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Previous: >>484141816

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[6/30-7/3] Nephi-Nera (PriFes Limited)
[6/30-7/3] Summer Nea (Perma, No Masterpieces)
[7/3] Summer Misora (Limited)

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[6/25-7/6] Exploration x2
[6/30-7/14] Story Event: 「あつまれイイコトクラブ! ミソラの愉快な夏休み」
[7/1-7/6] Hard x2
[7/4-7/8] Abyss Battle: Fire
[7/6-7/10] Normal x2
[7/10-7/15] Investigation x2
[7/10-7/26] VH x2
[7/23] S.Maho/S.Kaori/S.Makoto UE2s Added

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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I hope you've saved enough.
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So is she officially *fixed* now? I can't wait to read her bond stories.
This has got to be the summer unit that leak guy said you'd be gay if you skipped
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If by "saved" you mean "bought"
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stop releasing bit tittied hags already, why insist on the path to your own demise
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Hmmmmmmm... According to my watchful eyes, in this new art her eyes have more color which would lean towards a yes.
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KMR hates us.
big tits sell
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Yup I actually have 2 sparks since I also climbed to the top of pri arena some days ago just for this occasion.
I'll get both Misora and Lily and then cry myself to sleep as August turns out to be another powerful month.
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where? It's not doing so great for Priconne
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When's the next arena reset? I only have 3 sparks left.
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>why insist on the path to your own demise
What demise? This prifes sold like hot cakes and beat GBF ultra shilled angelkek so they'll die first.
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I haven't really been saving since I rolled for every new gacha character this year except NY.Kasumi, Co.Makoto, and Sp.Suzume. Plus I also rolled for NY.Yui, NY.Hiyori, and N.Shizuru. I've just been absurdly lucky with rolls.
pedos are poorfags and don't spend
Second half of August
poorest JPuto
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Thanks Luna, now I can max out my axe.
I haven't played since the rage Legion raid
How bricked am I by not being able to spark S.Misora bros...
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I don't get this mindset. We've had plenty of good, cute, and strong characters with small breasts and short statures recently, so what's the big deal if we get one more event that's all big boobs? Sounds like you're entitled; not every gacha character has to be made exactly for (You).
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Enough for Misora and whatever comes next month, which if it isn't Summer Ayumi or something very unexpected I don't really care.
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We've no idea how impactful she'll be, she might be very good in wind with Sp. Kyoka and C.Illya but too soon to tell.
just get her in a 10-pull bro, no need to spark
You might be able to, check your present box
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Yt's nyot enyough
>since the rage Legion raid
>Only that many rewards in box
Did you already collect shit before your screenshot? You should get enough gems from doing arena.
My present box is just a billion stamina pots
Join Looplets
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I am pretty confident it's Summer Ameth since I feel there's a pretty major hint in Summer Nea bonds
Nea gets an Ameth dream but Ameth doesn't appear, which would make sense only if Ameth was nearby to put her and (You) to sleepy sleep
me on the right about to grape danch
Who are these subhumans that spend money on gacha, I want to go tell them all to invest their disposable income in something of some value instead
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Saving this image has been very worthwhile 2 years ago
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I've invested all my money into kotcoin, going to retire very soon
GBF is 10 years old now. Do you think Priconne will last that long?
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It's a "hobby". I don't have much else to spend my money on besides Priconne and figgies.
Imagine dating this guy then going into his room and seeing this shit
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why did she downgrade her character so much
I will admit I was very disappointed when I saw this
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Of cource Priconne beat GBF, look how mediocre this shit is compared to our swimsuits.
>Do you think Priconne will last that long?
It has.
>B-But Re:Dive
It will too, but Priconne as a series is 10 years long this coming anniversary.
>140 rolls for Nephi
>S.Nea is 9.2
Should I?
Those are great swimsuits too
Is she a groomer?
>no more damaged art
Fuck you KMR
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Let me reveal something that might make your brain spin a little to understand why she looks like that IRL.
Nephy Nella royal equipment is Envy, now put 2 and 2 together.
i'm not reading your spoilers dipshit
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>royal equipment
Raziel is great, it's just Priconne that overdelivered.
Nea has never been that popular and Nephy Nella dropped out of nowhere in the middle of her story arc like Croce a year ago. I've no idea how together they did so well, I'm pretty sure Cygames are surprised too since all best banners this year were also helped by scam tix or scamchas while the summer scamtix is next month
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Remember that time we had 3 months in a row with no new limiteds?
>princess of envy
>has chest envy
Bravo Nolan
>Another gross hag
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Join Looplets!!!
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Join Looplets please!
She was already a gross hag to me before her IRL version was revealed so I was never disappointed.
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>another hot hag sexo
Creditta is the ugliest girl in any gacha game. Will never roll for her.
whens the next unit tix
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just got Anemone, Nefi, and SNea with 45k btw
No, this is >>484397698
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Join Looplets.
Why are the grapes so close to her crotch?
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Half anni stream should be the 10th or 11th of August. Tix would be on the 15th usually with the new character and the free pulls.
Creditta is sexo but she's not really for (You).
You were made for Looplets
Creditta has a very charming personality
>cuck shit
Imagine wasting jims to this.
While most are cool, there are number of obnoxious lolifags that constantly throw tantrums whenever they see a girl taller than 130cm and a tit size bigger than a C cup.
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I'll make her mine, no problem.
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holy moege
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We have the new mode in 2 days too btw
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I am forgotten...
Cute hobo.
>She's not really for (You)
She'd bear your children if Peco told her to
Imagine the smell
>Tix would be on the 15th usually with the new character and the free pulls.
non-limited tix tho right?
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I think it should be limited, depends how they decide to do things as usual however. I don't remember last years.
Hmmmm nyo
shiet I wanted a non-limited
this is 2024 priconne
it'll be a limited ticket, 4 scamchas and a new whale pack
Bretty sure last time we got a limited ticket *and* a perma ticket.
you're thinking of the limited ticket for new players they ran last year
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Potentially could be the biggest .5 anniversary they've done.
>Arc 3 raid
>New EX
>Grandmasters return that was teased during anni
>New Altar of Memories mode
>PvP arena planned changes
>Possible triple 6 star drop
>Prifes which we have 0 idea over
>Collab for September?
I might be, idk.
triple 6* of whomst, yunichanz? surely not the dykes
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UE2 will save her, so skip Misora and pull her instead
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Manaria Friends yeah. They gave them a way to return to the Priconne world in Geo Gehenna so it feels a setup for their 6 stars to also explain where the bonds will be set.
The Nakadashi probably won't see shit until Jackson's done with Winter Chieru and writing her and the other two's bonds which hopefully will be by their event rerun.
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I've rerolled enough of my old units from EN; no more desu.
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they returned at the end of arc 2 as well
>hopefully will be by their event rerun
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Mana's game. Literally
when's xher's uncap
What's Jackson even busy with that's delaying their bond stories? The Sorechiru remake had no new content and its sequel isn't even written by him.
When can i roll misora?
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Yeah summoned by Kokkoro's Dad or something iirc? But in Gehenna they have basically bonded with the new cast and also Grea has met with Kaya and Inori while Lou has met Kanon and other girls.
They're expanding their role in Priconne a little more so the bonds have some sense behind them.
6 stars are meant to have the girl reach some sort of big power up at the end, but those 3 have been categorically tied to their event even in bonds so they need something new to work with

Let me hope. I sparked Yuni.
15 hours from now
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My jims are ready for reformed evil woman.
It's never true the word you're looking for is deformed
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It's nice to be nice.
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>Ranfa is the villain
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I've no idea he was tweeting when the latest Chara Song CD released and before that about how whoever writes OG and now Twinkle Wish is some legendary known name in the VN industry or something.
That's what I recall last.
I guess he's just lazy and that's what we have to accept.
If your cup size isn't at least D I'm not rolling for you unless your name is Matsuri because she's going to be 20/10 bangable when she gets to hag age
I will have Princess dressed like that Tefnut to go, please
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based Manachad
How do you know their cup sizes, please share
I bought the information from Tsumugi.
All of that effort spent fighting her in arc 2, while Ranpha and Nea manage to subdue her in a couple of seconds.
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Roll for Misogi ( Adult )
% chance of future mana alts?
We got a Karin alt so highly likely.
Mana & Eris Duo in two more weeks
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Do you think she secretly measures (You)r dick
june bride mana next year
100%. You should be more worried over whether we'll get a Vikala alt.
hideous troon freak
I think Mana would look cool dressed as Kokkuri-San.
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>They keep letting Mana exist
>cariza trooning up too
>more hags
Absolutely disgusting.
troon game btw
Great if youre into aislop lmao
spend money
the one on the right is hot
no amount of spending will make them revert their milking scheme
it's over
>Likes undeveloped females, who are essentially the same as a young boy
I don't know, I've always felt pedos are the most homosexual beings on earth personally.
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Yukari milking scheme
Can I ask you something: did you roll for W.Djeeta on her first banner?
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I like girls like Shiori
classic hagcuck cope
Holy projection. Projecting your kwn fetishes on others again huh?
So a hag according to your standards, got it
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Is it the body type or the age for you?
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I have to save for her
Large Lyricals event soon
>say a phrase
>cunnykeks malding
Hmm, alright.
He owned you kek
Why'd you ask, anyway?
meltdown is when you point and laugh at hagcucks
>Hag fags defending troons in the game
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troonpedo dissonance
You can only seethe at others because you are a jealous person, not loved by anyone, hated by your parents, cant enjoy anything, seethe at people having fun, because you are a sad person, sad and pathetic, you only live to fight others, you can only shitpost like a pathetic being. You are so sad.
Who do you consider more a female in game, Matsuri or Mana?
Just curious, because so many people skipped her, I wondered if someone with your jim count would still take the opportunity to skip even though you could easily afford her, and since you seemed to be a JPuto.
the ugliest IRL version is Ranpha btw
Matsuri is a real girl, even if ugly. How is that even a question you troon fucker?
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Holy shit taste.
Oh. I rolled because I like her
hagkek&pedo alliance against troons
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I will keep skipping Djeeta.
>Specifically asked in game for a reason
>Still brings up irl
Point proven. Your brain is as undeveloped as the bodies of the characters you like kek
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The new dark 4-10 TL doesn't require a low S2 Eris, though it does require a whale tree
Source: https://x.com/suparoboso/status/1808162613551157702
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUVZchxYMFs

(Posted last thread but I didn't mention it can be done with a regular Eris)
>I-I was just pretending to be stupid!
Ranpha looks like my pregnant sister
By me
I rolled her on my first year of playing JP.
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mugi is a hag btw
After how many years of playing does DA stop being a problem?
They are always a problem, especially now with deep quests and UE2s making even more units relevant.
Never if you're a latefag
the royal ahoge
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I try to be really careful with how I spend them.
Nea and Ranfa are so fucking stupid jesus
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I forgot to login yesterday...
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Why would you do that?
Anything that's buyable with arena/dungeon coins shouldn't have a single DA spent on it
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Release her sisters instead
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This event story in a nutshell.
Release the trash panda.
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Release her...
i bet she's kskn's onee-chan (real)
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>kskn's onee-chan (real)
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Kot if she was good
hopefully Summer Misora is at least 9.9
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>only just noticed I didn't uncheck Kuuka's pure shards when I took her off my auto-farming list after maxing O.Kuuka's UE2
>now have 50 useless Kuuka shards until her next version gets UE2
When you take someone's shards off the list it should automatically remove them.
I want Miyako to ghost me
>When you take someone's shards off the list it should automatically remove them.
Having extra pure pieces isn't useless anymore unless you have like 500 of them and the character isn't bishokuden. It just saves you some farming that you would have done anyway in the future.
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You should have 9999 because she is such a cutie
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I agree
Get off the computer, Sizzle
Shizuru is beautiful.
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What are you farming this x2, /pcrg/?
O.Mitsuki and St.Kurumi.
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O.Yuki (5*, UE250)
O.Mitsuki (unclaimed, 397 pieces)
S.Shizuru (3*, no UE, 161 pieces)
T.Inori (3*, no UE, 71 pieces)
M.Monika (5*, UE270)
H.Mimi (3*, no UE, 45 pieces)
Chloe (3*, no UE, 218 pieces)
O.Kuuka (4*, UE130)
Grea (unclaimed, 156 pieces)
one of the biggest IRL upgrades along with Yukari
The biggest IRL upgrade is also the smallest.
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Gamer gf...
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StKurumi, SFYuni, NKuuka, NIo, CMaho, AYori, Chloe, Arisa, Grea, Anne. Pretty close to done with a few
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SF.Yuni, N.Io, O.Mitsuki, S.Shizuru, TT.Kaya, C.Maho, O.Kuuka and Malaria girlfriends.
Now that they shadow-dropped Nephy-Nella on us, who the hell is left for the August prifes?
Grace's feet
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>Dragon maids Since Homare comes back in 2 weeks
> Sheffy, in some special new form
>A new duo, which are used whenever they need a new prifes but can't release a lore relevant character
>terrorists get bail in Landosol
what a shithole
Blame the ruler
S.Misora's homescreen makes my ochinchin feel funny
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need more dragons
Need nee-chan
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>tfw not Anne
Why live if I can't grab Grea's tail and fuck her every night?
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>More fucking hags.
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Looks like it's your bedtime
Anne "fucking" grea is inserting greas tail inside her though. Absurd they made an entire anime for 2 lesbians
Shouldn't this just be her 6* (soon tm) [eos before it]
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Yui... lost
Anne has fingers
evil girls really are just hotter
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She's gonna have a blast in the underworld
Reminder that the GBF and RoB mcs both got to fuck Anne and Grea and (You)ki is the only cuck who watches instead
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Skip Misora, save for Lily
Won't she be the welfare in the events part 2?
I will roll for Riri and her sister-wife Misora.
Welfares are over.
>Part 2
>Fucking anyone
uh, the goblin?
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New alt doko
Sexy lady
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Cheater style
Next month is Christina/Ames/Laby summer
Djeeta fucks the whole world
I want them to skip Lily, save her for a future AM summer event, and release Chieru as this month's perma instead
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she was the first one to be released from the new arc
Are you some form of retard
Five year old pic
Grats. You still can't fuck her though.
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Yes but I want to put a baby in her baby room.
I'll do it through force. Just like with Anne.
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Eris general
>Trying to rape girls with magic powers in-game
They'd just kill you...
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I can be a very charming kot.
Im a Looplet!
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Her UE?
when's playable eris (Hiroy) and eris (rei)
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2 years from now at the very earliest
>2 years from now.
It reminded me of this
misaki is also a decent irl upgrade
her ingame is 2mature4me but irl she's cute
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This is not allowed.
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? She's 18
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It's okay
That's the good stuff.
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still lurking huh tranny
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what's the point in this kind of images?
will janny not see them if they add scanlines?
Janny is autistic and those filters are so overstimulating to him that he closed the tab.
I want to hug [my favorite priconne].
How tall is Yuuki?
165 cm. Next time just google it.
Couldn't be me.
I want to roll misora within the first 20
My hands are too big for some 3d printed product and now I have to wait 1 to 3 weeks for a print instead of 1 to 3 days because of expected manlets. I'm sad now
Good luck mate. Summers gonna be rough for me.
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I need to save for her
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My wife Worm
I'm just about to reach level 100 but I can't help but feel like I'm going to hit another wall. Pulling the sisters obviously did wonders for me but I still feel like I'm missing something.
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Misora when?
Walls are a part of the game, even for max level players. You can either get past them by leveling up (easiest for you), or getting specific characters to smash through the walls.
7 hours
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Matsuri when?
When she stops soloing teams in arena.
One day before EoS.
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I threw everything at the fes banner cause I didn't get Amenome when she first released, so I had to get her now.
Yasumitai just let me roll misora
in 7 and a half hours, just go to bed
>Feel like I should be saving
>barely have enough units
What can I do
Wait for reviews before you decide.
Wait for the consensus on S.Misora, if she isn't amazing and only has middling to somewhat good reviews then skip
Skip Misora and pull multiple characters on the summer banner instead
What if all the UE2s suck
>TP regen
there's no way she's not core for wind magic comps
Must be nice to live in Japan and not have to worry about overseas shipping costs for Priconne merch
What girl do I jack it to /pcrg/
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your mum
this 7 says Kaya
If he's new he might not even have Sp.Kyouka or other necessary pinecones for wind magic.
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Just borrow sp kyouka. Missing 1 banner is fine
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>No sp.kyouka
>No sp.suzume
Can I just roll sp.suzu already? I can just borrow the kyouka indefinitely when needed
Inori it is
No, she's a perma
Prepare to wait a long time. I've been waiting years for O.Mitsuki to drop...
Do you need help with that?
did you really fall for the spook meme? the perma pool is so big now that it's incredibly unlikely to get spooked by the one you don't have.
I wish they'd remove hard farmable and shop buyable characters from the gacha pool like they do in Azur Lane.
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The plan is already set she'll come by the next prifes this is not cope
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I've gotten 0 permas this year
Where is she ?
Looks like she's at a summer resort on the coast, under the shade of a tree
You stupid or something?
How do we tell her...
Tell her you're her new papa.
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Being able to read part 3 of the story is probably going to take forever, again dps checked like 2 bosses later and the boss wrecks my less defensive parties right now
How does borrowing work all I see for support is stuff around my lvl
You can only borrow higher level characters from friends.
Found a few doujins thanks though
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The plant lady was my lvl filter back when I was in your situation. But also Anemone didn't exist back then and I think she can help you get through some stuff more easily even if underlvl'd
You have to add friends in order to borrow higher than maybe a few levels above you.
641 057 497 if you need
He outlevels me by like 150 right now I needed about 8 lvl ups to go from not enough dps to enough dps on the plant
The gacha updating this late is always odd
They are waiting for the Japs to come home from school and work.
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>Have CIllya
>Don't have the new Kyoka
Hmm I wonder if I can still make Misora work despite that.
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How many more bongs?
3 bongs and 9 bings
Jolly good.
>priconne is currently in the top 50
>no gacha is having significant updates today that I know of
If Misora jump is significant we could be seeing a top 10 maybe but at the same time it could just be top 20 again
>too young to be punished by the law
>too young to be punished by my penis
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I love Misora so much, the priconne designers have the finest of minds
Whatre optimal comps for the event special
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You may not the kot or kokk.
Not allowed.
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>Thought it was now
>It's in 1 hour
I guess I'll have Misora for lunch

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