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Previous : >>484189448

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503
Post: Summer Knight Special MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pv8kH7fwbg

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
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Why are there no more npc quest from chapter 5 onward?
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b/c ppl hate doing them
because devs listened
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Help a newglutti make his first physical team.
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also not to be the bearer of bad news but it's just as easily to edit html elements in your browser, so you'd be endlessly bitching either way. at least i learned that you can use python directly in notepad++ today
H.Lathel, Get arines from the pub / rolls, lia, gray, kry, wiggle
lia, lathel, arines
refi or diana if you have them
last one I'd put in layla or justia
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You have 15Sp when you enter battle, aim for one turn kill
H.Lathel (2SP)
Arines (3SP, 2 SP if +3)
Gray (3SP)
Kry (5SP, 4 SP if +3) (X Pattern is really handy)
Base Wiggle (4SP, 3SP if +3) (His other costume sucks)
Liatris (6SP, but useful for farming)
Justia can also be useful in early stages and early PvP)
Base Rou is also a good knockbacker and dodge tank)
Layla is decent against dark enemies, but she's kinda expensive (6SP, 5SP at +3)
>i-it has to be fake, i've ever seen anyone with more than $100 in my country
is it bad that i'm a d1 player and i didn't know you get 15 sp upon entering a battle, i thought it varied
Yes, it's quite bad...
The Wiggle character quest in Fire Chip was great though
Nice, good thing I rolled the weapon gacha just because and got Gray's UR weapon, also I completely forgot that I don't have Arines yet.
you most certainly have arines at +5
just toggle the magic damage filter back on
They're adding more, incel.
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this is one of the reasons why ppl ask new gluttis to do the below and not use character filter
You got lucky. usually it's not recommended to roll for the weapon gacha early on because costumes are more valuable.
Justia is not a PAWG.
>white girl
>has a phat ass
How is she not?
holy shit is that what pawg stands for i thought it was just brain diseased twitch chat
look im sorry ok these zoomers come up with 6 new terms a week and i literally can't understand half their sentences. ive stopped trying to understand how they come up with these connections ever since a friend explained 'rizz' came from charisma
What's the PÁWGgiest Yuti costume? I'm thinking PĀWG party
anon got negative rizz fr fr
Nta but I thought fr is a furryspeach...
it means for real in zoomerspeech.......
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Fuck anyone who has the Golden Hand achievement. Thankyou.
I want to gooning with my fellow anons..Can I?
ah ah ah ah
patchnotes doko
In 25 mins
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>30 foot tall out of control "pet" octopus attempting to rape anything that moves
>Mysterious girl down by the pool offering free gangbangs and prostate massages
>Rigged competition with non existent first place prize
>Multiple fights breaking out at every opportunity

Was the pool party a success?
Yusti got a lot of free food
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It's out
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Looks weird. Super large range and the tear upgrade makes it even larger
>1 turn cd
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The tear upgrade looks weak as fuck. She's not limited and her weapon stat is attack %
Oh no no no no.
Everyone and their grandmothers will have Idol Gran for pvp defense.
>New Justi and Homo Lathel rerun
>only 200 tickets left
>30 person guilds
>200 dia creation cost
>daily attendance rewards after creation
>raids are 1 in every 4 weeks
I don't play other gatcha games. Is this normal?
>10% bonus for an each target
Looks huge for FHs which take a lot of squares
Yeah, looks about the same as any korean gachas
There is also some farming event. Save your torches.
Doesn't look too special honestly. New players would be better off going for Homu Lathel.
I hope they'll give us a free copy of her like vengance Lathel
Newglutti here, are you even able to get 5 SP every turn to justify that +4?
You guys should remember that's she's a front row attacker. even with 9 tiles full of enemy she will never reach 900% damage increase if you don't have Zenith's focus target
Good thing everyone ITT has Zenith
>Some mission contents will be changed so that you can obtain the summer vacation Dalvi costume

Event is so bad they had to change the missions.
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9x9 fully occupied tiles are really rare anyways
She's not very flexible
Base eris does 1100% damage at 3SP and easier requirements. Granted Eris's tile range are more limited
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She's for Guild fight with 5x5 player tiles and 7 playable characters at once
Waiting for new Sylvia costume...
1 turn cooldown seems good until look at the SP cost.
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I did it bwos... got my first pp angelica
5 SP for that range is normal. But i wish her damage is higher
Angelica's futa pp...
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Next FH is Light favored. After that is Fire aka Lia's time to play again
Fatbros we won
And she has very front attack that mean she cant attack 9 tiles without zenith
What have you done John...
And's she's useless in Last night since it only has 1 target...
>ppl get a hyper dps without cooldown
>waaaah why do I need other unit to make her better

Why do you care if she can giganuke the entire field each fucking turn? She will need a battery too btw.
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WTF, why are you guys not talking about this?
>Angelica chapter
>she gets an another buff
>she can be used with Refi now
She won
Also everyone with c.dmg won too
***We have prepared a special event to repay the users who have been with Brown Dust 2 and to build on this momentum so that more people can enjoy the new PV together.***

Please see below for details regarding the event!

[Justia: Reclaimed Destiny PV special event part 2!]

**Please like and leave a comment** on the “Justia: Reclaimed Destiny” PV video uploaded on Brown Dust 2’s official YOUTUBE!

The rewards below will be given depending on whether the target number is achieved.

Event period
**July 2, 2024 - July 7, 2024** 2:59 PM (UTC)

Mission and reward details
***10 draw tickets*** will be given when **5,000 likes / 1,000** comments ***are registered*** (***all regions combined***)
***5 draw tickets*** will be given when **5,000 likes / 1,000** comments ***are not registered*** (***all regions combined***)

Announcement of results
July 9, 2024 (UTC)

We ask for your participation.
Thank you.


***Please Like and Comment on All 4 Video Links***
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>saggy teardrops
This girl has never worn a bra in her life
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Am I reading this right?
does she really hit for 1200% on a 1 turn cd if she target 9 enemies?
doesn't this make her the best field hunter unit(without taking element into consideration) by an insane margin?
she is utter trash in last night tho.
Depends on the boss tile placement but she got really wide range yeah
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Whatever the costume, the head tumor still annoys me.
Why not make it fully formed horns after the power-up
They're cute
It seems newer costumes from now on will have higher bond stats too
So all dps costumes released since day 1 are now trash? Amazing. I haven't even capped cdmg on most of them.
I said bond stat, bro. Calm down.
The costumes kits itself doesn't look much special. They're mostly Maid Lia level
They won't. This is for buffers viability.
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>Save for Justia Alter she will be good
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S.Nebris and S.Venaka is certainly not Maid Lia level. Lia's stacked. Good ranges, high multipliers and cheap cost all in one.
She looks broken, only retards will skip.
Not to mention Lia's base costume is very useful. With some FH requiring DoT or high chain counts to trigger their skill
Jesus I hate Schera so fucking much
I'm skipping for Diet Rush Loen and Apostle bikini Blade.
problem with Eris is her titles are pretty bad comparatively and she can't utilise chain much.
new Justia can do anywhere from 400% to 1300% in the biggest aoe of the game with chain dmg on a 1 turn cd.
give her an sp battery and zenith and she is probably the best nuke in the game(as long as there is more than 5 or 6 targets)
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>Hottest girl in the game
>Uses mana stones for their intended use only
>"Jesus I hate Schera so fucking much"
Nobody makes anal beads from manastones, Schera...
>Uses mana stones for their intended use only
As for fighting your poop incontinence?
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>homolathel banner after the powder shop sale is gone
>appears again in the shop after his banner
Is that too often.
Fuck this game bros. Homo lathel has had like 14 reruns. I want a Celia banner so fucking bad it hurts.
I really like summer schera. I don't care about her abilities, she's just hot.
It's only his second rerun. Only B-Helena is missing and then the set will be complete.
Not until she gets her cutscenes.
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Alright, phys boys. Get your thing ready for the next FH
H.Lathel + Diana + Zenith + G.Rafina + New Justi
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Seething Yustitards can't handle Schera being hotter bro.
As a new player, I should use this opportunity to +5 my HLathel no? And maybe get Justia to +1?
>esl seamonke can't read
Swimsuits are boring. I prefer teacher Schera, the stockings combined with that tight dress and the obvious nopan make her 200% hotter.
Current priority is Diana. She's the true meta for end game content and towers. I would honestly skip H.Lathel if need be for Diana.
Yeah, Damage dealer gets rotated but buffers are mainstay
Alright, thanks.
I got Diana to +5 today, so that's one off the list.
+2 is a budget stop point for Lathel, +5 him only if you feel generous
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>The 5x5 formation is wider than before, and you can rent 2 support characters from guild members to battle with a total of 7 characters. (You can battle with 7 of your own characters)
So the borrowing system is only for guild raids, which means guilds are just glorified chatrooms. doa system.
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>Light world buffs is next, that means dark's turn is soon
Summer Eclipse. Trust.
>you can rent 2 support characters from guild members

+5 Max teared Diana, +5 BOTH max teared Helena here. Who wants me?
What? You really expect that they'll let people borrow characters for FH? That's blatant recipe for money loss
It's a coop feature for coop content
I'm thinking far right is actually Michaela, the new nun from the story. Hair type and length matches.
Meanwhile Anais is a 4* and her build is too slim, it doesn't add up.
Who the fuck is Sarubia and why 3rd is not just Teresse 2nd promised costume? Also I don't see Lecliss as 2nd. Eclipse is 1st, that's kinda easy yeah
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So they aren't buffing Refi? After nerfing her because of the crit damage cap... that they're now removing?
I miss the chipi chapa guy.
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why do angels have to wear leotards with fluffy tails?
Her buff was making her a stronger buffer than Diana too, we can't have that...
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Teresse bros, thoughts on our impending summer costume?
I kinda want it to be an offensive costume but in challenges where she really shined for me, I'd have no SP for another attack-type one...
It should be something hard-hitting at last, because why the fuck we have atk% EX then
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>wake up
>read patch notes
Bwos this is too much info for me
>why 3rd is not just Teresse 2nd promised costume
Because the ribbon doesn't match and the build is too slim unless they are playing us
Bro the ribbon doesn't have to be exactly the same, it doesn't fit the summer theme. Also go read her bio, she's a shortstack. All curves here are hidden among the ring as well. Also the clumsy pose, a doll won't pose like that.
Build is too slim as if Teresse wasn't literally a stick with massive tits
Why would they? Just because you can go beyond 700% now doesn't mean that everyone should just get 100-200% CDMG extra for free from one costume, imagine the bloat and p2w backlash. The community has to weigh the pros and cons of sacrificing atk for more cdmg now.

I would wholeheartedly welcome summer Teresse but I just feel it is too obvious to be true, we'll find out.
Nta but her ribbon is same in her both available costumes
No they're not, default one is much bigger than MC
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bro look at the pose of the 3rd one come on
I mean it's also obvious since devs themselves promised 2 new Teresse costumes and we only got one. The fact that they hid these costumes like that doesn't mean we can't possibly guess them now.
Teresse fags are delusional...
They'll be highly disappointed...
When you're wrong you're going to have to post a naked dogeza picture with timestamp to apologize
So we had wind season now
Next is light
After that it's fire with Loen and Levia
Then it's darkness and water left
Darkness is new summer Eclipse
Water should be Teresse (there is no guarantee that silhouettes represent the release order)
Then wind and light again
I'm screenshoting this to laugh at you later
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If I'm wrong (I'm not), I will post a naked dogeza picture with timestamp to apologize
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Except that you know, this costume has existed in the game files for ages and hasn't been released yet.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love nothing more than Summer Eclipse and Teresse this summer, but I'm not going in with a "it'll 100% be Teresse" mindset since I'll just be disappointed if it turns out to not be her.
>chibi ass
Yup, it's gooning time
I mean iirc this gif is datamine, and I don't remeber devs themselves posting it anywhere. Until it's officially announced it doesn't exist.
you people don't actually masturbate to the chibis, right?
Iirc they cancelled all the datamined costumes
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You don't?
>if these niggers kept their grubby hands to themselves we could've had nun thong Teresse
Total dataminer death
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Chibi sex is my motto
Why don't these links ever work for me? I love Venaka too bro...
Which guild are you joining tomorrow?

Diet Club
The Gisgray Alliance
Cat Game
Plump Felines
Cowstia Knights
>Reclaimed PAWG Justia
I am coom
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Of course not.
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These are looking good
Do we even have enough people to fill a single guild?
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wait is this schera in the game?
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Scrapped most likely
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why did they scrap the sexo costumes...
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>cum glutton lasting for another two weeks
I hate it
Tell me about Idol Yuri and Idol Granhildr. Are they good?
Idol yuri hits really hard and Idol granhildr is PvP defense goddess
Gran is the meta defining pvp unit.
Don't know about Yuri because I never bothered levelling her
>put her away from everyone else with preemptive on
>if the person attacking has a buff remover it doesn't matter because she has a billion hp and simply putting her on the opposite side as usual is enough to waste the attacker's turn
hate her too, but defenses need some broken shit with how favored attack is.
an actual fix would be to completely change how the game works in PVP, one example would be to alternate the turn after every unit action instead of every team action.
Nice, I thought it would be Light so I farmed light crystals for my PP Angelica and Repi, good to know I wasn't wrong for once.
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>no maid Lia
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Ready your rolls
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>light FH
Should I +4 Maid Lia with selector?
She's getting rerun after new justi banner
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Should I use my dust to get the Lathel that's in the shop if I can get enough of it?
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No she doesn't
Based accent mark Chad, I fucking kneel
I don't know the use of Reclaimed PAWG Justia but that thicc body in a leotard makes me want to +5
Fuck P*WGs where are the PAWBs?
Maid Lialet here. Only +0. Other 2 are +5. Should I go all in? She's been brilliant for Wind boss Fiend Hunts. But I'm also working on my wife Loen (Notice how I said "my"). And her 2nd costume will be meta since John is a magichad.
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>"The schedule is headcanon!!! They always announce everything reruns beforehand!!!"
>July 4th will be some huge anni patch just you wait!!!

I'm glad I actually prepared and planned around it instead of whatever retarded shit you idiots spew. None of you deserve any leaks.
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Newglutti here
Why am i getting a warning from the weapon banner
Might be dumb to ask but do i lose the weapon or something? Just want to be safe and not sorry
Skipping Justia, Lathel and Angelica. Things are looking good for me bros. Tickets are safe.
you don't lose it, it's just a warning so you don't waste tickets rolling to get a dupe because they're useless
It comes up if you've already gotten the weapon. Do the free roll regardless. Dupes are always worth having just in case they have different or better stats on them.
read it nigga
It's headcanon because the only source of it was some "dude trust me" noname from discord
Thanks friends
So its not possible to reroll the weapon stats you have to get a whole new one? Not fully sure how this game works yet
Yeah and since it's headcanon then /bd2g/ will never get another leak and you idiots can continue to shit down each others throats happily ever after
There's 2 stats you can't. The others you can. When you try to reroll stats you'll see the ones you can't change on the left hand side.
I should be sad? Fuck leakers.
>No Netori
WTF bwo...
Netorase general. We love our hotwife Dalvi.
at this point I swear its the cuckschizo driving away every useful poster in here
Fucking a communal slut with bros is not ntr...
Light Fiend hunt favor. What are my options for this? Is it just Angelica, Ventana, Yuri and new Yusti check? Is there anyone else who will be good for this?
But I married her!
Rent free
I'm not bringing this up again. Orcs are pretty much just big humans. There is no shame in liking them for their stature.
I'm going to say it. New yusti is kinda soulless.
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>first ur ticket
>idol yuri in powder rotation
>light fh
thank you John
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You guys better comment and like my content... or else
soz bwo i'll be playing dawntrail and zzz
this dead no content game can rot
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Bro your +5 Ventana?
Roxy-bros...it was already over for us, but this just finishes the job. I'll be putting her on the bench forever.
Newbies are dumb...
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Been playing for about three days now, how am I doing so far? Any particular teams I should aim for?
Will it be possible for a brand new player to finish the very hard event story in time for the costume copies?
Also does the current event or banner end on this reset or the next?
Build at least 2 dps for an each element - phys and magic
swap refi for elpis
and I'm sorry you fell for the +5 diana bait
1 more reset then its gone
hard and very hard are easier than normal since you can bring your own units
Very Hard event pack is super easy, you'll probably oneshot everything with Dalvi
Ok thanks.
I was about to pass out after a long die but the fomo was keeping me up lol
Gonna do some serious grinding later
That Homunculus Lathel is a good pickup for physical teams, isn't he?
>I'm sorry you fell for the +5 diana bait
I managed three of her in a ten roll so it wasn't that much trouble.
I don't think you guys really understand how broken the new Justia is.
You're going to regret not +5ing her.
Like how broken Nebris was and how broken Venaka was? I'll +5 homo lathel instead and sleep for summers
Yes, Lathel is good.
Eh, she looks good but a bit situational. I'm sure she'll get more costumes later thought.
why is your screenshot so blurry
So any of the current banner costume worth picking up for a total noob? I already got Diana from a free pull
Venaka's mdef shred is good if you play magic
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the fucker never uploads to catbox so he can delete his shit and no one ever reuploads what he posts
I think all but 1 of my characters are Magic o.o
Dunno the meta of this game but do we need things like a tank unit in the front or can you kind of get away with whatever
Homocumless Lathel is also hot
the new one retard
Bros, imagine if we'll get free copies of the new justi from clearing pack 14 like Lathel...
antiDicksword measures
Post your roster
If you play phys then wait until H.Lathel in thursday
Venaka's actually pretty fucking stupid though, even at +3 she's hard carried me through dozens of floors in Tower, and from Gold I to Dia I/Sapphire III
You may get 3 for free. 1 from each of the pack 14 difficulty

John do this please!
Shid i just closed the game
But i think its Swimsuit Dalvi, Green outfit Diana (i have the one where her skirt rips too), Roxy, Eris and Celia
I was just going through the story with characters that i thought had nice designs
I got all the other limited stuff, what should I spend the rest of the currency on? I'm a newer player, been playing for about 2 weeks.
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bwo really? it's been almost a week how are you not done with all your pre-raid farm, budget a little more time for mobile games if you're gonna be casual
Hmm, we need more info but based on just that, you can go whichever direction right now
buy the sr gear if you have the currency to spare
Yeah i really dont have any other 5* units besides those and im assuming the lesser star units arent meta?
I assume I should buy the rest of the fox beads as well?
Some *3 and *4 are useful
Arines and Elpis are still used everywhere
Base wiggle will carry you up to pack 6
it has nothing to do with this unit???
>MMO players in the general
No wonder the quality has been so low lately...
No. The new Justi is a whole new separate character and different exclusive weapon
yes. the whole buy the ur gear and 27 of the upgrade materials thing is mostly directed at oldfags. newglutties will find use for the sr gear as well.
and I usually dump the rest of the event currency on gold/ability pills when I clear the shop
you might want to look into buying the rank up stars if you're low on them
You are all so fucking retarded holy shit
This is a warlock general.
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Don't joke about stuffs like that
Thanks for the advice, wrote that down
Just ask. People might shitpost here and there but they'll still help if asked
Nta but I'll add Samay and Lucrezia, they're still useful in VH content
Makes sense. I bought the ability pills already, I should dump the rest into gold now that I'm starting to craft UR gear. Thanks.
Once you've crafted more UR gear, the event SR gears will lose their value quick, they're just equivalent to UR I gear. When that happens, spend the remaining of the event currency on refining powders instead
For now, equip the ones in the current shop to you tank / buffers
Oh no no no, imagine being a maidlet
Venaka's second costume will show that shitty yandere bunny who is the real ass goddess
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Both are mogged by Diana
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God damn Lialets piss me off so much.
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>red mark
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sowwy :(
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You didn't tear upgrade Maid lia, the best fire costume in the game?
can't wait for our guild of retarded newgluttis and senile oldgluttis to do badly in all guild-related content!
New Justia is great just for her aoe range right? Every other light character has pretty small aoe.
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I hope we get to customize the guild robot
>Every other light character has pretty small aoe.
bro your teared 3x3 jayden?
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bro too soon
yeah, 5SP though. Been a while since we get high SP phys costume
Shut it. You know it too. She'll appear again later
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will new PP justia be broken? Seems mandatory +5 + liberation
Hello everyone I just started playing yesterday and I already came while on the home screen 3 times.
No. She does gives out 6SP and can dodge 4 times. but the CD Is 7 turn
>Craft UR IV gear
>Pic related fucking happens

I can't bros...
Who cares about the 7 turn CD. Does pvp matches even last 4 turns?
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Oh, you meant PvP.
Still no since she won't be able to kill Idol gran which will taunt her and be positioned far back away from the rest of enemy team anyway
And they're putting idol Gran for everyone in the pvp shop in thursday
We've seen a bunch of pantyshots but is there a single girl that shows us her bra? Or are they all letting their saggies hang free?
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>want to talk shit about others
>doesn't have this title
Yeah, I'm not listening to you.
think you actually see her bra right here >>484379593
>killing Gran without dispel
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>are they all letting their saggies hang free
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I pretty much hate everyone here. What are my guild options?
Non-4chan, normal random guild?
Same as me
I'm going to see if there's a sane guild else I'll make one with friends and say fuck this place as a whole
>idol Gran

low tier waifu
They arent that bad are they?
I've only been here for a few days but most people have been helpful
The official discord has 4 or 5 guilds planned, and most of them are sound people. Join us.
newglutti... *kiss*
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Wait, the next FH is dark variant of procyon, which we have fought before. Will it have the same tiles?
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Take me to dinner first at least bro
I'll only be joining the guild of caucasian women with large posteriors.
>Join 4chan guild and deal with retarded schizos
>Join a normalfag guild and deal with cringe ironic weebs who have a melty every time something overly-degenerate gets added to the game
Choose your destiny
Yeah, should be the same.
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Ah fuck. I remember it can silence you and get annoying
the good thing about guilds is that we can kick the schizos, unlike from this thread. Surely it'll be fine?
Unless the schizos are the guild leaders and we have at least two doing so
I'm a stealth schizo, once you realize I'm in it will be too late
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>X pattern favored
Yuribros... it's time...
i wuv browndustii
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we just wait until a normal anon makes a guild and flock to him
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What a retard
Yuri, Angelica and New Justi will do well with those tiles
Ventana not so much...
Teresse is so cute bwos...
and so the worst anniversary in any gacha game ended not with a bang but with a whimper
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comparing to other 9 and 13 tiles costumes :
>Dalvi hit for 300% + her dot is 630% after 6 turn , total : 930%
>Lia hit for 225% + dot so 615% after 3 turns, total : 840
>Maid Lia deal 700% on doted enemies
>Roxy, the only costume with the same AOE ,deal 400% on aoe.

Justia only have to hit 6 enemies(really not hard with her aoe) to do 900% dmg, dealing close to the dmg of Dalvi with all her dots on 6 turn and even out damaging both Lia and Maid Lia with a bigger AOE.
I'm not even gonna compare to Roxy because that would be mean to the cute mage.
Full please
What's your game plan here? I'm literally using limited bunnies, Helena, Venaka and having Angelica carry. My Yuri is only +2 so I'm fucked.
bro, what did you do?
Does she know tigers are cats?
It's over bro, John knows what you did.
Where do i find all those chibi arts?
I get this bug
>>484381761 (me)
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I hope my +5 700% cdmg Angelica will carry me. I really want Loen so I'm going to skip Yusti...
Yeah that chapter is bugged as fuck due to taunt enemies.
Which costumes are limited anyway?
pool party Angelica at +4 here. I'm lucky since both bunnies are at +5, max teared and I've got Helena all done too. Don't know about clearing level 10 since my light physical is pretty bad. Nothing at +3 or more. Only Justia and she's shit for this.
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So far, there's 10 of them
S.Justi, S.Schera, B.Eclipse, B.Celia
4 collab costumes
And 2 free seasonal welfares, Stray Rou and S.Dalvi
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2 of these is also most likely be limited.
the devs said it's going to be 2 existing character + 2 new character
so, if that one on the left is eclipse, does that mean she'll have two limited costumes? or will the new characters be limited?
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I don't care about the rest. Give me that Teresse, John
Does swimsuit Sheherazad banner end today or tomorrow?

I need to grind some character packs for tickets.
get it straight
Not as many as I thought.

>2 of these is also most likely be limited.
Yeah, I guess I should save my rolls.
You have around 32 hour to get her
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>making new 5 stars even stronger because they upped the damage cap
>meanwhile my 3 star goddess is still a worthless unit
Let her eat some meat john. She's hungry.
Is Gary gay?
Layla bros, this fiend hunt will be ours. No?
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Shut up. That one doesn't count
This + rejecting sexo rabbit might make Gray the gayest bd2 character
I wonder how Liatris would've taken it, if she'd have seen Gary flirting with a guy?
his skill is to spot traps btw
I never knew there were Layla chads in here.
>can detect traps
>tries to play off his advance because Schera was around
Hmmmm, makes you think.
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She's the first character I fully bonded because I'm weak to msgk, and her whole design screams sex.
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I wish we got more main character banters, they're always fun
Like, this summer event is fun but it's too short.
And Lathel went to the deep end way fast
Layla is my permanent field unit. I love her autistic dash sounds
She also has a pretty good korean VA
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Her twin sister name is Ailee. You know, the one who handles the equipment gacha .
Im brand new to this game but she really stood out to me too. Love her design, she really doesnt have a 5* costume?
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Nice resolution nerd.
I know, I would fuck them both at the same time, on top of the anvil.
I want to hear "SO PERFECT" again...
They said they'll revisit SR characters, so hope she's one of them. She's the reason I managed to clear tower 100, so I do not belittle her damage capabilities, on top of her sex ones.
>i thought it was just brain diseased twitch chat
It is. Brain diseased twitch chat is just niggerbabble. Zoomies all want to be pavement apes.
How does the costume gacha works?
Like, after picking 6 and giving it okay, can I change it afterwards or are they set on stone?
select draw can be altered at any time. Don't do it though. Rate up banners will get you 10 tickets back, if you pull that character. Select banners are for whales or if you really want to +5 your waifu.
You can change it whenever you want
But it's not recommended to roll on those except if you're really rich or have no interest on any of the upcoming banners
I see, then as a newglutti I'm gonna hold.
Why is it for whales? Doesn't it still give pity and powder? The only difference from a rate-up is that it's split into six right?
Rate up banners get you tickets back. Select guarantees you'll lose tickets regardless.
I want to stress that this is for old Justia (which is a pvp unit), not the new one.
People generally still wants to focus their rolls on certain characters. And like that anon said. You got some refunds if you pull the costumes on it's rate up
This banner doesn't guarantee you anything for 200 pulls
It is possible that Eclipse's will be permanent, just like Summer Angelica. Bunny is her strongest costume, I don't think they can add an even stronger limited or even a limited on par with bunny for her.

Would be for it though. The queen of breasts also being the queen of limiteds, it sounds good to me.
It's time for my tigerwife to shine.
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Firechip got the best casts
She can eat my meat if you catch my drift
Is it a big deal if I end up skipping DJ Venaka? I'm running low on tickets.
The problem with having a hatefucking fetish is that my brain correlates being angry with being horny so now I want to fuck Gray in the ass because of how many times he spooked me
She's not limited so I wouldn't worry about it. She'll spook you later.
Probably a good idea to roll 1 and buy 1from powder shop to +1 her. Magic shred will make her useful in the future.
>I want to fuck Gray in the ass

God damn it Schera. Have some self respect.
How come our mascot has so few skins?
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>How come our mascot has so few skins?
>nature's claw
>red hat
>stray cat
She has quite a few though
She's BD1 mascot though, Rou is ours
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Something no one has mentioned yet, Angelica, like Diana, can appear in the pub and is getting a banner in a week. So all of us newgluttis should save the 5* pub ticket we're about to get from login until Angelica's banner starts to recruit her then for 10 free tickets.
Gotta try to balance the game. My tigerwife only gets op costumes.
John. What about Dog Girl?
We already have that bitch Sch*ra
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If I did the math correctly, this is one of the best value packages in the game, but it's based on random chance.
20.375 tickets on average for $7.99 beats the attendance package in draws per dollar and that's not including the costume selection which might make it better than the monthly packages
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wait, I messed up and forgot a leading 0 on the 10 ticket drop. you only get 9.125 tickets on average from 4 lucky draws, so it's not great value unless you get the 5*
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>Still thinking Yuri is the mascot

Rou has usurped her.
Ah, the good packages are coming with the update. Glad I skipped these packages largely.
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I still can't believe that Nebris is a virgin.
She's not
Why not? Pure gyaru is a pretty common trope nowadays
she's not virgin anally
Not after I got her
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rou is temporary, yuridori is eternal
roudori when
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yuridoro when?
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Which bd2 girl gives the best head and why is it Yusti?
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but she has four...
She likes the taste
Justia is the kind of girl that doesn't forget the balls
This kind of conversation is why we don't have females in /bd2g/
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I will literally kill any female that sets foot in here.
Is phatJusti going to save this dying general?
I bet Celia picked up a thing or two from Eclipse. Shame she'll just spit it disgusted at the end.
BD2 playerbase is officially 95% male
how gay are the remaining 5%
and the 5% used to be male
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5% Grayfags...
Newglutti here, bros how diana can be so slutty pls tell me she has more costumes I have the one with the exposed thong and the one with her pet liking her boobs, my god this game Is pure sexo
So, any characters worth rolling during the sp and maid event? I have HomoLathel (at 0) but I was hoping the new Juti was a good light unit.
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I've only given a cursory glance to the last thread and as much as it pains to admit, HSR runs on a hollywood-tier budget, needing to operate massive narratives, countless side quests, character stories and missions, worldwide service and localization in over 8+ languages, all this emboldened by state of the art cinematic cutscenes and has to deal with megacompany/CCP internal diatribes before every release and it STILL releases global story content faster than BD2, which only needs to set up 3-4 16bit maps and a couple anime stills with a small team of niggas that do nothing else.
John, you have to actually get the team to work...
>John, you have to actually get the team to work...
They're busy fighting over which girl gets the new costume.
I'm more concerned with the contest. I started during the maid event and they are already reruning it, wtf. We need actual new content, they really need to hire a bigger team.
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>We need actual new content
Yeah, if only we were getting a new story pack or something
No good post was posted with Lathel face pic ever.
>30 minutes of content - only one MQ on rails, no side quests, no character/npc quests, no exploration, no noteworthy gameplay addons, fundamentally 0 map activity once MQ is done, every month and a half
You can do better than that.
Go play your AAA slop then, why would you bother yourself with a niche indie game
I got my +5 BHelena, and will have her 1 SP node tomorrow. I also have +3 PP Schera, +1 SRoxy, +4 Venaka (no BEclipse). What should I put in my other (offense) PvP slot? I also got DDiana (+0), which seems to be a popular pick (and fits in the 5SP of round 1).
You get the 10 tickets anyways, you can just recruit her now.
+3 Zenith?
Unfortunately still +0.
No good post has been made by m*homo players ever.
>no you can't possibly have money
all zoomer speak is just regurgitated black dialect basically ebonics for the 21st century
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I wish they'd have better game management and focus on creating a solid backbone for the game to last past its novelty phase. I'm talking as a lvl 11+ regular FH player, the game has wittled down into the following routine
>Vacuum a couple zones (automated)
>Vacuum a couple gluttis (automated)
>Spend torches/rice (automated)
>Dismantle/Refine an item
>FH daily (automated)
>Challenge battle daily (automated)
>PvP (automated)
>Free pulls
>Collect rewards
>Log off
There is LITERALLY nothing else to do, even if I wanted to spend any time in the game, I literally could not unless I'm just running into walls.
What kind of answer is that retard, I want THIS game to get good
Rou maybe? I have her in my team and she's oneshotting enemy targets with her autos frequently.
don't worry Rignette is better anyway 6 turn queen
DDiana won't do much for your offense as that is a suicide team (you won't survive not killing most things on your first turn even with her shield.) Throw in a cheap phys knockback probably so you have some insurance, or throw in a high HP character to absorb dmg. Justia is about to get even more prevalent as people test the changes
I'm already running a Kry + Rou combo team, which keeps me floating in diamond. Was mostly thinking I could try switching to magic, see how it goes, especially when everyone will most likely include idol Granny into their defense tomorrow. (and I don't have a +3 Eleaneer yet)
You want MMO. This is gacha, they all are like that except mihomo slop which is just the same too but has less QoL (players have to run the character between menus instead of clicking on them).
Not a bad idea, test and see if it's better. What is best for you and that rank will change over time as well. Idol Gran is very prevalent (forever) at a certain point yes. I run 4 phys and 1 magic and sometimes the 1 magic saves me, so a little versatility isn't bad.
>you have to make a mobile game, which you really don't want to spend too many hours on, drag on by pointless side quests, over the top technobable exposition and and an overarching narrative that kills itself by backtracking
Nah, I'd rather the devs respect my time. You can go play mihomo slop if it's so good.
>t. Warlock
New PPJustia looks good for a def team honestly. She just need to outlive the 1st turn.
Also, if you have lecliss, seir, or other high HP characters it can be worth throwing them in even if you don't expect to get much out of their skills. Sometimes you just need a sponge.
It's going to be rough for me desu, I already know my set-up will find trouble with her
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Just wanted to let everyone know. I have Bunny Celia at +5 and therefore, I am better than you all.
never pull selective unless you are almost right at pity
you get powder but you can't exchange it for anything on that banner only powder shop
>Your Celia personal damage contribution has gone up from 0.9% to 1.4% of overall damage
holy zased brickchad
Umm bros P'A'W'G'stia doesn't look as stacked in her menu art as compared to her cutscene animation

What is our plan if she don't got big ol juicy tiddies the size of her head
bd2 moba doko itsu
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Reminder that Fatty alter is a flop even before release, and that you should save all of your tickets for Empress Scheherazade instead.
is maintenance tonight?
No, in ~28 hours.
Say goodbye to /bd2g/ before guilds are released and the thread will become entirely in-house memes and discord shitposting.
Do I wait to join a guild or what? I'm not a newglutti by any means, so I don't want to be carrying. But at the same time, I'm no hardcore whale. What will you do? I might wait a bit and see how things play out.
Whoah that's a really good idea I'm gunna spam it to support for now on. Hope others like this idea too.
you probably want to be in one, there are rewards for participation
Fuck just double property selected trying to +3 zenith and got fat ass diana and sir v.gary
we'll still be around, fuck in game chat, I don't have the game open at all times
I'd recommend joining Soft since you're not a newglutti. I hope most of the older players join, but am open to newer players that are active to fill out the guild since there's no telling how many true endgame players are here.
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First time I've ever played a game where I've gotten in before guilds even became a thing. Usually I'd download a game, guilds would be there, and the options were obvious. Being part of a guild where our "home base" is /bd2g/ will probably make things easier.
we are 12 cats bwo
don't get too enthusiast hehe
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I mean just look at them, they're kind of small and hard to fap to...
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I assume the last ones are from the winter pack currently unavailable?
I'm more of a legs and hip man so this is a win for me.
Yeah, she's more Hipstia than anything else. Not complaining.
bush bros, what went wrong?
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Wait now I saw those give 0%. The collection is otherwise complete, am I overlooking anything?
Guild drama and placement bickering is what turned pcrg into an absolute shithole until its dying breath, not looking forward to all the friendless socially inept SEA losers getting an ego over finding a place they think they belong before they drive each other insane and break up.
All the hairs went to her tail.
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Yes. Nightmare winter (The pack with my wives Celia, Diana and Rou in it)
No, you're soft-capped. They'll add more items in the next chapter probably.
Will Diana be in a powder shop after this reset? I have her at +0, so I want to roll her after this reset and then use a costume enhancer from golden threads.
Do I roll for +3 - selector - powder or she won't be in the powder shop so I should roll for +4?
Thanks, I thought I missed something and went through all chapters again.
She'll be in the shop
Part way through Song of snow. Did someone say you could do something with food in this pack? Or am I imagining it?
I saw nebris and installed, where/when am I supposed to do this hunting ground shit
kill yourself and leave faggot
There's one in every pack. There'll be a sign in front of the entrance and a teleport portal inside. You can sweep the map instantly after killing the boss once with the scroll icon on the bottom of the screen.
What does "in addition" mean does lathel buff your attack then buff your buffed attack ?
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Eleaneer summer skin
I can feel it
Buffs are additive, his buff has 2 parts but it's basically 120% strong buff for the first turns and 70% for the next turns (I don't remember exact values).
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how can anyone like that bitchy cunt
Does the order of the buffs matter? Like, Is there an order I should follow?
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I rerolled my two weeks old day 1 acc for her saggy tits...
Not for buffs. Just use them before you go on the offensive.
It doesn't.
The general order is :
Buffers > chainers/debuffers > dps
only for nebris (but apparently just ignoring her self buff and buffing as usual gave her higher dps this fh)
dpt you mean
>Apostle Nox is actually a flat chested, short haired tomboy

You heard it here first, folks!
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We can go full oldfag and just call them damage dealers...
you are joking, but I'm actually starting to fear that they will pull something like that.
would be a shame if they just sacrifice any male character in the stories just because they are male.
>just started playing but already spent money so too late to reroll
>160 rolls into Venaka's banner and I've only gotten two off-banner 5*
>about to kms
>get enough for another 10 roll and end up with this
Okay everything's all right now. Only problem is now I feel like I should finish the 200 since I'll get 10 tickets back but I really need to switch to rolling for Diana.
No but this is a great way of adding complexity to an encounter. We already have this in it's spatial form (auras like base Refi and Diana) and Nebris was a step in the temporal direction. I believe this is a great way to explore costume depth. You're hired.

- John Dust
Just exchange your rolls to powder and buy Diana after the maintenance
If you don't need more dupes for Venaka, that is
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>this nigga gets golden hand in his first banner while I don't after 5 months of playing
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>Okay everything's all right now. Only problem is now I feel like I should finish the 200 since I'll get 10 tickets back but I really need to switch to rolling for Diana.

FUCK. I hate every single Golden Hand achiever.
he spent, did you? everyone knows based John bricks the rates of non supporters
>brain development
i auto-skill every fight....
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>he spent, did you?
yes, I swiped for Eris.
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Golden hand = Golden banned from the guild forever.
based spiteful danchou
oooof John get this man golden hand seeded
>will new PP justia be broken?
doesn't she just eat food and sleep? how is that broken?
She breaks my penis
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Golden hand? More like White hand after I shoot my jizz into a tissue and it leaks through to my palm.
no crit, no use. no time to eat in pvp, would only be usable if she gained attack, did a hit, and also gained dodge
fart bubble
I'm starting my own anti golden hand guild. Everyone who hasn't got the achievement is welcome to join. Soon as you get it, you're getting the boot.
it should've been either dodge + counter or energy guard + counter, no room to do literally nothing
this is what happens when you put things in your butt often...
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I can't be the only fucker in this general without the golden hand achievement. Surely?
>damage dealers
LFM 2 DDs for gay raid /w me
LFM 2 gooning to eclipse, 4500 goonscore only, w/
>golden handlets
Post funny guild names in the spirit of /bd2g/
Someone will make a none discord guild that only recruits from here so better come up with a good name
The most memed thing is John. Any ideas?
She might actually be usable in PvE against dark enemies since she gets 270% attack from pool party and 400% property from blood glutton.
Properly built Justias easily break 3k base attack so you'd be looking at 61k base damage stacking the two. WR +5 would do around 339k without any support and that's not bad at all.
But WR and her damage costumes hit only 2-3 tiles and blood glutton has poor base damage so she'll probably be a team 3 pick for top rankers. Not interesting to new players since they can't just come up with maxed out pool party, blood glutton and her other costumes. And the new Justia alter practicaly exists to completely mog her for PvE.
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If needed, I will be creating a third guild called "PAWG Depot".
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My dick.
A jar of skippy.
Justia's mouth.
You do the math.
half the people here probably don't even have accounts for this game i'd be surprised if there's a need for more than 1 guild
Glacia's footslaves
Make a "Cat Time" guild, the requirement is to have at least 3 +5 costumes from either Rou, Yuri or Olstein (Stray Cat does not count). Having +5 cat Eris is mandatory for all guild officers, but regular members can be catlets at the expense of being bullied daily for it.
Having used tears on any Dalvi costume permanently disqualifies you from joining. We don't do f*xes around here.
I got as F2P and I started last week, good shit.
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I'm setting up my own guild. Requirements = Must be a chronic alcoholic
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It took me a while to get it
I guess it's true
When is Justi Blanco releasing?
in 25~ hours but actually 28~ hours

I also don't have it (I started playing a week ago)
New player here, how important are my gems? Should I hang on to them for dear life or can I spend them on the Nebris costume steps?
I already spent $100 and it's my 3rd month of play. Seeing four UR in 30 rolls felt like a big deal after being fucked in the ass by gacha in the past. And now you tell me I'm still a lucklet for not being able to land 3 in a single 10? jfc...
nebris costume steps are paid gems only newglutti
I'd try to keep some as a reserve for just in case. Character packs reward tickets. Use those to roll on banners. If things work out, you almost never need to touch your gem stash. Only spend 1000 gems on the pass, the extra rewards are worth way more than the initial cost.
Alright, thanks!
Like the other anon said, it's paid gems only. If you did mean paid gems, then it's still pretty much a scam, use them for 90 dia daily singles instead or for the 2k dia pick 6 banner.
As far as free dia goes it's mostly used only for rolls, but I budget a bit now and then to buy extra torches or I wouldn't get to use all the tears.
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>he thinks maint is ending on time
Anyone know when Mamonir is getting released? I want to strip her naked, tie her to a chair and force her to watch me pet Octovius while she's powerless to stop me.
Repi owes me bone breaking coitus.
don't jinx it like thay bwo
i gotta go to office the next day can't stay too late
man i love girl pusi
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All my ideas involve dust so just call it crack or powder something
white dust on a mirror
Newglutti here, should I save my torches and rice today?
use it or lose it
You can't save/store your daily 60 if that's what you're asking.

Thanks for funding the servers.
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It's the last letter that's most important right? Is this bricked?
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still pretty good
Pls give advice on how to deal with ch9 boss I have dalvi and diana around level 80
wtf bwos
How do I remove taunt from an enemy?
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buff removal: schera or eleaneer
Dalvi is weak to fire. If I remember correctly there are some enemy Lathels (fire) which she is weak to. Diana also only helps when you have elemental advantage (water for Dalvi). I would only keep one or the other on your team.

Dispel like Schera.
I fucking hate random shit like this.
Post his stats and res
>200 tickets
>3x Diana +1 to +4
>1x Code Name S +0
>1x Venaka +0 to +1
>1x Dalvi base +0 to +1

How did I do?
Am I correct in thinking that Diana will now go to the powder shop after her banner where I can get last copy to +5 her?
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Holy im getting filtered by this event(Newb btw). I dont want to look up the answer just yet. How long did it take you all for things to click with these mechanics
Turn order and position makes for some very interesting puzzles
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Not sure if I should be mad or not
Holy shit I actually got S.Schera with the last daily roll. Also got Venaka's SR with the daily roll despite that not even being rate up like the UR.
You're meant to drag out the fight until death time. Focus on keeping Gray alive and use Yuti and Lathel as meatshields.
read ulec's attack, there's a unit who is immune to his damage
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Bro why...I literally used a 10 earlier pulled Nebris weapon which luckily I got but then my free pull today gives me her weapon......John why torture me
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how many of this do I need?
agp guild
yeah honestly it's dumb as fuck as I can never remember what each fucking tier is equivalent to.
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anons keep telling niggas to wait until the last day to roll for weapons and they NEVER listen

+0 for pve/collection purpose, +3 for pvp, +5 if she's you're waifu
>+0 for pve/collection purpose, +3 for pvp, +5 if she's you're waifu
Easy to follow guide. ty
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Go on without me...
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>having Schera as your waifu
Thanks for the advice. I managed to beat it
Idk why i never thought to read enemies abilities, guess i skipped the tutorial too much when rerolling lol
>190 tickets on Diana's banner
>no Diana
...welp, at least I got some other costumes like Neon Lia and Spy Schera...
Pvpchads....I don't think +3 is good enough.
should I buy B Helena or Homo Lathel?
what's your primary team? both are good if you can get them both. homo has a rerun banner upcoming so you'll get a free 10 tix if you buy him now
I'm using, Arines, Elpis, Dalvi, Eris, Kry
depends, what are your main DPS? I played mostly physics until now so h.lathel helped me pretty much everything
well, I grabbed the dust from the banners and I can buy both now
you basically already have a mix of phys and mag attackers plus a buffer for each. I'd probably pick up h lathel because you run two phys characters and you'd get a jump start on the rerun banner. both helena and lathel are good buffers and useful though really can't go wrong with either
just remember that venaka and diana are moving to the dust shop also in case you needed them or another copy
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Is the UR gear ticket worth it?
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Honestly no_
Imo not particularly but once you have a ton of pvp medals there isn't much else to even buy outside the monthly costume
>6 units
>3 on banner
>200 rolls
>1.5% on banner
>1.5% off banner

You got exactly the advertised rates
No more gems or tickets but I have both dianas +1 now i need to buy her at ch10 and at the dust shop
what do i do with leftover event currency
ability pills? gold? refining powder? rank up stars?
whatever you need
Ability pills then gold
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So are you joining the e7g guild or the cuckschizo guild?
Im joining some random guild and never talking and just taking the rewards
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How am i supposed to do this mission? Its not really clear. Am i screwed out of completing this thing?
Also i heard people say Roxy isnt very good. Should i replace her for Justia for easier story completion?
hoping someone sane makes a guild else just go for a random guild because there's no way i'm going to be dealing with the retards from here in game
Today quest are the purple quests in town anon
"today's quest" means the ones from the bulletin board once you finish a pack
Lil bro is scared of a 4chan guild because some people post P@W G a couple of times a day
i for one will be joining the venaka gooners guild
Those are the notice board (purple) quests, they become available each chapter after the story is cleared.
Ok thanks. So technically i can still finish this thing if i grind
Also is Justia better than Roxy? I got her summer outfit now
Justia is good for early content and pvp, bad in mid/late game because she has fixed damage, meaning she doesn't crit.
You can if you've been playing for at least 7 days
Justi's summer costume isn't that good
is a guild from here even worth it
there's like maybe five veterans and the rest are newfags or shitposters that dont play the game
my +4 roxy explodes everything
the new justia is going to be way stronger than her though
Refining powder. Gold doesn't matter, you can buy ability pills, you will never have enough refining powder.
depends on your time in the game if you are newer buy things like gold/slimes/ability pills. if not refinement powder basically
I'll +3 the new Justi if we get a free copy
>Gold doesn't matter
To add on this, there is a gold giveaway event after tomorrow's patch
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>ZZZ launch tomorrow at the exact time SP14 comes out
It's over
John couldn't save our game
Actually all 7 days unlock immediately if you just started, I think the timegate is only counted from the update where it was added. I just started two days ago and I only need to finish the refine gear missions. But holy fuck, what is the success rate for +9'ing gear, like 1% or something? I got to +8 with only 2 fails now it's like 50 attempts to +9
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I'm gonna say it: ZZZ is a worse name than brown dust 2
zzz is a fitting name since it looks boring as fuck LMAO
zzz is what I'm going to be doing when I try to play a mihomo game! (sleeping) LOL!
I don't play chinese gachaslop
Oh, that's nice
Nothing is going to compete with ZZZ other than HSR and GI desu, it is what it is. No other devs have the talent required to reach this peak
i was slightly interested but they censored the shit out of that game so i don't give a fuck anymore
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>Has cunny
>Has real gameplay
>Has actual budget
hoyo won
Thank you guys. I really only have 6x 5* so my options are limited orz
I only have 1 copy of her since i barely started playing on the last day of the collab lol
If I did the math right, you can buy pills and craft normal shit to make powder at a better ratio of event currency than buying powder directly. I'm still pretty new but my leather, fabric and peat go up faster than I can use it for that purpose. Though admittedly I didn't check how much that stuff sells for, so it might be better to sell some proportion of them to be able to refine the rest and spend all the event points on powder.
This is a good thing. M*homo players arent exactly bd2s base. All the casuals and shitposters that come from them will fuck off hopefully.
I hope you have a lot of dias/tickets saved up anon. Go all in on sacred justia tomorrow.
no summer yusti is not better than roxy
>shitposters that dont play the game
how would they even join the guild if not playing the game? also avoid the troon guild that has been posting for months to join. any nerd creating a guild and dicksword for the guild before the feature even releases is bound to be autistic try hards and troon weirdos. in fact I think one of them was advertising posting a troon
Sad how the peak of mobile gaming is a chink company
Japan has fallen
just +9 some blue gear you newglutti and get it out the way
Gold is never-ending so just max the amount of attempts to upgrade, do not do it one-by-one
don't listen to this new glutti retard. crafting UR gear is resource intensive and it's a total waste crafting low shit for refinement powder
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Japan just reaped what they sow with their "If it's doesn't broke. Don't you ever dare touching it" culture. they're stagnating hard and even Korean went past them now
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>If it's doesn't broke
japs deserve it for being stingy pieces of shit, I hope they crash and burn
Don't do this. Trust me, it's not worth it. I tried.
I was interested in it and then homoyo censored their designs AGAIN. It's like they never learn.
do not check timezones...
Japan lost the battle but won the war though because nearly every game is anime with JP voices now. It just happens that KR/CN can make better japanese games than Japan so it's weird.
I havent rolled since the collab so i have like 8k and 140 tickets
Maybe i should have played on the account where i rolled Eris costume instead but i like Roxy as a character a little more
nicole is still hot though
do you sad little creatures actually judge a videogame on how much naked titty it has?
Yes? Why wouldn't I?
Rude. Just come in and assuming things
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They CENSORED my titty so the game is dead to me
I give up.
I don't know what to do to win at mirror wars.
not but I do judge gachas like that
Japanese gatcha developers also became so fucking greedy it's insane. Literally never adjust prices down or give deals based on local currency strength. They are also arguably xenophobic and always give the best deals, free rewards, etc. to the their own home users while generally give the shaft to 'global' in any games they make. they actually deserve the hole they dug from themselves at this point
If i cared about only gameplay i would play real games not mobile live service gacha. Not saying they cant have good gameplay too but a big appeal of gacha is pulling for Waifus you like
prob dupe diff don't sweat it anon
why would they ever lewd out when Mihomo is now one of the most valuable and largest companies in the world off Genshin/Honkai's
Swipe on the selective desu, that's what I did.
bro the advertisers
she's not that obese
No I judge it based on how when pumping your moms holes if I find myself instead daydreaming about playing my choice gatcha. I mean her holes aren't very high quality to begin with so it's a low bar to beat versus a gross queefing slop hole...but pussy is pussy no go back to your room son
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Incel culture killed videogames
for me it's the see through swim suit
s-so that's how it looks like
naw like most male hobbies, videos games were ruined by women
Women leaving the kitchen ruined videogames
>unkempt bush
yeah bro im sure its teh wimminz always crying about how every videogame needs naked wimminz with big titty begging for cock instead of actual fucking gameplay
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i hope she sees this anon you're definitely getting some!
show tits plz
i am so loenly
this guy is actually correct as an old fag myself. modern fragile zoomer gamers need a self insert mc and constant adoration or sex implied with female characters of they cannot handle playing.
should i use 200 powder of hope for schera?
I stand corrected. Women and simps like you killed videogames.
the one in the shop? no don't waste it unless you don't have her and need a buff stripper
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next time you samefag at least have the patience to not queue up your posts
timer is 90 seconds mihomotard
Huh? Crafting a N circlet is 40 gold of materials that you have too much of anyways, and 5 pills. That's 0.73333 event currency and gives you 3 powder. Its just straight up more powder per event currency.
ok thanks
Depends how much powder you have. She is a top tier costume though. I used powder to get her since it was the last I needed to +5 her, I have 1k+ powder though.
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OK seanig
>Crafting a N circlet
holy shit never reply to me again. clearly you've never refined UR gear options gold wise
angry incel hours are the worst
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oh my goodness you guys look I can tick a box
official sea hours
How good Is angélica? Light characters are good against purples right
straight up every day once it hits like 6pm sea hours thread goes to shit
>morning in SEA
Why do they do this shit as soon as they wake up?
Can you explain how? Seems like you press a button and get nearly twice as many powders.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Are you just butthurt because a noob knew something you didn't?
fix your goddamn keyboard first, idiot
>What the fuck are you babbling about? Are you just butthurt because a noob knew something you didn't?
No you are just an ignorant moron because you have no idea or experience what resources are required to craft SR/UR gear. So in your baby like state you think crafting N or R is in anyway a valuable dismantle. It's OK some day you yourself will realize how retarded what you spouted off was
ive always wondered if it was worth it mat wise to get the infinite gold over the powder, but ive been too lazy to test. Also clicking the powder is a lot less painful than crafting & dismantling all that shit so even if it was efficient it'd have to be a pretty wide margin. Other thing is whether it's worth to grab the SR and/or the upgrade mats, upgrade it to +9 and disassemble that
didn't someone do the math awhile back and it's much more gold efficient to craft N gear & enhance it to like +4 or something powder wise? no1 does it since it's not really time efficient though you'd need some kind of autoclicker to not blow your brains out
The powder you get from those is ridiculously miniscule. Certainly not enough for anything. Not to mention for new player, they'll be lacking in gold, mats and ability pills.
I tried it with normal grade gears
perhaps I don't know but consensus is generally it's SR circlets which offer the greatest return on mats investment to refinement powder and refinement crystals. newgluttis don't understand that refinement crystals vs refining stones are a big deciding factor
What's the point of wanting that much powder in the first place? You will get a crapton of it anyway when you dismantle gear. But to craft or refine, you always need money.
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You'll never have enough.
I spend 120k powder to upgrade from B B S
It all failed
>No you are just an ignorant moron because you have no idea or experience what resources are required to craft SR/UR gear.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything you retarded nigger? "UR gears is hard so you want to avoid getting more refining powder" is completely nonsensical.
So make a lot of them? I just made and trashed 200 R bracelets for 4400 powder. It literally took 5 seconds. What is the issue?
honestly I don't either i just know that crafting N gear for powder is definitely a thing & it's not SR. Obviously its not for new players but it was a pretty long winded conversation a couple months back since whales needed to know what the most efficient way to convert gold to powder was

It's an average 400k powder to get xSS refinement, and when it comes to late game PvE refinement is the final boss. You can literally never have enough refinement powder and people whale the UR gatcha just to dismantle weapons for powder
sometimes I wonder if everyone here is black except for me
>What is the issue?
ah you dumb newglutti. let me know how it goes when you have no refinement crystals because you wasted all your resources making/scrapping N/R gear
I have 40k crystals. I am not new, you are just stupid.
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naw, everyone is of Turkish nationality false flagging as citizens of different EU countries while also all being ethnically islamic
kek you don't have 40,000 refinement crystals you moron you have 40k refinement powder. maybe some day when you learn the difference you'll understand seanig
I have 139 powder, dumbfuck. You can use all your powder. Crystals are a non-issue, you get more than you can use. You are blocked on ancients to be able to craft enough UR gear to use up your refining crystals. Or are you walking around in some sweet UR1/2 gear that you refined like a fucking retard?
If you need crystals then just do SR circlets you dumb sperg.
Yeah its just weird most of their games still have the 2016 hi3 graphics which is so sad but hey they had time money and fanbase globally and never did anything with the fate IP, they could have given us an open world fate game and they would have made billions I dare say multiple billions a year.
But hey if it works no need to change it i guess
Bless you anon
This is the entire truth, rules for thee not for me has been the motto of the game designed for males, and it shows as how everytime we have fanservice or for (you) games you can hear the screach of the eunuch calling it cringe and incel base.
Not only have women destroyed most game with their infiltration in the dev space (not the women themselves but the men that will do anything to get laid as a incel dev fucking no pussy haver loser), but its those same incels ruining the games for us.
Most games that caters to the female space have self inserts, not only that they have kissing scene fan service and off screen sex. That game even makes 30M$ each month and have a vapid fanbase. But no man will ever look that way and they will still call you an incel for liking the same thing
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why can't you niggers run your posts through chatgpt or something if your english is shit
ok i understand your frustration but your suggestion doesn't make any sense. the purpose of chatgpt isn't to fix grammar mistakes
>calling people incel
>dollar symbol after the amount
I am notiSEAng
>the purpose of chatgpt isn't to fix grammar mistakes
but it can do it and it takes literally a second
I intentionally write like this, tranny
Yeah I do actually judge gacha based on how many titty and ass animations I can collect. I'm a bit of a P.AW+G fan.
For me, it's the old collectible game Pog.
wow you are dumb as fuck. why not just repost my own post verbatim you seanig luke warm iq tard>>484458187
>I-I can totally write like a normal human being g-g-guys, I'm m-merely pretending to be retarded
sure thing, monkey
>Crystals are a non-issue, you get more than you can use.
KEK now I know you are a trolling fag (hopefully) or a literal moron who has no idea what maxing SR/UR gear consists of. literal straight institutionalized home base type of dude
think it's bad here? read the esl posts on dicksword. i feel like I'm stroking out reading 70% of posts there
ah another fellow man of culture. remember having big ass tubes of literally useless pogs because the game itself didn't even work how everyone claimed it did lol. still had a ton of fun collecting and trading literal printed circles of cardboard
My brother stole mine and I would proceed to steal his, I don't even remember what the game was supposed to be kek
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If you redo a certain story on a harder difficulty do you have to pick up all the secret things on the ground like the glowy spots again?
Also i keep getting a bug where i have a weird camera angle and cant move my units around. The change angle button doesnt work
There is a known issue with not being able to move the units around, gotta restart the battle.
Is anyone going to make a casual non-schizo guild?
there was a big heavy and I don't remember if it was metal or plastic pog that was very thick and you were supposed to like slam it down on the other players stacks and if there's fell off you got to keep them. it was literally nonsensical and ridiculous literally late gen X/early millennial fidget spinner tier
What makes a casual guild? From all ive seen guild raid isnt going to be that competitive.
kek, looks like we weren't far off with our version then at least
I'd join a normal bd2g guild. If no one else is making a BD2G guild I'll even burn the 200 gems making it. have to see what happens after guilds start
If I made a bd2g guild would you join? Be serious.
Otherwise I'll just join nyanx3 or soft
whý? whãt's wrông?
>nyanx3 or soft
aren't those troon guilds? i mean the one posting a picture of a 'girl' to try and drum up members screams troon city. nothing against nerdy autistic troons who just want to play the game but show off tier troons I'm all set. I don't need to hear about their hormone regimen and breast growth
They're the only bd2g guilds for now. No one else is seriously pushing their guilds.
I could make /bd2g/ or something like that. Maybe take a piss and call it PAWG. I'll make one if there is interest but I'm not planning on devoting much of my time to running it.
Why make another guild when we dont even know if we will fill up soft or nyan?
the only thing soft is troons penises after estrogen and nyan is troons trying to make themselves pussy like. bd2gooners is the real guild
that's not very inclusive of you anon
just a reminder that girl pusi tastes like pennies, bwos
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must be nice to have gfs with good hygiene
>Maybe take a piss and call it PAWG
nice I always wanted to join the cuckschizo guild
will you spam blacked and NTR shit in it too?
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Nyanx3 was the autistic schizo throwing tantrums every thread and shilling every thread but stopped shilling the guild a while ago

Soft is retards from /e7g/, /krg/ and that one tranny that actually posted a picture of itself when shilling the guild for ???? reason

Then you have the cuckfag guild from >>484466905 (name pending) where it's just gonna be all the insufferable shitposting from the thread except you'll actually have to rely on these retards for your rewards and have to deal with them in game too

Unless someone serious steps up and makes a decent guild while kicking out all the retards, shitstirrers and schizos then joining a random guild from guild search might actually be way better.
I'm going to laugh my ass off if PAWG turns out to be the serious guild
ye bro i'm sure the blacked guild will definitely be serious individuals looking for quality lore discussions
sry bwos, saw the shit storm gathering and im just gonna join the discord whale guild
Why is this schizo so obsessed with niggers
I would join pawg since it will deter a lot of autisitc niggers in this thread
yeah bd2g guilds arent worth it since its just the usual retards trying to get everyone to join their meme guild
I mean if the guild leader isn't a total retard and is only using the name for the lulz it could work
Join Protectors of All Worlds Guild tomorrow!
And the guild mascot is Loen lmfao
Join on reset and i'll personally give you a spade badge of honor@
I just unlocked pvp, is there any way to speed this up? It takes too long to do these fights. I do have auto battle and skip after the first turn on.
Yeah after being in other generals and seeing all the good guilds around, its such a shame that we do not have a good amount of active posters, so the most autistic and tranny ones are left here.
A real shame this might be the first time that I will not join a /vg/ guild.
you guys dont get it
Justia is the THE phat ass white girl, it has nothign to do with schizos or whatever
That's the best part, you don't
When I first started playing someone mentioned a Jayden's Anime Club guild. Was that just made up, because that legitimately sounded like the best guild.
I'm joining the Punch A Warlock Guild
at least make it subtle
It's not that we don't have "a good amount of active posters"
It's that everyone sane stays away from this general because there's barely anything to discuss in the game and the only thing this thread does is cuckpost, /pollpost or spam blacked shit on repeat

Small game generals are usually great but this place is an absolute hellhole
this is kind of true, eversoul is just as dead but the generals are good
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>Other general guild names
>Nofunallowed, rage or something related to the game
>/bd2g/ guild names
>Lets make the guild name something related to blacked and NTR for the lulz XD
PAWGs are related to the game though?
I just liked that the cunnychad guild pre-filtered the retards in this general
>something related to blacked and NTR
holy shit you idiot it has NOTHING to do with that YOU MORON AHHHH
Im not sure on about. But it's crazy that people are schizo to blame someone for shitting a thread. I'm not sure if it's everyone saying it's me, but fuck off. Too busy playing other games.
Go ahead and keep being a retard.

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