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piper acting funny edition

Last: >>484203380

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I [Embed] (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 [Embed] (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>Lycaon Character Demo

>Billy Character Demo

>Nicole Character Demo

>Anby Character Demo

>Nekomata Character Demo

>Grace Character Demo

>Koleda Character Demo

>Rina Character Demo

>Solder 11 Character Demo

>ZZZ stickers
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shark sex
>[File Deleted]
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Cunnygods won…
people are fighting over sensortower right now
I just want soldier 11 and the big assed officer lady
But I don't think those two have any synergy
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Thank you drawanon for your contribution.
Naruto Mobile just lost....
With the power of friendship everything is possible
a sack of rice in china just fell over
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Zensored Zone Zero
/gig/, /wuwa/ and /hsrg/ are on FIRE
I will be here enjoying the chill
They don't, both are DPS characters and don't share an element or faction.
I'm hiding here, I come in peace I promise.
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the shitposters will come to swarm us soon enough
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Waiter waiter this image needs more tectone
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Zensored Animations
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2 days and 14 hours until ZZZ!
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My thanks to /gig/bwos for buckbreaking the wuwakeks away from the Ellen general
How are the prices on Genshin and Honkai regarding PC and other places. Considering they have to hand away a cut of their profits is it cheaper on PC? Or maybe you get some bonus?
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I'm playing robot Dante and robot Dante only.
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Are they shitposting about revenue now?
Pose 2 is better in the second one desu
He's more like deadpool
Still shocked that this guy is only A-rank.
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I remember
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People are just shitposting over /gig/ right now
It's weird because everybody won, all green this month
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It is indeed that time of the month. I'm taking a break from /wuwa/ for a while.
>No yumefujos because we have barely any homos
Sounds like the thread is going to end up being insufferable either way.
Hopefully we get S-rank robots soon, billy is a really fun character
Kill yourself hagpedo
>Sounds like the thread is going to end up being insufferable either way.
Not really, making the protagonists dual characters was a genius idea
Self inserters won't seethe about imaginary trannies, yurifags won't seethe about imaginary filipinos, there's not enough material for shipfags to spam cute and canon
This will be a comfy general, there shall be peace in our time
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For me, it's Lycaon!
Unironic furries get bullied out of places very easily, what we have are shitposters
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CunnyGODS stay winning
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Breast reduction comparison courtesy of the successful streamer Tectone
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It's cheaper on PC since you have to go through the Play Store/App Store when you pay on mobile
>Self inserters won't seethe about imaginary trannies, yurifags won't seethe about imaginary filipinos
There has been tons of MC shitposting though, retards will always find something to be angry about
I know a lot of lycaon praise is shitposting but I find him pretty cool honestly
That's cool but that probably means that you can't use currency you buy on PC on other platforms right?
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>tac nuke deployed
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As long it's on topic I'm glad to have you here :)
This is an extreme case of wishful thinking.
All the seaniggers come here to shitpost about MCwars pretty much exclusively for impossible to understand reasons and this thread will be no different.
You can. You can't use them if you're on Playstation though if it works the same like other Hoyo games.
Nearly 100% of mc war faggotry has been falseflagging, I’m honestly surprised at this general not falling for bait horribly often
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It's not shitposting. He's the first character in any gacha I'll whale for
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It's all the same people falseflagging
If you fall for blatant bait that'll be the culture the general will be stuck with
I like to post sharks here don't worry
Coming is just behind hoyo so quick is pretty impressive honestly, I know it’s going to get shit up either way
i think you two should dress up in fursuits and kiss
Ah shit I wanted to play on PC and PS
>whaling in standard
haha... good luck bwo, you'll need it
why sensei shill on hoyo now ? wuwa 1.1 is that dry ?
Why did they do all that and then add cunny that wears ultra short hot pants though?
Based, I hope you get lucky furrybro
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I like sharks too
Same, though I still don't want him since I'm a waifu enjoyer. It's still sad that he'll be the cause of endless shitposting from people that'll falseflag as furries.
kektone is trying to do the same but th fanbase of underage tards he attracted are giving him shit for it and not going full time kuroshill
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Lace gone
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Waterkuma has ushered in an era of cunny, more on the way
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I will not buy Erdtree and instead put it towards her.
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Removed Anby's thong
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spats is hotter
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Is everyone else hiding from sensor tower shitposters here too?
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>the successful streamer Tectone
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I assume half of the posters posting Lycaon are shitposters since I validated one of them to actually being a furry...
why are wuwashits so fucking pathetic?
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Don't worry, they will come here anyway
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You seem chill. I'm sorry bro...
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Since I'm a poorfag I pirated erdtree just so I can buy monthly and bp for her, hope you get her early bro
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yiff when?
80% of posters need to be removed before we can have a comfy general.
>sirs we will not spam and shit on your game if we both hate genshit and mihomo yes?
Imagine a playerbase built entirely on spite
we are going to bully wutheringnigs here
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Not this month at least let us enjoy refuge in this land of peace while it lasts
It's literally just the women and gays, and those are nowhere near 80%.
These gacha wars are retarded and I'm tired of this bullshit
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Tight pants can be hotter than pantyshots situationally, I’d rather Zhu Yuan have her ass and insane cameltoe than a skirt and panties
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Favorite Bangbro design?
>game is almost complete, want to release it
>have to go through a CCP inspection first, where the inspectors will want to cuck your game over a party approved moral code
>while that's going on, crazy feminists that have infiltrated the company do their best to make things even worse by contacting more of the government agents and complaining about how your company is super sexist and degenerate
>fastest way to deal with this is to simply censor to the point where the agents are pleased, and the women doing any further bitching and moaning will just piss them off since they already got what they wanted
>secure permission to release game
>either produce fanservice to rake in the profits now that the trouble is over, or produce cuckshit because the women managed to essentially perform a hostile takeover of the company through their politicking
The fact that Emilie isn't in this game too means the former outcome occurred.(this time)
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Yeah just look at>>484229137
Azur Lane exists
ellen when
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Butler or construction probably
I want genshitniggers and wuwaniggers to fuck off equally. I won't go shit up their general and I expect the same level of basic human decency from them.
I don’t get it either. The type of people who’d get offended by Nicole’s tits flopping around would probably get even more offended by the cunny shit.
There must be some reason for it.
ids on vg will immediately remove all shitposters
lol this
they were so confident that shit game was going to dethrone and kill genshin, but now that it didn't happen, they are already shitting up this general
in the end, everyone must remember they are anti-hoyo schizos who don't just hate genshin
they did the same shit in hsrg too amd now they are here
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Did you make this? Epic
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It's team sports bullshit. This mentality of having to pick a side and defend it to the death while shitting on everything else constantly is really tiresome.
Japanese game, doesn't have CCP funding unlike Mihoyo, released years before the current CCP censorship standards went into effect, got censored by crazy chink feminists anyway, but you've apparently memoryholed that.
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The fact that Tencent manages to pass by regulations unfazed while Hoyo gets constantly censored is a bit suspicious, no?
Tencent is way bigger and probably has the connections and money to bribe their way out of shit
nothing to see here, comrade
move along or else
The real question for you anons is: Would you Bang a fuckboo?
Would you fang a Buckboo?
Would you Bag a funckboo?
Would you boo a Bangfuck?
Would you Bog a fuckbaon?
how does waterkuma even have the courage to show up for work and face his coworkers who obviously know how much of a degenerate cuck he is?
is he entirely shameless?
Can you make a Ellen one? Pretty please
le cultural export
okay, give me an hour or two
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Thank you broski. And I should probably pirate it as well, I just unironically enjoy messages and seeing other player phantoms.

I hope get dupes. You trying for the weapon or nah?
>a new generation of rabishit
Will it end?
Still a Chinese game operating in Shanghai but I guess you forgot that ?

>got censored by crazy chink feminists anyway

this statement should be irrelevant if your previous statement is true but you mentioned it anyway, even you don't believe what you're saying
hsrfags and genshinfags just reuse reaction images from their generals while posting on topic, may go on the odd tangent about something in their game (since mihoyo games share their schedule) that ends after two replies
wuwaniggers always concern troll, spam ragebait, make collages to show how shit (you)r game is compared to wuwa, have meltdowns about mihoyo, and always derail discussion to be about their bootleg and how it's over for mihomo
They aren't the same
Kuma lives in Taiwan (or Japan).
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You're spoiling us bro. Thank you in advance.
what would you do if you have waterkuma in front of you
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It really depends if I win the 50/50 cause I still want to save a little bit for other characters down the line like the android cop, the idol cunny and caesar
Rabi is the origin of all /vg/ culture chud
Respect your elders and tradition
>wuwaniggers always concern troll, spam ragebait, make collages to show how shit (you)r game is compared to wuwa, have meltdowns about mihoyo, and always derail discussion to be about their bootleg and how it's over for mihomo
and the same few ritualposts too
like the "zensored" ritualpost and the "not welcome" ritualpost
they have already become annoying and unlikeable
Hoyo is too in bed with otaku culture for the CCP to trust them fully.
Girl's Frontline 2 is blatantly sexual, bro you're full of bullshit Mihoyo is the one censoring
Comm him to make a drawing of loli goddess from Genshin. She does so much on my team.
watercoomer is stronger than the whole chinese army
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You're a treasure
Ok but is waterkuma based enough to give us a cute trap character
I'd P6 instantly
>crazy feminists that have infiltrated the company
The feminist cult shit is Korea anon not China. Get your facts right before writing your fanfics please
>Taiwan being hired by China for anything
Yeah nah.
I realize I've never seen a wuwa image posted anywhere that wasn't just shitting on another game and that you should play wuwa instead
Holy shit
This is nice but I hate everything about her design above the waist
It's going to be a skip sadly
Both of those ritualposts suck, they’re just disingenuous bait
Mihoyo has offices in Taiwan and Tokyo and he works on ZZZ from there. No way Kuma can live in China with the stuff he has drawn.
Do you actually *get* anything for pre-registering?

I have a bunch of emails ready to re-roll but do I need to pre-reg them too
You can do the stock up event though but it's tedious
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Keep up the cunny please good sir
I hope this game does not get dykes or stupid expys
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What are you trying to say partner
Too late, Miyabi and Soukaku are a lesbian couple
you get to be part of the 47+ trillion
What character is considered the most SOVL as of release?
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thank u
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If it's like the other game launches then everyone gets the bonuses even after the game launches.
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I think It's 5 banboos reroll tokens, cash, exp and a free Corin
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It’s a lot by hoyo standards
I’m an ass guy and find her pretty cute, normally I’d save for S-rank cunny but she’ll probably synergize well with the android cop
Those are milestone rewards, everyone gets them even if you didn't prereg
Korea is just Little China, and the cult is not limited to Korea, that's just where they've had the most noticeable effect. Even Hillary Clinton is implicated in the cult. You don't know as much as you think you do and you're assuming that we english speakers are capable of knowing much more than we actually are. Same for all the retarded posts I didn't bother to reply to. The fact is that we can only speculate, the situation in china is much more complicated than we'll likely ever understand, because the only people that really know what's going on are the suits at these various development companies.
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big billy
How can I play this game? Why are some people able to ply now?
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Girl's Frontline 2 exists LMAO

you were wrong and are now trying to wiggle your way out when presented with facts you little worm
next time do more research
my NIGGA big ben
>normalfaggots can celebrate that they have a "properly dressed woman not made for the male gaze"
>patricians get to enjoy cameltoe, ass and pseudo-latex outfit
i gotta say mhy outdid themselves with zhu yuan
shut the fuck up you shitposting nigger
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No one can play it right now. What you saw were the Closed Beta Tests. The pre-download is on the 2nd and the actual game launch is on the 4th.
>How can I play this game?
Wait two days
>Why are some people able to ply now?
time travel
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Recommend me a controller to play this game with.
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You better not finish that sentence brother
We hate racists and pedos here.
kek eango was questioning this too, was pretty funny
Coziest thread in vg soon to be ruined in 2 days...
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It's not on Steam, so use an Xbox controller for better compatibility.
I hope they delay it again, scrap it from the online stores and pull a MvC2 and make it out for a long time as "the awesome game you'll never get to play" right at the day before Independence Day. Imagine the shitfit.
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My king...
>Recommend me a controller
8bitdo Ultimate (the version with dual 2.4ghz/Bluetooth) or Gulikit KingKong pro 2
Wired Gamesir for a lower cost option
Idk why but her design just hits for me.
I’ve heard folks speculate that’s the case. Hopefully it’s the case. Don’t think they can be that censorious with this like they were with Genshin.
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It's that good
Waterkuma as lead character designer has done wonders really, these designs are all really fun and inventive by hoyo standards
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I need her Character Demo now.
How could Hoyomo ever think that was appropriate Chinese cultural export...
>women-hating incels with schizophrenia post here
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Do not I repeat do NOT finish that word
What's the best solution to solve the incel problem ?
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We will prevail bro
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The moment I saw shark-girl with a punk/goth look or whatever it is. I was sold. Feels like such a rarity in games that aren't H-games.
I'm a fat tail enjoyer so that must be it
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>so use an Xbox controller for better compatibility.
That's no longer necessary, it's only a problem with Bluetooth xinput controllers
If you get third party gamepads that can connect with 2.4GHz (NOT BLUETOOTH) it's the same as an Xbox controller
what are good teammates for billy kino? i dont know shit about this game
Anby and Nicole because of faction buffs
Billy is a free a-rank DPS, so he expect him to be garbage.
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I didn’t even have to look past the first panel to know it’s tsubasa lol
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Piper's game
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>Tv simulator
I see the Mihoyo money is being put to good use.
Slop “mommy” #727494
stop using my future wife to shitpost, fucker
this game isn't even fuck out yet and you're doing this shit
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There's only one good game in this image. I'll let you guess which one it is.
arknights is not on that image thougheverly
Why is the Shark girl in such a bad mood and always looks at (You) in disgust??
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Is belle a brat
what the fuck happened?
Because she only does her job for the money and actually hates it
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She doesn't like her job and we're a part of that so i imagine she doesn't like us
Are gacha games worth playing?
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She's hungry and horny.
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average wuwakek meltdown
first observed case of jannies actually cleaning up /gig/
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she hates men
for me it's only zzz and hsr
so long as you are having fun and also don't spend money on it it's a scam
If you like the look of them and don’t mind developing a slight gambling addiction
Based, open world sloppa blows
Except for me
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N****R! Heh.
I unironically have more fun playing shitty gachas than I did with some AAA games. Kinda depressing but it is what it is.
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Ellen bros... What do we think of her girlfriend?
Kill yourself yuritransbian
I bet the shark is soft below her coarse exterior.
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I started playing GFL 8 years ago and it ruined my life forever.
Tectone says she looks like an NPC
He's right.
Tectone is a mouthbreather
Someone who got through CBT3, how many battles are required to go through the tutorial?
I'm thinking about multiboxing it for rerolls but if there are many battles it'll be impossible
>the game that doubled down on cuckshit after players said to knock it off
>only recently going max coomer since it flopped super hard
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I already have early access to my wife bwother
Holy dickrider Batman!
same. can't believe i did 2000 manual 0-2 runs and that number is still on the lower side compared to others. made arknights with it's auto really appealing to me back when it released.
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>tourist pov
Hello Shay
If you don't watch tectone you do not belong here.
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bros... what happened to her shoulder...
This but with AL, events and PR grind ware a pain
Pitbull got her when she was a baby
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Is there a datamine for the 1.1 banners
I’m pretty sure she has several scars, all the maids have horror/thriller motifs
Uh, yes we do. He doesn't dictate shit when it comes to the fanbase.
Anal sex with Fofo
Frankenstein's monster.
She's supose to be a frankstein reference like Lycaon is a werewolf and Rina has the whole ghost stuff
who is that?
all horror movie stuff
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Not yet, hopefully just a week or two from launch
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My biggest gacha game regret is grub no doubt. I played mostly during the era when full auto wasn't a thing too so I had to play manually and autistically spam F5 for guild wars. The sandbox grind finally killed the game for me thankfully but man that was a lot of time (and money) put into that.
Wait for the 1.1 beta
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Maybe the preload could have something later? But that's just me being hopeful.
He’s just some retard baiting, probably the same as the “zensored” poster
Best bet is the beta for next patch whenever that happen
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i feel this. i only dropped it after the siete sword nerf
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>fofonigs already here
How is the co-op? Is it like Genshin or HSR?
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game isn't even out yet and I have so many pictures of sharkie
In cbt3 you could fight bosses co-op
Remember when tons of future hsr characters were datamined back when the pre-download released for that
let's hope we get something similar
The trailer gave a lot of them
Does this game have any agents that are built for anal yet?
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And I'm saving them all.
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Anyone else rerolling for shark maido?
So who is the target audience for this game? should i go in expecting a full replayable endgame experience? or should i go in expecting a casual one. I will play this regardless because i think its the best looking anime action rpg in the market right now with its style and fluidity but i'm not sure what to make of this game, i have no fucking clue what its about
>the siete sword nerf
I'm impressed they didn't die after that fiasco.
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I hope the scars are visible on her model
>full replayable endgame experience
impossible in a mihoyo game so just expect the casual experience
Casual, mostly.

How they'll go from that we don't know, some anon mentioned they might even add freaking PvP but I doubt it, probably was pulling it out from his ass.

Action games are loved by casuals even at higher difficulties so it could become sweaty in this game's "Abyss".
(Canon) Ellen is always pissed because she wants lovey dovey missionary with hugs and kisses but the tail gets in the way
>Shark girl
Can't believe I'm playing this game just for her
I will
Hopefully I get lucky to finish it on July 3
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At the very most they'll add leaderboards and not real pvp*
*Soulhounds and snake arcade pvp don't count
I'll go through some emails to see if I can get lucky but I don't want to spend a ton of time on it.
Ellen looks like one of those jk sluts that fucks old men for money
It's probably like other hoyo games where there's some modes that's somewhat hard to full clear depending on what your account looks like. But It'll still be easy if you're "hardcore"


I'm guessing pvp is gonna be some retarded boss rush where you compete with timers instead of actually hitting players but who knows.
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Nope. I play other Hoyo games so I'd rather keep everything under 1 email. If I don't get her, I'll just spend a little.
>no feet
dead game
>So who is the target audience for this game?
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Literally me, I was completely disinterested in this until they revealed her.
The only reason I won't reroll is because I'm using my hsr account
In a dev talk (the SF “collab” one) they mentioned wanting to design around a high skill ceiling and turn up the heat on players over time. I don’t think it’s aiming for the same hypercasual market as genshin but it’ll probably take a while to get to particularly challenging stuff
>So who is the target audience for this game
me (I'm Wise)
she rims them, get it right
I see, i don't know where i saw this but i really thought they were shooting for a more niche audience this time, weren't there interviews talking about endgame and stuff?
Yeah i knew i saw something like that around
it won't be available on release
Makes sense they want to have data of players habits in combat before ramping up
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>he doesn’t know
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Your sister is cute
your sister Belle fucks other men while you aren't home
Just the fact that they are saying they will put more challenging stuff in the game give me hope
uh oh troonsbian melty
Will /gig/, /hsrg/ and /wuwa/ ever fuck off from our general?
I think the censorship is justified. The last thing I want is incels and coomers in this game.
/hsrg/ ask the same question, what do you think
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Pokes you
only one of those three is actively lowering the quality of the general
I think It depends if they're looking and caring about data. Real casual players are full fucking retards so I can see them bending to their will.
Shut the fuck up.

You think they'll censor her if we send them emails about it?
Anti-self-inserters are mentally ill freaks that cuckpost like this guy >>484236536 to demoralize
Transbian is basically a synonym for mentally ill so that's the word being used.
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If I win the 50/50 I’ll get her lightcone
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If only you knew how bad things are going to get.
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HSR already added tons of hard stuff, many rewards (not important ones but still) are locked behind autistic shit in Simulated Universe modes. I didn't believe them at first because of Genshin not adding anything endgame ever, but I choose to believe them this time.

We'll see.
No one talked about them until you brought it up so I assume you got bored of SensorTower posting.
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why are the cutscenes like this
But that's my secret. I'm always bored.
I mean they added a harder difficult mode for the story after complaints so maybe they'll know how to add harder content to the gamr
i can already see it. people rushing the fuck out of the content and then coming here to shitpost that there's nothing to do.
Because mihoyo is trying to imitate trigger
I have plenty of time to reroll (during shifts) and I need Ellen but man soft resetting demoralizes me
Literally building up to nothing with each failed attempt
It's always kuroshills who shit on hoyogod's games even though they should realize that without hoyogods paving the road for kuroshit to copy their footsteps, they'll be playing clash of clans instead.
That's a given
Mihoyo actually knows how to make games and the initial content will last at least a week. Unlike wuwa where the content ran dry in 2 days.
Holy falseflagging bait
It will be even worse on 1.1 since that will be out on the same day as wuwa 1.2 so they'll try to shit the general even harder
>and the initial content will last at least a week. U
...Because of Proxy Level-gating. The lamest shit ever.
Coomers ruin the game. Have you not seen the limbus drama?
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You seem like way more of a schizo than that guy making a single silly post
I’m going to play as belle and date the girls by the way
>during shifts
Bro if you have a job, just dump everything in her banner, 1.0 will guarantee her for you. And if new cool units come out then just buy the monthly pass.

I finally got a job recently too and I can make 5 bucks in 25 minutes lol.
report and ignore
Bros... do you think the shitposting will die down when the game comes out? Haha...
You will never be a real woman, trannyfreak.
cuckposting is cancer
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>all guys that want hot girls in the game are Korean incel schizo tier
Uhhh okay guy
Are the bangboos cameras the proxies uses to aid in combat? Are (We) just glorified operators/ navigators?
At least you're honest that female MCs are for yurifags
The "I picked fem MC because I'm so straight I don't want heckin males on my account" is peak mental illness
God shut the hell up
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>Have you not seen the limbus drama?
They saved the game and series, though.
>forced PM to finally give every Sinner content equally
>now we get some boobas
>remove from the community all the undesirables (I wish but some actually fucked off)
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It looks like the same dude that shits up /hsrg/ and /wuwa/ with MC wars best to just try and ignore it.
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What is Nicole going to be good for when the game releases?
Honestly this thread is a lot less awful than hsrg was for basically 3 months post launch, people aren’t taking the bait even if there’s an absolute fuckton of it
>there are people defending cuckposting here
This general is done for.
She's the only character with CC so far, so revel in that until someone comes out that powercreeps her.
Also the only Ether character until Zhu Yuan
Being the only 4* Ether and producing babies.
don't forget the 47+ trillion
*cums on you*
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post cute belle pictures
>What is Nicole going to be good for
The enjoyment of African and bear men
She's a generic support and not particularly great but her CC will make her a good cope option before better characters come
I like Stix, if you ignore the awful clickbait thumbs he's just a coomer like me
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I won't be looking at the thread when the game comes out that's for sure.
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Ellen rims old men for money btw
>He unironically consumes gacha content on youtube that isn't music or animations.

I kneel king
He has the same samefagging habit and smug tone that he thinks doesn’t make it blatantly obvious somehow, I wouldn’t be surprised. Waiting on him to make a poll about “cuckposting” or whatever the fuck to bot
Thank you bwo
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God bless you.
>bro I'm going to shitpost and cuckpost to spite that ONE guy, I bet he hates it so much
>it won't accidentally become a recurring theme and ruin the general or something
please refrain
do not post MC schizowar bait
ignore MC schizowar bait
do not reply to MC schizowar bait
So are they gonna put actual effort in character writing in this game ? or is it just
release new char > forget about all the old ones
And less popular mihoyo games are more lewd than the big ones.
What're her dupes like?
Nice job bwo
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Like this
Cuckposting is just funny honestly, nowhere near actual mc war bullshit
>another cops with puffy vagina
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Kill yourself freak.
Mc wars makes even less sense here since both mcs are voiced and almost always together
I hope they actively update the texting thing every patch but it's looking to be like the usual..
People who pick Wise love to see their sister get knotted though. That's why it's better to pick Belle and date the girls <3
it seem the leaked model is not polished yet
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Who has the best footwear?
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>loli with cameltoe
Bros we won so fucking hard
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What is the purpose of making an android policewoman so T I T E?
>since both mcs are voiced and almost always together
That's not relevant. What's relevant is what gender (you) irl are and what the gender of the character you pick is. If it doesn't align, you're insane.
Kill yourself cuckschizo
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If you roll for a pig you aren’t human
Fuck off dude
I really hope this game has nice QoL and quick dailies. Genshin is awful in those regards.
are her thighs or hips thinner than other pics or am I going crazy? Because this >>484238820 looks huge
>Ellen is permanently pissed to hide her depression because she hates her job and life
Prime angsty saviorfag bait...
stop replying dumbass
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>Roll Ellen
>Save For Miyabi
>Save For cunny cop and cunny idols
My plan
if you look closely it's unpolished model you can see the polygon easly
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characters based on how annoying their posters are
You do know that there are missions where you are forced to play as belle regardless of the mc you chose and vice versa right
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Android tummy though
The model looks pretty jank and low poly so odds are the one that showed up in the livestream is more accurate
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From what I've read, It's faster than Genshins but a bit slower than HSR.
Based, I’m doing the same but rolling Zhu Yuan instead since she’ll probably have synergy with the cunny cop (although cow girl and the police kemono dude are both not my speed at all)
It's about 10 minutes if you spend stamina
CorinGODS run this shit while ellenshits roll around in the mud lol
There's only 1 in cbt3, and that happened in the Prologue. The scene later in where Belle gets trapped in the hollow is scripted that way and always swaps to Wise.
But you're misunderstanding something here. I'm talking about making the conscious descision to pick the mc with another gender than you. If it's forced it's a different situation and my point doesn't apply.
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I really hope you're both right, she's the one character that has to remain untouched
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Don't mind if I do
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Corin is cute
kill all fofoposters.
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is she licking that thing what is that
Zhu Yuan bros...
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my dick
And is the Corinposter in the thread with us right now?
This game has shown more cunny than both hsr and genshin combined
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sorry posted the wrong list
all quality cunny too
>Zhu Yuanfags are /zzz/'s shadow council
Based and true
I always type Zhao Yun instead of Zhu Yuan.....
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6/17 released characters are cunny, waterkuma better keep that ratio up
If honkai is something that be considered
The promotional 1.0 girls will probably end powercreeped as hell
So I guess I can safely skip this banner and save for cunny
Are the bottom bad less annoying or more annoying?
I love cunny, and just decided to check this game due the OP, what makes it different fromthe mihomo slop we already have?
the worst part of waterkuma working for mihoyo is that he can't draw brutal loli rape of his own characters like he did for girl's frontline...
Belle should be an F too but otherwise you got it right
>Ellen Corin S
>Grace F
I think powercreep won't be as bad as HSR since It's not turn based.
>characters based on how annoying their posters are
Judging by the wording, the higher the character, the less annoying their posters are
I have the same question for both lists...
You haven't played Genshin then. They'll "phase" out certain comps and units to push the new featured ones by changing content and enemies
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The gameplay and style is leagues above their other stuff annd waterkuma is the character designer so we’re getting a lot of cunny and coom. The game is launching in just a handful of days so feel free to try it if you’re interested
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>fofo posters are bad
>people who literally post gay furry porn aren’t
We live in a society
Yeah but it takes upwards of a year or even more for characters to be actively frustrating to use, powercreep exists but it's way slower
in that case the first list is correct, fuck ellentroons
This doesn’t have an elemental reaction system to strongarm teamcomp like in genshin though
This facial expression is hysterically out of character for Ellen.
hmmmm.... thanks anon, I may give in for these points. Is there male/female mc on this one or only characters?
ok bro
Who is the older sibling
Wise or Belle
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corin the 4chan
Shouldn't take that long with the skip button
Who's the obligatory chink general/emperor of this game?
>day 1 Ellen roller
>holy metachurl kys shark tranny
>6 months Ellen roller
>still using that brick
>1 year Ellen roller
>EllenGOD I kneel
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Yeah wtf
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There’s both a male and female mc that are sort of their own characters rather than self-inserts (female mc pictured here)
seele is still shit on to this day, nobody calls seele clears sovl
I'm going to play this game without ever rolling the gacha.
Zhu Yuan, one of the Arbiter-Generals of the Criminal Investigation Special Response Team
This perspective is fucking me up
Ellenposters are the qqposters
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Seele was in top 10 fastest teams last moc. Half the 1.x DPS have aged worse than Seele.
>1 year (z3 character) roller
Are all YouTubers legally obligated to make this face on every single one of their thumbnails?
It's the copy-pasted shoe that gets me
the strongest fofo of history vs the strongest fofo of today...
A-rank so that they can later cash in with an S-
rank variant. Just fucking watch.
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Is this going to be another case of broken patch 1 characters with Ellen and Zhu before they they reel it back in?
>>day 1 Ellen roller
>>holy metachurl kys shark tranny
No shit the first limited character is meta, that won't work
You have to try
>lel impulse rolling retard she'll be powercrept by Miyabi
>rolling for 1.0 character KEKYPOW we're all saving for [insert "meta" future character without even a hint of their kit being known]
>holy based dedicated sharkfag rerolling for two days, I kneel
Yeah, like Blade, and Blade, and Blade. Say, whatever happened to that Argenti fellow?
aight, thanks, I'm fine with them being a character, more to enjoy, tho I hope they get some lovey dovey action with some characters too like the other mihomo slop mc have
Wait so first login will ask you to pick casual or challenge mode? What do I pick bwos...
>annoying faggots that shit up threads

so true
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why do all the lolis in this game have tummy?
Android SEX!!!
Challenge of course, I bet it'll be piss easy baby difficulty anyway
If you're rerolling you pick casual, right?
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forin the rock
So that you can see the bulge when you fuck them.
>frieren face
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I will rolling for all cunny in this game
Can this be changed later?
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<--- Actual tier list
Genshin could never
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>bases character placements on their fans
list discarded
Belle is for the incest chads
Yes. You can change the diffculty from settings at any given time
>corin the reddit
does challenge gives additional rewards?
What separates angels for alright
>inb4 no one posts about angels
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el gato feliz...
Tourist here, does your game have nice feet?
are we getting hololive collab for virtual idol marketing ?
someone post grace
Cute :) any other dancing chars?
We're starting with a gura collab
Nicole did some really nice twirls before they changed her animations
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we're getting niji first
Based artistbro, what tablet and program do you use to draw?
Cute, thank you.
nah kurosanji will play kuro games instead
We need a proper footpandering chara like yunli next
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Intuos 5 medium + CSP
They're not hotter because unfortunately in most cases there's no definition to them so it's basically just a complete coverup and they use those 'spats' to censor most of their characters. They never really look good unfortunately. Some of you are coping a lot with this.
The first one will be a paw pandering cub character
It's the shark meta? (I'm a metaslave)
I wanna roll for cunnies
Thank fuck I'm white, for some reason it's only chinks or SEAnigs that earn less than half of my cunts' minimum wage that care about any of this
Haven't seen much of Anby's personality but she looks pretty hot
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Honkai 2 is getting a Prisma Illya collab. Dawei is really embracing cunny this year.
From what I'm seeing in Jakazin's spreadsheet yes u get 30 polychrome per mission on easy mode and 20 extra for challenge mode.
But all missions are replayable so you can always go back and do it again on challenge mode, if you plan on rerolling you're better off blitzing through it in casual mode and then come back later once you have the character you like
Are you guys coming in witn MnK or controller?
I played cbt2 and controller felt really nice outside of menuing
Thanks for complaining bro, I almost missed that one.
Why the robotummy looks so soft...
Alright thanks, I was wondering what program to use and clip studio paint look like the way to go
Not any more meta than limited cunny in the near future will end up being
Chink fans cucked us out of this. Why is global so weak at pushing Hoyo around? They need to start being scared of us...
That one costume with Kuro on top of Illya...
We simply are not the majority
Holy shit, the video is an ad for hoyo and is scripted as fuck, he is literally reading a summary of the stream.
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What other content creators do you watch?
You really think the chinks want to bow to the japanese?
It unironically works, like, it is stupid as fuck, but the thumbnail meta is something that get them more views lol
I don't really know their names, I just watch the first thing the search gives me.
I just want them to have two versions for their games like AL. Chinese fans jealousy should have zero say on what people outside China get.
What do you expect the ZZZ policy towards modding to be?
Mihoyo is pretty chill about it, in Genshin they basically came out and said it's allowed, while HSR did one banwave and nothing since.
Mods could even restore things like >>484229694 or Neko, or Grace, or Nicole...
chinks will just mod that shit right back in and it'll magically appear in the banana modding site anyway don't you fret
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I mean they used to do that but look what that did for dawei
I wish they would just let you pick who you get from your first 50 standards.
BA more or less lets you, albeit, in a roundabout way.
You can basically always get who you want its just a matter of rerolling for a day, and having a different login. Both of which are just annoying.
hmm nyo pay up gweilo
Why are you guys even posting this without posting the image of her new design so we have something to compare it to?
Bottom Left
Real hoyotards keep their bricked account
Holy balls those mspainted on shorts look so bad. They're not part of the model and they just look so tacky and forced. It's like whoever makes them isn't even on the art team and literally doesn't give a shit about making the character look terrible.
What do I do if I get the bear guy or the furry guy? Do I just kill myself?
Have at least 5 accounts just in case.
Bear is a 4*, you won't be able to avoid him for very long
probably partial to it
Remember you need to use the bear with the red head bitch
tying teambuilding to factions is this game's biggest mistake
I wish they would remove it
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Imagine the sex...
Uhhh, I think you mean Ben "Tyrone" Bigger" .
I dont even mind the bear, its just the wolf is the most furfag bait ive seen in a LONG time.
No she literally has a skill and animations tied to having him in your party
do you niggers know if the game will have a standalone launcher or will I have to re-install epicgoystore?
Hoyo has a shared launcher now
Oh being 4* is okay. I thought they're both on standard. I dont want my 50 pull to be a furry nigger I would kym
Ben is a free 4* that you get from a permanent event.
ahh, great, thanks man
Waiting on the furfag bait for heterosexual men.
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Dear god...
if i'm not mistaken China just introduced age rating system in 2020, and it wasn't implemented properly until 2021/2022.
hoyo probably submitted ZZZ for license before that which is why early characters got censored.
there is hope that future characters won't get censored now especially considering the kind of degenerate gacha that's been coming out of china recently
uhh so is the shark gurl underage?? I think reddit/x won't really like that
Hoyo is a kidfriendly game developer though
You're a faggot in denial
He's Russian. What you're looking for is the Gorilla character.
We're modding the shit out of this game right guys? This is going to be a game where everyone discussing it is just expected to have mods. In every survey we're going to tell Hoyo we all mod as a community and if they ban us we're going to play Wuwa.
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The zzz developers definitely like kids at least
>we're going to play Wuwa.
Go back
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No you fucking idiot, that's the bluff. You fucking retarded idiot with 1 brain cell.
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In every survey I’m going to ask for more cunny actually
Please leave
That ass is so covered and layered with so much clothing I don't even know how you can like it
I'm here for ZZZ's setting and aesthetic. I'll try Kuro's ZZZ copy slop if they make one. Not a fan of chink dresses
What character is the QQ of ZZZ?
What about sparkle?
I get why people falseflag so much these days.
So many easy (You)s.
just play starrail
PGR already exists
What’s the /zzz/ KINGED? KNOTED?
Pgr doesn't look like zzz don't even have the same vibe
PGR is Arknights aesthetic
How about you leave bitch ass tourist. You're clearly looking for a comfy safe space.
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don't be stupid we want fluff
Tho unlike KING, Lycaon is actually useful
>unlimited fps without mods
So how are the revenue charts? What happened?
Please leave
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when is the game actually coming out on the 4th? will the pickelhaube loli be in on release?
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I hope so. The coom arm race going on in China right now will definitely come in handy when asking for concessions. Competition is good bros...
Chat is this real?
What should I eat for lunch bros
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>want shark girl more due to her design but...
>police girl has more appealing kit+elment
Post the Ellen one
Go ask this on the relevant generals
I am not modding this game like an autist playing minecraft, I will complain like a retard

people in America managed to convince others that there are more than 2 genders so there's a chance that it could work for me
No, fuck you.
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>please leave your home and only website
How about fuck off
This will show when the game releases on your timezone
If only koreans could make games to go with their insane coom designs, not that I consider gachas games but at least mihoyo's shit is more entertaining than nikke
Both of them will be powercrept to hell in half a year if not sooner judging by Hoyo's track record, so just go with whatever.
Please leave
It is relevant because this is also a hoyo game and I'm asking for hoyo revenue so I can have a proper outlook on how hoyo and by inclusion zzz will do in the future based on the revenue their other games are making.
Happy, cocksucker?
I will spend the next two days excited to play this game like I’m going to Disney World then when the game launches either autistically play it for 20 hours until I run out of content or drop it in a hour and chase the next new big thing…
I already said no. Sorry. You can leave if you'd like me being here. I will continue to discuss zzz and I will also continue to be annoyed by their badly designed spats.
stay kyarlbro
fuck off go ask another general
>I will ask the obvious to derail the thread into shit flinging again
I think you should finish your pagpag first.
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Feel free to be annoyed nobody is stopping you, just stop being an annoying cunt
This game isn't even out yet

expect it to join revenue pvp on august
Please leave
>please leave your home
Lol that's pathetic
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I want Nekomata, because I like her personality and gameplay
these look like shit but sloppers gonna slop i guess
I want Nekomata, because I like her ass and flat chest
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these look amazing but coomers gonna coom i guess
It's a sloppy world, anon
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How many gachas are you guys playing actively right now? Are you planning on dropping any if zzz ends up being okay?
For me it's Blue Archive, PGR, Nikke, HSR, Wuwa, Gakumas, Snowbreak, and Limbus.
I was thinking about dropping PGR for a while just because I'm kind of tired of fighting the exact same bosses over and over
No I'm not modding the game
star rail and zzz
Modchads' situation is a big question mark
They don't give a fuck at Genshin but some people have been temporarily suspended for doing it at HSR, tho if I'm not mistaken it's fine as long as you don't announce to the whole world you are doing it with your UID attached
I only play Action Taimanin consistently. I will drop it only if ZZZ will have the same kind of skins for the characters, which of course won't happen.
Please leave.
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I wish I had the time to play that many but I have too many regular games to play
Nikke, BA and HSR for me though. I tried wuwa but it lags too much for my potato PC
Please stay
I'm currently not playing any gachas. I recently dropped Nikke cause coomer designs couldn't save the menu hopping and boring gameplay.
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zigger game, zigger general
in Zen Zigger we trust
Damn, Nekomata looks like THAT?
Guess I'm rollin' with Nekomata now.
>my game is making more money than your game!
pappag eating retards are not right in the head.
/三Z/chads where we at
Nekomata is pure and has no associations. How long will that last?
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What a sad and miserable existence you live
I blame /v/
For me it's
GBF - main and can grind whenever I want. Only GW changes my schedule
BA+HSR. - 5 min to dailies for both. I just read the story on the weekends.
wuwa- liking it so far
Gonna pick up Uma and ZZZ. Uma gameplay was addicting me when I played JP. There's something about numbers going up. ZZZ has a vibe.
I play other stuff during the weekdays like right now with the pathfinder games. Weekends are gacha content days.
There's no way people aren't going to mod in this game. The models actually have some definition. Genshin models are basically flat and outdated.
Dead in a ditch
I play all of these
Aether Gazer
Star Rail
Alchemy Stars
Azur Lane
Neural Cloud
Blue Archive
Path To Nowher
Girls Frontline
uhm based, post some fab3000 strikes
>he still posts dead prinekot
There's not much other relevant stuff to talk about so the goalposts of discussion have to be moved a bit.
pgr and proseka
will probably uninstall both when zzz releases and horse game comes to global
I'm not modding. too much of a hassle
only Blue Archive
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Man I really like GBF's gameplay and character designs but the grind is literally just too much for me.
What even is uma's gameplay like? That shit is super popular for some reason but I always thought it was just a png collector.
Hiding and planning...
it's for grinders for sure
if you were addicted to runescape as a kid then it's probably for you
wow we are dead
HSR (committed for long term because I got lucky with Firefly more than any SSR banner I pulled in my history of playing gacha games)
BA (Came just to mald in raids and fap to sexy mature students; I'd drop if I get into the Top 100 leaderboards in JP no matter what)
Genshin (Will log in primarily for Abyss and Imaginarium content aside from archon quests before Sneznhaya arrives)

I won't be playing Genshin much other than these games unless Hoyovese convinces Kaede Hondo to voice a playable character. Dropped Wuwa because I find the tacet marks unappealing as my potato PC.
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just hsr and wuwa currently, I plan on sticking with both although I'm dropping my pass for wuwa since none of the upcoming banners interest me
public open toilet status soon
>pick character template you want to train
>pick support cards that have buffs you want to have
>train stats over a timeline to the final big race
>try to get all of the good skills you want in the meantime
>try to win specific races
>at the end you get a copy of the character with the stats and skills you got
>you can use it for the other modes like pvp races and stuff
>get fucked in the ass by the jobber umas who box you in because they're slow as fuck and a shitty niger wins
when is the pre-download starting?
Training sim
If you ever played monster rancher then it's like that.
You make a bunch of choices during a campaign run to make your horsegirl win races and hopefully win the final race with high stats. You then use that girl as a "parent" for a new girl (you passed down stat gains and skills) you are going to train and repeat the whole process.
lack of cunny leaks, we have to wait for launch now
I thought it was tomorrow?
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I'm working on Friday after Independence day
2 days before launch so it ranges from later today to tomorrow
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time zone thing whoops
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Now kiss
Is there like percent chances to make me seethe that I don’t get the right stat
>loompag is here
It really depends on the timezone
you can fail training stats depending on how rested your uma is, you can not get the events you want to get better skills, if you aren't running at the front you can fail races by getting RNG fucked by slow horses trapping you in
new police cunny
The prospect of having girls in skintight scifi suits/armor is a huge part of the appeal of ZZZ personally. Especially since so much of the other Mihoyo designs and it's imitators are doing the flowing wuxia clothing thing which isn't nearly as appealing to me. Even the supposedly scifi HSR. I get why a lot of people would look at Zhu Yuan and just see "police/military girl" next to options like "shark maid" but SEXY police/military girl is a huge part of the appeal to me. It hits me right in the Motoko Kusanagi.
>Anko and Verina
We just need another cunny in wuwa and then I'll have my triple cunny team
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I'm glad we get police characters. I've always enjoyed them ever since I played against my black friends with Stryker in MK
To be honest, having pantyshots make no sense. Not even real idols ever show panties and they never did.
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Really hope he isnt weak as piss, coolest design in the game so far
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Nice "waifu" bros
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Ellens tail..
I'm somewhat afraid they won't be able to produce characters as sexo as ellen in the future...
>bottom row characters are all liked by troons
I'm noticing
sounding bros... we can't stop winning
Her weapon is a three section staff by the looks of things
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How likely is powercreep? I don't want to repeat a Seele situation with Ellen.
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Where is the cop chick?
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She is legal
>ctrl f ellen
>32 results
Totally natural posting
>Seele situation
Powercreep is inevitable but Seele still clears the current MoC 12 with full stars, I have no idea where this sentiment came from
the queen of spades..
Boobs are not water ballons. Stop pushing this retardation of censorship narrative
Do we know when banners are coming? I do like Ellen... but I kinda want to save for the robussy.
100% gonna happen
Ellen doesn't have anything future-proof in her kit
Hope so too. I want a team of Anby/Nicole/Billy
>those spade motifs
lmao fucking waterkuma
sorry but this is a miyabi x ben bigger general
Yes, they are milk balloons
Im the lucky red pig
this is retarded

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