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Previous: >>484351331

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Who the fuck uses Pela with Acheron anyway? What is your Kafka and Swan doing? Just play Kafka Swan Acheron on one side and FF Ruan Mei HMC on the other side.

There is no place for a bland fagfox in this game.
But enough about Caelus
>Who the fuck uses Pela with Acheron anyway?
E2 Acheronlets
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Quantum is the best element.
Jews fears her. They had to resort to sabotaging her number (and buffing Wuwa and Genshin's).
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Xueyi bros are we watching "Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai" (My Wife Has No Emotion), anime about a guy and his emotionless robot girl wife?
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Shoot all off-topic idiots
Rerun when?
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My girlfriend is so cute
how bad exactly is FF s0e0
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Firefly love!
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Soon. Just ignore the chinkslop filter banners
Firefly's story would have made Shinzo Abe proud.
Marry and reproduce.
futastelle (cis futa) impregnating sparkle with her manly futacum
Would Gui enjoy getting punched in the babymaker?
ruined by jade
Alright smartbros, how does Vulnerability work? Is it an independent multiplier like Acheron's 2 Nihility units bonus?
How big is futastelle's cock? Ideally it's between 5 and 8 inches.
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I just want more FuA comps. Kinda tired of break for now
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It's over
>only schizos and mentally ill fireflyfags are in this general
damn. where are my comfy HSRbros...
better than every other e0s0 DPS
All your HSRbros were always schizos
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We are playing zezuzo or whatever is called now bwo
I just read Jiaoqiu changes and wtf is the point of this character? They literally just remade Guinaifein, atleast Yunli is Clara+. Are they trying to make a meta joke that they're aware of us hating Space China and made the first releases of Xianzhou Part 2 miserable? I guess the powercreep has to slow down at some point and unfortunately the next two are just stagnant, atleast gives us time to save until they start to ramp up again, just sad how both five stars are just really disappointing copies.
It's my birthday today so can I get some feet?
Did everyone actually leave?
I'll wait until we see actual gameplay
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Firefly love!
Yunli and Feixiao soon
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post the webm version
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i'm still here bwi
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I'm not playing a game that's 50GB on the first patch alone
Imagine having to still be a wagie even inside a so-called dreamscape, I'd try to kill myself too
At the same time, though, couldn't she just leave? How does clocking in and out work if you're supposed to be a guest at a hotel?
Yeah. The game got too difficult for casuals like Tectone said: https://streamable.com/ak92ia
They need to stop catering to harcore players.
>how bad exactly is FF s0e0
If she isn't number one at E0S0 then no other DPS are. Absolutely busted even at mid investment on relics assuming you have her superbreak team
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i left for food
I left for good
>need E2S1 Topaz to enable FUA team
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Not a fan of counter
I really hope she is a crit BE hybrid rather than full BE, her design sounds really hot
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This stupid green rat can't sustain for shit.
Jiaoqiu sucks for DoT, he's always 2 cycles slower than just using RM.
I'm just crying because I won't be able to hit pity again before FF banner ends
There's gameplay leaks all over the UToob already. Not promising ngl desu frfr.
> Inb4 leakers play bad
Most of them are starting to up their gameplay, probably felt pressured from the comments bullying shitty plays. Even then the numbers are out already and unless expecting a drastic retuning, expect disappointment.
>Firefly eats cake every single day
Fat pig
Please respond...
HuoHuo is dogshit and I would rather run Luochud than her
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50Gb is like standard for most games now what are you talking about
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>There's gameplay leaks all over the UToob
Not of the new kit, now that he has DoT on his base kit I wonder how well he plays as a RM substitute
So. I heard our new game is ripping off /hsrg/ gameplay. Guess it's only fair given that MiHoYo rose to success by copying Japanese games.

So what now?

A /PMMM/ v /hsrg/ rematch on the field?
skill issue
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Madoka: Star Rail.
General was killed by Firefly kinda like how Furina/Neuvillette killed /gig/. Too many posts and discussion dominated by the same character will drive people away
No one cares about you troon. Have a pity (you)
> Luochud in 2024
But Gallagher already was and will be free thougheverbeit????
Im retarded
Did v3 make E2 DoTFox stronger, or is he still the same for dot teams?
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How the fuck is this OK? This dude is supposed to be a 4* break support/healer hybrid, not a freaking subdps that chugs out casual 100k superbreaks.
no one likes Chispita
Bets on how many times this will get posted in the next 12 hours?
That's for real games that have actual big open worlds and a huge amount of content. For reference Sekiro is 12 gb
Shows how much of a waste fofo really is kek
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Those aren't live-service games that constantly get new updates
HMC does more than that and its an harmony unit
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Sorry Madoka but I only play yuri gaems
Just press the auto button lmao
when searching for relics which better for an offensive character?
an Orb that boosts attack or an orb that boosts their corresponding elemental damage? exaple, firefly an attack orb vs a fire boost orb
gallagher is that busted so makes you wonder just how FF designated abundance 5* is going to be.
It's just a multiplier to damage. So 20% vulnerability means 20% more damage. We had it in the game since release, like Welt has a trace that gives 12% vulnerability when he ults. And if you stack those 2, you get 32 vulnerability
>Is it an independent multiplier like Acheron's 2 Nihility units bonus?
No, that one is unique. That is what makes it so good, since it's the only source you can get of it.
That's HMC's damage. HMC is insane.
Better than seeing another FF schizo post
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Side by side for comparison.
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>Wuwakek found something else to spam
>No one gives him Yous
Then why are you here?
This is so soulless Lmao
Madoka shouldnt even be a magical girl because her wish is so cartoonishly naïve it instantly turns her into Kriemhild Grechen
i need source...
Depending with the offensive character. Firefly for example doesn't benefit from fire boost orb but benefits from attack orb.
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Why are FF sales going up again?
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FOMO premium dps
>side by side
Are you sure about that.
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
Paychecks arrived or something
Holy headcanon schizophrenia
You'd be a retard to skip her so latelets are also spending.
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Seems like a cheap copycat, ngl.
Ghost of Tsushima is 50GB and it's a really pretty open world game. ZZZ and company are anime games developed for PHONES first
First of the month, welfare checks going out
Looks comfy. Will give it a read.
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I'm a slowpoke but this gay RNG is over
The more you get of a stat, the less relative impact it will have. So DMG% is generally better, since you can get atk% substats. But some characters have a lot of DMG% in their kit (BS, Xueyi) or your supports add a lot of DMG% then atk% can be better.
> firefly an attack orb vs a fire boost orb
Use atk%, dmg% does nothing for break damage. And Firefly has a trace that converts atk into BE.
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mating pressing this friendless loser
Madoka is a dead IP.
Shop ticket reset.
>i'll wait for the free tickets maybe i will luck out
>oh i didn't, i guess i'll buy tickets now
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MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are friends
Everyone are pissed by towekike's kikery.

>implying fotm dps is a must pull

lmao even

pagflies are pathetic
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Jadebros, have you finished prefarming already?
Shower status?
I see, thanks, its just that I got 2 of the new orbs but one is attack and the other is fire so I was wondering which one suited her best
I asked
I care
Live because you're worth it
Take Care of Yourself
I love you
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Waiting for the new event to see if it hands out traces like the other events
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So? Where do you take your Firewife?
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>only 100k
Build your Gallagher properly, bwo.
im still here
time to kys
>ST vs multiple targets
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our lovely home
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I wish Xueyi was real and was my girlfriend
>did lower ST damage han that anon
Build your Gallagher properly, bwo.
dont care for gay little girls
That's 99% of jp gachas
Monthly paycheck came in
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Everyone forgot about our second Penacunny gf...
>multiple enemies
>the enemies still had toughness bars so adds regular break damage
Great self own anon.
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I can answer you that right now, it does
will E6 Hanya on rerun
She's the first gf..
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Black Swan?
Nice I guess I'm done farming then (if I skip her cone)
Helo frens. Is the aggro in this game always the same or they keep changing values over time? People told me that destruction and preservation characters will get attacked the most but to me, targeting seems completely random sometimes. How do I get better at figuring this out? I have destro, preserv, harmony and nihility in a team.
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>50Gb is like standard for most games
Base Elden Ring (without the DLC) is 50GB.
Base Genshin Impact (1.0) was 12GB.
There's no reason for ZZZ to be that big on release, especially when it's not an AAA open-world game like the ones I've mentioned.
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did i ever tell you?
wheres the tits
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>no hags
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>MC calls her a friend and has her contact so they are frien-ACK
It's Sparkle's fault she's a friendless loser.
Fuck farming for Izumo so just slapped the best Sigonia planar pieces on Acheron instead. It's honestly pretty good on her CritMaxxing and the small loss of Atk wasn't that bad after all.
Aggro chance depends on the Path, each has their own aggro value. But its still 'chance', so its random.
I'm still waiting for when they do something juicier than just talk
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>did you ever hear the tragedy of darth chicken, the dove?
I don't know, I'm bad at making up jokes...
Acheron is my wife
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I mean, if you picked Stelle perhaps you could headcanon that
Kill yourself troon
no such thing
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>You now remember that time we got like 40 free pulls for streaming a black screen
I'm warming up to short haired girls lately so I kinda agree with you but for me is:
3 > 4 > 1 > 2
uh oh mamifag melty
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Licking Acheron's bare back!
Sporkle !
>I mean, if you picked Stelle perhaps you could headcanon that
Stelle gets threesome's with fat titty hags. First it was Kafka and Himeko, now Black Swan and Acheron.
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>Zero (You) pandering
>Her whole character is >muh birds and >muh brother
Black Swan and Acheron are unironically more fit for that role than her.
Hell, even Sparkle is more fit to be (You)r Peniscolony gf than her.
i think i need fire dps should i pray that i lose the next 50/50 to himeko?
whatever you do, DONT post about madoka shipping
just pray to get firefly
Reliving ACK's origins...
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so tell me, why do accounts brick?
I always liked Sayaka x Homura more
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Destruction has 5 base
Preservation has 6 base
Harmony and Nihility 4
5+6+4+4= 19
6/19 is 0.31, 4/19 is 0.21 so your Preservation unit has 31% of being attacked and Harmony/Nihility 21% each
nyoo i don't want her
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Happy birthday
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Are her breasts and cleavage the most aesthetically pleasing?
I only ship madoka girls x suffering
Is this real? I love madoka,I like Homu the most
I hope we will get collab
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No you don't understand. You fugg her offscreen and she's now pregnant with your child...
>participate since day 1
>need to stream for X consecutive days for the last 10 pull
>event ended early before most people could claim final reward
I'm still mad
who's a good sustain that isn't gallagher? would bailu or natasha be ok? fx is already on my other team
except if you have tingyun
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I spent my oneiric shard on Firefly banner because they still haven't announce costume.
For what fucking reason they delayed it while ZZZ almost ready to release one.
Holy ESL batman
everything about Yomi is aesthetically pleasing
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for me its no tattoo/mark acheron
I want to please myself with Yomi
So what the fuck was the red text about? Are we actually Kevin/Kiana (forma del alternate universe)?
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If you normal people, yes.
Burger and nigger somehow prefer ass, based on THAT survey
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No they were talking to (you) the player not the character who played HI3
It's kinda surreal to see R*ddit yumes having a meltdown about their "support male" being tied to waifus (Kafka, Acheron) and doomposting that he's trash whereas for once /hsrg/ things he's gonna be good and we're seeing a repeat of "BS is 10% better than Sampo" and "RM is a Pela sidgrade."
where nipple? where vagina? where do i drink my liquids?????
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>So what the fuck was the red text about?
Breaking the dream reality
>Are we actually Kevin/Kiana (forma del alternate universe)?
No, what a stupid theory based on nothing. Its a meta-gag about (Us), the player, having met Raiden before.
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>Madoka gets their own HSR ripoff
>y*ri "sisters" gtfoh and play that game instead
I see this as an absolute win.
The quicker we get rid of that audience, the better.
so it's a throwaway reference + 4th wall break assuming (You) are familiar with HI3?
>implying the game won't EoS within a year
I know the perfect tattoo for her
last scene more or less confirms it, but acheron states with the whole multiple of the same person arround, following that is not advised since its not fair on anyone
then you have the option to blindside her with your own redspeak and get to see her old oni self
Sorry, we're gonna stick around. You can impotently piss yourself about it for another year.
Counterpoint: Sugarmommy Robin gave me a Luxury Airship and arranged secret one on one meetings and texts as she tries to batter me with stories about hurt Charmony doves for some reason.
Memokeeper don't need one...
Your ship is basically a NFT, it doesnt actually exist
I assume so, she basically said I am not the raiden you know but thanks for remembering me
Its a multi-layer thing, where its both talking about the possibility of many different iterations of the same people existing in the multiverse and also a nod at the meta-joke of the player having met Raiden Mei, in GGZ or Hi3.
The RED TEXT is everytime you break out of the dream reality, so the "joke" in that conversation is you breaking out of the "dream reality" of the game too.
Im pretty sure sugar mommy Himeko gave me my ship.
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This is my best kalpagni sphere. Say something nice to it.
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>cute girl gets close to her face
>his immediate reaction is to pull back
Why is Phagelus such a fag?
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theres more than just that line tho, also the whole "lament forthe fallen" bit in last patch
the whole "its a 4th wall break" feels like people coping cause they want to see kiana again
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magireco does have hags. maybe they will get to xedra.
How come Acheron, Firefly, Silver Wolf, Sparkle, Ruan Mei, and Herta are virgins?
Her breath stinks
It is one of a kind
do we get v4 before ruan mei goes away?
cum stink
what's the ruan mei build for FF? voncwang break effect rope?
>theres more than just that line tho
Yes, every time we break out of the dream reality/"break the 4th wall" its red text. Thats why we had red text in our first meeting with her too.
They will probably tie some stupid shit about Caelus being similar to whatever her version of Kebin is and Stelle being simiar to Frebass but she made it clear that TB the character never met her, its all just similarities but (you) the player has met her in some other form
Autism is too powerful
stinky breath
i wouldn't even be able to make eye contact
The person Acheron is referring to here is dead, so it has nothing to do with wishful thinking.
vonwacq err rope
I wish caelus was my bf
why reference kiana and kevin specifically then
considering the whole "tb is a spawn/chosen of finality" thing its not that far fetched, especially since we dont really know their true nature
for allwe know, kiana is inside the stellaron
freebas is stated to be a small girl so i doubt it im am sure she will pop up again and will be the mikhail of the nihility chapter
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>Madoka: Star Rail
Is madoka really THAT big a franchise for a (presumably) long life span gacha? Wouldn't you want to use a series with a very large cast of characters or a pokmon/digimon like series for long term milking?
Nihility aids
Not anymore
>Silver Wolf
>Ruan Mei
depends on the doll
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but two women can't reproduce on their own
>I'm loyal to Firefly, fuck off whore
>gave birth to Seele then dumped her on Jarilo VI
>Spent too much of her life fighting bugs or floating through space
>Silverwolf spent her entire childhood in the basement arcade of a fast food restaurant without any friends
>Insufferable+who knows what she did with her real body.
Penacony inspired Haiku

> My cock is stuck caged
> Depressing I let it free
> Nobody wants it
>many different iterations of the same people existing in the multiverse and also a nod at the meta-joke of the player having met Raiden Mei, in GGZ or Hi3.
while i'm interested in media franchises that are expansive enough to make this concept happen, i just can't spare enough time to read HI3 and all the available (translated) media that expands upon the story of kiana and co across the mihoyo multiverse. and i'm pretty sure hi2/ggz and the other games are just not translated
They upgraded magia record with better graphics and system but reset everything so that players have to roll for every character again.
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He's not a cheating whore
Acheron isn't, but she may have gotten a refresh when she turned Self-Annihilator.
Firefly is, she wasn't treated as a human and didn't have much opportunity with the SH
SW is too young and nerdy
Sparkle doesn't even remember her body count
Ruan Mei is too autistic
Herta definitely got a refresh while aging in reverse and doesn't care for people much anymore
The last gacha game about Madoka went into EOS a few years ago. Its a legitimately dead franchise
>why doesn't this married man fall head over heels for me? he must be gay!
thot behavior
>Is madoka really THAT big a franchise for a (presumably) long life span gacha?
Madoka already had a gacha, they announced EoS recently because the story was over and they decided to milk everyone for another round. They just made new characters up for it.

>digimon like series for long term milking?
Thats funny, considering Digimon has 3? or so flopped gachas.
Another proof where they created Stelle as default than him
>SW is too young and nerdy
how is that a problem?
not cute enough
As I said anon TB is SIMILAR to someone she met before but (YOU) the player assuming you played HI3 has met a version of her before
voncwang goblet
If you act retarded, you won’t get laid. By retarded I mean extremely autistic and retarded like the characters you mentioned (except Firefly, I think she has a body count, she’s hiding it, that whore!)
Hi3 story goes to complete shit pretty early on, its not worth reading no matter what people say. Don't bother. GGZ is only available in chinese and japanese, so I guess you could play it with a auto-translator. Its actual story has been done for years though, so you could probably find a summary somewhere?
Less opportunity and lack of social skills
People on the ship absolutely fuck Herta's dolls. There's no way they're all operational all the time, so I can easily see people just sneaking into doll storage for a quick fuck.
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But none of them are after I met and fucked them?
ting is coming next, gweilo
Anyone else pulling for Jade? I heard she's good with Blade and I do have a quite decent Blade collecting dust. I can't get 60k score in PF in 1 try recently since I lack decent erudition unit. I can get 40k in one team but I usually struggle with the 2nd one. I do have Acheron and Firefly but they barely made it to 20k mark
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Jiaoqiu Test in DoThags
vs Svarog MoC (Stage 11, the one up right now)
Blessing: At the start of each cycle Hunt and Erudition units take action immediatly and gain +50% DMG (this is useless on purpose)

Kafka E0S0 (GNSW S5), BSwan E0S1, Jiaoqiu E0S0 (Eyes S5), RM E0S0 (MOTP S5), Huohuo E0S0 (Shared Feeling S5)

Kafka/BSwan had 160 SPD for JQ Teams, RM teams had 151 SPD and the surplus subs were distributed into ATK% sub, BSwan had 120% EHR.

Kafka: 4pc Prisoner, 2pc Glamoth
BSwan: 4pc Prisoner, 2pc Glamoth
JQ: 4pc Prisoner, 2pc Pangalactic
Huohuo: 4pc Passerby, 2pc Ageless

Video: https://youtu.be/ru0S3e84GwQ
Results - JQ 2 Cycles, RM 3 Cycles, victory was achieved at the start of cycle 3 so its possible I had skill issue/bad RNG, they're actually pretty equal.
she specifically refferences diffrent people if you play diffrent genders anon
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Maybe you should have made a better first impression, Sparkle.
I am literally retarded
I'm going to get an e1 Jade to pair with my e4 Topaz.
we know, bro
>female only
big flop incoming
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Nihility aids slowly erodes Acherons memories and senses.
Red lines are her 'anchors', memories so strong, important or vivid that she still clings to them, like her name. It's also why there are hints of red in her black and white nihility sphere/domain/whatever, red is her 'self' that's fighting the nihility eroding her.

How do people not get that.
How are homos coping now that DanIL and Ratio got powercrept by the new March 7?
it could be a case of people muddling avatars with the person behind the screen
>Anyone else pulling for Jade?
Yeah, definitely. Gonna put her together with Topaz and hoping for another strong FUA to support.
Blade is probably right now her best match, but I stress that "best" doesn't mean much because overall she just isn't particularly good outside of PF.
I think Silver Wolf smells of BO and she most likely doesn’t shower often
did you forget to post Raiden pict
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>people start shitting on yuri and the Madoka HSR ripoff
>anti-caelus pagposting starts
I'm noooticing
Silver Wolf reeks of cum after I covered her entire body and filled her pussy up with mine
Going for E1 and if Yunli doesn't get some good buff S1
>How do people not get that.
they have to read to get it, that's why
actualy it only goes eos this month
People conflate her farewell (which is a meta reference to the player) with what she says when you meet her, which is either her remembering her dead friends or remembering a Penacony timeline we didn't see in-game.
Caelus, Scampo, Geppie, Welt, Boothill, Sunday, Aventurine, and Dr Ratio owe me sex
what did she do in the end there anyways
literally if its only releases on steam i wont play it because i hate steam
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Interesting take.
Now let see the proof
Who will you top and who will top you?
Was this scene necessary?
I 0 cycle the current Svarog 11 and you really waste your bs ults
took your virginity
I saw the retarded opinion last thread on yunli. The very first numbers on any beta are numbers tossed without testing. If the damage is too high it gets rebalanced. Think of it like this: if a character is one shooting bosses because they have a character that deals too much damage in v1, they aren't just going to release it like that to please people that look at leaks that cry "nerfs" in a fucking beta. They will get continue to do what betas are for and rebalance by tuning the numbers. If this 100 crit damage wasn't applying they very well could have removed the 100% crit damage entirely and left the mods the same if they felt the damage was fair before they fixed the bug. They choose to keep the 100% crit damage and lower the modifiers to rebalance.
fucking ruan mei until she can't keep her pokerface anymore!
>anti-caelus pagposting starts
Bro, are you hallucinating?
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What a coincidence. I just upgraded this too today.
you get that scene by refferencing that very scene tho
frankly, people are so eager to dismiss it that they completely sidestep the implication
if TB does indeed remember a raiden, then its either acheron(unlikely) oranother they forgot from their SH days
there can be more than one raiden too
>How do people not get that
To be fair the entire setting of this planet is a dream within a dream so people are too busy trying to wrap their minds around that
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She will stop keep poker face when her experiment success aka breeded by emanator of propagation
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>Was this scene necessary?
What's the point of using RM with S0 Kafka? Your BS hits like a wet noodle with only 4 arcana stacks even with Ruan Mei
Next time, you shouldn't forget to actually do the falseflag posting 'before' you pretend to "noootice" anon. Makes you look a bit retarded right now.
honestly she reminds me of my sister and she only showers like twice a week. its gross af
is your sister hot?
>frankly, people are so eager to dismiss it that they completely sidestep the implication
Mostly because it makes no sense at all. You can construe some connections between Kiana and the TB (baseball bat etc.) but there is absolutely nothing linking them with Kevin.
The idea either of them are The Finality is more plausible by comparison.
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She doesn't even scream like other characters when getting hit, RM is metal as fuck so it would require a really good dicking from you.
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isn't speed is like deadstat for FF? even with 0 speed you already reach 4 action before her combustion off. Any other extra basically just make you faster on turn 0 and could possibly be useless if your HMC can't set up their ult yet
We know nigga, that's why doomposting numbers STC is so fukn funny
Firefly/Superbreak broke me

Its just a fucking Cheatcode.
Supports doing Hypercarry Damage, Enemys slowed down until they die, Gallaghar Attacking 3 times (attack, Burst, Attack)

I dont even know if i want to """invest""" more in my Acheron Team with C2, her Lightcone, the Gay Fox for just doing 1/4 of the Damage what the Firefly Team does.

TL;DR: Saving & Waiting for a Healer who heals, Buffs, Debuffs, AOE Attack with 100% Freeze Chance and generate Attack Points.
They really drank the super break koolaid, it's peak retardation
How badly will wuwa and zzz mog us next month?
no, shes a womanlet and built like a plank of wood. and she looks like a ghost because at this point we joke that shes allergic to the sun
That's where Caelus enter and help with that
It's literally hyperbloom of HSR
Watch as they will release Neuvilette on 3.x next
>shes a womanlet
not a problem
women should be short
Isn't speed still useful with DDD HMC and shorter ulti downtime?
whowha? I dunno but it sounds pretty zzzz
>2 cycles
Bro everyone can easily 0 cycle with Firefly and Acheron now.
She is godlike for Blade in PF and basically worthless for him everywhere, although I know my personal account could 1.3k Cocolia if I was running Blade + Jade since I am barely under it, mostly because the lack of quantum break for Gepard really slows down the first phase.
I would not pull her specifically for Blade, but if you struggle with PF in general she's probably going to be the best PF unit, or near it.
IMO Jade + Blade will be as good as or better than Herta + Himeko, but you can also run Jade with Herta or Himeko depending on weakness typing, it'll give very good coverage for all PF configurations.

>I do have Acheron and Firefly but they barely made it to 20k mark
Both of these characters are trash in PF without specific supports, don't listen to Prydwen. Acheron needs DoThags and FF needs Himeko.
Although Acheron will be good in PF with just Jiaoqiu once he's out.
The global ver eos on its own. The jap ver eos this month to be replaced with the new one. Yes they have to roll (buy) all their characters again.
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banjo mei emotionless sex!
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>Mogging anything
Will be the least successful of the 3 mihoyo titles but still top 3. Release should be one of the times that it pulls ahead of everyone though.
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As long your sister is not overweight, that's already + point for me
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E0S0 Dan2 owner here.
I unironically hope that March (forma de la china) powercreeps him, because I want to bench this faggot dragon ASAP.
Not even Sparkle and E6 Ting can save his sorry ass from doing no damage.
>inb4 bro, your free Ratio?
I don't have the IPC slampig nor Robin. Not to mention that my SW and Pela are already glued to my Acheron team.
She tanked that by the way
Anon repeat with me
TB = similar
(You) = (You) the player
>Although Acheron will be good in PF with just Jiaoqiu once he's out.
not gonna roll for the gay ass fox, no matter how much you shill him
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>unusable outside E1
>nerfed to oblivion
>made into 5* Gui
Hoyo really is saying, “Look at these skippable characters go play ZZZ and spend lots of money on Ellen Joe”
I will all of them
Wuwa has yet to mog Clorinde and Sigewinne
kevin also used a basebalbat anon
it still stands that acheron's kiana/kevin are both dead
but the whole finality angle is very sus tho
my personal theory is that TB, "kiana" and "kevin" are all artificial spawn of terminus it sends out to prevent its own birth, their nature is similar
how do you guys have jades for almost every character?
Yeah, it could push another action. But I prefer use MoTP for more break damage
>Huohuo useless garbage
>A 4* is better than her
we swipe
>Hoyo really is saying, “Look at these skippable characters go play ZZZ and spend lots of money on Ellen Joe”
Yes? Everyone saying Firefly is their last big cashout for this patch cycle wasn't kidding anon. They don't know if ZZZ will split their playerbase further like HSR did to Genshin.
>*top all of them*
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Nobody said to pull him, just run Acheron with DoThags or don't use her in PF. I was just trying to be clear that I think Prydwen's placement of her in T0.5 for PF is retarded when it's extremely conditional, she is awful for that game mode solo.
FF is even worse, she can't even EVER hit more than 3 enemies and if she doesn't instabreak them she's worthless. No way that character is as good as fucking Argenti in PF without a Himeko to prop her up.
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Huohuo is useful cutie
A 4* is not better than her
How actually good that Madoka Magica HSR version will be?
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Your just thinking in the moment. People who got c2r1 Raiden on day 1 didn't just pack it up and stop playing the game. Your gonna get bored of FF and your gonna get tired of super(game)break.
okay but thats 10 $ every month, how do you have money for that if you are NEET?
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I skip many character I don't like.
>monthly paycheck
>2.4 units are confirmed to be colossal flops
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Cute! It’s an official ad but it seems to be unlisted for some reason. Can’t find the JP version yet.

I get enough money for my birthday
Already twice better than my best sphere.
Who knows? Probably shit, since Japs can't into gacha and its a blatant cashgrab with the IP.
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>people still doubt it
>if you are a NEET
Speak for yourself, also it's just 10$, go ask your mom or do some simple part time stuff
I hope Stelle gets a waifu or husbando one day
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Because someday you'll swipe.
She's gonna be T0 In PF which is what she is for, whether you care about that or not is up to you. All erudition are like this.
According to actual beta testers her damage is the same because her 100% CD buff didn't work before, so the fact that it does now cancels out her damage nerf. But she wasn't "nerfed to oblviion" even if you ignore that, she still is signfiicantly better than her only competition, Clara.
He literally always was 5* Gui before the DoT was in his base kit. Now he is just outright better than her, the same way that BS is "just 5* Sampo."

I hate all you doomniggers.
>see all the hate towards king
>join in
>spam begone king anytime it comes up
>finally get KING'D
>get pissed but carry on
>see his daily texts
>sweetest kid ever
>literally just trying his best despite his fucked up circumstances

I hate all of you. How dare you treat him like this. I don't care if he's a brick I'm going to build him. I wish I got him sooner and I hope he gets more screen time in the following updates.
Have you tried comparing Yunli’s cone on Blade compared to his own?
Firefly is her waifu ingame too though. The dialogue remains the same
She already has the best one.
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How would people here react if we had husbando pandering?
DoT team is E1S1 Kafka, E1S1 BS, E1S1 Louchad, E0S0 RM

What would be best upgrade to this team?
E0S0 HoHo
>see V3 of fox dude
Still not building Shitla even if I have to wait until EoS for them to give me aoe debuffer.
>see the cone
Even fucking worse!
I'm starting to think that /gig/ had a point here. When ZZZ's release date arrives, we will start getting garbage new units so most money spenders fuck off to ZZZ, their new project.
On bright side: Nobody can bitch about powercreep anymore I guess.
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jp gachas are generally whalebait garbo carried by the IP
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You are retarded for ever getting an eidolon for any DPS in this game with how notorious the powercreep is.
I don't even care if this is a shitpost or bait, all of you retards with E2 Dan/Acheron deserve to get btfo for listening to influnencers who are bad at the game instead of realizing that the life of a DPS in HSR is maybe 3 patches at most, regardless of how many eidolons you get.
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One they agressively shill her with on ads
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>he skipped
>unusable outside E1
This is for outside of PF, yeah?
that's why many people become swipers
The difference between Huohuo and Luocha in average clear times (on a cycle level) is minimal, so if you like Luocha you can skip him.
E2S1 JQ is probably the only way you can improve the damage of that team outside of getting more Kafka/BS eidolons. E1 RM is quite a significant damage boost and is the best E1 in the game IMO, so that is also a high priority pickup.
RM's sig isn't that good, it's nice in DoThags since it gives you more SP but if you're using Luocha instead of Fofo you probably won't even notice that.
If you are not NEET you are not playing hsr.
>go ask your mom or do some simple part time stuff
Earning 10$ is harder than you think because without work no one feels like they should pay you for any type of work. And because you are the one that needs money you are always on the losing side, never on lead side. Its basically like begging for money which i think is illegal and you will get in prison for that, because people that need money are a easy target for abuse/power imbalance/bullying/.
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Prolly neutral, except if you waifu Stelle then you are fucked.
There is Pela dev 100%. They are not allowing us to be rid of this whore for good.
>you pulled Silver Brick? Too bad all content is aoe now and Pela is better
>want Jingliu? Build your Pela
>you thought you got rid of Pela when RM came to replace her? Too bad, Acheron needs her now
>oh you though dumb fox will replace her? OH NO NO NO NO
I fucking hate this shitty fujo so much!!!
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Niggas were doomposting as usual, him not being stuck in Acheron (and probably Feixiao)) teams is huge, now DoT teams have a dedicated support and can now run a break team as well
Yeah she gets a 40% damage increase with Topaz at E1. It’s the biggest boost in DPS in the game. If the contractee isn’t hitting 3+ targets constantly she is a brick.
>ZZZ infinite "failed to retrieve server list" loops if you play it on wifi
Welp, back to honkshart, I guess.
Nihility characters should be as good as Harmony characters. And I don't mean Nihility (Destruction), I mean actual debuffers. No, DoT isn't debuffing.
tomorrow will be my last day of hsr
i gave my e2 firefly one last spin before closing the app
still can't full star pure fiction meh
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I just did the projector event that happens in the room where Jade was standing around during the story and since Sparkle and Firefly both were too busy to show up I chose Astral Express Family (Dan STILL flaked on me motherfucker) but there was also options for IPC Crew and Penaconian friends (who?)
Who would've come if I picked those two? Did I miss watching our memories with Aventurine or would he still not show up since he's traumatized now
So the pink fox really is SS tier huh?
You need e2 for the DoT tho lmao
Come back again after he releases and he's as good as RM, or particularly when 2.5 starts and Feixiao blows Boothill out of the water in single-target while also being able to split her damage across 3 enemies.
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Man, how they will topped Flaming Lance.
Other weapon look so bland. Hat is okay but too cartoony. Closest weapon I thought cool is dual gun
The first DPS i rolled for was Kafka.
Now tell me how bricked, powercrept and useless she is 11 months later
Endless gay shitposting on Caelus’ expense unless they deliberately change the in game interactions depending on the gender (they won’t)
I would believe this if she wasn't a fucking brick without S5 lukacone. She's so bad without it that it makes playing her in an Acheron team actually painful. She can only debuff with her ult so your stack generation is just fucked.
>this schizo is still going on
Seriously consider medication at this point.
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Eldritch abomination. Can't be intimate with anyone otherwise would get Black Swan treatment.

Doesn't know what sex is, maybe wasn't even created to have libido over anything.

>Silver Wolf
Young and nerdy, maybe even a femcel.

Seems to be the type who likes to tease but doesn't do the thing, maybe it finds too disgusting.

>Ruan Mei
Nerdy, autistic, probably femcel.

Probably just doesn't care. Same thing as Ruan Mei.
Neither IPC show up
No you don't, it just makes the DoT stronger.
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Fuck off. That could be my wife Eidolon art
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RIP Bozo
Not anymore, they moved the DoT to his base kit
>Can't be intimate with anyone otherwise would get Black Swan treatment.
Nothing suggests that, BS just fucked up entering her memories. And even that clearly wasn't so bad. Certainly seemed worth it.
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Kafka is a support, she will probably never get powercrept.
BS, the actual DoT DPS, got powercrept by Acheron (the very next patch).
I'm also a DoT player and I think the team is "underrated" in that most people forget it's in the game and busted, but its time in the light has long passed, there's a reason people only ever talk about Boothill/Acheron/FF when talking about max damage/fast clears/whatever.
FUA is also underrated despite being the best team in the game IMO.
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>decisive month for HSR and Wuwa to show everyone that Genshit is no longer the king of gachas
>SensorTower decides to freeze all data right before Firefly and Jinshi's banners
>magically starts working again on July 1st
>final sales reports tries to paint the narrative that everybody flopped and Genshit is still strong after releasing a $200+ 4* healer that nobody wanted
Yet another massive homowormflop
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So the only real option is to ask for our express family? That's a bit sad...
Oh no, not the random discord poll...
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They were fucking bro
IMAGINE Spending Money on Bullshit like Rent, Food or Fuel.
Do you honestly believe anyone who matters relies on Sensortower data?
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It was me
I hacked sensor tower
March didnt pay me the sex
this argument doesn't hold any water in a sci-fi fantasy universe the game takes place in
make no mistake, yunli will flop too
Keep posting more RM
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I love Ruan Mei
I only spend money on discounted games on ps5 store
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>FUA is also underrated despite being the best team in the game IMO.
Based opinion
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WHAT THE FUCK why is MY whore being a whore out there I hate this game
>If you are not NEET you are not playing hsr.
Speak for yourself
>Earning 10$ is harder than you think because without work
Go flip burgers or move bricks, ArbysGOD did it for his wife so why can't you?
Her pussy would probably suck out the vitality of a guy if they tried to have sex with the literal black hole avatar, that's what I want to meant.
But red text showed up even when Acheron wasn't the one talking. Not only did TB have red text for certain dialogue choices, you can get red text when spam calling the phone in the lobby or with the creepy tape quest. Those two have nothing to do with Acheron, so why should they have red text?
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She's perfect.
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>underrated despite being the best
No shit Sherlock. All of them are 5* limited.
nihility we will get a katana
in fact i think we will eventually get all of kafka's arsenal eventually since TB was trained by her and all
we already got the mind fuckery
missing the katana(nihility), dual guns(hunt) and bombs (erudition)
>wake up
>remember I got firepag after calling her firepag for months
Please more of goddess Ruan Mei
Is Acheron, Ruan Mei, and Firefly high value women?
DoT abd hypercarries are also made up of 5* limited, and Ratio was free
No one else can show up
The IPC ""friends"" are in a meeting and on do not disturb
Sparkle replies instantly but she's just not right in the head and instead of accepting your invite offers to sends suspicious dolls in her place which you decline.
Can't reach Firefly for some reason
And your penaconian friends are too busy or something I don't really remember.
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
BS wasn't hurt touching her, I doubt her pussy is any more hazardous. She might break your fingers when cumming though.
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What pisses me off is Harmony units have gimmicks like action advance, FuA spam, sp generation, break efficiency/delay and res pen. Nihility debuffers need to build EHR just to inflict def shred/vulnerability and nothing else
Only Ruan Mei seems to be.
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Thanks for increasing our banner sales lmao
here you go!
I don't like Ruan Mei
I skipped Ruan Mei
Our we /hsrg/ the big sister to our little sister /zzz/
Dot only need Kafka and BS to reach 90% potential. Ratio despite free, still need his cone.
>Closest weapon I thought cool is dual gun
I still think Nihility will be Kafka's katana, but her guns would be cool too.
You're coping. Having sex with her would be dangerous.
Changli would annihilate Jade. That's the thing with hsr, it's all about meta. Meanwhile, in wuwa, it's all about tiddies.
Is the battle pass light cone Return to Darkness good on anyone except for Seele and Topaz?
I already have Swordplay equipped on Topaz and do not have the character Seele.
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You will never have sex.
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character development
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Wow what great friends
begone YUNLI
I'm ready to have sex. Any volunteers?
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A boyfriend with whom you will wake up one day and both of your ankles are shackled and he's one wrong word out of your mouth away from slicing your achilles tendons so you can't leave him
"Friends"... Great friends we made there
Thank you for a detailed answer! I got high on lobby customization from DU and thought we had some agency and free will in this game for a second there
i dont run charity
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Ostensibly this should be balanced by them being reliant on 'your' turns and therefore harder to keep up than debuffs on the enemy. But its a bit fucked right now, because of our broken Harmony units.
>You're coping. Having sex with her would be dangerous.
Yeah to my dick.
Would anyone drink that? Gross
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>About to reply this >>484378171
>got email
Damn, I feel bad for people who don't like her. I mean I'm glad for once they pander me but I would hate it if Aventurine appear on my Email
Based. Too many sweaty metafags here. Build the cute ones.
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Now get two more copies and her cone
>dual gun
Only if they transform in a giant sword for the ult. Man, can you imagine the Kiana comparisons if Stelle does get dual guns.
>You only need
You dont need aventurine either, but you included him so we are talking about the perfect teams, and the perfect DoT team has Huohuo and RM(or Jiaoqiu now I guess)
>Ratio despite free, still need his cone.
He needs it less than Kafka needs hers
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>Go flip burgers or move bricks
Just so i can farm 33 + 60 SU runs and go to artifacts mines or do 200 character materials runs for 1 10/10/10 character.
No, no i dont think i will.
Imagine being bothered by fictional characters. Can’t be me.
When the meta shifts against break, the salt will be incredible and hilarious.
Are we getting a Madoca collab and new skins?
only path i can see getting those would be hunt, and that one will likely be in the china climax, so, not in like 5 years
Here. So where do I stick my dick in?
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>One wrong word out of your mouth away from slicing your achilles tendons so you can't leave him
Booo I prefer being drugged and locked in a cage
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is there anyone who wouldnt?
When the meta shifts against debuffs, the salt will be incredible and hilarious.
sunday is high concept enough he would not need shackles
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somewhere far FAR away and remote

To be fair on Siobhan, Gallagher's fucking dead so who's gonna run the bar in her place and the other native peconians have got to deal with the recent fallout of Sunday's bullshit to some extent so I'd cut them some slack.
But yeah the rest are well...
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>Yunli nerfed
Yeah I think I'm done. Never trust mihomo.
The brilliant and gracious lady Ruan Mei taking a piss in a cup for me..
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less than half of player who rolled her, rolling not because of meta but waifu reason. There would be always loud minority who scream they regret it but most of Firefly Chad already exist even before her kit finished
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Permanent damage is hot, double suicide in the end is the best
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Madoka is the gacha collab grim reaper
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sex with acheron would propably give you nihility aids and she would probably not really enjoy it since shes numb to stuff
she'd probably enjoy a hug from a friend more
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Just so you know

A F2P(True) like myself dropping rolls on Firepag banner makes no difference. No executive is gonna look at a separate chart of people who NEVER spend and say hey these boys and girls love this character, let’s make more like it
That doesn't even make sense, anon. There is no debuff meta, nor has there ever been one.
please don't say it's so
We could get hunt path after some fun story arc where we hang out with the Galaxy rangers. But you're probably right, they are saving hunt for the ultimate china shilling.
she could solve all of genshin's problems....
she just had to get in the suit and set everything on fire
If the enemy is debuff resistant, Acheron won't get stacks
Thats P5.
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>Permanent damage
>Double suicide
too hardcore for me sorry
Wherever I go I see pagpag
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permanent damage is scary
>double suicide in the end is the best
Bro? Your official video on official channel?
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Time to impregnate the DoT hags
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How was she nerfed? And why would they even nerf her?
Isn't she just Clara 2? And Clara's weak as shit.
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They have data of you enjoying hexagon puzzle or having trouble with clockie or not and they gauge player reception on server wife.
Even free roll, they still have data of how many million of roll happen on certain banner and it can help them to map future game direction
Anon, there has still never been a debuff meta. And if you disabled debuffs, way more teams than just Acheron are invalidated, like DoT. Yeah not shit there would be salt then, but its also never gonna happen.
The comparison is utter nonense.
There's no way you guys aren't gay
those are called mirrors
Fast Acheron + Slow Bronya meta let's goooooo
Dude. You have no idea the absolute amount of data they collect when they run these banners and shit. Firefly's banner came after a completely dead banner and an okay banner giving people enough time to save for her. You think they won't be taking that into account when they decide how much of a success she was? Even if the rolls were technically free, it's still money to them.
I would say to move away from SEA but no one wants pags getting out of their containment zone
Sparkle shitposting illusion
>actual RM downgrade in that team
Yeah I will be running Acheron with them until a PROPER dot character comes out.
You sit in that corner foxcuck and watch your precious general get star railed by me when she comes out.
NTA but you just make yourself look stupid. Disabling debuffs would hurt way more comps than just Acheron. Its not remotly close to no longer shilling superbreak.
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She wasn't nerfed; they fixed a part of her kit not working so had to reduce her base ratios to keep the overall numbers the same
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>reinstall my launcher to move it to a different hard drive with more space
>the uninstall notice has a typo
Is this soul or cringe?
>RM downgrade
See >>484374779
I want non in game content
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and firefly keeps mogging, wuwa already fall off in jp market and is the newest banner lmao hsr and genshin release first
>there are women and fags in this very thread who are mad that Pela will still be useable
>skill issue anon posting his dogshit runs moc 11 edition
>btfo by banjo
>I want non canon content
There are many stellefly vids out there, pick whatever you like
Because Nihlity aids corrodes everything around it, and the specific nihility aids we experience is spread by Acheron.
How else do you think MC will get Nihility powers from an Aeon that doesn't gaze at anyone.
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Stealing this art. Thank you
It's hot because it isn't real
Double suicide is the best either way
i honestly dont really like pela
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This shit is so fucking rigged it's honestly not even funny
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its in beta for a reason XD
They're trying to push a completely new type of damage archetype so they can release more units in the future without relying on the current types. You really think they're going to brick the sales of all future break characters by introducing more enemies immune to break? Please tell me you're not that stupid. All they care about is sales. They aren't gonna brick break teams because it doesn't benefit them at all. In fact by not bricking break teams, they can keep releasing more break units and making sales off of those characters.
Nerfed her ult damage by 20% because she was doing more than Clara. Now she's pretty much 1.1 e2 Clara. They need to keep shilling blandfly and can't have a good destruction right after her
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I want non game content made by Mihoyo
Croul and Singe
But she is so ugly
youre more correct than you think
she mighve unintentionally doomed both TB and aventurine to nihility without meaning to
if you step into that place, theres no going back
she'd probably sudoku if she figures it out
Honkai anime any day now...
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Can't make this shit up
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2 more weeks
Are you implying that his RM gameplay was any better? because him being shit still means that Jiaoqiu outperformed, its the same guy playing it after all
>by introducing more enemies immune to break?
No one said this. Why are you so fucking stupid?
Tiësto is actually from the same city I grew up in, kinda surreal to see it crossover with my gachas
Your cooking with valkyries and detective fu hua?
Mihoyo in shambles! LMAO! How will China ever recover from this EMBARRASSMENT on the WORLD STAGE?
The reason they changed her multipliers was because they fixed her +100% CD not working you doomposting imbecile.
Pudgy cheeks
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What are you saying anon it just means that the runs means nothing at all when everyone and their children can 0 cycle Svarog with this lineup
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I can almost taste it.
Looks good to me bwi
kino evropean chinese collab
We're definitely going back there for our Nihility Path.
Sad because wuwa being more popular would mean Mihoyo feels threatened so we see QoLs
How else do you expect them to "shift the meta against break"? Just making the blessing not shill break isn't enough.
Someone need to mod her and remove th white sash.
No I don't want full nudityz just her black bra and panties
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Plowing Topass
like the other anon said, we get about a year of peace until their EOS because yurislop doesn't sell
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I really hope I get that fat fuck
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>TB and Aventurine doomed to nihility together
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Jade's banner will unequivocally, unironically, irrefutably, irreproachably, irreparably kill this game.
My boyfriend is madly in love with this girl named Firefly during our trip to Penacony. What should I do?
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And I don't really like you
There’s no way I can satisfy her. Her ass is fucking huge
>Just making the blessing not shill break isn't enough.
Longer Toughness bars and not having 3/4 endgame modes shill superbreak is more than enough. It is, afterall ultimately a opportunity cost question.
How can one man be so wrong.
Lose the bra and keep the sash.
Dan Heng calm down
I will just roll his cone and bench Pela for Gui since she's actually cute
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>he really thinks Mihomo is not collecting data from every interaction he has in the game
Remember the Hexagon dude messaging you for feedback?
Remember Giovanni asking you about your opinion on Aetherium Wars and the Galactic Baseball event?
These are no mere coincidences, they're surveys that the devs hid on character's conversations to measure (You)r reaction.
The same goes for the anniversary monopoly event and that conversation you had with Acheron before facing Sunday. (they were glorified personality tests to build a profile on (You)
If someone that is shit gets better results with one character then that character is objectively better regardless of skill, its that simple. And its not like you can even misplay ruan mei, you just press skill and thats it
>when everyone and their children can 0 cycle Svarog with this lineup
And the same would applay with Jiaoqiu, or are do you think he gets worse all of a sudden if the player is better?
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>Longer Toughness bars
Bootchuds, Lukagods, our response??
>Because Nihlity aids corrodes everything around it, and the specific nihility aids we experience is spread by Acheron.
I thought this was going to be a plot point during 2.0, but they never bought it up. The tape especially is weird, since it makes you enraged. Why would nihility aids do that? And when you hand the tape over to the Family, Woolsey says there is a culprit leaving behind the tapes. Why would nihility aids produces random tapes?
Rape him hard Acheron
Sparkle he's not your boyfriend... Or even friend for that matter.
Nyoo... the SR killer...
>Just making the blessing not shill break isn't enough.
It is thoughever. Because other blessings favoring other playstyles more makes break fall behind.
Same thing happened to Seele. She can still clear, but not as good so she's old and busted now.
Mihomo needs to reevaluate their customer base after the sumeru shitfest and the boycott in china recently
He's going to get so angry he'll morb
Keep coping foxcuck, I won't waste more time on your nonsense.
yay more feet
That look like it would kill itself and eos within a year
>troonbian turd unbased
Firefly is already going to get fucked longterm because of the resistance changes. There is a reason they needed to make everything all about superbreak for her banner. Even the DU.
Longer toughness bars aren't necessarily a bad thing. The longer the toughness bar, the more damage is done when you break it. They will almost definitely do this when they decide to release another character that increases break efficiency. Even without the MoC/AS blessings, firefly's team is still able to perform extremely well. We've seen showcases of her 0 cycling every MoC from 1.0 to 2.3 without any MoC blessings.
Will that game have all of those girls the other gacha added for some reason because if yes I am not touching it I only care about Homura
>Remember Giovanni asking you about your opinion on Aetherium Wars and the Galactic Baseball event?
I still have that fucking aetherium wars game they phoned in and lost the comfy galactic baseballer. They're not reading shit.
This is literally just star rail wtf
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How many pulls do I need if I want Feixiao and Lingsha while having a guarantee?
The reports they used to do for Genshin shows they collect data on just about everything.
>boycott in china recently
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Japan is so over
Stop noticing
Would a Pokemon gacha unironically kill Star Rail, Genshin, Wuwa, and ZZZ considering a good chunk of these threads are populated by underage bwos
Is there any actual source on Yunli's CD passive being bugged before V3 or is that people pulling shit out of their ass?
Every team is going to be affected by these changes but firefly's team will be one of the teams affected the least because she runs RM who is able to RES shred.
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Yanqing’s cute feminine eyes
Let's say it's 80 rolls per 5*(slightly unlucky)
you would need 240 rolls to get both while losing the 50/50
>We've seen showcases of her 0 cycling every MoC from 1.0 to 2.3 without any MoC blessings.
The fact people keep aping this over and over just shows how retarded some players are. There has been massive stat bloat since the start of MoC, so old MoCs are a joke and it also did not include the resistance changes for any of the old MoCs. Its meaningless hype nonsense.
The game is not revolving around you, anon. it's still a global survey

And they also can inflate/deflate eff res of enemy like they did on 1.x
everything is subject to power change and not exclusive to Firefly
Have fun with 60% res, maybe even more in the future
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>Only one of the girls is canonically straight
Yeah, not ny type of game. Like the anime tho
Firepags are genuine retards. How often do you need to be told that its not about a character becoming literally useless? Which hasn't hapened for any limited sofar.
straight is boring tho
Are toy retarded? It'd be 320 rolls to get both guaranteed.
>Every team is going to be affected by these changes
Yeah, no shit? What a stupid thing to say.
Imagine the mental illness if it gets a general here
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>wake up
>see the kits changes
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I accept your concession and look foward to your eventual "Oh no I got him while building pity" post
What about her 0 cycling the most recent 3 MoCs without any blessing then?

It's going to affect every team anon. I don't understand why you think only firefly has to deal with it.
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>while having a guarantee
80win Feixiao
80win Lingsha
gender war shitshow that escalated quickly especially after sumeru and the early genshin censorship
now the chinese players are shitting on companies for whatever reason they can find, affected examples Wuthering Waves rewritting their story and stuff, and the absolute clown show that is Snowbreak, it's also probably why we get Firefly
so really dumb question, even if they buffed jiaoqiu to have 300% dot on base kit instead of 225% why would you roll him instead of swan eidolons or cone?
Her entire story arc was about how she didn't actually love him and just wanted to feel needed by someone.
Sorry sis, he has mysterious doctor of chaos for that
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There's already a Pokémon gacha out there retart
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Forget him, you already lost.
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Aw hell naw Sparkle did the heckin skibidi on me
Doesnt change the fact that she was attracted to a man
No one is this unlucky right?
>b-but she can still clear as E6
This is a genuine bot response. There is no other explanation.
Yanqing has such a cute, freshly-washed clean look.
But people told me only china does that, not based japan
>Doesnt change the fact that she was attracted to a man
But she wasn't, thats the whole point.
I actually work in corp finance and do presentations like this
The data may exist but it won’t always factor into a decision making session
An actual senior executive is in meetings all day, they don’t have time to look at super detailed breakdowns like this
The higher up the chain it goes, the more simplified the deck will be
I kind of want to roll for this untrustworthy man but I have no idea what he does.
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Me on the right
>things improved
iirc he's still having nightmares
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Sparkle is monke
Oh, this groomer lady.
Forgot her name but I remember she is interested on our boy YanKing.
>kind of want
don't think just pull if you are thinking about it you want it silverwolf.png
>anti yuri schizo likes Madoka
Lmao the irony. 100% you are a projecting fag in denial.
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>No one is this unlucky right?
Yeah imagine going over 80 more than once haha...
I am for drugging you
Starts playing banjo
Yeah that's given but the fact they make fun of "too easy" mean they atleast read the graph
I really wish I was Dutch so I could be tall.
Cooking streams with Ruan Mei!
Dissecting a person streams with Ruan Mei!
Ruan streams with Ruan Mei!
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Wait, did V3 happen already? Anyone got a link to a breakdown?
Would watch a Ruan Mei show about science and baking
should I impulsekek E2 firefly?
She also groomed Mid Yuan
>But she wasn't
She literally was, the fuck your problem? Her not truly loving him isnt the same as her not chosing a man as her focus
Hey at least you won
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Why can’t I kill stage 11
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that's the only reason i keep playing this game i just want to see more barefoot characters
I remember when both "Genshin Impact" and "Honkai: Star Rail" were called flavours of the month back when they each launched.
Unsure how much success "Zenless Zone Zero" will eventually have.
If you don't plan to roll on anyone else soon then sure. E2 FF is broken.
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New player here. Can somebody explain why this quest making me search for some ancient porn pics?
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Look at 2.4 banner. Because if you don't interested at anything from the leak, go for it. It's fun, like bringing SU blessing to normal play
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>go break effect on sampo and level him to 70
>give acheron a break effect rope for shits and giggles (it got 4 crit rolls)
>change absolutely nothing else
>clear with 3 stars
lolwut. Surely I can find a place for Ruan Mei on stage 12.
Can you PLEASE stop posting until you learn English properly?
>She literally was,
No she was not. The whole point was that she was only attracted to how helpless he was, not to him. If it had been a girl in that situation, she'd have acted the same way. You failed at babies first anime.
>he thinks they will brick break teams right after break as an option is introduced
>this would destroy the sales of all future break characters since people would just go "why should I roll for this when I can just run x hypercarry"
>it would also destroy firefly rerun sales when she's already made them over $100m

Please tell me you guys aren't this dumb and are just shitposting.
It’s not even straight porn, it’s gay!
Pretty sure her character arc was that she can't force the dude to love her back, he liked her friend and said friend "fixed" him and that's what caused her to turn into a witch because he didn't love her
pag moment
I already did her E1S1 and got 12k jades left. I'm edging really hard now. It's just that we don't know if lingsha will need eidolons to even ascend FF to a even more broken state.
even better
I think I see tits there though....
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congrats bro
uuuh bro you mean 5? did I finally manage to time leap?
No, her breakdown was from realising what a horrible person she is.
Lingsha is pretty far off, you can get at least E1S1 if you skip 2.4 entirely
I liked Sk8t and I'm not gay nor into Yaoi. I dont need to like the pandering to like the plot
>If it had been a girl in that situation, she'd have acted the same way
Absolute headcanon, fuck off
Also notice she didn't wish for his full recovery only that he could play again.
And we probably won't know till firefly's banner is over so I say fuck it. Roll for her E2 anon. I don't think an eidolon on a sustain will ever give as much of a damage boost to a character that E2 does for firefly.
More goddess RM NOW.
>and that's what caused her to turn into a witch because he didn't love her
She turned into a Witch because her own image of a "hero of justice" broke down when she realised she never really wanted to help Kyosuke, but only have him depend on her.
Kyosuke getting together with Hitomi was only the catalyst for that realisation.
does Herta have an anus?
Now that it is confirmed that ZZZ will be the next favorite Hoyo game, how are we feeling? Firefly seems to be their passing gift from the DEVS
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I am thinking sex
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Calm down
>I am not gay I swear. I just like gay shit.
Ok bro
Dolls don’t need food and don’t need to shit either
Madoka cant turn into a Magical girl without instantly turning into Kriemhield and wiping out the planet. Dumb premise behind a game
That's where her batteries go.
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alright. fuck it, reporting soon.
Yeah, Sayaka being actually a shitty person is why she flips out. Her wish lead to her realising this.
Imagine the general, will make hig, hsrg, gig alter and xiv look like good generals
but he's not gay anon he has relationship with women.. and sex with men
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Maybe it takes place in Akuma Homuras world.
Oh no, you won 4 times in a row. I have your number of pulls but lose every time
I'll pray you get 2 copies in a 10roll.
I just started the game a week, but playing really casually,
rerolled for firely and got ruan mei (lost 50/50 to getard)
should I blow all my load to try and get FF C2 or save? is it even possible to get her? not spending a single penny on this game btw im quitting the moment I get bored
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So is Jiaoqiu another BS moment or is he really "10% better than Guinaifen"?
>The delusional amount of copium in the replies
Its transparent to anyone Sayuki got cucked lmao
It's actually funny seeing all the online discussions about all that cope about height and not being manlets. Everyone hyperfocuses on 6' being the magic number. Yet my height is slightly taller than 1.9 meters (so 6'3"), and I'm actually pretty average for my age group. There are enough people where I have to look up when talking to them. Manlets would have a heart attack here. And asian heights for girls being 1.4 meter sounds insanely tiny to me.
it's not in the datamine, how would people know about that?
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well...I lost it all. I got excited for split second.
I used to hate my luck since I only got 2 greens in 1300 rolls but at least I won a fair amount of 50/50
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Her embroidery animation makes her look so graceful and feminine too. I love.
How is the most Jade-like beauty not even from the chink plotlines?
>is it even possible to get her?
Depends on how far into the story you are
>can peek under Barbara's skirt
>can even see her panties
>try to check under Pela's skirt
>nothing but an empty black void
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they're really trying to attract the zoomers with all their shitty songs, not a good sign
Stelle smelles
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>add an anon from here months ago
>he was super reserved which is fair, lots of schizos on this website
>after a while he starts being less reserved, cool
>we get along pretty well
>days go by, everyday talking with him
>we get even more close to eachother
>we start sharing our troubles, our issues, and try to help eachother
>he starts being happier and a more positive person overrall
>as a result, me aswell, feeling glad that I helped someone and have someone to share the day with
>we start talking about just anything, games, food, daily life, it felt like a start of something incredible
>eventually he starts talking less and less to me
>ok, people are busy after all
>after over a week of not talking I dm him
>he takes two days to reply, still okay
>he never messaged me afterwards, after two weeks I sent him something on discord
>its still there sitting without response, I know he read it because he has activity of games enabled
>I go do my own research like a proper 4ch schizo would and found out hes playing other games, talking to new people, and has new friends
>one of them talks to me and said he's happy and nothing wrong happened
This is all my fault for thinking any good friendship would come from this website, just like always, everyone just move on to more interesting people and leave me behind, this is the last time I will make this mistake.
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So who would you like to see be trapped with Firefly when she gets taken to a Swarm seedbed, Ryan Mei or one of her fellow Glamoth Knights?
Calcs are always wrong and are for midwits who can't think.
For example here's a riddle for you, how do calcs take into account the fact Jiaoqiu transfers all stacks of his debuff to new enemies while Guinaifeng has to stack them from zero for every enemy.
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There is nothing erotic about incest.
Smelle, even
5*natasha fucking when?
You can illuminate the void by standing next to a boss in SU
just finished main story in (not-China)
wont start next region (penis colony) until I clear all the side stuff
or should I just bum rush main story?
No. She loves him, but she hates what she had turned into. Her friend gave her the ultimatum, but she can't confess to him with a good conscience because what she had become. She even started to regret saving her friend and that stray thought made her hate herself even more.

Basically, she set standard for herself too high and she couldn't bear it.
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>How is the most Jade-like beauty not even from the chink plotlines?
She is from a planet blessed by Abundance
Her hobbies make her look very graceful in general. She comes of as a refined lady and I remember people here speculating about RM being a nice grandma-like character instead of an autistic mad scientist.
He probably found out you're a blogposter.
He's taylor made for Feixiao. Ack will get the sloppy seconds
I asked IDC tho
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The smelle of stelle
Which relic and planar sets do I prefarm for March 8th?
>the most Jade-like beauty
>ruan mei
Why wouldn’t they
People want to pull for the new shiny, it has nothing to do with some ebin long term planning
you got a new character at least, clara is pretty good among the standard 5 stars
Anything I should change on HMC? I am pretty content with her stats right now, but I am no math-fag so I could easily have fucked something up in regards to her stats
New relic and Glamoth/Salsotto
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
>Jiacheron's slave
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if he had a problem with this, it would be fucking hypocrite because he used to do the same shit, on this very general.
that's how it is i feel the same i talk with someone online and after some months i stop i have added some too from 4ch but idc im just lazy to talk to them again
I hate this stupid tier list for putting that stupid jobber that high right next to Clara. I got tricked into leveling and farming trace mats for him back when I didn't know any better.
You want 150 SPD so you reach 160 with RM
I'm still in very good terms with a friend I've found through 4chins. Depends on people really.
A bit more speed because I don't think you reach 160 even with Ruan Mei right now.
>we're getting HSR clones now
We made it bros
I love Robin so much bro. I could trade my stupid account for one with E6 Robin and nothing else.
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You can still do it anon. I believe in you.
Thanks bros! I'll look into getting more speed then! But I'll admit she does hit like a truck at times during Break!
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To get E2 FF, assuming you have E0 right now with zero pity, you'd need around 320 pulls, with an average of 80 pity per 5* roll and ASSUMING you lose both 50/50s. I think it's possible to do with what you have left right now if you haven't done anything regarding side missions and Penacony main story, do you also want the cone?
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Not them.
Maybe i'm just unlucky, this is the third time already.
Ironic cause you replied like a bot instead of proving his arguments wrong
He probably found out you're obsessed and mentally ill.
It makes sense for him to be that high in 1.0. He was the only imaginary character in the game, had debuffs and his damage output was overall one of the best in the game at that point.
How do I beat the sissy in Letter from a Strange Woman?
I started playing recently, pls help.
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mfs really make friends on 4chin?
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is this a copypasta? i'm too lazy to check but i sure hope it is
> how do calcs take into account the fact Jiaoqiu transfers all stacks of his debuff to new enemies while Guinaifeng has to stack them from zero for every enemy
they don't
spreadshitters still assume you're fighting a dummy for 5 cycles
Male posters (Aventurine especially) are worst than Firefly and Sparkle posters
Attack him until he runs out of HP
Anon all you had to do was spell WORSE
Yeah, mostly on generals really. You stick around long enough to recognise some people and you may want to know them more. Typically a bad idea but hey
idk, hit him? if there's anything resembling difficulty you can just run 2 sustains and use consumables
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Eh, I understand how you feel. I mostly don't talk with people for a while cause I'm afraid of being annoying or boring for them since people used to tell me that alot. Though now I get shit for essentially being a mute and "not talking enough"
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crazy how it didn't become popular at all despite being pokemon, it's barely making enough money to not eos
meanwhile shit like naruto and db is making bank
nta but be carefull who you add i've talked to someone that lives in an asylum
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This image shows the PERFECT SIZE TITS for Sparkle. Anything smaller than this is sub-par and should be instantly discarded. Bigger is acceptable, but with caution.
should i buy tingyun from shop for my clara? or is pela and yukong enough?
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But the freeze benefited WuWa, they got frozen at their peak. Meanwhile it fucked over HSR massively by ignoring Firefly's first week.
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"Stelle isn't the canon MC"
I made long time friends from /trash/ desu. It's only on /vg/ and places like /v/ and /a/ where you get weird shit like anon's story. Atleast in my experience anyway
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Stelle is still a virgin thoughever
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We trained her wrong, as a joke
>MC war out of no where during a comfy thread
Gn bwos.
Don't buy characters, just roll more. You'll eventually get all the 4 stars.
and ESPECIALLY don't buy cones
I still talk to some people I met over the old ToF crew to this day. Its just luck, anon.
If you're the type to care about interacting with people, you should probably try it more in games where you can actually 'do' stuff together.
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>implying she hasn't fucked firefly with her big futa cock
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Day 1 played here… i don’t i’ll ever see her
Firefly's battered boy-wife...
>A “female” fucking another female with her “dick”
Stelletroon will never beat the tranny allegation
You could pick her with selector multiple times.
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I would like a Xueyi thread next, please. I won't bake one myself because I'm not schizo enough to keep bumping it for recycle.
how do I get robin as a newcutie? I want to hear her sing she is so cute...
but i want to beat moc12 pf4 and as4 RIGHT NOW
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The only purpose of this post is to get the attention of your gay lover right?
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most of the anons i see on this site are aggressive for no reason, obsessed with politics, obsessed with transsexuals, or just turboschizos. doesnt seem like the best place to make friends
Where? How do I claim
lingsha is probably going to be barefoot as well, no one can stop that crazy footdev
I still talk to some of the people I exchanged gifts with in /a/s Secret Santa over the years. Where else do you find people who share your obscure esoteric hobbies?
Of course its not the same on /vg/ I guess.
It's only 180 jades bro (if you're only missing the last star)
>tfw had to do jury duty today
>the reception lady gave me $20 for parking
>I autistically said I biked and will use this money on Firefly instead
I fucked up big time
>needs his cone
barely needs any cone at all, i have cruising on him
>aggressive for no reason, obsessed with politics, obsessed with transsexuals, or just turboschizos
The most based people in the world
Depends on where you look, if you try to find friends on like say /v/, then that's on you.
Did you still get the $20?
I feel like my FF still has shitty stats. Can someone help me out here? What would make the biggest differences right now?
he's not crazy he's a man of culture and appreciation of feet
if you tell a normalfag "I will use this money on Firefly" they'll just think you're clinically retarded and pat you
Make it yourself bozo. If it dies, it dies
Yeah, don't try finding friends on normalfag boards like here. Its extremly unlikely to end well. If they can still only talk about stupid shit like that on hobby boards, they're clearly not interesting people.
Low ATK is fine u r much done
Christmas threads were kino and mega comfy. I’ll have to wait for another 5 months to get away from all the troon/pag/troll/sale posting
Try get 40% crit rate

tick tock
No? That's already fine, I think you're just having trouble with skill rotations or the stats on your support.
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bros this is just March 7
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Oh? Glad to hear that bros

How come? I thought crit was pointless?
Tbh after 5 years in /dng/ and places like /fgg/ (pre sfv) I learned not to add and make friends with people from /vg/
wow i can't believe they copied march
nips are truly shameless
does anyone even care about madoka anymore?
>online pvp
It’s over before they even launched
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>lingsha is probably going to be barefoot
yea, because snakes dont have feet
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can't believe i ran out of forks and spoons over the course of 2 weeks and have to wash them now to eat
should've bought more idk how people live with having to wash the dishes so often
honkai star rail
japans has fallen
I care about Madoka, but not the continous desecration of its corpse by the IP holder. They can fuck off.
>japs have picked up on the chink methods
To be fair they're basically the same so eh, they just had a little more dignity
what are you doing here asmon
I wonder how Aniplex will fuck up this time.
You should marry me I'll clean your dishes
This would've been nice a decade ago but
>anime gacha
I think only Dragon Ball managed to make one that stuck and it's because they have a fuck ton of characters to play with. There's like only 5 from the OG Madoka squad and I don't know nor care for the new ones.
Ignore Basil threads
I do like the anime but yeah not a fan of japanese gacha leeching on IPs
I know that feeling to be honest. I don't run out (because I have a shitton) but I accumulate a lot of dishes in the sink over the week.
Sometimes I just order food because I'm too lazy to wash dishes and ran out of space to put them.
Nta but sure
don't you eat with hands saar
Hidden sex animation during every crit
>No herta thread
hsrg won
Let’s get married
>jinshi banner
my nigger jinshi banner counted because she came out right the day they unfreeze the site, sigewinne missed 3 days of revenue because she came on 25th, more suspicious that they decide to freeze yinlin at her peak and decide to unfreeze it right the day jinshi comes out clapping sigewnne and firefly revenue for 15 days

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