha for this feel?
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I predict that Genshin is going to eventually lose if WuWa stays alive

Kancole and Azur Lane had the same start where they were both carbon copies of each other

The one with the hotter characters won at the end and nobody really cared about anything else
That plus account names and real name, doubt people use their real name though
ok i did the theater thingie should i try getting the achievements now?
Aieee I'm sorry Chloroform-sama thank you and the slug poke for saving our sales results...!!!
No waifu has flopped as badly as Chelde has
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Sisters won
I regret not pulling her dupes. Please rerun soon.
Maybe you can ask your master to give you a raise and some nice dicks to suck on, Tectone
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>He still invents a whole scenario in his head because people don't give a shit about his life but shit on him for being a shill retard
Lmao. I'll forget you in about 3 hours judging by my awful memory too.
Damn they really just poured into here to cry en masse IMMEDIATELY when they saw the bad number not be high enough. Too funny.
We beat Wuwa but it doesn't feel like a win. 66.5M is not good considering Furina was carrying this month. It's only 10M better than May which had literal male reruns for most of the month.
It's over. Now WuWa will be turned into yet another Tencent-backed whorehouse gacha game.
I just saw that JP twitter post sis
>There's literally nothing like that in it. It's just chinks being retarded, like they retarded with Wuwa beta story.
Okay shill.

>Prequel (GFL) is a full on for (you) game
>Release sequel (GFL2)
>1 of the main girl has a woman moment with "I can fix him" syndrome on a terrorist
>succeeded and keep sending letters with NPC guy frequently
>Most of the girl's voice line is about him
>She also wears a necklace with the dude's initial
>The player doesn’t get anything
>Player complains
>Devs doubled down and added more NTR and called players loser incel via in-game items
>people leave, game is dead
>tried to do a come back with coomshit but it was too late
>it's now coming to Japan/global but is already associated with NTR
>another game they made was also review bombed

Not to mention:
>Gameplay is boring
>Horribly buggy at launch
>Completely changed monetary system
>Devs didn’t even know the guns the girls used
The NTR shit was just the cherry on top
The whole game was a slap in the face to the players of the previous games.
No wonder peopleleftittodie
we lost
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why does indonesia love and defend hoyoverse so much, isnt china raping their country?
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touristfag here where does the money go if not back into the game?
your parents miss their son, thaitroon
stop taking HRT and get mental help
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>guest characters doesn't even talk to each other
>just stands awkwardly in their own respective corners
Come ON Mihoyo!
I'm liking this femcels vs incels vs wuwa

as a neutral observer, I enjoy it
I'm convinced that they would've made more money just by releasing Furina's SQ2 instead of promoting Siggy to a 5*.
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>No, how would they even do that?
By handling all of the refunds in a weird way since they straight up scammed the japs by lying about a weapon and selling it, then somehow mass sending out a email with their names, account name and email?
>Kancole and Azur Lane had the same start where they were both carbon copies of each other
Eh Kancolle is RNG sim while AL has a bit more gameplay.
AL is doing better in global, I think, but Kancolle is still very strong in Japan, just like Touhou.
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she got scammed by the android chart getting frozen
Yes, there were even bank e-mails on the list
If you want pure comedy you should read their thread that is full of cope that boils down to WE WON SO HARD, REPEAT AFTER ME WUWON
I lost track.
Who is having a melty right now?
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>Global sensation
>Popular among fan artists and shippers
>Multiple merchandise
>an upcoming scale figure of his Foul Legacy form
>xiaomi collaboration
>T0C0, bad cons
>Had no signature bow on release
Your Floptaine waifushit
>Extremely broken constellations
>powercreep incarnate
>more complex animations
>still flops massively
Xbalanque will save us bros...
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Report from the /zzz/ sector
Wuwakek presence has fallen drastically since yesterday's shill screening, few remaining rogue elements are driven off
It seems the assault is concentrated along the /gig/ line
Orders are to shoot on sight
>By handling all of the refunds in a weird way
>then somehow
Cool story, kouhai. Tell me, which dead jaypeg collector general did you crawl out of?
Mihoyo's other titles (ZZZ, HSR and >HI3) along with upcoming projects like their animal crossing clone, nuclear reactors, movie studio etc
Not everything in the game is about raw money.
>Pagfly xisters
>Some poorfag mutt
>Ask for above 1080p because it looks like shit on a 4K monitor
>Ask for better keyboard layout support
Americans truly are the most mentally ill people on this planet. It's no surprise since you're basically the same phenotype as the scourge of Europe, Anglos.
You're the only one getting heated and imagining a whole scenario in your head because you just can't possibly accept people don't give two shits about you.
Fucking kek. Ifunny memes too.
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I wish I had more friends in game now as a newish player. Not super new, but new enough I don't enough even close enough built for this. Adding people from here kinda seems bad though.
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/pol/ & /sp/ enjoyer here joining in to monitor the situation on three /vg/ generals
yeah it's about mentally ill writers promoting their self insert at the expense of everything else
He had 4 of the bottom 7 banner sales on Genshinlabs lmao
Uhhh..did you miss that event back then?
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>wuwa is completely unusable
>everyone is posting reddit screenshots to justify the loss
and to think I doubted
IWTL is a world record holder for Genshin as well
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Free and Democratic China can be real too. Join Tencent in this fight
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The only thing wuwa filters is people looking for gameplay
now that's a fucking COPE LMAO
>waifutroon month
uh oh
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When is ZZZ even launching? July 4th? Why would they even invade a game general that's not even released?
Is the Jiyan tranny also shitting up your general?
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Why though?
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>Dude it didn't happen, couldn't happen
>You can literally google it and it comes up that is happened
Also you're talking about wuwa in the Genshin general and complaining saying someone else is from some other gacha general. Are wuwa players fucking retarded?
Random ameritrash. I don't know why hiromoot hasn't blocked their shitty failed state already, they're more of a server cost burden than the ad revenue they bring in.
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Who didn't flop last month?
>Ei: I know you are a formidable warrior. But we must not underestimate the monsters in this domain. They seem to come in endless waves.
>Ei: Nor should you be afraid. I am here to answer your call, and I will stay by your side until every mystery here has been uncovered.
>Ei: With this blade, I shall slay any foe that comes our way.
>Ei: Will you join me in a game of karuta? It is a fine way to spend leisure time. It will help us both relax, while keeping me sharp and focused.
>Ei: The only thing is... It is customary for the winner to be awarded with confectionery, but I do not know whether it can be brought in here...
>Ei: Hmm, in that case... We can celebrate the victor at the Sacred Sakura some other time. Now, are you ready to be humbled?
>Ei: It's not often that I have the chance to take a rest before the battle is truly over.
>Ei: I keep asking myself, "Can I really afford to take a rest yet?" And if there are still monsters that have not yet been vanquished, the answer is no — I cannot stop now.
>Ei: ...You'd like to join me in a moment of meditation? Oh, alright. Close your eyes. Now, join me in turning your gaze inward, to the deepest part of your being...
pagden paggun the pagbait pagfu lole
>kektone trying to jump ship already back to hoyo's dick on ZZZ
>the thirdworlder zoomer fanbase he cultivated is eating him alive for not sticking with kuro and total hoyo death
It's a modern Greek tragedy
Half of that was Wanderer and Baizhu though
Should have sticked with arknights.
They're awake right now?
It's literally the same Jiyan tranny faggot every thread, every general and he's still not banned. It's pointless anon.
We flopped...
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>ZZZ comes out a day before the final Fontaine stream + Natlan teaser 2
It's safe to assume they're going to make the Natlan teaser dogshit on purpose just to get people to try out their new and shiny game, right? I hope you're ready for the Genshin funds to save Znore Znore Znore from its descend into the abyss once it gets past its launch hype
He literally got kicked out of Arknights. Rumor was the dev actually threaten to sue him for making up shit for drama clicks and that's why he ran away.
It's about 6-7 am on east coast so they should be awake now. West is sleeping.
2PM in Europe.
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>not enough characters to start the theatreslop
Great, i fucking hate anyone who wanted this to be a thing. FUCK OFF and FUCK YOU
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Imagine having to constantly mention Genshin in one way or another because a large portion of your community drops off if you don't.
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The White man has chosen

and he has chosen Wuwa
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No, it isn't out yet
Kektone said something about "ZZZ being the lowest of the 'big four' gachage" (yes, he put wuwa there LMFAO) and it brought shitposter negroids that post collages of ZZZ characters next to WuWa ones, WEBMs of that bootleg Yae's tits, xitter eceleb post screenshots etc.
Since the revenue numbers dropped they vanished
>Half of that was Wanderer and Baizhu though
>Clorinde's banner was available in Phase 1 of Version 4.7! Her banner was up alongside Alhaitham's rerun banner from June 5, 2024 until June 25, 2024!
>Sigewinne Furina June 25
The waifutroon already lost track of time lmao
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It's oger
I will never recover from this
if only hoyo did the same
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Is gold the highest you can get or does the medal turn purple if you do the bonus quests too?
dang wuwa flopped wtf
>unable to cope
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kot is fine too
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>Star Rail took 60% of Genshins Revenue
>Wuwa took 20%
How bad is ZZZ going to hurt Genshin? That slop called Imginium Theatre is the final straw for endgame chads.
>world minority
>"it's white men' decision"
No wonder yall women switch over to niggers
>Americans ate the ones providing the content for SEA pags
Lmao. Feels good to be part of NEITHER.
Stay mad Jiyan troon, your game flopped.
The fuck is going on with My Hero?
>White man
Koreans and Texas are not white.
>jeets and brazilians
The highly anticipated banners of female characters flopped? Lol e
Well he also was getting just roasted by the whole fanbase and hated and not really a single person from the fanbase was on his side at all. He kinda was just fucked since I guess the fanbase had less dumb children for him to pray on.
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the numbers are low because sensor tower fucked up the numbers
Do y’all believe the possibility that Sensor Tower didn’t include Furina or Jihnsi banners?
Where do you think the wuwakeks are going next?
I'm tired of bigger number powercreep autism
I like and want more out there experimental kits like Clorinde and Sigewinne, even Dehya if her C2 was built in her talents
I watched Sevy play some of the theater thing and I couldn't be less interested
WuWa will eventually release a Zhongli, then people will no longer dodge.
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>LE RNG refuse to gives your more Units or only gives you DPS Units

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Dont worry Genkeks. After seeing all these waiflops, mihoyo will finally give us more worms like we wanted
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>wuwajeet raid/ again
>no one actually talking about the game
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Where is the revenue from PS5 and PC though?
I wonder how good the website would be if they ranged banned anyone who posted on /pol/ and deleted it?
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>did not get the star in floor 3
>got all rewards
how do you obtain toy medals? are you limited to three per rotation?
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>only million more in your what's probably highest-earning month against a four-year old game
Congrats. Despite copying 90% of the game and trying to squeeze three banners in one month, that's all you could muster. It literally never even began for you. I can't wait to see you drop below 20m next month
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Nahida is really sexy.
>bringing up america when they all are asleep
Sea lost
Russia lost
>He thinks it's jeets
Literally one mentally ill American tranny Jiyan lover and his cohorts.
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hey kurumi can you delete this video now
>2 new characters with most broken conbaited character in the game rerun and a dain quest
>global loses
>only wins because of made up cn numbers
we are never recovering are we
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>Not even 40m
to put it in perspective, "The highest selling banner", "the one that will break all records", only made 36m
every inazuma month was over 50m, Raiden was 96m
idk what you are all talking about im just here for the feet
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>pagfly sold less than arle
wuwa beat us....
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why are literally all vtubers pagpags...
Why would our queen delete this W
w-what post


What's the story behind her? Has she posted here once or twice or something?
East Coast is awake tranny. Nice try deflecting onto other subhumans thoughbeit
>experimental kits like Clorinde and Sigewinne,
Sigewinne, would have been good if they didn't just it feels like for some reason make her bad. If they had hydro application she would actually be pretty good.. Somehow she goes through all of that testing and beta with people saying how bad she is and she needs hydro application and they just never do anything with it. That's just assassinating someone kit for what feels like no reason.
When's the IT in na? 9pst?
SEA runs /vt/ even harder than it runs/vg/ lole
she is a regular /gig/ poster
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>Pork saved Genshin from complete humiliation.
What do you mean? We lost
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>jannies let wuwafags raid this place

Anyway, we at Tencent are working our hardest in collaboration with our US allies to bring an end to the tyranny that is the CCP. We hope you can join us in our fight. Love from Tencent. xx
how the FUCK does Furina work? Somebody explain this to me like Im 5.
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Talking to the team you just fought with inbetween stages is kinda cute.
They do have different voicelines after each stage, idk if it's random or if it depends on the location theysit/stand at
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this achievement is impossible
Eastcoastfags that post of 4chan are not getting up at 7am. It's a joke people would even say that
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>pagfly will be the highest selling gacha banner of all time
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For whites
For seanigs and chinks
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>wuwaggers conveniently excluding chinese revenue now that it tanks the final sales results
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copebro . . .
>first hsr
>now wuwa
genshin is losing more and more relevancy in the west...
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>KurumiYT for Genshin
>Xolze Telos for HSR
I see a pattern with Asian females and Gacha games being autistic and spitting facts.
i just ignore them and leave
HSR is quite literally the worst gacha though
Genshin and Wuwa don't have real videogames equivalent
HSR gets mogged by billions of already existing JRPGs
Is that why Alhaitham was carried by Clorinde? He was also carried by Kazuha on his first rerun
>furinacucks so assblasted they make shit up
ZZZ will destroy the top 3 games solely relying on furGOD's unspent commission pocket money alone, and all of you can do nothing but cower under the table knowing that all 3 games will probably include some form of furry character to get a piece of that cake.
chinese revenue is literally made up
global is real figures
chinese is projections
fuck off shounenfag
I regret all my cryo & geo bricks now...
It's clear they want you to run her with Furina
Question is, what DPS would want Furina AND hydro resonance?
I think it's more future character insurance autism
Sigewinne would be good if they gave her hydro application
some butthurt brazilian neuvfag found her video and posted it here trying to get people to laugh at her
kurumi became /ourgirl/ and the macaco is still seething
>Made up numbers
The most accurate metric here is global and she is a fucking flop
>for whites
>whites can't even pronounce the names of the characters
she summons pets that do dmg
her burst gives dmg buff based on if hp changes

thats it
How can I check the line for other characters?
uh oh
i'll come back later since there is no much lewd posting this time around
That's based. I love her now
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>genshin is so over xisters, just wait for sensortower
>LGTV and wuwashill
fuck off shitskin
retardo, wuwa shills are using this in their favor to claim it didn't capture wuwa's peak banner sales
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is it normal to roll out of be 7 on a Monday and hop into 4chan where you are from?
>samefag spammer got deleted
Because after all that hyping and shilling, Firefly just ended up a bit above average.
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Does Sige buff Dehya damage enough that I can vape it for big numbers?
Chinese revenue is made up in that chart. like completely out of r/gachagaming ass, not sensor tower
it is Global+CN IOS+CN IOSx3
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>changing goalposts
>Resorting to reruns vs new release
Not surprised that a waifutroon would stoop this low. How saddening! Better C6 your waifu next time so she won't flop ok!
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Post desert beauties
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>kneeling to your own post
how do you access the new theater endgame mode? :(
If it's just a multiplier then shouldn't Wuwa also still beat Genshin then..?
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WW 2

Just like the sensortower rankings LEMEOW
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How fucking embarrassing.
This is Furina's rerun though retarf
>ghost town
>shill'd and raided
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is the new event time gated?
>go to wuwa
>9 out of 10 posts are making fun of the game
wtf that's a lot nicer than what people were posting about
This shit is fucking exhausting.
I should take a break from /vg/ as a whole.
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>my (singular) knees...
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And when they do the bigger number it doesn't count a la Eula
Does it feel more like getting sucked or sucking dick?
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Bros... out prognosed 140 million in revenue that already recouped costs of development......
Whats the point in getting Imaginarium stars? It looks like you just need to clear it to get all the rewards.
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Not a good look for homoposters desu
Omg hi Assmon
erm thats literally this thread too sis
genkek fragility....
Isn't this the guy who's always wrong, but pretends he's right?
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like srsly how did genshart get bodied by an autobattler? its a freaking open-world zelda ripoff bootleg and they still lost

truly the toilet of /vg/
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There is a fischl line where she gets excited about a book you've found to the point where she breaks character and becomes A*y
The new game mode isn’t on Na yet?
sensor tower forgot to extrapolate our profits... again...
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lol what a schizo
It's official, Genshin is now a SOVLFVL game.
arlecchino you tsundere
>Fischl: Huh!? This is supposed to be out of print! I've been looking for this for aaages... I can't believe it! I wonder what else there is around here that I've been missing...
>Fischl: Ahem! I—I mean... The scrolls of destiny that anchor this realm in time and space make for a rather interesting read.
>Fischl: Oz, lend me thy beak and lift the veil of darkness. By the power of my Auge der Verurteilung, the tears and suffering described herein shall be etched in my memory. And so shall I bestow upon them my blessing!

so is anyone gonna answer me or what
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Fuck the Fischl back into her.
For real though, why was Furina's rerun unable to make bank unlike Raiden's and Dookie's?
>wow new gamemode
>you can't even try two thirds of it
nice game genkeks
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If the Genshin Global servers can't beat Wuwa's, then do you really deserve them?
>If it's just a multiplier then shouldn't Wuwa also still beat Genshin then..?
That the CN revenue. for Global is a bit more accurate and not an estimation made by SEAniggers at r/gachagaming but Sensortower
hence why Firefly flopped bigly. genuinely didn't expect her to be even lower than Arle who I thought flopped hard
Everyone is saving up their money to roll on ZZZ.
Archons usually sell more than non Archons
I forgot she even existed
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>New game mode
>Watching wuwaggers scurry under our feet trying to explain why their highest-earning honeymoon period banner has only managed to beat Genshin during its dead patch by a million
It's a good day. I love Genshin Impact
in a little less than 3 hours
probably not bwo everyone is shitposting about fake sales or has already left because of all the fake sales shitposting
Arlecchino's banner despite not having high tiktok hours was stronger the Acherons, the lowest Arle dropped was 22 and her banner lasted 2 months through May even Acheron dropped to 28.
Modern "gamers" don't like playing games and are willing to spend money for it.
Is it true that WUWA sabotaged our sales to make it look mid (to make their mogging look less bad)
they refreshed the fotm status with a 2nd SQ for raiden and nahida but never did that for furina
Westerners hate loli so siggy had bad sales
>pagfly will be the highest selling gacha banner of all time
>36m only
lmao more like the biggest flop of all time
I don't care about sales bullshit.
I will roll for Emilie.
I will enjoy Natlan.
Simple as.
aww fremi gets to enjoy the fairytale book!
love that he remembers he'll follow (you)r orders
thank you for the coffee *kiss* i am very happy with his lines
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new mode too easy
make it harder
>I won't save you if you can't deal with it
>but I will save you if you can't deal with it
Is Arlecchino autistic?
I rolled for Furina and Sigewinne

I don’t care if they ‘flopped’ or succeeded

I am enjoying the game
The jannys and mods are alive?
Gonna try false flagging as wuwag for the keks
Based and congratulations you're one of the only sane posters still here.
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[spoilers im glad janny mass deleted me because now i have a boner to people making fun of me /endspoilers]
>Westerners hate loli so siggy had bad sales
it is slightly higher than last month. Blame Furina and Clorinde for flopping not the loli
The theatre is permanent content
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Nooo you are NOT allowed to simply enjot the game. You are only allowed to shitpost, talk about other gacha games and doompost whatever comes out in Genshin. Simply playing the game is not allowed. Such people don't exist anyway, ALL Genshin players already made the switch to Wuwa by now.

Furina has like 5x her pulls
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nice spoiler
Furiflop got 200 lines in the new clorinde quest though
let me pull ajax
>new gamemode
>2 new characters
>new AQ
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I always feel anxious when he talks about fate
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>dead patch
>shitposting stops as soon as thread reaches post limit
She is a parent and sees you as a child, of course she would encourage you to take a fight and responsibility with it (I won't save you), and back off if you know you can't deal with the enemy so she can do it instead.
Don't forget the archon's first rerun
Floptaine flopped
Wow what a surprise that transfly wasn't even close to being the best selling gacha banner ever. Must be embarrassing for the loser who kept spamming that.
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oh right right right
Have we officially accepted our status as HSR’s cocksleeve?
that dance looks like a humiliation ritual for loosing a bet
The chart literally broke and got rigged against Firefly
It's only phone sales retard.
I have 30 lvl 80s but only a handful have leveled talents and geared with artifacts. Am I cooked for the new event, chat?
ha. it that mobile only?
Firefly actually won
bigly even
wuwa lost even on a chart with 3 banners...
New gamemode came out today disingenuousfag. Clorinde and Siggy had close to zero promotion and hype. AQ is short and doesn't bring money since it doesn't even feature playable characters. And Genshin still bodied wuwa, it's actually quite laughable how bad that game is doing
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>gay gay kaisen
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not as an embarrassing genshin player though kek
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I came to realization that Loom has a nice tits
>Defend Trash
>Defeat 45 Enemies
>If you defeat Enemies you get less time
>Run out of time to defeat 45 Enemies

>saying you'll like something before it's even out and you know anything about it
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>looks at 3.7 sales
nice dying game, genkeks
>Verification not required
>Little girl chatting shit to Alice saying the witch stories are stupid and stuck in the past
>This is why she started the travel guide, just to try and get one back on an actual child
To be fair, I did see some users expressing their opinions about Imaginarium Theater ITT so not all is lost.
Even if minority, this general still has some real players. Could be worse.
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>24 days
not being seething autists helps with having a healthy expectations based on past experience
damn a snack for his yumes, nice
i haven't played it yet but I had fun with the event it was based on
when I get around to it I'll probably like it
All three of them
ummmmmmmmm new bread?
we died, its a last thread
bye /gig/ it was fun while it lasted
Guys, we might be healing
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mmmm nyo thanks
Yeah and good for all three of them, guys who cook are top tier
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>extrapolated at wuwas peak
>still didn't beat clorinde/siggy
>wuwa did even worse
I came too
>not completely basing your rolling and spending on monthly revenue charts
Top fucking kek
Nice revenue site, and they even ask people to pay for this shit
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No retarded double thread. What a blessed day

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