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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Official crossover tie-in edition

Previous La-Mulana: >>484306728

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
the ride never ends
so uhhhhhhhhhh
undertale anyone?
I still think the "Plants can't talk dummy" gag is really funny
EXTREMELY dead thread
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>OP 37 minutes ago
>4 posts

gee i wonder what drove all the posters away
>jevil is named after and named his scythe after the devil, also mentions hell's roar
>spamton is obsessed with [HEAVEN] and can spawn little angels of himself, also calls noelle [Angel]
will the next schizos have similar religious themes? or is it just to create a duality between jevil and spamton in particular and the next 2 will have their own unrelated-to-religion dichotomy theming?
will there be a schizoboss based on purgatory
Asgore gives Toriel flowers, the flowers are rejected, Asgore grows new flowers from the seeds of the last, those flowers are rejected as well
The flower Darkner keeps being reincarnated to fulfill its purpose and cannot escape samsara
>schizobosses based on religious themes and undertale genocide bosses
>undertale has a genocide boss who literally dies and comes back to life
>potential church dark world
We're gonna get Jesus the Undying
In the Deltarune universe due to Christianity never catching on quite as much as in our world Bible characters are seen as fair game to use as Summons in JRPGs
Jesus last breath phase 4
Jesus turned on fire eye
Halfway into the Gaster Twerk Scene Jesus H. Christ himself slowly floats down from the top of the screen... And then he starts quirkly twerking too!!!
he quirky twerkied for your sins
where's that image of spamton on the cross when you need it
any newsriel?
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All I have is this
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next schizo boss is from Kris playing 7 minutes in heaven
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a t least you fuckers finally did what i asked you to.
kraut is awake finally utg can be fast again
I don't think so.
>thread death so severe not even kwautsie wautsie can fix it
that's what happens when one of the most atrocious fucking threads in recent memory happens
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newsletter when?
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ah the goonhomo has returned.
thread discussion may resume now.
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Honestly I just woke up and I got nothing other than "The Little Prince" and "Chrono Cross, the 1999 PS1 game" for theories.
I didn't even have new smut today, I've posted that one before.
Not even my immense power can just make people care about the game suddenly again.
Good morning friends :)
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Good morning anon.
your mistake is thinking that i open any of your links, because i know what you like and i know that i don't like what you like.
i like to keep my appetite or my food.

let me strike up annother kind of discussion:
what is your opinion on the whole kingfag saga?
new aislopkino just dropped
>intentionally starting off-topic discussion
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positively devilish
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Didn't we just spend an entire day on that?
I don't like kingfag, the trolls, or the enablers on discord or twitter or whatever that keeps encouraging that behavior just as much as the trolls do.
The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth and reminds me that there's people on 4chan who shouldn't have an unsupervised internet connection at all and this community is full of those types because of massive amounts of unchecked and unmediated mental issues.
I'd rather talk about Ronald Reagan and insane asylums or watch an entire movie synced up to a Pink Floyd album. That's a better use of my time.
krautsie is always on topic
>the parasocialfags are starting again
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Is the parasocial in the room with us right now?
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hello frens :D
I mean they ARE talking about Kingy Wingy’s wife unprompted
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Yo, hello gotebro.
>The skibidi appears
The skibidi appears
This is not Undertale or Deltarune
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that is some good stuff, thanks dude
P.S. I don't actually have 4chan X so I don't know if the audio embed worked. Here's the direct link to it in case it didn't
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No, it is not. You are correct.
Protip: they are just being social, YOU are being parasocial.
>berdlyfag out of literally nowhere
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Berdfag raped his dog and grooms minors on discord.
Wow, after all that the thread is still dogshit. Imagine my shock.
so true person who is borange
What's wrong with the thread right now?
nta but they're bringing the kingfag shit back up
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I didn't propose a solution to things, just that I don't like the situation and don't interact with it.
I'm not saying that everyone on the internet needs regulated at all, just that some people arbitrarily defined by my personal opinion should probably having a caring parent or spouse tell them to not be stupid on the internet before they hurt themselves. Some people don't have a caring parent or spouse and might need the government's help but that's none of my business and the government doesn't really do the help thing for people anymore anyways.
Okay this will expose Toby forever, this will change the course of history

Let's start off at the beginning Literally one of the FIRST LINES of the game is: "No one can choose who they are in this world" This is clearly Toby starting out with an anti trans sentiment, thereby setting the tone, themes, and messages for the rest of the game

And if you read in between the lines you can see that Kris (NB) is literallly possessed by you... This is clearly a front for Toby trying to push the idea that LGBTQ people are possessed by demons.

Then we go to other characters Undyne and Alphys are no longer together, and mettaton (some people think they're a trans allegory) has no robot suit. Yet life in Deltarune is still better than life in Undertale? This is clearly a front for how Toby thinks the world would be better without LGBTQ people

Then one of the biggest elements of the game is the Closet?? Where darkners reside??? I dunno about you but implying that only dark people are in the closet seems pretty racist and lgbtq phobic

and then toby pushes the idea that darkners are servants and lesser than lightners??? I don't know about you but that sounds pretty bad

Then many people theorize that noelle is the angel right well if she's on the ground she must be a fallen angel, aka a demon This is clearly Toby implying that lesbians are demons

I rest my case
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i don't see any fires right now, how about you post something that makes it better if you hate it so much.
It's too embarrassing to admit publicly
shoo mintbrap
*gobbles up kingy*
*scampers away*
good to see the professional complainer has arrived to keep /utg/ in check
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Christianity is at least popular enough in the Deltarune universe for Asriel to get it confused with the monster religion and try to confess his sins to the turtle guy.
The question is, was Asriel introduced to Christianity through his religious ska cds? (In other words, are they Christian ska cds?) Or, are they [unnamed monster religion]-themed ska cds that Toriel bought for him to encourage her child to become more familiar with monster traditions?
calm down tangy
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Generals that get actual content still somehow move slower than this general for a game that hasn’t had shit in literal years
Spending 16 hours a day telling berdfag to fuck off when he's not even here is fine and sane and normal but if you COMPLAIN about THREADSHITTING then hooooo boy have WE got a PROBLEMO
I have a feeling this post is about to get a lot of upset replies
I feel called out by this post but I can't figure out how to explain why without sounding insane
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This post REALLY makes me hongry for a King-sized breakfast
Do you genuinely think I'm Kingfag
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The device that Sans can't fix
Because I make up like 1/10 of posts in every thread, I will now stop posting so I can see how slow it gets now
oh, that.
you mean the thing under the blanket in his tiled lab.
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that's just normal in russia.
nothing scares a russian except when the snow speaks finnish.
some anons last thread were thinking back on old thread drama and wanted to know if your pa was still around
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the snow has "finished" fucking around
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Two more of this absolute unit of lamb shmeat.
he died days before my birthday this year.
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doomerfren saving the thread as usual i see :)
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7.62x54r sounds the same in every language
I'm sorry
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Thanks bro. I normally don't care much for the hyper ones but he's just too cute which helps balance it out a bit.
That thing called DEVICE in the code, probably
i have all the time in the world to be, but you don't have to.
>Undertale is inspired by Homestuck
>Andrew Hussie browsed SomethingAwful
>Dril worked on Homestuck
>Lot of people on Tumblr already have SA style humor
>Deltarune x Ultimate Showdown
I always thought the depths were the inside of the fountain.
This is the first time ive found asgores flowers appealing as a secret boss. At least on a deeper level
Useful chart
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In the Project 2025 compliant NA version of Deltarune the church will be an actual church and there is no dark world, only educational bible themed minigames.
toby is not usanian he's nihonese
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I like this Gaster design
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posting Susie with increased fervor
poor doomercutie, he won’t be able to post e621 links when project 2025 bans all the porn
>leftoids invented their own right wing version of the totalitarians onions state so they can feel persecuted too
>totalitarians onions state
Actual word salad
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Looks like the post was deleted for being off topic. Hard to believe that the jannies are actually doing anything.
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heh, that hairstyle makes you look like a girl!
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Before e621 took off there was other websites.
I remember some russian based booru was one of the big ones back in the historical times of being a gay furry, I am not really worried about it especially because art always falls through the cracks of porn/obscenity/censorship based laws.
Just because italians chiseled off some marble dicks because the pope was getting too hot and bothered didn't mean they won the war against fat marble tiddies. Smut always finds a way.
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the fuck is a project 2025
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Hey! Berdshit dies.
project 2024 sequel
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he did
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im not gonna explain it on a deltarune undertale thread but just look it up its pretty bad
really makes one lose hope
It didn't even happen yet! why does it have a sequel?
do i have to watch/play project 2024 to understand project 2025?
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You're the /pol/pot around here, you tell me.
From what I gather it's just some standard "dictator's playbook" shit that flies openly in the face of politics these days because none of it matters and nobody cares any more.
South Park deconstructed American politics like twenty years ago, having one less choice between two choices doesn't even change the actual landscape of things at all when the two choices were already coworkers and complicit.
Oh also they want to ban the porn, and enslave women, and delete the word "gay" in the hopes that the concept disappears too so that's fun.
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On the upside it should cause a new punk revival to happen, nothing gets people angry and excited like being told they aren't allowed to do something.
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1019 days
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I recognize that artist. That's my homie.
Guess they are done with their art hiatus.
what the fuck, kingfag is going on a vendetta on all rouxls servers before leaving the internet
post details
I don't give a fuck what kingfag is doing so long as it isn't being done here.
Do you anons still write greens anymore or do you all just sit around and image dump?
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What are your families doing this July? Mine is barbecuing down on our land. I would have gone with them, but my medication makes me really hot, so they, and I, think I would actually die out there.
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its me, (You)
The thread personalities make sure to drown out any content so there's no point making any
I draw sometimes
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Oh no I'm a schizo now.
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Horrortale Undyne is best AU Undyne
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We're gonna chill in the
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perhaps invest in a sun hat
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i could hold a whole ted-ex talk about it, but i think that democracy is largely obsolete. ominous faceless internationalist investors rig elections and decide who you get to vote to, what ideas you get to hear about on the news and how you should be upset about them.

2 scenarios for democracy
>people are too stupid to vote for their own interest and would sooner babysit the entire third world than to establish a nation where its own citizens life a better life
>people are constantly lied to by media and cannot make an informed decision if all information is tainted (one thing i constantly see is emotional manipulation)

and no matter how you turn it, the answer is apolitical and violent and because it is violent whatever comes out of such rubble will be somewhat fascist in nature and democracy will be a memory.
>"Wenn der ganze Pöbel erst versteht was hier geschieht, dann hängt jeder mit einem Amtstitel am nächsten Fensterkreuz."

I am so sick of it, doomer.
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When you live in the south the heat will find you no matter what
Damn bro you can die from being too attractive?
That's rough :(
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>thread so fucked that we're already posting gooch.
Damn. Shit, I’ll slap a green together if you all got a prompt. It’s been years since I’ve been here, so I might as well try to give something back for all the fun.
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I get by with massive amounts of detached, disillusioned, dissociation and living an idyllic agrarian location somehow spared the usual poverty and despair found in rural communities. I will acquire land and animals simply to have something real and busy to keep my self distracted. Internet isn't going to be able to do it forever.
Status quo will drag out collapse in the worst and most boring and predictable ways imaginable.
I am beyond tired and disappointed in nature of reality itself, and even dank esoteric secrets of the universe only provide so much substance to life.
nah, people in here hate original content so much the actual authors and drawfags don't even bother anymore
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What creepypastas would your Fave be into?
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its amazing how far apart our opinions go, but then you say things i would like i could say about myself sometimes.

i wish you a lot of luck with your attempts, because the world can go under, but your corn will still grow.
Sans & Papyrus get isekaied into dark souls 1
Happy appy
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the fact this is this still up and puppetswap gets immediately shitted on feels so good somehow, gets hopes from the thread's taste
do not interrupt kraut and doomerfags gooning session or you will have bad time
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Much obliged for the luck, I'm going to need it to cross the barrier between fantasy about a better life in the face of this bitch of a world and taking actions towards obtaining it. Truly a noble hero's quest if there ever was one, or Don Quixote's ruse. Either way is fine with me.
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I got my goon sess in earlier when I was posting the e621 links that started this conversation.
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so this is what the thread has devolved into? an obsessive gooner that's probably jacking off right now and a failure of an "aryan" having a talk while all the others throw shit at each other like monkeys? what a miserable place.
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Why do you want to shut out of your life any uneasiness, any misery, any depression, since after all you don't know what work these conditions are doing inside you?
Why do you want to persecute yourself with the question of where all this is coming from and where it is going?
Since you know, after all, that you are in the midst of transitions and you wished for nothing so much as to change. If there is anything unhealthy in your reactions, just bear in mind that sickness is the means by which an organism frees itself from what is alien;
so one must simply help it to be sick, to have its whole sickness and to break out with it, since that is the way it gets better.
Kinda crazy that chapter 3 is supposed to be "frivolous" when the setting should really make it extremely important
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I don't know how people goon in the thread itself. You don't just wake up and get it over with? I can't imagine someone getting hard here hands free just by saying "ooh gotey butthole", but I know it probably happens.
He's being sarcastic, same as when he said Chapter 2 was "silly" when Snowgrave route exists.
ooh gotey butthole
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Under/Deez heavy nuts
you just wasted words on saying nothing, dude.
This thread was nice an hour ago because it was just someone dumping nice images of Asriel
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Bach is bitchin' but I'm also just generally a fan of the entire baroque era in general. Those Italians had some interesting direction and ideas as well to their credit.
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You don't say.
Leave Kraut alone, his girlfriend just got chased off the internet.
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all gotes are nice, post more nice goats
Genuinely so fucking true, the asriel with a ponytail one looked so nice.
It's impossible for the final boss(es) of Deltarune to be more anticlimactic than Shadow of the Erdtree
We all know the final boss of Deltarune is just gonna be Kris anyway
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At some point when enough chapters release we will be able to predict the rest of the story and the ending. And it will be a let down.
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Not bad.
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how sans was made
He still has doomerfags bussy for solace
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nice goats :D
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rule of thumb:
if the title has "moon" or "night" in the title, its a banger.
almost makes you forget the sorry state of the world and how much violence is necessary to fix it.
Post the best Deltarune fan music out there.
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Thank you, you too.
I giggle very immaturely at
every time
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gay goats
These are my favorites
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This one makes me feel like a king about to sign a document that's going to irreversibly fuck over an entire land and get some new maps drawn up.
And these just make me feel horny
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that's the good shit bro
I love fish
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It's shaping up to be a good thread.
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this one feels like watching a terrifying army approach, the earth quaking undernearth its power. i know the word gets thrown around a lot, but it does sound something epic.
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Ponder the gote
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agreed! :D
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I love that one, it gets used in many soundtracks seriously to great effect and referenced by nerds making pop culture references also to great effect.
plapable punderable gote nnnhhh~
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Even as a fatfag, I really like the muscles on that second one.
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He makes me want to smoke cigarettes again while also lifting weights and listening to something somber and thoughtful. I want to fuck and be that specific iteration of Asriel despite all the gay femboy I usually post.
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muscledudes are always hot

>I want to fuck and be that specific iteration of Asriel despite all the gay femboy I usually post.
based and same

okay i think those are the final e6 links i post today.

goodnight /utg/. i am going to bed now. cya laters.
man I'd looove to see that seifuku outfit but worn by child asriel so much~
even better if the whole bottom is visible
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Does anyone remember that anti-smoking PSA where they bisected one of the arteries in the heart and it looks like it was all clogged with butter inside?
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The earliest we can hope for a release is Undertale's 10th anniversary next year, isn't it?
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>self-titled "woman" gets booted
>thread becomes normal
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Goodnight gotebro, good goon session today.
now that you said it like that I'd like to lick that butter from some arteries, it would be hot.
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If I like this idea, does that make me a gurofag?
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>thread becomes normal
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This is the one I saw most frequently for sure.
Still smoked for six years before quitting.
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A good chunk of people I know quit mainly because it's too expensive and unlike some other drugs you are decently likely to quit the addiction.
Now I'm just waiting for the anti-obesity PSAs (mysteriously absent from television).
Only a little bit
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gote night
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I guess kraut loves the shotes too.
He always has, why do you think he has toddlercon saved?
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Hi gote
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I did plenty of drugs, including some hard and heavy ones for a time, and never got addicted to anything other than caffeine, cigarettes, and a very close line towed with alcohol that I keep in check by only buying it in small amounts and not hanging out at bars and having friends that don't drink much at all or it would be way more of a problem.
Quitting cigarettes only ever did finally happen because I was broke and the $1-$2.50 a day I was smoking was just not worth it compared to the same money going to caffeine which I have no idea how I will ever cut back or not rely on it anymore. I seriously love my morning coffee.
I bet Susie Deltarune has a real problem with caffeine and cigarettes too just based on her diet and general disposition.
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>Undertale Try Not to Save Child Porn Challenge
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just say no.
data can't be loaded into non-ram state without your affirmative consent.
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hiiiii unghh little gote boy wanting some pumps in the rump~
This but unironically
I'm gonna say it, the comic was pretty hot, specially the "smells like rotten glass" sexo scenes
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consider susiecide
We know, shillfag
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nah, berdly likes them "young" too.
or at least in a docile or servile state like man's best friend.

so he fucks anything too weak to resist or too dumb to say no.
Latino hands typed this
AND kingy in a warm tangy tummy wummy
Reminder that berdfag is a zoophile rapist and pedophile
Love is love, whether it’s gote or bird
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I want to be well
I'm not fucking around
I want to be well
I'm not fucking around
(well, I want to be)
I'm not fucking around
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>every thread mascot is having a emotional breakdown
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>Especially if their parents don't find out.
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Stay hydrate
>asriel after chara threw him into the pool
he writes poems on the clock
he wants children to suck his cock
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lmao gottem sick burn for berdfag
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i prefer to plap skeletons
imagine berdly spying on the preschoolers in school breaks
or saving terabytes of cubs in his drive
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>Now I'm just waiting for the anti-obesity PSAs (mysteriously absent from television).

Smoking PSAs work as a concept because the message is very simple: smoking is bad, don't do it.
Quitting smoking may be difficult but it's not complicated and has a clear end goal. We already exactly how many cigarettes the human body needs to stay healthy and have a fulfilling social life (it's zero) so it's a solved problem and we're just working on implementation.

Obesity is more complicated. There isn't a clear message you can push in 20 seconds that - if followed - would solve the problem because there are more options than just doing or not doing a specific activity.
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anyways guys how are you
i woke up without a hangover today which was nice
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I woke up tired but also not hungover.
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I think most fatties would lose weight through fasting. Or at least one small to medium sized meal per day. The thing is, they would rather use the ad spots to advertise weight loss drugs and make money from that.
Deltarune Cafe
>asriel after chara ran out of things to bet with at poker
Based Papyrus
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nuuu, again
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Asriel the fallen child falls into the human world.
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I eat my own blood and get filled up. I'll get filled up. I get filled up on me and
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How you would put that into a PSA?

Fatties can't fast forever or else they will die. There isn't a universally agreed upon standard for what constitutes a "small" or "medium sized" meal, or what the meal should contain.
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Fuck off birdshit.
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just like tangy and kingy in her tum tum YUM
I miss wojaktimmy
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Not him but I think the only thing that can help is if fat people stop being stupid. I've never seen a fat doctor, dentist, chiropractor or anything like that. Because they know how dangerous it is to chug corn syrup and vegetable oil every day
i don't.
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Guys, I'm starting to think the ANDasrielfag might be kind of a shitposter
Fave sells Red Mercury
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Corn syrupriel
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Fuck off.
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Democracy is just mob rule under another name. It takes the opinions of experts and successful people and lazy retards and judges them as all equally credible. Ideas are never truly debated, just tested for popularity, and the only winners are the mindless conformists. Of course it doesn't work. Hard to say what it should be replaced with though. I'd love to answer with "nothing, privatize everything and if you're good at making money you can vote with your wallet," but society simply isn't ready to exist without a central power. Everyone is too stupid and weak and too comfortable with being told what to do. If you were to somehow just delete the government all at once then there'd be a gaping centralized-power-shaped hole in it's place. Inevitably some random extremist regime would show up and give all of the npcs a new purpose to their directionless lives. Gradually reducing the role of government over time could probably work, we could eventually have a society where every niche once filled by part of the government is now handled by some form of privately owned business, but that would take a long time, and nobody has an attention span anymore. Everyone wants quick and easy solutions for everything.
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>lolbertarian berdkek is here too
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Asriel is filled with various toxic chemicals including Vinyl Acetate.
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AND a heaping bite of kingy
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I didnt make that post though and Asriel
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i like democracy
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I don't care what political faction controls the underground as long as I can keep eating.
Should we make an Undertale cult?
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gote supremacy
We all live in a Fave Submarine.
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new drawing
>if I add "lol" into the name of this ideology I don't like then suddenly all of its points become mute
would you prefer libertardian?
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and el pixel version
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What do you like about it?
if /utg/ dislikes it, it's good
I wonder if Sans would really allow 6bones to happen
To be sure he loves Papyrus a lot but he's also fiercely independent and smart enough to take a step back when he starts turning to goop
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there is a far-reaching problem in both liberal democracies and the most authoritarian empires.
I'd prefer a genuine attempt at debate.
what would happen if an amalgamate wasnt able to find other monsters to fuse with? would it just die? or would it just be a goopy version of the monster with impared cofnition
you mean kekxism-lolinism-lmaoism
It would just be a puddle of that monster you could put in a bucket.
The latter
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I think it'd just die
The whole reason the Amalgamate components turned to goop is because monster bodies don't have enough mass to handle Determination, the fusion thing is what gives them enough mass to survive
i like to imagine dusttales sans first few kills were him struggling to kill 3 froggits to get strong enough to deal decent damage
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imagine if people did this instead of the bread joke
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MOTHERS LOVE!!! *lets the children eat cookies before dinner so they have no appetite*
Oops, all diabetes
>drop kicks little girl through the field goal for an extra point
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
I hate kid characters
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is that the thing that turbo-vaxxed its kid into TES:Oblivion?
based and trust the experts-pilled.
what if you injected a dying human with determination
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Why don't you believe in science?
Kill yourselves you unfunny psychos
i mean
they may be combined with 3 other people each but alphys DID stop them from dying and they ARE still in there
Kill yourself just like you killed Kingfag
When will the heroes fight a buff dame tu cosita creature in space
I'm a lolinist
kingfag is dead? great!
* Smells like sauerkraut.
I agree, being an amalgamate is definitely a step up from dying. Downsides include:
- you're weird and creepy looking
- you share a body with a couple friends and/or relatives now
- ???

Take a look at some of the "normal" monsters, a few of them already have some of that stuff going on. You'll fit right in with zero issues whatsoever.
Americans will really believe anything to avoid admitting that communism is the way.
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- The white slimy texture makes for good sex.
Also the amalgamates are all invincible in battle which is pretty awesome.

(though Toby probably designed them that way simply because he knew you'd be playing at level 1 when you fight them and it seemed believable that a level 1 human child couldn't kill them and he didn't want to write an "aborted true pacifist" route for the 0.00000012% of players who have the patience to deal 1 damage a turn for 500ish turns.)
their cognition even seems to improve once their back with their familys
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i fully believe that the familys would have been happy with alphys if she had let them go once stuff calmed down
she brought their family back to life, no matter how fucked up they now looked
would you let fave suck out your boogers?
toby is monarchist
der underground is more like a peaceful anarchy in practice
It's got a king and had a queen.
whatever happened to kingfag after last night?
she had sex and fuck off
>in practice
She's going through an identity crisis and killed off her fursona after people posted the spite edit again
I think she's unironically suicidal and I'm scared
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
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gote night
right? I love making people off themselves for laughs!
who you think could be the next one? I have one drawfag in mind...
Why was this allowed to happen?
Fave Brand Beer
This is no laughing matter, anon.
Gasterchum lost, pretty bigly I’d say
Yet another L for the infobrokers
No I did not, the battle is not over. It will never be over until the murderers are banned.
Fave made the single worst trade deal in the history of trade deals.
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didn't the science say asbestos was safe?
smoking is not dangerous and thalimodid was given specifically to pregnant women?

iunno, man.
so when the science says drinking distilled water is bad for me, it means I should actually chug that shit
physics still apply to biology.
okay haha yes very funny post.
>life in Deltarune is still better than life in Undertale
i don't think this is what toby intends at all. undertale is downright saccharine after true pacifist. deltarune has more grounded, bittersweet circumstances.
>[science] still applies to [science]
We need to go back.
>b-but I don't like non-canon stuff! I need everything to be heckin' official!
Good. Get filtered.
ARUGHHHHHH PUPPETSWAP GROOMED MY ANUS!!&! *jacks off to tasque manager*
Oh, that wasn't science. "Science" would imply some usage of the scientific process. That was people with diplomas being paid to call things scientific.

No comment on current things.
I'm sad...
no post really on-topic from the kingfagsperged
>that wasn't real science, real science was never tried...
i hate to admit it, but i agree.
>anti-science and anti-religion
What’s this archetype called
Why are you trying to change /utg/ into /kfg/
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that is not a thing, is it?
I thought this really was just the average /pol/fag mold (no, tradcath larping isn’t being religious)
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you mistake the grifters (profiteers at the top) for the gullible retards down below.
some believe, some want to believe and some don't believe in conventional shapes of divinity.
the rarest of them are complete atheists, i believe.

i like how much of an expert you are on shit you don't understand.
Does that not describe yourself, or do you actually have some kind of faith?
dumbshit does not understand an indirect admission of a fact.

if i ask "do you have the water" implies i don't have the water myself and ask if you have it.
if i ask "that is not a thing" then i don't know a person that does that. myself included.

why are you fuckers so retarded.
i play tobysoft games!
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that explains a lot of the things that are wrong with you people.
Guy who got brainwormed by FUZZY CWITTERS and comes here every day postulates that this general might be abnormal
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they're the cutest when they are eternally suffering for someone else's crimes.
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>real science was never tried
Wait, do you really think that "science" is just a government propaganda thing? It pains me to do this, but I will have to resort to my non-undertale/deltarune-related folders to illustrate my point in an efficient manner. Excuse the wojaks and artifacting. Additionally, you can read this if you want a more in-depth explanation:
>games plural
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I already said i agreed.
The Halloween Hack doesn't count to you?
maybe you could tone down your inherent passive aggression next time
Ooh, is it pseudo-intellectual discussion time on /utg/? My favorite!
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I believe that's "guy who bases his opinions entirely on which soijak memes he's seen, who's seen both anti-science and anti-religion soijaks"
I thought this was the western furry general that I visit because I’m desperate for any general that panders to my fringe one-dimensional personality
>complains about passive-aggressiveness
>while being passive-ggressive.
the issue is that you interpret my text and every time you do it, you are wrong.
just read the text and accept it as such.
lucky me i'm not even smart enough to engage in it
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>I believe that's "guy who bases his opinions entirely on which soijak memes he's seen, who's seen both anti-science and anti-religion soijaks"
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What's wrong with fuzzy critters? Why is it bad to like them?
I LOVE fuzzy cwitters when they’re small and weak enough to overpower (my brain interprets them as real people)
Answer the question.
A pseudo-intellectual discussion on Epstein's Island, more like. I don't think there's a single person in that discussion that doesn't have at least one strange artwork or image of a little kid on their hard drive.
>Answer th- *turns into kid-sized butter*
Like... a butterdragon?
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You took my side, but you drastically misunderstood my point. I wasn't saying that "real science has never been tried." It has absolutely, obviously been done before, and civilization benefited from it. The computer you are posting from exists thanks to scientific advancement, don't take it for granted. The issue isn't that "science has never been tried," it's that people are gradually disregarding the scientific method in favor of their biases and schizophrenic delusions. Of course, people have been misusing "scientific" as a buzzword ever since the idea entered the mainstream, right alongside "healthy" and "organic" and "modern" and the like, you offered some good examples of that, but SCIENCE science, the art of using empirical evidence and logical deduction to uncover truth, is how people figured out that asbestos and tobacco was what was causing people to have health problems.
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it's been a bit since ive been here - how's things been? im afraid i dont really have a new image to offer, so feel free to have an oldie but a (personal) goodie.
So goddamn cute
Hope you've been doing alright
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I am so sorry on the behalf of anything you are about to experience.
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aww, thanks!
been hanging in there honestly - went virtually offline for about two months due to a move and only now just managed to get back online. Hoping to draw again soon, missed doing it. hoping you're fine too anon.

haven't kept up with the threads much, for obvious reasons - how've things been?
lol i dont mind, i just find it amusing really - happy to see things are still active here though. not even the second big deltarune content drought can stop these threads
kingfag died
i was under the impression that they hadn't posted here for years, honestly.
she really did off herself btw
>timmy sees fresh meat
Damn, again? Must be that time of the month...
timmy is desperate to find a new target now that the only person more annoying than him is gone
last thread
i retract my positive remarks.
Who the fuck is timmy?
she posted a vocaro of her pretending to shit herself and then posted a picture of her pet cat whiskers scratch on her arm deltarune
she also posted nudes
Whenever someone posts a wojak, it's really a picture of their own self.
the little peek of her belly just made me thing about what if it was round and full to bursting
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>Whenever someone posts a wojak, it's really a picture of their own self.
I've checked her twitter. Several edgy but meaningless posts from earlier today, a couple of them colorless ms paint vent art. One of them mentioning that she wants to switch to a new fursona since her old one is "tainted" now. Highly doubt that this is evidence that she's about to kill herself since she literally always acts this dramatic. She will appear again in a couple of weeks.
why is it tainted?
>jaktimmy looks like this
Because someone made a shitpost edit of that fursona having vored king.
tang isn’t dead…
she’s here with kingy…
right in my tummy!
and gasterbro will be next to join then…
*scuttles off into the distance*
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de facto ruler of the thread when kraut isn't here
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...that's it?
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Goat game, goat thread.
This really is just fantasy roleplaying
goats aren't worth shit anymore we all know the truth
you kneel to krautsie
king shithead of pain island. what an honor.
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you are wrong. you are that even when i am here.
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Goats are worth their weight in gold. And my goat weighs a lot.
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Goat stocks...
It's OVER...
it's confirmed by krautsie himself: timmy mogs kraut in the shitposting competition. it's over for krautbros and by extension gotebros.
I think shitposters outnumber normal posters at this point
Timmy, post the image.
How do you define "Normal Poster" on this website?
Ok, ok, less-shit posters then
kingfag isn't banned so let's summon her back
this is now a king x kaard and kingy x gorey only general
all women vore kingy, including tangy
spade king is meant for other men
spade king is afraid of hungry women EXCEPT queen
spade king will die in the weird route
rouxls and queen hate eachother, but he loves king
king x self shippers is never canon and never will be
king x any woman will never happen again
also, kingfag is fat and so is her fursona
Autists as opposed to sociopaths
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wojaktimmy is kingfag
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No, but he is Fobkun.
i'm gooning on non-undertale/deltarune porn, sorry
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Is there any evidence, any archives you want to post?
It's berdfag.
Has Toby ever explained the artistic choice behind adding incestuous undertones to Kris and Asriel's relationship?
add it to the dossier tasquenigger no bussier
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It's kraut.
Which Underrune character would you want as a roommate, and which one would you kick the FUCK out?
>making that image as a direct response to the original
Yeah you sure showed everyone.
it's like a firehose of shit
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>a janny does not review a complaint
>view posts and marks all offending posts he sees related or unrelated to the complaint and may remove them at will.

we live in your walls.
>the old brinny winny excuse
He's wojaktimmy, you're wojaktimmy, you're wojaktimmy, is there anyone in this thread who isn't wojaktimmy?
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Now am I become Timmy, shitter of threads.
fuck off blacked fetishist
don't be racist.
your fave loves black people in more than one way.
Every day in this general raises my disgust for favecore
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My goal this year for Independence Day is to be independent of this thread and stop feeling the need to check on it every fucking day when it's never worth the effort
None of this is Fave's fault
Kill yourself
BERDFAG ate kingy
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i love fave
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Seriously fuck off birdshit.
i mean i didn't know that being insufferable could be transmitted like a cough, but eating raw pussy makes you one yourself, i guess.
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Hopefully you'll start actually talking about the game once I do
your goal should be getting in an orange jumpsuit behind a cell with bubba sans for all the kiddy butthole pictures on your phone
if FBI agent smith is reading this check the discord of the guy i'm replying to
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This is blood on your hands. You fucking bullied a mentally ill woman to suicide.
You know that he'll just move on to his next target
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womp womp
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I think he'd just keep spamming and posting berdly himself to have something to shadowbox
Didn’t Kingfag talk about how Tasquefag tried to share Lancer gooner material
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Oh joy, now the Asrielpedos are getting in on the action
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Goofily abstain on doeburp.
what are your hopes for the next newsletter?
i'm genuinely starting to believe fobkun is timmy solely because they're both annoying and post at the same time
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Release date. That's all.
>kingfag died
>berdfag announced he's leaving on 4th of july
/utg/ is slowly but surely healing
wow me too
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papyrus tearfully explaining that chapter 3 has been delayed
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And yet the threads are just as bad as ever, if not worse. Almost like those two were the shitposters' scapegoats rather than actual problems.
this is yuge
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More Flowey
More Papyrus
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I mean the "berdfag" who spent all day 'trollin da goatfags epix style' and tricking people into clicking crow links has been dead for 4 months anyway. But I still feel the compulsive need to keep checking here even though I know it's bad for me (especially when I'm manic). I think the best thing to do is stop thinking about it daily and just pop in when there's actual news or serious developments, which it seems 90% of our posters from days of yore have already been doing
I'm just gonna miss the funny brelghey posting moments and stuff. It always made me smile. I'm sad that things here have gotten so bad, and that even after me dropping my shitass awful posting habits I still can't do much to help.
aw fuck i don't think the deltarune mods will work anymore with the new feature they're doing
what deltarune mods
People will figure it out
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This one.
fuck off
4 months abstaining out of 5 years of threadshitting daily is an incredible achievement, we all support you. one day it will be like 2022 again with kris and berdly and alphys blobs just like the good days.
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>day 120 of berdfag claiming he is done being a shitposter
That's the sort of thing you only have to say once, and then never post ever again.
Stop posting and fuck off birdshit.
I wish berdfag and kingfag would leave forever just so the threads get super mega slow and the remaining shitposters would have to cope
fuck i'm actually agreeing with fobfag right now
I agree with you but won't explain why
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Jesus Christ these threads have gone to shit
29 days until july ends
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Nice job samefagging fobby. Really convincing.
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Gote, any goters?
I'm sorry, but it's true. You keep on saying "Oh I'm done with the shitposting now haha" but then you keep on going. Not everyone that disagrees with a singular thing you do is muh heckin' fobbyfobbobfob. Grow up.
You really don't realize how many people hate you, do you?
That's not how it works, unfortunately.
When shitposters "win" in a general they just engage in stylized ritual shitpost combat with each other in their zombified thread for all eternity, uniting only to tear to shreds any hapless newfag who wanders in and wonders why there's so much shitposting going on
Fuck off already and die
fuck off goatgger
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Was it my bad breath?
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Yeah, that guy can be berdfag from now on. Fine by me.
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Fuck off birdshitter, you don't need to keep posting your retarded music lyrics either you stupid pretentious fuck.
the "edgy berdfag" is just another one of your dozen bipolar personas doe
Fighting in this judgement hall forever
I know you just reset
each time I beat ya'
But I'll always be right
back here to meet ya'
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Well, realistically, I can simply say "there's more than one of us, that was some other berdfag who promised that" over and over and since this is an anonymous website nobody can say for sure whether I'm lying or not.
>he admitted it!!! he's breaking his hecking vow!!!
Maybe I am, maybe that was someone else.
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Berdly is dead by the way.
fuck off deltafags
Some of you guys don’t even remember why you like these games.
lethal concentrations of autism in this thread right now
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Oh no no no no no, foolish fobby kun, that was a different berdfag.
I like gote and friends
it's a good thing all the shitposters are one person when i call them out and all the shitposters are different people when they call them out
There's only one left after the ESL one got ran out of the thread by the only Berdfag.
Why is he such a bully and mean person, anyways?
and asriel
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Yeah, some of us are empty husks driven only by a vague hatred for this quirked up blue boy.
the only shitposter is the tobyshill
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Stop embarrassing yourself berdshit.
Because this thread is hell, all of you are sinners, and I am your punisher.
what boots
she's wearing tights
ok i should go to sleep
what will berdplap do when he has to go to work on july 5th but he made a promise he was gonna leave the general
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God, it really is a bummer to think about though isn't it? I stop bothering with this place, but the edgy libertarian sticks around saying and doing the things he does, and the other guy just keeps saying "i tHoUgHt YoU wErE fUcKiNg OfF bErDpLaRp", and they just do this back and forth for all eternity until nobody can even remember what "berdfag" did and didn't do anymore. It's like the Goner Kid that says to imagine a world where everything is the exact same, but without you.
Most likely just continue to shit the thread for years at a time while pretending it isn't him and acting dumb every single time he is called out on his reprehensible actions.
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>embarrassing yourself
Embarrassing myself?
>embarrassing yourself
What, with anonymous posts? Posts that don't have any shred of my identity? You think I give a shit?
>embarrassing yourself
>Asriel and Pizzapants are friends
>Burgerpants holding Flowey in his hand in an official crossover
you and kingpoop (dead and buried and in my tum tum) never improved the threads anyway
what tights
she's wearing a jumpsuit
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He gets free food from him
can you please go away
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Proceed yourself directly into a snowgrave birdshit.
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It was never much, and I doubt it ever mattered, but I tried the best I could. Except for all the months that I didn't. But what am I supposed to say now?
spade king goes away in my digestive acids
The thread will not be at peace until all kingposter sympathizers have been filtered out.
Where did edgelord Berdfag even come from
Why do new people come here
This place hasn’t had content in YEARS (plural)
all 4 months out of 56 months of nonstop threadshitting
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is it true? will berdfaggot stop trying to find children on 4chan and instead pursue his career as a white unmarked van-driver in front of preschools?
this fucking SUCKS
Will you keep repeating falsehoods unprompted until noone is around to hear them but yourself?
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I've been here a while, I've just had a couple of bad days.
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when this thread crashes, i will find the rest of you on /trash/ and keep going.
>we could eventually have a society where every niche once filled by part of the government is now handled by some form of privately owned business,
that's still ending up as fascism for corporate benefit
That's how he functions.
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What's the deal with humans?
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the troon? he didn’t 41% yet?
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I almost wish I'd been a threadshitter for 56 months. Just being like "yeah, this was some mentally insane guy who came here and started trolling people for years" would be so much easier to take then what actually happened - namely that I was an innocent and kind and accepting poster circa 2020 that just gradually got worse and worse until the thread ended up with what I was at the start of this year. What a waste of time on this Earth.
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aw, regretting you didn't do more before people realized you were the one behind the years of trolling in these threads?
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You are not convincing anyone and you didn't convince anyone several years ago that you were not a massive shitposter and terrible person.
Fuck off berdfag.
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>independent businesses that you can hire to settle disputes or build roads or whatever = fascism
>central power that controls everything and demands fealty = not fascism
I don't think you know what fascism is.
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In all honesty it’s jarring how 1:1 you act like Kingfag, like this is remarkably identical to her stomping around for hours replying to any post calling her fat
So they got rid of kingfag, are in the process of getting rid of berdfag, who's next on the threadshitters' hitlist?
you're wrong if we can make it like 2022 i mean 2020 again i can be a good poster who appreciates kris and berdly and berdly
I regret everything that I am.
AND kingy resting in tangy’s tender tummy
It's almost like he is a massive Chris Chan with an insane family and he copes by pretending he has friends here despite going out of his way to be extremely unlikable. He couldn't even play nice with the singular other poster here that liked his shitty fave character.
Tasquefag did that to herself. Think she has a fetish for being groomed with how much she's approached older people while underaged.
>I am le regretful guyz
>*spams kerdly*
Berdfag is much better than Kingfag, don't lie to yourself
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You call us shitposters, and yet it is you who posts the same shit over and over. Curious.
It's crazy how insane he acts. His brain got completely berdbroken.
privatization associates with fascism as increasing monopolization occurs, as has historically been the case with industrialists
Is the kerdly spam in the room with us right now?
>What a waste of time on this Earth.
this should be a quote for all berdposting geg
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>clamydia is better than cancer
Bitching about ships being posted is literally Kingfag behavior
Kingfag and her fursona are thin because they're both skeletons rotting away in a grave.
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That's someone else. However just for the sake of inducing confusion I will also post krerdly.
Kingfag and her fursona are in my bum bum*
>says the jakspammer
/utg/'s pillars of the community only hates shipping when it contradicts who they ship
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Seriously consider fucking off birdshit.
You don't need to keep doing this.
Also never spend money on spiteful porn commissions, you have terrible taste and were getting charged absurd rates for low quality work.
>it's another "the heartfelt regretful moment i was having didn't mean anything i will go back to trolling and causing confusion i promised to stop doing so it looks less embarrassing that i wasted 5 years of my life" episode
Kill yourself
and asriel
He's acting really sad today just because he took an L right out of the starting gate this time.
>berdly is fucking disgusting
>kris cant stop cuming
these are the worst
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friendly reminder that berdfag is a zoophile
There's 4 fucking psycho shitposters all going ham right now, what the fuck is going on
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Great thread berdfag, good to see you couldn't let a single moment pass without you begging for attention again.
Take responsibility for your actions and leave.
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Isn't it beautiful.
>kraut abandoned his dying dad
>mintbrap abandoned his commission site
>berdplap and kingfag abandoned their entire families
>still no chapter release in sight
how much has this general destroyed and how much mental illness has it caused
they got STIMMIES STIMMIES STIMMIES for causing a suicide and are celebrating it
It's been like this for days
I think it might actually be over for this general
Why do you defend attention whores like berdfag?
It won't be over for this general unless it reaches critical mass and gets autosaged/trashed
Which is never going to happen again, at least permanently
Jannies do not care WHAT happens in this thread as long as it's SFW
so true berdgod
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AND kingy in the tum tum plum
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finally the good shit.
Bruh, YOU are the ones who are giving him attention, you've been spamming about him ALL THREAD
kraut in his tranny chaser arc?
is she still warm? i wanna uhh
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Imagine a thread without berdfag shitting, and a whole dedicated route of Deltarune without Berdly.
At least one of those things is real.
Kris Toing...
He's always been on that arc especially since he's a tranny himself
Guys, she hasn't been responding to my messages anymore...
have /?
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Well gee maybe we'd be a little less irritated if you would stop throwing around "caused a suicide" allegations over Kingfag's latest dramatic 1 week hiatus from the internet.
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my pronouns are "was/were" because i am a has-been.
>berdfag trying to get the thread moved to /trash/ again
he never threadshits btw
>Well gee maybe we'd be a little less irritated
Not him, but I fucking doubt it. You're always like that.
That's tasquebro
he's manicky wanicky today
this thread is the real homestuck 2. the shenanigans constantly on display are incredible.
We all know that burstfag takes off his trip so that he can post about kingfag devouring king anyway
I never read homestuck because Asriel isnt in it
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Hello again /utg/ and welcome back for soda review numbah 59!
Today, we have ASHOC Accelerator: Kiwi Lime.

It has a crystal clear appearance.
It has a metallic aroma to it, almost identical to the seltzer water drinks I reviewed in the past.
It has a painfully bitter taste to it. It taste just about the same as the True North, but with a few sweeter notes.
As for the aftertaste, it has a sort of murky gelatin-esque taste to it.
It contains 150 mgs of caffine, which is 37.5% of the 400 mg threshold stated by the FDA.
Like the last ASHOC drink I reviewed, this also has zero sugar and natural ingredients.

Overall, not a very good drink. The taste is simply too much to bear for 12 ounces. It tastes better than the swirl pop one, but not by much.
4/10. Naturally disappointing.

See you again tomorrow at 7 PM EST for the next review!

I had 3 bottles of Ramune planned for review, but I decided against it.
Thing is, I had tried them before, and they were not very interesting.
They're good sodas, but they don't really give me a lot to work with review-wise.
Yeah the marble gimmick is cool, and the small tidbit about it being from Japan is neat, but beneath that it's painfully basic.
So unless I change my mind, I'll have two sodas left to talk about.
I live in the /trash/, I just go here to take a shit.

and boy

am I constipated
Poor Berdbro, if he had avatarfagged as either of the faggoat twink duo then he’d be cherished as shitpost king of the thread
He would not survive with competition, it's why he had to cut down the ESL berdfag in his prime before he lost his position as berdfag #1
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Alarm Clock
A comic
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why must you post chicks with dicks so much.
they exist in real life you know and they are hella ugly.
>same guy who said >>484429798
I don’t follow
/pol/tard tranny chaser arc, he's in denial phase
Do you have a readily-accessible archive of previous drinks and reviews? It would be handy.
i like dicks in pussies and creampies.
all other things are tertiary.

i am a very simple person.
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>tasquefag posting porn
quick post puppetswap, porn or not Idc
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moar flow and frig
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everything i know about this actually infuriates me.
kino. post moar.
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That's an old image, and I don't think there is anymore from that artist, but I do have more kiddo/Flowery.
>clap clap clap
>plap plap plap
>brap brap brap
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Unfortunately, no.
However I do have a variety of sticky notes I've kept around for future reference, so I might just compile all the basic info into something.
i want to live here
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Day in the life of a true skeleton geezer
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thank you for this thread today.
it was great.
>Deltarune is banned during the middle of development
>Toby is found hung in his room
>Wearing a Spamton Neo outfit
>On his desk is a note reads
>"I was told I would become a [BIG SHOT] if told the world about peace"
>"I only found endless suffering within a world of [FASCIST BLOOD LUST]"
>Open on his desktop is multiple tab of reddit
How many times have you gooned to the Spamton rape comic
cool sans post
>fascist blood lust
you mean jingoism?
Spamton rape comic?

Where can i read that?
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“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.”
― Terry Pratchett, Jingo
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Because it was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.
And that's why we go to war.
>bigot hotel
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I love the Noelle in this :) i have it saved :)
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kiddo cuddlin
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...what is it?
Don't you have other things to do
I actively make time to go out of my way to make fun of people who enjoy these shows.
Snowdrake puts acid in Alphys cup ramen on her desk as a prank
Because I feel like bullying people over the internet who like a show I don't.
What do you want from me, an essay?
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ruh roh, did you do a undemocraterino?
did you do an antisemiterino by fighting back when a jew cleared out your neighborhood in palestine/lebanon?
do you have oil in your soil?

if any of these are answered by jews, then we bring democracy to you.
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Oh man I wish it was even close to being that complicated or interesting on a geopolitical level.
>Can we sell you a gun?
>Do you need a reason to buy one?
We are in the business of both, and we get high on our own supply.
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the current shitfuck in the east is just that jews pretending to be the other side and then opening fire on their own.
this is why their own military that had intel on the situation had orders to not fire on them or move in.
they created their own causus belli.

on the bright side: even leftists hate jews now for how fucking insidious they are.
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You're a teacher, and you hear Monster Kid, who is one of your students, trying to make a comeback to someone giving him the finger by saying, "If your finger had balls, it would be pregnant." What would you do?
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“Remember what you said before? A normal person with a gun will wind up doing something he never thought himself capable of? No one in this world can truly hold himself separate from violence. Guns are literally within reach of anyone. Sadly that’s where we put our faith, in bullets rather than human kindness.”- Koko Hekmatyar
Ladies and Gentlemen
Boys and Girls
It's the Trial of the Century!
The Fave Trial!
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i don't know what that means, but i hope you are doing well.
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It means I ship the anime girl from that anime and Nicholas Cage the arms dealer in Lord of War.
It's a very advanced level ship for proshippers.
What if fave got breasts implants?
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should a war profiteer really fall in love with a consumer of his products?
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This man could sell Spamton his own business.
a fucking warning
I frew up :(
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I was giving a warning for "ironic shitposting" when i complimented someone's fucking musical taste.
it was south-german church music.
mind you: not all the other shit i did and said, but that for this reason.
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They're both in the business of selling weapons, but the girl wants to take away air travel and satellites from the entire planet while also controlling global shipping logistics in the one two knockout whereas Nick is just backed by Uncle Sam's Walmart of Guns without being on an official payroll. It would be a spicy relationship.
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i haven’t been banned in 2 months since i bought a 4cuck pass geeeg
i wouldn't know. i never watch anime.
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You got done dirty, I wasn't even trying to post glorious German music to get kraut-senpai's approval or anything I have just always loved that particular piece of music.
I never get warned but sometimes catch a three day for responding seriously to someone else's less serious post or answering a question someone asked.
Pretty rare but even I'm not immune it helps to start rambling about how ralsei deltarune is a fluffy goat boy near the end of a particularly long post but I know I'm not really making it /utg/ approved by doing so.
I don’t get why open mouths have induced such a cognitohazard on wojakfags
they hate masks too because [thinktank-funded online disinformation] told them to
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>I don’t get why open mouths have induced such a cognitohazard on wojakfags
My last few bans were because I said "Trump lost" to somebody. It's hilarious because I do things that are far more ban worthy yet that's the one that always gets me.
>they hate masks too because [thinktank-funded online disinformation] told them to
I’ve never heard this before
I told you this and you didn't listen.

I used to be much more active as a threadshitter and I only ever got warnings unless I posted NSFW images.

Sometimes even multiple warnings in the same thread.
Is Kingfag actually dead I wasn't here
I know what this is from and i hate that do
Probably not.
Women are too pussy to kill themselves.
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let's hope so.
get more noided
No, she posted today on her twitter.
How do you know she has a Twitter? has she posted it here?
she's posted it here before but i think all of them are private now
some brave anons have infiltrated her followers though so they can bait here there when she retreats from 4chan
>When will the suffering end?
oh nonono
oh no king
This arguably sadder than her dying
>She got Thanos snapped
i thought this was well known already
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people here aren't very smart.
these people aren't "well-read" they have "media literacy", they don't have common sense or critical thinking, they "trust the science.

what the hell did you think?
Don't make another thread
>word salad
>Kraut OP
I hope nobody complains about this or else I'll have to complain about them complaining
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oh no susie
This seems more and more like a raid all the time
cry about it to the jannies nigger
So I guess that's a yes, then?

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