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*ruins ur game immeasurably* edition

New expansion Perils in Paradise: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24108514
Revealed cards: https://www.hearthpwn.com/guides/10911-perils-in-paradise-card-list-release-date#cards-list
29.6.1 Patch Notes: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/2961-patch-notes/130456

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
http://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previously on /hsg/: >>483681189
Looking for a standoff?
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anomalies remind me of this classic Cora tweet which she tried to defend later on R*ddit
How long can this go on?
Standard is offline for a week. They just put in a new econ 4drop which decides games in BG's. And they Made one twist deck 5 tiers above everything else. Mercenaries time surely.
>can't make some random character gay because the game is already completely fucked
>force to bring back anomalies to distract people from their shitty meta
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Can wegh be in Hearthstone??
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>Give our summer 2024 interns a warm welcome! Our internship program allows students to work directly with our teams, games, and experiences.
>barely any white males
>mostly women
>muh diversity
this company is doomed
>First Baku and Genn
>They see no play whatsoever
>Now the """"""""beloved""""""""" anomalies
I've never seen them so desperate.
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competitive skill based card came btw
prime mate is not that good man. the problem is ghoulacabra you can just build any board of random deathrattle shit and it just wins
do you know prime mate is good you fucking retard? because it lets you level to 6 and find all the ghoulacabras before anybody else
use your brain, dumb fuck
I'll be on /tv/ posting in druk threads. enjoy your cement. shan't be playing
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It has been for years.
Only aryan men, and honorary aryans, can make good things. Period.
>they brought back anomalies
why though? shit was polarizing as fuck. lot of people hated that shit. don't understand the rationale of bringing that back in the same form to ranked
>why though? shit was polarizing as fuck. lot of people hated that shit. don't understand the rationale of bringing that back in the same form to ranked
if you back to the united in stormwind meta one of the devs tweeted out that they don't think polarization of decks/meta is a problem, which is why the game is the way it is. They don't believe that having decks/effects that auto win because they queued into another deck is something that detracts from the game.
They are wrong, it's how you know they're fucking stupid.
Oh wow Death Knight is getting MORE dual rune cards that are going to get buffed to be mono rune because runes are a shitty mechanic that limit deckbuilding for no reason and will kneecap death knight until it's removed from the game
because engagement metrics probably in the fucking gutter, after 300 balance patches the meta is the worst its ever been for whizbang xpac
I am sure the ladder being 50% druid with anomalies will help LOL
Runes are like the Mage tax of Hearthstone LULE.
>free coin for unspent mana anomaly
>druid opponent
>turn 3 double coin innervate into crystal cluster
Why do I even play this game?
nah I'd probably the game if that happened to me. maybe mech rogue keeps that in check? you'd need a giga high roll
Reduce the cost of runestones.
>playing wild during forced anomoay event
>game 1
>miracle rogue opponent with coin anomaly
>game 2
>quest mage opponent with coin anomaly
and then I stopped fucking playing until the event was over
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having fun bros?
>muh druid
and? reno was much much worse
yeah I'm having fun playing druid
>I'm losing because doomkin
>not because I cast wing welding on turn 4 instead of the dark alley pact on the left side of my hand
>not because i cast pozzik on turn 5 instead of a card that actually does something
with reno at least i got to play my cards
reno is worse because you get to play your cards but then zilliax heals them back to full and reno deletes your card invalidating all your cards and progress
with druid you don't get to play your cards at all so you're not disappointed in the first place
let me tell you about reno
so im playing with my aggro lite handbuff sissy deck and the opponent just wont die! crazy right?! well so this nigger cunt dares not dying on turn 5, like really? anyway its now turn 9 and my board GETS WIPED


for me right there right now the game became unplayable! and thats when I deciced to become the biggest cunt internet until this PIECE OF SHIT CARD gets nerfed. anyway now im maining druid and my anus has never been more dilated
thank HS devs, thank you so much for listening
It is pretty fucking stupid that zilliax is full healing every class right now.
hearthstone was a mistake
Still better than the Titans druid meta with 0 mana yoggs and the neutral 3 damage aoe fucker.
>print call back to MVP swiss army knife card
>its an even bigger swiss army knife card
at least they kept the flavor consistent
>Aggro lite
you mean tempo?
bro, your yogg?
anon pls...
I'm talking about reno here. do you even know the horrors I went through. my poor 60% winrate deck AGAINST RENO. twas turn 8, I'm on my last stand. I pressed end turn... and that's when it happened...
I went into a fit, threw my chair against the wall, screamed every curse word I knew but it didnt help
my board... it was gone... and there was nothing I could do about it...
yogg your yogg
If only there was honest hunter to kill a reno from hand with his noble burst spells.
theyre playing twin now instead of virus
Unironically i can see every faggot Pala, Druid sis thinking like this and that the meta is now good (Spoiler: They had to bring back anomalies because of the absolute fuck up Standard is right now) in this hell of balance turd this devs mansge to do after "LETS NERF RENO AND NOTHING ELSE WHAT CAN GO WRONG?"
reno is irrelevant if druid keeps you below 4 mana the entire game
marin (the card) was a fucking mistake
>reno is irrelevant
RENO IS IRRELEVANT?! DID I HEAR YOUR CORRECTLY? you better shut up soon, aggro-lite-sis or else I'm sending my reddit buddies after your karma. oh that won't be pretty, trust me

what a fucking non-ally
>Druid v Druid mirror
>whoever goes first wins because they can play doomkin first
my druid deck runs reno
standard is such a right now... when they will do something about this turd? i refuse to play druid or paladin i let that for sissies.
Anomalies do nothing but make strong decks stronger. Fuck this.
what compels a man(woman(man)) to play aggro-lite?
Is the actual state of the game fun for anyone? anyone enjoys the climb in the actual standard?
all of the money
I'm going to go out on a limb and say half the lobby just left instead of dying.
Ok but why would they give druid mana destruction.
They realized that HS is woefully lacking in ways to interact with the opponent's mana. And everyone loved land destruction in MTG.
cool it with the bigotry
ebbs and flows
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This character is so not fun to play against. Fuck blizzard for putting this stupid shit in. Every turn I got some faggot roping, playing 10 coins, filling the board, and still having a full hand.
Forgot to say Fuck Marin
Accurate and True. The ones most vocal are all the aggro faggots who are not able to play anything else. Of course the garbage ass dev team agree with them because its full of ex pro aggro faggots and retards like Cora who are not able to understand any other kind of gameplay. Faggots complaining about a 9 cost card. KWAB.
>Super long turns.
>Can highroll a lot or just brick because he largely relies on rng.
Peak modern hearthstone.
This shit build nets you 8th place at the elo I'm playing at. Fucking 3k elo board.
t. diaper
>play Duos
>don't pass me shit
>ignore all of my pings
I got it very early so I outramped almost everyone
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>turn 9
sorry, I won 4 turns ago
couldn't be more wrong, I play elemental mage and various midrangy DK decks. aggro can be cancer, but nothing is more cancer than reno when trying to play cards on the board
uh, twist bros..

>Reniggers seething
I masturbate to your pain.
>couldn't be more wrong, I play (aggro-lite)
>game literally gets worse with every single change
it's actually impressive how bad the devs are. are we gonna reach 60% druid on ladder the week before the next set?
>noooo we're going to see an overhwelming amount of one class
>queue up as a deck favored vs them?
there are no decks favored vs druid
i thought every meta is/was aggro meta
good job, reno will be increased by 1 more mana next patch, cora thanks you!
secret hunter farms druid
>secret hunter farms druid
>Games 934
its the wrong list
whats wrong with it
>everything I don't like is aggro and if it's not aggro it's aggro-lite(TM)
It beats my slop 100% wholesome renothal pile without a wincon on turn 4?
Hecking!! Aggro!!!
It beats my slop 100% wholesome renothal pile without a wincon on turn 8?
Hecking!! Aggro!!! LITE!!!!
It beats my slop 100% wholesome renothal pile without a wincon on turn 20?
Hecking!! Aggro!!! LITE!!!! LITEEEEE!!!!!
the aggro sissies are dilating again
Holy kino
they are doing this multicaster shaman nonsense again?
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Yep and it seems they rehashed mage cards from previous sets for that
this is why mage got shitty fucking paladin cards instead of shaman kek
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Like seriously wtf is that
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Defensive kino
Lady Naz'jar
Elemental inspiration
Discovery of magic
Cold case

Seriously, what the fuck Cora? Are you really THAT creatively bankrupt?
Also devs confirmed that no matter which spell school you cast first Fel will always happen before Shadow and Shadow will always happen before Frost so they won't conflict with each other
another xpac where no one plays this shit class
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