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Previous: >>484130940

>Dancing Dragon Castle! ~The Twin Jewels and the Deep Sea Princess:
●Event period: June 28 ~ July 19 JST (3 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 3 Golden Apples and 18 Silver Apples.
▶Stream Present: 14 SQ.
▶To progress through main quest you have to collect Digima Sweets points.
▶You can conduct "Sweets Trade" from the event rewards screen to earn material items and Digima Sweets Points.
▶By clearing the epilogue you can obtain the costume "Otohime" for 3* Berserker Kiyohime.
▶Strengthening Quest Kiyohime: Skill Update.

>Dancing Dragon Castle! Azumi-no-Isora PU summon:
●June 28 ~ July 19 JST.
5*Alter Ego Azumi-no-Isora (Hibiki & Chikagi)(limited)
4*Lancer Kiyohime (limited)
3*Berserker Kiyohime (permanent)

>Summer2024 Support campaign to complete the Conditions of participation:
●~July 5 JST.
▶NEW Limited Missions: 5 SQ.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
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how the fuck do I beat this bitch
bring nemo
He died the turn before
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>*delivers your food*
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Threadly reminder to choke back your tears before reading any of the story, its what nasu would have wanted.
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GudaMariHorta being this popular is interesting
People want to fuck evil women
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Castoria my beloved
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People often ask "What was the moment FGO died?"
The moment that destroyed all the momentum built up, the lore, the story, the moment where it went from a highly functioning story everyone kept looking forward to, into a story where no one could take it seriously anymore and no one really discusses the lore anymore like its a real thing.

I still remember
More like CRAPtoria, never will be anything more than fanfiction.
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I guess it was interesting finding a dedicated artist.
It's actually weird how /fgog/ sees just 5% of what's posted on fgo twitter everyday. Probably even less.
Its entirely expected, I always said if they release her she could be just as popular as Jeanne Alter. The only issue is her writer is someone who is TERRIBLE at leaning into that sort of thing, which is ultimately why she will never be quite as popular as jeanne alter.

She has all the potential to be jeanne alter tier if the writers go with it, but Sakurai would never do that.
FGO died during covid when they found out they could take a year to put out each story chapter and get away with that little work
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Kind of why I feel like I cant mock yumes over Oberon
I love evil women so I guess its fair they like evil men
Excellent, imagine having to see all of the crap vomited by people trying to pander to mediocre content
>It's actually weird how /fgog/ sees just 5% of what's posted on fgo twitter
People here would rather let schizos overrun the thread
You are a raid and kizu
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>It's actually weird how /fgog/ sees just 5% of what's posted on fgo twitter everyday. Probably even less.
I mean that makes sense.
You only see who you are subscribed to and who they like.

Its why I have no idea what characters are popular with women. I dont follow fujo or otome artists. So when we get stuff like Virgil being absurdly popular it comes out of left field for me and ends up being really funny
Case in point
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Did you imagine this is what FGO would turn into 3/4 years ago?
Do you think this game would get even a modicum of success if it released with content of this level?
Tendie fags that would rather look away or accept everything unconditionally because bad words hurt their smol brain need to rope, so the healing can begin.
It's one. And we just made another thread to shut him off as usual.
Kill yourself doomposter.
I think you need to shut the fuck up
Nigger 4 years ago was LB5.5
Do you really thing /fgog/ had such high expectations of FGO during 5.5?

How fucking new are you to think any of FGOs no content ass problems are anything remotely new
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I guess its a symptom of people not being used to twitter since so much new shit I haven't seen in here gets posted daily. I check pixiv and its not updated at all.
Floating servants.
Need Melu to hug me like this...
Bro your silver haired wife...
We know, Aurora.
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Shush raikouschizo, your thread got deleted and you're ban evading. Nobody asked you

Famous French artifact durandal the sword in the stone was stolen, this fact was kept secret for awhile since they feared it would affect the election. Which already tells you a lot
Does this post make you feel better?
Knowing you got exposed as an alterfag who can't read japanese, cuckposted under a false alias for a year and also now visits reddit for shitposting material?
A lot, you've lowered yourself so hard in the scale of pathetic subhumans I can only laugh at how sad you are. Imagine throwing away all the years you spent making people believe you weren't an "EOP" LMAO
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This fucking game
Man, why even bother having dialogue choices when most of the time it's just the first and second part of a whole statement? At that point, just give the MC a textbox and reserve the choices for actual choices that affect follow-up dialogue.
I'll take that as a yes.
And I'm not georgie, I just hate schizusine.
Went to bed, wake up, soon i'll go to bed again and this dude is still going
Sure you aren't
I love this mindbreak reactions, awesome stuff.
That's what I said, no need to go full schizo on me.
I'm guessing there's no x or anti-x fags here, just a single person arguing eternally with himself.
raikouschizo in a nutshell
>LB6 central
Yeah same, there's no Kizu or anti-Kizu and his goons, it's just one bored guy.
I proposed years ago to make a containment LB6 board but you retards didn't listen. That's why /fgog/ died.
Is this one of those reddit comics?
nah, its all raikouschizo one man show
That wouldn't change nothing retard, schizos will still cuckpost and smear female jpgs, the only thing that will change is the target
Doesn't change the fact that it all started with LB6
This has been going on before LB6 was a thing and you know it, faggot
People did it with Abby retardbro
Yeah that was baby shitposting compated to the LB6 era.
So you're responsible then
Did you see raikouschizo spiel last thread? He flaunted how he "spammed cucksummer to make it stick" and all that kind of dumb shit.
I hope this shitty thread ends soon
It won't end. Nothing ends.
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Yea because a certain mysterious someone got randomly asshurt
Also no it was the same shit as this, the key difference is summer 5 was something self-contained and harmless while LB 6 is something that's constantly referenced and with much more popularity than the garbage sakurai generally writes
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>LB6 was more troublesome
More or less what I was saying.
Melu and Mig are my wives...
>Melu isn't popular
Kek. This is Raikouschizo's projection since Ibuki flopped. Even in Tunguska where Ibuki was the main helper, she barely had any art compared to the Melu beating up Koyan pics.
And of course the source of the problem was the usual same retard >>484391851 >>484387767 posting his OT garbage.
Ah, yes. The problem is a guy talking about wanting Melusine to do something another show did instead of the ban-evading cuckposter.
You're fooling nobody, Georgie.
Does ordeal call give blue cubes? I'm not spending my sq on this
\frog\ can't you go a day without mentioning your favorite e-celeb schizos? The K, R, V, G words and many.
Why dont we have a Konomi Kohara servant yet?
Feels like TMs been really goddamn lazy with hiring new VAs and just been using the usual subjects
Ironically, they're all the same guy.
At this point I just think the dude wants to fuck him since he can’t help keep mentioning him nonstop.
Alterfag here, just visiting on my way to my containment cell.
I recently had this realization too, that the net sum of lb6 was to introduce 5+women, all unforgivably flawed in one way or another, all dramatically different appeals, all with viable ships in addition to the player character, that results in everyone flinging shit over each other's preferences and calling each other cucks. The general quality of conversation has gone noticably down on alter since lb6s afterglow wore off. Lb6s was like a bear trap everyone got caught in and now everyone has a favorite fairy and everyone else is gay.

See ya in a month or so next time I pop my head in, oniichan.
/alter/fag welcome.
They recently had Aoi Koga for Kriem so IDK.
I'm still waiting for an Imai Asami servant but she's probably gonna be a GudaGuda servant since that's where most of the veteran seiyuus go.
Anon that was two+ years ago
No FGO, only Seethe.
Yes FGO being lazy with hiring VAs is about FGO you dumb faggot
>being lazy with hiring VAs
Imagine being this retarded.
2 of those are FGO, one is meta talk on the thread (he's right, by the way)
>he's right, by the way
Ok samefag.
FGO is anime too, so I guess you're talking about anime
This event sucks
Huh. Time sure flies.
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How mad are people going to be when this is Camatroz's final form?
>another boring generic mecha slop design
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Not me.
>melucuck on the op
great, now we'll have to put up with that idiot.
How is it possible to make something that is more of a borefest than the Wandjina event? I hate these generic nipwank events so much.
He shares a voice actor and minor parts of his theme with the pilot, so...

> GaoGaiGar
> generic
Better than the abb-
Well not really.
>reddit spacing
>uses both double breaks and single
Not reddit spacing
Gas all contrarians
because this cuck fanbase keeps paying them
Madoka fanbase stopped paying them and got rewarded with an entirely new 3D sequel
Why would you gas yourself?
Don't tempt me, I ate british yesterday
And on top of that you type like a faggot mechasissy.
How the fuck is that not generic? It even looks the same as all the other robots in that series.
Unironically mindbroken.
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I'd say cuckposters won this time
that's a new one
>I'd say raikou won this time
Is there a filled in version of this year's silhouette image?
Don't reply to me.
What happened?
My condolences.
You're welcome.
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>Time to go back to /fgog/ for once, I can't wait to witness the lovely disccusion happening over the-
for me? it's Enkidu
>can't wait to witness the lovely disccusion happening over the
Said no one ever.
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I need to commission more GudaBBs..
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Taqueria Gilgamesh when
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Someone else is in that market already, also nice numbers.
The key difference inbetween your shithole and this one is that the LB6 waifufags on here are more or less chill inbetween then while they have to deal with a single fag obsessed over smearing them
when was the last time we see Abby on the OP?
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You're welcome.
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Finally, a good mashu fanart
Can we agree that it would be better if they just dropped filler events like this that nobody gives a shit about and they focused on either creating more story chapters or larger and meatier events that feel relevant like Lilim Harlot? "But they need to"? Do they? The new Servant giga flopped, the sales numbers are abysmal, and nobody is really playing the game anyway. Might as well just release a tower event/lotto for farming and be done with it. Nobody plays FGO for the fluff, and "remember LB6? remember LB7?" doesn't cut it or make anyone interested in a nothing event.
Holy fuck blind...
No because the ideal thing is to drop both THESE events and the story chapters like the past
Wow you've persuaded me.
They should just stop making fgo period.
Nobody gives a shit about THESE events. Summer, Guda Guda, collabs, the Valentine scenes, those are the only events people have given a shit about for at least 4 years. People keep joking about the flops like Galatea or Kashin Koji or the Trung Sisters when the problem is that Servants introduced in events as a whole get immediately forgotten by both the writers and the fanbase. Nobody is actually engaging with the game actively during the 3 weeks the filler events are on-going, it introduces nothing new that will actually impact the status quo, and they feature the most generic possible soshage writing that exists to be skipped or absentmindedly read while you do literally anything else.
>doomkeks still trying
>shillniggers doing it for free
>page 9
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the doomCHAD was proven right just a couple of minutes after you posted this.
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lol no
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Good and bad simultaneously is King Neutral
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Taneda just doesn't sound the same.
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>raikouschizo back again to seethe over Melu
But why Melu
You could ask the same for morgan
>Kiyo getting a costume
>Doesn't give her a snake lower half
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Is this the most "nothing" event?

People don't even pretend to talk about it
Where do you think you are? We hate /d/ shit here
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>create like 10 NPCs for one event
>All men
>TM is confused why the NPCs aren't generating hype like normal
>All men
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Every single TM writer is a wannabe otome writer
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Isn't that the guy from s-CRY-ed
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>TM is confused why the NPCs aren't generating hype like normal
Are you trying to imply that female npcs (as rare as they are) get more attention because that's not true in the slightest
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There is zero passion left for this game and it shows, it's abundantly clear TM is just cashing checks and Aniplex is afraid of losing their golden goose and the people still spending money on it are either sunk cost fallacists or are just stockholmed into the only reliably updated TM content left since everything else is delayed or a flop. At this point I don't even know if an FGO2 would save it.
he means the red head that goes fast
There won't ever be a FGO2 in the first place so better buckle up anon, we're going straight to the rock bottom
he's got blue hair.....
His name was like Straight Jaguar or something I think
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Fate is THE /d/ friendly franchise, did you forgot who the main writer is?
>All men
You haven't even played the event.
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Nendo Bob.
Will get hot glue'd
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>FGO releases one of its best event stories in a while
>players scream MUH OBSCURE TM CHARS MUH NIPWANK and continue to sperg out about lb6 cuckposting
Siebold and his family are actually really popular in the event due to the tragic breakup and what happened to his daughter. They're getting the lions' share of fanart.
And this is a vanilla general, your point?
Nothing stopping you to go and do unprotected sex in the missionary position with a monster girl
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What the fuck is Nasu talking about?
Idk, I didn't read KnY.
>machine translated nonsense
The "Shove me into an already existing character" alliance.
Was there a video game that portrayed Chikagi rescuing Hibiki from the labyrinth? Or any doujin game to that effect?
Holy fucking digits
What's this supposed to mean?
I don't want to impregnate Hakuno's sloppy seconds
All I know is that Muzan looks like Michael Jackson
This is a good thing, you can get comfy enjoying whatever kino comes your way, and filtering out the garbage, gives you more time to play other games.
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For those who bothered to read the story, are Sei and Waver the only old SSRs who played a sizeable part in the story?
You using the translation app?
Keep your /d/ trash fantasies to yourself.
>in MY FGO
We got Suzushiro Sayumi in Feb, give it time and we'll have the entire Kaguya-sama cast.
Is Galahad doko yet?
In two years when he fight Promised Consort Marisbury.
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I have been absent for a while. I went into a frenzy when I heard about Morgan, Bob and Gray appearing together in the PV.
Thankfully it appears I haven't missed anything major yet.
Even after the fucking trash fire that was LB7 launch people were not expecting fgo releasinga filler arc for the sole purpose of stalling.

And even AFTER filler call was released they hoped it would resolved in one year or two at worst

Can't forget fucking Pokemon Olga as well.

If there's one thing FGO is consistently good at it's how it always manage to be worse than what one would expect.
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Less events, got it, enjoy your dead year and see you in Fuyuki in 2030.
Yes, Nasu is still trying to insert his fetishes into the game.
Praise China
Maybe by then the Elden Ring DLC influence will have been weeded out of Nasu by the next big thing...
Extra yuri NTR scene wjth Ranni/Rin cuckolding Hakuno with Nero/Tamamo
Aurora and Melusine
Morgan and Baobhan
This very event
I'm convinced his #1 fetish is orgasm denial after how he's been edging us with the part 2 plot
>playing the extra card
>a bunch of unclear garbage I can't even remember
This event is the only thing you really got.
And its probably the worst event this game ever had, have at it.
This kusoge rarely does anything right, but one thing it did was make Bob and Gray friends and give Gray fetish stripper boots.
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>MHXX get NTR stuff to this very day
Truly the NTR franchise
I mean we only get NTR doujins those days
Ankoman unlike others is a loyal artist. We should just enjoy seeing our wives getting railed by Astolfo, Nemo and the rest of the club (Kid Gil, Paris, etc)
Nah i think you should kill yourself, raikouschizo
I mean most girls in this game get NTR doujins by AnkoCHAD.
Lore-wise, Melu shits on Ibuki.
Fanart-wise, Melu shits on Ibuki.
That's it.
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Nasu would never
Literally probably because she had the word strongest in her profile
Is there a record of the LB6 timeline in its different states?
Trying to watch the story on youtube but none of the videos show how it evolves and I can only find the complete one online.
Make sense of why the raikouschizo is mad lmao.
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Heres your monthly cups
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Hmmm thank you anon but I don't think this has the Notes, unless I'm blind
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>Bob keeps a dyke as a slave
Did Morgan taught her that?
this https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Avalon_le_Fae#Map_2 has the chronology how is show in game, but its complete, if you are looking for something like it happens in the game, as you play you unlock more of the history, I dont think there is something like that around
>something like it happens in the game
Yep that's what I was looking for. Sad that it doesn't exist but I'll just have to do it without it and check the complete timeline at the end I suppose.
Nah, filler events can be good

No ones going to agree, but the reason this event is terrible is because its just about obscure Japanese sea gods and extremely obscure clapbait.

Like if they did a story about a western hero; focus on one hero and really do a nice character story, don't just throw a bunch of random elements together and hope for the best, it would be great. Even now Circe's event is still one of the most popular events in Japan. Is it because it created a super cool new meta servant? No its because it was a simple character story, involving a western servant. This is something people here won't get but Japan tends to be less knowledgable about western heroes, which used to be Fate's niche, so a good story of a western hero using their story as a backdrop, Japan used to love that shit. Its the entire reason they loved LB6; it played around with western legends they weren't familiar with, with some nice twists and character moments. Japan reacts well to western legends in Fate, Filler Heian bullshit typically isn't as popular ironically.

Do a brief story about Perseus, have him fight a sea monster, do a very personal story with him that incorporates elements of his legend, his regrets and his pride, shit'll do fine.
The only fanart I saw was Hokusai being autistically angry at Siebold being mentioned.
>one of its best event stories in a while
You don't really believe that, do you?
I 100% think people would forgive this "I'm using your body" shit if later on you just got Otohime(normal)
At least create the idea in players minds that "Oh maybe this doesn't de-confirm them from ever being summoned normally"
morgan sucky uther cock
That would be fun, I would like some events that would expand upon the nasuverse as a whole too, the Mahoyo collab is a event that I expected more about the true magics for example and we got fucking nothing.
I would like to see something about the inner working of the clock tower or the church. If it already happened before I didnt play during the time.
>Like if they did a story about a western hero
And there it is.
That's all you care about.
I'm saying even Japan, that's what they care about with Fate. Nasu back in the day said that's what Fate was, Japan isn't as familiar with western heroes, which is why its niche was western heroes. They respond best to western legends because that's something different for them, its interesting. There are hundreds of stories about eastern heroes in japan, SMT and Fate always made a niche by focusing more on western legends.

The way you feel about GudaGuda stories; that's what they feel about western hero stories. This is a concept I understand but I know I can't convince you of seeing. For you western legends are common, you're used to them, so you don't understand why Dragonquest was a big deal in japan at all, "Yawn, its just knights and swords shit", for Japan that sort of stuff was an entirely different world, an entirely different culture. It caught on like fire for them because it was different.
>Filler Heian bullshit typically isn't as popular ironically
Shimousa and Heian Kyo are in the top 10 most popular chapters per the Famitsu poll. The nips like nip stuff in Fate - GudaGuda events are also always well-received - this current event is simply boring.
>Nah, filler events can be good
Thing is I want filler event with like 10 servants fucking around or going on an adventure.
Im so tired of events that exist only to jack off the newest servant.
Because of Douman. The rest of the cast was forgettable.
melusine sucky aurora pussy
Dangerously based.
why melusine op?
The real thing is that if we got events with no new Servants but that did something unique that gave spotlight to an underrepresented Servant it would be a net positive. I mean it's "low effort content that just requires the writer write something and the gameplay designers make some event quests" which is better than a week of nothing.
And even if it just uses existing Servants, having content that actually uses them can get people to like them which could get them to want to roll for the Servant. And also just builds good will.
You're making assumptions and talking like it's still the 80s.
The truth is that it doesn't matter what legends are used in fgo so long as the story is well written.
Melukeks upset because cuckdragon cucked them
>You're making correct assumptions
It was only very recently that they became more exposed to western stories more. For them they are still quite novel.
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>new Rose of Versailles, Kinnikuman and Rayearth and Grendizer anime announced before the Fate Extra remake came out
BB sure is lazy
Most retarded part of LB6 is probably Da Vinci basing her entire war strategy to beat the super weak Morgan is "she's only only only only only only only strong due to abusing rhongo over and over again like lion king, therefore we can take her easily"
Then as they're already invading the castle Perciviel goes "what is rhongo anyway"
And da Vinci is like "hahaha obviously it's how Morgan took over fairly kingdom with her evil heretical unethical powers as a stupid evil tyrant.... Wait, shit. None of the natives of LB6 have any idea what rhongo is. Meaning she's literally never used rhongo in the last 2000 years. Shit fuck why didn't I take into account that she could take over fairy world without relying on rhongo, this ruins all of my plans. What if Morgan is actually strong on her own, and rhongo was nothing special to her, shit"

And then Morgan just easily destroys everyone herself if not for absolute luckshitting saving all of them, due to Werewolf boy knocking Morgan off her throne at just the right moment.
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>All remakes that will end up as trash as the new Rurouni Kenshin
think he's talking about villains who are evil to be evil vs does evil acts from necessity
i also didnt read KnY though
Woodwose was done dirty. Fuck Aurora. I know it was neccesary but I know that bitch did it for her own purposes and not for Chaldea and the faes.
This is reasonable if there were other options, otherwise it's just as good as any other plan
Only strong because of a stockpile of mana on a magic throne isn't really that different from only strong due to Rhongo.
Please tell me that really isn’t it, it can’t be that pathetic of a reason.
>Guda will become Beast of Alaya Beast V like Camazotz
>OC3 will feature a Doomguy reference servant
>Part 2's final boss will be Solomon, Consort of Marisbury
>Grand Saber is caveman Artoria
>The next collab will be FGO collabing with Grand Carnival
>Hideyoshi and Tokugawa will not be in the next 10 Gudagudas
>Instead of making FGO2, Lasagna will announce FGO again but now there's a second girl alongside Mash in the story that's Gunner class and a Demi Servant of the guy from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and she complains about everything
>The first true collab with another series that isn't Fate related will be Sonic the Hedgehog as a Saber
Is LB6 being popular than Heianshit or Flopment good enough?
>The first true collab with another series that isn't Fate related will be Sonic the Hedgehog as a Saber
Suddenly the game stays on top 1 for the entire year. Don't underestimate Sonic fans, specially if we get that 2D sprite
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I dunno, that's kind of a dumb interpretation. He's seeing Muzan's actions like a force of nature which is why if can't actually be evil. But that's the bullshit excuse Muzan himself gives for why his actions aren't evil, to which the MC responds "we gotta kill this guy"

I agree some of the villians couldn't really be seen as evil, they're basically vampires in an abstract sense. But on the other hand that's a cheap interpretation.
It does feels like a waste desu.
All that amount of power lost forever. Unless Nasu goes ACTUALLY and say it was strong enough to survive or something.
Or they could have just considered various options and played devils advocate to their own options from the start. They needed someone who could offer a different view of things and ask "yeah but what if you're wrong" or "what if you consider this"

Fate geniuses always come off like retards because they always come to a single conclusion and literally do not consider anything beyond that single conclusion
People still talking about LB6 three years later
I'm just trying to interpret the choice of words picked by the translator anon
Nasu isn't exactly exhaustively read in philosophy
To reword:
I get the impression he thinks highly of KnY because when bad things happen to characters he thinks the author didn't do it with mean-spiritedness at the forefront
Problem is they aren't Aurora whispering into Woodwose's ear.
Morgan wasn't going to fall any other way, that's what differentiates this from other Lostbelts.
I agree their geniuses are badly written though, and he probably stacked the deck too hard against himself in LB6 given the number of serendipitous events required to succeed.
That has nothing to do with it, the fact that they didn't even consider alternate scenarios or hypotheticals in the first place is what makes it retarded. The most basic of basic questions entirely destroys Da Vinci's plans.
I have yet to see an elite, a top of the top, a super genius that everyone expect to win, to ACTUALLY win and live by the end, or achieve their goals cause Fate REALLY loves to make them look dumb.
Only one I think kinda succeed was Wodime.
Is there any servants that are like this?
Propose a stronger force they could have mustered than a 6-bell avalon fae, double galahad mash and Barg
Eric 'The Bloodaxe King' Bloodaxe. The man with the bloody axe
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It's kinda tough to write a massively smart character in a style of story where there aren't known rules.
For something without clearly defined rules a genius character needs to be specifically good at psychology and Nasu is extremely autistic so that's not going to happen. The best you could hope for is to just make the smart characters omniscient (which Nasu has also done).
I think Sanda is aware of needing to focus on the "whydunnit" for a "magical detective story." But I do think Case Files still falls short in that it focuses a lot on just going into the motive when also the method can factor into a "whydunnit" detective story (i.e. "why did the culprit do it like this and not like this other way?") I dunno, but like I enjoyed Kyoukou Suiri more than Case Files and felt like it delved more into the thing I'm thinking about.
Serious answer Brunhild
Different anon but the problem isn't with their forces but how they used them
Think Morgan says Castoria could have completed the journey several times and rang the bells each time, since Morgan herself said she did that
The entire fang clan(if they didn't die)
Create a different strategy other than just walking through the front door(literally no strategy at all)
Have two teams launch a pincer attack while a small group invades the throne room;Morgan will expect this so you need to create a single possibility where she can't expect it somehow. It's already established in TM that the fairy puck, or the green man which robin hood is based on can disguise people and render them undetectable, it's worth a shot. The fact woodwose reached the throne room without Morgan knowing already means she cannot see everything
As knocknera said Queen meave never died, she turned her body into a mega structure underground in order to take Morgan's place when Morgan died. It's already become something of a gigantic entity, which knocknera has kept secret. The reason it took knocknera so long to incarnate into the world is meave never really died; a successor for someone who is still alive can only be born if the world determines after a long enough time that the original entity can no longer fulfill its purpose, like Castoria and Morgan
Aurora was secretly on their side all along, just have her order melusine to fly in the throne room and knock Morgan out the window, it would work. Melusine would feel bad about it, but that would only make Aurora want to do it even more

There are plenty of powers left in that world, they were way too rushed due to the time limit
Not yet, don't worry, Nasu is in the case.
It's really not hard
Write someone with basic intelligence who exists to poke holes in their own plans and create hypotheticals for anything they do, create plans beyond your current plans, and plans beyond even that. It's the reason kadoc feels like a smarter written character than Holmes.
Explain pls? All I remember is that she was tricked into marrying the king and not Siegfried. And later was roasted by Kriemhild
>missed doing Edison's interlude by seconds
Ahhhh, fuck it. I've only got so many fucks left to give.
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nice thread retards
It kinda is if you want them to be beliavably smart without making them feel OP
But it's not nice at all?
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>Me watching people bend over backwards to argue "no it's literally impossible to write any character smarter than da Vinci or Holmes, who fans both point out are written as basically retarded constantly"
How have standards fallen this low?
Raikouschizo seethes about Melusine because she's all Raikou isn't.
Stronger than Raikou.
Actually has feats and didn't get treated like a jobber like Ushi Gozen.
More fan art than 5.5 flops and Ushi Gozen.
Has clear and undeniable love for (You) and better pandering, something he wishes for his cow because Kintoki makes him poop his pants since not only he exists but he also steals everything from Raikou that he wanted.
While the other guy mentioned Ibuki, he probably hates Ibuki too because Ushi Gozen turned out to just be bootleg Ibuki.
I'm not saying its impossible retard, i'm saying its hard to make a balance, a smart character is as smart as the person whos writing them
>he probably hates Ibuki too because Ushi Gozen turned out to just be bootleg Ibuki.
Nah, Ushi gozen isn't a tremendous whore despiste xer becoming a unholy transgender as a compromise
But in this case Da Vinci isn't more of a magical genius than Morgan. It's normal she wouldn't understand shit.
It was more up to Castoria to pitch in for those things but she's not that smart.
One can land upon a correct observation with incorrect reasoning
I do not expect intellectual honesty from posters here though
No, the only skill check required is basic situational analysis to notice there's no traces of Rhongo being used anywhere nor does anyone talk about it when reciting past conflicts.
But she did use it against Olympus, so that'd be a bit of a weird logic to unravel.
Morgan didn't show her full strength to anyone in LB6 in general, she'd just be fed false information. The reason she kept her rule is because her vassals were also very strong, she herself didn't really take part in conflicts beyond teleporting shit to the past most of the time
Ibuki is wanked to be some super wanked dragon but Nasu wrote Albion to be some kind of Grand Dragon making Ibuki look weak. This caused him to hate Melusine even more.
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Melu Love
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Tiny dragon's superiority causes seethe. It's only natural.
She's more tiny than the child servants
fuck I completely forgot to do them
There goes some quartz
manhandling children servants...
don't worry there's not a lot coming up in the near future worth rolling for
Cuckbait dragon
Must be sad being this pathetic
Well, not really, Morgan is still a super mage that comoleted the same Avalon le Fae journey that made Castoria as strong as she is
I think they'll announce a LB6 anime adaption
It's not happening
Strange fanfic and the Mahoyo movies are eating up resources. But we will get more episodes of the gag series we had last year, which is fine by me since it features a lot of characters and it's funny
We'll probably get the Morgan vs Tamamo episode with Melu
serious question, why is sfs called fanfic? didn't Babylonia get affected by bitchtar?
non-canon powerlevels
I don't understand what makes them non canon
They'll never release another fate anime especially fgo because they know it'll flop, that's the whole reason after announcing fsf they just sent into pipeline and never mentioned it again, it'll probably be the last fate anime if it shits the bed which it would, Fate is like a dead franchise nowadays.
>Made up classes
>Merged two different franchises randomly
>Literally has characters watching Zero as if they're watching a DVD
>Easter eggs
You name it
Upends many established scenarios and renders them implausible
Every writer has different levels of speed/physics bending etc.
Maybe non-canon isn't quite the right word, but feats are not interchangeable between writers because of this
Reincarnation Pandora is the most kid level written NP that exists.
Flat is a literal OC asspull that doesn't make any sense.
The hidden Hassan that can use all Hassan moves is retarded as fuck.
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Astolfo and Nemo love the dragon too!
The fact you were the retard posting this garbage all along raikouschizo makes you look so damn pathetic I swear
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She's using them untill Aurora return.
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When did this general become dead like this?
boy I wonder
Flop remnant and its collab killed all early month hype. We're living off OC2 but the aftermath has been only reruns so it's all so meh
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I think that it's more likely that they're waiting for the next and last volume to come out.
kenshin's boyfriend
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Not heianflops I'll tell you that much which is why IT is seething with his headcanons
Heian Servants have had more hits than GudaGuda

The most desired Servant to this day according to votes is a Heian Servant
he literally can't not bite the bait, can he
Is that what you call a guy sitting in this general 24/7 rambling about nonsense?
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>other games have our character summer versions and we dont

What the fuck?
I mean FGO is called a cuckge for a reason
>headcanon and cope
Meanwhile Remnant flopped, Ushi Flopzen has 0 CE and you've ditched being the raikouschizo for more than a year to become a botposting cucktard kek nice flop
What the fuck are you on schizo most of those characters literally have summer alts
Hello Vin you cripple jew
Not him, and don't have to be him. Nobody here likes you or your personas you cuckposting failure.
Move to alter niggers. stop reviving this dead general
>general filled with EOP failures like raikouschizo
Nah I'm good
>Remnant flopped
According to? It sold 4x as much as KT's typical Musou they were bragging about the sales
>Ushi-Gozen 0 CE
I don't have any interest gooning here like you retard
>lying about sales to pretend it had relevance
I guess this new persona thing was the result of Heian flopping so badly and losing relevance because it's pathetic what you've become.
The fact you larped as quitting the general while you were here all along still shitposting just rifling the general with retarded ntr spam as you got banned over and over is hilarious. More than 2 years and you still don't have a life.
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News Doko?
Didn't Kotaro originally come from GudaGuda?
he's from shimousa chapter
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Retarded EOP. Extella only sold 100K in its liftetime, KT was already bragging when FSR managed to sell 300k and it ended up selling 400k in the end
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I get they put all this effort because it's an Anmi Servant and CLAP but this was a terrible idea
>Retarded EOP
>Says the guy who shitposts across generals using TLs from alter and can't even read japanese
What's the point of your raikouschizo persona anymore? You've exposed yourself so badly what you say is just rifled with lies.
Also 400k is piss poor sales, a complete flop. Just like its collab. Extella didn't even have a marketing campaign you're comparing a pebble to something that should've been a jewel and its just the stinking turd of a raitabortion kek
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It does and it will likely be the reason we get an FGO musou
Anybody using FGO on emulator here?
>General filled with cuckposting, kizu/kizu disciples/trollers/actual idiots.
Here discussions are unironically impossible to make; stop trying to excuse this joke of a general
>>484485114 >>484485105
[Gender:Unknown], [Alignment:Neutral], [Alignment:Balanced], [Feminine Looking Servant]
Not currently but used before many times. My NA that I only log into is still running on emu
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I'm not going to go to your raikouschizo birthing general, no need to beg. You can take him back where he belongs.
I have some questions as I am interesting into moving my account here.
Which emulator are you using and how hard is it to switch the account from phone to emu and back?
w1: 300k oni
w2: two 60k dudes
w3: two 60k dudes + 700k boija
The last ascension is the two of them fusing. She has new voicelines and bonds, but they both talk in them somehow, green girl is an out of field voice.
Her bond 5 is fucking long
Class? Berserker + Foreigner?
Well, for what it's worth the new lines makes it clear they're for (You).
I'm using ldplayer and it's very simple, you can run your account on multiple devices easily
So about Kiyohime... the costume is just Kiyohime, Otohime left when the singularity ended.
She said it might be possible to summon her, but not that her.
(You) also kinda flirt with her a little and she goes overboard asking to have as many kids as an idol group. But yeah for those who were wondering it's 100% Kiyohime in her lines, I guess it's just her voice delivery is what it is due to Risa's situation
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>chaotic evil
He was right though.
Who the fuck is she?
Suiius has it in the bag
>Otohime says to take care of Kiyohime
>You say "I do care about her but... I don't know what'll happen in the future yet"
Huh, they gave a massive boost to Kiyofags so (You) do feel something for her. I guess more and more the "pick your servant" ending might be a reality.
I'm using bluestacks. (I only used ld player before for a short time but it's also working fine. Nox used to be good I don't know about the current version?)
Do you have a jp google account? It's the easiest if you do, since then you can just get it from the play store and most emus(if not all) come with play store.
Also with the bind code it's extremely easy to bring an account from one place to another. I also connected my acc to aniplex but I haven't moved from one device to another with that method so I can't talk about that.
Going from hentai protag to one of the love interests lol.
lol no
They are yuri for each other

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