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GTAG Patriot Edition

Crew: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/no_fun_aliowed_vg/ - PC only.

To join, you have to:
>Set profile to public
>Open friends list
>Go to the crew page and request to join
>Drop your name here

PS4 Community - socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4 - PS4 only

>New Players Guide:
>Import/Export Guide:
https://i.imgur.com/au4XFy1.png (embed)
>Regularly Updated Vehicle Testing:
>Vehicle information
>Interactive map

>I want my picture in the cover!
Just follow the theme, post a picture and ask to be added.

Previous Thread: >>483536430
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Since last thread already hit the limit I decided not to wait until July 4th.
Here's the cover from last thread.
Tomorrow I'll do a big cover with more pictures.
>want new boomervette
>have no reason to buy it
I still have only bought the cop cars... I wanna take better pictures of them before buying the rest of the new cars.
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If only the rigging were done with just a hint of give a fuck.
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I know, I shouldn't be surprised.
I hope the next GTA game has realistic edging...
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I... think I fucked up. There's a garage here but I can't figure out how to get into the planning room for a heist. I think I bought JUST a 10 car garage.
The luxury apartments have a planning room.
Consider the one near Del Pero.
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what did dre mean by this?
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Why don't these cunts shut the goddamn door?
Literally Rockstar being trolls.

You could always knock all the doors off before you begin. They'll get in and out faster.
I don't care about how fast they pump and dump, I just am compelled to waggle after everyone leaves.
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why the fuck do my goods never accumulate evenly? is there something i'm doing thats draining certain ones? no, im not selling to street dealers
It's normal for different products to go at different rates. That's why people pick certain businesses over others. SAI always goes fastest. Just empty the whole warehouse of all your products when any one of them gets full.
I'm glad there's at least someone else that shares the same frustration as me. Incredibly frustrating when you love a singleplayer game at release or close to release and then it gets shitted up and degraded over time. Especially since the vast majority of the updates were to the online version I had very little interest in. They should've from the get go split up the online and singleplayer portions so you could keep only the SP installed and not have the online producing bloat and fucking up your singleplayer. At least they ported the LeMat revolver into the singleplayer.
Yeah, that's a garage lol. You want the apartments a little further up north, near Eclipse Blvd or Alta St
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Got it figured out, thanks. Went with the Del Perro Heights 20. Also figured out that I can disable the minimap for better screenshots.
At the bounty business, what are agents supposed to do?
presumably they do the same thing as you, only worse. they're like the autoshop staff except you don't have to customize a car, and they return within an in-game day
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>looking into seeing if I can force the Maude text somehow so I can get some bounties and the hatchet
>have a look at the mugshots you can be sent
>mugshawtys clown
One of the best looking females I've seen from this game. Amazing.
that isn't the vanilla unicorn bartender tho
No idea, but that's funny shit if so.
they are peds from the biker dlc
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maaan, wish i could use my impala fleet for many instances. Already have the stock one for riding, i'll add the cruiser for bounties and dispatch, now if only they'd add a taxi one that could be used for taxi jobs i'd even bother doing that shit
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for what fucking puropse? When there are HUNDREDS of bugs that kill the gameplay, they focus on ways and workarounds that make the players experience slightly less tedious or simply try to "fix" the extremely restrictive and outright retarded game's structure
Nigga keeps crashing the cars.
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It's a clown world, we just live in it.
>At least they ported the LeMat revolver into the singleplayer.
And then left the Navy Revolver and Evans Carbine and Elephant Gun...
I wish I had bought all the skull face paints when I had the chance..
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I want my four-eyed fox already.
how is prison break still broken
Whats wrong with it?
because rockstar only cares about people trying to afk or wear hats with their masks
bugs that harm the players just aren't on the to-do list I'm afraid
import/export too
rashkovshi just doesn't move sometimes
there's a convoluted trick to unbreakable him by reversing the riot truck into the wall and getting him on to it so that you can drive to the checkpoint but for 99% of groups it's a redo
I like how they prioritize fucking over outfit glitchers over fixing broken missions
it's even funnier when they've "fixed" cayo multiple times
Can't forget that or how those "fixes" introduced actual bugs that R* won't fix, like guards seeing dead bodies on different floors. Gud jerb, R*
it's 2nd in dripfeed so you just have to wait august
btw those are some nice seats, been looking for something similar myself
I need the other police cars right now for reasons
Honk honk, baby.
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We all make that mistake the first time around.
Recaro LX
One sugar skull paint job is better than none at least
imagine getting a blowjob from these spooky skulls
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Skeletons aren't real, anon
I don't have to imagine, anon, your mom blew me last night.

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The Purge, Day 2
Dune Fav, Sold for $290,150

The things are free. I've had 2 for however many years. I can't take military vehicles too seriously, so gold and pink. Gonna simplfy down to one. Pinky is herby returned to the universe. It got to enjoy a day of bounty hunting adventure before it went. Fully upgraded they really are quite spry.
do not believe rockstar, it is entirely on purpose
I thought the game flags you if you sell any more frequently than once every 48 hours?
I think I heard it was 18 hours. It was free car, there isn't much money to be claimed.
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They are real and they are spectacular.
>not spooktacular
One blow job
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Seems like I made a grave mistake.
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are pvp wubbums welcome?
Holy shitballs
How did you change the mini-map size?
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Down on the d-pad, or Z on kb
must be nice to fool around like that without a modder spreading their demon wings and acting like angelic heroes of justice by stopping your "griefing"
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A bit like driving a sexy bar of soap. Kinda manageable, in a slippery way. I know you're only intended to untrailer the drift cars for races, but I'm tempted to just drive around in it for a month to see if it grows on me.
Man yea I would've really loved the Navy Revolver. Well we did get the 1899 semi-auto which is cool.
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>browsing my friends list
>noticed one of old /gtag/ buddies has another friend with a username similar to his
>except instead of a boy's name in it, there's a girl's name
it's been 10 years
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Welcome to current year, enjoy your stay.
>Outage reported 2024-07-02, 2:07:00 p.m.
>It's taking longer than anticipated 2024-07-02, 8:21:09 p.m.
>Resolution Pending
anon you don't understand, they both were online at the same time
Oh, found a healslut, perpahs?
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>gta healslut
in this case just plain slut
i'm sure if you complimented >>484413159
on their clothes/cars, they'd do the same for you and more
Would rape
Ooh baby, I'd register as CEO and drop bodyarmor and BST for you.
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So assuming they isolate and name it GTA Online as it's own entity, what kind of future would it have? What additions could be made for long term situations?
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Thanks. That's what I was going for.
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A player helped me out in a really hard set up for a heist.
I invited him back for the finale.
I accidentally gave his cut to another player like an idiot.
I didn't realize until after he left.
I'll never live this down.
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As promised, here's a big cover with pictures from last thread.
Lots of good pictures but I ran out of spaces that fit and I didn't want half the cover to be people arresting bounties.
Any other cargo griefers in the thread? I love griefing cargo and I have been doing it for 5 years.
No that's boring. It's low hanging fruit. I like calling mercenaries or muggers on people being annoying in chat, or when people beg for money I put a bounty on the player closest to them and tell them to take the bounty
>grandpa wee woo made it
Some PBR just take a couple more steps to reach than the others.
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I gotta keep up the purge. My garages just can't take much more. So unfair I can't pack those spacious halls in the Facility with cars. It looks like hundreds could line up down there.
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Just a heads up, you can unlock all the new outfits by buying all the new canvas hat from the clothing store (roughly 13k each). It gives them all included unreleased ones.
what new outfits?
Turkey suit, pizza boy etc
Where do you find the outfits? I just bought all those stupid hats
I've seen someone claim that the drown depth of vehicles is attached to the location of the top of the exhaust pipe. Does that include the Remus? >>484457328
>get on dirtbike after running one off the road
>crash to desktop
Patriot Bikini when?
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if you interact with gta multiplayer in any capacity, I hope all the bad things in life happens to you

you're the reason we went without a new entry for 11+ years
Are you daft and stupid?[the answer is yes]. There hasn't been a new GTA for a while because after GTAV and the next-gen editions Rockstar's major project was Red Dead Redemption 2 which was an incredibly and utterly detailed megaproject that required the pull from all of their studios. Rockstar has multiple studios sure but if you want to produce something the quality level of RDR2 or GTA6 you have to pool in the talent and a gamedev of 5-6 years is not uncommon or unreasonable at all.
Yeah out of context, an entire decade in between V and VI is ridiculous, but RDR2 involved every Rockstar studio and started probably sometime in 2013/14 before releasing in 2018, which is when they started working on VI.
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They should appear under special and seasonal in your apartment

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