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Mean Reds Edition

>Update 2.0 Character Builder

>Phantom Liberty — Official Launch Trailer

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[__FL̷̞̀ATL̷̢̛I̴͝N̵E̵̞̋D__]: >>483244023
I wish you could fuck Panam silly when hanging out.
Bend her over the kitchen counter, maid dress? yes.
Do I go street kid or nomad on my new female v run? Did corpo already and found the disconnect with speech and behavior really weird
>worse voice acting
>worse romances
>completly unrealistic
>nonsensical interactions with NPCs
Why do people play Fem!V again?
You know besides being trannies.
>Street kid or nomad
>female v run?
Street kid, the amount of time she is forced to say she's a little bitch or play as a whore is kinda hot.
To use photomode and take pics of my bimbo with cute and slutty outfits, is there any other reason?
I have a hard time caring about male characters. And male voice actors, like Vincent's, usually sound like idiots. I cant relate to someone that sounds like an idiot, and i cant empathize with idiots that i want dead. It's second nature to want to care for and protect Valerie.
AI bros....?
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What did CDPR mean by this?
thats a very particular term
if youre a dude, don't you also feel the urge to fight and protect when you hear women or children are endanger?
though if its a dude, he can sort himself out.
The reds say your waifu is trash.
Panam should‘ve been a dyke
Panam should've been able to help you hold down Judy while you convert her to heterosexuality.
>besides being trannies.
I want to fuck Cherami Leigh
I want to fuck the fag that voiced male v
Guy sounds like he gives a mean blowjob
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Why does nomad get the best intro mission but zero cool dialogue?
they dont know diddley about night city
Best outcome for Anna Hamil though, I just change my life path with the console for that tho
Street Kid >>> Corpo >>> Nomad
Corpo has known Jackie the longest.
Her killing some more pigs before dying herself is way cooler than her running away with some hillbillies.
Damn, the poles had my number.
Because nomads are not cool.
They are…
corpo v was the office fucktoy
street v was a crack whore cause shes retarded
nomad v traded rimjobs for fuel
Installed this game 2 days ago. It's quite a disappointment

>uh Vee, we are in this random bar where super important people go. Trust me bro it is epic
>Uh Vee, you see this Chink guy who appears in game just one time and dies I'm 5 seconds? He is super important, trust me bro
>Uh Vee, you see this epic Self driving car that appears for first time? It's so expensive and epic, trust me bro

Then when tutorial is over, you just drive around city that feels so empty. It's full of inconsequential NPC, cops that will stop chasing you as soon as you run into side alley, and occasional group of gang members. There are many gangs but they might as well be one gang, because they all behave the same (just standing around, waiting for you to farm street cred).

There is nothing to do besides pushing main quest, which might as well be a youtube video, because it's all just talking. Mostly about how everything is so epic and hecking important, even though you see it for the first time
>there is nothing to do besides playing the game

you should take a break from everything, go for walks, start a garden
cyberpunk wont fix your depression
>lorelet plays rpg like corridor shooter campaign then says game bad
Many such cases.
Game is so fucking gay is unreal, you have absolutely no freedom.
>(just standing around, waiting for you to farm street cred).
Made me kek, also true.
Lmao, classic.
post slutty Valeries right now
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slutty Valeries right now
Valerie is a cute and chaste tradwife not a slut.
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Prove to me that it's not.
Real tranny hours
this. I can imagine a voice actor sitting in front of a microphone trying to create the desired voice tone but female voices are always so genuine and I feel more connected to the body that I am controlling.
Man, I haven't opened the game in like forever, this is the last one I took.
I really doubt that considering how short the average life expectancy is for ordinary people in the cyberpunk world. You live fast and you die fast.
can you stop saying mean things
Better to keep it closed then
new material soon tm
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Thread always goes from slow as a snail to shit during sale times
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Fat face.
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yaaay look at all the V's
after the space casino heist, V is cured and lives in the broom closet of a wealthy billionaire's space station, waiting to be called.
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we only have mercs here. some less equipped than others but still mercs
Which lifepath for a low int bimbo?
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>dump intelligence cause hacking is boring
>my V now constantly gets made fun of for being retarded
There's nothing more sexy that a retarded woman tho, bonus points if she has down syndrome.
Why can you commit mass murder but somehow rape is a no-no?
Its a good first try, they dont have funding like rockstar. cdprojekt doesnt cant even make characters say nigger like rockstar can.
Perfect for a becca cosplay, just shoot every problem.
There's reactivity to having low int? I only know about the last Delamain mission where if you don't have high enough int to merge the personalities you say something about not knowing how to do that and a follow up from Johnny.
Downies have ugly faces
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So does your mom but that didn't stop your dad from going feral on that pussy.
I wish I could bend her over the kitchen counter, alas a man can only dream.
>he doesn't know
you keep revealing an odd power level.
that is mr infinite chicken holocaust forever
JFG. French men who married a potato and left her in a forest
That's fucked up, do you have a link to an article or yt video?
this is the first article I could find I don't know if there are any concise youtube videos but you could always check KF
Thank you.
He has been together with more than 1 retard, he has a fetish for them.
cyberspace looks like fucking shit i just wouldn't bother
V is stupid and cant process better graphics
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V just cheaped out and is a GPU-let, someone with an Nvidia 20k implant would be seeing colours that don't even exist

>Are there any more rape-y mod photos from you guys?

How is this rapey?
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i think they are asking for candid creeper shots
>playing as street kid femV
>no sexo dialogue
>no depraved kinks
Outside of Johnny calling you a joytoy once, is there really a difference? I'm only playing femV because I find her voice very cute especially when she gets emotional after Jackie dies.
You get to pretend to be a whore in one mission to get somewhere you're not supposed to be
Is this what they meant by the white man's burden?
I built her like a freight train around Berserk and retard ground pound, so unless that whore RP was mandatory I must've missed it. Too being autistic and ruining stealth missions and accidentally causing civvies to die to my tard rage. A Vtard, if you will.
It's optional through dialogue but iirc there is more than once instance where femV can pretend to be a whore or generally act submissive to decieve her way into places
The only one that sprung to mind was the Russian fixer's hotel
... i built my V wrong. I have bever once encountered these because I kept chosing any option that led to violence. Its funny that the gigs don't really give you a failure state for ruining stealth missions even if the context behind a gig was "hey, this former merc killed everyone, several children, and beheaded a pregnant mother." And when I massacre everyone, they just say good job and pay me.

I should've went with Coolgunner or Netrunner build.
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I see
you can pretend to be a prostitute outside of finger's place.
ive never done this, but as streetkid there is a Padre mission to deal with a Valentino that was dating a daughter of 6th street. they both go to the funeral and she has a fake name. but you can get into the Valentinos office by asking over the intercom.
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camera at head height
Too bad she hardly ever seemed to do the V voice in interviews, though
>candid creeper shots
>camera at head height
>you're doing it wrong
what's on the menu today
>big red LIVE sign in the thumbnail
>is not actually live, is video
I wish a fate worse than death upon them.
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>you're doing it wrong
not saying that. just making a statement.
sometimes i try to take shots that look like you are standing in the environment. with the camera at head height and a more natural fov. but it can be applied to this as well.
OK, gotcha now choom.
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>black dog is playing
I am going to kill myself
Man this game, for all its flaws, beat every other open world game for me. The characters, story, and themes were like what Kojima was trying for with the entire MGS franchise. Except without a language barrier, aspergers, or penchant for creating the most cheesy, laughable storylines I've ever seen in a military drama.
I'm early into the gme because I keep completing side content before main story. Why is Keenu Reeves such a douchebag to my femV? And why did he chastise that oldtimer who was his biggest fan? I assumed all of NUSA looked like Night City, more or less, so no where was safe for habitation. Especially the Badlanda with all those organ harvesters everywhere. Can't he see that the people didn't have anywhere to go after his shitty Ted Kaczynski impression?
Johnny has some growing to do in the story as well
Probably going to kill him first chance I get. Such an annoying bastard who actively wants to take over my body.
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MaxTac's not gonna know what the fuck
it would be fun to have series of side missions like Peralez, that attempt to summarize Metal Gear in Cyberpunk. Where Zero works for an advertising/media/investment firm to shape public opinion, blackmail politicians, and invest to profit off the trouble he causes. so the people, power, and money all speak his language, that he controls.
with his own little delamain system of moving servers with blackmail on them (like nukes) so they can deploy their payload while being difficult to track and stop.
they should release more cyberpunk comics and novels between the next game release...
Never played MGS so can't directly compare those two, but CP77 is tops for me as well when it comes to open world games, or probably any game at this point
Who would be Solid Snake in CP universe?
The only unfortunate part about Cyberpunk 2077 is the abbreviation. Everyone thinks I'm from /bag/ or /2hug/ when I say I love CP.
Will have to look for both of those. Usually just tell the thugs to fuck off, them kill them when they turn aggro
If you mean the ones infront of Fingers "clinic" I just kill them.
Yep those are the ones.
>Rogue dead
>Silverhand gone
>gf leaves
>float in space
what the fuck is this ending
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Honestly I stopped caring about stealth awhile ago. I just rip and grip. >>484334662
Unfortunately true. The game has high peaks and low valleys, averaging out to be decent imo. The map is probably the best I've ever seen, it's so detailed and aesthetically pleasing that just walking and looking around is nice even if you don't do anything. Most of the combat can also be pretty satisfying - try a reflexes/sword build if you haven't already, and see if you like it over guns.

Just skip the dialogue if you don't care about the story. I agree that it feels like they hired MCU writers to write this shit, every character talks in cringey quippy one-liners like they're in a movie - and yes the main questline is pretty much just nonstop movieslop, they even hired the famous epic reddit movie man for it.
You can play the game how you want to, you don't have to listen to hours of shitty voice acting.
>they dont have funding like rockstar
rockstar made a more reactive world on the ps2 man. "slav magic" is overhyped
rockstar is overrated trash garbo that was only revolutionary 20 years ago and has done nothing except emulate bethseda in their process of just making the same game over and over again, just because they have a higher quality product doesnt make it good when its just an expensive visual novel now
No they didn't.
yes. san andreas has way more reactivity than cyberpunk 2077.

you guys got to stop being so fucking sensitive.
>2 years ago
doesn't change the fact that the san andreas still has way more interactivity than cyberpunk and came out over 20 years ago even in it's "fixed" state
if you like endless, mindless, shooting, i guess, but if i wanted that id go play borderlands 2 or 3
no cops are such a non issue made by people who wanted gta from a game thats not gta, who dont even play the game
Does GTA have different things happening around the map as a response to actions you have taken?
san andreas has more side activities than cyberpunk, lmao. and cdpr made the comparisons to gta and rockstar themselves before release.
does cyberpunk have flying vehicles like san andreas?
you're fighting for your life right now, kek.
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>Jumping off a moving bike
You're right, GTA is absolute dogshit compared to Cyberpunk for jumping out of moving vehicles. Glad that we could hash that one out.
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>retards farm (You)s in a nearly dead general with obvious bait
>some of the 6 or 7 retards who still hang around refuse to ignore it
The shills in this thread won't accept reality.
>goes into a general for game he doesn't like
>surprised it's full of people who enjoy it
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I think all the GTAfags are refusing to accept that Cyberpunk 2077 is not the same game it was two years ago because Rockstar never actually patches their games. If you buy a broken mess, you're stuck with a broken mess.
you can be critical of a game you enjoy.
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What the fuck did CDPR mean by this
They said they're basically finished with this game as of 2.1X, and there's still a good number of bugs and various things that seem very unfinished/unpolished. Your criticism of GTA is also valid though. In general both are massive open-world games riddled with bugs and unpolished content because theres just so much shit in it.
Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020.
Latest patch (2.12) came out in February 2024.

GTA DE released in November 2021.
Latest patch (1.04.5) released in October 2022.

There's almost no comparing between the two. They released it broken, made a couple of small patches and then dropped it.

Of course, Rockstar is notorious for broken games. GTA IV physics break if you play at above 60 FPS, LA Noire physics break if you play at above 30 FPS (which it's capped to) and GTA V physics break if you play at above 120 FPS (and the whole game breaks if you play at over ~180 FPS).
melodramatic ass Tyger
Netrunning isn‘t fun
thats some 80s tier game design right there
We've known this for almost four years now.
Apparently feedback loop perk now kills you and drains all of your ram if you get too many stacks of it, lmfao what a fucking joke cdpr is
Street kid v not knowing jackie from the beginning is so fucking retarded
Story trumps all and Cyberpunk won the open world arms race even in its broken launch state because of how well-written it's characters arcs are. I can phase through the floor, crash repeatedly, and experience performance fps dips, but I would keep coming back because a good story makes a game. It's why people still remember F:NV so fondly despite the jank and crashing.

I can't even go back to r*ckstar games even if 6 allows me to say nigger in florida. There will never be anything like Night City in terms of sheer aesthetics, verticality, and storytelling.
How do people play without a cyberdeck? Being able to scan and hack stuff is way better than 5 seconds of slowing time or invincibility both with a long cooldown.
My tard V needs no quickhacks. She big, she strong. She kill multiple hostages in the xrossfire with her giant hulk smash. Netrunners FEAR the giant augmented futa cock.
Sandevistan gives you like a minute of slowing time. I could do with Ping and turning off cameras, but I can also live fine without them.
the cooldown doesnt matter when everything is dead before it ends
you can waste time fussing with hacking every nigga or you and activate berserk and let them come to you to sort out
or you can*
too much berserk not enough mavis beacon
So in other words, Cyberpunk needed 4 years (and counting) to be finished, whereas GTA DE was already good on release? Lel
cyberpunk was good on release if you were playing it on modern hardware
>bro the game was good at launch if you just played it on a $2000 PC and ignored the dozens of non-graphical gamebreaking bugs!!
I was just joking before, but now I'm starting to think you actually are some sort of unpaid CDPR shill. Pathetic.
i played it on modern hardware and encounted a grand total of two bugs, one man t-posing and one time i called my car and it spawned inside another car, jittering till it exploded
thats it for the whole game, where were these "gamebreaking" bugs?
V is a weak womanlet
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>worked on my machine
Good for you champ, here's your award. Keep shilling for free on this irrelevant board bro.
thats what i thought
sorry it didnt work on your ps4
Didn't backpedal at all lmao. Maybe you should learn what words mean before using them bud.
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this is now a geforce now advertisement.
>where were these gamebreaking bugs
>w-w-well nevermind! shill!
backpedaled, and poor
in your dreams. Mine comes into the scene to kill and rape.
>worked on my machine so they must not have existed!
Retarded, and an (unpaid) shill. Lmfao


Remember to sit down watch all 41 minutes of it, boy.
d-does t-bug ever come back? I knew she was going to get offed when she started showing more of her personality as a stoic who quotes dead philosophers. I miss her personality and input. I was secretly hoping to romance her.
i'm not watching a 41 minute video when you cant tell me a single gamebreaking bug. if there were any, i couldn't have finished the game when i did. simple as that
>literally covering your eyes and ears and pretending it doesn't exist
Didn't realize we were in elementary school.
0 zł has been deposited into your bank account. If anyone here is a poorfag it's you, with how little you're earning from this gig.
if you cant tell me a single gamebreaking bug and you cant give a single timestamp of a gamebreaking bug in the video you linked, then i guess there were no gamebreaking bugs
simple as
The video isn't a video essay. The entire thing past the first minute or so is just footage of bugs. 40 minutes of it.
Now go back to that link like a good boy and watch all 40 minutes of it like I told you to.
Don't bother replying again until you've done so.
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Hey autists, calm down for a second from your 2019 /bant/ and get a load of this. Is there anything out there to explore in the Badlands or unmarked regions outside of Night City proper? Or am I wasting my time?
Nothing but unfinished (and will not be finished) map content and a couple of wind turbines lol
115-120fps is roughly what i get with pathtracing, balanced dlss, rayreconstruct, framegen, and the rest of the settings at high or ultra at 1440p with an rtx4080.
i love this game now but unironically defending its launch is crazy
which ones are gamebreaking and on modern hardware? timestamps please, or i'll just accept your concession now
Yeah, here's the timestamp(s): [2:00] - [40:00]
I accept your concession.
>no true timestamps
concession accepted, sorry it didnt work on your ps4 but i hope you're less poor now
>GTA DE was already good on release
Uh huh.
Imagine roughly the same quality on a shitty Intel laptop or Google notebook. Only caveat is wifi. Consolefags genuinely have no excuse.
Post bank account.
>the dozens of non-graphical gamebreaking bugs!!
Name a dozen gamebreaking bugs.
depends what platform
i played on pc that was starting to age out and cyberpunk had a smooth launch for me. i went with an intel nvidia system with the game stored on an m.2. from my experience with amd hardware from that time, id guess that would be a more consistent source of problems than the game. every once in a while amd people show up in every general complaining about black screens and weird crashes.

consoles arent people. they get what they deserve.
he cant even name one bro
Still waiting on that bank account image bro.
You have to say you are gonk little bitch to avoid combat in one mission, the way she says it makes me hard, I couldn't care less about all the melodramatic faggotry tho.
Hot, needs a closeup tho.
Is she really that melodramatic over male V?
I seriously want to restart now to goon over what you described. I lost every opportunity to do those dialogue checks as I played her as a female Doom Slayer for the entire playthrough.
could have a few full body conversations that are identical with the same but edited engram uploaded to them. Maybe another that only thinks he is one of the copies and despite acting the same, isnt one of them. sly Interns. All being manipulated to work different angles for zero.
>Is she really that melodramatic over male V?
Yeh, you could say that, although I didn't bother with speech check while playing male, just run and gun, both VA's are pretty good.
>I seriously want to restart now to goon over what you described.
That's just kirk's gig for streetkid, not much of all in the rest of the game, but the way she says it is fucking hot, like she's reluctant but ready to choke on dick.
I watched a minute from the linked timestamp and there's not a single gamebreaking bug, unless we count hard crashes as "gamebreaking bugs", in case that's one.
>unless we count hard crashes as "gamebreaking bugs"
Nigger what would a gamebreaking bug be if crashing isn't? You need your GPU to explode for it to count?
What are your guys thoughts on the Voodoo Boys?
Random crashes are not really what I'd consider "gamebreaking". They'd need to be either consistent, or constant.

This is what I'd actually consider a gamebreaking hard crash: if you play GTA IV on PC and your game runs at more than 30 FPS, your game will crash to desktop every time you get to a cutscene in the mission Easy as Can Be. Not random, but consistent and constant, and will prevent you from progressing unless you know the workaround.
Honestly replaying this game this game you really start to notice how much of the game is just cutscenes and talking. Not just the main story either River quests are 95% talking, Judy quests are 95% talking, Kerry quests is 100% talking. It would be better if you cound skip all that shit, but you can't, this goes double for the BrainDances.
>if crashing isn't?
crashing in games can be caused by lots of things. like if you overclock hardware, or have pre-overclocked hardware, or motherboards that supply cpus with to much power so they look better on performance charts, or losing the silicon lottery. Gpus have their own mess that can develop from drivers and windows updates. And sometimes errors can occur when you try to play with settings your system cant handle. All of this is like someone grabbing a honda civic and giving it jet fuel, then blaming the race track for why their parts are overheating and stalling.

this was pretty much the problem with consoles. they got a pc game ported to extremely low end hardware that could not handle it. xboxone and ps4 struggled to play gtao at 60fps, which released on the xbox360 and ps3.
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>hearing Cherami Leighs real voice
oh so she is actually a talented voice actress, nice
No shit - it's why I made the MGS comparison earlier. They're cutscene games that cleverly splice up the cinematics so as to not look too overt. You can't fuck up an entire questline or companion arc by killing them randomly like in BG3 or other crpgs of that nature. A good and a bad characteristic imo.
This reminded me of https://youtu.be/hHvEmfmBW4I?t=47
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I sent her to the moon, even though she betrayed me and lied to me about saving my life.
I still don't quite know why I did it. Perhaps because I just wanted one person in Night City to get a happy ending. Perhaps because of the obvious parallels between V and So Mi. Perhaps because I just wanted to fuck Myers over.
Having played through all the endings of Phantom Liberty, this is definitely my favorite.
Honeymoon phase.
just pick the first options only.
if you dont care and dont want to know you can provide yourself the streamer experience. head empty, onward to the credits.
Don't get me wrong - she didn't deserve a happy ending. She burned so many people and stabbed so many others in the back to save her own skin. But I think helping one person get away from it all and "win" in a dystopian world such as CP2077 is a victory in and of itself.
nta, but i can agree with that sentiment.
all the side characters have this going for them. they are all on the edge waiting for V to push them. Judy leaving the city to start a new phase, Kerry to find a new sound, River starting his own force, Panam rejoining and leading her family. Rogue handing over the keys. Its not perfect, but they gain more control over their lives than they previously had.
That comes with the job of designated sucker, but I mean the other ending absolute garbage so is not like we have a choice here.
siding with Reed is a happy ending. V gets a second chance.
It's beautifully ironic, honestly. Mike Pondsmith said that "Cyberpunk isn't about saving humanity. It's about saving yourself." But all V does is save others. He saves Judy (honestly, she would have ended up killing herself if V didn't help her deal with Evelyn's suicide). He saves Panam, who probably would die an early death trying to run "logistics" alone, without the backing of the Aldecaldos. Who the fuck knows how much longer Kerry could go on as he was. And Rogue sorely needed closure with Johnny, which V helped provide.
Not too far into the game but is Regina Jones the only Chinese rep we get in this game? Seems the Japanese have colonized all the Chinatowns and even have a bunch of chink names in their service. I get they didn't have time to program Triad factions in but the Tygha Claws are goofy-ahh Yakuza who somehow accept every Asian denomination under the sun?
>In night city
>As complete nobody again
She'll be lucky if she can make ends meat by working as a back alley prostitute.
No matter how you play as V, one thing is static about his character: an undying ambition to be the greatest merc NC has ever seen. If you go with The Tower, you're betraying this core aspect of V's character, for obvious reasons.
Is monowire fun
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she works at Jinguji.

it lined up with the headcanon for one of my Vs. Song Bird was only a bargaining chip. And now she has a blackwall gun that can do the dirty work without cyberware.
That's just post Jacky melodrama, the only one that really matters is Panam.
V is whatever the current plot demands them to be, V doesn't have a personality, or clearly defined character trades, arguing about what V would have done or is or wants is a pointless excessive.
Do nomad and street kid finally get some decent speech options kn the dlc?
Or is it just more muh family and pretending to be a hooker respectively
Disagreed. Why did V do the Konpeki Plaza heist, which stank to high heaven? What about all the conversations with Jackie about how they were going to be legends? All the hype about going to the Afterlife for the first time? It's impossible to deny that V wanted to be the greatest merc around.
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what's the lore reason behind V welding the torso of a dead gangbanger into a vending machine?
This is not a I disagree kind of argument anon, it's a fact of things are.
>As complete nobody
Crying in my Rayfield Aerondight rn i can't believe you said this
becoming a legend was more Jackie's dream that V tagged along with after their previous live fell apart. V can still want to become a legend, but its left ambiguous and your actions are the final word.
Rivers just hecking jaywalked!
Any point to investing points into intelligence if I don‘t want to go full netrunner? Spending half the fight scrolling through menus is pretty lame and smartguns seem bad
>It would be better if you cound skip all that shit
i like the talking even on replays
>this goes double for the BrainDances.
FUCK these though
you dont need to invest in Int, you can grab a good cyberdeck and cyberware to make up for lack of INT.
if you want fast and effective quickhacks, sonic shock, cripple, reboot optics, and ping are good enough

the first 3 effectively do the same thing, keeping the enemy in place. one cant communicate, one cant move, one cant see as they freakout in place.
cyberpsycho solidarity
How do you roleplay in this game? I'm used to Pathfinder or Baldur type games where I have branching narrative and dialogue options. Do I always just have to consider every decision from V's perspective?
It's okay, he's a cop.
The biggest problem with the all the talking is that most of you choices don't have any impact. And that's even if you get a dialogue choice, most of the time it's just "ask three questions or continue the conversation"
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yeah but i like choosing the words that i say
im not sure how to answer that since everyone has their own idea of what roleplaying is.
i tend to have an idea of who my character is, then filter my gameplay and dialogue choices through it. there are a few instances where what you do, how you decide to complete a mission, and say effect rewards, dialogue, and availability of certain missions.
more impactful to my experience was paying attention to the context of each little mission to have a better feel for each missions place in the city. how they all fit together.
the more complete your understanding of the city, the more cohesive the world feels and easier it is to fit V into it.
There is that secret arcade minigame that starts a hidden quest, otherwise you'll find lore stuff dotted around
You can just tell that cherami got a little moist while being made to read that line
It's a story driven game not a zoomie indie survival live service lootbox gacha you dumb faggot
some assets only appear when they are needed. Crystal Palace appears above the gorge.
Arasaka's space station appears on the right side of the highway on the way out.
the first flashback takes place where a void exists below the space station. you might see people floating in the badlands passed the mine field.
the school braindance happens on the most south west side of the water fortifications in the bay. it doesnt despawn.
the prologue sequence takes place in a condensed version of the city near the floating school, closer to the edge of the map
all the meetings with alt take place under and near the stadium
johnny's ripper and soulkill room are under the map near the city center.
one of the monk brain dances takes place in a floating forest. head down the highway from red peaks and drive off the map , eventually it will be on your right.
Reeds ending takes place south of the condensed city / school braindance.
I'd say it is
>this man - he only takes! He mever gives anything back
>This man is a bastard
>the dialogue with Yawen Packard is different when she's talking about River depending on if you're female or male
Really nice detail. I assume Yawen and him were together at some point and she tries to warn you if you're female/can romance him.
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VDB are the eternal outsider: Tyger Claws control large swathes of Chinatown and Japantown and it makes sense because Japan is a major player in the world of geopolitics in Cyberpunk. And while not really included in the game, Chinese Triads have made themselves "legitimate" as businessman orientated individuals. The new Valentinos took over after the old ones who first donned that name went extinct, and largely recruit from a Latin American population. Night City is just a microcosm of the Balkanized NUSA that is experiencing its own "Century of Humiliation" as its divided by foreign & corporate interests like Arasaka. Each of these gangs have their origins within Night City or within the borders of NUSA. Even Tyger Claws were homegrown Yakuza who were aided by Arasaka.

By contrast, the Voodoo Boys (current iteration) were a foreign entity that migrated and colonized Pacifica to be Haiti 2.0. They consist of struggling refugees and migrants who originate from the fall of the Dominican Republic, and they can't go back to Haiti as it's wiped out by climate change. A large part of their isolationism and skepticism against outsiders stem from their survivalist mentality as I don't doubt their leaders believe that should VDB die out, Haiti fades from memory as a cultural identity. Sure, there might be people of Haitian descent, but the VDB are (as of current lore) the only ones safeguarding what remains of their identity. It's why it's doubly more tragic when they seem destined to all die out like dinosaurs.
Smartguns are absolute kino, only retards need to actually aim.
maybe women actually post here after all
>Ashura missing 50% of the shots mid range
Yeah, I guess so.
Doubt it, they would start giving me shit for asking for bend over pics like they did in /fit/
Only a woman would write that
what about this?
Doubt it, they would start getting emotional over every new flavor of vewy sad ending or start talking nonsense about doody being cute.
>the thread seems more alive than usual, what's going on. . .oh
Were you expecting more goonposts? At least there's actual discussion without screenshotting coomerbait.
Unironically, the cyberpunk 2077 subreddit has better discussions about the game than /cp77g/.
>actual discussion
>Joss hates her husband for being a worthless father
>Has 3 children with him
What the fuck is wrong with her?
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Oh yeah faggot, then post an example or start a discussion. I'll wait.
Trailer park trash.
Because they are a bunch of soft headed cunts who take the game seriously or are anime tourists, you should definitely go back.
What do you want to discuss?
>be a person
>come to cp77g and see that the only activity is 3 guys posting shitty screenshots to jack off and farm attention with
>no one talks about the game outside of occasionally repeating the same __ woman dumb, quest bad reruns
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

Reddit will always have more going on just by having more people around though that's just how it is.
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yeah there's some top-tier discussion here
boo hoo
I'll take a bunch of retarded coomers discussing mods & the lore while posting their barbies and anons answering the same "this build good?" questions over some fags popping in whining with the same Shazam-esque posts because the game's on sale & shillfags taking the bait
Do you think NUSA can even be repaired at this point? It seems like its the most balkanized continent on the planet.
>whining with the same Shazam-esque posts because the game's on sale & shillfags taking the bait
Can we get that one again but in english?
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always meant to go actually watch that shit for once after I finished Hellsing but never got around to it
so you want a hugbox? yeah good luck with that. you're gonna get shitposts no matter how alive or dead a general is
the NUSA is beyond fixing, especially with Myers at the helm
No wonder East Euro devs jumped at the chance for this property. It's poetic and they can use their irl lived in experience if their Serbs or Albanians or somesuch.
I feel that's just our lens. Mike Pondsmith simply writes what he knows, and he knows American culture, politics, race relations, etc. The entire Middle East was glassed due to nuclear war. Only Israel, Syria, Egypt, and a couple of others seemed to survive.
Fremen-esque Nomads on robotized camels when?!?!
Well yeah but by virtue of a nuclear holocaust destroying large swathes of the middle east, the few remaining countries are more united than ever under theocracy. Be it wealthy Imams or Orthodox-militant Rabbis. The remaining sandpires would have enough solidarity to unite against the globalhomo that is Arasaka.
How does this game have the 6th most downloads on Nexus when 90% of the mods are just shitty clothes & cars?
Sex sells.
Meanwhile at /stag/. Lol, lmao.
Anon, prease understand-u: we are in Gacha board. Only gacha gener-us are updated frequent-re. Skin sale-u beat boring, ugly lore chat that on-re do good on normie forum.
Prease understand-u, gaijin NUSApig must go home.
Have those fags not started rolling out good mods yet? Didn't the CK drop?
Japanese people don't speak like that.
CK launched but modders still needs time in the oven.
Yes they do.
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Would require anyone to be interested in the game.
/vg/ is only conducive to bait or shill posts from entertainment that receives frequen updates due to how posting on imageboards work.
Slower, more streamlined forums (like reddit) where user profiles are saved and associated with posts are conducive to games that may not receive constant updates or have stopped updating altogether. Posts regarding serious lore discussion, theories, and critique can be properly showcased in a karma,based system long after the initial post. Hence the disparity.
I only put points in int for the dialogue options
Might have been a waste
Berserk locking you into melee sucks
They didn't know what to do with that mod.
I see, i see..
One of their many dumb 2.0 changes
Is it worth the sacrifice of not being allowed to say nigger sporadically? No, but there's a reason why these forums cater to specific niches.
Now if you'll excuse me I must spam post more doro in /nikg/ while gooning to summer sale skins.
all they needed to do was leave it alone because lmgs needed the extra damage.
God knows they do, they could also have added ammo types and different mods for weapons, imagine a smart LMG's with explosive rounds....But alas they hate fun and they hate us.
Berserk locking me into a specific playstyle is based. I love slamming into a bunch of unsuspecting gonks with my bare fists. Body / Technical = 20 is the only way to play.
i dont have much experience with reddit, but the few times i tried to make a post over there i just get negative updoots for not copying their hivemind opinion. they are similar to /v/, but with a rating system that encourages getting in line and discourages disagreement / original thinking. They seem to also have a problem with Autistic Akchually guys that go out of their way to misunderstand everything and argue pointless minutia to farm updoots.

reminds me of old forums that i used to get banned from constantly because i dont kiss peoples asses for having a higher karma or post number. Its less of a community and more of a narcissist support group.
>They seem to also have a problem with Autistic Akchually guys that go out of their way to misunderstand everything
That's honestly my biggest issue with this place, if you don't take people by the hand and walk them through every word one by one they just cannot or choose not to understand what's being said. Downvotes don't really matter either way just say what you want and ignore them.
>Downvotes don't really matter either way just say what you want and ignore them.

i dont care about downvotes, but knowing that crowd, it means there is a good chance no one will engage with my comments because they will be just as ignored as me. And if people are incentivized to get updoots instead of discussing the topics, then only the same positions and same content pushed up.
At least on /v/ i can express and honest opinion and there are no tools of social pressure to prevent engagement. even if there is a different hivemind that likes to hate everything, it at least acts as a surface to bounce ideas off of.
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you aren't wrong, I prefer its sports subreddits more than browsing /sp/ but that's about the only positive it has over 4chan tbqh
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The god damn tranny truck is so fucking bouncy. I'd rather drive something good.
Unless you’re using your specific teams subreddit, /sp/ and the main sports subs are one and the same. Circle jerking cesspools. Reddit is only good for looking up answers and porn
Do gorilla arms finally boost body in dialogue as well?
Yep, all thinly veiled movieslop. Thankfully at least Cyberpunk has good gameplay outside of the long movie scenes, unlike MGS
Yeah and the story is mediocre at best, you consoomer retard. Maybe I'd be more inclined to listen to the dialogue if it was actually decently written.
right, I knew I forgot something
CDPR really dropped the ball on not adding new game plus. Why the fuck not? They had it in the Witcher 3, and it was great.
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>at least Cyberpunk has good gameplay outside of the long movie scenes, unlike MGS
Awesome. Wielding that hammer like the fucking Doomslayer
All MGS has is stealth and more stealth. If you go loud in that game it actively punishes you. Hurr durr, crouch and avoid le enemy sight!!
It's like if CP77 only had the Cool build and nothing else. This game has objectively more variety and allows you to play the game how you like.
With mods you can basically simulate most elements of a NG+ yourself other than new content ofc
Nomads are fucking gay
>all the stealth game has is stealth
>this rpg has more things
are your parents brother & sister?
Actually they're probably the least homosexual group in NUSA, canonically. Which isn't saying much, but still.
Yes, it was a critique of stealth games in general as well, moron. Now crouchwalk away from me before I see you and beat your ass lmfao
As in homosexual?
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>grug mad me no can go boom boom, game BAD! GAME BAD!!
There's a Netwatch operation in the solar panel farm that has callbacks to Sandra Dorsett
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>grug enjoy press same 3 buttons for 80 hours, call it gameplay! game GOOD, game GOOD!!!
Yes anon, I enjoy Cyberpunk as well.
C-coomerbros. . .
You objectively press far more buttons in Cyberpunk than literally any MG game. Imperically verifiably more. But yeah, enjoy your crotch-sniffing crouchwalk bro
And before you say it, yes more than MGR too.
Based grug
Same amount of buttons.
Concession accepted.
Nah, just look at the key mapping menu. Or log your button presses yourself. It's a very simple comparison.
Your jealousy is showing maybe CDPR should release actual mod tools instead of the shit you are currently getting
Waddled over from /stag/ just say that?
>glance over at /stag/ just now
>mod that adds a codex to the game is 6 dollarbucks
holy shit that's bleak lol
>Grindera pics
Into the trash it goes, sorry anon.
I don't know what that is. Some kind of pisscord thing?
Yes, some fag that only takes pics of bugbear with T-bug, I find that shit repulsive and it takes away any desire to install any clothing piece that features those horrendous pics.
What's the matter, anon?
Do micromotors do anything for mantis blades?
Fucking disgusting.
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the refit clips too much
pretty sure they work with Mantis Blades
Makes me think we need a version of "it's not even bait anymore" but for cyberpunk.
She looks upset, why?
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would you be happy things don't fit correctly?
No, I would also be very upset if it clips when bending over.
Clipping has ruined many an outfit idea.
we saved t-bug from this fate.
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If you're corpo and have enough cool you can just talk your way to getting the bootlegs without needing Johnny's help. Ironic that corpo is the one that can do that and not streetkid.
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if the cyb world teaches you anything it's to not trust anyone. Edgerunners has this as a strong theme as well. I walked into it knowing everyone was wanting to fuck me over. At the end you take a cautious path and see where it takes you and you judge as you see fit. Songbird was the most innocent so the one worth saving imo. They turned her into a human weapon. When they were losing their grip they acted like they suddenly cared.
second chance my ass
the game wanted you to realize the cost of trying to crawl out of the rabbit hole that deep in. that ending was very cleverly done. wanna be a normie NPC again? here, fuck you
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i can only ever see V as a corpo, it just goes so well with johnny hating corps and being stuck inside the head of the thing he fucking hates most and eventually both becoming best friends and V going absolutely postal on her former employer as a huge fuck you at the end is just kino
It's been a couple of years since I've done streetkid, but corpo has some really good conversational insights...and attitude. Nomad is next for me, but I don't really anticipate liking it better than corpo
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Real and true
NG+ breaks the lore of the beginning of the game
i know how to set it up.
NG+ should only be unlocked after 1 of 2 endings is picked.
Signing your life away to Arasaka and being soulkilled, and Temperance after allowing V's engram to join Alt.
It would make V's next life appear to be a simulation within Mikoshi or something of Alt's creation.
could throw in an extra sequence at the end of the game if V sent Jackie to Viktor's. Hanako can show V they have a copy of Jackie and a hologram of V should also flash.
Or when V touches Mikoshi and sees Jackie, V should be sitting in the chair before blinking out of existence.
to answer that, yes. yes it clips then too
I mean it's a nightgown, not really something one would wear while slicing & dicing mooks anyway. already deleted it
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Hello all, I just bought Cyberpunk and I meant to do it years ago but forgot. I just wanted to ask, is it like Fallout's where you need to mod the game, or is it fine to do my first playthrough stock vanilla? I don't really care about coomer mods, more about lore accurate weapon/ system overhaul/ good (read:not bad) story mods/ neat outfit mods. Also, how are the skin tones in Cyberpunk? I'm hoping they aren't as terrible as Fallout skin tones, where if you are pale/white it's fine and everyone else can get fucked. Pic unrelated.
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>Songbird was the most innocent so the one worth saving imo
Songbird: Myers's and Reed's promises are hollow
V: You promised to help me
Songbird: It doesn't matter
>coomer mods
there's barely any anyway
>lore accurate weapon/ system overhaul/ good (read:not bad) story mods/ neat outfit mods
I'd say most of this is unneccesary as well now since 2.0. just go in vanilla
Stock vanilla is fine, especially for your first playthrough
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Alright, sounds good to me. Are the skin tones good? Pic related, I am only really attracted to Goddesses like this. Also, I have done just the bare minimum reading on the three different starting "factions" or whatever they are called, what did you two do for your first playthrough?
Dunno about darker skin tones to be honest. Haven't done nomad yet, but imo corpo>streetkid. Just depends on what angle you're looking for
>Just depends on what angle you're looking for
I never really know what faction in an RPG like this I will go until I finish creating the character. I feel like I end up at what faction my characters should be right at the end of creation, it will just feel right. Thanks anyways about the skin tones, I guess I will find out when I finish installing.
The lifepath doesn't make a ton of difference in the experience. Each has a different intro mission, each gets one unique mission in the game, and there are unique conversational answers that come up. Not much else depends on the lifepath you choose.
Oh, that's kind of a bummer. I was hoping it would do a little more. Is it basically pick whatever outfit I like the most then?
now it is. clothes don't affect armor anymore outside of a few items that give little bonuses
I'm actually perfectly fine with that. Fashion is more fun than armor bonuses anyways.
The beginning outfit doesn't last past the intro, anyway. Just, do you want V to be a corporate counterintel agent, a streetwise punk, or a wandering tribesman?
I thought it was a good change, too. Makes sense to me that the mechanical contrivances you implant will do more for strengthening you against damage than different shirts.
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Huh, do you mean I lose the outfits after the intro or I end up at a clothing store at the end where I can just pick out what I want to wear then and there?
For sure, that and modified via talents. I'd pick looking how I want the character to look over wearing the best armor available every time. Also, for any future/cyberpunk setting I feel like motorcycles are always the way to go for looks and speed. Does this mean I will be killing myself often, or is the driving good and responsive in Cyberpunk?
your prologue clothes will be in V's closet
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A lot of the cars are cool, and the driving isn't as bad as a lot of people say, but motorcycles are unrivaled for actually getting anywhere. Lane splitting is a godsend.
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Yokoso, welcome to V's Variety Kiosk. what're we grabbin' today?
if you can, buy the Yaiba Kusanagi bike asap. extra nice homage if you're a fan of Akira too
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>is it like Fallout's where you need to mod the game
Fucking weak.
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The Buzzsaw looks shitty but it's fun to use. Looks-wise I'd much rather use the Fenrir or the Problem Solver, but they're not nearly as nice to use.
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>what're we grabbin' today?

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