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Last thread: >>482811718
OP template and News Archive: https://rentry.org/-hbg-archive

3DS: all
Switch: HW exploit (old v1 units): all; SW exploit (new & old units): 4.1.0; Modchip (v2 "Red Box" & Lite & OLED): all
Wii U: all
Vita: all
PS5: 4.03-4.51 (PS4 fpkg) / 7.61 (BD-JB) / 4.51 kernel, 2.50 HV
PS4: 9.00/11.00
PS3: all (CFW only for older models)


>OG Xbox
[Feb 19] ENDGAME exploit released https://github.com/XboxDev/endgame-exploit

>Wii U
[13 May] SDUSB released https://gbatemp.net/threads/sdusb.655744/
[10 May] Aroma Beta-20 (coldboot cfw, no ds game required) https://aroma.foryour.cafe/
[06 May] Tiramisu 0.1.3 https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/

[12 Jun] GoldHEN 2.4b17.3 https://github.com/GoldHEN/GoldHEN
[04 Jun] libhijacker 1.160 https://github.com/illusion0001/libhijacker
[30 Apr] PPPwn released (exploit for 11.00 and earlier)
[26 Feb] etaHEN 1.7b https://github.com/LightningMods/etaHEN

[11 Jun] Hekate 6.2.0 https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate
[11 Jun] Atmosphere 1.7.1 https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere

[27 Dec] HENlo released (webexploit for all firmwares)
[15 Apr] 0syscall6 1.3 https://github.com/SKGleba/0syscall6

[24 Jun] Twilight Menu++ 27.5.1 https://github.com/DS-Homebrew/TWiLightMenu
[22 Jun] Luma3DS 13.1.2 https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS
[28 Dec] DSi-modchip https://github.com/dsi-modchip
[17 Jul] 3hs 1.4.5 (a freeshop-like app) https://hshop.erista.me/3hs

>ALL SYSTEMS: the OP Archive has download links/sites for games
>If you have an issue you probably have an outdated/messed up setup, make sure to read the guides before asking questions
>This general is not affiliated with the /hbg/ discord, subreddit or 'shop', they just stole the name and GIF
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PS1 trace fix?
xStation install by the autistic nintendie?
holy shit based as based can be
It's only me and you here in this thread, no one else, you can send me your board so I can fix it with no risk of doxxing no problem, you know my email
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based using my pic
Nah you were talking mad shit and said you can install it easily and much better than me (even though my board was defective). Challenged you to prove it. Chop chop. Get one faster or your mom...
>>This general is not affiliated with the /hbg/ discord, subreddit or 'shop', they just stole the name and GIF
does anyone still have this GIF?
sorry honey I'm broke I'm not paying that much when I still have my discs
maybe I'll ask your mom for some money tonight since she's clearly wasting it on you
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new 360 exploit?
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They're FINE btw.
There's an R4 for the falcone switch my nigga????
habla ingles?
>get back home from work
>back door is kicked in
>only one item is missing
>my ps1, gone without a trace
Taco there's a taco r4 for the taco switch taco?
Is the the most based start to a thread ever?
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>even though my board was defective
>I'm broke

Yeah obviously. Retarded need broke bitch.
That's a fact you ape. The xStation was defective plain and simple.
kissable thighs
Paper Clips
Hinges? explain, the other hacked a console
Does anyone know how to tell fake PS3 controllers from real ones?
post pic
usually they lack logos, and molded text in the plastic, or if they don't the font and spacing is off
also check labels and certification badges as well as other tidbits that many knockoffs omit like voltage and amps info and/or symbols
nuspli my beloved..............................
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I bought it off a guy locally. I'm going back through Dark Souls but it just doesn't feel the same or maybe my memory has changed.
>cuck mig in OP
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>Leider es ist defekt
can the wii u install wii u games onto the sd card?
You really shouldn't but that's what LoadiineGX did
>You really shouldn't
Why not

>LoadiineGX did
Does this even work with Aroma

Extremely shit that you can't install games onto the sd card.
it's obviously a R4
this is some complicated shit. is there a video tutorial out there for this?
I really want to try hacking an OLED Switch but I have never soldered before. Are there any beginner kits you ppl suggest to dip my toes in? Is there some documentation into what I would be doing? Probably a dumb question but just as a guesstimate how much harder is an OLED mod chip installation to that of a beginner kit?
use that money and pay somebody experienced to do it instead.
in my experience anything that doesn't come in the standard black shell is likely fake, still there are some pretty good fakes out there. And depending on what other controllers you used, again in my experience even a real DS3 feels kinda flimsy nowadays compared to other controllers
MIG got ninja'd so hope you cancelled the preorder transaction kek
for what reason
"Trafficking circumvention devices" is what the court case says
>In addition to selling hardware hacks, the defendant also offered mail-in modding services and modded versions of Switch consoles, for the less technically inclined. These were reportedly loaded with pirated games, according to the complaint.
Tut mir Leid, you're broke and get no hoes.
Sixaxis and pressure sensor, but most of the controls are not oem and have probably been customized.
Fuck, they got arch
Does anyone still use NAND emulation on the Wii?
Never saw the point of it.
I wanna be able to plug my SD card into my computer to play on dolphin and plug it back into my Wii to keep on playing with the same saves. Is that a thing?
I've loaded my nand into dolphin to get my mons from the ranch and after restoring it in my wii everything worked fine, but that's all the experience I have with that
apparently, if you plug a fake one into a phone charger, it will charge but a real one won't.
it passes this test. I can only charge if it I plug into a PS3 or a PC. hmmm
News soon and I'm scared.
>The xStation was defective [AFTER I BROKE IT]
>is there a video tutorial
Run. NOW.
But I wanna see more lifted traces.
Prove it or I'm afraid your concession might have to be accepted.
You are a known hardware killer. Your resume speaks for itself. >>484287230
No I'm not. That's one unlucky instance and me not having proper tools and being too careless. Prove my xStation board wasn't defective or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Post a picture of it.
Why? Stop moving the goalposts. Where's the proof for your autistic shitposting claims of a stupid faggot that thought the xStation board needed soldering?
So I can point out the gore. If you didn't kill it, you have nothing to fear.
how the FUCK do i set this shit up
Try lifting some traces, that's worked for someone here.
>all replies to my posts are the same person
here we go again
>still refusing to post proof

Concession? Accepted.
>p-p-prove i didn't break it
Okay, let's see it.
Yep, he fucking RAN.
>make claim
>have no proof to back it up
>get asked for proof
>move goalposts

Yep, he ran.
>I'm going back through Dark Souls but it just doesn't feel the same or maybe my memory has changed.
I remember something about there being two different models of the same controller. One of the differences was in the feel of the face buttons (where the earlier versions felt better), but I don't remember if that was for the DS3 or DS4.

Link? I wanna be sure I don't waste my legit keks on false alarms.
...but enough about you.
hekate v6.2.1_NSW-VENOM
>Link? I wanna be sure I don't waste my legit keks on false alarms.
a merifat modder selling them and modding services got nintendo'd, not migswitch themselves.
Good thing I've never done that :)
...but enough about everyone that shits on you.
>in america
lmao why did he even try? he should've known they wouldn't let him survive for long.
Just some idiot. You could pay extra to have roms put on for you too so he was dead before even starting.
G this RAT.
dumb esl
>ad hominem
See? Do you fucking SEE?
have you ever considered the time you've spent arguing with us? You could have used that time trying to fix your traces
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>he still legit believes that it's only 1 anon shitting on him
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Everyone making fun of the PS1 nigger? ME!
Who are you talking to?
He's talking to me, obviously.
>partitioning a drive and copying files is beyond /hbg/s capacity
never change retards
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hd nuts
>DS3 or DS4
I think it's DS4
ps4 jb best on 9.00 or 11.00?
does it matter
that part I get, it's the stupid faggy homosexual minute istfxhax part I don't get.
Can I setup a snes emulation thing on a wiiu with save state save/load mapped to triggers?
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>in my experience anything that doesn't come in the standard black shell is likely fake
I know you're not saying that if it isn't black, it is fake but they actually came out with plenty of different color variations including pic related
I still own 2 original controllers. They're a little worn and dusty and the joysticks are literally melted from the heat (I live in a very hot and humid country) but I can take pictures you can compare with if that's something you want to do.
As for not feeling right, it kinda does especially after holding a PS4 or a dual sense controller. The DS3s feel fake compared to those.
I don't know, can you?
can you research if there are snes emulators for the wiiu, which ones are available, which ones have save states, and which ones have it available to be mapped to a button by reading their documentation as someone here would have to do to get you your very specific answer?
What do you African Americans have on your Wii U?
What do I need to emulate ps1 games on my n3ds?
Since real R4s haven't been made for years, what's the current recommended (cheap) DS flashcart?
GBA too what do people like for that
Thinking about buying a DS Fat so I can use both without the GBA one sticking out
Based r4 enjoyer! Currently using one right now!
I'm pretty sure I used retroarch when I did. Its bean a while but I remember it was pretty simple. Just download retroarch from the site, put it onto the sd card, add ps1 files into the right folder, and then after that just install with fbi and you're ready to go. :)
Thanks anon. Now I gotta figure out what ps1 games to put on there.
legend of legaia
Nothing because it's bricked.

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