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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>484259441
Shez sexo
Will book 5 get even just a puppet theater for its TT?
Jesus, Nowischizo is watching /feh/ 24 hours a day to make a new thread?
We'll find out tonight maybe
Other thread is filled with fellatio crew posts
>engage summer all but confirmed
I really want them to go for the soulful route of giving us Diamant + Roy Harmo/Duo or an all male Harmo/Duo. But given that this is IS, it's just gonna be a boring fanservicey Fem Alear + another female.
>does someone with no life do something a no lifer would do
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Doot is here!
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Gullveig -> TMS
Summer banners tend to cover multiple entries so only the harmonic will have Engage most likely
>newfag doesn't know
the fellatio crew is FehOwl, Nachtprinz, Pigzig, and Lyn It
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That would be pretty kino, anon. Would be nice to give Roy a matching summer alt with Lilina and Wolt, too. Shame we won't get it.
This thread is vandalized, retards
move here:
Hmmmmmmmmmmm... nyo
Silhouetes will be on friday and trailer on saturday.
No? They are today. We have the calendar, retard
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It's time for a new Nino alt.
The calendar literally implies they'll be on friday and trailer on saturday, dumbfag.
Kek it's hilarious that fishiwashi thinks anyone will believe this. It's also very funny that you can tell how mad he is that his strategy didn't work
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This is the thread!
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Ike is straight
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Detto Cunny
tempest trial login bonus starts on the 4th, which means the trailer will be released 4 hours before the reset on the 4th. Which means we're getting silhouettes in 6 hours from now
The banner is on the 5th, the same day you're saying the silhouettes will drop

So they're going to reveal the TT banner which shows the units on the banner, then the next day drop the banner, then later that same day drop the silhouettes, then the next day drop the trailer? Bold strategy.
>enGAYge youtube link
Why are you gay? Did your parents raise you wrong?
>why is nowischizo mentally ill
hmm i wonder why
Notice how Raul, the thread cop, is always mysteriously absent when this kind of thing happens
Why did you bring up Nowi?
Stop noticing things
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Imagine Gullveig as a guest character in TMS, like Anna or Ilyana.
Some rival idol bossfight or something, but wears fashionable clothes during the day.
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Frogwife rotomKINO
Can a fat fuck mod get off their ass and delete the other thread already?
They'll delete both for some reason and nowifag will swoop in with a shit thread
We're already in a shit thread thoughever
Who cares the spic's going to shit up whichever thread wins with his obsession against Gullveig he'll never get over because a loser can't become a winner no matter how hard he tries
All threads are shit thanks to him and his crew
kek just remembered that Gullveig won CYL on her first try
kek just remembered that Engage flopped bigly
Based /feh/ anons ignoring nowi slop and using the shez thread
I'm proud of you guys for once
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summer Mist in 2 days
Ike wouldn't be able to control himself
Inb4 “thanks for using my thread, stupidheads!”
When you samefag your thread there really isn't a choice for normal posters.
You're going to reply with schizo babble now.
Ike's gay
Fellatio Crew posts
These are the same person
Kek it looks like Nowifag is unable to samefag his thread right now
Nowifag is unable to battle
You are very normal and don't suffer from a mental disorder
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So who do you want on the new Summer banner?
You are allowed to say "a free skip."
Kek nowitard is the biggest sore loser on this site
Nowi: Time for my thread!

Shez: Not so fast!

Nowi: Errrr who are you?


*Nowi explodes shit and blood as she dies violently*

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big tits
>Free skip
As opposed to a pay walled skip?
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Goldmary. I've promised myself to get all Engage units till I run out of orbs, and she'd make a fine final tribute.
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Sheesh. What a weirdo.
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>Sheesh. What a weirdo.
kek based
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Clarisse summer. Trust me. I can feel it.
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Summer Ranulf Duo with Ike backpack to cuck Sorenfags
If it's Engage I'm skipping anyway
Skibidi, skibidi bop—
Bop, bop, bop, bop
Based, based, based, based
Yes, yes, yes, yes
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Nowifag lost.
Raul lost.
Engage lost.
Book 8 lost.
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>constantly thinking about other men
Shut up tranny
KEK capped his ass
>schizo namefag hours
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Dumb nigger
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>Strategy focused video
>Three Houses shown twice
>Unicorn Overlord shown once
>...Engage nowhere to be found
Umm, engagiekeks?
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Discuss them
Kwll's and Nick's sluts
And you watch them like a good cuck
like all sanakifags and lysithefags are, which i am both yes
Nope. You're watching your thread heroes fuck other girls in your cuck corner like a good little slave.
Maybe if you beg Raul will let you watch him mating press Shamir
>see a picture of two girls
>immediately thinks of men
What do you call this mental disorder?
no im a sanakicuck and lysitheacuck
we lov seeing our waifus fucked by other men be it cyril, kwll, nick, tomrod, etc
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Hee hee
keeeek you're a real freak!
*fires an R-Flare*
What's Engage's death quote?
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Gonna get a lot of mileage out of this
its a very old image
>has less views than number of sales engage got first week
kek call me when 1M people seen it
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>Not even Sakurai the FE lover liked Engage
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Are you prepared for the E!Ike Limited battle in the future?
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i have never seen a tobin anywhere
Emblem Ike Limited Battle with TMS units only. Have fun completing Infernal.
uuh sorry but Maeda will continue to shill Engage in Heroes
sowwy :)
Try Hard
kek based jannies deleted nowifag's samefagged thread wtahc him shit himself and seethe now
is he even in the game? kek
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Based Lysi cameo!
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Anime website, troon.
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Anal slut
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She won
More like Fire Emblem Zeroes! What were they thinking?
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Real talk, I'm surprised James Rolfe never did an episode on FE Gaiden. It seems right up his alley.

Hey guys, it's me, Felix. Since I know so many people who have FEH installed like me lots, I hope you watch the voting gauntlet closely! I'll be trying my best! Engage gauntlets get a lot of attention, with your support I can be as famous as those guys.
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It's doable even on Abyssal. If this does happen, the only problem I'm going to have is what kits I used to beat him.
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Nudist beach Goldmary
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I don't think about you at all
ironic post
meant for >>484424642
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I kinda like Chrom/Sumia
Is Raul okay? Since he suddenly stopped, I worry that he killed himself. And if he did, who's going to make me laugh after a hard day?
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a hard day of being a nerd? kek
miss your boyfriend?
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New Gullveig kino just dropped
post more maybe hel'll give you a pity reply
This is about the best he gets right?
You missed Distant Bonus Doubler, I also would have gone with Pulse Up Blades.
I suppose so. Just make sure to give him those dragonflowers too.
I figured Double 4 is better with his prf special as well as pledge making sure he always can get that special off.
Of course, sitting on a few
Nah, Distant Bonus Doubler is much better.
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Summer Serika 2026
How so? DC seal covers that well enough, I think
I guess you could just run the Bonus Doubler seal if you use the Distant version
>shows Golden Deer route
>show Black Eagles route
>Blue Lions route is a no show
What did Sakurai mean by this?
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Wholesome Midoriko
>the felix hater is having a mental breakdown over felix winning a voting gauntlet of all things

you're the only one who thinks this is a big deal lol
In the Byleth Smash presentation, he said he had trouble pronouncing the names of the Blue Lions, and that they are not actually "Dim-it-tree, Doo-doo, and Ingrit"
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I love my waifu Shamir more than anything

I want to go on a date with her to a concert. I want to hold her during the slow songs and jump together with her during the fast ones. I want to hit up some cheap local pizzeria with her afterwards and drink together with her where we're both sweaty and tired with hoarse voices from yelling so much, I want to drive late at night with her sleeping in the passenger seat as we go back home.

I love her
At least Felixschizo is here. Announcing its arrival as usual. I was worried the thread might be good for once.
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summer shez underboob sweat after a long training session
I'm bored.
Anyone got any new Fehcord leaks?
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there's a new private channel called Alliance and two new users joined, one is named ~Sylvain~ and the other is named pasta. anyone know who they are?
If the channel is private how do you know about it?
He accidentally toggled it, FehOwl says it was like that for an hour but I only saw it for like 3 seconds
I made it up
Post a screenshot for proofs. Methinks you're lying.
Sorry bud I didn't screenshot it during those 3 seconds
when next banner reveal?
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Kek I know you were lying
Shadow tonight, trailer tomorrow.
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So why did you try to entertain me? Knowing I made it up from the start kek
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I just checked and there are no users with those names
they're hidden from the other channels
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You can still see which users live in the server even if they're confined to hidden channels.
You didn't know that so I'm not going to tell you how.
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Thanks broski.
I almost feel bad for FehOwl. He could have had a chill server with /feh/ regulars in it but his lack of social skills failed him.
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So what happened to that Eitri fag? Dude made like 5 accounts and now they're all gone
Saphir. Let's see if the so-called hagpilled people are strong enough for a proper hag.
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Saphir is an anomaly because her age is supposed to be 30's but she looks like she's 60
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Even weirder, she's meant to be Brodian.
The only brown people in the game are the three Solmese royals, and Saphir. Even the retainers from Solm are all white people.
Mr TD won't survive this one
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35 to be precise, but it is also bullshit. It's like she was suppose to be 53 but a dev fucked up and swapped the two numbers and never bothered to correct their mistake.

Jimm uploading a bunch of Julias randomly? NOT A COINCIDENCE
>every brown person must originate from Solm
common low IQ racist L
Should I drop some Fehcord invites?
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>your average turn 1 in 2024 arena

Can feh even get more comfy?
Kek kino
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Silhouettes tonight?
This doesn't really prove what you said in the first post but any extra Julia uploading is welcomed so I won't question it
>all that firstaid porn
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Man, future Emblem Leif is going to look great in FEH...
Thanks Engage-sama!!!!
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I hate loli shit but the schizos always make it win with blatant samefagging
I also want to impregnate this sexy retard
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Why do you still play this kusoge
>more gay fabricated drama
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Breeding like rabbits with my wife Shamir wearing a bunnygirl outfit
FehAnon lost lmao
killed by g
It's clearly all made up from a schizo looking at a few things and making things up while the actual fags are unaware what's going on here kek
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What do you think will happen this chapter?
>Kvasir (forma de la oveja) fixes Kiran and dumps exposition
>Hraesvelgr dies protecting Rataflopskr from Laeradr
Not really. If anyone lose the BILGYEST it's FehOwl.
>mfw he was the only one to boost his server
>mfw no face
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Goldmary will give Kiran a boobjob as soon as she is summoned, right?
I don't know and I don't care. I'm looking forward to book 5 TT story
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What if they don't bring him back? I'm scared bros.
Reginn says Fafnir was kind before he went crazy, but the New Year Fafnir is a total prick.
>killed by-ACK
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She's in
Hey R dawg you still stuck in t21 AR?
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Why is Femleth a groomer?
I'm not a loser who rolls for mythic units I don't care about or a tryhard faggot who has a cancerous defense team so no, I don't get into VoH cause I'd rather use my favorites over using the same cookie cutter team every person who takes a mobile game too seriously uses.
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You're the unpopular one.
Let out a chuckle when I saw the plushie

lmao what the fuck
I would beat her in CYL
Marisabros we are looking pretty good.
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>I'd rather use my favourites
>Still uses dancers every abyssal instead of soulful theme clears like Ray
Imagine the smell
why are clerics so breedable?
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>book 7 retard is retarded
...'t get an alt this year too.
half of them are underage
that doesn't change what i said
>only posts one clear
Come on raulie even you realize how silly you're being.
You can get into the VoH with the free mythics but ok.
Doesn't ray have a bunch of crowns using his favorites in arena though.
Why is this general still a thing
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>can't even 1 Turn the Emblem Celica Abyssal
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I'd need to bless my units appropriately which I don't want to do and I'd also need to have a near perfect defense team which I also don't want because I'm not a cancerous fuck

He's already said he doesn't like Alear and has her legendary+10d

To give Raul, Nowifag and Ray meaning in their pathetic lives
This general exists solely for anons to think that they'll finally be the one to get me to kill myself or delete my save data or whatever but instead all they do is make fools of themselves
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*laugh track*
Lucius and takumi look cute, no homo.
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Just started playing today, I blitzed this section because it said it was the last day, what do you do with the Divine Code? Any other general advice for a noob?
*Takes out my 8 inch bwc*
I'll fuck all the 3 of those femboys, an asshole is an asshole
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No more (You)s for you little tripfag.
Did you do the voting gauntlet quests? You are down 40 red codes and voting gauntlet ends two hours from now. Do at least five battles in the VG for 4 orbs, and win a battle in the VG with each color twice for 40 red codes.
Red divine codes are for a temporary code shop that rotates each month. The brown/normal divine codes are used for the permanent code shop that gains a new set each year.
>any other advice
If you just started then saving for a good 8% isn't bad as filling out your roster is generally more important than +10ing anyone when you have nothing. I have no clue who is on the current 8% besides Celica, so I can't really say if it's worth rolling on. I think the blue units were supposed to be decent. That being said, There are some solid units on the banners at the moment. Summer Gullveig is a solid unit. You don't really NEED her, however, so she can be skipped if you would rather roll on something else. The double special heroes banner has some solid units that you could roll for as well, notably V!Lyon. A counter has finally been released for his bullshit, but he should still serve you well, and if you're brand new then I doubt you will run into people running his counter all the time.
Is it that important you see me click end turn a half a dozen times
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echoes getting content in the comics than the game
>two fucking Mae comics in a row
Are they listening to that guy who bitches about how she's mistreated every banner
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So summoners, would you kiss Celica even if it pissed off Alm?
>I'm tempted
Look I know we call Celica a slut or whatever cause she has like 10 men in her army but come on, do these people not understand her character or something
Neither do you understand your favorite characters since Shamir is a dyke
You +10ed the emblems. It's pretty safe to assume you got a bunch of Emblas when you rolled for Ike. You could have easily just slapped 2 of them with a bunch of Tharjas you have dark blessed as it is, and you'd have enough lift loss to make it at least once, and that's ignoring that some days you just randomly don't even get attacked.
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Nerthuz tiddies
Mae silhouette in the next hour. The Maefag will be ecstatic unless it’s the grail with shit art and weapon.
I'm doing those now.

Will keep in mind. Yeah I'm just throwing orbs out on the beginner gacha to get more people atm.
unless she ends up in the summer banner. pobably not
Rather he just lose hope and kill himself kek
Haha, I get it. They're boys, but with girl hair.
what skills do I hunt for legendary caeda

idgaf really about comp, but may as well get whatever are the best options
Alm will just go to plow Faye like he always does when Celislut whores herself.
clappa dappa doo
Always has been
Mae already made 5 appearances in the 4koma, she's overtreated
>valentia chapter banner
all depends on build. i have

no quarter
flared sparrow
flow desperation
and guidance
So who are we expecting for the next NH
I'm feeling another Dagr and Sacred Stones
I guess Distant Ferocity or Flared Sparrow/Mirror for A, Flow Desperation for B, and Rein Snap/Crux or Guidance 4 for C, No Quarter for Special
what games are we due for?
I would guess Three Houses for the five year anniversary
I refuse to be a cancer to the game and have my defense team as anything other than my favorites
fodlan isn't allowed content anymore because it overshadowed maedaslop
Wish fehfags killed themselves more often when they don't get what they want
Why is nickson still the only one to ever do that
awakening is possibly done for good outside of seasonals.
Rearmed Dagr's mom
Attuned Edelgard with Near Save 4
Attuned Dimitri
Demote Raphael
Thales GHB

ty anons, gl on your next summons
If 3H isn't on summer, it's 100% getting NH
Would you breed if she wanted you to do her goat form on occasion?
Freaky ass
Nta but yes
Though it depends on her size, if she's a giant goat then even a 1 foot cock (impossible) would be too small her giant goat vagina
>Red divine codes are for a temporary code shop that rotates each month. The brown/normal divine codes are used for the permanent code shop that gains a new set each year.
Is that open right now? Can't really find anything in the various menus.
go to Allies>Compile>Limited time
>Nergal and Ashnard are considered Fallen
Are there any major FE that aren't considered Fallen by this standard? Manfroy and Veld I guess?
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I see. Which of these are good? I assume I get to save these for another event even after this one ends?
No, the red ones expire once their season ends. You won't be able to get any of the 300 tier ones in time I think.
I would personally go with NY Kana.
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Remember to do your daily affinity autos, bros. You can still get 7 orbs if you don’t miss a day from this point on.
I don't understand what they intended to accomplish with this snorefest of a mode. Nothing meaningfully changes if you have better affinity, there's no cute moments like in the other snorefest modes like Heroes Journey either.
generally each red temporary set gets 1 months worth of codes, around 700-800, which is enough to buy both golds and the grail units if you get them all, that set stays available for around 2 months. So basically that shop is open for 2 months but only 1 month you will be able to obtain codes for it. After that set rotates out then you lose those codes, and access to that set.
Genuine question. Would you guys actually roll for summer males?
Is it a character I like?
I don't believe I ever have in the past, no.
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Is it over for her?
maybe ike, zelgius, or other cool guys as long as they're somewhat covered like hrid. or if it's literally me who i can ally support with my summer wives.
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Petrafags won
Is left Annette?
Petra and Patty? Lysibros...
Brown summer
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Oh look. the TT male shitter
Who's the other one? Annette?
Obvious Petra but who is the left? It's someone with a braid, probably a loli-adjacent character
Clanne and Petra?
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Uh oh
at least an easy skip character wise
>3H Summer
Instant S-ti-
Only 3 chances left to save this from being a flop.
So the backpack will be 3H?
Welp Navarre and Marisa got the last hour multipliers

>Clanne and Petra
So Engage + 3H, a shame, I was hoping for a Constance + Hapi duo
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Wrong 15 year old
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>Engage lead and 3H backup
Would be funny
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>3H has to bail Engage
Thank us later, Engage. Your game still sucks.
>Nigress and a homo
Is there ever a chance of clanne being a demote instead of grail here, i kind of hope vander would be a grail unit to finish off the lythos chars
I can straight up tell you that left is the demote
Petra getting the fanservice treatment it looks like
If Petra is not a 4* the banner will bomb
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Joining Lyn and Ririna in the 15 year olds in skimpy swimsuits…

>Lyshithea about to get backpacked to an Engageslopper and denied ever getting a Summer alt
>another 3H summer
Free Clanne and 4 star Petra? R-Right?
Tell me that the remaining three are good... and no more men...
how did you get a score of over a million, I only got 960,000 for x800
If it's a male character that either has fodder I want or someone I genuinely want, then yeah I would.
>ugh why does the best selling game in the series keep getting the theme that's designed to make money
Ashe won
Goldmary harmonic
Vander tt+
Timerra won
You get bonus points if you're actually using the unit of the army you're supporting. I have a Navarre plus the 8 times stamina and max flag dumping
Petra looks like she's holding a bow or large dagger
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Eat shit Lysitards
Okay so which 3H girls
A) Don't have a Summer alt
B) Are unpopular enough to be backpacked to FAlear
>3h gets more summer units after years
is this the 5th year in a row they've gotten summer units?
I still can't believe we got a part 1 half Awakening summer where they just chucked on TT Vaike and 4* Focus Olivia, so just keep in mind anything can happen still with how this shit goes
Using the unit you support(Navarre in this case) gives a 10% boost.
It's been nothing but male shitters since Female Kana. This sucks. And no, Candace doesn't count
Yep, I’m rolling. Kinda hope Clanne is the TT, I need a new grail project
clanne seems to be a dagger unit and petra a bow, pretty funny she was a sword user in three houses but they keep her away from it in feh
3H deserves it unlike Engaygeslops
Yes. We are at a point we're almost the entire cast of 3H has a summer alt.
silly the game doesn't tell me that in the ? dropdown.
So this is the inferior summer banner, Gulleveig/Seidr are too strong
Send feedback
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My apologies, Summoner. But we here at Intelligent Systems have already reached our Female Grail Hero quota after releasing Cadance. Enjoy the rest of the Grail Heroes being men for the rest of the year. FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH
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Marisabros... it's time!
Summer Clair makes me feel fine
Blowin through the jasmine of my mind
They're going to keep going until every 3H character has one. Gotta milk that cock dry, as Hilda would say.
>there are games that don't have a single summer alt
>3H gets an entire banner every year
Bernie, Annette, Lysithea, Flayn, Manuela, Anna, Constance, Hapi, Sothis, Monica

I don't think popularity has any bearing on getting backpacked
If I were a fag or a woman I'd be pissed they wasted a male slot on a shota
I thought the summer banners were for selling... this seems like shit
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You can't even spell, you illiterate tard.
popularity doesn't matter they backpacked lucina to mia on one of these
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>Clanne shares his JP VA with Leonardo
The annoying thing to me is that I do want 3H alts, but not the silly seasonals I want the fucking War Time versions.

Are they seriously only going to wait until they are CYL winners to hand them out every time?
hayai tuyoi
>3H usually (only) gets Winter and Summer
>IS shoved Yunaka on Winter
>shoving more Engage on Summer
>all so that 3H can carry it again
Yeah I'm sure Summer Celica or Ayra would sell way worse than *checks note* Petra and Engageslop
Last year Summer 2 was a three game banner

I would guess:
FAlear + 3rd game character
Another Engage girl
Somebody like Lysithea maybe? She's gone a year without an alt
TT: Clanne
Kek idk if you or some other guy literally foreshadowed this and pointed it out when that banner came out
I dismissed it as patternfagging schizo babble....
Please like Tellius :)
This unironically, my favorites should get all the content i want which only i would roll for while everybody else gets nothing
3HRT is getting phased out
>stinky wolf at the beach
Yeah, and it's why the game's revenue is tanking.
Oh thank god *checks wiki page* Clanne got added on a Summer banner what would we ever do if we didn't get every shit Engage character in FEH asap.
Give me that Sommie volleyball, you furry semen demon!
Stop crying
If Clanne is the TT unit, I'm boycotting the TT
>Sexy design
>Atrocious personality
Komuro is a terrorist
It's in the notification for the event, but yeah, they should have put it in the ? too.
Kek Clanne is actually well known
Since he's in the first couple chapters
He's not well liked though. It's just his sister people want to knock up
Let the devs worry about that, corporate slave
The continued failure of Engayge
they are legit killing banners with this shit, imagine if it was easter ivy or yunaka instead of framme
I hate this mentality, they should be using new heroes banners to add unpopular shitters, not wasting seasonals
we've only had male TT units this year, surely this time they'll stop
It's gonna be Citrinne/Constance isn't it?
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Petra's tits look very nice in the silhouette.
Her personality is fine
She's just the standard lady knight character
And she tried hard to come off as cool
Literally the only thing wrong with her is yuritroons trying to ship her with Chloe like some Soleil 2.0
But ignoring that she's based and a great unit in engage, even able to double shit and deal decent damage on maddening
God I hope not, she needs a duo with Hapi.
It will be Rhea / Lumera duo
wow, they really want to punish Engage for outselling that one 3slops banner.
Rhea already "has" a summer unit.
How did Kaga become such a meme within the franchise given what little we actually factually know about him as a person?
You should boycott the entire thing anyway, we don't want Engaygeslop shitting up this game with their presence
We know he's a pedo freak that likes to put hypnotized girls in his game
The prince of nifl sold the summer banner
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>waited months for Engage summer to fuel 3H vs Engage shitposting
>it's a shared banner

Every series has its figurehead to meme on
Mario and Zelda has Miyamoto, Smash Kirby have Hackurai
>they are killing banners!!!!! THINK OF THE SALES BRO!
Not even IS cares about sales, pretending like you do is silly.
Constance's summer alt needs to be backpack'd because she needs to hold onto her umbrella at all times.
Who the fuck is "we" little nigger?
>Shared banner
>Shit characters
So...why do they do this crap? They put one or two Engage units on a random seasonal banner... WHEN A FULL SEASON BANNER, FUCK.
>Mario and Zelda has Miyamoto, Smash Kirby have Hackurai
Zelda's is Aonuma, now that we know Miyamoto bestowed control of the series' direction unto him so that he could ruin it.
Trannies are obsessed with sales since they were abandoned by their parents
they've literally had units at the fastest rate a game has ever received them
the reason they don't get full banners is because the devs know the characters aren't popular and prop them up with popular characters from other games
Yeah but now we can debate which game is hard carrying the banner which is obviously 3H. It sure ain't because of fucking Clanne.
Seems they're too scared to let Engage carry a seasonal all by itself. They've just been getting sprinkled in everywhere while they still trust Awakening and even Sacred Stones with a full seasonal
It's the Tellius strategy
Horrible day for shitposters.
You people and your fucking schizo delusions
Ninja Citrinne/Constance
Summer Citrinne/Constance (post-rape victim)
>We know these characters won't sell
>So we'll throw other characters on the banner instead
It's a parasitecore game like Tellius
IS literally sprinting to put Clanne of all shitters into the game kek
IS: Hmmm how do we sell summer banner? Will they spend orbs on girls with big tits...? Nah, a SHOTA is better.
They're so fucking proud of themselves that they had to put him in the silhouettes over any other character that people could possibly want, fucking egotistical fucks don't know when to accept the fact that Engayge lost
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>ISIS could've waited to put Clanne in next year's Spring banner since Framme has a Spring alt.
>"nah let's add him to one of the summer banners this year"
Genuinely fucking retarded move by ISIS
How many girls is Engage missing?
I’m gathering I have the very unpopular opinion, but I like Clanne and I’m excited for TT Clanne
they could have at least put in Diamant as the male character, the ladies actually like him
Hell yeah Summer Petra, she was one of my big wants. Hopefully her swimsuit is super slutty.
Complete waste of a banner slot and if he's the freebie it's the equivalent of IS spitting in your mouth.
Not even Engagefags like Clanne
Jade, Goldmary, Merrin, Panette, Saphir, Marni
You're a slopeater
That's it. They've added almost every single woman from Engage in a year and a half. They're spamming this game HARD.
>Saphir (lol never ever
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We got this.
Diamant won't sell, his banner flopped and he lost to Felix in CYL
Uhh anon…
Flop status?
Jean's a boy.
It's also notable that like more than half of Engage's cast is in now, but it took 8.5 years for Awakening to finally get its full cast.
>Ashe won
>Petra claims Claude as her perfect husband and would kidnap Claude if she has to
>Ashe is a cuck
>his banner flopped
Lol I guess this is the newest Fschizo delusion after everything else it tried was crushed. Blatant false information
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I like Clanne too, he a cute. Hope he’s a grail or at most the demote.
I know it's Engayge, but he's a boy
Ashebros, our brown princess
Kinda amazing we're already down to that when Fates of all games is still missing 3 (Scarlet, Sophie, Mitama) despite being spammed from the start
Probably should have gone with Goldmary since the Elusia banner skipped her
dog shit banner from a dog shit game
I wonder why he even bothers when everyone knows he's alone by now.
Rather they would've given us Ignatz' taking up a 3H slot so we can have more Engage girls instead
Who the fuck wants a shota in a bikini besides topsana?!
Ignatz is backpacking Fogado
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I meant Jade..............
>all the hype is already gone after seeing it's another 3 Slop summer
Sad! Many such cases!
Goldmary is absolutely on the banner
there isn't any hype in this god forsaken dogshit powerdash ultra AIDS mobage retardbro.
>all the hype is already gone after seeing it's another Engaygeslop banner
Sad! Many such cases!
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If we don't get Goldmary, then we are living in a timeline where ISIS unironically prioritized fucking Clanne to get a summer alt over Goldmary.
We already knew it would be Engage, so there was no hype. If anything, seeing Petra has given slight hope for a second 3H Summer unit. so Lysitheafags have a chance.
Only 3HRT lords sell, and they're not going to be here
Should've given us Jugdral/Archanea kino instead
What if it’s demote Clanne and grail Jean? Why not throw in two shotas, after all?
Clanne's figure and phenotype reminds Maeda of Fjorm while Goldmary's figure and phenotype are it's antithesis
So he went with Clanne
Does anyone have that eitri /feh/fic? I want to read it again.
>IS usually delegates the Heroes summer banner to July
>They know the mainline summer banner is so shit this year they pushed the Heroes lineup 1st
>Cl*nne confirmed
Yeah this banner is a GIGAflop
Manuela is gonna be her backpack
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Why did you assume the shota would wear a bikini? When have they ever done that? You sound like a homosexual trying to look cool in straight if his hetero peers
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I love Shamir so FUCKING MUCH
2 usually outperforms 1, with the exception being 3H Lord Summer (guest starring Tellius). Possibly because you can still roll on 1 when 2 and its orb packs go up.
That said, I don't see this outselling 1 this year. They'd need some insane artists to pull off Goldmary, and even then they'd need a better banner seller, which Engage does not have.
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That's just the mindset of an Engaygie, they want young male kids to grow up to become drag queens like themselves
Just remember, if the banner flops it's Engage's fault, and if it succeeds it is because of 3H.
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*kills your game*
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>inb4 Tellius cameo
You're a fucking weirdo, trans obsessed freak. If I was your dad I would punch your teeth in so you never have a reason to open your mouth
To be fair, every banner with Gullveig has been top-tier for the year it came out.
Navarre beat Felix
Yeah historically I don't think OC focus banners did better than mainline characters did they?
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Shut up Gulltranny
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>Felix lost
Kek guess he's not popular if he's losing to Archanea slop
felixcucks we got too cocky
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>Engage + 3H
Lol, again. Well the expectations from this general are S rank banner minimum right? Otherwise its a flop? Let's see if people really come back or christmas was just a fluke
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Have a look for yourself.
Freyja carried Summer 2 by herself, even outselling the second 3H Summer banner.
Gullveig will basically do the same. Nobody cared about Nerthuz, Olivia was easy to get for any returning player, and nobody talks about how broken Frozen is so we can safely assume everyone skipped even reading Hrid's skills.
I don't think Engage (or what's left of 3H) has the starpower like Freyja or Gullveig to carry a Summer banner this year.
>I don't think Engage (or what's left of 3H) has the starpower like Freyja or Gullveig to carry a Summer banner this year.
they could literally do a summer banner of just 3h cyl winners if they wanted to
>a fluke
It had Edelgard, Dimitri, and both Byleths with great art. It's what banners SHOULD be.
Instead, we get banners starring Chloe or Igrene. No seriously, who the fuck thought Nabata Desert was a good idea for a banner lineup? All obscure married women and one ugly child?
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If the Christmas banner with the lords & Byleth + Yunaka can't break S tier there's 0 chance a lineup featuring Clanne and Petra can
Kek why does this fanbase have the shittiest tastes
>Give Felix a free VG
>Still manages to lose
The continued failure of 3H.
>they could literally do a summer banner of just 3h cyl winners if they wanted to
Yeah but you know they won't. It's Engage Spam Year.
Also, most of the 3H winners have Summers already. It's just Lysithea, Felix, Bernie, and Gatekeeper. They're never giving Gatekeeper anything again, and I feel like the devs just don't like the other three.

I'm sorry that people like the big boobed crazy stepmom over your Tellius character who eats food.
Don't forget all 4 units were powercreep for their time too. Meanwhile even with broken units Engage can't sell.
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Fresh rotomKINO
If they had made the lords their war phase versions, it probably would have reached S tier
3H Lords Halloween. I'm really feeling it.
>Don't forget all 4 units were powercreep for their time too.
Every unit was "powercreep for their time" back then, too. Gullveig crept Ninja Sanaki like a week after she came out! Severa was the new godsword of the month. Arcane Prima is the best axe. Camilla gave everyone piercing back when it mattered. People actually thought for 5 minutes that Attuned Nino would matter, before the Ninja banner happened!
This should've been easy for a CYL winner
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How should I upgrade her? I already have S Fjorm with LF for my godtank needs.
I was thinking No Quarter but not sure about the B skill.
You feel like the devs don’t like Lysithea despite Lysithea being the student that has the most 3H alts in the game outside the Three Lords and tied with Hilda

Bernadetta is also the second most spammed Eagle after Edelgard. What are you talking about?
If you have Emblem Marth you can stack TP4 with that and have an always active No Quarter
>despite Lysithea being the student that has the most 3H alts in the game outside the Three Lords and tied with Hilda
It took her five years to have four units.
If IS liked her, she would have had three units after a year and a half, like Lumera.
>Bernadetta is also the second most spammed Eagle after Edelgard. What are you talking about?
Ah yes, the same "spam" that Dorothea gets; one unit every 1.5 years or so.
Tied with Lumera.
The jump between Sanaki and Gullveig was way smaller then whatever the fuck they were smoking with that Christmas banner
Which makes it even funnier that all of them except maybe Edelgard got powercrept into irrelevancy
The holy trinity is here.
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Hope Micaiah’s not around…
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>The jump between Sanaki and Gullveig was way smaller then whatever the fuck they were smoking with that Christmas banner
Are you really saying that a banner that had two units on it had less units than a banner with four units?
Hell, Gullveig could still kill everyone on the Christmas banner. I used my +1 to sweep that Chain Challenge. The Winter units this year weren't nearly as strong as you pretend they were. You could reliably kill all of them with prior units. It's not like it is now, where even many later units can't kill units like EIke.
It stopped being spam when vastly less popular Engage characters started getting units at a faster rate.
But Sanaki could easily one round Byleth
>Hell, Gullveig could still kill everyone on the Christmas banner
But /feh/ told me Byleth shit on Gullveig.
I'd rather see her get nothing this time around than for her to end up backpacked. Give me a proper alt, God fucking damn it. If she gets backpacked then she's eternally locked out of Summer and might not even get another alt of any theme for the next couple years. Better to wait some more than to be fucked over like that.
Even at the time, it wasn't "spam." People were mad at how slow it was to get the next Dorothea, and that the next one wasn't her Base version.
Meanwhile, we have Bases and Seasonals and/or Legendaries/Mythics for several Engage characters, and we're about to get even more, with a Summer banner next and the Solm banner in September. Timerra is about to have one unit less than Bernadetta got in the span of five years!
How can IS salvage this banner before it flops?
Bulma was underaged when she flashed her pussy at Master Roshi. The man that drew that moment became a legend.
>all of the 3H heavy hitters have Summer units, or are getting an alt next month
>Engage's only shots are Ivy (who already has one), FAlear (who sells less than FShez), or Goldmary
They can't.
It's already DOA.
Petra is the 4*
Clanne is a 5*
The harmonic is confirmed Engage
By removing all Engaygeslop from it and putting in characters people would actually roll for
felix's victory lap was cut short
and now people are going to rightfully blame 3h for the flop.
what went wrong?
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>Jugslop and Shitlius both eliminated
>Faglix too
Pretty much every Elyios character got in this year in some capacity so what other characters could possibly be from Engage on this?
If the Solm girls aren't here, than what theme are they saving them for?!
Karel is Elibe, Felix is Fodlan, Navarre is Archanea, Kagetsu is Elyos, Mareeta is Thracia, Ayra is Jugdral, Marisa is Magvel, and Say'ri is Ylisse. There's no Tellius character on this gauntlet
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Raulypoo was right sending feedback is fun
I meant Thrashit, kek. My bad R-Dawg. Fuck Kaga sloppers.
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straightest firene male
He a F.A.N.
He a F.A.N.
He a F.A.N.
It's funny how they keep using the absolute worst choices for 3h summer banners. They have never missed one time
You saved that to jerk off to
Kek clapped his ass
Imagine losing to Navarre
Don't care about gay coin flip mode
new lysi
>he thinks C listers like Petra are going to carry the summer banner
It's going to flop
3Hfags will blame Engage
Engagefags will blame 3H
Kek this
Literally every 3HRT and Engayge characters that could sell got alts already that would disqualify them from appearing this year's Summer 2
Sorry chud. Your waifu WILL be backpacked to an Engaygie and you WILL learn to love Engayge.
>mrobin and lucina!fmorgan
>next skeb after it is literally kiran/kvasir
oh my god
Freaky ass nigga, he a 69 God
Freaky ass nigga, better stay his ass inside
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Sorry but I'm not going to roll for the upcoming summer. I think I'll skip.
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Felix lost thanks to me >>484266372
you're welcome
>Summer Gullveig ditched the snakes, but still has the gold corruption on her skin
Will the TT+ Gullveig in two years be completely cured? Like, perfect skin, no gold in her hair, etc?

God my dick is so hard right now
You've asked this already, no one cares
If there is no surprise character on Summer 2, I'm going to roll the rest of the way for goat mommy on Summer 1 (already got Gullveig duo early)
Based Petrafag
>the most obsessed bdr
>who cares every waking moment of his life
>pretends to actually not care all along
Make sure to do it the night of the trailer, or after the 2nd banner releases, so that the revenue doesn't spike Summer 2.
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*is your harmoncic*
most likely he isn't an iphone troon so he doesn't even effect the reddit chart to begin with
Byleth has already been a lead and backpack
both byleth's have been a backpack and lead already.
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You ordered an EnGAYge summer banner? Comin right up!
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>>the most obsessed bdr
You mean you?
I don't give a shit and it doesn't matter because , only idiots or streamers burn money for orbs at their retarded rates, such as $75 for a spark's worth of orbs you'd get from saving just half a month.
she finally got her nakadashi lesson
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Summer Manleth chances?
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>Lysithea & Hortensia (Lysithea can only backpack)
>Annette & Timerra
>Constance & Citrinne
>Hapi & Jade
>Manuela & Saphir
>Flayn & Veyle
>Diamant & Felix
>Bernadetta & Alcryst
Take your pick
Hapi and Jade, easy
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I don't have orbs for Jade.
you had your Christmas alt so fuck off
>femleth is there
>lords are there
>his waifu fshez is there
>mshez proves male avatars can get summer alts not just fem avatars
>but engayge presence means high chances of both alears getting alts
>you had your Christmas alt so fuck off
I see that and raise you Nerthuz new years and summer. Same exact timeframe.
Lumera + Mikoto surprise, just like how Easter was a mishmash of games that made no sense.
don't care small dicked loser
You cared enough to reply, mad?
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Sex with Shamir, Tharja, Azura, Kagero, Rhajat, Sonya, Marla, Hestia, Nel, Tsubasa, Kiria, Elly, Mamori, Maiko, Ayaha, Mirage Tiki, Mirage Tharja, May, Rosa, Perrin, and Gardevoir, but not Noire, Morgan, and Kana

Need an aged up MILF banner with Shamir, Nel, Kiria, and Mamori
you NEED jesus nigga
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Okay but since Engage has an all bi cast there would be backlash if we returned to hetshit.
Having this saved makes you weird
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Zenless Zone Zero is almost out bros
Royhoenheim blew his head off with a sawed off shotgun
imagine posting this not knowing that it was made by someone who clearly likes anime (otherwise the character wouldn't be so cutely drawn)
Yeah like that anon that started posting gay porn right away…
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But seriously I love Shamir more than anything and want her to get more alts

Kek you just know he saved all that
When the R is away, the Nam will play
Die in your sleep animal
Namschizo scatposting in 3....2....1.....
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Built for Almyran prince and Faerghus commoner cock
You don't love anyone except yourself, fraud
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Just luckshitted her

what F2Parasite unit uses her axe bet? Grail or normal pool
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If It's petra then does that mean it's BE focused for the 3H part?
Who else from the BE team will be on the banner? the only girl left in BE without a summer alt is bernie, but she got an alt last year.
that's what K-Chuds do when they see the Man from the West
Imagine Petra with Dorothea's fat fucking white milkers as a backpack.
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Valentine Effie is an infantry axe and has a good spread with huge atk. She's pretty old though (almost 1.5 years), but every freebie infantry axe since her had dumped spd.
Speedy units benefit the most, but it's bound to be a massive upgrade for any axe wielder of your choosing.
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Constance is Eagles-adjacent
Unironically I'd keep Echidna's axe over prima.
Yeah, because Elibedev keeps giving the 4* FE6 characters some great refines. They gave Thea fucking Maltet for some retarded reason. I remember when people speculated that Echidna would get an Armads variant.
That reminds me I need to build that Gambit Echidna, even though gambit is crap already
>Engage isn't popul-ACK
>100K likes on official art
Now if only that many rolled on the banners.
tier 4 dodges overall I'd say are pretty crap now because everything now comes with no quarter/spiral 4/DR negation. So it's either running buffer with GR or laguz friend with true DR.
That would made my dick explode

ManyManyLilies won!
I hope the harmonic is 2 men so that 1. I don't have to roll 2. basically guarantees the freebie is a girl
I asked for Constance/Maribelle for years though :(
>before the game came out
so this is the power of engaygies
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Don't forget Silas loves (You)
More proof that Engage would have won CYL7 if it was legible, kek
Some writers, like for Breaking Bad, write the stories as they go, not knowing how they'll end themselves. So they write themselves into a corner and try to figure out how the characters make their way out of it. I think IS is doing the same with skills and game balance. "Oh man but THIS effect NULLIFIES the counter for it! Oh jeez, how will we get out of this one?"
I can already see Falear and Mbyleth on the banner already
2 dead slots for avatar slopping. Great
IS loves going in a loop to come up with cancer mechanics and then selling you the solution once shit starts getting out of hand. Canto control, DR slaying, anti-save, etc.

The latest example is them selling you breath of life 4 to counter the pre-pre-battle retarded damage.
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Good to see Petra finally get an alt.
Dorothea has a summer unit already so actually impossible.
They plan shit way in advance.
By the time we're struggling against Celicalines, they've already prepared a bunch of counters and they're just waiting to release them (possibly right after Celica's first rerun).
>IS: Hmmm what would be the best seasonal banner for Clanne...? Ah yes, SUMMER!!!!

Fuck IS
FAlear + Sothis would be hot
What if I was there with them and my boner was just visible through my shorts
They would call Byleth to beat you up and then have sex with him
Byleth is a woman so she'd only have sex with Dorothea as Petra finds Frog too ugly for her
They would scoff at how tiny your dick is compared to Claude and Caspar and proceed to have sex with them instead
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Why are we getting Clanne instead of Amber or Boucheron, I would’ve easily +10’d either if they were the TT instead…
This came out before Engage came out when some people hoped it was good and then it came out and it was even more ass than people expected
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Summer Petra on her way to leave Summer Ashe unconscious in his own cum!
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Holy FUCK you can already tell they ballooned her thighs up
Can we just remove seasonal inheritables already? Ever since arcane inheritables became a thing all other inheritable weapons have always been outclassed. The very few times one could challenge the arcane still was a niche pick like a wannabe lyon. We're gonna get full arcane powercreep soon anyway and seasonal units with inheritables will never ever be viable because they'll never get a refine after the 3 year gap
Yes? I don't see the problem.
Not him, but he's not saying it's a problem.
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It's THEIR turn.
Just busted a sticky nut strokin' it to gyaru lolis
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Mika Pikazo is a popular artist with a lot of followers. I wonder why.
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Its her turn
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Man, the manga artist is a godsend.
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Don't jinx it. The chances are decently high that they cuck Ashe and have Petra reference Claude being her perfect husband
these will definitely be their swimsuits for FEH which is a pity since Yunaka's hair is hideous

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