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Demon Princess Drummer Edition
Previous thread: >>483852363

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bushiroad.en.bangdreamgbp
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bang-dream-girls-band-party/id1335529760

Next Event: The New Year's Arrival! Furisode Journey!
Next Gacha: Adorned in the Colours of First Spring’s Flowers Gacha (5* Lisa, Moca, 4* TOKO, DF Kokoron and Nanami)
Next Event Boost: Pure ft. Moca, Lisa, Limi, TOKO, Chu2

Wiki: http://bandori.wikia.com/wiki/BanG_Dream!_Wikia
Database with optimal Team Builder, event cutoff predictions, song chart viewer and simulator, asset explorer and story viewer: https://bestdori.com/
Another database: http://bandori.party/
EX Mission guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gPwOa9HuLz9vsuo0uhTw21ztO5q5zsooRK5u1tSgyss/

Fun Stuff
Favdori sorter: https://garupasorter.tumblr.com/charactersorter
Favsong sorter: https://bandorisongsorter.tumblr.com/
ENGRISH ALL PAHFECT~: https://files.catbox.moe/c325jm.mp4
Tower game recreation: https://thebuddyadrian.itch.io/garupa-tower-battle-remake
Gacha simulator: https://sowoneul.github.io/bandori-gacha-sim/
Dumbdori soundboard and Flappy Ako (hasn't been updated in a long while): https://dumbdori-noise.pw/
Live Interactions and other translations: https://pastebin.com/GJrs87pH
I've been thinking, we should probably update the OP... At least add some things like the current active translators, maybe throw something newer than 2 years old into the "fun stuff" list...
I just copy paste it while updating events but if you have suggestions you could post them... maybe replace the ex mission guides with stage challenges...
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pii pii--
I think adding translators could be useful, or maybe just making an updated pastebin, I remember not knowing who was active anymore when I came back to the game and most of them don't show up when googling
Though, the only active ones I know of are wachiey and shiromoca...
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PenGO sounds cute…
dyon't care about e-celebs... bpen mtl is better...
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love that lost penguin that went looking for the pyramids…
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need chisato bikini...
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rana is a stupid character...
>nyooooo you myust pass the mensa exam dont you know who my fyather is
Still not sure who this guy's father is...
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his mother didn't tell him...
So I'm seeing various people on twitter with different errors in regards to the new event. As for me, my game doesn't even update but I can login to the game apparently.

Can anybody else get into the the game properly? As in with the new event activated?
I got into the game just fine but there is no event and no gacha animation.
>6x "Unable to read data" popups
>event page is completely blank
>connection error when trying to do event stuff
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ps sends their regards...
looks like the beginning of a creepypasta...
got a 2* chisato... also, when i went to get my presents, one of the items is called [good bye], and the icon for it wouldn't load which was kind of creepy, but then i remembered that's the name of the ROSE song that was added to the game...
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Unable to read data
Unable to read data
Unable to read data
Unable to read data
Unable to read data
Fucking nothing is working.
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nope, I'm done
I don't even care anymore
This is truly some of the worst most incompetent shit I've ever seen
they are literally dismantling the game in front of our very own eyes...
Hundreds of people are lambasting them on twitter over the downgrade to a fucking broken app
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the game doesnt give you an update when you log in, so when the game loads unable to read data shows up. i guess the data was supposed to be the event that isnt out because theres no data to be downloaded yet
gonna buy another 30 days of the l*ly passport...
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who the hell is john
Fucking lmao, this is so bad it's entertaining
big vocaloid producer, unfortunate timing with the song name...
THE john bandori?
john toei's long lost brother??
this guy seriously shilling vocaloid/utaites over the corpse of ENdori
They really love the number 400 huh...
how many 400 are we owed so far...
Puta madre Bandori te amo pero coopera dios santo
stop swearing......
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Uninstalling it.
It's nyover...
crying so much... can't live without bandri...
It’s just funny that they have to go to AX after all this. Like cmon devs, there was one job to be done before going to AX
Thanks ENdori... I'm sure those 400 stars will be real useful for the like, 2 weeks the game has left to live.
At the rate they're going I'm pretty sure they won't even intentionally, EOS, they'll just push an even more broken update, not bother to fix it, and just leave it like that.
i hope all of you stay with me as i mtl events...
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I guess this will be the first ever day I've ever *not* logged in. Welp, it's been a ride fellas. I was thinking about at least trying to login to read the story, but nope, can't even do that. But then I remembered I don't even need to, it's all on bestdori anyway. I don't even need to play, and I'm surprised to learn within myself that I don't even want to play, anymore.
Gonna take a nap while these anons doompost.
it's not doomposting when you're just observing and posting the reality of things...
gonna miss fvnn...
Shills are still really hung up on that divegrass match, huh. They'll literally find anything just to get a """win"""
Oops! Looks like you were lying about going to take a nap! Haha, so you were just being a vain little twat? Lol, doesn't surprise me :-)
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me and my favanons...
wish I could hug shiro and rokka like that...
wish I could fug shiro and rokka at the same time...
everything is fixed now btw
finally... freedom...
thanks, haven't started the event yet since I was just rolling
didn't get nanami after 50 rolls though so I'm sad
not opening the game in that state... still remember when donuts erased all DJs users data because they opened their game in a buggy state...
we are so back. it's working again
We already have a room open...
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Now's it's back to the usual everyone is trying to play the game so the servers cant handle it phase. it's better than nothing i guess
managed to get a song in before everyone jumped back on... don't have to worry about flame cap i guess...
anyone rolling for sex kokoro and slut nanami?
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>just did one roll for fun because why not
>got the wrong Moca
tried to... only got moca with the weird trained art...
roll or wait for hololive...
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>rolling for non-doris
Built for ass worship
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by her sister
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Will roll for floorsex Kokoro when I get home later...
Asuka and Kasumi would have boyfriends and would spend nights sisterly bonding by sharing their sex stories~
Luv them so much...
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Just noticed that I've been on version 7.0.0 and 7.0.1 ha been out since February.
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are you blind...
Fueecking random...
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this is for Eve's late birthday, right? it's bugged...
got that bug too... restarted and it goes through...
Yes, relaunch the game and you will still get the intro story.
>Aya not voiced for Eve birthday
bet people here will defend it and ree about "psshills", lol
This pshill is still malding about losing...
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that's just the aya we know and love...
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All my buttons are greyed out....
holy level 295
Which social media site did you steal that from?
how do you sleep at night knowing your stars don't end with a 50...
how does that even happen... my stars always end in a multiple of 5...
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One day Mutsumi will smile again...
mtsmi needs a real friend like shiro...
Soyo and Saki are her friends, with Soyo being her ship
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should be friends with h*ro...
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Tired of bandori trying to leech BA's popularity
wonder how many times this bot is going to repeat his bad joke whenever rokka gets posted...
>furui hon wa yakiharaware
Uhhh, this song ruined the aquarium scene
why this guy suddenly talking about yoruka...
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It's a positive message about letting go of the past and moving on...
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need someone to edit the Lisa part...
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Idk sounds like a suicidal song
Not their first one of course
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Fucking dogshit game won't even let me login
Yes, many people are still having issues. ENdori is a complete shitshow and total joke at this point. This is right before AX too, where they're making a big deal about their booth and encouraging players to come up and show themselves playing the game for free swag
Stop being entitled...
Madoka won...
so proud of them...
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Himaribey harvested all of Moca-chan's despair...
Moca needs a friend like Shiro... someone who can understand her schizophrenia....
gonna tell Moca to kill herself~
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The translations for the DF stories felt really stiff and awkward. It's like they just ran it through a machine translation...
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Happy (5 days belated) birthday to Eve!
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Sex with Ako...
But not with you.
why are you so hateful now, ran...
Moca is trying to drag down Ran's life because she doesn't want to do anything with hers. Classic toxic friend.
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Give me your finest Akos
looked at kokoro's and got the same feeling... the cracks begin to show for endori... this is actually worse than some post-live conversations not being translated...
pshills are seriously losing it after that devastating defeat...
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retsu is a bitch ass motherfucker
can't fc the new afterglow cover... too much note spamming
at least the pasupare cover was a lot better than it when it was also a 27
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Thanks for all of your voting bpen/. We are going to send Chuchu to team /vg/ to help them out with goal scoring and setting up goals. She might not get to play every game, but she will still be on their roster always there to help them out. /vg/‘s tournament starts on July 19th or 20th depending on the draw. So I hope Chuchu gets to play and show off her skills against other boards on the site
she's just like us...
low turnout...
I deleted my bandori image folder… Almost free…
forgot to vote...
voted 10 times...
wish I could forget about bandy...
I thought we had like 30 posters here but it really is just 10 people...
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Don’t go causing wrong information. Anyone who has the pictures can tell you that’s the usual amount of votes we get. And thanks to anyone who did vote both before my dumb email mistake and after. CHU2 will make a great part of the team,
Wish we hadn't kicked TOKO off the team...glad SSGSS Vegito kicked out asses...
TOKO is powerless...
ummm it was sensei who kicked our ass this time...
does this guy seriously think that every single person who listens to the radio also calls in when they hold giveaways... not everyone here votes in polls...
ummm he's right regardless...
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Most disgusting shill image I've ever seen...
gonna make these shills mald...
why did they remove how many posters ina thread..
that's what bandry used to be all about...
trying to leech BA's popularity again... pretty sad...
Is that ai or a human rat...
ummm we support our lgbtqiabipoc+ community...
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Let's go Chu2-sama!
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Harumi-san said...
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>watching ads is disabled
holy EOS...
uhh that just means they don't need to shill for money anymore...
they're packing up...
why is umiko so small?
Season's over, bandori traitors can now shut up.
heard they are malding over being exposed at the bball tournament...
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24 is a rapist...
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Soyo paizuri
Anon has nothing
Flat x big boobs is the best
those basedos are obscene...
need a sensei in bandry...
Left: My right arm
Right: my left arm
What's wrong with your arms...
I'd give her my black mamba...
prefer double team on toko with dad and jr
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why does kanon get so many summer skins
You know why...
They were born to get sexxed by boys...
In a consensual and lovey-dovey way of course~
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Hina's soft cheeks.
Made for being punched by Sayo.
being cupped*
which dori has biggest gyatt
don't understand fujogo...
Kasumi has some messed up feet. Damn
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Taki would beat Nina up when she inevitably spregs out at Tomori.
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Nina would actually be sweet to Tomori though
nobody cares about your shilling, pshill
They are getting desperate after Sega announced EOS...
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haven't seen a single ako here for her birthday...
Long hair Moca is dangerous.
Yeah she looks like a psychopath...
bottom-left is peak
that is maya
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we lovely them...
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Got Nanami and an off-rate Layer on the paid gacha...
Managed to get Kokoro on my last pull. Got Lisa on my 12th pull. Looks like I'm sparking New Years Moca
Got her...
nina is a bitch to everyone, intentionally or otherwise
glad you got everything you wanted...
It set me back 40k stars, but well worth it. Kokoro's costume looks so good in the Fire Bird MV
>literally autistic, is aware of it and wants something real
>ostracized for standing up against bullies like out of a fucking kdrama

and people say gbc has good writing?
can someone put chu2 in nanamis whore costume
I will at some point.
>limited missions are in chiniese
Wanted to request Rui being trained as sex slave, but couldn't find a good artist so ended up with smaller request for Touko and Shiro
she's just like shiro and us...
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The costume makes Chu2 look bigger than she normally should...
Pareo has been working hard on making them grow.
lazy devs...
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Reona is the most beautiful when she isn't caked up in makeup...
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>Kasumi-chan, are you still a virgin?
Chu2 has always had lickable budding breasts and erotic flat tummy...
guess its time for all the bad posts now...
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For my final, high quality, post of the night, I want to announce that I look forward to Mortis bullying Mutsumi.
Not bandori related
mutsumi seiyuu is fat...
weird how you say that about a soulful post but not all the off-topic trash around...
D4dj is basically bandori
Why is this pshill trying to make us hate our imouto we just lost in a divorce?
we've lost so much of our family at this point... wish we could all smile together again, one day...
At least we still have our weird butai shoujo sister...
crying about how the djs never ended up getting the bandori collab but revue did...
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We still have the boydoris with us~
umm they have kasumi covering black shout...
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Bushiroads power couple~
need the morfs to cover petit prince so bad...
This one's for real this time...
Better spend those stars now...
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The cat has fallen...
And now we will miss the menu lines for Ako's birthday. I would rather have them not delay it for that reason.
I'm still waiting for the Roselia cover...
i'll always give it up for this song...
Looks like we made Ako's birthday bread too early sonce EN decided to postpone it...
harumi... gave us... permission...
Got sexy Nyanyami on my first try...
Image didn't upload...
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There are many good bandori arts in twitter but danbooru guys just won't upload anything not mygo related...
congrats! have fun using it...
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Sometimes the related tweets give you something good.
who the heck uses danbooru for anything but porn...
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we use rule34.xxx...
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I imagine myself having sex with whichever dori fits my mood for the moment. Usually Kokoro
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