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Previous: >>484139739

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Pool code: inkgen

• Eggstra Work 5/10-12
• Version 7.1.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v710
• Fresh Season is on until 5/31

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules

>Gear, Weapons, and Build Analyzer

>Seed Checker
all they had to do was make the game fun
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It's worth noting this is a different signup form from the original /ink/ vs /v/ one, so if you signed up for the late /ink/ vs /v/ and still want to participate in this /ink/ vs /ink/, I'll have to ask you fill out this new form. If you already filled out this form last thread, you're fine.
That said, we are currently at 16 signups, making for 4 teams. Additional teams will be created when multiples of 4 are hit, otherwise remaining signups will be put on the bench to fill in for no-shows.
>what's the format?
Sub weapon gimmick. A wheel will be spun on stream, a sub weapon will be randomly chosen, and each player will use a weapon with that sub.
This is not a sub only tournament, you are allowed to use your main weapon and specials. The weapon pool will simply be limited to weapons with a certain sub weapon.
It will be a standard double elimination bracket, where players will be assigned teams. Teams will be created and posted a day or two prior.
>when is it happening?
July 6th 1:00pm EDT.
>will this be streamed
Of course.
>is there a discord server?
So it came to pass. Send a friend request to inkeranon if you would like to join it. This is for tournament participants, and will be put on ice once this is all done.
>do i have to join it?
Of course not. We have a perfectly fine thread right here. This is just for people who want a direct line to strategize.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; I trust you know how to (You) me.
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>this here is me homunculus flesh puppet that me soul will transfer to in the event of me death
>it's got no soul inside it right now so we keep it in a constant state of euphoria to prevent it from massacrin me weyyos
kill yourself
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I'm not interested in joining your tourneys anymore.
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It is now YEBBY HOURS, yebbies must be posted.
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Yebby hours are now closed
What drives a person to desire a yebbie
VERY good woomy
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Wtf, no!!!!!!!!! Yebby hours all night...
Being a fag.
kill yourself
My boyfriends.
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After reading this? I think I'm good. Knowing you I bet you kept brostar and ballin in this tournament too.
Anyone wanna fish on rotation? Just bonuses and king, starting at 40
source? yes i am a coomer, yes i am a degenerate, yes i have tried yandex and saucenao even searching the image itself and nadda
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I love Aori.
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GGs Openers, fun meme teams
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Paruko is a fucking ugly enemy would not fuck 0/10 see me after class
No, it should be "yebby!", it's yebby hours.
What the fuck.
my matchmaking has also gone to complete shit, of my last 30+ games i've won 11 and lost 19

and i'm S+9 i was regularly winning games two days ago and now i can't win at all

they really expect people to play this game for another three years with matchmaking like this huh
>be anon
>start doing fairly well
>begin to gain an ego
>begin to feel entitled to wins
>wins stop coming
>the ego is bruised and the tilt begins
>tilt makes anon lose more and it spirals out of control
>anon blames game to protect ego

Many such cases
How many bomb threats were made with splatoon 1 and 2's matchmaking?

But haha hey man it's never going to happen to you :)
>the nip unibomber agrees with me, this totally helps my point

You probably deserved more than a few of those losses and even though you cannot admit so on this anonymous forum, deep down you know it to be true.
Bro I just want to have fun playing squid game is all
Was every game truly unfun? Ive gone on losing streaks myself, but I would still classify some of those games as good splatoon.
Of course I'm deserving of these losses. I've been afking most of my games since my matchmaking has gone bad.

I'll keep afking until my matchmaking gets better, it's not the first time I've done this.
Now this is cope.
Nothing fun about constant 1v4s and being paired with actual knuckle-dragging retards
Shut up and go back to kissing woomy
Funny how its always your teammates holding you (the best player in the lobby for every lobby) back. The other team just cant have a better player or anything sometimes, no sir.
>my matchmaking has also gone to complete shit, of my last 30+ games i've won 11 and lost 19
>and i'm S+9 i was regularly winning games two days ago and now i can't win at all
This is what gets me the most, I could understand if they wanted to force 50/50 win rate by making every other match harder/easier, but instead it's the win/lose streaks going for days for no apparent reason, sometimes to the point where it feels someone is personally fucking with you. You get no real sense of your own skill (it's either overinflated or suppressed), you don't get to play against players of comparable skill to enjoy the challenge and improve, you just stomp or get stomped, which ranges between boring and infuriating.
>Was every game truly unfun?
Pretty much.
People will really just have a mildly bad set of games and only blame matchmaking instead of reviewing a fucking vod or something.
Yes I'm very sure there's tons of things to gleam from a replay where the average enemy KDA was above 2.0. Yes, even in series and x-rank these games where everyone on the enemies team is great seems to be becoming more and more common.
eating frye's blueberries
I am wondering if the Splatoon developers will be influenced by the bomb threats when considering developing Splatoon games in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if they make changes to the next game to prevent players from repeatedly losing. Remember Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
they already changed the ranking system for anarchy and X battles in 3 to appeal to people who can only tolerate their numbers go up by sacrificing competitive integrity
I don't see how they can go even further
I've come to make an announcement: I don't give a shit about my locker. Thank you for your time.
Splatoon ranking system is already fucking baby mode. Instead, I think people who cant emotionally handle multiplayer games should quit
maybe if you only play anarcjy
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sex with marina
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1 king slom?
Threat. Singular. That being said, anyone claiming they're going to do something that threatens another human beings life, regardless of how pathetic or trivial it is, is retarded by default and shouldn't be catered to in any way. If that person wanted to blow up Nintendo HQ he wouldn't have sent the threats to Nintendo so that they could counter and prosecute him and if he did want to do it then it proves my initial point that he was retarded, should be fitted with a straight jacket for life and left to rot so his retardation doesn't infect others

Nintendo won't change anything based on what this guy said he would do but didn't have the balls to go through with it, as for potential unannounced threats? It's hard to change anything based on no action as no actions have been taken against Nintendo so they'll continue to do whatever the hell they want to
Will go in 10 mins.
sex with pearl
sry slom is cancelled for now
>Bro it's totally natural to go from a 80% winrate to a 30% winrate over the course of 30 games
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shut up Nickname
I changed my name bro. Now you have to suspect anyone who isn't a regular.
i'm bored
give me a side order palette and color chip tone
octobrush, red
this should be... interesting.
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kill yourself
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>thinking about angle shooter and how absolutely shit it is
>wonder what kind of sub weapons were left on the cutting room floor instead of it being chosen
>realize that pretty much anything else would have been more useful than what we got
>Le plancher divisé protège les zones
>barrage d'arpèges

Did I just translate my own text in french with my browser? I didn't mean to do that.
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that wasn’t too bad.
zones floors were a bit of a pain though.
trying this one next.
nice run
brush is probably my favorite weapon to use
Here are your teammates for tonight.
bark bark nnnfgghhh AUGH
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Brostar gameplay (Anarchy Open)
More like mine 15 hours ago(terrible)
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zones floors were even worse, but everything else was alright.
all green, charger
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i think i'm done for now, maybe another time
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Reminder!!! Drawpile this weekend! Hope to see you soon! Prompt submissions will be open until Friday!
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After the last circlejerking ones that were abyssmal and massive failures done by razor nobody wants this go away
>original content is bad because… it j-just is, okay???
fat fetish gooner art and YOUR CEPH isnt invited
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>booruanon still hasn't fixed the booru
>provides consistent long range chip damage
>is almost exclusively on long-ranged weapons that thrive off chip damage
it is subpar in a vaccuum, but trust me, most weapons that have it wouldn't trade it for anything bar burst bomb
some like jet and rbpd won't even trade it for burst bomb
sorry but after this community was outed as cheaters i havent been motivated to maintain it
why bother, you'll just come to cheat with ai or something anyway
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Blogpost on the trooncord with nono
this is a splatoon general, sir
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Girl power station was not that hard. Is it the only station with an orb that I must protect? Or there is more?
there's I think 2 or 3 others
all easier than that one
So are we having a pb alongside the tournament or will it be just the tournament?
Can't commit to the tourney bc idk if I'll wake up or have the energy to not play like shit.
Sorry, whoever wanted to join. I had to go :(
I am so, so sorry. It's up now.
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Cute as fuck
I love Shiver so much.
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Shiver's hips make me c*m hard.
her pussy can bite
i want marie to hammer fist a dent into my head and call me retarded
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It's difficult to pick a favorite idol, they're all very cute and great in their own way.
>flat Frye
jesus christ wtf happened here
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No it's easy as piss
anyone wanna open at rotation?
Bit surprised that it was deleted so fast.
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artists who make frye flat deserve an eel up their ass
I feel like the artist probably didn't wanna go into detail if they knew her tits would be covered in the final work.
In before the gooners start posting Marie.
just say nono
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You may be on to something here.
room's up
open room 4/4 starting
I don't jerk it to Marie
She gives me pleasures beyond bodily ones
A Callie or Shiverfag might not understand
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kill yourself
sh here, ill brb sorry
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Would anyone like to slim for a single king on the hour?
Would get splatted by her ink on pupose
fetish or death wish
It's OK, I'll respawn :)
gg SH and crew
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do you think typically fatal fetishes are more common among cephs because they can respawn?
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what causes the duplicate goblin phenomenon
GGs open room
GGs open
GGs openers
GGs Open
My vision is gone
And GGs Kold, Atom, M&S & friend for that rematch
You've earned your victory
GGs open (I wasn't there)
A little late, but I could slim if you're still down.
Opening soon
Throw them in a meat grinder or a furnace... no...
A meat grinder connected to a furnace then you collect the fumes & send them into the sun.
Slom 2/4
t. Unsubstantiated Claims
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Justice for B&B, both are diamond teir /ink/ers
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Raw sex
Did you guys finish fishing?
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I'm a splatooner and a splacoomer, as they say.
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>want to make suggestions but also used my real name for email
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I dont see those, dont worry
kill yourself
Log out?
It literally tells you the email isn't shared, anon
No, opening
Coming to your house for a epic prank
I still don't understand this or the OE gear
the reason can't be "shows too much skin" because if it was they wouldn't be in the game at all
Ceph tummy. It is yours for the kissing, but do you accept?
as long as it's not from a v*emo, i accept
Oh no! She got a baby arm lol
As with most oddities in this series, it boils down to the Japanese game developers responsible and their specific breed of autism. They don't adhere to any particular rhyme nor reason. Trying to figure out their patterns, or lack thereof, will only result in a migraine.
So this is one of the kink's Frye & Shiver get up to?
When has we gotten playable versions of the broken hero gear?
That's default.
New 3's "damaged"/default uniform is only usable in Return of the Mammalians without any armour upgrades.
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GGs slam!
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GG's Solomon!
you are garbage at salmon run
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>2-star Octavio Dome GET
GGs bros, very nice gold
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they have weird kinks
it's also used when are using a weapon other than the heroshot
It's not the default when the one we got as replica gear was the intended uniform Cuttlefish gives you at the start of Hero Mode
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kill yourself
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she's... she's so gorgeous bros...
It's not even usable in most of the levels
my woomy won't stop taking all the cups out of the cupboard and stacking pyramids with them
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Why did this general seemingly die overnight?
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Not enough Friendship.
kill yourself
everybody needs a day off from this place
Major updates are done. We're lucky /ink/ even survived with seasonal updates.
/ink/ survived just fine once 2 updates were done and we'll be just fine after this season ends.
This is the natural state of /ink/.
Nearly 3 minutes of 4v3 and we couldn't advance a single inch, I can't fucking take this anymore. Against two omniscient, invincible gold dynamos splatting everyone across half the map. Coincidence?
Nobody wants to play in Marooner's
What no teeheeing does to a general. Rz ... save us from our boredom.
I’m trying not to be too mean with this but you guys were just really bad and dont know how to deal with backlines. Next time just paint for your kraken before pushingjj
Maybe don't rush into the objective like that lemming Wiper in your team
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post replay
Draw my ceph getting whipped by femdom marie
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Who wants to SR on rotation for dailies + 1 king?
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Thank you booruanon
I would like to
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changed my mind.
it was an... interesting run.
rng told me go to fuck myself on multiple occasions, both at the beginning (i had to restart almost 5 times to get a run past floor 5 with luck chips only) and at the end, as you can see. probably gambled a little too much at vending machines.
Do tell, how does it seem that they started playing 10x harder and better (including conveniently seeing all my Stealth landing spots) after DC on their team. And desu I barely saw their charger at all so it was almost 4v2.
>Next time just paint for your kraken before pushingjj
I'll admit I'm bad with kraken, I barely used it at all before picking up CRB not very long ago. Maybe I should just switch to regular CB.
Tell that to the useless lemming Wiper and his squidbagging buddy Splash.
What went wrong?
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If I could punch a hole through your soft skull I would
ily veemo editor
Room up.
SR 2/4, (You) me if you want in.
Big run fatigue happened
New games came out
Splatfest coming soon
What new games does /ink/ rec?
Shin megami tensei VVengeance
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zzzz mimimimi
zzzz mimimimi
fuck off
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who salmn or turf
Any number of things could explain a change in behavior from feeling extra motivated at the challenge presented to simply adapting and picking up on your habits.
>maybe I should switch to regular CB
Switching weapons a short term solution and you’re denying yourself an opportunity to improve. You guaranteed to encounter problems that cant be solved by picking a different weapon, so personally I think you should ditch thag mindset until you have a more compelling reason.
My wife.
Is that actually any good? Like did they make the game good unlike the original?
My game of the year so far, canon of vengeance is real good
Might turf
just let me know when
Depends on what you hated about the original.
>this way spammer
Mental torture
>this way spammer
>doesn't contribute
>expects you to bring them back from the inner tube
>enemy team has two Jrs and a Tri Nouveau
Nigger weapons.
oi n
i gotta beat it for a moment
ill be back if you still wanna go
I haven't bought the DLC yet. Is it worth $25? Does it ever go on sale?
Only thing I'm waiting for won't be out for a few more weeks
didn't think it did really anything better than previous games
fuck off
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sorry bout that
room back up
>Switching weapons a short term solution and you’re denying yourself an opportunity to improve.
For sure, I'm just not sure if I feel like going through the learning curve for it, with the reward being getting better at a mid, limited and very situational special.
Kraken is so different from the specials I played the most (zooka and bubble) - it's directly offensive, but passive, and lasts forever - that I'm having a hard time figuring it out. Most of the time I waste it and end up achieving nothing but suicide or falling through the grates.
Wavebreaker isn't great, maybe it's the same or even lower tier than Kraken given equal skill level, but for my use case at worst it's a near-instant throwaway ink refill, at best it's passive-offensive area denial that you set and forget. Which is much more my speed.
Is this compelling enough?
>Is it worth
Yes, see image
>Does it ever go on sale?
Maybe once a year so not really
Nope and Nope.
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Would anyone be interested in some Anarchy Battle Open at the hour?
You know it
Tbf I've been playing and finishing old and "old" games
Not worth it, can 100% in 4 hours
Yes brother
Shut up and go back to kissing Yebby
GGs, Marooner's is still at the top of my "I fucking hate it here" list.
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kill yourself
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No it wasn't, I lost. That automatically makes it a bad game.
Open filled up too quickly... anyone wanna do Open #2?

Me,so 3/4
Opened and invite sent
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is this weekend the splatfest?
The next, poll goes up Friday.
kill yourself
Oh shoot sorry. I misread the original post and thought they meant open at the hour of the new rota. Sorry for any time wasted
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kill yourself
frye’s huge heaving dumptruck ASS
>used to keep my recent victories in the 30s consistently
>can't keep a positive win loss ratio since the weekend
I'm going to snap my Switch in half if this keeps up
Go woom yourself already.
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Anyone know where I can find Yuta agc's pay walled stuff? I'm looking for a specific Shiver butt but it doesn't seem to be on any boorus. Only on a page of a book he flipped through in a video
If we're all losing, who's winning?
I-Ithat you M?
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good night /ink/
Forgot to add that RNG smiled at me at the end of the rotation, but a 12-match long loss streak is absolutely soul crushing. I really don't know why I'm still playing this game.
>tfw no one commented on my replay, even to laugh at me
Not /ink/.
ggs turf battery's almost ded was playing on my bed
fun midgame clean up
wat ze fuck...
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For me, it's her belly.
ggs n, g, k!
thanks for joinin
very fun stuff
I want to cum on her navel and have Shiver drink it up.
ggs! fun to turf every now and then
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GG's Openeers!
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GGs open #1!
Any room in the anarchy open lobby?
GGs Open.
GGs BB! Been a while since we've done some turf together like that. A pleasure
kill yourself
>people having fun playing together
We can't have that! Shut it down!!!
We must dramafag! We need negativity! What about the TO? What about Ballin & Brostar the cheaters? What about nono the friendlist crybaby? What about Kold? Goji and the little boys? Bonemiser's teehee? Anything!
I would take /v/ bitching about imaginary for a year than have one more footschizo post
I'm probably in the minority, but I wish wave breaker wasn't brap-tier, I like that CRB has splat bomb but kraken isn't that fun and takes away my main weapon which is why I play the damn thing.
Wish you could throw it farther. On some maps I want to throw it in places getting to throw distance is too risky. I end up doing a gamble.
Does SPU upgrade the throw distance for it? I forgot
GGs open, goblina is proud
kill yourself
Just the shockwaves' reach.
Didn't damage my Switch, Nogami heard my please and put me on the forced wins queue.
I thought it was just me. unironically i think either theres more cheaters or theres more japanese players flooding my games.
whores in the middle
Footschizo is slipping, he missed at least one post a couple of threads ago
My problem isn't who I am matched against, it's who I am matched with
If that were true they would have porn
the left one does
Post or it didnt happen
Vy now most known /ink/ers got porn of their cephs
Followed and will be jacking off to this account shortly.
kill yourself
I wish my woomy had porn. I'm shy, though.
Let me see
Rz made a suggestive piece of g's woomy
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You didn't ask what
even ones who didn't want it
Is that Frye fan?
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I like my woomies like I like my angles
a cute
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I don't mind porn of my ceph but I'm not gonna go and request anything, I'd rather have it done randomly desu
how could you possibly mean that now that you've put it into writing?
You know you've made it when someone draws your ceph without needing to teehee incessantly.
>Nono posting your ceph after dropping in your turf room
>Rayzor drawing it obese
How would you react?
tfwafaggot so it'll never happen
That's the ideal but it runs the risk of your ceph getting drawn being dicked down. I NEED yuri
Artfags! draw my ceph dicking his woomy
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Opinions on Callie?
None, boring whore, I prefer Marie.
kill yourself
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Unfathomably cute
What happens if woomy doesn't woomy for more than 90 minutes?
The woomy dies.
Dries up and evaporates
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It is what it is
Happened to me at least 6 times lol
There's hope anon
they can draw my ceph getting strap-on'ed, doggied, sidesaddle, femdomed, or DDP. It's the name of the game
She's alright
>Happened to me at least 6 times lol
can I see?
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Sure I don't JK I in't exposing my ceph, besides it wasn't even porn lo
Damn, this is skinny even for you
Woomy's been hittin' the gym, good for her
im just happy theres no lewds of my woomy
but is there any sfw
Another time, mayhaps.
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Very cool.
a few yes
>Happened to me at least 6 times lol
Had it happen about a half dozen times too. Even years before I started playing with /ink/ regularly, I guess people like to draw my ceph.
but mata didn't want porn of shy.
I want my woomy to get dicked down by strangers.
I want to play in the draw pile but I don't want to play with Mr. Fat Chicken Scratch artist
>tfw people will always draw the popular /ink/ers
Whats it feel like to be so loved? that your always on the mind? for someone to spend their free time and their accumulated experience for you? even a namedrop would spark some happiness at this point. i just want to be wanted without begging for it.
What, you dont want to hear him have another bpd mental breakdown rant that makes everyone there super awkward and pedophiles like Rainy and Timmy blog about commissioning CP of their characters when theyre literal 40+ year old men where Rainy is a mexican living in a literal hut and cant afford a PC?
I don't want to draw porn of someone's ceph if they're not ok with porn, so drawing the popular inkers is a safe way to do it.
Why are leafs always like this?
That's how he gets (You)s.
lol you haven't seen my chicken scratch
Inklings are children, it's literal child porn
fuck i am the baited
It stands for Ceph Porn
Make turf rooms while nono is around
that's like having a sex predator stalking you
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That woomy looks like she's about to go swindle a town into buying her band equipment.
My woomy wants porn drawn of her but doesn't want people to think she's a whore...
people already think this, regardless of porn
Just b urself, go out there and mingle with the other wommies.
Wow, Rainy and Timmy are based.
my yeb? been here for years and reasonably well known

art? i never have art drawn of mine
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Bs, there are some popular and very skilled /ink/ers that never get drawn
Name them
Ballin for one, and he makes group pics for you ungrateful bastards. Also Soup, but I don't see him around much. And Med and Nox who are cool.
I know who you're talking about and alot of them get shittalked in the threads by the very vocal annoying attentionseekers like panic, kold, rainy, gurkan, etc.
oh it was bait
What about Ankat
prove me wrong with past art of them you nigger
>wanting attention on 4chan
why do none of you faggots understand the concept of A N O N Y M O U S
My cephfu
the one that only plays in that tranny F's circlejerk pbs? fuck off
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sr anyone?
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sr open
I'll also join for a King
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>genuinely neglected by their parents
>terminally online adults
>actually have some sort of mental illness and lower education
>have literally nothing going for them in their empty, meaningless lives so they try to fill that hole with attentionseeking for validation unironically

I mean look at the examples:
>Timmy stalks some underage child from JP while he's from NY on Twitter
>Rainy spends his monthly government autism money on commissioning CP and uses his phone to browse the internet and stalk all splatoon communities to be "known"
>Kold stalks artists on Twitter all day begging for free art by entering free art raffles
>Ballin is some underage gay white kid that cheats in Splatoon desperate to get on some e-sports team but nobody wants him
>Fantasy is some middleage guy that makes songs about said people above every single weekend in a circlejerk, is genuinely on the spectrum judging from their speech and how the pb photos they post are always the exact same organized yet messy composition, is most likely a high function autist
>Nono is a 30+ year old man still looking back on his high school days and his ex that dumped him years ago
>Gurkan is a grown autistic man obsessed with birds
I could go on but the post limit wont let me, this lot is genuinely pathetic and one of the worst on /vg/
And what about you, cataloging all of these "findings" of yours?
Seems like a poor way to spend your free time.
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randoms have no idea how to lure grillers
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well fine then, I didn't want to play anyway
i will post again if a spot opens
and if its too late for you we can always play later
>entering free art raffles
Aw fuck. Kold, tell me the artists
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Nah it's fine, I'll just do something else. Thanks though
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damn these guys are based
>Artist retweeted a post a few days ago
>high tide
>all shore bosses
>protected by lids
love when stingers, drizzlers and flyfish have extra shield
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GG's Slammers!
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i just wanted to have fun
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ggggggggsssssssssssssss moonrunes and R
anyone else want to keep fishing more?
I can go for a king in 5 minutes.
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sr open
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Absolutely beauteous.
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how do i play splatoon 3 if playing splatoon 3 makes me want to kill myself
You don't have to play Splatoon 3, break your birdcage, and be free.
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maybe if (lmao) splatoon 4 is good
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ggggggggggsssssssssssssssssss F
comfy joe to end the night
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this you ??
yes before jumping into the water
Me and yebby did not consent for you to post this, delete it at once.
no i'm already in the water
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why are you short
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Precious muffin that is too good for this world.
thats a great shot
Who would like to turf in 7-10 mins?
Leaving the turf lobby at the hour, dont wait for R to return
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GGs R!
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