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Previous: >>484304721

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Ignore all anons who say Aventurine isn't for (You). He is a slut and sluts are for everyone.
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Firefly Guide
4pc Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge, you can use 4pc Quantum or 2/2pc BE% as cope sets while farming for the new 4pc.
2pc Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern, Talia set works too, but Kalpagni is preferred due to the 6% SPD buff.
Signature > Hertacone >= S5 Misha = S5 BP Cone > S1 Claracone
Her signature LC is ~10% better than Hertacone.
Don't use the MoC cone with Sam's picture in it ("Flames Afar"), it's useless on her.
>Relic Stats
Body: ATK%
Boots: SPD
Orb: ATK%
Rope: BE%
>Stat goals
On character screen
With Sig: >240% BE, >2600 ATK
With Aeon: >180% BE, >2700 ATK
>Speed Tresholds
With Ruan Mei all she needs is 140 SPD in the character screen stat page.
If you want to get an extra action before the first cycle change in MoC you'll need 154 SPD on her character page, E2 users may choose to skip this 154 SPD treshold entirely and focus more rolls onto ATK% and BE%, note that this only matters for MoC.
Harmony MC is mandatory, Ruan Mei can be replaced with Asta or Pela, if you do this Firefly performance will be 2~3 cycles slower.
She can work with any Abundance/FX unit but Gallagher it's STRONGLY recommended due to his SP printing abilities and matching element with Firefly.
>E1 vs S1
If you have the funds to get to E2 first then do that instead of S1, if you can only afford S1 or E1 then do E1 over S1.
>S1 vs Ruan Mei
Ruan Mei.
>How does Super Break work
It only scales off Break Effect, Weakness Break Efficiency, Enemy DEF, Enemy RES, and Vulnerability.
Break Effect = Relics, Harmony MC
Weakness Break Efficiency = Complete Combustion, Ruan Mei
Enemy DEF = Relic Set, Ruan Mei E1, Firefly E1
Enemy RES = Ruan Mei Ultimate
Vulnerability = Complete Combustion, Her Signature LC, Gallagher Besotted debuff
>Which ATK% buffs work with Firefly?
Everything works except Robin ultimate and RM's E2.
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trannyturine flopped
fuck mihoyoclowns for nerfing yunli
dropping this shit if she releases in this state
I kinda wanna run an Acheron, Black Swan and Jiaoqiu team…
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Damn, when is Acheron's rerun? I just need her sig and everything will be just peachy...
sold more than firefly friend.
She'll be back
I belieb
you fucking wish tranny faggot.
I'm sure they are reading your post right now and doing everything they can to fix it!
>Kafka has blade
>Pick Firefly
Easy choice commander trailblazer.
What else did the voices in your head tell you fren
TLDR (Jiaoqiu)

Basic skill:
NERF: 180% -> 150% of Jiaoqius ATK

Ultimate skill:
NERF: 200% -> 100% of Jiaoqius ATK on cast.

BUFF: Ashen Roast is now considered a Burning DoT and will deal damage equal to 180% of Jiaoqiu's ATK

Trace #1:
NEW: At the start of battle Jiaoqiu regenerates 15 energy.
REMOVED: Reduce enemye Effect Hit Rate by 30%
REMOVED: While the field is active, deal additional fire damage equal to 150% of Jiaoqiu's ATK

Light Cone:
NERF: 2nd Tier of debuff is now gated behind DoT application.
NERF: 2nd Tier of the debuff 18% -> 14% Vulnerability.

TLDR: Nerfed damage output, nerfed sig cone so it only works on him (prev. it worked best on Pela lmao), has a very bad/mediocre DoT at E0.
TLDR (Yunli)

Ultimate skill:
NERF: Intuit: Slash (Lv2 Counter): 240% -> 200% ATK to primary target, 120% -> 100% ATK to adjacent targets.
NERF: Intuit: Cull (Lv3 Counter): 240% -> 200% ATK to primary target, 120% -> 100% ATK to adjacent targets, 80% -> 60% ATK to the 6 additional hits dealt to random targets.
REMOVED: When an Intuit: Slash is inflicted, it will cause the next Intuit: Slash to become an Intuit: Cull.

ADDED: Each time Yunli is attacked she regenerates 15 energy.

BUFF: "Ward" effect duration incrased from 15 to 20 seconds.

Trace #1:
ADDED: When an Intuit: Slash is inflicted, it will cause the next Intuit: Slash to become an Intuit: Cull.
REMOVED: Each time Yunli is attacked she regenerates 15 energy.

TLDR: Damage output nerfed by ~20%.
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Firefly love!
Are they doing this on purpose? How the fuck did they think these kits needed nerfs?
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They killed Yunli...
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So is the cook fox even needed for Acheron? I bet Fu xuan with universal market trend can do some of his work building stacks.
>ADDED: Each time Yunli is attacked she regenerates 15 energy.
This is a buff.
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Bronya rabu!
fucking retard
Yulin is dead isn't she. Yangqing tier.
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HOLD for Yinlin
No, it was simply shifted, previously it was a trace, they simply moved things around, the only real change are the multiplier nerfs.
She's just a Clara sidegrade at E0S0, at S1 she's better.
>king tier
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we don't sign our post here.
Seems like he's good for generating stacks but it doesn't look like he's RM-tier for Acheron, you can still get by with Pela + SW + Tank with Trend
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If leaks are to be believed, then JQ reruns with Braku Swanu. Given the recent nerfs, is it better to just pull for BS and have a future potential of assembling a dothag team?
>t. newfag
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not yaoshi btw
Is a clara / counter character even needed at this point? Would any game mode incentivize countering?
So she's not dead she's just not hitting acheron numbers at e0s0 now
Still pretty good overall
Welp, saving for E2 Acheron then. And getting E2 Firefly while we are waiting.
>leeching off acheron
You trannies have no shame.
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Dawei can suck my cock
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Pink Fox will be for White Fox, dummies
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i like jade as a character but will she be hilariously bad? I pulled on topaz's inital banner but i dont think i can go through the whole
>wait until she has a decent team
thing again.
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If your Ruan Mei is with Firefly, no worries. Your E1/2 Sparkle can boost your DOT team to the same dps.
based based based
flopfly loss
She is gonna be useful for PF at least
I don't have sparkle. Also don't have Kafka or Black Swan and I would never roll for the faggot
she's good at PF and decent in MoC and AS if you get her E1
>E1 Sparkle
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how do we fix shart rail?
bs is a brick without kafka
I knew kakaurinepags were the ones behind pagfly flopping posts
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>Firefly Guide
>4pc Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge, you can use 4pc Quantum or 2/2pc BE% as cope sets while farming for the new 4pc.
>2pc Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern, Talia set works too, but Kalpagni is preferred due to the 6% SPD buff.
>Signature > Hertacone >= S5 Misha = S5 BP Cone > S1 Claracone
>Her signature LC is ~10% better than Hertacone.
>Don't use the MoC cone with Sam's picture in it ("Flames Afar"), it's useless on her.
>>Relic Stats
>Body: ATK%
>Boots: SPD
>Orb: ATK%
>Rope: BE%
>>Stat goals
>On character screen
>With Sig: >240% BE, >2600 ATK
>With Aeon: >180% BE, >2700 ATK
>>Speed Tresholds
>With Ruan Mei all she needs is 140 SPD in the character screen stat page.
>If you want to get an extra action before the first cycle change in MoC you'll need 154 SPD on her character page, E2 users may choose to skip this 154 SPD treshold entirely and focus more rolls onto ATK% and BE%, note that this only matters for MoC.
>Harmony MC is mandatory, Ruan Mei can be replaced with Asta or Pela, if you do this Firefly performance will be 2~3 cycles slower.
>She can work with any Abundance/FX unit but Gallagher it's STRONGLY recommended due to his SP printing abilities and matching element with Firefly.
>>E1 vs S1
>If you have the funds to get to E2 first then do that instead of S1, if you can only afford S1 or E1 then do E1 over S1.
>>S1 vs Ruan Mei
>Ruan Mei.
>>How does Super Break work
>It only scales off Break Effect, Weakness Break Efficiency, Enemy DEF, Enemy RES, and Vulnerability.
>Break Effect = Relics, Harmony MC
>Weakness Break Efficiency = Complete Combustion, Ruan Mei
>Enemy DEF = Relic Set, Ruan Mei E1, Firefly E1
>Enemy RES = Ruan Mei Ultimate
>Vulnerability = Complete Combustion, Her Signature LC, Gallagher Besotted debuff
>>Which ATK% buffs work with Firefly?
>Everything works except Robin ultimate and RM's E2.

Cool story firepag but let me see you try and break THIS

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>Ruan Mei
Who rounds out this team? Harmony Trailblazer?
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You guys keep saying Sparkle is a brick, but how many skippers are still going to skip her in her next rerun?
>but let me see you try and break THIS
>focus on the pig first
Huh? Doesnt his cone still work on black swan?
Are you pretending to be retarded on purpose?
No, I'm new and don't have many 5*s.
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Account unbricked!!!!!!!

76 pulls into pity, yesterday I finally won my first 50/50 on Ruan Mei.
Today, on 10th single pull Firefly blessed my account.
I also managed to get Gallagher to E5.

All I needed to break the curse was our two break queens.
the team will deal no damage without HTB
Only Dan homos rolled for her.
Watch out. Kafka gonna steal the sparkle from Acheron.
I will, I like Sparkle as a character but I don't have any use for her
When will we get our jedi and sith knockoff?
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>bububut you have to focus on the break first
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hopefully never
I don't want to see anything that reminds me of star wars ever again
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>Saw her naked on animated short
>show her naked when she is on battle
And you have nerve to skip her banner?
>n-no, it doesn't count!!!!
>they only reduced Yunli's damage by around 20%
Disappointing but that's alright.

Yeah, she want the sign anyway.
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But there are a lot more comps that use her now.
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Which comp? Acheron?
Where's the "for me, it's avenpaz", feels naked
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>this kills the firefly
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Some of you will hate to admit but she might have sold as much as Acheron without top-up.
And Yunli!
TLDR March 7th (Hunt)

NERF: Base SPD 107 -> 102

Enhanced Basic Attack
NERF: 100% -> 80% of March's ATK per hit

BUFF: Max Charges: 7 -> 10

Trace Stats:
CHANGE: 12% Crit Rate -> 24% Crit DMG

Trace #3:
ADDED: After March uses EBA, increases the Master Crit DMG by 60% and Break Effect by 36%, lasting for 2 turns.
REMOVED: When Master is on the field, increases March 7th's SPD by 10%.

Eidolon #1:
ADDED: When Master is on the field, increases March 7th's SPD by 10.0%.
REMOVED: After using Ultimate, increases the CRIT DMG of the next Enhanced Basic ATK by 36%.

Eidolon #2:
Wording changes, added toughness reduction description.

Eidolon #6:
ADDED: After using Ultimate, increases the CRIT DMG of the next Enhanced Basic ATK by 50%.
REMOVED: After March uses EBA, increases the Master Crit DMG by 60% and Break Effect by 36%, lasting for 2 turns.

Nerfed EBA damage.
Nerfed base SPD by 5.
Added 3 more charges to the EBA counter (EBA still activates at 7)
Changed Trace ascencion from Crit Rate to Crit DMG
Eidolon 6 -> Trace 3 (Buffs master stats after an EBA)
Trace 3 -> Eidolon 1 (March SPD Buff)
Eidolon 1 -> Eidolon 6 (and buffed the multiplier 36% -> 50%)
o-ok, you win this time!
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Jing yuan broke the serves too albeit
So is march 7th still Ok?
I'm not that anon kek, I just thought the artstyle was cute
I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Elysia
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.
>muh t-topup
Yes just like Kafka lmaoooo
She's still good, but she was nerfed.
Just in general everyone got hit by nerfs in v3, Jiaoqiu is now a giga brick, Yunli is now a Clara sidegrade at E0S0.
What Is with all these retarded nerfs?
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>how firefly broke HSR
Yes but can she break THIS???????
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>they nerfed jowcow
>now he's a guinafen sidegrade and shitty ack support instead of being a full pela upgrade
She's not anywhere near acheron numbers but she did pretty well for a banner that has to share the month with the lowest and deadest banner in hsr history
And honestly in the first place her sales should be compared to dan heng's rather than acheron.
What reality were these people living in? Was phys TB EVER not atrociously bad?
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Some of you will hate to admit but he might have sold as much as Acheron without top-up and a gigashill banner and rerun.
>Firefly can't even sold as much as Robin, which has 1/10 of her screentime
Kinda embarrassing
Yes, that boss is a cake walk with her.
I'd top her womb up with my cock.
Damn. Mid 7th
I skipped her the first time and I will skip her again
i dont really think these are nerfs they made her gain more speed and made one of the best parts of her kit baseline aka her e6. there is a slight blow to with her enhanced basics damage getting lowered.
At the start of the game PMC was actually really good, they're only bad once you're TB Lv60 and start to get everyone up to par, for progressing they're amongst the better units to use.
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Anons, help. Firefly E1 is good right? It opens up more options for HMC to do damage?
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She's a 4*. Those aren't allowed to be good. Please pull the 5* version or die.
I was talking about the nerfs to the upcoming characters in general, not just march.
This herta doll looks extremely fuckable right now.
Yes, in some circumstances you can dish Gallagher for Bronya, for example.
now get to building them.
FIREPAG could never
On other game when your choice is Clara without support and "hunt" unit, physical TB carry my ass. Meanwhile Genshin MC already creeped by Sucrose which top tier
Oh hot damn. But Bronya would need a shit ton of speed to match her 200 speed.
and then anon wakes up from xer's dream
>Firefly will break records
>no wait she MIGHT have broken records but we’ll never know teehee
The cope is crazy
E1 is a must for anyone that doesn't want to use RM or Gallagher for now
well damage output for all 3 new characters seems to have been nerfed but there Utility got a great boost. JQ getting his e2 baseline is great same for march's e6 becoming baseline. gotta wait to see the numbers
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>"straight" males using glugger
Holy cope. Metacucks will really bend the knee THIS quickly lmao
So in the new genshin endgame, you have to build 18 characters. I'm not joking. How long until this happens in star rail? I have like 11 characters build, this could actually filter me.
I hope this game explodes and dies after nerfing my barefeet slut yunli
She doesn't. She'll will always go before Bronya, and then Bronya can advance her again. If you have E2 Bronya, it's even better. The best thing about this is that you won't be using as much SP.
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Thanks. My lovely girl came home early.
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I will restore the Avgin clan with my wife (male)
I'm out of every single resource after building Gallagher and FX.
They will be on bench for weeks.
I have 21 characters built.
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2.4 will be our biggest flop yet
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Clara will never be dethroned
Anemo Tabibito was mid even at the start of the game.
PTB was at least decent early on and only phased out once you hit mid levels
They rather make new end game than expanding MoC/PF/AS to 3 team. Even SU gave you free level these day.
I went from being committed to E2 Jiaoqiu to just blowing everything on Black Swan rerun. Actual trash. I already have E2S1 Clara so Yunli was going to be a skip for me regardless but I would have swiped for Jiaoqiu
the yunli nerf was bound to happen. her numbers were too good, she was a must roll before. now we can skip safely.

jamiroquai nerf just killed him though
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Pela dev was pissed about JQ and came in with a vengeance.
Nearly everything before Xianzhou has Phys weakness
Those two are sacrificial lambs in preparation for Feixiao a.k.a the Acheron killer
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I have become death, destroyer of worlds
Thank you Mihoyo for nerfing the bait units, I was scared fomo could take away my rolls but now everything is safe for Tingyun
Genshin will be 4 years old in a couple months, HSR is a year and a couple months old.
So it will take some time for this to happen, probably close or around 3rd year.
I have nearly 20 characters built well, so I'm not worried, being a 1st day player helps a lot.
why did peladev make jiaoqeron lc unusable for her then
firefly is literally fine at e0
Why is Pela so dorky and cute?
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Pearls has the better art for her.
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I literally don't give a fuck, I have teams for days. I just need to Roll Hanabi and maybe Huohuo and my account is good till eos
>hypercarry standard
>freeze memes

btw new DOT detonator when ?? I don't want to roll Kafka but playing dot in DU is super fun
>Rolling homo cone for your wife
Obviously he deleted any potential instance of cuckbaiting
I mean even before the nerf, you don't need him if you have E2S1 Acheron.
Excellent. Rolls saved
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She also good with cope cone.
And despite that, she sold good!
just roll for mommy, bro
somehow some redditors are still blaming firefly for yunli and (especially) jamiroquai nerfs kek
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Your wife was in my bed last night eating my pussy
And before that? In Topaz's bed eating her ass
And before that? In Ratio's tub sucking his dick
And before that? Having his dick stepped on by Jade
Grats Vault / SpikeFruit!
Thanks anon!
They can just label her with Hunt and proceed to give her destruction kit like what they did with Acheron
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Only if you want to use the disgustingly soulless BiS team instead of Silver Sex
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They are unironically a bunch of faggot.
Will blame anything for whatever they don't like
nyo, I hate kafka and find her annoying
not doing that
I already skipped her twice and will continue to till the game ends as well

Although, I do kind of want Black Swan even if she gay
why is black swan gay? just because of the acheron dance video?
Well, yes
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Why are there never married couples in Gachas?
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from now on we should blame firefly for everything
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Because the LGBT agenda dictates everyone is homosexual. Even a fictional meme in a fictional game. Now chop your dick and thank our woke overlords for inventing a third gender.
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My God.
500K break damages. And on an unoptimized build.
thx for the guide bwo
Pray for a 4* DOT detonator.
Honestly the game would be way better if we have more 4*, especially if they're 4* version of existing mechanics/gimmicks/characters.
>wish granted
>game has 50 more 4* characters
>now nobody rolls on limited banners anymore
gacha going mainstream was a mistake
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Fire emblem literally has a ton of these. Like a lot of gen 1 Fe4 units like Sigurd and Deirdre, Ethlyn and Quan, then there's always a case of Pent and Louise in Fe7, and they're all in FEH. They were less afraid of putting canon married couples in games without a self insert Avatar/MC, because now everyone needs to have the potential to marry the MC regardless to encompass everyone's tastes.
Does zzz have any story at all, or more gameplay focused?
Thanks, Monkey's Paw-dono.

You should ask that in /zzz/.
> Jiaoqiu mains right now: Doomposting.

> Acheron mains right now: Celebrating that they don't have to pull for a npc anymore.
ask me in two days.
I don't follow JQ's kit at all.
How much better than SW is he right now?
>e2 paghang
>hate kafka
unironically kill yourself paggoid
Nope, the internet existing was a mistake. The woke couldn't exist in the pre-2000 era. The internet gave too much power to shitters, and they obviously infested its entirety.

The only good thing about it is that the end of humanity will come sooner rather than in a parallel universe where the internet wasn't conceived.
As a Silver Wifehomo I was never going to pull for Jiaoqiu. She will be with me until eos.
At E0S0 he's barely better than SW, at E0S1 he's better for E0 Acheron.
E2 Acheron doesn't want him at all, Pela is STILL better + Sparkle.
>The only good thing about it is that the end of humanity will come sooner
I wish
I'll die of old age before that happens
>Jiaoqiu troons are nuclear right now
>Yunli tards just complain a bit
I'm nooticing
cute friends!
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All 4* can detonate
Only Sampo needs eidolons but you typically don't run 4* below E4 anyway
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Canon couples don't sell as well as characters who are free to interpretation, simple as. If Sigga wasn't a free slut and was tied down to some rando NPC, he wouldn't be as popular as he is now.
Male rollers have less options so of course they'd get more mad
I'm gonna detonate a load on yunli's feet
>E0S0 Jiaoqiu deals up to 40% vulnerability excluding ult
Is that good? Is he bricked without his LC?
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probably too much speed
There's a couple in FGO.
Also what the other anons said, being single means they're good for waifu/husbando'ing and shipping, this makes them more popular.
He's just mid without his LC, and also he's not worth spending 250 rolls for E0S1 when he's barely an upgrade over SW.
He's just a gigabrick, if you only have Pela & Gui for your Acheron then he's worth pulling, if you already have Pela+SW then just skip.
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I agree with you on wanting more 4*, but all I have built and I played the entire game mostly using 4* dps since the start because I built everyone than making concrete sets of gear and rolling Eidolons literally makes me want to kill myself.
I'd like a true Kafkalike 4* detonator but I doubt they'd be as good as her and again, rolling eidolons is the most shitty part about building 4*s in this game. I do agree though 4* variants of 5*s is a fun idea
My last clears have all used 4*s too you can see here. but I've posted many times like beating moc 12 with stupid shit like Misha before too who keeps especially, fucking evading me with his eidolons
White with blue eyes
I rolled Topaz on her first run because I BELIEVED in FUA and I rolled our SIGGA because I never had any sort of limited sustain due to the fact I rolled TOPAZ and skipped Fu, AFTER THAT I LOST MY 50/50 TO HIMEKO so I had no Huohuo and Argenti a spook
and I rolled Dan Heng because I love Danmarch and have always been a fan, verifiable proof too ;)
I have a perfectly soulful account thats better than yours lamo
I have rm with 163, 192% be right now lol on er ropes
me on the right
God I fucking hate cucksummer
1. Ruan Mei E1
2. Firefly E1
3. Save for E2S1 Feixiao which will presumably be the best unit in the game because of Mihoyo chink favoritism

Which way?
kriem is very popular, even if she has a husband
Nah you're fine. She doesn't really have any other beneficial stats apart from BE, err, and speed and you can only get so much of those. More Speed won't hurt you unless you're going for zero cycle autism.
>kriem is very popular
Stop deluding yourself.
Maybe this time they'll consider returning back to gayshin
nah, i don't trust you retards. you said that BS was only 10% better than sampo
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Roll for who you like
>Glamoth planar set is useless on FF, the last of that race
Pretty fucked up
I'm not
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She is taking how many actions in 6 turns?
Have you seen what the Glamoth planar is actually made of? the rope is swarm corpses mixed with mecha debris, I don't think Firefly would like to even come close to that.
Kriem is "popular" because she's the best st arts berserker in the game. No one besides your usual shiptrannies care about her relationship with jobfried
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What the fuck is a Yanqing?
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exactly, nobody cares about her relationship
netori exists for a reason
> the rope is swarm corpses mixed with mecha debris
Thats cool as hell tho
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My cute friend Hotaru who I kiss and say 'I love you' too every day haha
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>firefly poster replied to me
Eww. Now I remember why I haven’t been coming here recently
Sex with you
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Firefly saved RM's rapidly fading relevancy. You owe her your allegiance.
With this many action, can firefly bruteforce everything?
i will remain faithful to hsr, but is everyone trying this shit out?
honestly i didn't expect to like hsr as much as i did coming from genshin. i don't expect to like zzz that much either but we'll see i guess
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>Saves the Luofu
>Saves Penacony
>Saves SpaceGreece
What's next for QQ?
It's free so I'll give it a shot but from what I've seen I'm not expecting much. I won't be making it my main game, HSR hits too many spots.
Get enough damage to stay relevant
Nah not even netorifags care about her just like brynhildr. They only care about paisen
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>Says hi
>Gets a reply
>"Ew a reply"
>RM's rapidly fading relevancy
lol lmao. Firefly will be irrelevant in a year while RM is still going to be the best support
Firefly is not even a character without RM/HMC
UTTERCOPE from pagfly trannies
Xueyi, Boothil, Sushang and Himeko will keep using her, and any other future break dps and double dps teams will

your wife gets raped by bugs
Pretty sure most people will at least try it out to see how it goes. I imagine the genre will filter out a lot of people instantly though, but it should at least be fun for a few days.
paisen is another example that characters in relationship can be popular
>your wife gets raped by bugs
But enough about Ruan Mei. Let's talk about the current banner character: Firefly!
I really don't feel like doing it after it being donwgraded to 12+, the whole appeal to me was waterkuma cunny sex like Lucy and the oni
what exactly IS the genre? i didn't play beta but i've seen a couple clips, what type of game is it exactly?
Sparkle is still a friendless clingy pathetic loser.
Nah, Ruan Mei wouldn't get raped by a bug because it would be willing
Firefly though 100% would freeze up and get ptsd if she saw a bug in front of her
Now let's see Black Swan's friends
>HI3 in 2024
Hard skip, played that garbage back in 2017.
gallagher is cool though and he's not a twink like all the other males
Action rpg where it seems like you'll be spending most of your time in the roguelike mode similar to Simulated Universe when not doing story stuff.
Become a 5*
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Cute wife
She's a 5* larping as a 4*, just like in her slacker lore.
She still has room to grow through a future unannounced Limited Lightcone and Sparkle eidolons.
gallagher is me
>Yunli nerfs
fuck off Dawei still not rolling for Firefly, i'll just skip both of them instead
HSR was sent to die so ZZZ could succeed.
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i forgot about PF, what do i use before this shit ends?
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I use lady Fu with Hotaru
based and same
It's the first gacha where there isn't a single character i'm interested in. Maybe I will try it out if a design comes out that I like but I doubt it.
Can't wait for QQ (Forma trabajadora)
Based QQ anon
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>skip both of them instead
You never liked her and never deserved her
Me on the left
roll e2 firefly and cope with guinaifen
skip e2 firefly and pull jiaoqiu4acheron e0s1
Acheron Kafka BS RM
get the e2 firefly bri
At least I can autobattle damage sponges in HSR

>4 subs
I am not watching your video
>swimsuit skins got banned because of an angry paypig chink highschool student
i hope that nigger got lynched
Half of RM talents/skill and half of her cone don't work for superbreak damage. Why do people say she is so giga mandatory. I better wait for proper FF support
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Dunno, He sound like a whining faggot.
Shouldn't cling on HSR and just play another game
i ain't talkin the new hoyo game but i'm ZZZ'ing through your video
get to the point faster
She is currently the only character that gives brick efficiency.
banjolet gigacope
bald fucking retard
>all those nerfs in beta
what the FUCK
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This was supposed to be a powercreptge......
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How long will I need to wait for Acheron rerun?
>break efficency
>res pen
>additional damage on break
>stuns broken enemies
>dmg% <----- this does not work for firebrick

yep looks like half of her kit
keep waiting bro
play zzz instead gweilo
can't make these shiny units better than Firefly after one patch in bwo
Not sure about the jq nerfs but Yunli's nerfs were probably pretty warranted. There were way too many zero cycle clears at e0s1 with poor play floating around on Youtube.
>Break Efficiency up
>Break Fffect up
>Break Time Extension
>Additional damage when dealing Break damage
>SPD up
>All Res PEN
That's 90% of her kit, the only thing doesn't works is the DMG % up.
>There were way too many zero cycle clears
any of them WITHOUT Robin?
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Christmas Acheron
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2.4 will be terrible for this gen
>but Yunli's nerfs were probably pretty warranted. There were way too many zero cycle clears at e0s1 with poor play floating around on Youtube.
This, not sure why there are a lot of anons here think she's bad and her nerf made her unplayable.
She was Acheron tier before the nerf.
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my nigga c wizzy
What's the best xueyi team?
Firefly already beat Furina, let alone Robin kek
>reducing the time to get to super break from break efficiency and greatly extending super break time doesnt help super break setups
The bug whore shouldn't exist in the game desu
you are not allowed to post this here.
No one said this dumb shit about Firefly and she got buffed while still 0 cycling.
HMC RM sparkle
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>She was Acheron tier before the nerf.
What sparkle replacement, I have bologona?
Yunli isn't getting a 6 minute animated short
>genshin out of nowhere
rent free
I use Gallagher AND Fu
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Clara is already stronger than Yomi, no surprise a limited version of her would be too
I still don't get it
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fuck it clara thread
dumb clarapedo
can't wait to roll for guinaifen and clara in 2.4 guys. Space china 2.0 starting like shit.
Could work but probably would have sp problem
They're not even in the same niche retard
space china pt.2 will be nothing but filler patches so ZZZ's launch isn't overshadowed
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15%*5 stacks = 75% Vulnerability at E0
15% Ult DMG Vulnerability at E0
24% Vulnerability from S1
Uhh isn't Jiaoqiu kinda stacked?
personally i'm waiting for dan heng and gallagher in 2.5
There's only one "niche" in this game from a gameplay perspective, and that's how easy it is to get all stars in endgame content
fireflys slow ass banner and incoming chinkslop are killing game
boothill was doing the same thing and his list of changes were just as short as jade.
>complaining about skip patch that let you save resources
that confirms I will skip, thanks
Raidiot Bonsaimori Mei...
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it's 35 vuln, first stack is 15%, next ones are +5%
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Just use SW lol
*15%+4*5%= 40% Vulnerability at E0
Made a mistake
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I've been skipping since Robin.
how much do i value damage Vuln compared to defense down?
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can firefly make it to top 3 selling banners of all time
He is a literal sidegrade in an E0 Acheron team. Absolutely worth skipping now. Femcels are really angry on the leak subreddit kek.
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Firefly sex
Why do we doompost characters again if even fucking Boothill mogs the competition.
sensortower freezing has nothing to do with the jap sales site that uses a different methodology
stop the cope
this is how they get you to pull for characters. because there is NO WAY AT ALL to see the math like this ingame. there is also no way to test your current characters with a new character you might want to pull to see which setup does more damage.
fuck you hoyo. 60ncidw
There were a million videos of Boothill and Firefly 0 cycles too and they didnt get a 20% nerf...
they wont tell you this but you can "borrow" your whale.friends c6 waifus and jerk off to them. they will never know.
I think it's more about sensortower uses jp revenue in their global revenue. So it's funny to see a 3 mil "difference" between hsr and wuwa when firefly made over 4x what yinlin did. Wuwa obviously froze when it was leaking and hsr froze during theast few days of boothill skipping firefly's android peak entirely.
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>Flopped so hard firepags have to do ten million mental gymnastics to cope
You love to see it
Jinshi videaos have more views than Firefly's
She's about to beat Kafka and she's the third in japan
I'm pimping out my acheron for that exact reason
When wuwa was Peaking* and hsr froze during the last few days* of boothill
>Harmony stacies can apply a billion buffs at E0S0
>Nihilibrick debuffers need EHR and either apply def shred or vulnerability and nothing else
Harmony stays winning
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>apparently opal's model was leaked
>no models of the space chink characters in 2.5
>no models of characters in 2.6
wtf is with these leakers
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good morning bros I love Setsui
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If the leakers don't have someone internal at mihoyos then they rely on datamining. So they don't really know what they'll get, or when it's supposed to release.
>leak IPC
>ignore chinkslop
They seem to have taste
leaking chink ship characters / content is considered a case of national security.
Nice I made my Monster Hunter character look like that
Is Opal a dude
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If my current Nihility fodder for Acheron team are Pela and Gui, do I just toss out Gui for Jiao? Are vuln and def down compatible or are they cancel each other out?
>Very natural drop LMAO
wrong tab saar
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>he doesn't know
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cute doll bwo
last week had sigewinne/furina and some uma musume shit (and BA global)
so yes, very natural for a crappy game
>E2S1 Firefly
>all that left
>not interested in any upcoming character
>all DU jades to farm
life is good
Multipler nerfs are always pain to see. How much is the ultimate uptime anyways. Wasn't it always like something that happened a the time? So the "buff" she got to compensate that is whatever. So is her ultimate uptime very low that the buff evens it out?
Firefly is the most shilled character in HSR while Boothill is a Hunt.

They supposedly tightened up the security, resulting in way less leaks.
If we get minimum 3.X leaks when 2.6 hits, that means leaks are basically dead.
Vulnerable > def down
You know those exploding bugs and give vulnerability to other enemies? That's what Jiaoqiu does
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Cute rabbit
You dont get it. It should be dropping well before that but it was constant because android froze.
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Sparkle looks kinda like Pom-Pom if you have really poor eyesight. Hmm.
ok but i will just roll for blackswan and his lightcone. unless hes insane
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E0S1 btw
That's 250 pulls for a 1% improvement lmao
With ERR rope, she gain 30 additional energy every time she's attacked.
(15 + 10) * 1.194 = 29.85
She charges her ultimate super fast.
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>ERR rope dps
>using TWO males
Fucking YUCK
Err rope sounds like super trash. How is it with atk rope? Err rope makes the nerf hit even harder too.
*Aventurine is the most shilled character in HSR
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THIS is our navigator/mommy?????
>better than banjo bitch
>this is supposed to be bad
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yeah, also our therapist
Lucky welt
Our party size is too small. Heaven burns red has the same, the buffers are clearly better, but the size of a party is big enough that debuffers are automatically welcome, as it all multiplies (like here).

Debuffers there are actually even more fucked as the majority of debuffs only last 1 enemy turn. So you need to build an OD gauge first, to get extra turns to apply a good amount of debuffs. Yet they are fundamentally important.

The theory was probably that a debuffer contributes their own damage as well, but then Robin happened. I just don't know anymore. Now they contribute.. their toughness damage? I suppose.
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I'm cucking welt
We got to explore all possibilities.
25 a pop is still insane.
Especially since she still get normal energy gen from getting hit; 5-25.
Without ER rope she gets 30. You forget that chars attacked always get energy (at least 5 I think).
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Getting hit gives you 5-25 energy the median is about 15 energy
Himeko cucks Welt all the time, where do you think the Trailblazers' retarded income comes from?
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
I'd use 10 as the average since attacks with higher gen are rarer.
>I am forgotten
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There are but they don't sell. That's why most characters are single. Especially for male characters for male characters putting them in a relationship will screw over their popularity.hwtwr
Why do they hate male supports fuck you mihoyo
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Just pointing out the married women in feh tend to have poor banner performance. And their highest selling games have (you) pandering.
Play Wuthering Waves please it has much better gameplay
Unironically filler character, can't atrong
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>they hate male supports
Shut the fuck up
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Yeah that's always the case because gacha character format is perfect for (you) pandering and waifufagging, not that there's anything inherently wrong with liking that
>Aventurine is STILL the best sustain in the game
>Gallagher/Luocha are STILL the only units with +2 SP/cycle economy
Okay, looked over Yunli's nerfs, and I do think she's unplayable now. Shame.

They completely removed the point of her kit. It's quite incompetent. No more extra energy = no more ult spam, and said ult has been EXTREMELY nerfed on top.
There's STILL no defense in her kit, so she's still extremely fucked by crowd control. E4 is a fucking joke. You need more than 1 turn with her turd energy gain at this point, and 50% does nothing when you have none to begin with.

I feel like her kit already had a billion weakness', largely related to break meta incompatibility and 0 protection from crowd control, but holy crap. She's a giga brick now. Of course she would perform very well in the few battles where she could do so, but ANY test against disabling shitters or stuff you'd need to break would've shown how fucking bad she's there. These changes make 0 sense.

Oh well. Looks like no Yunli e6 after all. That one was also gutted. Like holy shit, half as many ults, weaker power ults and then e6 gives shit only related to ults that's worse than before. What in the fucking world are they smoking over there.
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Summer Event soon!
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I want to marry and fuck Topaz so bad
>>Aventurine is STILL the best sustain in the game
That's Fu Xuan, he's better in FUA though.
Sorry about your male support. hoyoverse? more like Heteroverse. Guess Genshin was just a one time containment game for homos to suck out their money I guess.
>Yunli lost some wait and she now doesn't have enough momentum to swing her BFS as efficiently as before
and I did tell you fat shaming is a horrible practice...
>upgrade for the acheron team (massive in aoe)
>sidegrade for dot team
>this is le bad
wow 3 characters thank you so much mihoyo
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Giga fucking massive brick
Sidegrade at best vs a Pela+SW team. Buff if you have Acheron E2.
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Yes, be grateful.
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>shipbait and cuckbait with yankid
>made her on par with him gameplaywise
>failed attempt to replace Clara
She's hot trash on all fronts
yunli stat nerfs are to compensate for the previous version's bug where crit dmg didn't apply correctly. The stat changes did nerf values of her eidolons but it also means there's no meaningful damage output change for e0-e2.
TLDR: stat changes for crit bug, no noticeable damage change for poorfags
I was planning to go for E1S1, should I just cope with E0S1 now? Reddit says 20% res shred is very lame on her for whatever reason.
There's pretty much no reason to roll him if you have the complete DoT team already, huh?
>nerfed sig cone so it only works on him (prev. it worked best on Pela lmao)
Didn't they remove the line about not being able to inflict 1st tier of debuff is it already existed? So at least it's a qol cone for Pela to always apply a debuff with her basics. But still not worth to pull for it and run it. Only JQ and BS are able to make use of it
>has a very bad/mediocre DoT at E0.
At least he is now usable in DoT without having to pull him 2 times. Would say it's a massive change, since he can now be used in double the amount of teams as before. Maybe a decent option for the third slot because of this change, but doubt it will be better than RM or Robin.
>TLDR: Damage output nerfed by ~20%.
Man, I was already kinda on the fence about her. I like the design, but her being just a slightly better Clara was just not that interesting. I already have Clara, so I can cope with her in any fight Yunli would be good. And now they even nerfed Yunli's damage. I don't really cared about her damage, but the only change she got was a nerf in the single reason to pull her over just using Clara. Kinda killed any interest I had, she needs to be really fun to use in her trail for me to even consider pulling her now.
>can't 0 cycle
Yunli is trash
guess I'll grab Kafka on her next rerun
Belongs to me
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>Yunli: underperforms in MoC, clearing in around 4 cycles even with the best harmonies and sustain
>Mihoyo: hmmm nyoo that's too strong lets nyerf her by 20% of her damage
Jiaoqiu got fucking gunned down in the street, but why did they feel the need to nerf Yunli as well?
I hope she gets changed again next Tuesday, right before the Firefly banner leaves, so I can make the final decision of whether or not I want to pull for Firefly's cone or keep saving for space china part 2...
Just pointing out that for FE especially the most profitable characters are the ones with (you) pandering. Yes as a direct result many of them they don't have (you) pandering in the gacha because they are loyal to the player avatar from their game.

Gacha format doesn't do well with shipping.
these are sustains
there are literally 0 male harmonies
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>Clearing in around 4 cycles
Blatant misinformation, she used to be a better Clara and Clara clears in 2 cycles outside of her shilling period with E0S0 Hanabi and Robin + Fofo. Now with the nerfs Yunli is back to being a side bitch jobber for PF and oji-san sex exclusively while Clara gets to actually be good in all modes
>Reddit says 20% res shred is very lame on her for whatever reason.
Also that's E2
E1 wasn't changed:
>Increases DMG from Intuit: Slash and Intuit: Cull by 20%, and increases Intuit: Cull's extra DMG Hits by 3
??? the extra energy is still there
>Maybe a decent option for the third slot because of this change, but doubt it will be better than RM or Robin.
See: >>484343621
He's getting dog walked by Ruan Mei/Robin, hell, even Gui with S5 Lukacone is better than him, he's just an Acheron toy (that is also barely a 10% increase), he's the most skippable unit up to this day, second to maybe Jade, but she at least has a role (PF Bot), he has nothing, hes bad for E2 Acheron, hes bad for Kafka/Swan teams, what is he good for?
Oh then I guess I'm sticking to the original plan.
It's obvious bait, don't bite.
>REMOVED: Reduce enemye Effect Hit Rate by 30%
Wait did they just nerf him for Ratio? Why?
What do chinks think of Jiaoqiu because he kinda looks underwhelming to me especially at E0S0 and some buffs would be nice...
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>Blatant misinformation,
I watched JadeAnon's showcases
>E0S0 Hanabi
NOT pulling for Hana BRICK
>Clara gets to actually be good in all modes
with whale tier relics because she has no crit stats built into her kit or light cone lmao
He's for SWlet E0 Acheron, but at that point I'll just E2 Acheron over rolling him.
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They should nerf him more
Wolves >>>>>> stinky foxes
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>Filler patch and stagnant meta despite new characters order to shill ZZZ
It's still going to flop.
They don't care bc he isn't popular, same for yunli. They're actually fine with 2.4 being a filler patch
>Nerfed EBA damage.
Lost 20% damage, but it's per hit. Assuming you ult every time and get 4 hits, that is a nerf of 400% to 320%. So pretty massive. But shouldn't be a major change in super break or FuA teams with Robin.
>Nerfed base SPD by 5.
Actually fucking massive, this is more than 2 speed substat rolls. That is like removing 6.3% crit chance.
Rest is just qol, although it's nice that we will get her full support capabilities in the next patch instead of having to wait until 2.5.
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>There are those who claim that the Genius Society is made up of oddballs, madmen, lone wolves, geniuses with autistic tendencies, and those with social challenges.

>And as for Gary, he's been living with autism since he was a child.

Which Star Rail characters are autistic?
Um I think you're supposed to use the pink fox in dot teams now, they expanded the pool of teams you can use him on
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Say something nice about my wife, herta!
>don't have acheron
>putting his cone on BS is better than slotting him in
What is his purpose again?
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All you need is 80% CR with Clara and depend on buffslut CDMG buffs and she does 120k single target damage per ult blast. Plus she has constant uptime, should've rolled Sexnabi lmao
He's worse than BS and RM though.
He's garbage in DoT teams, worse than Ruan Mei, Robin and even Guinaifen with Lukacone, he's not worth 150 pulls.
You're better off rolling for Bswan E1 over him.
without his cone he is the most bricked character in the game, no idea what the fuck mihoyo is thinking

the only niggers in this game I can rely on, every other team I tried putting together sucks compared to them
sundays dead, give me monday now we'll strangle that fag too
the 2nd phase of the robots was way harder than his final phase

is there any more bossfights in the story? I dont want to get stuck on smth after raising world level
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>POV you're about to skip Sparkle again
BS in only 10% better than sampo btw
it's totally true tho my spreadshit proves it
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Skipping Yunli to roll her cone
I don't disagree but the way they nerfed him suggests that they wanted him to be something other than Acheron's bis so they went with dot
I want to fill Sporkle with my baby batter.
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I'll get E1 just for fun
She's E1 already though.
That is pretty bad. So is Gui better because her dot is stronger, which synergizes better with Kafka detonations?
>what is he good for?
For the newcuties who didn't roll for SW and want something better than Gui for their Acheron team. Which is still really niche, but maybe better value than rolling on SW second rerun?
>2nd phase of the robots was way harder than his final
Another anon that gets it. Three Stooges phase 2 is way more annoying than anything Sunday can do if you have a team that can break him.
He's still Acheron's BiS. It's just that now he sorta works on dot teams too, especially when Ruan Mei is taken by Firefly
Final phase is just a victory lap.
After defeating Sunday there's no one else.

Well it's obvious they want him to double dip, but the damage nerf is significant.
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>bricking 3 characters in a row
For what purpose? They wouldn't push zzz THIS much, would they?
>maybe better value
you can't roll for Jiaoqiu on his own, you'd also need to get his cone
>hagpedos really gonna roll for a homo NPC
lmao are you serious? just save for space greece dumb fucks
>For what purpose?
So you aren't punished for skipping banners in their other games to focus on zzz you're welcome btw
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>Jiaoqiu inflicts 35% vulnerability at E0S0 and applies a 220% burn
>Gui inflicts 30% vulnerability at E6 and applies a 280% burn
>Gui can additionally detonate Burn DoTs and Arcana (with BS ult active)
Jiaokeks kneel to lil Gui, the superior Fire Nihility.
I'm just crawling through tester comments, they're saying there's basically no diff and damage can get a bit higher depending on crit build. But whales got fucked for sure. No need to take my word for it, v3 plays should pop up.
if they wanted to make him something other than Acheron's pet they could've added something that doesn't benefit her, like energy restoration for allies or they could've changed his burst damage buff to something else
They're not even out yet the fuck
does Jiaoqiu have what it takes to overtake Firefly as the biggest flop in this game?
They have equally damaging DoTs (Gui has 240% Multiplier, his is 180% but he has like 4800 ATK so it evens out), the only difference is that Gui is actually SP positive and can hold Lukacone, he's perma married to Sampocone because he needs fucking 160% EHR, not to mention that he also NEEDS the fucking IPC planar (Gui can use Glamoth), bro is a walking brick), also Gui can detonate burn dots with her ult.
If you're a newcutie you're better off just waiting and rolling for E2 Acheron over him.
Emily seems decent at least? There's no excuse to fuck over hsr that much.
I fuck this
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>bricks every chink character so you can save for Lingsha to make your Firefly even stronger
Thank you mr Shaoji very cool
>only better by 5%
Holy shit
If you have e0s0 event cone silverwolf. Getting one more silverwolf would be cheaper and better than getting a e0s1 fox homo.
It's the dead patches before their bigger bigger banners.
Any chance for some last minute Yunler Lawrence's buffs?
There's 2 more iterations of her kit we'll go through before her launch
As a hebegod I don't get to skip Yunli...
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>silver brick shilling
>brickaifen shilling
didn't they remove his effective hit rate?
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Well I salute you, the shipbaiting got to me and would rather just roll the snek, impressive how I'm skipping a skimpily dressed greatsword loli
Muh horizontal metafagging investments though. I want to use a faggot in dots
Guinaifen vulnerability isn't removed by boss bar change either, your point?
He's pointing out that his vulnerability is preserved across boss bars breaks like BSwan Arcana.
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they did, that's an old screenshot
I still have no idea why they felt the need to remove it, it's one less debuff for Ratio
>one less debuff for Ratio
Damn you're right
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YJK they're going to make Feixiao extra broken to recoup the money from this upcoming dead patch
it's an old screen

point was that new enemies entering the field immediately get stacks so you actually get the 35 vuln in the game and not just in spreadsheetland
>Character is only popular amongst women
>Nerf his compatibility with another man
>Instead now make him DoT so he can fit in Kafka teams
>Nobody that uses Kafka is going to use him
lmao why
nah not rolling for a hag looking fake hag huntbrick
>autistic tendencies
Am I gmi in the Genius Society?
Who cares? Vulnerability is getting saturated as a debuff now. It's purely worse than the def shred he had before.
>only reason for me to roll on 2.4 now is for fofo
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They are not happy...
the enemy ehr debuff also synergized with aventurine
idk what are they doing
adding dot to the base kit and increasing his overall damage was a good move but bricking his synergies in return seems stupid
>Huohuobrick when lingsha is soon
>the only difference is that Gui is actually SP positive
His talent also applies a stack when using basics, plus his ult basically sets everyone to 5 stacks. So isn't he also fully SP positive like Gui, or am I missing something?
>he's perma married to Sampocone because he needs fucking 160% EHR
Man I forgot about this. BS needs the same, but at least she deals damage. Here we are comparing his damage to a fucking 4*.
>also Gui can detonate burn dots with her ult.
Actually pretty massive since you can detonate BS's Arcana with it. So same damage, worse support. They really didn't make him with the intent to be even decent in dots.
> rolling for E2 Acheron over him.
To be fair, that costs double the pulls over just getting JQ. But E2 Acheron is so massive that it's worth it, easily being more than 2x the value JQ adds.
>artist gives them the easiest sell to otaku and they still fuck it up
Could've made her a lazy bum who eats dangos all day and she'd sell better
Well you fucks weren't kidding. Firefly is so strong it invalidates all other teams. Even the Acheron team which deals stupid amounts of damage can't compare. Jiaoqiu won't salvage her when the gap is this big.

I bet Feixiao will be the top dog in 2 months, but at least I finally have a competent team till then.
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It's for Clara and Yunlifags, except they already rolled her anyway
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I will roll BS eidolon to celebrate this.
Thank you waifudev
>Yunli gets giganerfed and becomes a Clara sidegrade
>Jamiroquai still a Pela upgrade
>Yet the homotroon seethes like no tomorrow
It's ironic how xhe's a misogynist but tries to gaslight others into thinking it's fine to be a misogynist.
On my way to fuck the Sigga
He cannot mantain his field if he only uses basics, he needs to skill to meet he energy requeriment, he's SP negative in that sense.
He's just equal to fucking Guinaifen in DoT teams which shouldnt even be a discussion, he's not even better than Pela in E2 Acheron teams so the only people who want him are:
>People who didn't roll for RM (you did this to yourself gweilo) for their DoT teams
>E0 Acheron who either are stuck with Pela+Gui or Pela+SW
Otherwise he's just bad in every other team.
Man, what the fuck are they doing at Hoyo.
Acheron was never the best team, dots was better when shilled, FuA was better when shillled and now Break is better.

The whole point was to have a generalist dps and cope that she'd get buffed by having better nihility supports.

She'll end up like mono Quantum and Jingliu
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homofujoyumetrannies seething makes my day every time
>a Pela upgrade
no he fucking isn't lmao
unless you get his cone which BS and Guinaifen can use too
He's a Pela upgrade retard. More stacks for Acheron, more shred, more personal damage.
>everyone has Acheron
oh you're one of those people
next time a character you like releases, I hope they're super niche and only work with 1 other character you don't have and never intend to get
He's a SW replacement at E0, at E2 you're not removing Pela Lukacone because she's actually SP positive, and your second team member should just be Sparkle.
more SP usage, take longer to set-up all hs debuffs
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Isn't this the most useless eidolon ever? ULT makes her immune to CC while parrying. Why would you NOT use her ULT to parry a CC attack? And even if you somehow miss that and she gets CC'd, you're running FOFO on her team so she gets auto cleansed anyways.
Good, I ain't pulling for no males.
Keep that shit in Genshin.
>An entire patch of skipping trash
My wife after a long night
She can parry non damaging cc? like that melody dream debuff?
I want to lick her sweaty armpits
How do you know a cc attack is coming? Remember the dude that sleeps you? Also if you have e4 you are a whale and probably don't care about huohuo
>She'll end up like mono Quantum and Jingliu
Those two already have their core supports and can't move past that. Acheron always has a slot up for any new Nihility debuffer they release.
This is basically a permanent buff. So it's not useless. Your character won't ever backstab you and you can resist delays.
She will be immune to the CC, but won't do a big counter because she didn't take damage.
>How do you know a cc attack is coming?
By remembering enemy patters? Kafka and the Aurumatons always act the same way every battle.
I'm setting up the PS to test Jiaoqiu, could someone post their BSwan/Kafka builds so I can copy them?
How do people still insist that Firefly is stronger than Acheron when Acheron performs better than Firefly in her shill AS?
Get in line
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Have they ever straight up nerfed characters in beta like this before? Abandoning them? Sure. Eviscirating them? I don't remember.
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I didn’t read does Jiaoqiu have dot in his base kit now?
Imagine march ends up outperforming her "teachers"
>He cannot mantain his field if he only uses basics, he needs to skill to meet he energy requeriment, he's SP negative in that sense.
The more I hear about him, the worse he gets. You could run him with Tutorial and 1 skill 2 basic with ERR rope. And the LC also gives EHR, so probably his best option. Kinda funny how you need a SW LC to unbrick him while the only people who will pull for him are SWlets. And that means newcuties that lack the cone are fucked, so there goes the majority of pullers.
Try both at E0S0 with similar relic investment and their standard teams.
>Acheron, Pela, SW, Trendcone FX
>FF, HMC, RM, Gallagher
I'm sure a mediocre F2P Firefly way outperforms a medicore F2P Acheron every time.
Robin/Clara/Yunli/Fofo is good?
Having 2 characters that want aggro doesn't seem optimal
>the shipbaiting got to me
Leave this shithole before more shitposting ruined more of the game for you.
Yes, today V2 swap his E2 to base
only for PF
>dual dps meme
>2 sp slurpers and 2 functionally sp neutral chars
good luck
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dotbros they shifted Jiaoqiu his e2 burn into his base kit
he's core for dot team now, will you get him?
Black Swan? Already went from breaking into March's room to a de facto part of the Astral Express and even convinced them to visit the planet she shilled with her brilliant charisma. Sparkle? Has to continue sneaking onto the express, lives in fear of PomPom kicking her out, can't even make her fireworks function on the train.
it is well known that e0s0 acheron is a brick, did you see the ownership rate of her cone? this comparison is pointless because most acheron owners aren’t e0s0
It's a terrible team concept but with enough investment even that can work as long as physical is the one of the main weakness.
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My wife's fat butt
>he's core for dot team now, will you get him?
He's an E6 Guinaifen sidegrade, and you would never run Gui over Robin or Ruan Mei in the third slot, would you?
is it really shitposting if the game itself keeps this shipbait going
>DoTHAG new member is a pink fox
> FOFO on her team so she gets auto cleansed anyways

on her turn which is whatever when Yunli needs to counter offturn which she won't do when cc'd
it sucks she needs aventurine/robin cc resist but huohuo her energy can't have everything
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Trying to upkeep Kafka, Black Swan and Guinaifen on the same team felt super bad. You need E1 Fofo and the healing set or you’ll run out of skill points crazy fast.
You also need good crit ratios. Ff even with mid relics can do good. You are trying to use the seele argument here that she's good as long as you get s1 and have sick relics.
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Buying her all those cakes paid off
>>People who didn't roll for RM (you did this to yourself gweilo) for their DoT teams
To be fair RM is pretty much stuck with FF anyway.
But I doubt he's a major upgrade over Gui or Sampo.
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I love seeing Gui leans forward and shows her butt.
I like Selee too
I tried both as E0S0 and Firefly clears faster while having shittier relics (obviously they don't matter a lot for her but still)
Even if he is Guin upgrade, I would rather bring her instead
It's crazy that Aventurine's skill grant 50% ERR for free while you need E4 for this.
They should also give her some more defense, like more damage reduction.
Firefly's E4 has the same exact effect too.
Honestly they could have made it like 70-80%.
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1.4 truly was the SEX patch. I remember the horny meltdown /hsrg/ had when Topaz and Guinaifen models and animations were finally leaked.
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As expected JQ now has DoT in this base kit but lmao Yunli got gutted. that's a straight 15-20% damage reduction because her multipliers got reduced. Welp, there goes my hopes of replacing ratio.

What do you guys think of the changes bros.
Boothill nerfed. Firefly nerfed twice. Mihoyo is actually keeping the powercreep at normal levels, but retards still whine because new shiny character isn't a powercreep.
Nobody runs aventurine or wants to have to use him in every team to get that. That's called freeing up a spot.
Because he doesnt have cleanse
Other limited sustain has one way or another to dispel
If that weak shit is a shitbait, then you were doomed no matter what game you're playing.
Yunli was actually just balanced, her +100% CDMG wasnt being applied at all, I pressume the nerfs happened after the devs fixed that bug and realised she was now doing a little too much damage.
I'm setting up the PS to test Jamiroquai in DoT teams but spreadsheet tests are not looking good.
I think yunli was very strong in v1. I'm not surprised by the nerfs. She had a bullshit Multipler on a single target, literally 720. That is higher than most DPS in the game, is she a hunt character or what
I feel like we have been conditioned to desire powercreep and hate it at the same time. if it ain't creeping the meta, it ain't worth rolling. but then when the meta is constantly creeping, we can't help but feel resentment.
Skip even though I already plan to skip since I want Feixiao. But if the rumored BS rerun is true, I might get her Eidolon.
I remembered Topaz leak was very hyped since everybody already tired of chink sloo and we finally get back to Belobog
So you're saying all the people making yanqing/yunli fanart are complete schizos riight?
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Jiaoqiu had the chance to be a defense shredder semi healer in a no sustain Boothill comp and it would have worked wonders in selling him to both Acheron metafags and fujoyumes. Plus they could have made him work well with Feixiao for a foxian lore team. These changes ended up being the worst outcome.
Yunli really needed to be strong, to offset how BAD she is in quite a lot of situations.

>enemy has disables
She gets fucked
>enemy has to be broken
She gets fucked

And let us not act as if this wouldn't be common. Clara has at least a 33% chance to not get fucked by disables, and if it fails a 33% chance to get unfucked upon getting hit.
Yunli gets 50% effect res for 1 turn after ult on e4. What an unfunny joke that is. Everyone with Sigger knows how fucking useless that is to begin with, and then that duration?
No shit dumbass, that's why I said for free.
It's just a nice bonus.

Yunli has no way to cleanse either, unlike Clara.
Her CC immunity is on ult so the E4 50% res up is basically useless too.
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Are roast stacks independent of the burn status because before those could crit. are they just DoT now and thereby can't crit? or do they take damage from roast and burn?
I hate them. Yunli's kit was basically Clara but better, but they nerfed the better part. She might still be good, but it just puts a damper on any interest I had. The parrying needs to be really fun. As for JQ, still just a small upgrade in Acheron teams. They added the dot to his base, but he's basically slightly better Gui. DoT is my main team since Kafka's release and I have Acheron, but even then I don't really feel he has that much pull value.
>spending money
lmao even
Shippers are fucked in the head.
Yumes spend money when they get pandering. Fujos don't have any money.
>That webm
Holy Cope. Hoyofags are an embarrassment and I wish I hated HSR like Gayshin
The Worst Fanbase ever
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meant for you FF anon >>484347980
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its a convoluted way to put it, the only direct nerf is losing 20% EBA damage and 5 base speed. still a solid freebie, surprised they kept her so intact.
Who the fuck even uses Pela nowadays outside Acheron teams
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wait, I'm talking about Aventurine is expected to have eff res since his competition is Luocha, Huohuo and Galagher
SW cone doesn't work on him because he has no way of satisfying the passive effect's condition on his own
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>JQ can now ult in first turn making him defacto bis for acheron
>Yunli's dmg barely changed due to crit bug fix
>doomposters keep doomposting
never change hsrg
>her +100% CDMG wasnt being applied at all
provide the source already
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How is Chinky March after her changes?
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>Mitsuki miss you when you're out grinding
>her +100% CDMG wasnt being applied at all
So basically a buff to her damage with her ult when you have at least 20% crit chance? So that makes the nerf sting less. But I have never seen anyone mention this bug, is there any proof of this?
The way it reads it seems that the burn status is just a single instance of 180% ATK damage regardless of the number of Roast stacks, no idea on crits though, PS is at 90% download so I'll just get back to you later once I finish testing.
God they've always been /hsrg/ core haven't they
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So you love hsr then?
>108 stellar jades have been deposited to your account
She's a cope option for JL teams, but it's been forever since ice weak last floors.
>Some of you will hate to admit but she might have sold as much as Acheron without top-up.
She didn't She was a flop in Japan and in China. She is barely the average inazuma character level of success
Everyone knows he's just Archeron's pet. That's all he is though. Dot hags wouldn't even want him even with the dot they gave him. And most Archeronfags aren't even rolling for him. As a E2S1 Archeron enjoyer im skipping him easily.
In Acheron teams, you will have Pela for the def debuff. In DoT, you have BS that gives a def debuff. So fulling that condition isn't that difficult in practice.
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Especially with how BIG Topaz's tits were in the LC art and how funny my nigga Aventurine off to the side looked dressed like a fucking pimp
Topazlets in Ratio teamcomps.
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I love her so much
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She didn't flop in Japan she is on track to only be behind Archeron and seele with 9 days left she outsold sparkle already, next is Kafka. The only two banners she will be yet to beat are the anniversary banner 2x reset and launch day 2x lol
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This is one of the reason why we regard March as our pet. She love accompany but can't be seen as romantic partner
>So you love hsr then?
Im sure that's what I said and I fucking wish I didn't. This general is also slow and not as shit as /gig/, less troons post here
Are you fucking kidding me? All these retarded rebalances and they didn't even fix her not having any taunt without her signature cone?
link the image
>they didn't even fix her not having any taunt
>Yunli gains Parry and Taunts all enemies
Hmm..... nyo
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We know, Aveturine
That's a forced Taunt through debuff. Anon probably meant "taunt value", the number that makes certain path characters more likely to get hit.
You don't know how she works.
It's better than taunt value.
Remember to roll for Firefly LC.
Use lynx poorfag that refuses to get s1 for a dps
Yeah but imagine if she had a built-in taunt value increase in her traces or something, so she still functioned off-ult at E0S0, and then her S1 could further amplify that buff and make her essentially guaranteed to be attacked every time.
I AM pulling for her cone thoughever
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I'll be waiting because I'm away for a few days and I won't have access to V3 until I'm back. What real value does JQ having DoT, atleast mathematically, do for DoT teams since it really doesn't do anything much. It really seems like something they tacked on because his kit was too much of an acheronbot. I can't see anyone using him instead of BS. Maybe triple DoT, Kafka/BS/JQ. maybe his vuln helps with enemies that can't be weakness broken and future beefed up enemies.
Why'd they kill Gae Miko?
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>get to be in a room with both Herta AND Ruan Mei
If Screwllum weren't there being the gentleman he is, I would've had my erection at full mast even if either of them didn't care.
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Aventurine will never see a sight so divine in his short lived life... The beautiful sight of Topaz the morning after
She only need to be hit 2.5 times on average every turn to use her ult every turn.
And since she get 1 free ult cast at the start of the battle, so you can get going right off the bat.
I just wish the game was more in your face about (you) pandering, it's really just not happening though
You are almost guaranteed to get hit by blast everytime 90% . If she had innate gepard trace it would likely come at the cost of one of her traces. And you'd only get like 10% more from 72 to 83 to get hit by single target.
don't worry stick long enough and you will hate
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The idea is that he should match RM so the team is just Kafka/BSwan/JQ/Sustain, you've already seen this variation with Guinaifen using Lukacone as cope.
I really really doubt he can match RM though, and yeah he's just an Acheron toy.
Man I miss Herta space station.
That story segment also gave us very cool and spooky map unlike chink "cemetery" map
Is there any real point to increasing the Threshold Protocol in DU, outside of the one time reward?
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I'm getting Black Swan flashbacks here. Constant doomposts then boom, actually a good unit
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And I fucking called it. I knew they would change it so that JQ's Lightcone only works best on him. what a bunch of faggots. This is such a fucking lazy way of trying to make him better.
>bigger damage in V3

Reeards-wise, none.
No, it's permanent challenge content. You can stay and grind Difficulty 1 or 4 (for some reward) and never touch that 5+ again
The problem is not just the shipshit, it's the fact that there's no for (You) to counteract it. This game circumventing (You)pandering into a single character (Pagfly) was a mistake
Sexual pet?
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maybe not in the morning but they do fuck a lot
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100% happening, likely by 3.0. This game is going the same route as Granblue Fantasy where off-element reduction is 100% and you MUST use monoelement teams to tackle endgame in any capacity. And you can't circumvent with weakness implant either.

You WILL need 7 fully built teams.
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flexing on anons who can't beat it, i guess?
Didn't that happened in GBF because there was a team that can bruteforce off element while still being very competitive?
Besides GBF is a PvP game, HSR isn't.
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Yes and new Durandal, and now kindly get off from my room Onii-chan
Stress-relief pet
They were probably in a Stonehearts orgy, which doesn't count btw
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>she owns (you)
I just woke up, what did they change about pink fox?
It works with BSwan as well, the only issue is that you need like 170% EHR to guarantee it and you're not hitting that much EHR with BSwan unless you farm IPC Planar and hyper focus on EHR, which might hurt your ATK/SPD rolls.
JQ gets away with it because the trace that gives him 240% ATK at 140% EHR (and he hits 170% ehr without much effort)
More like every new character flashbacks.
Everyone gets shitposted, just in different degree.
>gbf is a pvp game
I guess it's dps race to get mvp but I wouldn't call it pvp.
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Shikanokonokonoko koshi tantan
They really isn't any shipbaiting either it's mostly just shippers making shit up.
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>Stress-relief pet
So sexual pet, I see
Moved DoT to base kit, changed LC to only fully work on DoT characters and he can now ult first turn in MoC.

Also daily reminder that Black Swan is only 10% better than Sampo, remember to trust the calcs.
To be fair it happened in gbf because Dark got so broken but there was no way to nerf it.
Thanks, I'm blind.
>no longer have to even bother rolling foxhomo or his LC
Based hoyo
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even before her people still usually played off element, but she just made it so you were throwing by not picking dark for all content
JQ was ass before the changes and is still ass now
easy skip
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tb is set to be her manager
>Besides GBF is a PvP game, HSR isn't.
GBF has a lederboard but no pvp.
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Did you download?
>2.4 characters are already pretty 'meh'
>nerf them even further
>nerf the lightcone too for good measure
what the fuck
He now works in dot teams and people are mad because reasons
There was zero reason for Yunli to be paired up with Yanqing from the get go. Even if they don't even like each other romantically, being paired from the get go with a male is a death sentence. They should've introduced her solo before doing it atleast
>needs 100GB free to download
What the fuck mihomo
you dont know the hell of GW
I will download it tonight when I put my phone on charger
Powercreep prevention.
You're a retard, they aren't putting 100% ele resist in this game. GBF is a total shitfest, people that whine about powercreep here have no idea how fucked it is over there. Zoi was literally 1 shotting bosses so of course they had to do something and they couldn't nerf her or else they had another monkeygate.
They literally ran out of ideas for content so their content became "lets restrict everything that can be used while also making sure they have to roll shiny thing".
HSR tests shit in beta which is far more than cyflop does.
but super break and firefly are still in the game...
How many jobbers are gonna be released in the later 2.x patches?
March will never be for (You). She literally watched (You) frolic with Firefly in the sky without a hint of jealousy.
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>New character makes old characters absolutely irrelevant
>*nerfs characters to be sidegrades*
what do you niggers want
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Yeah I've been downloading plenty of Ellen fan art.
Oh anon I do. And that's why I'm happy that hsr doesn't have a lederboard.
I wanted big tits and less clothing on whores. Kill yourself gentroon.
We need a lull in powercreep before Feixiao and Lingsha break the game again.
literally no one except homos is screeching this shit. waifuchads were rolling yunli regardless, metafags aren't human anyway. everyone else is rejoicing they get to save.
nice, another fujofags and homos neck themself
It's simple. Remove Ruan Mei from the game.
It's not true PvP as you don't fight each other directly, but it's basically functions like one anyway.

Oh yes, S Zooey.
Well they can just avoid making someone as overpowered as her, besides the seasonal buffs and being single player also hold powerful sway.
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I want Mihoyo to fucking FIX YUNLI'S DOGSHIT UNPLAYABLE feet model which lacks detail...
Which LC is actually decent in this nameless honor? I need to start getting some good cones. Also do I build my herta for PF? What are some workable herta teams?
forgot to mention, i'm a bottom and trans btw
Superbreak was given to is by our MC. Firefly is the first destruction character.
She was distracted by fireworks so she didn't see it
they already increased elemental resistance globally after the firefly patch to compensate for weakness implement, because two dpses came out back to back with weakness implement.
its going to continue to increase. cope with it however you want, if they force you to need more teams to clear content then they get more money. simple as.
Obviously FF and Acheron are meant to be the ceiling for a good while.
This means that we can't expect too much for Feixiao either
Enjoy your top revenue HONKEKS… we all know after 2.3 it’s gonna be a free fall downwards
Everyone knows Feixiao will be the OP character anyway
Tits too big.
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Intensely fucking Herta with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Ruan Mei with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Fu Xuan with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Herta with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Ruan Mei with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Fu Xuan with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Herta with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Ruan Mei with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Fu Xuan with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Herta with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Ruan Mei with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Fu Xuan with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Herta with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Ruan Mei with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Fu Xuan with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Herta with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Ruan Mei with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Fu Xuan with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Herta with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Ruan Mei with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie. Then intensely fucking Fu Xuan with rapid piston pounding sex and giving her a creampie.
Yeah, just like Dan2 and Jingpoo right? They lasted for couple months

Herta doesn't need a team, just throw her in any fight with ice weak enemies and she'll spin the weak enemies away. Just make sure you have another dps to deal with the elites/bosses.
The best one is Erudition, the rest are all kinda shit.
>herta in PF teams
Herta + Himeko is the PF core. You can use any support or sustain you want in the 3rd and 4th slots. Even run two harmony supports if you feel confident in clearing before you die.
If you're a new player and don't have Himeko or good harmonies... I can't really help you with that.
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I don't think anyone is genuinely mad. it's just sad seeing as how they go about taking the most retarded pathway to make a character relevant.

Hoyo started the entire thing by powercreeping characters every 2-3 patches. Rolling for a "decent" unit leaves you in a rat race to try and roll more harmony units to just make that unit work well in the long run or they just fade into irrelevancy. Case in point Seele.
that would be worse
you've been trying to shill this really hard last few months but it isn't gonna happen
go play gbf if you want to experience devs fucking you in the asshole
Well they will eventually learn life they did with Yoimiya and Clorinde.
Yeah, another side game along with HSR I guess.
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>Weak male unit
>Strong female unit
Is it really hard for your brain to think?
Quite literally every single character in the game is more attached to (you) than they are any other non (you) character. This game has no ship shit. Stop falling for delusional shipper troon headcanon.
>works in dot teams
And he still isn't worth a slot over Robin
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>all this yapping about 2.4 characters
you've already been told what to do retards



No it wouldn't? Sparkle and Sampo were introduced separately before we found out they were partners, that's the kind of execution I'm talking about
Better to introduce her as shipbait from the getgo than having another Nahida situation desu
>with whale tier relics
just use the hp set retardbro, it's her actual bis
I want Jiaoqiu to be on par with the likes of RM, Sparkle, Robin etc. He just isn't.
sparkle is a whore so no one cares
what you suggest is a shitstorm and backlash in the making
So to confirm, as a DoT enjoyer and Acheron enjoyer I shouldn't bother rolling for the fox right? Kit seems weak as piss, I am not rolling LC and Feixiao/Lingsha is gonna be strong.
only if Facial ends up really being a 5* Xueyi in terms of gameplay loop
>break enemy
>do FuA
How badly would 2.4 FLOP?
It doesn't really function like PVP anymore outside of GW. Back then it did, since MVP chest was one of the highest drop rate chests for anything of value, but anything now just has chests you get for participating a little rather than getting 1st. Even proto bahamut HL has the gold bar in there now instead of in MVP.
>Quite literally every single character in the game is more attached to (you) than they are any other non (you) character
Imagine lying like this when Jingliu exists LMAO. Hell majority of Space China exists
I'm saving them for when we get out of chinawank territory
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...for Linghsa!
> If you're a new player and don't have Himeko or good harmonies... I can't really help you with that.
No himeko but I have the 4* harmonies and a Bronya just laying around. RM is on my brick team obviously. I’m just getting to that point where I need that second team and not sure where to start. I’m not even sure who to roll for coming up, I wanted to try for FFe1 but everyone said to just hold my rolls and get more dudes
>Hoyo started the entire thing by powercreeping characters every 2-3 patches. Rolling for a "decent" unit leaves you in a rat race to try and roll more harmony units to just make that unit work well in the long run or they just fade into irrelevancy. Case in point Seele.
I don't know about that they basically revived a lot of characters by introducing dps characters that can benefit them. Seele, Natasha, Jing Yuan, Natasha, Bailu, and Yanqing issues is that their kits are incomplete or are too bare.
Tbh Jiaoqu should be 4*
DoT already has BiS team
Acheron could use the fox, but SW/Pela work just fine
tits too small
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pull for her
I'm rolling for both her and Lingsha and a Silver Wolf rerun. I might also get Fofo and the DOT hags. I've only got 210 rolls and a primed coin flip so probably be able to get all of them
20-30m for CN+ GLB
The only good male unit is aventurine. Every other male is brick. This will be hsr downfall as husbando chaser will go to a different game.
2.4 sword event will be the judge for this. If she's somehow being less affectionate to MC compared to how she was back then during pokemon event and her character event in fu's companion quest then that's gonna seal the deal and she will never be a for (You) character.
Sure but GW is the meat of the game for a long time anyway.
is the fox cone still good for black swan though? or did the nerf kill it for that too?
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E0S1 Jiaoqiu gives up to 77% vuln and is essentially a walking Trend without relying on getting hit so he's a must for my Acheron. He should also work as a decent Ruan Mei replacement in a dot team
the kit is really good for ACKeron specifically in pf
otherwise he's a minor upgrade that might not be noticable if your current supports are actually invested (ie 160 wind vonwacq pela/sw)
>best thing to roll for next patch is Swan eidolons
How worth is it? I love my DoT team, though I's prefer getting Kafka copies more.
Again, stop falling for shipper troon head canon. Don't tell me you actually think Jingliu wants to fuck Yanking do you? Don't tell me you're that retarded?
She was never affectionate, just friendly. You're just trying to push the M7 heroine narrative and it will never stick. She'll never be a Firefly
there are probably no models of them at all in the 2.4 story and only cutscene cg stuff is available (which can only be datamined during the preload)
opal's unfinished model was likely just some shit they left out
We just got chadhill what more do Fujos want?
He is. She's called Guinaifen.
Teri expy in Star Rail when?
>He should also work as a decent Ruan Mei replacement in a dot team
Robin is better lol.
>accusing people of falling for shipper troon headcanon
>brings it up unprovoked
Nigga I brought up Jingliu specifically because she never even physically MET (You), much less gives a fuck about (You).
>completely mogged by Firefly
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>Silver Wolf rerun
holy brickaroo
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Bro, I don't know the exact dialogue but entire patch is about March and YanKing + Yunli. (You) and March screentime is even less than pokemon event. It's over for March love saga.
Shaoji already dictate (you)r wife
And how many people used that team in AS?
>Pink Fox flopped for Acheron, you can use Pela just fine thanks to the based nerfs
>Homos have reverted to shilling him for DoT instead
Yeah no, he's still dogshit and isn't worth slotting there either.
Gameplay wise only barely and space cowboy was cool enough that even as a completely straight dude I wanted him. FF doesn’t have much Fujo appeal unless they are Eva fans.
Depends on whether you have Trend.
If you don't have it then Jiaoqiu will be an upgrade because of the additional stacks.
It's hyperbole retard. You get the point. There is no single character who is actually unironically shipped with anyone else and most characters in the game do tend to be attached to your character because no shit they're attached to you, it's a gacha game so you're the centre of the universe.
this calc likely doesn't take in account the ult uptime so it should be like 20% upgrade at the very least , there was some error with those calcs before like with sampo and black swan
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I fucking hate weapon gacha banners. I literally didn't have enough time to get Acheron's sig after losing 75/25 to Welt's cone and now I am coping with GNSW S5 that I got after 130 rolls. Until a rerun god knows when. Hate. Hate. Hate.
Absolutely not if you have the premium team already.
If she's E0 and you have no SW, then sure, otherwise it's just a minor upgrade.
>4* harmonies
Forget Yukong. Invest in Tingyun and maybe Asta.
>hold my rolls and get more dudes
More characters are a lot more valuable when you don't have that many 5*s to start with. In terms of the upcoming characters and reruns I'd say:
>Jade - good for PF but ONLY in PF
>Argenti RERUN - okay in all gamemodes, but generally kinda weak nowadays
>Yunli - looks to be good in all gamemodes, but really wants her core of Tingyun/Sparkle, Robin and Huohuo for her hypercarry team
>Huohuo RERUN - great healer with cleanse and lots of buffs+energy regen, but no emergency heal on her ult or a passive or something
>Jiaoqiu - E6 Guinaifen sidegrade
>Black Swan RERUN - amazing character but you should ONLY pull for her if you have Kafka
I'm thinking pulling Yunli is the best option because she can be good in all game modes.
Out of these characters I'm personally pulling for Yunli E0S1 and Huohuo E0S0, as a day 1 player who skipped Huohuo's original run.
dr primitive
He'll be shit in dots without e2. He's still be bis in Archeron. There's no fucking way I'm pulling for him even if he is an upgrade
>guinaifen has a good amount of (you)pandering moments
>sushang is an idiot
>Fu is omnipandering shit
>QQ is a goblin
>fofo fucks her own tail
>no one cares about yukong
>jingliu didn't even get to meet AE
>never meet the real tingyun either

Other than gui space china has been a pretty much a big fuck you to MCfags
No, you're just retarded for saying something that is so easily debunked. Most characters barely interact with (you) at all outside of shitty 3 text messages, and the whole reason Firefly is so celebrated is BECAUSE she's the outlier and has so much interactions with (You). This has never been a (You) mobage, even if it's not a shipshit one either.
You should have rolled for Topaz/Robin’s banner for the 4* Boundless Choreo
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Space chink fox whores are for (you)
Mine is E0 and I have SW. Looks like I'm skipping.
>77% vuln
It's just 35 + 15, even S1 is only 14.
you know TB is march's manager, right?
they gave yanking a gf so shitposters had no way to call ntr
All Hoyo games are waifu games, except Genshin, which is for homos
How do (You) pronounce MoC, PF, AS? For me it's either one of
>MoC - em oh sea OR mock
>PF - pi fi OR puff
>AS - ei ess OR ass
So the next OP character will be Feixiao, and Lingshaw? Whatever their Chinese names are. What about Tingyun 5-star?
cone is 24
>forgot Yukong
It's ok, most people do because she's cucked in her own way
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I'm hoping lingsha is just another brickbundance so I can pull BS and Feixiao easily.
sustainless comps like boothill
gui is not even chinese
im noticing a trend
also hanya does a few passes but it hardly counts
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Despite the juicy crits its actually weaker than GNSW
Are you an ESL or something, you just pronounce the letters. Thats how abbreviations work
Mock pof ass
pee ef
I never said it was you dumb cunt. But it undeniably IS a gacha game.
>Most characters barely interact with (you)
Who's the one posting easily debunked shit now? Fucking damn near everyone in Penacony is weirdly attached to you from Acheron to Black Swan. It's not 100% everyone but like 80% are weirdly attached to the player character because as I said it IS a gacha game and so you are the centre of the universe.
Pee ef (you'd have to be retarded to say puff)
Eey S.
Good run down, I appreciate it. I’ll have to really look at yunli’s kit, I don’t really have anything that seems like it will work as a cope comp yet but then again I have more success with off meta shit than my meta team since I’m slumming it with shit relics and cones since I’m new.
>Are you an ESL
Are you not? Don't tell me you're an Ameritard or, god forbid, live in the UK? Both deserve a range ban if I'm honest.
Abyss 1
Pure Fiction
Abyss 3
nah fofo sucks for that
she can't prevent cc so she's not ideal for counter characters
Eh the (you) pandering is actually quite tame in this game. Dunno what ppl are complaining about
Feixiao will start the summon meta.
Punished Tingyun will powerceep all females with her AT LEAST four fluffy tails.
They're shitposters and idiots. Duh.
Can’t shit on amerimutts on an American website faggot
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We need some blonde teenagers like fishl in this game.
>damage per screen jewtube bideo
100% this dumb nigger didn't adjust for lc stats so he's overcapped on cr
it's a sidegrade
>But it undeniably IS a gacha game.
A gacha game by Hoyo which means abysmal pandering
>Fucking damn near everyone in Penacony is weirdly attached to you from Acheron to Black Swan
I never said they weren't fond of (You) though, it's not the same as actual romantic (You)pandering or teasing. It's safe garbage for the most part, Firefly being a huge exception
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Wait for Hook to grow up.
genshin players who absolutely hate it
>Most characters barely interact with (you) at all
AFAIK we only have a couple of lines with these characters or maybe not at all
>real TY
Again, read what I'm saying instead of strawmanning it. I'm not saying HSR is so (you) pandering game. HSR has zero pandering to anyone. I'm talking literally about the simple narrative structure of a gacha game working such that character are surrounding the player so there's no ship shit. The devs intentionally skirt around misunderstandings with shipping characters together and make it so NOBODY gets shipped with others but that same reservation does not apply to (you) focused stuff. Because it's a gacha and by design you are the most important.
HSR does a very poor job at conveying that

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