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Previous: >>484233713
There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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My waves...
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this is who's invading the threads to doompost about revenue and EoS btw
This is supposed to be a Himeko expy?
lmao even
I hate footfags.
Bit of a rant here. Might get told “It’s your fault”. I need to get this off my chest. But I highly encourage you to read.

I’m taking a long break from Wuthering Waves. Ever since release I’ve played this game. Ever since release I’ve spent money on this game. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game. But there’s a lot to be said about today’s methods of convincing weak minds to spend, spend, and spend some more. I am one of those weak minds.

Recently I moved out of my parents into a townhome with my girlfriend. We can barely cover rent. And it was only after moving out have I now come to realize just how much money I’ve been wasting. The final straw was earlier today. I had 70$ saved up in tips from my job. I wanted Jinhsi. I was at 60 pity. It was supposed to just be 30 dollars, just enough to hit pity. But I was addicted.

The rush of seeing the golden glow entranced me. I needed it. I spent another 5 dollars. Another 5 dollars. Finally got it. I saw the moon…

And now own C2 Lingyang.

Out of anger I spent the rest of it in hopes of getting lucky. Money that could’ve fed me. Could’ve afforded a nice dinner for my girlfriend and I. Money that could’ve supported rent. Gone. I’ve only just now come to terms with the fact that I do have a gambling addiction, and an impulse buying disorder. All for just… new pixels on a screen, on a game that I’m sure will just be shut down in 10 or less years.

If you can and do spend money, great. If you can and don’t spend money, great. If you can’t and don’t spend money, great. Good for you in all of those situations. But if you are me, falling victim to the promises of something new, pushing yourself down the drain until you’ve lost it all… please. Do not spend money on Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact, ZZZ, Blue Archive, or any other gachas you may play.

Don’t have a weak mind. Spend in moderation. Don’t be me.
So be honest for a second, how much do you think wuwa will do for july?
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ahhhh.... Wuwa
why the fuck is this the thread
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Any beta test fags know if she's a brick or not?
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Time for a /wuwa/ Gacha demographics check
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Add me to fren list pls
>he's not stacking crit rate
where do these codes keep coming from?
Even if she's a brick I will build a house with her.
nice reddit post sir, upvoted
>no r1999 option when we're the third largest option here behind hoyosharts
Madam magistrate why don't your crits do any damage?
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Up on my world, NA, post UID if you wanna come get him
i know i just tried it on a whim and it worked
Should have a "none/ wuwa is my only gacha" option
Global completely crushed the CN audience
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Since when did missing your hits equate to damage?
I salute the yapyap
Wrong pic encore bro
>made less than ToF's second month
>somehow bragging about it
Are wussies just delusional at this point?
Just got the pinkhaired loli, is she good?
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>4 fag (maybe used to) playing PGR

we won
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NTA butthey exist? i thought they're more akin to unicorns
stay mad chinkcel
I know it’s a Reddit post but thsi is very relatable but also the solution is to stop being poor so you can afford everything you want without feeling guilty and without having to efficiencymax your paychecks
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>maybe used to
speak for yourself
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>bunch of tourist shitters on MY general

Call yourselves a stupid dumb stinky BITCH
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Ok bros, the writing sucks, so I suggest we change things up a bit.
Everyone likes fromsoft games, so here's what we do. Scrap all the quests. We get a new region, you enter and meet the boss.
He says "...brave Rover.... thou waves.... wuther" and then you fight him.
Meanwhile, 100000 lore Youtubers write up headcanon stories about this boss and create the lore for you.
The worst part is even if Global spends more than CN, Kuro will ALWAYS treat us like 3rd class citizens. They will pay CNcels to suck their micropenis even tho CNcels don't give a shit about this game anymore and have jumped ship to either ZZZ or GF2, whichever has the more erotic FoTM character.
>projecting as he plays the chinkiest made on the market
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Just imagine how much she's going to rake in, the best part is we know Kuro will use that money to make even better looking characters with more fun and technical kits. I almost feel sorry for homoshills
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please refrained from posting gore in our thread from now on
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We hwaitu piggus will now cuck them with their jade like beauty.
One of the many suicidal SEAcels on plebbit, classic
huge ntr vibe will turn people off
very weak bait, try a bit harder mihomoshill
This but unironically. Next cope will be that everyone is saving for the 1.2 chink #2
>Post cunny render
>Turns out its a future zzz character
>oh I don't care shrug
this but unironicallly
idk why chinks bother writing
i watch the story-related cutscenes and i skip everything else. and even then, some fat could be trimmed.
She will kill genshit
Two possibilities : Wuwa will EoS and pander to coomers and incels to survive just like ToF , or they will go full global pandering and add more male characters, stop the cringe self insert pandering, tone down the fanservice, remove the boob jiggle, let the female characters have relationships
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Mihoyo games are pure slop.
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NTR vibe? Not sure what you mean, but hey that's fine, sounds like we're going to cuck ZZZ of it's audience the month it releases.
Don't forget more than half of the exposition must happen through item descriptions.
>The one higger among us
Uh here comes the melty.
Male no buy am i right guys.
I'd unironically play again if they completely removed incel pandering. The Changli fanservice shots throughout the 1.1 story unironically made me uninstall. Not because I hate boobs, but because it was so forced and cringy. The devs don't even respect the game or characters, why should I?
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Did you know that HRover does this?
99% of the player base is not mentally ill enough to correlate a woman smiling with NTR
holy samefag xis!
having a white conquistador lording over brown aztecs is fucking funny
Have an updoot xister!
based asf, dont let those crit dmg retards tell you otherwise. crit dmg jinhsi is a brick
damn mihoyo has fallen off
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No but can she do this? huh?
All of it showed how interested she is in you as a mythical figure and that she is really caring.
wuwa confirmed white mans gacha
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Both of them do
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So using Havoc Rover canonically gives you brain damage?
My cute CTE wife!
>Genshin getting a cute conqueror next update
>Wuwa is getting...ching chong and wang wang
I might have to pick genshin back up after all
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Built for threesomes with Rover and Jinshi
>uninstalled supposedly
>still here
holy obsessed
You just know...
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Who wonnered?
Who lossered?
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>Every game had 15 days of revenue freeze
>The chart is showing that wuwa earned the same dollar amount for 15 days straight, same with every other game
>Firefly banner earned $0 for 5 days after her launch
Look like the curtains are up, sensor towers number generation algorithm fucked up.
this nigga zesty
Surprised we have arknights and limbus bros in here
>incel pandering brought in the money
Holy fucking based
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Cry more faggot.
Based fuck giggers
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The power of darkness is too overwhelming, Havoc Rover is so badass...
Best weapon for Monkwife?
>oh no, fellow love and deepspace fags
Probably going to be some kind of limiter inside Rover's brain that doesn't let them access their powers fully. The headaches could just be them hitting that limiter.
Kuro kind of fucked themselves since Future Rovers should only be more meta with them possibly accessing more of their powers with every new element.
>this general still can't stop talking about revenue after 6 fucking hours later
>genshit general can't stop complaining about new game mode while ignoring every revenue post
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
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And don't forget the best part
Disgusting. Guess money can't buy taste after all.
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We have 4 ZZZ traitors, cut their dick off!
know what
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Are we back?
CN hate wuwa cuz of the lack of incel pandering
They have real content, unlike us...
Originite for healing or Marcato for quicker rotations
>literally made up numbers
Why are zoomers so gay and materialistic? What went wrong with them?
1.1 was not even a week old.
dunno about those mindbroken hoyofags but I'm busy farming echoes here.
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where are the good lewdposter? its past eu hours now
This general is full of fags who got raped by mihoyo somehow and the only reason they play this shit is to get back at a megacorporation. Basically, it's mental illness.
do the havoc shaker uhhuh
Post 2008 world and unchecked mobile device use
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Man I'm glad our two MC looks good compared to hoyo games.
I just wish male rover was taller but I can understand why they had to give them the same height.
you're gay
That she fucks other men behind (You)r back.
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Why is she so sexy?
And it's already out of content. The worst part is 1.2 isn't even gonna have anything new to explore
This is honestly the best way to do it. We can still have the story we have but just trimmed. No reason we need jinhsi repeating that she’ll sacrifice herself for the greater good 20 times. She got the point across the first time.
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Evidence for these claims?
I was one of the ones shitting on zzz for the retarded looking animations. Now I'm watching content on how to start and simulating my team comp. Watch out, the game might grow on you if you look into it too much.
that is one fat bird
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Do you guys actually like this game or it just revenge against ex-boyfriend syndrome or whatever those high school bitches called these days.
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Your dilation reps?
We literally just absorb thenodians like pokemon. How can they possibly make the plot interesting?
Same kek. I shitpost in /zzz/ all the time with wuwa stuff but the second it drops, I'm jumping ship.
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When are her tits getting their physics back
Shit looks like a mihomo character
are you ok?
Alright /wuwa/ time to vote.
I thought the reveal that Rover is essentially a god who is choosing to live among humans is interesting.
Never and expect other characters to get censored in the near future.
Are you? this thread is a literal cancer for hours non-stop.
i DEMAND your sloppiest sloppa
Everytime someone posted the trailers I was always posting about how it looks like shit for adhd retards and now I'm the adhd retard who enjoys the little things like the jiggle physics. It's over.
I was also one of the shills sent by zzz to spam this thread but the Abby posting grew on me and made me play the game. Can't believe that they even have the better furry than us
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Do people actually feel bad about playing shorter characters?
t. 195cm and most games MC are all shorter than me, never had a problem
Literally just look up genshin, hsr, or zzz in these threads, they're like 70% of the posts. Also I bet 9/10 posters will be playing ZZZ when it drops.
I don't get how there can be any villagers/fractsidus who aren't frozen when jue had frozen everything. Did it just hit some of them and left others alone?
Caelus mogs because he doesn't have the shitty rat tail. I'll give you Genshit though, don't know what the fuck they were thinking with gayther
Nice samefag hoyoshill
>no quantum rover
fucking retard
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Only short people get angry since they play these games to escape their short life
Lmaooo same, I keep spamming forced animation whenever they get posted here, but I unironically think their animations are soul while wuwa's are kinda boring and soulless.
yes because you literally run slower when you're shorter in this game
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How is that a reveal when we are blessed by the goddess in the first cutscene?
>he doesn't know about the quantum element
Are we even playing the same game?
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Time for your daily lessons Jinhsi
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you can always leave miyohomo drone
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Your verina with inferno rider?
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Why would a hoyoshill call the animations retarded?
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Where the chinks right all along ?
Quantum element is in HSR.
Stop shitposting.
We live in their head rent free, they literally can't leave.
Yeehaw space-time instability, the fact that it is unstable means that it is literally up to rng whether you get fucked by it or not.
when is she getting her attack speed back i swear they nerfed it i'm not insane
I really like Havoc Rover's voice lines, just worry about the next one not being as cool, like will glacio Rover say shit like "Chill out" and "you need to cool off" for example?
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Hello fellow high IQ man.
We met the same conclusion here.
People who vote electro mostly coping yinlin haver
I dont want to play Verina Hawk's Pro Skater...
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More than a god you are practically a cyclical "Jesus": get sent down, fix the problem, somehow you are forgotten by the world or left behind as a legend, move on, repeat.
I do wonder what happens between the cycles however, i know some PGRanon says Kuro loves their MC being some sort of scapegoat for the world.
We need an OL like character in wuwa.
Is 1.2 actually double male banner? when the fuck is cammellyia and phorolva?
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>got called out
>Finally thread talking about actual game topic
>Doesn't even take 5 minutes and its back into battered woman syndrome again.
I gave up, see you guys on the next banner.
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they looked retarded beforehand
>snowbreak is getting canon marriages
>we get jinhsi calling us her friend
It's not fucking fair.
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>Quantum element is in HSR
Ew, I just wanted to confuse the poal creator with some random sciency jargon as an element, fuck this gay earth
Intro skill: "Ice to meet you"
why are his hands so feminine
if he painted his nails he could pretend it was a woman jacking him off
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If I wanted a whore to pretend to love me then I'd just get a prostitute, not Chinese pixels.
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I quit genshin after the fiasco shit fest that called '1st year anniversary', comes back times to times but never stay for too long(usually 1 weeks after I done with the MSQ)

I also used to play PGR back in the days > quit for HSR > now quit HSR for WW because I feels bad for quitting PGR before
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Snowbreak will go EoS if they don't do that anon.
>I just wanted to confuse the poal creator
That's me, why would you do that AylaBro?
>guy who never gets burned by spoiler images of the worst shit
>burned twice in a row
you're good at this
It was better than a stick, which is what we have now.
My poor censored monk wife
So far the PGR lore fits with the wuwa world where you have 5th dimensional beings who occasionally tests civilizations with ordeals in order to level them up.
I need a character with this kind of tits
is there a lore channel for pgr? i kinda lost interest in playing it but i wanna catch up on the story
>UL 50
>0 tuners
>0 Echo Exp
>0Resonator EXP
>0 Weapon EXP
>0 Credits
I am so excited to get to UL 60 at the end of the month
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>That's me, why would you do that AylaBro?
Why the fuck would I know that quantum exists as an element in that other game bro
I would probably quit HSR if it wasn't such a non-game that I can just finish playing in 5 minutes every day. The updates are fun too, so there's not even any reason to quit. It almost feels like they've successfully installed a parasite into my anus to suck my life force because I simultaneously want to quit and also don't care enough to quit.
>not even on the front page anymore
yeah this game is dead. this month sales were mediocre it's over.
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Here : https://grayravens.com/wiki/Story_Summary
It's only the story for global, the CN has more content.
And now... a poll that's actually relevant
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I cannot resist the cunny bro
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The Jade like beauty of course
i don't want to hear that from a slop rail troon
that boat ride with Changli looked like it came out of a movie. absolute cinema
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My guess is that wuwa is likely taking a sci-fi approach to it, and the people living on SOL3 are possibly "fake" humans. Refer to Sanhua, act 5, lighthouses, the whole of 1.1, and even lingyang for clues.
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>Beat genshin
>Still mediocre
Damn then genshin is going EoS for real
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I can't vote because i'm a whore
energy regen is crazy good on character that already have good regen.
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I'm literally going to explode from zzz cunny
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Bros...I think I'm gonna try zzz
>tfw people don't care about the game, just that it should beat genshin
This sucks.
God I can't wait for the great filtering when people actually play zzz thinking it's gonna be similar to genshit/hsr
hagli lmao
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wuwa is a HAG game!
Top hag
>less tourists
>less zoomer and SEApag posting because it's not the most shiny popular thing
>more likelihood of going full for (You) mode to pander to waifu collectors
sounds comfy desu
well yeah, most of this general is just shart railers kek
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Arknights, project moon games, and MANjong have anons from literally every general gathered there for some reason. BA to a lesser degree, for that game its more like everyone lusts after child pussy
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Traitors all of you, i hope you have cramps in your sleep!
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hiring waterkuma as design lead is the greatest thing hoyo has ever done
how many days before changli releases? so I can budget my hard earned wagie money....
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Pedophiles have no loyalty.
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I'm glad that you can at least be aware of the situation you are in and take a step back to reflect on your poor decisions. A lot of people are not able to do that nor admit it, so good on you for that.
But like why? Star rail isn't even the same type of game??
it's the most generic chinese fantasy trope
Don't use my wife to shitpost, disgusting freak
>BBC+loli artist
>Furry pandering game
>Sexualizing underage girls
Yeah looks like the recipe for success
The absolute state of this general
I cannot stand by a hag game when cunny is around the corner... I'll keep playing though
its a gacha game that shares many of its systems and character progression
even if they are different genres if you like one theres a high chance you are going to like to other
I want to have sex with underage girls yes
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I still play PGR dont worry livlovbro
>loli hating chud
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nice thread wuggers
ayo what?
feels good having actual cunny and not wuwa teens
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wuwa lost so hard
thanks doro, are we getting a second summer banner for Nikke?
what is PGR like? i like wuwa
>Understand enough Japanese to know that the VA and text don't align well, but not enough to use JP text
>Can't enjoy the JP VA
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chink shit draws me like a moth to flame
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everything points to yes
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I can't stop thinking about Changli's Changlis...
if the robotummy is maintained into her actual model I'm going to kneel so hard
Tbf they're really phoning it in
I'm waiting to see how this game plans to differentiate itself from genshin (outside of combat/exploration) and how it plans to salvage the story. If kuro is just going to sit on their asses and have an incredibly slow and boring content rollout like Genshin, I'll prolly drop when AP comes out.
New wuwa here, just unlocked the pulls. Any newbie traps to avoid? Should I pull on the novice convene with the 50 free pulls?

Who are good choices for the targeted convene? Pretty generous to practically give 2 5 stars away.
Welcome to any "genshin killer" game. 90% of the anons posting are only here out of extreme hate for Genshin. I already told you that type of mentality is unhealthy and won't foster a good community.
All stages are basically like wuwa hologram fights except you're also playing connect 3 with skill orbs that you randomly accumulate as you fight.
I feel like I can enjoy the CN more because I don't speak it, but then I'd be missing on JP VA. All I know is that EN is awful.
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Didn't expect it to be so close
Surprised Yinlin is so low. imo both her and Changli will remain relevant for years on pure sex appeal alone
>Looks up youtube video on people that 3*'d Hazard tower with Jiyan mortefi
>Every mortefi has static mist
Did I fuck up by going 2x crit sword instead of the gun.
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Please say Havoc Rover instead thanks
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>everyone built Jinhsi ignoring crit rate
hentai rover.....
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But it stands for hentai rover
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The plant growing out of the eye socket thing is fucking gross
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im a big boy now
where's my reward
Get Verina
After that anyone else is fine although the lionboy is rather weak.
Using your blue gacha balls on the 20% off banner is fine.
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Does /wuwa/ actually want more lolis?
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You really want Verina, she's the best healer and buffer in the game, so make sure you've got her.
Then you can use one of your selectors on a dps of some kind, that means either Encore or Calchudro, Encore is better it doesn't really matter too much.
At this point you should have completed the targeted character banner, so all your future standard banner pulls go into the weapon banner so you can get the sword and gun, since the regular character banner doesn't let you pick what character you want while the weapon banner gives you a 100% guarantee.
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To be fair we didn't do good in terms of revenue. We did really badly. I want the game to succeed but 40m is pretty bad.

Nikke made 70m+ on launch.

They should've made 1.1 be the launch story and Jinhsi/Changli the launch banners while 1.0 story should've been the 1.1 story leading to the 1.2 Black Shores story. We could've had a nice transition of Aalto and Encore taking us there and Jiyan/Yinlin should've been 1.1 banners.
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No, I want more HAGS
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Here big boy
I NEED more lolis
>novice convene
yes. the discount makes it only 40 pulls
>beginners choice (the 80 pull selector)
I would skip unless there's a character there you really want
>free ticket selector
Verina is meta if you didn't get her from the novice. Slots into any team as a support

>newbie traps
just don't spend astrite on the standard/blue rolls and only use them on the limited/yellow rolls. Also go into the shop in the menu every patch and buy the x7 of each roll using the blue coral
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I used this as my wallpaper for a while but my IT guy said I should probably change it before some other coworkers see it because it apparently counts as sexual harrassment if someone else sees something they dislike on my computer screen
Fucking cringe bro
Why can't you just be normal
wuwa's at a weird point, you should reroll for jinhsi and then hope you get verina/encore(unless you plan to pull for changli) in the beginner guaranteed 50 wish, and use the free selector on the other. After that use your wishes on standard 5* weapons. The gap between 5* weapons and 4* weapons are way too big here and the game plans to make everyone use 5* weaposn endgame.
You want Encore or Calcharo, Verina and Jinhsi + her weapon. Monk tits is also a good choice.
>because it apparently counts as sexual harrassment if someone else sees something they dislike on my computer screen
Lolis,hebes, hags or even dudes is all fine with me as long as we don't get any more twinks.
>Show his power lvl in workplace
Oh no no no no
Did we win bros? Where are the trannies?
>retard doesn't know he gets 15% crit from talents
>107% ER
>the brownoid has started spamming porn again
Yea your IT guy did you a solid, I know a guy who got into a lot of trouble with HR because he had a slightly political wallpaper and other coworkers reported him.
it's a shame this is just the world we live in now, he had to change his phone wallpaper also because HSR took this bullshit so seriously.
Cowqi's milk....
>new wuwa and gacha player
>see a Jinhsi pic
>want Jinhsi
I haven't met her yet. When can I roll for her?
Is that good or bad?
Which brownoid? You're all brownoids here
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Yinlinkeks lost hard....
That IS with her crits enabled

>caring about ER when the majority of her dmg comes from her skill
It's just a skin.
Her default one is different.
And as far as skin goes I prefer this one on her.
Also that video has 2 different characters anon watch till the end.
Uhhh where's the porn?
it means it followed all the random religion regulations and can be sold on muslin countries
When you reach Baizhi in the research lab during the story which unlocks the roll mechanic.
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god she's hot, wish modding wasn't such a pain in the ass so I could get her dress off
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Come on bwo, don't let those cowards remove your doro. Just hide it like this.
I unlocked convenes, but it looks like you need to farm a specific currency?
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if you just started then just reroll till you get her
"Yinlinfags" switched to Changli
I had harrassment training recently at my work and yeah they say that it counds as harrassment even if it's something like your phone wallpaper or computer wallpaper and someone else feels offended by looking at it
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These poals are all recency bias
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Shitposters begone
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nta, but I like this wallpaper. dorothanks
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If anyone tries to report you just tell them that your little sister drew it for you
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I'm white, here is the proof.
Just don't laugh and shitpost with it.
we exist and we're more likely to whale since whaling in our game is dirt cheap
You can convert the spiky rocks into shiny yellow balls.
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From now until july 22.
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Should have let me pick more than one
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There are two currency:
- blue one is the standard one
- gold one is the limited one

You can't farm them directly, you have to convert astrite into one of those two. Astrite are the "gems" you have
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Why does chatting here is more fun than the game itself?
>SEApag can only repeat a few selected english words
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Small reminder that Chadcaro and his squad fucked Yinlin.
If Yinlin is your wife you are admitting to being a cuck.
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>her face when she sees your pathetic 4 inch Jue
do NOT NTR my nigga KD
You forgot the one for weapon
Lightcrushers are fucking kino, best new echo so far aside from Clang Bang
these are always so useless.
the featured characters in the current quest wins and will be forgotten about by the time the next popular character comes around.
Lmao, only brownoids are superstitious about this shit. Nice try though
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Should I continue investing into Calchud and Yinlin (both 70, no stringmaster)?

I have Jinhsi S0R1 and Jiyan S0R1 and also S1 Anko.
What's the fastest way to farm astrite? I have no life.
>this is what the average HSR player looks like
Jesus fucking christ
>decide to give this game another try after quitting for two weeks
>try to roll the dragon girl
>lose coinflip with the lion homo
I guess I just wasn't meant to play this game
Why is smiling like that? Does she enjoy killing mooks that much?
True, thank you

Quests, side quests, exploring the map and finding chests.
I'm sure "most" would be the proper term
Killing? You know damn well she sucked them all dry after we left.
I can kind of understand that in a work environment, it may be best to avoid questionable or potentially offensive images for a wallpaper. Though frankly, putting wallpapers on a work computer is retarded to begin with. But why the fuck would YOUR personal phone's wallpaper be anyone's business?
Unless you're just shoving your phone in front of everyone's faces, it's their problem for being nosy and looking at your phone screen to begin with.
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That's a sign to roll for changli instead
The giga trash character that's worse than Encore with her sig weapon, and got reduced to Yinhsi's little BITCH. (Yuanwu is likely better, but we gotta use that brick SOMEWHERE)

>I-I can deal up to 1000% atk based damage while not on the field, if stars align
>I only need a good 10 secs to fill my bar, and often don't even mark all enemies and do jack shit in damage in that time

Mean while Yinhsi's intro -> skill -> skill combo is already 920, completely aside of her being able to use her echo during it without wasting any time.
This game direly needs a borrow system.
Why is she*
if you had been playing for two weeks you would have enough astrite for second roll. fuck off lazy piece of shit you dont deserve anything
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>2 weeks
Imagine losing out on that much UL
my 17 inch LOOOONG cock
Bwos the plumber was here today and now I don't have internet
How am I supposed to meet yinlin
17 inches long
1 inch thick
Bitch does not even deserve 2 inches. She should go dyke over Sanhua instead.
The funniest thing is that no complains will be listened lmao. Because ego of hoyo employees won't let them admit they suck at their job and are only carried for 4 years because of the braindead sheep army
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my beautiful wife
random hag
these are not the same bro
>tell people nonstop NOT to roll for Yinlin, NEVER roll for sub dps sluts

>they refuse to listen
>get their accounts BRICKED
Hate to see it.
Same thing here, worse part is if you ignore them you get additional “training”.
The type of person who'd reee at someone for a wallpaper is the type of person who might also reee if they glance over your shoulder and see something they dislike.
I asked someone normal at HR once and it sums up to we really don't want to keep going over the same things with the same people. Trust me its better than having to take additional sensitivity classes.
You get a call from chixia which starts her character quest. Is it not in your quest menu?
I really can't see shit using Jinhsi against Mephis or Crownless. Not to mention this buggy af camera. I really hope this game will die if buggy shit like this still exist after one fucking month into the game.
Didn't know you have plumbing in SEA
my beautiful wife
my beautiful wife
I roll for both
the ideal split for me is
20% HAGS
30% Maidens
15% Hebes
5% Lolis.
20% DBZ proportioned gigachads (aka skip banners)
10% Yumebait banners for the ladies (aka skip banners)
>45 millions
holy shit kuro finally made it
b-but the games issues were fixed week one just like many other games!!!
do we even have any right now?
They complaining because the meta is changing, its literally a copy of Star Rail game mode where you need to build multiple characters instead of depend on one OP characters over and over again.
People just don't want to play characters they don't like in a game mode about team building.
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That scene alone made me decide to skip Jinhsi to save for Changli.
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UL 50
8/8/8 -> 10/10/10
Justify this you can't
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>monkwife 3rd
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Who do you regret rolling for?
>Raising Jinhsi's E
Based retard
>The type of person who'd reee at someone for a wallpaper is the type of person who might also reee if they glance over your shoulder and see something they dislike.
Sure, but one thing is your work computer and another thing is your own personal phone. Exactly why should I be punished if I want to put some dumb anime girl as a wallpaper for my personal phone?
>hoyoshills shitting up everywhere and everything any gayshit-"clone"-related
>waaaaaaa why do you hate us and build your community around hating us and our great game
Fucking kys
>that last one
top kek
No one because I'm not some retard who falls for memes and rolls for every banner.
Ok now bring back Jianxin boob jiggles
>Leveling skill, forte and liberation
Stop being a retard and you won't have retard problems, bro
Thank GOD i lost the 50/50
>smiled at the bird mating ritual
Calcharo, wish i took the monk over this brick.
Calchuro. I should've picked Jianxin. Fuck.
I will do this too
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The opal like beauty
Jinhsi moves in mud compared to Jiyan
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I love Anko cunny so much it's unreal.
no one because I only roll for who I like
>Ai generated slop
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Man Sanhua really loves me, my first S6
Nah, bro. According to some sources wuwa made 100m in May, even though it only made 20m through sensor tower. It's actually closer to 200m if you extrapolate. No one actually plays it on mobile, because it runs like shit on mobile, so all the money is on pc.
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>when you realize you were playing chinese games all along
When are we getting canon marriages instead of pointless teases that go nowhere?
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Why jianxin? i have jianxin, yinlin, verina S1, havoc rover, and 100 pulls. what team should i make?
I have never played these games on mobile. Genshin/HSR/Wuwa are just normal computer games larping as phone games to try and squeeze extra money from people. If it is true that Wuwa made their dev costs back already with just the Yinlin/Jiyan banner then these games are making significantly more money than just these estimates.
Not someone but I wasted 60 rolls on selector banner instead of standard weapon banner
Holy fuck. What a huge letdown. So depending on when it froze some games are helped massively and some games are hurt extremely badly if it freezes during a low. All that waiting for the numbers are these niggers fuck them up.
Because shes cute and shes gonna outlast calbricko's usefulness. She fill a moonlit or healer set role and has grouping.
why does pixiv translate wuthering's jp name as naruto?
It's not about you getting punished, not unless the person in HR is a schizo. It's more about companies just trying to avoid any sort of lawsuit. Being able to say we took these measures to deal with this problem, we have the classes, just proof that their system for dealing with internal problems is robust enough to pass a sniff test.
usually these complaints stem more from petty office politics than an actual feeling of harassment.
All but the most schizo of HR people know they're sometimes used as a cudgel for petty revenge.
Should you be intitled to the freedom of your own device? totally
Will that stop some shit heel from reporting you and making it managements problem? No
holy shit wuwa fucking flopped
sounds like pagfly incel cope to me considering shart rail was stuck at like #15 while the freeze was ongoing.
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Hrover, yinlin, monk. She can group, shield, heal, deal nuke damage, and can fit into any team
>wuwa was at the peak trust, it's much lower!!!111
>it didn't count Jinhsi banner tho? yeah who cares lmao
Wuwa got a boost because it froze during peaks
hsr got nerfed because it lost a FULL WEEK of firefly
i believe FF banner was the most profitable banner so far but we will never know.
Man I really like the ost of the new zone, It's comfy.
This is why being a spiritual shareholder is retarded, no matter what game it is
Slop Rail is 100% a phone game that just also happens to have a PC client.
Genshin is definitely a computer game that larps as a phone game though. Wuwa/Genshin plays like ass on a phone.
Android is six times the revenue? Yeah that seems extremely wrong. People pay for these stats lmao.
your life is so empty that you sit around to look at graph numbers go up.
>people who pulled calchud because they liked his design and gameplay are happy with him
>people who pulled him because of "le meta yinlin team" are seething
there's a lesson to be learned here, I wonder what
>chinkcels screeching ruined gf2's launch
>chinkcels screeching ruined wuwa's story and launch
>chinkcels screeching made a cool sci-fi gacha become waifuslop simulator
>chinkcels screeching deleted Wuwa female characters personality and complexity and turned them into waifuslop
with the new charts showing Global destroying chink market, will Kuro changed their path?
Because its called Narushio over in grorious Nippon
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1.2 leaks doko?
i wish i got her instead of encore and calcharo, calcharo is a cool character but terrible to play, swap canceling feels like ass, and getting of 3 deaths head messengers is suffering if i have to literally anything else.
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Is this the new CN cope cus the west carried the chart giga hard despite CN trying to make the game go red numbers ?
Too bad we just learned that even if china hates a game the west can make it go up good regardless.
Scenario is also great
Man, we truly live in the worst timeline.
Google play's ranking was broken, nowhere is there info of sales stats not recorded during that time period
You can check stable games like E7 and summoner war, their revenue is barely different compared to last month
>Using my shitpost
Don't forget it also reduced snowbreak into nothing but a chinkcel marriage sim
you can look at those sites where players keep track of their pulls, she didn't outsell acheron. there's you answer, stop coping
storyboarding and graphics are great. story is not.
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stop shilling your ugly hags in other generals
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Now that Kuro's making money, can we please please please get proper events now? Preferably more coop oriented events and/or combat focused events (boss rush, etc.) They should play to their strengths (combat and boss design) instead of cookie cutter dogshit g*nsin tier events
>Chinkcels proved to be powerless
>Any gacha at gun point by chinkcels can turn to Global audiences instead of becoming coomer/incel cesspool
the future is bright
>Slop Rail is 100% a phone game that just also happens to have a PC client.
Fair, it is pretty much just a autobattler like older gachas.
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>Jinhsi makes the claim that stopping time in Jinzhou city is a bad idea because they are some backwater city of no relevance and no one will save them

And people think Jinhsi is archon level???
Her and Changli are literal who stinky dinky backwater bitches in some no name country bumpkin shithole.

No wonder both Jinhsi and Changli look like shit.
There's literally nothing wrong with 1.1's story. If you think plot twists and deaths are what make a good story then yes it's bad but your brain is bad too.
again...why are you still here? You just seethe constantly about chinks all day. This isn't healthy xis.
those sites are even more imaginary than these numbers though.
specially because FF is much more popular with the normies which don't the majority don't even use these sites anyway.
Just see the fanart/creative content of acheron vs FF and you will see
Finally. Incels ruin everything they touch, and the worst part is they don't even have the money to back it all up. Look at snowbreak's dogshit 600k revenue lmao.
Why does Genshin and Wuwa have so many shitty auto aim and camera things enforced? That's because they are mobile first, PC second. Otherwise your entire fucking game wouldn't break without it and you could just disable it.

Already in old as fuck games like Star Ocean 3 you could say "auto aim is nice and all but I WANT TO DO THIS MYSELF" and the game would let you happily hit the air as much as you want, instead of automatically getting you into the right position and hit the enemy.
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Please add, I still have a lot of slots
I'm not going to lie. I thought we'd do better. We had jiyan, yinlin, AND jinhsi's banners last month ffs. This month is going to be brutal.
>FF flopped
>wuwa up good
Is it over for the waifufags ?
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>more cope
I'm more worried about 1.2's literally who banners with no new region to explore AND with ZZZ released.
Who even pays for these stats
yeah, I might honestly drop the game soon, I think it'll just end up like tof
holy tranny samefag lmao
>wake up
>femcel and revenuefag shitposting
>lunch break at work
>femcel and revenuefag shitposting still
Yeah, I am inclined to believe that person who said its literally kids sitting on 4chan all day since school is out.
I think if you remove the entire start of 1.1 where everyone is just fucking around 1.1 is really good.
They should have just skipped to where Changli is introduced.

I also really fucking hate Abby though, just give all his speaking lines to Rover instead, I don't want another silent protagonist it's lame.
me in the middle
No since revenue outside of China gets heavily taxed.
Do gacha companies really post their sales or something? or it's just made up bullshit
i miss wwg
Funny thing is ToF was doing better during their first 2 months.
I work from home, sucks that you're stuck wage slaving though
>Buggy camera after using liberation
>Mouse sensitivity keeps changing value by itself
Literally unplayable. Chinks were right to abandon this buggy piece of dirt.
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You didn't play ToF if you think it's possible for Wuwa to end up like that game, the issue with ToF is that it put itself into a death spiral that was impossible to escape from. New players couldn't join, if old players quit for more than a few weeks they can't return.
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does Jinshi have auto parry like Green Lancer?
It’s quite literally all made up numbers
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>I also really fucking hate Abby
>Firefly banner started on the 18th
Firefly fags got fucked hard kek.
chinkcels lost, free world won
fuck off Ruzzian
Elaborate, this sounds insanely stupid.
I'm more excited for GF2 than ZZZ
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it was pure jank but also kinda fun, I quit before the 3rd banner dropped though.
I absolutely did play the game.
>30 times tuning
>No crit rates at all
I'm starting to think spectro echoes can't get crit rates
wtf is this real
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When are they going to fix echo farming? Why does almost every echo drop have multiple sets?
I remember the zekeposter, pure soul. Thinking about it, /tofg/ was pretty fun, even if sans was being a whiny little cunt the entire time. Still better than the tranime spammer here.
level 60 tacet filed is worse than or the same as level 60 is this a joke?
I expected jinhsi to reach #1 in at least one region, but I guess it's all downhill from here. I'm not spending any more money until we get next month's numbers
Lmao wtf. This can't be real.
Anyone crying about echos stats has to be shitposting.
Easiest shit out there to get.
It's bugged, read the news
4chan is unironically less toxic to teens than Twitter.
Dunno how we got to this point. I lurked like 3 years before posting but these kids are jumping right in.
>One in a thousand echo
I hate you
The only thing I remember from /tofg/ was the that the general was mostly /pso2g/ avatarfags from global who shat it up and then returned to /pso2g/ to continue botting and supporting the former tranny CM harassing some other e celeb from the hi rez general here
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>here I am getting all the crit rate in the world but no crit dmg
>haha what if we add a funny little gremlin that steals the attention every scene that it's in
No fuck off it's stupid
Let me experience the story as Rover and only Rover
>That instant drop on wuwa
They really helped wuwa out massively so it doesn't get shit posted lol without knowing. Also helped genshin android revenue and hurt hsr badly by skipping over firefly's peak.
tof unironically makes more money than GF2
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Insane powercreep with both characters and gear, if you're new you'll never catch up to even f2p day 1 players, and if you quit for a while you'll be very far behind.
Doesn't sound like too much of a problem, until we consider that ToF was a multiplayer game and every gamemode has a massive leaderboard in the top left of your screen.
New players join and in every form of content they see themselves doing 0.01% of the damage even compared to f2p veterans, it's demotivating and causes them to quit. If you fuck up your rolls? Suddenly you do way less damage compared to everyone you play with, causing people to quit, ect, ect, this cycle repeats until almost everyone quits the game to the point where /tofg/ can't even maintain a general anymore.
I'm guessing you left early then, which was smart. 1.0 was pure soul.
holy shit wuwa fucking flopped like crazy.
I dont think people complain about 1 cost and 4 cost Echos anon
How much difference does a leveled up mortefi make for Jiyan? My Mortefi is 60/70 with all level 1 moonlit echoes and a level 60 cadenza. if I leveled his echoes would that improve jiyans damage/overall damage significantly? Talents are 5/5/5/5/5
>verina shield as meta
>jianxin does everything she does plus grouping and a counter

Am I missing something here?
atk buff that lasts through swaps
Are you esl? Are you new to playing video games?
I want an S6 Aalto so bad bros
Sounds about right from my 1 month experience with it, but i quit shortly after the big arkcity expansion since i just got bored on top of seeing how little damage i was doing because i didn't roll the latest gazillion damage character, i still miss the boss trains, pure soul to see an entire server drop what they're doing to join the train
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hagification blessing...
>verina shield
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Banner when
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My immortal jade like beauty dragon wife
Heals not shields and Verina has two buffs that lasts through one or two swaps
aieee why is filling my databanks so slow i just wanna farm 5* echoes
I swear half of you retards are in /gig/ right now. Fuck you all to death. You don't even play this game do you?
Is this weapon suitable for Taoqi? will it be better than discord?
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Sex with Elf!
>not because I hate boobs
You are just not attracted to them, we understand anon.
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I haven't been to /gig/ in years, too busy cooming in /@/ and /zzz/ right now
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I only cunnypost in /gig/ and play both games.
getting to 15 is the slowest. Just go through the list you'll get it in a few hours
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They are in the frontline against the tacet discords, the other cities can only get bigger because jué, the jinzhou government and the midnight rangers are holding the enemies back. When it falls it loses all strategic significance as a stronghold as a new frontline is created.
>ameriGODs get the day off to play ZZZ
I wish I was american bros...
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>15% team-wide damage multiplier from outro
>can easily proc attack bonus from healing set
My S6R5 mogged this
>>lose coinflip with the lion homo
i thought the first coinflip was guaranteed, i think you're a fucking lying nigger
>exposing that much sideboob
She is literally asking for me to grope her
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In verina you just
>press R E
>click click click
>concerto full
>switch back to your dps
No one cares about sustain in this game, ToA is about DPS check, Hologram can be cheesed with foods, Verina is just efficient because she can fill her concerto pretty quick
I just know for a fact that all of our CCs will move on to ZZZ when it drops. Absolutely 0 loyalty from these rats.
So is the plan to do the 40 pulls for the 5 star starter banner then ignore the beginner 80 pity banner in favour of the weapon banner?
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Huh? this is the first i hear about the first 50/50 being an on banner guarantee
game's boring as fuck, I honestly can't blame them
It's their job, they cover what is making them more money at the time.
i like that its english voice sounds like it smokes a pack of cigs a day
it prolly goes out with hsr's kafka for smoke breaks between scenes
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>we, our, us
>abhorrent post
>i thought the first coinflip was guaranteed
Can personally attest that this is false
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bump to question >>484262147
If you want to uber metafag you can just get verina with the selector and go directly to the weapon banner.
If you use heal set and originite on monk, she can buff atk and ult while dealing more damage than Verina. Verina is better when you're facing overlord enemy in ToA
It should actually be a lot faster now that the new players have Mount Firmament, before we had to rely on the 5* echo from the event or do one of the 120 red mobs. Now they get a fuckton of echo exp the minute they go to the new map and kill a few mobs.
looks worse than discord to me
Yes, unless you really want a specific standard 5* character and somehow dont have them after the %20 off banner and the selector.
5* weapons provide quite a powerspike over 4* weapons and you only get one free standard 5* weapon from a box you get from hitting UL45, so spending your standard rolls on weapons is a good idea.
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I hope Wuwa starts doing worse so that they get desperate and we get actual swimsuit costumes and even harder pandering.
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This is my beloved Jinhsi so far. Is she looking any good?
The only thing I don't have dual crit on is her ATK% 3-cost.
I mostly got low critrate rolls, but I still have the 5.6 from her fortes and the +-5 from her weapon upgrade to go.
>inb4 the critrate schizo from recent threads
This game still exists?
Meta fag = Reroll and use standard wishes on the 50 wish guaranteed banner for verina/encore - > use wish selector on the on you missed
+ Reroll for Jinhsi with the 30-40 rolls you get from Free rolls + Aftershocked Coral Refunds + Oscillated Coral

This allows you to skip Changli and have a strong two unit carry for TOA and you have Havoc/Spectro rover while allowing you to save for 1.2/1.3 characters.
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oh no... so, who are my content creators? I don't watch e-celebs
Summer is already here. If we're not getting it in 1.2, it's going to be next year
Where the FUCK is your crit rate bro????
>miss crit on ult
>do no damage
brickity brick brick
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>wuwa players
independent individuals
>genshin players
collective blob of giggers
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Jesus, what's the easiest way to get these rings?
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why did they add a visible camel toe here?
I have personally have 70/250 crits and almost same attack as you but I'm using spectro main stat 3 cost echos only so I'm thinking you didn't roll much into attack substats.
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What the fuck? Do you guys actually get horny from seeing menopause grannies?
I'm not seeing shit
Why are you looking under there? You pedo freak!
looks good bwo
Camel toes are cute!
It's bad. Discord is also bad.
Dauntless or bust.
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I bet a bunch of you wasted tons of stamina on echo field farming and now you regret it because you hit account level 50 and cant upgrade your characters at all
Would you rather see her wear bloomer?
NTA but I'm a lucklet, please understand
Kuro where are my crate echoes aaaaaaaa
You can upgrade the green rings into the blue ones at the synthesizer.
If you dont have those either just start genociding exiles all over the map.
I hope not
if i bought a 5* echo before i hit archive level 15 will that echo just pop up in my inventory when i level up enough or is just lost
If I level up rover at the start when I unlock havoc rover does the level stay the same?
>account level 50
What does that have to do with upgrades? I thought the next threshold was 60.
Yeah level stays the same but talents need to be leveled again.
I'm gonna get a dog, if it's male I'll name him rover, but if it's a girl I'll name her rover
>level up full set of echoes for 2 characters
>no more echo exp left
how the fuck do you retards rolling for substats
>bought an echo
Also if you got a gold echo before databank 15 it should still be there in your inventory. check it
if kuso shifts away from chinababs y'all think they'll tone down the chinkwank?
60 is when the characters can go Lv 90 which is max lv
Shameful you don't deserve her.
Get your ass back in those coal mines and don't ever leave until you're pitch black from head to toe from all that mining!
Started the game yesterday lmao.
I only did 4 multi and got her, coping with Helios Cleaver (was saving for Changli but I wanted the 4*)
I'm using 4-3-3-1-1 echos with Jué but yeah my echos are only rank 4 and I didn't really bother leveling them up that much.
Lol, lmao even.
Character level persists.
Skill level is seperate.
post the global one without any estimates
you know, bought? like from the pre-signup event or from that roguelike where you could buy a heron echo
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uh I thought we were the chink game? Why does the rest of the world not care about genshin anymore?
But it says the next world ascension is at ul60? Was it a typo? I'm at 49 I guess I'll find out shortly.
Does this mean global wants more chink shit and less european content?
>heron echo
bro... that was a skin.

If you mean the malleable one then just go to backpack and activate it. The signup event one should also be there even if you aren't db 15
Even including China these numbers are lower than 3.7 last year rerunning the most popular archon in one of the banners and three new characters.. Genshin keeps bleeding players
No retardbro...
World rank is every 10 levels. Ascension quest is every 60 levels so at 50 you don't need to do a quest but there's still a world level rank up
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How to open this
I tried hitting this i tried looking araund for a switch nothing works
>The battery
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How did we get echo skins before character skins? Where is my bunny suit Yinlin Kuro games?
Just spent the rest of my wishes on Jinshi, got her, then uninstalled. It's not a bad game, I payed $5 at the start for a welkin, and I wish them luck. But it's never going to be the value BOTW was. Everything is dumbed down, wall running trivializes exploration and the design of terrain that's meant to present some sort of obstacle to be overcome. Your character becomes a spec in the middle of an almost-spherical hitbox of destruction. The story will amount to benign "power of friendship" platitudes and no weapon will have an analogue to "the master sword" (that you can *earn*) or any other sacred object.
Take care guys! Spend responsibly!
To be fair star rail stole a lot of their players away. I'm expecting zzz to do the same to both genshin and star rail.
Ascension quest every 20 levels*
working as intended, pay up gwailo
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go away footfag, nobody likes you
haha le encore posters are le dumb meme! haha so le funny xD
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A Zenless Zone Zero Event happened in Indonesia over the weekend, where graffiti of the agents were placed across 19 cities.

Heres some pictures of some of the graffiti that was made. They look incredible, and I'm happy that zenless is getting promoted around the world.
>european content
You mean woke contents? Tell me whats gonna happen if some Europoan company decides to make sext characters like the CN, KR or JP games?
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What the fuck, everyone keeps saying Wuwa is dead.
How come we are getting new people into this game.
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You checked outside?
On the ground floor or roof?
it's over
>a better game than genshit is dead
Shitposters, I don't think that will happen anytime soon.
We didn't even make 1000 wuwillion bucks in the first month, EoS soon.
Based, wuwa could never engage with the community like this.
You probably went to +25 right?
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Zenless Zone Zero Event in Tokyo that happened earlier today
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>10% off
Based. All of the jank turned the game into a soulful mess I stopped playing when they removed the grapple bug.
1.3 with the Black Shores questline.
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With the black shores update I guess. Which we can only hope is in 1.3
bahaha where are all the hotties, its just trannies and furfags
>uhm that doesn't count normies (it's normalfag btw you redditor) don't use those sites
>fanart? now THAT counts because we all know your average joe spends at least 4 hours a day drawing!
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This is just bait at this point
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>mihomo had to pay artists for this
Imagine coming back from a backbreaking day of working in a rice paddy and getting back to your hovel only to find out some fucker vandalized it by painting a fucking furry on it.
just heard yinglangs na voice
holy fuck. no wonder people hate him so much
yeah, I don't want to bother with substats yet
I don't understand jinhsi, how do i fill her forte gauge?
What is the point of critting all the time when your crits do no damage?
*resets until the crit does hit*
Yeah sounds about right. I did not prefarm and was lucky to get this many dual crit echos so quickly, but it came at the cost of my entire xp stockpile and my other stubstats are terrible
Thanks anon
NTR queen along with Baizhi
There are two batteries for that building. You've obviously found one of them, since you're in there. The other one is somewhere around in there.
If you already have two batteries, you'll have to take one of them out of the outside doors and take it to the chest slot.
Use fedora chad, gotta coordinate attacks. He's very easy
They do the same for the fanart of their games, why do you think it gets so much fan art, Mihomo is an ad company not a game company.
what's the best way to 100% stuff? i just went through like an entire reagion with the lootmapper and apparently still have 30% left to go
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Her VA is kind of cute...
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Drip marketing when?
Wrong Yang my dude
Well there's your problem. Going from 20 to 25 costs almost the same as going from 0 to 20.
Congrats, you've bought the same stats at 4x the price.
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I am trying to go to that new fast travel point that has appeared on the map after the recent update but I can't seem to reach it.
I keep fucking drowning again and again and again. How the fuck can someone reach that place with limited amount of stamina without drowning? This is such a terrible game design honestly. What the fuck can I even do?
by using an interactive map
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wuwa is just a better game
I am not going back
please kill yourself
You're supposed to eat stamina food bro.
>announcing a report
>ToA Hazard Zone rewards reset
Hold on a minute, did I misread the instructions?
How many Hazard Zone resets have there been since launch and how often do they happen?
make stamina food, theres food you can make that reduces swim fatigue too should be able to make it
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>Jinhsi's Forte Gauge is restored when Resonators inflict Attribute DMG or Coordinated Attack DMG.
so coordinates attacks (off field attacks) with her are the meta. See yinlin, mortefi, and yuanwu.

For the rest of her just normal attack x4 -> E -> normal attack x4 -> E (laser beam)

You can intro skill to skip the first 4 normal attacks
Kill yourself troon.
do the quest to ride the boat with the big booba lady to get there
Damn how do i get fem rover out of this pic
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are we flopping wtf ;(
They happen every 2 weeks
>Roll 60 times on Jinhsi banner for Sanhua and Yangyang dupes
>S1 Sanhua
>S2 Yangyang
>S5 Danjin
Fuck that useless schizo
Go to Reddit if you want a hugbox, 4chab is for free speech and unfiltered opinions
Why are you retards beefing with /snowg/ of all places now? Don't get too arrogant.
lol why would you think you need to swim to the new content island
I'm not the one you replied to faggot, just report them without being a whiny bitch
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you missed like 3 rolls bro. bricked
the seal tubes bottleneck is starting to bug me
whats the point of echo farming if they just sitting there
My unfiltered opinion is that you should kill yourself, also advertising is not a free opinion poojet.
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I don't even know who you are
What the fuck are you talking about?
Stop echo farming then
well shit that's what I get for not wanting to bother and ask here
now I know
Tell your faggot to leave us alone
Fucking sucks they don't let us use echos to level the ones we wanted.
Instead, only tubes or previous levelled Echo.
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Use a taller person like jiyan from your team. Tall = More speed = less stamina consumption.
You'll reach it bwo, I believe in you.
Begone tranny. Snowbreak is better than your chinkshit and everyone here plays it and loves it
Changli wins best /wuwa/ girl for now...
I'll do the poll again at 1.2 to see how things have changed
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I 100% the game, it was so fun /wuwa/... I need more.
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>changli mogs despite not even having the current banner buff
jesus how powerful is she
I don't like this coomer patch
Probably some femcel trying to start a thread war because of the canon marriages shit.
put me in a chastity cage and stomp my balls mommy!
Don't skip the extra E. It's a lot of burst damage + very good repositioning. (you basically get behind the enemy which can be extremely useful).
Also cast your echo.
Must be amazing being a 3rd worlder and getting paid 100$ for a month of work advertising their shit online.
Your illusive realms in 2 days?
Snowbreak? Wait, you Anons mean that its still running?
I thought their plan to make their female characters 250% sex'ed up failed.
>originally about a guy quitting hsr plebbit post
hoyokeks, amirite?
/wuwa/ is truly copying /gig/ in every way they can possibly think of.
Why do expressive anime girls make my nuts quake.
Squint at me mommy
>Condoning Vandalizing
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Why is woowah failing to capture the Chink market, and should we be concerned?
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saying chronosorter every 5 words is kinda jarring
i'm not going to forget its existence if you refer to it as an "it" for one sentence
My hebe wife.
If Mortefi returns for Changli banner, do I roll for his S6, or should I stick with S0 Yuanwu? I don't have Yinlin and I'm trying to build a team for Jinhsi.
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Bwos do we know 1.2 limited characters? I am so tempted to get her but I also need Camellia... Honestly we need some homo banner to be able to save.
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chink figures on that website are made up bullshit you retard
there is no confirmation on who are the 1.2 banners
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All we have is this who are both probably male but unknown if 4 star or 5 star
Mortefi is shit with Jinhsi

Xiangli Yao (male) and Zhezhi (supposedly loli)
It's just one guy, we don't like him either.
Most CN players game on mobile.
Imagine Wuwa can make phones that could run Genshin shit the bed.
You can guess whats gonna happen.
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>we need some homo banner
they're living like kings now since mihoyo probably paid the owners $20 to spray-paint their property
Changli 1000000 cocks
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Morning Wuthers and Wisters
Did i sleep through all the Pag and Hoyoshill sales posting?
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Perfect, now I can roll on Changli without regrets!
Why are they brown?
I'm getting filtered by crownless holo. Any tips?
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Getting my NTR hag then~
Will save enough for cummeliya by the time she cums.
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>140 rolls for Jinhsi (lost the 50/50)
>another 70 rolls for her weapon
It cost me... everything....
Just spam dodge counter with Spectro Rover or Chixia
If you can run Genpieceofshit you can run Wuwa.
What makes you think Zhezhi is going to be male?
Is going to be a really long 20 days isnt it
If you lose the 50/50 you should have just given her the 5* standard
did you get some good 4 star dupe at least? shes worth it
Not true.
someone explain this mental illness to me
>thinking that I would quit the game if I don't get Jinhsi
>got her at 65pull

...this fucking game.
This is the second time it happened to me.

>just want to try the game when yinlin comes out
>got her in the first 10
It's the average mihomo player.
I'm not rolling for a character and then not giving them their signature weapon bruh, what kinda cringe shit is that??
Revenue posting mysteriously stopped right around SEA midnight.
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b-but gayshit impact is a perfect game, how can it make less money than some chinese clone that runs at 5 fps ?????? I'll cut myself extra deep today
being born in southeast asia
It may just be cope but at least the 4* on her banner are pretty good.
Genshin wouldn't have lost if Yae was for (you).
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She's so hot, goddamn
Literally built to get bred by hundreds of men.
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>think about quitting every day
>don't get shit
Fuck you
You're going to lose the coinflip at some point so you might as wel quit now.
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Is it good for Jinshi?
I genuinely don't get the whole NTR thing with her. Maybe it's because I genuinely don't care about that shit, unlike the doomposters who seem to be very well aware of every single quirk and small changes of demeanor that means "THIS WHORE IS NOT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!"

If anything, I got vibes of another type of cancer from her. And that is single mom vibes.
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Jingshi banner was released on the 28th. The freeze was from June 8 to June 11 and then again from June 14 to June 24 It wasn't affected by the freeze. It only affected the later part of yinlin's banner and clorinde banner were affected. It erased the falloff of their banners.

Yinlin was released June 6th it froze on June 8th to 11 so it literally froze the first few days of yinlin banner and then it unfroze on the 12th and froze for 10 days more and it prevented it from falling off hard.
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Use it but keep looking for one with double crit rolls
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Good. The thread is more comfy when i dont have to scroll through a bunch of shit
kek they really did firefly dirty
Wuwa and BA the best NPC gacha designs?
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Wtf, I just got raped
>No crit rate
>basic attack bonus
You can do better, it'll do for now while you grind.
>no attack or crit rate
it's not good but you can use it while looking for a better one.
wuwa is an ML game thoughbeit?
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Cuckolds projecting into a character
so uh how dead are we going to be on the male patch
Hope you weren't saving that virginity for something special fuck boy
How is it projecting when they're actually being cucks?
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Bro I thought genshit is a dying game wtf
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>still stick around

You didn't have it in ya.
their new """""endgame""""" just dropped
>only 11k for new endgame mode
it's over
>off field attacks
I guess verina works for this too.
>Resonators inflict Attribute DMG
This part I don't get, does it mean any attack from my other chars?
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>Bottom 7% of the playerbase luck
Accepting bets for how many rolls for Changli
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Such is life in Huanglong...
>I genuinely don't get the whole NTR thing with her
My theory is that the NTR jokes come from her face/smile. I've noticed that cuck manga/art that manages to bypass my blacklists (fucking niggers learn2tag) features women making a similar "dude trust me Im not cheating on you :)" face. In fact, I searched "Netorare faces" on Jewgle and got a lot of AIslop with the exact same "I'm a cunt" smile.
another lion homo and 133 total
People call this a "for (You)" game but I really don't see it
>any attack from my other chars
pretty sure yeah but it's slower than coordinated is the difference
Just look at the smile. YJK!
Prob cus the female characters all want to fuck the rover, did you started getting their lv 80 voice thingie ?
It's not comparing to the playerbase. It's comparing to all the perfect reroll accounts that have been fed to that website.
They should purge those if you ask me.
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>111 rolls on avg for limited 5*

I think after several patches most people are gonna be pretty close to this. About 100-110 per limited
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Try not to think to hard about what Mentally Ill people do. Pretty sure its like only 2 guys who are too far gone and enjoy Blacked/Cuck content
This place looks nice.
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>NTR smile
I don't see it tbqh
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Crit DMG or Crit RATE echo for Jinhsi? I'm running the 5* Standard Cope Sword
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Just save for the magic number
crit rate if you dont have her signature weapon, crit damage if you do
So far Yangyang, Chixia, Yinlin, Scar, Jiyan, Cam and Jinhsi are for (You)
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This was intentionally done by kuro to pander to NTRchads.
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>got kidnapped and the first person he's thinking of is Ma Xiaofang
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Crit rate unless it takes you over 100. More crits = more damage!
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not this fucking shit again
Being a Beta is their fetish lol
Would love to see her get spitroasted desu
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>A sultry/seductive smile = le ntr
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for me its yinlin
Just read their lines. Yinlin and Jiyan's quest are pretty on the nose
>Jinhsi makes passing comments on how you are her soulmate
>Changli makes you a feather from her flame(there are only two of them including yours) so she can actually touch you and asserts she should be by your side among other comments
>Baizhi goes on a whole tangent about how you make her feels feelings she never expected to feel
>Camellya, I shouldn't need to explain.
>Chixia's whole deal with making sure you don't forget her after you leave Jinzhou
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Me too bwo~
You severely underestimate normies.
Pulling sites are always the low minority
If a character is more popular with the normies, it will not show on those kind of sites because they simple don't use them.
For the same reason, meta players will often put their pulls on these kind of sites.
That's just safe pandering.
Seems like the same kind of cope as saying Genshin characters are for (You) because of their teapot lines.
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Bros... the NTRposting is unironically making me not want to roll Changli...
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would love to get reverse spitroasted by changli & jinhsi
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Is Fractsidus the Fatui of wuwa?
>two immediate responses trying to downplay it
Yeah I'm skipping her too, it's pretty obvious that they made her for the NTR crowd.
Nice, more hot bird for me then
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>he let fanfiction affects his enjoyment
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Bros... the NTRposting is unironically making me want to roll Changli...
Then don't pull. By the time you'd have gotten her she would already be satisfied by other men and won't have any stamina left for you.
>Letting SEAvermin and Pajeet headcanon dictate your rolls
Femoid moment
I mean is about as deep as the characters go even in actual incel games like snowbreak. Is all lip service they don't actually do anything
>bots and paid shills
Yes it is.
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which way, SEAman?
You can't make it any more obvious. YJK
just woke up did we win
>ntr posting
>posts Hinaba seducing Sho
What, seapags pls stay on your containment threads. >>>/gig/
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Bros... the NTRposting is unironically making me hate NTR...
you gonna summon the gig cope party please stop
NTRchads won.
On one hand
>random cuckcels spamming
on the other
>femroach samefagging
Why are these people obsessed with this general?
Does your retarded brain understand what sampling is? You can look at a sample at that size and get a reliable margin of error in an estimation of the larger population. If Acheron outdid Pagfly in those sites (all of them, mind you) it's very likely it outdid everywhere
Is the idea of a hot woman being loyal too foreign for you guys?
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G-guys? What did she mean by this?
gigpag's have to cope with sucking chinese dick if they want to beat wuwa revenue, they lost to us in global revenue
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wait til these stupid cucks see this
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Is NTR possting a new take on brickposting?
Rover's POV
Considering the "for (you)" girls in that game just get shipped off right after their debut patch, yet is is foreign to them.
Just woke up, how did we start cuckposting?
How are you supposed to play Yuanwu?
Does putting down the wedge before using ult or forte give extra damage when the wedge breaks I can't tell?
>why are people invading one of the most popular games on /vg/?
since the dawn of time, people like to shit on the most popular things even among their niches.
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Are you retarded ?
you do look retarded maybe it is the copium idk
demoralization from demoralized giggers
It's fucking 3pm, how are you fags just waking up
>Using Yuanwu with Jinshi
enjoy his fedora wearing cock going in and out of her during his intro outro YOU KEKS
I blame the /gig/gers, they are butthurt because some of their girls cuck you.
So they are cuckposting to demoralize people like >>484271060
>letting SEAniggers control your thoughts
changli canonically kills cuckposters, don't worry
kek they knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they designed her
>female exists
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you saw nothing~
They bump it for free and everyone ignores them its a decent situation for us
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It started right at NA hours, very interesting .
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>Changli fags have to live with a tarnished reputation due to shitposters
I feel for you
Yes breaking the wedge with forte and ult does extra damage
It's just a coincidence, r-right?
It's fine, they'll move onto whatever is next and we will be free.
As an NA native i apologize for all the white men cuckposting. They have rotted their brains too much with cuck porn
>Implying they'lmove on
Just give it a week, they'll get bored.
Euro cucks just had dinner. It's their prime posting time.
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I will S6R5 Changli regardless of how much you cuckpost chuds
The 4th can't come soon enough, free pulls and faggots go the zzz thread to try and bait (You)s instead of here
only those of weak mind will care
Changli's companion quest will btfo these allegations
Next thread doko?
I havent properly levelled him up since I only use him as a jinhsi forte generator
If there was anything substantial to base the cuckposting on i'd feel bad for them but its literally just
>she smiles a certain way
so i mostly just find it amusing seeing it being forced this hard.
sampling doesn't mean shit if its biased, which is my whole point.
raw random numbers will never paint the whole picture, that's why you have to consider everything and make your own estimate because at the end of the day we will always be guessing.
It should be obvious here that FF at least sold similarly to acheron just because it lost its first week worth of revenue, which is when most of the revenue comes out for obvious reasons.

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