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Previous: >>484224396

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Watch out!
Ma Xiaofang has pulled out the ol' fingerguns again!
WuWa won
wuwa won
Genshin won despite the dead patch
Wuwa lost despite the new patch + honeymoon
It's already over...
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WuWon? WuWon.
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Day of Defeat
She really needs to get a protection from interruption effect while doing that. Shit's fucking gay man.
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Which way, Western man?
How many a banners we got for July?
Is this good? Can I use this without any crit rates?
Wu LOST. Wuwa had both yinlin and jinhsi's sales and that's all it made? Next month is going to be brutal
The one that's in a good, successful game, so right.
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I had a realistic dream last night that /wuwa/ was in flames, a female furry girl was announced with huge tits and everyone went insane, I pray this does not happen but I can only warn you now as an three time future prediction expert that things may get bad soon, 1.4-1.5 seem likely
It's over. We need more.
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Genshitters once again celebrate too early, everyone is saving up for Changli. Imagine thinking homoverse's Tran looking bobblehead character going to beat this lol
Changli and?
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>/gig/ melty
You love to see it
westoids love cuckshit so they will choose left
I doubt they can even afford to pay the janitor this month with that meager revenue. They are in real fucking trouble.
Yeah I'm thinking wuwa won
anon? jinshi will be up for two weeks
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Her will be done, as fate has decreed.
Its better than what i currently got.
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Genshin looks like this??? No wonder we lost bros.

We need more cunny, and SEX in this game or it will die. Also more artists to draw instead of all the ai slop
Westoids love trannies and will thus choose right
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Sharing the same VA and hair color doesn't mean two different characters are clones of one another
That's a mod
What's yours? for some reason I can't roll out any crit rates on my echoes but I got a fuck ton of crit dmg
But Jinshi is in June banner right now?
Are you pretending to be retarded?
But she doesn't even have pink Bocchi hair
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>chiwa saito character vs femcel self insert
Left it is
Genshitters gonna play ZZZ this month.
So will WWshitters.
No one gonna play WW anymore.
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>wuwa has a chance of getting this
I pray theyre just holding her as a trump card
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>a female furry girl was announced with huge tits
Would nakadashi
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>Made almost the same money as genshit on the sensortower chart, that only counts mobile
>Without even being playable on mobile by 90% of the players
Kek, imagine if they counted PC revenue.
>But no one plays PC!!!
The ones that spend the most in the game were the west players. You know, the ppl that mostly play these games on PC?
The one who's a virgin
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Don’t forget to take your meds while you’re here
Jinhsi will always be white Bocchi
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Why are genshin players this mean to us? It's not a company thing because HSR anons are ok.
We just want to have our little game and have fun
25 it. You will get crit rate.
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>wuwa winning the global revenue
You'll love to see it
>The ones that spend the most in the game were the west players
Doubt. This is literally never true unless you mean Clash of Clans.
Right will be the new meta in the new Genshin end game mode, so I need right.
3 days is nothing
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Anal for Rover...
Blame Tectone and the WW shills

Everyone wants this game to fail even if not playing any Mihoyo game
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> we actually beat Genshin in global
WTF? I was not expecting that at all.
>Jiyan flopped? Everyone must be saving for Yinlin!
>Yinlin flopped? Everyone must be saving for Jinhsi!
>Jinhsi flopped? Everyone must be saving for Changli! (You are here)
>Changli flopped? Everyone must be saving for [Gay male]
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>looks like Tamamo
>voiced by Chiwa Saito
If it looks and barks like a dog, it most certainly is a dog
If you meant Jinhsi then you're retarded cause she doesn't sound like Bocchi
I'm obviously asking about new banners you dumb fuck.
I take that you are retarded then.
>both have ntr smile
>left would lovingly tease you about sleeping with other men
>right would lovingly peg you in femdom cuck roleplay
echoes are so fucking ass
if it weren't for cheats I'd have quit by now
Until everyone realize z is just a lazy cash grab with even less stuff to do and went back to gi and ww respectively kek
What is more surprising to me is how HSR flopped so hard after all the firefly hyped
I fucking hate this game sometimes
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now post actual revenue
you asked about july's banners and I answered
not my fault you're a dumb
Post your echoes.
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homo game btw
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We need more exposed outfits
>kektone already jumping ship
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WTF were they thinking
So you really are not pretending.
Yeah, if anything, WuWa and Snowbreak are the two games that likely have more PC players than mobile. I can't perfect dodge on mobile and the camera is too slow for me.
>actual revenue
Nothing on this estimate chart is actual revenue anon.
>Lose against a homo and a lesbian
Grim, now they will never pander to straight people after this
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no need to be aggresive to someone who is just trying to help, please be better. Everyone here is shitposting and it's rare to find someone who's willing to answer game related questions.
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>wuwa global sales
Am I the only one who thinks that these are excellent numbers for a "copy" game from another company?
they've been malding all morning over it
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am I missing something or casket sonar does not work for windchimers
go fuck yourself, dumbass
Im sorry to let you know but Yinlin and Jinhsi mogged your kid game. Now go to bilibili if you want your statement to be true.
Yeah it kinda took me by surprise ngl. What happened? The story feel artificial? Not enough chemistry? The for (you) feels forced? I genuinely don't know I don't play that shit anymore lol
Bros, if we all buy the $1k top up for Changli, we can still btfo Genshin. We need to all work together to make our favourite chinese company beat another chinese company.
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>voiced by Sephiroth VA
>also Kira from Jojo
>Fourth Hokage
Calcharo is for shounenfags thougb
Keep being retarded, you got talent.
>Everyone here is shitposting and it's rare to find someone who's willing to answer game related questions.
Nah, this guys is just a plain retard or genshit falseflagger.
>>both have ntr smile
Is there any expression a woman can have that doesnt imply she's NTRbait according to you gooners?
>let's ignore the biggest market for both games for no reason
Anon...PC doesn't count toward sensor....
make sure you buy it on PC to confuse them further.
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I'm waiting for Wuwa's Alpha
ZZZ is most likely poaching hoyo players more than anything, it's far more similar to wuwa in what puts it ahead compared to other games especially gayshit, I don't see a reason that game continues to exist at this point since it just feels mind numbing to play.
>41 > 51
Why embarrass yourself?
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get outside of your r/gachagaming bubble, genshit players are the biggest laughing stock everywhere
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>wuwa pushing that high with nearly no help from China
Time is up genshit eaters
>literally 2 weeks left
>noooooooooooo that's a june banner reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>ZZZ general will be full comfy because these two retards can't stop throwing shit at each other.
Right would leave you, start sleeping with someone who's at minimum twice your weight/volume and block you on all platforms while she enjoys the better sex and new bf.
>biggest market
>can't spend more than global
Know your fucking place bugs
More proof that GI is dead in the west and the only people "playing" are teenagers and kids
CN is the one dumping money on it
Nearly no help is a bit of an understatement. Wuwa had handicaps
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yes, but consider the fact that he's impaling himself on mrover most days out of the week
Oh, hi Koult
>actual revenue
>you lost global
>d-doesnt count my chinarino!!!
you realize that wuwa still made big money with almost no push from china, right ? how can you be so dense to not see whats going on in this chart
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The cutest
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they’re both for (I) actually
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Buying a pack right now on PC
>don't spend
>can't post
even SEA has surpassed them in relevancy
ZZZ has style. ZZZ has music. WW has nothing of that. This is a difference between being unmemorable clone and actually original and appealing game.
I just hope kuro doesn't go full retard after this and panders to china even more.
>Firefly release sales not counting in android revenue data
>Wuwa sales frozen for two weeks at a top spot in android revenue data
>Wuwa still can't beat HSR

Everything is stacked to help Wuwa, yet it is still failing this much. What a catastrophe.
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>reverse: 1999 is relevant enough to make it into the screencap
we... won
Cope, your game lost.
And? Money is money no matter where it comes from
nice meme, retard
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just got this. feels good
But CN is literally the worst market for Wuwa though? Are you illiterate? Global completely mogs them
Which is funny cause waito pigus stealing their jade like beauties is prime ntr plot
>More than Genshin
>Almost as high as HSR that got Firefly
Yeah I think we won.
reminder that being smaller in china is a good thing
chinese has shit taste
chinese dominated game meaens more censorship
western market literally the most disloyal crowd fanbase, CN literally still playing DnF and Naruto Gacha game from 12 years ago.
Same shit with Japan.
We already hearing that most of people in this general will jump ship to AzurP the moment its out.
Lmao absolute melty
bro your Abby?
nice plebbit narrative, what will be next goalpost move?
Lmao do you really think that urbanite zoomie 'style' is original? Nigga how many games have you played?
western market is normies ready to jump on the next trending game in a heartbeat. being good in global means NOTHING.
Are there more WuWa vs Genshin character model images
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what the fuck is wrong with me
Sensortower is an estimate and their method of estimation was broken during Firefly's release. Their actual numbers are severely underestimated due to it.
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If only I had her weapon, bros...
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>now post actual revenue
>posts chink slop
Stinky stinky
It does matter cuz it sets a precedent of a gacha game doing better in the west than it deos in Asia, it means a gacha can be successful even if they ignore china
genuinely why do so many hoyosharts feel the need to care about fake chart data
All the new shit is pretty and fun but dragon ai/animations are dogshit. It is not fun in any way to fight a boss you cant hit for a majority of the fight.
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>Got my Jinshi at 70 rolls
>Get to save the 50/50 for Changgers
I'm so happy
Jinhsi was made for white men thougheverly
>Soul status
at most 2, you can easily guess which ones
>t.never played anything before genshit
Hi Fi Rush released last year and is a better game hoyoshill


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There is something wrong with my Jinhsi...
>He typed this while holding back tears
>Noo why is the dragon flying, please stay on the ground
There's this video but it's about animation comparison
that's not how pity works, anon
Ok? And it still lost
>flopped so hard it shut down the studio
Hi Fi Rush flopped so hard the studio shut down
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Go back to your shitty thread genkeks. Lol I heard your new abyss is universally hated.

Imagine paying homoverse for a shitty fame mode after all these years lol
If you are not above Mihoyo you are supposed to EoS by next week.
>No "Yes" option
Go Back
how the fuck do I find the last windchimer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Why are you playing Genshin?
casket sonar?
Something tells me you are the kind of guy who was OK with mihoyo giving out 3 pulls on the anniversary event
Why care about the truth when things are looking the way you want them to look like? Nice illusion you are living in. Maybe try seeking the truth once in a while and you won't be treated like an afterthought by the developers.
>moving the goalpost
Make it less obvious next time
uhhh? moot?
doesn't work for windchimers
>nooooo you’re flopping because you didn’t beat the most successful and lucrative game in the world with a giant years-old established fanbase within a single month
Doomtrannies are delusional
That's pretty fucking great revenue and beats many genshit patches...
>hsr wins with genshit again
>pop jiyan ult right when jue gets staggered
>doesn't even last until the end of the boss stagger
>jue flies off
nice fight guys very fun and farmable
burger like beauty
Thats cause western gamers are literally always betrayed themseleves. Look at the history of gaming. Gacha itself represents an aggressive and greedy market strategy while offering less gameplay than full games.

Ive come to terms with this and just enjoy bow
No? I thought every 80 rolls you have a guaranteed chance at a 5* regardless if you get it before the 80 rolls similar like what happens in FEH but it carries between banners
I honestly thought the story fight between jué and jinxi was chink kino.
thats revenue below Tower of Fantasy in release month and you know where it ended. What, you seriously expected WW to grow after release? Hahahahaa
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>Lol I heard your new abyss is universally hated.
/wuwag/gers so mindbroken they have to make up fantasies to cope
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This is your /gig/ger melty, say something nice about him
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Who gives a shit?
45 million should be enough to keep this game running, right?
Yes it does
I heard the suicide rate in Indonesia is ramping up. Hope he contribute to the stats
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Back to bilibili and sniff some more of those chink farts
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definitely doesn't
Hoyodrones are the same as apple fanboys.
So I can see that happening.
Ayaka my beloved...
>that SEA monkey babble in the 2nd post
actually burst out laughing
kek is this you? >>484235970
when you get any 5*, the counter resets. Doesn't matter if you get it at 1 roll or 80
keep doing it around various parts of the mountain bwo. it's either a range issue or a bug.
I mean I agree but if Kuro needed CN market to survive they would be dead by now since CN is clearly the weakest link and chinks treat Hoyo like a national treasure or some shit
That probably means the last one spawns from a puzzle or something. I've tested sonar and it definitely detects chimes.
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Lol take your shitty animated stinky fox else where.

We have a better one here in wuwa
I just found one that doesnt spawn from a puzzle, the sonar absolutely does not work
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God it looks awful. Billion dollar company vs some indie schmuck btw
You only have to "fight" it 3x per week, even though it's ass and I agree
>b-but I'm farming
You should be farming the low level one (that you can), you can instea break it and/or one shot it with a single move at the beginning
>two weeks of broken data benefitting Wuthering Waves
>still can only barely beat Genshin

This level of cope is amazing to see.
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Ugh...new cnuy?
1.2? m skipping changli
Look like ZZZ dogshit design
Is this zhize or whatever the fuck her name is?
Holy mog
why are you still there? go back, that narrative doesn't really work
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hello there
I'm here
What will the excuse be next month /gig/ bro
>very fun and farmable
I didn't know Jiyan was this shit
>Jué roars at second 5 or something
>dodge counter with danjin
>Jué stagger
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>just use the sonar
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This is not even Wuwa's final form.
We are still missing our OG Acheron aka Alpha forma de Sans Undertale

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im pretty sure hitting UL50 and getting her to 80 will fix it, I can beat the absolute shit out of the bird but cant kill it in under 2 minutes
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ok i outputted the video into a webm at the previous anon's thread request.
I had to trim a few sections to make it fit 4chans strict limits however. This was the 7th editing iteration but It looks ok.
Left looks better if you're a cock loving tranny >>484234743
Make sense, some of the leaked sound fx reminded me of a whip sound.
And if we look at the weapon it kinda looks like a twin whip.
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"I cast Fire Bolt"
>Tight suit flat chest loli
Kuro God?
>image search
>it's zzz leak
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Sounds like a (You) problem
Hi Fi rush is LITERALLY dead
Welp, that fucking sucks
But thanks for explaining
>The indog is so buck broken now it can't even reply properly anymore
Zzzz, no one cares about this shit. Make more hags.
I like Nier
I like DMC
I like Black Rock Shooter
I play wuwa

Kuro is literally me if I am a chinese dev

I'm bored to dead with nintendo games, and to me
Mihoyo = Nintendo of chinese
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anal sex with jinhsi
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Genshin could never
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>ZZZ bilibili account almost doubles WuWa in size even if it's not released yet
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Don't like her base but her skin looking fucking amazing
I love that look
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>Genshin characters look like starved somalian children next to WuWa characters
This is unironically one of my favorite things about the game. I like how they have a lot of different "sheathe" animations for each attack. Like stop attacking after you fly into the air with Jinhsi.
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a new daughterwife already??
So much SOVUL gigxisters! We all know it's SOVUL when the animation is recycled hoyollion times
yea it's a bug idk what more you want me to say anon. i've used it, it finds chimes, the game even tells you to use the sonar to find them. all you can do is write feedback or keep doing it and hope you luck out.
I like them both, shame the one on the right is trapped in a garbage game
Ww baited me desu. I havr fun everyday playing it, but even from the title screen it was supposed to br dark and depressing. Its too cutesy anime
Rover is kinda puffy ngl
Good, keep em all there we dont need any more furrys over here in the west
genkeks are not recovering from this one bwos
As someone who played Tower of Fantasy very briefly, it’s not comparable to Wuthering waves, it’s so much worse in every way
>just accept the game is shit
the absolute state
Wait for the Black Shores storyline anon
I'm so glad our game isn't going to be filled with bugman.
We're going to black shores and never looking at China again.
>all these wuwaggers drooling over a zzz design because they thought it's for wuwa
ahahahahahah fucking tribalkeks are hilarious
It just kind of highlights an issue with Genshin. You cannot even use the excuse of skeletons anymore because WuWa has to follow the same rules for animations.
This is a ZZZ character.
Keep that shit in Zzz with the rest of waterkuma’s degeneracy, we’re tall flat hag territory here
Hah i knew it, look dogshit like a ZZZ design
i did just tell you to write a feedback forum or keep trying bwo.
Well to be honest I expected that, ZZZ is going to be a cunny game unironically.
wuwa will totally do coombait shotas too right haha...
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>We're going to black
Tourist kun, you do realize they're doing it because it's cunny right? Go snag some leaked tof cunny 3d model to /gig/ and watch them have the exact same reaction
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Jinshi can't stop exposing her panties
They mistreated Yae in that garbage game so badly I will never forgive them
I quit after rolling her back in her original release and never looked back
this kills the genshart
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What's going to be the cope this time?
gawr gura is doing leaks for zzz?
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I like that after a basic attack they hold a sort of combat stance too
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yes jue anal sex with jinhsi
Still waiting to see how badly they'll censor the lolis
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>Game from Chink Nintendo has more X than game from another company
Didn't he already move on to ZZZ like the fotm chaser he is?
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Okie ill check it out. Cant wait for camelya
There's still considerable amount of animation reuse in WW, and it will likely get worse over time just like in did in Genshin, but it IS a huge improvement. I say this as someone who was positively seething about same 5 skeletons and fixed prop locations for ages.
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How's my Jinshi? Level 70 Jiyan's sword and both 3 costs are spectro damage main stat.
He said he will finish it in 3 hours and go back to Wuwa meh
and theyre all gonna be knotted by the disgusting furries there
I unironically wish waterkuma was in charge or wuthering waves yes.
>mihomo could never
>literal mihoyo design
>u-uh s-shut up tourist!
uninstall your brain
>it-it doesn't count!
Should I try get Changli or better to wait for Cummelya? Who's better for meta?
Yes + the censored ship.
It's going to be mid.
pretty bad :/
rewatching this made me realize that i hope we get the same amount of zoom out as PGR. Jinhsi would be absolute perfection if I could just zoom out this much with some refined camera work.
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I don't have the webm of lingyang anymore, but the animators put a lot of soul into every normal attack having it's own different cooldown move. Its really cool if you ever watch it, or if someone still has the gif/webm from before.
Sadly he isn't popular so most people don't get to see it. Instead I will post this female modded Lingyang.
That impossible because the only 3D loli in genshin is potato copy paste and that's doesn't exist outside of genshin so it would be easily called as fake.
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Wuwa bros are we winning? I want to play the winning game not the one that's losing
What makes some people passionate to argue that gayshit even has a reason to exist now? It's mind numbingly boring and doesn't catch my interest the same way HSR and likely ZZZ will. Obviously the SEAcels we can see on plebbit are a major part of it
Triple digit body count
Femcel virgin
The answer should be obvious
Black Shores, the organization, you know. I know black cocks live rent free in your head because you're obsessed with them, but the word black by itself is just a color.
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So...we rollan?
When is Alpha expy anyway? This is gonna be the true powercreep.
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PGR only ever had one shote in the entire roster without counting the boy from nier collab but it’s not impossible so just keep hoping
Yeah but Genshin is more soulful, though. WuWa's post-apocalyptic setting is ugly, uninspiring, and lacks cohesion. You can see even in your webm the WuWa heavy attack demonstration has a background full of clutter. Full of trash and ugly stuff. Unlike Genshin which focuses on beauty, aesthetics, and cohesion so that no matter how you move your camera, you will be met with something beautiful.
I need Hanying.
We already got her weapon for free in 1.1
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Needs bigger hips and ass desu
>Femcel virgin
she looks like a femdom mommy with triple digit slave count
>rate this stream 0 to 0
Honestly the combat is kinda boring bro
Literal menu simulator
Lmao the fact that you're using a literal featureless 3d model that could be from anywhere as some sort of 'gotcha' just highlight how you don't even have a brain to begin with like most hoyonigs
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suck my cock
Holy shit star rail is hypeless, what happened in the recent update? It’s loosing moving and no one is playing
Is that Banjo Mei?
>genshit gets mogged in revenue AGAIN
>genpags have to resort to socialmediabux as if it matters
oh no no no wuwa won BIGLY
I'd give it a shot if the bosses could kick my ass like wuwa but i dunno bwo...
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Firefly happened. She's so broken that there's no such thing as strategy in Star Rail anymore. She's also boring and takes so much screentime that there's nothing to talk about in Star Rail anymore.
My Chixia can kill it in a minute
>hoyoshill seethe
Unninstal your life seanigger, and pray to win the 50/50 next time
don't be dishonest, they're just going through a shit patch. also, why are we ever giving credence to twitch numbers? who the fuck is watching gacha games on twitch?
>deflecting to design baiting because you can’t salespost like you planned
rumao even
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Cool now add housing you bloodly bitch
I wanna put my wives inside my house
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>The wuwa general pool favor for ZZZ
Guys...please don't go.
>No one is playing hsr
Duh? They all watch it as it goes auto
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why do genshin "players" live in this thread instead of playing genshin
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>genshit gets mogged in revenue AGAIN
And then you woke up
tectone legitimately hates mihoyo and wants to hurt them he's only feigning optimism about zzz to make it hurt more when he shits on it
>more soulful
>Natlan supposed to be a war ravaged shithole
>literal pokemon region
Just say you like bright colours like a drooling retard
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>can't even bother to give a different swing animation to a new character
This is genshin 1.5, we are waiting for genshin 2.0 AzurP and Genshin 3.0 Project mugen.
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Reminder to take Sensortower revenue chart with a grain of salt, Gamelook.cn reported that Wuwa raked in $110-140m from CN + global.
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just woke up. did we win?
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are genfags really gonna spend en mass for THIS?!
They did in global. Everyone knows u can't trust the numbers coming from China.
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>SEAnig reroll life
>New life account is curryseeded and be born Indian instead
>our green homo couldn't beat Genshin's green homo
>our lighting lady couldn't beat Genshin's lightning lady
It's so over
I can smell the insecurity of mihoyodrones
Nope. Genshin won again...
now post that again without crying
might be too hard with that seething envy over hoyo cunny though lmao
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I bet those chinks over at bilibili are losing their shit at wuwa poping off in the west despite their best effort to boycott the game
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It's actually funny how there's barely any salesposting in the thread because /gig/ lost lmao. YJK if they'd won there'd be a chart every 5 posts.
should i reroll for firefly?
everybody can, they make it blatant. i honestly don't understand why they care that much
I've been using Mortefi with Jinshi in general content but I've realized that in Tower Mortefi is much better with my Jiyan so who's next best sub dps for Jinshi if I don't have Yunlin? The dude with fedora?
Game already copying SR endgame and people got fucked left and right for not making multiple meta characters just like SR.
You need to at least got 5 different teams that can dish out different type of damage combination to clear the end game rotation in SR and it finally start to happening in genshin.
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>SEApag begins to worship chinkcel the movement chinks become their only savior for their faggot game
Why is this ledditman so cool
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The before and after contrast is hilarious, the chart schizo suddenly went quiet
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Uh genkeks, what went wrong?
>Back in the first release chart
>"China sales doesn't matter lmao it's literally inflated in the charts and should be disregarded"
>Now that WuWa made bigger bucks outside of China compared to Genshin
>"N-no you see, china charts matter because it's the biggest gacha market! What do you mean I said the chart is inflated and told you to disregard it back then to fit my narrative?"
lmao what boycott? is it some korean incel type "boycott" where they're mad that there are males? or the other kind where hoyosharts want to keep the game irrelevant
>didn't deny that is a hoyoshill
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So do you think Kuro will keep trying to win over chinkcels that hate their guts and spend no money or will they pander to globalGODS who are literally carrying the game?
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Genshin won though? By a lot. ZZZ will also slice Wuwa's revenue in half this month since they compete for the same fighting game niche.
Holy shit
I thought Encore was pregnant for a second…
>shows up randomly
>refuses to elaborate
didn't overstay his welcome
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>rehashed animations
>partamon speaking every sentence over you
>took nearly a year for the protag to say one voiced word that wasn't in a menu
>no skip
>cartoon settings
>literal kid puzzles to distract people
> predatory gacha even by gacha standards
no i don't mean this game
It is amazing how different the concept is vs what they got. What the fuck even happened.
>You need to at least got 5 different teams that can dish out different type of damage combination to clear the end game rotation in SR
hmm nyo
Acheron team + Firefly team clears everything
anyone you disagree with is a hoyoshill according to you tribalnigger
Why is dark skin with white clothing such a lovely combo? Who is she?
>can't even jump
it's been the case in HI3 for couple of years already, they show concept designs and suddenly you realize how much soul was lost
A bit of both yeap
Male no play thing they are doing plus don't forget OUR game
If I were the one that draw that kino concept but got rejected and they went for some shitty femcel self insert I'd quit ngl
Sure, I believed you.
I'm just answering question here but if you only care about shitposting then carry on.
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>fighting game niche
contrast, you retard? same thing why bbc is a thing
my fucking sides as gensharts in 4kek and plebbit cope so hard they started moving goalposts
Just starting for the first time now. Any traps I should avoid?

Is there enough pulls for the current dragon lady and the upcoming milf in the second half of the patch?
You already lost, mate. You are not the sole dominating presense in the gacha world anymore.
>stationary bosses
>overbloated hp bars
>literal braindead combat where all you do is spam one attack
Maybe for the filtered retards that seethe every time wuwa is too hard
she's kaalaa baunaa, and this ribbon twirler skin is coming in 11 days for the olympics
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>already consumed 44% of gigger content
It's only a matter of time.
>Next month even ZZZ will top genshin alongside wuwa
if we don't spend it on a nuclear power plant sure
Left is into NTR and would fuck other men in front of you.
Right is a fujoshi and would make other men fuck you in front of her.
I see cunny, I'll play it.
Guys genshit can only cope with "muh sales chart" because they know that they are playing a inferior game. Wuwa is a objectively superior game in every ways.

They won't be able to brag their sale chart next month because everyone is saving up for Changli for sure
Is this the worst general in /vg/?
>lost to genshin again in sales
>lost to clorinde
>lost to fucking skipwinne
grats wuwacucks
>Is there enough pulls for the current dragon lady and the upcoming milf in the second half of the patch?
for you, easily
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That is just mobile money anon it doesn't include PC
Why the fuck are you trying to push changli as an ntr character so hard, it’s just you, I pray you never fuck a woman ishallah
Get one full team so you can play it more easily, get Verina for the ticket since she's by far the best support in the game for now
And yes this patch gives over 90 rolls so you can do it
Since you're starting you can get both with the initial map
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ah yes the data you can easily search for
>Is there enough pulls for the current dragon lady
>the upcoming milf in the second half of the patch
What the FUCK they didn't even bother changing the weapon design, how did things go so wrong in genshin?
There's such a thing called typecasting
based cunnysseur
why are americans so obsessed with cuckshit
genxisters how do we cope?
the clone game beat us
>login to Genshin and Star Rail today
>get 10 free rolls from the shop
>login to wuwa
>get nothing
NTR is patrician taste
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should i?
Reminder some people are getting filtered by the level 120 tiger and the two level 100 wolves.
does chang li use encore
post hands
wait genshin gives a 10 pull with HSR today? should i start playing and reroll for firefly?
>Hand posted
>It's white
What do?
kill yourself
Global has far less whales than the other regions. If wuwa has to rely on global the game has no future.
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>genshin general is in cope mode because the new end game is favoring team building instead of single character powercreep
>SR general is YOU'RE WAIFU A SHIT discussion.
>wuwa general still doing revenue shitflinging instead of filtering them
Encorebro... they get 5 pulls every month from the shop
it's the equivalent of our 7 rolls every patch
>n-ntr is le bad because... i cant handle female hypergamy!!!
man up
Wuwa hands out free rolls this week and next week too and the shop was reset a few days ago
Can't even doompost right
>plays a chinese game because he cant find a western game
>complains about chinese players
it must suck that your industry fucking sucks huh every good game is now japanese chinese or korean, nothing left in the west to play
changli is a fusion buffer , she can work well as a sub DPS for Encore if you want it to be that way yeap.
Is anyone even surprised? This game is generic garbage, and is only being held on propaganda(advertisement).
you have never met a woman, no woman has ever been nor will ever be interested in you
kill yourself
they all went to HSR team
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When do we get the free 10 weapon rolls?
You will suffer if you don't have Verina but if you can stomach that then go ahead.
>yinlin arives every one says WOWWOW SUB DPS MUST ROLL
>Changli arrives, same outro and yin but for fusion, no one says wowowwow must roll
In a couple of days
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Global is all regions but China in this case.
Instead of chinks it would be nips and gooks carrying the game.
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Giggers are the source of the problem, they should collectively kill themselves.
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>There are more calchudbros than ankopedos
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Yeah surely banking that much money w/o china support is a big L and the game is going EoS soon right non, right.
Go post on bilibili this: suck it up chinkcels we won the game is not going down
Isn't the entire point of NTR being a wimpy little bitch being inferior to another man?
Will we get 3 banners again this month? I don't think my wallet can keep up with this game...
It will attract more hoyo players than anything lmao enjoy gayshit being sliced in half chinkcel
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I'm not joking when 8 say July 4th
You can slot yinlin into any team and she will still work
Changli can only slot into specific team, and she seems more main dps than sub dps with really mediocre damage
You self insert as the cuck, I self insert as the bull. We are not the same.
We'll have 1 (one) male banner to save up so don't worry bwo
who were the 3?
Japan has its own category
>subdps that requires a lot of field time for mediocre damage and buffs
the chicken is doa
not really
cucks will tell you they self insert as the bull but you are meant to self insert as the feeling of hypergamy
All hags are must rolls
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Rover is very puffy
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Just reached UL 50, should I spend my cube now or save until EOS?
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I am sorry I was the first revenuë poster (sensortowër) today.
I didn't know it would be a multithread hot discussion until now.
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why peoples keep posting the sensor tower chart, this chart from JP website is more accurate
it's the corruption of morals really, if people self insert it's as the ugly fat guy doing the cucking.
I hope you pre-farmed the gold mats you need bro
Did we wuwon the revneue pvp
We never use, always hold.
i don't think you know what hypergamy means
Prefarming forgeries sucks ass, lower rates
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wait what?
So Changli is mediocre?
if you are white, yes.
>Not even JP amused by Firefly forced YOU pandering
Brutal mogging,
harem game > monogamy game
Imagine caring about sales chart when wuwa is objectively a better game than genshit in every ways lol
Only if the JP server is different, like Blue Archive or Fate.
If the game is the same globally it's everything but China.
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is right pic related?
YJK that hoyoshills are shooting to all sides cause they thought they were adamant in the salesposting
We deal a heavy bowl to the invincible mihoyo. They are merely a mortal now. Just like that fraud god Furina.
good luck with your channel bwo
>these speculative numbers are more accurate than the other speculative numbers
Nope she is a must have for fusion teams and she does well as main DPS. It is basically Yinlin but for fusion dmg.
To be honest both Yinlin and Changli are safer options than pulling main dps ONLY units like jiyan and jinhsi
>Changli after she reads all the cuckposts about her.
nice try gentroon. you lost
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Lol genkeks thinking they actually won
i have verina
why do these threads look like biz threads, do you guys have stock in the companies making these gacha?
Then there's no reason not to pick up Anko
>only main dps
She is only main dps right now because her DPS just outright shit on competition
You are talking about a character with <10s field time to do 4000% damage and can outro as will
Yinlin unironically has more field time than her in the same team
She's actually great, it's just that the only character she works well as a support for atm is Chixia and this terrifies the metacuck because she's a 4* that doesn't have access to a signature weapon yet. Changli will outlive both Chixia and Encore.
did jinhsi powercreep jiyan?
Either way she have sick off field dmg plus buffs that white hair guy and is the only one who can do it.
yes, she does 30-40% more dmg than him. issue she is not as braindead as him.
which unit will last longer? changli or jinhsi?
Guys I'm completely demoralized because genshit won.
changli is already mediocre, what do you think?
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I lost bros
>issue she is not as braindead as him.
how braindead is jiyan? because jinhsi is literally
do combo, resonance skill, do combo, resonance skill, ult if you have it swap.
Her text skill is needlessly long, her actual rotation is very simple.
>70 summons in
>lose 50/50 to rawr XD

How do I cope from here bros? It’s hitting me hard…
Why are they so obsessed with trying to believe that Mihoyo games always make more money than anything else? It's like they literally can't just enjoy the game, they have to act as corporate PR bragging about how they're the biggest company.
Big time
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Does this answer your question by any chance? They don't have anything else, they're 160cm and brown, don't even contribute to any of these games and mostly can't even run a more recent game. Also even most of China earns half of western minimum wage
uninstall and wait for zzz
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Can Jinhsi auto parry like Jiyan?
>open genshin after a month
>buy monthly reset pulls
>roll 3 times
>get furina
>close game
that was very fun.
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>just turned UL40
>never got a chance to claim the lvl 21 databank
>missed out on buying the first week's sweet and sour pork ingredients
How bricked am I bros?
Jiyan makes parry become auto
He is the easiest character against temphis holo because he basically autoparry all the attacks during his ult
god that ui is disgusting
>(you) pandering
>fun combat
>exploration is fun and not reliant on having specific characters
>graphics and sfx are leagues better
Wuwa is just overall a better experience than Genshin. Don't care how much the game makes I will continue playing regardless.
/hsrg/ are our bros
This is a chicken and egg question. If jinhsi is crept to the point of irrelevancy, everyone else we currently have is. However, at the same time even if jinhsi is crept, outdated characters will still potentially be useful for their buffs.
>breasts skindentation
Maybe Changli isn't so bad
I fucking kneel, I wish i rolled for jiyan now.
1st hit start slow
But everything after have a long ass impact frame + the whole dragon count as parry
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During his ulty he floats like Jinhsi!
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My bank account isn't safe.
why isn't this guy stronger? it seems like sanhua is built for him
>singing for a man on a duo boat ride
what did she mean by this?
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I was ready to uninstall in that scenario and never come again (for real) but thatnk god I won the coinflip
Changli is currently mediocre, while Jinhsi is actually good
Both doesnt have their core support/carry character to pair with them yet
For example, if their is a healer with fast coor like Yinlin with elements other than Spectro, Jinhsi can become a subdps, or a Yinlin with taoqi outro can make Jinhsi even more broken
The same can be said to Changli
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There's no sales shitposting simply because it was found, and confirmed, that sensor tower broke for like 15 days this month, so we literally don't know the real values
Any game could have made more or less money, we don't know
phoenix mating ritual
nah theyre a diff breed of hoyofag trooner than the rest
I'm going to do my part to help Wuthering Waves survive by rolling for c2r1 Changli.
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Should I build this guy?
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Will she work with encore + senhua?
Somehow I feel that Jinhsi and Changli are a packaged deal.
is it safe to build yangyang
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Mind if I and some friends drop by?
Bird mating call.
and they charge for this data?
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you're not alone, anon
I literally wanted to delete the game
does sanhua dmg matter?
>I-It's rigged that's why we lost
>froze at wuwa's peak
we lost and badly, didn't we...?
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So when chink invents the term "spiritual investor," do they mean gachafag are spiritually invested? It becomes their identity.
Not even reroll accounts are spared...
It's even easier because optimally you don't even swap into her without outro
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What do you mean i'm here from day 1
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I just live with the pain. Rawr is nothing
I will also help wuwa by rolling s6r1 changli!
and undo it by getting e6s1 jade as well
Ohnonono mihomoseaniggers our response?
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There can only be ONE
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>1.1 flopped
Let's move on to 1.2
Zhezhi from the sound effect leak has gun shoots in imp R attack, his ult is instrument string, his basic attack is like a fan. Very icy sounds. probably gun/rectifier glacio support.
Xiangli yao is 100% Gun user. sounds like electro. His ult sounds like one nuke shoot or sniper rifle so it must be a dps. gun glacio dps
I am Jue the prophet, so this must be true.
What substats to focus for Verina?
bro why that bitch is ugly...
Skip patch
Zhezhi is a girl
>1.1 flopped
lol it didn't and its barely started
Zhezhi is an origami glacio fist female
Nobody said we lost, we literally could have made more money, look at the 12th that had a small bump UP for us
If it wasn't broken, maybe that bump could've been higher or we could have bigger bumps in that period that was broken, the point is that we literally don't know
Except for Star rail, that won with or without this "break" because of Firefly carrying the sales over the long period as we can see there, we don't actually know who really made how much
Her only job is to cast turtle echo and ulty so ER.
If 1.1 flopped the homo in 1.2 isn't going to do us any favours...
You are a Homoverse shill
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>zhe zir

Wait i mean xiangli is gun electro dps
>Its still revenue shitflinging
You guys really only care about /vg/ post/min rank, huh?
when the fuck is drip marketing
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Boggles my mind that hoyofags are shilling zzz for free, on fucking 4chan of all places.

At least the Indonesian graffiti "artists" got paid...
There's nothing to talk about in the game bro, everyone already cleared all the content for this patch
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Is Jinhsi the Eula of wuwa?
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Bros my cunny is broken
>still revenue shitflinging
There won't be anything else until ZZZ launch unless something major happens.
Why don't you guys answer my question instead?
Wind + attack or wind + wind for Jiyan? for the 3 cost echoes
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time for some wuwawuwawuwawuwa
wind + wind if you can get lib up consistently otherwise wind + er
>/wuwa/ is talking about revenue
>/gig/ is actually talking about their game
>limited electro for yinlin to support
>it's another fag
oh no no no no no yinlin cucks...
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Don't care if we do worse than Genshin
Don't care if we do better than Genshin
Don't care if we do worse than ZZZ
Don't care if we do better than ZZZ
WuWa is fun for me and I will keep playing it as long as it still is
Anybody in Europe btw?
What the fuck does that even mean?
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Do you care if you're a stupid bitch or not though.
No. People knew Eula was a break from the get-go because she barely had elemental damage.
>big backloaded nuke
>reset the chamber when you miss crit
>suddenly BA artist in my xitter are now posting ZZZ chars
the shilling has officially begun
LOVE black panties
wuwa won and doomposters are still coping? Rumao
That was back when people thought Physical damage would be supported.
Post UID bwo
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same, I'm prepare to die with Wawa Wuwu even if we only make 1 million buck(i wish i have that much of money) next patch
Did we at least get in the top 5 last month?
>cunnygod Waterkuma as their art director
>not attracting cunnychads
Yes in terms of being cute waifus
No in viability, Jinhsi has a lot of damage and even if she's powercrept she stands on her own and isn't reliant on a single mechanic that the devs will completely abandon
Uh bro? Have you seen the Magical-girl squad they have teased?
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top 3, and we beat genshart on global sales
lol bafags finally get put down then? finally a cunny game with gameplay
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She pretends to be pure but she's an absolute cockhungry turboslut underneath the facade.
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I have not. Now im interested.
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Damn the thread finally calmed down
thats the problem they arent even drawing the loli characters...
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I love stopping with jinshi mid combo to see her slowly walk down the invisible stairs
No, being retarded is pretty comfy
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>That slow mo with you nuke something with Ult
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i just realised this bitch has the wackiest hair extensions known to man
what are they watching
Honestly jinshis animations are a treat, really sells her elegance and grace in a way that builds so much caracter without a single word
Same, she's so elegant~
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wtf? cygames need to sue them
forgot your changli pic
I intentionally fight slowly to admire my wife's elegance and make meta trannies seethe.
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i forgor th e pic
also kek you instantly knew who i was tllakni gabout
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Lol the unique reward for genshit new abyss is a frozen pose that can only be used in photo mode.

Let that sink in lol
>Nope she is a must have for fusion teams
>Because she buffs fusion 20% with her outro
I swear /wuwa/, you should stick to playing who you like because you're shit at anything else
yeah, didnt you play her in the story?
she looks amazing but the damage is subpar
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i don't understand the use case for a place where time passes slower than outside and you also get taxed at the same rate as outside time
i guess it's to speedrun young women into becoming sexy hags
When are we getting Kino music too?
you dont understand how much I love evil women and hags.
my family is rich as well, and we had a money lending business growing up so I can relate with her
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Are we back?
She does more than just buffing fusion dmg retard bro
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Is it worth to build Fedoraman as Jinhsi support or the effort isn't worth the gain? S3 btw
our wife
Cowabunga dude!
her animations are so much better than the rest of the cast. it's the same with jiyan. maybe yinlin also but it's hard to tell as zap string is a ranged attacker and i only manage to catch glimpses of it's movements.
but jiyan and jinhsi honestly look amazing.
based both-sides investor.
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yeah, consider this patch music already a huge step up, we can expect kuso games fund back the whale money into re-hiring Vanguard Sound
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>Star rail 90m back to back
How in the fuck?
Is Kuro aware of how many people want to fuck their NPC's?
Considering Rover's status as pretty much a god shouldn't his semen be able to knock up any woman?
We never left
for me, it's Maqi
They better be
there is no use case I think jué. it's an intetional side effect of jué losing her temporal mandate powers due to an injury.
The people living on the mountain are just fucked because leaving is instant death for most of them and normies don't care enough to show up and get 10 days of life robbed for 1 day of life.
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>it punches a hole through the ovum
that is either fake or bloated, but in case they keep releasing back to back meta characters
Please tell me your shell credit making strategies bros before i break down and buy the battle pass just for credits
>seapoop is literally lurking itt seething
This is way too selective
Genshin has unique normal attack animations too and some (not all) have unique plunge
passion project
Fucking insane how a low maintenace and development cost auto battler where they are also stingy with the cutscene budget makes that much, instead they blow it on the marketing because fuck PVs and lenghty kino in game cutscenes i guess
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How do I get there bros?
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Claim your NPCwife
Here's mine
I have noticed Maqi is pretty cute too.
so are the top 5 on this list the best gacha?
yes its incredible how much love they put into her animations
very unique, 2 seperate movesets, 2 cutscenes which are basically ults for normal characters
I would say its a fluke but we all seen changli and she has the same kind of eye candy that fits the character perfectly
I even like the normal 5* moveset like calcharos, been using him since release and I never get tired of seeing the animations hope his story quest is super edgy
Karenina expy let's go!
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is my account bricked?
for Jinshi and her weapon alone it took me 240 pulls
Yep, it's time for sum Wuwa.
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It's nice that they put some effort into their NPCs instead of just generic man and generic woman.
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If he didn't ropemaxx after seeing how HARD wuwa won that is.
Ganxue is mine, fuck off nerd
Its not fake, just think.
>TBS game with auto mode
>Menu simulator
>5 minutes daily
>AFK gameplay
>Games that looks and ran like shit on mobile
How do you think those people paid for their gachabux? open a PC?
The strategy is to wait for double shell credit farming stage event.
>Global audiences mogged chinkcels hard
>Scar onigiri will be reverted
>Boob jiggle will be nerfed or completely removed
>femrover's clothes will be redesigned to be like male rover
>no more cringe self insert pandering, characters will have their own life
we won global bros
triple jump and glide bwo
healing % turtle for verina?
So where is the content?
bro no one likes those monk tits
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I'm scared :((
I pref atk turtle.
The shower awaits
I knew I shouldn't have slacked on the last one.
So what will be your cope when none of this happens?
Nobody likes baizhi's tit jiggle or yinlin's cringy ult animation either, good thing both will be removed soon.
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How do i open this.
Theres no challange thing and i tried hitting the thing behind it and it didnt open it.
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Your grapple + Triple jump tech?
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>these gachagaming numbers are posted everywhere for shitposting
>when they are calced like this
Is this all shitposters have left to say? Grim.
Find the battery....
So what will be your cope when all this happens?
The CN numbers quite literally dont matter in this case
>None of this happens
>The global audience are the coomers while hoyo has all the prudes
>More sexo and wuxia kino in the future
I'm thinking Kuro wuwon
Yeah sure, global is known for their acceptance of those things.
>New month starts
>Shop Resets
Genshin is so much better than wutheringshits
incels lost, global audiences won
thats all you got tranny?
The "global" audience payed into the game with all of what you listed. Why would they change course? Especially when JP and Korea are the front runners in said global audience.
The amount of cope and damage control by kuroshills is mind blowing KEK
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wuwabros it's actually over.
Which echo set do I use on Mortefi?
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I'm not going to make it to Changli banner bwos

My cock keeps throbbing whenever I see her
Nice cope genkek
>back to femcel posting
kek, I thought today would be a "bloodbath" turns out it was one for hoyoshills. LMAO
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Imagine getting hard over a fucking turkey.
At least she's alive, unlike the zombie reptile though.
i used to look down on all those things but now i think any game with dailies longer than 5 minutes are insane.
I was actually bricked up for her cutscene, Genshin quite literally could never. (hsr too)
Moonlit bro, hes a support god
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The hoyo chart spamming faggot went silent after the sensor chart dropped lel
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how much would you bet that he posted that itt then screencapped it before posting on reddit? imagine living rent free as a mihomo redditor in 4chan's wuwa general
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fanservice bros...
moonlit set
They forgot to copy that.
Brutal mogging
CN should know their fucking place, Wuwa is a white man game
I just remember going to bed with them spamming about it. Now they are reduced to posting shit like
This is well beyond just mental illness.
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Ummm...Wuwa sisters
I thought today was going to be a big day for Wuwa and everyone was going to shit on us over the sales chart.

Yet I don't see anything, what happened?
so much anticipation, so many threats that this general will be raped today... ending in radio silence.
I had no intention of rolling her at the start, but after trying her out, she is such a well made character design wise that I couldn't resist. She stands on her sword and everything.
I just slapped encores set on him and the energy regen pistol with concerto on resonance skill, at 158% something energy regen he get's his ult quickly enough
Yeah i can probably go moonlit but i'm lazy and want to save echo materials for when i need to raise a whole new set for char
Does the Jue echo help build incandescent stacks bros? I can't tell if im gaining whether shes on or off field.
Man the Chinese are butthurt huh.
What a bunch of fags, no wonder they are eating hoyoslop every fucking time.
are you ready for the genshinfication of the wuwa
Well said saar, we indians and SEAbros know better than to like how the western man fills up our happy fiances and wives by merely being tall, rich and white!
since we won, when do we get the celebratory ten pull?
>any game with dailies longer than 5 minutes are insane
Are they still even video games at this point or just a habituated ritual that you sometimes throw almost your entire paycheck into?
Anon...you are...playing...chinese game...using chinese hardware...
Anyone play this game on ipad?
>Monthly Pulls reset
>Monthly Relic XP reset
>Monthly Trace Mats reset
>Monthly Character XP reset
>Monthly Credits reset
Yeah I think wuwa lost
All right, I figured this but i know that Sanhua actually isn't much better with Moonlit compared to ice set because she shits out damage so I was wondering if Mortefi was the same, although the fire buff doesn't seem to synergize great with him.

This is what I'm doing right now for tower when I use him with Jinhsi, but I want to have separate echo sets so I don't have to swap them around all the time, it's already annoying enough if I forget to move Yinlin's weapon from Encore/Yinlin.
If you play slow it's easy but if you just try to combo non stop you will die.
lmao no
>Daily cope reset
Yep, thinking Honkai troons lost
Do we even care as long our beloved game makes more money?
Isn't that what most people care about in this general?
We actually won
/gig/ is coping
/hsr/ is also coping, their flopfly lose against a dyke rumao
We seriously can't stop winning lmao, fucking trannies
I'm worried, bros. How will they pay the interns with this measely 40-50M revenue?
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seethe and cope genkek.

Wuthering waves is a global phenomenon now
>chinks don't like the game at all
>westoids are unloyal and will jump to the next new thing (ZZZ, then AzurP, then Mugen, then...) as soon as it comes out
>SEAniggers are loyal but too poor to spend in the game
Oh no.
someone explain the numbers to me
how did global make more than TWICE the money from the previous month
did 1.1 launch in countries where it wasnt possible to play yet or something?
So do you think Kuro will keep trying to win over chinkcels that hate their guts and spend no money or will they pander to globalGODS who are literally carrying the game?
Wu Won
Bigly even
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>Chinkcel melty didn't workout
We love to see it
>re-hiring Vanguard Sound
why weren't they here from the start tho, what happened?
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Just woke up. Are we winning
Because sensortower estimates are garbage
So Changli's sword is literally exactly the same as standard 5* sword but with crit rate and crit damage swapped and skill damage bonus instead of ER? It's not looking worth it to be honest.
damn i guess that 40m revenue is actually 0 huh
>wtf why is /r/gachagaming full of people who hate Wuwa and shill Mihoyo games
Probably because the subreddit is sponsored by Mihoyo and the mods are active shills
See ZZZ icon
yeah we won hard. just look at all the crying hoyopags like >>484247426
>"if you don't have the greatsword with crit rate, build atk instead on Jinshi"
You lied to me bros.... she hits like a fucking wet noodle. Anyways, should I hunt either atk% or Reso skill as subs if I were to completely ditch the crit build?
Launch gibs started running out.
Some people mentioned using a VPN to Japan to top up for a 20% discount. Is there any chance of being banned for that?
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Because the last month wasn't actually a month, it was like one week of Jiyan's banner.
Meanwhile this month had the end of Jiyan's banner, Yinlin's whole banner and the first few days of Jinhsi.
Also the estimates are garbage.
Wuwa was released at the end of the month. The previous "month" revenue is from just one week.
Tranny status: Clanged and Banged
Correct, I actually just edited it before posting.
I'm getting it for aesthetics anyway.
Wuwa launched like a week before the month end bro, we always did good
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>open youtube, facebook
>star raiI players praising wuwa for the revenuue
>open vg
I'm talking about the mobile players.
The numbers is mobile only and for whatever reason global won against China, so what do we learn from this?
They have either shit hardware or are a bunch of kids with zero patience because Kuro is working on optimizing the game, just look at the number of fixes they did.
Or they are a bunch of homosexual like I said and prefer hoyogames because it's pandering towards them and their game is usually optimized and works on low end phones.
Not the mention wuwa requires you to play the game instead of just auto or hold E with wormvillette to win.
>previous experience with other gamefags was always BA
>Genshinfags are infinitely worse
Why are they like this?
I've seen no concrete evidence that anyone has been banned for it. I've done it myself since launch and haven't been banned/warned.
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There's technically a chance of being banned in the same way that you could have a heart attack right now, but it probably won't happen so no need to worry.
schedule most likely, they ain't a big studio and taking on alot of different projects so kuro can't get a good deal with them me think
Where is the JP revenue anyway? it isn't tracked?
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out of development cost probably
Genshin pulled all the Twitter, reddit, and facebook kids into gacha.
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ok but why are the estimates so far apart
shouldnt we see a simmilar increase in both china and global numbers?
Pretty sure it's included in global for this game
If you top up in game then there's technically a tiny chance of a ban
Top up in here and you're safe, maybe you just got your JP friend to buy you a pack?
Hasn't genshin always been 90% about teambuilding? Without the right teams most characters do nothing to clear the abyss
iirc Vanguard asked for more money and Kuro didn't had enough.
Now that they are making banks I'm sure Vanguard is coming back, or at least I hope so.
your sales numbers aren't real lil bro
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Nope no chance, though they might filter the IPs that your particular VPN uses to discourage it. That's where OpenVPN comes in (grab .ovpn file for JP from https://www.umavpn.pro/ & OpenVPN from https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/) since you can just try a different one if they really do filter it. It's been a thing for years in Genshit and Wuwa's prices are 1:1 with Genshit's. It would cause a mass exodus if they did start banning it, I'm sure.
Vanguard was Overbooked by a fuckton of other gacha games and Kuro decided to go along their own inhouse team because they couldnt afford to just sit and wait for Vanguard to open up slots.
ditching crit is a gigabrick but in that case build res skill since you're already stacking atk
if they never added new content you'd be right. but they do add new content but when new content is old i don't want to be forced farm it daily and have it take longer than 15 minutes max.
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How are hoyoshills going to shitpost at us if we keep winning bros.
It could be any reason bro.
>the supposedly fuck up for 15 days
>the fact CN numbers are literally made up
We will never know the actual numbers behind these games so it really doesn't matter.
No one's gotten banned yet, and i doubt they would do such a thing as they lose a bigger cut if you pay through google play(30%).
It would also cause a massive shitstorm and punish paying customers.
If anything they should just fix the retarded regional pricing.
1. China numbers are estimates based on other estimates, making them less reliable than global/other countries numbers.
2. Chinks are boycotting the game fir some reason.
Leveled Jinhsi to 80
Will level Yinlin tomorrow
Thinking about who to level afterwards. Could be Monkwife, but haven't used her in a while, need better echoes. What weapons are best for her btw?
post yinlin feet
>westoids are unloyal and will jump to the next new thing (ZZZ, then AzurP, then Mugen, then...) as soon as it comes out
why are western players like this?
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>rolled for bricks
Call yourself a dumb bitch
>Phase 6
>Every run now drops gold mats
feel good
will hoyopags keep this seething up for the whole month? lol
Ironically enough the only reason I gave them money was due to this. i think they realize this, I think they know that whales wouldn't bother to do it but people tight fisted enough to do it wont spend otherwise so they'd rathey just take the money.
>ditching crit is a gigabrick
I yield to my rng. I doubt I'll ever get a perfect 10% crit rate on every echoes so I tried the other alternative options but do you think that I should fix this and try to get back on the crit path?
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I am happy if we get doujins. Encore, Verina and Jinhsi vanill doujins doko?
Yes. Theyre getting a literal tranny for their next archon the jokes write themselves.
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They aren't
>Over half of playtime was spent in games at least six years old
Most western gamers are playing old games, the whole "unloyal western gamers" thing is just cope.
literal as in literal literal?
Is funny how disingenuous both sides are
>they lose a bigger cut if you pay through google play(30%)
Depends on the region desu, here in britbong it's literally a >40% saving by paying in Yen right now.
literal trannoid genitals rendered under xis/xer dress
getting her to 50/200 or even 50/180 crit will be better than going full atk
They are going through a content drought right now, they are bored and have nothing better to do
Aight thanks mate really appreciate it
I wouldn't be surprised if Kuro weren't actually losing much/any money, and the prices were just higher because of Yuroptax reasons.
who isn't a brick then senpai?
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Shit fucking art, have better taste.
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Yeap and just wait till next month's chart when they see wuwa and ZZZ above genshin, shits gonna be giga meltdown.
ahaahahaaa gayshats will defend this loool is so funny I can barely type
Bro some of use managed to snagged more than 300k lunites using VPN back in early days and none of us got banned yet. I doubt 20% cheaper would get you one. I've been abusing VPN since day 1 genshin too. Chinks don't care much as long as you pay them
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we won. BIGGLY.
Lol at everyone falling for a zzz character
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That's the android cunny from zzz
bros the cunny game is tempting me
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Thanks for the VPN tips. I got it working.

Does gacha/digital currency trigger foreign transaction fees for credit cards? The overall %age discount still makes it worth it, if it does, but was just curious.

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