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mozart proves classical music is a party genre
How hard is Botan to play in Idol Showdown?
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Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street Fighter 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
I'll play VF5
Alright, I'm making a lobby now. Was just updating RPCS3.
The fact VF's champions include a tranny and a literal child should tell you what a fucking joke that game is
Okay but is it fun?
his dad taught him his deadly techniques
Also rewarded him with McDs if he won, which is literally worth more in monetary value than the VF prize itself lmao.
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what are we going nuts about today?
Trannies and MK1.
where's street fighter 6?
game is garbage
When will capcom or another company hire this man under a alias already?
ggs flea
>In the Capcom US Drag Queen era
This will never happen.
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New golshi
die paedofile
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SHALL be watching
My wife.
in the universe she's from, how do these horse girls with super strength reproduce? with horse dudes or normal dudes?
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He should always wear the mask, he looks better with it
Lol I thought I was in the other thread. Sorry about that. To answer your question, yeah it's normal dudes
cool it with the antisemitism
Me on the right
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impoverished niggas in africa are learning how to make games you fucking failures
i have no skills or talent or drive
they get chased around by lions and buff wolf women all day so they're on a higher level of problem solving than us
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In 5, Vanessa has a lot more tools to increase the danger of her offense. You were good with stopping the intruder step gimmicks, as I think you can hit her out of all 3 of her options if she doesn't stagger you. But against Intercept, you will want to build distance and start doing lows to hit her before she can get you. Speaking of Intercept, the mid kick is +3 on block, so while she can't just blockstring two of them together, she does have advantage and can use that to stay safe, then do a roll to get up and out of the stance.
Furthermore, she has a sabaki in that stance. it doesn't do any damage, but it does push away the opponent and give her advantage.

An important thing about VF5 is that side turn state gives you more advantage and then moves with higher damage get more bonus frames when a side turn is involved, so it leads to serious advantage situations.

Furthermore, if you think I'm going to sidestep your linear attack, you can actually delay your string and punish the launcher.
Not a fan of the general system.
>"Man, Clayton is just a schizo. There's no way his haters are that far go-"
His talent would be wasted.
Alright fellas, we're falling behind on the webm front. I need you to increase the rate of webm posting by 34%.
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Looks better on 庵.
I wish I had the resources to 格闘装具 her, and the entire cast. Nick' disserviced her.
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For the record, here is the Sabaki combo. Depending on how well she times it and the distance from the opponent, she can even dash up into a full combo.
Only works VS lows, but that's the only thing that its Vanessa when she's intercepting anyway.
However, this can fail, as shown in the first part, as the advantage amount is not guaranteed if you vary your timing too much.

I suppose it's a bit like her VF4 yomi arm grab into full combo.
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what fighting game?
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Project+, 100HP mode
remember that time the ghetto spicnigga community got panda global shut down over some Smash thing or whatever but then complained about the Esports World Cup taking over and saying they wished the FGC had big events not powered by slave labor?
smashers are not the "ghetto spicnigga community"
I watched Smash Ultimate at CEO and half of the guys were Dominican
all the top smash players are mexicans
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That Panda Global drama was such a nothing burger. If I paid Nintendo for a license and someone else didn't, you better believe I'm snitching.
I can't believe the FGC let and in fact helped the Smash pedos destroy one of the only teams that knew what they fuck they were doing in the scene and was successful at it. Over fucking Smash.
i think pg was legit the only fighting game sponsor paying their players a good salary too, kek.
>that salty vid jiyuna made
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FGC niggas: Ayo fuck smash rapists luring kids into their basement
Peeped that shit lil niggas
you fat niggas would be begging her to groom you, don't lie
I'm 32, it's not really grooming even if I make her choke on my BWC
nobody is choking on your micro, white boy
um the proper term is timmy
the racism against timmies in this thread is NOT cool
please learn to be better people
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why did she cause twitter users to go nuts?
capcom could've made a new lost planet and these niggas decided to make...exoprimal
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Because SNK is not pozzed.
because male sexuality is pathologized by the sort of people who work in cubicles and screech on twitter from their hives
her game is ded lol. Nothing left to be mad at really.
i vividly remember people on irc who where ggpo monsters being willing to teach new players how to play their games. like that was the norm... why do people act like that doesn't happen nowadays?
like even known assholes like anakron would play dozens of games with new players.
in older games sure, most top niggas in modern games have discord cliques
SNK Twitter decided they wanted to be "horny on main" instead of doing their fucking job and advertising her announcement properly
When I first saw her I was throbbing to say the least. Life is so unfair that she had to be a pedo at the end of the day...
>ignoring Preecha and what they did to B. Jenet's face
go play 3d games if you like mids so much
Why didn't Kimberly look like this?
The community got replaced by trannies like umisho that don't want their domination to be threatened in these easy party mashers
in the old days, you needed higher execution to be good, so even if you dumped info on beginners, they couldn't actually use it half of the time because they lacked the raw mechanical skill
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Cinnpie is of mixed ethnicity
She is about 50% white
Kimberly is not.

Please learn biology.
that female smashpedo in question did that to her victim albeit
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she quite literally choked on some kid's bwc jr
kimmy tummy
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Panda is coming back and the Smash subhumans are already begging for sponsorships

Hopefully they learned their lesson and only sponsor SF6
Don't want to face the truth?
He's just an ESL. They always do those one word responses.
there is no "truth" and you definitely are a retard. nothing about preecha is "woke". and a commnunity manager is well within their right to advertise how sexy a character in their game makes them feel in a game rated M for mature. in fact, it is quite common.
Panda Global Virtua Fighter Invitational
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Based. And all the right moves.
*buff hyena women
I don't know if you know this, but advertising your game with juvenile memes like "horny on main" is not a good look. And a character like Preecha, if she were designed by a westerner, would have you in an uproar about "le woke menace"
I would hire fgg to advertise my game and half the twitter account would just be you guys talking about the girls having dicks and sucking each others futa bbcs or whatever
>And a character like Preecha, if she were designed by a westerner, would have you in an uproar about "le woke menace"
What's wrong with that?
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seriously, why did he fuck a bear?
what is woke about preecha? she dresses like a typical female muay thai fighter. are you one of those color blind retards that think her dyed hair are tranny colors?
yes and thanks to our advertising it would sell 1000000 copies
you're welcome
I remember that period where you bronies were talking about Baldur's Gate 3 on here every fucking day since it was your first RPG ever

You zoomers are so easy to socially engineer into free marketing machines

Capcom should have hired tranny vtubers to talk about SF6 in America and not just Japan, would have gotten SF6 to be on BG3 levels of free gen z ads
I object to your slander, the only brony around here is cheez

the rest of your post is accurate though
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Wish I could get chased by buff dog bitches...

Finna crab those niggas, LUHWOOF
only jappas are slaves to vtubers, westerners are slaves to influencers. that's why they keep hiring emiru
Whoops meant CuckG is the only brony here
I remember one time I had a dream where I got Vince Offer to promote my game for me.
He was like

KITTIES (shows a closeup of Winifred the spellsword)
TITTIES (Shows a closeup of Gretel's breasts)
PITTIES (shows a closeup of Gwen raising her arms to swing her axe)
CITIES (does a closeup of New York and California)

And then the guy in the crowd goes "Cities?" and then Vince goes

And then I woke up laughing.
Fucking a bear is socially acceptable because it's degenerate, whereas fucking a beautiful woman isn't because it isn't. The horny posts would not have been a problem if Iroha stayed a crane
>commnunity manager is well within their right to advertise how sexy a character in their game makes them feel in a game rated M for mature. in fact, it is quite common.
Bitch didn't even post clips or actual game content while "horny on main" lmao.
is there evidence of chrisg posting on /mlp/ too?
because there's evidence of cheez posting there
She's still a girl crane so they would be complaining and talking about furries.
The only reason that furries are not more publicly and openly hated anymore is because the vast majority of them are gay.
This is how SonicFox and Wolfgang escaped scrutiny for so long
>This is how SonicFox
SonicFox is a top player who actively posts Vods and matches to his YT daily.

>Wolfgang escaped scrutiny for so long
No, because furries are horny. Straight and gays ones get frauded all the time by straight/gay ones anon
why does ellie pretend to only care about 3d games but then gets constantly involved in 2d game drama anyway?
Birds don't have fur, thoughbeit
I remember that time lunar exposed the furry discord trannies with his manifesto
half of the people wolfgang scams aren't even furries, he just straight up steals from people looking for regular pictures
Since when do Muay Thai fighters dress like hipsters?
Zack does that and you all love him.
Video games is the only medium where people publicly debate the morality of fucking animals
the guys that talk about american cartoons do that all the time when they're not arguing about jacking off to little girls
incels think a girl dying her hair is "hipster"
did shirokoma start using AI assistance?
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Nah we eat the little girls now. No not like "eat ;^)" eat, I mean literal outright unironic cannibalism of cute little girls.
but when I did this everyone told me I was a monster
when did it become cool
why was I not informed of this
niggas talmbout incel but they aint in no bitches cell lmaoooooooooooo
why are you trying to molest women in a prison? they have rights, too....
he did not care. He entered, asked who the easiest character to win with was, ignored the rest of it, and competed. He was restreaming his matches, talking shit the entire time about the game he didn't understand or care about, and then later cut that up into a youtube video that made us all look very bad
Yeah I went to prison for 50 years for it. Messed me up so bad that I'm posting on 4chan at age 72. Now it's considered okay.

I'm not bitter though. I'm happy for today's youth that can openly enjoy lolimeat without fear.
why didn't they just use their own gimmicks to beat justin? he has gotten daigo parried on stream over and over, they should have just done that
justin wong learnt the akuma infinite 5 minutes before the tournament and they couldnt adapt
I remember that time one of you freaks posted that webm of Clifford the dog clapping her big red pawg cheeks like what the fuck is wrong with y'all?
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Gotta specify which one. It's a trilogy.
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whos big red pawg cheeks
daisuke shameless asl
aint clifford a nigga?
so is hamtaro and you niggas apparently jack off to him now too
It's on gamepass, can't really count those as sales.
still waiting for soive to plummet and die
you ever beat your shit so hard it starts burning
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SF6's EVO entries are pathetic, the cracks are thankfully beginning to show.
Kekken flopped and died a turd
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It's over...
they're gonna start forcing jappas to release moeslop that turns niggas into trannies
Well now manga and by extension anime is ruined just like every western piece of media.
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if you pulled on that niggas face it'd pull off like a scooby doo mask
why do juden ears flop out like dumbo
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Manga, anime, card games, video games, cosplay, events, otaku culture... the beginning of the end. Miyazaki must be happy.
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>(((Early life))) and education
>Schwarzman was raised in a Jewish family in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, the son of Arline and Joseph Schwarzman


Nein. I'm starting to think /x/ was right all along.
Yeah. I love Sega Saturn.
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Strive was made by le evil sjw council according to you people and the most extreme thing they did was.... add nagoriyuki?

oh wow, the horror

Nothing is actually going to change, please calm the fuck down, retards
What are you?
Jew or n*gger?
Bridget validated an entire generation of subpeople, and the FGC has been worse off ever since they got uppity
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as I said before, you guys dropped your fake SJW retard larp as soon as it began affecting things you actually cared about

all of you redditors thought you were "above capeshit" so you didn't care when they did it to American comic books.

But now that they're going to censor your epic anime waifus, suddenly you're going full /pol/ mode.

Ironically, this reminds me of the holocaust poem where the guy says "they came for this group but I didn't care because I wasn't one, but then they came for me and there was no one left to help me"

You weeaboocels deserve everything you get.

This is like the time you all said you loved having more diverse replacements in everything, but then they replaced Daigo and Tokido with South American and African players in the CPT and you complained nonstop.
the time you spent typing that you could've been spent reading the art of war so you could make a fighting game...
Why don't you chuds just make your own epic anti-sjw manga if you care so much?
>broccoli haired zoomer
>spicnigga tranny
yep, this is what I imagine when I think of granpoo players
>games are better when they're made by people that don't play them!
this is how you get shit like heavy rain and shenmue 3
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are you niggas STILL seething about some twitter post from multiple threads ago?

Holy shit, that nigga really struck a nerve with some of y'all lol

If he's not even your target audience, why do you care what he said?

Could it be that he had a point and that none of you are actually qualified to make games because all you do is jack off to hentai and mash gimmicks all day?

No way, couldn't possibly be that...
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You trannies have been sending youngrippa death threats for like a year and a half now because he in fact did that.

Imagine what you would say about people from here making a manga...
what are we going nuts about today?
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babar did that and you all called him an autistic nerd that wasted all of his time researching ancient greek alchemists instead of making the game
you're replying to an ai generated post btw
baron needs to compile the lore for his game somewhere
why so?
so i can read it without combing through the archives :)
>anyone that I don't like is le epic heckin botterino
Can you subhumans please get new material? So tired of you people making these AI generated posts.

I know what I said and I said what I meant. Instead of crying like a little bitch, be a real man and "solve" the "problem" with your own two hands? Even if you can't draw, you can hire an artist. Do a kickstarter or some shit to get it published, I don't fucking know. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, that's what all you Trumptards say anyway.
>be a transphobic grifter
>get called out on it
You get what you fucking deserve.

At least TRY to hide your bigotry I guess lol
I think he posted some doc on his twitter once
why are you posting pedophilia?
kys pedonigga!
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it's important to have interests outside of fighting games
isn't baron the guy that writes the giant paragraphs about mixups in ancient dead games?

why the fuck is he writing lore for a fighting game instead of actually talking about the mechanics?
Jacking off to Elphelt thighs as we speak.
why aren't you?
Because I am a good person
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why is there two numbers? my thread watcher only shows how many new posts there are
I've never seen that second video, but why am I not surprised. I saw the Clayton Marvel drama and it was petty af. I don't understand why they would do that to Clayton when I can't remember Clayton ever once even saying he plays Marvel in the first place. Shouldn't they be happy he found all this new tech for their game? Clayton isn't toxic himself but he really brings out the worst in people.
I barely even play MK and I still watch Tom Brady because he presents the info in a funny way
you know capcom's going to tone down the time limit in the dead rising remake so timmies don't spend a month bitching about "outdated game design"
wonder what blackrock anime is gonna be like. the medium has already been polluted with isekai and moeslop, how much worse could it get? maybe they'll release actual kino early on then divert to trannyslop once they've firmly dominated everything. like a high quality berserk adaption and then trannyland: isekai warp once every studio is partly owned by blackrock. imagine jump force but instead you got some random troon character in there next to goku and them
they're going to make bridget no bouken and you're all gonna clap
the hell are you all throwing fits about none of you even watch anime
im watching the fat elf girls anime and dorohedoro s2 when it drops
im watching lupin right now
I just watched Redo of Healer and it was ultra based.
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It's about integrity. I don't want lil Timmy growing up watching Toguro in a wig and thinking it's okay to become a tranny.
was gonna say niggas turned out fine watching ranma but i liked a few ranma posts and just been seeing trannies obsessed with rumiko takahashi so idk
nigga really posted that while attaching that image
you're gonna call him a tranny and a white faggot that you need to beat up and rape his sister anyway, so what does it matter?
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>>484368019 >>484370697 >>484372087
you retards:
Private equity just bought a telecommunications by buying the most shares.
They just so happens to host electronic manga serieses, not Shounen Jump.
If anything, blame that transnational PE can influence JPX.
Are you not aware the cringe they do publish?
they made dog nigga and you trannies all made fun of it
they hated it because they couldnt say the name and felt left out. they're incredibly mentally ill that way
>aughhh i hate dog slur so much
nigga had to start calling it dog ningen to calm down the mantha horde but they just kept going nutsaroobthey just kept going at him they just kept attacking why why are rhey like this why are they so hateful so evil
why? so evil so hateful we need to kill them
nutsaroo nutsaroo lost my mind is it true
not gonna ingest ingest ingest any of my meds, too
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So, are they againts the free market, or the controlled market?
niggas gonna walk into japan and realise theres nothing to poz, tranime is already trannycore
what? it has the highest numbers of any game there
what were you expecting? how many should it have?
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they are really not beating the allegations

good taste though

wait, Mark Kern uses this site too lol?
no way
Oh great, now you retards are gonna just go fucking insane over anime and manga on here at all times now with your hyperautistic lens, huh?

If Black Lagoon came out today, you bitches would all be crying because the nazis lost in that episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTQSBm5A_FI

This isn't even the new normal, it's how things always were. Now get over it and shut the fuck up or get out.
For the "epic savior of the FGC" I expected at least 6000 entrants. You idiots already lost 2k people? LMFAO
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so does this nigga really just look up twitter people to get upset at? what a lame gimmick.
you people need to make me laugh and you're not doing a good job of it at the moment
thoughts on giovanna fucking my throat with her huge brown cock?
Shut the fuck up, creep
roberta had a lil nigga going feral
remember all of the /affg/ faggots that are now without a home have been confirmed to be troons and or love troons
>the only guy that can't fight on the black lagoon crew is a nerdy little Jewish guy that just types on his computer all day
hes jappa though
Do you have proof of this claim?
how about revy tying me up and spanking my butt until its all red
Rock is involved in way more action than Benny. Rock risks his life constantly and has to avoid getting killed in various horrible situations. He even saved the crew that time he mad the boat jump and hit that helicopter with the missile. Benny just sits there on the computer hacking doors and ogling his Indian gf
Where's your general then?
Why did every anime fighting game break from /afgg/ followed by it's implosion after the only schizos left were tranny niggas?
Get yo dick split
I'm pretty sure most of them post on the granblue general now
at least fear does
i forgot about benny and thought you were talmbout rock
True but that game doesn't mean shit it's kuso garbage and I'm sure they are pretty free because it's not as dead as the other garbage they used to play
Rock really abandoned his family to larp as a pirate but still tries to morally grandstand over everyone on the show, what the fuck was his problem?
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i really dont care about muh blackrock or muh woke or inclusion or whatever as long as you broke ass commies don't try to steal my cash
You already play gacha, your money is OUR money
The people's money.
them niggas abandoned him no?
tranny really said anti-capitalist corporation
Tranny nigga deserves to be mocked, bet he smells like shit because his asshole can't hold it in
His company did, yeah. but then they showed he had a wife and a daughter and he sent a letter to them saying "sorry, but I'm a pirate now, lol. Good luck!"
Or at least that's what I remember. I t might have actually just been his parents and his sister? I can't remember, but they sent the letter to some of his relatives.
I believe a few of them are also on the melty general, but I don't check there as much.
>There are no Uma boys
>The fathers of Uma Musume are a secret
where's his section on lore, doe?
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>tranny and commie
holy shit lmao
need revy and roberta forcing me to the ground, whipping out my jr, and taking turns riding me while threatening me if i try to fight back and calling me slurs
even horses are chuds?
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fgg - Transsexuals and black lagooning
based horses know that shit aint cool
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RWBY V1-9 is no longer available on crunchyroll due to the license expiring. This was the only way to watch RWBY without piracy. It's unknown who will renew it or when.
kolin should have looked like this
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You print your own IOUs‽
wb fear
motherfucking toriyama, they really cannot cease their retardation.
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I miss Kolin.... Fucking MATZ AND FATZ BRING HER BACK
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Finna watch the Fat Elf soon, lil NYIGGA. More monstergirls fgs when? Skulltroons is too pozzed

Get these jewish niggas out of my motherfuckimg hobbies. Should slink their pedo asses back to Hollywood
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That's actually a really good idea and I appreciate your suggestion a lot.
As such, I compiled all of my notes here. Well all the ones I'm willing to show at the moment. I'm actually withholding a lot things about balance and mechanics, but there are a few things in there about that as well. But this mostly focuses on lore and what characters say/think/believe. In fact, there are some things in there that I never posted here and some corrections/explanations I made to things I have said here. It's very much a work in progress, pretty unorganized and some things probably seem a bit nonsensical/outdated/confusing, but regardless, I hope you enjoy it.

I'll try to keep this updated or add things I forgot about, but this is what I have for now. (for example, I don't think I ever specify if the resource based cancel mechanic is "extra roll," "bonus roll," or "additional roll" because I hadn't decided by that point when I wrote some of these documents)
That's even worse knowing the orange cheeto and MAGAts are even bigger supporters of DEI than the left
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Why do you think elites want the swamp to be bigger?
Left-wingers do not support the existence of any corporation.
fgg is the kind of general where someone can just drop 65 pages of furry lore and we don't even bat an eye like that's a notable act
This but revy and eda and sawyer
Why don't you guys just get off your asses and kill Larry Fink or whatever the hell is name is
the trannies will just make fun of me when i get captured by his private PMC guards
Why don't we just become irl M Bison. Then we can shape the world as we see fit.
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You tranny shills would just label it as Chanology 2.0 to discredit our righteous options.
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i'm more surprised that you people are still upset about afgg

it's been 4 years

It's time to let go of your boogeyman
4 years since what
remember when lain got a payed trip to florida to fuck an afgg sissy tranny in the ass?
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new cammy figure, are we cooming?
no only you remember that
arturo did that and you all love him
remember when he dumped the tranny on his birthday?
who cares
you care
Need to see the ass
remember purple and fear
we hate that thieving slimebag tho
dont forget he stole lots of money from the tournaments he ran
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
You could do that in Jive too. Current Capcom games suck.
I hope Capcom brings 1f links back for one game just to see everyone cry about them again
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So glad you coons can't make games and no one that can listens to you
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Where was he when Dictator had an ambiguous +17 on block (nerfed to +13) neutral skip which also was invincible during the animation? Where was he when you could slide into VT to be at +4 right next to the opponent with a 5 frames command grab and a 6 frames medium in a game without meterless reversal?
Oh, yeah, he was looking at tekken numbers.
post a safe overhead into 70% in jive
Holy.... if she only looked like that in the game...
Well, jump in are safe overhead by definition? Also, Urien's HK. And every overhead can lead to satisfaying damage with a VT cancel or a bit of setup (Menat and Seth with her orb).
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...but she does?
plus on block medium > medium > V-Trigger Cancel > Medium > Medium > Special
Super Turbo had universally high damage combos you can actually do in a real match and everyone loves that game.

Why is it bad when SF6 has it AND it's locked behind resources?
I like how Emezie specifies that the bison shit is a problem specifically because anyone can do it

Doesn't he always say he wants more people playing fighting games and that we are incel creeps that hate women in our spaces?

Bro, the chicks don't want to do shit damage and get btfo by top players with no chance to fight back. This is literally what you asked for.

Do people want new players to just completely be pot filler and nothing else?
blocking in sfv wasn't the end of the world like it was in 6
bison did not have access to vt from round start and you were good you could play around and force your opponent to spend v-reversal and avoid vt altogether
>Who cares that we undid 40 years of progress in a single game release
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Do people really play Street Fighter 6? Like competitively? I mean for money and stuff?
Doom 2016 did that and you all loved it
>jump in are safe overhead by definition?
nigga is really comparing jump ins to grounded mixup overheads to defend sf6 lmfao
>And every overhead can lead to satisfaying damage with a VT cancel
overheads don't VTC in that game

smashiebro... maybe stick to the mario game
Damn I played jive for 5 years and never knew I could vt cancel my hecking overhead. Guess we were all just retarded to never do that.
8 years of this was crazy
yeah they had it near the end of the round when one coinflip decided the outcome :)
sfv is never coming back no matter how hard you subhumans cry about it and that's a GOOD thing

y'all have literally become the sf4 boomers that can't adapt that you all used to make fun of
lone jappas are making games while timmys have millions of excuses
My favorite part about the end of jive was everyone praising the last season when it was the only time this was actually true with Oro. Twitter motherfuckers are straight up retarded.
how do you niggas even find these dogshit student projects from third world countries?
Dictator is one of the few characters to have two good VS and great crush counters, he could easily spend one chunk of meter to get out of pressure then start his. And his pressure is great, he could easily build great health and meter once he put you in the corner, which wasn't hard to do for him.
i criticized aspects i found silly in sfv all through its life and i will do the same for sf6. saying a game has some silly stuff in it doesn't mean you dislike the game.
>when it was the only time this was actually true with Oro.
It was silly when so much of the cast had this or potent kill sequences.
listen, i fully agree that bison was braindead strong in v. i played the game. but bison in 6 is even more braindead + the universal mechanics.
why do capcels pretend to care about balance and get pissy about TODs but then tell you that Marvel vs Capcom is one of the best games of all time?
Honestly it was better the game died as it was now rather than having an extra desperate year of trying to fix most of the garbage cast and problems like Luke/Poison etc.
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'fraid so
gawdlike yomi from the ken to be honest
Legit based
if its so easy why cant you?
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if the jappas have so much influence on capcom's balance, why are throw loops still in sf6, when that has been their number one complaint since the betas?
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i'm remaking a game i made in uni in godot right now :)
woshige loves them too much
better show footage then
What's the hypest anchor in dbfz
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we won suguribros
Base Goku
all you niggas wanna do is make vns and rpgs about lolis yelling out slurs, none of you are gonna make a real fighting game
aint no game on the planet that doesn't have top tiers, and outside of Luke it was pretty ok since most people don't want to play poison/sim anyway
Anti 2D drawing niggas will see an amber alert go off on their devices and tell em that the criminal is right outside their house and will still do nothing about it
m. dixson literally has low forward into slime into medium medium medium slime medium medium medium slime medium medium special
no one posted this...
You expect me to risk my life against one of you psycho armed to the teeth pedoniggas?
You already kidnapped a child and have nothing to lose at that point.
And that's beautiful
>outside of Luke it was pretty ok
It wasn't at all lol. Late S5 was mess.
sorry, my bot only posts youtube links from the content creators that i like
no character except luke dominated in tournaments in S5, nobody cares that you were gatekept from gold by Hombre_Ken69
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I did not enjoy fighting Jive Bison
So you didn't even play the game you are trying to gloss lmao.
Nigga you just outed yourself to being a pussy LMAOOO
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What's wrong with that? Finna do that but with shortstacks
why do they always have some random non fighting game game like digimon and mahjong?
fps genre did the opposite of progress, it went from high speed movement with high ttk and a variety of weapons to sluggish peekaboo with just 3 flavors of hitscan
goth yordles owe me sex
Nobody did.
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I forgot you're mentally five years old:
Which bully do you want to take your button smashers away from?
This artist made it in SF6?!
no, there is a contest going on where capcom will pick a winner to put their character match screen art in the game
>go to fgg
>download loli CP
>leave fgg
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New Ellie drop. Is she spitting?
MOV stands for master of vampire but is there any footage of him playing darkstalkers?
that's a good question
there's probably some old footage of him playing it in SBO, but I can't find it now
Did you guys sign up for the 2xko beta?
Man I can't get into tag or 3v3 games, I feel like I need to be there playing from the beginning or I get left behind and everyone ends up with their fancy combos converting off any hit.
you retards said that sf6 bison was a party character and not actually good the other day because jiyuna told you, but now he's a super cancerous top tier threat?

I told you MFs to stop listening to eecleb shit, did i not?
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sfg: Bison is looking pretty good. I think that I'm gonna main him now, he's so fun


None of you are funny or interesting, please stay in your containment pool
why is it always dark skin and purple hair?
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KoF is pretty easy to get into. A good chunk of the cast is very basic.

Didn't know there was one.
MK juggles look kinda awkward, but I still think they look better than Strive juggles if I'm being honest.
Thanks man. I registered.
who is your doubles partner gonna be?
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how do i make friends on twitter? everyone seems unapproachable...
No clue. Probably just play by myself.
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Find people that like stuff like you like and say HELLO!
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but people get mad if you do that..
just reply to whatever doghsit takes they give on there enough days in a row and they'll notice you
alternatively, say hi to them on transcord
what happened to ono's fgo fighter?
The more I stay in this genre and build a life for myself the more and more I look down on and despise the FGC as a whole. Did I change or did the FGC change?
I hate the players, I hate the devs, I even hate the fucking look of most of these games now. I feel like the genre is devolving and the players are some of the most gay, lame and retarded fucking people I have ever seen in my life.
The suck so much dick just to get table scraps something I never seen to this degree in any competitive genre.
People will try to tell you that things are better now than ever, but no, they definitely got worse. It's not just you. Companies can only afford to make like one or two fighting games per generation now, so people have become more radical and and willing to put up with objectively bad games because they think if one flops, the company will cancel the series forever. That's why shilling has become more aggressive now.
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Kamone started making games when he was 10, what's your excuse?
It doesn't help that Capcom basically made a culture of fear where the "Influencers" that used to call this shit out got basically destroyed. The Influencer culture of the FGC lets incompetent devs get away with murder because everyone is so broke and desperate for money they will suck aids dick and shame people speaking the truthm
this gimmick isn't really funny since he keeps doing it with no actual variation
get new material, dood, i'm not even engaged enough to post a loli and a wacky reply this time
Go back to /affg/
Oh wait....
if I want to see people dickride kamone, I can just go to fbg
afgg was better than fgg
es titties
No it wasn't
Notice how fgg gave up on pretending to be better than sfg or ggg
you retards literally can only brag about being better than some general that died 4 years ago, lol

this is like bragging that you're faster than Hitler

Yeah, that's cool, bro, fuck the nazis etc, but he's fucking dead. It's not much of a race now.
how did juri replace lakura in the pecking order?
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this but completely veiled in sarcasm
these brats won't let him concentrate
I don't find SF6 enjoyable by any fucking metric. The game is homogenized garbage and capcom refuses to fix the little things to make the game enjoyable. You can play it and that's fine, but I refuse to play a game that controls worse than anything I have played in my life with a system I personally feel fucking sucks.
is the fgg dojo still mogging the sfg dojo
>The game is homogenized garbage
not exactly

Japanese still openly critique Jive and Dix.
It feels that way, I do not enjoy the drive system and every pain point I have with the game can be tied to the the system.
Because I mostly see dick sucking on both ends.
In terms of what? Players or ranks?
>A good chunk of the cast is very basic.
Not really. Unless you're comparing them to cf or old gg
Gentlemen, productivity is way down. We need more sniffs! Get to work!
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We're voting you out nigga sniffposting been down ever since you took office
>fuck yeah we would love to see VF6
>just don't make the gameplay interesting or, heaven forbid, add a story mode
And they wonder why VF is a VFlop
>And for the love of god don't make the characters dynamic! It's important that VF look as shallow and bland as possible or else it will lose its identity!
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I love my wife Morton Koopa Jr so much
nigga spent the vid bitching about mk1 more than he shilled nen impact
nigga playing some garbage music in the back just loop ibukis 2i theme like core a instead
dodonpachi daioujou????!?
I think the last time I checked there's a good chunk of masters in jivers. No clue about sfg.
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why don't you chuds play beat em ups when they're the grandfather of fighting games?
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I mostly played DBFZ and Strive, any recommendations?
SF6. Genuinely.
Because in the end of the day - any fighting games player who plays ranked is delusional and needs to be reminded that they are just ego-addicts and want to prove something instead of just having fun in game. As for people who play with friends and have fun - they dont talk on generals much
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Hey, /fgg/. I give you this
what a slut
if she had a husband he would be ashamed of her
What did she do?
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new anon just dropped
is he spittin?
>Belial for Granblue
Bro... There is Nier, 2B and even Beatrix wtf
rolento filtered me in final fight 2
>want to get competitive in fighting games
>realize i'm stuck in middle east and the only available fightin games for arabs today are tekken and mortal kombat
>only ever played USF4 and Darkstalkers locally
How fucked am i?
you live in the third world forget about video games you got fucked in general
Latif lives in Saudi Arabia I think and only plays SF6 and Strive.
What if i live in Dubai? Am i still fucked?
But how do you find people to play Strive with in Saudi Arabia? It's a ghost town on the lobbies.
the birds also grinded out sf. this nigga got no reason to be playing shartstalkers and moron kombat
I think Middle East connects to EU players just fine. Just make your flag a EU one in-game if you're paranoid about being blocked by other players.
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angrybird and bigbird are two competitive sf6 players from the UAE bro. the middle east has a scene and as long as you're not on some dial up the netcode is good enough to let you play with EU
I played darkstalkers cuz it's the only one i have a physical copy of, and USF4 for Xbox 360 before SF5 ever came out.
>blocked for not being EU
I never imagined that to be a thing, why would anyone do that?
SF6 being a relatively new game for a while makes sense to have a scene here, but i was thinking more of different games because i do not have SF6 yet.
As for my connection, i have 468 mbps on ethernet but i always struggled to play Fightcade online because of ping lag.
you can also play soive but dont do that to yourself
"Because Bridget being trans killed my grandma, ok?" -Ellie in another of her fake apologies where she pretends to be nice to the other namefags she stalks and berates
acting like an obvious twitter tranny (down to having a tranny name like "ellie") even though i insist i'm not is a valid trauma response to... a character from a game i don't normally care about going through an arc
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Did you enjoy your Canada Day?
Real nubi hours
mckenzie shirt mckenzie jacket mckenzie trousers mckenzie socks fila shoes, rate the locals fit
When will you draw SF6 Bison as a femboy, Ellie?
>DBFZ and Strive
nigga why aren't you playing sf6? that game was purpose built for you
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We all know what Ellie's doujinshi will really be about
Are there Variable Geo players out there?
A community?
dayum asura buster kinda poggy
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Ellie's husbando's birthday is coming up. How will she sissif-- err, draw him to celebrate?
I still miss /afgg/
What a funny fucking thread. Anyways I ego searched myself despite not posting in about 3 years, and some anon was stalking my twitter and posted about it here. Very cool. Thank you schizoid.
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Marisa shouldve looked like this
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Hi, Ellie!
I thought you only care about 3d fighting games. What were you doing in /afgg/?
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Think retard. I said I haven't posted in 3 years. THINK. WHO THE FUCK IS ELLIE???
I'm a little grateful that SF6 females look like abominations so that we got another excuse to ritualpost sniffs
>I haven't posted in 3 years
Yet you're posting right now
Man every generation will bitch about the next
it's natural
False alarm everyone. The /afgg/ poster is a real woman unlike Ellie
Nubi deadass been schizo posting about metajini for over 10(ten!) years
hows that gofundme going
Chadcheez is so lucky
is it cheez making those posts or cheezcord orbiters, or a bot. ive been curious for a few years now
nobody in the cheezcord actually cares about him. it's probably someone who's joking
How would you know unless you're in the cheezcord?
because it's easy to find its link through the heccin archive, and plenty of people have came and went
It was CuckG making them
Those links are all expired.

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