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upcoming Game from Nexon
This will suck, but will it suck more than Warframe or Destiny?
is the nature of multiplayer looter shooters to suck?
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It’s normal, people will always complain
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I am hyped
Been too long since I played a new looter shooter

Here's a link to official website for OP
It's the nature of "MMO" looter shooters to suck
Hyped about what, exactly?
The gameplay? The story? Mechanics? The ass?
From everything I've seen it looks as bland as it gets, only really blew up thanks to the visually appealing ladies.
Anyone going to be playing in 2 hours?
I guess it's about expectations.

Me, I know it's gonna be grindy to get all the mods and all the guys. But I'm super down to do just that.

I also fully expect there to be some F2P conveniences like inventory size and XP boosters and all that studd, and I'm sure buying all of it will cost a fortune. So I'm tempered my expectations that some of the early experience is going to suck.

With that in mind, I expect TFD to not suck for me.
That said, there's going to be plenty of tards gonna be like "OMG who would believe that Nexon of all companies would want players to spend money on microtransactions, 0/10 game"
Kino time in 2 hours
>only really blew up thanks to the visually appealing ladies.
NTA but this is literally all it takes for me to be hyped about it. I'm tired of playing as ugly as characters in western FPS slop. If a game is going to make me grind, then at least let me look GOOD while doing so.
this game really makes you feel like you're RELOADING RELOADING RELOADING RELOADING RELOADING
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Can we unlock/buy the beta tester rewards, or are we already permanently missing shit before the game even launches?
Well, as a burnt out LR-Hag veteran from warframe, I'm hyped for a number of things.

I'm hyped because I have a bunch of descendants to unlock and play, not just one or so every 6 months.

I'm hyped because I have a bunch of new mods to unlock and level, I want to feel myself grow powerful again instead of killing everything with a sneeze like I do now.

I'm hyped because a bunch of my friends who burnt out on warframe ages ago all seem keen to give this a go, it'll basically be me and my guild getting back together again.

And I'm hyped because the director of balance for this game hasn't shown himself to be a complete fucking retard yet.

Basically, I'm hyped because after playing warframe for 8 years, I finally get to play something resembling Warframe 2.
how do i build valby?
you can get the teddy bear backpack iirc
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Teddy Bear check?
afaik this is the only thing you are missing
fake scenario
>I was made miserable and jaded in regards to Warframe because unlike you I've actually experienced the game through it's development. I know the whole dog and pony show that DE does with each update by heart, I know how they treat their players and what they really think of them, I know better than you ever will about how money is the bottom line for DE.
>will it suck more than Warframe or Destiny?
it's nexon, so yeah
finally a game with boobies and nice asses
anybody know how storage works?
is it pay for all slot extensions (warframe)
get a somewhat reasonable amount pay to unlock more(most gatcha)
get an amount cant pay to expand it(destiny)
unlimited storage(haha like any f2p game would have this)
Look I cannot call you a retard because at the end of the day it's about entertainment, and as long as you have fun, then the game does it's job I suppose. But going by your points, aren't you just getting excited over a new skinner box game? Like I haven't played it yet, but from everything I've seen, it looks boring as shit. Although your point about playing with friends is valid, I guess. 0sdr4
I'm going to bed please let me know if it doesn't suck ass but I already know it will because
>no mobility except a crappy grappling hook
I think there was an orange grappling hook if you played the alpha but i don't know if i remember correctly or schizo
Let's make a brief spiel for the game for next OP atleast, since OP was in a hurry

The alien Vulgus have all but taken over the world of Albion, the last stronghold of humanity. Perhaps worse still, Collosi, great creatures from another dimension of existence entirely, threaten to invade in unstoppable number. In this darkest hour, they have arisen: the Descendants, born of powers inherited from their forgotten forebears.
Will you join the fight, defeat the Vulgus, stop the inflow of collosi, and become... the First Descendant?

>What is The First Descendant?
Sci-Fi third person looter shooter from Nexon. Choose a descendant, then unlock guns, mods, and alternative descendants to play as. Each descendant has their own powers and play style.

Free to Play, available on Steam, Playstation, and Xbox.

You gotta pay for slot extensions on descendants and weapons as far as I know. So like warframe or most gacha I guess.
predicting this game won't last long desu. besides the mid tier gooner bait, the character designs are some of the most generic soulless korean model slop that plagues most mobile games.
How do I fuck Viessa in her butthole?
ehh we'll see, people have been waitting for a real competitor to Warframe and Destiny for a while now. Anthem was a giga flop but people saw that coming a while away. I think TFD has a better chance.
the betas were fun
What descendant should I pick out of the starting 3?
Fucking this, man.
If you're a 11 year vet I may not have seen everything you have, but I too know the pain of trying to explain to newbs that DE are just rehashing the same shit they've done years before and them not believing a word I say.

It's kind of like pokemon; gotta catch em all, right?

I like collecting things, and I like unlocking options, and I like trying out those options and the combinations thereof to see what kind of play experiences I can enjoy. It's not just warframe, I'm just a collector kind of guy, y'know?

But I also like 3rd person shooters. So having a 3rd person shooter with lots of new things to try and unlock? That get's me going.

I really liked Anthem and Outriders too, atleast for a bit. But amongst the other issues they had, mostly related to endgame, they only had like 4 characters each. Meanwhile, TFD is launching with 14, not including the super duper rare gold versions of some of those characters. So I'm actually looking forward to unlocking them. And unlike those two games, I'll have more than 1 endgame mode to actually use those characters in.

So yeah, I'm super excited.
Is it true that Game Over screens for female characters has them getting mating pressed?
>You gotta pay for slot extensions on descendants and weapons as far as I know. So like warframe or most gacha I guess.
do you get a somewhat reasonable amount at base?
Hehheeheehe funny how it also stands for TOTAL FAGGOT DEATH
you have to pay for everything with money, they do not have a F2P route like warframe does. One catalyst on a frame was equivalent to 20 dollars during the latest beta.
That they were.
Spending a week getting Valby to the point of fighting "level cap" enemies was a blast.

If it's like the betas: you'll have enough to hold a bunch of good stuff for all your descendants, but you'll be scrapping a bunch of trash every mission to empty out your pockets.

you do get a stash, too.

Left is a literal street rat, middle is generic soldier man who has the backstory of being a soldier man, and right is 6'0 150+ IQ silver fox scientist who is the only one not conscripted and is only here to try out his home designed power armour.

In other words, pick Viessa, she has tits. Also armour removal, that'll be useful in the endless modes and in the collosus fights.
Is this game getting censored in the west?
I may pick Viessa. She is very hot
Has a sprint speed increase skill and decent aoe
Huge aoe enemy vacuum, low cooldown nades that oneshot basic mobs
Tankiest of them all and will be quite useful for bossfights at the start because of his bubble
>One catalyst on a frame was equivalent to 20 dollars during the latest beta
what is a catalyst? is that what they call armor, some type of mod slot, or an upgrade mat?
how many of them do you need?
It doubles mod capacity slots on your frame, pretty much mandatory esp. for later game.
I think most people are going to pick the generic fighter dude, I think his name is Lepic? Ajax will probably be popular too for casuals since he's the big armored dude. Viessa seems like a solid option though too.
fucking gook scammers
they promised us skins during the beta, such as kitty bunny with the login rewards, aka you get to keep them.
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For me, it's Viessa.
so each character costs a minimum of 20 dollars to get to a usable state?
sharen isn't a melalated queen, is she?
I bet bunny is going to get like 2 skins a month
His skill set is literally bubble Titan from Destiny.
>so each character costs a minimum of 20 dollars to get to a usable state?
we will have to see if the prices were adjusted, but yes, this game does not look very friendly to free players.
You can get those capacity increasers via regular play, y'know

You don't HAVE to buy them, you can just find the ingredients for them and craft them yourself
doesn't warframe use that same exact system though? Honestly it seems like they share a lot of systems. Not really a bad thing because I think a lot of WF players are going to be trying the game out.
>>you can just find the ingredients for them and craft them yourself
>to get the ingredients you have to do content that requires more than a starting frame with 3 mods in place
>You can get those capacity increasers via regular play, y'know
i dont know. thats why im asking. didnt even know this game existed till today.
im just going off that one anon saying you have to pay for everything and you need this 1 item that costs money.
which makes me assume theres a bunch of other almost mandatory stuff you need to pay for and cant get without paying cause its nexon.
I want to play the big minotaur dude because heavy hitters are my favorite class in vidya, but I also like big booty bitches, which one should I pick?
but can we expect the same thing from nexon in terms of warframe-like monetization? I will definitely give it a try, and if it doesn't feel right its back to WF baby.
pick viessa, every party should have atleast 3 viessas
It’s probably going to be slightly different. Since it’s Korean I think it’s going to be probably more geared for endgame and long term objectives, something Warframe kinda struggles with.
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In warframe, those capacity boosters are limited. They come from limited time events, or from a battle pass point shop where the points you get are quite limited. You also have to get different types between characters and weapons.

Assuming they haven't changed it since the beta, you can grab a catalyser simply by crafting it, which you can grind for at any time, as much as you can stomach. There's also only the one kind of capacity increaser between descendants and guns. And here's hoping you still get *one* for free during the tutorial missions.

Putting aside that the catalysers have RNG on them, they are arguably more generous than warframe's reactors and catalysts, probably more like warframes formas to be honest.

Only thing I can see being a bitch is if the collosi fights their tied to are time limited *and* RNG, which is fully possible and would indeed be fucking bullshit.
wait who is the the 6'0 silver fox genius with homemade power armor?
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content for the next 5-6 months
... the big guy on the right in power armour?
He's kind of hard to miss.
i feel like warframe was paying to get things faster or paying for storage space. not paying for essential things that you couldnt get normally. though i havent played it in years and could be wrong.
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man, now I wanna play as Ajax
I'm in Texas, pretty sure I read the time right the game should be open for me right?
pretty much. Pay for things that are pretty much mandatory, but they are cheap and can be earned through in-game methods. Warframe does a lot of stupid shit, but their MTX is one of the absolute best for F2P games by far
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Assuming it's like the betas, yeah, the power boosters and polarity changers are all fully craftable.

You did have to do boss raids to get the bits for them, but unless you are a shitter you should be able to do atleast the easy bosses.

Having a ranked up damage and elemental mod in your gun, plus a ranked up health and elemental resistance mod in your descendant, keyed to to the boss you are fighting, is way more important than an extra 20 capacity.
Is this game gonna have endgame activities like destiny, or is it just a collectathon like warframe?
Do not play in english, just use the korean vo, it lipsyncs and is actually decent voice acting, they cheaped out on the american voice work and is pretty shit, you can tell the voice actors weren't given direction and just read off the script
ok you get 200 slots with stacking items. i dunno how much bullshit they force on you but at least they stack.

do you get space for every character or do you have to pay to unlock slots like warframe?

how do you get other characters anyways? do you buy them or unlock em in game somehow?
i dont think warframes i got a leg as a boss drop now i need the other leg a torso some arms and a head to build a waifu apply.
i am not a fucking weeb, i will play with american voice lines
I'm gonna goon so much bwos...
40 mins
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played viessa in the beta but i think i want to try lepic now...idk her butt and boobs are great though
Same, brother.
I feel like a game like this could develop into something if it wasn't due to Nexon. Live service games need years to develop into something meaningful. 2013 warframe was so lame and it only started picking up steam 2016. Even if the game is ''decent'' enough it might get blasted by the usual celebs
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I see people talking about paying with certain characters. I assume that means we choose a pre-made characters? not create our own, right?
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You pay to unlock slots, just like in warframe, yes. It is possible to run out of character slots. No idea if you can delete old characters, it never came up in the recent beta, so watch out for that I guess.

You unlock descendants by getting their 'parts' like in warframe (in this game, it's fluffed as their genetic code and all it's space-magic genetics). Some descendants are piss easy to get, Bunny and the starters shouldn't take too long.

The shiny gold ones, and maybe some of the 'premium' characters (like Valby and Kyle), will be boss drops.

>>484339650 (also me)
>>484339174 (me)
Also, to add to this, TFD will have a battlepass. Dollars to donuts that if you can't get these character upgrade materials direct from there, you can atleast get most of the parts.
you need to clarify that it is a paid battlepass, because free version is dogshit similar to what they have in OW, etc.
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We should all place bets on what steam numbers it'll reach. I'm guessing 7000
based schizo free general
theres 3 starter characters to choose from and then you can grind for items to play other characters. i think theres 11 right now? they all have abilities and some gimmick to them
100k+++ easily
I think is gonna be a lot more than that, is just gonna fall incredibly quickly
is there normal armor to change character looks or is it all cashshop?
I believe you can only change the colors of default armor and everything else is cashop cosmetics
I'm a wukong main, what starter should I pick?
there are no niggers in this game, sorry ngubugu
Game has no niggers but if you want to go fast, Viessa has sprint speed boost.
Initially 100k+
Normalizing down to perhaps 10-20k after a while.
We'll see if it survives for long as a live service. Key to that is regular content updates. They already have a roadmap through the next 6 months.
Lepic has a passive not die ability to save you from yourself, just like kong.
Alas, he doesn't have an AI to shoot his guns for him, but he atleast gets a grenade to drag enemies into his crosshairs so you don't have to aim.
Plus, he's got an exalted weapon for you to ignore, just like on kong.

If you are a zarrkong patrician, Lepic is probably your best pick.
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Can't decide between Viessa or Ajax first.
thanks bro
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10 mins

Some nerds made a wiki. Might be a decent resource to put in future OPs
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I was a big fan of this skill specifically
Quite dominant on wave defence missions for both spawn camping and covering the objective with DOT at the same time.
I'm gonna plap valby and plop plop in her pussy so much bros...
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Where are the lolis?
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i cheesed bayle with the summons and scarlet rot just in time
feels gud
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I wonder if this gonna be infested with bots like LA
can I swing around the map like spider man yet?
Assuming it's like the beta, you should be able to colour standard and premium armour both.
I doubt it because there is no trading in this game.
shouldn't the servers be up?
Yes according to their chart.
Will Lepic end up being the least pick starter?
Who is the Reb of this game?
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I expect server issues so I will be hopping on in a few hours
No idea what to start as...
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>do tutorial
>remember that i hate video games
time to sleep ahahaha
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>easy anticheat detected an untrusted system file PhysXupdateloader.dll
man the story is so shit
I will skip everything from now on
>all these lying faggots that said game has bad movement and grappling hook has no momentum
>play for 5 minutes
>get grappling hook
>it has momentum after you releasee it
I'm convinced there was a shilling compaign against this game.
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so is the correct way to play starting as bunny to be the ultimate farmer?
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Still refusing to let me play and I have no idea why.
you can't start as bunny?
>FOMO skins
>Hamster wheel backpack

wheres the erp
played the first mission game feels decent. boob windows great. only bad thing ive noticed is somethings up with the gunshot sound on the assault rifle where its loud and soft randomly if you swing the gun around
I don't remember the double jump feeling this good in september's beta
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>Guide is a Korean AI
I will NYOT be betrayed again
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great game yellow niggas
anyone else crashing?
it crashed once when i tried to open msi afterburner, it has been smooth ever since
Angela never betrayed, her actions were the natural consequence of being treated like shit for a gorillion years.
Pretty much anytime I try to change a graphic setting my PC crashed. Sometimes just playing the game it'll crash.
works on my machine
Great, now im stuck with the descendant i picked on my steam account and there's no way to change it. Shit game. I don't even like my pick
oh they still give out bunny for free
Where, how? Explain!
upon reaching the 2nd map, it's a story mission so it cannot be missed
all 3 drops are guaranteed from 3 easy missions
Yooo this is dogshit lmao
Why would anyone play this over warframe?
They stole everything from warframe but added gacha. LMAO The moment I saw that battlepas I altf4d, back to warframe.
>t. mrlet that hasn't gotten everything already
well for one warframe is like a decade old. It's like wondering why anyone would try a new MMO and not World of Warcraft.
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>$60 for an Ultimate
really really wanted to get into Warframe, but the game Is so old In the Sense that i feel like inam getting behind AND have to understand so many systems, and the Lore feels like a mess
Also the gameplay at a higher level does not seem appealing to me
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>he chose Ajax
fr fr bro, time to go back to my torid and Revenant and pod sit in hydron
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>his name is "Greg"
>164k players
I chose Le'Pig Oink Oink
ajax is kinoplex
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can i play some kind of heal slut?
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Hoping this game is good or it's back to warthunder
There are "male"(korean twink) and female healsluts, yes
Wait so is the coomer bait skin for bunny limited time only? As in its going away after 90 days?
yes but it sucks it's a recolor of her default
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>natural consequence
ok binah
Mark my words this cunt will need a magnet correction by the end of the first story arc
>t.rust me
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good shit
Is this a schizo free general?
Wait for NA to wake up, then check again
I'M GOONING!!!!!!!!!!!!
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even if this game drops to 100 people in a month it would be so funny if it peaks above the highest WF peak
I died in destiny when woke up in gooner heaven.
I checked again and it seems that her "Apex predator" skin is the one that has FOMO on it. "Ultimate Bunny" herself and her default suit is not going away, right?
no? the apex predator one comes with the ultimate bundle for $100
Ultimate forms are permanent, they're what mains of a character strive for
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cope nigger
enjoy spending money monthly to get the same standard of gameplay as from warframe
I never spent a dime on wf
I'm not planning on spending money on TFD, I'll play it as far as I can f2p and then play something else, prolly the next poe league
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ayo there are character specific story missiopns now
Yea but there is an 85d icon on the bundle for ultimate bunny page, I had figured that meant it was a limited time offer but I don't really care about the skin since the base look is already superior.
oh then that might be time limited
that sucks
Does weapon proficiency carry over between descendants?
lmao bros name is GREG
you need to use mats to transmit the levels
It's pretty much a recolor of her base suit. If it had a fishnet bodysuit, then I might've thought about getting it.
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bunny time
I like how the lootbox guarantees bunny mat
something that will never happen again
sheeit it costs 400k and i only have 429k
Can't play yet, how are the servers holding up for day 1, any lag/stutter?
Smooth as butter, EU here. Zero crashes or dc's
anyone tried this on ps5? Performance seems dogshit on all modes
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>unlock final skill on lepic
>press y with full mp
>nothing happens
Great game gooks.
well the button is z
>well the button is z
It is y for me, mostly because of german keyboard I reckon. I already tried z and y, also tried rebinding it to z. Still not working.
It was working fine in the last beta. Goddamn gooks.
skill issue, works on my machine
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Game just can't stop crashing, I can play one mission but if I do another I'll crash mid way. What the fuck were those extra months spent doing?
works on my machine
works on me machine
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1st try
>game releases
>there is still a very barren amount of porn
why is no one joining my games...
Switching weapons feels clunky as fuck; wish it was instant as in Warframe; maybe they'll do this in the future
So bunny is the first descendant you unlock through gameplay, do any of you know how early is valby?

i'm ready to shill for her, but as far as i remember glen is after bunny and i would prefer to save for ultimate valby
Yeah what's up with matchmaking? Everything is solo after the first zone...
so how hard is it to grind new frame?
I remember year one warframe you have to grind for shitty basic mats just hitting mobs in wave defense mission then collecting stuffs
This is probably only me, but even when I play private this game is laggy as hell. Anyone else have this issue?
Gut feel after looking at the crafting reqs is that basic will be easy but the ultimate variations will be cock and ball torture if you're trying to grind immediately.
Can we get ultimate bunny without swiping 70 euros for a singular character ? if so how long does it takes do we know ?
>Gook game
>Putting anything in their games other than ice white skin tone
yes, bunny is given for free as a tutorial on how to craft a new descendant
I hear ZERO hype for this game how the FUCK does it have 170k players right now...? And on Steam too
i asked for the ultimate version anon i know we get normal bunny
So who are the fun characters?
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Is this game open world or mission-based? Also, is it solo-friendly? I have no frens
>I have no frens
Matchmaking has been a thing for far too long.
that's gonna be a long grind
Can Ajax and his allies shoot through his own barriers though?
It's a mix. You'll run around small open world instances with randoms fucking around the same region, and then there's also dedicated little dungeons and boss fights where you get instantly matchmade with a kill team that rarely talks. You can also set things JUST to solo, but it's very solo friendly with matchmaking giving you ez teams
Dead on arrival.
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my thirdie internet dont always work smoothly
thnaks for the info
bunny is way more fun than the all three starters
the XIV fuckboi just throw nades
the bimbo is just a crystal maiden/drown ranger
ajax looks cool but he just drop shield
>betafags get free skins
I played 2022 beta. I got a fuckin emote.
i got one unless u mean the polar bear with a coke can
so essentially a paid character unless i slave away endless hours ?
>Hamster wheel backpack
Keek these gooks are actually taking the piss. Kinda based ngl.
it's supposed to be an endgame long term grind, and you're not supposed to outright buy it with money
I played the crossplay beta and got nothing
can you do the vpn trick with the cash shop?
how useful is the roll in this game actually? feels like most things are dodgeable by toggling sprint or hook
Dude i got Mesa prime in 5 days of playing warframe 0 money spend what are you talking about having to wait till end game to unlock a fucking character
So do I just sell the flood of weapons and equipment I get except whatever I'm using?
South americans and SEA monkeys should simply stop existing.
healer/support chad reporting in
from all of the supports characters, which one is the most fun ?
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don't listen to that retard
this is a cashgrab warframe-clone that will shut down in 2 months after the hype is gone and the only thing left are heaps of microtransactions.
dont do such things please
its a small dev they need all the support they can get
just replay missions to get the rare rewards, youll get a bunch
also, claim the challenge shit

you seem to be able to use duplicate weapons to upgrade others, enxt to the weapons trader, not got any to use though
>claim the challenge shit
Where do you sell the garbage? Inventory fills up fast...
Wher do you claim challenge stuff?
Where's profit taker? I need money...
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Yeap complete money grab fuck this, il check in again if they do something about the grind
actually thats all shit, just poses and titles, thought it was acttually worth collecting

if you want that then open map, then journal tab, awards
Is it just me being retarded or does the difficulty (enemy becoming bullet sponges) ramp up pretty quick? I'm at the end of the second zone and I'm dying pretty often.
Are you not playing bunny?
You can literally just walk around and watch enemies die
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Servers are unstable as fuck sadly.
? I've been logged in since this thing released and have had zero issues
t. europoor
Aus actually
forsaken lands all the same, not enough people to overload the servers
thank fuck
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The payment system seems fucked for some people not getting the premium bux they're paying for. No funny chinese reviewbomb yet

I've only been kicked once so far. Shit's been smooth otherwise
bruh its Nexon, the chances of it happening is between slim and none
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>that awful blur is still there when you move
>not motion blur the inbuilt engine one the devs can only control
Low or Ultra that shit is still there, I can see it slightly teetering when I move around
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so do you guys just go out of your way to play the most garbage UNREAL ENGINE games you find?
you'd think the payment system would be the only flawless thing about a game's launch yet everything else seems to work except payments LMAO
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"Colon" special forces
Yeah wtf is this blurry shitty mess?
I've just been dismantling everything below my current level am I doing it right?
eh even if you aren't, the likelihood you actually stick with this game long term for it to matter is near 0
>he dismantled
bricked account
Preparing shaders the game. This is so fun.
i decided to learn a new instrument instead of getting tied up in a nexon game
How do I stop being a mrlet? This is most uncomfortable...
congratulations on your new hobby
let's hope it lasts longer than 2 weeks
i wont, but it's the not having sunk cost w/ a chink game like this that will make the failure worth it
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ah yes a slice of pizza on your tit
Quite the slow moving gen. EU hours I see.
Most games just devolve into an incoherent mess with no actual artstyle guidelines to speak of over multiple years of service but I see this game is proud to be le wacky nonsense from day 1.
Does the boss drop tomb vanguard power? Should I keep farming it to get the full set or jsut move on?
why didnt i get my fucking bunny nexon
hags will pay
I wouldn't worry about farming sets until you're max level, whatever that is
What's the max level for characters and mastery?
just did the boss and yeah it dropped vanguard stuff
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I absolutely cannot find this. Anyone know where it is?
The only thing that DE did with Warframe that will always make it special is that you can grind and sell shit for platinum, so you can invest time and buy literally everything in the game if you put the effort.
That will always be the thing that will keep it afloat, i live in a shithole so i can't buy stuff, even less in USD, so i won't play TFD just for that reason alone.
PoE is trickier but still manageable about their F2P model too.
On the cliff edge, little blue or white pad looking thing
>Mom, can we have Watframe?
>We have Warframe at home.
>Warframe at home:
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Is there a way to change the buttons from Xbox to Playstation icons?
>go to second map
>already no one to play with
>failed the first defense mission because you just cant reload fast enough when all enemies already able to damage the thinging the moment they spawn
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warframe at home has this???
I ignored literally all guides and I just started shooting shit. How do I unlock new descendants??
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if you do not want to engage in modern-world slavery, pic rel
>look at Ajax
>he has a giant slam attack
Choosing a character has never been so easy

I'll probably download it later today
is the game still good even at low graphics?
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Just keep playing and you're spoonfed Bunny in the first hour or two.
After that, it's just doing missions/dungeons and crafting the pieces to make them.

If you look at the descendant in the crafting menu in Albion, you'll be able to see what parts you need and where to get them. Don't expect to craft Ultimates soon
They all have slam attacks
Ok cool.
Should I be dismantling all my weapons?
Should I aim to purchase a weapon or would I be fed one by just naturally playing the story?
Any side shit I should keep track of or just keep trekking on?
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Thank you friend
You get a legendary electric smg to go with bunny but that's it afaik
Doesn't Ajax get a really big one though?
Why are there no one in Sterile land?
Oh nice a general
most people haven't made it this far yet
You replace everything at this point way too fast to care about lower levels. The only thing I'm not 100% on dismantling now is modules in case we need dupes, but the rest like the spare guns and suit parts I'm dismantling en masse now just for the inventory space. I get at least 2-4 new guns per open world encounter, just watch for the cubes on the ground and on your minimap with special icons above them for guns/module drops

There's a legendary gun quest as well, but I haven't done it yet. I wouldn't spend any real money right now until they unfuck the store
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quick, time to spam satania!
So are there any different between prime and regular?
i-is it down?
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eh? theres a limit?
get pranked
why am I running out of high power rounds where the fuck do I get them. they';re always low
Is there trading in this gookslop?
no that's not how it works
you acquire lootboxes, i.e. amorphous materials from the open world
and you can open them by doing a 4 man boss raid
this just means you ran out of lootboxes to open so you gotta go back to grind the open world
open your wallet
So what do I do with this?
As long as the missions dont become warframe fucking tedious annoying requiring 3 degrees of searching to find what you have to do. ill probably keep playing this as my main game.
mod BoTW onto it.
congrats you have 1/5th of Gley
the other 4 materials require copious amounts of crafting materials each to create
killing shit feels really good in this game
Do I fucking have to hike in that dumb ass hub in order to do anything in my inventory?
>4hrs to craft a gun
that gun isn't even usable once crafted
it's supposed to be a long term investment as you feed it regular weapons to level it up alongside you
it has more potential than looted weapons but takes a while to come online
>a long term investment
Wait how do you level it up is there a mastery requirement?
i want my fucking cbt teddy
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from story alone you get Bnuuy, Poison Lesbian, Sharon, & Blair. Last three are chance rewards from missions and don't require the materials > parts > frame grind
i prefer anais
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>Ultimate version ruins the kino suit
Thats one way to prevent me from grinding that upgrade ig
Game runs terribly on PS5 lol. Stuttering, frame drops, teleporting enemies
game runs amazing with nvidia DLSS
>Helmet removed
I refuse
Game feels alright but the monetization scares me from playing any further.
so far every prime females look worse than the normal one
but I like bunny prime
both Viessa and Gley look dumb as fuck
yeah the pricing is dumb as shit
>100ish dollaridoos for a single prime

legit didnt realise untill i typed my life is so sad i might log into eve again
you're supposed to grind them over a long time, not outright buy it, that spoils the whole point of the game, which is a grinding game
>4 hours for a weapon
A lot shorter than warframe but I'm still not happy.
yeah ik but typing the fact that its cheaper than warframe equivalent made me stress about my life
it's 55 for me, sounds like you're getting scammed
I'll still grind for it anyway cause otherwise I won't have a goal in this game
>Colon Special Forces
did they even try to localize?
worst part is the english VO is competent so it implies the english voice actors were forced to say these lines out loud
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Is it true it will take weeks to unlock ultimate characters ?
how bad is the NEXON? does it feel like it's going to be an oppressive time/money sink?
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>no pubes
Yes 100%
time sink? yes, but that's what you signed up for when you played a warframe clone
money sink? doesn't seem to be, they seem more interested in people treating this like a 2nd job than to whale
No hags allowed, sorry
this but youre mistaken about whaling
whalers will absolutely eat shit wherever it is presented
It is both slave away and a money sink just skip and leave feedback on steam
get a new pc anon jesus christ
on what setting?
enable DLSS, I got instant +40fps from that
Game runs fine for me the only reason i'm skipping it is the insane grind and how hard they are reaching for my wallet
Either way you dodge a bullet anon.
>not having an i9 and 4090
Only problem I'm having is texture pop-in.
14-gen i9
game crashing with blue screen on shader comp
i read in google it's cpu problem

It defaulted to medium. 3050ti. This shit runs everything else just fine.


That's with DLSS enabled lmao.


Yeah this shit is trash, was hoping it was warframe levels of friendly but I see it's the complete opposite.


Oh you mean like pic related lmao
Can we use other skins with the ultimate characters? I prefer some of the other skins to the ultimate ones.
Getting a prime character takes way too long and it is grindy as fuck. This wasn't the game we are waiting for
>why cant i get THING on day 1
anon dont be like this or il have to call you a retard
There's grammatical errors and stuff on the bios of the characters on the main site that really makes me believe they translated the game in-house (not google translated but by ESL Koreans) back in South Korea and that the voice acting was done with little direction. Better to play on the Korean VO.
are there any character guides yet?

I'm all for the grind but this shit is crazy. Aint nobody grinding 30 fucking hours for one character.

t. 500 hours in warframe.
should be tfdg surely, this thread smells like curry
>Getting a prime character takes way too long and it is grindy as fuck
bro that's like the final tier of a character. at least for the next 2 years or so.
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If you don't have this bear your account is bricked btw

Why is there no match making for field mission?
I literally just solo the entire second area and have not see a single other soul
>t. 500 hours in warframe
cute mrlet
where's the jiggles?
>pure f2p experience
I really like its little animation, and I hate that I do
>all the supports, tanks and healers are men
>women splash frost, water, electricity or stinky slop around them
Yeah this isn't one-sided at all.
Is Gley good? Because otherwise my interesting is instantly gone.
So It is in Warframe, you know how long It takes for a new player to get one vía Gameplay?
theres a cute hamster running in a wheel somewhere in the shop
>>pure f2p experience
all mediocre.
selling point is probably future raids and fashion endgame.
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They did, pay up
it's part of the premium battlepass
This feels like vindictus but with guns

Yea waste of time, im just waiting to see if the devs listen at all
just remove that hope, anon
do NOT by any means link your account via the options menu to Nexon
its not a link to twitch or w/e
its a replacement for steam and you WILL get wiped
some dude on steam already fell for that
Is there gyro aim on PS5?
yeah I'm dropping the game now since I dont have this bear
>Yea waste of time
You mean quite literally why people play games at all? Looking good then
oh yeah thx
Gley was busted on beta, her numbers can go insane if you build her, highest DPS character in the game
>full armored to the thighs
>not full armored entire arms
for what purpose
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Which one do i grab
viessa's ass
XIV boi
>coomer weeb
>cool robot dude
robot dude
She stole an unfinished ultimate suit out of spite because the one that she wanted was given to Mr. Lepic. I'm not making it up, is in the lore.
Is not about getting the characters in one day, is about getting the characters before i reach afk stage of the game. I don't thin k is that unreasonable
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>warframe gear system
>outriders gameplay
>anthem artstyle
>destiny public events
>korean monetization

explain the appeal
Yeah nigger the one thing i love after a day of eating shit at work is playing a game that don't respect my time. My favorite thing in the world
Mmm, I linked my steam to my nexon account, then linked to twitch, got the twitch drops on twitch but haven't gotten then ingame.
>fully maxxed out with nvidia settings to the top
>ultra rtx
>silky smooth fps
i love my pc
>Korea tier
there's none for now at least. The game is overly grindy for no reason and they constantly remind you to spend money
>outriders gameplay
This game has Actual difficulty compared to outriders
t.lifesteal build
>i love after a day of eating shit
>food analogy
why are americans like this
should i just go back to warframe
Seems like they took the bad things about warframe and added Korean monetization to it
It's free and going to keep me entertained for a week or so.
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What is it?
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does that explain this?

what do you think
damn I dont even know what Outrider is without looking it up
Turns out it was "too fast" cpu problem
XTU and turning performance ratio by -1 fixed things
how do i destroy void fragments? desc said to use skills but that doesnt work
>got sent 2 of the 5 twitch drops
kim jong, where's the rest?
It will keep dropping. My cope is the devs listen and fix the grind for characters and make the game run a bit smoother for the niggers with shit PC
I thought I designated and dismantled a single gun as junk.
Turns out I dismantled my whole inventory
Apparently you can raise your guns level like in destiny, so that lvl 5 pos with good rolls might be better than the lvl 30 gun you just picked up if you enhanced it to the same level.
i want a summoner descendant and to afk farm eventually
How do I change it to Korean then?
>shite gunplay
>no mob density scaling
>matchmaking almost useless
I had to fight 4man of mob density for fuck's sake
you'd think warframe would have had some real influence in gaming. it's monetization, the mobility, power fantasy, whatever. 10 years later there's still only warframe
that sounds like a yes to me
do we get anything for participating in the beta?
theres that chink gacha coming out soon
forgot what its called tho
>constant notifications to interact with hidden storages by using TAB
>hitting TAB does nothing
chinks have really bad smelling shit so no thanks
not the final beta
some people run around with a bear backpack that was from the crossplay beta almost a year ago
i forget the name too. it looks fun and actually the truest wf clone yet, but it's almost guaranteed a gacha. will probably lack a lot of the customization and whatnot as well
Im just gonna skip all the fucking story. I DONT FUCKING CARE
i was watching a stream and they never stop yapping, and none of it means fucking anything. it's all irrelevant info dumping
it's strangely enjoyable since you get to meet every single playable descendant and a little bit of their personality
>reached hub area
>everyone is running around as viessa
this game has a very specific audience
This game came out at the right time for me. I just need something to slop up while i watch videos on the second monitor and wait for work days
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>is the nature of multiplayer looter shooters to suck?
It's a genre that haven't been figured out yet
yes, fat bald coomer-boomers
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Bwo your new hoyoslop?
So when do the Descendant abilities get good? Playing Ajax and the snow globe feels weak compared to Frost's from Warframe.
What exactly are descendant tickets? Are they just immediate unlocks?

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