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Previous: >>484337386

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)

Everyday I get closer to downloading this game, but the gameplay looks really bad.
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>zzz is the most pre registered gacha of all time. all the industry analysts project that zzz's first week will sell more than genshin 1.0 and star rail 1.0 combined
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Changli my beloved!
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Not long now bros
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>zzz's first week will sell more than genshin 1.0 and star rail 1.0 combined
Arent they giving out 200 free draws?
If you dont get the 5 star with just those then how horrible are the rates?
0.0001% chance?
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Good for them, genuinely. Now go back.
>ctrf+f zzz
>3 results
>7 posts total
This ratio isn't looking good
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This game looks better than HSR. It's over for Mihoyo
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>Selena picture
>absolutely abhorrent post
every single time
You should know by now that 100 of those are standard.
I don't think Changli can save us in July bwos...with the super long patch...we're gonna get rawdogged in all three holes by hoyo...
Which way, straight men
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Idk how anyone can like that game. The game constantly spinning shit around is incredibly nauseating to look at.
Is this legit? I finally watched that show a few months ago and loved it
Gimme Mami
>furry game
Sorry, different target audience >>>/vg/zzz
At least 1 year from now
any male rover on female rover action?
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Post rovers!
Please tell me this game is dead because I'm tired of killing Jue for the 192th in hopes for a fucking Crit rate main stat.
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Hews made some
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Invest in Jinhsi or Changli
Full homo banners/update incoming.
>b...but Zhenzi is a woman
No he is not retard
It was almost perfect
'luv evil women
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Sorry bwo this is the official zzz waiting room
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does Changli work with Jinhsi or Jiyan? I'll still pull her for SEXO but I'm retarded when it comes to team comps
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Jinhsi, my beloved.
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Wuwa bros we won
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You can shill it in hoyo threads instead.
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Just found Jihnsi inside that cave
HOW FUCKING LONG until I can farm her fucking boss?!!!
Materials locked behind story is fucking cancer. This is pure Genshin crap
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Realistically, how hard will it fuck us over?
hoyochads run this thread thoughever
2 more hours bro
>This is pure Genshin crap
Even genshit lets you fasttrack boss mats now bwo...
hsr > zzz slop
1st time seeing Her i thought "shes cute" but i didnt feel like i would pull her if she became useable
But the more and more i saw her tight dress and perky side boobs i decided i must have her
It will fuck us as hard as the mc girl got fucked in Metamorphosis
not much
open world puzzle/collectors and whatever ZZZ is have very different audiences
You're gonna have to go through yet another cave before you unlock the boss mat fight.
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As long as it gets a high crit damage roll, it would be all be worth it.
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The game was confirmed in the beta to be genuinely bad therefore it will most probably flop when people realize that. Give it a week or two.
>no cr/cd rolls
its a brick and you know it too
HI3 is a flop, bro, even when they tried to reignite it with a part 2. Hoyo isn't guaranteed to create gold.
>tfw (You) will never be able to grab her by the Twin tails and plap away
Reality is cruel bros
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I want Changli to bully and tease my tiny penis with her massive tits
Tell me a FACT about your favourite character
the wheels are spinning..
I'm 26 now and unironically feel like I'm getting too old for gacha.
Wuwa is the only gacha I currently play, and I'm just enjoying the story and combat. The me from 2 years ago would've hopped the second ZZZ released in order to chase dopamine.
Nah, bro. I have plenty of crit rate already. I'm only fishing for crit damage + good stats now. As long as I get around 20%, I'll end up with 70/280 43311.
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At the end of the day all video games but Gachas especially are time sinks and we only have so much time. So just play whatever you think will give you the best experiences to think back fondly on
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woah woah woah woah
It's name is Curiosity!
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Over a minute off for the 2nd star in each chamber - pretty sure that's my limit.
Jesus fucking christ.... I just have half an hour
fuck wagie life
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Yinlin has arrhythmia
I got 11 just fine on right tower with a purple weapon, bro. Surely, your whale ass can do better.
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Who are the worst hoyo shills? Giggers, ziggers or honktroons?
For me it's honktroons > giggers > ziggers
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Jinhsi is a squirter
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Why no one likes Yangyang
Changli is a bird
Pure sex
Pretty much yea, the days of infinite university time are gone.
Changli is my hotwife
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Chixia's real name is Ma Xiaofang
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if your using jinhsi it might help only using her for 1 floor of the middle tower and having her clean sweep 2nd tower 4 instead
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I like her
I like her voice, i like her pantyhose, i like her tits
I will build her when i can
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I do though
Get plapped yapyap
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We could have a better furry than ZZZ if Lingyang were female
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Next region's collectibles will only be collectible if your Chixia is Intimacy 5
>jinhsi is not powercr- ACK
those 2 uncles take good care of your wife
just use dreamless
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Changli has a 4 digit body count
My pet saved her life
July 4th Kuro will have a rude awakening. That the open world genre is so 2020.
This, she's annoying and ugly. Wuwa would be a better game without her.
made for lovey dovey mating press
God i cant wait for mods to be a thing
>Remove jacket around her waste
>Maybe a subtle hair mod
Pure sexo
Changli is pregnant with my children.
where the fuck are the new characters
I need confirmation that it's a skip patch so I can finally start hoarding resources and build 3 teams
Who's the father?
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Neither Fake-Sephiroth nor Havoc Rover can 2 star it.
Ye, Jinshi can 3star right side but I'd still end up with only 26 stars.
Me nta
Encore has the smallest amount of I-Frames after dodge as well as Verina
Thus Encore bros that can actually clear content are the best skill wise
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comfy winter camping edition
More than 1/2 of those "free" pulls are standard and you need to do everything in the game to get them, it's a marketing stunt. It'd be identical to if Wuwa said the game gives you 3 5*s and 180 pulls "for free" in 1.0 It's true but you need to do everything in the game to get it.
I don't believe that it's the most pre-registered gacha ever either, there's barely any buzz about it compared to HSR and especially Genshin around their release. Pre-registration numbers are often made up by developers, I'm sure Kuro lied about how many pre-reg Wuwa had, too.
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This guy
No, she is a carry herself. You can use her with Encore if you really want but she'll want her own team for herself.
>cold all around
>nice fire
Comfy as fuck
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How do i get out of here o.O ???
I do know that I am breeding Camellya on sight.
did you just fucking dox me bro?
Aalto is so lucky
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I dropped everything else for wuwa and it’ll be my only dedicated gacha for a long time, nothing else interests me genuinely
I let him watch, yes. Least I could do for my bro
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Nvm i found it.
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Verina abuse
Anyone else saving the mountain until Changli?
Pregnant Verina would be so hot ngl
Juan, el general verde
You will get bored in few months
I uninstalled Genshin finally yesterday so I'm focusing most of my retardwhale bux into Wuwa but Star Rail is still my favorite gacha right now.
I've dropped a lot of gacha this year, including Granblue which I've played for 10 years and it's a little sad to let it go, but whatever.
>devs fixed Jianxin's boob jiggle
doomposters in complete shambles
This but with my cum headed for her womb.
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>my favorite gacha is star rail
Fuck this inc*l game
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Sorry sis, maybe zenzored zlop zero will be more to your liking.
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Dont forget a free 5* weapon. Genshit could never
Someone should make a shitpost about how we got Jianxins booby nerf reverted but Hoyo didnt give a fuck when Rosarias titties were massacred and fans complained
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not to dunk but you should really,REALLY read the fine print on these things
I miss that HIM poster bros where the fuck is he?
I'm not into ryona but Crownless fight would make a pretty good ryona doujin imo
It could feature Jinhsi majestically appearind ans using her deagon ray on Crownless only for him to punch her in the stomach and have her vomit
Then he could start kicking her, turning her arms and legs into a deformed mess
The final panels could show his uppercut combo destroying Jinhshi's cute face, knocking her teeth out and smash her skull with his finisher stomp attack
The last panel could show Jinhsi's brains scattered on the floor
hey bro at least you let go, I'm a week 1 FGO player and I still can't let it go despite not enjoying as muich
game is too problematic
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Are you gay?
>shirtless six packed men showing off their body is alright and nobody bats an eye
>women having sexy bodies and boob jiggle, everyone(femcels) lose their minds
stop being a disingenuous retard, everyone knows if it was the opposite the twitroond and fujos would be praising this game
>it was a bug
I kneel
>retard falling for obvious bait calling others retard
Uhhh monkbros? Why did she take off her bra again?
I don't know if it was really a "bug" and they tried to stealth censor and thought no one would notice and walked it back, or it was really one
either way,I guess we are like BA where we have iron grip on the devs balls now
I was just fucking around, because that retard kept spamming about it being permanent
you know what they say, fuck around and find out
I was one who shitposted about censorship in this game and how this was the start of a slippery slope. I was wrong and I kneel ot Kuro.
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>"Genshin Killer"
>24 days
>Flops instead
>I guess we are like BA where we have iron grip on the devs balls now
Yes but unironically
Game flopped in China so Kuro must lick our global balls clean now and say "thank you mr. Hairy european man"
10 free weapons banner rolls WHEN?
few days bro
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Again, if it to actually censor it they would have done the character screen jiggle to. It's more likely files got fucked in the update and they just reverted them.
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Showing off muscles has always been a display of power and not sexual, there’s no value in women being whores
>tacet field rewards are the same for UL50 and UL60
but enough about pagfly
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Should I buy the chest for danjins sword #18 or should I just wait a week to see if I get another weapon mold?
I mean yeah, if BA needed gooks to survive the game would be dead, it's completely kept alive by nips and Global to an extent
>download game
>try to look at Baizhi's asshole
>camera blurs the characters
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>female character with saggy tits
i thought bugmen are soulless is Kurogame the only one with patrician taste
she should be presenting these to me on her knees, naked dogeza style
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At least they don't wear old lady bloomer
tell that to all the femcels that went to see Aquaman just because of Jason Momoa's muscles or all the females that watched Witcher cause of Henry Cavill
Fireflop xisters...
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Where's everyone? Why did you all leave for ZZZ?
After months with each other, I thought we were friends, how could you do something so cruel...
>6 weeks of no content
it's so fucking rover
If it was censor why the fuck would they only do to Jianxin are you retarded
This was 100% a bug
why is Madam Magistrate wearing assless chaps
Baizhi's has sentient tits though, look at her in the stats screen
Why did Flopfly lose to a Dyke?
Does lesbian spend more than straight males?
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I totally forgot this meme, holykek I even got her constellations and mint picked for that stupid dragonspine spear for her because it was the most aesthetic (with the mats that's only found in the stupid mountains and you can only mint pick a handful everyday so you have to return when it respawns a couple of times), only for mihomo to nerf her boobas to the ground. Uninstalling Genshin Memepact after patch 2.X. concluded was the best thing I've done for myself in recent years. 2nd best was probably not falling for the HSR meme when it came out.
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>all these doomposting
are we being raided
It's more aerodynamic, makes her float easier
Do you need her to clear the tower now/do you want to play her now with a better weapon?
Longterm the craftable weaopns are worthless so I don't think there's really any reason to not mold the one you need as soon as possible.
From an historic point of view, sure
But nowadays that doesn't apply anymore and you have to be disingenuous to think it still does
hey you can't blame me for thinking devs could be trying to fuck around with the players, call it mihomo bias
Saved my pulls from day 1 and got a 25% coinflip winrate in notAyaka's banner FUCK kusogames. I'm gonna try ZZZ out because of the katana girl I've been seeing around.
To be fair the Genshin censorship was probably forced on them by the CCCP but I have no idea why ZZZ get censored, especially if that titty nun character gets released with the same design and jiggle as the leaks. It literally makes no sense.
My nigga. The same with me.
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why is jinshi not going up? did wuwa really went downhill after 1.1 and the new bugs?, im worried changli is not gona carry this game for an entire month bros, 1.2 is in 2 months and has no new region according to the leaks.
>straight male
>still playing any mihomo game, period
its over
If she sells less than the walking abortion I'll never stop shitposting about it
the katana girl will not be available at launch tho iirc you will have to wait for her banner
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Lick my toes rovaw~
Oh hey the indog is back
I thought you hang yourself after the revenue chart LMAO
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>more free shit
kek yopur game is already dying LMAO
The electro pork...
The hydro buddypoke...
ZZZ was originally advertised as 16+ but after the CBT they censored everyone and went to 12+
mind you that 16+ would be higher age rating than Nikke
something definitely happened in the backstage
It's unreasonable to expect a new region every patch, Genshin often goes 1-2 patches between area updates and the area updates after the x.0 one tend to be relatively small, taking only a few hours to fully explore.
We should instead hope for better QoL changes or better events. Wuwa's events are garbage and they're somehow even worse than Genshin's, but if they can release an event like some of HSR's better ones (Pokemon, Ghost Hunting Squad) it'll be enough to keep people interested.
However, I fully expect 1.2 to be a skip patch with mid 5*s nobody wants (males), no fun events and a dip in revenue.
?? why would he hang himself wuwa got outsold by genshin by 20 million
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New bug where they make Jinhsi's tits smaller when
>1.2 is in 2 months and has no new region
And all MALE banners
It's fucking over
You are aware that the JP loves Genshin right anon?
Kuro always gave free shit anon, it's the same in PGR we even get free characters and skins, you think they gonna change their approach?
It's not jewhoyo.
This CCP argument falls flat because at the time those changes on Genshin came out, AL was back to pumping giga coomshit after getting actually reported to the CCP by Arktrannies mad at swimsuits.
You would think the company being directly reported to the government (manjuu) would be the one censoring instead of the company who had no reason to self censor (mihomo).
>CN suddenly matter now after Global flopped
Lmao do Genshitters really?
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first girl was better
lingyang sisters, not like this... air combat is supposed to be our specialty...
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invest in rotten meat
not every patch but patches folowing .0-.3 at least should be one, the no region patches come on the dry content post story of the region never before it on hoyo games, from today standards, wuwa should not keep comparing itself to genshin on release because is competing with it now and zzz.
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Genshin could never
to be fair, Manjuu has their HQ in Japan cause they fled china so AL can pump out coomshit all they want
granted the CN servers get a lot of censorship still but nothing on the level of mihomo
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don't fight, post more.
every femRover's hole is our goal.
we goon, we game
we shit on zzz till it's a dead game.
If they make her tits any smaller her chest is going to be concave.
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Wait a second.
If these sales charts only show mobile revenue and WuWa is mostly play on PC whats the point of all these revenue gacha monthly wars?
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>CN suddenly matter
is literaly the only metric that matters for everyone because flopping on the country of origin is bad, westerners jump shit as soon as the new thing comes out, asians are loyalists if they settle on one game, are you a new fag? CN has always been the important revenue
There's nothing to do in the game..
They change a flag in a file and the censorship quite literally doesn't matter.
>matters for everyone
Who's everyone? Are you a dirty chink?
Eh I would take fewer areas if they are more polished/packed with things, I'm definitely enjoying Firmament more than Dragonspine
>he rolled for s6 jingjong
>not saving for s2 chingchong
>teaming his wingwong with pingpong and not shangshong
When will we get non-bugman names?
The CN servers are actually only superficially censored. The official account of AL itself posted a circumvention method to uncensor the game.
What’s the point? These revenue wars are an Indonesian national sport, don’t insult their favourite event.
i mean wuwa got a buff too from them making android sales as big as ios, wuwa having problems on android made sales there flop to a third but they count them like it was a hoyo game
genshin characters are just so much hotter than wuwa
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oh no no no xister, don't make them post genshin models again.
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No, Genshin often has patches early on without any new areas. 2.0 had new areas in 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 but 2.3 had nothing.
Sumeru had updates in 3.0 and 3.1, but no further updates until 3.4 (3 months of no new region).
Fontaine, like Inazuma, had updates in 4.0-4.2, but nothing in 4.3.
I'm not disagreeing that they probably should have paced the content better, but the reality is if they had decided to release 1 area every patch from 1.0-1.3 it's likely that 1.0 itself would have been smaller.
The game needs better permanent/replayable content and events, not more exploration IMO. Evenn if 1.2 added a new region, most people will UL by late 1.1-early 1.2, at that point they need more replayable content since character building slows to a crawl after you get the final level cap.
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And that's a good thing!
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Licking Jinhsi's all over...
Impregnating Jinhsi...
this needs to be updated with the different versions of her lib too.
everyone as in fucking everyone in the gacha sphere, gachas always make half of the revenue in china and the other half in the entire world combined, china is below 3 countries for wuwa, is known that indos and americans jump ship from them thats why CN revenue matters that much, chinks are autistic simps carrying the games.
seaniggers needs these revenue charts with made up numbers cause treating companies like football teams is all the hapiness they have in their lives after coming back from their sweatshop jobs
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How do i complete this
>all day sweatshop work
>women rather fuck foreign tourists
not disagreeing but autistic echo farming is one of the reasons the gooks are playing Wuwa cause they enjoy the mindless grind
ironic when the west successful mobile games are candy crush and sports shit making more money than gachas, the west is even more braindead than asians
Thank you for keeping our thread alive saars we’re going to need it
>gachas always make half of the revenue in china and the other half in the entire world combined
Not anymore, Wuwa is a white man game, CN is 2nd class citizen.
Don't spend? Your lives doesn't fucking matter. Keep coping stupid chink lmao
>esl chink bugman trying to argue
Just stop dude. You're making yourself look worse just by typing.
>2 days after revenue post
>People still talking about mihoyo and revenue chart instead of filtering and reporting
This general will never stop the rent free, huh?
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lmao so this shit flinging are indog again another indog, i ony found out that this country with 270 millions population exist after the vtuber craze, what i found funny the most with that population they hasn't contribution anything to the world.
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Bros what should i be farming with waveplates UL30 - 40?
I already have my 2 teams leveled up and got there priority skills upgraded
Is it wiser to pre farm more skills mats or ascension mats? Or should i stock up on character/weapon exp.
I hear credits becomes an issue later but not sure if its wise to farm at my current level
sister japan and indos are top 3, thats not white men, japan is the top revenue in wuwa and even there it flopped compared to slug and floprinde, both yinlin and jinshi are making less in the biggest wuwa country, is literally sensor tower freezing the revenues because the jp site shows them flopping, sensor tower suposedly takes the stats from there you can check it by yourself, wuwa is 10 places below genshin rn.
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Do not lewd the magistrate
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So...this is not a Mihoyo game. Do you think that eventually we will get summer skins?
so what's your cope that CN is the weakest link of the chain, meanwhile Global is the one paying the bills for Kuro? your jade like beauty going to the filhty gweilos side cause they have the money sounds like a NTR plot
JP are honorary white since they're basically US bitch desu
Keeps blaming SEA lol, holy rent free
I've been farming ascension and wep mats. I'm on the cusp of UL50 though.
PGR fags said kuro indeed has summer events with swimsuits and X-Mas event so we can hope
>Not the shitposting thread hopperfags replying to themselves
This is not a problem of only this thread, but /vg/ as a whole being controlled by discordtrannies.
You prefarm all the ascension mats you estimate you'll need then make a rotation of shells and tuners/echos. levels > .weapons > skill levels
i mean what argument do you have? calling me a chink is not as smart as you think it is, you are not countering any argument now "white man" we know brown hard are typing those, you know whats ironic malding this much about chinks while playing a chink game with full chink character names am i right yinlin jinshi changli.
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>I-It's not us i swear!
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>p-p-please care about my made up number
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>my gaming chinese company make more money than your gaming chinese company!!
I still don't get it but ok
I play lots of gacha and browse multiple generals, I just want to discuss video games.
This general literally feels like a fucking broken record for the last two days unlike any other place.
... yeah "white" mans game
Can we get some real endgame content or?
Doing abyss again isn't very engaging.
and they keep pretending chinks are the worse thing while playing their chinese games, they know the west has nothing rn, even elden ring is eastern.
This thread is the endgame content bwo
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Cowqi's soft pillows...
I WILL lewd my wife
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hi wwbros
Unfortunately shitposters refuse to fuck off, especially when they keep getting attention. I expect it will be worse whenever ZZZ actually releases.
>too poor to afford a legit sports team like football/volleyball
>too dumb to make any major research institute
>their women whore themselves to foreign tourists instead of them
it's the only competition they can partake
bro u the one who's malding cause people doesn't suck chink dick like you lol
Go tell your master to spend more then maybe you will have a point
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Only Taoqi, Danjin and Baizhi companion quest can save this game now (nobody cares about Chika)
Does anyone know/cares if android has controller support now?
thanks for the advice bro
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trully the white man game huh
Pretty sure neither iOS or Android have it
Dunno about you, but ZZZ also got shitposter too but they died down fast and stop for couple threads.
Star rail is in snail mode in the last couple weeks after wuwa came out so I'm guessing most of the player already moved on to this general and stop playing.
Genshin just seething about new end game mode filtering them instead of revenue shitposting nonstop.
Indogs can't ever beat the allegations... I swear those SEAniggers probably have a tranny discord server, that's how they brigade the threads on /vg/ and on reddit. How tf are we getting rid of this indog menace now
>Google search = revenue
Not very smart huh
go back
huh, I swear iOS already had it, and they said 1.1 they would ship android support
Maybe I'm just insane
Bros, how come we don't have as many E?
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hi livlov
why would you even further nerf an irrelvant character's boobs year after release?? if it was problematic it would've been nerfed from the start. Mihomo female employees are truly pathetic, imagine seething with jealousy over 2d boobs.
posting my reddit screenshots to epicly own the gigers
>2. Future versions will support "Controller Mode" on mobile devices.
No idea what version that will actually be
They are doing the same with vtubers. There's a dedicated general for them to jerk off to youtube ccv, revenue, subs count, etc. It's a genuine mental illness
that faggot is full of shit Wuthering Waves has 2 E Genshin impact has 1E and Honkai Star Rail has 0 E
Made up chart for shitposting
i didnt say revenue, you pretend wuwa is the white man game and literally shows the interest is from sea people lmao not even a single western country in that top on searches
Robot fucker here, PGR launches 2 to 5 skins per patch but so does HI3 and GI didnt follow this part of their previous gacha
Also, if Yin Lin really is inspired by Vera then she is extremely weak to anal
The same reason they changed
and Rosaria's entire outfit after censoring her tits.
I find it hard to believe it was actually the CCP when other games get away with a lot worse constantly.
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>Star rail is in snail mode in the last couple weeks after wuwa came out so I'm guessing most of the player already moved on to this general and stop playing.
>Its true
Dear God, this place ruined by 4 niggers in a row trannies.
/vt/ exist because of them
>retard think google search interest matter
>not the spending
desperate huh
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what the fuck jinshi came after their banners and already this low? how is firefly still going this high, is almost ending already, did japs betray us?
>>Star rail is in snail mode in the last couple weeks after wuwa came out so I'm guessing most of the player already moved on to this general and stop playing.
I mean their game only takes 3-5 mins to finish dailies, they dont even have to stop playing HSR to shitpost here desu... They have all the time in the world because of lack of gameplay
tell me what is the main white man country spending? the top is jp then is burgers which aint white anymore and then koreand/indos, the game is literally sea like i said, if you think americans are carrying this you are delusional, is japan and even there they are buying more from hoyo
Nah it's just SEA hours again.
retardbro genshin is huge in japan and most of them play on mobile or PS of course wuwa is not going to perform the same over there.
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>xhe is still trying to push this shit
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>goes to sleep
>woke up
>check the thread.
>people still not stop talking about revenue
>america doesn't count!
Haha holy shit desperate as fuck
I am pushing my dick into Jinhsi's pussy.
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Can't be the case because any other gacha games would've also censored their game if it's CCP mandated
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>funally UL50
>everthing expensive af
>drop rate is still mediocre
fucking hell...
not loong enough
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They are smart enough to play hoyo who is historically against ccp.
They are smart enough to not fund chinese warship.
Jinhsi has a butthole. Yep. And she uses it. Every day. Yep. How does that make you feel?
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>lol inserting indos with the koreans
stfu you indogs dont spend jackshit in gacha for a country of over 270 million
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i can save this game
Thanks anon, I can see why I had the confusion now
The new ice doggo will be absolute cancer in tower
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>historically against ccp
>join the party
lmao delusional
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Sex with elf!
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dicking is only allowed after marriage
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How many days I must wait until we can finally talk about the game content in peace again?
We got married at the top of mt. firmament.
Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? SEA players might be the majority, but most of the money definitely isn't coming from them
2 days so indogs can fuck off to their furry game
my lignite like beauty...
he posted a giga chad meme from reddit. Dont take the dumb ass zoomies seriously
I thought those are genshit people who keep posting revenue shit.
Why is Sanhua doing that smile thing with her fingers? IT MAKES ME WANT TO PIN HER DOWN MATING PRRSS HER AND FORCE MY TONGUE DOWN HER THROAT
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This young master already took Madam Magistrate's primodial yin.
What's the differences?
Look at some of their faces. Clearly uncomfortable with the situation
RIP China bros
the fact that a kuro game is able to get number 3 and just behind hoyoslurp is a big achievement
most giggers said they don't care about furry game.
it is a furry game, right?
balls deep in madam magistrate
it's over...
stats exist you know, indogs compose a huge part of the global revenue, like 14% which is like 3-4 i dont remember if it was them or koreans but they are very close, japan carrying 30% by themselves
The zombie lizard girl can't be this hot
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where the fuck are they then? >>484368698
>brown butthole
not my magistrate
Jinhsi I can explain
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i can't beat the bird in time
You mean these stats? lol >>484368698
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that's Chinese thing, its proof tha she is mandated of heaven

It's literally just ONE nigger trying to farm(you). Ignore and report
Stop using the brick and invest in YuanCHAD
Gomen, Jinhsi.
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I saved her life, so now she owes me sex.
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>bro trust these stats i pulled out of my ass
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All me btw
I did it
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Do you think Wuwa will create a cloud version like Genshit?
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We are married, she proposed to me
I will play hsr when I wanna play 4 niggas gachaslop
I will play wuwa if i wanna play open-world gachaslop
I will NOT play ZZZ
there's no reason for female rover to have that big of a butt
Jinhsi is carrying my seed.
Okay fine I'll give it a try and pre instal...
This ain't even open world game just WTF?
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loli Jinhsi > hebe Jinhsi
I remember testing the free version, the latency is pretty good.
Phone is 18gb
Its just bloatware I think
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Yeah me. She uses it everyday to pleasure me and it makes me feel good.
for comparison, Witcher 3 is 50 GB including all the dlcs that gives over 40 hours of content both
meanwhile ZZZ is an arena action game that you can't even jump lol
also DMC 5 is 35 GB
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Main game: Wuwa
Side game: HSR
Pump and dump until AP: ZZZ
It's just that easy
Yes is it 100% true. A PMMM mobage game just entered EoS but they announced new PC and mobile game couple months before that and today we got trailer.

This time game will also have global release and JP one at the same time.
Jinhsi's fat zombie lizard ass.
thats it im pulling out my ads
Stop posting porns reeee
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It's censored, you can't see anything. It's fine lads.
my white bocchi can't be this sexy...
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corn posting always keeps a general in check

post more corn
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So now that the shitpost is over.
What do you want dev add to Wuwa in the next survey?
For me it's
>More loli
>Better events
>Improving echoes drops
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>its true
fucking real...
and exactly as i said they are already jumping ship, muricans were 2nd and indos were there with koreans, amazing how fast they jump ship huh? last month americans were doing near japan revenue
Just treat it as pump and dump and uninstall it when 1.2 come out
That's what i'm doing
Make some actual use of the god damn hot springs.
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I can clearly see everything!
>worst rewards at 60
Im gonna be honest with you, I expect it to flop
not because of gachawars or some gayshit like that but because it has no audience, aesthetic or gameplay wise
sure it will do great in its first month because of mihomos name but I doubt it will stay top for long (if ever)
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Please no gook Yapyap I don't want her to /wuwa/'s gook Ako
Fix the fucking targeting already
If on a patch they don't release a new area they better give us a proper event.
Make echo tuning less cancerous.
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it goes to 56 after install btw, the cost of making npcs and characters all different and have different skeletons
thats not how gamedev works lmao
Housing would be fun, not sure exactly how they will get it to work though. I just want Changli and Jinhsi in my bedroom.
They need it for all 8435672 gorrilion smears of their forced animations, prease understand
>the cost of making npcs and characters all different
So is wuwa
Mihoyo just sucks at optimizing, hoyoslopers just too much of a bitch to admit it
>Let you use useless echoes as fodder to level echo.
And fuck off with the housing shit. I'll just stay at the girls' places.
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for me it's
>sweep like in PGR
>remove boss cooldown
>crafting right from the menu
>stamina bank
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You cannot do that here!!!!!!
yeah I wanted to check it out but fuck that shit
this aint gta 5 what the fuck are these niggers doing?
make more random battle between npcs
>just saw a bunch of monkeys fought each other to the death.
You have no power here
>remove boss cooldown
Nyooo my shitposting break
damn bro
what's next? normal maps also cost disk space? oyohim quality right?
>anon post porn
>seamonkey stop shitposting
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You are just a lewd girl Danjin, that's why you see sex in everything!
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they need to give a lot of QoL with the UI and camera first anon.
>improve echo recycling, let is recycle by the dozen
>allow us to rank up weapon syntony level by 5s
>improve camera, maybe give it an even more zoomed out option
>improve tacet field drops, either they increase tuners or echos if they dont want both
>maybe add the bulletin board from nikke so our resonators can gather ingredients/ores while we're offline
>housing mechanics
>farming mechanics (make our echos farm ingredients :D) or more echos that can mint pick for us
>echo presets
>more 4* weapons option ffs
>skins (give us summer skins, valentine skins, christmas skins, halloween skins...)
Zhezhi is so lucky...
Echo recycling is by 5 at a time for a reason. Let us recycle up to 50 at a time in increments of 5
It's already on GeForce Now.
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Chang Li is going to flop
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yeah flop on my fuckin cock she will
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sorry for the misunderstanding anon, I meant "by the dozen" in a more metaphorical sense.
They're probably still afraid of the time one chink brought Honkai Impact 3rd to the authorities over skins.

Then again, it's not like the CCP ended up rushing to Mihoyo's offices and slaughtering everyone inside over their sinds End of Evangelion style, so it's probably more a fine that they don't wanna pay.
>Global almost made 2x of CN revenue
Wtf I thought people hate chinkslops
What happened
>the retard is doubling down
And where is the stats to back up your claim? Look at any gacha game revenue charts and you'll see CN and JP at the top. There might be a launch boost for global, but those are normies bucks. The hardcore whales are where the money is and most SEA definitely doesn't have the money to waste on games.
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>Eat breakfast
>Came back
>Still discussing genshit
I don't care if you niggers shitposting against genshit, do that in their own thread.
Genshin players and Genshin haters trying out the new hotness for a bit.
Give it a month or two until this game ends up the new ToF
These days rather than it being the CCP enforcement, it's devs pre-emptively censoring themselves or because they want to make extra sure they can get a low age rating for wider appeal
sensortower's estimates are garbage is what happened
Whatever help you cope indog bro
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No hags for me
I like your reply the most. As a community we should be asking for QOL updates first and foremost
One fun thing missing from your list
>Better camera function or let us hide UI/HUD
So we can actually take decent screenshots to share (which is free promotion for them)
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oh shit as a photochad myself how could I forget to add
>more camera screenshot options
You're right anon, good catch!
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Who snitched madam magistrate lewd?
>valentines skins
Imagine embarassed Jinhsi giving you some chocolate
wuwa copies a lot of assets and uses the same skeletons on all females, same as genshin, did you notice all zzz characters have a lot of different body proportions? theres like 4 body models for males in wuwa including npcs vs at least 20 in zzz, you can have an open world but reuse textures for everything making it weight less too, just see the cities in zzz, it has unique assets for the smallest shit that are not reused, now bashing genshin for optimization when wuwa is shitting the bed still running bad on mobile and pc a month after release is hilarious
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It was me.
i still can't beat the tower, i have jihsi but she doesn't do much damage fast enough
blue board, deal with it
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>wuwa copies a lot of assets
sensortower freezing revenue for 15 days and every cc getting sponsoder by wuwa, almost all the sponsored ones quit past 25 so is looking grim for next month, wuwa already getting dunked on twitch by views with genshit dead patch and firefly still overperforming over jinshi with the banner almost ending
not advertiser friendly, i noticed this with even sfw lewd stuff like bikinis i get warned, people want their safe space to shill
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just imagine summer skins...
Then maybe down the line we get the PGR skins treatment that changes character models, adds sfx and vfx plus new idle animations. I don't really care if they charge us for it if they implement it well.
Am I the only one who really hate to play Sanhua? Her gameplay is so clunky
>you can have an open world but reuse textures for everything making it weight less too, just see the cities in zzz, it has unique assets for the smallest shit that are not reused

stupid bitch, this argument fell apart when fucking zzz is not open world.

>just see the cities in zzz, it has unique assets for the smallest shit that are not reused
Nigga that the bare minimum they have to make at this point zzz and wuwa actually the same in term of model because they have their own unique animation for every unit but your game fell apart with optimization for storage.
exactly jp and sk at top when cn usually makes the entire revenue of global combined, thats what i said which you niggers pretend cn didnt matter on one of my posts above, your stats literally show cn flopping like i said and even japan is lower than before, it used to be 30 at launch, cn doing 18% is a massive flop
who care she's hot, you gay
>No one report revenue shitposter
>one SFW lewd got posted
>instant report spam
Nice job wuggers.
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oh fuck I totally forgot about housing
>housing is fine but I just want it to be simple, maybe similar to a chibi top down table top game(?) so I don't need to spend too much times on it while others player whose like housing can be autistic about it
Nah you just suck.
It's not super conventional but not really out there honestly.
Janny's don't give a shit about deleting spam, they only care about deleting porn. It has nothing to do with how much they get reported.
nah she is overrated as fuck
>genshin new endgame
>"dead patch"
All patches of your shitty game are "dead patches", deal with it hoyotroon.
>now bashing genshin for optimization when wuwa is shitting the bed still running bad on mobile and pc a month after release is hilarious
I don't pay attention to the complaints of poor people. The people who are bitching about this have a fucking pixel phone from 3 years ago and a gaming PC that was average when they built it.... 7 years ago.

I rebuilt my PC last year around black friday deals, My phone is also about a year and a half old, I'm just waiting for a good sale or carrier offer now to get the newest and latest. Never had a problem with this game. fuckers bitching about optimization and shit when their GPU is a Radeon RX 480. Mow some lawns bitches.
hurts ads
>off-topic shitposting
does not hurt ads
Going to let you in on a secret.
Lewds and gore are sweeped by bots 99% of the time OR anon deletes after a while.
/vg/ has basically no moderation outside of that.
I'm glad this game is flopping, because CN gacha can only start going into coom mode once they are irrelevant and desperate.I need slutskins for Jinshi.
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>mfw run perfect from day 1
>get all the compensation
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White man's game
have you wugger ever consider about you know? Stop taking the bait about sales post and post something else that can be contribute to the quality of the thread?
>doesnt understand what assets are
nice retarded comparison on plunges and nitpicked characters, theres a few characters doing the same in genshin and most have unique animations, animations aint skeletons retard, you can put the same animations on the same skeleton and call it a day, having multiple different bodies is a way different matter, the things that weight the most are texture and skeletons not animations, animations are just commands that tells the skeletons were to be, they are not heavy files, go check the assets of mods, the files that tell location and what emote dances do are minimal and 99% is the custom assets
i feel like Sanhua users are like that bell curve with noobs just appreciating her kit's aesthetics
, the top of the bell curve hating how clunky she is and then the right side of the bell curve with the sweaty gamers appreciating her kit BA buff and knowing all her cancels.
>ever consider about you know
HOLY ESL moment i can smell your shitskin from here
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>he didn't get Kafka's selfie
>he killed Cocona
>he missed the Acheron dialogue
>Mow some lawns bitches
Kek but also Zoomies wouldnt even know how to do that
Yeah I'll just skip on reading your garbage just like I skip genshit dialogue LOL
Try again paggy
>i-it's in the game files trust me bro
I'll believe it when I see it
>he missed the Acheron dialogue
thank fucking god, if i have to listen to that mary sue hi3 expy for 1 more second
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hows your roster coming along, bwos?
>Kafka's selfie
>Intro skill
>Hold atk
>Swap out while refusing to elaborate.
What's so cluncky about that? This is a game where the new flavor of the month waifu needs to get 4 attack in, then skill to get floaty, then 4 attacks while floaty to do the actual good DPS skill. Oh, also don't forget about stacks, cause if no stacks = no damage. and a character that you swap in and swap out is difficult?
>he missed hand holding scene with jade-like beauty childhood friend
haha... being too trusting hurt sometime... who would have thought, couldn't be me haha...
Your CR in Jinhsi is low but I can only imagine this is a skill issue, we have similar gear and I was able to kill it in 2 minutes with level 70 Jinhsi and Mortefi with a level 20 weapon.
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How do i open this?
>ill just not read
yeah sounds about right, people not knowing how shit works and making an argument of things they dont understand
go see it, go check how much textures weight vs how much the files that have animations do, animations are tiny files with coordinates and commands, the assets is everything composing the character, you think the animation is an entire file doing the dance or attack with clothes and everything? lmao
her quest, you have to ask for proof during messaging because she use ExpressVPN, and she will send a selfie of her boobs
ask magistrate fred durst
>the cost of making npcs and characters all different and have different skeletons
No, the vast majority of data in video games is textures or audio. Models don't have that much data and skeletons absolutely do not, a rig is often less than 1MB.
You have to load all these models into your VRAM to render them so I don't know why you'd think they'd take up 50gb. High-res textures (which do eat up your VRAM), music and sound effects are what bloat game file sizes.
If they're not gonna optimize this game's performance so it runs on mobile devices and shitty PCs, they should at least improve the graphics. The graphics are shitty for PC standards.
you forgot your echos anon. I think if lampylumen, it's after intro, if it's bell or heron it's before the outro right?
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So now that Genshin is kill, where do we go from here? Do we just kill ZZZ now?
It’s supposed to be an exit, finish the story quest
What are you even on about max setting look amazing
How much you spent?
And thank you for keeping servers running
A lot of people don't like her because she's "hard", the only thing I find clunky about her is the lack of IR on her forte which she gets from some eidolon. Getting whacked out of the charge is really annoying.
Otherwise, I find her quite fun, especially when you're autistically swapping a lot. Plus she's the closest we have to an iai character which I am a huge weeb for.
Do you play anything besides gacha games?
I should actually copy your list and save it for the next survey because im too lazy to type all that out myself
Do you?
my man the game is bigger than the fucking witcher 3 which looks infinitely better and has much more content
all this gacha shit incredibly poorly optimized on the storage front
probably on purpose because they want to hog space so the SEAfags don't have room for other gacha
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Sanhua...Your jump cancel? Your Heron? Your intro attack? Your 3 detonate variations?
Jinhsi... You Huehue? Your 3 intro variations? You swap cancel after e1? Your second swap cancel? Your backload of coordinated? Your postitiong and e before epiphany?
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Why doesn't my weeb chink gacha have ray tracing or realistic skin textures?
>Better Events
>Improve Elysian Realm to make it actually fun
>Add a 40 waveplate dump that only gives tuners/exp (no echo drops)
>More sims
I was talking to a buddy today and this is my general pipe dream
>Give one-time rewards for soloing sims with every character, it can just be a title or namecard
This would give me a reason to autistically grind every boss with new characters during skip patches, and combat is by far the highlight of the game for me. I would do it just for the clout, I don't care about getting pulls.
Yes. Wuwa looks like shit compared to non-gacha games
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for me its my powercreptbwos
>animations are just commands that tells the skeletons were to be, they are not heavy files,
so your point is that genshin and zzz have larger file because they have unqiue texture instead of animation? by that logic, why the fuck genshin is still big as fuck but still smaller than zzz? this is open world game we talking about bro, wuwa literally render everything from far off distance thats why you can see jinshi burst even from island's away
Cool name 5 games that look better
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Danjin is the least lewd WuWa though?
The Genshin playerbase is going through it pretty rough because of the "new endgame." Casuals and whales both hate it, and I'm sure Hoyo will just double down on what everyone hates about it.
It is ALWAYS the least lewd ones...
You are delusional if you think Wuwa looks good compared to non-gacha games

It's not reverse day anon
>this is open world game we talking about bro
Genshin "open world" is empty as fuck. Its not heavy, even compared to ZZZ which has way way more detail and textures.
I salute the Phrolove
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Indogs will lap it up tho, it's their favorite team MiHoMo!!
even their chuuba hates them lmao


>vtuber gets english donations
>reads and replies in english
>indos angry because they can't understand
>vtuber says stfu
I said name 5 games, not a on rail soulslop no one give a shit about
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What makes it so bad? We're gonna get it too aren't we?
but it is open world isnt it? you dont have to deal with combat stuff in zzz and hsr because its in separate diffrent room altogether, while genshin still need to render the enemy and combat while you walking around the map
feed it laxatives from the other end.
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anal sex with jinhsi
He said five, bitch.
Deliver or get gangraped like a little bitch.
New game mode is cool, it's a bit Star Rail-y simulated Universe. If you hear anyone complaning it's because this mode is for fat accounts (Meaning: accounts with a lot of characters built) as opposed to the usual spilar abyss shenanigans that benefits lean accounts (Meaning: an account that can only assemble 2 teams)

It gets even worse when you consider that the conventional wisdom for whales has always been to go after constellation memes and R5 weapons instead of getting and building more characters for extra flesxibility. Yeah, I'm sure your c6r5 Furina is gonna work wonders when she can only be used twice.
You are secluded in your gacha bubble lmao. There is way more anticipation for that game than there ever was for Wuwa.
It's an overused meme. they know english but pretend to not know it for the sake of meme
Name the five little bitchrat
Stop running like a cockroach
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Skeletons aren't massive files either retard. You don't know shit about 3D modeling as shown by constantly conflating skeletons and meshes. Please stop talking about things you know nothing about because you're just embarrassing yourself.
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>We're gonna get it too aren't we?
The new game mode relies on the elements so it's useless in wuwa.
Also if they gonna copy something they most likely going to use PGR instead.
Game has 9 stages total in Hard. Characters can only be used twice. this means that you cannot just go thru it with your outdated National team or whatever garbage you've been sitting pretty on for the last 3 years.
based ollie
remember when she had sex on stream
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>only 600k for 3 weeks
lmao nice anticipation
Yeah, but that doesn't matter for how heavy it is. There is no functional difference between fighting enemies in the overworld and fighting enemies in a specifically generated corridor. If anything the latter needs more data, because its actually different corridors so more enviroments.
HSR is of course way way lighter because its basically the same "room" over and over again.
Content... doko...
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We're getting our own version... right guys?
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Jinshi gets cucked so hard in 4-1, even with Yinlin, who this shills. Awkward.

Well, even with that though pretty amazing result. Yinlin builds the Jinshi stocks surprisingly fast. Maybe if I get more used to this team I could get better results.
>1m difference
This is like winning a race by half a second and thinking you're king of the world instead of sweating bullets about the gap not being higher
>remember when she had sex on stream
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of course
the question is chibi or real models?
>camellya soft confirmed
>no one is talking about it
Why is no one talking about the 6 new story quest files found in 1.1?
No, it probably wont' be added to Wuwa.
The game mode retricts you based off of elements, so you can only use characters of particular elements (3/7 at once). For the hardest difficulty, 18 total characters built. The specifics of this 18 is pretty involved but for argument's sake let's just say the average player needs 11 characters, level 70 and with echo sets and weapons equipped (you cannot swap gear during a run).
On top of this, the characters you can use for each stage are randomized and they have stamina like in Wuwa's tower, and you are forced to use hte same 6 starting characters the game mode tells you to use. If you don't have them, you HAVE to use trials of them.
It's quite bad, it requires a wide roster, is full of RNG and is extremely easy to boot.
So this is where all the wuwa bucks went to.
that's about all there is to say about it, you'd need to ask /vt/ for the clips
>Until No One Listens
Because all Carmeliafgas care about is sexo. They don't give a shit about story.
A win is a win.
It doesn't matter.
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>until no one listens
Yapyap wtf
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>Until No One Listens
I chuckled
Wait does that mean she's coming out next patch!?
>Until No One Listens
Sparkle put off showering for 48 system hours while she pressed those 100 000 buttons and ran around placing 1000 bombs on the airship, so it's no surprise the trailblazer recoiled as she got close and the body odour started to become overwhelming.
I've played it and I think it's awful despite having every electro/pyro character and having 90% of them built.
The game mode isn't fun, the RNG takes away the appeal of Genshin's combat (team building + reactions) and I think it's way too restrictive for F2P and new players. Whether it's "endgame" or not, it shouldn't take players 6 months + just to be allowed to even TRY the hardest difficulty. But of course it takes longer than that because even if you built 18 pyro/electro/anemo characters, by the time they're ready the elements would have rortated out.
I cannot see who this mode is meant to appeal to, the only "good" thing about it is that 36* abyss + medium theater gives slightly more primos than clearing abyss twice in a month, so players aren't necesasrily losing pulls because they decided to only c6r5 all their favorite waifus since day 1.
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danjin is love danjin is life, one day i hope for a danjin wife,
as i arise in the morning i gaze upon my danjin wife yawning,
with eyes like dazzling gems, and gems 10/10,
all i know, all is well in life
when i have myself a danjin wife.
>Baizhi quest
Bless Kuro, refreshing my daily now.
i salute the yapyap
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>Camellya sex quest
I'm ready.
Wuwabros, who do I build next?
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hahahaha get FUCKED
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Sounds like it would be my time to shine since i built tons of characters at even levels instead of focusing on few. But i uninstalled that trash after the 1st Anni
>dizzy after a couple of minutes because the camera keeps spazzing out in one direction
>need to run tacet fields like a billion times to try a last push on tower before reset
I am NOT having fun this week
No, this is in the 1.1 data so it could just be placeholder. It is possible she's in 1.2 since we don't have hard confirmation still, but the existence of these files don't mean anything about when they're coming out.
It would be nice if 1.2 has a ton of story quests to make up for the lack of a new area, though. The gameplay in the character quests is pretty good even if the stories are mostly mediocre.
You missed the little thing that she made others do that for her.
If she's ever an enemy, she's gonna be Kafka on steroids. Mind control, bombs, invincibility phase, summons. Help.

Also wrong thread.
Straight men salute the
bro i got the jade-like beauty, should i get her weapon?
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i did it bwos
>Why is no one talking about
Because i dont browse Xwitter bro, i wait for others to post the leaks
Sparkle is a friendless loser
bros if i enjoy wawu should i try snowbreak
MC, then pick between Sanhua or Danjin to run with them.
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>Baizhi quest
Kuro listened.The wait is over...
Get a load of this nerd hahahahahahahaha how the fuck is motion sickness real nigga just walk away from the screen like nigga close your eyes haha
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Don't burn yourself out over a mere 1 or 2 rolls worth of astrite
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Let's see those sequences
Hypothetically if they did go full 18+ and added seggs to the game what do you think would be the public reaction
(Serious answers only)
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yes, do it for her my nigger
also that weapon is whack
Based !!
Moonlit with heal gloves i'm guessing?
Just download koikatsu instead
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He did it bwos
peacefully raping madam magistrate
Her pits healed me for 662
Blessed Heal Hag
can the developers please fuck something up so i get free currency please i am desperate for jinhsi but not desperate enough to swipe
the UI is fucking horrible though
The CCP would effectively ban the game from the chinese market and Kuro would have to close down.
use THAT
We have gibs this weekend just wait or sleep until then
Meant afterglow, i should get some sleep
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my yinlin is also s0
Posts like this are always funny. Genshin players have been bitching about endgame content since the game launched, and here you have content that genuinely requires you to build, and struggle, and git gud. And their response is to bitch that it's too hard.

I also find it hillarious how you're worried for new players, how magnanimous of you in a game where you don't have to interact with another human being at all. How easy it is to bitch on behalf of other people when they're these ephemeral concepts.
Sister if you’re American we’re getting 13 more gold wishes tomorrow. Is that enough?
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You're getting 10 yellow tidepods in a little over 24 hours.
I have 5 days off work for July 4th but no content in Wuwa to play...
It's less burnout and more annoyance that i can't do what i want oh well
Go back to genshit thread if you want to discuss that shit game you fucking stockholm syndrome bitches.
I never once said anything about me having to "build, struggle or git gud." The game mode is an absolute joke and requires 0 skill because of how undertuned it is. It took me about 15 minutes to full clear it with 8* and no resets, it's not even remotely difficutl nor skill-based on any level.
I have no idea why you think at any point in that post I said it was "too hard."

>I also find it hillarious how you're worried for new players, how magnanimous of you in a game where you don't have to interact with another human being at all. How easy it is to bitch on behalf of other people when they're these ephemeral concepts.
This reeks of projection. Think about if you tried to get a friend into the game but you told them "You won't be able to do this specific mode for a year, and also you have to pull 10 characters you don't care about to try it."
It would be more difficult to name a game that doesn't hve better graphics than Wuwa
Wow you cleared all holograms to 6?
bro your illusive realm?
Bro your ZZZ?
Hoyoverse BROKE you
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>mfw i still havent touched the new area because im having too much fun invading in elden ring
Literally any Nintendo game. Pokémon scarlet for starters
what's Jinhsi's endgame stats supposed to look like? 2k+ atk 60 crit 250 cdmg and 50 spectro ele bonus?
>Think about if you tried to get a friend into the game but you told them "You won't be able to do this specific mode for a year, and also you have to pull 10 characters you don't care about to try it."
That's why it's called "endgame" content, you chucklefuck. No one expects to fight the last boss as soon as you start the game. And since you're phrasing this like a liberal cuck complaining about their 5 year old's geopolitical knowledge and their ability to follow the presidential electio on twatter, we can safely assume you're the one projecting.
Genshin deserves a shitstorm.
There's one thing when you add new modes like in Star Rail. All require the same idea. 2 teams and chars will sometimes be better or worse based on what mode and what shill, but you will never be hard restricted.

Genshin's new shit replaces half of the abyss resets but requires you to have very different things to even just participate. If it wouldn't replace anything it'd be fine, but because it replaces shit you can expect a shit-storm. Everyone who got 300-600 primos per half month will get it per month now, because the new mode requires a ton of shit to even just PLAY and try it. Anyone with a brain could see this coming.

Remember that building chars is also not exactly a fast thing over there. It's in fact extremely slow. So slow and tedious, people didn't do it. Yes, this mode was made to encourage players to build shit. But that's the wrong way around. To encourage that how about you lower the fucking recs? Instead of needing like 160 local specialties make it 20. Instead of needing several days of spamming boss' that respawn after 5 minutes, make it half a day. And so on.
The reason people play how they play is always deeply rooted in its system.
Unlike the rest of these degenerate plebs I actually care about what her backstory might be and if we’ll get more details on Black Shores through her
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>cagie in wuwa
>>warzone in wuwa
>>>norman in wuwa
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gigger gigger stupid nigger~
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I'm sure we'll get them down the line.
Also I hope they give us the new "stylish" event against the bosses it's a cool feature.
Just woke up for this brandead assfart to be one of the first things I read. I really hope even you don't believe what you're yapping about Jinzhou Speedster, because if you do... God bless you because it surely missed you last time.
Loregods explain the ending of the new story
How does Jinshi absorbing Jue powers prevents Jinzhou time freeze?
I feel like suggesting anything less than 75% CR is a meme, missing a crit on the laser feels as bad as missing a crit on Euler's burst in that Other Game.
>until no one listens
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Holy shit im proud to say i was a fellow March poster
Keep fighting the good fight
I'm not a loreshitter, but I understood it that by saving Jinhsi back in the day, the power was split. Now that she absorbed it it's whole again.
Why isn't there a Danjin quest yet
hmmm nyo
She already has a trailer. That's all you get.
Anyone got the music from Truthseeker's Pass?
Jue is dying
Jue said that she was hurt a long time ago, and that she was using that place where she got locked to delay her death for a while. But shit worse and she was nearing death and couldn't hold much longer.
Jinxi takes her power because if Jue dies with it, her powers go berserk and freeze Jinzhou in time.
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>my rowah does no damage
Hope her Fusion forma saves her
Jesus Christ
>work in sweatshop factory
>their women choose to fuck sexpat
>escape to 2D
>their anime woman hate them too
Even worst they paid to get yelled at
Rover only good for their ult + dreamless. You kinda want to build energy regen on them to swap out faster, but then they'd do no damage.
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So either Zhezhi or the Lee expy might be a 4*
I sperged out my bad.
I wonder how many hoyodrones offed themselves over this
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imagine if they released camellya after changli hahaha... they wouldn't right?
We already know that the Lee expy is a 4*
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>b-but my savings
Thank god I'm not poor
Doesn't count kek
>counting bugs
1.2 is practically confirmed to be a double female banner now. Xiangli Yao has a 4* design and probably will be
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taoqi is actually highly dependable despite being so reluctant to work
As with anus it's a one way entrance.
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I assumed this meant full bar when out of combat for 4 seconds - eg, switch to Verina, do some stuff, switch back after 4 seconds passed and get back home to a full bar but apparently that's not how it works.
wuwa is a white man's game anon.
we don't count the bugmen here.
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>(Chinkcels boycotting wuwa)
Nothing to see here
i like chixia's everything
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It's over...
Surely they will introduce more time limited value packs in the next patch, r-right?
>trans monkey
that only counts for stuff like over-world, if you were using her in tower and switched to verina for example you wouldnt have +50 incandescence when you switched back to jinhsi
They'd be retarded. Why even have males when you skip 5 banners without after starting with one?

May as well just not have them then.
Why would they boycott the game when devs rewrote the entire story just for them?
out of combat means literally out of combat, i.e. no enemies nearby
it never activates in ToA beyond the first time, only in open world
>this close to the biggest game ever with an established fanbase of tens of millions
This is bad somehow
they already gave the whales the 1k usd pack, that should be enough for people wanting to put money right?
>not event on hour already back shitflinging again
>Do you think wuwa will try to scam its players
I hope not
Because they scrapped the male banners after the opening fiasco?
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not getting ALL the money? then you're basically getting none of it eos soon
>lv1 xiaofang
>to the biggest game ever
A difference of 21 million is not "this close. And Genshin isn't even the highest grossing this month.
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Next anon to complain about males in game is getting LION’d
I still haven't used my free 5* weapon.
Right now I'm use both Anko and the MC
Should I get the catalyst or the sword?
HOW THE FUCK DO YOU BUILD SO MANY TEAMS THAT FAST? Are you just maxing the cope echoes on each character before doing the perfect echoes autism?
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Does jue roll substat crit rate? I've been through at least a hundred without it showing up I'm malding
All i got is crit rate, no dmg insight
Um idk ask genshin. They didn’t release a real female character until ganyu in 1.2.
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>May as well just not have them then.
Let's hope so.
This is the "I kill every boss in 10 seconds" dupe. Only really useful for farming.
Who do you like more? Anko does good damage with the weapon but the sword is better for giving crit damage, if you're planning on pulling Changli she can also use the sword
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literally me
>not even a week in
>already out of content
Honestly, why do I even bother playing these games? They're all the same slop. Don't think I'll even try zzz or ap anymore. Fuck gayming in general.
fck this shits rigged
Me on the left
there're literally nothing to do ingame..
>11/12 on echoing tower
It's joever...
Oh, they really are going full chincel, huh
If I were delusional I’d agree with you but a brand new game coming out of the blue to make 66% the sales of the biggest game ever is actually good no matter how you want to spin it.
maybe don't powerplow through the content like the no life you are. you're meant to play this games on the bathroom break of your office job
>electro rover is next
Well the time of OP MC is over
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it's not that it's bad but why would anyone off themselves over it? not sure if it's great either for the first full month post-launch with technically 3 banners in it. I play both but people need to stop thinking more sales = better game and just enjoy their game
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The face of the gobberment of Jinzhou
Da leaks are here
I guess my question is which one would be a bigger upgrade damage wise
Right now my Anko is using the BP catalyst and my MC is using a random 4* that gives attack% as a substat
Long term it doesn't matter much, since I'm using my standard rolls in the weapons banner, but right now I'm worried if any of the standard 5* are a trap
Yes, get 1 crit then go +25, you can fish double crit later.
>Makes the game a massive chink chong wank simulator
>Flops in China
What's next? ZZZ flops in the west?
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It's actually baffling how you have hoyoshills spamming ZZZ and doomposts 24/7 FOR FREE. That's how scared they are.
Good thing they never make it to 30 just by eating some uncooked pagpag or drinking tap water.
Why is she growing horns
Her skill is ready to burst.
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>reply to IT

you faggot didn't learn anything did you?
5 star weapons in general are just always better than 4 stars even at max
Just pick a weapon for who you like playing most and build around it
She's horny
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The moment this shit drops, my wife Yinlin will be perma-married to Electro-Rover in teamcomps

wtf Kuro pulling all the stops, even bringing out the Coast Guard!
>It's ok when genshit goes a year releasing not but faggots
>But it's not ok when WuWa chooses to release only girls for 3 months
Rover (Electro)

Sex with the magistrate
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I liked this pic so I went and found it in the game files
Why is Rover so perfect?
>but a brand new game coming out of the blue
Wuwa didn't come out of the blue. Kuro is not a unknown indie studio.
The problem is I just casually played an hour a day and we're already out of content. And no, autistically 100%ing a map is not real content. These games are literally all the same. You do the skip the shitty ai generated story, you play the shitty mini games that have nothing to do with the core gameplay, and then you do login sim for 90% of the patch duration. It's dogshit. It's boring. It's fucking soulless. Only bugmen could enjoy this soul draining grind. I'm sick of it.
havoc flatties team SEXOOOOOOOOOO
Anyone got the overdash pic?
>he wants a forever game
Go slave off in one of those korean scaMMOs like maplestory then.
>only one hologram added
Lazy fucking cunts.
>Kuro is not a unknown indie studio.
Except they are
Only game they made that was even remotely popular is PGR and even that is a niche game
more like just play a competitive game like csgo, league, etc

Just keep in mind despite the infinite content it's x100 less enjoyable
Name any game that you can endlessly keep playing without running out of shit to do if you treat it as a job and that was released in the past 10 years.
Be patient and just wait for a bit, the illusive realm is coming anon. Don't be a nigger.
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If wanting Camellya sooner rather than later means being labeled a chinkcel then I'm the chinkcelest of them all
>get 1 crit
appreciate your reply anon but sorry, that was very vague
>1 crit from each substats or
>1 crit main stat from 4* echo
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The wait better be worth it but whatever he is i’m still bringing him home
Based chinkcel
League of Legends
Lost Ark
That aint Yinlin bro but Himiko is hot so all is forgiven
tbf, genshin has released nothing but new female 5*s for the last like nine months
Sooooo true bestie
Me on the right.
Not real games
>touches the Magistrate improperly
>suddenly she grows scales
What do?
Fuck you this shouldn’t have made me laugh
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I'll post it if I can find it, I'm digging through all the files now to see if I can find anything interesting
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Why does my Jihnsi nuke never crit? My 70% crit feels like 25%
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they both have sexo legs that goes for days. Thanks for forgiving me anon.
>yinlin white bg.png
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they used to call themselves Kuro Game because they only had one game KEK
Substats. Go to +15 and see if you get a crit, if yes go to +25. And I'm talking about dps characters, supports aren't built yet.
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>I don't want to read
>I don't want to play
>where content???
Maybe you should just kill yourself? LOL!
I hope we don't get any playable male magistrates and I hope the imperial family playable characters are all female.
It's a new game. You don't have the suckers sucking you off already. Anyone caring about guys is already close to leaving with 1.1 having no male banner. And I'm repeating myself. If they don't care about that audience, why even having a guy? As the first banner no less.

It's not like this is like Counterside either, where the males aren't supposed to attract female players.
She's scrapped and turned into Changli. This dude just took someone elses leaks and compiled them together into a pic so this is nothing new.
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>chink revenue
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I'm having fun
With the 4* to 5* ratio becoming completely skewed in fontaine it's starting to feel more cashgrabby
You should kill yourself for defending a chink megacorporation
Based Mature and Red-Headed Women enjoyer
>play mixed game
>complain about mixed roster
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thanks a lot anon
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This lmao, you knew exactly what you were getting into.
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I mean, hey. I did like 60 rolls when Jiyan came out, sat on around 150 rolls since then and just pulled the trigger a bit. Getting C2 in what was effectively 70 rolls is a great deal in my book. Love my wife.
You are aware that the only country in the world that prefers zzz is South Korea right? And they are low spenders. This is yinlins banner. Day 2 she sold 1/3rd of what green general did. 1/2 of what clorinde sold.
looking forward to next month's excuses
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None of these look interesting. I'm glad, I can save materials and rolls for good characters now.
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Thank you leaker bros, this is very helpful and informative
Prefers wuwa*
I don't get most of the references
Weebs explain
My Alto is C4
I haven't rolled in any banner that had him as a rate up
Someone tell him to stop bothering me
None of the girls appear to have tits as big as Changli and Taoqi. Guess I'll have to wait for the full models to see if the fatties have big asses (flat chest and big ass is as good as giant tits for me), else It's a skip.
>literally inventing posts
Uh oh, schizo melty! Take twenty times the daily amount of pills, don't worry it's safe
Same but with Mortefi, I didn't roll even a single time on Jiyan
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i dont get the dick measuring contest for revenue and popularity
>ruskie suicide girl
>rektifier user
she could have been perfect bros...
Now show the western side.
>Male banner, not a mihoyo game, story, furry kid.
Chink are still upset about the OG story line btw
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Bring it back
My chinkcel brother
>Being this mad because someone criticized his chink overlord's shitty gacha games
Uh oh, chinkcel melty!
it's just South-East Asians treating chink gacha companies like soccer teams
too little too late, anyone that cared about endgame would have realized the game doesn't have any ages ago and will never get anything satisfying so they'd have already left, the only people playing genshin are autists who obsess over the characters.
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It is the only thing genkeks have left for themselves. Just look at how all the revenue is being "reinvested" into the game KEK
which team says sewey
Is phrolova a Slavic word???
guess it just isn't for you then. I like to smoke a joint and just do a bit of exploring or farm a couple of echoes while watching shit on another monitor. it's relaxing and the game has plenty of eye candy and it's a good to take a break from the competitive games I usually play.
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Changli LOVE!
I think Bottom right = Tiger gays side scroller mission
Ghost rider = That one Motorcycle boss
Rover = Hot female cosplayers i guess?
Pokemon = Echos we can catch
Top Left just looks like Calcharo
Idk the rest
Issue is RNG, if you low roll every crit roll you're under 70%.
75% would be incredibly lucky unless you just use a crit rate main stat echo which is kinda shit if you're already reaching ~70% without it.
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>those massive tits
-ova is a very common suffix for female slav last names
thats old af, jiatang is an older form of changli, chun is an older form of camellya and im pretty sure "costguard" isnt even from this game
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Her eyes are petals/flowers if you look closely
How bad is ATK/Spectro% for Jinhsi with standard 5* weapon? I burned all my Spectro% echos already and got nothing
Don't take anything in that image too seriously, it's not like the guy who created it is actually a leaker. He's just making shit up based on other peoples leaks.
Honestly after skipping every cutscene instantly, not exploring and not grinding for echoes, I don't feel anything for this game. There's nothing that drives me on or makes me passionate about it.
Wow thats actually beautiful looking
havoc verina, must pull
My depressed gf...
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Anyone notice yinlin has a british accent when she does a plunging attack and says "sure"? Fuck me they should have just let her be british for all her lines.
Why are you skipping the story, thats like a good chunk of the enjoyment from this game. Only skip random ass side quest that bore you
i know what you mean bro. only a few more days until zzz thankfully
I'm not a dubkek
If these niggers dont add "mute while in background" sound option in 1.2 i'm leaving
Where the lolies at??? zzz's about to shit on us big time if there's no fresh cunny in sight
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>After not playing the game, i don't feel anything for this game.
TopKek even
I play video games for the combat, not to read words on a screen.
because the voice direction is shit, they hired brits and made them do american accents, hopefully they can spend some money on better voice direction now they made bank
good riddance to fotm slurpers
They did. They recently hired vanguard to do "sound design"

Which hopefully includes music and voice acting
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Go play devil may cry or some shit, those games are finished. This is a live service game so content comes in slowly over time
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wu wi wu wawa!
based gameplay chad. shart railers will never understand
Yapyap is pure sex, why isn't she a driver
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Glad that Kuro is gonna do character quests for all of them, they really need more time to shine
seaniggas are already asleep at this hour. the thread was comfy before amerifat hours.
Kuro please give evil mesugaki Loli. thanks in advance.
Similar peaks in the only western country that spends. While also having a 3rd platform called console.
USA is only 17% of the market compared to Japan that is the leading market.
Madam Magistrate don't look!
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>farming the phone apes, then filtering them with processing requirements
fantastic job, just perfect!

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