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>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I [Embed] [Open] (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik [Embed] [Open] (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI [Embed] [Open] (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA [Embed] [Open] (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
I, a June 2024 debut character, underperformed. Who am I?
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off model
So we came in third on global?
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Nahida is really sexy.
This game needs a shortstack.
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Man, this achievement was such a pain in the ass. Why the fuck are the chances for mystery caches so low.
Only archons get a 2nd SQ and Furina isn't one.
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Post screenshots with the theatre poses!
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bros which characters did you get for the 30 day overworld/abyss buff?
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Great fucking pay to win gamemode, thank you hoyo.
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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Childe SOON
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Why did Furina flop?
When did we start to accept losing to HSR as the norm?
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post your theatre clear
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Is the new mode easy even without C6 supports? I was planning on using my old overload team of B/K/XL/poorfag Raiden.
Everyone has those same ones
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I hope you guys enjoy this new mode, because I don't
Another time attack with even more restriction is just straight up disgusting for me
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His lines in the new event are really sweet. He really looks after (you).
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What are some of the pain in the ass achievements?
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I feel like all of Siggy lines always sound weird and like she's trying to rape or groom me. Why??
Who the fuck thought this game mode was a good idea? Jfc I'm this close to dropping genshin
It's still not up yet where it matters
pagfly was HSR's last shot at a big banner before they go back to chinkslop, and ZZZ's coming so it will drop even harder
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yes just level them and have the right main stat artifcats
When does Imaginarium Theater go live on NA servers?
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I am unironically only playing the game for Paimon and her voice actress. She's cute, i love her. I can't even imagine what holds people that play with American, not english, dub.
no one wants this combatslop
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>All that spamming just to lose to Aventurine

I knew FireFly wouldn't beat Acheron, but I at least expected her to beat the faggot.
She acts like a granny
And this guy still has a fanbase lmao
One of the OP characters
>not moderately & actively shilled as a for (You) character
>no 2nd SQ
>no tailor-made challenge for her on this patch
>can't even be used on this season's IT
>majority of /gig/ers are NEETS
>can't make a new thread because they care more about their ritual posts or shit posting
You faggots literally only have one job in your pathetic lives and you can't even do that right
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we ded
>I spent my top up reset on both of them
Something funny about that
lovely crumbs

(you) are her pet
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By the will of Allah I am allowed to say this, all SEA monkeys are low IQ mudslimes

Muhammad likes to suck Neuvillette's dragon penis

Thank You
11am, go back to sleep
Imaginarium Theater empowers wide accounts rather than tall accounts, and that's a good thing.

As someone who has no limited 5 star character over C1, and 2 limited 5 star weapons without their signature owner. But own and built most of the meta limited 5 stars + a couple niche ones, and most of the meta 4 stars.

This endgame feels like a mode where I can finally truly utilize the full strength of my account. Where I actually feel like not farming the same domain for a god CV piece but instead farming a good enough set for another unbuilt character was worth it.

Even though I 36 starred every abyss since my first 36 star, recent events like the Specially-Shaped Saurian Search made me question whether or not the game started to promote signature weapons and constellations in a way that would require me to have them to clear content; the difference of 10%-20% dps diff of signature weapons really scales up when opponent has millions of hit points. Which made my friend able to barely finish the boss on the hardest difficulty while I barely missed out on time with the same teams.

In my opinion, I'd rather pull for a new character that plays differently than a weapon or a constellation that will just get me a bigger number on the screen.

Of course, if you enjoy bigger numbers there's no shame in that.

But I'm glad to finally have an endgame centered on character diversity rather than strength.
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I love Emilie.
Where's her weekly buff?
So is the theater just not out in NA yet?
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>bro I haven't spent resin in the last 6 months, my 2 teams are golden

so many shitters getting filtered
I hope Yoimiya rules natlan fairly…
100 posts got deleted retard
so waifukeks are now admitting that the archon status affects sales kek
ty, it's nice to know that all the shitflinging about it this morning is confirmed to be done by pags
>the Emilie poster actually won in the end somehow
I cannot believe it took until this to realize this
Where’d this copypasta come from?
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>3 hours later
15 is not enough
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siggy did a great job considering who she was up against. im proud of my slug
>*kisses cheek*
do you really have to ask
Is there a platinum medal for the Imaginarium Theater abyss or is gold the highest?
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I have 30 lvl 80s but only a handful have leveled talents and geared with artifacts. How cooked am I?
So you need 12 characters for IT?
pags where very quite when it dropped actually it's actually us euros being whiny
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>>>/v/681380372 >>>/v/681380372

B-but /v/ told me that Genshit was dying
>How cooked am I?
Xiangling slime condensate cooked. Debate Biden on barbituates cooked.
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Pagfly is the biggest flop hoyo made yet
Dehya month was made 30m
>there is someone who genuinely couldn't beat imaginarium and I told them they wouldn't and they are currently seething
The chance is there...
Got Sigewinne! What artifacts does she want?
Is new abyss good?
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I'm kinda surprised anyone rolled for Siggy at all considering who much they fucked her kit making people not want to roll.
Cyno... sand archon...
Clam and nothing but hp
you need 18 but you can borrow up to 6 specific trial characters
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What do you do when your bf tells you to stfu?
this page design fucking sucks
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Nooooooo not the MUDSLIMES!
Pretty much, yeah. You have to always use 4 characters and each can only be used twice at most, so inevitably you'll need a lot.
Yoimiya... the fireworks archon..
fuck that explains it
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Is this a new Paimon emote?
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How do you even start Imaginarium Theater?
Ah yes, Yoimiya the oneeshota archon
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keeeeeel meeeeeee
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I think she is very fun, I even got her weapon
I thought Emilie was good?
That's kaveh's bf, he's just being loyal
Allah let me post that so it's ok, if he didn't like it he would have stopped me
You wait until 11 EST when the North American servers have it up
>acts islamophobic and calls muslims low iq while posting a character eating a watermelon, unaware that the reason there has been so much fanart of characters with watermelon in the last couple of months is because pro-palestine fanartists were getting censored for displaying palestine flags so they decided to use watermelon as a pro-palestine symbol instead
smartest sparkleposter kek
I think so.
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>mondstadt is europe
>liyue is china
>inazuma is japan
>sumeru is india and egypt
>fontaine is france
what's natlan based on?
>Kuki is fat
go see Lisa
ventibros not like this
But I thought /gig/ said we won?
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Yeah, this was really nice, very comfy.
>rolling in the weapon banner
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I still haven't opened genshin today
how's imaginarium theatre?
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You lost against an autobattler
I think it's about time to do the humiliation ritual and have a poster do a naked dogeza
Anyone knows what are star stellas for?? just bragging rights?
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I got C1 Furina
it's the first time I manage to get a C1 from a 5*, willingly
I'm so happy, I love her so much bwos
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somebody tell me why Wolf Fang is bad for Furina? Most of her damage comes from her skill and Wolf Fang buffs skill and ult crit rates.
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So Hoyo spent over 100m on marketing just for Firefly to sell 2 million more than a standard banner character in Genshin?
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>You want me to be your girlfriend? Pfff of course I would. I would love to know you better and go places together. You seem like a really nice person anon, someone just had to give you a chance once. Let's meet up at the mall tomorrow at 12:00. It's a pinkie promise, that I will be there. Text you later tonight, I want to show you my pet cat. *kisses cheek*, bye anon!
What about her weapon? There aren't that many good choices for her.
This is what happens when you give women access to money
it makes it harder to hit that 160%+ ER needs
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I call this set up the "three canon wives all filled with wrio's cum" team
I want to fuck this melusine.
smooooch sleeping Paimon
>violent tribal browns and blacks that love graffiti and gaudy jewelry
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what do u guys think AI slop or nah?
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Thanks to a gigger I could use their C2R1 Xianyun with my Xiao
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Nilou: Since we have some rest time, you should make sure to give your body and mind a proper break. Remember the relaxation technique I taught you previously? You know, the one where you blow your sleepiness into a balloon?
Nilou: Huh...? Too much sleepiness for one balloon? Okay fine, you can use mine instead. Come on! Imagine there's a huge balloon in my hands. Take a deep breath, and blow!
Nilou: There you go! See, now doesn't that feel better?
for you beyond belief, for at least 2 patches
is C1 Furina's most cost-efficient constellation like C2 is with Raiden's?
There hasn't been a Mondstadt arc yet.
1.x was liyue then inazuma, sumeru and fontaine. Natlan is next then snez and finally mond
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my anxiety is killing me
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I think this is it, this game mode killed the game for me
ive been playing since day 1, im a dolphin and i don't have half the characters in the rotation because i don't like them
i can't clear it lmao

fuck this dog ass game im out

you homos can enjoy your slop, im on the other game actually having fun
Can you even get all of them? I beat the first season and it gave me only 3 coins...
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>Theater is kino
>Wuwa flopped
>Pagfly slopped
>ZZZ in 3 days
>Natlan teaser in 4
Damn, it feels good to be a winner
Only roll when both weapons are good, only been a few times. Not falling for all the bait books tho.
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literally free
khanriah is finland
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>be new
>can reach abyss 11-3(only 3 star) with skill
>can't even play normal and hard mode in theater because not enough characters
Who the fuck said the Imaginarium Theater was a newbie-friendly mode?
Sparkle is so sexy.
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This actually reflects the sorry state of Genshin more. TWO NEW 5* (Clorinde and Sigewinne) in a month and combined they made less than Dehya, a brown girl and a standard banner character
dehya only fucks family and tribesmen
100% AI + some filters applied manually
Is that why you're posting here?
thx for funding our game xisters
Recurve or favonius if you don't want to roll for her signature weapon
>im a dolphin
>don't have characters
For the price of one C6R5 I own every character in the game so clearly you're spending your money wrong lmao
>Ei: The only thing is... It is customary for the winner to be awarded with confectionery, but I do not know whether it can be brought in here...
>Ei: Hmm, in that case... We can celebrate the victor at the Sacred Sakura some other time. Now, are you ready to be humbled?
I don't have enough characters to do the theater on anything but easy mode, and leveling/building half a dozen more is gonna take a year. What a shit gamemode for newer players. It's like they took the drawbacks of the abyss and doubled down on it.
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my doting wife
c1 while good gets her closer to c2 which is broken
You know? That's right. I nominate our resident Sparkleposter as /gig/ ambassador and task him with the privilege of doing a naked dogeza!
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Lol genkeks celebrate too early as usual. Everyone is saving for Changli.

Imagine think genshit and it's tranny looking character is going to beat this.
Bro...we are about to fund zensoredZZ now.
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So give me just one (1) good reason why Sucrose isn't in the fucking fairytale-made-real event.
who the hell told you that, theater specifically fucks over newcuties
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some bits on her clothes look kind of wonky but i don't really know her design that well desu
if it is AI it's heavily edited and drawn over
ai look at the suit pattern
All of them
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Unironically, what is happening? Why are all three games flopping now? Are people tired of gachaslop?
Finally doing abyss, and what the FUCK is that 11-1 double slime monolith? NOBODY at the Hoyo office is actually playing this shit, are they? Holy shit this is cancer.
No one cares about Succ
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>we're going to detroit
New Golden Archipelago when? Summer already started.
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Your day is numbered, genkeks
it’s endgame
No one cares about Niloo or Wanderer either, so what's your point?
This new mode is so fucking convoluted it's unbelievable. Who the fuck asked for this?
She got shilled last year I don't want people to hate my waifu for showing up everywhere
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And let's not forget that Firefly had god-tier support Ruan Mei sharing her banner. They stacked the shit out for her banner and it ended up underperforming.
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They know what they were doing. She's C6 bait because Mihoyo knows the type of fans that roll for loli are usually more dedicated and willing to spend to max them out.
>bootleg paimon
kek that game is already dead
why did you lose with 3 banners and 6x android revenue?
Unironically yes. We are going back to mmo era.
>Who the fuck asked for this?
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I giggled and kicked my feet when I noticed
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My wholehearted thoughts are that you will eventually go insane if you try to find traces of AI in every picture you come across
Assuming it is generated with AI the person at the very least took some time to manually apply edits and effects as well which most likely is how the technology is going to be used in a professional setting anyway
>complains that there's no content to use dozens of well-built characters
>get a game mode that requires people to have dozens of leveled/geared characters
It's not for new players, it's for whales who have C6R5 so they can solo each chamber no matter what trash/mismatched supports the RNG gives them.
the site that is the source of these number was bricked for idk how long so it has a week or two of missing data
Uh oh!
It's cute! And smug! And it even has depth in its eyes!
They're both more liked than Sucrose
>Pity 74
Any guess
June is always bad for genshin last year was worse
neuv solos one side arle solos the other
dont tell me you let gig gaslit you into skipping them lole
You just know the global version of Wuwa was hard-carried by all the e-celebs shilling the fuck out of the game.
this new mode is actual dogshit
i refuse to play something that forces me to level male characters just to play it.
>loliflop and hagflop that killed genshin
at least now we know what body type carries this game
i dont. roll for ugly girls or any male homo
Say it again but louder and smugger
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Now get C2, la
will poorina get powercrept in the future?
It's not convoluted, it's just needlessly restrictive.
>Veterans will roll over hard mode with their eyes closed
>Newcuties can't even participate in normal mode
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Wrong. This guy is a CAT ripoff.
Implying you even play the game transflykek.
Firefly flopped because she was made to pander to self-inserters. Self-inserters are poor or they wouldn't become self-inserters in the first place.
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isn't the entire point of this mode is that you can use your friends characters?
Hell if I know. My wife would be perfect for it.
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>wuwa's shit numbers still includes the honeymoon phase
They're going to flop harder and get more mad aren't they
bro your Lynette
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Anyone still Has the Diluc webm from near the launch where he dies to burning grass?
This random bullshit go game mode might get cancer quick if they decide to make it harder over time like abyss
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Go back to your fucking containment thread and stay there
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I could only get 6 stars. Do I have to redo everything for the last two?
And Sucrose is less hated than either of those two, what's your point? Sucrose is non-offensive and actually has ties to fairytales. These two gofers doesn't.
>you can use ONE (1) (uno) of your friends characters
gee thanks
Hebes have flopped since Yoimiya, Clorinde and Siggy are the first of their body types to get 0 tiktok hours
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did you even look at the numbers, what 6x android revenue
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The one who nerfed burning dmg
When was the last time Kokomi had some screentime?
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I don’t wanna hear shit about humiliation from miss dindu matchmaker herself
>Unironically, what is happening? Why are all three games flopping now?
not just all three. almost every gacha there is flopping other big gacha games in Japan like FGO UMA and Nikke are all in the 10~15 million range
Gacha fatigue is real
>filtered by actual gameplay
lmao even
last year's summerslop event?
skyward harp
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>shit characters
>shit gameplay
>not the hoyoverse bread winner anymore
what do you fags have left?
Market saturation.
Xiangling's new photo pose looked really retarded.
does anyone have that element-gender chart?
She is only as good as her healer without cons
how much fanfare does a c1 Furina get if you just use her skill and burst and let the pets hit without healing?
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Alhaitham is very fortunate he’s so sexy
I've been playing for three years.
I can't clear the theater.
Hoyo doesn't release enough characters I like.
i can't even play the theater on normal or hard because i don't have enough characters
based hoyo absolutely destroying latelets
Nice. Good nostalgia.
Translate chang
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>Hebes have flopped since Yoimiya,
*blocks your path*
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Fuck off retard. No one likes you.
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>occasionally check out these no pull/very limited pull accounts that only use free characters as a challenge and have still been able to get pretty far in abyss with pure skill
I guess they'd just be cucked out of participating in the new Theater mode completely?
>characters have to be level 70
I didn't look at any IT things until today...
Arcade gacha is the hot new thing
>less hated
That's because, like I said before, no one gives a single shit about Succ. And I doubt anyone but fujos hate Nilou
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>Everyone is saving for Yinlin
>Everyone is saving for Jinxi
>Everyone is saving for Changli
the cope never ends
I look like this
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Give me 1 good reason not to C6 Furina
sparkle wants BGC again I see...
How do you get access to the theater?
Do you have to clear Lisa's story quest? I haven't done that yet.
6x ios would mean android made 2M
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thread is faster than usual
can the shitposters fuck off to their own generals
Bro your Itto event
it's from the upcoming kfc collab
hes sexy and nice
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Closest thing that's on the wiki
Acheron is kinda ugly I really hope if Genshin's models get an update it is more like ZZZ
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who can use this garbage wep?
nobody asked for this
they just want to make you roll more
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Wow, and none of it is worth reading.
Sasuga Mihoyo.
I look like this
which friend chars can you borrow, only the ones they show on their profile? my alt needs to "borrow" from my main
>doomkeks had to abandon their wuwa images for spacetao again
>actual gameplay
What gameplay? They won't even let me play normal mode.
>Amazing, all I had to do was to frot with 5 other participants in a row, to get that cool Lynette badge!
KFC - Kot Frot Challenge
Xianyun, Yae, Charlotte, any atk scaler catalyst
Lots more gachas now competing for roughly the same pool of players.
The big ones will still do fine but the smaller/niche ones might be in trouble if they don’t have a good markup during summer.
hsr looks like its winning because sensor tower is MOBILE and hsr is a MOBILE game. Everyone plays wuwa/genshin on pc/console.
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Whelp, I haven't rolled for any of these shitty characters.
Those hydro slimes won't be so cocky when they see he can deal physical damage now
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funny how despite being considered a big flop at the time, she outsold most fontaine banners
I don't have the chart with clorinde and sigewinne but I know for a fact that they sold even less than wormvillette's rerun
my husband
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Imagine being a loser your entire life that you have to piggyback on some company to feel that you achieve something in life.
You offer them trough the Theater's menu.
It's all downhill feom here. All your investment will be reduced to ZERO.
That's a baseless assumption and not at all accurate, and also not a reason. Kys.
>forced by rng to use electro chars vs the electro vishap boss
these niggers at mihoyo need to be executed
the hag element…
gayshit anal worms flopped
kill yourself
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idk, my C3R1 raiden one rotation'd the last 2 boss stages
a lot of people will seethe during the dendro shill cycle
Ningguang said this : Fuck what you like. pull for everyone so you can play the new mode.
So how hard is the new mode?
Are you okay if you have decent artifacts on level 70s?
my wife gave me some of her lore
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just don't die
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How come Genshit is so successful despite the game being very mediocre and shitty so far?

Is it because stupid whales?
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>kot frot challenge
Nice.. nice
Kinda gay you're almost forced to use cuckma and Warwick Davis, but other than that Imaginarium theatre is pretty fun.
And by forced I mean have them on the team, its easy enough to do without using your full party luckily enough.
> Everyone plays genshin
kill yourself anal wormer. your game is dead
The ship is already sinking dude. Zzz and Hsr already take away all your hope for the future.
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Naviabros... looks like Im not pulling for her next patch. Dawei decided that the Theater has no place for her...
>aether in medium female
>lumine in medium male
Unfortunately no. You can only choose 3 poses you like most.
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holy fuark, keka won
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HSR has always been geared towards being more mobile friendly since it's turned based and has an auto-button, therefore it's common sense to assume their mobile revenue will always be higher than games which are played on real gaming platforms, HSR cuck.
wish it were me
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>people had over a month to prepare for this
>still complain
the truth is that you need only 4 strong characters and can use them to carry all the lvl 70 filler shitters
Should be doable at lvl70 yeah, even my lvl 85 Dehya feels OP in there.
I'm not adding any of you attention whoring whales. If I want to try a character I'd like to know how much of a brick they are at c0.
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this shit is confusing too many menus, does anyone have a good youtube video going over it?
This is true, no one actually sits down and plays it they auto it's the perfect mobile game for wagies.
I said it would end up having higher mobile. revenue than genshin back in december and everyone laughed at me.
Give me a single source that shows Succ is more popular than Nilou or even Wanderer
>"Genshin is too easy, where is the endgame content!?"
>Actual endgame content
>"Nooooooo!!! It's not FAIR! MY ANXIETY!!"
Good thing I have 60 characters and all of them are built to lv.80 6/6/6 minimum.
My main account never had more than 7 million mora because I kept autistically building every character I got, and now I'm vindicated.
If you have enough characters you'll be fine
you’ll regret it when a geo theater rolls around
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Silence, /gig/
a flat chested Goddes is speaking
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>Flopped to space kaveh
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do you get it now? do you finally get it? after all these fucking years? rolling for cons and weapons is retarded! always has been!!
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They should increase it.
just pull her anyway her time in the theatre will come and then she won't be available until this time next year at the earliest
Trial ones are good enough
No, if you are too retarded to grasp this I have no idea how you even function as a person
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Now that the dust has settled, can we trade FAT XIAO with HSR's writer?
>being forced to use or level characters and elements you don't like
>actual endgame
Poorfag cope
Why would fujos hate Nilou? Dumbass
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Do they work well together?
unless you autistically go for c6r5 you should have a wide enough account with well built chars
>endgame content is wallet check instead of skill check
My C6 Wanderer allows me to easily kill the bosses while Arlecchino and Clorox kill the shitter though
It's still piss easy, now it just forces you to level your dogshit characters to level 70.
people wanted a harder abyss, instead they got a harder character selection screen, and slurpers will keep slurping
>Ningguang said roll for who you like but you better like 4-8 characters per element lmao
My tongue licking Stelle's feet
i dont have a single character on that list and i have no idea how they work not care to learn how they work

im going to hate this mode
post UIDs gig, I'll add you so you can borrow my c6s, only the ones I like
I just don't play gachas to think and read its too much new info at once
I found this yt guide
>Being challenged by the game to use everything available
>Not endgame
Lmao, keep crying.
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>come back after 3 years
>Theatre Imaginarium drops
How fucked am I /gig/?
Don't sugarcoat it, Doc
if you want some dendro reaction where hydro doesnt matter sure
just do it and get a feel. it's not like it's a one time only domain
>does nahida need a healer
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>mieeehh don't talk to meee
So the entire point of erasing Scarashit's past, then giving his memories back to him, was all just so he could continue being a whiny little bitch but no one would remember it? What a fucking retarded one-note character, jesus christ.
yes, you can use burning to vape with siggy and furina too
>Everyone plays wuwa/genshin on pc/console.
lmao at this cope. I get wuwa because it is an action game and an unoptimized mess but most people play Genshin on phone
Does Sigewinne work in a cute force team? Who should her teammates even be? It doesn't feel like she applies a lot of hydro.
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Silence, /gig/
a fat chested Goddes is speaking
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SparkleBros, our swansong banner which was supposed to shatter world records lost to a homo. This was supposed to be our big moment before we fell into irrelevancy with ZZZ release.
Now all of our months of premature boasting about FireFly's sales make us look like absolute retards in retrospect. We can never show our faces again!
>why would cunts obsessed with Alhaitham and Kaveh hate Nilou
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>wolfy mods
Well, that was fast.
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can I at least get spooked by dehya or jean instead?
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How am I supposed to damage with my electro units without dendro?
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Why would I invest in 10 characters I don't care about when I can use everything on my favorite?
You don't even have enough characters to participate on it
>no venti
might as well wait for natlan bro
>being forced to use characters you dont like or dont have
Lolmao, keep coping.
>most people play Genshin on phone
no they dont. i dont think ive ever seen a single gameplay video from anyone ever posted from someone using mobile.
>need a healer
Skill issue.
Just level enough characters to 70 and you're fine
You can't even START easy mode.
You posted this over a month ago, did you not level anything?
bro that was all homa
you called it endgame in star rail, so it's endgame here :^)
>People wanted harder abyss
They got that with the triple Heralds cycle, but I saw nothing but complaints there and then.
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Because you can use your favorite in the new game mode sis. It’s awful
You're supposed to farm artifacts for your past 3 years! At least there are trail characters which changes each new month.
You only need to bring one dps the rest of the slot can be filled in with supports and trial units
now post your no healer no shielder abyss run bwo
Imaginarium being in your profile will show who's a shitter and who's a real player
Just another layer to filter out the bad players
This, sparkleposters should only post her feet
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the ones complaining were the anxiety shitters
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>star rail out of nowhere
i accept your concession xis ;^)
>It was all a dream
>Zoomer memes every where
>bait waifus who only exist to shill the blandest character
>no SQ's
/gig/ would have a melty
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I'm going to assume you wanted to say can't, yes it sucks but that only makes me even less interested in clearing the new mode
You can't solo a chamber there lol it forces you to use 4 characters
>Being challenged by the game to invest on more ressources
>Not endgame
If I only like Amber and can beat the "endgame" with her and her only, then it's not endgame it's just a joke.
Should i level Up Mona if i have her at C3?
She's worth levelling even at C0
>7 tiktok hours
>jp revenue [Annual] 5th place / 8 total
Pic unrelated, aventurine flopped bigly
now post your amber only abyss clear
No, Mona is shit.
his real waifu is Haypasia anyway
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hsr writing is meaningless trash
Licking loom pits
Not him but what purpose does she even serve if you aren't going for meme one shut bursts
>Zajef was an anxiety shitter all along
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I've been playing Genshin since day one and never once even considered downloading it on my phone. There's a reason Sony lists Genshin as one of PS5/4's largest revenue generators whereas HSR is nowhere to be seen.
HSR, an auto-battling turn-based game was designed for phones. Genshin, a large 3D open-world game was not. This will always be the main reason the "Genshin Vs. HSR" sales charts are disingenuous because it doesn't account for a large portion of Genshin's income.
only time i ever see people use mona is for big screenshot shit videos on youtube
no abyss reset?
The new mode is not available to me. There's literally nothing indicating it even exists at all in my game. I'm on NA
All i see is that wuthering waves doubled, while Genshin and Starrail are pretty much same.
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Hypocrite that you are, Paimon
For you trust the memories in your brain to tell you they are memories of real experiences
all memories are ultimately based on that which we cannot prove
Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?
it will show who spent money and who didn't if anything
didn't buy bp and wasted resource building bricks? you are fucked
didn't roll characters of certain elements? you are fucked
didn't refresh resin to farm all artifacts and just swap the good pieces between characters? you are fucked

you won't notice it now since it's easy and doesn't require good builds but they will gradually increse the difficulty like they did with pf in star rail and you won't be able to get away with using unbuilt characters and bricks
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>4.8 IT will be Hydro/Cryo/Anemo
It's over. Who the hell has multiple built Cryo and Anemo characters?
and the meaning of floptaine's writing is just "writer's pet strong"
2 more hours retarf
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>still 1 hour until it becomes available in NA
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Yeah, I am not going to level all of my garbage filler characters for 800 primos per month. Have fun with your "endgame".
>here's a reason Sony lists Genshin as one of PS5/4's largest revenue generators
The award is for asian games and because it made 5 million in a year. why Genshin? because Sony has no games
>anemo again
>now post your amber only abyss clear
Not like this...
>he doesn't have Xiao
>he doesn't have Xianyun
>he doesn't have his Madam at c6
>he doesn't have Ayaya
>he doesn't have Ganyu
>he doesn't have Shenhe
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Imagine think genshit actually won lol

Everyone is saving up for Changli.

Next month wuwa will kill genshit.
>Naruto mobile
Why are chinks the only ones to have it?
I looked it Up, it doesnt look Bad.
I regret skipping Lawrence Ayaka...
What is real?
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the worst thing about sloppa is giving every bitch the exact same body thats not furina
>focused on low investment f2p and newfags
>seethes whenever actual theorycrafters that do speedruns don't agree woth him
>wuwa will kill genshit.
cant kill genshin if genshin kills itself
only good one here is jinhsi
I have Raiden, Clorinde, Keqing but I can only use Chevy twice
>First month of Wuwa is 7 days of revenue
>Second month of Wuwa is a whole month with 2 of the most coomer characters they have and only did double in 4x the time
This game dropped harder than ToF
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>waiting for special banners when you can just get lucky with monthly fates on standard

it made at least 1 billion in under two years for sony actually

it's once a month now, IT is now the other endgame
Yelan, Ayato, Mona, Kazuha, Sucrose, Eula, Ganyu...
I am fine.
Sorry for delay and sad to say it was nothing special
yaoyao C3 is nice
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>Add fake numbers
Global is the real metric Something from Sensortower not a Seaniggers subreddit
Dendro and Cryo in the same cycle gonna be a laff
are tbese the only ones available for now?
if I can only clear the easy version next month as well will I get more of the 200 primo rewards?
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Uhh.. any asian gigger with C6 Shenhe?
it looks infinitely better though
Reminder that the WuWa revenue is inflated too, android chart froze right when it was on the peak for a week straight lol
>out of those I only have childe, rosaria and xq built
it's so over
do you even need high level/geared chars for IT?
Why is Nahida's youtube character demo video named "boundless bliss"? What does it mean?
What the fuck are you even saying anon?
I *need* C6, though
i just got firefly from my monthly rolls so i like her now
Just put the chinese numbers at 1.0 iOS lmao
it would lose even if you erase the 1.75 multiplier
>it's once a month now, IT is now the other endgame
When do we get to do it? Will there be an update or event introducing it or do you have to find it yourself?
>Remove chinese android numbers
>Wuwa still loses by a landslid
Lol, lmao even.
better than what? It's not better than human drawn Furina art cause with it at least SOME modicum of thought was put into representing the character faithfully, AI furina looks exactly like 1000000000 other characters
Y-you have one month to pump up some characters :^)
>not new
I'm so sorry
>c3 yooyoo
>no one wants help
ok then
I just realized
There’s absolutely nothing stopping you from borrowing a C3R1 Raiden to curbstomp the new mode (or at least 2 floors of it because fuck you)
You can preview why she’s such a good investment and remember that the next time she gets a rerun
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How do I build my c6 faruzan to deal damage.
Guide me, Faruchads.
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Combining CN numbers from SensorTower with the multiplier analysis by SALESGOD from Reddit, which is acknowledgned by all financial savvy individuals, is more reliable than TikTok hours and your delusions.
>posting uid on /gig/
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genshin arcade game soon?
11 est burgerbro
Mystery Cache events are the free ones, right?
The Theater opens today, you get a super short quest to go there.
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Ayaka, Shenhe, Layla, Eula (no electro though), Aloy (banned), Rosaria, Chongyun, Kaeya, Diona, Qiqi (lol)
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the smell of grass

I'm fine
genshin is dead in the west, so much for being china's biggest cultural export
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>Invest on C3R1 Raiden
>Can't even play the mode because I don't have enough characters to begin with
It's what (you) feel when she rapes (you)
no you don't, stop falling for Dawei's psychop
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crit anemo
yelan bow
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>no you see the multiplier makes it so we have to remove china entirely instead of putting it at 1
thanks and sorry
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Nahida is too cute to not become blissful just looking at her
That smile is contagious
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I just give her skyward harp with 2pc anemo+2pc anemo, er/anemo/crit. Too lazy to farm/strongbox other artifacts
Give her 4pc Tenacity eith CV and an Anemo goblet
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>without superconduct
bro your aloy?
I can’t believe Alhaitham tells me, his wife, to shut up but he’s willing to yap at Kaveh all evening long…
My Raiden could shit on this entire gamemode, but I don't have enough characters. What a fucking scam.
>lynette/faruzan get to carry two floors and drag some shitters with them next cycle again
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I miss Kancolle
>invest in em Raiden
>can't add Nahida
it's over either way
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Finally have a reason to build my Rosaria
Slow but steady descend
Actually doing well for itself but far too niche
Just chased away half of its high level playerbase while the casuals are seething about the story being dogshit
>Ashes of Creation
Blatant streamerbait cash grab that won't last a year once it comes out
>BDO, Throne and Liberty as well as all the other KMMOs
Will flop in the west as all of their predecessors did
>Riot MMO
Just got sent back to the drawing table so no news until 2030

Y-yeah we're going back to the MMO era
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I already have my own C2 + The Catch Raiden, I'm not abandoning her for someone else's gold digger hussy.
his wife is kaveh
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>Act 8 | 7 *
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So why is genshin getting a PS5 edition in japan again?
Now that wuwa is officially dead and buried next to tof, which game is gonna be the next genshin killer
Other hoyo games don't count since the revenue still goes to DaWei's bank account
You are talking about current mmos.
>wasted rolls on homos
>doesn't have all females and their key cons
many such cases
the yen has fallen billions of gacha addicts have died
But for real june/july sucks for genshin always has, Furina would have done well if she ran in 4.5 like archons should
Because snoy is a japanese company?
Is it possible to share a special guest with another player
ZZZ. Genshin will be the 4th best hoyo game, after HSR, ZZZ, and Honkai 3.
you don't love her
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Withering Waves SABOTAGED us! Clorinde sold higher actually! Fuck Sensortower KuroJEWS!
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lesson learned: keep arlecchino for final boss (teammates irrelevant)
Because snoy is grasping every straw to make people buy their shit console. It's even worse when they buy it in Japan.
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What happens if Genshin gets EoS'd??

I think mass suicide would be the only proper response
Omg hi Chen from Tencent
Did you get the message from our mutual friend CIA?
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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>mfw verticalinvestmentkeks are getting OBLITERATED by a wolf plushie and floor11-tier enemies
Alhaitham is allowed though, and contrary to popular belief he doesn't need Nahida at all to clear abyss, even at C0R0 (hence the T0@C0R0 meme).
The new gamemode is slop. Star Rail can figure out 2 extra endgames in 1 year but Genshin took 4 to give us something worse than minigame slop.
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Half of the list contains upcoming (AKA not released) MMOs though, and even if that wasn't the case then yeah, no shit I'm talking about currently available games.
The discourse was about gacha players abandoning the genre in favor of something else, and now you say 'uhh yeah they stopped playing gachas to wait for several years (plural) to wait for upcoming games'

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Fuck anemo and fuck theater. I will NOT use VV shred shit.
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Let's fuck, Amy-chan.
Holy dodge god
>got furina stick trying to get a second siggy bow
eh.... i guess i'll save for navia now
You just banned a mihoyo employee by posting this
The video that's going to kill genshit.

I’m proud of gig not falling for salesposting shit and actually are discussing gameplay for once. Holy shit what a miracle.
bwo the ones seething are the newfags
most oldfags by now invested vertically on multiple characters
absolutely based
Omg hi Chen from Tencent
We should do our best to dismantle the tyranny of the CCP and free the people of China
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Because it's all japs play on playstation

that isn't revenue that only tells you how many new cuties there are
M-my knees! T-they're kneeling on their own...!
>second siggy bow
Genuinely how do you morons get filtered by this? My only good characters are Faruchan and Wanderer, the rest are top 70% shitters
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It took more effort to fish up and fully refine that weapon than it does to make money IRL and swipe. I refuse to roll on weapon banner as a matter of principle.
what is em Raiden gonna do for him without hydro?
I’m too tired to discuss sales really desu plus we’re all on Imaginarium theatre
Anemo driven taser is fun why do you hate fun
can scara cum? asking for a friend
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because i love her duh
Omg hi Chen from Tencent
I fully agree that we should respect the sovereignty of Taiwan, a real country
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I hated bdo personally but there's no reason to pretend "it will flop in the west" when it's already been up in the west for 8 years
He has no cock so no, all smooth down there
Uh... wasn't that game cancelled?
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By having started playing the game in April this year
I still have an entire month to prepare three more characters for this rotation's normal mode but I won't be able to field 18 level 70+ characters for this month's hard mode
i apologize based cunnyGOD
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Here's mine, her best bow is polar star i'm pretty sure, you dont need ER at all if you have jean with fav
Where is this Tencent spam coming from
I swear it wasnt here 2 days ago am I crazy
it's just the mode being new and tons of people getting betrayed by whatever they learned in hsr
>buffs still don't really matter here
>getting enough characters to avoid dogshit teams is the priority
That's the thing, Alhaitham doesn't specifically need her, he just needs an electro lmaoooo
Is there waiting for you
buy an ad
Are IT stars only for bragging rights? I dont think I lost any rewards by missing one.
>Kills wuwa instead
>release burning fujo and homo
>put dendro in this mode but completely ban hydro and electro
I can see the future
Please hold the line this month since we will be flopping hard.
what the fuck I can't hyperbloom the theater hoyoverse how could you
retards that rolled for c6r5 thought they could brute force everything until EOS
someone share your fucking uids
Yeah, you get all rewards just for clearing the floors. No need to get the stellas
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bro you already lost
like what are you even doing
go back to your shithole wuwa cuck.
its a mindbroken furinacuck just wait until he kills himself
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>We’ve known for 4 months that we needed to build enough level 70 characters for the new end game
>shitposters were too focused on sales posting to pay attention
>now whining that they don’t have enough characters
thai ladyboy got tired of everyone calling him a thai ladyboy so he stopped saarposting note how this spam completely replaced that spam
>no hydro allowed
How the actual fuck are you supposed to beat this without broken hydro characters
That's nice. Much comfier than Abyss.
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wrong general
please consult zzz's
Yes probably. Since he's able to feel pain there's no reason he can't feel pleasure
If he can drink tea, then how can he piss with no dick?
Am glad genshin is dying

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just level everyone bwos


I want to build pity on Siggy but holy fuck these *4s are terrible.
Zajef must be seething right now...
But I like you guys more
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Because I am a min-maxing retard who only wants to spend resources on- and play with the characters I like, I mean why the fuck else am I even playing this stupid shitty pag game?
The least it could do is give my shitters a temp lvl 70 boost.
I think it's time for me to give up on this game. Hundreds of hours probably and I don't even have a single character over level 80. It's just grind grind grind, and in less than two months a whole new 10 levels of grind grind grind. Blah. I'll just watch a main story summary and be done.
When will CHADlestia do something?
That was a rhetorical question.
Baizhu is also allowed and aggravate Raiden would benefit more from him.
Why would you raise and use a character you don't enjoy? Much less pull for one.
hopefully a woman
Next abyss rotation (2 weeks until reset) is overload/geo bait and if rumors are to be believed it'll be a Nilou/Navia banner followed by Yelan/Emilie in the start of August alongside the future hydro/cryo/anemo theatre
Make of that what you will
i managed to get c6 noelle finally
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Post Brutal mogging
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More than enough.
What do I get?
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How long have these two been here?
oh nonono wuwakeks...
a kiss if you have c6 characters and nothing if you don’t
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aww, that so sweet
but we're absolutely going to dissapoint you
we consider ourselves lucky if emelie doesn't create an incel uproar in china this month
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I'm literally a metafag and even i have enough half built chars on the bench that i can use for this event. wtf are you retards even doing?
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where are the uninstall waves?
Are those the NPCs from the Seirai island quest? They're not there for more even though I've done that series
Ever since you cleared the world quest.
Cool, I have Wrio, Ganyu and most of cryo 4*s built.
Can you borrow one of the special guests from another player or do you have to already have them/pull for them
If the latter then lol
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>new mode
No, you can't use Childe
>new voicelines
No hydro so you can't hear Childe's
>new poses
Not for Childe
>be at work
>get cramps
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH July really isn't going to be my month it seems
Finally sara content
>wuwa couldnt even beat a completely dead filler patch
wuwapags... all our shilling and shitposting, months of efforts down the drain... nobody cares about our cherry picked webms
Not playing, obviously.
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>mfw neuv and ayato have 0% usage
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You can use Childe next season, sis
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I've been living in the shimenawa/shattered fate domain for a minute for obvious reasons and this goddamn lawachurl needs to die faster. Am I missing any obvious synergies or is it just a straight unga bunga higher stats needed.

Like, it's still only 90 seconds a run but he's so fucking annoying.
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For me, Its Fischl!
fuck yae mogs the fuck out of the other bitch
Navia/Nilou only (Emilie is on August)

Jade only

This is WuWa's last chance
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Nothing then...
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Did somebody run all the game's dialogues through text lengthener? What the fuck
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Who is this?
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right: takes 20 seconds to undress
left: fiddles for 2 minutes - you know what, fuck it; i'm getting the box cutter (took 35 minutes to undress)
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How long for each season? Isn't it monthly?
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Fro em, tsi Fsohcl!
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my friend steve
>ZZZ release between them
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>Supporting Cast Characters Assist Other Players
>1 time(s)
What’s a “special guest”
Some times I genuinely do wonder if their approach to script writing is to just write some basic back-and-forth conversations and then ask an AI to double the word count
Amy is a huge nerd lol
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Yes, it's monthly. The next one is hydro, cryo, anemo.
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We love the ICP here.
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Wait a second...
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leaker said she wakes up in Sumeru
Shill characters
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Sensor tower had been frozen after its 15 days so the post you are seeing is ONLY accounting the first 15 days of June so MANY banner revenues arent included. Its very misinforming and as a result has very low numbers on all games despite it being a massive month for gacha industry. The numbers are around 50% and maybe 60% of what it should been. The overall list wouldn't been much different BUT the revenues would be significantly higher. Please dont take that sensor tower post seriously this time.

to be even more precise, banner periods were effected as well wich changes based on game. First 5 days of Firefly banner and almost first half of Yilins banner period werent included in the sensor tower report. The 15 day freeze is a seperate thing that only effected android so as a result IOS has double and even triple the revenue on most games despite android earning more.

tldr hsr and wuwa numbers should be a lot higher than shown
childe's voicelines are very very mild
>Tartaglia: If you wanna become a true warrior, the strongest enemies are the ones you should be most excited about.
>Tartaglia: After all, a gruesome, grisly fight to the death is one of the best ways to hone your skills.
>Tartaglia: I honestly can't even get in the mood unless there's a bit of a challenge involved.
>Tartaglia: Aside from all the children's books, I quite like some of the furnishings here. Like that Star Lamp, for example. I'm sure Tonia, Anthon, and Teucer would love it.
>Tartaglia: Okay, there's my intro: "My dear sister, I am writing to you from a rest stop in an ancient castle filled with star lamps"...
>Tartaglia: Hmm... Maybe that'll get them a little too intrigued? If they end up wanting to follow me here after reading this letter, then we'll be in trouble.
>Tartaglia: Well, (Traveler), you invited me to meet you here, so I'm guessing that means you're ready for a rematch?
>Tartaglia: Haha, I'm just kidding, of course. This place is for resting, I wouldn't start a fight here — I do have some manners.
>Tartaglia: I am getting a little restless here, though. Hope the next battle's a big one, I need a good workout
Stupid nara
fuck off miku
Fuck you hag, why are you still only C2
What, characters that get special buffs?
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I think I have one of you lying around. What was your kit again?
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Then July really isn't my month
i did
it comes out in 3 days
bwos... theyre trying to force me to level xiangling and bennet...
I will not bend the knee to them
>Tonia's always the one before any of his other siblings
She's gonna be our free Snezhnaya 4* I bet
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insanely enough, this "event" made me truly appreciate how useless wanderer is without a good faruzan
please lvl up your Loom
genshin would be a lot higher than wuwa without the freeze, you can see that in the other charts
does nothing until C6
Bros... they're extrapolating again
only android sensor tower, being frozen for 15 days would effect genshin too as Furina only came out 6 days ago
you lost cope
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Well.. you can borrow my bennett..
Nahida is too cute goddamnit stop posting her
We're talking about how hard Firefly flopped
Should have cropped Wuwa didn't expect people to get triggered this hard because it was above Genshin on global
Do you think Aether gets triggered every time Cheld mentions his sister?
fireflykeks and wuwakeks are so defensive

But i can tolerate fireflykeks
>it only counts when my gacha isnt losing
Nah this new mode is genuine dogshit, whoever decided to limit our own characters based on RNG needs to be shot.
time to uninstall
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I almost forget that the IT boost also take effect outside of the IT mode itself.
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>friend has c6 lyney
>don't know how to play him
>die like a retard
>finish the fight with 3 characters
It's time to admit that Genshin is no long the King of Gacha.
No king rules forever my son...
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Sensor tower really did fuck up around the 25th which was when all the new banners came out.
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>After all, a gruesome, grisly fight to the death is one of the best ways to hone your skills.
Childe please no more death flags
>Tartaglia: I honestly can't even get in the mood unless there's a bit of a challenge involved.
Stupid horny nara
>Tartaglia: Aside from all the children's books, I quite like some of the furnishings here. Like that Star Lamp, for example. I'm sure Tonia, Anthon, and Teucer would love it.
I really need him to mention his older siblings, it makes me anxious how it's always only the little ones
>Tartaglia: Hmm... Maybe that'll get them a little too intrigued? If they end up wanting to follow me here after reading this letter, then we'll be in trouble.
I just know they'll be playable
>Tartaglia: Well, (Traveler), you invited me to meet you here, so I'm guessing that means you're ready for a rematch?
>Tartaglia: Haha, I'm just kidding, of course. This place is for resting, I wouldn't start a fight here — I do have some manners.
What a polite young man
>Tartaglia: I am getting a little restless here, though. Hope the next battle's a big one, I need a good workout
Capitano vs Childe SOON

No yumepandering again sigh, at least it's cute
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here you go, no CN android
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>start a random quest expecting it's just a short fetch quest
>it wasted all my day trying to complete it
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>lvl90 Vishaps and I only have lvl80 characters
Welp, 1k primogems is enough for me, but I still didn't trigger my 50/50, wtf?
At least now I have an incentive to move to level 90. But maybe after I have 80'ed all my characters first.
Xisters... our narrative........... *ACK*
nikke bros wtf happened?
the problem is before, not after
Cope and seethe
so you retards are saying that hsr and wuwa have a higher sales? Is that it?

oh no...
Dumb nara
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>barely beat first level on time with Wanderer and Faruzan
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>The random quest in question
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>the stop in sales only affects other games but not genshin
wuwajeets getting desperate
wuwa had lower sales. genshin had higher, retarded shill
i'm waiting for zzz
>wuwa gets mogged again
>mental gymnastics overdrive, questionning the numbers despite using them to shitpost every month before
kek, see you next month wuwapags
Wuwakek meltu
gachagaming is full of actual pags, nothing new
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Uh, bros? Could Wolfy be Durin?
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You know the rules redditfag
Is the Theatre up on NA server yet?
Damn, as a day one player I finally completed the Bounty of the Earth achievement.
completely friendly and baitfree but
>Tartaglia: I honestly can't even get in the mood unless there's a bit of a challenge involved.
I can work with this for my non con content
madam faruzan makes my cock extra hard
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Mihoyo won.
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he wasn't wrong
I went to preschool with a kid named Wolfie
Firefly came out on the 19th
Imaginarium Theater starts in one hour for USA, right?
I don't mind Imaginarium one way or another but the constant return to the room before starting the next round is definitely going to grind some /gig/gears and get it called a deliberate attempt to draw out the time spent on the experience lol. It's definitely more cinematic than Abyss which together with the return of the emergency food joke means that this retroactively probably takes place just after Stormterror or something (idk I don't follow leaks if they have that info and I haven't looked at the AR reqs yet).

Honestly if it dropped a region and a half earlier I'd have called it an attempt to engage people with regular Abyss by getting them to do Pretty Witch-Abyss first. I think fence-sitters might actually do them for what seems to be photo-mode special poses or whatever those Thespian Tricks are.

Haven't tested it yet but I wonder if I could minimal-man the early weaker stages, eg. all my personal built options don't really gel well with Anemo DPS'ing so my best bet is to just send the Trial Wanderer/Faruzan out early + whoever is required to trigger the requisite star condition from the list and keep the rest for later.
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Hey /gig/
>Woobaka despised everything nice, and swore to transform beauty into ugliness and turn light into dark. At the sight of the joyful wolf, anger boiled inside him. He cursed: "Squeak! Squeak! Angry am I! I shall spike his heart with the coldest ice, and he will never again know the meaning of hope!" With that said, Woobakwa began to curse the pup with his magic.
But the rash pup gobbled him up, just like that, without the slightest warning.
is it the wolf from the boar princess?
the whole area was dedicated to the author of that book so its probably him
those are quite literally fake numbers, hsr and genshin were higher and wuwa was lower
No, Durin is 4.8
The little girl placeholder might be him
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Holy shit wanderer is actually strong

unfortunately he's an emo boy instead of a cute girl
why is wanderer's name slave in trial if you do not own him?
Cheerleader slut is fucking useless.
How do I avoid people from using my characters? Fuck them
Shes old enough to be your great grandma
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they will never top siggy design wise again
we've peaked
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sex with hu tao
No, it's from Snezhnaya.
Wolfy hails from the cold north of Mondstadt, where Barbathos hasn't reached.
>here you go, no CN android
>$54m WITH CN ios
Yeah giga flop. Genshin make more than this at its worst during Inazuma to the first half of Sumery. Raiden made 96m from Global alone
bunny girls flopped, we only like brown cheerleaders here
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>numbers doesn't align with narrative
Information provided is untrue/invalid due to various reason.
>numbers align with narrative
Information provided is 100% valid & trusted, you're just coping.
Is the DB game good?
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Next month chart will be Emilie and reruns...Fuck hoyo
Gaming is great if you pretend she's a tomboy
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>grab 1400 primos from the new event first time
what the hell
>it made at least 1 billion in under two years
the best two years when Genshin used to make 100m on global. no fake numbers cope
Right now PC+PS is probably 10m a month at best
Your Venti?
Your Kazuha?
Your Sidegrade Kazuha/Succrose?
Your Black Tassel Burst Zhongli?
Your AFK Pyronado?
It's not too hard right...I could barely scrape enough artifacts for my supports...
I don't get why HSR would be effected Furina came out after the freeze while Pagly had her banner the week before.
How did Firefly lose money globally?
It's faceroll tier, it literally only exists to get you to roll for chars you otherwise won't ever use
Is IT up for na yet?
>Right now PC+PS is probably 10m a month at best

>theater doesn't give encounter points
>can't do hard mode unless you built 18 element specific characters

Fucking stupid. Finally quitting this stupid game. Dev team is fucking retarded.
Emilie isn't on July anon holy fuck how many times do I have to tell people this
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I'm only into tall tomboy that have big tits & tanned skin.
Hu Tao's FAT FUCKING THIGHS around my neck
One more burger left
>those are quite literally fake numbers,
these are the most accurate numbers in that chart
I will never understand the people who will go out of their way to do some random activity instead of just spending 2 minutes clearing up 8 hilichurls or treasure hunters for their daily commissions
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wtf when did she get in
I will buy your welkins equivalent but I'm not whaling at launch sorry sharkmaid
>the android ranking got frozen when wuwa fell to the ground on the ios ranking
if this is the most accurate you can just trash it all
2 birds with one stone
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My uncles at mihoyo and kuro games told me wuwa lost
Those ones aren't the annoying ones
It's the talking one that's annoying to do, same with balloons and the desert rat
There is a serious Childe Shortage in cons

If you've ever been to a con, you're probably sick of seeing genshin everywhere. But I need to know, why is it that despite its popularity there hardly any Childe? I was in a con early this month, looking through artist alley & this one person had like 10 different genshin characters but NO AJAX. WHY? He's one of the most popular characters in the game, why can't I see more of him? Even in merch/mystery bags, they just have the waifus and maybe Zhongli. I just want more Taru merch :(

How are my american fellas doing? Are you guys able to easily find Childe merch? Is this a uk specific problem?
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What's my wife doing there?
Wuwa is objectively a better game than genshit, prove me wrong genkeks

Post your UID so I can bully you when log back in tomorrow
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Oh, nice.

I still think these should have been a free upgrade on a version patch, but at least they're finally getting to it in some form. Not usable together with facial expressions, as expected.
>Reddit X Reddit
Follow your own advice.
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What's the point of stellas?
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Anxiety? Not in the new "endgame mode", baby.
This isn't 5.0 right
It's surely not time already....
the rankings conveniently got "stuck" during wuwa's peak, unless you seriously believe that global somehow magically spent double what their biggest market does
I usually complete 3 through events and the last one with a daily.
they are displayed on your profile
bwo ur last star
why are you posting tweets?
Looking forward to trying overload decks with Chevy, I always liked playing resonance more than rainbow decks. The wind fatui is apparently gonna be their first attempt at implementing bond of life into TCG so we'll see how that turns out, probably also means we'll get Arle and Clorinde in the not too distant future
No idea what the other cards are but I will add that I am happy they're gutting some of the cards causing the retarded infinite draw nonsense
Artifacts don't matter too much on supports. I didn't even get to put artifacts on my Dori and could still use her for one act.
To remind pags that Stelle is the canon MC in Star Rail
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Dehya tier banners one right after the other. No limited characters and their kits are garbage. Not even one copy for booba is worth it since they will spook you in the future anyway
Do I have to do this shit all over again to get it?
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what elements will filter people the most?
pyro, electro and hydro should be the safest, they have a lot of popular 4* and 5*, dps, sub dps and supports
>be me
>doing Cryo domain
>Furina, Clorinde, John Li, Barbara Pregg
>after the challenge my HP kept dropping
>wonder why
>turns around
>Furina's saloon friends are shooting something beneath the domain floor
>Mihomo still hasn't fixed this bug, even after her rerun
Fucking lazy shits.
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Pretty comfy game mode. Might take more time than abyss though. Good musics and the stages look great.
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>no platinum badge
Nah, I'm good and anxiety-free.
It's designed to get people to spend.
>the rankings conveniently got "stuck" during wuwa's peak
Stop sis this cope makes us look really bad
it's not a random activity, you're actually doing something you'll do anyway, be it a quest or exploration
stuff like abyss and spending resin should also give encounter points
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>normal version
cryo, geo, anemo
>literally bs version
geo, anemo, dendro
The only time it did that without CN it was for archons and Yelan + HuTao it was sub 80 on global.
That figure is before sumeru so if it made over 40M a month on average it would make about 20M a month on PSN now if the decline is the same,
>WuWakeks monthly melty
>have to level up the sleepy elf girl
>that fucking long ass way to the boss

Thanks on the next patch they resett the Boss respawns faster
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That's fine
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Where I can find music from this stage?
>How did Firefly lose money globally?
Because she flopped. shit character AI design and made the already shit story shittier
>have the cryoshits
>never really played them
Not looking forward to next month's cycle...
>pyro, electro and hydro should be the safest
they also have access to many reactions with some main dps that don't even need to rely on them, thinking about it it's actually unfair how easy is this mode for those elements
we know global players only care about tall males
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Did they really add another witch? Wasn't there only 8?
geo, dendro & cryo/anemo
Good. It filtered verticalcucks and rewards horizontalchads.
Stop getting baited by constellations when you can get a whole new character.
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>forced to play AyaCLUNK

I never forgive the CCP!
for me it’s dendro cryo geo
geo 100000000000%
Cryo will always get crutched by another element but geo is guaranteed to take the anemo slot
>Now that wuwa is officially dead and buried
but it made more than genshin this month...
No Real Reason to build them. Only 4 Star a N-Word & Noelle
Only 3 4-Star Units. Rest are 5 Star Paywall
>Rest are 5 Star Paywall
irrelevant, everyone has at least yelan and furina
neuvillette and kokomi also have high ownership, only newfags will be filtered by hydro
Mihoyo golet exposed as a fraud, and not an invincible behemoth anymore. Like that fraud god Furina.

It's tagged as "AI generated", and even if it wasn't the patterns in her clothes and halo are an easy way to identify the origin of the drawing.
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Omg hi Tencent
Genshin killed my friend my family and my pet dog. I hope genshin die.

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