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#6121 TCG Exclusive Reveals Never Ever Edition

Previous: >>484243469

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Rage of the Abyss (Jul 27)
●Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers (Aug 24)
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)

●The Infinite Forbidden (Jul 19)
●Retro Pack (Aug 23)
●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)

>●AMC Cup 6 (TBA, probably Jul 14, 1930 UTC)
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SZnZAdpMCnEuC6qUlsMv8oT25ooScVMe/view?usp=sharing
what is the best WW version?
each group seems to think their own version is the best.
>WW-toy centurion
Yuzu sex.
>Be Calieffect
>Make a budget RDA deck profile
>Flame Crime goes from being a $3-4 card to a $14-15 card
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I love Johto so much bros.
is this the new forced meme you are going to spam
It will be.
Trust the plan, THIS TIME it will be badonken. It has to be.
Any other card does something like Mask Change where it "swaps" an ED monster on your field for another?
the idea is really cool to just be on two cards
We've had broken tcg archetypes before. It's just been a while since the last.
>Broken first wave
>Trash second wave
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the deck is TRASH and you're a PEDO for liking it.
Vanquish Soul reprints when?
>Not even a single soul leaking what the new WP theme could possibly be
>Not even a single soul willing to get punted out of the "payroll" for the pleasure of 50 autists in a slovakian throat singing forum
I honestly think this place is the only place that still cares about WP themes
What are the best generic dumps for Beatrice? I feel like if my deck can make rank 6's i should be running her
why doesnt konami add full arts like every other TCG? I feel like it would actually make boxes sell since it would cater to both collectors and players and it would cheapen the price of the lower rarity versions of cards.
Feeling bad. The deck isn't good. Also it's become the next big thing for pedophiles to latch onto, so even it future support makes it good it will be like playing traptrix after their SD. Bad looks all around.
TRANSaction rollbACK and whatever dumb turnskip trap.
YCS Lillie 27-29 September 2024
YCS Bologna 22-24 Novemeber 2024
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White Woods belongs to cunnyGODS
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>it's real
I don't think anyone would waste their time making up fake YCS announcements
boy i sure cant wait to take part in these YCS's with our new exciting meta consisting of fiendsmith being splashed into everything and anything!
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There is still a chance for the UK to get one in October (and co host with Comic Con) like the good ol times
Isn't the rest of the deck under $1? I'm pretty sure you can still make the core including Crime for under $25.
I too can't wait for Snake-Eyes Fiendsmith mirrors.
>trying to see when we can at least expect an art reveal for the new theme
>find this
You know, I think KoA forgot that Jaden canonically fucking died in the dub
>even (((galzo))) is calling out tewart on his bullshit

You know you fucked up when even a literal shill tells you to fuck off
I can't wait to see all these shills with their fiendsmith cores. It always happens.
D-Did this pack not contain TCG theme?
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She will save the format. TRUST THE PLAN.
She is based.
Her being a mandatory 3-of secret rare is not based.
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orded one box of INFO a while back, now i wish i took two.
personally i'm hoping to pull fiendsmith, only sell it in order to buy more staples that i'm missing.
>tewart tewart tewart
get a new scapegoat
Isn't tewart close to/retired by now? Does he still work at Konami?
Hard to save the format when it will be a hyped mandatory 3-of Secret Rare.
I honestly will not be surprised if it ends up being $300+ a playset
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>reminder straight couples always die in yugioh
You need two, actually, since 90% of decks in the ocg are also running fiendsmith at the moment. The engine is just too good.
immortal nova
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Is this pack really not contain any TCG card???
Reminder that the tcg exclusives has always been revealed during the sneak peek/premier event week
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I warned you about the stairs bro
>Rage of the Abyss splashes down with 100 new cards in total, including the second wave for the World Premiere theme that debuted in The Infinite Forbidden
Unless something has changed, we're still getting them
>Lose because you don't own it?
>Lol Just stop being poor
>Lose because you drew it late or didn't draw it after siding?
>Lol imagine spending $300 just to not draw it.

Actually going to be the worst fucking format changer.
I wonder if the second wave bit here was meant to be a pun
and that's a bad thing. TCG trash archetype NEEDS to occupy a secret slot
we know its shit
they know its shit
theres no reason to give a shit about the TCG archetype
>The Infinite Forbidden core booster set looks like this:
>10 Secret Rares
>14 Ultra Rares
>26 Super Rares
>50 Commons
>(24 of these cards are also available as Quarter Century Secret Rares and 1 special card is ONLY available as a Quarter Century Secret Rare!)
Any bets on what the next quarter century secret rare exclusive card will be?
this fuck them
There's no guesswork, its Dragon of Pride and Soul
the TCG archetype is better than fiendsmith. brace yourselves.
It's probably a fiend archetype to try and cash in on it
>You now remember Ashened and Bonfire
the inarchetype rota will force you remember it
the bonechilling tractus that adds a level 7 or higher light fiend
Because ashed was so bad there wont be any more TCG exclusives.
>The field spell's going to be secret and $10+ because yugitoobers will hype it
>If lucky and playable, the deck will get one random top then never again because people read the cards
>The artwork will look horrendous
>The synergy will be all over the place, or so pigeon holed that the deck lives or dies by 1 card being in the opening hand and Ash not existing
>The combos will be over complicated and accomplish nothing of value
>There will be no negates. If there is, it will have 2006 levels of restrictions on it
>If it's playable, the next wave of support will not be playable.
>If it's not playable, the next wave of support will be more secret rare bait.
I miss the time when TCG did exclusive support for Toon and Egyptian Gods
>send a DARK Pyro
>but add back a Lv5 or higher Pyro, meaning you don't get to grab the DARK Pyro if it's not Lv5 or higher
>even if your deck is primarily built around Lv5 or higher Pyros you have to have enough DARK Pyros already in your deck to reliably activate this
I always did wonder what if Ice Barrier was fucking terrible
It's still gonna be cheap as hell in a few weeks if it's ass after release unless they pull a Veidos where the entire archetype is pennies except for 1 overhyped card, they tried that shit with Tistina and you could grab the whole archetype for 20 after the second wave
I do find it impressive how much they're going out of their way to make sure modern TCG Exclusives don't synergize with anything
I care more about the WP free agents than actual archetypes since the free agents tend to be more weird or their effects are way more applicable even if underpowered.
There's that 1 link reptile free agent that debuted last set that draws and makes monsters dicklets, it lives rent free in my head
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My locals are finally opening again this weekend so I'm finally ready to play again
Now that Phantom of Yubel is out I guess I will be seeing more Yubel players in it so Cyclone and Ghost Ogre in the side. Samurai Destroyer should be here too, no idea where to make space for him yet
why does Tea have so much blacked fanart
What's crazy is that Konami has zero sense of consistency with these archtypes. It's as if they give the reigns over to an unpaid intern with down syndrome.
Gold pride, for example, was playable and could put up several forms of interaction and had ample space to splash in different synchro and xyz plays that helped it and worked with its play style.
Meanwhile, Tistina, War Rock, and Ashened all have strategies so worthless that you would be better off playing summon skull beat in the current year.
Why are we still playing this clown format?
You now remember snake eye is completely untouched and fiendsmith is coming
What else is there? Magic? Vanguard? Bandaislop?
Her career aspirations were slang for getting dicked. Unfortunate all around.
I only play casually so I haven't seen a Snake Eye deck in months plus 99% of my locals is priced out of Fiendsmith and Squid lol
Honestly I'm still surprised the last banlist didn't killed IP or Sunlight Wolf.
Really hoping that Snake Eye gets absolutely destroyed this time because Fiendsmith is such a cancerous enabler
>Sunlight Wolf
Why do you hate Salamangreat so much lmao
What does the deck do if poplar goes to 0 and everything else + demon smith stays at 3?
At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see them leave Snake Eyes alone and bring back Maxx C.
I don't. But it would have been an easy scapegoat hit
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>>The artwork will look horrendous
Dumb faggot.
That's the one thing TCG archetypes always accel at.
Master Duel
Is there a way to easily refer to perceived powerlevels of formats? Like one that can apply to both historical ones and alternate ones. Or is there no agreement on such a classification.
>accel at
excel at*
I should probably correct myself there at least since I'm calling you a dumb faggot (which you are).
it has the same clown format
buy purulia
I just want to see the TCG archetype. Is that so much to ask?
Why is it taking so long? Just tease the art, I can wait on the effects. All I want to know is if the art looks interesting enough to get excited for.
Is the OCG even playing Mulcharmy Purulia?
Yes, mostly as a side choice
side deck because they have roach
There's no agreement. The closest you'll get are tiers. Tier 0 for uncontested best deck, tier 1 for agreed on best competitive decks, tier 2 for less consistent but can top an event if you get lucky, rogue for cope
>Branded is one of the few decks that doesn’t use handtraps
bless the TTT
3 Maxx C TCG side, 6 Maxx C OCG side and no Called By The Grave replacement. The salt is gonna be all time high soon...
I mean comparing formats not decks
Oh. Shit. No. Not at all, then. Yugioh is a game of continuous power creep. Each format is usually more powerful than the last.
You could probably make a video essay on it if you wanted though. Go for it.
Some are running both it and Maxx C, most are siding it because Maxx C is just a flat better card.
For the west, Mulcharmy is going to be a degenerate 3-of because it fills the Maxx C void the TCG has
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Somewhat true. Tearlaments format being an exception as I cannot see them getting power crept anytime soon.
That is definitely not the case. The ban list is used to make lower power formats all the time. Remember when Swordsoul was meta?
The jellyfish will kill Floo
OP, Digimon and Lorcana
Floo is already dead. It hasn't won an event in three months. Anything with more than 150 players automatically crushes it since it just doesn't have the consistency to compete with the big boys this format.
eubros...... the game... is not ded....
i think the problem here is less the card itself and more that there's no fucking pyro extra deck stuff to work with. if it either didn't lock or there was more of a pool to work with preferably the latter i wouldn't consider this a bad card at all
>one of the classics
>never got a retrain
You just know if it ever got a retrain they would remove the soulful stock photo sky background
Many such cases!
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Why can't the TCG design more stuff like this?
Just wait until they want to print Memento Five Headed Dragon with all of its materials not being Dragon type
I'd rather retrain that into umi support
Any live Twitter mirror sites?
>Stock background pic
>Darker, heavier shading lines
At least it's the strongest card in Duelist of the Roses.
Speaking of retrains, I cannot believe those faggots didn't give us a Dungeon Worm retrain in tandem with the new Gate Guardian support.
I would love more Pitknight cards. Just having a whole crew would be cool and you could connect it all together
>another Link-2 that points left and top-left to mirror Pitknight Earlie
>Link-6 car that points 3 arrows down, which revives its materials to its arrows so you revive Pitknight Earlie, Pitknight Filly and the other Link-2 so they all co-link to each other in a little ring
>give the Link-6 1500 ATK and the ability to gain the ATK of all co-linked monsters so you can trigger Earlie, use Filly's double attack on it prior to gaining ATK
>maybe let the other Link-2 give piercing damage and have 1500 ATK too
That way it all culminates in a 6000 ATK Link-6 that double attacks, pierces and deals double battle damage and can trigger Earlie's negate. Best part is because the Pitknights revive when "outed" they directly set up another Link-6 to do it all again.
That said the whole Cyberse thing makes absolutely no goddamn sense. Warrior makes sense for the whole knight thing but are they really just Cyberse because they work on a car (Machine)?
Personally I cannot believe those faggots didn't give us Gate Guardian piece retrains in tandem with the new Gate Guardian support.
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>Feel like watching a quick casual Yugioh game on a deck I'm interested in
>Find a channel which posts a lot of gameplay
>Pic related is what I get
What is the fucking POINT of this shit? Who the fuck is expected to watch this?
What's that Fenrir vs Baldrake?
Right might be Fenrir. Left could be anything really.
I see the Japanese have gone from merely posting decklists to also filming their duels too
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same powerful ocg-esque energy
Best code talker deck I've seen in a while.
The creator must have had quite the flash of inspiration
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Revival Jam retrain doko? it literally beat a God
Ashened (Left) vs Tenpai (Right)
Eternal Jam
Aqua 0/0
If this monster leaves the field, Special Summon it. If this monster is shuffled in the deck or returned to the hand, Special Summon it. If this monster is flipped face-down, Flip summon it.
She was made for blacked fan art
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>Snake Eyes Flamberge Dragon
>Albion the Sanctifire Dragon
>Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames
>Heat Wave
>Diabellstar the Black Witch
>Kashtira Fenrir
>Snake Eye Ash
>Heavy Storm
>Sangen Summoning
>WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils
>Skill Drain
>Infernity Launcher
>Naturia Sacred Tree
>Lunalight Tiger
>Red Rose Dragon
The world is rotten.
where is the banlist?
where is the dbp reveals?
where is the dcg exclusive reveals?
where is the supreme darkness reveals?

Next week
Next week
They could not even be assed to give this guy a background.
Release him.
>kill Snake-Eyes with Flamberge hit
>keep hitting it with Ash and WANTED limit
If they were going to go for the throat they would only need Flamberge ban because genuinely what the fuck does Snake-Eyes even do after that?
Tier 0 decks deserve nothing and both WANTED and Ash would keep them alive of they were left at 3 when Fiendsmith comes out. You're thinking too much on short term period
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Wait, this upcoming banlist isn't going to change a thing, is it?
Digital exclusive Reveals
so MD exclusives?
Princess was MD exclusive for a bit right?
Not at all.
Snake-Eyes will get hit but just barely because KoA are banking on Fiendsmith decks to equal them. The only reason Snake-Eyes would be hit at all is to make them slightly weaker than Fiendsmith to make it a more appealing purchase for the competitive players, therefore incentivizing the vendors to buy a lot of INFO which gets Konami profit. The general consensus amongst most of the playerbase is that we are not in a Tier 0 format anymore because 2 deck varieties (Snake-Eye decks and Fiendsmith decks) are combating each other and they will end up deeming the format "healthy" instead of rightfully complaining.
This then leaves Konami with a situation they can leave to bubble until KoJ releases something retardedly strong that beats out Snake-Eyes and/or Fiendsmith. Then Konami will hit Snake-Eyes/Fiendsmith to make way for the next meta. It will be Tier 0, people will complain, Konami will release an equal deck, people will stop complaining and so on.
Konami only needs to sell to vendors, not the players.
Princess was released at the same time as OCG
is legacy of duelist link evo worth buying?
No it's very boring.
what would you recommend, master duel seems like its just gonna try get me to pay for microtransaction
he got a job at a theme park
If you don't already have the other game go for it. Still has the best single player campaign out there for yugioh.
its ok
if its on sale sure
only reason to get it is because its the last ygo single player game ever made
MD is very generous, I have played it a bunch and never felt the need to pay. I haven't played it in a while because I am tired of the format. If you want a single player game then I recommend any of the DS games. Over the Nexus and Reverse of Arcadia being the best ones in my opinion.
You can play MD completely for free, if you ever run out of resources just make another account.
okay good to know, honestly im just trying to get back into yugioh, learn all the new mechanics and then once ive done that i'll look to build a deck for tcg tournaments
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I'm not really sure if it will help you if your goal is to learn modern yugioh. The cardpool doesn't hasn't been updated in like eight years, it uses a massively outdated ban list, and there isn't any carry over to any modern day meta deck.
The game is great for its nostalgic single player campaign.
The game is not great for anything else.
But shit dude, it's only ten bucks right now. If you just want to learn HOW to link summon, while reliving some old anime battles, go for it.
i play pure melodious, but i find i have a bunch of these cards already even outside of melodious. maybe i'll build this as a fun deck if i switch off from melo in the coming months.
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Sex with Handy Lady!
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Is that a snom plush? I didn't know they had those.
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Anon, I guarantee you can find a plush of any pokemon and if TPC is too stupid to have one officially made, you can find 100+ people on etsy who would make you one of your schrimblo blimblo choice.
Maxx C to 3.
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for edison format can i get feedback on what to take in or out for my frog hero deck cuz sub toad got repreinted
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ITT: /dng/ designs Infinite Forbidden's TCG exclusive cards.
TPC has made plushies of all the current pokemon up to pecharunt, some on lower number but no matter if you like something weird like Huntail or Elygeem, there's a plushie for you to hug and love
Well shit. Thanks guys. I'm probably going to spend more than I should this month then between the new set and plush toys.
Fairy type with an anti-fiend theme thats designed to defeat yubel fiendsmith/fiendsmith in general but they'll ban OSS instead of a good hit and SE will still be effectively full power and the deck will do nothing because SE is still the strongest deck of the meta.
The OCG was too afraid of his power and thus cancelled his World Premiere archetype btw
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BA 2.0 but this time its light fiends so that you can use them with lightsworns
FIRE fiend fusion combo deck
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Oh yeah remember when SHS and Purrely were gonna be these hyperconsistent combo decks that could run a bunch of handtraps back in CYAC and then KoA made sure to nuke them during that format
Good thing KoJ never printed that sort of deck again haha
How does this one work?
How do you think fiendsmith horus works
Stop inserting Pokemon-related terms on other franchises.
Rank 10 Illusion
I think I'm more confused on the crystal beasts. I've seen the trap and a beast used for a field spell search, but this is a much larger package with their big fuck you otk dragon as well. I didn't know they could get it off of just Pegasus
One per turn you can discard a card, add archetype to hand, then return one card to your deck, you can only use monster effect once per turn, and you cant summon monsters this turn, except from archetype.
Red-Eyes Black Dragon, The Black Dragon with Red-Eyes
purrely and SHS got that from support though, they were not brand-new decks
its just rank 8 turbo
the only time in recent memory KoA knew it was gonna fucking suck so they acted preemptively
Finally, a use for this card...
shit name
should be Red-Eyes Black Dragon, The Black Dragon with Eyes of Red
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Remember when KoA used to do these sets
triple pegasus to place the level 8 crystal dragon in s/t to search rainbow dragon and summon another pegasus, two monsters on field to get the fiendsmith engine running etc etc
>engine 1
>engine 2
>engine 3
>engine soup

jesus make it stop already
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kek, you win an internet anon
they will print more small engines that are just good
Remember when they decided to make Felgrand 2 with an old ass vanilla monster and somehow it sucked even harder than the original Felgrand deck? Can't forget about that NOT PART OF THE ACTUAL ARCHETYPE clause haha
But anon
Isnt what you want?
Card that's not restricting to their archtype?
>Honey, is everything alright? You've barely touched your Ḧ̵̯͆̒̌ͅȍ̸̢͑̒̕r̵̭͓̙͆̔̄͜ǘ̶̢̜̤̠̈́̕s̷̮̟M̶̼̕e̵̞͎̬̾̎̽͘l̵̪̤̏̆ỏ̸͇͗d̶̹̠̰̒ḭ̸̱͎͂̽̕o̷̡̨͙͌̆ȗ̷̟͐͝š̴̫̣̭͜L̴̡̟͕̉̋̋ì̶̠̽g̸̬̯̣̃͒͝h̷̖͎̜̓̾͝ͅt̵̢̘̏̎̂͛s̸̭̼̄͂̕͝w̶̛͖̬͛͐ơ̴̭͂̈́̔r̷̪̝̄̾͑̃ǹ̵̞̞F̶̨͚͍̝̄ì̴̘̆̊ẽ̵̒̽͘n̸̡͍̹̓̀̚̕d̸̬̳͍́s̶̛͖̜͍̯m̵̢͂͑i̶̧̭̯͚͑̃͑͝ṫ̴̡̺̞͓͗͠h̵̨̳̏̑͋̃ͅ
New handtrap just dropped

>If your opponent has Special Summoned exactly 2 times this turn (Quick Effect): You can discard 2 cards, including this card; Draw 2 cards, also, your opponent can only Special Summon 2 more times this turn.
As a Centur-Ionchad, please release this handtrap
Shut up, bitch
all i want is handtrap book of moon
this would be awful, it would only be a matter of time before
>You can also use face-down monsters you control as material to Link Summon this card
is standard
The vast majority of Odd Eyes good cards are game originals (or in the case of Revolution, not from the anime or the actual manga) what's up with that
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Vortex and Meteorburst aren't from the anime?
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i just want to cuck synchro and xyz decks in every way possible
they deserve it for ruining the game for so long
I do find it funny how they elected to make this card complete liquid ass so Odd Eyes still has 0 fucking good endbosses outside of the HOPT Vortex
No, the three Odd Eyes Elemental ED cards are game original
>You can also use face-down monsters you control as material to Synchro Summon this card
>You can also use face-down monsters you control as material to Xyz Summon this card and you can treat them as Level [monster's Rank]
>least mindbroken unplayer shitter
>The vast majority of Odd Eyes good cards are game originals (or in the case of Revolution, not from the anime or the actual manga)
Any archetypes that have the opposite version of this issue?
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Slime/Jelly/Ooze archetype.
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I can't help but wonder if Odd Eyes Rebellion Dragon's design would have worked had it been more angular and spikey, every time I look at him I'm reminded of Tachyon Dragon, but Rebellion just looks fat and blobby as hell compared to it or Raging/Wing
Apollo banned
Oak banned
Flamberge limited
Please buy Fiendsmith to make early Cesar or Apollo to protect board.
>Special Summon
>activate effect that says "Special Summon X, then Special Summon Y"
Salads? Most of the cards you use are from the anime.
Granted, but it's actually Marik's McGuffin of Darkness archetype with Drillago, Lava Golem, Helpoemer and all those included.
>wants Apo banned
>or Apollo
Apollousa really mindbreaking shitters out there
Imagine if we got a Slime TCG archetype and they made it Rock as a bone chilling subversion like Tistina's Aqua type
Have they finally posted the list that buckbroke Kotton or not?
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Handtrap mirror force.
Would it see play?
More like Gigachad
yes because nobody would expect it
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Not really
Blackwings have that.
Oh yes I did fuck up. Cesar will be the only Nibiru protection. Please buy Fiendsmith
Mirror Force, but as a counter trap.
>Brandedman tries to puppetlock a pendnigger
>it does nothing, the pendnigger recovers and grinds him out of the game via purple poison and Ariadne searching Solemn Johnsons
This was the worst Branded player I've ever seen.
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>Ariadne searching Solemn Johnsons
God bless that weird angelic machine
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Countertrap Mirror Force, but can activate it from the hand.
Next year's animation chronicle for sure
Mirror Force archetype that let you activate the effects of the traps if your opponent tries to remove your monsters
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I mean, what other notable stuff does 5D's even have left at this point?
Speaking of Z One's cards. Empress' Crown could be a nice side tech if it ever gets printed
not good enough
they would need to add a
>if a monster your opponent controls declares an attack: banish all monsters your opponent controls face-down and end the battle phase. If you control no cards you activate this card from your hand. This cards effect cannot be negated.
Odd-Eyes is like the epitome of Konami orbs. It's design is colorful, rounded, and nonsensical in nearly every one of its incarnations. Fucker doesn't even really look like a dragon most of the time. Probably the worst looking protagonist ace and upgrade forms.
Well, if it was a counter-trap, the only things stopping it are other counter traps.
yuya's deck is all schizo mismatched
>circus animals
>dragons that looks like a chicken
it's in character but still, they should've stuck to the circus stuff.
>they should've stuck to the circus stuff
Agreed. I feel like they arrived at a point where they were afraid to give an MC only silly, cartoon-y monsters and decided to throw in a few things they could make edgy if they needed to. They could have just as easily done the classic evil clown or some kind of out-of-control circus beast for his edgelord arc though, so it's not like there weren't things to work with already.
My schizo dream is that they randomly decide to go back to the LP cost Banish Psychics strategy that Sayer used before he got eaten alive by a giant lizard.
>the classic evil clown
Damn, you made me wish Yuya had a Joker Performapal Magician as the ace.
They should make ED Pend version of the game original Odd Eyes ED cards, or crossovers with their respective summoning mechanic
>Absolute Rebellion
>Meteorburst Wing
>Vortex Venom
Konami ruining the circus aesthetic because they had to give the protagonist a fucking 2.5k dragon ace never sit well with me.
Why does Konami keep doing this "not importing every card a one-off anime/manga character has" shtick? Like I could understand if it's a character they can reliably keep milking for a bit but when it's someone like Seika or the White guy I wonder what exactly letting cards rot in anime/manga-only hell for years is meant to accomplish
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Looking at his deck, there aren't any anime-only cards he played.
it's funnier when you realized they grew the balls to try something evil with the circus motif, only too late for it to matter. designs like this would've made a impression if they had committed earlier.
It's so over, psycho bros.
i just want a retrain
To give them a hyper-buff way later down the line when they finally print them.
What do you think Psychic End Punisher is?
You know it's kinda weird how vacant the Odd Eyes line up feels despite having 36 cards
>the OG Odd-Eyes Dragon and his weird RPG class upgrades (Saber, Lancer, Wizard, Advance)
>the game original boss cards (Absolute, Vortex, Meteorburst, Gravity)
>the manga cards (Mirage, Persona, Phantasm, God-Eyes, Phantom)
>the crossover cards (Rebellion, Rebellion Xyz, Rebellion Overlord, Raging, Wing, Venom, pretty sure Pendulumgraph was meant to be a wink to this theming too)
>some random Performapal crossover cards (Butler, Dissolver, Light Phoenix, Metal Claw, Minitaurus, Seer, Synchron, Unicorn, Valet)
>the weird early shitty Fusions (Brave, Rune, Beast)
>Arc Pendulum
>the Supreme King shit
Oh yeah, the set that made me realize KoA is retarded based on the Fire Fist alone.
>The level 5 that can be searched easiest with Rooster, but can't be summoned because Horse Prince locks you out of 5+ for the rest of the turn
>The ritual whose ritual spell is a continuous spell, so fuck Pre-Prep. Also can't be used with Horse Prince because its a 6.
>The Fusion that does FUCK ALL
>The level 4 that somehow requires even brickier hands to work properly
>The level 3 that goes neg 2 for free.
>The link 2 with an even worse stealing effect than Graydles
>The field spell that would have been 1000x better as a 500atk steroid over its hyper restrictive wannabe Gateway design.
>The counter trap that needs both a Fire Fist AND a Fire Formation on board and only stops spells/traps. Hard OPT btw.
>No rank 3, 4 or new synchros to actually help the deck
>Eagle was designed by the OCG btw.

And they had the audacity to make a video where Jerome showcased a 10 step combo to end on the Ritual plus the Counter Trap. He acted so smart because it was a single card combo off Raven being abusable. Then we got Nibiru and realized that everything he just showed meant fuck all in the long run and Eagle/Panda were the only new cards worth running. I hate KoA with a burning passion for making these worthless cards and hate them for thinking they had even a hint of braincells. Jerome and Tewart have the aura of a retarded middle schooler that picked up atheism to make up for his terrible grades and feel smarter.
I'm glad they don't make these packs anymore. They shouldn't be allowed near card design in the first place.
PEP doesn't look as cool as thought ruler
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Funny how that one debuted in the 110s.
Now I want to hear you rip on the FIGA's Gadget cards.
how do you feel about whoever the fuck designs the chase engines in the main sets like fiendsmith and horus
Pretty sure the modern equivalent is the Poker Night/Gate Guardian/Flame swordman support in tins
I do appreciate how they elected to preserve the original gimmick of the Boot up Dynamo and "Hold" Trap Monsters by making them not do fucking anything
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>White Woods fags
Actually they did an okay job with the Gadget cards. Admiral is designed to be an easy body to get on board after you resolve any of the OG gadgets effects. Their other cards work like poor mans soul charge and recycle them from grave so they can actually work with the original trap monsters. Not meta by any means, but playable on a very fun/casual level. Fire Fist were obvious designed with meta in mind and missed the mark because its unplayable trash. The main issue is, the deck needed new avenues of board building and got 2 cards that barely help the existing strategy. Fire Fist still play like its 2013 while Gadgets at least got some semblance of a new body with a pop to get on board. Meaning they are still playable and even got extenders for some situations. Again, not meta, but far from the poor design you see in the Fire Fist.

I've said this before that Konami has 3 different people designing cards. One makes SE, Tear, and Fiendsmith. One makes the Blackwing, HERO, Shining Sarc, and Stardust support. One make War Rocks. All three of them have different ideas of what makes the game fun and none of them are unaware the other two guys exist in the same company.
>target machine
>regardless of their type on resolve
Did it really need protection from opponent chaining necroworld banshee?
well which one of the three do you think does things best in this case
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what if imperm was called "infinite spermanence" and the image was infinity absolutely drenched in cum
>What porn adiction does to a mf: the post
Probably the HERO, Blackwing/legacy support guy. All the legacy decks come out on a level of strong enough to be played without overtaking the meta in many situations. Yes, cards like Phoenix enforcer became problematic, but to get him on board alongside, say, Dark Law requires xenolocking into heroes for the strongest and most resilient lines. Blackwings got all their old support put together where you can play either 7s into 10s or 6-8s into 10s alongside the ability to synchro spam like Stardust. Stardust got the ability to spam out several huge dragons all off of 1 Synchro that also locks you. All these while also losing to handtraps at fair points, inability to run as many generic threats, or having to sacrifice tremendously to make said threats. For example, yes, some of these decks above could make Barone, but could not make Apollousa, IP plays, or Borrel Savage without changing up the deck to a point where it would be easier to just play a meta deck at that point.
All these decks work, have viability in some metas, and cannot end on boards outside their wheelhouse without making subpar or weaker lines that lose harder to handtraps and meta. Ideally, every deck would be on this level and you would see less omni negates, single card combos or ending on similar board states.
The Tear/SE guy is okay too, he just blatantly ignores HOPT's, locks, and other obvious balancing and leaves it up to the banlist to keep his messes in check. Which is very lazy compared to how well designed some of the other decks are.
What if Parallel Exceed was terrible
but would you still play it?
The terrible part here is that the monster it summons has to be level 8 non negotiable, if it was a level 8 or lower it would be a okay extender. It's pretty sad that they keep shooting these packfillers in the foot
>why yes i coom everyday
>Banner didn't even attempt to draw the puzzle
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Post Worse Waboku clones.
There's so many.
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i've been trying to find more cards in my path to make a jank ghost fusion white woods deck and i found these.
chicken game was an obvious card i missed. the eldlich one too.

but that aside, this obedience card is pretty funny. why don't people play this? if you call a handtrap, they're either forced to give it to you or SS it onto your field. it sounds really funny...
So glad I'm not a metafaggot who has to chase $800 decks just for them to get hit by the banlist 12 months later lmao
>why don't people play this
Because judges cannot force your opponent to tell the truth.
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literally a worse Waboku. it even has the same women
congrats you chose currectly
>The Tear/SE guy is okay too, he just blatantly ignores HOPT's, locks, and other obvious balancing and leaves it up to the banlist to keep his messes in check.
i'd say this is worse than you think, but maybe it's the playerbase's fault for thinking the solution is giving their favorite deck ash/poplar/flamberge-like extender etc
Pretty sure at least some decks back in the day would have profited from the discard
That blocks effect damage though.
It stops burn damage
It's a sidegrade, because it gets an added activation cost in exchange for gaining the extra function of also stopping effect damage.
Yuma's very own worse waboku clone.
Flamberge Dragon but if the designers fucking hated the archetype in question
Can Lavals even quick synchro?
Your non-archetypal speed spell 1 miracle synchro not even treated as a synchro?
>Look at multiple topping Lab decks recently
>Most of them have dropped Transaction Rollback
What the fuck? Why?
They don't need it?
Lavals are annoying because they're at that cusp of having a reliable gameplan. They have board building tools, they have decent enough S/Ts, they have the waves of fire and pyro support that came out in the last year. But whenever I work on them it just feels like every hand is 1 card off of being broken.
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What deck would he play /dng/?
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>eternal child body and mentality
>plays off being kind but is an actual monster instead
Miquella was made for Diaper.dek aka Fluffal/Frightfur
What are the current endboards?
Lavals haven't had any direct support in years. There's no way even our year of crazy fire support would be enough to make them a viable pick.
could be how resource intensive the plays are. I have the same problem when I revisit BEWD and other decks that just need minimal changes to optimise theyr stsrting play.
Dropped in favor of a higher density of "real" traps with Back Jack and Trap Trick.
On a good hand?
5 pops off dustflame
Monster negate off crystal wang
Amblo/Princess package
Pop from Exlord
And in god hand situations, S/T neg off flamvell counter.

Vaguely at least, some of the lines are scuffed as hell and depend on draws off of salamander and magmucho to reach the better end boards.

A laval S/T searcher would be nice. Something like "add one S/T that has "laval" in its text to your hand, then send 1 "laval" monster from the deck to the GY".
Like I said, hes okay he's just lazy. I would have taken Havnis fusion effect away and put a xenolock on Merrli. Its a fun take on mill decks, it just decided to be so over the top that it had to be good. Also would have made Ishizu's cards entirely xenophobic to other grave effects. Especially considering the whole point was to work with the original and newer Exchange of Spirit traps. Again I say that the designs are just lazy.
And you are correct in saying we don't need everyone to have the same kinds of extenders. If anything, the other support mentioned shows that they know how to take a deck in a reasonable direction without breaking it. They just decide not to for some reason or another.
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>a literal location
>monster card instead of a Field or Continuous Spell
idk if that would be enough, especially when merrli/schieren could be dumped by branfu, feels like it would just lead to branded tear being crazy instead of ishizu tear
though i guess an easy solution there would be to kill branfu for tear's crymes
It's weird how they never printed Flamvell and Laval crossover support considering the latter's constant banishing to fuel their effects and the former's gimmick of banishing cards in the GY
Rollan for next $30 purchase
1-2 playset of ultimate rare grandmaster hanzo
3-4 playset of lightsworn dragonling
5-6 salamangreat raging phoenix
7-8 purrely core
9-0 TY-Phon
Thats just my wishful thinking. In reality you would have to reset the game back some time and re-do every archtype to be in line with the vision.
But in terms of design, tear felt like the version we got was the first draft. As in, okay this does well but what do we cut or balance out to stop them from making fucking winda on the opponent's turn 1?
Whole things just so lazy and I would like them to do better. But I'm not holding my breath.
Think of it like the Cave of Wonders from Aladdin. If I were to remake that card to better fit the flavor, it'd Crystal Beast-style "transform" into a field spell after being defeated in battle.
i would go as far as to say simply making all the maindecks/kitkallos WATER does a ton to cripple the deck, with or without the changes you outlined.
it would also mean fusion does something other than chaoswank
I don't think any DT decks have direct cross support between different generations
a lot of early dt archetypes didn't have a st searcher, some of them only got it in support waves in the future. to be fair dt design philosophy was pretty far from duea where stratos type effects became commonplace so we can't really hold it against them. some don't even have any st like aoj or genex
There’s Constellars x Tellarknights I guess.
I'd say the playerbase wishes are influenced by what already exists. You don't see anyone asking for their petdeck to get an archetypal Painful Choice that searches a card and mills 4 because such a card is not only ridiculously strong but also because there's no precedent for it. It'd be asking Konami to give their deck special treatment over everything else. But things like Poplars, deck fusions, link-1 combo starters, archetypal floodgates, are all things that Konami has printed for several archetypes. Konami's clearly shown to be okay with this form of card design, for better or worse, so players are more comfortable asking for it.
That would work too. Making them dark was another lazy design. Glaringly obvious they just wanted to let the banlist deal with them.
This bitch card ain't saving shit
pretty much describes that whole garbage set
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you make a point, but what i'm saying is maybe some of it is on the playerbase for not recognizing some of the biggest examples of things you listed as "special treatment over everything else", but actually enacted and instead asking for it to become normal, which inevitably results in the process repeating on a greater scale, we can see the results of this now with how much consistency and recovery snake-eye has alongside capability
you mentioned archetypal painful choice as a hyperbolic example of something a player may deem unreasonable, but it may not be long before we're actually there
That pair of underwear doesn't make any sense, how do th corners of the crotch stay up? Glue? How would that work if she is in the water
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She has improved so much since she first started. It's really nice to see.
Now that I'm looking more, her underwear isn't lined up with the naval, which would be fine if it weren't for the shoulders facing the same was as the hips, meaning her midsection is broken and rotated seperate f om the shoulders and hips.

What an ugly crippled bitch
I assume you mean the artist
Double sided water resistant tape
A lot of unconventional fashion is literally held together with tape.
Isn't TY-Phon gonna be in the tins? Don't waste your money. He'll be a 4$ ultra.
Miquella, the only remaining demigod that didnt appear in Elden Ring till now. He's the one that is forever a child and has a female alter ego who put people to sleep with poison.
I literally want to have sex with mieru
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How's this looking
Don't have the third TTT nor S:P
Tranny porn folder status?
Looks good.
Is it? I'll hold off then, thanks anon.
also thinking about cutting a Sunny for Cavalry Centaurea, makes no sense running Zeus and Downerd with no realible XYZ to crash
and after I have sex with mieru I want to get TOPPED by sora
This is what Sharvara would have looked like had he been printed at the start of Series 11 instead of the end of it
Well just go to AnimeExpo if you want to get topped by Sora. He's going apparently.
Wait. THATS the one every ER fag is making now? Because he is a shota trap that is evil/batshit crazy? And someone important loves him?
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and after sora has TOPPED me I want lidl to power bottom me
The Field Spell ROTA that's actually Foolish Burial because they hate you and didn't want the archetype to be good
Take Sora from yugioh, make him blond and give him the power of a god to charm anyone he desires but goes crazy when one or two specific people dont fall for it. but has a noble goal to make a world without pain even if it means brainwashing everyone
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This just sounds like a gay version of Mithos from Tales of Symphonia.
new trap

normal trap
this turn, any time your life points would go down, they don't. (you can still pay life points to activate an effect but they don't go down)
>a world without pain
Well ain't that fucking vague.
>The most convoluted ROTA Field you've seen
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This brat is in sore need of correction.
Wow, looking at Blazing Vortex's cards, I'm amazed at how much they made almost every single support card clearly suck complete ass for no reason, it's not surprising it's known as solely the set with Prosperity in it.
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SAWCQ Playoff Winner & World Championship qualifier Adrian George from Trinidad and Tobago with Ritual Beast!
>if your opponent has 2 more cards in your hand than you (meaning it was less likely they set cards), kill this card, to hit exactly 2 set cards
what were they thinking with this anti-synergy
rare no gagaga cowboy list to win in time after slowplaying
post your house rules
A real shame since the new Synchro was really well designed
You have to take your shoes off at the door.
Well one of the ones who refuse his charm is his brother Rahdan. He gets so obsessed over this he makes a plan to kill him, pluck his soul from the dead and put him in a new body to successfully charm him and make him his consort
>but has a noble goal to make a world without pain even if it means brainwashing everyone
shut up, Lawfag
When we played tag duels
>partners cannot coach each other
>graveyards were kept separate to prevent theft
Basic stuff really. We were all very casual so duels hardly ever felt one sided. Good times.
Your opponent will simply not discard an S/T, also fuck you if you want to use its effects
Hidden Arsenal cards were really something else.
>special the monster discarded
>do nothing to discarded s/t
It should have superheavy samurai susanoo's effect desu
>shota yandere
Just tell me whats the appeal of this game. I though it was some secretly waifu game or something.
>Gusto and Laval were both shitty ass Synchro decks based on dumping shit in the GY to fuel mediocre effects
>Gishki and Gem Knights were both decks based around infinitely looping into dumb FTKs via non-OPT constantly recurring summoning spells and based on archaic summoning mechanics
What was up with that
>Just tell me whats the appeal of this game
it's an "action game" for people who hate action games
I mean it's really not that bad
>can summon itself from hand
>modular "cost" that enables your other cards' effects
>can itself be discarded by your other card effects to search your S/T
Token attack gain effect aside, it's fine. It would have been better if you could chose to discard itself for its first effect and only get the summon if you didn't and would have been double nice if you didn't have to discard a Fabled monster specifically, but it's serviceable support.
lmao Troonsei
No mention on Vylons and Steelswarms?
caam had a ftk with mind master
We bring booster packs and the winner takes 1 pack from the loser and opens it
Stings twice as much if the winner pulls a chase card but then we can ante it in the next game battle city style
Hidden Arsenal chapter 2 WHEN
I ain't paying the prices people are asking for gusto
>to search your S/T
Ah yes, the one Spell and one Trap.
also it's so difficult to find their cards in good quality, fuck man people tried to sell me bent cards as near mint back in the pandemic
It is so unfathomably disappointing that they're literally just dogshit Monarchs
Fun ARPG with hard bosses
>Shota yandere
I did say it was pretty much Sora from Arc-V but with the power of a god
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This is our future
Shut up, bitch
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Maybe stop selling overpriced DVDs and BDs, Japan. Almost no one wants to buy like 3 episodes per overpriced disc just to support a piece of media they like.
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Namco hate digimon
For all the konami bullshit i'm sure konami doesn't hate ygo
>saying this when they realease Digimon Colon for tv
the failure of shitty products shouldn't affect good products, fucking pigs
are they microsoft or something?
Souls fans are just masochists. They enjoy the pain, and honestly it's whatever. So long as they're happy.
Modern Konami to me feels like they want to abandon the anime side of things and go 100% OC Donut Steel but only refrain from doing so because they know deep down it's brand suicide and begrudgingly keep things the way they are.
Salvage these archetypes.
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56 minuets till the deadline for AMC bans.
Mist valley just needs a consistent way into thunderbird and they have infinite negates, they're piss easy to fix.
Free divine wind of mist valley already you cowards
>gimmick puppet is cheap
>everyone picks it up
>everyone else stops playing because fuck ftks
it's such a blue ball how they made evilswarms technically support steelswarms except you can't use any of them as tribute fodder for moth which is their best card
Gimmick puppets can't even top consistently in buge meta where they have a turn skip hand trap.
doesn't WW have pretty obvious synergy with eldlich?
I'm just that's the case the only anime deck that was show in chronicles was DM/DMG/BE and RE
The blue eyes show early on in the teaser was the game exclusive stuff and the teaser ended with striker
And Exodia.
they're all cringe
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Long running Shonen series dvd and blu rays don't sell well at all. This is known. even for something big like yugioh the only blu rays and dvds that sell decently are the big scene compilations which are even more of a ripoff than the regular episode dvds. No one would need to become a big shareholder of anything to just look at oricon sales charts and see no one wants to buy shonen anime in dvd form.
God you do not KNOW how much I wish Jurrac were viable....
It needs some kind of field spell to generate tokens like Lost World but with built in Jurrac protection so your lower Jurrac monsters can run them over and get their effects
Then they need a continuous spell like T.G. All Clear that allows an additional normal summon and search to help facilitate easier tribute summons and to unbrick your hands
Lastly a 4th Jurrac Synchro that has a Soul Charge like effect to bring back Jurrac monsters from the graveyard after destroying
a monster by battle

That should hopefully speed the deck up to at least ice barrier tier where it's playable
game original exodia
I cannot wait for someone to once again misinterpret the way this poll worked
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>oh let's just not continue supporting this series that despite having a lot of plot points that are not explained, it still very popular and people will take any form of continuation
>no we insist, you really dont like digimon, we surely dont
Go fuck yourself, Bandai. It was fun to watch Jellymon and Kiyoshiro interaction though.
The Ally of Justice's Call
Continuous Spell
"Ally of Justice" cards you control are unaffected by Light Monster effects and by your opponent s/t effects that activated on the Field while your opponent controls a Light monster(s)
Once per turn: You can add 1 "Ally of Justice" card from your deck to your hand. Once per turn You can Normal summon 1 monster in addition to your normal summon. You cannot summon a level 4 or lower monster(s) except a "Ally of Justice" monster(s) the turn this card is face-up on the Field

Ally of Justice - Luminous Caller
Level 1 Tuner
You can tribute this card from your hand or Field: Add 1 "Justice" S/T from your deck to your hand. If a Dark or Light monster is summoned or its effects are activated by your opponent: Special Summon this card from your GY, and if you do, it cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects this turn. Effects are HOPT.
Both sides ironically doesn't hate them. Japan may take too much time to get a hint of what people want, and America are biased to unholy levels, plus they are greedy and jews, but they still have some sort of attachment to YGO. This doesn't excuse them for everything they did, though.
>people complained
>they listened
KoE better than KoA like always
>KoE better than KoA like always
KoF when?
It all began in 94
>KoE is better
>still has all the same products as KoA
>"Justice" S/T
targets are the continuous spell, court of justice and R - rightious justice
>better production with the tournaments
>better streams
>more organized
c o p e
Rugal when?
I wanna genocide cutter my opponent's shit
>Liverpool was one of the worst attended YCS’ ever
is this true? ..lads?Bluds?
Wrong, they don't even have speed duels anymore
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Liverpool had a YCS? Lmao wtf when?
I could have went to meet all of my beloved /dng/ pals.
>I could have went to meet all of my beloved /dng/ pals.
you homo
Elemental Hero - Ally of Justice soon
trust my meds
soulless eyes
The british dont play the fucking game. Are Maze and Son being poorfag unplayers not enough of a hint for you? The only brits that play are trannies.
Elemental Hero Ally of Justice - Kaibaman Chaos MAX
Whats really soulless is that he doesn't have his rope, how is he supposed to rescue anything?
It looks nothing like the card.
>posting the card when it has tge artwork pinned on his ear
i know we don't read cards but come on
It's hard to make out the details in the photo on the plush's ear in the last photo.
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Time's up.
Bans are in.

Pl@yer: Selettrice Vaalmonica
Bluray: Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer
Lacooda: Nightmare Throne
Getter: King's Sarcophagus
Da: Mulcharmy Purulia
Dart: Called By The Grave

I'll update the banlist and spreadsheet tonight. For those of you who were late, you can still place your ban, but it won't take effect till the NEXT banlist.

Next AMC is on the 14th.
>based on Kaibaman
>If it leaves the field, it summons any Normal Monster from deck
>If tributed, it also special summon any Elemental HERO from deck
that would be too cool
They saw that people liked the Rescue Rabbit plush but no one cares about this literally who.
I added the Chaos MAX to it so he can say "I'm not a monster! I'm a DUELING GOD!!"
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>Banning Selettrice
She should have been too cute and erotic to be banned.
faggot ass bans
why does bluray hate the lore protagonists so much
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i forgor ban agian
Choose your ban now.
Shut up, bitch
The late rule was made for this. You can still put in a ban, but it'll just be pushed back a round.
but i don't even know what to ban there's not much i'd kill
what if instead of the fiendsmith he was the friendsmith and everyone liked him
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engraver probably.
shut the fuck up. only purrely is my friend.
runick isn't banned? wtf
fiendsmith engraver. the tcg name for what ygorg called "the fiendsmith"
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>Last round at locals, vs Raidraptors
>"Shouldn't be too bad, I can probably deal with it and not outright lose"
>Wraitsoth, Wraitsoth, Flamberge, Effect Veiler, Snake-Eye Ash
>Draw for turn
>Second Flamberge (why is there even a second one in game 3 post side???)
>He just had 5 engine pieces anyways
Pure misery.
fiendsmith is also not banned? do people only ban the most pointless shit ever or something
So where that "Demonsmith" came from?
do you not see the retards that play?
>no more cheap secrets of old cards that never got rarity bumps
Sadge when will they ever bling out my commons from 2005...
>runick isn't banned?
Still at full power. Not even the floodgates it uses have been hit.
translated ocg name. fiendsmith is a censoring of it since the tcg doesn't like to use the word demon.
They banned Selettrice and Luster Pendulum over Runick Fountain and Fiendsmith.
Yes, they are retarded.
Based tower birds, putting the fear of god into the unprepared
It's literally Demonsmith in Japanese but tewart pisses his pants at the word demon so everyone knew it'd be called fiendsmith instead.
Well, no one's won with him.
If no one's winning, what's the point?
>infestation pandemic is a real card name about a mass virus killing and corrupting things
>"le hecking demons are a step too far!"
Why not save a week of misery by just getting the ban out of the way now instead of banning dumb stuff like vaalmonica and dracoslayers
alright i guess i'll have to do it myself
i hate runick more but fiendsmith is really the more objectively correct hit
it should be anti-meta not anti-whatpeoplebeatmewith
I don't know about "unprepared", but sometimes you get it, sometimes you get got.
fuck off purrelyfag that rat is my ENEMY
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purrely is your friend
this is not optional
What card comes to mind when you thinking of "PLAP PLAP PLAP"?
Gruesome Goo.
Lovely Labrynth.
floo cards
Soccer moms and pastors don't care about pandemics.
I think people forget yugioh and pokemon were actively protested against for a solid five of six years at start of the millennium because summoning demons. It was bad.
nemleria while she's in the deepest sleep of all time and getting mating pressed by me.
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Please stop posting here.
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New banlist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tsw20rgrDzd4s6sVmsQvc-O8hnDGosj-/view?usp=sharing
Updated spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H2c6bhavBm7a-mw0Jmxu2phTD44S5NZ8JZhV0BSieL4/edit?pli=1&gid=0#gid=0
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It would go like
One plap for each banish, one plap i'm giving this little bitch squirrel when she comes back.
no wonder normal people don't post here anymore it's just furries
birds when flying make that sound you unhinged coomer
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Kashtira Riseheart.
Mannadium Riumheart.
Tearlaments Reinoheart.
Visas Starfrost.
And most importantly, Scareclaw Reichheart.
Kinda telling that they're the only ones who can afford the insane pricing of cardboard huh
It's just furries, pedophiles, and diaper fetishists
If the past 4 months have taught me anything about /dng/ is that furries are somehow more normal.
those categories heavily overlap with each other
Who is plapping who in this scenario?
none of the floos go plap half of them can't even actually fly and the other half like snowl fly completely silently
All of them breeds me.
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cry more coomer trannoid
If its a card is a valid fetish
Pic related for example , all valid
YWNBAY (You will never be a yume)
I think it's time they hit fenrir
not because it's broken right now just because they can
when do we get SD news? Tired of the coomer threads. It's the same damn posts but with updated speech memes for almost 10 years.
It's crazy how vore and pseudovore was part of a lot of horror elements back then.
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if they don't hit LA CREATURA DE FUEGO the game is finished here
Vore is only hot when it's being done by a cute girl with a tail that has vore capabilities.
Either Genni or Ki-Sikil
It's hot when it is done ON a girl, not BY a girl.
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Bring me the SD Konami, I'm ready
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"Vore" is hot when it's non-lethal and it involves fleshy beasts or tentacle pits.
It releases September 7th so who knows maybe next month
lidl, it's time to stop...
Visas on Ice
think about it Komoney
>This thread and last thread
And anons wonder why are we so dead
you're playing exodia in paper and have all 5 pieces, do you
>place down each card individually to form exodia
>sort you hand by piece (right leg, right arm, head, left arm, left leg) and slam them all down
And you're in the middle of all 3
His come there is such big overlap between Yu-Gi-Oh and ABDL community? What gives?
because KoA?
the sense of community was lost long time ago here
Drop them all carelessly onto the table while making a fart noise.
>slamming your hand after a time extensive ftk
That's a dick move
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Alice will save Yugioh.
Trust the plan, we're going to be so fucking back, you'll see.
this is metal
>Crossover Breakers
>It's not a Crossover at all
It's over.
>dude doesn't even know it was a bad translation and is not alice in wonderland themed
l m a o
lad culture is big in the uk. it's anti-anime and anti-'nerd' hobbies
>grew up with yugioh during childhood
>life gets shittier the older you get
>long for the days you were still a kid and buying 1 pack from target after begging your mom and pulling the jinzo out of pharaoh's servant or blue eyes toon dragon from magic ruler (not spell ruler fuck you magic the gathering and your tranny community)
>making cool decks to play against your friends, now have no friends because they all moved away
>realize yugioh is the only thing in your life that's still there for you even though it's expensive as fuck now because of short prints
>cry and pull your diaper tighter against your body
It's a special kind of mental comfort
What is the actual translation?
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He's meming you, the translation is on point.
>succ vore
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There isn't even anything to mistranslate in the first place, the archetype name and card name is in fucking English
based yugicoomers
is that fucking MoSC
it's alice-themed Grimmbro, don't be deceived
That bitch is ugly and has sanpaku eyes.
Yes, it does appear to be an even uglier than usual Mountain of Simps for Clerks.
I think mosc looks cool :)
Lay 'em out in one smooth motion like a poker hand.
wtf is mosc
mosc my balls
heh, gottem
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Dragoon and Magia turbo
>favorite deck
>favorite JAV girl
What is the deck equivalent of this?
the banana was a piece of art
>prime Anri Okita
Shiori Tsukada
>Elemental Hero
>Rio Hamasaki/Shion Utsunomiya
Probably some max ulti/ghost rare deck of an outdated deck.
I hate you all.
Chorizo doing well in OCG
But /dng/ said
>Anri Okita
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Thank you very much.
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so /dng/, will you be going to MⱯLICE?
why do people call chorozo chorizo
>Sora, Verre and Risette together
Uh... bros? W-what does it mean?
Because that's how good it is, if anything even vaguely resembles the word, the mind immediately goes to "don't make me go to the store again, fool."
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Would you?
New additions to the diaper.dek group is what it means
really go fuck yourself
how low is the rent he pays in your head? free?
Why do people call Salamangreat Salad when Salami makes infinitely more sense
>White Woofags and Witchcrafters will forever be part of the diaper shit like Fluffals, Punks and Traptrix
because farfa
Why is he always the source of the rot?
Kill yourself faggot fetishist
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Cry more. Your shit petdecks belong to subhumans who wear diapers
Your fanfiction isn't real, faggot. Go get aids
t. diaper fetishist
>homosexual projection
Better to be gay than a diaper nigger.
Does Sorafag even play Witchcrafters or White Woods?
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You're making the ''furries r worse'' claim more and more dubious, bud.
And somehow you managed to be both, and projecting in top. Pathetic
>diaperfag has a girlfriend
>gay is better
Nah nigger, even I have to agree procreation even thru degenerate means is better than faggotry
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>this is what diaperniggers tell themselves to cope
>y-youre a diapernigger
Nah breh diaper aint my fetish. That's the Sorafag. I love /ss/.
>diaperfag AND a pedo
Holy shit
Release her, call the police, and help her file a report on whoever did that to her? Yeah
>state im not a diaper
>aiiee youre a diaper
With that logic youre a tranny and anything you say is irrelevant tranny.
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There's a funny but fucked up chance that /dng/'s retardation probably mellowed out Sorafag's stance on furries by finding something worse than them: Parasocial niggas.
How do you live that kind of gangstalker life where you obsess over the mild interests of a single nigga then have everything surrounding one of those mild intersts be labelled as one universal thing? That shit is literally taking me 12 years back in the past with fucking My Little Pony and how an itty bitty tiny reference = 100% pony. Only this general can manage to be as cringe as a long forgotten fandom.
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uh, based
I will find you Common and I will pair you with Sorafag and Mieru in cute cosplays
Tits too big.
Me on the left
Wait i thought the fag was anti-tranny and anti-nigger
Tits not big enough.
Shut up, diaperpedo
Post yugioh smut right now.
>Hey guys PLAP!
>Hey guys JAV!
>Hey guys smut!
Kill yourself
>tranny calling anyone a pedo
Reminder your kind dies when it cant groom kids
/dng/ belongs to coomers. cope about it.
ok ponyfag
Come on you two, its 1:30am.
Go to bed already
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plants will win both euro ycss and /dng/ will cry
What the fuck kind of mental illness did this place turn into
>trannies are winning in europe
>KoJ: Stop that. cancel their YCS
plants will job now
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free her you cowards, I dare you
Mermaid could easily come off if Iblee gets banned.
she could come back even with iblee legal, you're just giving the opponent free link materials.
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>Insecure lore niggers
>Namefags that are any of the above among other things
No wonder nobody comes here.
Doesn't the main British plant player have cancer or some other disease so they couldn't go to worlds? They probably won't be able to go to the Euro YCS then either.
I will graciously beg again for someone to share their Ice Barrier (without Runick) list to draw inspiration from.
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Who will save the earth from the DRAGONS?
Ice Barriers, suck.
I for one welcome Multi-chummy. Please make my Thrust live, this card sits in my hand way more often than it should. The fact that you do have to shotgun it because it also counts normal summons is so fucking good
Don't care, I like Synchro decks.
>weaker than Blue-Eyes
pretty obvious
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Strongest Tearlaments Player
cringe af
the not-tenpais are clearly protecting us from the other aliens and invaders.
>it was common for women to become pregnant
I miss when it was common for women to become pregnant
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You are the cringe one. GAY as well baka.
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women cannnot become pregnant
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that's not me i don't make dramaslop text walls that's soundwave
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how do i interrupt branded when going second?
obviously ash branded fusion, but what are the second and third best cards to stop?
Two-wheeled dragon in the sky
ATK 2500 DEF 2000
A noble light that shines around the world. Use your might to flatten the law, and move the principles of God.
>how do i interrupt branded when going second?
ask him his number while pretending to be fruity
I feel like you could have posted some reversal trap card here for better effect.
>i don't make dramaslop text walls
yes you do you lying faggot bitch
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No u
Thank you.
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it's over...
>unplayer spic is a faggot
How many Epurrely Noir should I buy? 2 or 3?
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How much for the deck? I'm offering $40 upfront.
0 it's a gay deck
>wasting money on a gay deck
what is a good way to test a drcks resilience?
You drive a hard bargain
You only need 1
if your main plays can't play thru an omninegate and a nibiru it is too weak
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Aww shiiet, looks pretty decent, thanks brochacho. Been wanting to build this shit since Raiho is cool as FUCK.

Hell no I ain't ever getting rid of these babies. Especially with how obnoxiously expensive the WC09 Archfiend is right now.
this list is terrible
alright. Will try that. I hope thr BEWD support can pass that test.
$65 final offer
Why don't we follow this guy too?
>Draws YGO fairly often
>Gets drawings out every 1-2 weeks
>Takes commissions all the time
>Is good enough on a technical level
more like branded are 80% faggots
may as well distract them
>Click media
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>Click media
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Kill yourself furnigger
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/dng/ niggas actively trying to make every thread worse than the last one with the inane and off-topic stuff that posters will say isn't even a joke at this point.
I can't afford Horus.
Anyone have a fun skull servant build that doesn't use the horus engine they don't mind sharing?
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My friend... Kitkallos?
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Can a phantom mecha beast deck be viable? Or at least some fighter-jet themed deck? I'm currently mixing phantom mecha beast with stuff from the gradius packs. I might also be completely over my head and have no idea what I'm doing.
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>my flame crimes that I ordered before it became like $15 each for no reason come in tomorrow
I can't wait to play RDA at locals again, bros...
>Can a phantom mecha beast deck be viable?
support should padlock non-phantom mecha links, or else they'll travel the same path that superheavy samurai travelled.
Diapering Mieru and Sora
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I asked for a rank 8 soupfest featuring Fairy Tail Luna last thread and nobody gave me a decklist.
Sex with INFO TCG exclusives
care to share the list? my infernities suck ass
Play an Auroradon turbo deck in MD
>Card designers used the "can't be destroyed by battle" effect on God Slime to simulate the immediate constant revival effect of Revival Jam in the anime.
That's actually really neat and clever. I mean, it's a miss if you wanted to do stuff like Card of Safe Return with it, but I gotta give them props for being real with it.
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Decks for this feeling?
Junk Doppel
Post deck. I also want show everyone "waga tamashi"
If Yusei's Ace monster got to be wind instead of light/dark, why couldn't Jack get fire. The fuckers always talking his burning soul
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>Post deck
Here you go bud
Say something nice about them
Blue sheep is best sheep.
Nigger format
back when skill still mattered
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Oh right you
This is a list I copied a while back, it might be somewhat outdated
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yubel domination
I genuinely can't comprehend enjoying this format outside, like, playing through World Championship 2004
>RACE is back
They're also on fiendslop aren't they
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Never forget
Sounds like you comprehend its appeal pretty well. You go back in time to a fixed card pool where everybody knows what's what, but instead you play it against other people instead of an easily outsmarted AI.
Doesn't look too hard to update, a matter of adding the Horus engine and maybe the new tachyon stuff because rank 8's are eating real good. Thanks.
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>Nice and all centrion didn't die ye-
>One charmer deck
what the hell
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I like the Blue Scapegoat. I want the deck box collection of them.
I'm surprised. I feel like I've been seeing less Centur-Ion players though I guess Japan doesn't have the scarcity issue the TCG has.
Prank-kids is "we ban it then forget about it" case.
eldlichbros we are alive (undead)
Charmers are stun deck. Jap tourneys are best of one
Jap tournys aren't best of one outside of the YCSJ events.
Yubel's 1-card fiendsmith combos are disgusting, of course they're the top played deck in the new banlist
Damn the Japs must really not respect backrow then if Eldlich and Charmers were able to clear.
Hell I remember that one Jap who won a big tourney on Runick stun and he stated that he brought stun so that people could learn to respect backrow.
chances are its eldlich fiendsmith and charmer fiendsmith
can a banlist even fix this format and feeling of dread?
Bro are you gay or not?
>kill existing engine for another engine to pop up
It's endless cycle.
it could but they won't make such a banlist since they care about money more
Just keep on waiting for the new broken, it'll pop up sooner than later and then everyone will clap and be still-not-happy again.
How much did you spend on centurion?
Nope. It's all the same cycle of new product comes, it's broken, gets banned 1-2 years later and the new broken thing comes out.
>diaperfag is straight
is triple lithogasm dinos still good? t2 at least?
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>already irrelevant
Centurionbros it's not fucking fair...
That just means King Calamity's not getting banned.
Why are you so transphobic?
>diaperfag is transphobic
Fucking based
i think konami is trying to force everyone to play online.
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No I'm not a fag.
I spent about $80 getting what I was missing and about $200-300 on the multiple boxes I got over time. I forget honestly.
Keep having fun with the deck. What variant are you running?
Because trannies are a fucking pox on society. At least fags were degenerates in their homes while this fuckers invade every facet of society with their insane bs.
came back from a while ago, is that tranny lidl still living in this thread perma?
>this fuckers invade every facet of society with their insane bs.
Breh why are you pretending to be Sorafag?
Ground Xeno should not be as expensive as it is.
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decks for this feel?
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I just fucked up cause I'm mobile posting at the moment. I legitimately despise Trannies.
Sadly it's stuck in Wild Survivors with no reprints as of yet. The box went ignored like crazy that it's in the same state as Centur-Ion.
Lidl and mieru are nice people though. And you are supposedly a femboy, why do you have so much self hatred?
>femboy hates trannies
A story as old as time
Son, Maze and Lidl live their entire life here
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I may or may not have got lost in the sauce by trying to cram as much shit. This deck is just basically ''Droll & Lock Bird is going to act romantical on me''
Ruriraptor CHADS, how does he do it?
Fucking lol
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Made one last change to this glue eater's deck.
Is the banlist getting reset after KoA releases a new one?
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this loser hard coping not scooping this
>what are blowouts
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I'm not a femboy nor have I ever claimed to be one.
You just reminded me I should be expecting some Dino cards later this week. Hopefully the 4th of July doesn't cause any delays.
>I'm not a femboy
But you look like a girl
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Average yugioh playerbase

>Tranny on dino
Of course.
God she was the perfect fucking woman... I miss her so much....
New card in 3 hours and 10 minutes btw
How does the Fiendsmith fare against Bystials?
>hates trannies
>isnt a femboy
Im so conflicted about Sorafag now
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>have the coolest fucking name ever for an archtype: Ally of Justice
>DARK Machine kino
>but it's one of the worst archetypes of all time to the point where it's unsalvageable even if they got support
He's still a mentally defective degenerate, regardless if he's slightly above furries or troons
Kinda ... bad? If they open Engraver, 1 Bystial cannot stop it.
>isn't a femboy
Well he's the most feminine looking non-femboy I've ever met. Put him in some girls clothes and you'd think he's a petite girl.
Did the Genex Link-1 salvage Genex?
No. Just made them a homosexual drive-by deck for locals or fisherman regionals
Not really. The deck lives and dies by the link 1. And even then it's a boring synchro negate fest.

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