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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7107 - Gardening Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread:>>484187126
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Fuck Sonic's dumb friends
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what is this
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It’s a site that simulates sex between to people
How are those percentages calculated?
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random chance more or less
Size and shape of the male, how it fits inside the female
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Wha he watchin?
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Consent is BASED
oh god
what a retard
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>no ecco the dolphin cameo in sonic
fuck sega
women shouldnt write sonic
remember in sonic adventure 2 how running for a while would give you dashing lines as a visual indicator that you are moving faster?
in a better timeline instead of boostshit we would have gotten games that build on top of the adventure style games and the boost would have just been the original adventure speedup and it would look like this
also does no one else have a problem with how fucking ugly the post generations boost effect looks? its such a fucking eyesore, it doesnt look like its emanating from sonic, it looks like someone stuck a transparent blue dot on his fucking face, unleashed did many things right and the boost effect was one of them, gens just dumbed everything down to absolute shit
furries shouldnt write sonic
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>today I remind them
do you like the story of unleashed
reminder that blazefags are ashamed of this franchise and like to characterfag as blaze because she's the "safe" option for nonfans to use without it being "cringe", they are identical to nintendie sally coomer nonfans who shit in diapers at thirty because it validates their made up gender identity
tell the artist i said this looks like shit and that he's an obsessed somalian polish ukrainian jewish shitskin who wears diapers and jerks off to mlp
I agree with you just because you shit on blaze and and blazefags
Whisper always looks a bit retarded.
>second >
i already told you its decent but boring, it does the bare minimum any sonic story should, also it had cringe sprinkled on top of it, if you remember the cutscenes you already know what im talking about
its literally the "safe" kind of story a corporation like sega who is conscious of its image would want to use for their mascot, so of course its decent but BORING
ive also seen plenty of blazefags around the net that give absolutely zero shits about this franchise and think its cringe but they oh so love the purple waifu kot, she is THE safe sonic character for NONFANS
Do male version of these rape image
ily rape/consent fetishist guy
mostly the consent part
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ok thanks it was my first time asking and I hadn't seen this previous conversation
blazefags shouldnt write sonic
I have never seen the dynamic you're talking about.

Blazefags run /sthg/.
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We love our autistic doggy
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Shadamyfags should write Sonic.
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>keep Shadow poorly written
No thanks
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Shadaria is the only route
I did a Shadow one but it got deleted fast so i guess our Jannie hates make rape
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Make one for Jet please
Is it normal that I suck at SA2 at the beginning?
Consent with Lanolin next, please!
>I have never seen the dynamic you're talking about.
ive seen it plenty of times and so have you
blazefags SPAM sthg
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Why do you never post the full pic? Is it on booru? You can't blueball us forever, also make consent with Sonic
Sonic characters for this feel?
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Sonic with pussy is good, but Sonic with cock and balls is even better
I don't see Blaze being posted more than any other character. The ones getting spammed are Amy, Surge, and Whisper, they always appear in every thread whether you like it or not. Compared to them, Blaze barely exists anymore, especially since the only content she gets nowadays is shipping, and Blazefags hate it.
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>the only content she gets nowadays is shipping
Tell that to Fangfags
If Silver and Jet fought who would rape who?
I don't think it's malicious.

In fact, the more I think about it, I'd say Blazefags here (except Silvazefags) are the people who like the franchise the most.
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How are the Japs aware of Rivals 2 if they never got that game?
how are you aware of sonic channel
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The male human
I want to squeeze Lanolin's tits so hard.
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>the mini silvers are never coming
I hate this image
thats normal for every sonic game, sonic has never been about being so user friendly that anyone can play well without practicing first, sonic encourages replayability to get better at a stage and this alone filters nintendies who cant cope with not getting instant gratification like in their badabing wahoo toddler game so they shit on sonic saying its never been good but they're the ones who lack the patience to play it properly and are the ones who arent fucking good
same faggots that bitch about fighting games being "hard"
but because sanic is a le "90s mascot" it has to appeal to every retarded faggot under the sun and churn out low iq retard shit like the entire 2010s catalog of games
85 percent of icelandic women take screening tests for their prenancies and iceland has a 100% termination rate for fetuses that show chromosone abnormalities
iceland bans the fluoridation of the public water supply
iceland refuses to bail out corrupt (((international bankers))) for their fuckups using tax payer money in a referendum where 98% of voters said no telling the snobbish un faggots to go fuck themselves explaining that taxpayers should not cover for the negligence of private corporations
icelanders should write sonic
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i wish we lived in a golden age where people got along and exchanged ideas freely without the selfish paranoia of copyright so this could be made a reality
god i would play the fuck out of creamin
yes i know that sounds lewd i dont care
consent is misandry
why does she keep taking off the fucking mask? is this the mcu where thor cant wear his fucking helmet and everyone feels the need to show their stupid fucking faces every three seconds and tell shitty jokes and not wear their damn costumes?
fire evan already she's a capeshitter goyslop enjoyer who is ruining sonic
just watch, one of these days she's going to write a chapter with amy rouge and cream and she's going to make them twerk and say "legs open for dingo migrants"
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that's me when i totally legally buy a new chapter of the sonic the hedgehog comic book published by idw corporation and it turns out to be shit because its written and drawn by a woman
Sheep butt
>i'd love to see these two team up again!
sorry racist nippon chuds, best we can do is shitty shipfaggotry team ups featuring silver x whisper and espio x tangle because some furry westoid faggots made that a thing cause of coomer rot
porn rot
die in fire
porn addicts shouldnt write sonic (furries)
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Silver is gay, get over it.
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Bun butt
anyone that thinks surge is a well written character should not write sonic
anyone that thinks silver is gay should not write sonic
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surge is a cool character waiting for a good writer
>bunposting time
Don't mind if I do.
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>Vegeta was used to create Shadow
>Cool masculine character. Second most popular overall
>SSJ Goku was used to create Super Sonic
>Iconic transformation.
>Future Trunks was used to create Silver
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Shadow to me is one of this franchise's most inspired characters and I'm so sad at how thoroughly sega has misunderstood and used him throughout the years. Few moments in this franchise convey such a tender feeling to me as the scenes in sa2 of shadow talking to Maria about wanting to find answers about his life on the earth, wondering exactly why he was so suddenly brought into existance, but eventually realizing his purpose through the love gerald and maria show him, a love he so desperately needed to remember in order to feel whole again. Nowadays, he's just a shell of his former self, sega never knew what made him special.
yea see here's the thing, you know the saying all's well that ends well? i believe that rule also applies to the beginning of a story, hell because i actually have standards i think the whole thing needs to be CONSISTENTLY good, if a story is not consistently good OVERALL with few deviations from good quality then the whole canon needs to be scraped and rewritten from scratch
i dont care if surge gets "fixed" because canonically she's already a dumb neurotic bitch with retarded motives, and retcons are sloppy, quick and dirty like a disgusting quickie from some random skank who sucked my dick for fifty dollars at walgreens that one time
people really have gotten too used to consuming haphazardly written slop
if a story is not consistently good then its shit and thats just a fact
so basically surge's entire story is shit and by extension her character is shit and evan is a miserable feminist gender non binary they/them piece of shit that needs to get shot trough her neck and left bleeding to death while convulsing on the ground ruing the day she decided to write sonic
women named evan shouldnt write sonic
>Sonallyfan were brought in to write stories for Sonic the Hedgehog
>Immediately tried to kill SonAmy
>kid trunks isn't real
>Shadow to me is one of this franchise's most inspired characters and I'm so sad at how thoroughly sega has misunderstood and used him throughout the years.
>misunderstood him
no they just dont care and at the same time they purposefully give him the short end of the stick because, and this is my personal schizo theory, they fear that his character is just TOO good and makes sonic look like shit in comparison
of course this is easily fixed by simply making sonic more fucking interesting and maybe give him some new powers to even out the scales, but nah, lets just write shadow like shit because we're lazy faggots who dont give a fuck and just want our paychecks
wagies shouldnt write sonic
fat people shouldnt write sonic
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don't want silver

don't want dark gaia

don't want rouge the bat

don't want blaze the cat

don't want shadow
don't want shadow
don't want shadow
don't want shadow
You guys know any good level packs for robo blast 2? I'm at the Kimokawaiii part of Sugoi and I want more stages to play
The thing is though, Shadow and Sonic make for a really strong contrast when they're written well, just look at how they are portrayed in Sa2. I doubt there's any fear of him overshadowing Sonic or anything like that, they both have their own appeal and I still gravitate to Sonic more in Sa2 personally, but Sega has shown time and time again they just don't know their own characters. Both have gone through their fair share of misuse but Shadow has definitely gotten the shorter end of the stick. At least Shadow is good in Archie as well, but he's been pretty dreadful in everything else aside from that and Sa2 imo.
uhh based
idk i don't play fangames
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Good morning. I (Espio's human wife) love my husband.
he gave us the most kino moments in the franchise
kill yourself barney shitter the 90s are dead and buried, gens is budget unleashed, mania is overrated and recycled, superstars flopped, move on
>The thing is though, Shadow and Sonic make for a really strong contrast when they're written well
if shitnic team had any sense whatsoever they would have made the franchise's protagonists be both sonic and shadow
>I doubt there's any fear of him overshadowing Sonic or anything like that
i wouldnt put it past the senile ceos at sega to think that could happen
>gravitate to Sonic more in Sa2 personally
same, when i played sa2 for the first time after seeing how much they've been butchering him for the entire 2010s it was such a breath of fresh air, like holy shit sonic still had his SOUL intact at that point in time
>but he's been pretty dreadful in everything else aside from that and Sa2 imo.
what you didnt like 06? he was so smooth there
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>Silver: "But I'm not tired yet..."

>Lanolin: "Too bad! You're coming to bed with me, I need someone to cuddle with after I've been milked!"
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Ok true, he was okay in 06 too I suppose but 06 is such a shit story in it's own right (despite the fact it has soul) that I tend to just dismiss it lol
erm.. Espio is happily married with his Husband,Vector. Now scram you dirty homewrecker!
I'm glad 06 was hated. Every Sonic game trying to be final fantasy would be almost as annoying as them being lame comedies
>Silver: "Can't you just ask Shadow for this shit instead of using me as substitute"
>Lanolin: "SILENCE!"
sorry, but your husband is into bratty Twink
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This guy has spread so much misinformation and people just let it slide. It's crazy.
>Foursome with Espio, his human/anthro/twokind wife, Vector and Silver
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ABT also made a Surge/Kit and Silver/Blaze sticker

Lanolin and Shadow are still solo
>Threesome with Espio, Vector and Silver
>the final fantasy meme again
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You nano brain fucktards will call reality memes because people agree with reality.
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And the other stickers
How is it Final Fantasy
Sonaze sissysters....not like this....
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you say that shit all the time but Sonic 06 literally refuses to die
It's legitimately one of the most loved Sonic games despite people not allowing themselves to speak positively in a direct manner. It gets brought up and discussed positively all the time by fans when not trying to please outsiders or send "a message" to SEGA. It's pretty stupid.
Another bout of 06fags trying to convince the world it's a good game with muh epic themes
>silvaze is canonized
>sonails is canonized
>knuxouge is canonized
>gay couple with adopted son/Chaotix is canonized
>doomerdow is canonized
shipperchads, i can't handle this much shipping..
thank god 06tards are too fucking stupid to trick the rest of the world into believing that 06 is kino
I don't care about convincing you, I would prefer if you just shut the fuck up when we're talking about it. We already know you don't like it. We already know you like to give blowjobs to transgender video game journalists. We already heard all your criticism. SEGA got your message and did what you wanted. You can shut up now.
>creamXvanilla is canonized
The game is ass, no amount of screaming buzzwords is going to change that.
what's the most non-soniclike Sonic games?
Everyone already know that's the common opinion. Why do you feel the need to repeat it all the time when you see someone talk about the game?
Sonic was never supposed to be about bonding with realistic princesses
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>Tfw sega made all those incestuous draws from Abe canon
Ocs are my favorite part of Sonic hell yeah
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They got the idea by looking at the earliest material in the series
i agree, Mobian Line comic was ass
Reminder that Jewel was meant to be Tangle's best friend. They have completely abandoned her for Whisper
>Sonic is taking the picture of his wife, his brother-in-law, brother-in-law's wife and her daughter.
Dumbass spic. It needs to be said so you retarded 06fags don't bury the franchise with your shitty nostalgia.
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Reminder that nobody gives a fuck about shitty IDW OCs. Try killing them off, see if I care
So you think there's a risk? Where's this insecurity suddenly coming from? It's the popular opinion, it's not going to be outnumbered by an alleged loud minority, is it?
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Shipping aside, these stickers are boring
Its like abt focused on his shipping fanfictions instead of making something that has to sell
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Reminder Shadow is a cock lover in all of the fandom's headcanon.
Stupid 3 foot tall cartoonimals make them too cute. Sega should make them human size and more like regular furries in proportion, though some people will still find them cute.
>ABT ships Sontails, Silvaze, Whispangle and Knuxouge
And of course no explanation was given for the stupid Final Fantasy meme
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>Surge gives up on giving Tangle nasty nicknames, because she adapts and loves them all

Damn, random Tangle W
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Only side characters get shipping. Main / more important characters are in the volcel limbo
You're Brazilian, what's the point?
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I'm telling you people to buy your Shadolin stocks now while they're still low. She's the perfect character to pair with Shadow since they have the same personality type.
I can't believe Shadow and Lanolin are main characters for being volcel loners
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Sonic's the coolest guy ever. But how can that be the case if it's just a mask in some people's headcanons. It should just come naturally if he's actually that cool. I have a feeling that people who like Sonic for that, don't like his character for the same reasons I do.
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>the same personality type
Which is...?
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Mencionaram o Brasil!
>no argument
brazilians won
>His coolness is actually a mask to hide his insecurities!
Fuck this
standing far away from the group and being loners
Didn't Lanolin literally form her own team?
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>IDWtards spotted
Stfu niiger
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We WILL "destroy" the franchise with our 2006 nostalgia and there's nothing you can do to stop us. Suck it up faggot.
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Whisperfags really are pathetic...
>being a loner
>joins the Restoration
>works directly with director Jewel
>forms the Diamond Cutters
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These were all requests for the people attended Sonic Revolution. Not personal. I was there.
Nobody likes Elise stop trying
>shipfag doesn't actually read the comic
Are you surprised?
who are you talking to
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Some people like Elise stop crying
sonic REALLY likes elise
I like Elise. I like her introduction and how Eggman treats her. I like her interactions with Amy. I like how she understands Sonic won't stay with her. I like the kiss scene. I don't care if you dislike her.
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The stickers were requests? Did he not make them ahead of time?
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>not posting the superior whiteboard
I think it could handle 180kg, world record is 500kg or something, and it's lighter than your mom
I like Sonic x Elise better than Sonamy because there's no chasing. If I managed to stomach the game and beat it, I would 100 times out of 10 choose Elise over Amy in that part. I don't even think there's that much Sonamy shippers here anyways.
kek, true. I made it the fuck up. Still buying Shadolin stocks, tho.
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Elise should've been a Prince so that Westerners can enjoy pozzed aids-ridden gaybuttsex representation
The parallel between Elise and Amy helps showing Sonic's character. They both like him, and Sonic rescues both at one point, but the two girls are different. Sonic's behavior stays the same, it's the two girls that handle the situation differently (because they are different individuals with different characteristics). Ultimately Amy is more likely to stay with Sonic (not necessarily in a relationship, I mean physically close) thanks to her freedom, strength and persistence, whereas Elise is tied to Soleanna, which doesn't fit Sonic as he doesn't stay in one place. This gives an expanded view of Sonic's character and his relationships.
You keep posting the same image
Get new material
He had an entire stream dedicated to taking requests/suggestions for what stickers to make. It was mainly for people interested in buying them.
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The only thing I don't like about Elise are the stages where you play while carrying her, because they limit Sonic's movement.
These worthless 06 zoomers will actually try and convince you that Elise is overhated
>"superior whiteboard"
>posts inferior whiteboard
>taking request/suggestions
>no Shadow/Amy
You appear to be the minority right now, which is kinda strange.
am I wrong for posting the superior version?

Thoughts on you?
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*Latin chants in the background and drums and music intensifies as I break out of my chains one by one*
Heheheheheh.....Im calling out all week AND with PTO to cover the rest......no more wageslave.....NO *rips off shackles* MORE *rips off another* WAGIE *grabs last chain, rips off a chunk of the foundation, swings it around and throws it at my job, myself still attached, and punches through the foundation chunk and through my job and the planet* CAAAAAGIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE
*screeches, dabs, and teleports away*
>If I managed to stomach the game and beat it
How far did you get?
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It's the boring one. Hedgehogs and more hedgehogs? Wow, how exciting.
I got this since the shippers already suggested a Blaze sticker.
Someone already suggested Amy/Jewel first >>484238260
actual satam bunnie is so disgusting compared to how cute she is in fanart
Sonicman is the only character introduced in 06 that has fans and isn't controversial.
Everyone hated Elise, Mephiles was dumb as fuck and Silver is exclusively held up by the fact that he's a male hedgehog.
Mephiles isn't controversial. Fans generally like him and non-fans can't tell him apart from Shadow.
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>*kills them with a psychic titty twister*
>*proceeds to fuck Espio*
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/sthg/ republic, what's the appeal of shonen?
That's cute sweetie. Now let's get that makeup on!
>they get mad over a japanese whiteboard
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>Hedgehogs and more hedgehogs? Wow, how exciting.
Amy would say this but unironically (despite her seemingly unimpressed tone).
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Powerfagging and fights
Can someone post the "you will never be a Shonen" pasta?
They who? No one is mad here.
Sonic chooses monarchy
what the fuck is japan?
Idk, just a bunch of salty posters
Lost World and Boom, non-soniclike was literally their goal with those projects.
Sonic also chooses to date humans but we don't do any of that here
A country on planet Mobius.
oh yeah? Like those nobodies? How exciting
in my mind
Anon is fantasizing about having baited people. Any sane person can see that it's a pretty beautiful albeit generic board. That Shadow at the top is especially nice.
I can't imagine anyone getting mad until it gets reposted another 40 times.
Pick one.
>Anon is fantasizing about having baited people
Kek. So another tryhard shitposter, just as I thought.
he's going to end up tainting that image by spam association like Whisper sitting in the corner when it actually is a pretty image.
I am going to post a picture of Sonic characters
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can never put my finger on it but I have always hated Shadow's sa2 model
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>nicole and belle are the only ones willing to interact with ocs from another product
Why is Silver there
Jewel is touching Cream
this was drawn by a woman and the joke is that silver is gay.
the punch line is that silver is doing girly things with girls and that makes him cute and silly. He's a smoll cinnamon bean boy. He's a little gay homo baby googoo gaga. They just want to pinch his cheeks. He is so unmasculine that all of those girls could be naked and not be the slightest bit concerned about him.
Humiliation ritual.
shipping is gay
he meant the ocs interacting with other ocs
i'm not counting the game characters as ocs
>excited seeing Nicole beans
>they're just the bottom of her slippers
Don't blue ball me like this Nicole...
it's so over
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Sonic games for this Feeling?
silver and sonia is actually a kino reference every time
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Explain why you think Forces' story is bad without pointing to out-of-game material (example: "it's bad because it contradicts character development from another game") or budget constraints.
It's okay, not everyone can be up to the challenge
I should become a YouTuber and shit on Sonic for easy money. Which Sonic game should I start?
Sonic Frontiers
oversaturated market
why silverfags are like this?
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because they're either gay or women
just like silver
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Gay guy invited to the girl slumber party (he was merely pretending and will rape them when they go to sleep).
This was the fakest controversy in all of Sonic. People acted like this was some affront to God himself, called it literal bestiality, and still bring this moment up anytime anyone even thinks of mentioning Sonic 06. Meanwhile, this fandom is built almost entirely out of furries, and the fact that everyone wants to fuck Rouge's fat bat tits is common knowledge even among normalfags.
Classic Sonic is there for no reason whatsoever and disappears just as fast as he first shows up and with an equal lack of consequence
Infinite, as based as he is, is just the most powerful being because of the magic gem which shows up, just, because, and then he is suddenly not the most powerful being and is now on equal footing, just, because
The story has no structure, what is the middle, what is the climax, is the middle Infinite fight #2? Is the climax the Eggbot with the rad music? Or is it the follow up final boss Eggbot with the timed attacks? Or is it the final Infinite fight? Less of a structure and more like a bulletlist of things that are so quickly resolved that I have to call it a bulletlist as opposed to scenes
Characters are there to have faces and voices and all of it is the describe the levels. Tails freaks out that Sonic loses and is sad when Classic Sonic leaves, Rouge is excited to see Omega, and everyone is scared of the imminent sun crashing down on them, and I think that is every scene with any emotion, stakes, or interaction in the game
Is the story bad? Not egregiously bad, Sonic loses to a big bad, is released, proceeds to free up lost territory and beats up the guy who beat him and Eggman and saves the day, it's there, just really basic. It wouldn't be nearly as judged if it was sold as a Classic Sonic game than a Modern Sonic, because Classic kinda gets away with good guy runs to beat bad guy, Modern Sonic has too much precedent of having storylines that it sets a bar and Forces didn't quite reach it
But I'm hungry and I'm gonna fap so what do I know maybe I'm just cranky
It deserves the hate. This is the one instance of Sonic trying too hard to seem big and serious. Sonic should have badass skater×shonen vibes not some arcane whimsical shit.
His pp is too small
They are also together in Sonic Forces thought the Rivals games do have Japanese Wikipedia articles. I found out that the japs are as confused about Silver's backstory as we are because of that.
I really wish there was a little more of Classic looking at Shadow like, who the frick is THAT
You gotta crank that shaft and crank out a meal to exorcise your crankiness.
>Classic Sonic is there for no reason whatsoever
The world needed a Sonic
>They are also together in Sonic Forces
They stood in the same room. They did not interact with each other in that game.
That's how he makes sure they don't wake up.
Nah, the girls wait until Silver is asleep and then rape him.
>I found out that the japs are as confused about Silver's backstory as we are because of that
I'm gonna need proof of that, anon
And that's when people are usually like, well, what's the point of Buddy, then? I thought the player stand in was supposed to the hero to save Sonic, but if Sonic can just save Sonic, then?

And they're not wrong, I thought Buddy and the custom Avatar thing is great and should kinda stay as a staple, I'm actually glad they dialed in Classic a bit and gave Buddy his space
They'll never top this rivalry. After SA2's success, they tried with Blaze, Silver, Infinite and Surge but all of them are lacking in various areas.
Yeah, I agree. I also kind of came to like the "the world needs a sonic" thing in a way though, it's just lame how it's used in Forces

Will Silver ever beat the gay allegations?
>tumblr link
I'm not clicking that.
Someone find it
I don't think Blaze ever failed as much as people didn't really care about her until way after the fact since people wanted 2D games like S3&K and Rush shit all over that.
Can Shadow Drop Dash in Shadow Generations?
How would we know?

Read the character Silver parts. They have all the same confusion about erased timelines and Blaze as we do.
Blaze wasn't really a rival as much as she was just being a frigid bitch.

Silver was a complete failure due how badly they messed up 06, same with Infinite due how bad Forces was.

Surge is just an attempt to make Scourge canon, not a recreation of Shadow
Some people have played the demo and I only discovered that Sonic can Drop Dash in this new version of Generations a couple days ago because nobody was talking about it. So it's possible some people know and nobody is talking about it.
silly gaijin, the japs only know about the TRVE KINO that is Sonic The Hedgehog 2006
nobody goes outside here
Infinite wasn't a failure. He did everything he was supposed to as a character unlike Silver who was supposed to be one of the faces of the franchise but didn't take off at all.
Did that anon who posted Blaze getting fucked get his 3 day vacation? Kinda wish he posted some more Blaze plap damb I love high heels and artists really like showing her tail emote her pleasure of the penetration and it's incredibly hot I am stiff right now my dudes this is what I'm saying
People still hated Infinite though. He was like one of the worst parts of Forced
I mentioned Surge because she stole two of Shadow's lines

>"You're not good enough to be my fake"
>"This is who i am"

While having his bio data or whatever. They even used a DBZ character and other Japanese stuff as inspiration since it worked for Shadow. Almost all characters released after Shadow is trying to reach his level but end up being background fodder.
>I like Sonic x Elise better than Sonamy because there's no chasing
The lack of chasing is why it doesn't go anywhere. SonElise is entirely contained within '06 because it can only exist while Sonic is passing through Soleanna and gets caught in an adventure that forces him to interact with Elise on a regular basis since she's a damsel he must rescue several times.

Amy chasing Sonic is the narrative vehicle to create regular interactions between Sonic and Amy throughout all the adventures across the series. It keeps Amy in Sonic's circle and creates the romantic tension. Because, that is the only way to have romance exist in Sonic's life. It must come to him.
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If you even care
>they tried to recreate Tails with Cream, Charmy, Wave, Marine and Kit
>they failed
>they tried to recreate Knuckles with Fang, Rouge and Storm
>they failed
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Imagine being the guy who spent $25 for that shit and then they gave it away for free
>for free
What were they thinking??
There is no way on god's green hill that Penders thinks this change looks better than the original right? Do you think the people who agreed to let him reprint Archie stuff also agreed to this?
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>Almost all characters released after Shadow is trying to reach his level but end up being background fodder
Only Silver arguably tried to do this and failed. I doubt the guy that worked on SA1's story and made his perfect cat waifu was thinking about chasing Shadow's popularity
no fucking way
Drawing a very 'Merican 4th of July Bunnie, what weapon would she use to celebrate good ol USA's independency
double barrel
AR-15 from Wal-Mart
American weapon icons are the musket, double barrel shotgun, and M14.
Okay, I'll replay Sonic Superstars now. You win Sega.
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Oh hey did the new Penders stuff drop already? I know he was still taking orders recently, did they ship?
You guys make it seem like Japan doesn't have YouTube
Amyfags? you underestimated how people can fall in love with a silly little characters from a silly mascot platformers franchise
amytroons in shambles
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Archie if they hadn't been pussies
Yo know what really grins my gears in this pic?
The drawing is awesome as an all sonic girls pic but boy, having silver there and sissyfying him, completely ruins the pic.
Holy based
Nice work Mina Chad
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Is this by the artist that ships them here?>>484252938
Archie if it stuck to the early 2000s shipping chaos
Sonic didn't even cared that much about her, heck she kissed him, and the dude was shocked because he was seeking sally at the time.
*rips off my shirt*
*grabs nearest anon and moshes*
No one have the knuckles and Amy one?
No anon NO!
I GOTTA USE THE TOILE-*BBbrbrrRrRrrrBbBbRrPppapPPL!!!!!!*
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Don't care, bleeeeeeh
>Japan loves Silver this much
>If he ever got a game you just know they won't buy it anyway
>Amy one?
no Amy
No Amy, Team Sonic only.
Fuck Sally, Mina is better
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If you even care
I was able to generate this Surge
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Mina is married dude.
I care
You want something colored?
Post fatten up Blobians
if sonic team just built on top of their original formulas like normal fucking devs, if they just kept the same physics as the original genesis devs and then added the new shit few people would complain except hardcore puritan autists
I'm sorry. I scrolled that thread 50 times and I just couldn't find it.
It's alright, it's all on me, because I'm a moron.
For that pic in your post, it doesn't make me blind, so it's not intense enough for that.
Stop hating on Sally she's the best
Sonic into Dreams was Sonic's first 3D appearance, not Jam
Have you checked the booru for that guy's deliveries?
No, it was Sonic 3d Blast.
Booru is for /sthg/ original art. Most of the color edits are for artwork outside of here.
Yes. its not there.
Are you going to post blurred version of it and tell me to look harder and kill myself?
No, why would I? just making a suggestion.
just one You? c'mon man, are there like only three people here??
No, it was isometric.
By that definition, SegaSonic was first.
Really? I saw alot of tdfwnn edits recently.
Because we both know for a fact that color edits are only for edits of thread's original arts, neither of them are there and you're just shitting me with a stupid question.
Sonic characters for this feel?
>Sonic's first 3D appearance was Sonic Jam
Wasn't Sonic the Fighters?
Geoffrey and Hershey if she was a human I guess? Gosh internet is so strange, never in my life would have thought someone would self-insert because she loves pepe le pew.
When the frick will I ever play Through the Fire and Flames on Expert
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>every single discussion on Sonic games is so fucking depressing, and it always ends with doomposting
i can't take this anymore, i want Sonic to be good again..
i can't take this anymore..
I think you're paranoid, man... just suggested the booru because you never know.
3d opening and 3d sprites.
>Sonic's first 3D appearance
Sonic is good. Stop imagining things.
Ignore him, anon. He's been doing this months.
What are the chances that SEGA will announce Superstars Plus this year?
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Sonic 3

There's an Adventure skin too

I still think it might happen but at this point I thiink it was delayed
sonic and madonna
FUCK yeah I forgot about Doom
*melts face off with BFG division and all of Eternal's OST*
Dave Filoni and Ian who is better and who is worse
My wives!
Wouldn't Honey just act similar to Archie Honey when she is wearing the red dress, which she always was?
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>an entire year for shitmy
Why are they wasting their time with AMY of all characters? They could've shilled Silver, Blaze, or even Tails and Knuckles, literally any characters that are significantly more interesting than Amy
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Requesting gun bun colored.
pink girl minnie mouse character is a good character, leave her alone

she deserves all the attention she gets
shut up and take my money
Do you think the Sonic Generations re-release will be 60 FPS on Switch?
What was Sonic's first true 3D appearance in your opinion?

SegaSonic the Hedgehog (June 1, 1993)
Sonic the Fighters (June 1996)
NiGHTS Into Dreams (July 5, 1996)
Sonic's Schoolhouse (October 18, 1996)
Sonic 3D Blast (November 5, 1996)
Sonic Jam (June 20, 1997)
Sonic R (November 18, 1997)
Sonic Adventure (December 23, 1998)
When was Shadow's first 3D appearance?
Those Sonic 3 sprites weren't 3d. Had less frames than the CD sprites.
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well fed blobians
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SA2? Nah.
you need to imagine that Sonic is good
No need to imagine, it already is
Well played. Could argue its just shading but still.

Don't think there was an actual 3d model referenced. Probably a custom IRL model.
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>white muzzle
>white patch
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Shadow is good too.
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So, why did people claim the Super Sonic sprites in Origins were stolen from complete? Sure the difference is minimal but how much variance could Super Sonic sprites have?
It didn't sell well but It was released in a bad month and Sonic team has a problem.
Kishimoto is working on 'Frontiers 2" that will take time and Shigihara and many Generations old staff is releasing now Shadow generations si they need a new project to pad thing until both staff release/start their next project.
And seeing that they aren't working on a remaster maybe a superstars plus or a Superstars 2 bundle with the first game as a bonus could be a good idea

It's been pointed out before that Superstars has more content than Sonic Mania Plus. Can't think of anything that would make for a Plus patch given what's already in the game.
people still have hope for Superstars? i thought we unanimously agree that it was a flop
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stop using absolutes
>File: 1717803973175130.gif (331 KB, 406x406)
>stop using absolutes
I want to see the conclusion of Trip and Fang's love story
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Well, I don't. Fuck you. Supertards is a flop because no one is buying enough, and they're gonna vault Trip and Fang forever
I think we need more fan artists to explore what Honey is like without her dress.
It's not a self insert that artist ships all the Looney Tunes with human female versions of themselves (even the ones that are already female)
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Even months after they revealed Trip's real appearance they pair her with Fang. It's safe to say they're a couple for life now.
kinda based
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>superstars is just OOC shipping
Infinite is an idiot.
>Infinite fights someone with killing intent
>Infinite defeats the person he fights
>Infinite lets them go for no reason
This happens several times in Forces, it happens with Omega, Shadow, the Avatar, Sonic and the Avatar a second time.
This happens because if Infinite kills them then Sonic is completely defeated which legally isn't allowed to happen and if they beat Infinite then the story ends before it we even get past Episode Shadow so Eggman never takes over the world meaning the game doesn't happen.
>Infinite is an idiot.
Isn't that the point though? He's supposed to look strong but if you pay attention you notice he's just a loser who got access to power he doesn't know how to use and that is ultimately useless, which both Sonic and Shadow figure out immediately.
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Amy is naked.
Amy is shit
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Amy is based.
Amy is Sally.
Amy is Anon
>skin-colored heart-shaped chest patches on reasonably-proportioned female blobians

Sonic characters for this feel?
>Sonic Movie 3
>it has it's own version of "Holding out for a Hero" remix and scene
based or crinje?
Only if there's a wedding scene between Amy and Shadow
i hope IDWfags will face the same fate as Archie- err i mean.. Mobian Line fags
i can't fucking take this anymore..
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Doubtful. Even if IDW goes under, those books are going to stay in print at Image/Skybound.

I pray that the Sonic license ends up at Skybound. Maybe then, we'll get cool shit like picsreel.
we don't have any confirmation on Amy
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I am constantly astounded by Sonic fans willingness to just push back against any perceived criticism of the games. We are never going to get a game that even looks as good as Mario Bros Wonder when you have fans like this who take it as a personal attack when you say something mean about models over a decade old.
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>5 Days and we'll be shown 1 second of AI generated footage from the prologue
Is it just me or is it weird that we're getting this before the Movie Trailer?
I think there’d be more merit to that fact if he didn’t beat the shit out of Sonic.
Mario - beloved Nintendo franchise who gets all the budget and Miyamoto oversees it
Sonic - small as fuck budget
We just had that in the Wade show
bnuuy sex
When I glanced at the small image preview, and then for almost a split second when I looked at the image, I thought that was a screenshot of Sonic Lost World.

Mario Bros Wonder looks like a generic Mario game like NSMB. The only reason anyone thinks it looks so good is because they updated the animations after NSMB stagnated for so long. It's not that impressive.
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Updating animations goes a fair bit.
It would especially be so if fucking Sonic gave the characters good animations.
>When I look at the image as a tiny preview It looks worse than when I can actually see the full image.
Are you serious?
If he is both able to kill and willing to kill but doesn't, then it is a tentacle blade instance.
This is not the same as him failing to beat Sonic once he has help from the Avatar because friendship, in these situations he is already victorious and they don't have help.
>"Flee, screaming, and I'll let you live."
>the Avatar doesn't scream or flee
>Infinite spares their life anyway
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He chomps hot dogs for breakfast, lunch and dinner
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>Low rez screenshot

It isn't that Wonder looks better on the technical side of things. It's very much in the artstyle and animations. Add in that Nintendo not only pumps money into the portly plumber but also doesn't have to deal with multiple SKUs and you're gonna get something that looks way better than Superstars.

Sonic Superstars is made in Unity btw.
I'm not saying I don't want more and better animations, just that it isn't the most impressive and amazing thing in the world. Feels kind of bare minimum-ish for the latest big entry in a famous series and I find it ridiculous that a game like Wonder gets so much praise for things like that when it doesn't do anything impressive overall.

Yes. I'm in the Sonic general and I expect to see Sonic things. I saw the image and before paying attention I legitimately thought it was Lost World. That really says something about Lost World, doesn't it?
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>no clothes
>no toes
perfect logic, there.
Mobian female anatomy vs islander female anatomy
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So Ian and his talk about the comic staying for the long run aren't full of shit, right?
Yeah. IDW can go bankrupt and Sega will just pick another comic publisher.
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Probably full of shit. See "Sonic Prime is teh canon yo".

Just so we're clear, Sonic is the only license that has problems reprinting old material. Note how I said "problems" and not lack of demand. This is entirely due to Pendering.

Assuming IDW and Sega got their contracts in order this time around, those IDW issues will stay in print at whatever publisher gets the license next.

GI Joe continues to have its material from multiple publishers (Marvel, Devil's Due, IDW) get reprinted at Skybound. Same with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Transformers. It's only the Sonic license that has this weird issue with older works.

No (legitimate) Archie Sonic reprints.
No Sonic the Comic reprints.
No Sonic manga whatever its called reprints.

A fact that remains retarded given the "lol issue #900 lol" IDW released.
Why is it so slow today? I know it's Monday but it's usually not this bad
When did you first realize how inconsistent the Sonic franchise truly is?
you know nothing
Sorry, I'm not doing a lot of samefagging recently, I'm very busy with college this week
As soon as it jumped to 3D
don't you have a life irl?
>lol issue #900 lol
How was that calculated?
Why the fuck is the actual animation a console exclusive? Just put it on YouTube like the Knuckles short was
Yes but I'm hospitalized so currently not really
Sonic x Madonna
As far as I can tell it's only a small part that's PlayStation exclusive
Sega. I hate you so much. Stop rushing Sonic games.
>The Sega published comics (Sonic the Hedgehog promotional comic, Sonic Forces digital comic, Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Convergence) make six total.
>The Archie Comics published comics (original miniseries, main series, Sonic Specials, Princess Sally miniseries, Tails miniseries, Knuckles miniseries, Sonic Quest miniseries, Sonic Super Specials, Knuckles the Echidna, Archie & Friends: A Halloween Tale, Sabrina the Teenage Witch #28, Sonic X, Free Comic Book Day issues, Sonic Universe, Sonic Super Special Magazine, Sonic Super Digest, Mega Man crossover issues, Halloween Comic Fest, Sonic Boom, Worlds Unite Battle Books, Sonic: Mega Drive miniseries) adds 560, making it 566 total.
>The Fleetway Editions published comics (Sonic the Comic, Sonic the Poster Mag, various specials) adds 238, making it 804 total.
>The Grandreams published comics (The Official Sonic the Hedgehog Yearbook 1993 and 1994) adds two, making it 806 total.
>The IDW Publishing published comics (main series, Team Sonic Racing one-shots, annual edition comics, Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper miniseries, Halloween Comic Fest, Sonic the Hedgehog: Bad Guys miniseries, 30th Anniversary specials, Free Comic Book Day issues, Sonic the Hedgehog: Imposter Syndrome miniseries, Sonic the Hedgehog 2: The Official Movie Pre-Quill, one-shot comic, Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island miniseries, Sonic the Hedgehog: Issue 1 5th Anniversary Edition, Sonic the Hedgehog 900th Adventure) adds 94, making the grand total of 900.
Lol that's pretty silly.
Sonic characters for this feel?
Weren't some of the later issues just reprints?
They take 5 years to make nowadays. Dev time alone doesn't mean much, you need to account for other factors like how many people work on it, what they do, how much they get paid, how the team is organized, and probably a bunch of other things too.
Seems everyone loves the Roger Rabbit silly animal Jessica Rabbit Hot girl dynamic.
Kit and Surge
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Add this to the OP
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Splats a cute
Eggman and Maria
The American bible vs Sonic Team lore split was the true beginning of the series inconsistency
As long they don't do another reset like murican comics does and it picks when it left, fine by me.
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>all three hedgehogs have alternate skins
>>The Sega published comics
>Sonic the Hedgehog promotional comic
Which one is this? Name is too generic.
>IDW won't be vaulted, really!
I wish I could be this delusional
Because it's kino
You just made me realize. I assumed it was a skin for Modern since it's 3D and I associate Jam with Adventure.
fartchie troon...
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Currently making some preview shots for a PONYXL update to my Loras for Sonic characters.
Any prompts/recommendations?


These are the ones I'm doing right now.
(I'll update my Rouge later. And maybe create a Marine the Raccoon one)
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Good night.
sex queen
There's no way SXSG won't be a big success.
Generations on its own doesn't have as many detractors in the fanbase as games like Colors and Heroes do and now they're adding Shadow to it with new levels, bosses and an actual story.
I hate to admit it, but I'm excited.
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How do I feel comfy in this wretched world?
any art anons here, use this
Drag Knuckles...
Taint the images so the ais cant train off of them
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Sega sees net loss of 6.6 billion yen due to business restructuring in Europe and cancelled games:

What do you think about this?
No. I use the Affinity Suite of tools.
They are essentially a non-jewed Adobe.
That way even regual joes can't enjoy them.
And just paste your own watermark all over them for good measure. Good job.
I've been poisoning every picture I post here for a while lol
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I loved this moment so much its one of the greatest moments in Sonic comics history
Could Kit defeat Blaze?
I hope they sell Sonic to a richfag that is autistic as us
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Mine is built in
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How much is that in freedom bucks?
comfy genesis remix
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No shit.
I'm sure this is a scam.
It's anti-scam. It kneecaps ai training
41 million

>This does not mean that Sega’s games performed badly, as titles such as Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Sonic Superstars and PSO 2: New Genesis did well, boosting Sega’s sales throughout the fiscal year (net sales decreased by only 2.6%).

So game sales in general were good but not as good as last year. Also says Superstars was a success.
Can you spoonfeed me?
>Sonic Superstars was a success
>no Superstars Plus
Built in into what?
Superstars is already a physical game, Pluses are for digital only games.
How about Microsoft?
>Details about Microsoft buying Sega serface:
Trip and Fang sex scenes (uncensored)
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It's Penders, he acquires rights to EVERYTHING Sonic.
Fuck I didn't notice until as I was about to post. Would still be funny though.
They can't do that Sega is a foreign company
>Atlus have tended to have deep ties with the PlayStaton brand
Nobody ever remembers Etrian Odyssey.

Anyways, this sounds fake.
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Why wouldn't Sega post a loss after flushing $100M down the drain with Hyenas?
>those books are going to stay in print at Image/Skybound.
>Being this fucking delusional
The only license IDW has that matters right now is TMNT
Hell, fucking Star Trek is more valuable than Sonic
>Sega will just pick another comic publisher.
That's now how it fucking works you fucking idiot
The publisher approaches for the license
They PAY for the license
Will it still be "IDW Sonic" or will a new storyline take its place?
At least with Penders all porn and ships would be canon, so I would'nt mind
Or anything that isn't Persona.
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he's handsome
For the longest time I thought the super genesis wave was the set up into the new timeline without the Penders characters. It wasn't until a few days ago that I learned Sonic undid the whole thing which led into robo sally
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Did someone say shipping?
If no contract and rights meddling happens,perhaps it will go as usual, with some retcona at the very least.
That was the genesis wave you're referring to. The Super Genesis Wave did reset the timeline.
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Genesis Shadamy!
I didn't know there were two of them. My only experience with archie was sometimes going to toys r us and grabbing a sonic 2 pack with a bonus comic
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We have numbers and Sega's word.
I want to see what happens when a master writer touches Sonic comics and see what they would do with the comics. Someone super talented, not just someone who's good, someone who is absolutely amazing.
Why hasn't Amy raped Fang yet?
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Why hasn't she raped you? You need to put yourself out more.
>we will get higher budget for Sonic thanks to Frontiers
>net loss of 41 million $
There was at least some hope
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The Sonic Technical Files seems to have Sonic's age at 18, Tails' age at 10 and Knuckles' age at 15.

None of that sounds right altogether. I mean, Sonic being 3 years older than Knuckles?!
Fang taking Trip's first time!
Retcons, anon, retcons.
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I got tired of working on one joke project for 4 days in a row so I made this.
Isn't that confirmed to be a complete myth?
But we already had Tracy Yardley and Patrick Spaziante do Sonic comics.
Trip taking Fang's virginity!
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This is basically confirming that 3D Blast is non-canon.
3D Blast isn't a 3D Sonic game. It's isometric.
does 3D Blast even have a story?
Trip sees Fang's softer side during lovemaking
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The fact retcons like this even needed to happen is kinda silly. It feels like each of the characters' conceptions were clashing with each other.

This character outline for Sonic in the Technical Files, listed before the "Origin Story" covering the three episodes about the test pilot, might be the original character outline from the start of Sonic 1's development and the creation of Sonic himself. And apparently, they intended him to be 18.

But then Amy is introduced in CD at age 8 while also being featured in the manga where she's dating Sonic's alter-ego Nicky, who was about 10, with "Sonic" himself apparently being Nicky from the future at age 16.

And then you get Tails in Sonic 2, who is also 8, or "about 10" as described in these technical files, but his creator has also stated that Tails was originally created with the image of beng 5 years old. So I guess 8 is just the average between 5 and 10, in that case.

And finally, we have Knuckles, who was designed to be Sonic's Rival, his opposition, the red to Sonic's blue, bigger and taller and stronger than Sonic. But his age is 15. The original age for Sonic being 18, and even the Amy-adjacent manga future?age of 16, feels very ill-fitting for Sonic if the rival figure against him is younger than him at 15. Especially when Knuckles is designed to be noticeably taller and bigger than Sonic, and matching him as an equal that can overpower him.

No wonder Sonic Adventure was sort of a soft reboot for the series. The Classic Era was a mess.
It's pretty telling of 3D Blast's quality when the first game I think of when I read the words "3D Blast" in reference to Sonic, is Sonic Blast.
I think of Sonic Blast because it is notably awful, 3D Blast is bad in a forgettable kind of way.
Yeah, not to mention some games just can't exist in same contiunity. Like how Knuckles got duped twice (Triple Trouble), no, thrice (Pocket Adventure)
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trip embarrassing fang after learning all of his weaknesses!
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When it comes to ages I don't even know what to believe. Most of my understanding of the characters' ages comes straight from the Sonic Heroes.
Rouge's age in the Heroes manual must have been an error, because Sonic Channel has listed her age as 18 for years before they removed all ages.
holy mother of ooc
Id like to think that SEGA is so salty about the Saturn that they want to pretend Jam was the only 3D Sonic game before Adventure and 3D Blast, Fighters and R aren't canon
Yeah but lots of official material has had their ages different than what they were previously listed as.
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Not really. Rouge's age is 18, period. Since Sonic Adventure, the ages have been fixed and consistent, and any deviation is likely just a publishing error, and such deviations have rarely happened.

I like cute shipping! You should try some! It's very good!
Ah ma stars
You know we're in the middle of a conversation about retcons right?
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I started the conversation, and the "retcons" in regards to ages only happened with Sonic Adventure cleaning up the contradicting nonsense that was the Classic Era.
I do too! In-character of course, I suggest trying that! It's a lot less retarded!
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I see stars whenever I see Bunnie. I think I should see a doctor.
Knuckles being younger than Sonic makes sense. His naïveté is a pretty important part of his character.
And how are you determining the difference between an error and a retcon?
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16bit remakes of the 8bit games when
Tang is an exploration of Trip and Fang!
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I care
Never. Remaking them would show how barebones they are in comparison to the 16 bit versions.
Ages are stupid. Sonic went from multiple ages to 15-16 while being like the only person in the world that's basically enlightened.
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>Knuckles being younger than Sonic makes sense.
No it doesn't, because he is the RIVAL who is bigger and stronger than Sonic. Knuckles' naivete isn't an age thing, it's a social upbringing thing, and he's supposed to be clever and smart in other ways.

Just look at Knuckles & Sonic side by side, and you should know darn well that Knuckles isn't younger than any of the others, especially not Sonic.
Personally I like the idea of Knuckles being older than Sonic. It emphasizes the idea of Knuckles being a sort of older sibling character that tries to be the responsible one that gets irritated at everyone else. It also pushes the point of Sonic appearing to be an obnoxious younger sibling, only to subvert that by having him be deceptively wise and coolheaded for his age.
Just play the SMS Remake series. They’re still 8-bit but they’re the definitive versions.
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>The ones getting spammed are Amy, Surge, and Whisper
They already happen from time to time.
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BOOMERdow is the only one with consistent age. (He's old)
The understanding that Rouge is meant to be 18, and character ages don't fly all over the place from Adventure onwards.
Whisper is nowhere as popular as any game character barring Charmy and Cream.
More like your fancharacters that look like them!
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Why is Whisper more popular than Tangle? When there's popularity polls Whisper is always a little above Tangle despite being less cool than Tangle and weaker than Tangle.
>It also pushes the point of Sonic appearing to be an obnoxious younger sibling
This part makes absolutely no sense when Tails and Amy exist with the specific intent that they are younger than Sonic, and Sonic is the older, wiser and more mature one towards them.
Whisper is hot and you can ship her with Silver
Checking in on the steam sales charts, top three games are:
Adventure 2
and Mania.

Funny enough, releasing Amy slave maid dlc has increased player numbers. Don't think it helped sales but that's something.
Because Whisper is mentally ill and cries all the time.
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Trip rewards Fang with pancakes if he's good, and beats him up if he's bad
>Blazefags hate it.
Only when it's with Silver. Blazefags jizz themselves over anything Sonaze. They think it makes her important or some shit.
Don't argue with Trip tards. They're only trying to bait for replies as people are going to fully forget about her once SXSG comes out later this year.
Shadow is 15 and has been for 50 years since his creation on the ARK, and most of those years he was sleeping.

There is nothing old about him.
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Whisper is super popular purely because of her design.
>Also her wisp based weaponry is pretty cool.
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Life is short. Ask your crush out, now. Accidents happen. You don't want to be too late.
Being paired with Sonic makes anyone important.
It's like a fundamental aspect of his universe that being glued to his ass makes you the second most important person at any given time.
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Because Whisper is emotional and DEEP and Tangle is just one stupid monkey.
What has Tangle done ever since she got shackles to Whisper? Hell, what has she done before that that didn't involve Whisper that would make her more popular?
Almost no one ships Whisper with Silver nor should they because Silver ruins anyone he's associated with. Just look at what happened to Blaze.
Whisper is is Shipped with Tangle, and I've even seen more Whisper x Surge stuff than Whisper x Silver stuff.
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>appearing to be
He picks on Knuckles despite being well meaning because he finds it funny, only to reveal his more mature and wiser side when it matters. It's a subversion of expectations.
What's actually cool about her design?
I can understand if you want to do the unique angle because she's always squinting as if she has severe nerve pain, but cool?
if i had one
I signed up for the Modern Amy skin already, do I need to sign up for another newsletter or will I still get a code?
>being attached to the main character makes you important
>his universe
yeah...and literally any other.
You are talking out your ass.
*ring sfx*
In my experience Blazefags like pretty much every Blaze ship EXCEPT for Blaze x Silver.
Blazefags are positive towards
>Blaze x Sonic
>Blaze x Amy
>Blaze x Rouge (with Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog)
>Blaze x Knuckles
and even Blaze x Cream and Blaze x Marine.
They only get violent when it comes to Blaze x Silver and for good reason I'd say.
Lanolin and her cute panda girlfriend!
Stimming for visual humor
Yes but the Sonic series literally makes it a big deal because Buddy when from Jobber Supreme to saving the planet.
If Sonic wasn't there at all, Eggkek would have won.
Only if you look at from a perspective where Knuckles is the lead character of the franchise and only Sonic exists without Tails or Amy. Knuckles being older than Sonic just reminds me of Kevin 11 being older than Ben 10. Him being older emphasizes that he is a step above Sonic, he's bigger and taller and tougher and stronger and can easily overpower him.
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>It's like a fundamental aspect of his universe that being glued to his ass makes you the second most important person at any given time.
This applies to..
>Jet T. Hawk
Who else?
>it took releasing Amy maid to push Superstars up
>still couldn't break the holy trinity of Frontiers, SA2 and Mania
*ring sfx*
Sorry Blazesister your homegirl already sold you out...
Good going Ian Flynn.
>Funny enough, releasing Amy slave maid dlc has increased player numbers.
Isn't that DLC console exclusive though?
>milk with those buns, sugah?
>Isn't that DLC console exclusive though?
I assume somebody modded it in somehow.
I'm just fucking tired of my favorite character being reduced to nothing more than shipbait.
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She's a cute brown wolf with a cool outfit and her whispon is objectively cool even if you don't like wisps.
She's basically a cooler version of Cream the Rabbit. As in a Sonic character thats essentially a Pokemon trainer/beast master archetype.
You need to sign up again according to the next post. You can use the same email though.
The designs of the SatAM characters is fucking awful. Only Bunnie is well designed. The rest is a bunch of dull plainjanes that look like they're from a different series than Sonic altogether. They really thought if they made a bunch of anthropomorphic animal characters they'd look like they're from Sonic's world, it's crzy
Buddy and I think Barry.
We can also count Classic Sonic.
*Sonic 3 Invincibility Theme.wav*
They just made it free for all platforms
Unless their favorite is Sonic or Shadow, everyone's tired of their favorite character getting shat on. Blazefags are just way too loud about it.
Not anymore, no.


Get it before Sega changes their mind.

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If your favorite IDW OC isn't constantly talked about by the fan base and doesn't get mountains of fan art they are NOT making it into the mainline games!
Tangle is cool and funny and awesome
I think if Trip and Fang really were a thing, it would realistically start with Fang touching trip inappropriately. Taking advantage of her because he is a criminal and she is his shy underling. Historically speaking, an outlaw with a female sidekick? He's going to end up raping her multiple times.
Trip would develop stockholm symptoms over time, and then become attached to Fang. Probably end up breaking him out of jail out of some kind of dependence. Trip wouldn't be Trip anymore. But this is a childrens franchise where rape isn't real.
>ah'ma stars, i feel like i'm tha belle of the tha ball~
>I'm just fucking tired of my favorite character being reduced to nothing more than shipbait.
Your problem is thinking the fandom matters, especially on 4chan. It only matters when a no talent loser like Flynn makes his way into writing the offical products and listens to the troon mob on X he empathizes with as a fellow childless manchild with too much estrogen in his system. But some random shippers in this shithole? Why let them ruin your fun?
Wow that's the worst rundown of a character of all time, I hope that was a falseflag from a Whisperhater.
I'm already in a relationship and my crush is a cartoon pink hedgehog regardless so I might be cooked.
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>Whisper ruins Tangle
>Silver ruins Blaze
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm shipping
>amputates her arm
>not the fingers
Is Eggman stupid???
Stop my dick hurts.
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"I love Trip!"

t.Fang "the Hunter" Jerboa
Silver doesn't ruin Blaze. Blaze hardly ever even appears without Silver. Silver isn't ruining her character, ST isn't interested in her character. Otherwise she'd actually be featured in some of these games. Without Silver she wouldn't appear at all, ever.
trvth nvke
Who are you thinking of?
*Mushroom Hill Zone theme playing as I chillax this fine summer day*
Aaah carbonation really does enhance refreshments
>I don't even know what to believe
There's a reason why specific ages aren't canon anymore.
They list Omega's time of creation as "unknown" when even back then it was heavily implied that he was created to counter and contain Shadow and even Neo Metal wasn't aware what "E-123 Omega" was until he saw him in Team Dark's Egg Hawk cutscene. Omega is extremely young during the events of Heroes, but if it was more commonly known that Omega is several years younger than Cream and Charmy it could compromise his cool factor, so what they do is lie and say his age is unknown, even though it isn't.
Trip, forgery is illegal...
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> If your favorite IDW OC constantly talked about by the fan base and gets mountains of fan art
This quite literally only applys to Surge, Whisper, Tangle, and Lanolin (though for Lanolin its mostly fan art (both sexy and non-sexy) and debate/arguments about her character.
It also applies to jewel and kit but on the lower end of the spectrum. That blue fox is literally STARVING for relevancy in this fandom, and while Jewel gets a lot of fan art barely anyone actually discusses her character.
Starline is kind of relevant as most people agree he was a great villain.
The Sonic OC's that are basically irrelevant in the Sonic fandom from what I've seen are..
>Gay Rooster
>Gay Owl
Not even just Sonic Team. IDW has had her outside of her dimension for about 2 years and she's still not doing shit.
I love being a shipper
>"But what is Eggman's tax policy?"
Good is subjective
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>If your favorite IDW OC isn't constantly talked about by the fan base and doesn't get mountains of fan art they are NOT making it into the mainline games!
I know you're shitposting but this is objectively the truth. Sega and Iizuka are currently keeping a close eye on the Sonic Fandoms engagement on stuff. You can tell this is the case from Iizuka's latest interview, and the stuff regarding Sonic x Shadow generations.
If your favorite IDW character doesn't get a ton of discussion and fan egagement they are absolutely not making it into the mainline games.
The only characters in IDW that are a lock to make it in right now are Surge, Tangle, and Whisper.
The only
When Silver and Blaze are put together Blaze becomes a boring stoic mommy for Silver, and Silver becomes a pushover wimp that needs Blaze to pat him on the head and tell him what to do because he's super naive and insecure. They are both far better apart than they are together.
I'd like to think they were so burned by Sally Acorn and the reception to Princess Elise that they have sworn to keep Princess characters away from Sonic whenever they can
>>Gay Rooster
>>Gay Owl
I've never seen them being refered to by their names, only by the fact that they're gay.
>a lock
Nothing is locked.
someone should draw fang trying to escape from trip hell
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Reminder Trip and Ariem both appeared in Sonic channel polls only months since their games were released while IDW isn't even acknowledged.
For Sonic's original age the keyword is approximate.

Nicky is not Sonic.
Ariem deserves a second poll. Line her up with Knuckles.
>Mario includes multiple princess characters and a nonsensical story about plumbers
What gives?
Oh shit issue 70 is coming up are we gonna get some heckin Rough and Tumble
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>That blue fox is literally STARVING for relevancy in this fandom
Anons is Kit the same as Silver in the sense that his only relevancy in this fandom comes from being associated with another far more popular female character?
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I'm talking about this.
America really did save Sonic from this retarded attempt at lore.
Kit is cute...
Trip and Ariem appeared in a canon game of course they're mentioned.
But the fact is Surge, Tangle, Whisper, and Lanolin are each more popular than Trip and Ariem combined.
Daisy barely shows up in Mario and Rosalina used to be so forced that the entire fandom turned against her until she was shelved by Nintendo. The only Princess who regularly shows up is Peach and she does enough.
How is it retarded?
I'm lowkey glad Blaze won that poll, since it means she won't steal Knux's votes the next time Ari appears.
Peach also has magical girl powers now thanks to her solo game and makes Rosalina even more irrelevant.
I know. Nicky is not Sonic.
He's basically in the same spot as Silver, where his popularity is split between Shipfags and Potentialfags. I would know, since I hate shipping and really want to see Silver and Kit to be playable and do some fucking cool shit.
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True. Unlike Silver Kit does have being cute going for him.
>Nothing is locked.
Your chastity belt is locked.
>*hides key*
Could nuPeach 1v1 Rosalina?
popularity didn't save the freedom fighters or sticks.
Nicky is just proto-classic Sonic before he hit puberty hilariously enough. It was Sonic Generaitons before Sonic Generations
Then why does that thing say that Sonic is Nicky when he turns 16?
Peach always had magic powers.
It's just that the only fucking instances I can recall is Bowser's Inside Story. I couldn't even speak if Super Princess Peach is her using magic because I never played it.
Japanese characters take priority you nounces
>Knuckles gets a poll
>options are Ariem, Rouge, Tikal and Sonic
Unleash the pain
Why would non-canon IDW characters show up in Sonic channel polls?
I will never forgive Flynn for forcing Sega to remove Sticks with his retarded idea of putting her on Angel Island..
That's not a massive size difference, Sonic absolutely could be older but shorter than Knuckles.
Peach always had magical girl powers, that is the original reason why Bowser kidnaps her before it morphed into a weird romance love triangle thing.
>Could nuPeach 1v1 Rosalina?
Let me put it simply for you;
Hardlight? They're hard carrying the franchise along with the movies/shows, just look at how many downloads the mobiles games have
IDW? They only provide income via licensing, they're nothing to SOJ
None of that has anything to do with the characters, but ST's interest in the characters. They aren't ruining each other, they simply have nothing to do outside of that. Your understanding of what Blaze is like apart from Silver is mainly from 2 handheld spinoff games from 20 years ago. Let that sink in.
Japanese? You mean that country that hates Sonic?
That country where the fanart is basically the equivalent of americans only ever drawing Charizard, Pikachu, Meowth, and Ash?
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Looking at the Bumblekasts where Ian Flynn talks about Sticks and how he failed to get her in the main continuity is just sad.

Ian's initial pitch, have Sticks living on Angel Island breaking Classic canon. Turn her into Relic 2.0 while making Knuckles look even dumber.

Ian being confronted about his earlier claim of getting Sticks into IDW.

Ian sounding like he just got deep dicked by SoJ

Ian being confronted with how stupid his initial pitch was followed by damage control.

Ian being reminded that Sticks was part of the main cast...Totally didn't know she was in Sonic Runners.

Ian being depressed about the whole situation.

TLDR; Long long time ago, SoJ told Ian, "No introductions, just have her appear." and he didn't do that. Now he has to live with his failure. He tried a Hail Mary with Sonic Frontiers but that got cut from the Japanese version. SoJ had to put the Amerigaijin in his prace.

Someone should do a version of this for the Freedom Fighters. Would be funny.
do you guys ever feel bad for Ian?
Blaze goes from fiery princess to stoic nanny when she's with him.
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I honestly don't want any more female characters doing anything so long as Ian is writing shit. His relationship with women and the way he writes them is starting to do soul damage.
>the equivalent of americans only ever drawing Charizard, Pikachu, Meowth, and Ash?
America's a big place and I've seen far more than just these characters.
It's silly to think any global franchise will make more fanart in a country with just 100 mil people
>Freedom Fighters
Sega doesn't even acknowladge their existence. Iizuka straight up acknowledges the IDW OCs
She's already been made canon.
I love how Kyle is utterly tone deaf of how Ian is feeling sometimes
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LoPoly Sonic a cutev
Well IDW's problem is that all the Ian/Evan are more interested in ship pandering than actually telling worth while stories.
To be fair, that's Ian's fault.

>Question: A while ago you mentioned there were opportunities to introduce sticks but sega said no i'm curious if we can share what those might have been?
Ian: Um I remember the original pitch was that at the end of the Neo Metal arc when uh the big fight was happening on Angel Island it was going to be revealed that Sticks had been on the island this whole time, just hiding out and she doesn't know who Knuckles is because they never ran into each other and she would be helping to protect the island because that's her home. And then when everyone else shows up, she's completely bamboozled, "How are these people here? Master what? Emerald thing what?". What are you talking about no she's always been on this island out in the wild which I thought was rather funny and it would give her and Knuckles something to you know interact over and maybe she decides to watch over things so knuckles can get off that rock but it would be a lot to introduce there at the end with that big confrontation so it makes sense that we cut that in the end. Uh beyond that i don't remember if i had anything pitched in metal virus but it doesn't immediately spring to mind so I guess I wasn't that beholden to the idea yeah.

Point is, we could have had Sticks in IDW.
That's such a retarded thing to say it took me a minute to realize wtf it had to do with my comment before I realized you're saying you think they would have paired Blaze with Sonic instead of Silver if it weren't for diapershit and the human princess fiasco.
>SoJ told Ian, "No introductions, just have her appear.
So this answers how Tangle, Whisper, and Surge will appear in the games. No introductions they'll just be in.
Makes sense considering thats how they handled every other new character in the Sonic franchise.
>She's already been made canon.
So what if she doesn't have a place with the Modern OR Classic cast in a real mainline game.
>Ian/Evan are more interested in ship pandering than actually telling worth while stories
I am partially glad that the Archie reboot got canned. They were really trying to push Nicole/Sally, shit was stupidly blatant.
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>locks your characters away
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I love my canon wife!
>no introductions they'll just be in
Makes sense cus everything in IDW takes place before frontiers. So Sega can just add certain IDW characters without having to explain their existence.
>America's a big place and I've seen far more than just these characters.
if you're looking on online gaming spaces, Pokemon fanart is pretty diverse.
If I'm going off of things you'll see printed on unlicensed tees, fairground toys, artwork on social media, it might as well be that Gen 2 and 2 are the only gens still.
But that's not the point I'm making, because this is not really an issue.
Japanese Sonic fanart is like if the average instagram cosplayer's understanding of pokemon applied to Sonic.
Just Sonic, Silver, and Shadow. If you see anyone else you're basically looking at a superfan.
>I know Sonic is what Nicky will grow up into when he becomes 16yo, but Nicky isn't Sonic
Left has so much more soul than bland Blaze does.
Ian's obsession with lesbians is fucking clinical. I'd almost believe it's outright fetishism pretending to be male feminism.
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Your comment is so close to another poster's I have to believe you guys muse over this in some private Blazefag discord. Blaze turns into shipping bait no matter what male she is with. It's not a Silver thing.
That's most yurifags
>I'd almost believe it's outright fetishism pretending to be male feminism.
It's exactly like Joss Whedon. Guy jus tlikes his lesbian porn and wraps his fetish around the fag flag.
That's Sonic and Percival dumbass
Surge, Tangle, and Whisper are each far more popular than Sticks. So as long as Ian doesn't fuck things up they'll make it in just fine.
Tangle is already a lock as she's mentioned in both English and Japanese version of Sonic Frontiers.
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We must increase the Japanese market
>I'd almost believe it's outright fetishism pretending to be male feminism.
Isn't he big on being one of those "ally" people? It's like he's trying to be seen as the King of Allies by constantly shipping girls in fucking IDW Sonic.
these are all the lesbians Ian made, how is this an obsession?
yeah that sounds like literally any blaze story after the rush games
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>Japanese Sonic fanart is like if the average instagram cosplayer's understanding of pokemon applied to Sonic.
It's accurate but still pic related
i'm going to laugh when the crying lesbians are vaulted and idwfags for years
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>i'm going to laugh when the crying lesbians are vaulted
I'm going to make fun of IDWfags every single day after this happens really.
Nicky was never meant to be canon.
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Sonic is important to Blaze's character arc. Handholding is cute and canon, even though I prefer Sonamy.

Surgefag spitting truth once again.

Every Blazefag are has full alignment with her correct characterization in Rush, which is "tsundere" (and especially "tsundere for Sonic") and hates her characterization in '06 and contemporary english scripts.
I'm sorry, I forgot to add a picture for emphasis
>Nicky was never meant to be canon.
Only because Japan lost and America won.
IDW is probably never showing up in the mainline games. Maybe they would have had a chance in the Olympics.
Ian is definitely in Dobson territory. Has he called on of his ships "little lesbians" yet?
>ソニックライダーズ シューティングスターストーリー
Wait Sonic Riders Zero Gravity's japanese name is "Sonic Riders Shooting Star Story"? Sonic SSS? That sounds pretty cool
I have nothing against Ian but his idea here was stupid. Knuckles knows the island up and down. There's no way he wouldn't know someone was there.
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How long before he starts selling Tangle lesbian kick shirts?
>Knuckles knows the island up and down.
Frontiers' prologue animation says otherwise. And I am not defending the shitty writing of Frontiers or Flynn, I am just pointing out he got his bullshit canonized somehow still.
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>he's still coping
They're objectively canon Iizuka himself said so.
>b-b-b-but Sonic Prime
Prime wiped itself out of existence just like 06 did. Its still canon just like 06 is still canon.
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>the character looks like Nicole or a Sallicole lesbian fankid
Takes your meds fatty
She isn't tsundere. Tsundere is supposed to be violent towards who she loves because she can't face her emotions. Blaze attacked Sonic out of anger, not denial. She was legitimately fighting him. Funny thing is Blaze is usually calm and collected, but is dutiful and blows up when things get serious. As such the spiel about her being too soft with Silver makes no sense to me.
How fucking hard is to pitch a jungle adventure where Sticks needs to lead the team somewhere? You can do that without a character introduction even, Sticks is someone they know and that is it.

Sonic thinks he is Nicky, but that doesn't mean he's right. They are two different characters. https://x.com/NaotoOhshima/status/1100204729706065921
Tangle is pretty generic. Just an athletic character with a movement + physical gimmick, which we don't really lack.
Whisper has a gun, has wisps, has a backstory.
A shame that all they do is be lesbian bait and cry, but it's what the IDW buyers want from them so I can't really complain.
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she respects men
men are the target audience
it's that simple
Blaze isn't Sonic's fucking nanny though. Blaze might get nervous with her feelings for Sonic but neither of them becomes a robot or a baby.
I didn't know Trip was a woman
Color, please!
this but add lots of stink lines and add some shit stains also give the guy a huge boner and make his sniffing more voracious

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