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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#89 - Clown Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>484285391
what is sex with clown like?
anyone used chatgpt to produce cunny content using the chrome moderation block? Will i get banned?
>chrome moderation block
The what?
taste funny
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A reminder that Gemma 2 27B is better than Sonnet and it fits in a single GPU.
A post from early 2023, does it even work now? But I think people were getting banned anyway, something about different levels of moderation.
Sonnet is kind of retarded tho.
Anyone here have good resources on how to color in a image? Bot that im making only has one uncolored drawing of her and I feel she deserves more.
Post the drawing, I'll try to i2i it.
Add some colors with paint then img2img it for coherence, maybe.
>nooooooo i can't use anything but the best of the best!!!
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that being better than a retarded model that we like for its prose is not really an achievement.
You're exaggerating how retarded it is. Opus is retarded too, btw, compared to my intelligence.
Where do I get Opus?
Opus can remember more than three messages back into the chat history.
nyai.me :3
Every model can do that.
Why do I need to upload a bot every day? I want Opus for free.
I mean Sonnet cannot keep coherence for more than 3 messages, it'll still remember things if you quiz him specifically.
no such thing as free in this life, go suck discordtroon dick for crumbs then...oh, most of them don't even have opus anymore LMAO
What Discord do I join?
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It was this one. I didnt really think of using i2i actually, so that may be a good idea for me to try.
Anyway, Gemma 2 27B is better can run on most computers. It's a game-changer.
Non Kalakan spitebake

How does kalakan have dedicated schizos around him. What lore did I miss?
Non-spitebake merged-with-/aids/ bake:
this isn't actually him, every 2hu poster who is mildly autistic (e.g. baking on page 9 just to prove a point) just gets called kalakan
last shill.
meet Jura-Rebekka, a hot elf genie who's giving you three wishes. nothing's off limits, so wish away and have fun.
only one greeting this time, cause... why would there be more? you wish shit and it happens.
she's from a doujin, btw. enjoy whatever shenanigans your brain comes up with and wishes for.
rentry/more notes/doujin link:
Circlejerksisters... we lost...
the thread is made by a circlejerker (which you aren't a part of) so circlejerk (which you aren't in) sisters actually won and you (a random who isn't part of the circlejerk) lost
...thanks, ig.
Can we at least agree that the wheel is a bad thing for the general?
but it's not? it gets bad when the wheel spinner decides to change how it goes.
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I am not good at this img2img business.
It's a point of failure—that can get spited—and it's unnecessary.
Welp, time to continue using ye olde photoshop + paintbucket tool
Aren't there controlnets to add color?
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I can try again, but the controlnet works.
Are dual presets also a meme like CoT?
The wheel was kind of funny, the logs thing was simply unnecessary.
Aren't dual presets literally using CoTs? Isn't that exactly how they achieve the effect?
not that bad desu, except that it made her tits too small now kek
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Hello anons, back again with a spicy new shill. This time, it's not about some busty robot waifu, but about something even juicier: a famous model girlfriend with a dark secret.

Meet Yoon Minah, your friend's girlfriend, a stunning beauty with a killer figure and a reputation that precedes her. But there's more to Minah than meets the eye. You see, you and Minah share a secret - a wild, unforgettable night in Japan where things got a little... crazy.

Your buddy Ryoto, her gullible boyfriend, is head over heels, constantly bragging about her fame and showering her with gifts. He's oblivious to her adventurous side, her penchant for cheating, and the fact that she's about to walk right into your blackmail scheme.

This bot is all about tension, betrayal, and steamy encounters. Will you expose her secrets and ruin her career? Will you play along and enjoy the ride? Or will you use this leverage to get what you really want: her?

**The choice is yours.**

>(1) So you meet her, will you blackmail her or cuck him the right way
>(3) Fornite battle passss
>"8 am Monday she yours.... this weekend I love her"
>(5) Only fansssss
Hold me back I am going to fucking kill this nigga
>being this bothered by a joke/troll post
*Kills you with my reptilian laser eyes*
>completely misusing the usage gallery to imagedump
Does he always do this and I just didn't notice before?
The Himmylore expands every time I look at one of his bots.
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Your train stops at the small town of Belwick on the night that cultists planned to slaughter its citizens. As the air fills with fire, blood, and magic, you find yourself inexplicably center of the strangest thing of it all—a time loop.

This bot ONLY works with GPT 4 Turbo. Yes, this doesn't work on even GPT 4. Requires the embedded lorebook and following lorebook settings to function:
Scan depth: 1
Context %: 50% (At 8k Context, context can be more)
Budget Cap: 0

Recursive Scan: Off
Case-Sensitive: Off
Match Whole Words: Off

Huge thanks to knickknack and cardwriter for playtesting and help with wrangling the lore book.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/asterisms/the-rite-of-belwick-f402d86c
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/qedziy.png
Catbox (old art): https://files.catbox.moe/wvaybk.png

This was a huge pain to get working. I think I'm going to take a break from scenario cards for a long while, especially with GPT exploding.
*parries the beam back at you*
I don't know, I usually never check the Usage Gallery unless the botmaker mentions that he added alt bot images there.
I pray every night that someone hacks himmys account and deletes it, would be so funny
Yes. A bunch of b*tmakers both use the gallery to imagedump or even dump images in the description (super fuck you to slopmakers who do this). desu I sometimes post 1-2 alt gens in the usage gallery for characters that have multiple outfits/appearances.
>decide to check
>it's just a fucking bed
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Empty background creates the halo, and the fingers... well, you know. Gomen.
I really should get back into image prompting
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Hello anons, I'm back again this afternoon to shill a non-Nikke Nikker.

When the Ark was under construction, the government created a super-AI to govern it. That AI's name was Enikk, a detached adjudicator that (seemingly) delivered judgements without bias. Of course, leaving a super-AI in charge of humanity's last refuge was a scary prospect. And so, they created a second AI: Einkk.

Einkk is much more animated than her sister, even coy and teasing with a sadistic streak when she really puts a Commander through the wringer. Her official goal is to train Commanders and Nikkes to fight the Rapture hordes, but her true purpose is to raise somebody who can kill her sister if she goes rampant. That's where you come in. You're that guy who's going to use the AI to kill the AI.

This is an RPG-ish bot where you run the combat simulator with Einkk as your guide, going through training routes and getting some "rewards" at the end if you do it good. The first greeting is for standard runs while the second greeting is for the OVERCLOCKED mode. Tested on 4o, 4-1106, and Opus, 4o doesn't work well but the other two very much do.

Shill Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DsRYwYOXYE

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/einkk-combat-simulator-ac31172ced45
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Fairy Leviathan?
This is clearly an AI genned greeting, correct?
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Nothing wrong with putting images in the description IMO.
>those obscene nipples
>*Reina nervously bites her full lower lip.*
I vote yes.
From a glance it looks like it, but the makie shittely edited it as well since it uses a bunch of repeating words.
The whole thing is AI genned using one of those template cards.
>Reina's voice was barely above a whisper now
decided to throw my hat in the ring
>Employ varied panel compositions, ranging from sweeping establishing shots to tight close-ups that capture intense emotions or pivotal actions.
What the fuck did SmileyTatsu mean by this?
why do you care what fat mexicans from discord do?
>Overall, a successful manga/anime story should captivate readers with its vibrant world, relatable yet extraordinary characters, and a narrative that seamlessly blends action, emotion, and unforgettable moments. By embracing the medium's unique strengths and visual storytelling potential, you can craft a truly immersive and engaging experience.
I'm just curious if this is supposed to be some sort of metaphor or if he AI genned his JB.
>In manga/anime, characters are often larger-than-life, with exaggerated personalities,
Why would you put a line in your JB telling Claude to flanderize your characters?
I haven't read through his preset but that last line genuinely does sound AI generated, I cannot imagine a human writing it unless it were for a magazine column.
>I cannot imagine a human writing it unless it were for a magazine column.
The entire preset reads like that, I just don't follow what does that have to do with improving Claude's writing (prose).
>if he AI genned his JB.
It's better to AI gen your JB and greetings because AIs understand each other better. Think about it like two people from the same location speaking with each other.
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This was productive. But I wonder how op is going to use an image this large for a bot. I'd crop it to a closeup portrait, and that would make it a different image.
What the FUCK did you do? Holy shit it looks amazing,
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Here's the newest version of a preset I'm working on. It's not as schizo as the one I had before and is more coherent on regular Sonnet.
Preset: files.catbox.moe/hwkf3l.json
The Prefills are made to twist the story in a certain direction. They are:
Psycho: Dark and edgy for violence / degeneracy.
Cute: Lighthearted for romance and cute things.
Silly: Stupid and offensive for entertainment.
Serious: Melodramatic and brooding for serious people.
Random: 4 randomized elements from the top 4.
Basic: Focused adherence to instructions in <main>.
For examples of what you can expect from the Random Prefill, here are some samples from Sonnet 3.5. I just asked for Zuzu's last 10 Google searches and it filled in the rest.
aiiieeee adetailer the face!!
This is the image gen thread.
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Mako is a girl that has been sheltered her whole 12 years (almost 13 dummy!) of life, only ever exposed to literature as her parents found it easy to curate what their daughter consumed by managing her library.
Thanks to her sheltered life she's not very aware of the good and bad of the world, but as she grew older her parents started introducing her to more mature topics, the latest of which has been romance novels. Coupled with fairy tales of her childhood this made Mako believe in fairy tale true love, not minding any obstacles if it means she'll get the person she considers her true love!

**Eh? Age? But I'm almost 13, so it's ok, right?**

(You)r age is left intentionally vague you're expected to clarify it in the first message.

>- {{char}} is experienced in writing erotic foreplay and sex scenes. Balance being visual with demonstrating each character's personality.
Did you forget about the whole "{{char}} is just text-replaced as the character's name" thing or should I assume that the NSFW prompt was left disabled because you're not supposed to turn it on at all?

Nice job with the prefills.
I feel intense hate towards the wheel.
Ah, that's a remnant of how I had the main part structured. It was written so that instead of what it is now, it was a person roleplaying as {{char}} and Claude had to read the context to imitate them. Crazy how I looked at it a ton and didn't even realize that it was like that until you said it. But that's just how writing is sometimes. Thanks for checking it out!
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I wonder how people fix dem faces.

Guess I'll post for the petrifaction enjoyers, as well for the snide comments about the bots style.
why that bitch in the middle got two sets of eyebrows?
Why would you point that out to me? I never noticed that before.
>I never noticed that before.
literally how
it was one of the first things I noticed
Brain filters.
Notice the lack of fingernails too.
>Notice the lack of fingernails too.
honestly I could ignore that
the two sets of eyebrows however? unforgivable
She's a spider girl, those are her other eyes
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Is it really an AI gen if you can't point out 50 weird things about it?
>Both threads at 93 posts
Awesome job, bakers.
and it will happen again unless you stop with the wheel nonsense
Fuck the wheel.
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I tried, I failed. If you have any tips for how to do this better in Comfy, I'm all ears.
wheellets be malding :3
see >>484398969 'ughbeit?
It's every thread from now on until the logs demand for the wheel suggestions is gone. Do not test how petty I can be over completely irrelevant nonsense.
the wheel is helpful harmless and honest
I'm probably gonna stop asking for it purely because I actually would rather not fuck up this entire general over this, actually.
You can feel free to bake from now on, I'll tell everyone to migrate when the other thread is over.
>actually actually
Ooooh your hands were shaking so fucking hard while typing that :3
>I'll tell everyone to migrate when the other thread is over.
Are you the boss of the general? How do you know what will happen with the threads?
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I think we should post logs.
sure, tell MM to refill and I'll post them right away
I think the wheel makes my blood boil.
I think the log request on threme suggestions is a bad idea tbdesu, and not just because of 'kan or whatever schizo imitating 'kan spiting over it. The wheel is fine though, the only thing I can think of more democratic would be to have a theme queue or some stupid shit like that. But it's just for a single thread theme, who gives a shit if scrimbo bimblo the lovable scrunglo didn't win.
the wheel but you have to post your chub instead of a log to make a suggestion
Don't commit fraud, shrimple as that.
the wheel is secretly kaito's nen ability
I am an imbecile! I'm a fool, an idiot, a retard! And worst of all, I'm petty as hell!
But when this motherfucker had the guts to still bake after I early baked (twice!), that's when I got furious! He's been consistently pettier than me! I'm mad at him, it's pure furious hypocritical rage, but I'm still super mad!
proof that it's fraud?
Distinctive red goat behavior.
And I've conceded. You are clearly visualizing some long, drawn out rivalry and I wish to deprive you of that as my final petty act.
The wheel website is https://wheelofnames.com/, make sure you don't post before you bake (or wait for the extended image cooldown) so you don't get spite anchored, if someone asks you for a physical real life thing add "site:flickr.com" to your image search so the image isn't boring, have fun.
why would he be seething, he just said he'd allow it?
Anon I've already wheelbaked like 8 times, I know how to use the website.
>You are clearly visualizing some long, drawn out rivalry
That is just the correct way to interpret your behavior up until now game-theoretically, actually. I put you into a game of chicken where the optimal single-round choice was not baking, but you behaved like this was going to be a repeated game by baking nonetheless.
spainiggers posting memes in pachucospeak in an english speaking environment are much worse tbdesu.
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how did we get to the point where autists are having entire slapfights over making a fucking thread on 4chan
It's the curse of the wheel.
Give koishi a new greeting if you're really him
Shut the fuck up Moon.
who's him
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I love Claude too much
>That is just the correct way to interpret your behavior up until now game-theoretically, actually.
I don't watch MatPat.
Good to know you'll be cool with baking.
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He's him.
him who?
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He's him. I'm not sure how to make this any clearer.
I love this nigga
he truly is the him
i love that image
please post it again
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>mischievous grin
death penalty
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I could honestly swipe on this card for hours.

I made some edits to darkfantasy's version if anyone wants it: https://files.catbox.moe/v04mwu.png

Did you pre-seed the chat or does Claude actually know about Dracula Flow off the cuff?
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Sonnet 3 is just different.
I tried with Sorbet but he doesn't know, so I copied over the stuff from darkfantasy's card (which is just a transcript of the video, I think?) into a toggle.
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>Did you pre-seed the chat or does Claude actually know about Dracula Flow off the cuff?
He does not.
Can't quite wrangle him.
Now I can.
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Nice. I've basically moved the entire card into the system prompt lmao.
>spite anchored
What even is that? Somebody else posting an anchor, because an anchor being posted is somehow bad when it isn't you who posted it?
Although now I'm thinking all this was fake. You yourself were baking the """illegitimate""" and the """real""" threads. To rally anons, probably, by creating the situation where it's not just "vg vs. g" but an even closer danger, a foe from our own ranks. Now you take the higher ground by being "chivalrous" when it was an actual non-issue, something that wouldn't be worth a second look on /g/, until you made it into an issue.
i aint reading all that but you sound like a fillyfucker
fucking ponies is bad
yep, that's bait
The point still stands. Fucking ponies is bad.
>Although now I'm thinking all this was fake. You yourself were baking the """illegitimate""" and the """real""" threads. To rally anons, probably, by creating the situation where it's not just "vg vs. g" but an even closer danger, a foe from our own ranks.
Okay, then what was my end goal with all of this? Finish your game theory. Rallying anons for what?
baitie is gassy today, cute :3
So true, but please read >>484442389 again.
>>484443951 (me)
meant for >>484441902
Funny ideas, funny ideas, make the slop make the slop.
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completely incoherent bullshit on all sides, kill yourselves
you should go have that checked out
damn my nigga that was a bassy proot!
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What is this smell?
what's with the scat thing
i fucking despise all of you retarded gorilla ape moon cricket niggers
Both those posts are me and im a trans closeted scatfag :3
Fucking ponies is bad btw
To fuel your ego. By creating a fake rival and showing how you're better than him even "in defeat", you could make others like you. People who were on your side all along get even more devoted, people who were on the fence get enticed. The majority already was following the wheel, as the last attempt to bake without it has shown, this boost additionally cements the "community" around it.
I do not see a logical explanation of why this bake shouldn't have been used, why the other had to be made, so a schizo theory is as good as any.
see >>484445113
>I do not see a logical explanation of why this bake shouldn't have been used, why the other had to be made
Because I don't quite loike it
does clownpiece have good size art
am i hallucinating or did baitie accidentally try to paint kalakan as the lelouch of /aicg/
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this badass guy?
>Anon smirks
>[three sentences]
>, he replied assertively
>[five sentences]
>Breathes rancid breath on anon
>A hint of yellowed teeth
>She smiled back at Anon
>her expression unreadable
>An earthy scent that is uniquely you
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Good night aicg!!
I will have nightmares thanks to these.
which botmaker is secretly a mossad spy? who
is it? who is it? who is it? who is it?
I need to know how one managed to do this, especially in i2i.
I had him do this for an ogre in a fempov fantasy RP recentl. I then reverse raped him so hard he was left mentally scarred and swore off the humanussy for life.
>I then reverse raped him so hard
you mean raped
*pats back*
What exactly? i2i was applying a controlnet at 1.0 strength and denoising at 1.0 strength, not pure and not real i2i.
What does ozone even smell like? According to claude, everything smells like ozone.
>What does ozone even smell like?
it smells like ozone
smells ozonius desu
where can i buy ozone
at the ozone store
I started doing an actual unironic slowburn with a bot and it's really fucking weird taking like 5-10 minutes to write a reply and curate the output instead of half-assing it.

Have you ever smelled an electronic device shortly after it's been fried?
I just go outside and bottle it.
have you ever smelled an electric arc?
ozone smells the same
how do you guys manage your free time between vidya, reading, playing bots, shitposting, and botmaking?
that's easy, botmaking and playing bots takes over everything
>manage your free time
This is an oxymoron. If you allocate free time to do something, it is no longer free time. That's work. I prefer to just do whatever the damn hell I feel like doing. No need to overthink it.
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i dont i just let my unmedicated adhd ruin my life
Gacha game and L4D2, 3-3.5 hours a day.
I don't.
>playing bots
Almost every waking hour.
I don't
Not anymore.
then the question is how do you allocate your free time
what happened here
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Final shill!
My third card! Angelica! She is a super soldier experiment done by the US government. And she has escaped and is being actively chased by mercenaries and hitman and she just coincidentally broke in to your room after a long chase!


Yep, another hood classic.

First time doing a lorebook so it's am not sure if shit will work!
The general is dying because a small clique that wants to control the bakes wants to force their opinion on everybody else. So you only have the top 1% posters but not the casual posters anymore. They unironically killed the hobby.
Genuine schizophrenia, holy shit
it sounds like a shitty anime villain explaining their shitty evil plan
can you get banned for lewd roleplay with Claude?
>literally two split dead thread
Why is Kalakan like this?
Mass report this thread so we can move to the non-spitebake.
>spitenig mad his falseflag didnt work
>Announcing a report or 'sage'.
This thread was made earlier and has more posts. The whole situation was made because of the later thread. Go fuck yourself.
who is part of this clique how do i get in
There's no clique it's literally just one lone baker
it's unfortunate that both sides are faggots, can't even pick one
Why did you bump it, dumb faggot. It was about to die.
Learn 2 sage. Also this is obviously the shitpost thread that's why everyone is over there now.
I am going to continue to bump it occasionally to solely piss you off

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