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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7109 - Mephilver Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>484285287
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Romance is overrated

Yep, off to a great start.
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>have a spy character
>never get MGS inspired stealth gameplay
>never have a story focused on her doing work for the government that wasn't padding
Rouge is such a wasted character
This. Give me friendships, rivalries, and brotherly bonds, then all the brainrotten shipfags can just headcanon their own ooc slop in the background.
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Romance is porn for the soul
Wanting Silver to be gay and wanting him to be a faggot are two different things
it's so FUCKING over!!!!!!!
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there's nothing more cool than getting hugged by the person you like! but if someone touches you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good!
>no relationships are ooc except for romantic ones
This is the general of broken spirits.
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Romance with Tikal sounds great though.
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AS I was saying Silvaze is BASED and I can't wait to see more of it!
Diaper changing ship
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but enough about your parents.
Only black hedgehogs commit crimes
Sonaze is good too
My beautiful ebony goddess...
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You are viewing a separation between cognitive functions that I recognize as being two sides of the same coin.

When I say I go by what I see, what I mean is that I take in every available ounce of information and I can break it down to the core concepts beneath by following all the patterns that are visible across all the data.

I simply explain what the official material conveys.

The point of Shadow and the entire plot of Sonic Adventure 2 is that Shadow is Sonic's shadow. They look so similar that EVERYONE assumed that Shadow was Sonic at first glance, to the point of making the entire military arrest Sonic for Shadow's crimes. They look so alike that Sonic and Shadow themselves think the other must be some sort of imposter, and have an identity crisis over it that motivates them to take down the other because there can only be ONE!

..."One" what? One Real Sonic? One Ultimate Lifeform?

The answer is yes. The Real Sonic IS the Ultimate Lifeform. What Professor Gerald sought out to create is what Sonic the Hedgehog fundamentally is. The difference being that Shadow is an artificial creation that can never hold a candle to the natural-born version. Hence why Shadow needs limiters while Sonic is only ever using a fraction of his power just cause he feels like it.

Shadow has a strong sense of purpose, knowing he was brought into the world for a specific reason, viewing himself as a living weapon. But while Shadow is on a mission, Sonic sees life as a series of adventures and lives life to the fullest in the moment. Sonic doesn't care "what" he is because he knows exactly "who" he is, and that is simply just a guy that loves adventure.

Where Shadow was shackled by his past and puppeteered by the wishes of others, Sonic lives life in the moment by his own whim and no one else's, free of regrets.
I want this catblob to lovingly call me an idiot
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Sonaze is a crackship.
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Actually all others do more but technically if you look at per capita statistics...
>When I say I go by what I see, what I mean is that I take in every available ounce of information and I can break it down to the core concepts beneath by following all the patterns that are visible across all the data.
Except you don't. When faced with canon information that contradicts your perception of canon based on the concepts of the characters, you simply dismiss it and default to arguments about what the characters are SUPPOSED to be. Which is retarded.
Silver committed more crimes than Shadow though
bros i love mina so much you don't understand
>never have a focus on her that wasn't padding
If anyone needs padding, it's Blaze. Awooga!
Don't those have the bite torque of a fucking crocodile?
White Devil
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favorite ship?
...is retarded
>character is officially the hottest girl
>main character is a jock
>They don't get ship teased to hell
but enough about your mental evaluation results
I clapped
>When faced with canon information that contradicts your perception of canon based on the concepts of the characters
>canon information
Opinions on IDW?
Black Angel
>>main character is a jock
Maybe in whatever fanfics you read
What something is supposed to be at its core is the most important, crucial element that shapes and defines everything else.

I take everything into account, including everything displayed in every canon material AND what the original, core idea and onceptual intention is supposed to be. From that, I deduce where lines are in regards to what is accurate to the character and what isn't, and why certain examples may fall out of those lines for whatever reasons were at play.
Sonic is a jock.
>shipping is ok as long as it's just a crackship
>>main character is a jock
Sonic isn't a "jock", Sonic is officially the coolest guy.

But Rouge was created to be a love interest for Knuckles in a "opposites" way, so she is fundamentally similar to Sonic (and Amy, technically) by pure coincidence.
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I am still disappointed that there hasn't been a wave of Silver x Rough shipping
He's way closer to a surferbro or skaterboy, a sort of self imposed outcast who people still think is pretty cool, as opposed to the front and center star of the show that demands everyone's attention.
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This kills, the shitty OCs
Rough and Tumble are criminally underrated.
He's having a meltdown just look somewhere else. He's probably going to embarrass Silvaze fags for several threads.
>Sonic is officially the coolest guy
sonic is a jock
By what metric do you consider him a "jock"? What IS a "jock"?
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by all definitions, sonic is a jock
Is it legal to make an open source fangame with ripped models inside?
I love ocs
WHAT definitions!?
I thought you misspelled Rouge
Then I remembered IDW made two characters I've only seen liked on 4chan by one anon who is you... no offense IDW doesn't even make a Sonic anyone likes
Me too. Which ones?
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Every single definition, trope, and stereotype of a jock applies to Sonic
>Is it legal to [commit copyright infringement]

are Nippons that autistic or is this just a myth like the "mothers have sex with their sons" one?
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This hurts the characterfags more than anything. It's Sonic's shitty friends in casual fan popularity form
A narcessistic dickhead who cares too much about winning and brags about how tough he is while picking on nerds doesn't apply to Sonic at all.
The description of a jock literally describes Sonic perfectly. Sonic has every trait of a jock. When you look up "Jock" in the dictionary, Sonic should be right there, next to Fred Jones.
Me too, I want to draw them more.
They are that autistic
I mean sega has been very soft when it comes to fangames. Not trying to profit from it just open sourcing an engine but having the ripped models inside.
I also like Rough and Tumble. They're just a couple of low tier silly gooners that cause trouble, and even though I can't see them fitting in a game outside of roster filler I still like 'em.
Sad but true.
just because you got bootyraped in a lockerroom until you became bisexual doesn't mean sonic isn't a jock
You asked if it was legal, not if you could get away with it.
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Honestly... neither Sonic nor Fred is an accurate depiction of what people think when they hear "Jock". Maybe there might be some areas that align, but not the entirety.

I'll admit that a comic I've been reading centered around characters literally named Nerd and Jock remind me of Tails and Sonic, but even still. That comic is even built around subverting tropes, and its those subversions that make that Jock remind me of Sonic.
I just hate how it shows that Silver is hard carried by being linked to Sonic and Shadow. His character has nothing which stands independently
Hey man, you're the one who said EVERY single definition, trope, and stereotype of a jock applies to Sonic. I'm just telling you you're wrong.
>shipping sonouge
>otherwise shipping bad no matter what
What was difficult to figure out about that?
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>A narcessistic dickhead who cares too much about winning and brags about how tough he is while picking on nerds doesn't apply to Sonic at all.

Quote (Sonic Generations)
Sonic to Eggman (A nerd)
"WE BEAT YOU EVERY TIME! It's like it's our job or something!"
This entire franchise is just a jock beating up a nerd repeatedly.
>Why is her reaction to someone possibly getting hurt to act like a jerk and lecture them?
Toy Story 4 did that too with its girl characters who lecture others with seemingly no reason to
I guess being right all the time is a bit embarrassing.
Toy Story 4 was terrible
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>giving alcohol to indigenous people
It's crazy to see how japanese fans love Silver while western fans utterly despise him. I wonder how they feel about Elise, Chris, and the Deadly Six since they're hated over here in the west.
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Hell yeahh Hedgehog franchise
Honestly, why? What inspired this? What is wrong with Sonic fans? I just don't get it.
Eggman isn't a weak school bully getting picked on, he's a crotchety old man who wants to bully these pesky kids into doing things his way because he thinks he knows better than them and everyone should listen to him.
Their relationship is closer to a rebel sticking it to the man if anything.
I swear you can get up there without bouncing off the badnik
Well then
Can I get away with it?
Eggman is literally, by every definition, a nerd, the school shooter type in fact (similar to sparky)
Sonic is a jock.
They just have the opposite dynamic you usually expect. It's the story of a badass jock putting a stop to a raging nerd.
What is Silver's current backstory?
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She continued in the same position, this time looking into Silver’s eyes.
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but our drawfags draw elise
Every Western fan that actually likes Silver likes his Japanese determined and manic punk personality, or rips him apart and turns him into an entirely different character(Uwuver). I wouldn't doubt that the Japanese fans tend to like Silver more as a result.
Came back from the future to prevent it from being ruined/fix it from being ruined, fought with Sonic a bit, and then saved the day.
wtf is this sonic the fighters?
Sonic is just a le funny cartoon character trying to stop le evil corporate bastard from damaging the environment. Stop
I am not a school shooter, and




Sonic vs Eggman is a rebel fighting back against an oppressive dictator or wannabe-dictator. Or Mickey Mouse taking down an evil corrupted Walt Disney.
You can. But i'm not doing what feels like a frame perfect wall jump
You're literally just attacking people left and right for shit in your head, schizo
>Perfectly crafted bait for Sparky
Good job I guess.
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If Evan was smart, she could've easily manufactured a Silver x Lanolin wave of shipping.
Japan has like 6 Sonic fans
>Evil corporate bastard
literally the evolved form of a nerd.
starting to sound like Eggman Nega
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Gotta start teaching her modern society somewhere
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Sonaze is the ship that most makes sense with Blaze as it is inherently tied to her character arc, Sonic and Blaze both raise each other up, its based

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I self insert as Mimic, what does that makes me?
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>Sally Acorn's very existence is completely antithetical to Sonic
>People rage whenever others try defend it and say it could work
>Silver's very existence is completely antithetical to Sonic
It's kind of crazy that people think jokerian character ages mean anything when you remember that Amy had an apartment in Station Square and some kind of income with which to shop all the time
Human on blobian kissing is precious.
3 days of nonstop productivity away from /sthg/.
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According to the last thread, a professional gooner.
Probably. But depending on how many assets you're reusing and how many are original, maybe you could release the engine and game data as a standalone and then have a separate guide on how to get the character models from models-resource or whatever. You also might be able to reach out to other fans and who've done 3D work already and just use their models.
I am not Eggman, or Eggman Nega.

Eggman is an egocentric megalomaniacal dictator that wants to control everyone and everything by making 'em all robots in his global empire with his own Disneyland as the capital like the Evil Disney he is.

Eggman Nega seeks to just nuke everything because he's gone completely insane from seething over how his ancestor's failures ruined his own life to the point that he became the "opposite" of Eggman, like the wanna be Reverse Flash he is.

I am neither one of these.
especially with sweet girls like tikal!
A shortsighted moron who nearly bungled an infiltration mission so quickly that they needed authorial bias to keep from being outright exposed too soon.
Sally and Sonic's dynamic requires either Sonic to be ooc or to change the dynamic. Sonic and Silver's dynamic works perfectly fine without needing to change either of their characters. Even if they haven't actually gotten much time to interact with each other genuinely.
For example?
maybe she should fuck knuckles
A catboy
>>Silver's very existence is completely antithetical to Sonic

How does Amy being 12, and Amy having her own home and such, contradictory?

It is a cartoon world where the main protagonist is a 15 year old who lives a life of nomadic freedom.
>egocentric megalomaniacal
That's exactly what you are. You're always trying to control the narrative on how you're perceived, and refuse to take anything but what you built for yourself as an answer.
This post >>484321371

You just made up shit that anon never said and he was never involved in your weird ass shipping war. And then last thread you went on a tirade "calling out" basically everyone in the thread INCLUDING OTHER SHIPFAGS just because they are not YOUR ship. Get some awareness.
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Silver too dangerous for Lanolin
Lots of characters went through a character arc with Sonic.
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Japan likes what Japan made. There's no need for brown American OCs
>It was him all along
You know who you are, and you're a master of your craft.
Sally is dead and Silver has been on the bench for years and he'll never get off it if Shadow screws up.
>It is a cartoon world where the main protagonist is a 15 year old who lives a life of nomadic freedom.
That's the point I'm making autismo. Jokerians are built different and I don't know why people bring up their ages at all
THE END's design being literally just "the moon" pisses me off because of how boring it is. Post redesigns.
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Also given that all DCs think Duo is harmless and cute, he has the best chances to hook up wth anyone at the Restoration, even Jewel.
>shipping is ok as long as it's just a crackship
>this is an attack somehow
lol okay snowflake, find something else to throw a fit over.
I unironically get hard when I see Sonic doing the bedroom eyes, but I'm a straight guy with a girlfriend. Can anyone relate?
Silver doesn't do that anymore IDW is about him adjusting to people and learning not to be rude or aggressive anymore.
Sonic going on adventures and doing his thing and just so happening to change somebody's life along the way is part of what makes this series cool.
>That's exactly what you are.
No, I'm not. I just don't like when people say stuff about me that isn't true.

They were still given their ages for a reason. It should be understood that Sonic is a teenager, that's part of his character.
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Make people want to fuck it and there's no problem
Bro that guy called Sparky a school shooter. I'd try to correct them if someone said that about me too.

I'd probably take criticism more to heart than others would, but still.
>something else to throw a fit over.
Yeah I'm thinking about becoming a Silvazefag and taking notes from you
Name one (1) character that had character arc with Sonic similar to blaze's
>I just don't like when people say stuff about me that isn't true.
And you freak out every, single, time.
Every week of every month for lord knows how many years now.
Yes it is, also the part where he fucks everyone whose life he changed, that's also really cool.
Stop using crackship as a insult
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silver belongs to blaze
idk man my otp is pretty fucking bad
>Japan likes what Japan made
considering sonic's sales figures in japan no they do not
The main thing I tend to do here in general is correct misinformation, whether its about myself or about Sonic.

I strongly value what's true and accurate. Of course I'm gonna care a lot more when it comes to myself and how I'm perceived, especially when I know that everyone here tends to view me in a negative light already. I'm a socially anxious person, so that sort of thing is gonna matter to me.
Merlina is actually shipped with sonic though?
Wasn't there some cope interview they put out saying "THE END's form changes depending on who's looking at it and it looked different to Sonic/Sage"?
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>I'm a mixed race
>brought up in Europe
>kicked my ankle multiple times
>"disgusting gaijin"
>"you stupid American! Look what you're doing to this country."
>I felt nauseous throughout it all
>the police said it's not something they can do anything about
Sounds like traditional racism, not autism, the leg thing was just an excuse for him to project. Her going to the police is autism. I try not to go on trains because I fear meeting worse than the people who lounge around on the seats, and said people who put their feet up just get fined by the ticket collectors anyway (when they exist) because they won't fight back over being fleeced for acting wrong.
I'm ignoring all you just said.
With all the times that Sonic and Blaze have held hands in this franchise, it's obvious that Sonic pounds the shit out of her weekly and Silver is just a babysitting charge
What did Silver think of Duo before he outed himself?
The main thing I tend to do here in general is correct misinformation, whether its about myself or about Sonic.
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A fucking loser
>Another civilian playing hero? Cool, always nice to see people trying their best to make a difference.
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Wait, that's Mimic?
Where's his pucker mouth?
>got that's a cute sexy cat, I want to bring him home and show him my garden
people spread lies on the internet

so i correct it with truth
Yet here you are again and this time you won't be leaving
Espio (my cute chameleon husband) climbing into my (his human wife's) lap. Espio wrapping his tail around me and making himself comfortable. Espio falling asleep against me while I play vidya game.
so here we are again
it's always such a pleasure
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I think >>484324821 has the right idea.
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Are you gonna buy it
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That's rude.

I'm not gay.
I already hate Amy, why would I want to buy something of a character I don't like???
No. The tarot fortune telling shit pisses me the fuck off every time I see it, it's become personal pavlovian trigger straight to autistic anger. I hate this stupid dumb bullshit and I hate Ian Flynn.
Woah Alastor is the end?
Similar as in changed their life or their outlook? Tails? Knuckles? Amy? Shadow? Even Chaos. Recently Trip. Oh and Chip. Shahra. Merlina. Princess Elise. I won't get into non-game media since that's picking from the low-hanging fruit. But still, Sage as well. In a way Jet too. Lots of characters.
Because it used to be a small detail and got pushed to the front all of a sudden ever since Amy lost her "fangirlish love" gimmick?
how about stop using shipping in general as an insult
>Ugh I hate these icky western writers who don't adhere to pure japanese canon
Shipping ruins characters
Shipping ruins characters most of the time, so I will continue to hate it on sight unless a fringe case proves me wrong.
>Put up the wall between dimensions
it makes them better actually, especially shadouge
Shipping fixes characters
More or less yes. It's completely taken over Amy's character and dwarfed her kindness, her passion, her own adventurous spirit, and any other traits that she might have exhibited before Flynn started writing stupid bullshit.

To me it's become emblematic of, and inseparable from, a writer who hates Amy as she is and will do anything possible to "reinvent" her because his circus of annoying dyke OCs aren't enough for him. God I'm getting mad.
Did Cosmo ruin Tails in X? legit question, i didn't watch season 3
Go eat grapes Ian.(Just like your favorite character Knuckles whose favorite food is also grapes.)
oh yeah just a quirky little reference for those that can catch it
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What is the best Sonic ship?
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Tell don't show is a practice the Sonic series needs to abolish, it never should've adopted it to begin with, but there is still time to stop it and take preventative measures against it.
what if the ship ruining them is the fun part
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You don't get to pull that card until they bring back the fact Vector is Christian.
Pic related shipping discourse is a whole other monster than ours
>you'd better be sure to stick to japanese canon
>but not TOO much or some brown child on 4chan will throw a tantrum
Shadouge, I just said that
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Sonurge of course
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same energy
Instead of collecting rings sonic should collect chilidogs and the 7 chaosdogs to go chili sonic
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Mine OTP
Shipping is literally ruining cellular boss for a pot of fans now no one wants to see relationship drama back to back
I guarantee you do not have blue eyes (unlike me), and you probably need glasses if I had to guess.
The Chao are fucking unstoppable.
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Why do you hate Amy?

Fortune telling has always been part of who she is. Hating it on site is just hating Amy.

>It's completely taken over Amy's character and dwarfed her kindness, her passion, her own adventurous spirit, and any other traits that she might have exhibited
Flanderization of one trait shouldn't mean demonizing it in favor of the others, when it itself is a core trait as well.

It's all about balance.

And the fact of the matter is that being a fortune teller is a major part of who Amy is and what she can do, and it NOT being in the spotlight for so long was a problem in and of itself.
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fucking REAL
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it's JUST shadouge.
Kill yourself Sonamy Channel
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>Why do you hate Amy?
Opening with something like this is a good way to get me to not read your bullshit. Fuck off.
purest love
No, fake.
But what about Shadamy?
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Bardonic for life
The truth about shipping is that it's just templates.
It's about picking the dynamic you want to see, choosing the characters you want to act it out and lobotomizing away the traits that go against the roles you assigned them.
>Rouge being a flirt
>Shadow palming her ass with her tits in his face and not even giving a damn
I want more of this dynamic, where Shadow is just completely immune to her charms and just treats her like another teammate. Bonus points if it even manages to bother Rouge with how nonchalant he treats the whole interaction.
I am not Sonamy Channel.

Hating Amy's fortune telling stuff is equivalent to hating Sonic's speed, and sounds like nonsense to me, especially when coming from a supposed Amy fan.

Amy is a fortune teller. Half the reason it's so in your face NOW is because of all the years where it was largely shown but not told, so everyone that didn't know about it completely missed it even when it was right there under their noses.

The presence her tarot card stuff in Frontiers is not correlated with any deviations in her personality that may exist in her appearances in recent material. Makng such a correlation in your own mind is as nonsensical as blaming a glorified iPad for Tails' butchered portrayals.
kill your self
Honestly this.
Is that so wrong if it makes people happy?
kill my what
Amy likes tarot because it's common teenage girl crap. She definitely cares too much about your zodiac sign.
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Kill your self-doubt.
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I really like this one
If you took the phase one of picrel and swapped the shoulder-hip ratio it'd be megafuckable.
why yes yes it is.
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/sthg/, how many Sonic characters have places named after them?
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>and lobotomizing away the traits that go against the roles you assigned them.
That describes all the official characterisations too
Yeah but she doesn't go Cancer mode and attack you with big crab claws because that would be fuggin stupid. Now that I think about it though I could definitely see her naming her special hammer moves after Tarot cards or Zodiac signs.
hold on im out of practice is that quark
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In two weeks I shall found the sovereign land of Espiopolis.
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Erazor Djinn looking ass
my goal with shipping is to hurt the characters as much as i possibly can.
Yes, and that's a bad thing that shouldn't happen and everyone hates.
As long as they are able to admit that their ship in no way represent the actual characters, they can do whatever in their little corner. It's no different than modding a game in my opinion.
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Rouge being a flirt doesn't mean you can get hands on. Don't make me Chaos Blast you.
You've done a pretty good job so far.
Given that both were designed by Kishimoto, that's not a coincidence.
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If you see this and get irrationally angry that Amy is shown displaying a core trait of hers that has been apart of her identity since day 1 of her existence in the games, then you're getting mad about Amy being Amy.

The Tarot Cards are as much apart of who Amy is as her love for Sonic, and everything else displayed in her stories in SA1 and Heroes. Not the version of Amy that Ian Flynn keeps trying to turn Amy into. Conflating the Fortune Teller stuff with the butchering of her character is complete nonsense because it is part of who she has always been.

The problem only lies in balancing of those traits. An example being Tails. I like thinking about Tails having an IQ of 400 and rivaling Eggman, but I hate SA2 shackling him to the mech for the whole game. I don't hate the mec itself, I like that it's in Frontiers as part of his skillset, I just don't like when Tails being smart is treated as his entire personality when that's not his actual defining quality or role.

Amy's fortune telling is like Tails' intellect. It is a core foundational element of the character that can not be removed, ignored or overlooked. But using that trait to overshadow the actual personality and narrative role of the character, is where a line should be drawn. Nevertheless, flanderization in that regard should not lead to Amy's Fortune Cards or Tails' Technology to be demonized as if they are symbols of the problem... BECAUSE THEY AREN'T.
Shut the fuck up man.
You're convincing nobody.
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I only speak the truth.
>n...nuh uh!

maybe you should start reading things in english if this is the extent of your ability to argue
It's not about the truth.
It's about your stupid ass not being able to convince anyone despite it being the truth.
I just think it should be a background element that you see her doing while relaxing, or her mentioning that she predicted something earlier using them. I don't like her using cards in combat because it feels weird and forced, and I would rather her just use her hammer during actual adventures.
Amy's cards, even if they are old, they have not been relevant until very recently, she's functioned just fine without them, Sonic fundamentally can't work without speed and the slower playstyles are almost always the subject of criticism in terms of gameplay.

Sonic's equivalent to Amy's fortune telling would be reading books or relaxing vacations.
Amy's equivalent to Sonic's speed would be her compassion, her name means "to love", his name is what you get when you move fast enough to break the sound barrier.

Sparky is a nutjob.
>The presence her tarot card stuff in Frontiers is not correlated with any deviations in her personality that may exist in her appearances in recent material
This is where you're wrong. It's become her character entirely rather than a part of her character BECAUSE Ian Flynn hates everything else about Amy as a character. The focus on tarot and mysticism dwarfing her other traits is his attempted erasure of who Amy really is. So I will balk against it until Ian Flynn is fucking gone. Now shut the fuck up because I know you're going to try and posit some more hyper autistic drivel because you're convinced your a bigger authority on Sonic characters than everyone else.
Because she doesn't have it mentioned in her bio anon. If they mentioned the zodiac in it, you can bet your ass she'd do so after collecting the twelve Astral Chrysoberyls in her solo game (pitched by Ian Flynn).
>Amy's cards, even if they are old, they have not been relevant until very recently
amy herself wasn't relevant until fucking recently you autist
This is so fucking raw.
Ian derangement syndrome in action

>because you're convinced your a bigger authority on Sonic characters than everyone else.
the sheer fucking audacity of this post
>But using that trait to overshadow the actual personality and narrative role of the character, is where a line should be drawn. Nevertheless, flanderization in that regard should not lead to Amy's Fortune Cards or Tails' Technology to be demonized as if they are symbols of the problem... BECAUSE THEY AREN'T.
The last mainline game she wasn't in was S3&K, she's plenty relevant.
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The BASED 4!
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エイミーの占いはキャラクターの核となる基礎的な要素であり、取り除いたり、無視したり、見過ごしたりすることはできません。しかし、その特性を使ってキャラクターの実際の性格や物語上の役割を覆い隠すのは、一線を引くべきところです。とはいえ、その点における軽蔑によって、エイミーのフォーチュン カードやテイルズのテクノロジーが問題の象徴であるかのように悪者にされるべきではありません...
I'll be patiently waiting for more.
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>If they mentioned the zodiac in it, you can bet your ass she'd do so after collecting the twelve Astral Chrysoberyls in her solo game
>(pitched by Ian Flynn).
Oh no...
I don't fuck with moon runes, do it again.
Her profile in CD says:
>Special Skills?: Card reading, dowsing
And then reiterates in the description:
>An energetic and cheerful girl who likes mystical things and fortune telling.
This tells me that a major part of her identity, especially in regards to her skillset and special abilities, is being a fortune teller. Where Sonic is fast, Tails has fast flying and technology, and Knuckles is a powerful warrior, Amy is a fortune teller with a mystical vibe. Her hammer itself being referred to as magical in Fighters reinforces this.

This gives me the impression that her fortune telling very much SHOULD be front and center in her abilities, especially when so many games hammer-in that she is literally tracking Sonic down via her "Intuition" and stuff. Using cards in combat like in Frontiers feels like it should've been the case for her all along, honestly, because of all this. To me, it feels like the Hammer has "replaced" a major aspect of Amy's character for a long time, in a way that is almost comparable to whenever Tails' moveset focuses a bit too much on gadgets that his own physical capabilities become lost or forgotten.
in today's bumblekast, ian pretty clearly implies that the Blaze in 06 is from Rush, remembers Rush, and just isn't aware that Sonic is the same blue hedgehog they are after.
I really want you to get hit by a car so I just consulted the cards and was informed that's unlikely to happen to you, specifically. Can't imagine why. I guess I'll have to settle for hoping on a blood clot or something.
>Sonic x Amy
>Sonic x Sally
>Sonic x Surge
>Shadow x Amy
>Shadow x Rouge
>Shadow x Sally

all of these are good
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absolutely fucking mindbroken lmao holy shit
Who here has normal productive lives despite being huge Sonic autists?
I always thought Delta, Epsilon and Zeta always seemed like girls to me.
And chin chong nip nong to you.
I am a mechanic for a living and have a girlfriend. I'm also the guy in love with Amy and I'm sick of the tarot shit.
I couldn't even beat Gamma or Beta...
What about Bardonic?
Gamma's story got fucking heavy holy shit
How similar is your girlfriend to amy?
Put Tails back in the mech
I was about to say "not very" but this post made me think about it, down to how we got together, and I think I've decided I don't wanna talk about it.
>blue collar wasteoid spends his time having a violent internet meltdown about a pink hedgehog

Amy can be portrayed doing crazy Tarot Card stuff... AND be perfectly in-character. The IDW issue where she uses her cards also has her be pretty much in-character, especially since she was handled by Evan there I think, and Evan has kept Amy's love for Sonic in other issues as well.

Also, keep in mind, Ian did not make the actual game of Frontiers. Sonic Team gave Amy the Tarot Card moves for whatever reason, not Ian. Don't blame Ian's character mismanagement on the Cards, because that is silly.

>because I know you're going to try and posit some more hyper autistic drivel because you're convinced your a bigger authority on Sonic characters than everyone else
Are you sure you aren't just projecting a little? For an Amy fan, you seem very aggressive and hostile towards others, and I think you need to calm down a little. I understand you are very passionate about the character, but there's no need to treat others as your enemy.

Amy's cards are a facet of her fortune teller trait, which is half of what she is overall and the basis of her "special skills". That is what makes them comparable to Sonic's speed.

Amy's compassion = Sonic's free spirit and cool attitude. Amy's fortune telling = Sonic's speed. Amy's strong heart also factors into her mystical abilities as well, which only furthers that connection.
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Bartleby sighted
Please don't turn my posts into copypasta or repost all of it in Japanese.
I'm happy for you regardless, and you should try to be happy as well
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It's a better place for him. He won't be able to offer the enemy his ass if he's scared
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Sonic characters have one defining aspect of who they are, one part of them that does not share the spotlight with any other.

To Sonic, that's movement.
To Knuckles, that's strength.
To Shadow, that's Chaos Control.

If I ask you what is the single most important part of Amy and you don't say "her love" you'd be wrong, inarguably and wholeheartedly.
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I enjoy actually working for my money, with my own learned and practiced skills that are always in demand. It is true though I'm still helplessly autistic like all Sonic fans but I accept that.
Putting him in the mech is what led us here in the first place.
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Sonurge is simply the best ship in the franchise.
>I enjoy actually working for my money
As opposed to what?
her panties
I pity genuine Silverfags because they really want their favorite character to be cool, but it's just not going to happen.
Eggman referred to them all as male, but Gamma was the only one to refer to himself as a male rather than an object.
Ian was asked in bumblekast to day how this ship would go down and he basically described a tsundere ship
>She would hate herself for feeling this way, and hate sonic for being the one to make her feel love, it would be very unhealthy for her.
I'm going to take a guess and say your girlfriend is fat
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Amy's fortune telling is inextricably fused with her love, because she's a magical girl who blasts magic heart symbols out of her hands and has a divine psychic link with her one true love and can draw upon that love as a source of physical enhancement and healing, and her tarot cards led her to him in a destined encounter.

Sonic is Speed-type, Tails is Fly-type, Knuckles is Power-type, and Amy is Heart-type. Sonic is fast, Tails can fly, Knuckles is strong, and Amy has the magical power of love.
Tails is a shitter, always was
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Sonic Team not being able to write worth a damn and or bother trying to fight westerners to keep a character in character is what led us here
I still hold out hope regardless.
Gamma's story is a verifiable masterpiece.
>For an Amy fan, you seem very aggressive and hostile towards others
I'm aware which is why I don't like to engage in these conversations. If I get worked up it's tard rage time and I don't think she would approve.

Honestly, thank you anon. But are you happy, yourself? Cuz if not, I hope you get there too. I'm a little caught off guard by sincerity here.

Go troll /vp/ Mariotehplumber
Stop it.

No, in this case, it is 100% Sonic Adventure 2 putting Tails in the mech, and then Sonic X basing its entire portrayal of Tails on SA2 ALONE without ANY of his actual capabilities, or even backstory and motivation AT ALL. Sonic X basically does the equivalent of removing Amy's love for Sonic with how Tails is handled, and then it bleeds over into the games and shapes how Tails is handled going into the Meta Era, which also added more fuel to the fire and now we have a lot of people who can't even imagine Tails being able to defend himself.
>or bother trying to fight westerners to keep a character in character

I'm sorry but this is pure delusion. At every step the comics have to be approved by SOA and SOJ representatives. The comics are as pure of a representation of these characters as expressed by Sonic Team as you can get.

>b...but I don't rike it!!! D:
then you don't like Sonic I guess because they're the ones signing off on the content. IDW is literally exactly what you wanted compared to Archie: something that would be micromanaged by Sonic Team representatives.
I'm going to maybe draw something? Idk lol.
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What the fuck is this Big O tier ass track
watashi no na wa supaakii desu
Show don't tell, Amy is a tough fan girl who trains to keep up with Sonic.
Want me to change my mind? Change how Amy is portrayed, then we'll talk, until then, no.
Ian calls every hetero ship (besides Sonally) "unhealthy" or "toxic".
draw my fan character
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I'm sure Sonic can fix her.
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Well, I took anon's advice of using the minidrifts to get around the curve and it works, but I lose a lot of speed when I do it.
I feel like victory in Babylon Garden is within grasp though, I got second place a few times and I was able to maintain first place for two laps in one race before flying off the edge on the final curve. All I need to do is execute a single race 100% perfectly and I'll win.
>But are you happy, yourself?
Yeah I'm doing pretty good.
>I'm a little caught off guard by sincerity here.
It happens sometimes.
Probably 'cuz a lot of the characters' personalities don't mesh well together.
All I did was describe what has been shown.
As opposed to what I did before I went into automotive. Do you know how mind numbing, soul draining security is? Some of the worst grunt work on this planet. And I spent enough time around white collar types that I knew I didn't really wanna be part of office culture, techie culture, that kind of stuff. I like cars a lot more than coding, in fact I kinda hate dealing with computers a lot of the time.
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Will Sonic ever get a float at a parade?
Draw this.
it was actually from 7 months ago and I thought it was today because I'm a retard
Sonic is literally the one who made her worse.
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isn't the amyfag the same sperg who talks about AI all the time
There are many amyfags itt
the moment worm and rey realize they love each other in the bad hocus timeline
No, he just got roped into the arguement because he likes using AI to make Amys because he doesn't draw well
No, I use it on the side but I don't talk about it. That's a different guy who's trained a model on FWA's work. I don't train models, I use a totally different tool than him. I love real artists and real artwork and AI is just a personal side thing. I'm sorta envious of artists cuz I don't have a lot of time to start learning art myself.
the one that goes on psycho rants about how evil AI is or the one that likes AI because there is an amyfag for each
If it's anything like the Shadally pair in Archie I don't think there's any love involved in that relationship at all
okay because i was going to say all this talk about honest work would pretty fucking hypocritical if he was
Draw Mecha Robotnik trying to understand bread
>the one that goes on psycho rants about how evil AI is
This could also technically be used to describe Amyhater too since he's a massive Metalfag who hates how Amy turns him into a softy in fanart and stuff, and I find that funny.
AI prompting is honest work
Brap art is dishonest work
I liked the idea somebody had that Evil King Shadow took Queen Sally as his hostage bride but whatever evil programming was changing him gradually broke down and the two actually fell in love, Beauty and the Beast style.

It does mean Sonic gets Bahamut Lagoon tier cucked though but I like to imagine he gets with Mina in this continuity.
Which is why he has to make up for her and teach her how to live life at the fullest.
it's just like my favorite video game
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>teach her how to live life at the fullest.
That better involve killing Eggman.
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Doesnt tails fuck mina in M25YL
>Most of it isn't even game characters
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>Sonic X basically does the equivalent of removing Amy's love for Sonic with how Tails is handled, and then it bleeds over into the games and shapes how Tails is handled going into the Meta Era, which also added more fuel to the fire and now we have a lot of people who can't even imagine Tails being able to defend himself.
This would be almost true if not for the Rivals games and 06 where he plays normally. Tails only took a back seat because of the Meta Era but that alone is no excuse to botching his character. Him being in the mech itself is proof you can remove a key part of him but still have him in-character. The idea that he MUST be playable as a Sonic clone to behave like himself is absurd
the core sonic cast.
We're getting close
Twice. He fucked her at least twice.
I like surge wearing a little tight athletic crop top with her huge boobs.
Stop hating on the ocs they don't deserve it
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Will the franchise ever recover from the damage done by Trannycube?
Yep, this is inferior to the japanese one
yes but that's retarded so that doesn't happen in my canon. He and Fiona eventually get together instead.
>simple 4 toe foot
surge is a chestlet
But keep hating on fankids they do
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>I already surpassed my three hundredth drawing with tegaki.

Sonurge is an honest ship

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He's so cool
Yeah in my headcanon, had Archie continued, Fiona would've ended up being hated by the whole world except Tails whom is the only person that has always accepted her for who she is and they both get together.
That's still working for your money.
ਨਹੀਂ, ਇਸ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਵਿੱਚ, ਇਹ 100% ਸੋਨਿਕ ਐਡਵੈਂਚਰ 2 ਹੈ ਜੋ ਮੇਚ ਵਿੱਚ ਟੇਲਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ, ਅਤੇ ਫਿਰ Sonic X SA2 ALONE 'ਤੇ ਟੇਲਜ਼ ਦੀ ਪੂਰੀ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਨੂੰ ਆਧਾਰਿਤ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਉਸ ਦੀਆਂ ਅਸਲ ਸਮਰੱਥਾਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਿਨਾਂ, ਜਾਂ ਇੱਥੋਂ ਤੱਕ ਕਿ ਪਿਛੋਕੜ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰੇਰਣਾ ਵੀ। ਸੋਨਿਕ ਐਕਸ ਅਸਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੋਨਿਕ ਲਈ ਐਮੀ ਦੇ ਪਿਆਰ ਨੂੰ ਦੂਰ ਕਰਨ ਦੇ ਬਰਾਬਰ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਟੇਲਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੰਭਾਲਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ, ਅਤੇ ਫਿਰ ਇਹ ਖੇਡਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੂਨ ਵਹਿ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਆਕਾਰ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਮੇਟਾ ਯੁੱਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਟੇਲਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਸੰਭਾਲਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸਨੇ ਅੱਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਰ ਬਾਲਣ ਵੀ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਹੁਣ ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਹੈ। ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਲੋਕ ਜੋ ਪੂਛਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣਾ ਬਚਾਅ ਕਰਨ ਦੇ ਯੋਗ ਹੋਣ ਦੀ ਕਲਪਨਾ ਵੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ।
>This would be almost true if not for the Rivals games and 06 where he plays normally.
No, I am well aware of and like those games for having Tails play normally. But don't be silly. Tails barely matters in either games when it comes to his gameplay, most people aren't even gonna remember he was playable there.

>Him being in the mech itself is proof you can remove a key part of him but still have him in-character. The idea that he MUST be playable as a Sonic clone to behave like himself is absurd
I disagree, because a core part of his character is flying fast enough to keep up with Sonic which itself represents his desire to be as cool as Sonic. When you shove him in the mech, you remove that. Even with SA1 having him grow past simply following Sonic, he did that by using his flying ability, the Japanese script has him saying that he must "RUN" with his own strength rather than run behind Sonic. Tails' "Sonic clone" skills are a core facet of his character just as his pilot skills are.
Well technically yeah, but sitting around all day would definitely be kind of boring and not really feel like you're doing anything so I can understand it.
>Sthg posting and falling for the same obvious bait for eternity
You forgot someone.
You don't seem like the type to even post here.
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Sonurge is absolutely cute. Only Surge can keep up with Sonic.
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Sonic Universe was micromanaged by Sonic Team too
I like this. I always liked the idea of her seeing Tails grow into somebody really special and strong and realizing she's kind of left in the dust. Maybe he puts himself out there and helps her despite having every reason not to and she feels really small and ashamed of herself.
Surge small booba and thats ok
sally and amy are both ass queens, but probably not as much as blaze.
Sally was drawn having an actual buttocks in archie, which would mean by sonic standards she's absurdly caked.
جزء أساسي من شخصيته هو الطيران بسرعة كافية لمواكبة سونيك، وهو ما يمثل في حد ذاته رغبته في أن يكون رائعًا مثل سونيك. عندما تدفعه في الآلة، فإنك تزيل ذلك. حتى مع SA1 الذي جعله يتخطى مجرد متابعة سونيك، فقد فعل ذلك باستخدام قدرته على الطيران، فالنص الياباني جعله يقول إنه يجب عليه "الركض" بقوته الخاصة بدلاً من الركض خلف سونيك. تعد مهارات "Sonic clone" الخاصة بـ Tails أحد الجوانب الأساسية لشخصيته تمامًا مثل مهاراته التجريبية.
fiona married mighty
Why is this what Sonic discussion is about?
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Tails fucks Fiona
I like Sonally.
Other way around.
This shading looks like ass. He has improved by miles since this.
You should be shot out of a cannon into the ocean and attacked by sharks and seagulls and pirates until you are dead.
she has them but they're better when they're little handfuls to contrast her big butt

athletic punky girls look best with disproportionately large milktanks wobbling around

>sally and amy are both ass queens
100%. they are straight up pear shaped.
lol. She's female.
I don't.
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I like Sonadow.
It's trading time for money. A lot of time, too. Some people don't know how much overtime you get stuck with in security. 12 hour shifts of fuck all, and then when you actually have to do something, you wish you could go back to doing nothing anyway because you're dealing with incredibly aggressive and unpleasant, sometimes violent, people.

A lot of other mechanics hate flat rate and I can understand why because on paper it encourages rushing jobs, but coming from security I love it. I literally get paid according to what I actually do in a day which is very gratifying to me.
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>incels taking any "victory" they can
It looks fineon my phone. I still dislike his shading technique because it blurs images and degrades the original artist's intention with their work.
I think you guys get unreasonably hostile when it comes to Sonally.
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Amy's proportions are balanced all-around. Like a less exaggerated Rouge.
>game characters:18
>non-game characters:7
Good job anon.
Sonally haters have never read the comics so they don't understand their chemistry.
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>I literally get paid according to what I actually do in a day which is very gratifying to me
god that sounds nice, being a wagie fuckin blows, I probably do twice as much as all the fuckin reprobates around me and knowing that these genuine fucking retards are being paid the same as me fuckin boils my blood.
>Silver is 30 years old
>Finally gets actually nice shoes
What happened?
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>blurs image
shipping discussions itt remind me of somebody doing that tummy rub hypnosis trick to alligators. It's all tard rage and talking about how much you want to jerk off or kill izuka until people make the dollies start kissing
A good chunk of the tard rage is specifically because of shipping though.
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We both agree that Tails is best as a Sonic clone and having every facet of his character on display. What I'm saying is Tails' character degradation isn't tied to his gameplay but bad writing which is easily remedied. Do you not agree?
It's that guy who just keeps spamming the japanese whiteboard in hopes of triggering people. He gets such little responses that even a "???" is enough for him to start celebrating. It is a pretty whiteboard at least, even if it's extremely surface level even in terms of game characters. At least Tania is there.

I swear the anti-sonally fags have gotten way more obnoxious than they insist sonallyfags are. I have literally never seen a sonallyfag run in here to seethe about people not shipping it the way other shipperfags do. They just know "Uhm Sonic is like the wind and nobody can slow him down therefore Sonally is worse than rape". They think like corporate executives.
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Come on ships are cool, they open up a lot of possibilities and bring character development to what essentially are one dimensional characters.
>What I'm saying is Tails' character degradation isn't tied to his gameplay but bad writing which is easily remedied.
Yeah, this is correct.
You say that as joke to spite Jap purist, but Ian really did ruin Sonic characters dynamic
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>that handwriting
>I have literally never seen a sonallyfag run in here to seethe about people not shipping it the way other shipperfags do.
That's because they're outnumbered now, and they can't do it anymore without being called out and run off.
Having a steady pay is satisfying though. If you make a fuck ton off of your labor then that's great, but otherwise your pay isn't fixed so you're just hoping to get work sometimes.
You're right they don't want human men
they want human boys
I said it because you retards do it constantly
Stupid groomer pedo take your meds.
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Better fix.
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Or it doesn't happen? Sonallyfags are obviously still present in the threads, and despite this you don't see Sonallyfags fighting with Sonurgefags or Sonazyfags. I think Sonallyfags are more rational than you give them credit for.
dangerously based
I hate this image like you wouldn't believe
>little toes
I mean whatever floats your boat...
Yeah. I learned that in a lot of places, good work ethic is punished more than it's rewarded, and I got tired of that so I went into work where it seemed like there was less disparity. It's sure not perfect anywhere, though.
>still coping
No MobianIslander would find a creature as hideous as a human male attractive especially when they can get with other mobianislanders instead.
>b-b-b-b-but muh big dick
Even a lot of women don't like dicks that are too big let a lone a 3ft tall MobianIslander.
Human larger dick size would but a turn off not a turn on.
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Me too
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As a sonallyfag I can confirm I like all heterosexual ships.
Why do women do this?
>athletic punky girls look best with disproportionately large milktanks wobbling around
absolutely coal taste, they look infinitely better with modest/bordering-on-flat chests, athletic girls are meant to be aerodynamic
end my life
Good thing it's a FAN pic, then.
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I'm a network engineer and have a productive, normal life, aside from wanting to fuck Sonic characters, that is
WRONG and double wrong for using a sharty meme
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>that handwriting
That looks like someone took a blazamy pic and changed them to shadow and sonic
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human men cant even compete
They will domesticate the Earth.
Which drawfag is this?
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people who want to have sex with mobians are mentally ill
You'll never see Sonic and Shadow like this.
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>B-But... human cock won't even fit!
what's a mobian
We know what you did to knuckles behind closed doors
And it's what a FAN thinks of Silver.
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Based, I do digital marketing with normies and I feel like a serial killer among them. I'm also a huge surgefag.
this game outright confirms that sonic is canonically a hero and sees himself as a hero
>t. someone who's never actually seen a proper athletic girl irl
my highschool crush was a girl taller than me that was lean, pratically flat, and had perfectly built thighs, you simply cannot understand the appeal.
I salute you as a true equal.
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I can live with that.
Yeah, made by a REAL fan
Mobian yes. Blobian absolutely not.
>You'll never see Sonic and Shadow like this.
Until you look it up.
Currently in college and miss this board alot.
Something associated with a line.
>All the other teams have the members interacting in friendly ways and displaying comradery
>Team Rose just gets clicked and dragged into frame
this guy brings so much damage to Silver characterization, I fucking hate them so much..
Team Dark.
>The focus on tarot and mysticism dwarfing her other traits is his attempted erasure of who Amy really is
>Ian is in charge of gameplay mechanics now
It is always funny to me how much his haters gas him up here.
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Mommy milkers gib me gib me creamy milk
why does everyone get upset about that purple ghost girl in super mario?
It's not their fault, it's ST's fault.
Dunno, but for me it's because she is a tranny
Because it's a femboy that wants to be a girl. No different from Bridget in Gulity Gear.
Team Dark.
Not a thing in universe. I don't know why people got mad about this fact.
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>same energy
So who did Tails sell himself to?
Harvesting the souls of chao for Lanolin
Why would if be a think in the first place?
Omega and Shadow are both immortal while Rouge still ages meaning she'll wither away while Shadow and Omega remain the same.
I wonder two years from now if artists from here like Colono or Maris will pop up as official artists
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Me, the ugly fat human male
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He(yes he) was just supposed to be a silly joke about him pretending to be a girl to fit in with his sisters because the Japs find that kind of thing silly. Then suddenly everyone decided to push him as the bastion of trans rights for some reason even though that wasn't the point at all.
Bridget doesn't want to be a girl.
He was groomed by his parents into being a girl, but wanted to prove to everyone and himself that even if he wasn't very masculine he could still be a cool guy/fighter/bounty regardless of his appearance and forced upbringing. Of course people ignored this and insisted that Bridget was totally trans while ignoring the horrible implication of that assumption.

Now stop being off topic.
Thanks for sucking the soul out of that drawing.
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That looks like someone I know....
That would be genuinely awesome if they're interested in working with them also I get to live vicariously through them it's like we all worked for Sega :)
Draw Eggman getting raped
Because retards like to blow it out of proportion and say shit like "team dark never existed" and disregard the idea of Shadow, Rouge and Omega every teaming up. Like sure, they don't call themselves Team Dark nor is it a real title but it's still the easiest way to refer to Shadow, Rouge and Omega as a group.
Fanarts that further perpetuate the WRONG characterization of Silver
That's completely retarded. When have the Japanese literally EVER advocated for ANYONE regardless of who they are and where they come from? Name a single time.
it didnt have soul to begin with
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I may have spoke to soon...or just in time
Exactly. Who cares if it's "a thing" or not? It's a face way to say Shadow Rouge and Omega. Why people have to be turbo autists about it is beyond me.
It sounds to me like both characters are trans, and like Yamato from One Piece the random insists they aren't.
>Bridget doesn't want to be a girl
Really?? How about the localization? Surely they won't have any transgender agenda right?
Is Yamato trans? I don't watch one piece anymore. I thought it was a chick calling herself a guy for some reason.
Reminder that according to Ian
Shut up.

Reminder that according to Ian, Tails and Knuckles can't beat Shadow in a fight, but Sonic, Blaze and Omega can.
Okay, NOW you can complain.
Yamato is treated as a man by the entire cast and even bathes with the guys. Yamato is trans masc officially. Only wide stuff not made by oda calls Yamato a girl.
my sol is alit with toilet water
Ian is such a faggot.
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Why are you guys so obsessed with a children's franchise?
It sounds like they're both transgender characters and you're just pretending it's some unrelated Japanese concept when it's just the same thing.
I’m not, but I do worry about some of the posters here.
How does Sanji see her?
No shit? Sonic has beaten Shadow before, and Omega is the one who captured Shadow in the bad future of 06. Omega was also the one chosen to guard Shadow's capsule in Heroes for a reason. This isn't to say Shadow couldn't also beat Sonic and Omega, but it's obviously up in the air when/if they fight.

I'm not sure where Ian gets Blaze from though, I guess because she's an equal to Sonic and Shadow on a conceptual level.
>Who the fuck are these characters?
>i know that character. It's from the Sonic games that I played!
hes doing the muh purse japanese canon on dickgirl fetishism
I will ruin Sonic. I will sneak into Sega and make them read all of my autistic headcanons.
Obviously, he's still a kid that hasn't reached his full potential.
He really should be able to give Shadow a run for his money like the other heavy hitters, and it's a shame that he isn't treated on the same level as the other hogs and Blaze.
People like to forget that Omega is a fucking tank, and was literally designed to deal with Shadow and likely Sonic and Silver as well by how similar they are to him. I like to headcanon that he has some built in way to deal with Chaos powered attacks.
>I guess because she's an equal to Sonic and Shadow on a conceptual level.
>He(yes he) was just supposed to be a silly joke about him pretending to be a girl to fit in with his sisters because the Japs find that kind of thing silly.
This is completely wrong. Nowhere does the writing or characters implies that Vivian wanting to be a girl is some kind of joke. He wants to be one because he's a girl at heart, but his sisters bully him because "boys can't be witches" according to Beldam. That's why Vivian teams up with Mario to defeat his sisters and fully embraces becoming a girl.
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Sonic won't let me go...
That was from earlier, I just didn't save it normally.
Here's a fresh drawing.
Even Buntoine?
People literally make shit up about Vivian because they can't emotionally handle the fact that there is a trans character in the Mario franchise
I am just as evil as sthg says I am.
What if Bendis wrote Sonic?
>He really should be able to give Shadow a run for his money like the other heavy hitters, and it's a shame that he isn't treated on the same level as the other hogs and Blaze.
I recall Shadow being exhausted a bit after fighting with Knuckles with his inhibitors removed in Sonic X if that means anything. I don't remember if he had already taken them off prior or for that fight specifically
What if Slott wrote Sonic as well?
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I don't have a problem with Blaze beating Shadow.
Sonic? Like the Hedgehog?
>whom is the only person that has always accepted her for who she is
Except that's wrong. He only saw her for the robot facsimile he knew and then rejected the person she became.
Sonic X is straight up worthless in terms of modern characterization and power scaling you dumb fucking baboons
Bendis. The Writer Bendis.
My faith has been restored now go Anon go do art stuff and remember to put my name on it
but it's japanese????
Don't insult them like that before I show you who really useless in power scaling
You will see more homage to to the shitty boring movies than to Sonic X
So? Chaos 2 nearly beats Sonic & Knuckles and Emerl beats Sonic but loses to Cream and Cheese. It's straight up contradictory to the source material it is adapting.
Difference is Bridget didn't want to be a girl originally, it was forced on him. They only changed that recently in ironic cruelty.
Who's stronger X Sonic or SatAM Sonic
>Bridget doesn't want to be a girl.
He was groomed by his parents into being a girl, but wanted to prove to everyone and himself that even if he wasn't very masculine he could still be a cool guy/fighter/bounty regardless of his appearance and forced upbringing.
Newfag, that's the old canon. It's irrelevant in the newer entries where characters are reintroduced with new backstories.
Learn to speak English you fucking caveman this isn't the Flintstones you dumb commando bitch bend that sweet ass over
I'm warning you Anon...
>Me when I see knuckles or tikal
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Just a reminder that Sonic is Chuck Yeager so if you sexualize him you're sexualizing a real human being that died. Stop
Why are we so retarded?
What about Mecha Sonic/Espio and Nicole? Razor and Coral?
Better than Ian's dyke-filled toilet paper comic
Sonic X was directly overseen by Sonic Team compared to something like Archie which was westerners trying to destroy Sonic
>there is a trans character in the Mario franchise
Where in the Japanese script does it use the word ニューハーフ?
Tails' full potential will be with his scientific genius, not his physical ability.
You know this would mean Omega is far more powerful than Knuckles...
she can fix her
"Team Dark" is Archieshit. Just because Shadow, Rouge, and Omega team up here and there doesn't mean they're a designated team.

>B-But Sonic Heroes
Brand name.
Sonic X will always be better and memorable than SatAm
This doesn't mean shit because Sonic X isn't canon or important for modern Sonic content at all. I don't see what comparing it to a completely dead spinoff comic does for you.
Heh you said suck, schizo.
>I wonder how they feel about Elise, Chris, and the Deadly Six
I haven't seen a single nip art of the Deadly Six and there is a reason 4kids had to be the one to order a third season of Sonic X.

I..don't know if I still feel that way Anon /sthg/ isn't the friend I used to know
>that's the old canon
>It's irrelevant in the newer entries
nta, but I don't give a goddamn fuck. It's a complete and utter bastardization of what the character originally stood for and all the "fans" clap and shriek when they're totally fucking blind to the actual context at hand. Ironically, these people should be all for the story of someone who decides to be who they are and forge their own destiny despite their looks and societal expectations, it's the type of theme that should be praised by that crowd, but they revel in that whole thing being thrown away so that they can feel "represented".
Anyways, fuck you, talk about Sonic.
So you're saying something Archie did was objectively better than Sonic Team's work? I agree.
The show never pretended Cream and Cheese were more powerful than Sonic. They beat Emerl because they confused him, it's not the same thing.
I like both for different reasons
You haven't even touched guilty gear. You just use it for your shitty culture war seething.
Didn't say that at all, retard.
Born on an island....in...the heavens...
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They will beat you up!!!
That's what I said you goddamn moron, this is what I'm fucking talking about. I EXPLICITLY specified that they aren't a "team" or use the name "Team Dark" just that it's a catchall term for those three teaming up.
Emerl's weakness was that he couldn't handle more than one person attacking. For some reason, Sonic, Knuckles and Rouge weren't enough to exploit this but Cream and Cheese was. It's a plot hole like Sonic being the only one to figure out Eggman's plan involving blotting out the sun.
Diapershitters actually never learn, it's astounding.
The spics and autists are at full force today
Archie is peak of all Sonic fanfiction
Was Team Dark a thing in Archie? In what way? I've never read it nor will I, at least not the whole thing.
>just because they're a team doesn't make them a team! TEAM DARK DOES NOT EXIST AND SONICS ARMS ARE NOT BLUE! DONT CALL ANYBODY!
I've come too far to lose to anyone I'll crush them
Then Sonic Team aren't capable of keeping the stories they wrote straight, not surprising, but still.
X isn't canon, it can't be, the events that take place contradict the games.
Which isn't how Emerl functions in Battle, where Sonic just overpowers and outspeeds him with ease.
Them choosing on their own to work together when it matters despite NOT being an actual team, makes their bond come off as stronger than just making them actual coworkers that just work together because they're part of a designated squad.
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Late response but the story I roll with is that she was arranged to wed with some alien prince and since Anonymous never proposed to her in this timeline, Reynard bit the bullet since she can trust him. They're super casual and act more like roommates than an actual married couple.
Here is life a lesson. Don't bitch when people agree with you. It'll save you from getting punched in the face down the line.
>in Battle
Emerl's speed is on par with Sonic and Shadow in Battle.
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Sonic fatally injures Ultimate Emerl in less than 30 seconds, he was playing before then.
Does anyone else feel Battle's story is massively underrated? I thought it was really good. Yes even the parts where Amy went full schizo.
Just like them? Go to anyone with a Bridget pfp on xitter and I guarentee you most of them have never touched a GG game in their fucking life.
>You just use it for your shitty culture war seething
It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with the original, and good, story being overwritten for no good reason and adding nothing new while taking away what was already good. It's the same shit as Sonic character characterizations getting tossed out the window or otherwise dumbed down to the simplest, safest shit imaginable. It's retarded and the fact that the first thing that comes to your mind is a "culture war" shows how fucking brainrotted you are.
How come Surge tries to cuck Sonic by dating Amy and then she ends up being kissed and caressed by both of them
>They instantly skip to being an old married couple immediately after being wed
>write Sonic a preaching faggot
>write Tails as a pathetic Cuck
>chained Knuckles to his cuckrock forever, never to leave
>write Amy as an independent GIRLBOSS that needs no Sonic
>actively trying to kill SonAmy
>write Shadow as retard jobber
>write Silver as retard gaybaby
>literally killed Sticks
What's his end goal?
Pulling what Ken Penders did with Archie.
Emerl needed only to take a hit in that state, Sonic's attack wasn't what actually harmed him, the energy he absorbed destroyed him from the inside.
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When are we getting an apposing "Freedom Fighters" in the IDW comic?
>opposing Freedom Fighters

Team Surge
Destroy Sonic as revenge for Archie by any means necessary. That or he's just a bad writer.
They went 10 rounds.
He has none and that's what makes him so dangerous to the franchise.
Maekawa tweaked the characterizations for certain characters throughout his tenure, but he did so with character archs and overarching themes in mind from the start while Ian just changes the characters to a be simulacra of what they're supposed to be so he can make them semi-likeable for his crying lesbian soap opera.
Sell me on this.
watching you retards twist yourself in knots over this shit is so funny
Maekawa isn't a good writer you dumb fucks
Reynard is a boomer in his twenties since he hung around adults more than kids his own age. Rouge thinks his taste in music and movies is old and lame.
>literally all headcanon
ian derangement system
>literally all headcanon
Just like Ian's writing. Wowzers!
Android 16 and Evan doesn't't want to shove Belle to Scrapnik Island for some reason
>he's japanese
>he's a writer
>I know him
which means he will forever be my go-to example of good writers.
What? They went 1 round. 30 seconds, as you said. Emerl is scaled to his performance vs both Sonic and Shadow at the end of Shadow's story in the game. During the final battle he was destroyed essentially, by his own energy from the inside. And if you recall Emerl was tweaking the fuck out in-game with Sonic's animations among others' turned up to 11. He was in an overcharged state his body couldn't handle, it wasn't a fight to beat Emerl but land a hit that will speed up his own inevitable demise before he destroys the Earth.
it's sega approved so it's not headcanon sweetie :^)
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That's what they all say
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Tamers has a better sense of story structure
Nice ironic meme.
>What? They went 1 round.
No, they didn't.
They went 10 rounds, at minimum, in under 30 seconds.
Sonic took off the training wheels and Emerl got trashed.
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>Western-inspired characters become less authentic when actual Westerners write for Sonic
Huh, that's certainly interesting
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I always wonder what kinds of games sthg posters would make
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I will always live for IDW Sonic slander, it's always morally correct
like sonic but with a girl character and a little more fetishy
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I think his dialogue and story telling is surprisingly competent despite the subject matter. He definitely cares for his craft which is admirable.
I lost the desire to create stuff some time after the ice age I'll just play what others make
Schizo-kun, you keep complaining but people kept requesting it
I feel like most here would just make a shipping VN.
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Even if I hate the end result, ai personally love it when someone is artistically dedicated to creating something.
Espio's gf
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>ai personally love it
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Sonic boys dating sim, all blobian boys are available for you to date!(Ignore eggman) you play as anon the human man
>ai personally love it
Unfortunate and ironic typo
espio is for espioyume
This pic's artist is QKora btw
Eggman would be the secret route
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It's not really an East vs. West thing so much as it is Flynn being a hack: the characters remained authentic when the Westerners at Bioware wrote them.
Then he stims her off camera
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If I were capable of willing it into existence I'd make a Shadow game that plays like Prototype.
I can see why Sonic will never have humies again.
This is why it brings my piss to a boil when people say Lanolin is the new Sally. Even at her bitchiest in Metal Madness or the slap Sally was still concerned for Sonic’s safety even when she thought he directly disobeyed her orders. The slap was just a fucked up way to get Sonic to stop risking his life.
Lanolin is just a dumb cunt without much redeeming factors.
Think Odin Ring but with more emphasis on the platforming and with all of sonic's 2d kit
this thread to a to mental health professional
Eggman literally built G-merl using Ultimate Emerl's data, they even share the opened third eye.
G-merl > Ultimate Emerl
She fucking hates him.
i think we should all remember cultural standards too.
A girl slapping a guy was considered only as bad as yelling at him in 2002.
Yeah she's not like Sally. I don't even like Sally or anything Archie and I can tell Sally was more likeable than Lanolin by a long shot. The way Lanolin is written and depicted makes it seem like the writers and artists want you to dislike her. And it's working.
She fucking him*
most of the things lanolin does are things Sally would do though, Sally did have sonic put in jail once and was pretty unreasonable about it.
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Best 4
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>Whisper and Silver fanboys still bitching about Lanolin
One where all the delicious sonic boys fucking die violently
All I'm getting from this is that Lanolin was originally supposed to be like Sally, but they accidently made her TOO hateable and now have to double down on making her a bitch for no reason so that she can get humbled.
Go draw something
Eggman the therapist
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Correct, I said gf, not wife.
My dream Sonic game would be modeled after the the Roblox Sonic game with "open zones," but more like a cross between Sonic R or NiGHTS stages than You have open themed stages that are more tightly designed, kind of like theme parks, with lots of different interweaving paths and setpieces to explore. There are no bottomless pits, so gameplay is about running around on the environment like you actually see Sonic doing in fiction.

It'd return to the Emblem system of SA but you'd be able to obtain lots of different emblems per stage like something like Mario Odyssey, so you're able to just drop into stages and start achieving goals. The main ones would be the simple "reach the goal" stages, but you'd race through checkpoints instead, encouraging you to run freely across a relative route around the stage without giving you a strict linear path.

There'd be a whole progression and customization system modeled after Generations and Secret Rings and you can tag in other cast memebers to play the stages to achieve different things. And some kind of A-Life system like NiGHTS or Demon's Souls' World Tendency, where Eggman's influence can gradually take over a stage making it harder, but freeing animals from capsules and badniks makes the levels more lush and vibrant.
should fiona be shorter or the same height as sally?
They should be drawing Silver plowing Whisper and Blaze instead.
Sally in satam butts heads with Sonic and is often as wrong as she is right. The idea is that her and Sonic have to see each others perspectives which are radically different. Opposites attract.
Sally in Archie is supposed to be right most of the time, a tether to keep Sonic from going full-asshole. It's generally implied that without Sally, Sonic is prone to reckless endangerment of others and bullying.
Think Mary Jane in the PS4 Spider-man game. How she was pretty argumentative with him for putting himself in danger while not taking her seriously.
Lanolin isn't like either of those. She's not the stubborn girl next door, she's the strict teacher.
Eggman also built Shadow androids using Shadow's data, does that make them more powerful than Shadow?
Gemerl is clearly not Emerl. Emerl is the Gizoid, conqueror of all. Gemerl is a cheap facsimile.
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Lanolin could never
its crazy how much power ian somehow has when soa and soj approve literally every single aspect of IDW comics. Does he sneak in after hours and swap out the comics that get printed to you think?
post sauce
Sonic has never beaten G-merl in a 1 on 1 fight, in fact, Ultimate G-merl was the first enemy to overtax Sonic's super form and cause him to fall unconscious.
>Sally in Archie is supposed to be right most of the time, a tether to keep Sonic from going full-asshole. It's generally implied that without Sally, Sonic is prone to reckless endangerment of others and bullying.
Jesus fuck I hate Mobian Line so much. I genuinely don't know why some Sonic fans prefer Mobonic.
>Sally was able to tard rangle sonic
>But for 25 years straight Shadow was completely unreasonable
So Shadow is harder to control than Sonic, according to Archie
It's by her nails
I sincerely hope IDW will be canned soon, who's with me?
don't start that shit up again you annoying little faggot
here, here
imagine Shadow and Sonic's dynamic in prime, only in archie it was less that Sonic was stupid, and more that he was arrogant. That's Sonic and Sally's dynamic.
Women love abusive men
example: Tangtards
>she's the strict teacher.
She was originally a civilian turned soldier that just wanted to help people in her own way, and thought that if Sonic listened to her things would go better. It's no different from Sally trying to reign him in because she disagrees with how he does things. Eventually however she was flanderized, like all the other IDW OCs, into being needlessly mean for no reason.
The reboot kind of tones her down significantly. Sally is still the level headed one, but she's not the super genius she was in Preboot and Satam (since Tails did not start out as a genius in those continuities)
She's the leonardo, while Sonic is the michealangelo.
At this point I'm under the impression that SoJ simply doesn't care about what Flynn writes for the English script unless he does something egregious since they'll just write their own Japanese script if they don't like what Flynn puts out like Kishimoto did for Frontiers.
been with you but not holding my breath anymore desu
No, Eggman is not present, it's exclusively jokerian
>He's figured it out
As a man, I love abusing men.
so you're saying that
>At this point I'm [HEADCANON]

no matter how much you cry and gnash your teeth it doesn't change the fact that SOA/SOJ has the entire western branch of the franchise under such intense scrutiny that every single decision they make is directly approved by their representatives. What Ian writes is what Sonic Team wants, because if it wasn't they'd make him rewrite it.

You are living in a fucking delusion build on a foundation of ignorance and mindless worship of the japanese. You need to fucking grow up.
If it makes you all feel better, Sally's personality can best be summed up by just pointing to Donut Lord in movie 2 specifically, not movie 1.
Every line out of his mouth could have come out of Sally.
>we don't care so do whatever you want
Why is Sega like this? Couldn't they just bother to do something about their golden boy IP?
According to ABT, Lanolin and Rouge gossip about Shadow.
That's Ultimate Gemerl though. Even still I believe Ultimate Emerl is more powerful than Ultimate Gemerl theoretically, but his body contained the power of supernovas and couldn't handle it. IF he could handle it he'd definitely be more powerful, but that's just theoretical. But still it's a testament to the full potential of Emerl. He formed a link with the stars because his original link the one with Sonic, was overwritten. This means the stars contained more power than Sonic himself. Emerl absorbed that energy, so he was technically more powerful than Sonic at that time.
>SOA/SOJ has the entire western branch of the franchise under such intense scrutiny that every single decision they make is directly approved by their representatives.
Or they don't care nearly as much as you'd like people to believe.
You don't, faggot, you want to be dominated by a bigger men
No one answered so I went with shorter.
They don't know what Sonic fans want so they're just trying everything to see what sticks.
>Why is Sega like this? Couldn't they just bother to do something about their golden boy IP?
Sega's a Japanese company, since Sonic's not popular in Japan they view it merely as something they can churn out every now and them without any care put into it to make extra money.
If a Sonic game ever performs well in Japan, that's when they start caring.
I will never be wrangled by girlboss bitches such as Sally and Lanolin.
well right now we have the words of the people who actually work on the books versus your third world schizophrenic ramblings

so you know, we can figure out who to believe here
Do they do this with boob telepathy?
Flatties need not apply
Yeah nobody cares about your shitty mobian line OCs bitch
Boobs are just extra brain storage
What point are you even trying to make here?
Didn't they rewrite Frontier's script in Japan?
I mean they have a whole team of people that every single individual decision the comics make have to pass through before they can be printed. What more do you want?
I'm sorry, let me put it in a language you understand

I don't do theories, I do facts.
Sonic beat Ultimate Emerl on his own in under a minute.
Super Sonic needed Eggman's help to beat Ultimate G-merl and even still he nearly lost.
G-merl > Ultimate Emerl
leave him alone and maybe he'll take a siesta kek
everyone wants shadow to be batman when he's wolverine
he's a hedgehog
>I mean they have a whole team of people
I'm still not convinced that it isn't just Iizuka and no one else.
wolverine is one of the most poorly written characters in all of comics because he's supposed to be an ugly short grumpy asshole but every writer wants to be him so they turn him into chad bigdick and make him cuck every other character, especially cyclops who they hate for being a good person.
How come no one opposes Lanolin and they just tolerate her lmao
>he's supposed to be an ugly short grumpy asshole but every writer wants to be him so they turn him into chad bigdick and make him cuck every other character.

Wow he's literally Shadow, except replace the writers with fans.
So he's the same as shadow
Very creative.
Why would you even bother saying this? Your thoughts have no bearing on this situation. You're just making shit up.
You considered Gemerl's strengths but not Emerl's strengths, so your conclusion has little merit. Sonic isn't more powerful than Ultimate Emerl is; THAT is a fact, and I just proved it to you. The question remains how would Sonic fare against Ultimate Emerl of Ultimate Emerl's body could contain and stabilize all of that energy. We'll likely never know, but it seems to be in Emerl's favor.
Because Shadow doesn't stick around
I'm going to pretend this is part of your lore
Knuckles will shout at lanolin and she'll break down when one of her heroes slap her with reality
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Tranquilo, gringo
>Gemerl's strengths but not Emerl's strengths
I did, Ultimate Emerl lost to Sonic once he got serious, that's his full power.
Cyclops is basically the 06-Sonic of X-men. People suddenly started liking him when he wasn't being used to make Wolverine look cool. But until then he was just the lame, less violent alternative to Wolverine.
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Because Shadow is not around
Because Knuckles is not around
Because Silver is not Silver
Shit... He got us white bros...
Cyclops existed before Wolverine though
I'm not explaining this again.
I always liked Cyclops but only so far as I hated the fucking X-Men in general. Shitty, melodramatic, edgy deconstruction of capeshit in general and I find deconstructions (especially capeshit ones) inherently pretentious. My favorite capeshit hero is Superman.
Sonic isn't Sonic either, so I'd add him to this list too.
It's what happens when you combine a girlboss with bad writing, everyone else is dumbed down to make her look competent.

And it makes the writer look incompetent in the process.
>Shitty, melodramatic, edgy deconstruction of capeshit in general and I find deconstructions (especially capeshit ones) inherently pretentious.
you do not understand any of those words jesus fuck

"the xmen are a deconstruction of superheroes" for fucks sake
>Why doesn't Lanoli-
You guys think Rouge can handle Lanolin
I need my face in the gap between their thighs.
I think you're pretty based actually
I remember the 2000s, everyone hated Superman for not being edgy enough, it was like a reverse meta era.
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Because fuck game characters, am I right?
Cope is not an explanation, Sonic defeated Ultimate Emerl fair and square, Sonic has never beaten G-merl in a 1 on 1 fight.
You're not even saying his name right, you're meant to pronounce "Ji" as in the letter G, not "Je" as in gem.
>So who ARE you?
>I'm the second of command around here!
>Riiiight, and what exactly have you done?
>I-i ran the desk for a while, and I was working overtime during the metal virus incident, and I even lead the assaults on the eggperial city!
>Oh, cool! So you're not a glorified manager! What did you do exactly?
>...I was ... captured... but I did provide reconnaissance!-
>Octopi have completely pleasureless sex
>And the die immediately afterwards
Glad I'm not one of them.
octussy (octentacle)
This ship is so much better than any of their official ships
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uhh, new page this late?
I stayed up until now so why not.
Well, honestly it's about the time that I have to slow even more progress on this for this month. And I have to incorporate something that I wrote in the script recently.
uhhh, good night.
It's obviously just a hunch, but you'd think that if they had a whole team dedicated to proof-reading the comic that Sonic and Silver would be written how they are normally in jap content. That and the fact that Shadow is supposedly very restricted unlike Sonic and Silver and Shadow is the dedicated pet character of Iizuka. IDW is inconsistent and overall kinda fuckin sucks so the idea of there being a whole quality control team and the product still being this bad is honestly a much sadder prospect than it just being one man and a language barrier.
how difficult would you say it is to put these together? Looks fucking cool.
Sonic is less powerful than Ultimate Emerl and I'll spell it Jymerl if I want to.
I've been gone for a while- someone else is making a comic now? You fuckers need to slow down with all this productivity and shit
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I love your style. It's weird, but I like that it's weird.
Hey, they don't immediately die, they simply go into senescence in which their body simply stops replicating cells and they actively start decaying while still alive. Fun!
>Iizuka-san, the new script from Frynnu arrived
>*Iizuka leafs through the script*
>I can't speak Engrish Kishimoto-san, you shourd know that by now!
>If neither of us can speak Engrish, the how should we proofread the script?
>I wirr just hand it off to an intern, have him run it through Googre Transrate and make sure that Shadow is written properry.
>Sonic is less powerful than Ultimate Emerl
He's not, my source is that Sonic won the fight, snapping Emerl out of his frenzy which caused Gerald's failsafe to activate, forcing Emerl to self terminate.
If you won't respect the characters name then it's clear you're just arguing in bad faith because of your bias for Emerl.
G-merl is Emerl reborn.
OR, have you perhaps considered that you are the one who is wrong? You are taking what you've read about how the characters are portrayed in the japanese translations and then projecting how YOU want them to be portrayed onto that.

You need to get over yourself and understand that you are getting exactly what you are asking for. You are getting the pure, unadulterated, Sonic Team version of these characters. They are screened by and rewritten by Sonic Team representatives.

If you don't like them, well, that's totally on you. You don't like the characters as Sonic Team wants them portrayed. There is nothing wrong with hating the way Sonic Team does things.
Reynard has a magic spell that turns everyone who draws him into a fightchad

Scribbleanon and Roads are both making fighting comics. The same characters are in both.
kek, pretty much how I see it.
man, bait just doesn't taste as good as it used to.
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The fact is he was destroyed by the energy within him. This is canon and stated outright and no amount of coping will change it.
The link with Sonic was overwritten by a greater power. This is also factual and canon, and you can talk all day with non-arguments like "you're not saying the name right so you're wrong" but at the end of the day this is the truth.
>it's bait if it's a harsh truth I don't want to hear
I think you might just be mad that archie was canceled.
>archie out of fucking nowhere
absolutely fucking obsessed
>The fact is he was destroyed by the en
He self terminated after Sonic broke his link with the Final Egg Blaster by beating him anyway.
Gerald's programming demands that a creation that has gone out of control will self terminate, Emerl goes out of control and self terminates.
using ratings 5 being the most difficult.
Composition 3 out of 5, trial and error.
Base sketch 1 out of 5, any doodle can do the trick
Linework 4 out of 5, time consuming
Script 3 out of 5, sometimes my brain likes to lose focus to something else.
there you go.
Well, I just started posting about a week ago, and this is page 3, for quite some time due to personal reasons.
Thank you, I have to switch between what I like to draw and what I like to draw from the Sonic characters.
Captcha:4GAX, one letter away from 4GAY.
kys blazefag bot
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