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Visual Novel General #6504

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>484214185
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everyone loves mako
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>tfw there'll never be a cute kemonomimige
Lets say the mc already won the heroine but he swaps bodies with his rivals.

Case 1: The rival fucks the heroine using the mc's body. She's oblivious to the change so she naturally responds.
Case 2: The mc fucks the heroine using his rival's body. The heroine resist at first but then loses to the cock and starts taking the lead herself.

Are both cases NTR? Which one is worse?
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literally ntr
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>no true end CG or anything for the chapter end.
That was so shit writing-wise. There wasn't really anything that tied MC and Miyako together, their feelings were absolute asspull. The MC bent over backwards for a selfish girl that didn't do much for him and didn't really care - if he ever stopped chasing her that'd be it for their relationship.
And yet im supposed to believe they'll be some couple that cares for each other "just because"? wew.
It'd at least make more sense if she ever actively pursued the MC, since she was going as far as hurting Kei over it but then not really caring enough to continue if he didn't find her again.

What a fucking disaster. How is this game rated above 8 again? Does the writing actually get decent as it continues?
>Kagami Yuu - first tale: chapter 1, chapter 2. latter tale: chapter 4 (past)
>Mikage - first tale: prologue. latter tale: chapter 3, chapter 4 (present), final chapter
The prologue was good so I guess theres still hope its not just "see pretty image rate high"
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Girls with swords are best girls.
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VTuber heroines!
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baka heroine
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pure guary heroine
It's almost as if Miyako is a flawed character and has mental problems due to her past.
do the prequels matter for this game or can i just mtl the latest?
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You'll miss a lot of references to the previous games, but they do enough rehashing of Jindou and the setting that you can read it standalone. If you were gonna pick one to read by itself, though, I'd recommend Yureaka over it, it's a better game overall.
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>>>/jp/ cuckold.
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mtl > memelation
JP? more like HOOKKEK.
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huh forgot trip

yeah, but her issues don't even make sense. She should be sticking to him not trying to randomly distance herself because her parents divorced Its also never really fixed or addressed - just blind belief that it'll be fine and acting like its all fixed. For this to work the game needed a proper arc dedicated to it, but it just ain't there. Seems like it starts with her doubting things, then it never goes anywhere and ends while still at the starting point. Bizzare.
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
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I finished Onigokko and its fandisk. It was a good story. The MC felt a bit too perverted at times, but he was overall likable. The spin on Japanese folktales made it feel more grounded in comparison to other moege that haphazardly add supernatural elements and then never bring them up again. The heroines were nice, and I do appreciate that they paired together certain characters later on for h scenes. Aoi only having a mini-route in the FD is very gay however. Her route invading in the base game was a bit obnoxious. Otome's route was just OK. Momo-chan was cute. I liked Kana and Suzuka the most, but Kureha was also great
We hate JOPs here.
I'm getting bored by video games I think it's time to resume JOP posting.
how about learning japanese first
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Don't worry, you won't die alone
Used goods hag
Our JOPs play their japanese games in japanese... right? I don't think they play them in english because they can't hook them... right?
That smug smile before laughing is brutal kek. It’s weird how toneworks went from a useless donkan retard MC to a chad MC with only virgin girls then out of nowhere their latest game has a used goods hag. Very bold of them to suddenly do that considering modern buta.
Why is she laughing?
The MC is a 25 year old virgin
amazing https://vndb.org/u152216/ulist?votes=1
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VNDB notes are a nice feature because they often allow you to see how retards some people are
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I just want a more subtle or serious trapge. Yuri Garden and the other Trap Shrine games feel too weird
I love traps the most !
I love NTR the most!
>Wanna know what's the secret ingredient of a great mystery? Fascinating characters
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got your back
I love Karen
I hate Karen
I rape Karen
both are made for rape
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I'm done. Now I can go back to reading VNs
back to the Inkscape mines
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Do I need to watch any Danganronpa anime during/after beating the vns? Many guides online say I must watch Danganronpa 3 before playing V3, can't I just play/read the vns in order? Would you guys say the anime is essential?
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The anime is shit and not canon. Just play V3 right after 2.
>muh canon
no one cares
Why is every guide saying its necessary though, I guess I'll skip it
Order is 1 > 2 > Ultra Despair > 3, right?
succubus oppai
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i love oppai
Traps are gay.
I love stroking to oppai
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guary (forma de purity)
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Aren't her eyes a bit bigger?
Something is missing in her hair and eyes but I'm not sure what
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>Aren't her eyes a bit bigger?
Yes. Now it looks better I think
what does pure gyaru taste like?
varies depending on the guary but it's generally warm and salty with a slightly chlorine-like smell
Nice. You're self-sufficient in waifus now.
now draw Karen
the best pure gyaru
Case 2 is unironically worse, I could never trust that bitch again
the fuck, I thought I was the only retard trying to learn and copy muririn's art style.
just use AI if you want to copy
Sorry, I don't drink from the ganges.
>t. corporate service shill
just pay $50/mo to have our algorithm photoshop dog dicks on your waifu!
Did you eat lead and mercury as a child?
mouse or tablet?
Pure cute
Mouse but everything is vector curves
Best גוי ITT
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Holy fucking cringe.
Kill yourself once and for all.
Meant for >>484383449
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keep extending it
The best post in this ITT
I was wrong about AI
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I love traps the most!
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I love NTR the most!
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>one whole year without a single fuckup
How does he do it? This power of real dedication for muramasa is respectable, if nothing else.

do your job and turn her into Karen
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still a better story than uminegro
>This power of real dedication for muramasa is respectable
There is nothing respectable about liking traps or ntr.
>her "it's over face"
huh? but that's the plot of u-
bro you're not going to believe this...
Dracu Riot
umineko have black buffy goats
would only be kino if they fucked the heroines in front of battler/george
>umineko if was written by narahara
they do off-screen
too bad it's all-ages
honestly it'd be better than what we got
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I hate these hours
I'm turning into a visual novel
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Fake art
not a high bar
even moege writers would do a better job
Euro Truck Simulator
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I don't need a story for my porn.
It just needs to make me erect.
I know there are NN spies here. I better see Reboot at the Otakon panel. You have a month to get some kind of news from Hikari Field, get working.
pretty cool to see. I was considering using vector layers as well to cleanup my subpar line work. Seems like it would drastically increase the amount time needed for me to draw something and trigger my ocd however
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no one cares about fumi
now show amakano 2+
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holy flop
dead website lmao, now post the vndb numbers.
>text mentions heroine's pantsu being visible
>no CG
fuck off
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Pretty much the same.
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>dead website
holy kamige
NN, please announce Futamata Renai.
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>dead website lmao
That's your average /v/ thread IP count.
Still higher than 65
I think it's pretty likely one of their secret projects
The difference is that they know japanese, their understanding is much better than yours and their opinion is much more valid
We know that retards are 90% of the population but what's your point?
It's 99% doe?
>Order is 1 > 2 > Ultra Despair > 3, right?
Yeah, you can skip ultra despair if you want though. It's kinda shit
dead website lmao
Yes, I need my french takoyaki addict and masochistic pink slut.
Someone post THAT image
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le NTR girls
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Heroine with small breasts(non-loli)
feels like im taking naps everyday now. Any more and I'll have to blogpost flowers
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Take your pick
I love plotge heroines
male crossdressers will never be heroines
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Might just be the summer heat. Everybody knows the best way to deal with it is siesta
The anime isn't necessary to read before V3 because V3 is pretty much entirely separate from 1 and 2 story wise besides a dumb callback. People say the anime is "necessary" because the anime is the actual conclusion to the overall story started in 1, 2 and UDG. Some say to skip or ignore it though because the anime is considered pretty shit. Whether you want to watch it or not is up to you, if you choose to do so then watch it after UDG. If you watch it then you should also alternate between Future Arc and Despair Arc, i.e. Ep 1 of Future -> Ep 1 Despair -> Ep 2 Future -> etc. They both aired in the same season with Future airing first in the week and the twists in the two shows definitely assume you're watching them simultaneously.
meant for >>484391796
its not that bad here tonight. if anything im sleeping irritation away
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Up your arse!
I doubt it
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Keichadding time
Cuckolding simulator The game.
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Feels like it'd be a good duo.
I appreciate how its a continuous timeline between ch.1 and 2
>Kei leaves the basketball team in the time between chaps
Hopefully character issues will actually make sense now that the general world is set up and the writer can focus on that.

I know I know, I don't need your spoilers, ch1 was cuck pov already. Keep it for the butas.
That's a child
Eventually h scenes in VNs will be like this. CG artists are probably already using 3D models to render their art anyways
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I need a patch that removes this bitch from the game
she looks like that one da capo girl
>removing best girl
>da crapo
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This is how the Muramasa elf should've looked like
>Muramasa elf
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There needs to be something really wrong with a person to consider that red flag whore best.
Her banter is somewhat fun at least but still
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luv violent girls
They don't make soulful VNs like that anymore
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kino track anyway, maou vibes
NTR and soul are two sides of the same coin
Well, her rival is a dogshit tsundere childhood friend, so she wins by just default.
Instant best girl.
Instant worst girl.
Post white women
she's the kinda girl who shouldn't have won even by default. Staying alone would be a better alternative.
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play pocky with kanna
>place mouth on other end
>step on her toe
>steal the pocky
Heh, get good, kid.
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decent cliche as the route goal

moege killed this medium. Do nips even make charage anymore or is it all soulless escapism garbage to appease people who are going to watch vtubers instead anyway?
kill yourself
Yes japan makes super tasty fried chicken you eat with your loved ones on Christmas.
>If there's no sex with others, it's soulless!
Why are plotcucks like this?
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>started dreaming again after reading ToKINO Necro
I know this is probably a coinicdence, but I cannot help but think that So'un, Ethica and Milgram have brought light back into my life.
Oh how I wish that there was an FD. I can't stop thinking about the Tokyo of 2199, and the age of Necromancers.
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I've seen plenty of films like that though.
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socks erotic.
tissues erotic.
Kei sexo.
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You have to understand anon, to us, sex with others is a matter of form
You know that you fucked up if you blogpost three consecutive posts.
Tokyo Necro won so fucking hard
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desire to grab, lift up and huff
Is Tokyo Kino the best VN ever made?
it may very well be
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I'd like to think not, but reality doesn't seem to agree.
>waah waah you broke my samefagging spree waah
I don't really care much about spacing, if theres something I wanna post I'll post it. More interesting than seeing [recent moege release#3] again anyhow.
>aiiieee i don't want to see pure love games it's only interesting if I get cucked!
this but unironically
Only a baka calls other people's baka.
Tokyo Kino would've won VNOTY if last year had a proper poll.
Tokyo Kino was indeed the real VNOTY.
>JUST shill gone mad
Tokino Necro is the honorable VNOTY23.
Being a while since the last time I read a VN, so decided it would be "Tokyo Necro" a title which I've being thirsty to try it out since it got translated last year. Needless to say it became one of my favorite Nitro+ titles. How it throws a mesh of ideas altogether and the fucking commitment to make it work is phenomenal.

One of the best scenarios I've read in a long time supported by by extremely-above-average quality writing.
polls are so rigged 90% of IPs are french bots lmao
Are you me??
>extremely-above-average quality writing.
it was so bad it killed nitroplus kek
No, I'm me. I'm glad you share the same objective opinion though.
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That is indeed my experience as well, me.
>killed nitroplus
Explain this.
not a VN
>ToKINO Necro hater having a melty
We hate to see it.
It's written by a VN writer so it's a VN.
we're screenshotbros
>pretending to be retarded
>average tokyo necro blogposter:
>this is one of the best VN ever written
>average ef blogposter:
>we're screenshotbros
Im kinda tempted to webm them instead, weird seeing them static
tenshi english release status?
No, horrible.
I don't know why you guys are so defensive.
Tokyo Necro is decent, but shit for nitro+ standards.
People were expecting Muramasa 2 and instead got Rewrite.
>got Rewrite
We didn't get dogshit, we got Tokyo KAMIkinoge.
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Will you take a ride with me on
on the Return to Shironagasu Island bus?
Do you trust me?
>People were expecting Muramasa 2 and instead got a good VN
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we just don't know
holy mogged
Give me a pseudo-netori ge where the heroine is trying to seduce your bro (who doesn’t give a shit) at the start, but eventually falls for you instead
I think that TN and Muramasa are pretty similar for the most part, but heroine routes were a lot more solid in TN, while Muramasa's true route mogs the shit out of TN's.
Chrono Clock
So'un vs Milgram makes Kageaki vs Hikaru look like Hello Lady.
It's already released https://vndb.org/v21
vee twenty one
only if theres a screen that shows hentai of the main girl and we all jerk off
I'll read it at some point
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>comes home after a long day at work
>take a shower
>feed my cats
>prepare dinner
Hmmm, do I spend the remaining three hours of freetime reading two scenes of a Tokyo Necro, or Subahibi? What a hard choice...
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I want a good nukige
>was a bitch to Kei in ch.1
>suddenly cares about him talking to her, acts like she gives a fuck
if she really was concerned she should have done something herself, very much not her fucking business right now. Should just fuck off or go apologize if she feels bad.
I want a good single heroine moege
>masturbating BEFORE reading a VN
You fucked up already
I guess his life is pretty repetitive
Depends on your tastes and fetishes
Only a bit more than 2 days until SP's announcement panel. Any prediction on what moege they will announce?
Some 8 hour kusoge nobody asked for
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I wonder if it will just accurately count time into minutes and hours if I leave it like this, since the seconds do pass at least.
>Do nips even make charage anymore
Sky Chord
New Memories off entry this year
Keyge next year
Not much titles, but charage/nakige aren't COMPLETELY dead
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Troubled Kei on tape...
I trust it'd go into hours if I let it. I wonder if it'll keep the timing between now and next REC though.

lol lmao
>sky chord
seems like a purplesoft moege
>new memories
not on vndb so idk

seems completely dead to me.
I can't realistically believe that women like a megane male.
They are probably even less desired than megane females
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Do it, fagbot
A single scene doesn't really dictate the majority of the content. Doesn't seem like something worthwhile and going by https://youtu.be/vr4K5W8tJ2k it seems im right. Maybe its just the cutesyshit artstyle though

>not on vndb
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I'm desperate anons....I am severely lacking in other possible torrent sites, sukubei and nyaa aren't enough....
get AB
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For a glasses wearer to be attractive they have to first be attractive without glasses, which most aren't.
>They are probably even less desired than megane females
I like em
listening to this on repeat feels like reading ichijou's route
ru and yandex obscure links
>first 2 lines for context
this translation really is worthless.
maybe thats why ch.1 seemed so nonsensical - I dunno to what extent they're fucking up non-spoken lines but its quite clear the TL team barely knew japanese.
>the thing it's centered around doesn't dictate the majority of the content
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For me it's more like listening to galneryus, but without syu
>seems interesting
I would read M*L if the art was on this level
Wait, wasn't Ryuugames full of malware or something like that?
Yeah, he's one of the shills running it.
Nah, just use noscript with adblock
Never caught a virus
Yes, I'm the one in charge btw
awful download links, no I will not buy premium
In a world where sex is used for payment, how would you define an act or an object's worth?
And wouldn't sex as a currency gradually decline in value as people grow more and more accustomed to it?
t. ryuu
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>it resets the count to some preset number
mystery solved
Sexual ability obviously. A virgin doesn't fuck as good as an experienced high-class prostitute.
just get realdebrid
t. fag95
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Ok, I see, thanks
Bless your hearts
You just don't understand how people create VN translations. It's not about giving an exact rendition of the original script in english. Instead it's about creating a product superior to the original. Look up what they wrote about their Wind translation to understand their thought processes about translations.
Is that the Redman?
He would never
Not only is TKino the best VN released in the last decade, but it also has the best quality translation.
forced meme for a vn with only one good route
ToKINO Necro? Best VN, no, best piece of fiction ever written.
But enough about your life
Literally me
This, way better than ef.
Milgram needed an h-scene so bad.
Souun and the glasses guy should've had a threesome with Ethica.
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
Karen cooking
Why are Totono fans like this?
Ethica needed to fuck So'un
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>went to the doctor today
>she ask me if i have sex
Tokyo Necro was the first thing I bought from the JAST store and the experience was so smooth and the translation was so good that I've only ever bought from JAST ever since and I have no regrets. Easily the highest-quality localizers in the industry and I never feel like my money is being wasted with them.
I separate my life into pre and post ToKINO Necro.
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You guys jest, but I really do think that Milgram is one of the best chuunige antagonists, and a very relatable character in general.
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I've read through that ages ago, even if they actually cut pointless fluff at times and had a point, they've also absolutely massacred the script because they're too retarded to attempt something like that. I.e it'd be fine as an alternate version if they were competent.

Is there some entry where they discuss ef instead? I heard they didnt change much, but still.
mistranslations that end up turning the conversations into nonsense are a wholly different issue to localization
He's Redman, but cool.
What if a VN is not released by JAST but, let's say, on the Mangagamer storefront instead?
He's Redman, but hot.
where amakano? where yuzuge?
If there was a Tokyo Necro anime, which route should it adapt?
Personally I'm feeling inclined towards 24 episodes adapting the common route and Iria's route (first ending), a two-part OVA depicting Milgram's past and the optional (true) ending, and two Kiriri and Mitsumin route movies afterwards, all animated by Ufotable or studio Trigger.
I only read chuuni, I don't like to watch.
and they still ret-con to make Ethica and So'Un fight
hence is cringe
Kageaki had to kill Hikaru and the VN kept that way
hopefully silverlink have the rights
Who the fuck is Hikaru
>all animated by Ufotable or studio Trigger.
Why not ACGT? They have experience animating chunige from the DI anime.
speaking of the DI adaption, it was way better than the source material
Your imouto who wants to end mankind so that she can fuck you without incest laws getting in the way.
>Invaders of the Rokujyōma!?
I'm thinking kino.
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maybe if you're braindead
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His VA.
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Still hearing Kyousuke and Yoshino whenever he speaks.
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He also voiced Master Therion
Amazing VA
completely ruined the source material
it was good for the ecchi at the beginning but the rest is shit
>muh source material
Opinion disregarded.
Opinion disregarded.
Oath under Snow was kino of the highest order.
Best fate related media since Fate/Zero.
literally kino'd my pants.
I see you just read Tokyo Nekro.
but it was shit CG fest
if only Ufo was behind it
CG is a sign of kino.
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Go read an all-ages VN
maybe on planet india
There's no point to reading all-ages moege.
I'd sooner die
Milgram alone is better than Muramasa
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Sorimachi would kill Milgram for being a half-ass faggot
for me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qztMkNhj_3w
What does this post have to do with English-translated Japanese visual novels?
Tokyo Negro
>/vn/ finally became TNchads
It took a while but I'm glad everyone saw reason.
b u h i
post one memorable line from tokyo negro
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I c-can't...
Not at my machine right now but any line from Milgram should do
>doesn't remember them
not memorable
The post who saved /vn/
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>can't remember a single line from the entire Muv Luv franchise
It's over
good now you can re-read it
I remember CHOMP and Drill Milky Punch
Good, now he can reread it
What's the deal with Tokyo Negro spam? Moogycord's raid?
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>Takeru, that's the wrong hole
People actually read and enjoy VNs, unlike spammers like yourself.
Looks like it sold like shit
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I'm an Umineko CHAD, I love good vns and TN was shit. Back to moogycord, nigger.
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moogy doesn't like it like the fags here
>normalfaggot garbage
kill yourself and back to your subreddit, cuckold
>Umineko CHAD
>I love good VNs
>doesn't like it
Zoomers were a mistake.
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65 to you too faggot
pls understand, zoomies only use 9-10 for things they like
7+ means kamige
"Autism mode."
"English can eat shit."
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>I'm an Umineko CHAD
>I love good vns
Peak of the medium, deal with it, NTRtroon.
Nobody cares.
the faggots here would probably give it a 9+
No, I gave it a 6.5. Most VNs are sub-5 so TN is a great VN.
this is a falseflag
no one here would say they unironically like uminegro but one guy
imagine being obsessed about the same VN for years
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I'm reading her ge right now. Almost done with the cute blusher's route. It's pretty mid so far desu
TNtroons in shambles.
and it's a mid VN btw
65 is almost 50
Kill yourself racist retards. Our Uminecro brothers welcome everymens.
haruki is the least based rapist i have ever seen in my life how does he continue to get even more pathetic its unreal
This is why JOPs are superior posters. They have enough variety that they never need to autistically focus on one vn for more than its reading time.
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Nagi's route is twice as long as the others and has all the kino
Love sex with older virgin women
That's rad.
Is that a screenshot of THE White Album 2, i.e. a visual novel rated higher than both Umineko and Muramasa?
we all know the reason why an umifag would read Tokyo Kino
cute tummy
wish this was a moege
TN's girls having sex with others and that's why it's KINO!
>let's just spam zako and pure gyaru for an entire year
>we're really not obsessed
Most of those are from EOPs obsessed with Yuzusoft. JOPs have already moved on.
>every person posting the amane image is a JOP
You do know that EOPs can save JOP images, right?
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gaslighting JOPs colonizers putting the blame on innocent EOPs, the natives of this land as always
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Where is imouto-ge poster? Did (((they))) get him?
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I admit I've never finished a single yuzuge...
I have (only 1 or 2 routes counts as finishing)
Azusa is a peak Yuzugirl.
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Nozomu is a peak Yuzugirl.
That's a boy
Lena is a peak yuzuslut
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Who bolted those tumors onto my Azusa?
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Lena is shit
We love Azusa here.
Zako bros... it's not fair!
Azusa has been my wife for 10 years. I love Azusa so much.
No thanks. I only read happyges
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Too young.
Yuzuhags are the best though.
Treating "physically like a boy" girls like princesses is the best thing ever
Stop being a simp for tomboys
I said physically not mentally
Tomboys are ok
Insecure flat or flat-adjacent girls? Kino
12 yo girlfriend.
21 yo virgin girlfriend in plotge.
give that slut a donut
30 years old virgin office lady.
26 yo non-virgin girlfriend in plotge.
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We love Sumika here.
You already went stupid when you got alien tentacles up all your holes!
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whats up with the japanese and tentacle rape
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Case 1 is spiritual NTR, if then heroine knows then it is kind of NTR but if not or heroine gets raped by MC body then I don't see it as NTR
Case 2 is pure NTR unless MC original body died because the heroine don't love the MC in both spirit and body. But in your case the MC is a cuck who wants to be cucked so it is NTS not NTR

Case 2 is worse
sex with 12 year old loli gf as shota
This but the girl is taller than him and has a nice pair of tits.
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I have finished the entire series now and have no idea if Suoh loves Rikka romantically, or if she only likes her as a friend and is leading her on terribly.
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why is this guy spending multiple hours a day whitenoise posting about shotas
fandisc with shota h-scene doko
nukitashi had a ton of reverse rape but i am not sure they have the balls to do a straight up koku-doujin-brand tier shota rape vn (append?) with FFKM
>Case 2: The mc fucks the heroine using his rival's body.
Not NTR as doing this would mean the MC is too retarded to have normal feelings
>MC is too retarded
that is the entire premise of basically all NTR stuff, the MC has to be cat on head retarded for the stories to work almost all the time
i think you can take that at face value in this situation
Any netori VN where you can steal a married woman with a child from her husband?
Best hetkino in vns?
>Mindbroken by yuriKINO
Let's laugh at hetfags.
Why hets so sensitive?
a must play due to the certified kino tags
>Pubic Hair Option 1.5 (adds more hair, no pubes is not an option)
>Heroine with Anal Hair 1.0 (if you use the above option)
Only a mentally challenged person would support hetshit.
only fags use the word hets
We dominated the entire human civilization for centuries thoughever
You're gay.
feel like tentacle rape is a dead trope for at least 10 years
Netori is legit evil
Can you somehow skip or automate the gameplay segments now? Really hated the constant gameplay interruptions in baldr sky, when all I wanted was to read.
not my fault you can't satisfy your women
only if the guy is a good person, if he's a piece of shit and a terrible partner then it's fine, you could be rescuing her from a bad situation.
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Nope I am a God fearing man
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Infidelity in general is unless the point of the story is refutation of it
>netorare that ends in romantic reconciliation, revenge, or MC getting a better girl
>netorase that ends in the MC getting past his fetish and enjoying pure monogamy
>netori that ends in the MC either getting BTFO or ruining his life as a result of the chase
MC is still a cuck if he is with the same girl he was NTRed/NTSed
immoral but calling it evil would depend heavily on context
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those gosh darn suzakuin middle daughters
YuriCHADs won.
The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife by Hokusai circa 1814
I guess everyone left the thread to go look at that painting
I'm painting my heroine.
we're sort of in an inbetween time -- too late for eurocuck autism focus spam and too early for distinguished JOP posting hours
Best boss fight in vn?
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Non-Rance VNs where the heroic MC rape corrects all the evil women in his path?
Anon's life in prison
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sex with imoutos
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Crystaliage out of nowhere
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>out of nowhere
check the OP image for a surprise
All ages moege.
That's what I mean, for 10 past thread they just use some random EOP titles, and then suddenly they make Setsugekka edition out of nowhere.
which moege has the best confessions
I just watched anime with a surprise ntr ending (sonny boy), and i'm ironically a full blown buta now. Not going to read even classical literature if it contains any amount of cucking. fuck it.
Any moege with surprise NTR endings?
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I went outside and talked to people for the first time in three years. Hated it.
Time to read a visual novel.
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nah you gotta play 'em. Best you can do if you want to skip the gameplay entirely is set the difficulty to very easy and cheese with the SMG/gattling/bazooka.
Nice, Nagi's probably my favorite so far. I liked Tsukuyomi since sword girl, but her route was pretty trash since she was the first girl.
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Is there 2 versions of Kara No Shoujo 2? I got a new computer and I redownloaded the game from a new torrent because my mega sync shit itself and the opening is entirely different. The 2nd version I got seems to skip over the opening with reiji and the edgy new character who slits his wrist at the start and just go into the flashback.
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No this is me
me on the back
There's one with Redman's voice actor as Reiji which is the old MG one
There's another with Milgram's voice actor as Reiji which is the new Shiravune one (this is the one you should read)
He actually turns out to be a great character
eat your greens
fuck I wish I had a sword
where is the panties

three years? how?
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>He doesn't like gameplay
Can't relate
Yuzu should do another sword girl, but this time a curved sword and give her dekai oppai
>curved sword
hello mohammed
I love yuzuwomen so much it's unreal
I was thinking Sabres
bloodhound's fang girl when?
This but only yuzublondes
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you gotta be shitting me I wasn't expecting this. Got reminded of the 999 ending
VNs set on the steppe?
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where the plotge at
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you know exactly what you're doing you fucker
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need hq version of this
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Should I read the Onigyu patch?
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Not sure what aspect confuses you. I'll assume you mean daily needs. Where I live, you can have just about anything delivered or have them load it into your car without conversation, including groceries. Socially, I don't need to talk to people.
I find reading visual novels to be more fulfilling than IRL bonds with others, so I have no inclination to change.
Same bro.
Do you love your sister's?
Didn't expect to see my alma mater on /vn/
okay sure, but three years? you never talked to some guy that knocked at your door? you get neetbux? no doctor visits?
why would you ever answer doors
Fuck you shark basterd
>VN casually uses the word "bussy"
wtf is wrong with translators
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I got tired of waiting for Reboot so I decided Cafe Stella would be my first Yuzuge
This is not a word.
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>Cafe Stella
>First yuzuge
bad choice anon-kun
You may be fine now but getting old alone sucks bro. You'll also die earlier.
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because we live in a society
Better than living with used goods. Sex bots will extend my lifespan.
You may not realize it, but your attitude is a cope mechanism
I don't answer the door, it's always solicitors. I am self employed in a manner that doesn't require communication beyond what you and I are doing right now.
I am in quite good health, arguably better than ever. But that is exactly what prompted me to break that 3 year stint. I went to have a checkup, for my peace of mind.

>getting old alone sucks
>You'll also die earlier
Sounds like a self solving problem. I don't deny that it'd be easier in the grand scheme of things to have a circle of support, but I don't see it as being worth it when I loathe it in the present. But I do have family members that wish the best for me, so it's not like I'll be totally shit out of luck.
surprisingly it is actually a word
I realize it but there's nothing to be done about it besides more moege.
/vn/ is my friend so I'll be fine.
Pull out the dictionary
You can do it because I'm not putting that word in my search engine
you're weird, but I wish you the best regardless

also consider going to the dentist before you go on a long loneliness streak again
Fuck you
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In my mind I did not expect donut girl to have such a squeaky voice
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I wish you the best too.
And yeah, I was thinking about the dentist soon, even though I never seem to have a problem in that regard. Dentists are much more chatty than doctors and nurses, sadly.
My fat wife...
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What a rude thing to do to your childhood friend. Stop the childhood friend bullying
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Every day we stray further from the light of God
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The face of a woman who knows the way to a man's heart is through his stomach
I want to bully her
Yuzusluts that give rimjobs?
Not moe.
future bussy right there
Swore off all moege once I realized how rare it was for Yuzusoft girls to pee themselves. If it was devoid of that content entirely I could've forgiven it. But the developers knew about how hot it could be and chose to make it rare. We have a fundamental difference in value.
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Brocon imoutos are the best!
Pick one.
I kneel
Yuzuge royal treatment when?
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So many handles to tug
what does that even mean
anorexic arms
How Cafe Stella BROKE me 47:08
Otome * Domain Critique 1:19:03
Trap Yuri Garden is GENIUS and here's why 3:01:53
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>bitch cafe
What was the point of this post?
Why I RAN away from Muramasa 10:20:11
One of their download sites kept triggering my AV, but I think they've stopped using it
Do you feel in charge
You guys count your time playing VN?
no, no point
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In Rikka's ending of Hiver, Suoh asks her to grow lilies (lt. yuri) together.
That can be interpreted as a sign that she's open for a romantic relationship with Rikka after all these years.
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It's over... I have finished Flowers for good.
Wow, what a stunning and beautiful visual novel! I absolutely did not expect such a masterpiece when I initially picked it up due to the previous Flowers blogposter.
My thoughts on the ending: I still do not believe that Mayuri needed to make such a big secret about her whereabouts; Suoh-chan and Rikka-chan surely would've understood her motivations and may even have supported her decision.
But I do understand that she had personal problems as well and wasn't comfortable with fully opening up to anyone at the time.
I feel that most of my questions regarding the school's mysteries have been answered - the only glaring questions I have left would be what exactly Suoh-chan found in the secret room behind the library other than the old documents about the Academy's history, as well as the identity of Yuzuriha's attacker back in Printemps to whom she referred to as 'Mary'.

Personally, I'd rank the chapters as follows: Été > Automne > Hiver > Printemps
While I do not dislike Suoh-chan at all, Erika-chan and Yuzuriha simply made for the more interesting protagonists, and their respective romance/drama stories were engaging enough to overshadow Mayuri's disappearance in my opinion.
Now, off to the extra material I am!
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white woman + maid
>There's one with Redman's voice actor as Reiji
>There's another with Milgram's voice actor as Reiji
Which one was it in KnS1?
white woman + dog
Right is hot. I wish there are standalone game about her
the amount of sugar I've seen some people dump into their coffee or tea is astounding
but what about white men
The end of an era...
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sadly due to plot shit miyako will probably never get her own game. if she did it'd be radically different than all the other project katana titles
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The disappointment of the century.
White men and asian women?
Original release had no VA
The Shiravune TL of course had Milgram
black men and white traps?
Spend tonight translating, or reread a VN I've already read at least a dozen times?
Decisions, decisions...
Meant for >>484454524
The maid looks concerned
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>only 30 more years until Kohaku's route
Let's goooooooooo
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option 3: read sword girl vns
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If crystalia got balls I hope they make a standalone story about Miyako's adventure in America and fuck every strong people she met.
I wish there were more american women routes
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>cute girl with sword
is good
then is
>cute girl with more swords
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she's 9 years old and can probably beat you at swordsport
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more is always better
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>cute kemonomimige releases
>all the cute kemonomige girls are dirty commies
I want cute girls with guns
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>Oh how I wish that there was an FD.
There is, it's called Tokyo Necro Suicide Mission. They turned the sequel into a gacha. Also Kageaki is there and he fucks Chachamaru.
I am not joking. This is real. It's dead now, so maybe if you're lucky they'll turn the gacha into a VN like grisaia.
just started recently, so that I could add it to vndb eventually.
Me on the right
Is that the kino where Hikaru doesn't get to fuck Kageaki and instead masturbates while watching him fuck the other girls?
Need more Amerikini heroines
this whole scene was great
>be sensei
>teaching swordsport to students
>they hear you have a forbidden sword technique
>refuse to show it until some white haired slut cajoles you into it
>9 year old loli appears
>"i want to see your forbidden sword technique"
>"ha ha, okay, just this once!"
I have a Tokyo Necro based system for visual novel quality assessment ranging from 1, which denotes utter trash, to 10, which would be as good as Tokyo Necro.
Only one VN has ever reached 10 points, however, that VN of course being Tokyo Necro.
>tfw can identify the body that the head is photoshopped onto instantly
my brain is so fucked
A 9 is Sana edition btw.
Sword girls are overused and boring now
your overused and boring now
alright fine I'll read tokyo necro
Maybe on plenata reatared
>Case 1: The rival fucks the heroine using the mc's body. She's oblivious to the change so she naturally responds.
That's the premise of https://vndb.org/v15985, which is explicitly an ntrge.
Excellent VN, although nenetori is better.
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Why would you say things that aren't right on the internet?
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I'd give TN a 9 if only because Milgram needed more screen time in almost all the routes
Where do the other crystalia games rank in comparison to Re:D Cherish? That's the only one I've read.
This sensei is responsible for giving a 9 year old loli a weird strong people fetish
If you overplay your hand, you're sure to lose the game.
His mystique is what draws people in to him initially, it'd disappear if he was the antagonist in every route.
Yep. Even in gacha, they won't let kageaki fuck Hikaru, so she masturbates to Kageaki fucking other girls.
top kino
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Katana > Diner
>even in gacha, Muramasa has to have NTR
tell me that namanikuATK worked on this game without telling me that he worked on this game.
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right needs correction
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I haven't read the other vns, but Eternity Blood is chuunikamige man.
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I haven't read red cherish yet, so I don't know. If I had to rank the ones I have read, then:
Yureaka >= Kakehana > Mekuiro = Tsubaki Renka >>>> Mekurabe
Mekurabe was a real stinker, though it has cool monster designs. Mekuiro was entertaining but you can really tell they didn't have good ideas on fight "choreography" nailed down yet. Not surprising since it's the first one in release order. Yureaka and Kakehana were vast improvements.
Anon you can literally see that's his art.
Also I don't know why you'rememeing that NamanikuATK loves NTR, which doesn't appear to be true. He loves fart and scat porn, that's like 80% of his fanbox. That seems like a much easier fetish to make fun of.
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There's a Sorcerous Stabber Orphen reference in the VN I'm translating and I'm not going to localize it or even put in a TL note.
Seriously, anyone familiar with him knows big asses, farts, and scat are his poison, not NTR. That's all Narahara
But enough about Fumi.
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It's like they read all of my complaints with every tomefure ending and decided to fix them all.
>Also I don't know why you'rememeing that NamanikuATK loves NTR,
He literally asks for a Mitsumin NTR route in TN's liner notes someone posted earlier.
What did some /vn/ anon call her again? I forgor
Maybe she'll get a 3P in the Nadenadeshikoshiko one room coming out next month? lol
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That just shows he didn't read the VN, that shit's already in there.
I get what he means though, they only tease it a little, might as well go all the way.
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yeah surely haha...
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Who? Are you referring to Kazamine "Wiener" Uino, professional wet blanket?
I remember when Rondo Duo would get spammed on 4chan.
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Both Re:D Cherish Mini FDs had a threesome scene, so it's actually possible.
>romantic reconciliation
The pink haired girlfriend game by Anim. The non-NTR endings are both strangely good.
>MC getting a better girl
There's an Atelier Sakura VN about a group of friends that go skiing that ends like this.
>MC getting past his fetish
I think all of Atelier Sakura's netorase VNs are like this.
>MC getting BTFO or ruining his life as a result of the case
No idea.
Be warned that all of the VNs mentioned are pretty much shit. It's only natural. To write the common NTR part of the VN well you need a writer that enjoys NTR. But to write an ending that refutes NTR well, you need a writer that enjoys vanilla more than they enjoy NTR.
the next game will get the same treatment
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If that happen then I want 3P with Hapa sisters
But why did Crystalia choose the fucking imouto instead
>The pink haired girlfriend game by Anim. The non-NTR endings are both strangely good.
You mean the one where MC forgives her for everything, or the one where MC hates her and treats her like shit and she accepts it because she thinks she deserves it? I don't think either is particularly good.
Frankly tennischad just deserved her more, he was the better man in every respect.
>man with literal shit taste loves ntr
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because palvi's half, that's usually the reason
palvi's route and character were way better than the imouto but since she's half-spurdo it makes their dicks shrivel
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precious clothed lewdness
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can't VNs while on vacation *sigh*
fine I'll read your katana games just so I can be in the cool jop club
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wonder what would happen if one were to pull that zipper
what wonders lie beneath
*zoom jop club
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He's literally me.
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That's what a steam deck is for, anon.
I was reading netorare otoko no ko on the plane just the other day.
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This you ?
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gotta go fast
Screen too small.
What's her IQ?
Fine, fine, I'll read Doukyuusei 2 remake AND Mekuiro on alternating nights so I can be in the zoomer JOP club and the boomer JOP club.
no pc and visiting normalfag religious family
>steam deck
maybe if it was smaller
30 hours into the The House in Futa Morgana and there hasn't been a single futa h scene? Fucking kusoge.
/vn/ JOP starter pack:
Katana-ge, Cabbage-ge, Racist vamps-ge, zako, any raw Asapro-ge, Mado-ge with bitch kaoruko.
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so cute...
JOP starter pack:
rope, chair
Anon the VN is nine years old, is it really part of a starter pack?
Enjoy some VN required reading (literature) during that time.
All kamige
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>picks out a china dress for her
dangerously based
not a single kamige
what's cabbage-ge?
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it is nice outside, maybe i should sit out on the deck and read a jopge
Fun fact: the new tomefure game has a scene where MC, after years of being a loner and not having any friends, makes lots of friends by watching jujutsu kaisen and chatting with people at school about how cool and strong Gojo is.
That's real. That really happens.
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Literally me
Oh fuck you, i thought Hamikuri was 9 years ago
fell for it
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i prefer madoge with two faced bitch Ashe
Insert shota zako
Why is she pointing over there...?
gotta go for a bit, when I get back do you want me to blogpost plotge or big tiddy moenukige more?
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she is indicating a convenient receptacle for certain items
Oh the writing across the board is pretty shit as expected. I mean that the events of the endings are interesting ways to refute NTR. The girlfriend nearly swearing off sex if the MC didn't recover sold the reconciliation. In this ending she actually starts to become a likable character. If you contrast with the tennischad's ending, the implication is that being with the MC makes her a better person, while being with tennischad will preserve her with all her current faults. I think that's a fine way to refute NTR.
The other ending is just funny. MC taking initiative to corrupt the girl himself and send clips to the netori man is something new.

I remember finding the tennischad extremely annoying. He was like the "I'm not like the other girls" of NTR antagonists. The writers loaded him with sob stories to use as emotional manipulation which felt like the cheapest subversion possible.
How big tiddy we talking?
i like chikage's abnormally large nipples
Big oppai paizuri on zako.
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>nine years old,
too new
I want Kei to turn me into a bodybag for the purposes of training
erm. a boxing bag*
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Just finished Muramasa. It waa good.
Kamimasa, the best VN ever made.
>I remember finding the tennischad extremely annoying. He was like the "I'm not like the other girls" of NTR antagonists. The writers loaded him with sob stories to use as emotional manipulation which felt like the cheapest subversion possible.
That was what made him so great. Him getting the girl pregnant and demanding to take responsibility and immediately going to her father and saying he'll do whatever it takes to get his approval was so fucking funny. He's just a shoujo gigachad in an ntrge.
ok, but did you find Doushin, Sorimachi, or Kageaki more relateable?
>rapes boss
>tells him she's on the pill
>tells him dropped bank trying to look pretty for him
>he thinks she's trying to keep him out of trouble for raping her
somehow haruki blends being a massive retard and major depression into an unholy mix. i've never read something that made me want to rip my hair out like this its impressive
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I'll never read wa2 and dunno why you bothered.
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Haruki is such a piece of shit it makes me like the heroines less for falling in love with him.
Mari and Kazusa are pretty cute though.
>Haruki is such a piece of shit it makes me like the heroines less for falling in love with him.
>Haruki is such a piece of shit it makes me like the heroines less for falling in love with him.
blame kazusa for dragging me into this purgatory. todokanai koi infested my brain so i can't even forget about wa2
haruki belongs in the list of worst MC ever created, which is kinda weird from the company who has good protags in their other titles
He needs to be an idiot who can't communicate for the story to progress, and also Maruto threw in his ridiculous overwork fetish on top of it.
he's legitimately so fucking awful that i am actually struggling to direct my disgust to setsuna
haruki is haruki, setsuna is just a cuck
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he is literally me
I can't forgive him for raping the cute girl
It wasn't rape, it was performance art
I can't forgive him for not raping the cute boy.
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Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have sisters to kiss.
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It's just the opposite. Terrible MCs are the hallmark of a leaf ge.
>To Heart 2
That's a child
don't forget tears to tiara
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Onii-chan disagrees
And what a child
That was more of an aquaplus game.
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oh baby my tsukihime copy has arrived
I was a bit underwhelmed by the artbook, but at least it confirmed my theory they made a 3d model of the Tohno mansion to keep backgrounds consistent across various angles.
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IS THAT A frog
He did it to make sure she survives, dumbass. As a daughter of the traitor it wouldn't be weird for her to get executed but Doushin took her into the palace under his protection and silenced everyone with that rape - no one could claim she needs punishment after that and no one would be likely to marry her (married to her fathers killers and likely abused all her life isn't a good end) either. He was friends with her father and unironically did her a favor but you retards slander him for it
anon you can just say you like him because he makes silly faces you don't have to write fanfiction
Need more hagrape VNs (vanilla)
Nothing wrong with that one though?
Was obvious.

>inferior version
>keep all of my vn related images on a raspberry pi sd card
>it died
>no backups
this is the moment where you laugh at me
It's not fanfiction, he doesn't do a single bad thing throughout the game - on the contrary, he keeps helping people lol
I love these VNs, man.
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This is what your imouto should be like after plapping.
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oh no, the honeymoon phase ended
anon...I can see it...
It's over...nukige drama..
He had casual sex with some rando, decided that he hated her and ideated about killing her constantly and repeated over and over about how it is just about sex and she means nothing to him, all the while being helplessly in love with her. This is what 90% of the routes focus on.
>ntr'd by a pillow
>release a VN with two after stories
>one takes place leading up to and during christmas
>the other takes place during the christmas/new years break
>release the VN in July
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horni imouto
>didn't understand the game
He only holds feelings for her in her own route and it's nothing definite or as strong as love.
In the other ones he's only concerned about her because - regardless of how he acts - he's a softie. That aspect of him is confirmed in every route and it's outright stated at their first meeting on the roof, that they're both trying to escape themselves - he wants to find strength by standing over someone and she wants to find value by being useful to someone. Touko annoys him so much at times because he's too kind and has to face what he wanted to forget through her, like how he gets pissed at her over the dog but takes it in anyway

Embarrassing. Though understandable as you'd need to have sex as a teenager to understand the all-too-real dilemma of being unsure if you like someone or just want to fuck them.
it really just comes down to the types of people who read VNs want to self insert as hyper competent chads, nothing complicated
I'm a hyper competent chad so I want to self-insert as a woman.
>you didn't get it
No, I engaged in hyperbole, because no matter the context, the reality is endless pages of NVL of the MC navel gazing the same topic over and over while sharting out nihilist ramblings

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