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Lyfe Alter edition

Anniversary livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=dDDjHmcb94I
Livestream summary: https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZA25KugkK0(CN) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ(EN)
Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt0_2tNI45o

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

Version 1.8 "Realm of Illusion"

>Snowbreak 1.8 Overview & News

>New Banner Type Details

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Special Chapter "Realm of Illusion" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] Dawn Restored - Battlefronts/Encampments mode
[Jun. 24 - Jul. 8] Hero Games - Co-Op Gameplay

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Shadows of Indigo] Katya - Blue Bolt
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Seastar in Solitude] 5* Crossbow: Neptune Nova

>New Outfits Available
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Private Secretary] Katya - Blue Bolt
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Feline Grace] Mauxir - Shadow Ka

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

>Recent FAQs
>Does the new [SP] aka '100% Guarantee' banner pity carry over to the future?
Yes, both the pity count and the 5* random box count will carry over to future SP-type banners.
ST-type (50/50) banner pity will continue to carry over to future ST-type banners, respectively.

Previous: >>484265701
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Ok but what does Titagen enhanced milk taste like ?
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Don't fuck the coffeepot, Adjutant.
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I was a Lyfefag before it was cool
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We'll truly know once we make Ymir pregnant.
>eatchel hater already seething
Fritia truly is a genius kek
Anyway, anyone who is curious about who is "right" about Eatchel can just read her ultimate skill and do the math.
>buffed first triple explosion (Tess ult + Eatchel ult + weapon buff from both or just Eatchel)
>buffed ult
>buffed second triple explosion
You will kill many bosses in under 15 seconds, skip phases easily (no Joseph invuln last NS for example.) You will simply never leave the top 0.5 % even if your other side is weak/you are lazy. How do I know this? Because I have used it every week kek
Remember: NS is a threshold damage game. You need to hit the breakpoints. No one in the game is better than Eatchel for buffing burst ATK characters like Cherno. And burst ATK characters are the current peak of the meta, by a long shot. You might ask about Siris, but her ult down-time forces you to require insane thresholds to beat Cherno times.
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>@10 seconds
>Mauxir doesn't kiss (You)
>she licks (You)
in nu-Lyfe's case, probably like milk steeped in sweet freeze-dried blueberries
>Ymir pregnant
Anon... I don't think it's legal to make the current from of Ymir pregnant...
I'm kinda retarded. How are the ATK% buffs calculated in this game? Is it a direct DMG increase?
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Are you saying that
>Cherno + Tess + Eatchel
is peak meta?
>Canon marriage

>With the worst girls from the early story slop
Dead game
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She's not taking no for an answer.
lick her back
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You've done it too, right bwos?
You guys are seasoned, right?
>the early story slop
That shit's getting rewritten, thankfully.
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>Katya rerun this patch
>another Katya rerun in the next patch too
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Eatchel a cutie
>No one in the game is better than Eatchel for buffing burst ATK characters like Cherno.
show us equal-speed kills using Eatchel
you will not and you cannot
Also: Hidden Mechanics
This strategy leaves you Mauxir and Acacia for the other side, which is weaker but still your second best option much of the time with Katya. I haven't played around with Siris enough to know when she is better however, it may be more often than I am expecting.
I have however tested Cherno's teams out a lot and the Cherno-Tess-Eatchel team is generally ~5 seconds faster than the next best option.
>tfw I haven't even started it
Such is the life of a chronic procrastinator.
People (mostly) shit on Eatchel because she almost killed the game, though. Your team building also doesn't apply to newfags.
Katya will be rerun until morale improves
Pretty much, it goes into the skill dmg calculator or ballistic dmg calculator. It's a base dmg increase that then gets multiplied.
I will simply ask the other anon who uses the same team to post his equally fast clear image in here desu. I
Just barely, but I did it
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Still easier than the first time around.
>she almost killed the game
Why? Just because she's ugly?
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Is this official launch art? Looks really nice.
Shit, you guys weren't kidding when you said Eatchel is a brick without her Sig. It's like an entire part of her kit is missing without it, and the cope gun doesn't even come close to replicating it unlike the other cope guns.
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Adjutant Muslim skin warlord when ?
am not particularly interested in proving something that someone can test on their own desu. Most top scorers do not record themselves and upload it, because why would I or anyone else do this kek
Social media video as proof is a pretty funny quirk of eatchel-hater though I will give him that kek
t. Always top 0.5% at the least while being lazy
>Censoring the pink gremlin
Thank you
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Eat your BRAD first
My fish carried the event. Can't imagine doing this without her.
She was really bad, so bad she got buffed while her banner was active.
Healers are good if you wanna do comfy runs but other than that... yeah...
Didn't her patch just earn slightly less than Katya's patch? I guess people liked her skin and maybe whaled on her Sig.
Where the Fritters
on release, Eatchel with T2 sig was weaker than 4Acacia with Navigator as a damage buffer
even in her present state, she is only occasionally useful: much less so than Tess/Mauxir/Kaguya/Enya
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It's because I use her as a censor bar
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NS is a character/investment check, not skill. Scoring high doesn't make you good. Also videos are tangible proof while your ramblings aren't.
Originally, her ult was 100 U energy and did less of a buff. Also there was some other drawback they fixed that I forgot.
Even with Tess, this took too long to get off (I bemoaned it myself at the time.)
Now she is top-tier with Tess, and pretty much not used (unless it's a long boss that you cannot threshold break) without Tess. Tess is the true key going into the future, because a fast ult is a fast kill. With Eathcel, it's two ults that are effective vs .Maux who's ult has 0 value or acacia (also 0 value.)
Fenny looks like her ult might be good, we will see
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going extinct
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I tell you, but first show me your M5 Frit
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>the rambler doth protest too much
>now NS rank doesn't matter for META
do some math and live testing instead of spending all day searching for speed-clears KEK
I'm sorry I pushed you out of the top 1 percent a few times btw
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who really got the last laugh?
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I own every standard character but Frit ffs
I joined the game expecting to get spooked by her and still failed after 2 patches
>trying to compare characters via clears that are prone to human error
Why don't people just pick up a calculator and see for themselves? That's how 99% of other gachas do it. Somehow this isn't a thing here.
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I really don't know which operator I'll choose on the selector, I either want Haru, Acacia, Enya or Chenxing.
Also can someone repost that Acacia webm with the bottle ? for educational purposes of course...
Yup that's what I suggest too.
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You can always raise her 4*, but don't worry just set her in the standard rolls or get her via the random box in the 100% banner.
>do some math and live testing instead of spending all day searching for speed clears
Yes, speed clearers do use math and live testing, way more than you too.
>I'm sorry I pushed you out of the top 1 percent a few times btw
You don't even know my server,rank or whether i tryhard NS LMAO
I might be tempted to get her wedding skin, but her normal skin is already good,
>rank coping speed clear fanboy
oh no no no no no
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Taking that into account, I may get the M3 for Marian before her Sexo skin comes out in the next patch.
Newfag here. We're getting a selector?
Yep I set her in standard banner and I'm gonna buy her skin during anni.
Sorry that you spent hundreds for a inferior speedrun unit.
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She's not ugly!
It's just that her release state was really bad, and then they spent like 20 days to "collect feedback" and buff her, mind you, this is in a game where banners last like 27 days.
And then the changes that took that long where a few adjustments to her sig, fix her broken E, slight buff and change to her E so it no longer had a 100 U-energy requirement and the ability to heal while her support skill is off cooldown, making her essentianlly a character who you are better off never using any of her skills and just have her in the background as a healbot
I don't think we have many, if any, math autists around anymore. At least not on global
>Eatchelfagging is now the preferred tactic of raiders
yep, I'm noticing
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I swear every time I see this image, Eatchel gets WIDER
>t. Ranked 2% weekly but well caught-up on billbilli video of m5t2 team clears of money well spent
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Yeah. You pull on the banner, and if you get a 5*, you can use it to select any limited 5* prior to 1.6
Same thing with the weapon banner, except it's free.
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still more goals than (you)
>Katya sex
How likely is it that you get a 5* before the 100 pity?
That's not a selector, that's a customizable banner.
wait katya and her weapon are getting ran again?
No, he's a stupid nigger who keeps using that word when he doesn't know what it means. We ARE getting a weapon selector, however.
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Here, waiting to massage the Frit in 2.0 haha
>spend hundreds thinking you'll get a top support
>be wrong
>shit the thread to make up for your bruised ego
That's a lot of good stuff.
Thanks bro
>fenny is no longer a shotgun queen
Soft pity is around 80-85 pulls.
Getting an earliet than that I think it's a 33% chance at most.
ARs are cool too.
Not as cool as shotties or dual SMGs, but still very high on the cool scale.
Which character is furthest on the rerun schedule? I'm going to pick her on the customizable banner.
Does anyone have the VGL vod of that game? What were the people's reactions at that time?
sit the fuck down
Looks like both 5Cherno and 5Enya, since Eatchel is rerunning next patch.
So is it actually pretty unlikely that you'll need to go all the way to 100?
>So is it actually pretty unlikely that you'll need to go all the way to 100?
Yeah, but I did see a few anons here post about 95 or so pity, so be careful.
>33% chance
With 0.1% that shit should be 7% until 80.
I got to about 95 iirc. The rate is much lower
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What a mischievous lil brat
>actually pretty unlikely
You phrase it like you'll save 30 rolls.
No, you'll save 5 to 10 rolls.
i am going to paypig anni so hard
I dunno how the sound thing works, but in a short bit I'll have an enhanced webm of that you can use
The real answer is Tess since anyone past Cherno isn't included. Cherno could unironically mog Lyfe on her own banner if she did.
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I'll take what I can get. I'm on like 60 with a bunch of story and event stuff remaining but I don't know if it'll be enough.
AR with underbarrel shotgun is the coolest.
Headcanoning that Fenny's Standard Skill has an AA-12 strapped under her rifle.
what did she mean with that
The sound for webms is just the audio track uploaded into catbox, for videos it should be the same length as the video meanwhile for images it loops until you close the image. there's a proper guide to make the encode for the [sound=~] in the code page.
do you posers even own firearms?
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>Eatchel doing finger guns
>Fenny taking a selfie
>Adjuntant constantly assisting others
We may have lost, but damn if the team didn't have soul
I already have Tess. Which one is the next furthest?
Naw, the coolest are shotguns that shoot more shotguns.
A shotgun that shoots shotguns which shoot full shotgun shells
a shotgun that shoots a machine shop that builds a shotgun that shoots a shotgun that shoots full shotgun shells
What about a shotgun that shoots shotgun shells that split into more shotguns that shoot shotguns that shoot full shotgun shells?
a shotgun that shoots the Big Bang that creates the known universe that...
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They have been consumed
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Alright, ladies. How do I make this team relevant?
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Conference Call
>It's for you.
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Add Acacia for perma frost
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eatchel or haru abscondicus?
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stop using the LQ ones bro...
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I wanna teach Eatchel how to kiss so bad...
I'd use tounge and everything
She's just checking her property bro.
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THIS is the coolest shotgun
Sex with caroline
>They know 5*Marian and her skin are so bad looking that they had to use 4*Marian for this video
>She's just [OBJECTFYING] Tau's husband
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I just finished the tutorial and did one 10 roll but I remembered to check the rates
Is this shit serious? Holy shit if it wasn't for the fact that I can get Nano later this shit would be in my recycle bin by now.
its a shame people wont see this
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Sorry bwo, bit she's too busy learning how to do kickflips
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Needs to go bigger.
it's actually kinda weird that they didn't use her new skin for that little scene
I guess they figured it wouldn't be right since players can't get it yet
>Adjutant predicted almost everything that would happen in the Tower of Hanoi
>arranged for the right squad
>sent Fenny ahead of time to find the real Pi
>even had Marian show up at the end
>>but because they lost a fight at the snow field, they needed an unplanned Katya to bail them out, who just happened to be on vacation there at the time
So it was Marian, right? The reason Marian was there was because she was supposed to be the one to bail you out, but the devs shoved Katya in there because she's more popular? Otherwise, why was Marian there, and it makes Adjutant look retarded for needing a random element like Katya to save him.
Nominal rates are misleading because of the pity mechanics. You should check the consolidated rate.
Yeah it's pretty garbage
Her event ticket expired.
... Thought Keys, activate!
The Kunlun Mountains belong to Yuanshi Tianzun.
Adorned with the fish-tailed golden crown and the ethereal crane robes, I stand ready to unite the Heavens and the Earth as one seamless entity!
An immortal aura, radiant and pure, emanates from my being, illuminating the path to divine enlightenment!
Oh Divine Xian of paradise, heed my call and descend now before us, gracing us with your heavenly presence!
In my grasp lie the peerless, sacred blades, unrivaled and unmatched in their power and splendor.
My knowledge encompasses the vast realms of geography and astronomy alike, for the wisdom of the eight trigrams resides within me!
With such profound knowledge and power, I stand on equal footing with a Divine Xian, a celestial being of the highest order!
Here in this mortal realm, I am the living embodiment of Yuxu, the primordial force of creation and transformation!
Here in this mortal realm, I am the enactor of Fengshen, the divine decree of celestial order and justice!
I swear here and now, under the sacred mandate of the heavens, I shall defeat this godly adversary and usher in a new holy dynasty, an era of divine peace and prosperity!
Prepare to be sealed away forever, shadow of the millennium fox spirit, for your time of reckoning has come!
In the revered name of the mother goddess Nüwa of the Three Sovereigns, the protector of creation and the guardian of balance,
Know that the virtuous fruits of Taoism, the ultimate truths and wisdom, are beyond your grasp, vile fox spirit!
Da Yao Shenghua - Fengshen Yanyi!
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No, I think Marian role is to find something else, remember that in the trailer for the next event GANGES looks menacing before changing to the action scene. I expect Marian to be doing some spying in the next chapter.
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No offense to that guy, but that .webm is already shit quality and is choppy to begin with. Use this one. I think there is even one other .webm of the full Katya pole dance that is better than that original one that is low frame rate.
Marian couldn't help there, they needed Katya's ability to turn into a tit ghost.
I think (Our) master plan is still several more steps ahead, and Marian will be plot relevant for the events of the Anniversary and will be the operative in the following banner.
Then clearly we need a new Marian with bigger tits.
Actually we need an Acacia with bigger tits
And taller
And with better taste in games finally valuing superior graphics and the efforts of remakes.
is this in game?
Marian isn't ready for the tit injection yet...
>no sound
meh... the song adds a lot for me
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Katyabros, how do we cope?
No(t yet)

>no sound
just rename the file with the catbox link, bro
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>the efforts of remakes.
What, make it worse and censor the original vision?
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Eddabros, how do we cope?
I look forward to it, because it looks like 5Marian won't ever get to shine
they don't start and end at the same spot so it's not synchronized. A few cool moments happen with the song synchronized with the motions
I think the plan B was for the AI to save us at the last minute, regroup and try again if Siris alone wasn't enough.
Maybe even regroup with Fenny and Lyfe and go into the simulation a second time.
Caroline sex
Yeah I've got to agree with this anon, for instance when she lifts off the ground and the beat drops it's pretty cool.
>Couldn't beat fucking GANGES
And this is the biggest threat humanity is facing? I could totally rape-correct her if I wanted to
Oh, I see. I would remake that .webm with sound, except I fucking hate the jank sound extension for .webms. I wish 4chan would allow sound universally across the entire website instead of just on the designated .webm boards.
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Since I'm sure none of you have maxed out nitas trust level, you should all know nita's dorm story is the first piece of content where the adjutant has sex with one of the girls.

That means nita took (you)r virginity.

Which further means, nita fucking won.
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I'm on lvl 40 affection and nothing of that sort has happened, is it on lvl 50?
How many story chapters are there currently in the game?
uh duh, retard
canon marriage is cool and all, but wake me up when we get canon sex
Acacia is the kind that plays Skyrim and claims cloning items via bugs was ''''''intended'''''''
I think there's 14 since "Chapter 12" is split into a two parter.
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this pic is canon now
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I'm tired bros. Fingers hurt. Everything hurts. Thread is fast. No comfy. Night, I guess.
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Record it
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>I'm sure none of you have maxed out nitas trust level
Think again fucko
Wrong, Acacia plays morrowind. She abuses alchemy loops for super potions and fortify skill spells for 1 charge cost enchantments. She thinks skyrim a shit but secretly plays it anyway.
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angry Siris looks too cute
Yeah I think I'm just gonna have to give up on getting Katya.....
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Nah, she's a boomer so she probably plays Daggerfall or Arena.
Technically she is a zoomer, it's just snowbreak is far enough in the future that a hipster zoomer like her comes off as a jaded millennial.
How did it feel being balls deep in those curry folds?
Wasn't she 17 in the early 2020s?
So she's a Skyrim modder.
Yes, but she probably played older games for the sense of superiority.
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Man having to speedrun this event really goes to show how better they are investing in Snowbreak. When I got a boss intro in the first 4 chapters it didn't come close to all these epilleptic cubes fusing into Pi. As well as the zoom her ass got when she formed.
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>when you call her fat
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Reminder that she plays bomberman with (you), I still have to find a zoomer that even knows what that is outside Bombergirl.
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This ending was anime as fuck too nice
>I still have to find a zoomer that even knows what that is
There's that japanese bomberman copycat gacha that is shilled on /v/ every once in a while
Siris has cute feet
>Acacia played Fortnite
I hate her even more now
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>japanese bomberman copycat gacha
Huh? I haven't heard of that, the only recent bomberman news I heard was R2 and the konami arcade game mostly because I want to collect the figures
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This was super kino too.
You know she did. Her first mission even had her talking about John Wick.
I don't know anything about it, I just see the /v/ shill threads. If I actually knew Japanese, I would have downloaded it, but I don't. I just know it's a multiplayer bomberman game that had girls you can gacha for. It might even be the Bombergirl that you mentioned, and if it is then I'm a retard because you already mentioned it
You know, I didn't really like Agaves design that much at first but the more I see of her the more I like her. She's cute.
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The little I know about it is that it's a MOBA but I don't remember people saying anything about gacha, I expected to be like the IIDX and SDVX where you unlock stuff gradually by playing.
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>In the future people will only remember entertainment media because it was in fortnite.
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It's fun, and you dont need to know Jap because it's just 4v4 bomberman. Ping sucks and it's highly advised to use a controller but it's fine beyond that
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finally comfy
Somethin about those purple streaks just gets me as well
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I'm tired, enraged, fatigued.
80 rolls in, no Katya. My life outside studying these past few days are basically beating the story until I get enough for a 10-roll and fail to get anything significant.
By this point it feels after I roll her I will be too fatigued to bother with this for a few weeks to months. Kind of like when you decide to marathon Megaman X1 to X8 but by X4 you are already done with Megaman.
so call it quits on Katya and just save it for 6Lyfe
gg ez
Did you buy the monthly tickets from the shop?
I refuse to ggive up on Katya!
No, I'm an university student, I will only spend in a gacha when I'm absolutely sure I'm invested, the same level of investment as some game I like enough to justify buying a DLC.
I like every part of Agave's design EXCEPT the boob zone. The clothing looks too noisy, distracting for the wrong reasons.
He means the ones in the monthly shop you can get with in game currency
Not the cash the, the one on the bottom right. You get tickets from pulling the gacha you can spend on things. The purple ones restock every month
Oh those sorry.
Yeah, I already bought both of them. Of the previous month a few days ago and the new month a few hours back. Got nothing.
just quit now while you still can bwo
I was gonna tell you to buy an account, but I just checked and the cheapest Katya account I could find in like 1 minute of looking was $20. You used to be able to get multiple 5* characters for $5. Snobble stonks keep going up
Then I'll assume you've also been buying the pulls with the gold tickets from the shop
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I agree.
The conveniently placed tie, small strings that make a triangle in the middle and the asymmetric design really rustles my jimmies.
Her base standing pose is great and the beauty marks under each eye looks great with her glasses though.
i like big boobs
I like boobs of all sizes
big boobs like me
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I like big girls
>beauty marks under each eye
I think they're supposed to be implants i.e. Cherno/Katya
Not after coming this far
Yeah I'm not sure how I'm getting those but I am doing that whenever possible
I will see that as a positive thing and hold on the hope when the anniversary arrives they will hand out a lot of currency
... that wouldn't be after Katya's banner ends right?
I started this week. Did this design ever appear anywhere else, or am I expected to believe this design will completely vanish for some reason?
There's no way they designed her to just use her once. They would have made a 3d model of mini-Pi instead.
the bosses get re-used in the neural sim
love huge boobs
she's gonna be capturable in star master 3
Understandable. Might as well reuse the fight.

Understandable. Pussy smells like fish.
Anyone have that Chinese info source solver link? I lost it v2m8x
Yea, Katya's banner will end before we get the anni rewards.
Agave's summer skin is going to bust my balls
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>12 days of monthly left
>I've still have some weekly digicash for NS left
>Then I can get the digicash rewards for next week
>Plus the 20 rolls they are gonna give for anniversary
>Plus the digicash for beating the story and other events
Okay bwos, I'm starting to get more and more hopeful, I think I may be able to get Lyfe with this... if the next character is 5*Nita then... that's gonna be rough...
8 more days... too long....
>insert Cherno head against wall
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Katya game
Haru has some to in the shape of small triangles.
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Not really. Ever since I started working, the days just blow by. If anything I think it’s going too fast like I am wasting my youth away
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Reminder for my fellow unseasoned wolves and newpups,
Once you have a fuck ton of pieces, Every refresh, you should Change the tiles to being 100/100 by Rebuilding. You're losing out on 20 tickets every week by not going for the big square.
40 if you add Chaos pieces. Never do your analysis early. always after you obtain all the puzzle pieces for the week
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The meme was true
Also, here you go anon.
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Pet the cat
>Understandable. Pussy smells like fish.
Actually, the fishy smell comes from rotten semen left inside.
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I hope I get to marry my goldfish gf eventually
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It's good that you're working anon. Ever since I've finished Uni and become almost NEET-like, the days have become monotone and worthless.
I want to work, go out with friends and have fun socializing again after a hard day's work, but the Job market fucking sucks in my country.
Don't let those work days escape from you. They make the free days more meaningful.
it's inevitable brother
fear not
Not him. University anon from earlier speedrunning for Katya.
Good luck bro. Your time will come.
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I kneel.
Thanks for the encouragement anon, and I hope you get enough currency to get your Katya soon. Good luck with your studies as well.
>acacia I bought your wedding dress we are getting married NOW
Who is the least horny operative in Ygdrsl?
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Now that the thread is slow again who do we blame for the fast thread
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I am just happy I get to marry Lyfe and her rival Fenners.
Simple as!
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New battle pass skin.
Welp looks like im going to buy battle pass.
I can't believe I'm witnessing a game adding an actual full fledged oath system in 2024. I'm going to hit the Edda frame; it's not a matter of if but when.
Shay's recent attack makes me miss that other Troon. What's his name again... Ferdinand, Francois? What's he been up to lately
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okay pedo
Mujaadeen Adjutant when
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>3dpd cucked by snobbles
>can put the tiara on Lyfe
>can give Lyfe the wedding flowers
>can physically put the ring on her finger
typed so fast I forgot to include the video

>It's Orc Massage
Wasn't most or all of this shown on the livestream? And I know it's been super obvious, but I only just now realized that Fenny is the first operative to be given a different weapon type than her original character. Even Lyfe Alter is still an SMG, even if it's a unique SMG type.

>Paradoxical Labyrinth:
>New Mechanic, Cerebral Dive
>Less Grinding for New Rewards
I hope this is a way to make it harder for more points or something.

>Story History finally unlocks after 1 year
>I'm getting married
>in a gachage

Bros why am I getting nervous. We need a bachelor party the day before the patch.
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I can molest my wives?
Sorry Fenny but Lyfe's outfit is just too good
I don't give a fuck about Lyfe. Can I do this with Fenny?
So is the "Health Room" like a completely seperate room from the Dorm? Also all those add-ons, fuck I have no dorm coins for any of this... nyooooo....
Katya Covenant when
Fritia Covenant when
Mauxir Covenant when
Probably the 4th floor or something.
When can I get a double wedding with Cherno and Meursault?
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I'm afraid they're going to embiggen Fritia and Mauxir (and Acacia)
Caroline Covenant when
Tau Covenant when
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Bros.. you're only supposed to pick one...
not put a ring on ALL of them...
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Some Fenny Alt notes
>Alt Fire modes apply what looks to be a stacking defense down debuff
>Both modes have increased damage with the AR mode looking to be a 25% damage increase and the AoE/Shotgun mode being 50%
>Energy cost looks to be free for one mode and 25% for AoE and 0 cooldown so there is potential infinite ammunion here.
Noted, also thanks
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So cool... I'm getting some final boss vibes from this Lyfe for some reason. Probably cuz this movement reminds me of Zero from KoF.
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Subtitles are new
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Eachel, she's the only operative that doesn't know that sex even is.
One say she'll just pin down the Adjutant and rub on him and be very confused
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>picking one
>in a harem game
Okay seriously has it really been that long since harems have been proper harems in the public consciousness?
How are people not understanding Adjutant loves every operative and that everyone is getting a ring and gets the D
Anime switched from "harem" to "isekai" about 10 years ago, so I guess people forgot.
But luckily, this harem lets use actually pick the women, instead of pretending we didn't hear their love confessions for 3 seasons.
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do not open
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>no blob
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>just noticed Adjutant lets go of the sheet
>sees ring
i came.
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They won't embiggen Fritia because she WANTS to get bigger and her remaining small is too important of a funny joke.

At best she may get boosted to B cup like Cherno which is still only the top of small tier as artists draw any small chested girl in a range from AA-B.
There's no way they'd ever kill her off being small as that's a core trait to her character unlike Lyfe and Siris who don't care at all about their breasts at all (still think Siris was too much though.)

Still hope we say Lyfe's anime cancer enhanced her ass and breasts as that's a unique fetish of mutation increasing breasts and ass because reasons.

I also want another medium breast size girl, we're treading on what's supposed to be Tess's thing too much these days.

Acacia,Fritia, The cat, Cherno fully have a nice range for our smalls at this point, we need more mediums now since we lost Lyfe from that range. But I don't know how often they'll want more operatives.
this animation with the new background looks so much better
Good. Total flattie Genocide!
>Monopoly is back!
>Star Master is back...
Star Master bros, why are we always treated like this?
Man, Adjutant gonna have to work another job to more money to support his harem. I'm sure the company will compensate but to avoid risking bankruptcy, Adjutant will now call on some old contacts and Katya's to work for more big money contracts at the MW Warzones
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Because it's fucking dogshit?
How often do harem anime settings actually result in a true harem? Most of the time it seems to end with the MC picking one girl (if even that) and the rest join the spurned women club.
Rarely does it actually commit to a Tenchi Muyo.
Shut the fuck up I fixed that in the next version god you're a bitch
Aww, it just needs some polishing. I'm a sucker for Snowbreak's pseudo open world events
stop shitposting on 4chan acacia
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Very rare for an anime to actually commit. Persona 5's anime had an OVA where he went harem route, and that was a shock because of how rare the concept is. Wish more did that. Just make an OVA with a 2-minute segment for each girl.
Even then what was the last time a "harem" Anime actually had a harem ending. The only ones I can think of is Tenchi Muyo and Negima I think. Hell, I remember finding the ending of Seitokai no Ichizon the other day and the guy whose one goal in life was to form a happy harem settled down with one girl in the end.
I didn't watch it, but I heard Highschool DxD had a full harem-pregnancy ending, even with some of the moms.
Really, it's rare for even one girl to get picked. Usually an anime ends on a status-quo to bait for another season.
Jap authors are fucking pussies
I don't blame the authors, I blame the producers. Whales stop buying waifu dakis when their "waifu" isn't pure anymore. Never forget Stella Vermillion.
I knew investing into greedy tomboy was never a bad choice.
I won.
>Actual shameless Wife update
>No Acacia bride
>"Why even live?"
Brb, commiting bath toaster.
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Skin price leak
translate it to humanspeak
Her and Katya are probably next.
OniAi was thrash but I respect the author for sticking to his guns and going full harem ending, with incest involved too. In a way that counts as yes and no simultaneously due to 2 girls and their backgrounds.
Wedding dress skin
Skin: 118
Interactive scene: 50
Weapon: 20
Bundle: 188

Marian skin: 98

The rest are reruns
wow, you mean the prices are the same as previous skins/packs? wow, nice LEAK from my ASS
>"just noticed Adjutant lets go of the sheet"
You wouldn't?
Did they? I remember the anime not ending on anything. I think it ended on something like them not being able to go to the beach, so they all just wore their swimsuits at home.
uhhhhhh, seaslug, usually when you do bundles there should be some sort of discount. Your "bundle" is just the same price as the skin+scene+weapon
fuck off nigger, i'm going to kill myself before even thinking of putting my hand on pajita, nonetheless a ring
I was talking about the light novel ending.
Yeah, the anime ended in a weird cliffhanger.
The sister Guhehehe~ laugh still lives rent free in my mind to this day.
It keeps me alive in my darkest moments because it's so fucking dumb that it loops right into raw funny.
Isn't Fenny supposed to be an idol? If she's getting married, does that mean she's retiring?
They are all idols.
>Search for light novel translations
>Project halted
I'm going in with MTL, wish me luck bwos
MTL are decent nowadays
No discount on the bundle? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Probably doing what some VTuber idols do.
They hide it.
Some kinda not because in-character they ain't married so they just don't mention anything about that or respond to questions about it.
Although in their IRL alts they do show everything.
It's complicated and it's a /vt/ thing so let's just not think about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Fenny actually did retire from Idol activities just for the Adjuntant tho...
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wait, so, what are those black underboob things?
don't tell me they are some sort of futuristic healing/recovery patches for a boob job... since they grew, is there a canon explanation for that?
(I like the change, just curious about the cute fun bags)
nipples censor
It's a shame I'll have to ignore my future wives. I never asked for a marriage I can't opt out of.
Nipples aren't that low.

My bet is on support pads to prevent sagging. Lyfe's tits are much bigger now and gravity is a bitch.
>Nipples aren't that low.
Nah, Fenny is always bragging about (You) online, and Lyfe just doesnt give a fuck. Also Adjutant is a popular media figure and a hero, so him marrying two top battle idols can be used for propaganda to give people hope.
There's a german or Austrian page that had every single volume human translated to German a few years back.
Autistically machine translating stuff LINE BY LINE is how I managed to read the entirety of the light novels. Because trying to translate long sentences spewed out gibberish back then before the whole A.I. leap forward.
Never doing that again because MTL has gotten better so you can actually get average trash but understandable TLs by using most A.I. services, you do need to watch out for some because if they censor translation then you can easily get the wrong context if they soften the words or meaning.
Really noticeable if reading anything intrinsically ecchi.
>going to have to skip wedding skins because I only really want one but since we are getting married to two girls buying one but not the other would feel rude and unfair
anti-gravity field generators to push her boobs up
and she got bigger because of pregnancy
which girl has the biggest futacock?
anti-grav pushup
which family member raped you harder?
I see white panties, but I need to see the rear view of this costume before I buy. I better have panties in my face when she sprints
>you get to marry TWO hot girls who have been there with you since the very beginning
>you bitch about it on 4chen
Imagine being this unseasoned and non-canon.
Odd fact, the guy who translated everything to German had to painstakingly buy every single volume in Japanese, get it shipped to Austria or Germany hoping to god it wouldn't get stopped somewhere on the line because of horrible Euro laws thinking everything Japanese drawing is kids and then he had to translate it himself because no one else gave a fuck about the novels.
I don't know if the page is still up but I did see that other people backed it up on other places just in case just like they did save Campione!

The dog girl

At least you can buy one if you feel like it
I'm currently on such a tight budget I have practically rationed my meals.
And it's not going to get better until a year due to personal issues that unironically can only be resolved by the passing of time, a year specifically.
Anyways, at least I managed to pay up the Phone before this happened so I can enjoy Snowbreak but not to the fullest. Hoping smartphone phone doesn't break anytime soon.
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>you get to marry TWO hot girls who have been there with you since the very beginning
>Just two
>Implying it's not been three since the start.
Acacia bride carry scene when?
full penetration patch when
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Chen. She also has puffy inverted nipples.
I could see them releasing legit 18+ version somewhere but pretty sure some of the VAs draw the line at hard ecchi and no actual sex VA so, actually ever most likely.
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>becomes more feral in her ult form
Because that way people can imagine her effectively developing whatever personality to suit their tastes in fan works. And it rarely causes whiplash because the girl was a blank slate to begin with so she could have become anything at any point besides "I love Mr. (Job Title for the PC who leads the girls)" but I am not particularly noteworthy compared to everyone else so I must solely rely on becoming honest with my feelings and hoping just that will be enough".
Lyfe won now (alongside Fenny) so... It works I suppose. It's just that many gachas beat around the bush too damn much with that, it's not like people aren't going to end up in a harem situation anyways. Because they keep collecting girls making a rainbow of personalities and colors on their galleries and lobby. All tastes, all things considered for real.
Imagine the cuddles under the sheets with her feral side. Just imagine.
Truly honest feelings at play, no secrets, sky's the limit. Limiters off.
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why is she so beautiful bwos... I only started this game a few days ago but I love everything about Fenny
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She is a treasure for sure
Prettiest girl in the game
Girl had to be everything Lyfe isn't to counterbalance the team so they just made her peak feminity and enticement without outright sluttiness unless the Adjuntant throws the first punch. She reciprocates in full.
>"Then what about Acacia?"
She's what Lyfe and Fenny arent.
Flat, savvy and naturally chill but has a bratty side that only flares up in private with friendly competitions (i.e. gaming with a "friend" in her room).
Can I get Katya's signature from the weapon box that the anniversary will give us?
>Log in between July 20 to August 22 to get a selector box that can be redeemed for any limited SSR weapon released up to v1.6.
>Available weapons:
>Pine Aurora
>Anti-Evil Ward
>Alloy Truth
>Eccentric Joker
>Neptune Nova
>Blitzing Fangs
>Alternately, you can also choose to receive 30 weapon components.
They better deliver with Nita. There's legit potential for some heavy ludokino as she realizes that for once she desires something far more intensely than money and pleasure. But to get to it she has to do the unthinkable, accept a compromise.
Nita will be the only character with
>Do you want to marry her? yes/no
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>frit and haru
>Anti-Evil Ward
Which is better?
Depending on the pace of wedding skin releases Nita won't get a dress for another year or two
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statistically there's a higher chance that you're going to marry niya before (you)r real wife
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Damn my choice is quite tough:
>Anti-Evil Ward (M3 Chen)
>Eccentric Joker (M2 Tess)
>Blitzing Fangs (M0 Eatchel)
or go for 30 pieces so I can have 60 total for both Wyfe and Fenwife.
>If you say no, Nita just jumps and rapes you on the spot with a massive grin on her face while holding you down, the other girl you are also marrying panics before taking advantage of the situation to go all-out too and blame it all on Nita later (The Adjuntant is gonna be mad at both anyways but he's gonna hatefuck Nita for years over that and everything else she did and does so all is forgiven).
Well, Nita is a real padjeet, rape is in her rotten blood.
Is Nita really that bad?
>T. Newfag who just started.
Again, did they make the fucking Tomboy an unlikeable bitch or what the fuck?
>T. Again, the clueless newfag.
Nita is a fun girl, they just let their real life racism affect their opinion on an anime girl that is nothing but sweet. If you love tomboys you love Nita
people hate her because she's indian.
as a character she's cool.
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She is great
That Acacia reaction is so accurate it's actually scary.
Could legitimately be canonized with no issues.
Jesus Christ that Acacia reaction.
I really hope to see something like that if she does get a wedding dress next update.
Breaking ice is never not hot.
So we're canonically marrying both? I'm thinking based, I don't know why gacha games dropped oath systems but I'm glad this is finally back.
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>fancy frame needed 30k points
>normal frame needed 35k points
>Is Nita really that bad?
well, she's very weak in mathematical terms; there's never been a reason to raise her, and the only use she ever had was way back in Haru's event, using her support skill to move faster
as a character, she's not bad; she's just kind of a two-dimensional meme
the negative stuff people say about Nita is mostly just performative joking
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you rike?
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Yes! >>484333639
I wanna eat fenny's cake
Fenny no longer owes me sex.
She's just nothing special on the field. She and her skills are... bland and medicore. Whatever she can do, other shotgun girls can do as well, in lot of cases even better. As a support, she's averge as well. The only thing that makes her to stand out is being a pajeeta. Take that with lack of exposure in the story, no dedicated gun with nice stats, no extra skins whatsoever and she was brought down to meme character
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>I don't know why gacha games dropped oath systems
You know why
Lmao, man I kinda want to see more posts like this. Where a girlfriend gets jealous over her boyfriend's waifus.
Fenny Golden still owes me sex.
>the bit where (You) pull them both
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>30 weapon components
How much do you need to get a brand new gun? Like >>484344753 I also started recently and I think Fenny is the best, would I be able to get her new gun with this?
How friendly is the game for F2P users? Is it still worth joining the game nowadays?
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nita should have been a stinky pajeet thief child instead of a tall woman (gross)
Components are used to get copies of weapons you already have. And you need 30.
So for example you can pull new Lyfeguns and upgrade them to t2 with said components.
You can't get brand new guns with weapon components. If you already have a gun you can exchange 30 weapon components for another copy.
Best time to start is always now.
Dust Black: Permitted Area
Thank you... how much is a gun?
brat located
Character and weapon dupes are farmable
F2Ps can get all characters
F2Ps can't get all characters and weapons
F2Ps can't get any skins
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It's kinda slow but overall I think this is one of the best gacha games that doesn't fuck over newcomers from the get go.
It didn't used to be like that, the game has been steadily inclining on overall quality, and ever since the full fanservice throttle started it's just been sunshine and rainbows, the only real limitation being the energy system but realistically, the limitation isn't the energy but the rate at which you earn silverbuxs early on, somewhere along the line you start to actually rake on cash without noticing it.
very, i have 5cherno, Katya, 5yao AND 5enya at lvl 80, with cope guns maxed out too for Katya and cherno and More than enough credits for 6lyfe, started this account on the last day cherno was available ans haven't spent a dime (on pulls, i wanted the secretary skin for Katya)
As a f2p, you can get all new characters that release, because there is only one new girl that releases per patch, and if they ever release two new 5* characters in the same patch, one of them is free. You will have difficulty rolling for both new and old characters as a f2p, but you will be able to get the new ones as long as you don't roll for signature weapons.
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Nita would cry and drink a few malt sodas before stripping naked and forecfully attempting to make out with you and regretting the whole thing in the morning.
>Again, did they make the fucking Tomboy an unlikeable bitch or what the fuck?
Not at all, she's the complete opposite; A friendly Cinnamonbun. She even takes care of the orphans with Enya in her spare time.
Did (you) make it?
>F2Ps can't get any skins
Bwo, literally another free skin for Lyfe next update
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>His own fucking wedding ceremony
>Still dressed like a fucking pakistani imigrant in germany who's trying to look like a tough fenantyl dealer when not driving his 25 years old Audi A4 b5 taxi
For once, just fucking once chinks could gave this guy a fucking attire that reflect his position, function, and authority.
And they fucking failed miserably
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>F2Ps can't get any skins
True but this one is free since it's for the anni
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>hoodie slander
Thanks, so new characters are easy to get, older are way tougher yes?
Adjuntant is important but the girls are the focus.
Also, his regular look is becoming iconic due to how many WINS is the game accumulating at such fast pace. They need to drill into people's minds that this (You) is "The Guy™ ". It's branding 101.
And most other Gachas do it because it fucking works.
Adjutant wears a suit in the wedding skin interactive scenes
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Imagine if the Adjutant would rather sit with Fr*tia than you...
imagine the NTR shitposting if the hand in the video wasnt in adjutantsuit. you want that?
>so new characters are easy to get, older are way tougher yes?
It's not like that. It's just that as a f2p you've basically getting one character per patch. There's only one new 5* girl per patch, so day 1s have all the characters. You won't be a day 1 though, so you're gonna have to choose which girl you want each patch, cuz you're only gonna get one unless you get really lucky, and if you get really unlucky, you might get zero until you get a nice little safety net of gems from rolling good one single time.
Go to 1:30 of this video >>484334456
my sad kot made it in!
>Rejecting Fritia.
I know it's June but come on, there's a whole ass board for coming out. This general ain't it.
She is talking with Meursault bwo, she is right there
>I know it's June
is this real
I'm interested in playing this game, should I start playing now or wait for anni? Is this a game where I should be rerolling?
Thank you so much for explanation
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Ah, OK.
Brb, going to sit in dunce corner for a while for not checking this
Anon's living a week in the past.
FYI, you won't get anni rewards below a certain level. Might as well crack on with the story grind. Ch 11 is where the story really picks up.
Now. You don't need a reroll with 100% banners.
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Looking at the livestream again, Lyfe looks like she's gonna be fun to play. She has a cool dash like Katya, and her E is also a big fucking dash (bigger than Katya's I think) and she actually shoots stuff (also like Katya). Honestly, I think they took a lot of inspiration from Katya's gameplay when they made Wyfe, and Fenny moves a lot with her E too.
I made a webm that spliced footage together from the livestream of Lyfe's and Fenny's kits, but I accidentally overwrote it and I'm not going to make it again
Literally grind the fuck now so you don't get cockblocked out of Anni rewards, It's going to be real funny looking at all the newkeks who will complain about not being able to claim anni freebies.
oh rip, am I shit out of luck on the rewards? Is progession time gated or can I just farm it out in a couple days/weeks?
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nyo I was sleeping
kinda pissed that these posts got noticed though, Katya has a massive ass, it's just the pose while she shoots that tightens the cheeks, you donkeys
Well, there's improvement. But is it.. "tactical". Does he also have "dessert"?
It's like level 5. So, no you will get all the rewards. Also use the current redeem codes to help you, if you are rerolling.
>current redeem codes
The fuck?, did I miss codes?
>I don't know why gacha games dropped oath systems
Because normalfags cringe at romantic power fantasies. Physical power fantasies are totally fine but they draw the line at romance. Thankfully Seaslug has chosen to please the original otaku audience of gacha now
Because of the gravity, her ass gets smaller with the new physics.
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Have you tried reading the OP once in your life?
>Katya has a massive ass
Where is it tho.
Winning bigly
when I post in a 4chins general I ctrl f (you) and then look at the last post before making the most retarded reaction take possible
bigly! we are winning bigly!
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Soon(TM). Trust the plan
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>Did (you) make it?
I did.
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Without an adjutant power you will never reach peak of Snowbreak and you will miss great waifus, snowbro...
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I'm in
I don't even read the posts I reply to, why on Earth would I read the OP?
Stop noticing that you're in. You're ruining my perception of 4chan where every new post is actually a different person, not a reoccurring snogger.
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Yeah I was confused too about her butt being small in the showcase, I think it's because her first skin's butt is larger
Every single post is (me)
hmm nyo
it's actually (me)
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Default skin Katya with dress skin ass. Now.
shut the FUCK up Mauxir
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Both of my posts about Yao's new white panties are in.
Here's to hoping Enya will be patched to have black lace panties with a flower design.
>a thread entirely composed of newfags, forever.
The literal definition of hell
post hand, darky
post hand this post hand that
why dont i post my nuts dickweed
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Post ASS!
The Fenny posts? All me
I still have this skin in the box, I can't imagine moving away from the swimsuit
maybe if it transformed her into Shiva with the ult
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Thug Ass
>Consoling regretful Nita to initiate proper lovey-dovey forgiveness sex
Shimmering silky dark purple color
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The plan worked. Fenny's thighs and ass look so great. I'm going to enjoy looking at this costume from every angle.
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I feel like my wood has blossomed, and the game is back.
Anyway, if you give me sex, I'll give you money
It's still 3D high-quality sex, which is pretty good.
don't remind me, they almost killed the game with Yao skin back then
What should I do once I reach the point where I need to level up my player rank to continue the story? I already did most missions, at least the ones I could do, so should I just focus on daily missions from now on? I don't think I will have enough to roll for Lyfe
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>Shimmering silky dark purple color
Even better anon.
use all available stamina on highest difficulty of event materials stage to buy out all the important shit
Newfag here, any tips on what I should do early on?
Is buying a starter worth it?
now that the alt character floodgates are open, I'm eagerly waiting for a proper dps Eatchel that transforms and goes full melee on enemies
30 days daily log-in is the best bang for your buck
>the alt character floodgates are open
But I'll still roll for wyfe anyways
I'd rather they try to keep some balance between the two options. Sure, I like new characters, but later years of honkai impact, and everything mihomo shat out afterwards, taught me that constantly adding new characters only takes away from the older ones, not only in terms of gameplay but also writing, relevance etc
Besides we know the harem isn't done expanding, Agave is basically guaranteed to be added in a patch or two
I mean starter account.
I want spaceships
What are the chance we get Tau at some point ?
I hope it's not cope to believe she will be added...
I believe
probably close to 0 considering she's used goods.
Hey guys Fennydev here, it cost me everything to do this update so please buy Fenny's clothes more than Lyfe's or Lyfedev will get to use me sexually for a month
Wait a second you can rotate them?
I will buy both but I think Fenny's will sell more
That's not how this works besides, CN loves her
What does Mauxir smell like?
Used goods does not equal cuckholdry if the previous lover is dead and the girl's whole appeal is being a seasoned older woman
She smells like (Me)
>considering she's used goods.
>you guys get this amount of pandering
>Meanwhile I suffer with realising my gacha of almost 9 years was just a cuckge
It's fine she's a widow.. someone has to rekindle her eggs
>CN loves her
They don't want her playable regardless
Which is ?
What's your cuckge, anon? Help us heal you
Let's not derail the thread.
You can join us regardless if that's true, and if you come here to talk about Snowbreak I will gladly welcome you
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Don't speak of the past, just enjoy the present and future with us brother
Relax and enjoy the waifus

Thinking of just joining, but at this point i am so jaded and cynical i'd probably won't even be able to enjoy.
The first year already set a good precedent of sorts.
>Alternate (5*) versions of the existing roster making up most of the banners
>3 newcomers (Tess, Katya, Eatchel)
Two or three newbies each year (preferably spread out instead of all showing up back-to-back like they did with Yehrus) in between a few alters seems like the way to go to have a good balance of fresh blood, keeping the existing cast relevant and preventing rapid roster bloat.
What happened recently to make it even more of a cuckge?
You will be able to enjoy, trust me, trust us, and give it a go. You can do this
Just play the introduction for now, if you enjoy then continue
she's had two kids anon
I'm guessing 5Nita, Marian alt and 5Agave next
FGO has plenty of pandering though, but only for select servants.
I mean I'd love a playable Tau but having a playable character who's canonically not a virgin always seems to be a grey area at best
I heard about this, that FGO can be only (You) pandering as long as you focus on the ones made for it. Strange but... well
Hugging Tau...
It's not really strange, some characters are just pushed more.
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>Adjutant wh-
>What do you mean you want to finally give me a son ?
>I'm well past that age you should know that adjutant...
If you don't want her because of that you can just skip, but she is for (You) regardless of her life experiences. I will not discuss this further, Seasun made her in a way that's good for me.
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>She knows she's owed sex.
Glad I realized Nikke was heading in that direction, getting off that ride before it's too late

This entire year was dogshit. Be it literal homo twink and event about gay lovers who get doujins fucking girls because one cuck doujin artist is keep shitting it out. Valentine event is for 7 years a cuck event, and this year it also ruined the heroine of the most popular chapter. Then we get a chapter that killed off an entire class including a fan favourite waifu, and all but confirmed a reset-retcon ending in that will delete the entire game. Then another event about dude and his two girlfriends. Then 2 months of rerun events. And now event about yuri couple and if it's to make it worse, during all that shit year, one girl in particular is getting an official yuri art book from her artist with her dead ex lover, after she was written to be a waifu post chapter

Honestly no idea why I didn't realise it earlier
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Fenny is the harem influencer.
We owe Fenny Golden sex.
What the fuck
>and this year it also ruined the heroine of the most popular chapter.
>And now event about yuri couple and if it's to make it worse, during all that shit year, one girl in particular is getting an official yuri art book from her artist with her dead ex lover, after she was written to be a waifu post chapter
Who are they?
I dropped FGO half a year ago.
Again personally I would welcome it. I'm just worried it would cause backlash from some CN players.
Newfag here, should I roll for Katya or save for anniv?
By Edda wtf?
was just about to ask this, she's guaranteed in 100 rolls?
I think snogs has enough goodwill banked to make the chinks okay with it, especially if the milf is for (You)
80 banner is 50%
100 banner is 100%
So yes
Castoria is the heroine
The new event this very moment.
The yuri artbook shit is Melusine.
this guy >>484353830 is right about everything
it's been hard enough for them to include the characters we have already, even for basic shit like dorm rooms, to say nothing of actual presence in the story
Marian has been the undisputed queen of being totally irrelevant to all plots, even in the events (we'll see how much that changes next chapter)
Eatchel and Nita would be next
adding too many more characters will result in some of them falling through the cracks for months and months again
If you *really* like Katya you can get her, she's good, but the anniv will have a banner where you can choose any character you want so you can also wait to see if you like the new Lyfe more. Also yes you're guaranteed to get her in the 100 pity banner, no 50/50 bullshit.
No reason not to roll. If you don't get her you'll have a guarantee for ani and you can get another guarantee by the end of the ani banner so you'll be fine there too. Katya is one of the best characters in the game right now too.
For real?
If you really like Katya, how she plays, etc. then get her. If you only want to get her because you heard she's OP and you want a strong unit in your roster, skip. She's already been powercrept by Cherno, and it's highly likely at least one of the two new units they're releasing next patch is going to be the next meta damage dealer.
>No reason not to roll
What if he lacks enough for Lyfe too?
I hate how you have to have an account to look at the comments on bilibili
Yea I know I don't mind, but at least I would like if they could make the alt like the Haru one, which slightly change the design, not to get the exact same girl with just a different outfit.
For example while I like the new fenny alt I would have preferred if they were more bold with it in term of design
If he's just started and has a bunch of story to get through he'll be able to get enough for her.
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Fenny looks perfect
Some people might try to damage control it. Hell, I tried to damage control this entire year and cope. But I can't anymore. I used to defend FGO and thinking like a retard "well not all girls for you but those who are are so into (You) no gacha can ever top them"
Doesn't seem like that anymore, and they seem adamant on killing all my goodwill.
Oh yeah, I forgot that
is that for the 80 banner? Should I be rolling on that one over the 100 banner?
Do *not* roll the 80 banner.
Get into the snog and you'll be healed slowly but surely.

Everything before chapter 11 is kinda bad storywise but nothing outright insulting and the girls are good enough to read during that.
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I can't wait to use Fenny Flash.
No, roll for the 100
Hey cucktard I know that you've been royally owned in fgog today but there's no need spout this bullshit across generals to have people feed into your mental illness.
You're a schizo who samefags his own shit daily while everyone laughs at you. Now be the good dog you are and kys
I was told we're getting Fenny for free? Is that true?
It is true
>my favorite character in Dragon Ball is Vegeta
>my favorite character in Snowbreak is Fenny
Perfect, super even
(You) owe Fenny Golden sex
Same. Inori Fenny will be the goat.
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Very true
Based netori queen. Our queen.
It is very friendly. I started 4 days ago, already unlocked Katya, and did spend like 5 dollars, mostly because I felt bad after spending 25 hours in the game without giving them a penny. Right now, I have like 3600 crystals. The game is very generous, or at least, I think, so I have not played any other gatcha game.
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And that's supposed to be a support ?
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This game monthly pass is a lot better than my last gacha, and for the same price!
Here you get currency instantly, currency over the month, stamina, AND the clothing tickets that you can use for some skins and cute stickers. With only a month and a half of buying it I can already get Adjutant's skin.
In my other gacha it was only
>currency instantly, currency over the month
and if you wanted to get stamina, you would need another pass that is double the price.
That gacha also has tickets for skins but none of the passes gives it to you, and you need to work for it for months to get a single skin.
Holy fuck where is that Chinese meme with the panda and Lyfe (game icon) that says "I thought I was happy before, until I met you" or something like that? I love this fucking gacha!
What level/chapter do I need to get to to get the anni rewards?
Snogger might be the first gacha with canon pregnancy, wolves.
if it's level 5 like someone said earlier then you can get there in like 10 mins
I was told that you get close to being able to guarantee every single character or have more than enough if you have the BP but I'm not sure if that's true yet. How long do banners last anyway?
Oh good, I just wanted to be sure. I’m at 35.
I wish Nita gave me a pajita
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1 week until Star Master 2.0
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No, it has been done before. They will have to innovate in another way.
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>super even
Taimanin doesn't count since it's all what-ifs. The orc NTR is the best part anyway
Who are the fathers here? orcs? I know taimanin girls hardly ever have good ends.
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>Favorite DBZ character is GODku
>Favorite snobble is Fenners
What does this say about me?
is the steam version connected to the android version?
i play on android before but uninstalled because huge battery drain
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Sounds like you like to win
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>Fenny this, Lyfe that
>Lyfe that, Fenny this
>Fenny Lyfe Fenny Lyfe Fenny Lyfe...
>ad nauseam
Fuck this gay world for braindead simping for stupid uppitty or autistic blondes. My darkhaired goddess Haru beauty is eternal and she will always by my warming light in the cold, indifferent emptiness of my existence
Eat-chel is too dumb to ride a skateboard.
Chaimanposting is top tier.
Literally me!
>you get close to being able to guarantee every single character or have more than enough if you have the BP
Is this true?
It's better to get the 30 weapon components in the selector if you have all the sig weapons and don't plan to T2 any of them at the moment right?
Probably. If you don't go for the weapons that is.
Saw a comment at 04:27 that ChongChong liked several videos by this uploader before.
How do you feel about that...?
Seaslug is monitoring us since the beginning bwo.
Anon the giftcodes prove they are /here/
Chongchong, Mumu, can we hope for Acacia wedding dress? And PLEASE keep her flat
HD Katya poledancing
4chan isn't exactly a small website tho I'm still surprised they actively watch and even like our memes
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>get close
Not close to, you CAN guarantee every character if you have the pass
>CNbros already did the math of how much gibs you'll get in total this patch.
>1st line is F2P (real). 2nd line is with monthly. 3rd is monthly + BP. The bottom 3 are with the various limited packages.
>You'll get like ~115 rolls this patch with the monthly if you convert all your digi cash to recruit tickets. This is assuming you've completed ALL your dailies, weeklies, jotun, and event tasks.
>This is more than enough even for the guarantee banner hard pity.
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I won't believe it until I see a fish singing.
I have to buy the BP and roll for eatchel...
What was it?
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>lmao some dudes art acting kawaii for the motion capture
>the motion capture:
They were women all along after all.
>And PLEASE keep her flat
Bruh, let's face it - we are not their main market. We don't have enought numbers to be one. As for their main market - they want pic related. So the best you can hope for our resident kusoge maker is that they leave her alone...
Damn, then the rerun schedule would be kinda confusing. Maybe Acacia, since they're now resetting the rerun schedule?
Is Katya gonna be on the next banner too? I feel like I should wait to get her now and see if I can get both her and Lyfe on the next banner and then get her weapon too. I'm at 65/100 now and I do have the monthly pack and I'm not sure I'm gonna make it for both even with all the story stuff I've got left.
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I can't post proofs or internkun will get in trouble.
>I was told that you get close to being able to guarantee every single character or have more than enough if you have the BP but I'm not sure if that's true yet
I started around week 1 of the game, did not start buying BP until a couple patches in
To date I have all 5* characters besides 5* Chenxing as well as a couple 5* weapons
I actually took a hit a few patches back because I went out of my way to roll for Lyfe's signature weapon on pernament banner(cost me about 20-30 rolls at the time) and that did not affect me getting characters
but mind you I was also getting pretty lucky on character coinflips, losing only 3-4 of them
Fish rickrolling
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Holy shit, why did this take so long to appear
At least I'm a Fritbro now.
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There's not enough appreciation for the girls' delightful derrieres. I am happy with that they developed new butt physics. I can't wait to see Enya's bouncing, bountiful bottom with the new physics.
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>That picture
Don't give them ideas
Would be kino
uhm be careful bro. The soft pity is actually lower. Like you are more likely to get the character at 90.
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Ice cream, Ice cream
Yummy, yummy Ice cream
Yop did get mine at 90.
Well that's the main reason I'm asking if I can roll for her next banner too. If I can I'll just start saving my rolls instead of using them and get Lyfe first.
if you are not super into Katya I would wait and go for new Lyfe instead. Usually anniversary characters tend to be more broken/fun. 4Fenny is enough to carry you until then.

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