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Previous: >>484369020

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Playing Witcher 3 right now, ASK me anything
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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firefly HATE
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Hotaru Rabu!
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow carrying a coconut?
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Yen or Triss?
Why don't you play a better game? Elden Ring DLC just came out
I saw a hebe today with golden peachy fuzz on her tanned legs.
I love hebes.
I love summer.
Honkai Star Rail.
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How good is FF E1 bros? I got her LC already.
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Why didnt you took a pic for us bwo
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Imagine having to manage sp on a firefly team

Couldn't be me!
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Where are the huohuo threads????????
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Where is the option to ditch the AE and become RM's assistant or join the SH again?
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>that hand on her ass
Ruined the feel of the image desu.
>Elden slop DLC
>When it destroyed the lore and pushing pozzed kike faggotry
bro... keep that shit 2d only
Does she have implants? I like implants.
It's alright for normal combat but really shines in SU where you can spam her skill like 5 times in a row thanks to blessings.
that's hot those hands are so lucky
>RM's assistant
it would be just like the ending with herta
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Pain and suffering.
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Washing dishes is the easiest chore ever. I don't get how some people can let all the kitchen stuff pile up and stink up the place. Disgusting pigs.
I barely notice the SP since I auto 99% of the time.

I see, sounds pretty neat desu
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Oh no no no Firecuck. Never trust a male wife.
It either means she can spam skill every turn or be SP positive with basic attacks. It would be broken if her best team isn't already so SP efficient.
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Why was Penacony forgotten so quickly?
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>he didn't want to buy her lightcone
Good that you know your place femoid
it's hard to cure procrastination
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This is my self insert
Who cares about ER lore? The new zones and areas are some of Fromsofts best plus the bosses are quite good
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>only got a good headpiece and arm for Firefly so far
>Not a single BE rope on sight
Her mines are rigged
L-Leave me alone.....
Space China was so bad people just wanted someone that ISNT space China.
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Wish I had a caelus husband…
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I have a dishwasher
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can you marry me
Still not asking for it
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i dont get why people dont just wash their dishes after theyre done using them. it only takes like 10-20 seconds
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Since it's getting hotter I wash mine right away, I hate bugs
Use your self modeling resin. It only took me like six of them to get a break rope with atk%+spd
I hate these plastic cosplayers.
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Its easy but it eats away my lifespan
>It only took me like six of them to get a break rope with atk%+spd
Anon that shit is hard to come buy
i think it's hot that those hands are there
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>poor people without a dishwasher
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Can some anons post or just tell how high they leveled their FF's talents? I know ult goes to 10 but I'm not sure how important the rest are.
Please don't tell me you just run faucet water on it and then put it back...
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Birefly love
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post bangers
Cope, these plastic whores are the only time femoids look somewhat good
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I loved this track. Honestly the most comfy, and just perfect for the Event taking place in that zone
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>all bots
bird crush EOS soon bwos...
It takes less than a minute to wash with a sponge and dishwashing soap. The only thing that may be a little annoying is pans and pots since they're bigger and harder to manouver but even then it's not a big deal.
Only characters I really like get to haveeverything maxed
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>I love summer.
I only enjoy summer at the exact moment I see women in skimpy tops breasting boobily down the street with exposed cleavage glistening wih sweat bouncing up and down with every step
otherwise summer is hell on earth with insane temperatures outside AND inside and I can barely survive each day by having a fan pointed at my back while on the PC
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>going to the effort of using a dishwasher when you can just clean the plates after you eat
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>he needs to wash more than just a pan
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Firefly love!
no i use a scraper and dish soap+sponge. its really fast when it's only 1 or 2
Based turd worlder eating directly from the pan and with his hands.
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>he wipes more than once
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Wtf Silver Wolf can literally suck his dick standing up
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You see I don't want to have to that. I'm cheap.
I unironically listen to Robin's song
what do you think about me?
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NTA but I posted an image of my bootleg fried rice on /hsrg/ once and I got more comments about eating straight from the pan than about the food's quality (one or two pagpag jokes)
I don't care if I'm eating the Teflon, I'm not gonna dirty another dish.
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>he doesn't have a maid that cooks and wash the dishes
nice star rail thread retards
i went for max all traces, i just do this for characters i like
>he doesn't wash his dick after pissing
ngmi pagworlders
literally me
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95% of the world doesnt have AC
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>he eats
lose wait baka
Heard the foot hebe, shitty fox and new March got nerfed into oblivion. Is that true?
I only like the Firefly ones, I think the rest are kinda meh especially the one that plays during the Sunday fight.
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I listen to Feathery Hope Thing almost every day
What dick?
>start game
>ungodly long tutorial
>have no currency for rolls when i can
what is this
wtf do you people even eat that only uses one pan. even basic stuff like my breakfast egg sandwich requires multiple dishes.
>plate for sandwich
>knife to cut bagel
>bowl for eggs
>fork to beat the eggs
>frying pan to cook eggs
That’s for like breakfast and dinner is way more
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have any of you reached level 70 on DU yet?
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post them
/hsrg/ is way more bearable once you realize everyone is using sarcasm and trolling. “Kys anal worm troon” just translate to “I prefer to roll only female character, therefore I would not like to continue discussing male character in this thread”.

“Malnourish Firepag don’t deserve an once of human right” translate to “I’m not comfortable with the amount of shilling Firefly get compared to other characters”
You can just toast your bread after the eggs are cooked. Why would you need two pans here?
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Delicious adult woman
I just got to 10!
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>tfw we are obligated to support ZZZ because its our little kohai
but I can't play 3 gachas, Genshin and Star Rail already has too many content how can I fit another one?
I need to make sure it tops my spotify recap
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I only said one pan and I throw the bagel into the toaster anyways
The most shilled hoe in the history of gacha
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>no space
>not on my ps4
yeah, I can't support it, sorry. I was planning to get a ps5 but ps6 should be out in a couple years
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Just beat them in the pan refart
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>all these anons can cool
>Meanwhile I can't due to being afraid of having seizures and burning the house down so the only things I can do outside of my mother cooking for me on occasion is just microwavable shit/cereal or me just choosing not to eat at all so I don't bother anyone
great mammaries
How do people play multiple Hoyo games on their phone without it becoming a mini IED?
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nice, now do this with every other female character too
That used to be all of 4chan until actual retards discovered the place and wanted to be with their people.
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RIP credits. Also, it was unlisted for some reason, not sure if there's a JP/CN version too

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I couldn't cook until I started living on my own. The first few months, I was basically living on pasta and rice. Then I started experimenting with more ingredients & I can make a large variety of tasty dishes nowadays.
>Caelus arrival cause a heavy wind which flips Fireflys skirt.
How anyone can ENTER this hard? Is it possible to learn this power?
most ovens have a timer feature, it's literally impossible to fuck up
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>dreamy cone killer
how is this name allowed
u can start with simple stuff bwo, there are tons of recipes with different ranges of difficulty, but eating tasty and warm food is just that good
>playing on a dead server
Are we hyped for Ellen Joe?
Where is everyone...?
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Yeah, anyone can make some pasta and sauce with ketchup. If you cook for yourself, you don't need to chase amazing flavour or whatever shit.
this is why urinals are so unsanitary
Yes, because of the infinitely small chance that if she is a success we get more monster girl designs in HSR too. Also maids. How the fuck are we the ONLY Mihoyo game with NO MAIDS?
Ruan Mei's fuzzy pussy......
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I am playing the new madoka game
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Sex with nun swan
Why do cosplayers always wear those creepy plastic masks.
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I'm Ruansexual
Penacony casino when? Xianzhou celestial jade (mahjong) parlor when?
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What's the point of rolling swan's lc now?
Dead game dead general
>160 rolls just for 4%
I'm still gonna roll it cuz it has her face and boobies on it
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This green rat is fucking useless
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>Only works during ult
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You run both since debuffs from the same cones don't stack.
>implying people with a brain rolled BS lc over e1
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You don't use the character's signature LC on them? Or at least one that features them?
It's more of a Lukacone powercreep from what I see. Makes team deal even more damage and cover all the EHR needs you'll ever want.
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4 fucking percent wow
... if you already had s1
... instead of e1
... which is better
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NovelAI slopper anon can you make an image of a busty star railer of your choice lifting up her breasts? Can be clothed or in a bra, your choice.
I'm not home so I can't make my own sloppa currently...
I'm going head first...
you need a knife to cute a bagel? use your fucking hand
Serious question
Why do people post this clowns "calcs" here all the time? He has been wrong on so many occasions that I honestly lost count.
Do you mean the double-eyelid? If so that's very popular in asian countries.
>18% all vulnerability vs 20% atk and 28.8 def shred personal
idk Swan's might still be better sometimes. I wish they did the calcs with E1 RM and E2 Kafka
which clown
Because no one else is doing so and people have to shitpost.
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Fuck this reminded me that I haven't jerked off to the latest Canan ASMR yet. Love big breasts.
BS's cone is more of a dps cone. This new one you can't use on more than a single character on a team so you can combine those two cones. It's like a stronger version of Lukacone than anything.
No i mean the twenty layers of makeup that looks like it would be hard to remove with a jackhammer.
my dad said it's only gay if you touch the pp
I love Bocchi and Honkai Star Rail
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What's the appeal?
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>where do you want to go?
>holds heart icon
>She literally wants to be star railed
Why is she so horny?
For people that like 3/10 girls
Is this the same site that claims that the new March 7 with a 5 star cone is almost as good as Ratio with his sig? Cause if so then I dont belive a word from it
I hate Bocchi and Huohuo the clown
Do femcels really (truly?)
I've never really understood what those flying things are. Just drones?
Why do you care about the make up? Almost every woman use make up. It makes them prettier.
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Wrong answer! Try again.
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>Jiaoqiu is going to replace Silverbrick
its so over
>rolling a m*le jpg for a meager 4%
holy fuck i feel bad for the metachurls
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like so?
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She isn't? I saw videos of FUA team where she replaced Ratio and it was doing great.
For people that like 2/10 girls
Is it true that sparkle likes cum on her feet???
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Why is HSR such a piece of shit game
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>no jade because ugleh
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The fact that Break Effect doesn't scale Break Efficiency is so fucking retarded it makes my blood boil so bad
for bullying
Nihility tank when?
Been playing on and off since release but finally have been going more steady at it since Black Swan.
Currently torn between pulling for Firefly/Raun Mei or waiting for Hou Houn since I’ve read she is good for DoT teams and I already have Kafka and BS.
I’m at 70 pity and I have guaranteed. What would you do bros?
Bout to head to TGIF Fridays for a work meeting and I’m going to play Star Rail at the table like a autist and order chicken tenders
An African or an European swallow?
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>Kafka keeps targeting him
The foxian taunt value was real what the fuck...
lol even nips are noticing
qq is there though
post stage and units
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Exactly what I had in mind, thanks. Wish the breasts' weight distribution over the hands was more visible and they were less "floaty", but I understand that sloppa has it's limitations from personal experience.
Inspired by Night on the Galactic Railroad

>Honkai Star Rail
A actual Galactic Railroad
>Break effect characters should just one shot toughness bars
Are you retarded?
Only saw 1 video where she worked well enough, but everyone else had their sigs
I mean from meta perspective there's no other character as valuable as Ruan Mei in the game. Firefly is great dps but if once again you don't have Ruan Mei her damage instantly drops by around 40%.
That's too overpowered. basically perma stunlock
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How strong is E2 Acheron with JQ and Sparkle
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Yes, that's exactly what it should do. What's the point of having a bonus effect when BREAKING if you can't BREAK?? You DUMBASS.
>Augggh I have 9999999999% Brick Effect
>Oops the enemy has a bazillion toughness get fucked you deal 0 damage
Faggot shit.
You say that but most bosses can just lock weakness and give you the middle finger. It's not overpowered at all and you're stupid if you think otherwise.
Did you just realize that Break Efficiency is a Superbreak exclusive multiplier?
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Pumping fox juice all over your dot hags
>I-I'll just stick to RM
no im not
Super Break balances this by doing a shitload of damage when enemies are broken, if you can just one shot the toughness bar then it would broken as shit.

>most bosses can just lock weakness and give you the middle finger
There's not a single boss that Firefly can't break before it locks weakness. SAM is the only exception since he starts like that but it's just one turn.
I remember people actually thinking that's what break effect does during launch. Then they realized that it just affects the break number and everyone called it brick effect since then because it's been mostly dead stat.
Her ass is really fat
Should I just give BS eyes of the prey now that I finally got it? Swap it from solitary healing?
wait what was the point of everything Aventurine did when Jade pegged the new head of the family into selling out?
>mogged by an autist
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I cant wait for Firefly to go away so I can see Stelle again
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Good enough for FF. Back to the Broken Keel mine
>JQkeks are now latching onto dotGODS since nobody cares about him in ACK teams
meguca discussion is off topic
take it to their general or /u/
What if she get's ship trailers with fox guy?
Still coping I see
>he rolled for Ruan Mei
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>Wish the breasts' weight distribution over the hands was more visible and they were less "floaty"
Probably just comes down to an artist mix that suits it better.
No one knows. The closest we could come up with was smuggling Jade's cornerstone into Penacony.
Are people just really not rolling for her cone
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Don't lump all of us together. I could care less about meta.
>nobody cares about him in ACK teams
t. Silverkek coping
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love how the shirt is too small for her tits in this one
I wish breasts were real
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Listen, I'm not saying to make WBE a 1:1 scale with BE , but it should scale with some percentage at least, because sometimes it feels like absolute fucking trash to run a BE team and you go a full rotation with the toughness bar only being 5% down.
The official youtube already uploaded the Stelle version of the Farwell Penacony ending cinematic
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Rolling for flat Elysia.
Yes, it's her best cope option. Solitary Healing is trash on her.
>pulling for homo
I apologize. What should I call such an individual? Fakefox?
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honest thoughts on this character?
>Solitary Healing is trash
Who is it even good on? Break Effect Luka? Kafka if you're just using her to farm calyxes with an ERR rope?
Just pull for the new break healer who puts enemies in weakness broken state regardless of their toughness bars
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Build for fuqing
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>even nips
What, are Japanese people supposed to be retarded or something?
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Well, you can also give it to say Sampo if you use him in super break team.
But why. Apart from the break which might be slightly useful if you put her with ff and hmc. She gets dot increase using ult and the cone charges her ult slightly faster
Krept by Aventurine, less relevant than Gallagher right now and will be dabbed on by Lingsha
Yeah it's good on Luka and Kafka to some extend. 4P thief and healing is a really strong combo for PF. It can also work with hyperbreak Sampo(very fun single target versus Kafka boss) and Gui in PF
is there any reason to turn on threshold protocol for the weekly 'cyclical extrapolation' in DU? or is it just there for funsies?
>hyperbreak Sampo(very fun single target versus Kafka boss)
I'm actually interested in trying this since Kafka boss is tailormade to counter waifufag accounts that haven't been blessed with a strong Clara with multiple eidolons.
Once you're done, no.
>pag humor
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>dick length
6.5 inches
>favorite star rail
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>mogged by Acheron banner
>mogged by Acheron leftovers patch.
The gimmick might help you push higher difficulties if you have a proper team to take advantage of it
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Not really fake, it's just normal meta banter. They just prioritize experiencing the game differently, my fox will likely die down in meta discussion a week or so after he releases. That's probably being generous.
At least the Madoka devs made an effort to create a new UI design
7 mutsukis
Is Asta or Tingyun better than Pela for a Firefly team if I can never have the sole good nihility cone?
just ditch gayshit already you stupid retard
Because she needs EHR to apply her shit and it converts to dmg% on top of that. And Eyes of Prey also has exact same 48% DoT bonus on top of that while break effect is almost dead stat on her.
E1? S1?
aieee i did accidental 10 pull on lc banner because my ass is too big and i forgot to lock my screen
does lc banner pity stay or is it a scam like genshin?
How do I know I properly pre-registered? Just having an account already linked to the game?
Granny Kafka is too cute
What Harmony is Poised to Bloom made for? Is it specifically Robin in specifically FUA?
How the fuck. But yes, the pity stays.
stfu you petty bitch, the entirety of 1.x trailers only have Stelle in them
now Caelus got some marketing spotlights in 2.3 and you niggers act like Stelle got Loom'd
Firefly should've been a sexy hag
Love Hotaru
Hate Hanabi
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>all in on crit when all I want is break
why, who would even use this
it doesn't count as a clear though, i did protocol 1 first week and i couldn't go to protocol 2 after that
>le UNREACHABLE raiden mei expy
>wormturine outselling robin
2.1 gave way too much ammo to salesposters
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hey sis, how bout go back to your /husbandosmain and neck yourself instead claiming acheron and robin as your homo revenue ?
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Seems like it, I can't think of a comp that wants the Harmony's ATK to be high or have two characters of the same Path like the IPC comp.
>get luka cone
>no good nihility characters
nice game railkeks
No one. Really cope piece though.
>51 pulls in to RM banner
I might be able to make it bros........
Why can’t I download ZZZ on my PS5 yet?
Wouldn't have happened if they had given her the plugsuit instead of the stupid dress.
>Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. Upon entering the battle, if there are two or more allies in the team who follow the same Path, these characters' CRIT DMG increases by 16%. Abilities of the same type cannot stack.
That's such weird description it doesn't fit anyone to be honest. No harmony even really wants that crit damage buff aside from Sparkle and Bronya and it's useless on Robin because she has fixed 150% crit damage. So the only team where I see it currently be useful in is putting it on Robin but also having Sparkle on that same team. I'm thinking it's made for some future harmony character.
Robin in an E2 Acheron team might also work. But most likely Robin with double FUA Hunt featuring Topaz or March 7.1
14.5 cm
onee x shota
Your Pelageya Sergeyevna?
Superbreak Himeko
she's ok but I want a real debuffer in the game, and not this "poison except elemental" dotgarbage
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The biggest LC question in the game is will this shit ever be useful?
>wormturine outselling robin
he didn't lol no need to lie sis just keep using acheron if you have to shitpost
I'm 55 pulls into the banner and I've given up hope. I've done literally everything in the game to squeeze jades out.
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NTA but do want to add that BE Sampo is pretty fun. There are a lot of mostly single target bosses that are weak to wind, like Kafka, Svarog and the death meme. His skill bounces a lot, so it deals high toughness damage against them. You can go just super break Sampo in the standard team to take advantage of his skill triggering superbreak and detonating the wind break dot with his E4. Only problem is that break dots don't count as break damage, so you have to choose between 25% def ignore on the super break or Prisoner set. Alternative is to run BE Sampo with BS. More of a traditional DoT team, but quick to break thanks to 2 wind dps. Just save Sampo's ult to break on demand. Requires E4, but he detonates the break dot and BS arcana at the same time.
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Pure sexo
Firefly killed the game with her big tits.
this would be broken if they make a hunt character that has a similar play pattern to QQ where you dont actually want to use her ult 90% of the time.
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It doesn't matter how much you cry about Pure Fiction, "Firefly shilling" despite the fact that Firefly implants weaknesses so there is literally no reason to add natural fire weakness for Firefly, Apocalyptic Shadow or whatever cope you come up with.

Himeko won, and there is not a single thing you can do or say that can change it.
It's good team when fighting single target wind weak bosses. Superbreak core of HMC, RM, Gallagher make everyone with high tougness damage good.
If I'm reading it correctly, it gives the two characters sharing a path the crit dmg. So Ratio and Topaz get 16% crit damage
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Embarrassing. Legacy yuri character mogged the the most (You) character they have ever done. Anti yuri schizo? Your response?
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Yunli brick status?
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I feel like if it was 2 stelle for 1 caelus at one point right now its 4 caelus to 1 stelle
If you dont know, just use Pela anyway
been saying this since before firefly dropped. himeko pre-powercrept firefly.
I still have stuff I can do but it's a bit of a slog
I'm determined though, I wouldn't waste this effort if I was at 50/50, I know I can guarantee her
> a single week of Firefly almost mogged the entirity of the Aventurine banner and the leftovers of Acheron
Not the own you think it is sis
Firefly saved the game with her big tits.
It'd be okay on a Topaz-esque Hunt that doesn't have a DMG Ult.
But there is no PF this week
How many pulls are left in this patch anyway
but you want to use qq's ult basically every time
It stays and the rates are better (75% instead of 50% on character banner).
Oh, in that case yeah, it's good new option for Robin in FUA team. But aside from Topaz+Ratio I don't remember any same path options that are effective together and want crit damage.
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>JK yuri lost to hag yuri
Yuribros, how could this happen to us?
Hard as a brick
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>only mihoyo game on the list
We won.
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The brick is in the other game bro
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Aventurine is for Topaz and Ratio is for Ruan Mei
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I want Firefly to suffocate me with her lewd tits.
> pre-powercrept
She's good but Firefly is literally her improved version lol
Sure. She's a stacked big titty teenager. With nice legs.
Pagpag isn't even that bad if you know where to grab stuff from tbqh
People dumpster dive in the west all the time but you don't see us calling americans dumpdumps instead do you?
Topaz is for Jade and Ruan Mei is for Herta.
>lgbt award
yeah, mihoyo should stop releasing male characters so they don't get cocky in this game.
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Maybe they should have shilled that instead.
March+Topaz, but that is basically the same team but replaced Ratio. Other combi that wants crit I can think of would be Jingliu+Blade. Not the greatest team, but the cone does work for it. And for PF, Herta+any erudition. And maybe some weird Acheron team, either just to give Acheron more crit damage or maybe running Acheron+Welt?
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>spends all of two (2) patches calling him an annoying retard
>no further interactions
Is this what they mean by homolove being the purest form of love?
Only on a character with a 1 energy ult cost.
Actually I remembered another useful case for it. Use it on Robin in PF in Herta+Himeko team.
Yurifags have abandoned schoolgirls. Pure love is DEAD.
Gayshin bros I thought our game is the premier mihomo game???
Got yanqing's cone from standard, is there anyone who can use this?
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>featuring Topaz or March 7.1
Its probably a support cone for the queen of foxes
Black Swan is one of the least liked Penacony chars though? People like Acheron despite her, not thanks to her.
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Statstick for any hunt.
>the BS popularity schizo is still seething
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Yuriniggers already killed themselves after they made them not canon lol
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Another cute Yomi for my folder
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which ones do you guys find more success with??
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Sorry, but StelleFly has too much competition.
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cute brick
benched for bailu in moc and as
and i don't play sustains in pf (gallagher is a dps)
Cope cone for Crit Suzie
I'm not gonna just throw games for you babe, my honor as an origami clash master is on the line
It's just facts, least art of any Penacony char and the lowest revenue alongside Boothill. BScucks trying to piggyback on Acheron's popularity are pathetic.
i default to occurence unless i roll curios that incentivize fighting
I always spam occurrences, for better or worse
Combat: 3 guaranteed blessings + fragments
Occurrence: ass cancer
It depends on the situation. Combat is almost always gonna give you more Blessings, so if you need a lot to fill out your Equations go combat.
Occurence/Encounter are better if you still need a real edge, like a strong curio or equation.
then why does himeko perform better at all end game content (except DU protocol 6) than firefly on the same exact team on stages designed to shill firefly?
>Changing the subject to some other cope
I see so have none
>Reee! Black Swan ruines other characters
Lol lmao so even by your own narrative FF could have got mogged even harder by the Mei expy. Tell me why you should be pandered to again?
Himeko is weak which means she's strong.
She doesn't?
Combat is 3 guaranteed blessings with Acheron, Occurrence is high variance. I'll stick with combat after clearing the rewards for seeing enough occurrences
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Good, good.
>2 retards thinking the other one is the BS schizo
>ToS and Privacy Policy update
Oh no no no bros, it's over.
Ratio is just tsun
He even gave Aventurine encouragement
Stop putting down their friendship
No one asked, homosexual.
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Instead of just locking the toughness bar, I think it's more likely they will just increase the toughness values that every enemy has from 3.x on. We will probably start seeing 1k+ toughness bars.
current MoC rank 1 team is himeko harmony mc ruan mei gallagher
So fittingly soulless, its almost kino again.
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Firefly should have been male, we were robbed of potential kino gameplay and design
Mogged in what way? Revenuewise Acheron had the top up reset, Firefly still managed to be the best banner that wasn't her or Seele's release banner. Artwise Firefly has way more art, but it's not the point anyway. Both Acheron and Firefly are really popular, unlike Flopped Swan.
stop watching me while I take a shit...
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You should kill yourself
Fujos still didn't kill themselves after 2.3?
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True sis
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>Acheron had the top up reset
That doesn't mean anything for a truly popular character. Furina managed to actually break records, despite not having top-up.
And outside a specific encounter specifically weak to fire and imaginary?
>Firefly still managed to be the best banner that wasn't her or Seele's release banner.
No it wasn't
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Well well well..
Until she got shipped with Wormvilette, now she's flopping hard lmao
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>yurikeks acting like hag swan and acheron arent for (you)
Furina leeched off popularity from CHADvilette
You retards spammed that nonsense already before her first banner.
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The schizo fears the HAGSEX
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okay show me a scene where swan wants to brutally rape caelus
She is
>inb4 kakaurine cope sales
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I thought she had fucked up teeth at first
This except instead of Firefly it's every male in the game and they would've been better as female characters
Slutty bimbo cowgirl Boothill
Exotic island tanned slut Arlan
Argenti (you've seen this one already)
Childhood friend tomboy Luka
Yanqing (now acceptable as a rival and eventual friend to Yunli)
Grandma forgot her pants again....
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Black Swan has flirted with every character she met

Acheron accepted the flirting
Show proof then. I didn't even mean kakaurine
Alright big boy, which character that sells more than FF that isn't Acheron or launch Seele?
Evil fofo..
Why are Fireflyfags so obsessed with Aventurine
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Would make Physical breakers literally 1-shot them, try again.
Don't worry Wormvilette is shipped with a man now
Does revealing the 4th stat on a relic eat 1 of my rolls? Its been a month and I never noticed...
So now literally any team who isn't break related will never break in their entire fucking life
Black Swan is a slut, Acheron enjoys it when people try to be close with her. They fit perfectly together. Its not a "stable relationship" ship, so the pag seething is pointless anyway.
Living free of consequences made Black Swan a loose woman.
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NTA, Maybe you should ask them why they're so obsessed with Firefly.
because faggoturinefags have been trying to ride on Acheron's 2nd half in April and claim that their homo is the reason why the monthly revenue broke 100+ milly
Yes it does, you only get 4 stat rolls instead of 5 which is why 3 stat relic are at disadvantage from the very beginning over 4 stat ones.
Yes, you only have 5 rolls, a 4-liner is the best case scenario because none of the rolls will be "wasted" onto unlocking a new line.

A 3-liner will eat the first upgrade to reveal the 4th line thus you only have 4 upgrades.
There's basically no difference outside of non Break teams taking forever to break now so good job.
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Ratpiss stronk <3
You can literally check the chart yourself, she's sitting behind Seele and Acheron right now and her banner isn't even over yet
Why should I care
post it then
Okay, thats one post compared to continous spam here about "homoworms". Not looking good for you guys that you have to resort to reddit screencaps.
I just got my first 4 stat relic that was worth upgrading and now I feel like Ive been wearing trash and wasting all my stuff.
AR-26710 my beloved...
>another reddit mod advertising
Go fucking back.
No one has Boothill.
Isn't the phys break limited by % of max hp?
The post that destroyed firepags
I didn't get an email...do they know that I got her already?
Anyone have the spinning Firefly animation?
Of course it is the gig shitskin ruining the thread
Non break teams aren't as reliant on the break. They just have to match weakness and they still work well.
Then they got fucked by the Jiaoqiu nerf kek
That's an Argenti icon albeit? Kaka lives rent free in your head for no good reason
I think it's funny how screenshots of this sub gets spammed here and went you go check there's like 10 people in it, who cares lmao
Cool. Almost went through the gauntlet without taking any damage
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>+3 million from the Robin/Boothill month and still less than Yomi's
Remember when they were saying it would be the best benner in history?
>Reposts it with added spite
That's sad.
>spamming in 10+ threads before sensortower release their chart
>one post
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only shitposters on /gig/ said that
Congrats bro, you really showed Tiffany
You mean /gig/ right?
Both of them sold less than fucking Sparkle
can I repeatedly run Divergent Universe at diff 0 to grind levels
FIrefly's E1 and E2 are much more valuable than her light cone
if you can get E1-2, go for it. You can always get the light cone later on a rerun. the SU destruction cone is only slightly less strong than her signature one
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can the firefly and aventurine anons just kiss already
>he thinks we check reddit obsessively like he does
No one here, literally no on here cares about your reddit nemesis kid.
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Its Stella gatto
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>Mei expy buff
>Meta pandering buff
>No F2P LC option buff
>Top-up reset buff

While Firefly
>OC character
>No top-up reset
>F2P friendly and a lot of f2p LC options
>Boycotted banner because people hate that she's popular
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If you exclude the retarded china upscale then she isn't even in the top 8 of monthly revenue for HSR.
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Oh no, It's happening again...
Just gave it a quick check and it
>over 100 mil in April
>over 100 mil in March
Yeah not even gonna bother to keep looking. Try harder next time.
You can TELL which character gender sells MORE based on who gets the broken kits. In GENSHIN it’s males and in HSR it’s females. In ZZZ we will soon find out.
>>Boycotted banner because people hate that she's popular
KEK we're not that many bro
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Post your STRONGEST in character score
>hates males
>keeps checking a sub dedicated to male characters
>gets angry when they don't like female characters over there
No offense, but I don't get this logic.
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Nyo thanks.
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Assuming the usual super break team is my main team, who should I start building for a second team
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Newbab you exclude chink numbers from this site which means she braely made 32mill which is kind of low.
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I am not gonna renew my Welkin this month
damn its reddit brownoids seething about firefly and not giggers?
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QQ I guess? You definitely want to pick up a limited DPS ASAP.
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>Meta pandering
Lol, lmao even
Salesniggers should have their eyes gouged out and force fed to them really.
How will genshin ever recover...
Firefly had more warps than Yomi so she MIGHT have sold better if there were top ups. Or it could just be another Kafuka situation where everyone saved so the banner would bomb either way.
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Don't even need to count DoT or Phys vs Fire

With 180 toughness, a Phys/Fire Break will deal 37,675 base damage before all modifiers (BE, DEF, RES PEN, etc).
With 1000 toughness, it will deal 192,145 before all modifiers. So your 550% BE Firefly is now doing 1,248,942 base damage.

MoC12 SAM has 438k HP btw
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Back in December when people still thought she was gonna be the anniversary character, only to get promptly fucked over by the Acheron drip, and then the Fagventurine drip...And the Robin drip..

And the fucking BOOTHILL drip.
I am especially gonna renew my Express Pass this month, because I have a sub-90% chance (according to warp calculator) to get the characters and cones I want from the next few patches, despite my starting capital of over 350 pulls.
Man firefly flopped bigly on global lmao
Why gweilo? Give Genshin some love too.
*anti-firefly and aventurine anons
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Yes, there are people here who don't give a damn about Acheron besides the fact her E2 makes her broken. While Firefly, again, is functional at E0S0. There's no incentive to spend money on her banner, yet people spend it out of love for the character.
I mean there's no need after e2 ackeron and e2 firefly, not to mention other great characters you possess right now. It's game over basically and we are moving to greener pastures when it comes to funding the game.
>all those shitposters saying she would be a 4*
And people don't believe it's the subhumans from /gig/ literally the same retarded argument
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xueyi or himeko. or even herta. they're solid in pf
Day of the Boothill drip was the funniest fucking day on this general
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I'm quitting this game for ZZZ, does anyone want my account?
post the site link first
There was yuri pandering this patch, so I'm gonna get monthly and BP.
Gives me memories of Neuvillette… the people who get called 4-star end up being the most broken and shilled 5-stars
sell it or hold onto it incase you dont like zzz and return
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>/gig/sharts shitposting about revenue after a year straight of gigaflops
I expected her next patch actually. I had to wait for Lady Fu so long, I hoped Firefly will be the same. But they ran out of characters, so it was a patch early.
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I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Elysia
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.
It's always been the /gig/gers spamming this shit. They tried really hard to spam and shitpost when the sensortower chart for last month was posted here a couple of days ago too
So cruel. Not cool.
Firefly has done irreparable damage to the game...
Bro, you wanted to retire this shitpost....
>nyyyoooo firefly didn't flop! I bet you are a gigger!
Bro can you share where you get your copium from? That seems like some strong shit.
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Firefly BROKE you.
That was during the period when the Firefly=SAM leak was widely known, but also widely regarded as schizo headcanon bullshit. And, I'll be honest, what cool combat stuff could a samless Firefly have? Not anything 5* tier probably.
Really, we've known Firefly is SAM for about a year. The earliest leaks of that were summer 2023, maybe around 1.2 or so. It's just that they didn't really gain much traction until later that year with Penacony approaching.
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Making troons kill themselves heals the game though
>So dead people are making up shit to get mad at
It's getting boring
NTA, but Firefly e0s0 and Acheron e0s0 are very similar in performance against non shilled content. They have both locked tremendous performance behind their dupes/cones. And yes, Firefly cone is vastly underrated. The speed debuff increases the entire team's super break performance by about 20-25% alone. Add to that her personal damage gain over the next best cope option...
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What do you want me to explain? It's a fact that Acheron's banner was full of privileges. If Firefly had the same privileges, she would be the best-selling character in this game.
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I love both Firefly and Neuvillette and am very excited for Firefly release. They both resonate with me because they both have been wronged in the past, they are both on personal missions and want to achieve their goals through their own merits. Firefly and Neuvillette both, despite being mission focused, are not rude or blunt and don’t act like they don’t care about others, thus not making them the average ‘edgy’ anime character. They’re humble, kind, and caring and also deeply care about (you). They’re the reason why I feel that there are good people with power left in this world.
Would you rather we discuss how big each HSR girl's cock would be if she were a futa?
Everyone knew Firefly was Sam. Anyone saying otherwise pretending they were different people were disingenuous shitposters who ultimately got btfo.
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same desu, the power creep is too much that collecting E0 cuties at this point is pointless(reason why im buying express pass).
At least I got Firefly, which will carry me through content for at least three months
>character score on a support unit
lolno, only crit DPS has legit scores. Like actually, HP and DEF have a higher chance of showing up than CV.
>if you exclude the biggest source of revenue then she flopped
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>They haven't dropped Jenshin after finishing the Archon quest
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The worst part of dead weeks is our schizos constantly desperately recycling the same shit over and over
>Uhh, BS is le bad yuri?
>Uhh, Caelus, ENTER BTFO?
>..Aventurine, homos bad am I right?
>Firefly bad?
Rinse repeat, same shit over and over.
Please use your brain for a moment anon and read the explanation....
they're looking fowards to prepping the brown fire dragon bvll for their next archon girl
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Let's make a new one then. Uhhhh... Bird Crush flopped?????
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Don't worry guys Jade gets her Keeping up with Starrail video tonight. She will save /hsrg/!
I wonder how Furinafags still play Genshin hoping for a SQ2, after her entire arc being shafted away
>Fermata (Best pure F2P option) 85.82%
>Along the Passing Shore 124.90%
Signature is 45% better
Most latefags/newfags forced to swipe because they won't have any alternative weapons

>Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest 116.91%
Signature is 16% better
Latefags/newfags can get Aeon in a week or two

>0.33x rolls on Acheron's weapon banner per roll on Acheron's banner vs 0.21x rolls on Firef'ly's weapon banner vs Firefly's banner
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Is there a HSR version of this?
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New FuQing
Sorry bro, we already did that one. But at least you tried.
who's that?
I still don't get with her cone spd debuff. Does it have any function when you have RM break delay?
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Licking Yunli's dirty calloused bare feet clean after losing to her for the 322nd time in a row!
The only canonical futas are Huohuo (Bocchi the Cock), Stelle (through the Stellaron), and Fu(ta) Xuan
an anon posted a futa tierlist he made a few days ago but didn't get much attention
Aw man. It's too early to start calling HSR a Madoka rip off as well?
>Does it have any function when you have RM break delay?
It specifically works with that. If an enemy gets slowed, they get pushed back further. If anything, it's the only consistent way of getting value from it.
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I'll play it again when they finish the entire Natlan Archon quest
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Alternate reality where Fu is already general and QQ is vice president?
Shh you didnt saw that
I rolled C2 Furina back when she came out and I dropped Genshin a while ago, at least popular girls like Acheron or Firefly don't get treated like shit in this game.
Is FuQing the most popular yuri ship from HSR now that ACHEron and Black Swan got shafted away?
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not sure if dot just isnt the move in DU or got some awful equations...
Where is the hype for Jade?
Black Swan defeated pose EROTIC
I doubt its the most popular, but its the best one.
No? I barely see that ship outside this general.
It's probably still Bronseele because le hecking hi3
Job Swan wasn't built for this
beats me, I'm rolling Argenti
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>PF only unit
I'm saving for Yunli, Fofo, Feixiao and Lingsha
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>I-It is only because Yomi needed her weapon ok
>Ignore that Robin/Boothill was 100% a skip patch if you were rolling for Hotaru
Your cope is some good shit
Yeah the AQ made me quit. No other characters got any screentime. It made me lose interest in Clorinde and Arlecchino too
>i bet firefly is responsible for this
I'm rolling but I don't really care much about her.
I'm just collecting IPCs and it will be awkward to have all of them except her.
>I wonder how Furinafags still play Genshin hoping for a SQ2, after her entire arc being shafted away
I was planning to C6 her but not after she didn't get a 2nd story quest
Idk who I'll use my saved up rolls for, none of the Natlan characters really excite me
In my heart.
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Its always been bronseele, Fuqing is number 3 after Kafhime
what's the status of gay fox?
In my dick.
Yeah her rerun flopped for a reason, they all quit… well desu every banner after 4.2 flopped.
garbage, as before
His cone (unless it gets nerfed further) is BiS on BS and Guinaifen
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>have to involve other characters to cope better
Now THAT is cope.
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With every new patch I feel like I'm actively being punished for rolling her(and her cone:^/).
Cone banner just like Jing Yuan
I'm excited for the potential stonehearts teaser and who will get to introduce her.
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all this CV for 0 damage
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KafHime gets the better fanart by miles, so KafHime won.
That song that plays in the new mode menu really reminded me of Jade cuz of that one meeting scene so now I made it fit her
Can't wait for her banner already
How good is the break team without FF? managed to get RM

Does Xueyi and Himeko work well? Any other alternatives?
Doesn't that entire argument fall apart when Acheron had worse 4*s (Not even trend or Resolution on her weapon banner or even Gui, just Pela) and a deadweight 5* when Acheron had Gallagher also.
you have to pick some remembrance stuff irc
Nay character that can do a lot of toughness damage works in that team (like Asta or Sampo)
Should unironically have a "If all allies take damage in an attack, reduces damage to Fu Xuan by 25%" talent
>unladen swallow
>carrying a coconut
Doesn't even compare. Himeko only worked this MoC because of the boss.
Himeko and Xueyi works very well and are a lot of fun in a break team. Although with Xueyi Silver Wolf is better than Ruan Mei, because you actually don't necessarily want to break them 'too' fast unless you run a ERR rope for Xueyi for Ult spam.
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Stop posting girls with dark buttholes
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I wish Kafka wasn't for (you) and TB had two lesbian moms that have hate sex
>It's a fact that Acheron's banner was full of privileges
>Ruan Mei rerun versus Luochud lmao
>3 new 4* that many people don't have at E6 yet
Hmm yes
>Xueyi Silver Wolf is better than Ruan Mei
how? i always clear slower with sw
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it's that easy
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RM has anti synergy specifically for those two as their mechanics revolve around depleting toughness moreso than attacking things that are broken.
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fuck dot shilling, this shit is so cringe
surprised i could pull off 40k with firefly prebuilt team tbdesu
Superbreak really benefits more from characters that have giga BE and toughness reduction along with super fast speed.
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Would that even matter with Super Break?
Homophobic Acheron and her girlfriend are so cute.
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Atk% orb?
Also fireflysister, what do you think of the new planar set?
Super Break doesn't scale with crit Xueyibwo.
>Acheron? For you
>Firefly? For you
>Sparkle? For you
>Herta? For you
>Ruan Mei? For you
>Dan Heng? For you
>March 7th? For you
>Kafka? For you

Who else
Ruan Mei leads to faster breaks and doesn't make much use of her FUA. It depends on the enemy though, I found SW to be more universally useful. Especially in PF.
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Sorry but I'm saving for Lingsha and punished Tingyun
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Still suprised how people think that RM=bad because she depletes the toughness bar faster.
Please go back to drawing board and check how her talent works.
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It's my best salsotto orb. I'll be looking to get Topaz the new set but it's not like I have any say in what screwllum drops for me
nyo... I must stay strong and keep believing in the Snek...
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Imagine Acheron with a strap destroying BS anus and calling her a filthy dyke
So Asta/RM/HMC/Gallagher works?
Well then you're in luck, because RM=bad due to the break extension, not break efficiency.
Kafka being for (You) makes the whole thing even hotter, though.
>Stelle's lesbian moms fighting over her attention and then have hate sex
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If you can't kill the enemy by the time they are broken then you're doing something wrong
Do YUMES even play HSR or any MIHOMO game?
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I don't even know what you're trying to say. Nonetheless, I don't know if you can beat the emanator, mei expy and top-up reset, anniversary buff, etc.

>3 new 4* that many people don't have at E6 yet
Acheron's also had Gallagher. Pela IS the best 4* currently, and guess which banner she was? Xueyi and Misha are FF sidegrades, they don't perform as good on their own as Gallagher and Pela.

I think you guys are just being dishonest and are on the anti-Firefly team. Basically, what I'm saying is that if both had received the same buffs, Firefly would have sold more, because from all indications, even without these buffs, even with people skipping Robin and Boothil's banners (another detail to remember, as Acheron came right after Sparkle, forcing many to spend), Firefly's banner sold almost as much without any of these buffs. And that's considering we don't even know the exact numbers since her banner was boycotted, which suggests it would have been much higher if not for the sensor tower issue.
stelle isn't canon tho
I want to have a threesome with two huge-breasted bisexual women who lovehate eachother...
I'm not saying she is BAD. She is still great, but you don't make full use of Xueyi with her keeping people more in-break over the fight. With superbreak that isn't a big deal, because of that she is still fine but other options like Silver Wolf have simply more synergy that puts them over RM.
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kek the people on that sub are so bitter
it reminds me of the "buttcoin" anti-Bitcoin sub
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would like to see your build and team setups honestly because i can't see it
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I want a event with Kafka and Himeko together so bad.
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It's so pathetic that women need a piece of plastic to dick someone down
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Having sex with their adopted daughter kinda ruins the wholesome family dynamic I envisioned
would you drink this?
Will Stelle fuck me with her fake penis?
Stelle has a real penis
No >>484405817
Yep, Acheron saying "no homo" before eating out her girlfriend.
no it's got stelle's unwashed vibrator in it
>troonsbian hours
can you shitposters fuck off to /zzz/ already
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Quick gimme ur best Firefly save file set up for Divergent Universe.
Why did the Acheron and Black Swan ship drop?
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>hsrg full of gay posting(literal)

I'll be in zzz until it launches this place has been so bad outside my usual hours
>Acheron had Pela as well
fuck I need her for my 2nd party, I have 0 copies of her while my C6 Xueyi and Misha are gathering dust
wtf nuwa looks like THIS?
Because they were back on friendly terms in 2.3 and a lesbian relationship cant exist without domestic abuse
You can easily see her "for You" behaviour as her trying to one-up your other mom while she has custody. There is nothing actually explicitly sexual about her behaviour anyway, she's just a naturally sensual woman.
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Stelle is build to fuck hags.
>I think you guys are just being dishonest and are on the anti-Firefly team
he says while casually ignores the fact that RM is probably around 20% of the total revenue while Luocha was around 5% of Acherons pulls. Also stop pretending nobody has Pela since she was free 2 times already and is the 4* with the most re-runs and is at full potential in non-ice teams at E0. And i don't even need to mention the monthly shop
Is GIG dead again?
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negative chemistry
Black Swan is a whore.
Mihoyo redirected Acheron to (You).
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Its kinda hard to believe Kafka is not actually flirting
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because theyre both for (you). yurikeks are struggling to accept reality
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El gato Stella...
Because Acheron is for (you) pandering character
she sent a tit pic basically umprompted
Her behaviour on the Luofu is pretty much peak helicopter mom, I think its not hard to see her as just being interested in you thinking well of her.
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No, but she might with her real penis if you ask nicely.
I mean, Ruan Mei historically pulled Blade rerun out of the gutter by herself so why not count her in carrying Firefly too. I listed Pela, I also mentioned Gui since she's the only other good option for Acheron assuming no SW since she's outdated as fuck for newer players. There's also the cone banner again which literally had HMC's bis cone to bait people with. Case in point also, if FF did attract new players, they're all literally pigeonholed to rolling for RM at the same time.
>BS teasing you and inviting you for a comfy bedtime story
>the whole Acheron goodbye scene
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Why is her voice (english) so damn sexy?
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All characters are for (you) no matter what shiptroons think
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>another 50/50 lost
see y'all in zz
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I just realized I havent farmed talia orb yet...
Mom is just trying to be nice, she doesn't know any other way. Pls no bully.
Good luck pulling for the bara furry bwo
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While I personally wouldn't mind I feel that would be the definition of a bait and switch
You will never escape the light incestious undertones with Kafka. Thats just part of it.
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why is she allways on rate up anyways
You asked for proof and checked out her holograms boobs earlier.
its good for people like me who dont need a good Nihility debuff lightcone. i plan to pick her up and this new cone.
NTA but I think you are a bit overly optimistic if you think of her behaviour as showing definite 'romantic' interest. All gacha characters are bait.
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what are you doing here, shark?
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If your mom does this you probably have issues
More power
Isn't the point what interpretations the story allows for? And yeah, Kafka could easily just be concerned for you thinking well of her because she did technically raise you.
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>All characters are for (you)
>Blade won't let (you) call him Bladie
>Jing Liu has never even met (you)
maybe if you have a very strong head canon
Will you play Honkai Meguca Rail?
>have never used 44
>first time using her
>I have to retry so much more often because her green ugly rat ass eats too much SP
Why do people shill her again?
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>kafka sexual coaching with firefly 3some
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Elio said this decision will bring about lots of changes
Every dupe past 30 gives +1% def shred to her ult.
But who has the fattest ass
Japan can no longer create and can only rip-off.
i don't play females only gachas
If Kafka has been raising TB since they were a kid I would understand her being momzoned but I feel like TB was either the cat or a golem that was born a teenager
>he says while casually ignores the fact that RM is probably around 20% of the total revenue while Luocha was around 5% of Acherons pulls
And you ignore that Acheron
>was sold as the meta dps
>anniversary unit
>in top-up reset
>HI3 raiden mei expy
>no good f2p LC options

It's 5 x 1 points. What about Ruan Mei on FF's banner? Maybe she works as Acheron's LC, yeah, because FF might not function well without her, yet that's just 1 thing against 5, because Firefly:
>functions well at E0S0
>has no top-up reset
>no expy, OC
>f2p players skipped previous characters just for her
>has people with hateboner for her actively boycotting her banner revenue to seems like she didn't sell well

>Also stop pretending nobody has Pela since she was free 2 times already and is the 4* with the most re-runs and is at full potential in non-ice teams at E0
Not everybody, specially people who began playing the game after 2.0 or even later. Still, Acheron had her and Gallagher on her banner, 2 UNITS who works well with her. Ok, Firefly had Ruan Mei, a limited character, but again, the same logic can be applied to Acheron and her sig.

All of what said applies to Acheron's banner too. The only thing Acheron has that Firefly doesn't is a schizo pulling her LC 100+ times, but that's just the Mei expy + Meta shilling buff.
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>Caelus to Kafka at the end of the game: Mom, I want to marry your daughter.
nah, too gay
magical girls are for little girls or yurifags
I dont even watch madoka
so the FGO clone died and they somehow rushed out a HSR clone in a year? Thats some amazing dev speed.
We don't actually know how long she raised TB. And since she says she taught us everything, including common sense, TB was definitely a child mentally when she came into Kafkas care.
I mean, what relationship do they even have? They didn't even interact at all this patch.
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no u
They've always just been fuckbuddies.
imagine TB is elio post reincanation
maybe the emmisary of finality reincarnates over the ages, and elio set up his next incarnation up to screw over finality
The other one was put on EoS 'because' they wanted to bring out a new one. So its not really amazing speed, just prepared ahead of time.
I'm not interested in Transbian's games
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>soon all gachas will just be Genshin and HSR clones
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Honestly the thumbnail just makes me think they made a Cuphead gacha.
>troonbian shit
its simple
ALL SH are hand picked by elio to be for TB
yes all of them
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and this time kusolabo is working on it too, not just f4samurai on their own
Crazy how it's been a year and the SH still feel more like a family than the express.
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why do they get so many turns ffs this t2+ shit is impossible let alone t5 wo godlike rng, I hate SU-slop
wouldn't mind hsr clones honestly
Dance partners. That have sex.
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I feel like its gonna be more morally accepted if they were a teenager already even without common sense but if it was a kid then its a big nono
Out of all the male characters in this game, I only like Blade and Gepard. Their designs are really cool and you don't feel like a homo if you have them in your account.
Go ahead. Post Stelle enormous penis.
There is a Aeon associated with reincarnation, so I think thats unlikely. Especially since Finality apparently moves backwards in time.
>All of what said applies to Acheron's banner
You mean the one which only gave you a GNSW with no Luka or Trend cone. The cone you'd literally throw away the instant you get her own cone. Have you tried Pela without Resolution with Acheron? They functionally gave her a useless weapon banner aside from her cone.
Blade sisters will win so fucking hard
How busted will they make Homura?
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You just want to present yourself as a victim here so it seems pointless since you are already making up bullhsit like "was sold as a meta unit" when Firefly is the only official damage dealer to new playstyle.
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considering SW states TB was a gaming buddy back then, its not unlikely they all played games together back
I'm only rolling Homura and Kyoko alts
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remind me again why the SH are supposed to be in opposition to the astral express?
We have literally the same goals and thus far the SH have only helped us
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>more morally accepted
The game will never go "Kafka definitely wants to fuck you", so I don't see how or to who it would matter. TB was likely a grown clonse body or something like that, mostly for time reasons.
You are not worthy
an aeon that completely vanished, just like akivili...
in fact, how can eternity and finality exist without clashing...
They killed millions
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If you're this much of a gooner that you can't cope with male characters in a game with male and female characters why are you even playing star rail
>TB was a gaming buddy back then
Where was this stated?
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Post it, please?
I’m confused

Who’s my DoT team support if Firepag takes RM?
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you're forgetting Gallagher
Probably same way Destruction and Nihility or Permanance and Finality do
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>some e girl(non tranny) adds me from here
>she instantly seethes whenever i say i find black swan and ack hot and dont give a shit about the yuribaiting from the dance video
>she immediately pivots into calling me a troon enabler
>just because i said i want to fuck BS
Sayaka will be the game's Yanqing, Madoka will be the strongest support for a long time, Homura the best DPS, Mami will be assumed to be strong at the start then fall off quickly and Kyoko the opposite
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Shut up slut!
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you didnt get it? toughhh
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It was revealed to me in a dream bubble
>pag humor
Bro!? Your Robin? Your Guinevere?
They're criminals. Beyond that, its a forced parralel for the "shadow side" thing, but its honestly pretty stupid since they made them all dindus.
May the resident /hsrg/ egirl speak up and confirm/deny the allegations ?
UIDrop her
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NTA and I don't recall anything too specific, but I do know she sees (you) as a gaming rival in the aetherium wars event, and since TB is canonically always gaming on their phone they probably played together
>functions well at E0S0
No amount of cope's changing it's E0S0 with Ruan Mei. They literally tuned her numbers EXACTLY where RM's speed buff is enough for her to get an extra turn alongside her other buffs. FF genuinely can't exist without RM fellating her.
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Robin or Asta if you don't have her.
they unironically killed millions
mostly by forcibly removing stellarons from planets causing unimaginable havoc on planetary scales
kafka likes killing people too, shes a complete sociopath, SW considered joining the anihilation gang, blade broke every single xianzhou law according to hanya, firefly is used as a scorched earth weapon by elio when needed
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Why is she like this?
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Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay, and you're okay
Money, it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash

New car, caviar, four-star daydream
Think I'll buy me a football team

Money, get back
I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack
Money, it's a hit
Ah, don't give me that do-goody-good bullshit

I'm in the hi-fidelity first class travelling set
And I think I need a Learjet
LOVE black panties
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>blade broke every single xianzhou law according to hanya
I just want you to know that your spamming and seething makes you come across like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
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Drinking Asdana's White Oak with Boothill no matter how bad it might taste if it means sloppy wild drunk sex with my cyborg cowboy husband
Also broke Xueyi, literally
Is that why she’s a break character?
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Blade is an autism edgelord incarnate which makes it so much funnier that he's canonically a jobber and his unit sucks ass
>game innately hates furies
great feature
Dox their UID right now
>and his unit sucks ass without his light cone
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Bro, Acheron is literally an emanator. After she appeared in the story, everybody started to question why Herta and Jing Yuan aren't good as her if they are emanators too. Everybody and their mothers started to disccuss how she would shift the meta, break the game, start a new era of powercreep, etc. And that outside of 4chan. On 4chan you guys were doomposting if your Yomi wasn't E2S1, she was a brick, therefore a bunch of metachurls pulled for E2 even though you wouldn't need if you're good enough at the game. Firefly has none of this "powercreep" shit aside with Boothill, people were actually afraid that breakfly wouldn't be as good as critfly and waifufags had to beg to Mihoyo to buff her, because her initials versions were absolutely dogshit, which only really happened because she's a beloved character and the fans wants her to be strong.

She actually can, but not optimally.
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He deserves death(true)
Not tingus or pegayala?
But that's exactly what he wants
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The coolest person in the universe is a furry though?
SH is anti-hero who works behind the scenes taking care of dirty things and directing AE to their goals. The only members who hate each other are Blade and Dan Heng, Welt and Himeko even told MC to help Kafka and Blade in her Companion Quest.
Firefly has LITERALLY 3/4 endgame modes shilling her. And is the only DD of her exclusively new archetype. You retards are insane trying to pretend Acheron was a "meta pull" by comparison.
Why would anyone tho? I never understood it, cones are just flat damage increase and even with 4 stars cones you can 12/12 everything. The only cone I ever pulled was ACKeron because she didn't have ANY cope cone at the time(crit nihility 4* was added next patch) and I got her in 20 pulls on 50/50 so I thought i might try cone since I got her so fast.
I can understand eidolon/cones on rerun at best when you want your older character that you like to be still viable
Silver Wolf hiring Sparkle to make sure Firefly was ok during the whole thing is more affection any of the AE has shown for each other ngl
Chudhill... flopgotten...
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>Firefly has none of this "powercreep" shit aside with Boothill
>Says this when niggers were constantly creaming about 0 cycle vids even in this exact thread with someone spamming it every other thread
I don't even know who that is but cool; for you anon
Ting, if you really have no one else.
Nah, thats not true. The conversation over Mikhail's grave, where Welt and Himeko encourage March to voice her feelings was very affectionate.
Dan called the entire china fleet to save the AE bwo.
>but it was a dream
He still would have done it.
Why are firepags like this? Completely trying to rewrite history and deniying the obvious reality?
This is getting ridiculous. Stop coping holy shit.
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All this means is that the fujos visit the wiki page alot because they don’t play the fucking game, kek. And to still be beaten by even more obscure shit is hilarious
Faghill mogs it is what it is
This post reminds me of FireNPCs trying to convince others that Mihoyo must be "shocked" by her popularity. Completly delusional.
Maybe if he wasn't Huntbrick
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Crazy how factually correct you are and all replies are trying to deflect it
>And is the only DD of her exclusively new archetype

>Firefly has LITERALLY 3/4 endgame modes shilling her
What about Acheron having the entire game shilling her since her technique OHK most mobs? Also, Firefly has no path in SU or G&G to shill her, while Acheron have two in the 3 modes (Nihility and Erudition).

Yeah, after she was buffed. Post a video of her V2 and V1 comparing to now.
>SW avatarfag trying to comfort Fireflyfag
Holy cute and canon
So again you are just placing Firefly as the innocent victim here. Acheron went through the same beta cycle as Firefly with her first version being too weak in the devs eyes and bumping the numbers up just to get nerfed later(Acheron even got buffs in the last stage of the beta)
Is Multiplication actually Gallagher best LC for Firefly teams? Feel weird to pick a 3 star LC over his Sig, but I'm seeing everyone using Multi instead.
reminder foxians are a literal slave race
Firefly literally had the perfect banner and banner partner ever so she would sell even better; they completely fucked over Jade in the process and seeing people try to deny it is fucking hilarious
Do i troon out y/n
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ACKers got super broken. Take it easy on them though, they thought E2S1 was future proof
Acheron sold more
Firefly lost
Simple as
True that was cute

Eh I don't really feel anything for Dan, nigga spent the whole story jacking off in the train and showed up 5 minutes at the end.
and fucked over 2.4 by the looks of it
Multi lets him print out absurd amounts of SP
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What could be more wholesome than intense family bonding with their daughter?
I felt nothing from that scene because I know for a fact the AE will not part ways until EoS.
Luocha carried.
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Why does Hoyo have to make most characters look retarded by wearing 2 types of shoes, why do they think a woman wearing a high heel and a tiny shoe is somehow pleasing to look at
Firefly SOLD
Aventurine SOLD
Acheron SOLD
Boothill SOLD
You cannot deny this
>firefly is responsible for this
Black Swan...
They all lost...
Aventurine won
Firepag lost
>you are just placing Firefly as the innocent victim here
I'm not doing that, I'm just stating the facts. Tell me of other hsr character whose banner revenue calcs were "frozen" to make it seem as it didn't sold so well.
No. You want him to ult after his first basic so S5 Nat cone is his BiS. Multiplication is for spreadshitters fighting an infinite HP dummy.
If you have E0 firefly it is. If you have past E1 firefly, then signature or quid per quo depending on team comp.
based non faggot post
Saars I have a question my RM is E0 but I have a guarantee primed and ready and I'm at around 60 pity do I keep chucking tickets at the banner for that E1, earliest banner I'm willing to summon on is Lingsha
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Robin.... forgotten......
>Eh I don't really feel anything for Dan,
I really want to like Dan, but his scene of describing his dream felt like it was a super nice moment from a different character because we barely interact with him.
He's supposed to be a bit aloof and introverted, but they're really not selling it.
Why are we pretending shilling is bad when Jingliu had MoC catered to her for 6 months in a row and Acheron still doesn't have a bad MoC?
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Is there gameplay of Jiaoqiu remplacing BS instead of RM yet?
Genshinlab froze the Kafka banner, Dan2, and BS banner multiple times to change the narrative.
Holy shit Firepags unironically believe there is a conspiracy against them lmao
Acctual schizos.
>still doesn't have a bad MoC
Maybe because Acheron can bulldoze all of them, retard
The only thing hold Acheron back from being absolute futureproof is her stupid 9-charge Ult.
Sensortower is not invested in who sells and who doesn't, they ran victim of a technical glitch.
>stating facts
A character who has entire endgame content literally invented for them is not "not a meta pull". The "opinions" of people in this thread at the time is utterly irrelevant.
>Also, Firefly has no path in SU or G&G to shill her, while Acheron have two in the 3 modes (Nihility and Erudition).
>erudition in swarm
Stop making up shit since Firefly works in every single mode with the break eff buff from nihility and the 3* hunt break blessing
Truth is Penacony has been a massive success compared to the rest of the game, from Black Swan to Firefly they all sold really good with Boothill being the only with 1.X numbers. Which makes you wonder why the fuck are we leaving so soon, people obviously love this cast and we're going back to space china after 3 patches??

I'm not saying she isn't, but between FF and Acheron, Acheron is certainly more meta pull.

And Acheron works with remembrance, hunt, elation, etc. You can't ignore her technique, though, that is literally a quality of life feature limited to her unit.
Boothill is not a SBreak character
>What about Acheron having the entire game shilling her since her technique OHK most mobs?
How is that shilling her you fucking retard? Its just her basic technique. Its not relevant in any relevant combat.
>Also, Firefly has no path in SU or G&G to shill her, while Acheron have two in the 3 modes (Nihility and Erudition).
Nihility isn't build for Acheron and Erudition benefits way more characters than her. Firefly had the entire Destruction blessings reworked for Break for her.
>Tell me of other hsr character whose banner revenue calcs were "frozen" to make it seem as it didn't sold so well
>tell you the banners
I swear firepags man
>I'm not saying she isn't
>Meta pandering buff
Yeah if you say Acheron had a meta pndering buff over Firefly, you claim Firefly isn't meta pandering. When she has most of the game modes revolving around her right now and two entirely new ones invented for her. Oh also almost all curious are about Super Break in DU and the 5* Fire Curio also literally exists for her.
No other character has ever been as meta shilled, by far.
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