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# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>Progress Report #6 New Episode 2 scenes will be bonus unlockables. Current technical work is overhauling the translation tool; will be release with the next episode.

# Nemlei's previous games:
Previous thread: >>484081261
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Thank you. Holy shit that last thread was embarrassing.
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Oh okay then. Well, the day is saved
But this is now the 200th /calg/...
You embarrass yourself every thread tho.
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Real 199. Congrats.
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you're all fucking retards, i swear to god
at least we have a proper thread
quiet, you
Do you think Nemlei punished Kit9 for his weird fixation on the korean bootlegger?
dont tell me someone fucked up the big #200
God's punishment for harboring hussyfags
Someone did. And then the accursed poster with main character syndrome proceeded to make sure it was bumped because it was against everyone's wishes.
There were a couple of more aborted /calg/s so if today's failed one counts, so do those, and we're at 205 or something.
Take you sensible ass to reddit
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We're one step closer to canon mascot character tier.
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I can't wait for proper merch. I'm going to buy a ??? plushie
What were they doing in the car???
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>??? Plushie
Give me fucking 10
shes helping him put his seat belt on
If we count the times we lost count, we're probably at 250.
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>striped shirt, just like Chris Chan
>furry medallion, just like Chris Chan
>incest, just like Chris Chan
>speaks Finnish, just like Chris Chan
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patches when
Oh okay. How nice of her!
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Wrong pic
also both draw badly
it can't be a coincidence
Why is she drawn wearing an apron? She's just wearing an undershirt overtop a striped shirt and has a necklace like her mother.
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>sister made dinner for a change
>it was the most mediocre thing I've ever tasted
>pretend like I love it
>She's absolutely giddy and gives me a kiss on the cheek
Bros... why are sisters so fucking perfect
Overalls I guess
Devblog image she's clearly not wearing overalls, she's wearing capris. It's in in op image
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I want a hoodie with ??? or the steam icon on the breast. A perfect lower power level hoodie
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What ItalAryan seed does to a Korean
The fuck is wrong with this bitch?
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She can't do this. The world needs more crazy bitches.
Ay yo hol up so u b sayin we wuz insest in shit???!!!
Ashley was interrupted mid-melty
We need fewer crazy bitches.
So you're gay.
No, I just prefer my relationships with the minimal amount of suicide-inducing emotional terrorism.
based shiori poster
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My sister cooks decently but only relatively simple stuff. Fine by me; I'll eat it with love every time. The fact that I know she considers it a chore in general but still insists on doing it for me anytime she gets the chance makes it all the more special.
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I hate you for having such sweet sisters
I want these two to have a happy romantic ending so badly
Do you think it'll at least be an option?
My sister just lacks life skills. I've taught her some things and she feels like a champion when she accomplishes fairly basic stuff. It'd be sad if it wasn't so fucking cute.
So... gay.
>makes terrible art, just like Chris Chan
>trans, just like Chris Chan
>deeply misogynist, just like Chris Chan
>never really had a chance at being normal due to an extremely fucked environment, just like Chris Chan
It'll be the best option locked behind getting all stars and a specific line of choices to get "Episode4: Buried Together"
I see tranny poster woke up.
You guys are overreacting she’s just exaggerating to complain about her period. Relax
>trans, just like Chris Chan
Ah the seething coping Juliafag is back.
I'm sure there will be some Julia next devlog :)
Yeah, I'm sure.
>coping Ashleyfags continue to seethe
Many such cases. Sad!
why does she only post about drama now where's the art
What's there to cope about? We got a new cute Ashley :)
What did you get? Oh, that's right, nothing.
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The false shepherd has been deleted.
#200 is dead, long live #199!
real women hours
was there any relevant post in the #200?
To clarify, you (or at least those who are seething, I'm not one of those people who thinks anyone who disagrees is samefagging) are coping about being attracted to a trans woman.
None, just complaining
>Buried Together
Doesn't sound like a happy ending to me
stop replying to the obvious tranny bait
>he thinks that there will be any happy endings
anon, I...
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I'm still really sorry about that
That's the end result. Buried together when one dies of old age and the other suicide to be with them in death.
Plot twist, it's nemlei herself. We know scandinavia has a high percentage of femboys
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It's all good, anon. It was an honest mistake.
Green eyed Ashley sex
I hope the series ends with Andrew cumflating Ashley and she shoots off his cock spraying cum everywhere and flies off beyond the stars to have space adventures
Ashley with Andrew's personality would kill you with her bare hands for touching her instead of making her brother do it.
>inb4 the perfect woman
But what if I'm literally Andrew?
dont be stupid anon, she just want to get unlimited creampies without risking a pregnancy
Oh okay
Then have at her, tiger!
andrew is LITERALLY me
Me too!
>unlimited brother creampies for life plus sanity (optional), peace, and quiet
Sounds like winning the lottery to me. Based watasi.
You philistine, I will redress your faggotry. Tell me, what is the point of unlimited brother creampies if you can't even have beautiful, healthy, evolved inbred children?
watasi is antinatalist and childfree? My GOAT couldn’t be this based!
I wish I had that greentext saved, it always gets a chuckle out of me
She’s literally me…
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Anonymous, sir, I kneel before you to beg your forgiveness for my short-sightnedness and lack of dedication to the cause of securing a future for severely inbred children. I rescind my statement at once, and resubmit my support for maximum sibling breeding.
Here's the real lifehack: get sisterpregnant so that you have nine months of unlimited brother creampies, then pop out a healthy delphic baby and repeat the cycle all over again
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I am going to chop off his dick 'n balls and keep them in a jar of formaldehyde to pleasure myself with. Try whoring around with outbreds, now, Andy!
why is it always this one image with the hussysonas?
why would I want a child when I have my brother to pamper and rape
These OC's keep getting shittier and shittier
It's the most explicitly intimate image that shows Ashley's whole body.
She also has a doodle character she constantly draws in strange situations. Ashley is literally Christ Chan.
each other
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>Christ Chan.
Ashley is the delphic messiah. Ashlahu Ackbar!
>emotional terrorism
this is the kind of term a fag would use
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I'm hypnotized by the fanart of ashley for this game... I suddenly wanna fuck my sister
>what do?
>what do?
You mean "who?" and the answer is "your sister"
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women love complaining about their periods anon, do you even into women?
*smacks lips* das rite!
>what do?
Your sister?
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Andrew and Ashley will live forever!
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Reminds me of Thiu
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>suddenly wanna fuck my sister
actually same. this game made me develope a incest fetish and I love it
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>I've ridden the hussy carousel and now I'm ready to settle down
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Was this on porpoise?
At this point? Possibly. Also, Ashley is so fucking cute it hurts
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Sisters be praised!
Doubtful, that pose isn't anything special.
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Dolphic love transcends cultures
The book in one hand though
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>Nemlei has successfully combined her two sexiest characters
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>Progress Report #6
IT'S #7
>I'm the bad girl?
>How? I did nothing I was supposed to.
>"Hand over the crown, and nobody gets hurt."
Half their problems would be solved if Andrew just mating press'd Ashley
she just wanted some breakfast...
Half true. They would've had to murder their way out of the apartments one way or the other and they still would've been responsible for that little girl's death, but maybe getting her pregnant would've at least gotten Ashley to forget about their parents
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Why would Nemlei make the mom a copy of Ashley and expect us to not want to fuck her.
Youthful. Sexy. Erotic. Cute.
Withered. Unpleasant. No eggs.
I know right!?
>No eggs
The mom's probably only like 37 so she's probably got a couple years out of her still
Renee would rather turn Andrew into soup than have Andrew look at her sexually. She is the natural enemy of incest lovers.
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You're. Being.
>none resemble him at all
fake sisterlovers are so fucking cringe
Gee Bill! How come your mom lets you have FIVE sisters?
He's a very good boi
Having two "elder" sisters was awful enough for me. The thing people never tell you about sisters is that they usually HATE each other growing up and they're jealous as fuck. 5 older sisters sounds like hell.
Do they fight over your penis, anon?

No but the middle sister could definitely be a bit of a freak sometimes. They're both fucking crazy actually. In fact, everyone in my family is crazy. No wonder I'm so broken.
>No Eggs
Perfect. I can creampie her every night.

One female cousin is good enough for me. We don’t see each other much but we’re pretty chill. We both like TCOAAL ironically enough.
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You know what you must do
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Makes sense, they're both literally me
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I can't believe the Nemleiverse is fucking CONFIRMED!!
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>"The mom's kinda... Appealing."
The moment I saw their mother's tired dead eyes and sassy dialogue, was the moment Ashley lost. Simply put Ashley's mom has got it goin on.
People say the mom is an older Ashley but I think personality wise, she's more like an older woman version of Andrew
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Drop the name already you cultured perv.
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>Momfags still hanging on after Nemlei personally dropped an orbital strike on them
>jump in
>see someone struggle for a solid minute trying to draw an arch
i feel you, anon, i feel you
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I don't think it was people liking the Mom that set Nems off, but people trying to argue that she wasn't a bad person/actually cared about the siblings.
I think the Renee mod also
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Hag knows her son is a stud and a lady's man
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Nemlei, if you can hear me, please DMCA strike the Hag Mod. Please Nemlei, please enforce your copyright on literally everyone who disagrees with you. Please enforce orthodoxy. Please. In dear God's name please stop these people!
Why is the N in iNbreeding big and done in shitty calligraphy?
The contract has been sealed. The deed will be done. In return, a great debt will be collected from you in the future. Be prepared.
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don't be a fucking meanie
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Stop defiling that holy place. Hussies are harram.
He's trying his best anon, you prick
TYSM anon, you deserve heaven.
Keep those links coming
>Wanted to draw a rabbit
>Someone already drew two of them way better than I ever could
The more the merrier!
Oh, you kNow why.
I want to see your rabbit drawings, anon! Just have fun!
Sorry, the cursor was bigger than I expected, I didn't plan to take that much room.
bros how the fuck do you draw with mouse
Thanks for the carrot BTW.
turn your sensitivity way down and zoom in a bunch
Not a problem, man, the canvas is huge! I love No Good Bunnelle.
>I love No Good Bunnelle.
Damn, that's a much better pun than mine.
Same here, I thought the canvas was infinite when I did the inbreeding text. My bad
It is only marginally better than a tardshley drawing but I own up to that
With great difficulty. Anything more advanced than pissing stick figures is a no-go for me
Even writing is hard with a mousse, I even fucked up my spacing.
I usually just eat mousse, I can imagine it would be awkward to write with.
I know, right? It's so fucking hard to write when the moose puts his hooves all over the keyboard.
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>everyone is too scared to take the center
/calg/ you're SO cute
Last I was here it was like 128. How have you fags managed to go through 72 threads since then? Surely you've just been repeating yourselves. The diaries don't have enough meat for this.
How the fuck do you rotate text?
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Yeah I think she only disliked the people who thought the olive branch was genuine. It's pretty clear she harbored no love for either of them (she maybe tolerated Andrew's existence).

I doubt she actually cares that some people find her more appealing than Ashley (I'm one of them) despite the fact she's clearly evil.
There, ??? took it over
Place text, then select transform (shift+T) and put your cursor in a corner until a little arrow appears
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>hag sister a decade older with her own family
>comes to visit my parents and I sometimes
>escort her to the entrance to lock the door after she leaves
>turns around and goes for one of those rapid Italian kisses on both cheeks except the second one is a peck on the lips
>confused smile on my face
>leaves without saying anything
>mom: "you two kiss each other?"
I assume the second kiss was a mistake on her part but still it was very cute
>mistake on her part
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if we want to post this in the thread we will have to take all the cocks off of it.
graffiti cocks aren't pornographic. way too abstract
She has a husband and I'm some chubby fucker, no way she'd find me attractive.
Remember, jannies are faggots. Do you want to push it? One of them has veins and everything.
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Supporting Delph*sm in a pro-H*ssy family.
The G at the end got used for /calG/, we should use the other letters too
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>When she says your brother is cute
that is called abortion anon
It says layer limit reached. Is that it or can we change a setting?
Best you can do is merge your layers
I merged all my layers, hope that helps
how the fuck do you merge layers
Go to your layer panel in the bottom right corner, right click your topmost layer and click merge down layer
the rabbits are very kawaii desu
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Arigato, anon
Do we have any plans for the 200th?
You didn't get the email? Mass suicide is scheduled for post 700 of /calg/ #200.
who did this, you are literally me
Thanks anon glad you liked it. I wrote a bad andrewpoem every day for a while itt so I got good practice at encapsulating the current ethos.
Once we reach /calg/ #1300. We'll get Ep3
Rev up those breads!
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I..I think I burnt it...
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it reads exactly like the slop I used to write in middle school, and it's made me do it again.
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>tink tink tink
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Janny cleaned up the overbaked bread hours ago. For free, I might add.
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Just fucking eat it, Andy! Don't make a scene.
Perfect. That is exactly what I like to hear.
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No, Ashley, I will NOT be shamed into accepting bad service! Nobody wants to fucking work anymore, and when they do, they don't do their damn jobs right. The chef burned a piece of bread and served it to me, ME, a paying customer! It's outrageous and I won't stand for it. WAITER! I better get a discount on my check for the trouble! What are you people looking at? Eat your own damn food.
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*Sigh* I don't want to fucking hear it, Andy. Just eat the fucking bread already! We've eaten worse!
Did someone delete their art? I swear there used to be an Ashley farting on the demon, and a scene of the parents next to Renee Love.
Does that attention whore think Nem ripped off her teen Ashley design? Because it looks nothing alike.
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Your shitty cooking is free, Ashley! This Waffle House is a fine dining establishment, and I expect a certain level of quality in the food I'm paying for with my hard-stolen cash. Where's the waiter? I'm going to call the fucking manager if he doesn't show up.
What are you talking about? Is this some reddit shit?
Fartley is there to the right of "Discipline bad brothers"
Yep, she is mentally ill
The same old Korean drama queen thinks Nemlei is plagiarising her lol
>same old Korean drama queen
Oh for fucks sake. Does she have a brain tumor or something?
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SHITTY!? Shitty!? Fuck you, Andy!! I slave away and make you delicious homecooked meals and you call them shitty!? You're the worst!!
Yeah looks like the stuff is all back, same with the parents. Glad to see, it was well done
You guys have sisters for real?
I thought everyone here was LARPing and we were all just "siblingless".
I think the OP image for #200 should be the aggie (as of the bump limit of course)
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Who'd win?
Depends. Who has the bigger gock?
Mrs graves since she
1) is not malnourished
2) pegs mr graves every night

I only saw a few idiots who thought it was genuine, but they were on the steam discussion forums from fools that were especially dense.

The others were doubts about her involvement with the company beyond accepting the deal.

And the vast majority are people looking for a way to fuck the mom.
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Ah shit, here we go again...
There's literally zero resemblance.
Watasioids are really desperate to keep any sort of relevance.
>AI sloppa
this general really is dying huh?
This thread has averaged 27 posts an hour, we're in no desperate times.
No you don't understand. Someone posted AI so this general is now officially dead
That Ashley has the face of like a 10 year old but the booba of 20 year old Ahsley.
I like my children to be flat, thank you very much.
>not related.
/calg/ is far from over. There are still many obligatory arcs that every general has to go through in its long spiral towards eventual death like OP wars where two egotistic retards disagree over what goes into the OP and don't stop making rival threads.
I agree but oppai Ashloli is pretty gud too
Did that happen here? Sorry, I'm relatively new
If you count this, then we've had only two intentionally rival threads.
Did anyone predict teenley's design?
Nah, and thank God for that.
Can someone draw trucker Andrew and Ashley
The accidental early #200 thread was kind of funny
AI slop attempted to plague Coffin threads at least on 2 separate occasions, once by a namefag on /v/ and once by someone in chapter 1 days. Might have even been the samefag troon in a different phase with how much praise he was receiving for that dogshit content.
Will we get new OSTs for episode 3?
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I liked the AI slop in the Chapter 1 generals because Anon just got the AI to retouch existing artwork
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Why are Graves men like this?
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Coffin OST doesn't exist, and it most likely won't exist with the release of Episode 3 and 4.
If you mean to ask if Nemlei will include new commercially licensed tracks made by other composers, then most likely yes.
It'll be Nemlei farting into a microphone
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Honestly don't mind aislop when it comes to coffin stuff. Nem's style is so simplistic that it's somewhat easy for it to replicate.
>"be selfish, violent and moody"
Wow femanon is like 2/3 of my bros.
>"only treat people well if they do what I want"
So femanon is human?
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Why can't see just let it go and move on? Idk what her goal is at this point. She's now basically proving it was wise choice for Kit9 to disown her completely
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Renee seems slightly bigger and stronger, Ashley is scrappy but I think she loses this one.
But he lost it to Julia
I'd argue Ashley is younger and has more energy while Renee is old and tried
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I don't know man, it takes alot of energy and stamina to milk a man on a nightly basis like she's been doing.
Do you know from experience?
If she was in her fourties yeah, but a woman who works every day in her mid thirties isn't going to be too much worse off. Unless Ashley is the type to exercise I don't think she'd be in as good shape.
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What the fuck was his problem?
Where are the census results?
BasicallyUnknownArt will always be based for giving us dilf andrew. One of the only good things that came out of that shithole subreddit. I wonder where he is now.
still in production. Anon that is working on it says it will be posted in #200
He is so attractive
That he is
Aggiefags please merge your layers where possible to avoid hitting the layer limit
Absolutely nothing
I never got why Nemlei decided to quit entirely making ANYTHING for the community. I get that she wanted to disappear into unknows for her comfort or whatever, but how does that stop her from making special art for the progress updates like before?
The time spent on making a promo image is time that isn't spent on making the game.
I miss them too and wish she gave us one at least every 2 months. Having such treats makes waiting just a little bit easier than not having them.
And it made those artworks shit.
>I'm a twisted fucking cycle path!
Femanon is just going through a phase. But since 99.9% of women don't mature past 14 - the phase ends up lasting for the rest of her lifespan.
>I can fix her
It's honestly a good idea. Just look at Kickstarter projects who meet their original goal and start hitting their stretch goals. Now, on top of having to make their initial promise, they have to make t-shirts and coasters and etc. It's smarter to just work on the thing you said you would work on
If a woman doesn't mature past 14, she is probably mentally ill. That is not normal.
Boring, mentally ill pussy is the best
If I buy it on Steam, do I get to play Chapter 1 or do I need to play the demo first then buy it?
Are you implying that children are sexy?
Yes the Steam game includes chapter 1
Do you think Nintendo would allow a Switch port? I think it's the only way we'd get a physical release
I read this was made by a Korean cis woman, is that true
I read that if you fart and burp at the same time your intestines will explode, is that true
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I read that you have to be able to love yourself before you can expect to be loved by others, is that true?
Woah, I saw the thumbnail for that and thought it was a guy wearing a hood and gasmask for some reason.
I thought she was Finnish
oh I don't know then
It's sold like a million copies right? When are we getting little toys?
same difference, the east and west khanates have very similar genetics due to mutual war rape in the hyperwar
KORPIKLAANI x Coffin event when nems!?
She is not Finnish
Kyllä se on
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So good looking.
It's a shame he is only know here... Most shotachads out there are talking about the 7th prince
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Official Coffin merch will arrive soaked in the blood of anyone who had ever participated in a bootleg crowdfunding initiative, whether by organizing it or providing funds for it, with a personally handwritten note from Kit9 himself written in the blood of his victims thanking you for the purchase.
Kit9 just flew over my house
is Julia a Hussite?
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Art of Andy and Lloyd drinking apple juice when?
But yes, it is a shame. Almost as much as people not recognizing what a cute hag ozen is. If we're going to get a crossover of all the best shotas, we need one with the best hags
Is it wrong that I want to rape him?
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I think the reason Ozen is not when know is because the anime she is in filters the normies and people who watch it won't say it out loud. A huge shame, she's really cool, has a great voice and a shota maid.

>Art of Andy and Lloyd drinking apple juice when?
You are lucky I just got my paycheck))). I'll will see what I can do.
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Not at all. But it's wrong if he's not secretly enjoying it.
He has a very delicated body, go easy on him.
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Not if you're a woman

>just got my paycheck
Local woman spends life savings on shota art
Kill yourself
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>Local woman spends life savings on shota art
It's my duty. Also it's easier than drawing it myself))

>Hex and Allisteer
Based. Best couple in Pokemon. Game Freak needs to make it canon.
Live your life
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Game Freak is too busy being overworked and underpaid. However I can be your Allisteer as long as you'll be my Hex Maniac :)
Kill yourself, but before you do that, answer this: How do you reconcile yourself with the fact that the shota molestee WILL eventually grow into an adult male? Give it a few years and your crack ship is just two consenting adults.
Whos gonna make the first move in chapter three?
I assume Ashley in decay cause shes worried about losing control and then Andrew rebukes her
In burial Im not so sure
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I will for Andy and editanon

>I can be your Allisteer as long as you'll be my Hex Maniac
Kek that was smooth. Awesome.

NO WAY. Did you made that?? CUTE
I had no idea you could draw this good.
I don't understand. Andy is not real. He can't grow up if we want to.
Of course Nemlei made a different story, but head-canons exists for a reason.
>and then Andrew rebukes her In burial
Would be kino if he didn't, after all she started to refer to him as her boyfriend. Granted this could be a lie to hide the fact that they're siblings from cultists.
Do not answer this. Do not answer anything ever again. Only end your life as soon as possible.
Post-nut clarity:
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So your imagination doesn't produce any sophistication in any of the logistics?
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>Did you made that??
Yeah, I just used picrel for reference. It's nothing good but thanks, glad you like it.
I just find Andy cute. I give artist money so they can draw him. I'm not harming any real person.
What are you trying to say?
I'm not really interested in that; the cause for concern is that despite constantly immersing yourself in these fantasies, the fantasies themselves are not very animated because your brain cannot map out a timeline or correlate cause and effect.
I really like how cute it is. It's nice having anosn that can draw!
You can write, edit and now draw Andy.
Is there anything you can't do??)))
True... now he's using fancy words and trying to be a psychologist.
Just let me pay artist for drawing and move on...
>Is there anything you can't do??
I can't use blender but that's because I mainly don't have time to learn.
At least you know how to use Koikatsu, so that's fine.
I wish I could teach you, but I also had complications learning it.
Stop arguing with the nigger. It is here because of discord drama.
Its 1 singular objective is to shit up the thread.
There is no psychological info to be gained here about nonces. Only a seething faggot. Tell it to kill itself and move on.
aggie looked nice and cute and fun when I went to bed last night. woke up today to it being considerably worse
it should not be the image for thread #200 unless the admin makes liberal use of the eraser
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It bears repeating. Hide the posts. Don't even tell him to kill himself because stalkers and other similarly deranged people get off on acknowledgement, even scathing acknowledgement. I've already pushed the buttons by posting this, but STFU from here on out.
What's wrong with it?
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That's ok but I appreciate the offer.
It does the same thing with or without acknowledgment. But yes we agree arguing with it is a complete waste of time.
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What a cute and fluffy bunny.
Bless you shotacon soul.
what started out as fun and collaborative has since been raped by redditry, whining, and people who have not played the game
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Amen and may NyaAndy be held by his mom in the bath because he might escape and run naked in the streets.
>two consenting adults.
NO! NOOOOO! How dare you, delete this immediately.
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Sounds like my sister apart from the whole "figuring out she's a bad person" part. I'm trapped living with her because of poor life choices and now that I'm not giving her any attention or playing her games, she's been losing it lately because she's totally alone apart from her dogs.
To think I used to admire her more than anyone in my family. She only shows kindness if it's because she wants something from you or if she feels she has control over you, but even then, it's not really out of concern for how you feel, but how she can make herself feel like a "good person". I don't even believe I'm being facetious when I say that she's a sociopath. That doesn't mean she can't be loving, but she'll turn on you just as easily the moment she finds a single reason to dislike you.
I'm so desperate to get out of here and move on with my life but I'm too broke to go back to school or get trained in a trade and too demoralized to try anymore. I make just enough money for food and rent and my bank's always empty. The fact that I ever believed I had a chance of starting a career in aerospace is beyond laughable to me now.

At least I have a game about abusive siblings to distract me from my circumstances ;P
You should breed her.
Most people were just having fun anon. I don't think everyone was going in with the mindset that they had to create a beautiful work of art. It was just a community "event". You can't expect a fairly niche community based around an indie game to be full of incredibly talented artist.
Kill yourself
That fixed it. Thanks brotha
this has nothing to do with art quality in the slightest, rather the attitudes taken by those posting
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>run naked in the streets
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Cmon man, I really don't think it's that bad. Everyone seemed to tried their best and I think it does well at showing what the community's all about.
oh i meant she tries to fuck him in decay to control him and he tells her no
i have no idea what burial will have
I genuinely don't understand why they didn't just make Mrs Graves a single mom. Their dad basically doesn't exist
Having the dad be a useless nothingburger is a funny gag on occasion
Can you single out the drawings you don't like?
That's probably why. Most people likely assumed that maybe she was a struggling single mom who couldn't manage to give them the attention they needed, but in reality, both parents were in the picture and both were awful, immature people in their own ways.
I think that's even more pitiful than the dad not being in the picture at all, frankly.
Because Nemlei thinks that the lack of a relationship that she had with her absent minded father was normal.
He's just mad stuff isn't going his way as usual.
>Their dad basically doesn't exist
Because him being a furniture of a human being is the point.
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Ich bin ein Hussyite
A very naive statement.
He tells himself to commit suicide, dummy. You can tell by the fact that he doesn't reply to those posts 99% of the time. Because they're his own. He does it so he can then follow it up with his own little "live your life" ritual post. He's like an entire /vg/tranny ecosystem in one man. Just don't bother even trying to educate others, you're probably talking to him most of the time when you do anyway.
Also what is the original in your jif?
That's just women, you dork. Some are just worse at hiding it due to the "fairer" sex's naturally lower average IQ.
sisters! sisters! Stop fighting!
/calg/, would you bond burger your sister?
How could he smell like?
I've said this before, but if I was the degenerate I am these days and it was 10-15 years in the past, maybe? Probably not, in reality, but I don't feel totally opposed to it in my head at least. Around that time, she looked kind of similar to Ashley, actually. Besides the fact that she's in her late 30's now, she's gone too far off the political/psychotic deep end for me to like her as a person anymore.
How do you guys pronounce "/calg/"?
some other way?
You really sat down and made me read “kal-gee” and “kalgae” with my own 2 eyes???
Like "calc" in "calculus" but with a g instead of a c
You are wrong. He hates the kys-poster because it robs him of the one thing he craves: control. Usually that entails control over the thread which he often briefly gains. But he is unable to stop people from telling him to kill himself, so he responds with live your life as a last-gasp effort to regain the control that he does not have. He stopped replying to them directly because he knows there is no argument to be had.
Kalg or nothing.
like the name of a Klingon general
>He stopped responding to them
Literally last thread you had a meltie because someone you said was 'the shota anon' kept replying to your cringe spam and mocking you for it. Make up your mind.
hussy pussy
you can not unread this
You are confusing me for somebody else.
Have you ever wondered if maybe you're just faced with multiple people in this general posting stuff you don't like and not caring about your tantrums?
I think it's a much more logical answer than whatever schizo delusions you've got going.
That would also save this general from your regular mental breakdowns.
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Kalg, but I'm going to start reading it as kalj because it's funnier that way
>Using that meme while fighting with his one buddy about how to fight his boogeyman
Enjoy having more pointless mental breakdowns I guess.
I wonder if you'll one day realize this general only got more shota posts since you started crying about it. Almost like telling 4chan to not do somethin doesn't work.
how would a Finnish fujo pronounce /calg/?
Maybe it's time to end /calg/ for good?
I dunno if any other anons are like this, but thinking about this game makes me feel sad. Like, no matter how fucked up the outside world is, Andrew and Ashley always have each other. Similarly, Mr. Graves always has Renee, who stayed with him right until they both died (and even after). I just don't think I have that sort of intimacy or connection in my life.
Probably. Kill the cancer by excising the gland altogether. Let it metastasize to Reddit.
>Wake up
>Oh boy I wonder what's on /calg/ this fine afternoon?
>Shotafag...as usual
>Shotafags archenemy...as usual
Wow very cool!
*nade nade*
I've accepted that I'll most likely die alone, the plan is to have a bunch of neighbors willing to call the authorities if they don't see me around for a day.
>telling 4chan to not do somethin doesn't work.
I don't really think the shota stuff has a place here, but you bring up a really good point about this website. The core userbase of 4chan isn't charged by political leaning or anything of that sort, rather a simple disdain of conformity and the "establishment" in whatever shape that may come in. People here can be willing to cooperate if you know how to frame things, but a majority of people here live for opposition.
Not to show my immaturity, but even I've gotten spiteful in the past from hostile replies and double down on whatever it is I'm doing specifically to piss those people off because of how they reacted.
Telling someone not to do something, especially when you make it personal, will never be effective here. You're just turning it into a game for them.
Popping Teenshley's pimples
>Telling someone not to do something, especially when you make it personal, will never be effective here.
Especially when you go on and start accusing everyone disagreeing with you of being the anon you have a beef with, obviously that's just gonna make more people do the thing you don't want.
Doubly so if you do it every fucking thread.
Like before that retard's crusade, there was just like 2 or three shota posts from time to time, now you have entire sections of the thread that are just people talking about Andy.
And this all started because someone got mad that someone posted loli Ashley too so the whole thing is even more retarded.
Popping Ashley's cherry
Calm down, Andrew
The father being there but not being there is actually brilliant, I'm guessing Nem grew up with a soft beta bitch father.
>loli Ashley
What? I saw other anons talking about how this started due to discord drama. I’m not in coffin discords so I wouldn’t know but they seem to have even identified a specific person.
That doesn’t make much sense to me honestly. Loli Ashley hardly even gets posted. What even is there to crusade against?
>discord drama
oh for fuck sake, of course this shit leads back to Discord. That place is poison
>What even is there to crusade against?
I wasn't on the discord so I just have what I was told and what I saw on the thread so take it with a grain of salt.
But basically when the discord exploded, one of the users that migrated to the thread was really fucking mad at lolis so obviously everyone shat on him but he kept being a nuisance for days.
At some point Shota got mixed in the whole thing he was crusading against so obviously, people again shat on him.
Except that the discord had a dude called MV on it that also posted shota and might have been the original spoiler shota poster and another user (or more, I'm not sure) who migrated from discord had a big beef against him, got involved into the shitshow and accused everyone of being that MV guy and kept doing it whenever someone posted shota Andy so he got conflated with the anti loli guy.
And then the autism kept going until we got the current situation, where some anons who might or might not be from the original situation keep bitching about shota every day so other anons who also might or might be from the original situation keep posting more shota.
And anyone unrelated to the whole thing who likes shota or doesn't like shota and say so on the thread end up conflated into the conflict.
TLDR everyone should just chill out, post what they want and stop talking about each others like fucking women.
I love how bratty and sexless teenley look.
Leyley, Teenshley, and Ashley are all very breedable. Now all we need is the eventual Hagsley to have a complete set
Still crying? Good.
Sounds like the solution to this is for those retards to go the fuck back.
Why continue here? This supposed antilolisperg isn’t even active anymore since nobody posts loli here. Doesn’t that mean mission accomplished for this other tard? Why can’t he leave the thread the fuck alone now that his nemesis doesn’t post? Why can’t discordfaggots just fucking stay there instead of making this everyone else’s problem?
We need to see Andrew and Ashley as babies too. Please Nemlei..
>Why continue here?
As I said, the initial posters are probably long gone on both sides so you're just left with people fighting each others while convinced they are the initial guys they had beef with.
Also you just have people who sometime just genuinely like shota or don't like it who show up for a while and then get mixed up with the thread history.
The entire problem is that both groups are convinced they are just fighting one guy and keep accusing randos of being said guy, which push the random to join the other group.
It's a classic self sustaining conflict.
If it wasn't for Julia going out with Andrew, i think Ashley would've still wore overalls and other not particularly feminine clothes.
Julia going out with Andrew probably also made Ashley a million times more insecure about her appearance.
Coffin Babies the new hit spinoff now on Nickelodeon!
>Wake up
>Oh boy I wonder what's on /calg/ this fine afternoon?
>Shotachad...as usual
>Shotachads archenemy...as usual
Wow very cool!
Ashley so insecure that she pads her push-up bra.
I sometimes feel that way too, anon. But the crucial thing is to remember that none of us know how our lives are going to turn out, and just because things aren't going our way now doesn't mean they never will. I reckon that, despite everything, I'll find my Renee some day. Consider this your sign that you should stick around, friend. (btw, what does *nade nade* mean? I've never heard that expression)
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>btw, what does *nade nade* mean
Affectionate headpats.
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Right back at you :)
Those feelings are what vidya and anime is for
Ashley's imoutits are all natural, free range, and GMO free, she doesn't need a pushup bra
Slander! Teenley started drinking her milk and rubbing her booba to stimulate growth, she's a hard worker.
So how does this end short of all anons being ritually executed?
Simple: Anons stop being schizos and post what they like without constantly bitching about what someone else posted.
Which is never gonna happens.
Alternatively: Chapter 3's release bring a big enough influx of activity and posters that it kinda wash away the whole thing like chapter 2 did with the pre-chapter 2 status quo
Nemy* please deliver us from our suffering
*this appears to be her name according to the aggie
I like the aggie, I think we did a great job
I am all of them, both the pro-shota and the anti-shota poster.
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What is your opinion on Andy??
Nemlei plagiarized Chris Chan
Apparently watasi thinks nemlei plagiarized her. No I am not kidding.
It depends on who I’m trying to make angry.
and andrew and ashley were ripoffs of the doomer boy and girl wojaks to begin with
Well I'm in the 'No Andy' Team
Please answer.
Well I'm in the 'Yes Andy' Team
Please answer.
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Which character in the game could be a great US president?
no one in the game is evil enough to be president
Leyley of course
Cult leader is the only one who seems elderly enough.
he's too coherent tho
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He's got my vote.
>“Congress fucks my ass every day and my wife takes over at night,” he reportedly said
NTA, but its not even the shota stuff that annoys me, its the palpable pretentioussness you can read in all his messages, the larping as a woman, and using the characters of the game solely as a vehicle for injecting his interests, distorting everything that makes coffin coffin in favor of it, just like the blogposters did a while back. He only posts about coffin in name, but you could change the characters for literally anything and it would make no difference.
What is this image
He has not played the game. Someone else has the screenshot of him saying so.
Family bonding
He's also already angling for chief priest. He's gonna have to step his game up in Episode 3 if he's gonna have a shot though.
And the idea that this all started because one retard got mad is laughable, because this shit has been going on for more than a year. Though I have to admit that the autoerotic roleplay is slightly more recent than the dogshit ritualposts. I will always just advocate for hiding shotafag posts because it's easier than investing any mental energy in the matter, especially because the autistic are not known for the measured and reasonable responses to criticism.
He actually rarely repliesto kys posts when it's someone else. He is not in the business of ignoring attention.
Renee obviously since she's a despicable sociopathic criminal who deserves to be lynched, like all US politicians do.
He has played the game. Someone else has the screenshot of him saying so.
i dont know who rendered the turd under mom and dad in the aggie but i want to pay my respects to that anon
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Is this from one of Nemlei's other games?
Play ALL of them right now
When will Nemy return from the war
Only when there's not a single hussy left.
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Kill sisters with hammers
He didn't say that...
What does it say on the upper right side of the aggie? TOTALLY NOT ___?
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I think she is based
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Yes but be aware that's a man. You should probably just skip Jack in a Castle entirely if homosexuality isn't your thing.
I mean, Nemlei's firmly rooted in Fujo soil.
No clue
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Number of times Andrew has slept with a hussie? Too many to count
Number of times Andrew has slept with Ashley? 0
Is Noelle the only one that isn't yaoi?
Jack in a castle and better half are the only ones that ARE yaoi. There are no confirmed homosexual relationships in any of the other games. However, there are plenty of twinkish men because Nemy has a type.
Noelle is yaoi, Noelle is trans
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Andrew prefers older women, around his mother's age, with their hair tied in a ponytail and eyebags. Bonus points if they are moody and emotionally distant, and have cellulite.
Noelle has canonically given birth. The only trans character is Ashley now that nemmy wemmy has confirmed she is Chris Chan.
Jack in a Castle is the only one I'd call straight up (lmao) yaoi honestly. Better Half is about Thiu's relationship with himself far more than it's about his relationship with himself.
How do I turn my sister into Ashley overnight?
Noelle made Yule boypreggers with her(his) huge elven cock
Ah alright. I just figured most of them would be yaoi considering nems is a fujo
Have abusive parents, alienate her from others, convince her she's mentally ill, and be nice to her occasionally
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I was I had a sister to gaslight into becoming Ashley....
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But my parents are very loving. Isn't there something I could slip into her water instead?
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Brother eww
Reminder that Ivy was the bridemaid at Noelle and Yule's wedding.
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I was in the discord before it exploded. MV Graves is the shotafag and is a Serbian autist who makes shitty edits and is obsessed with grand strategy or RPG games. He moved here to ERP spam when the old discord was deleted and he wasn't invited to the new one. That's it. It's really nothing worth talking about and he is best ignored.
Andrew's mommy issues if he was real
Maybe I'm more open minded than most but including gay shit because you as a writer/artist just really loves gay shit doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't necessarily like it, but it's one of those things that doesn't really offend me because it's not an assault directed at me in the way a lot of the shit in western gaming is.
I watched all this unfold when it happened and this post is revisionist history. Occasionally there was a shitty shota ritualpost that everyone ignored because they're just so pathetic.
But then the discord exploded. Suddenly there was an uptick of totally-real-and-believable blogposting that was shoo'd away and the shota spam really started. It derailed the thread for entire days at a time (by themselves not people arguing with them) with the blocks of 6+ hour long ERP sessions. People ignored it until they had enough and pushback started.

Eventually someone said "I'd prefer the blogposting over the shota spam" and it really spiraled out of control. It was impossible to stop the multi-hour sperg sessions where everyone was posting as fast as the posting speed allowed. Disgraceful.

That is where your post actually starts and it had nothing to do with loli because nobody ever posts loli. Someone started posting about pedos in response to the shota spam maybe a week after the ERP space started. Maybe a few days idk. Time flies. This is when they started coining generic comebacks like "moralfag", "twitter user", or stuff like that. Shotafag even made another shitty ritualpost themed about it and he still posts it. Eventually he stopped doing the giant blocks of spoiler text ERP and calmed the fuck down but he still obsessed about shota porn randomly.

I don't think you should be admitting to being in a discord but I don't know much about MVgraves but what I did pay attention to loosely aligns with that.
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Who first tied up her hair in a ponytail which informed Andrew's later tastes in women? Who was first the abusive and controlling female figure in his life?
Done. Thanks to the anons who requested this and to those who say to continue it. Nemlei is feeding us good today. Repost at your discretion
>Muh revisionist history
>Reddit spacing
Welcome to your first day on /calg/
Thank you very much, I look forward to seeing your future shota Andy artworks.
>We're back to everyone who disagree with me is my discord boogeyman
>He's best ignored but I'll have melties about him every thread and accuse everyone I talk to of being him
We're never gonna be free of your mental illness, uh?
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I really like the subtle distinction between the focus points and the background, the lack of shading on the characters makes them pop quite a bit despite the extremely muted color pallet. Also, brother-stealing hussies get the cleaver.

Who the fuck cares about some shitposter's origin story? It serves no purpose. It's certainly not going to shame him, because anybody capable of shame wouldn't engage in 6-hour-long self-ERP sessions. Almost any general that isn't blazing fast or set in stone with a retarded discord clique will have a faggot or two with severe mental issues using the thread as their own sewage plant. It's part and parcel of being in the /vg/ cuckshed: lack of new blood, the development of recognizable factions, and a small handful of severely autistic shitposters. It's no different from the faggot talking about the drama surrounding you-know-who, there is nothing to be gained by acknowledging or engaging, just hide, report posts that violate the rules in the vague hopes mods got a pay bump that day, and move on with your life.
>Eventually someone said "I'd prefer the blogposting over the shota spam" and it really spiraled out of control. It was impossible to stop the multi-hour sperg sessions where everyone was posting as fast as the posting speed allowed. Disgraceful.
That's a funny way to say 'eventually I got really annoying and everyone dunked on me and I'm still bitter about it'.
Even in this situation Julia mogs troonley. Excellent work anon
>everyone that doesnt like me must be the same person and also a schizo
>because why would anyone dislike me?
Shota sisters, did we just win?
>Who the fuck cares about some shitposter's origin story?
You completely missed the point, there is no shitposter, it's just a discord troon mad at someone else from discord so everyone is whoever they were made at in their troon discord.
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I've been around since the second thread on /v/ back in the coffin middle ages so it's not really a thing I would be ashamed about. I use discord, I don't refuse to use social media like some backwards antisocial autist who cannot engage with people without a safety layer of anonymity. MV Graves was just a perverted coomer weirdo who had nothing going for him but his edits and ERP spam, and since nobody on the server cared for it, he quietly fizzled out. It was clear that when engaging with people without the context of TCOAL, he had nothing to say. One of his past posts implied that he had some bitterness towards the discord because of this. He mostly got on with a Russian guy on the server who indulged his nonsense but was forgotten otherwise. He strikes me as a bit of a nutcase and starved for attention, given how positively and desperately he responds when another person actually engages with him.
>You disagreed with my schizophrenia so you're my boogeyman
And then you're gonna cry because shotas get posted more. Again.
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Ashley was born to be mogged by Julia
Even in this situation Ashley mogs troonlia. Excellent work anon
I last played three months ago and here's what I remember.
302 lady (Democrat from Maryland): Obviously doesn't care about being president. I'll say she became president after being some random cabinet secretary and accidentally spreading a lethal STD to everyone above her in the line of succession. Delegates all work to her VP to allow her to play video games in peace; presidential addresses consist solely of her complaining about how the men in her games wear too much clothing. The silent majority of fujo lovers wins her a second term.
Dad (Democrat from Michigan): Elected because his opponent felt too bad about his life to attack him. Secretly in a 8-year-long BDSM roleplay scenario where he acts as the submissive to his dominatrix press secretary. Renee threatens to not step on his balls if he doesn't do a good job, so he reluctantly solves all outstanding political issues and brings world peace. Two-term limit abolished and he keeps on getting elected against his will.
Warden (Republican from Pennsylvania): Elected in a landslide after personally executing every black person in his Philadelphia precinct. Stations armed guards across Congress and locks them inside until they legalize wife beating. Very successful until one of his budgets raises ToxiCorp taxes by 0.1%, at which point he has his organs harvested for use in their soda.
Renee (Democrat from Michigan): As governor successfully deletes all records of her children and locks them in a Bond-like trap that they can escape only if Ashley can draw a circle correctly. After their death, wins on a heartbreaking personal story about giving birth to two stillborn babies. Unfortunately, the congress is not full of milf lovers and Renee fails in her quest to legalize post-birth abortion. Loses narrowly in her re-election campaign, and ultimately forgotten.
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Very nice food for starving coffinpeasants. Nooticed the ring on Ashley's finger. I think they should sex her in an incest threesome though.
>This is when they started coining generic comebacks like "moralfag", "twitter user", or stuff like that.
You mean the stuff me and like a dozen other anons were telling you because your crusade was gay and you were clearly some refugee?
>you HAVE to be the same anon ive been accusing everyone of being
>because why would anyone dislike me?
Cultist neighbor (Democrat from California): Immediately summons a demon so he can bargain for lower unemployment, and dies because he's too stupid to have anything to bargain with. ???? turns out to be vulnerable to bullets, and Secret Service easily dispatches the demon. Whole incident covered up and never spoken of again.
Cult leader (Independent from California): Avuncular personality wins him the election easily. Amount of corruption he does in the process allows him to more easily summon demons. Introduces the demon-summoning ritual to the government, who uses it as a source of free energy and psychic premonitions. The drone strikes of local orphanages required to fuel the rituals are sold as funding America's defense industries, making him a popular leader elected in a landslide. Brings an era of prosperity, and well-regarded in the history books.
Surgeon (Independent from New York): As a small business owner who pulled himself up from his bootstraps, he wins narrowly in a three-way race. ToxiSoda's popularity among the political elite because of it being the only soft drink that includes organic child organs leads to a fairly easy relation with congress. Ultimately realizes that he has less power as president than he had as CEO, and resigns.
Julia (Democrat from Washington): Unironically bases her staffing picks off of Aaron Sorkin films, and fails to do anything of importance. Orders FBI to find out who killed Nina, and upon finding out the truth has her fifth mental breakdown of the day. Eventually loses all grip of reality and tries to kill her opponent Ashley. Unfortunately, Ashley shoots first and hits Julia's spinal column, paralyzing her. She lives another few decades, forced to watch the hospital TV display presidential addresses of Ashley fucking Andrew until his hips shatter.
This thread needs more shota.
Yes, yes there is. Progressive politics. Give her enough and she will eventually start identifying as non-binary. Due to the lack of enthusiastic support from your parents, she will convince herself that they hate her. But at least you'll be there for her.

Downside is that you have to entertain a non-binary person's identity.
Trash. Even if it were an incestuous threesome, it would still be trash. Polygamy is anti-human.
>I HAVE to repeat my cope
Enjoy another year of getting hit with more shotas whenever you screech.
Nonsense. Julia is made to be the Graves' toilet meat slave gimp
>surely this will btfo my personal boogeyman
>because why would anyone dislike me?
Ashley (Republican from Alabama): Elected as people take her unhinged and frequently racist rants as containing some deep political thought. Immediately able to pass her entire political agenda through her deep knowledge of diplomacy by having melties of epic proportion. State of the union address consists of her sobbing into the microphone as she accuses Congress of acting too slowly on her law forcing all brothers to be within six feet of their sisters at all times. Runs unopposed for a second term as nobody can stand being near her.
Andrew (Democrat from Alabama): Inaugural address consists of thirty minutes of him stammering as he tries to remember a Faulkner quote. Despite being a Democrat, passes entirely far-right legislation as Ashley keeps yelling at him about the need for racial segregation. Gets successfully primaried by Biden as Biden dies on stage during the debates, which voters consider preferable to hearing Andrew misquote some other literary work.
Julia was made to serve as a markerlight for the sheer depth and magnitude of Andrew's denial. She serves no other purpose and, as far as we've seen, WILL serve no other purpose. Her long-term irrelevance is her most noteworthy feature, a shadow in the puppet show of Andrew and Ashley's life.
>I-i-i repeated it again!!!!
Enjoy more shotas. It has worked so well for the last year.
>Ashley typed with shaking fingers, tears rolling down her cheeks, her teeth gnashing, her eyes filled with hate, as she failed the captcha 10 times before posting
>i will keep screaming at a wall
>because why would anyone dislike me?
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Honestly, very nice work anon. I really like it
>My schizo tantrums accusing everyone of being my discord bully is just people disliking you
How does that make sense in your head?
>Polygamy is anti-human.
Feminist cuck.
Can't wait for Nemlei to cockslap h*ssycucks the same way she did to haggots.
Anon, there will literally be a Julia route.
>tranny obsessor woke up
It's a shame you're so upset about getting no content but eventually you'll calm down.
>Two retards making the thread unreadable because they refuse to get a room.
Like clockwork.
>inb4 ashley cope dream
Metaphor for ashley's fears. Take note that the vision didn't feature julia at all
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>going to be
there already is, image related.

Bet you five dollars it's shotafag arguing with himself.
Kys-poster here. I want to be clear this idiot arguing is not me. Even I am not this retarded.
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The Julia route will just be filthy, nasty, dirty sex with gameplay consisting of finding penicillin to treat the syphilis and genital warts Andrew gets from sticking his Andy in Julia's cavernous hussy hole
Holy Schizophrenia Batman!
>I-i-i am a wall!!!
Is that why you're already tearing up as I remind you the only thing you accomplished in a year is make more people post shota? Weird kind of wall.
Weird cope bro.

>accusing lolichad of calling someone else a pedo
nice samefag attempt
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Terrible advice. My sister fell down that hole when she started going to college and it took her almost a decade to recover enough to start talking to us again.
>i will once again accuse someone else of being the same person
>because why would anyone dislike me?
>We still dont have the census results nor the full aggie
/calg/ #200 save us!
>I will reset my cope because I couldn't handle that last one!
Lol. Lmao.
You niggers better cut this shit OUT before 200. That is a JOYOUS occasion god damn it.
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I thought the aggie was basically full. What's left to add?
>You severely autistic individual(s) better behave like semi-functional human beings
You realize how ridiculous the idea sounds, right? If you want a good /calg/ #200 then it needs to be baked after NA hours.
I mean properly exported, the owner of the aggie is the only one who can do that, right?
So if I want a bad /calg/, I should reply to the bait. Understood.
Okay but why would you want a bad thread?
Upon closer inspection it appears anyone can save it as a png, but still, we should wait until #200 to post it, since its an special occasion
You say that but the shotashit was added to the aggie in eu hours.
Live you life-poster here. I want to be clear this idiot arguing is not me. Even I am not this retarded.
Cope about what? You lost all credibility calling a lolichad a moralfag.
>everything that hurts my feelings is cope
>because why would anyone dislike me?
He's Serbian.
The only sensible anons itt
Kill yourself poster here. I want to be clear every idiot arguing is life-poster pointing at himself. He is that retarded.
Who fucking cares? Why let it upset you? You are literally devoting energy to severely autistic individuals, I wish every single one of you faggots would kill yourselves in the most excruciating way possible, but either way what's most important is that you fags kill yourselves first and foremost, methodology notwithstanding. If you had a scrap of human dignity you'd realize how pointless it is to fucking cry and argue with the mentally unwell if you didn't also fall squarely into that category. Stop letting irrelevant bullshit have power over you.
>lol bro just don't le care
>keel yourself btw
I think you replied to the wrong post, anon.
Life poster here. I want to be clear every idiot arguing is kill yourself-poster pointing at himself. He is that retarded.
It's almost like all those retarded conspiracy theories about time zones and 'true identity' are retarded and different people just like different things in a general that used to have 100+ IPs almost every thread.
It's almost like the entire thread has been saying that for hours and yet you all keep finding excuse to go back to it.
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Look Andy! A hecking incest! Wowzers!
I want to tongue-kiss my sister.
Actually, it's all me.
I didn't. In the off-chance it's not the AGP homosexual arguing with himself for attention the way he ERP'd with himself, then both parties need to die. It's one thing to just have a thread of hidden posts but now I have to look at the spilloff when they get into the catty bitch game of not even quoting the posts they reply to.
Legion here. Every poster is me. You are all me. We are legion.
>L-l-laughing at me is being hurt
That was just sad this time.
Just found out that posting shota without replying to anyone makes the shotaphobe seethe, we’re so going to use this to maximum effect, shota sisters.
So many niggers in this thread
>>484313925 (OP)
So many whites in this thread
>>484313925(OP) (OP)
So many ambiguous skin tones in this thread
>In the off-chance it's not the AGP homosexual arguing with himself for attention the way he ERP'd with himself
>It's one thing to just have a thread of hidden posts
It's almost like you filtered half the thread instead of just specific anons that only exist in weird narratives some retarded anons convinced themselves are true.
But instead you're gonna double down on believing you're dealing with some guy from discord talking to himself instead of the very simple concept of people on 4chan disagreeing and throwing shit at each others.
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Wow! It says here there are hot single hussies in my area!
Yeah, wait for 200 but I was just saying I was pretty sure the Aggie was filled. Unless someone has some last minute addition.
>people on 4chan disagreeing and throwing shit at each others.
No one in the history of 4chan has ever disagreed with eachother, nice way of outing yourself as the shotapedo
>the shotaphobe
That one still kills me.
>i will pretend to not be throwing a tantrum like a little kid because someone else is being mean to me
>because why would anyone dislike me?
>No one in the history of 4chan has ever disagreed with eachother, nice way of outing yourself as the shotapedo
This. Why do you think we don't have an upvote/downvote system? We'd all upvote each other, downvotes are a conceptual waste here. We never disagree.
You’re clearly a culture nonna who has at least 4 little boys locked up in her basement.
>I-i-i'm being mean to you
By providing me free entertainment?
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>I really like the subtle distinction between the focus points and the background
Good catch anon. Think I did that subconsciously. Sounds like you're an artist yourself.
No, just a pretentious asshole. I'm more of a writer, it's just something I noticed.
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>just a pretentious asshole. I'm more of a writer
Ain't we all!?
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>No, just a pretentious asshole. I'm more of a writer, it's just something I noticed.
I thought I told you assholes, Andrew is LITERALLY me
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Sorry anon, but I was given this by Nemlei personally. I'm Andrew
>i have to pretend that im actually laughing while i seethe nonstop
>because why would anyone dislike me?
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Pfft you wish!
>Y-y-you're just pretending
Cool story, crying wall.
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I read that Burial is based on choices made in Chapter 2. What could that even be? The result was the same for all of us, wasn't it?
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Y-you can't do that! I'M ANDREW!
I've been seeing a guy who looks exactly like Andrew but acts exactly like Ashley
you should try playing the game
I love your art style anon, thanks for posting.
Any chances you can do Andy?
What if I told you we're all Andrew? Each and every one of us!
Where have you been seeing him? Walmart?
Well, you certainly know how to give elegant comebacks.
My bed, mostly
And ice cream
I did play the game, the only choices in chapter 2 were whether you left Ashley or Andrew with your parents, and if you left Andrew you got to hear out your mom then kill her or you don't hear her out then kill her
Am I missing something?
>surely youre the one crying and not me
>because why would anyone dislike me?
You should do Leyley. And Andrew. But not Andy.
>No u
Come on, try harder.
You should do Ashley. And Andy. But not Andrew.
>i will resort to the oldest one in the book because im running out of "clever" answers and i absolutely MUST have the last word
>because why would anyone dislike me?
You should do Andy and Leyley. Preferably with a coffin with their name on it.
>Just random bitching about failing to get the last word
Now that's entertaining seething, good job.
Thanks anon! I actually prepared some Andrew x Ashley to celebrate thread #200, but is taking forever to reach there for some reason lol. I thought we'd be there now after the update. You had any ideas in particular for Andy?
I feel bad for the artfag ITT. They gotta see all this mental retardation above
>Trust Andrew - Decline olive branch = Burial
>Trust Andrew - Accept olive branch = Decay
>Don't trust Andrew(Fuck that!) = Decay
you know exactly why he requested andy
>surely this deflection will be the one that gets him to stop
>because why would anyone dislike me?
Is there any fanfiction that's well written?
I just looked it up, thanks. I found out that I did everything I wanted except picking the love sub route I'm so mad
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>except picking the best route
surely you were smart enough to save when given the opportunity at the choice?
>I-i-i bet you want me to stop!
Nah, I like having a personal retard I can just poke for fun.
Pretty useful to get to 200 faster.
>love sub route
So you did the "sane" version of Burial? Tsk tsk. My first playthrough was blind and I got the questionable route first try
I did, but saved over it. Time to replay with button mashing
I misunderstood the chalkboard thing, I thought we were supposed to depict Ashley's memories, not what she wants the future to be
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Does anyone have a guide for the steam achievements?
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>I actually prepared some Andrew x Ashley to celebrate thread #200
Ooooh that very considerate of you! I would love to see that.

>You had any ideas in particular for Andy?
Oh so much ideas in my mind!... What about both of them being cute? Maybe both of them are watching TV in the couch. Ashley and Andy are hugging and covered in a blanket. You know, that 'when it's cold outside but inside home it's warm and comfy' vibe.
Give me your opinion in this idea.
I thought it was different people. What lack of poster counter does to a mf.
I don't think she *wants* it to be like that considering her reaction towards Andrew with a hussy is frustration. It does look exactly like the past tho so I theorize it's her fearing the past will repeat itself.
It's in the thread OP
>i will keep making up different scenarios where everyone else stutters and bows down before me so i can pretend im not throwing a tantrum over one (1) person disliking me
>because why would anyone dislike me?
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Andrew and Ashley and ??? in a Battle Royale shooter!
I'm very glad that ??? has become the Coffin mascot character. I NEED a plushie of him
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It'll make its sudden but inevitable betrayal that much funnier.
>S-s-stop mocking my stuttering
Nah, don't wanna.
You idea seems like something an /omog/ poster would ask. But is wholesome, so I'll consider it.
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It's going to be really funny when Ashley is genuinely shocked at ???'s betrayal
I don't think the demon will betray them. I think they will do something knowing it will anger the demon but still try to get away with it.
Nice schizobabble. ??? is one of us.
>my headcanon must be totally real
>because why would anyone dislike me?
>You idea seems like something an /omog/ poster would ask
KEK I just checked their thread after your said that. Accurate.

>But is wholesome, so I'll consider it.
Great! In case you didn't like it, or you find it too "wholesome" I can give you lewd or nsfw ideas.
>S-s-s-stop it!
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if ??? turns out to be a complete red-herring joke character, but I'm also projecting because I really fucking want that to happen because it'd be fucking hilarious and the ridiculous characterization of him he received in this thread would be kino.
Betrayal or otherwise I just hope the two of them turn out okay and in love
>i ran out of answers so i have to make up even more things
>because why would anyone dislike me?
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>the other demons make fun of ??? for being betrayed first
>it malds but can't do anything about it IRL because no deals
>tries to send them dream hatemail instead
>can't find them because no talisman

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Hi guys I'm new here to /calg/ but I just want to say that I love her so much and need this to happen to me BADLY
How does demon hatemail work? Do you just get visions of the demon dunking on you?
>Y-y-y-you're making up my stutter
Stuttering cope
>"Wow, ???, seems here you like stack no deals and get... what is this... ZERO? Zero bitches. Crazy."
>Quote from !!! minutes before her big brother bends her over a table and pounds her like she wants
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>surely if i repeat the same thing over and over again no one will notice my childish tantrum over being disliked
>because why would anyone dislike me?
>S-s-surely you'll stop making fun of my stutter
Nah. Now go back to getting us to 200 faster
DMCA intensifies
Forget the feet, look at those juicy sister titties
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Koreans aren't real. It's all a myth
>i HAVE to keep playing pretend, how else am i going to fool myself into thinking im not seething?
>>because why would anyone dislike me?
What’s the “sane” burial ending gonna be anyway?
>Y-y-you're just pretending to mock me!
How about you pretend to pick up the rhythm? There's 100 reply left to go before the 200th
Andrew desouled forever and inhabiting a green bunny amulet that Ashley never takes off.
Shotachads won!
Shotacucks lost!
Bird Cage by Andrewnotandy is alright
We already won since day 1.
There will be a secret ending where Ashley and ??? fall madly in love and live happily ever after in demon land
>How DARE you not give me your undivided attention? i will now throw ANOTHER tantrum
>>>because why would anyone dislike me?
they become normal siblings. Or as close to normal.

Andrew still has his feelings for her but never acts on it. Ashley still has some doubts about his loyalty but doesn’t test it. They remain friends but grow more a bit distant.
one who does not love themselves cannot truly love others

the only one who can truly understand you is you yourself


be good to yourself
The idea of this ending hurts. I've never done a sane burial run and never will
If its any consolation, they get to have their own lives. The abuses they inflicted and been inflicted won’t be completely forgotten but they won’t plague them anymore.
Anyone complaining about "Reddit spacing" has outed themselves as being born in 2006
Will Nemlei actually make Andrew and Ashley have a kid in the non sane burial ending?
We can only hope
"reddit spacing" is a real problem I have because it usually comes off like someone with so much self importance that they try and take up more space in the thread to distinguish themselves from others, but I wouldn't call that "reddit spacing". That's just formatting to make something long easier to read which is totally fine.
We lost on day 1.
This won't happen.
Never say never!
If they have a kid it’ll have to a son. Ashley would be way too jealous of a daughter
They'll get a kid in both sane and insane.
>Andrew with hussy#3076
>Ashley single
>Ashley conveniently has 2 kids that look like Andy and Leyley with swapped eye color
I kind of don't think it's out of the realm of possibility. It would kind of suit the demon's deal if they have an kid and it ends up basically being lucifer or something
I mean that literally. It's too normie for coffin unless it has some deep undertones of Andrew unsubtly manipulating his GF while obviously longing for Ashley and Ashley having a sexless relationship with some masochist gimp as a wallet so she doesn't have to work.
Would Ashley fall in love with a son
Doubtful. The siblings' feelings for one-another is born from circumstance. If they had a normal, reasonably affectionate upbringing they would be incredibly boring people that didn't fuck each other.
Will hugging your sister make the Sadness go away?
Never happened
Yes, absolutely. My sister will occasionally give me a hug and a kiss on the head when I get in one of my moods and it instantly makes the world right again.
It happened.
>*Angry babble about being told to hurry up*
Cool story, now go faster.
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Episode 4 is going to the family timeskip
I reject the idea that Ashley would be jealous of her children. Bearing Andrew's inbred children is the ultimate declaration that she won and Andrew chose her. Those kids are living, breathing, and undeniable proof of Andrew and Ashley's bottomless love for each other. These children are a mutual investment, mutual commitment, mutual bonding experience and it will make Ashley all the happier.

She is literally not allowed to make anymore art related to TCOAAL. She needs to fuck off to a new IP.
It happened.
>responding to a day old post about drama
>that spacing
Bro, so sad.
Nuh uh
I really wouldn't want that personally. It's fine for degenerate smut, but I wouldn't like neither the implication that Ashley is simply bound to love someone close and related to her nor that her love for Andrew would be something that could be replaceable for her. Plus, again fine for smut, but grooming someone you're meant to protect is just fucked up in a way where I couldn't like Ashley at all.
I can confirm.
Snopes fact checked this. Fake news.
>Why arent you conforming to my headcanon???
>>>>because why would anyone dislike me?
This post was checked and aproved by the Association of Based Shotacons.
>made up organization
>self aggrandizing name
You are just jealous you are not part of the Association of Based Shotacons™, silly peasant.
>I-i-i-i'm already at max speed!
Don't care, go faster. This is too slow.
Why would I be jealous of signing up for an FBI list?
>real organization
>humble name
Guessing endings
>burial incest
Andrew and Ashley endgame, possibly shows them having a kid
>burial sane
Andrew and Ashley don’t end up together but stay close, there’s an implication the feelings haven’t gone away
One kills the other, if Andrew kills Ashley he possibly will end up with Julia
But what if Ashley kills Andrew?
Decay WILL have the trailer park ending and you WILL like it.
If Ashley killed Andrew she'd legitimately have no reason to live
I don't think one is going to live without the other in the case of killing each other.
>Not being in the cool kids lists

You could be an excelent member.
Guessing endings
>burial fujo incest
Andrew and Ashley endgame, Ashley gets transformed into a man they have rough gay sex
>burial sane
Andrew and the now male Ashley don’t end up together but stay close, there’s an implication the feelings haven’t gone away
One kills the other, if Andrew kills Ashley he possibly will end up committing self-cest for the rest of his life
> she started to refer to him as her boyfriend. Granted this could be a lie to hide the fact that they're siblings from cultists.
That was the mob character cultist speaking in that screenshot, evidently in response to Ashley snooping through her desk and interacting with a framed picture.
I seem to remember there being a screenshot of someone saying "Actually, that's my boyfriend" in yellow text. Was this a preview for the next chapter or am I just forgetting it from somewhere?
She’ll go full schizo and become a serial killer
>*yet another childish tantrum*
>>>>>because why would anyone dislike me?
It's a preview of Ashley interacting with some cultist
Okay good thank you, I thought I missed something on a replay
This never happened
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Preview. Consensus is that Ashley spilled her spaghetti and said it was the cultist girl's brother and she gets corrected in a snarky way.
Neither would Andrew. It's implied he kills himself after killing Ashley in the Decay vision
Didn't ask, go faster.
I bet the cultist is Julia, doesn’t she have yellow text
Yeah I think this was a deliberate attempt to gaslight on first glance because I'm pretty sure a lot of people assumed it was Ashley saying it
I’ll be the vice president
A lot of other characters have yellow text
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Yes but so did Mom and the cultist girl Andrew awkwardly talked to when he went to the club by himself.
Realistically which outcome is more likely in decay, Andrew killing Ashley or Ashley killing Andrew? I think it’s a toss up because I see Andrew doing it in a more calculated way but I think Ashley could in a fit of rage.
Ashley if the gun still has bullets
Andrew would be more calculated about it
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What do you think Ashley would look like irl?
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She can't. Nem forgot all about her
I’m almost convinced that that’s Ashley at 12/13 and she and Andy are attending a combo Junior High & High School.
Yellow is just generic text color for other characters that aren't Andrew of Ashley. Sometimes blue to differentiate between 2 other people. Plus she is way too tall and different face. That's an actual adult like Mom and not a young adult.
Someone pointed out that their weapons are actually perfect for them - knife requires more thinking and precision, similar to Andrew’s more calculating nature. A gun suits Ashley as she’s more impulsive.
I think she'd be cute but I don't think she'd be "e-girl" tier. Probably something closer to the emo type girls you knew in high school back in the 2000's. Cute enough to get your attention but not in a way that seems offputtingly high effort.
Welcome abroad!
Sex with shotas
I could see that
Bratty demon sister needs to learn her place
Igon was so based for this
>*sinking further in his delusions*
>>>>>>because why would anyone dislike me?
No, faster!
Yeah you do deserve to be vice president
>Jack in a Castle: Surprise Trap Gay Harem Ending.
>Better Half: Entire game is about Selfcest, though you can choose to keep the Thiu’s platonic, hate each other, or become one guy with a healthy lifespan again.
>Divilethion: Protag is peak “draw a girl, call it a femboy” worships a cat-skeleton demon that acts like an abusive boyfriend, and has a weird relationship with younger brother where he acts and presents himself like a mom more then anything. No sex stuff tho.
>Candy Scabs: Yandere male demon tries to sabotage other male demon’s friendship with little human girl. Also no sex-stuff tho.
>No Good Noelle: woman protag has breeding sex with demon-possessed corpse and births a hellspawn. No yuribait with her rich bitch best friend either.
>Coffin: Pure wholesome brother-sister codependent and hatesex.
Yeah, out of all of those Noelle is the one I'd probably try. All the others seem really gay
Has this autistic slap fight been going on for 5 hours straight?
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I have 4 sisters but thinking of them sexually makes my dick curl up inside itself despite them all being objectively attractive.

Guess I just don't have that incest gene in me sadly.
I'm now completely convinced it's just one person endlessly reply-chaining himself with some random fuck tossing in pointless peanut-gallery bullshit on the side.
I made this post BTW.
failed brother
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Same, desu
Same with this one.
You're just a porn-addled tourist like >>484459761
Only the truly blessed find themselves with the gifts to understand and appreciate the rest of Nemlei's work
Hey you guys don't actually want to fuck your sisters, right?
I want to fuck my sister, but that's mostly because I love the shit out of her anyway.
My real sisters? No. The sister I never had in my head? Every day.
This mindset is superior to an incest fetish. Siblings should be having sex because of their unmatched platonic feelings.
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Where I post from
Yeah, no. I don't want to read stories about guys kissing. If that makes me a porn-addled tourist then so be it. Also this is a Coffin general. Sorry if I don't give much of fuck about her prior fujo fetish games
Honestly, I only want to fuck my sister because we're blood related. If she wasn't my sister, I wouldn't want to fuck her at all. But the possibility of engaging my incest fetish overcomes my disdain for her personality
I don't know. I think I want to. But I'm not certain, and I feel like an incestuous relationship is the sort of thing you need to be certain about. Not just on my side, but on hers; I don't want her to feel trapped by thoughts of "Who would date a woman who dated her brother?" if she wanted to break up.
I know sharing a bed together would make me happier, at least.
A few artists are still doing last minute contributions to the aggie, so I'll give them until Page 8 to finish before I post #200.
Good thinking, anon, would be a shame to miss some fun stuff.
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Oh shit. I completely forgot we're almost to #200.
We're trying to hit 200? Have a meaningless post to add to the counter.
Who's gonna get the 750th post before the big 200? Probably not me given this post.
Leaky Leyley unironically has fantastic character writing for both siblings.
I, too, shall lay down my chances, that the 750th may be better than what I might find myself able to post. We will not make it to 750 without such sacrifice.
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Still throwing a hail mary tho.
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Alright, now we wait for Page 8.
Impressive gif
okay im going to stop posting here because my posts dont get enough attention and (you)s this general sucks
>750 is a fungus, something that grows on that which is decaying
This is a portent of doom. I fear that this is a sign we shall be cast from the familial bed. May this not come to be, and may our siblings ever be our succor.
/calg/ has fallen billions must reply
750 is actually >>484462441
Shroomley is 751.
Unless I can't count.
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Someone else has gotta make the new thread because I messed up the last one
It's actually pronounced kal-geh
I'm posting #200 don't worry. On Page 8.
What posts are yours and why do you want (you)s?
>Unless I can't count.
I keep counting using the post # and counting back from the latest post and Shroomley seems to be 750. I'm sorry Anon, I'm diagnosing you with dyscalculia
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Nah Shroomley is 751, sadly. I had it all prepared and everything too! It's not fair!
>Post bump limit bump
>i will now throw another tantrum because things keep not going my way
>>>>>>>because why would anyone dislike me?
I think it's just one of those things where you know your siblings too well to like them in that way. Usually when you meet a woman, you see their best qualities prior to everything else, but when you've grown up with someone, you've already seen all their worst qualities and know them well enough to realize you're not into them.
That said, I don't think that HAS to be the case. As it turns out, most long-term couples start getting sick of each other after a while too so I'd say your odds of finding a sibling or something attractive in that way is probably close to the statistical probability of finding a long-term happy marriage.
It also just depends on where your social boundaries are too. Some people seem to treat banging their sibling like two people using each other to jerk off basically.
You either have to be really desperate or just "luck out" (I guess?) to have a sibling who you'd treasure enough to want to spend your life with, but I think if you truly could form that sort of relationship despite the social consequences and taboo nature, you couldn't find a more passionate romance.
Awful thread everyone, keep it up.
Shroomley is 750
Consider this post: >>484463357
This is 768 (not including any deleted posts). Count back 18 posts and you land on Shroomley.
RIP, anon. You were 9 seconds too slow.
Anon I watched the posts and counter as it happened.
The post counter doesn't include deleted posts. Shroomley is officially 750
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Let your autism go down with the thread. This is a threat.
>(not including any deleted posts)
I think that's what is making us reach different numbers I guess.
You were too slow, we already reached bump limit. You were a very incompetent bump slave.
>I think that's what is making us reach different numbers I guess.
Dude even if you have the deleted posts visible in your browser tab, the post counter doesn't include them.
How the fuck does describing the character relationships in all six of Nemlei’s games make me a “porn addicted tourist”?
Then I'm confused because people seem to disagree on the exact number 750 and I'm too tired to count again.
I mean when I was about to post it the thread was at 748 and then 2 more posts happened as I posted it. Then again I have 4chanX
>Then again I have 4chanX
Me too, maybe THAT'S where the difference is?
Yeah, probably.
This post, that I am making right now, is 750. Cope and seethe faggots.
I kneel.
If this post's number starts with 4, I want to kiss my sister
You raise a good point! Actually, fuck you! This post is 750! Eat shit faggot!
Well, now you have to.
There is no post #750. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Hussies are pure.
Big brother is watching.
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>Hussies are pure.
Who's going to be post #800?
A worthless shitpost.
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Yay! Where is he?!
In his bed. Waiting for you.
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Sister tits reign supreme
>Sexy thicc Ashley sits at #800
Your post is #800 dude
Not on my counter
Ashley if she has bullets due to her impulsiveness, we've seen her kill everyone and herself in that joke ending.
Deserve death!
After a lifetime of happy marriage!
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Total Hussy Death!
>Ashley except she doesn't starve together with her brother
How would she react to Andrew finishing college and moving in with his cope gf? What were Ashley's plans? She didn't go to college but she was also not working cuz Renee specifically wanted to borrow money from Andrew not from either one of them.
I don't think she really thought that far ahead

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