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Previous: >>484176772
Happy birthday to Savage!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Bnuuy love
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Ho'ol if she big
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What's the cope this time?
We are out of cope
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Ocean love
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>BA below Arknights again
>Instant melty and EoS spam
show Nikke lol
>BA below AK
That happens 75% of the time though
At least their anime didn't flop, right?
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Now that Global is dying where will we migrate to? CN or Endfield?
Come to /hsrg/ for actual revenue shitposting

They had their own Wuh2 situation but amplified.
Broken meta unit hypershilled since years (you should have seen the shills in /akg/ too) ended up performing completely average
We need Degen naked dogeza art
You lads called Arturia mid and skippable but she's been trivializing everything I've brought her to so far
>slows and damages everything in range under 90% sp recovery malus
>S3 keeps running strong while she's frozen or dying(SSS)
I'm going to say something anons may not like. Why the fuck would you actually need to buy rolls for Arknights? It's actually so extremely easy to grab every 6* you want as long as you aren't a retard rolling every character. Arknights really feels like one of the easiest games to grab every new 6* without spending money. This scheduling makes it even worse since there's isn't even any FOMO, you have so much time to prepare and save you can just grab whatever you want. Max potting doesn't improve units enough to justify doing it unless you're a max risk retard and the changing of CC actually decreased the amount of people willing to do that. The schedule difference is 100% a detriment to spending and beyond that the way Global and JP schedules events refusing to overlap just gets people to stop sometimes.
you make it sound like it's an achievement, despite them being really close to us
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Imagine helping Jessica out of her gear...
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Why buy rolls for arknights? Why pay for anything? why not just become beggars by the roadside and life the free life of a hermit?
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>Thinks EoSField is getting global server
>It's actually so extremely easy to grab every 6* you want as long as you aren't a retard rolling every character.
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Truly the incarnation of EOS
Why even roll for 6* when you can clear every single instance of content without ever using one...?
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Based and buddhapilled
Endfield waiting room...
westoid leech, nothing good comes out from global, only tranny art and gay shipping
S'pretty much why people like the game despite it not making that much money. Not really a problem for the consumer, it just throws people's assumptions off when they think that revenue dictates popularity. Hoyo spending overhead is like unironically 10x that of Arknights. You can cap out on all the AK characters thanks to tokens and other things long before you hit that same cap in a 3d gacha.

It's also why people who complain about limited banners are fucking retarded because that's the only way the game makes money, and that's assuming you have dogshit luck. One good limited banner run and you're set for the game's lifespan.
>read shitposters detracting from an upcoming up
>be surprised that they were just shitposting
It's like you never learn
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>Tranny art and gay shipping
Posting it
you say that like CN isn't responsible for 90% of shipping lol
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What is it with the West and its current obsession with being genetic dead ends
I think paid pack only items are actually one of the few ways to get people to actually spend. The upcoming R6S theme pack has a decent chance to sell better than Degenbrecher. Exu skin pack did solid, Chen did okay, they'd have made bank if they were for characters people were still actively using instead of ancient picks.
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Dumb goat making us EoS
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>Lowlight sees AK dying in the west and canned EN Endfield
It’s over
Because arknights reward system is heavily biased against newer players, even more so than other gachas because of their hyper limited system
its not that bad, more people get killed in car accidents than transition per annum
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>really close
>hyper limited system
Uhh... you know like 90% of the characters in other gachas are limited right? Arknights has much less limiteds than most other gacha games.
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Degen did alright btw, JP rank 21 (Hoederer was 28 for comparison) and in CN she was the 2nd/3rd best non-limited of her year.
I never check global as it's not possible to (dozens of countries)

The month was just empty-ish.
No sir, I don't like having to slave off in a phone game like it's an mmo from the nineties just to get 30 rolls a month and then lose everything on a 1% banner with no realistic safety net.

Now, an actually generous, f2p friendly system would be what nikke does: every roll gives you a ticket and with 200 tickets you buy whatever the current rate-up is, whether it's limited or not. Plus of course the monthly roll income and the banner rates need to be decent too, but that's asking a bit too much from Hypergryph.
Shut the fuck up, schizo.
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They rerun banners regularly though and you are not reliant on the spark system to get them. In the long run ak is more generous than other gachas but...
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Reset Amiya
(Retry because Captcha fucked me earlier)
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Amiya getting spitroasted by Suzu and Shamare isn't something I expected to see today.
Overpopulation activated the self-regulation genes
>pot-based level caps
Be less obvious about it
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would amiya really get Roached?
Based and cute
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wait wtf why didn't people spend on degen she's top tier and everything
I'd take being stuck at level 160 for a bit over what AK (and many other older kusoges) does with it's abysmal rates and roll income any day.
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I failed twice now
Before you retards get too stuck up each other's bait, Google Play just didn't report revenue for over 10 days for some reason. Everything is low.
Because ZZZ is coming soon
The only thing that you gotta know is that she'll do what it takes
Because people knew about her coming 6 months in advance so they had time to save and skip if they gave a fuck. My friend for example skipped just about everyone and got her to pot 6 that way. Not a penny spent.
Lowlight here, gweilo make my OC banner numba one (1) or EoS
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There is no evidence that Suzu also had a dick in that image set
>Ulpipi sold same as the clown
Did fish magic vanish?
No, the roach gets Chimera'd.
Meme exists for a reason.
>clown right before Wuh single-handedly drained all of CN dry
>ulpipi right after
What do you think?
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>it's actually so extremely easy to grab every 6* you want (as long as you only like 2 6* a year)
There never was any. They were just carried by anniversary.
Non limited revenue literally does not matter. They could release FrostNova tomorrow and if she wasn't limited she'd not break 15 million on CN. HG have artificially designated certain times of the year as more important since limiteds don't rerun+have L2D, so huge sections of the playerbase will always only care about them.
Carnelian who came after the best selling banner(skadiva) did well.
Stop coping.
June AK revenue would be higher if they let people buy the Exu collab skin in-game.
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Alright I think we can go back to our regular stuff now. Post wolves
It would actually be lower without the Sanrio packs. The packs ranked like 40th on the first day, not anywhere near a banner tier but still a decent amount. Without it this month would be around Egg2
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>bro you are NOT ALLOWED to roll on standard banners, you MUST blow 300 rolls on every limited banner instead and just get 0.1% spooked by the standard operator you want
>wtf why didn't the latest standard banner sell well?
/akg/, a comedy in two acts
AK "revenue" (aka, popularity) will be consistently higher if HG made it so people log in willingly every day and not just once every 3 months to roll on a limited banner.
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Yea. I see my sub count rising but I don't see my "sub" count rising.
Ulpipi not selling that well is actually great news, it increases the odds of him getting a broken module significantly, especially since they were pretty reserved with his talents.
Arknights is a femdom game.
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Ulpipi is an AH, him getting at least one really good module was already pretty likely since they all get their best effects from them (damage regen, double doll damage, a bunch of HP tacked on an ATK buff, etc)
>poor selling operator gets broken module
Name THREE (3) times this happened
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Excellent timing
Harmonie press
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our ceo craves the roach
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As our lord(CEO) she may have whatever she pleases.
What exactly do you want HG to do? Standard operators are already some of the best in the game and they have better rates than limiteds AND are much cheaper to guarantee and yet people still skip them because they're THAT mindbroken by FOMO. It's purely a playerbase issue.
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I need Margaret to destroy my pelvis and then spoil me afterwards.
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I will never believe EOS doomposting until they release Exu alter. That's when I will admit that the game is getting desperate.
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If you are low on rolls it makes economically more sense to roll on limited banners
Bother Lowlight about this.
This happens because the game design promotes hoarding and gambling on high value prizes.
>exu alter
Lol never
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Soon my love
>It's purely a playerbase issue.
This delusion is why nothing will every change for AK and also why endfield is doomed to repeat HG's mistakes.
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>Endfield is doomed
You could have ended the sentence there, it's dead on arrival
What AK needs to do is to start giving new players a boost. Other games of this age start doing this.
I've kept Andreana trapped in my base at 0 morale for 6 months now, how much more can I bother him?
Yeah my friend started playing ak this year and it's so annoying being stuck in the story and not even being able to finish your first events
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she's so hot as a giantess bwos
>dodges the actual question
Yeah that's what I thought
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>the EOS poster girl is making sub-million sale
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For once I can't tell if this is a shitpost, because it actually sounds like a reasonable idea
Watch ak addicts that religously log into this game for 5 years call your friend stupid for not saving and wanting to roll for older units
You fool, he's inside your walls now.
>the EOS poster girl
You are giving the Endnigger shitposter far too much credit for spamming the same image with all his doomposts
When everyone spends the 6 months before a character releases here saying 'save for Degen/Mlynar/Texas/whatever upcoming broken character is coming', you don't really need to spend. Maybe that's why they started to amp up the general character powerlevels from Degen onwards?
The pram smile
EoS soon
>akg when they realize not everyone played this game for 4 years straight and has a stash of 100k red stone in the bank
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If Rudeus took multiple wives, why can't you?
The answer is obvious.
Less chores, less maintenance, more qol = people will login willingly without getting mindbroken and feeling like slaves.
Better roll income, better rates and a better guarantee system that carries over between banners = people are less stingy about spending rolls and will be more prone to roll casually on every banner.
I'm not rude.
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He does not give a fuck and pulls for who he likes and is doing just fine because building the characters is what limits him
it's fucking OVER....
>more people playing loginknights and more free rolls will make people spend more
I have no idea how does ak make money the gacha is insanely generous and you don't need dupes
I don't live in fantasy arab
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yuriknights is so real
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I guess it's up to that gremlin to save Arknights...
Idk, some retards pull for dupes
New players and people that play long enough to whale for their favourites
A normal person is more likely to spend for the last 100 rolls when they are at 200/300 on pity than to spend when they are at 50/300.
cute girlfriends
Retard, the revenue charts are just that: a popularity rating. They don't have the numbers at all, not even an estimation, they can't know who buys what and who spends or who doesn't.
But one thing is sure is that more player = more actual revenue potential.
>the revenue charts are just that: a popularity rating
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>A normal person pays for 100 rolls
>30 rolls a month
>1% banners
>250~300 guarantee per banner
They are more likely to feel pressured to, yes.
more wamiya content when
I have no horse in this race but why are different sites reporting different revenue earnings?
Hell yeah
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She's so cool...
A normal person is 0% likely to spend $200 on rolls.
You don't even know what they're based off of retard. They're based off of TOP GROSSING rank in the app store/google play store which is based on SPENDING. You could have 10000000000000000000000 SEAnigs logging in daily and you'd be bottom of the charts still because none of them are spending a dime.
normal people don't spend money on rolls at all. that's why they gouge on rolls, because only crazies would spend that much.
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could canon yuri relatio SAVE arknigs?
normal people don't play gachas
Mass exodus.
This Mostima has a penis.
the actual reality is you get the operator you want in 30 rolls a lot of the time
>They're based off of TOP GROSSING rank in the app store/google play store which is based on SPENDING.
No they aren't. That's how absolutely free apps can still appear at the top of the charts.
It's just a popularity ranking based on number of different factors, including number of installs, uninstalls, updates, etc.
based transgender mostima enjoyer
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Dead ahh game
Microtransactions have become so ingrained into culture that spending money on rolls(or lootboxes) is no longer a taboo, and it is a thing normal people do not just big whales. You can look at how the normalfags that play Genshin spend for an example.
Your average player is not going to spend from scratch to spark a character, but when they're eying the 2x pack in the shop and 100 rolls short it will happen. That's the whole psychology behind the model and why it works.
I laughed like an idiot at the graph. The eos soon poster broke my sense of humor
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Lucklets ITT
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Based gambling addict
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These 2 are basically married already
Is Siege the Yamcha of Arknights?
Changes nothing for AK. The CN charts don't even use the android numbers.
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Just release more lupo banners and skins, it's what the people want. Red alter, Lapp alter, Penance microbikini, and so on.
nice cope
Her voice actor was caught raping someone less than half her age?
Fish is popular but not so much more than other factions. One of the reasons why their previous banners looked highest revenue-wise was because those months have other strong banners accompanying. Skadiva/Kal had Surtr/ Eyja and Thorns/Weedy/Suzuran, Spalter/Irene had Gnosis/Schwarz in the same month(Gnosis hard countered the event mechanic at that time). Those banners ranked pretty high and boosted those months' revenue to a certain degree
>just get 0.1% spooked by the standard operator you want
I used to think like this when passing perm banners for lims but after several gachas that I missed out perm characters on like FGO tamamo/waver, GBF shiva summon and BA Ako as latelet I just roll their perm rateup now
No point in lims if don’t have the enabler for them and every fucker always have the lims up for borrowing
this nigga thinks he's a lupofag lmao
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nyeed myore kot bannyers cats nyare pyopular
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Texas wife skin would fund Endfield and save the company
>what are ads
Spending $200 on a gacha character is absolutely not normal lmao
Go tell your pops you spent $200 on a character in a shitty mobile game and see what happens
>Red alter, Lapp alter, Penance microbikini
Flop flop flop
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I have maxed both of my Texases, thank you very much.
I wanted to see if it was cope by the poster so I looked at their posting history and it's all HSR and Genshin so I doubt it
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Good job lupobro
And? you will always be a futafag
Old people aren't the target demographics for gachas and are not who decides what's normal. The fact of the matter is that among people who play games, ones with microtransactions especially, spending a lot on them has become normal. Also 100 rolls is not 200 dollars with the 2x, which is the deal that also tempts non-whales.
I think I will divorce Texas. Ray is too cute.
>what are ads
They don't have that information.

Next cope please.
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You think you can?
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>spending a lot
>has become normal
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>debate over gacha revenue that doesn't mention global economic issues
>Yen is in the tank
>food/fuel/rent prices in the US are steadily rising
>"excess savings" way down
Retards, all of you.
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>doesn't count it's normal within this very specific bubble that encompasses less than 1% of the population (i have zero proof of this btw)
>stores don't have information if an app has ads or not
>in a shitty mobile game
And you think you're in a position to say how the whole video game market is doing? News flash grandpa, mobile games ARE video games now, have been for over a decade. Your platform elitism is placed towards a dying medium
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Good morning, Didi love
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Lupo breeding general
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I hate Skadi. I seriously fucking hate her.
idiot, stores don't have any information about how your app generates revenue
according to all relevant analysis the economy is doing great currently
>he thinks only 1% of the population is playing gachas and games with lootboxes
You are extremely out of touch
Shut up Ryan
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With Andoain.
Hi hubby!
Hey, my eyes are up here~
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How do you think they're taking their cuts of ad revenue and IAPs???? Just trusting them??
>yeah Mr. John Google our game only made $1 here's your 30 cents
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Elves are cucks.

Doctor deserve better than doormats.
They tried to do it with anni 5: easy story chapter + two strongest units (both awesome even on E1) in the game on the same banner
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Tail too thin
Now that Arknights is getting shut down, we moving to ZZZ?
There's nothing to look at you dumb bitch.
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>post her when they least expect her.
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I will try out for shark and lolis
Her tail is too fat to grasp anything
The flattest Arknight...
This shark is literally the only ZZZ girl I ever see getting art.
Sharkfags are leaving us...
It's perfectly capable of grabbing my heart
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Wrong, Doctor only breeds with Zalak women. In fact all rat operators aboard Rhodes Island are currently pregnant and will experience superfetation soon.
Bros, I am out of coagulating gel and everything fucking needs it. Degenbrecher's module in particular.
Tomimi tail is objectively the worst as it is incapable of wrapping around my dick and jerking me off, Eunectes is simply superior
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Sat rex?
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You want THIS coiled around your genitals?
Because they track different ways or dates. I just post the ones easiest to shitpost with and get 20 (you)s everytime here
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Her gently teasing with the tip of her tail...
Around my whole body even
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All fun and games until you foot the food bill
App ranking fluctuates during a day and they only use the rank at the end of the day. That means different timezone lead to different ranking and make the result extremely unreliable
Sexy tummy
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Last month was a trip, because even with picrelated you'd get 5 to 10 (You)s
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Raw dogging Senior Operator and I got the one character I wanted the most. This is a sign man, this is it, I'll start investing on my Abyssal Hunters right away.
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Never thought I'd see the phrase "touching tips" in a heterosexual context
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Blessed be the cuttlefish, good luck anon.
Mumu is not like Shitphy

You think you're cheating on Mumu? That's a Mumu clone.

You think someone near and dear to your heart, like say your father, dies in a tragic death trying to save your life, traumatizing and scarring you after losing the bottom half of his body? Oops, another water clone.
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Would you go to scout and back up to Cannot? I have 53 ingots and 4 index, third floor.
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What the fuck? All of them are Mumu...?
Nice reddit spacing bro
why not, scout gives index so you're basically getting a combat and an E2 for free
I am scared getting my index too low
So it means Arknights being below one million is based on the sales charts remaining the same as they were before Degen released? Why the fuck does anyone even use these charts if they're that inaccurate that they just used the same rankings for half a month?
I almost always go sideways for scout, because you get the index back (unless you can't afford to send anybody before the boss). As for Cannot, eh. Depends on your relics, you could just stay down and not spend the second index
>we still haven't even fucking seen incandescence as a NPC let alone an operator
Honestly even if the graphics are better 90% of the garbage on mobile is still trash. They only get away with it because everyone is glued to their phone nowadays and has a 2 second attention span.
It's true, actually.
There's no data from the 14th-24th of June.
Like >>484234491 said, better skip the shop. You'll get more later anyway, between boskies and foldartals getting a shop when you need it is easy in IS4
Then why the FUCK do they still post it? What's the FUCKING POINT?!
I do not envy the rock at the beginning of the month.
reddit updoots probably I don't fuckin know
none of the numbers are real anyway, no one knows exactly how much anyone makes except their accountants
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>Why the fuck does anyone even use these charts if they're that inaccurate
Shitposting. It really wasn't blatantly obvious to you?
>Why the fuck does anyone even use these charts
Their only use is shitposting
When are we getting the pv for the Sarkaztent? On Thursday as per usual?
To know whether your favorite character is successful is to see how many times they frequently appear in future content
No one you originally know is left. They've all been drowned, assimilated, and replaced. Puppets of water using the original's brains to make convincing actors and actresses.
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Degenbringer's Banner - it simultaneously flopped and didn't flop because you can't observe the result
Remember Lowlight's words. 10 year plan. Year 6 for sure, I asked my uncle he works at HG.
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It can't be...
Unloading load after load in Specter
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This is the consequence of you saying yes.
Just Muelsyse. Just Muelsyse. Just Muelsyse. Just Muelsyse. Just Muelsyse. Just Muelsyse.
operators that will protect me from mumugangers?
She randomly turns up as a 5* in 7 months without any story relevance whatsoever.
She tanked that, look at her HP
stop being so cringe faggot
Keep being cringe, it suits the elf agenda.
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57°06'08.7"N 144°07'53.8"E
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You said yes!!!
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(you) thought you said yes to Mumu that night, but it was actually Ch'en, from Arknights
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>*deletes elf*
You're welcome.
Was reading Glaucus' file randomly and on top of her being a weird launch year case when they listed Ægirs as race unknown it also says she has Church of the Deep connections?
>As a result, I believe that the allegation that Glaucus and her relatives are involved in a secret heretical organization in the Ægir Region is not related to her current operational performance. I hope that the Justice Division has reservations about acting on this.
Between that and BP fighting sea monsters also going nowhere, there really is some weird lore from the early Ægir ops.
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The Ch'en 3 pandering will be insane to save us from the EoS
Always and forever.
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>*Deletes human*
You're welcome.
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That's enough out of you
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what is this wonderful thing that might happen? sex?
>lampshade having banter
I keep active originium on me at all times to ward off elves. I sprinkle it around my home to keep them from breaking in while I'm out. I scatter it while I travel so they can't follow me. I randomly hide it around town so they can't even enter my zipcode. I launch it into low orbit so they can't watch me from above. I let some of it fall it out of orbit to deprive them of territory they could use to plot against me. I put it into my fellow man to stop them being used by the elf menace. I really fucking hate elves.
Either you lost connection to Rhodes Wifi or Ulpipi is currently in the Shadow Realm
A smooch from Amma.
Calm down, you fucking dwarf.
DwarfGOD I kneel
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Kek, it works on my end
I kneel. Dwarvenbros arise
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HagLOVE game
>t. Seething cave-dwelling manlet
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Making this fossil feel young again...
Degen's S3 deals damage and wipes shit but it just doesn't feel good. I don't know - there is something about Chenchen's S3 and S2 that feels great.
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I like this one.
A daily reminder that Durin is the only non-Sarkaz race that still doesn't have a 6* operator yet
The summer event is their last hope
Operators for vicious sex?
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I'm the best father figure for her
Bro what about Anura?
Who? You mean Aegir sub-race?
We have Pozy
Reproba bros...
Frogs are not fish..
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>Was able to E2 Nightingale just in time to clear ex 8 cm
Thank you for randomly appearing in recruitment strange healer girl
Ch'en, please...
Degen just swings her sword around a bunch whoosh whoosh. Ch'en's S2 and S3 has a much more chuunii vibe with the TOO FAST FOR YOU movement
Just be silent. Next banners are fox banners. Only 6s vulpos
Woah, they released a 6-star Cerato?
Ch'en is 37? What
Five children
She and Adreana were truly made for each other
Lol, Ch'en and Talulah are walking hags. They only use civilian clothes because the make-up used to cover their wrinkles must weight a ton
>C*en posted
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Post :D
So it's the same type of Operator as Andreana? Lowlight what are you planning.
I had a saga like that but it is gone now. Fucking SUPO takes all.
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A million children with Shu
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Ch'en LOVE. If Penance is viable, so too is Ch'en
Okay seriously though, what does it do?
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Next operator posted is my wife.
>Ch'en posted
Today was a good day
Reversing it
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>If Penance is viable
Pram is fat and cute
How important is transmuted salt? Dont think I ever saw use for it
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If SHE'S fatigued, your hips must be pixie dust
Why does Chen wear slut shorts?
I farmed 30 of it when it came out, and I've passively gotten up to 65 now. New ops use it but you would have to be raising every new op
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Terra wiki is decently reliable in these matters.
Our R&D department is working on a new fertility drug. Soon it will be ready. I will impregnate this wolf
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They are only 30 at maximum.
Anon...fertility drugs won't cure your impotence...
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Kek my dumbass didn't see the "show" tab, thanks bro
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You lust for... this?
Why are shitposters pretending to be Ch'enfags? They'll go back to hate her the next time she'll be featured in an event.
Why would anyone want to breed Chen outside very specific captured cop fetish bondage scenarios? Her expiry date was long past.
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Her sister is considerably more wife-shaped.
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You don't?
Why are Chenfags so cringe?
where is Ray
I hope Chen is good in Endfield
In my bed. You all were going to skip her anyway so she won't mind being only mine. Will spare her the heartbreak
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Her sister is also considerably more suited for bondage. Use this side by side comparison to illustrate my point.
Siege is expired as well as she's already over 28
You can't see her past the fat roach covering anon's bed
Well at least BP also mentioned about her stuff in Preluding Lights iirc, Glaucus and Deepcolor also at least do share the bit of both having undisclosed race and both are related to the COTD. Maritus in Path of Life talks about the COTD more so I'm waiting for the event to go global to see if I can find anything that might point to her there too.
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Happy Birthday, Hung!
Talulah and Chen naked anal tug of war
(wtf I failed captcha 6 times)
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Shut UP!
how bad is Leto?
New player here. Who should I try to go for?
Caster and hope for Ceobe
Top Op + Caster can give you 3 good options. The rest is gambling for odds so it's shit
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Unless you're very gay, the game is giving you Ch'en on a platter.
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>(wtf I failed captcha 6 times)
That was an act of god trying to stop you from posting this horrendous post. Yet you still persisted
Post sex
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Caster + Top seems to be the best, you can also try Melee + Top if you need some ground DPS. but there are some bad choices there
blue woman better
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Ch'en is still fertile and will give birth to a healthy baby
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Why do you guys even want your hags to be fertile?
I will free blast into every hag worry-free. This is optimal.
She is only for very specific costume play ryona scenarios.
I love Mostima, but it's undeniable that Ceobe is the optimal choice for really hard stages in general.
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all casters are good provided you raise them
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Post ops masteries that out you as an oldstinky
y u gay
the 90% slow is better 9 out of 10 esportsfags agree
Which operators would have sex with fat ugly bastards?
Nyoo Im still waiting for this skin to complete my 'Monie
They don't even do the same thing, they're both good. You could even use them both at once to hold something in C range without blocking.
Which requires E2 and Mod3. Not the kind of a unit you should recommend to a new guy smartass
Thanks sisters. I kinda wanted Ch'en but I didnt wanna regret anything. Also my casters are shit(i think)
Because having children increases the number of targets I can blast into
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Siege dad got his cheeks clapped 26 years ago (1072) there's one flashback with siege and gawain where she is clearly young but not an infant, so let's say she was between 3 to 6 years old at the time that puts her at around 29-32 years old. She's expired beyond all doubt and her children will have autism.
*slaps blemithing out of reflex*
No problem bro, if you have Eyja then you have a great caster, which in that case you should still get another caster because Eyja's talent buffs other casters
on no you need to build ops to play as you said "really hard stages"
Ok how the fuck did this happen. Is it still random in the end or did I fuck something up?
I kinda forgot that anon before talked about blasting cum into hags so your take looked odd out of context
did you click top op AND caster? or did caster drop?
If the tag dropped you're just spectacularly unlucky.
Did you pick top and caster? If you did maybe Caster got removed, RIP to caster, but at least Hoshiguma is a very good tank.
Kek, it can happen. You're kind unlucky that your tag fizzled out AND you had both 5 star/6 star guaranteeing tags at the same time

But gooma is top tier defender so it all worked out, you wont regret raising her
I think she's got at least a couple years in her before the autism is guaranteed. Man needs to act fast though.
Well Hoshi is really good too, enjoy having her
An Aslan with autism would rule the waves
I'd like to remind you that you're not thrown into having to do A15 IS3 and IS4 the moment you start the game. You don't need that crowd control early into the game. E1 Ceobe already has access to her strongest skill too
happened to me too first time you get a 6 star the other tag will drop it's standard
>0 good Penance Doujins
Why?! She is so fucking hot
Operators for impregnating so you can impregnate the offspring 18 years later?
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Oni wife chose you, anon, do not resist.
Straight men don't like hags
....Sure, you can take it that way
Doctor pls
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not like it really matters since it will be posted into oblivion for the next month but what a worthless fucking chart
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>Also my casters are shit(i think)
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Impregnate the children before they become alcoholics
>impregnate the offspring 18 years later
Why wait 18 years?
Fine. 14 years later.
Yep, it was frozen from the 14th to the 24th, coincidentally through the first couple days of Degen's banner.
Brace for shitposts all month I guess.
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How about we post infographics that are useful?
No, if's not. You got unlucky
every feline operator
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Thank you for showing fortitude in the face of adversity.
Okay what the fuck determines what furnace Harold targets because usually he'll target the last ones lit as expected but randomly he'll go for the first furnace which goes and wipes my entire backline of operators and I losed. Fuck CM is hard
>(wtf I failed captcha 6 times)
Victoria is doomed because all its possible rulers are either terrorists or larping gang members and they are so old and busted that any children they give birth to will be even more mentally ill than their mothers. The sun will never shine upon viccys gain
i brute forced it with whisperain, lumen and nightingale
still have no idea what the fuck is going on in that fight
No. Now tell me if you can still kiss your wife without bending your back or knees?
Harold Craigavon has a 20 year old daughter she could lead Victoria.
God this game has some cool designs. Shame I fucking hate tower defense.
I was going to ask about Azur Lane, but that banner started the 27th. Do you have evidence of the 14th to 24th?
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Did you even try to check what the boss does?
He targets the one closest to him (The lit one of course)
Use Nightingale s3 then the attack doesn't matter at all
You could be open minded and give it a try, its not really like classic tower defense
Luo xiaohei can definitely be picked up for breeding purposes
Then explain why he targets the left top furnace when the right furnace is right in front of him?
>Degen forgets to wear her Karlan medal one time
>SA immediately starts internally panicking and wondering if he's fucked up somehow and wants to know how to fix it
kek, cute
Despite being a foreigner Degen definitely seems like the most popular non-Saintess person in all of Kjerag
daughters for impregnating?
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Found this on Reddit because I have no idea how to navigate SensorTower's shit-ass site. Note the zero change in position from the 14th to the 24th.
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You absolute buffoon, this infographic is useful.
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Would you say that waiting for her skin to come is keeping you on the edge?
Unlike many, many other gachas i've tried, AK's gameplay is actually fun
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She's literally trying her damn hardest to get you to do it
What the fuck Harold is HUGE
People will tell you a boss is hard as shit while completely disregarding all their mechanics and info, go figure.
AK is extremely different from most tower defense games, its nothing like Bloons or PvZ, it's more like a strategy rpg in the form of a TD
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If I pick her up, yeah
Sorry it is Blaze.
I do not consider fueling our
posts to be useful.

I feel like I could calculate the average male and female height on RI, but I feel the gender distribution in each group makes it fairly clear how big the discrepancy would be.
Shu breeding.
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I'll show you what the edge looks like, and I'll tell you that I'm willing to cross it...
He only hits them if they're lit, he hits 2 in phase 2. You're not confusing the furnace hit with him dabbing repeatedly based on how many are unlit, are you?
Don't worry Minimalist will help make sure males don't tower over females
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are modules really that bad?
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Oh my, you'd best take responsibility
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For some
Why is this faggot still talking like some AK expert when he literally can't even let go of his 24/7 meta squad?
They're worth it on anyone you're actually using as long as they give relevant stats. Unless they're Snowsant/Almond tier they're fine.
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No other way around it
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Minimalist would have a minimal impact on this calculation.
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Please don't use my wife for your garbage
Some people wanted modules to turn their shitter ops like Carnelian into the next Mlynar
stop advertising your YT channel here
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Remember to never train your dick to twitch every time you do a licking motion with yer mouth.
you're right that part of the issue is people's expectations but Carnelian and Fartooth deserved better.
>the only males under 150 cm tall are the Durin
there is something amusing about that information when we have so many females (and Conviction) that are so small
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Something odd about that green cat...
Go away Supah, no one likes you.
There are only 3 women over 180 on top of that.
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would you say he comes up short?
Wish I could promote my channel like Supah does. Nigga uploads his retarded takes then posts link here and you'll find some people unironically eating up anything he'll say. Shit's crazy
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Something like that, yeah...
I just wish self-shilling bullshit was reportable
Is that some Viccy proverb or something?
Just wish there were better ways of getting module data blocks
Why does Yato only mostly cold start the furnaces? I find sometimes when I use her to cold start one of them she only gets the bar mostly filled, why?
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She might have gotten the cold debuff which slows down her attack?
>Gladiia has the module to turn hunters into walls, specially more so when ulpianus comes
>still got a genuinely useful in other scenarios 2nd mod anyways
Module maker devs... please be kind to other ops too...
I can't take him seriously based on his lore opinions. He's just really poor at reading comprehension
Most people call him a fucking idiot here though
It will make adult sex very ankward.
Doesn't her S2 ignore that part of the cold debuff or am I going schizo?
Operators charge up the furnaces faster if they are standing in a range of an already lit one
Imagine if they would've given that base effect to all the shitters that were never going to do damage anyway. It might've let them actually be usedul.
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Why did Bagpipe change name to Penetration?
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Oh yeah swish that tail
I am aware of that fact, but sometimes having an operator to cold start a furnace is helpful, especially in the CM for EX-8 when the flint is 20 DP
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Is there any way to cheese EX-8?
If the heal tick is based on some permanent cycle instead of only starting after they're damaged there might be a shot there's some frames where it heals enough not to be activated.
>Harold just nuked my blocked that had both Nightingale AND Shining heal
what the fuck how do I stop Harold from running a train on me?
Bring Lin and click
You can always try stalling him and burst whenever you have all the furnace lit
His nuke gets one extra blast for every unlit furnace, most my setup on the regular maps can survive 2 shots at most.
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are these relevant stats
warf degen oneshot
The thing is I'm trying to do the CM stage which I don't know how to keep Harold from going sicko mode
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He puts them out much much MUCH faster than I can light them up. It takes me 70 seconds to light one up and he puts it out in like 10
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You're just not used to seeing her happy. You could change that, you know
Block him and use Pram to activate the furnaces he knocks out again quickly.
Exu only requires 2 secs to light up a furnace. Texalt only needs 4 secs. If you want more braindead option, use GG
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You know who else has a good coverage and decent attack speed to light things up again?
even Scavenger?
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Indigo really is pretty
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Hm, good idea.
But does she punch 2 of them at once and also make everything nearby die faster?
use Gnosis since his talent prevent him from freezing up
Any tag that is not senior operator / top operator can 'drop' and be crossed out with a red line, even at 9 hours
Seems like your nuker tag got dropped
I can't do it Mr. Krabs, I need to guidefag
How many children would Shu want to have?
Literally 64 levels worth of attack. Is your GG still level 24?
>It takes me 70 seconds to light one up
What the FUCK are you doing that it takes you so long????
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Gorgeous girl with thick Spanish accent
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You lied to me again /akg/ Ascalon is actually good
Turn in Nightingale s3
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Is this a trick question?
Stop DPS'ing, Harold
You retards need to learn patience
Am I stupid, Am I just retarded? I'm told Harold is easy as shit if I just read but I did read his abilities and am trying (keyword trying) to keep the furnaces lit and stall Harold in a spot where he won't obliterate my operators but he still just keeps killing me. Am i just too smoothbrained for this? Am I that fucking retarded that I can't see the obvious answer that everyone else is seeing to say that Harold is actually easy as shit?
Is more attack relevant when you have an over 300% attack scaling in the kit? No, probably garbage, absolute waste, can't believe they gave GG such a bad mod, how could HG do this to us?
You could also use chain casters
I do but Harold outlasts the S3 skill duration and just fucking kills everything afterward (hell he even kills some of my operators IN THE S3, Talulah doesn't have shit on Harold)
Naked lap dance and grinding for the group
>module trait buff and ATK/talent improvement is good enough to match up to a possible +5 res ignore a 2nd mod would bring
>Am I stupid
>Am I just retarded?
I remember that old post
>Stop doing DPS
Good times
Can you guys post your EX 8 CM clearly so I have a picture of what the fuck I should do?
>forgetting the massive redeployment times
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just use the cat squad
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You think now it's bad? Wait until the very last day of the event where people who procrastinated will finally get down to try and speedrun through the event and get dumpstered.
no way in hell pram can cold start furnaces
Are half the people complaining just too retarded to realize he goes untargetable and nukes you every 25% health?
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>believing /akg/ lies
Don't believe the Assclown slander
Her sex holes are still mine alone to colonize everyday anyway
Enjoy her performance
Great, now I'm more confused.
Why the fuck would you be cold starting a furnace. If you block him where I showed she's in range of a furnace that should never go out because she's starting the 2 he's hitting. You can probably do this on other parts of the map with different ops if that one doesn't work for you.
I enjoy the heavy petting
>He got filtered by an old man
>Cold start furnace
You have flint. Use it retard. Or did you skip through that too and never bothered to even click on the new item that was in your bar to see what it does?
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Every new boss is a jobber... did Harold mindbreak CN?
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I love this hag in particular!
I don't know how to do this, I clearly have no fucking idea how to keep the furnaces all lit when Harold sends the ice dickheads that kamikaze the furnaces while also dropping snowballs on other furnaces. I am too stupid for this. I am too stupid for phone game.
Looking forward to your 4-star runs on their EX stages to back up that talk.
Post your squad. Let me help you
you need to save the flint for your main furnace where you can hit the other ones from
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Intellectual fox
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Quercus has large tits, Siege has mediocre tits.

That is all. Good night.
i used whisperain,lumen,nightingale, exu in charge of keeping heaters enabled, thorns, mlynar, surtr and some others i forgot
How am I supposed to block Harold when he slaughters any operator that dares to block him? I can barely keep a FUCKING DEFENDER alive with TWO MEDICS with Harold ALONE. That says nothing when the other dickhead enemies come to blast my ass
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Thank you, dearest ally. This information will be crucial going forward.
use the Moose
>boss that is a single mechanic check (keep water pure and win)
>Does Nothing
>Does Nothing
>Does Nothing
Is this a canon interaction?
can she really start both every time before he puts them out again? shit has a like a 5 second cooldown
Bring your Matterhorn
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Indra sex...
Amiya is not even a real boss, only used for narrative
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She’s a fast learner. Such memorable training nights.
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No, but Sieges tits are a canon interaction.
>did Harold mindbreak CN?
Yes. He was rated high on "difficult bosses" tier list. At the end of the day he's just the kind of a boss that forces you to use the mechanics and take your time and actually THINK. And as we all know most people who play gachas aren't capable of that
No, it's also followed by a smooch.
I don't know how I'm fucking up but apparently even when using meta I lose proving wrong the notion that all you need are the good operators to win without thinking
Quick advanced tip: Harold attacks slowly, only once every 6 secs.
That means a gravel can block him for 12 secs basically. Stall him with slow and gravel rather than block him.
no you can just spawncamp nuke his ass with buffed degen
>he's just the kind of a boss that forces you to use the mechanics
you mean he completely cheats them out after you spend all the event learning how to manage them
What the fuck
Yes I know I should kill myself because how stupid I am and what a waste of space my existence is
Might as well use the fucking AFK guide.
Top 5% global
borrow lumen and use some sniper like exu instead of virtuosa for heatin things up. Shining is kinda pointless since defense is not the issue
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Netflix and chill with Robin!
Like I said I'm that fucking stupid, I singlehandedly prove that someone can be so fucking dumb that even with the so called 'braindead' operators, I still lose meaning that even being braindead is too smart for me
Ceobe I told you not to tell people about that
She has a fairly high attack speed and attacks both at once.
Make sure you roll for Ray to put Degenkeks in their place for making June flop with their tranny
Shu will probably drop in July like all half annis before, if so it sure won't be Ray making those numbers rise
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Hmm? I was able to block him with Skadi just fine.
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Why are you guys surprised? I already told you all that I'm too stupid for this
The heavy petting goes too far and the hole gets filled just a little too much
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save for ray n' warmy
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I can see why you're having a hard time. You're not supposed to OHKO him. Slow and steady is the strategy.
Okay, I haven't gotten to that stage yet, but do you have a plan?
Like who is going to ignite what furnace? Who will reignite them when they get put out?
My immediate thought, more big ranges, I'm using Rosmontis who can start one from heat with two attacks and Horn who can poke at distant ones from safety. Your only "big range" attacker is Goldenglow.
Furnaces are your lifeblood, keep them burning.
idk i just tried it and he put it all the furnaces anyway
it's because Skadi is FAT
lmao no one gives a shit about that boy
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Milking siege for her milk....
Walter could probably solo Harold if there is no invis enemy
>no eyjalt
yeah there's your problem
she's sadly a must have in 99.999% of new content
you just can't outheal nu-ak without her unless you waste 3+ slots on other medics
My skadi got one shot even under nightingale aura but i was still able to do it
should i use my resources on surtr if im new?
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Lyol no.
What the fuck is Ejyaberry gonna do if there's no elemental damage to worry about?
>she's sadly a must have in 99.999% of new content
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>she's sadly a must have in 99.999% of new content
/akg/ told me Lumen is good and I shouldn't waste rolls on Eyjalt...
Since when she became useful?
Okay but seriously what the fuck am I doing wrong?
Bait used to be believable
In your dream
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>reed still slept on
You damage him too fast, retard. Try not to kill him too fast. He will start nuking whenever he loses 25% of his health.
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I sleep in Reed
She has many grinding partners weekly it's bound to happen
Let me help.
Firstly, the enemies of this event are weak. Mudrock+Thorns+GG S2 behind should be able to kill everything by putting them top lef.

So that leaves Harold. Use Gravel/Specter to stall him, do not trigger his phase 2 early. Once P2 starts, space his nukes aptly and keep all furnaces up.

That's it. During Phase 2, only 10 enemies should appear, you can do it. The trick is just to not trigger P2 early.
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As far as falseflags go, this one is pretty underwhelming
She's a big reliable arts stick. Not hard to find use for.
>she's sadly a must have in 99.999% of new content
And that's exactly why nichefags who don't have access to her can still beat the new content!
Eyjakeks broke after Logos giga powercrept her caster form. It is most likely not a false-flag.
Eyja is good for sex. Going blind and deaf cripple sex. She's for grabbing by the horns and fucking. Then you cuddle up with her to comfort her while you two sign at each other to pillow talk.
That's the 99.999% of content I use her for.
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That sounds exhausting
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bros what the fuck?!
she heals 2x more than ST healers
to MULTIPLE targets
post your archive showing you don't have eyalt i'll wait
I really like those shoes
Just borrow
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Good job Typhon
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Sit, EyjaMUTTS.
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Now show it against elemental damage
Did you really expect the woman from Sami to not be racist?
That's like expecting the Siracusan mafioso to not have strong opinions about pasta, or the cop to not be racist.
I have her but have yet to find a scenario that Shining or Lumen can't handle lol. Even Pyrolysis didn't need her.
*breeds furiously*
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>Mememental damage
Meme. We already endured, crushed and solved IS3, content with the most elemental damage without wandering memedics.
Surtr is great but not always the best choice for a newcutie, the way she is used is too does not mesh well for someone with no other 6*.
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ATK down + Dual targetting + Cinder auto charging Heaters is really, really useful
Wow I really am fucking stupid how have I not done this yet? I deserve to be lobotomized maybe then I would actually be able to think instead of bashing my head against the wall like a fucking spastic
Why the fuck can I not learn, do I have brain damage? Is phone game really so beyond me that I cannot comprehend SIMPLE FUCKING CONCEPTS WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME
Lol, lmao
what's her best nyodule?
thanks sisters. im having a hard time using her(or anyone with a high dp cost really)
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Columbians ruin everything
There is no best, there is just two great modules that you need to choose from depending on your team and needs.
I bet whoever made this screencap regrets posting it by now
Keep crying, Siracusan
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Thats mine
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yeah no i give up this is fucking impossible
That's mine
built for ___
She really is used only for s3, many such cases with 6 star operators. So if you didn't e2 her yet it might be weird.
The Last Hard Boss Of Arknights....
Why do you crop out the bottom?
I can already tell what kind of units you brought for this. No need to crop out the bottom noob
Siege does not take proper care of her mammaries by letting them hang out loose without any bra support. She's going to have more sag than an average Lungmen slum household, is that the kind of breasts you'd want to interact with?
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Okay gang I've decided to do a test run of that ironman challenge idea from a few days ago, what should I name this doctor?
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Young and NEET
Dr. Stark
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Is Yostar going to End of Service us?
because it's not a part of the stage?
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My two lovely wives
I sure love being 6 months behind.
>Brainlets STILL haven't figured out that attacking furnaces from the heat area of another furnace makes them charge much faster
>Eight normal stages + seven EX stages later
>"omgf why can't I light these furnaces up"
sasuga Harold-sama, the great intellect filter
Sometimes I wish they would to make you stop asking.
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Welcome to the club
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Goku it is. Holy fuck I forgot how annoying the tutorial was.
I've not heard anyone here complain about lighting the furnaces, they just say that Harold kills them
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holy fuck this has got to be the most cancerous boss i've had the displeasure of fighting in ages
somehow more cancer than dolly
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Man this is way nicer than when I started.
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Wuhlter killed the game.......
One thing that annoyed me in this event is that Typhon's targeting priority overtakes the taunt by the heater.
I switched to Goldenglow but physical damage is way better than arts. Ended up using Typhon s3 to kill Harold, though, which is nice.
>i-i just rolled her for the lulz i-i never actually use her
i accept your concession
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Yato... Already benched...
Depends on whether you need block-4 or if your beautiful brick wall needs to be an even more beautiful wall.
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Clothed paizuri with Robin!
They updated it like a year ago to be significantly better.
the problem is that it still takes ~10 seconds to charge them up
if harold crosses an HP threshold during that time you just straight up lose because he nukes the entire map for 3k damage insta killing all ranged ops

god global nukes are such a fucking retarded mechanic
positioning? DOESN'T MATTER
deployment order? LOL LMAO
Yeah, the 10 second window where you can't charge the heaters is a pain.
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>hiding her face when she climaxes
Cute-lewd racoon
pv..... tomorrow?
Operators for friends with benefits?
who the fuck spending their night on a porno theater?
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I used this guide because I have no time to clear it myself
thanks doc
It's a first date location for siracusan girls
Yeah, the cooldown is silly because it also is just enough time to freeze your operators inside. You can bypass it once with the flint, but that won't make them start booting up the other one that shut down
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Love this raccoon...
*immediately kneels down to Harold*
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Here is a retard-proof harold strat
i don't think lapp would appreciate being take to a porno theater...
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...you know, I think Lunacub might actually find that interesting in an educational way
I want to fuck Robin's stinky pussy
Take her to dinner first
Old, depressed and lonely dudes?
quick question regarding the EX-8 medal trim because I'm not certain about something. Do I have to light up all the furnaces only one time or have them lit up when I finish the stage?
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yeah i didnt read any of these mechanics and did ex 8 in 3 attempts and then cm on first try
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*slaps blemithing*
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>First 5 star of the first ironman run is kafak
>First 6 star is suzuran
Cursed or no? Honestly was kind of hoping for Archetto.
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So how much harder does the expansion make IS4?
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Now you got it worked up.

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