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Previous thread: >>484333858

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Upcoming Events

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 3 - MirrorClock OrangeRoad
2024.02.01 — 2024.07.04

Chapter 6.5 - Timekilling Time
2024.06.13 — 2024.07.11

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.06.27 — 2024.07.11
[000] T Corp. Class 3 Collection Staff Don Quixote
[00] T Corp. Class 2 Collection Staff Rodion

2024.06.27 — 2024.07.11
Target Extraction: [ Yi Sang ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Sinclair is cute! I want to beat him into a bloody broken mess and then rape him while he's too weak to move!
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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>faust thread
oh no
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Mmm, chiken nugger
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Hopefully the WARP train event will be fun
I think I will do my dailies.
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>Extra skill added to each IDs skill array.
>An Insta-death that mimics their S3
>Has the highest damage/Clash as well.
Thats a cute Charon.
is this poster male or female
The post seems to be black on my end.
First of all, "calculating in Dark Flame" is very nebulous here. Recall that her skill one only ever inflicts 1 burn and getting to 4+ dark flame takes 5 turns. Fights should not LAST 5 turns, AND getting that much dark flame requires not attacking at all. At best, in a reasonable clear time for a boss of 4 turns, you're gonna have 3 dark flame, assuming your skills were exactly s2/s2/s3, or you burned a whole turn not attacking to use the guard. Her skill 3 doing 500+ damage is incredibly unrealistic and often it's going to be attacking MAYBE two body parts (hard to am manipulate AOE when you can't see targets and inflicting at best 3 dark flame, for a damage of around 200, assuming both body parts have 30 burn
Philip Sinclair's skill 3 is also very misrepresented here. He can hit for a lot more than 126 with good resonance, which is relatively easy on burn. Plus you noticeably did not factor in Philip's own burn.
I'm not a huge fan of Philip Sinclair, as someone who runs burn (you have to run him though). He's pretty annoying to account for and his skill 1, especially untransformed is very trash. But you're really misrepresenting him here, and wildly over representing Bullet Outis. Also one thing underappreciated for Philclair is he's really the only source of burn count needed thanks to his skill 2, and unlike Outis he actually inflicts a meaningful amount of burn, so the rest of the team meets their maximum conditionals quicker. I'm not saying you'd ever drop either of them, but Dark Flame is very much overrated and is very slow. Again, EGO is where most of your damage comes from, and at least for that, her pride is useful, and her skill 1 provides easy wrath res
It's blue.
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Hod's done.
Every woman here is insane, but at least they agree to cooperate
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https://rentry.org/lcbseasontracker Been decently busy, but I've gone ahead and updated the tracker. With Don and Rodion added, only Heathcliff is behind on the curve, but with Erlking likely coming soon, everyone will be on relatively equal footing, although Heathcliff will have more 000 and less 00 than everyone else.
Thank you to the anon who lended me his suncliff earlier today, I managed to clear the entire Canto VI.
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Rodya LOVE!
Is this a good enough Tremor team at U3s? I want to use it to farm MDs, but I'd like to know before I upgrade them
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I'm female
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All the numbers on philipclair do indeed factor in the burn on the target, specifically 30 as that was the number I was using for bullet outis as well. Do the math yourself if you don't believe me.
It doesnt matter that Bullet outis doesn't inflict normal burn on her own, as youre expected to run her alongside a burn team. Running her outside one causes her to become a mediocre unit whose only advantage is a high base on her s3, which is why we're specifically talking about burn teams here.
Bullet outis will always be inflicting at least one dark flame every turn due to the nature of her skills, considering its unlikely you will go far enough into the fight for her s2 to stop enabling dark flame. Because of this calculating the damage into her sklls is completely reasonable.
I am specifically calculating this in advantage of philipclair due giving him 30 burn which maxes out all of his burn conditionals outside of his coin power on his s3. He is not be misrepresented here in the slightest as I specifically showed the range of damage available, nothing more or less. If I were to put my own thoughts into the damage numbers for philipclair I would decrease it quite a bit because his ENTER state is much less powerful without the sp passives online, something difficult to accomplish with the severe lack of sloth on a burn team currently.
If I were to want to misrepresent him I would instead use 99 burn as the set number, as that would inflate Bullet Outis' damage considerably while not changing philiplclairs.
This is pretty much the optimal tremor team, so yeah, it's good.
yeah thats a pretty good base although you'd want hong lu's cavernous wail ego or whatever its called to get tremor reverb on call instead of having to wait for your s3
Another great ejaculation. Really felt like I emptied everything. Time to nap
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Molar Outis would help
Behead shitclair.
molar outis or oufi heath would help desu
thank you

I'll grab it real quick then
Sinclair Head.
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*audible ejaculation*
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Dyon and Sinclair!
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NFaust x Kromer is so based
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Pride is over faggots, back to hell with you
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>desperately craving (you)s they need to act retarded
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I smell gay...
Take a shower
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Don is the strongest!
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Cute Sinclair. I wish I could be held in his arms
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DAMN! These bitches are crazy!
My cockbending technique is my only chance!
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wtf 2 dons
Don and Sinclair are literally the same design
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What do you mean? A blonde petite person with a hidden murderous dark side is pretty unique and surely you can tell which is which.
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One has tits the other has a cock, so no.
*both have cocks ackshually
sinclair's going to have tits after the hormone regiment I'm putting him on
both have tits and cocks
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Danteh.... get to work Danteh....
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Funny how confident Sinclair looks way more better IMHO.
On time!
>Don in her canto
>Sinclair in Don canto
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Faust is late again...
kill yourself
good job *smooch*
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Is that creamed corn?
It's N Corp. Canned Experience, so yes.
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Is the "roll shard boxes in bulk for more shards" statement in the Rentry real? How many boxes should I open at a time?
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Seduce me.
I got a bucket of Hamhampangpang
Wanna do it?
So, what exactly are the N Corp suicide vending machines? I'd hope they're not literally a futurama rip-off. Since N-Corp deals in canned experiences, maybe the vending machines let you 'die' by experiencing the events of another life?
It's stated several times Ncorp is capable of "canning" experience, and the suicide vending machines literally let you experience suicide by giving you one of said cans of experience
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Yeh, okay.
that's what I was saying bwo... I don't think they explicitly stated what the vending machines do, just that they exist
What is a voiceline you really enjoy hearing?
Besides for Vergil saying dantehh
Don vomiting noise when she's staggered
So whats the donpinion on donids? Dondon deals dondillion damage according to final sheet but it makes me feel it's because time donratorium just shits out 1000k damage when 10 would have finished a trash mob. She does look cooler and performs better than i thought tho. Rodya seems alright but not anything standing out.
Also not sure why sometimes enemies take damage under moratorium (not hitting different bodypart).
That one Don scream during Canto VI that would make you deaf.
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what's the best way to grind the time thingies
>per enk
>per hour
I enjoy repeatedly clicking off and on N don for her battle view noise
Just do Mirror dungeons.
does that apply to both metrics
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All I know is that if you give yourself 8 hours and grind out MD with all of the bonuses, you'll be done in the same day you started
Doing it in the intervallo dungeon is fastest, but its more convenient to just do mds
It's 100% random, doing a few, or a bunch at once may lead into lower, normal or higher than average.

Regular dungeon is probably slightly faster overall if you just want the currency, but since I was running bleed + bloody mist each MD run takes around 20 minutes, so up to you in the end.
Spam Selecting Blade Don so she goes "Eh?Eh?Eh?Eh?Eh?Eh?Eh?"
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It's schizoid's cope. Doesn't matter.
I like Öuficliff's combat start voiceline.
>cleaves a mook in half
Not with that attitude.
>M district bro
seems we are destined to be autists...
hmmmmmmmm nyo. Nyo I wont.
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Love me wife Outis!
Sorry, buddy, i accept only A-L and N-Z.
M is the retard I've sent a friend request to
Mine starts with V
My bad.
>had Philip incident
>had few distortions
>had orphanage that Iori destroyed
Welcome aboard, pal.
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can i have some friends too
Too many M-xicans in this thread.
If you are not a X-bro dont talk to me.
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You see the "copy" button next to your code?
Paste it here, and then we can think about it
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Add me if you wish, ignore if you do not. I believe I have posted my code once, and that was when I was starting out.
How quickly does time come to pass...
Yi Sang...
Nice aspect ratio
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wemyembyur tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies wimbyabs!
zenya wus dyakyin nya nyap, sowwy...
Did you have a good nap?
the non-vertical screen anon... do you like Charon?
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zenya dweamd nyof gyoin tyuu nya nyamyusmyent pyark, nyit wus fyun!
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>levellets wanting friends
Both are flat and you never see bulges in this series anyhow
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If the opportunity presents itself, which it has, I will extend my hand towards those who might be seeking friendship with Managers from other districts.
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>Both are flat
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>Both are flat
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>Both are flat
>gets rid of rcliff
>gets rid of solos
>gets rid of multiple skill slots on one sinner
>makes turn count autism more cancerous than usual
the more i think about the new railway gimmick the funnier it is
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>Both are flat
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I am going to astral project to your rooms and throw chairs through your souls
i hafd afucking chair torown at me what the fkuc
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I parried that chair.
The only truly unfun mechanic theyve added is completely removing any ability to solo, rather than just making it more difficult
teasing sinclair and jerking his cute little cock from behind while he squirms and quivers and pants
Tits and cocks are both birds
i don't dislike the gimmick, especially since it's not rr2 and i don't have to play it more than once, but the "play my game as intended" autism is funny
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I tanked that.
My defense level is too high, your chairs won't do any damage to me
new adventures await buddy
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Serious question, how much exp is this? I’m starting my exp grind early. The new lux will be more efficient per module, but the trend of exp increases shows that the amount will be rather irrelevant, and I need exp for the story so I can unlock the new lux anyway. How far have I gotten? How much will I need for a 6 sinner team of level 50s? Does anyone have a link to the reddit post that explains the exp curve?
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Don's canto will be distilled hopium. This I believe with all my heart and soul.
Don’t count l
It takes about 40 blue tickets to level a sinner from 1 to 45, or around 110 yellow tickets, so you tell me anon
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Love me wife Outis
thats like 2 lvl45 ids
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Thats not my wife, kill yourself
max level is 45 for a total of 129019 exp
bronze is 50, silver is 200, gold is 1000, teal is 3000
you need ~43 teal for one level 45, or ~129 gold, or ~645 silver
so you have about 4 units worth of max levels here
for now you're better off leveling to 40 since its 91700 exp total and the 5 level difference isn't too bad to handle
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sorry for delay i was finishing MD
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I found this when I searched for it, so a lot of EXP
Just reached level 106. Fuck this grind man
Everyone above me is botting, FACT!
Women... trousers don't work like this.
I'm saying you're misrepresenting Outis here because the damage range you project on her skills is wildly out of touch with reality. Her skill 3 is never realistically doing 500+ damage. That requires a level of magic bullet that just isn't happening, without unbelievable luck or double slotting her.
Also, by "ignoring the burn" on Philip, I'm talking about the actual burn he inflicts, including the 10 or more on his skill 3 and passive. Again, this isn't major, but it is something you didn't account for, much like the maximum resonance bonuses on his skill 3, which I would argue is WAY more reasonable to achieve than 4+ magic bullet
That being said, I don't really find either to be particularly impressive IDs for Burn, though you're just stuck with them as there aren't enough IDs. Bullet Outis at least is a very reliable clasher with useful sins, and Philip has very high raw damage potential, though needs heavy babying even after the changes. Liu Ish, Liu Rodion, and especially Liu Ryoshu are all imo better IDs for a variety of reasons (Ryoshu almost entirely based on her 4th match Flame), but the biggest issue here is... There's actually not a ton of burn infliction on the team. Rodion and Ish have *okay* infliction, Bullet Outis barely has any, and so does Ryoshu. You're really relying quite a bit on Philip Sinclair and Mersault's Capote to really get much burn. Even 30 isn't exactly something you're often getting turn 1. This isn't nessesarilly a dig at Outis, but is a point in favor of Sinclair, somewhat. Eve. If burn inherently does meh damage (even with dark flame for a few turns), it is important for conditionals, especially for 4th Match Flame.
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ent_fire prop_physics ignite
I claim Hod
>Poke fun at Bullet Outis being ass last thread
>Two people are still going at it going over damage numbers
I claim your boners
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Dante would say that.
If you picked up Hod real fast her boobs would jiggle a bit
If you picked up Hod real fast her belly would jiggle a bit
If you picked up Hod real fast her neck would jiggle a bit
If you picked up Hod real fast her thighs would jiggle a bit
>1300 Lunacy
Not happening anymore. The amount of quiet bugfixing they've been doing with no recompense is sad.
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Who's the strongest female sinner? Which ones could crush a watermelon with their thighs?
We've had this discussion before and it's no contest
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I don't know which female Sinner is three foot taller than the others and explicitly stated to have a ridiculously strong grip in multiple occasions?
Did Kalis big fat ass clap whenever she fought people?
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They took her legs
She took their wings
I give up on drawing fatties for now
Whos the Sinclair of the sinners?
She’s mostly muscle so probably not
Like her ass is SPARTAN II or III kind of wide, dense enough to withstand a bullet or melee strike
Can someone explain to me why the win rate is so fucked in the Time Ripper second phase? It genuinely refuses to clash his skills and would rather trade blows. Even when dominating said clashes.
Its easy though
probably because he has retarded speed so it gives win rate autism
Hod's big fat ass sitting on your lap completely enveloping your own legs with hers
Questions in this vein don't deserve real answers.
She’s probably dead and consumed by the giant chicken desu
The buttocks area is mostly made up of fat, so even if you’re buff, they’ll still clap
Kali’s build based on Gebura’s sprites indicate she has a good amount of fat and muscle like a sumo wrestler
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wow... sinclair is literally me
S-s-s-sinclair-sama...I'm sorry for calling you a twinkfaggot....
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She’s way too skinny for that
>Dieci Hong Lu or Ting Tang for mutilate.
>N Sinclair himsef to matche envy
>or Philipclair for aoe and higher s3 roll after turn 1
>Ring Yi Sang to glue together random statuses
>Dieci Rodion as a tank
>N Faust? maybe?
>Butler Outis
>Edgar Gregor
What the fuck am I even supposed to run for the envy peccatulas if they are first?
This is actually pretty cute
>lost all my gebhod artists due to the incident
I hate Koreans
EGO will be OP due to every fight having waves and EGO passives, like impending doom and rimeshank, being better
Uptie 4’ing shitter EGO for AOE to clear out fights is probably good, it’s hard to nuke multiple foes with sinking, rupture, and tremor
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All of the female Sinners could split a watermelon between their thighs, if gym varbies can do it then women who fight Abnormalities several times their size would be crushing more fruit than a juice bar.
What team(s) are you taking to RR4?
This but Malkuth but she’s on my face
This but both of them
One on my face
One on my dick
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"Haha yeah Sinclair, yeah ri-"
>Sinclair proceeds to do this to my head with his thighs
Winrate tries to match in decending order of speed. You highest speed skill, the second highest etc
And it only tries to do this. So even if you can clash against every move the algorithm won’t find it if the enemy has higher speed and you need to let sinners clash instead of just redirecting. It doesn’t understand anything but redirecting. I understood this recently when the event dropped, try to notice it yourself.
And it also doesn’t like to create struggling clashes and such either, nor can it activate EGO or defensive skills for you. You should avoid using winrate in focused encounters, it is so bad that it doesn’t save time anymore
sinclair and ryoshu are cute together love mother-son type romances
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his thighs really are nothing impressive but whatever i'd let him anyway
I'd like to have my head crushed between Sinclair's thighs
He looks like he has Hank Hill ass.
Good evening, Limbabs
I love my wife
Good night, Limbabs
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Gebura can do this to me.
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>mother-son type romances
Do you think Hod and Tiph played with their boobies once they woke up with their older bodies haha
Sinclair's stupidly large belt
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Is that so wrong?
Just a belief, but not stated by fact. I like to do (# of shards needed/3) and then dwindle down from there in case I somehow hit the 0.000001% chance I roll 3 on every crate, but I know it's very unrealistic and probably a waste of time.
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Weakclair skipped leg day.
Damn he's cute. If I ever saw him, I'd immediately be removing that comically large belt and taking off his pants as soon as possible. I need to feel his dick up against my face
His belt is not that big.
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They would if they were agp trannies instead of real women.
So they didn't.
If you had to marry a sinner, who would you pick?
You cannot divorce.
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Kromer control yourself.
Rodya Rodya Rodya Rodya!

Could you people stop being gay
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His belt is HUGE and if you pay attention to his art it's been subtly getting bigger with each Canto.
Don. Love my gremmlin wife.
They never had tits before tho????
Alright, everyone be morose. No gaiety beyond this point.
What's even the point of wearing suspenders with a belt that big?
okay so, saw the spiral of contempt 3T by Sanguine freezing the bleed the other day, and i wrote it out for my own comprehension, but i'll post it here for anyone interested:

>How To:
Conditions for KOing bosses with bleed in normal encounters:
-N Rodya with Sanguine EGO so it can freeze bleed count (N Rodya is a lousy ID but it's a bleed one)
-KK Ryoshu with Red Eyes EGO (used to inflict plus coin power down, you'll need to overclock it so it can target an ally AND the enemy you wanna one shot)
-Meursalt with Chain of Others (any will do really but the only bleed salt IDs are N and to a small degree R. ultimately you want an ID that will, at base power, match one of the skills the boss uses)
-bleed extenders from IDs to EGOs like Wishing Crane by Don or What Is Cast by Rodya

How it works:
you need 3 turns minimum
turn 1: rack up the bleed with every ID other than salt, salt will use chain of others to bind himself and he boss next turn
-turn 2, continue racking up bleed except with ryoshu, you will overclock her so she can target salt and the boss (only RNG part if you did your calculations). Red Eyes' effect is that it inflicts 3 bind next turn, but if the target has 3+ bind, it will also inflict 2 plus coin down
-this is the part where you need to calculate, check the base clashpower for the salt ID and the boss beforehand, taking into account offense level and other buffs/debuffs, and make sure they are equal and that both parties have 1 or 2 coins on said skills
-turn 3: pretty much done, the bind will ensure salt will go after rodion, who will use Sanguine Desire to freeze the bleed count, after which salt will clash with the boss in a permanent loop since they have the same clash power, except that the never ending bleed will chip away at the boss
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file not found anon...
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Works for me
Faust because she doesn’t have a personality and so there is no reason to divorce. She can just sit around and look pretty, like a doll or a bird in a cage, and me look successful. “He has such a pretty wife, there must be something to him”. And at night she would be like an oversized warm pillow that would help make my king-sized bed feel less empty.
Perhaps she would be a bit dull sexually, but I don’t really care. Appearances, respect and status is the only thing that matters.
She is also not an insane danger to society like the other sinners. Someone like Rodion is much more interesting than Faust, but they come with a lot of baggage, they must be tiresome to be with. I hate performing emotional labor 24/7. I just want someone to carry around in public and make others jealous with. Someone I can bounce my voice off of, someone to give me another perspective. Who they are as a person isn’t that important. Relationships are all imagined anyway.
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Old wife, easy life.
Bleed truly is the big brain status huh
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Love my wife so much!
A-Anon? Is everything okay?
yi sang
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I hope that gets worse bwo.
this is the potential of sanguine desire, but it's very specific so it's easily usable which i personally think is great. power technique locked behind RNG and chance
that said, pretty sure there'll be future powercreep or other IDs that'll let this technique be more usable
aside from this really niche case (and MD) bleed is semi impossible to work with
This absolutely autistic and I love it. Though I'm personally blaming you if they decide to nerf this. You've basically unlocked an infinite loop.
Post more OuTITS.
You'll agree with him when you're older and every interesting woman you've met has either walked out of your life or self-destructed and tried to pull you down with her.
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Holy fucking shit, is that you Calder?
I need to know what the ideal width for Malkuth should be
I wanna draw her
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>not an insane danger to society
her invention runs on live people being grounded up alive to run
this isnt my video kek
like i said in the other post, it takes a really really specific case
you need enough resources to spam the various EGOs, you need RNG to target salt, and you need the boss and salt to have a skill that will match at base power considering all factors (plus they must be 1 or 2 coins)
plus this could all be brought down if the boss has fucky gimmicks
kudos to the autist who thought of that tho, i really want to try it in RR4
What sinners a lore likely to get an 000 before the season closes out looking at prior seasons? Obviously heathcliff will but I'm not sure about the others, it seems sinners her two 000 sometimes and I can't really see a pattern
so he can shotabait older women
Ideal hip width*
I’m really tired
I don’t care. Being a danger to society has to do with being chaotic, not being «evil” callous. A CEO who steals waters from locals for mining is ruthless and morally dubious, but they are not a danger to society. But the rebels who oppose them and fight for a “just” cause are, regardless of their intentions and how right they are. Society is built on exploitation, if you live in the first world like myself you best remember that. Everything you own is infused with cruelty
Why are Germans like this?
>and tremor
works on my machine
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Why would Ryoshu do this?
i don't think they're nerfing a strat that requires a gacha ego and a walp ego minimum, lol
I’m Scandinavian thank you very much. *Sniff* We are a different people I’ll have you know *Clears throat* we have a different culture.
Eyeball licking is only hot in art desu
I am unironically scared of the new RR
I am not ready at all, in no way at all
you make it sound like sharding this shit is hard
Everyone's pretty even right now. Going off of Seasons 2 and 3, only one Sinner this season won't get a 000, and my bet would go to Meursault if they continue the pattern. Aside from him, Paus, Heathcliff, Ishmael, and Rodya are the only ones that haven't gotten a 000 this season so far. Those 4 have also received an E.G.O this season, but only Heathcliff's is a battlepass one (though we already know he's getting Erlking).
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Feeling cute. might do some EXP lux later. idk
It's the potential here. Theoretically, all you just need is to neuter an attack and an ID to clash infinitely and then Rodya's EGO. We'll likely get more stuff to make this easier to pull off.
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But of course. But it's the emtion behind it that matters.
>you need a good girl but you need the bad pussy
Sinners for this feel?
Fuck you for reminding me of that cringy line.
Actually it was kino and the Dorne subplot was well-made BAKA
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Sinclair would be the perfect house husband. Seeing his gentle smile after an excruciating day at work would be martial bliss
>walp ego
in a few months, maybe
which means even more shit to pull for and even more money in pm's pockets. on top of the ring sang incident going as badly as it did, they're not nerfing it
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>ywn have someone look at you like Rodya looks at gregor
i mean they dont need to nerf it, if it becomes abusable, they either make the skills with 3+ coins or give it some sort of debuff immunity or any other numerous gimmick
If this strat somehow gets popular to the point where they need to make adjustments for it (which I don't think will happen because it sounds way too specific to do both consistently and easily), I imagine they won't directly nerf Sanguine Desire but instead just add HP gates to progress to another turn.
>which means even more shit to pull for and even more money in pm's pockets
Anyone autistic enough to get in depth with a strat like that would be autistic enough to not pull and just shard shit.
>but instead just add HP gates to progress to another turn.
They already do really. Time Ripper does that which is fucking annoying.
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>have to download 7.36gb
im going to kill a bitch
How good are the new ids?
T Don? very very good, tremor staple immediately
T Rodya? good enough to warrant being a choice vs RS rodya
They are aight.
New damage per screenshot fetish object.
Kinda shit and not worth the pay-off and kinda good, but will brick your speed
Help, I procrastinated. What team has the easiest time with RR3 if I just want a comfy clear
Either the super nukers like R Heath, W Ryo etc or a full Rupture or Sinking team
Massively overrated that people jerked off at the start because Don got overkill damage attributed from the team to her.
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Sinclair. He's sweet and strong and handsome. I'm sure he'd be protective of his new family and take good care of me and our children if we had any
First part: the best general ID for each sinner since you're running on 0 SP
Second part: Sinking or Rupture
Third part: Pierce
RR3 boss: same as Second part

If you don't have a Rupture/Sinking team, just stick with whatever set of IDs you threw together on Part one and run through the whole thing.
Just wait til Kromer and Demian show up to kick your ass
I did charge for sections 1 and 3, sinking for section 2, and rupture for Spiral. Though charge works fine for everything except maybe spiral. Burn, sinking, etc all work vs spiral
Do women in this series have periods and all the other ovary cramps and stuff?
If they can get pregnant, then surely they're capable of the other stuff too. I wouldn't be surprised if most are on some sort of birth control that stops your menstrual cycle though. City medicine is surely advanced enough for that if it's already nearly possible in our world
FUCK YEAH I BEAT KROMER, thanks for the advice yesterday :)
>menstrual cycle
What that
I would LOVE for Director to try and reason that out.
>Ackshually, they take something that allows the female body to basically consume the discarded uteral lining for maximum nutrition
GL with the next canto bud
Idk sounds bloody though
Congrats newbab, I always believed in you. *smooch*
What's the closest thing that they could do in limbus to mimic the pain of hokma suppression/price of silence fight?
I’m gonna be so happy when limbus ends and I never have to see Don or Sinclair ever again
These are some of the worst characters they’ve ever made
Fight where it deducts 130 lunacy for each round taken.
Limbus will end when Director hangs himself on November 2026.
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Om nom nom
I finally got Uptie 4 Ring Sang, wtf why does he do so much damage?
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btw i'll do what anon said along with his post and post fc
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post Maidshu NOW
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It's ideal
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maybe if you ask nicely instead
It's the nearly month long cycle of having a period, growing eggs, ovulating, and then potentially getting pregnant over and over again.
It doesn't need to be that complicated. I'd imagine it being very similar to the birth control pills that we have in the real world where it just limits the hormones being produced by the body
Refer to >>484413448
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release more Liu I want to make more things scorch burn right now
Wtf women grow babies without men??
Why they need us?
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Scorch burn manthings with fire heat!
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i havent played in a bit, hows don and rodya?
Still sexy
Don rapes
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as long as we're on the same page I agree 100%
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Who wants to be my Hod or Malkuth
Which Sinner gets which TF2 ID? Rodya as Heavy and Faust as Medic are obvious. Scout Ishmael? Demoman Heathcliff?
sorry but ur too ugly
Don scout? Yi Sang would definitely be a sniper or spy.
I don't think lining up their nationalities match their actual personalities. Scout would be Don, Demo would be Gregor, Spy would be Outis, etc
Don strikes me more as Pyro. Yeah, Yi Sang is Sniper or Spy.
>Scout Don
>Soldier Heathcliff
>Pyro Ryoshu
>Demoman Ishmael
>Heavy Rodya
>Engineer Yi Sang
>Medic Faust
>Sniper Hong Lu
>Spy Outis
I will not elaborate
So is Meursault Saxton Hale
That's a pretty good list
why i haven't seen a single mention of monika in cathy art?
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No, Meursault is Ms Pauling
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I'm on to you bub
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nice thread limbabs
thank you, you too /bag/bro
You aren't drake...
What's the worst location in the city to live?
They don't. Sorry chud, but you were obsolete since day 1.
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omg its kromie!!!!!
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fem sang does things to me
Unlike that other guy, I will elaborate.
>Scout Heathcliff
Scout is a literal inner city ruffian with an inferiority complex. Only other option for Heathcliff was Demoman.
>Soldier Don
Delusional. Also, the VA is going to have a field day.
>Pyro Ryoshu
I don't have any real reasoning.
>Demoman Gregor
Disfigurement. Other option was Engineer, I guess?
>Heavy Rodya
Communism, food lovers, and "surprise, there's an actual character here".
>Engineer Sinclair
Thirst for knowledge to the point of self-destruction seems obvious.
>Medic Faust
Please don't tell me you need an explanation.
>Sniper Hong Lu
Hongdev will do us proud.
>Spy Outis
Please don't tell me you need an explanation.
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I look like this though
yeah exactly
why cant femcels be real
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Not my drake.
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This but femzach
that's just Rodion.
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Say, i have enough shards to get a unit who should i do? Seven Faust, W sang, T don, Dieci Hong, or Cinq clair? also who does no one talk about cinq clair isn't he suprisingly good or is he no where near as good as the other two notable ones? or would it be more wise for heath to get his unit for the season?
This is also a good list, the only sub I'd make is Yi Sang for Sinclair as Engie since Yi Sang's Limbus backstory is him being an inventor and tinkerer
How much does Netzach (female) weigh?
I'd save for Heath, it's probably pretty soon
Cinqlair is very good, we've just gotten a lot of other stuff to play with since his release. He's still used for fights that need a lot of Pierce damage since that's what he excels at.
The only similarities is that they’re fat and have big tits
Is level 100 still the highest level? I'm starting to get close.
So is Hong Lu non human?
In his book he's actually a piece of jade.
SOmething is going on with that eyeball of his
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im sure there are some asians with extreme autism that are beyond this
Nice, I don't wanna hit the max level because I hate the idea of 'wasting' experience so this is even better. I wonder how high the total stamina goes, and I wonder if it gets to the point where you only get +1 every 5 levels.
He's like one of those rock aliens from Steven Universe, the gem is his real body and his fake body is a projection
Cinqlair is arguably his strongest ID next to Nclair
please do not make such comparisons
>make rupture team with a bunch of low rolling shitters
>win rate ardor to death in a a turn
I should have believed the rupture gods
>gets rid of r cliff
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He just has some super secret mystical jade like beauty eye.
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Not Outis at any rate, for obvious reasons
She's all dried up
Praying that dons canto will be shit
it will not top heath's lets be honest here
the fights are multiple waves, not individual battles
Hopefully it's worse then Rodyas and she dies forever and is replaced by a black lesbian
This didn't happen
>short caucasian woman gets replaced by Queequeg
you rike?
We Already Killed Queefqueer I Dont Think Thats Going To Work Out Well For The LCB
Woke up from nap with an erection. Another great ejaculation but was a bit dry. No surprise since it's the third of the day. Supplements rock
Say, what would be a decent team to clear RR3? i haven't done it yet but i need to can i do it with a sinking team?
I did it with a Sinking team and managed to get it just right at a hundred turns. You could do it with that.
Unga bunga team with charge nukes is best. Sinking is good for prophet, moth and spiral but not very good for the rest.
bleedfag detected
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director should use his limbus money to transition into ai sex doll business tbqhdesu
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I was not expecting that.
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>Scout Ryoshu
>Soldier Yi Sang
>Pyro Don
>Demoman Rodion
>Heavy Heathcliff
>Engineer Faust
>Medic Outis
>Sniper Gregor
>Spy Sinclair
>steven universe
>houseki no kuni
>legend of mana
pick one
Ish would have a blown out asshole
ish would have a dog dick
Mon amour
im not clicking
describe what is in the link
Dolphin porn
ish porn
Ishmael getting railed.
silly illustrations
porn from the sleep fucking obsessed guy
Red-Gaze Vergilius, Chieftain of the Limbus Company
The Ever-Brilliant Yi Sang
The Loathsome Gregor
Yuri, the Dead Companion
and Miss Faust, the ALLLLLLL-KNOOWING
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Quick question. I'm new and I really struggle with mirror dungeons. I assume that's normal until I reach a certain level?

I usually die around the time I pick a third booster pack thingy that decides the theme of the next floor (usually when fighting the boss).

Is thtt normal? I've seen that finishing one mirror dungeon allows me to swipe the rest, but I can't seem to get there
>absolutely getting shat on by lumbis easiest shit
Uptie Levels matter the most early on, because you'll be doing the normal Mirror Dungeons.
If your units aren't at UT3, they won't be able to make use of their full kit.
Normal Mirror Dungeons often tend to boost up your ID's level to max.
Of course, we also have to take into account what kind of IDs you have.
The main way I've seen newbabs struggle with MD is that they probably haven't looked at their starter buffs at all. You should check that page out before starting your next expedition, particularly the line of stars that goes north from the center.
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What is she looking at?
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What IDs do you have and who's your fave sinner?
uhm is this a trap?
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give up
Post her armpits.
Well, I got W Corp Don and Ryoshu (and some Okay 2* units). I've been told to wait until Walpurgisnacht with pulling.

But yeah, only my wDon has UT3 and Ryoshu has UT2 (if UT3 means unlocking the third and strongest attack). Also, most of my units are at level 10-25 except the two W Crops, they are 30.

Maybe I'm just doing something wrong with the E.G.O gifts and the drawbacks I choose?
Out of all the crossboard colonists here, who are the most and least skilled at this game?
About how long does it take to complete RR3 from beginning to end
You should prioritise Uptying WRyoshu and your second-rate IDs so that they may unlock their third skills, unless you are tight in Thread, which I assume you are, in that case, just focus on WRyoshu instead.
The drawbacks tend to be menial unless they involve anything related to increasing the Power of the enemy attacks. Coin Power tends to be the most devastating drawback, whereas something like increasing Offense Level or increasing enemy HP is not.
UT3 means you get the third attack, but if you're doing normal mode (Simulation) all your guys are bumped up to level 45 anyways so level doesn't matter
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The best ones are W Don and W Ryoshu (the rest are 2*)

My favorite sinner would probably be Don Quixote (design wise I like that of Faust the most). I like the high energy midget, larping as a hero and the way she speaks

Sorry, got no Limbus pictures, have an Alice instead
If you're coming to this hellhole, at least have the decency to post on-topic pics
What if I'm from /twg/ and /rwg/
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AK is objectively the game that requires the most thought on that list if you're not bruteforcing it with the strongest ops. It's not a very high bar, but still.
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i can't do that anon
she'll notice if i do
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hmm nyo
>the game that objectively requires the most thought
>literally every single player looks for guides for every level
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bagbap ..you can always skip out on later floors as return by default is getting less anyways. if you are playing without any cash like for a season pass then it is even more important to build a team first you can reliably run through most of the MD . Uptie tends to be more worth then raw lvls. dont forget to unlock your star buffs before every run too. dont try to be too conservative and hodl you need the right tools to maximize your grinding in the first place, then you can start holding onto resources more.
There are singular extremely powerful Units that also nearly fit into every team for nearly each sinner helping you out immensely in your current position examples.. R Heath , N or Cinq Sinclair, Ring Yi sang , W Don and Ryoshu , Maid Ryoshu , Dieci Rodya
>priorize building 1 (uno) solid Team which you can look up or feel out by going through your options online and then aiming to shard them
>Uptie most of the time over lvls (35 to 40 is enough)
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I need that railway content, and I need it now
>>1000x Terror gained.
why is the fucking schizoghost the most sensible out of the 3 cunts of the sky
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Based Don enjoyer

Uptie them both to 4, they become godlike and will carry you through all the filters
I advise getting the pass if you haven't already, there is still probably over 2 months before the next canto and that's plenty of time to finish it
You should probably pull until you have a team of 6 you like
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I guess Blue Archive. The game is more about collecting and upgrading students. Once you got that it's really easy for campaign and story.

Most raid difficulties are also not difficult with the right team. The only part of Blue Archive that is difficult are (some) Insane and (all) Torment raids.
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Where on the starlight map is the node that makes higher tier gifts show up more often at shops I can't fuckin find it
are you a ftp fag ? depending on your ressources there is some room for team building but you can also just focus on W corp in general if you have those 2 . you want to min max your return for the gifts of each corresponding team if you dont have singular powerful units. hope you uptied both to 4 too
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first one on the right
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god i was looking everywhere else...
thank you anon
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The Yurodiviye are based and Sonya has the right idea.
Rodya is for MARRIAGE
Rodya is for LOVEY-DOVEY SEX
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Santo approved post.
Yuo will recieve 3 (three) X-Corp bolts.
saint sonya is so fucking cool...
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*shoots you*
I don't need a response, your life has come to a
full stop
gomminism :DDDDDD
I would join the Yurodiviye if it meant that I could kill more people.
I told you already, I fucking TANKED that
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Here is my current team. Since it's 6, I thought that was enough, should I pull more?

I didn't know about the star buffs, I'll look into that.

I thought I only have to uptie until 3 to unlock the last attack. Does uptie 4 add something important, or just pure stats?

Thanks :*
bros i thought they where just PRETENDING to be idiots. where we wrong ??
Ryoshu said this.
>vicariously reliving playing ruina for the first time through a streamer
>dumb as fuck but is actually into the game so I can tolerate it
>has an anon from itt modding his chat so nobody spoils anything
>very little back seating and the guy actually asks for help when he loses
an actually decent toober, never thought I would see the day
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Ok but why did Hongers join them then?
And have a higher rank than Ryoshu?
lambdadelta is the only good tuber, he is literally /ourguy/ from the mtl lob corp days.
Hongers is the only one who could pull of this look, professor layton lookin ass. Even the NPC who wore it originally looks bad
What deck does she play?
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They are probably good enough for where you are at (assuming C3) but you are probably going need more damage types in the future
Id prioritize replacing the bottom 3 though (Shi Ish is meh, and the other 2 work better with teams that run their status
Also you can just run a team of 4 in abno and boss fights, Don and Ryo will rape everything
>anyone but zet
where is your thread? Why are your ids so weirdly leveled?
Yeah, as long as it's enough until whatever Walpurgisnacht is, I should he fine. It's not too far away, right?
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We still have another event to go through before the season ends so still plenty of time
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uptie 4 does (not in all cases but many) add extremely important buffs to moves. This is true for both Ryoshu and Don in this case.

you have 7 heath so you could try to get W Yi sang for more rupture but thats kinda sub optimal. id say you get more out of adding R Heath and R Ishy to your team next. Both should also be Uptie 4 when you want to use them effectively on later floors and they both have gimmicks you have to balance a bit too so its not exactly brain dead. Also having a Tank in Dieci Rodya i would say is also high priority to make it easier on you

Starbuffs are ride beside the md window . id recommend going for all shop options the base options and then the damage % options up and left

what ego do you have ? managing sanity and health can also be fairly hard on a new bab on later floors with next to nothing in your hand so id recommend buying Fausts Fluid sac and uptie to 4 to have a literal ace in the hole and want sustain

you can run less members then 6 too. Don and Ryo both for example have evade as a defensive skill so you can dodge easly with 45 sanity a round or 2 to gain more skill slots to attack with.

i have to apologize for Kimji as he still didnt implement a system for people that start later into this game yet even so its about time..

Good luck new bab and have fun with the story as thats the most important part anyhow
White Aura
>Santiago/ Indigo Elder
Kill all winratetubers
Ahab would never play a deck about summoning whales
>have limbpimple on throat/neck
>something hard in the middle of it, painful to touch
>use tweezers to pull it
>3-4 limbhairs come out in a thick bundle, pretty gross
>neck limbpimple hurts less, much smaller after an hour
Limbabs what the fuck was that?
i'll bite,
walpurgis is tempting i know but it really shouldnt be prioritized when your storage of both ressources AND Ids/Egos is Next to nothing.

i know i know. its cool limited thingy. fact is each walpurgis makes the last walpurgis exclusive sinners aviable to be JUST sharded so you dont need to save like a dog and you genuinely shouldnt atleast if you arent hyperfocusing like a proper Autist on it.

i recommend just building a proper team and proper egos for said team . singular strong units. and collect as much thread as possible with season changes (your boxes getting halfed) and maybe skip the next walpurgis or only roll for it if there is something on it you REALLY want . otherwise its just not worth it. you need good units NOW not later. no need to practice cbt
ingrown hairs
With Rodya!
Sex with Rodya!
Missionary !
Reverse Cowgirl!
Full nelson!
Side prone!
Mating press!!
Full sex!
Pay by love!
Making babies!
Give her monthly cash!
Make her a full meal!
Russian meals are eaten hot!
Enduring the cold together!
Raising pet bears!
Fine I guess, at least we can agree
Melffy Spright
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it's been a while since i've seen this post, i missed it
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Well that's true.
Makes you wonder how will commie Rodya look
Winrate often fucks him and it’s funny
I absolutely despise how much vtubers are shilled and talked about here. It's miserable knowing everyone jerks them off and will spam about them regardless of where they are.
I hate it
She's such a cutie patootie
Rodya is a BIG LOSER who wants to be important but never will be! She’s just average!
Ishmael is laying on her back, her legs are raised and bound. She has an expression of pleasure, but also pain. Her vagina looks rough.
A hand is opening her eye and sticking a thumb into her mouth.
Same as the first.
>Ish_004.png - Ish_006.png
The hand spreads her vagina with tape, and begins to finger her.
Her anus seems to be spread.
Her ID is shown.
>Ish_009.png Ish_010.png
A dick is showed into her throat.
Cum is everywhere.
>Ish_012.png - Ish_016.png
Anal sex.
>Ish_017.png - Ish_019.png
Ishmael pisses herself.
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If it's any consolation /vt/umors are notoriously obnoxious and it's probably just the same 3 posters replying to eachother and/or avatarfagging over and over.
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NUH UH Rodya is SUPER SPECIAL she just needs the right moment and then you'll all see!!!!!
Thanks. I just pulled a few times but didn't get anything except for time Don, which is the one unit I don't need to change lol.

I don't have any EGO, unfortunatel.

Does using less than 6 units allow the rest to attack more oftne or is it just so no one dies and makes the rest panic?
sorry i'll be gentler next time when i shove my limbeanits down your throat
parasocial relationships are at an all time high. expect it, or collapse the offending messages.
I hope that's the case.
vtubers really should have gotten the pony treatment after /vt/ was created
When does Gregor get an intervallo all about him to help redeem his shitty Canto…
everyone would give you generic answers so im gonna be straight and say Umi and Fucked version of divine serpent Geh
Gregor's real canto will be whenver we directly fight Hermann. I could see Meursault's involving that because of his connection to N Corp, maybe even giving us 2 mili song bosses.
God willing.
They always drop the same tumors names anyways
They probably will eventually.
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It only works in focused fights (where you get to choose what to attack)
If you put 4 in then whoever is in slot 1 and 2 will get a extra slot each turn until you have 6, basically turning your 2 god tier ids into 4
They've been popular for almost 4 years anon, if it was gonna happen it would have already.
Ooooh that is nice! Thanks for all the answers, if you guys ever need any help/tips for Blue Archive, I can help with those
>Does using less than 6 units allow the rest to attack more oftne or is it just so no one dies and makes the rest panic?

they can attack more often but turns have to pass for each slot gained.

yellow boxes are your best friend and way towards gaining what i listed. lunacy is more or less a side option. day 1 babs for example would only use it for enk refills and walpurgis nacht. the best way to get yellow boxes is having a pass and grind it after clearing it out but if you have a lot of time on you you can make do without said Season pass i suppose.

at the end of the day its gonna be some work before you get what you need to build your first proper team if you dont have blind luck with 10 rolls but id probably recommend buying the pass once or twice and then doing it without as you can just generate so many yellow boxes with each weekly you wont need to use lunacy for months. being a ftp bab at the current stage of the game is pretty tough.

alas no stress either. you can even now beat most of the game with base Ids. events should be already covered by your current strong units to a degree atleast. you got that.
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>hod realization
>angela was an absolute qtie patootie and a good person before the loops destroyed her
why am I supposed to hate her again?
Ayin is LITERALLY me. Therefore, Angela slighted me.

i should clarify better each turn you get another slot. and its not in all fights. only focused ones.
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they should kiss
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well hate is a strong word. nuance in this story is a thing after all. you can start with the part of her wanting to destroy the city passively by releasing eldritch horrors beyond even her comprehension unto anybody cause she thinks like a karen acts arround an animal calling it her soulmate or some shit.
Does Rodya Pursuance heal herself
Because ultimately she did choose to do a shitty thing and is still a literal misanthrope at that point in the story.
People massively overblow the hatred they feel towards her because they believe Ayin is the most objective viewpoint in the city and thus him not liking Angela means she is a terrible person as a literal objective truth. These are the same people who will frequently complain about how Ruina was some sort of betrayal of LC's story, and often harp about the ending of Ruina being bad in particular
You slighted yourself, and in doingbso you have slighted her
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It sadly doesn't
Clam corrosion does however
>These are the same people who will frequently complain about how Ruina was some sort of betrayal of LC's story, and often harp about the ending of Ruina being bad in particular
lol Ive noticed that too. Occasionally I'll see some genuine autist fly off the handle that PM somehow betrayed them personally by not making another management sim that rehashes LC or by portraying Ayin as anything but a mesiah. Usually this is followed by incoherent screaming that they ruined Carmen's character or somehow retconed LC's story lol
>Wake up
>limbus has a 3.3 GB update
>Download it

>Its not Railway
give me something to draw
time to masturbate and sleep
gon /lcg/
Dante attempting to draw a sheep, badly.
It's prep for railway including them fucking with the game engine some
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Stop pretending you hate the game
You love it
Sinclair crying after his face was beaten into a pulp
don with a gun
Rodion doing the Jack-O' pose (they share the same Korean VA)
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faust but infected with a virus turning her into the frog
anything about spicesang
dante cleaning his clock
does even make less sense given how he seemed to bet on her making the "right choice" quote on quote at the end. one could say he bet on her becoming miserable and then slowly experience realization after realization herself.
>give me something to draw
Ring Yi Sang screaming at the sky "GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DRAW"
every time chesed manages to piss off geb she rape corrects him
zenacot putting sheeps under her pillow to gain more abusable Fed powers from demian the sheep fairy
They won't, mods were clipfags back when Hololive started getting popular.
Most of these people were so incensed over Angela and so convinced that Ayin was literally them that they projected their Angela hate onto him. They assumed that he'd never genuinely wish the best for Angela and that at best this would be a plan towards HIS aims- the so-called "plAn"- that she was actually part of.
Ring yi sang posing like dante at the sky asking "what the hell is this " seeing zenya cloudcots
i need summer sault
The silent orchestra :)
everyone is back in hawaii shirts having a good time at a restaurant on a beach perhaps at dusk or eve.
Ryo and Sinclair double naizuri
Lady Binah.
Naoki Ryoshu
Kill yourself faggot
Live faggot
um... meow?
Cheesed to meet you >:)
she aren't human that want to kill human and already has to many blood to redeem
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>youtuber playing Ruina with his gf
>they reach the part where Hook office guys are having fun killing people
>she says how we need to consider their socio-economic situation before we judge them
I hate women.
that's literally Carmen bwo
Its not, kill yourself.
im giving you a chance to say you're just joking around before i call you a retarded tourist
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Say you are joking NOW
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I was just kidding. Have mercy.
Man, I hope Beatrice is an antagonist.
Mostly because I really love the "MC is forced to kill the woman he loves" trope.
Who cares where's Battler
how is that not literally her viewpoint. she loves everybody in the city and thinks they're just killing and eating each other because of their material conditions
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The three REEEtards are probably under the impression that this post >>484470992 is making the claim that Carmen made them murder people
... When obviously the joke was that the gf was acting like Carmen would have. Somewhat.
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Finding more chests to grope
I would like to thank the youtube guides for allowing a brainlet like me to succeed
Bro your Terminus loot?
She is not wrong
...you did do the Terminus fight too, right?
Neither of you played Lobotomy Corporation. Neither of you played Library of Ruina. Your opinions on these games were given to you by Youtube video essayists and Reddit.
Do you think those hook guys would be doing the same things if they were born rich in a Nest retard
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Limbabs fighting and Ruinababs seething
A tale as old as time
Bwo...the terminus...
>because of their material conditions
no, she originally thought they were killing and eating each other because they're all fucked in the head with mental illness. giving the light to everyone doesn't improve material conditions. carmen hasn't actually made any sort of statement about socioeconomic conditions at all, and any assertion that what she did is related to that is, in fact, projecting headcanon.

which is why anon was told to kill himself by claiming that carmen would totally say you need to consider their socio-economic situation before judging them. she wouldnt, she would just say nobody has the right to judge you and tell you to b urself, as she did with vergil, dongrang, angela, and every other instance we know of her talking to people post-LC.
Giving everyone in the city superpowers to resist violence with actually has a lot to do with material conditions
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How comes every Liu male sinner sucks while every Liu female sinner is at least average?
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Get this fag out of the thread
000 benefit, and Ryoshu came out during a point where 00's are more likely to be comparable to mid-tier 000's than to be hot steaming garbage
fucking retard the seed of light goal isn't to give everyone ego way to out yourself as a quadterery go and hang yourself
>encouraging thinking about the setting bad
Cause Greg, Meursault and Hong were released when PM had no fucking idea how to balance IDs.
>Kali, Moses, Donggrang, YuRia, Philip, Dongbaek, Ahab, Vergil, Xiao
The working middle class are far more likely to gain EGO than anyone else. Lower class peons turn into Distortions or Peccatula. Upper class rulers don't need EGO at all.
Old IDs vs New IDs
It's that simple.
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You think they still know how to balance?
kill yourself quintiery
>using an unsourced wiki page as your proof
Holy fuck you're stupid. Please tell me this a joke.
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Nah but they are better, never forget THIS monstrosity.
thanks sisters
I'll never understand the point of tremor bursts that decrease count by more than 1. At first I thought if it decreased count by 3 you'd get three tremor bursts worth of threshold increase but no they just make some abilities an active detriment to tremor stacking.
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You got 3 minutes to explain why did you grab a wiki article.
Lazyness is not a valid excuse.
>The idea was to make it widely permissible, instead of manageable to only a select few such as Kali. In theory, this would give all citizens a proper means to protect themselves, eliminating meaningless deaths in the City.
this stupid theory doesnt even fucking make sense. if everyone has EGO then that means the people that were killing and abusing you before this just got a power boost, rendering your own power boost moot. why do your tourists have to spout the most retarded shit?
Liu Ish is legitimately one of the worst 000 in the game. She provides nothing to the team and her only gimmick is a coin buff SOMETIMES because PM are morons and only apply it on her last coin getting the kill/stagger.
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>reduce Tremor count by 4
If LCCB Ish and Sloshing could be in the same team, Sloshing would just casually undo LCCB's 16/4 with a single s3
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>reddit corp
>library of reddit
shan't be playing
Is she THE worst unit in the game?
yeah its worse than some sinclair units.
Genuinely what the fuck were they thinking here
Wasn't she around the time we also got Liushmael?
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Liu Ish was about a month later, yeah. The ID quality at that time was pretty hilarious
idk, still feel like I'm right and you're wrong, no counter evidence btw
YiSang was decent for deluge memes and HongLu got UT4 fixed.
>if everyone has EGO then that means the people that were killing and abusing you before this just got a power boost, rendering your own power boost moot.
NTA but the Seed of Light project was supposed to also cure people of the "Disease of the Mind" which would presumably stop them all from being murder happy fuckwits
Being cured of the Disease of the Mind and gaining EGO did nothing to stop Donggrang and Ahab from being evil fuckwits. People being murder happy fuckwits wasn't the problem, it was people being completely apathetic and bereft of SOUL that was the problem. Now the murderers are just more passionate about their murdering.
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I just realized the implications of this

>low turn runs fielding 6 level 1 sinners who all get killed on the first turn to farm resources

it's now possible to brick yourself by leveling all of your units
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I slacked off and didn't finish RR3. I also just so happen to have erased my progresss.... any team comps per section? I don't give a shit about the banner but I do want the free 20 pulls from Ahab desu
use pierce/slash whatever for the multi wave fights
use rupture for every other fight
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I still haven't played the event.
>Now the murderers are just more passionate about their murdering.
And therein lies the innate problem with what Carmen wanted to do. By giving everyone access to the Light she just would've empowered everyone for both good and for ill.
Her intentions were noble, but they would've never worked out. Honestly, Angela sabotaging the plan at the end was probably for the best, even if that gave rise to Distortions.

That's seems like a better outcome than just having a city full of superpowered retards now able to do whatever they want.
>Honestly, Angela sabotaging the plan at the end was probably for the best
Tell that Rolands dead wife
tremor don good?
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Oh shit I forgot to do RR1
Dondon very good.
Just because it was the best possible outcome doesn't make it a good outcome.
You have no idea if this the best possible outcome.
None of the EGO users killed 90% of the population of a whole district.
why would angela sabatage is a good think ,when fucking angela try do replicate the exact same shit in ruina in an attemp to redeem herself i swear to fucking god you need to shut the fuck up.
It was already possible before you slowpoke. 3 turn contempt needs very specific leveled IDs for the bleed strat to work. Keep up with the times old man
>You have no idea if this the best possible outcome.
You're right, I don't, but when stuff like this still exists
>Being cured of the Disease of the Mind and gaining EGO did nothing to stop Donggrang and Ahab from being evil fuckwits.
One can assume that if everyone got access to EGO, things would be far worse off as they'd have complete control and clarity of mind to do whatever it is they desired to do.
>why would angela sabatage is a good think
Because then we won't have a city full of EGO users doing whatever they want, and if the Disease of the Mind being cured isn't something that makes them more reasonable, then we'd have more horrible people with much more drive to achieve their goals plus super powers to back them up.
>tremor good
You'd be right, if giving everyone EGO was Carmen's goal and she lacked even the most basic foresight. Luckily it wasn't, and she didn't.
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Yeah, no.
I never said giving everyone EGO was Carmen's goal.
Her noble intentions were curing the Disease of the Mind, but it wouldn't have worked out in the end for the City because of all the EGO users now existing with much more clarity and purpose.
Holy ESL
Be honest, how many of you actually played Lob Corp or Ruina?
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>What a putrid buttload of fuck of an ID. Sloshmael. More like Shitsmell. You may as well have just taken a fat shit for the 3 turns you just WASTED building up your count before you decided to wipe it out with her S3 just like you wipe your ASS. I guess that's why it's her S3, actually stands for Shit 3. I'd rather get fisted by Hurtily than use this ID. You'd see me getting my balls and testicles the takoyaki treatment by Ardor Blossom sooner than you'd see me spend a turn using this dogshit excuse of a unit. If there could be only ONE fucking reason why Yi Sang shouldn't have made the Mirror, it would have been so that we didn't have to witness this travesty of game design. Project Moon. What were they THINKING?
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i beat both and 100%'d both
Prove it
NTA but MoC tried my laptop CPU
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Well I don't know about anyone else, but I know I have.
>Only one person ITT has beaten Lob Corp and Ruina
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this is what I used in feb, but basically just pierce the fuck outta them, bring giga nigger hong or a tank if you're not gonna nuke ahab on the crew fight
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I have 500 hours on Lobcorp and less than a fifth on that on Ruina
I have beaten both, only 100% Lobcorp.
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Feels like taking in Don REQUIRES taking in T Rodion with Effervescent EGO too
God I wish nai_ga would just draw characters in CGs in the LoR CG style if he lacks sufficient time to do full renders. It looks significantly better imo
The story of the robot is so sad.
Why are we getting rewarded for taking the most dickish choices?
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My special wife being the status queen
i dont know why did i enjoyed limbus that much till the point i decided to spent and im usually F2P. so what is the best bang for buck? its the pass right? is it still worth to get now or do i wait for the new season? i've alreeady gone pass lvl 120
Just get the pass, yeah. You'll get ~70 boxes per weekly MDH, with each one being 1-3 shards you'll typically have enough to get an 000 after a couple of weeks.
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Pass is the only thing worth spending money on. Even if you have already filled it, you get all the paid stuff from the previous pass levels retroactively. If you can spare the money, I'd say go for it.
Yeah? I mean it's just collective of sadistic fucks. Nest or Backstreets. Same shit.
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swimsuit banner this summer
Is the new RR tomorrow
>it's for sinclair (again)
>high quality fan art out of nowhere
is this someone who deleted their account in the past?
yeah I hate it :(
probably an artist with a large following that made a separate account for limbus shit
>12 hours later
>same thread is still up
Post Ryoshu's feet to save the game
4 and everybody in this thread are nonaries
120 hours on ruina
youtube for lob corp (sorry im retarded)
So I was playing Shadow of Erdtree and I saw something familiar
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I do not play Limbus Company
Winter Lantern
Limbus Company
How I suppose to figure which Unicorn is the real one?
i found nai_ga's jail cell bars there yesterday as well
I've beaten both. Gameplay-wise I had more fun playing Lobotomy Corp.
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>All this useless babble
I'm not reading it if it comes from /lcg/, no Sir.
So who will be the cancer of the RR this time?
Previously, it was the snake inquisitor with their difference and lack pierce damage
Then Centipede and Steam machine due to immortality
Afterward, Ahab trio if you weren't prepared well + Gasharpoon QQ EGO
Who are we thinking this time?
Distorted Heathcliff
i have admidted that i have beat both ruina and lobcorp and spend 3 year just to complete lobotomy corp
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I genuinely look forward to it then
Just to blare the OST at full volume
I've watched both.

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