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Previous: >>484383068

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Hi wuggers!
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Remember his words
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Erotic slut, built for bearing Chinese God Emperor children
*Lady Arbiter
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Let's continue the discussion here.
You can cook 1 of these daily for 18K shell credits.

Worth it?
Maybe more worth it with higher proficiency?
Wait for a character that gives a boost for this dish?
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No way fag
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Scam food lol
Jinhsi took all my asterite. Fucking whore brought encore along and her weapon took ages. I dont think I have enough rolls for my concubine Changli, anymore. I have encore, but no changli? FUCKING SLUT WIFE GOT JEALOUS OF MY CONCUBINE. THE GALAXY WILL BURN IN JIHAD FOR THIS
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Wugger is our word. You can say wugga doe
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Imagine how smelly Rovers dick must be after not washing it for a 1000 years
I fell bad for Jinhsi...
For me, it's Changli's Changlis
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It's an increase from 20% chance to drop an echo to 70%
It's a fucking steal
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I want to fuck the absolute and utter shit out of this girl
I'd get it if there was a dish that increased the chance of successfully impregnating my monk wife
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I just can't with all these fucking chink names.
If we don't move on from the notChina region soon i'm not even gonna bother trying to remember new characters names.
Someone explain to me why people call her an ntr whore. Pretend i am a 3rd grader who was in a coma for 3 weeks
got anymore of these
Not worth it
Even if it was worth it it's a weekly limited resource on top of costing you money which there isn't enough of
It's not. It's 50% of 20% not +50%. It increases the echo drop rate from 20% to 30%.
this shit is bugged right? when i use the echo one it stops working whenever i teleport
No wonder american math scores are so low...
im never gonna lose my 50/50 for her and i bricked myself with calchudo
>pulls for a weapon called "Ages" (of Harvest)
>complains it takes ages
>complains about more anko
I mean.. you could've lost a lot harder.
If Chixia let her hair down, she would be the most stunning girl in WuWa.
You have to sleep with her to see her like that, thoughever
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NTR smile, also killer body on a pristine white beauty that makes porn addicted Saars and SEAnigs assume she sleeps with black men
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Unnecessary, she's been cultivating her fertility. Her womb has no equal.
She's lived a long time and had a lof of husbands (who are dead).
What the fuck do I do with my wife? She doesnt really fit any teams yet.
anal sex with jinhsi
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just use her where you would use verina in any team. even better if it's a team with dps with big liberation dmg
I dont even know which of the chink abilities are my skill. I fucking hate this translation. Just use skill and ultimate ffs
Bro just look at her face.
see that?
yes, that's right.
If it's not clear to you by now she's gonna cheat on you you deserve to get cucked.
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forgive me!
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A small group of people are addicted to NTR porn
Everybody else finds it repulsive
NTRfags know this and push their fetish in the face of everyone else
They specifically like women who smile seductively like Asuna. Therefore any girl with a similar expression is a prime target to inject their fetish into.
The only cure for this condition is lethal injection
She's best used as a bot for grouping. Best used in tower when there's a lot of enemies you want to group up. Stack as much ER as you can get on her. She's only used for her ultimate.
there's no logic to it man americans are just cucks and force it on every character they like
so cute
the fuck am I going to do with more echoes that I can't level up?
well im off to bust to this image
>white beauty
>Intimidated by a woman smiling
How do you function IRL?
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What's stopping you?
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Good night /wuwa/, I will now go to sleep
Hope you have good luck with echoes, because mine is dogshit
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All anime women are honorary whites
>see a name with x in it
>brain instantly shuts off
why are americans so bad at reading?
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Built for cucking (You)
works great at pulling in mobs, she wont be as impactful in hologram or tower bosses like heron but shes amazing when you have those shitty super-spread mob waves in early tower nodes that waste your time
The kind of person who cuckposts online has never seen someone smile at them before, so they don't really understand what it means.
They don't, they see women as sexual objects
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a sign of the degradation of the burger society
can't think about cuckshit the moment a women smiles at them
it's the burger equivalent of the korean micropenis mental illness
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Yeah haha I wonder why hahaha
that jinhsi image with cum on her face is fucking hot
Why do you think tiktok is so popular there? It caters to the illiterate, ie americans. They can't read.
You're not allowed to sexualize, fap to, or even LOOK at Jinshi unless she's as built as mine.

She is MY women, now call yourself a stupid bitch.
Hmmmmmmm, no.
nice 4/4/1/1/1
>there are no memorable characters in this game aside from the cast you roll for because devs actually have to try and sell them to you
>mostly share similar names

these chink slop games are soulless as fuck.

even the combat is just spam left click and press E, theres no intricate gameplay aside from outros and intros.
Also powercreep is going to be a banger here, I can tell. Devs run out of gas and this turns into PGR where u either roll or might not even login.
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Did Changli groom Jinhsi?
That would be so much better with a crit damage 4 cost.
I have some advice for the actual incels in this thread. If you want to know what a woman is thinking, ignore everything other than her eyes. Her eyes will tell you everything about what she is actually thinking
>he can't even spell the name of his wife correctly
Jinhsi was made for throat fucking and busting on her face
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>imagine thinking 116/120 is a good ratio.
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I'm fucking her right now with a 116% efficiency.
She will be bred by ME.
Which demographic would suffer the most if /vg/ implemented flags?
So what are we playing during the 1.2 dead patch?
jerking off to Yunli's feet.
SEAvermin and spics
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Is this good
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>Flat Def
Into the trash it goes
If you aren't using her signature. Otherwise you really want crit damage for the main stat.
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Fuarking explode!
It would be good if it was crit damage, crit rate is only for if you don't love Jinhsi enough to get her weapon
No. The only way to her build her is
1. Have her sig.
2. 4 4 1 1 1 with both 4 being CD.
You should have >50% crit chance and 300% crit damage.
Then reset challenges until you crit every single time with her nukes.
They'll delete the post to cover it up.
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Imagine wanting to miss all the time.
Absolute bullshit. Show the maths. Her crit rate dropping 20+ points is not worth any increase in crit damage below a 2:1 ratio
as if hoyodrones will care
mihomo could do a collab with Xi Jinping cucking self-insert MCs and the "fans" would still applaud
now post without buffs
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You can do the math yourself if you don't believe.
Do it yourself retard. If you play the game you'll know that if you have a crit rate weapon, always use a crit damage 4*/
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Idiot, you have to remove 100 when following that rule in this game because it shows 150% for base instead of 50%.
which ones have similar names
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>mihomo could do a collab with Xi Jinping cucking self-insert MCs and the "fans" would still applaud
to be fair, it's either applaud or get a massive decrease in your social credits
Top kek, Xi piledrives Firefly in front of trailblazer and reddit will call it peak.
No. It lasts 30 minutes.
Calamity/overlord enemies have pity at every 2nd kill so that's a 10% increase in droprate if you're farming them non-stop.
10 hours of farming=9 hours of farming with food. Which is 18 dishes or 324k shell credits or around 160 waveplates
For elite class echoes the pity is at 4 so it's a (roughly) 15% total increase instead of 10%. Which means 6 hours of farming instead of 7
That's 12 dishes or 214k credits or 107 waveplates
doesn't work when you don't spoiler the image
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>They skipped for the bird
I'm getting filtered by lampylumen
maybe kakarot sucks (I am not bad)
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Bros... Is crit dmg inflated by double in this game? If true im sorry, I never played genshin
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Need Cumellya
That is the easiest D6 hologram in the game, should have nuked Crownless or Thundering nigger instead
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It functions the same but they choose to display it different in the stat menu.
When you crit with 0% bonus crit damage, you do 1.5x the damage. You do 50% extra damage. Genshin only shows the 50% bonus damage. Wuwa shows 150% but you're still only doing 50% bonus damage. It's showing the full damage instead of only the bonus.
Average wuwaretard no wonder you set 21/30 as minimum for tower if most people don't know how crit works lmao
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Bery cool
Practice on the tigers in the overworld until you can consistently dodge them
He's actually 116/70, he's a retard that keeps bragging about his jinhsi when he doesn't realize the base cd is 150 which is effectively 0
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If you're not aiming for high crit rate you're a stupid bitch.

High crit rate is the way to go, it will make Jinhsi feel so much better.
Imagine having to do 3 rotations on a boar because you keep fucking up your crits.
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Theres a datamined cutscene leak where Rover asked Jue about his future with Changli if he marries her and Jue shows him a vision of his future
Hes bathing his and Changli's son when Changli comes back home with another man making out in the doorway,Chungli quickly looks araund to see if anyone is home and doesnt notice anyone then she takes the man to the living room and they undress eachother on the couch
Rover and his son and take a peak through the cracks in the door
Rovers son tried to say hi mommy! but Rover puts his hand over his mouth
Changli undoes the bulls belt and starts sucking the guys dick and Rover drops the soap out of shock
The bull says "What was that?"
Changli looks araund and notices Rover watching and smiles and puts her finger on the lips doing her iconic "shhhh..." handsign
Then Changli tells the bull it was probably the wind and to go back to fucking
Rover jerks off with tears in his eyes to the sight of his wife making whole new moans getting way better dick than he could ever provide
His son decides to imitate his dad and try jerking off too but doesnt like it and leaves the bathroom to go do what mommy is doing
Rover quickly hides in the bath so he isnt noticed and continues watching now both his wife and his son both getting their brains blown out by big black cock
When the sex ends and Changli pays him for his service+tip for fucking her son too and he leaves Rover comes out of hiding to lick all the cum out of his wifes and sons assholes
10.5+6.9+10.5+6.3+22+22+8=86 crit
doesnt add up
Mental illness
Chixia has a random npc with almost the same name
a kid almost shares his name with Jue

I didnt even leave the main city and game already looks like AI slop in quests and NPC names

I actually tried to read through the tacet discord quest where u go fight the Bell boss and that shit is chatgpt I swear lmao
Sephiroth is meh, but you shouldn't be struggling with world bosses
Me on the left
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anon your 22% crit rate main stat on jue?
Not him but Jinhsi has crit traces+Signature weapon as well, although his stats are legit dogshit until he switches to a CD Jue
So what is the actual calculation for crit value? I apologize for getting it wrong before bros, I did not mean to actually inault anybody
Bro, the inherit 5% crit chance everyone has by default???

>his stats are dogshit
>not missing is dogshit
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I don't get it. So Jinshi is now canonically stronger than Jue because of secondary resonance + she now has the temporal mandate?
Rolling for Changli.
ah thats what i was missing fuck
good echoes honestly but fuck mining for that when I could be building other characters
Why are brown people and americans obsessed with ntr*
Unlike genshin the base stats in wuwa is
The 150 is just displaying that your damage does 150% when you crit, so you should aim for a 1:2 by removing the 150% similar to how ER works by defaulting showing 100%.

So if you have CD+CR roll on every substat on your echo + Jinhsi's Signature + Traces upgraded you should aim for something like
70:270-280 CR:CD since your CR:CD is effectively 65:130 or a 1:2 ratio.
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>companion quests for the core cast members next patch
Nice, i hope they also add one for Danjin and Kakarot.
>can't tell the difference between a random npc and a playable character
>can't tell the difference between a dragon and a random npc
your mind is a mystery
Thanks anon. Sorry for being such a fuck up.
When the fuck is illusionary realm coming back
Are you Japs and chinks included in the brown people category?
>removing the 150%
it's 100% retard
The cuckposting has ruined Changli for me
Why have gachas taught me more on statistics and algebra than highschool math?
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I feel like the little niggas are more likely to roll godly subs then any other 1cost
its a hsr fag what do you expect
This anon proves that all you need is the confidence to be completely wrong.
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I been playing for 1 week and my union lvl is 35, i should start using solvents or i save them for later? i have 59 crystal solvents
I like how you also miss a second 3 cost double crit echo.
Worst is, I have two, but they are the same type so I'd lose the set bonus.

PAIN. Don't think it would help me getting star 24 in the tower to get my build actually finished, Spec is resisted and Yinlin is too bad regardless of what I do. I also underestimated Anko dealing with both floor 3's, with a shitty Monk on wind set and a newly built lvl 70 Sanhua with lvl 1 skills on sup set. So I don't have mats for Yinlin to go past skill lvl 6... though again, I doubt it matters. I'm missing close to 30 secs.

Whatever. I can live with 23.
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Ok. As far as I understand I must pull a duplicate of a character to upgrade it. If I got jinshi and I'm at 25 uni level being f2p, how realistic would it be to pull her again enough times to upgrade? Or should I just buy her orbs? Or should I just level rover because she gets free upgrades from main campaign? F2P first time gacha please explain
I know you want people to believe this, but it's obvious that you're still just trying to force your fetish
>Cope reply
lol, should have guessed.
Fuck off amerimutt. I am outside all day and all I have to do is show you my watch tan to prove im white
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Wtf did I just read
yes you go leave the 150% cd in your calculation, I'm sure all your characters are also fine with the 100% ER and you don't need any ER rolls at all.
I don't think she achieved secondary resonance, the temporal mandate was transferred over by rover(arbiter) which bypasses the intended proceedings. Jihnsi was supposed to face off with Jue at a much later timing and with the premature handing over of the temporal mandate, she might still be canonically weaker than Jue, or at least equal.
If you're f2p you need to abandon the concept of limited dupes, they don't exist for you.
I looked at eula guides and even there they still suggest sticking to the 1:2 crit ratio with 70% crit as key target.
my advice is use them when you need them, not when you want to speed up
Don't bother with dupes
I'm gonna S2 Changli but I want to try to full clear tower before her banner, so I need to build a 3rd team.
Should I build Havoc MC or Encore even though I'll probably bench Encore for Changli? I will run them together if that team works but I have doubts.
where is the cope? I just don't understand the problem you are trying to present. it's very easy to not get confused between dragons and npcs
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Yeah its pain...
I'm debating whether to keep farming to replace that piece with a double crit or just move the fuck on.

My autism wants her to be at 100% crit rate...
But I've already spent so much echo exp on this slut I just need to move on.
So she will forever stay without resonance chain upgrades or is it ok to buy her duplicate orbs?
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>actually letting shitposters influence your enjoyment of anything
rookie mistake
It makes me want her more.
You will maybe have enough to buy 1 dupe in 3 years
Forget about it man
Why is leveling skills such a fucking time gated chore in this game? Echoes alone are bad enough.
The value of her dupe is much less than getting more pulls with that currency, as an f2p.
There's no real reason to hoard them unless you have extreme efficiency autism, so just use them whenever you feel like it.
Double skill mat event next week, I'm also in dire need of slimes
first gacha bwo...
F2p never go for resonance chain upgrades
Maxing those out could cost you anywhere from 500-2000$
Just roll for more characters
Not everyone can achieve this. Only rectifier has a 36% crit weapon so far. The rest only go up to 24% and not all character have crit talents. 302 is the highest for a lot of characters.
I spent 200 stamina today at the level 80 map and got 8 gold mats after merging the lower level stuff, I don't think it's as bad as it looks.
why are they fighting tacet discords on the GDQ stream, this wuwa looks a little funny...

Somebody do math on how the distribution actually looks when you factor in the pity
Is Jinhsi worth rolling for if you're saving for Changli? By this I mean will they give out more freebies when Changli comes out? A bunch of people skipped Yinlin to save for Jinhsi and were now proven wrong due to how much free rolls they gave out.
Next patch is 2 homos you will have plenty of time to level your characters :v)
>why is my gacha game timegated
multi-layered masterful strategies, supreme tactical approaches, and never-before seen analytical thinking
>Important! CRIT DMG has base value of 150% and Energy Regen has a base value of 100% when you check them in game. The recommended values below don't include the base value but rather show how much on top of it you need to obtain.
How is everyone in this general so retarded
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How much you wanna bet those 2 homos are going to be MUST pulls and your account forever bricked if you dont.
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That's the goal of shitposting, they're trying to ruin people's perception of Changli. Notice they don't talk about anything that's happened in-game because there's nothing to shitpost about, so they make shit up instead. If you fall for it, you're too immature to function as an adult
It takes 2413 greens to fully max a character. (67 gold, 55 purple, 28 blue and 25 green)
A UL60 run usually gives between 39-48 greens in value (depending whether you get 2 purples or not). Let's say 43 is the average.
That's 57 runs to max a character. 2280 waveplates. 9.5 days.
This is without lucky gold drops. Every gold that drops saves you 26 waveplates.
46 boss drops needed. Let's say 4.5 is the average. 11 runs. 660 waveplates. 2.7 days.
To level a character to 90, get all their skills to 10 with all nodes unlocked, it's around 12 days of farming.

It's actually faster than HSR
skipping Changli for 1.2 homos
you are replying to the shitposter
Actually you should subtract 145% crit damage or otherwise you have a skewed basis for calculation since crit rate is only 5%. If you subtract 145% they're both 5% and then the 1:2 rule applies because they're even.
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so close bwos...
thats pretty damn fast desu, though i doubt this includes shell credits does it?
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Where do I get the dog echo you can ride on, looks fun
People started the whole 1:2 thing based off Genshin's base stats. Which is 5% crit rate and 50% crit damage.
Isn’t their only one homo and a girl for 1.2?
I know, I'm talking to the lurkers and other newfags who might be unaware of how things work in these boards. It's always like 10 to 1 if not more
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Did everyone here fail their math classes or something?
In Genshin best practice was to subtract 45%, which makes crit rate 5% and crit damage 5%. And then you stack your values on top with a 1:2 ratio.
i think there's a 4 star homo too, don't care rolling on all homos
>genshin invented critical hits
Nobody does that. People go by what they see in-game to make it easy to identify. If you have 70% crit rate and 140% crit damage then that's the 1:2 ratio you want.
bait stopped being funny 50 posts ago
>If you have 70% crit rate and 140% crit damage then that's the 1:2 ratio you want.
No because you have inherent 5% and 50%.
70% - 5% = 65%
140% - 50% = 80%
65/80 = 0.8 -> you're doing only 80% of the damage that you would do with an optimal 1:2 ratio
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Reminder that 1:2 ratio for crit is a spook, pump CR as high as humanly possible and get CDMG subs
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You see the guy calling others "Pagther"? This faggot is a Pag himself who commissions blacked porn of her waifu (Raiden), this guy have meltdowns every day on /gig/ (where he calls everone "pag") or spams Yuri and Scat on /bag/, he stopped for a while after he was doxxed by a fucking furry, but the fucking retard tried to start thread wars on /akg/ but in a 1000 IQ move he doxxed himself AGAIN (pic related) and yes, he is the same obsessed schizo spamming "Changli NTR smile KEKEKE", this is probably because the leaks confirmed she is a hardcore for (you) character, so every time you see cuckposting, the word "PAG", Yuri spam or NTR "smile" this is the person (you) are replying.
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No... the 1:2 thing is based on... math
Reminder to go 4/4/4 with your echoes so you can get the highest crit value possible
This, you want reliable crits so you don't waste so much time fishing for your ults to crit in tower. I wouldn't even worry about crit damage% at all before I have 100% crit rate. The 50% crit damage increase is a lot of DPS if you crit all the time.
The commitment to the bait is commendable, here's your (You). Now let's move on.
Don't roll for meta. Roll for whomever you personally want. Roll Jinhsi if you like her but don't roll her because everybody says she's good.
I can't believe more people don't do this
And then they complain it takes too much time to farm echos
>70% CR = fishing for crits
>I wouldn't even worry about crit damage% at all before I have 100% crit rate.
The education system in your nation has failed you
Enjoy your weak basic attacks critting but your ult not critting I guess lol
>how to fail math
you should roll jinhsi regardless because you're bricked if you don't
You went through years of schooling and still don't understand basic math, there's nothing I could possibly say in this short conversation to fix you.
That troon keeps going on about 100% crit rate is the same idiot that kept calling Jinhsi a sub dps brick that does no damage. They changed their stance.
You went through years of 4chan and still don't understand bait. Chill out anon
No, actually I just came here from Reddit this morning. A bunch of /wuwa/ anons reported me and got me kicked out of my comfy reddit mod job.
>high crit DMG
you have to reset the stage when your burst doesn't crit
>high crit rate
complete the stage every time

It's pretty simple retards
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>tfw 1 million jinhsi shoopdanuke
This character is busted as FUCK
Hunting for a specific number is too much investment on one character for me. 70 crit rate is fine I want to build others.
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Math "nerds" are literal gambling addicts, do not listen to the retardation coming out of their mouths. They just want to cum after 10 tower resets.
now you can get a janny job here instead
pays the same and it's 90% the same people
I keked
So is Spectro rover a complete meme cause i have tons of jinhsi reject echos at +20
But I'm not level 90 yet and can't 3* on first try so I'd rather just reset a few times
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Why did you have to wring him dry? Now he won't replenish
Why did they make the new map so much harder bwos? I made a new account and every mob is 5-10 levels on me and I'm dying to elites, while on 1.0 maps they're 5-10 levels below me
I hate echo exp
Spectro Rover had the potential to be really good with the Jué echo from the betas.
But then they completely removed the passive effect on it and now Spectro Rover bends the knee to Havoc Rover again.
Fine I'll indulge you
70 cr 140 cdmg=220 total cv (without your basic 5 and 50,280 with base stats)
Lets assume you have 100 atk
Lets assume you attack 100 times and you hit your crits perfectly
100x30=3000 dmg non-crit
19800 dmg total
Now lets try distributing that 220 cv according to your trash ass formula
5 cr 5 cdmg
+110cv to rate=60cr
+110 cv to cdmg=115cdmg+45 base we didnt count at the start (for a total of 60 cr and 160 cdmg,280 total cv)
100x40=4000 dmg non crit
19600 total damage
Your trash ass formula loses
Now kys
>low crit damage
When you crit you don't do that much damage
alright ill just feed these into my current +20s when the time comes
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Consistent dmg will ALWAYS be better than inconsistent dmg.
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What does this even mean?
People who understand math are LITERALLY the least likely to become a loser gambling addict.
Your image makes no sense either because you're talking to yourself.
>Lets assume you attack 100 times and you hit your crits perfectly
Your logic is completely flawed. You're not ulting 100 times. Maybe 2-3 times per tower floor.

You can sit there for 10 hours with your 70% crit rate and and keep gambling and repeating the floors until all your ults crit.
Meanwhile I'll run it once in 30 seconds because I have 100% crit rate.
>I rather do 10 damage 100% of the time than 50 damage 70% of the time.
sRover is only better than havoc on the side with spectro buff but you don't want to run them with jinhsi so just give them her echos
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>I wanna do no dmg 90% of the time
>I want to do 30 rotations to kill an overworld boar because my crits keep missing
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Exactly. I've always calculated my rolls and planned things out like an autist, and my gacha plans have never gone wrong.
Gacha isn't gambling when you always plan for the worst case scenario.
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We're getting railed bwos... ZZZ tomorrow is going to finish us.
Yeah i completely forgot you could do that thanks
>I'd rather pull a 5* character with 50/50 than have a 100% 5* guarantee
This is what you people actually believe with crit, huh?
Crit is bad, just pump numbers up and rely on raw atk numbers and multipliers
im running 82% crit rate and you meta trannies are just gonna have to deal with it
If people want to run 100% then let them be dumb and wonder why they can't clear the level 100 tower boss with 3 stars.
ZZZ will finish off genshin
Just an example, but I'm not surprised that went over your head.
100% > everything else
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Would you rather have a 100% chance to get a character at 300 rolls
Or a 50/50 chance to get a character at 70 rolls?
New player here. Do I build Danjin S1 and Havoc Rover or Sanhua S3 and Encore for tower.
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After the constant pedoposting as of late I think wuwa needs some rule adjustment regarding underage characters
100% chance at 140 rolls or 50% chance at 70
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>the best team in the game that powercreeps everything else is jinshi with blue fedora man + taoqui lowest tier in prywden both LEVEL 1
if you skip you are mentally challenged
100% easily
I've lost the 50/50 9 times in a row once
That's +5% with the inherent crit rate and if you have a 5* with crit rate skills then it's another +8% so in total you're sitting at 95% which is pretty good.

>300 rolls
Why 300? In tower we're doing the exact same amount of ults.

So it should be:
>Would you rather have a 100% chance to get a character at 10 rolls
>Or a 50/50 chance to get a character at 10 rolls
S3 sanhua is a pretty good rapist to use on the lower levels even as a main DPS
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I need more Changli lewds, pls post Changli lewds!
>Why 300? In tower we're doing the exact same amount of ults.
>So it should be:
>>Would you rather have a 100% chance to get a character at 10 rolls
>>Or a 50/50 chance to get a character at 10 rolls
Are you retarded?
For the 100% crit trannies if you divide 280 CV to max CR you will end up with 100 cr 180 cdmg which will let you deal 18k dmg
That's exactly 10% less true DPS than 1:2 (70cr/240cdmg)
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Can we PLEASE have this rule for Wuwa???
I don't like everyone sexualizing Jinhsi, she's literally underage.
>mod immediately purged for posting like a pedo degen on the very same account
How could they not see this coming?
i dont have the tier 3 skills yet i thought it was only 5% with both
As for who you build first, that comes down to personal preference. I think Encore + Sanhua would be best, because it's faster to build.
Danjin + Havoc Rover needs two fairly good havoc damage sets, while Sanhua can cope with a shitty moonlit set and only Encore needs a strong set.
I like Jinhsi, I just like Changli more. I hate rolling because of "the meta" but I don't want to miss out on her just because I was "saving" when I really didn't need to. They didn't sell 10 radiant tide in the shop during Yinlin's banner for example, nor did they give 5 free radiant tide for a login event. The only people that got screwed so far were people rolling for both Jiyan and Yinlin since they were too close together with no freebies.
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Pretty based. Your image kind of looks like a frog too.
My FUCKING sides. High CRfags are LITERALLY mathlets who are coping because their artifacts rolled too much CR instead of CDMG.
Nevermind the fact that tower floor buffs can easily include CR buffsm quickly overcapping your retarded builds. Or echo cost limits would naturally increase allowing 4/4/3/3/1 builds making CR maxxers even MORE retarded.
Forget first gacha, this must be your first RPG. Hahaha.
I can respect this reasoning at least.
Then I guess I'll change the question
Would you rather have a 100% chance to guarantee a 4* character at 10 rolls, or a 50/50 chance to get a 5* character at 10 rolls?
Because your low crit damage means that when you hit a crit, you won't do any damage.
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Uhh... what kind of etiquette is she going to demonstrate here?
CDMGfags are getting DESPERATE
based frog
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>unironically posting reddit screenshots, of unrelated game at that
You know where to go...
Leakbros, will there be an echo like Jue but for Changli or are we stuck with Inferno Rider?
>Because your low crit damage means that when you hit a crit, you won't do any damage.
I do 3 ults, all crit, all big damage.
You do 3 ults, 1 crits, the others do no damage.

I rest my case.
>cuckfaggots tried to cuckpost with Yinlin
>then tried with Jinhsi
>now Changli
Do you porn addicted degenerates think of anything else other than how a sexy woman is fucking someone else behind your back?? Genuine mental illness and lack of self confidence
stuck until new content
Personally, I like Jinhsi + Yuan + Mortefi
You're desperate because you rolled a good crit rate 4 cost echo and don't want to feel like you lost out because it wasn't crit damage. So you're trying your best to convince yourself that it's actually better. doing whatever mental gymnastics you have to.
Are cdmgfags even aware you get 50% for FREE? compared to only 5% crate? It should be obvious which one is more valuable
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You do 3 ults and none of them do any damage
Every eceleb under the sun is shillin that game, it is what it is.
Lets be clear about one thing, which is the FUN FACTOR and unarguably the most important thing.

If you don't have 90+ crit rate, the overworld is going to feel HORRIBLE with Jinhsi.
Its going to suck for you having to do rotation after rotation trying to kill basic enemies because your crits keep missing.
And the fact you'll be killing a lot of enemies you will be feeling the sting of it repeatedly.
>50% inherent crit damage
That's 50% DPS increase you silly Yapyap.
If you are below 100% crit rate you are not taking full advantage of the inherent crit damage you have.
>50% for free
>want Jinhsi
>spend the 10 free gold blobs
>get Mortefi
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This meant for >>484422134
I love when brainLETS pretend to be smart in MY general.
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All of you are fucking cowards, this is a gacha, if you aren't walking around with 50% crit rate then you're doing it WRONG.
That nexon cash grab is beating even the biggest gacha game that have been ever made
Sounding, obviously
There's a 70% chance you'll get a (You) from me, frogposter.
...oh, you missed. LMAO
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I got a great CD jué, it will be less fun to wait for a great CR jué instead of getting more great stuff, simple as that. I have the sword though.
Reminder that 1 to 1 ratio is optimal
100 CR and 100 CDMG is the most aesthetically pleasing setup
Probably no new echoes until at least 1.3
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from a gameplay perspective you do no damage with changli unless you pair her with another fusion(fire) dps that leaves you with encore lolishit or chixia (lol)

guess who is the only upcoming fire dps leaked

fucking scar

you are watching from a screen how your changli gives all her buffs to scar to do big dick damage

literally cuckolding

what were the devs thinking?
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there both good to build and use but havoc rover+danjin are a biggest cost investment since you need good havoc echo sets for both of them on top of levelling them to 80/weapons to 80 whereas you only need to properly skill/level up encore and you can just slap on moonlit cloud set with heron/turtle for sanhua and not need to focus on maxing her or her echos out
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>still not understanding how maximizing damage works
crit rate should always go in 1:2 ratio -100% of crit damage.
for example optimal crit damage when having 60 crit rate is 220%, and 300% for 100 crit rate.
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/wuwa/ proving themselves to be dumber than /gig/ with this whole 100% crit rate spiel.
That anon >>484414409 does not even have 1:1 which makes his logic even more retarded
You do realise that if you don't crit then your crit damage literally does nothing right? The entire stat is wasted unless you get maxed crit rate first.
1:2 chads are the real gamers (highest DPS)
Crit rate fags are delusional idiots who deal no damage, they are the worst
Cdmg fags are bad, but at least they can cope by resetting tower 300 times to hit all crits and 30* early when they shouldn't be able to
I rest my case
This. Math doesn't help if they fail at logic.
I'm hitting 70%cr and I'm done, any cd I get is just a nice bonus
You got the wrong lizard my dude
My morale is low... I'm a F2P and I want Jinhsi but I somehow pulled Mortefi from the gold blobs. What are the odds I'm gonna get enough blobs to roll her again until the event ends?
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You are LITERALLY the only newfag in this general that thinks "not linking" = "not replying"
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Why are YOU here?
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Why not have both?
This is exactly it.
Missed again LOL
Maybe you should've built 100% (You) rate after all
pulling an off banner mortefi is a big W relax bro, we're getting 10 free gold blobs when the furry game releases in a few days
>I'm hitting 70%cr and I'm done
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If any of you fags haven't realized it yet, this guy >>484422569
is the sub-dps schizo
Stop replying to his bait, he's saying wrong shit on purpose and you're falling for it
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>/wuwa/ mathlet general
Noob here. Is he good? I just wanted the pretty twintails girl...
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The strongest Magistrate
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Yeah. I'm sure Hu Tao wants 100% crit rate and 100% crit damage and not 70% crit rate and 300% crit damage.
>wrong shit on purpose
Let me see you 3 star middle tower with your CRITDMG MEME!!!
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See >>484423281
Enjoy your stay in MY general
I could probably teach these babies, but many of them don't deserve it honestly.
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The missing argument only applies to single damage instance nuke characters, most characters deal damage with multiple hits and those characters maximize their damage with 1:2 ratio. You should aim for high cr > 70% and high cd > 250% anyways.
Why is this such a consistent pattern?
Those skills are fake as fuck
>reset button status?
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mortefi is a 4 star. jinhsi is a 5 star.
Pity is around 66-73. But you could lose the coinflip.

There's enough to guarantee her but you'd need to clear out all the content.

If you just started and want her then just reroll for a few hours until you get her
Both sides are (Me) btw
Impressive, now show the webm of those screenshots being real
We won't leave Yangyang behind right? She loves us so much, surely we wouldn't abandon her.
At some point it is better to focus on attack over CV for damage.
Mugen is coming out this year at least, so the hazing will get split more and more.
Most stupid graph I've seen in a while.
There is no hard diminishing returns on any of the stats, so these numbers are pulled out of some Chinaman's ass.

It all depends on the spread of your offensive stats and is different per character.
frogposter is right for once
>el general verde demoted to cleaning the trash mobs in the lower floors while Jinhsi clears the entire middle tower for full doritos with ease
How will greenman homobros ever recover?
Your odds are 100%
There are more than enough rolls around the map to guarantee her if you're new
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If you don't know you get one 4* every 10 roll like mortefi (with higher chance of the ones listed in the banner, currently sanhua, yangyang, danjin but you can also get 4* weapons), and one 5* every 80 rolls (but you're only guaranteed the one in the banner after getting a standard 5* like verina/monk/... once in this banner or any previous one, so worst case scenario you need 160 rolls for 1 5* like jinhsi, and also your chance improves a lot after 65 rolls so in practice you never actually reach 80).
Nigger gave in and pulled for jinhsi too, lmfao. Brickyan status?
there's also the new madoka game that's basically a copy of star rail, hopefully the shitflinging drives slop rail niggers out
Congratulations, you've finally managed to crit a (You).
But it was not enough damage, so you'll have to restart the tower floor. Better luck next time!
Sex with Camellya, soft sensual kissing with Jinhsi
So should I keep trying for her when I get more blobs? Is F2P even viable for that until the event ends?

No, you're a stupid bitch.
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What's habbenin in this wagger thread?
why do they bother making rules about it? just call them pedos when they post it like normal people do
Also I'm still with the default party, but I pulled Mortefi and Baizhi. Should I replace them with someone? Also who should I pull with the voucher? I've seen people here recommend Verina.
The last shitposting before ZZZ takes all of them
Honestly if you're not that far into the game (less than UL35 or so) then just reroll until you get her.
It's going to be a huge hassle to collect enough asteriate to guarantee her and you might get fucked by bad luck.

If you reroll, you can 100% get her and if you're lucky you'll even get an early roll and will be able to save up asteriate for upcoming patches.
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>doesn't crit
Too bad, you'll have to restart the tower now
Verina and the monk will last the longest meta wise, dont pick the tiger micropenis his DPS is less than encore + calchudo
No amount of resetting will let you do it because you don't have enough damage. 100% crit rate is nice when you don't lack damage. Because you're sacrificing damage for that consistency.
>Jinhsi clears the towers with buffs made specifically for her
You're a dumb hungry fat bitch
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This is some INSANE cope. Did you run out of echo exp?
has anyone tried?
Yes, if you do most content there is a good chance you can get enough rolls, there are tons of rolls early involving leveling up, quests and map exploration (and using the stuff you win from dupes into more rolls in the shop). You can also reroll but that is more tiresome.
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Yeah just keep trying and you'll eventually get her.
If you do end up slacking and don't get her, your progress carries over to the next character banner, so it's fine and you haven't lost anything, but you'll be able to get enough currency by playing the game to get her.
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crit rate memes aside is anyone else kinda peeved how some weapons have a much better crit rate ratio value than others? you can barely eek out 24% crit rate from jinhsi's or the standard 5* sword but yinlin's signature weapon gives up to 36% crit rate
>wuwa releases
>hoyofags and giggers shitpost and troll every little thing
>zzz about to release
>official staff get outed as pedophiles
ntr smile
qrd? lol
Retard Ankoposters are precious
kek when you put it this way
Those weapons have almost 100 more base attack to balance it out, so I think it's okay.
It makes it a bit harder to hit nice looking crit ratios, but base attack is still important.
if you guys want a laugh i just realized i accidentally bought the 1k pack (well it was ~700 since im a vpnchad) guess im in it for the long haul, boys.
It's balanced by the attack stat. Yinlin's weapon has 87 less base attack. That missing 87 can turn into 150 with all the attack multipliers you get.
Imagine how disappointed Bazhi would be in (You) knowing that (You) posted in this clusterfuck of a thread.
What do you mean by reroll? Making a new account and using the free blobs to roll for her?
RIP enjoy your 80k lunites, post your S6 jinhsi
This thread will be full of shitters 70% of the time
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Reddit mod tries to ban cunny posting >>484390392
/wuwa/ anon notices the reddit mod posting about cunny a year ago >>484390708
A different anon starts a rebellion and gets him kicked from his mod position >>484395273

Off topic and irrelevant, but it's a funny side quest.
You create n accounts under n different e-mails, skip the story until you can roll and keep the account that got what you want (the ideal moment to do that will be when you get the 10 extra rolls later this week).
Yes, you can keep creating accounts with the same email by putting a dot somewhere before the @
So if your mail is john.kuro@gmail.com you can create accounts with
And so on

You rush through the tutorial/story until you can roll, use all your rolls and hope you get Jinhsi
If not, repeat with another account
Considering the shitposting from SEAfags we've had to deal with the past month and a half I think it's topical.
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>in ZZZ you only need to parry the first hit of a multihit attack and it autoparries the rest for you
So long gacha Elden Ring
I have a new more casual toy to play with
>can't post characters from the game they're playing
enjoy your HIV and anal worms I guess lol
88 is also the attack difference between a 4 star and stringmaster.
There was a sticky on the official reddit of ZZZ that a mod posted acting all high and mighty that there will be no underage porn
Then someone from wuwa found out the guy's a pedo that commented how he wanted to breed Nahida and there was a shitstorm, the guy got demoted and the post deleted kek
Does it accept the + convention for gmail as well?
holy fuck that's good AHAHAHA
Any character you actually wanna spend all those crack rocks on?
>Retard Ankoposters
That sadly doesn't work, no.
But you can use multiple dots, so j.o.h.n.k.u.r.o@gmail.com would also work
fucking kek cant wait to see what kind of unfiltered autism that game attracts
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I wanted to clarify what was being argued some posts above about crit and crit damage main stat echos.
There is one group of people who do this line of reasoning:
"I can redo any tower attempt where my attacks don't crit as there is no penalty to do so because I have the time."
"I want consistent crits all the time which will result in needing less effort running tower over and over. I will make up any lack of dps with greater skill and mechanics.
Both are not wrong, it's just different types of people who take different approaches to stats based on their time. Using a crit main stat is not wrong if it streamlines your dps and makes it consistent, allowing you to work on your rotation. Using crit damage for more crit fishing is also not wrong if you have the time to fish for it. I prefer more crit and less resets personally but I know some people would just like to see big funny numbers but then reset whenever their ult fails to crit. Who is wrong? Neither party.
That's what I said, "retarded"
maybe changli but i think ill just guarantee any limited ill want for now unless the dupes are completely busted
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why do some lolifags always try to pretend that they aren't, just let it out already
The schizo poster is wrong for being an avatarfag and everyone else is wrong for being a baited dumb cunt. They are all wrong.
But isn't there only a tiny chance to pull her with just 10 rolls? You guys said they're giving out another 10 rolls soon, so I might consider it if I don't pull her then. I'd lose Mortefi and Baizhi but I prefer Jinhsi.
holy frickin epic
I thought it's wuwwer with a hard r
>guy's a pedo that commented how he wanted to breed Nahida
Holy based, me too!
Restart shitters are ALWAYS wrong.
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yes and also make sure to use the rainbow and blue coral to buy the yellow tidepods from the store.
>/wuwa/ anons made a reddit mod kneel to them
You fags alright sometimes
Wait, it's tomorrow? I thought it was the 4th...
You get about 30-35 pulls, 20 from new accounts you can buy 7 from the shop and then you get some refunds with oscillated corals after rolling all your standard wishes + limited wishes as well.

It should probably take 5-7 accounts max if you're only aiming for Jinhsi.
It's tomorrow for burgers and the 4th for everyone else
>just 10
Did you claim everything from the mail? You should have gotten like 30 not including the extra from the store
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You'll get all 4* characters multiple times (since you get them every 10 rolls and there aren't many right now), don't worry about that much when playing the game. Yes, the chance is small (0.8% per single roll) but rerolling enough you're bound to get it eventually (but that's why I said it can be tiresome). For your reference I got her in 141 rolls which is under the unlucky side, but you'll generally want to guarantee a character you like saving for the worst case).
/wuwa/ is really fucking stupid. The whole "/general/" naming convention is supposed to be shorthand for the name of a game's general. This is the Wuthering Waves General, hence it's /wwg/. /wuwa/ is just nonsensical retardation.
you lost most of your credibility after downplaying jinhsi as a subdps only to roll her.
I really hope they put some QoL on the echos interface.
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+25ing this means I will definitely get the weapon from the free 10 weapon pulls and need to refarm a CDMG one doesn't it...
efficiencywise you can just skip refarming when you have enough characters geared up
its not a priority to fine tune characters when most people barely have 1-2 characters functional.

bring back /wwg/
I only rolled her because I need her for spectro events.

Call yourself a stupid bitch with your BRICKLIN.
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Im luckier than 98% of people
>goalposting now
Better stay fresh for your upcoming 1.2 copes KEK
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Yeah that's the whole point of crit weapon
What about limited phone number use?
Don't you have bigger problems to worry about?
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>She needs to be bred
>Nah bro she needs to be put to bed
Normalfags are alright sometimes
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wu won
>well it was ~700 since im a vpnchad
How do I do this? I too have a vpn.
Switch to Japan
Go to https://payment.kurogame-service.com/pay/wutheringwaves/login
Pay in Yen
Holy fuckin based
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Morning Wros (Its 3pm)
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Is it true that we are getting a male support in 1.2? Didn't Kuro learn anything?
so...the avatarfag moved on to posting abby on every shitpost? noted and will begin ignoring.
Cute Yuri OP
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Most of us playing mihomo games too.
So pvp against them is stupid.
Good night. I am sleeping now.
>another one
Kek. Not gonna lie wuwa releasing like a month before ZZZ was a genius move.

Heard so many people say they already have their hands full playing genshin, hsr, and wuwa.
Gacha fatigue trying to convince them to play zzz too
how do you check this
Now show your overall pulls.
Are you a phony reroller or a genuine luckGAWD
its a website that takes your roll list (on pc) and reads the datafile.
if you don't have pc (mobile) you can still do it but its honestly not worth the effort.
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sweet dreams fellow EUbro
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Xiangli Yao is maybe the next character, he's male and we don't know anything else other than this is him in the picture and he supposedly uses guns.
It's also true that we're getting a character called Zhezhi, maybe. Here are their sound effects. When I checked the files myself, one of them was named "bird" and his/her/their/xer attacks sounds bird like as well. https://x.com/PalitoGodd/status/1806511327457718536
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My standard weapon banner is like 52nd percentile luck though
annnnd im done edging to that cum on face jinhsi pic

fuck that was hot.
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Imagine edging to AI slop
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I hear some sort of instrument, chances are female?
Thank you anon
Nice mismatched breast size, retard
Almost 2 and a half hours for that?
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>He doesn't know about the stacked Donut banner coming up in 1.2
You're gonna regret spending your shiny rocks trying to get these literal whos
I'll give you the actual correct timeline
I was browsing /wuwa/ and went to /ZZZ/ to shitpost
Then some guy posted the reddit underage character ban
Then I posted it here to fish for (You)s
Then a /wuwa/ anon found out about the mod's Nahida breed post
I reposted it for more (You)s on /ZZZ/
Some /ZZZ/ anon asked someone to post it on reddit to clown on the guy
I posted a comment
Comment was deleted in 2 minutes and the post got locked but the damage wqs already done
Some other anon made a new post on ZZZ reddit that stayed up for a few hours and the mod was demodded and his account was then suspended
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What did you do to piss off Encore?
will Kuro tone down (You)slop now that Global audiences mogged chink audience, so threads aren't filled with
It was fucking amazing.

The way she's looking at you, implying you but in her mouth and then she finished you on her face and some got in her hair

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>people actually care about posting on multiple different platforms
>i been stuck just here for 20 years
Thanks. Almost bought the 1k pack by mistake too.
This dude is definitely next because they name drop him in the latest story stuff, but who knows what the other character(s) are.
I hope they're actually going to add a new 4* this time, the game needs to pad its roster.
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here you go
Its odd how Women and Homos care so much about Social media nowdays
be careful buying on the website
as you know if you try to refund a wrong purchase it has a high chance of losing your account in gachas.
Why not just make thousands of them with AI?
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Should I be using Verina's coordinated ult and mortefi/yuan wu's coordinated attack at the same time with jinhsi or is there some kind of cooldown for building stacks?
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Who exactly would even be luckier than this
>nibbles your bait
What's the best pull tracker site?
save for homo donut
based loremaster
Just imagine the inevitable waterkuma meltdown kek
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You now remember Danjin exists
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Because literally everyone knows young girls are sexy as fuck
You can't admit it in society though
There is a CD per character but you want to use both of their ults while you field them to make them build forte faster anyway, going into Jinhsi with intro lets you skip the first combo.
I ran out of inhalers so guess she's just fucking dead now.
I wonder what the luckiest persons rolls look like
Does he just pull 10 5 stars every pull?
Yuanwu would be 10x better if he was a shota
obviously, americans hate (you) pandering, CN should have paid up if they wanted to keep it.
thanks much bro
Did you guys see that lolis have less iframes after dodge in addition to running slower?
he obviously bought the account
and good balance
lolis should not be main DPS
It's cooking. The best time to bring it up is 2 weeks later when everyone has cleared most of the content.
Based, why should they be the same?
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I used my second set of free gold blobs.
Got Taoqi and Danjin, but not Jinhsi.
when are the gibsmedats droppin
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Bros... Kuro didn't forget about the clip submission rewards right? They said if you make a clip and post it to twitter, you WILL get 2k funnygems. They didn't forget I hope...
how will they save wuwa since we have 6 weeks left?
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Tell me about Phrolova.
Why does she wear the eyepatch?
everyone uses the ult on cooldown anyhow to build concerto
getting verina's ult to last long enough to get past the 2nd buffer is unlikely though unless its like a partically prepared yinlin or something.
She got her other eye poked out with a cock during a eye fucking session.
Suck tits and lick pits <3
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she will exist for me in all future games I play.
Nah, all he needs is natural colored hair, like black
With these rates you shouldn't expect to get anything until you've spent at least 65 yellow rocks.
im sleepy after busting that hard
is this pic ai
So I'm getting punished for pulling stuff I don't want? Yes I'm new to gacha.
This is why you should always use protection.
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I'm glad I made the decision to get Jinhsi and her weapon, Changli was 100% my go to but they had to ruin her by making her some retarded hybrid dps that needs another dps to function. What a dumb idea for such a sex character.
If you want to get the featured 5* on the banner, you need to do 70-80 pulls. You have a 50% chance of getting that character, 50% chance of getting somebody else.
If you absolutely want the character, you need to be prepared to commit to 160 pulls for them.
Yes, it's a trash system. These are predatory games that prey on retards and people with gambling addictions.
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someone post that picture of all the free gibs we get in 1.1
Can you still do this? I dont have access to the game right now to test
this webm is very cursed
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Why do people who don't know Japanese always seem content to say "ah if you knew Japanese you'd know that their voice acting is overrated" like it's a gotcha?
I know Japanese, I've met Japanese voice actors and been to events to hear them in-person, they're insanely good.
that argument is meant to point out how overacted it is compared to the dialogue. i feel like that's obvious lol
I spent all my free Astrite for 10 more gold pulls. Got Sanhua. I feel like I might be fucked now as F2P, or am I? Someone here said they're giving another 10 gold pulls in a few days, is that true?
Amerifats have been psyopped into hating on anything japanese
Even most weebs are ashamed and would rather tell you to watch dubs
isn't it just preference?
If you spent 20 years listening to anime you will like Japanese voice acting
Projection and cope.
I know japanese but I prefer Nikke's EN dub (EN is my 2nd language)
only game I've ever played with an EN dub that also has a JP dub,it's really high quality
except for redhood
I know japanese and I'm mostly in the camp that japanese is a very boring language once you're familiar with it even though the individuals themselves are skilled at voice acting. Still better to listen to than other Asian languages though.
>am i
limited banners transfer of your progress to the next limited banner
even if you fail to get this limited character you eventually will get someone.
if you want every character you will quit though as its pretty low odds without being a cautious or lucky neet.
Bro, you were supposed to reroll accounts until you got a limited character. Though I'm not too sure that's possible now since I don't know if they still send you 30 limited pulls in the mail for new accounts.
Pulls should be coming tomorrow, no?
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When will kuro save enough money to hire her as a VA?
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They already do, they're just saving her for the right character.
the moment you finally go f2p+ and buy the monthly+BP
If you are an actual new player, even if you're F2P you should hav enough pulls to get Jinhsi before her banner is gone if you actually play the game.
The game has a pity system, at around ~70 pulls your chance to get a 5* go up drastically, you'll probably get one at 71-75 total pulls. If you somehow don't get enough pulls for Jinhsi before her banner is gone, the amount of pulls you did is recorded.
So let's say you stop pulling on Jinhsi at 72 pulls. This means when Changli's banner starts, you'll still be "72 pulls deep." That means if you do a 10er you are guaranteed to get a 5*.
If you lose your 50/50 to a 5* that ISN'T the banner character, your next 5* is guaranteed to be that character. So if your pull a 5* and they end up being Verina, your next 5* will be whoever the banner character is.
Using the same example as above, if you pull Verina on Jinshi's banner, don't pull Jinhsi herself, then do 80 pulls on Changli's banner, you WILL pull Changli.
nyoooooooooooooo my pure white wife wouldn't act like a nigger
I already am, and did the first time top-ups too. Anything to afford rie takahashi
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thank you for your contribution f2p+bro
"untainted purity" my ass
la creatura........
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Anko...? Manko...?
>if you actually play the game
>been playing for about a week and a half
>only explored the first city
>main story stopped at library quest act4 I think
>reddit takahashit
kys hutroon
crownless holo 5 is still raping me i thought this dude would be a pushover.
are you aware that most women do pelvic exercises?
I started yesterday. Got 20 free pulls, then converted my Astrite for another 10. I pulled Taoqi, Danjin and Sanhua in her banner. I think Mortefi as well. Just not Jinhsi.
wtf I rerolled and finished all the main story quests in 2 days
Me and who?
>Im the Camerman
>still no 1.2 leaks
Kusogames needs to learn from mihoyo games do not survive without leaks especially with this patch being 7 weeks
i really hope their patches are just 4 weeks going forward. 7 weeks of nothing will kill me
Also, which newbie pull should I get?
>Jianxin, Calcharo, Verina, Lingyang, Encore
At least 3 anons recommended Verina, but one also Jianxin.
Her kit is kind of a mess. She tries to be a jack of all trades. I think people are coping hard if they expect her to do anywhere close to what Jinhsi does as a dps.
Verina is a must.
test this
not my madam magistrate nuh-uh
she also doesn't pee (or the other p word that I won't even mention in the same sentence as her majesty)
she also doesn't have periods
but she does sweat (a lot), but it smells good and not bad
she is also completely free and pristine of body hair
and her saliva tastes like honey
I don't doubt it. I'm just slow as fuck lol.
doesn't help I started playing kinda late and wanted every banner so I had to use THAT..

Atleast im supporting a good game so its all good
They can't pump out content that fast for an open world game bro
There is still time for her to be adjusted.
Best you can hope for is probably 6 weeks per patch
If you're dead set on getting jinhsi you need to reroll bwo. Guarantee Jinhsi on Reroll, get Encore /Verina on standard 50 roll, guarantee the other. This is the metafag play and most optimal
Theyre all good characters for standard 5 stars its just that lion twink is a little weak
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verina >> encore (especially for changli) > jianxin (might have some use in the future) = calcharo (goes above encore if you have yinlin) > lingyang
Calcs show her around Encore's level. She's basically Encore that has support buffs
it's not like they have to introduce a new region each patch, it can even stay as 7 weeks but they should put in more events and stuff to get the players doing something instead of it being a 5 minute daily game where you just dump your stamina and fuck off
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that's not even a real question anon
I will run Her and Encore together and pretend they're my Wife and Daughter
NTA but i think if they make more fun combat modes like illusive realms and rotate them around it can help
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This brat is always showing her butt to me
If you are struggling with XP rather than tuners (or both), you're a redditor and you should go back.
I like how I can look at other dialogue options that I didn't pick
1.1 beta ended a while ago. I really doubt there will be any more adjustments. You could even view her kit in-game when you played as her during the main story. Her numbers are basically final at this point.
I just got Encore in my last 10 newbie pulls. Should I still get Verina or someone else with the guaranteed?
I might feel more inclined to do it if the deadline is getting close and I'm not pulling her...
Not to mention she's going to be playable in the Illusive Realm. Which starts like what tomorrow?
she is not even attractive, but she got business in the back
Standard 5* gauntlets worth rolling on? Or should I just get another sword?
Get another Encore.
The more copies of the same character you get the stronger the character gets.
You don't delay rerolling, each day you miss you're missing out on daily commissions + union xp and you're wasting all the rolls from the open world you could be saving for your next character. Having to reroll after wasting 20 days on an account + having to do everything all over again is the fastest way to quit the game.
I really hope they put her up as a trial character so i can decide if i like her playstyle.
This one is especially funny. The first option, she responds all happy. In this one, Changli butts in, and JP Jinhsi's voice is borderline heartbroken that (You) don't care about her, just yourself.
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Is this likely the best featured 5* wep we'll get for a while? Do we have an idea of how good Changli's featured will be?
Get the gun. There's no situation where you're gonna two sword dps in the same team. Supports can deal with a 4 star.
get a gun
I don't care if you don't use gun characters it's the best 5* out of all, by a large margin
if you already have it then yeah get another sword
>Not to mention she's going to be playable in the Illusive Realm.
They might just do what they did with yinlin and disable her until her banner starts since illusive realm is for the full patch.
A lot of people are skipping changlis sword because the standard 5 star you can get for free is so good. Her sword is better obviously
>There's no situation where you're gonna two sword dps in the same team
Verina Havoc MC Danjin
They didn't go deep enough or never heard bad voice acting in Japanese. It exists and is obvious at a glance for anyone even vaguely familiar with the language.
Changli's weapon is less of an upgrade from the standard 5* than Jinhsi's weapon.
Danjin is a support. You want her to have as little field time as possible. She's mainly there to give that juicy havoc amp to Rover.
Yapyap is kinda dirty-minded ngl.
It is? Were people not posting here last week about how changlis sword was a 50% upgrade over the standard 5*?
Was that just more fakes from the leaktrannies?
She's confirmed not available until her banner
What is the nature of the relationship between these two?
YangYang wants to give Rover a handjob while Chixia isn't looking
>danjin is a support
30* no limited character clear is disagreeing with you (I am disagreeing with you too)
I'm gonna murder this with my Jinhsi. I had to struggle with the crappy trial characters last time because I refused to pull Jiyan or Yinlin.
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She should repent for being such lewd slut.
>believing shitposts from /hrtg/ raiders
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begone yuricuck
>posting that on a blue board
Fuck wrong link, ignore the other one
You get a good crit sword and gun from standard + box, so you'd want a crit broadblade, rectifier and gauntlet. But it ultimately depends on your characters, stringmaster had more crit rate and was more general, but it is only useful if you have a rectifier dps,
An actual dps can do it better. Danjin is strong but not as strong as an actual dps.
I'm pulling out my ads right NOW!
the dream theme is so random and does not fit in.
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Well shit
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The game doesn't even tag her as a main damage dealer.
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what games would you play with Encore?
Pink haired bird woman is a mentor to white haired lizard woman.
They should add Aalto to illusive realm for trial since no sane mind will be raising him outside of it.
I love these naked dogezas with the clothes neatly folded
In fact pic rel should be Changli doing a naked dogeza while serving us our rolls in a little wooden basket on her knees
Is it worth it?
I pulled all of these today:
>Encore, Danjin (gold), Sanhua (gold), Mortefi (think it was gold), Taoqi (gold), Aalto, Baizhi
And still got the guaranteed newbie roll.
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It was never meant to be a thing.
It was just a playful side thing they added and was going to be a one and done thing.

But chinks love it too much and forced the devs to turn it into a genuine thing.
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Males aren’t for building they’re for sitting in my future dorm system
So this is what the magistrate enjoys doing in her free time...
That was when the 12% bonus was still believed to be crit, it got changed to atk.
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Did you unlock the hidden Ganxue date by buying everything in her shop?
>Fujos sperging on reddit
Classic lol
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Someone actually typed this. This is not a pasta. Someone actually spent the time of their day, wrote an NTR story just to post it on a Vietnamese basket-weaving forum to shit up a video game thread.
What kind of jobless losers with too much time on their hand even do this?
Degredation of society, normies dont belive it because they dont pay attention but there exists major subset of people that play games that are obssesed with getting cucked and like it as such they project it onto any character that comes out, pretty sure japs love ntr.
Its also reason why gacha harem games without cucking are so rare
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The signature is 10% better than the standard.
Forgive him he just wrote GFL 2 plot and is very excited to share his ideas!
Should I get Verina or S1 Encore with the selector?
WTF Why did Solon approve actual porn?
10% is hot garbage, what is Kuro doing here exactly?
If you do not have Verina yet, you HAVE to get Verina.

Verina is LITERALLY the best unit in the game
It's expected, the rest of the standard weapons are just hot garbage since they don't offer crit substats besides the sword/gun.
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Verina by a mile. Sequences barely help Encore.
holy based homo
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This is the true reason they call her the NTR whore bro
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for me, it's her asperger's syndrome
>companion quests for the core cast members next patch

So are Baizhi and Chixia traveling the world with us or not?
>All signatures are like 30%+ over the best R1 4 star. Why are 4 stars so shit in this game?
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Rover my true name isnt Yangyang its...
>those eyes
i bet it sounded more funny in your head
How can Jinhsi even compete with someone like Changli?
I don't think Jinhsi would even be upset about it. She's too selfless as a character. She would want Rover to be happy above all else.
Yangyang is trans?
Changli for rough sex
Jinhsi for lovey dovey sex
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Sooo, um.. What happened to her afterwards?
That's what happens when weapon banners are guaranteed. It's good for whales but it makes it essential for f2ps to pull for atleast 1 5* of each type
Itsa me, WuWario and my brotha WuWaluigi!
In my head canon dragon handled it and just killed the bad guys before anything happend
I'm like 35-40 pulls in for Jinhsi. Wouldn't it be easier to just chimp out and get some Lunite instead of rerolling? I pulled like 8 characters today for free.
No idea how many roll you have, but if you like Jinhsi you can give her one single 50/50 and if she comes she comes, if she doesn't just hold for Changli. That's what I did with Yinlin and I got her.
They talked out their differences and went to the bar to get hammered.
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is your wife all skill level 7 yet?
Why is he so fat
You did 40 pulls and didnt get her?
Like at all?
0 copies?
I did 50 pulls and i C6 her.
Worst case you lose the 50/50 and it takes you like 100 more rolls. Doesn't seem financially worth it compared to just rerolling for a few hours but do whatever.
>I pulled like 8 characters today for free.
4 stars are pretty easy to get it's not a big deal
And miss what? 1 month of progressing? jusy buy a small pack sis
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same energy
I laughed and over 18
Honestly bro if you're rich enough to spend on top ups this early in the game just buy a reroll account. Much better for your sanity and doesn't waste you any time.
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I'm getting there
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If it's your first 5* and you're just getting started rerolling isn't that bad.
Afterwards it's smarter to swipe when you know you have a guarantee rather than spending to lose a 50/50.
At the end of the day it comes to your spending power, how comfortable you are with swiping enough to get what you want and how much you value your time. Remember to spend responsibly.
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excuse me while I kneel to those that reached UL 60 already. The amount of exp needed per union level after 50 is insane.
I dunno how they can afford to upgrade everything though at this point. They are pushing the boundries way beyond what the game can support.
i think the vigor mechanic is stupid
theres nothing interesting about simply having more characters to use
cant wait to move on to endfield or promilia, assuming they dont do similar garbage
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Yes it was. There was clearly too much effort put into it for it to just be a one time thing.
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the beta for endfield was so disappointing (in cn) that they are likely redoing a lot of mechanics as they haven't said a peep since the beta.
hide the hotdog
>atk% before ult damage
based retard
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This is what I got for free, not sure how good or bad it is.
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she poops tho
jinhsi poops bigly
i hope they dont get rid of the bullet speed + reticle when a skill is initially pressed, that shit is nice
It'll get easier as time goes on. The beginning is always when resources are stretched thin the most. Because you have so many characters to raise simultaneously.
the first 3 dupes tend to be garbage for limited 5*, don't bother unless you want to spend 1000 dollars usd.
is the loli gunner leak real
It's bad
Just play a pokemon clone.
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>don't bother unless you want to spend 1000 dollars usd.
Im F2P and i have C6 Jinhsi i didnt spend any money
got every 4 star once you collect chad wu from the tower
The vigor mechanic makes you strategize of which characters to use where. It's not about having more characters. It's about making the best use of your available characters.
post it and we will evaluate
i just started the firmament quest

you say that as if i want to level more than like... 4 characters. i have no interest in the rest
if you are not lying out your ass then you are a sole fragment irregularity that maybe happens once in a hundred million players. That isn't something to count on.
If someone saved absolutely everything up until this point they still would have to had win the 50/50 7 times in a row while avoiding the max pity a few times.
It gets even better
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>Im F2P and i have C6 Jinhsi i didnt spend any money
now tell us the truth anon.
whats the best thing to get from this?
Stop making me want to reroll
for me it's cheeks, ass cheeks
All 4 stars are pretty bad in this game in terms of dps. The best use of 4 stars in this game is utility like faster concerto generation.
I use commando as a cope option for Sanhua
I'm about to do my first Tower of adversity anything i should know besides the obvious?
>Bring 1 good dps, a good buffer and healer
>Consumables don't work
>I can try as many times as i want
seems easy enough i'm lvl 60 on my characters and i got the relics to 25 and talents maxed out.
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dauntless for your cow
Commando is solid but gets replaced once you get the 5 star, maybe jinzhou keeper is 2nd best? theyre all kinda ass
and that would be?
why would you pick that when you get one for free from the inferno rider quest
Commando is a solid 4* sword till you can get the 5* sword from the weapon box
Otherwise Jinzhou Keeper is decent.
Rest are not very good.
You need 3 strong teams to fully clear it. Not that you'll be doing that at level 60 anyway. I think with 1 team you can at best get 15/30.
with enough sequences they are only slightly worse than your FOTM, seriously it's all about them relics in this bitch
damn i never realized aalto had all that, i never pulled him. god bless the homodevs
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refines so your cow gets stronger
A R5 4 star goes from like 20-25% worse to like 15-20% worse. They don't get a huge increase.
Well fuck.... That's a lot of characters.
Guess i'll cope for now with my mini-roster by these standards.
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>genshin had a censor because of this
Im fking happy im playing a game made by straight devs, not pandering to housewifes, kids, or fking lgbt
what's better for jinhsi 4/4/1/1/1 or 4/3/3/1/1?
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Artifacts are fucking bullshit in this game. Crit rolls are too low so 5* weapons are pretty much a necessity.
>You need 3 strong teams
You only need a strong team for the middle tower the rest are free with standard characters
43311 is always better kek.
You just have to be skilled at rolling good subs.
why did you link the word strong with limited? Who said anything about limited?
she is such a hot autist, her outfit is so good
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New loli gunner leaks
4/4/1/1/1 is slightly better if your a whale and have her at S6R5
Otherwise go 4/3/3/1/1 with Spectro/Atk if you have her sig, otherwise Spectro/Spectro
4-4-1-1-1 if you got her weapon, way easier to farm too
Who do i listen to? The leveling cost is too high for me to fuck up.
4/3/3/1/1's alot better than 4/4/1/1/1 but going for 4/4/1/1/1 requires way less retarded autismo mint picking, since all you do is kill boss, alt tab to post on 4chan then alt tab when boss respawns or the loading screen finishes twice
with my two teams I only got 13/30.....my characters are level 70 btw
>wants two upcoming characters
>rolls on the weapon banner
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>invading in elden ring
>come across a gank squad
>run to the farthest edge of the map
>disguise myself
>fire up wuwa

Time for dailies.
im skipping Changli so i can save for her
They still censored her tattoo though
oh yeah, she for sure is.
this is the first game I want to build a lot of characters, although this game is probably the hardest to get a character going due to all the costs lol

hope powercreep isnt hard so when I get these characters built they still have some use.
Relics make up 254 out of the possible 342 cv in the game. They make up around 70% of your total crit value.
2 strongest characters in the game rn are havoc rover and jinshi so level either of those
somehow... I saved it
But i don't have Jinsi... i have the liondance guy and pink loli as my 5*s
A lot of people were getting 21/30 at level 70. It's possible to get 24/30 with 2 teams. The two middle tower stages alone take 10 vigor.
use sanhua with either of those two her outro buffs basic attacks which is most of their damage, then use Havoc rover and someone else for another team
Is that for 4/4/1/1/1? that's not even optimal for a lot of shit.
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dont get baited by people wanting you to level 3 teams up, since you can quite easily solo lower tower modes with a single character when you get to 70/80. You also dont need to invest as much as you think for stuff like jinhsi team since you can leave verina at 50-60 and not be forced to spend resources getting her to 70+ and leave fedoraman at 1 unless you super struggle with not having his AoE pillar. So mainly prio levelling+skilling your main dps characters, your support 1s you mostly just rotate for intro skills and bell/heron you dont need to invest as much into them outside getting the right echo set
What's the ideal reroll strat? I might try it for Jinshi tomorrow.
Here are my current characters >>484441456
Isn't the rover kind of ass though?
The main characters always are does he buff your other units somehow i don't see it.
i have ages of harvest and stringmaster. what should i get from the 5* box?
Rover is cracked, they have a 5 star point buy and good multipliers.
No. 4/4/1/1/1 would be higher.
the regular emerald sword for rover and all the other normal sword users
>start new account
>do story until you can convene
>collect free convenes
>roll for jinhsi and pray you win
If you dont get her with the free stuff just do it again. Not worth it to go out and farm/grind astrite and keep trying.
Thanks that's pretty much the reply i needed but was too ignorant to get to. I get the gist of it now.
>The main characters always are
Not in this WUXIA KINO
Havoc shit out damage

Bro havoc rover is one of the most OP characters in gacha history
Emerald of Genesis desu. Unless you plan to roll changli sig then get static mist. DON’T get the fists
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>isn't the rover kind of ass though
someone that hasn't reached chapter 6 may say this.
Oh that's refreshing, guess i'll dust her off then.
i would never


pull out of Changli
Aren't the odds incredibly slim though? I started yesterday and only got 20 gold pulls for free.
Well starting tomorrow that will be 30, and yes the odds are low. The only way to increase odds is hit soft pity which starts at like 66 rolls....
which echo sets for yangyang?
moonlit so she can ult more often. She doesn't do damage.
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Rover is also cool in general!
>>484444642 meant for
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>Isn't the rover kind of ass though?
>The main characters always are
Camellya is going to powercreep Rover.
oh that was a pretty cool tattoo... shit
her trailer is fking crazy too wtf
by that point we will see an electric rover who will fit into a different team
I'm ~35 pulls in already, so hopefully those 10 do the trick before I decide to reroll.
The standard sword and pistols are usable, as they have CR substat. You only need to pull 1x limited Broadblade, Rectalfier and Gauntlet as an F2P. Not a tall order at all, assuming a year or two time horizon.
Her retardedly high body heat will kill any sperm that enters anyway so there's no point.
>only have 85(100 after skill)/270 on Yinlin with 4/3/3/1/1
it just reinforces my point about needing 5* weapons because subs in this game sucks ass
you will get a average of 1 jinhsi in 10 accounts
thanks anon

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