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Yeah It's Ours Now Edition

Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148
New Community MvM tour: https://oo.potato.tf
Bot hosters are getting banned: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/37C7-829B-5DE3-CC3B

>Official Sites
Blog: https://teamfortress.com
Wiki: https://wiki.tf

>Frag With /tf2g/
When: Friday & Saturday Afternoon. Check for posts in the thread or be the one to announce.
tf2g's Official Server: (EU)
Ready Up: https://tf2gfragready.b4k.co/
>Other 4chan Servers
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Team Funtress: fun.tf2.host (NA)
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Konata: konata.tf (EU)

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Svy4uc7t
Mods: https://pastebin.com/8Q6bzADk
Preview Loadouts & Skins: https://loadout.tf | https://weapons.tf | https://p337.info/tfview
HUDs: https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/1644 | https://teamfortress.tv/33738
Scripting: https://pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | https://pastebin.com/R7V4cN8S
Trading: https://backpack.tf | https://trade.tf | https://stntrading.eu/ | https://tf2trade.tf/
Stats: https://pastebin.com/0yaDyWb4
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Creators Leaks: https://archive.is/GeYbE
tf2g's Guide to Heavy: https://pastebin.com/Y7ZWgt96

News & Events: https://teamfortress.tv
Lobbies & Mixes: https://tf2center.com | https://pastebin.com/vNTDF4eL
Leagues: https://pastebin.com/UJ9sDAdq

>Previous Thread
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we are so back
I heard that the ban wave has been in the works for like a while now, before the whole fixtf2 shit. Is that true and if so, does that make the fixtf2 thing a pointless endeavor overall?
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No, because for all we know Valve was content to keep taking Valve Time(tm) on it and keeping it on the backburner. FixTF2 probably lit a fire under their ass BECAUSE they have Deadlock coming out soon, and this whole Funko Pop deal, and it would've looked very bad if they just kept waiting on it.
It's nothing but cope to assume doing nothing would've somehow have been better.
I have done nothing but report every profile posted in these threads for three days
Who cares? The result is what matters.
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Kys Shipcuck
Steam friends :)
We will never know when exactly and what (if anything) got Valve to do something, what matters is that they did something
A small part of Mr thinks it could've been "more" effective if they didn't get that fire lit under their ass but they really could've just been sitting on it ready to go for all I know.
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Wouldn't be the first time they pushed out half-baked garbage :^)
But I'm doubtful that they would be as careless this time, especially since we could just a test hamster for future anticheats.
Scoutpauling is peak if you think otherwise you're a faggot
Nigga there was an entire 15 minute short dedicated to it, you KYS delusionalcuck
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Pic is giving rapey vibes
Scout would never hurt Miss Pauling like that, he's a dummy but a good hearted one
>only posts western "art"
Rope yourself already you fucking tranny
she said, posting in a general about a western game
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>Pic is giving rapey vibes
Are all of you from reddit? What the fuck is this nonsense
Still not canon nor romantic at all. Kys Shipcuck
>it's a tranime
Oh no no no no
she said, posting a reddit meme
>Still not can-ACK!!!
He's right tho, otherwise Expiration Date would have been only two minutes long with Scout just assaulting her and Spy watching in the corner while invisible
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>the 15 minute official short isn't canon
Holy fucking cope.

He's literally just holding her over his shoulder and she's embarrassed about it. Nothing suggests an intent to rape, fuck off with your virtue signaling
>tfw miss pauling leaves that and gets shlicked by the administrator
Also nice android phoneposting filename, SEApagpag turd worlder shitskin
Shoulder carry is just a way to carry another person while maintaining a free hand, it's not inherently implying intent to harm. He's in the RED respawn room so it's not like he's capturing her as intel or whatever.
>Hand firmly placed on ass
>Sinister look on his face
>Clearly distressed Miss Pauling not consenting to the whole ordeal
Scout will definitely be hearing from the Administrator about this
>reddit spacing
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
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Xelq0n deez nuts
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It's the 60s, Scout won't hear nothin'
still a pag though
porn addiction general?
pornbrain or bait
this but soldier
Always has been
Yes. See: >>484428186
Pag central
It's a smug look, not sinister. How do you know they aren't in a relationship and she doesn't enjoy it? Stop projecting onto a silly fictional image.

>one single space between quote links is reddit spacing
You don't know what reddit spacing is. You're getting desperate.
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Why are you still reddit spacing, Sean?
>How do you know they aren't in a relationship and she doesn't enjoy it?
Question goes both ways
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Anons, I...
The ScoutxPauling ship is NOT canon...
>so desperate to throw suspicion off himself he's still trying to pretend everything is reddit
Reddit spacing is double spacing between every line, not one line between quotes. Kill yourself tourist.
>miss pauling was originally going to look like this
also i hate file limits
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When your Steam friend compliments your weapon customizations (war paint, rename etc)
>one deleted tweet is more canon than entire 15 minute official short
Holy fucking cope
Deadlock sisters...
they were so close to being this based
solar beam
solar light
>pick tf2 back up for the first time since the 64bit update
>game runs wonderfully
>except a 5 second freeze once every ~10 minutes
what the h*ckity fuck did my 'puter mean by this? happens even on a completely fresh reinstall with configs reset to default.
>guys we le need a cool name for our le new bot system
>I know!!! ooo boy this will rattle their bones and send chills down their spine!
>*thunder crack*
Oooooooo spooooky!! I'm almost ready to shit my pants! Oh no!!!
More like Analgam lol
>trannies still clinging to long-fired "author's" headcanon
>Fruit shop owners
>Prancing show ponies
>Medic's wife
What did Chet mean by this
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They should update Degroot Keep with a moat surrounding the castle with the crocs from Mercenary Park inside
I have watched 0% of the YouTube links posted here.
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I have done nothing but watch youtube links for 3 days
Oh great, another horsecock objector
I'm done with this game
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>erm actually Valve did ban waves in the past so it's nothing new and all the bots will be back in a month and even if they won't there will be no new content so the game is still dead

God are doomers annoying
literally who
He's already mentioned him in streams, I'm sure he won't spare him
stop talking about e-celeb and start posting tf2 porn
The "Objectors are TF2's biggest mistake" guy
My bad, I'll use some horse pussy ones too for variety next time
erm, actually sending hate mail to valve employees will get the game shut down
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Why not both?
post anything but tranny porn you freak
What is Jill's email anyway
He goes by Jill almost everywhere online so you can't find him by name
I'd gladly carry on quickswitch anon's legacy by emailing him every day to bring back quickplay until he does
How many horsecocks do you even have saved
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I want to worship this woman's penis
>30 year old man that always portrays himself as his oversexualized female OC
Bro's 100% in the closet
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i look like this and i say this
At least 20
Bans are taking too long, almost every single cheater i have on my list already traded their unusual and expensive items elsewhere
Don't worry, eriCHAD smith will personally show up to the cheaters houses, eat their dollar bills, pixels on the screen and then vore them in one gulp
a friend of mine that I used to play tf2 with back in the day put she/her pronouns in his name today lads :(
fuck her right in the bussy
Be happy for her...
Weezy's adderall supply ran out, so he had to stop his cheater rampage until he can get some more
he got fat
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Nah. I'm good
5 years till This User Was Last Online
Okay looking back doomposting for eight goddamn years was pretty retarded.
I wasted my life instead of fragging
What’s least cringe? Festive or botkiller on minigun. Been so long since I played
Always wanted gold bot but don’t have a festive yet
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I did some autistic searching around and found him
His real name is John Shoenick, he started working at Valve in 2014, before that he worked for Mozilla. You can confirm this on Valve's website as it links to his steam account
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>started working at Valve in 2014
That explains everything.
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>John Shoenick
n-no, it can't be...
you guys are glad lee hasn't shown up to call jill out
he called bot hosters untouchable to throw them off before the ban wave. he did it.
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Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
>joins valve
>drops comp nuke in the most KINOSOVL game of all time
>moves to another project as if nothing ever happened
Hope this nigga gets permanently reliant on a wheelchair
this butt soldier
>Join community server
>Type !nominate cp_junction_final
>Map cp_junction not found
Another one added to the blacklist, MMHMM!
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>Started working at Valve in 2014
>The first signs of Valve working on something comp-related where from August 2014
Now ain't that interesting
day 1 of emailing john to bring back quickplay
I feel at least somewhat responsible for my friend becoming a tranny. I introduced him to a hobby which he got deep into, ended up befriending genderspecials on d*scord, and ending up as one of them. At least he's not insufferable to talk to and looks like an androgynous glam rock male (sans masculinity) rather than an amorphous blob troon.
Pornbrain is wanting a random woman with zero effect on the gameplay to get added to TF2 just so guys who self-insert as the funny boston man can jerk off to SFM porn and call it official.
TF2 doesn't need romance or the only woman who belongs in it is the announcer.
>Damn, your dog is a slut. Gonna be fucking her all day
what the honest-to-God fuck did Scout mean by this?
>I. Bang. Your. Doggies! I knock them up!!!
what furry at Valve thought this was an acceptable domination line?
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>wanting a random woman with zero effect on the gameplay to get added to TF2
She IS already in the game anon. She even talks directly to you. Do you even play it?
>just so guys who self-insert as the funny boston man can jerk off to SFM porn and call it official.
Literally no one is saying "I want it to be official so I can jack off to it." Hell no one's even saying "I want it to be official" because the only people pretending it ISN'T official are mentally ill troons clinging to a long-deleted tweet from a writer who doesn't even work at the company anymore.
>the only woman who belongs in it is the announcer.
Cope and seethe.
anon pauling hasn't been in the game for like 7 years at least...
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i guess its true tf2 started dying the moment jill joined valve
I ain't reading all that shit. Go menstruate somewhere else.
>I introduced him to a hobby which he got deep into, ended up befriending genderspecials on d*scord
Let me guess, programming, DnD or speedrunning?
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She still has voicelines when you complete a Jungle Inferno contract or have one available.
I repeat, do you even play the game?

Here's the short version:
Cope and seethe.
I did all my contracts years ago, like a non-newfag.
I played it and I agree with everything he says
Game is shit
>she's not in the game! stop wanting her to be added!
>o-okay, but I did my contracts years ago so it doesn't count!
None of the above. Noone here will be able to guess it and I'd prefer not to say what it is but it's not something you'd see discussed on this website.
>added stutter
>assuming I was part of your gay argument
do you ever get tired being this much of a f*ggot?
>valve servers sv_pure was changed around 2014
>first update with cases rather than crates was 2015 and ugly weapon skins was also added then
it all just starts clicking
So there's no way to jerk ms pauling off
fuck this game
>jumps into an argument to argue on behalf of someone else
>self censors the word faggot
I don't know, you tell me what being a faggot is like.
not a fucking argument holy shittttt kys if you don't die fighting in your internet battleground first
Not watching all that shit. Go menstruate somewhere else.
have sex with her
Calm down and take your meds.

I accept your concession.

Good meme regurgitation, did you have any original thoughts to say?
Says the faggot who's only response is to repeat the same "didn't read lol" line. Come back when you grow up.
I’m shagging sniper’s kangaroo wife as we speak
Can you two kiss already
I didn't say that. Also, others saying botlike things doesn't excuse you from not repeating NPC slogans
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if i used a filter to look at this general there would be only 10 posts per thread
And yet you don't . Maybe get a BBC in you first before posting mkay
You would assume by the amount of furries who play this game that there would be more fanart of Sniper’s kangaroo wife because she’s canon but no, it’s all the non-canonical Mimi sentry
>not watching that
>not reading that
Same difference. If you're not going to engage with what I'm telling you then it's not worth giving you a dignified response afterwards. Simple as.
>shounic made detailed videos about TF2’s spaghetti code because he worked on the game and knew the ins and outs of the game
>those videos he made about bugs that would get fixed soon after release were because he could talk directly to Eric/Joshie
It all makes sense now…
As in I didn't make the post, buddy
The same point still applies to you.
>not a fucking argument holy shittttt kys
Equally low effort, do you expect something else in response to that?
You're so mad that I won't engage with your w*man arguments lmfao
What part of I didn't make that post do you not understand??
Sniper’s kangaroo wife deserves better. Why does nobody draw art of her
No, I understand that. The point still stands. Make a shitpost, get a shitpost answer. What the hell do you want from me? To seriously entertain "not an argument kys" with an actual answer?
I didn't make that post idk what you aren't getting
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Remember not to misgender the bot hosters, you’re going TOO FAR
I'm not telling you that you did. You're criticizing me for giving a low effort response to a low effort post. What the fuck do you not understand you ESL shit for brains?
Are you dumb or something
Fuck off retard.
No u
kostamoinen puts her in his videos
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the death of quickplay, whatever happened there?
i got muted :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Is the UI and effects really as bad as people say or is it something you can adjust to with time at least?
Every screenshot or short webm I see of it looks like its trying to assault my eyes
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So I decided to reinstall TF2 cause I got bored. Did fixTF2 actually do anything?
The bots all got banned and for now new accounts are getting auto deleted
Even ones made by people who never cheated so much as once?
Another one added to the mutelist, MMHMM!
They seem to have some way of telling if it's going to be a bot account but I think they have to launch the game first
>reading comprehension
Yes, total bot death
You can also report people and they'll likely get the cheat ban if they done it, I've been reporting profiles in the threads nonstop

He didn't specify, shut up.
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Website got updated
That model is way too good to not be in a bunch of SFM porn.
It's specifically a NSFW Kanga model so I believe it is
Fuck. How do I search for it?
nvm didn't know you meant kanga from winnie the pooh. Too bad the full body isn't as hot as the top half.
>nvm didn't know you meant kanga from winnie the pooh.
Yeah that's what I meant. Kostamoinen reused the model.
>Too bad the full body isn't as hot as the top half.
True, but there is a titty version if you check the modeling credits in
Bros really out here lusting over a fucking kangaroo LMAO
You’re more nasty than Sniper, and he has slept in the corpses of water buffalo
>actually supporting a financial boycott now
Be nice to Sniper's wife.
Yeah it's a huge mess
I'm not exaggerating when I say that a normal fight in Deadlock has 5 times more visual clutter going on than the messiest of Overwatch 2 teamfights, which I also have played extensively (300 hours). It's really really difficult to tell what is going on most of the time
It's a big big mess and I doubt the game will release without a major rework unless they want it to be dead within a week
Why would Valve ban new accounts made by people who have never cheated before? It's an incredibly stupid question to ask.
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The Kunai is fine on spy, even with the DR, and it's cool it encourages a more action style of play thanks to the ability to surf explosions easier
The Short Circuit is fine except when you're on the cart
Huntsman should have a +15-20 hp bonus to encourage more close fighting rather than longer shots
Short Stop needs a slight reload buff
Loose Canon is the highest skill indexed weapon in the game
Ambassador should have damage falloff or a range cap but not both
Buff Banner should have a passive ability to put it in line with the other two banners having passive talents
The shotgun is a better combo weapon for pyro in many situations where the flare doesn't do the job
Heavy needs a subclass or at the very least he needs the ability to put a lunchbox item in primary or secondary slot. Also the steak sandwich needs a buff
Medic is almost impossible to truly balance to make everyone happy
The enforcer should pierce sapper damage reduction on sentries
Cleaver should mini crit on targets with a negative effect
Sniper is reasonably balanced now that faggots are getting banned, but Jarate should be filled by damage caused
Gas Passer needs to have its charge rate increased
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fuck pyros, get head from pyros, etc. etc.
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cute pyro
Are the bots still gone? Thinking of reinstalling
For now, yes
kek I never heard Pauling's lines for soldier. It's a clever way to manipulate him but she does it so indifferently
I like this proposed change for the kunai
though I would like to see it in an actual match, not just against bots like in the video.
he's not banned
There's nothing wrong with deleting a playstyle from the game when it's not how the class was intended to be played, even moreso when that loadout ruins enjoyment of the game for noobs.
why did he attack soldier they're on the same team?
Yiff in hell, tourist.
Yiff in heaven, tourGOD.
we might as well kill ourselves bro
not entirely true they updated maps and some other stuff for competitive players beforehand
the generally underwhelming updates and the shitty cases and skins system do start around that time though. i don't know if you can pinpoint that to jill or just the continuing trend from mannconomy but it got really bad after 2014
can someone point me to the OG source of his clip?, i see this once every thread its so fucking funny
yeah i don't know why valve decided to hire pyro mains to write the lines for that update it really clashes with the general vibe
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nigga can you stop doing the same joke once per thread, we're going to have a boy who cried wolf situation because of you
Rent fucking free he is an honest man now
don't forget scum sucking fruit baskets
he kills people for money and laughs at them the fuck do you mean good hearted
>gay furry cheater
they really aren't sending their best
>if you cheated once in a card game as a kid you should forever be labeled as a cheater
Scout is an egotistical douche who loves killing people with his scattergun and baseball bat and laughing at their corpses. He’s not your quirky uwu femboy. Go back.
found the guy cheating
>Scout is an egotistical douche who loves killing people with his scattergun and baseball bat and laughing at their corpses.
He specifically kills other mercenaries who are trying to kill him (most of whom respawn). He's got more claim to being uwu wholesome than Pauling, certainly, who killed the Meet the Team director in cold blood.
>thinks it was only one person posting when there was clearly a conversation happening
>all it was was discussion about what model was used in a popular SFM video
Meds now
He's not some kind of honorable "only in self defense" guy, he literally grew up in a gang with his brothers beating up people for money.
>most of whom respawn
Respawning is just a game mechanic, respawning has never shown up in the lore. Characters have literally died or had near death experiences before.
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>"oh well they were trying to kill him too"
yes because they're all violent mercenaries hired specifically by shadow corporations to kill people for money in a completely amoral fashion
also nobody acted like pauling was a good person either lol
cheater group
the above i have confirmed as cheaters based on playing with or against them, the last one is (or was) a bot hoster
2 users in the group are already game banned as of 5 days ago
only have 200 hours as spy...
i have to play 800 more hours of this class to be good and do epic trickstabs?
the only people who can consistantly trickstab are cheaters.
800 more hours of failstabs, bumping pyros, and people making fun of me in chat for failing to trickstab them before I can be a real spy main...... sigh.........
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Most well-adjusted and likeable TF2 bot hoster
you're gonna have to become a pedophile. it's the only way to be a real pro spy
ok, where do i go to start this path in my pro spy journey now?
>play spy as it was intended
>feel immersed as the sneaky harassing utility class
>play spy with kunai dead ringer
>feel like dying
>play spy as it was intended
>immediately die after every backstab
>play spy with kunai dead ringer
>chainstab my way to godlike every time
you're gonna have to check out >>>/pol/ that's where they all congregate
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>play gunspy
>have fun
These le self-aware and edgy troons are the most insufferable kind. This guy might be the perfect example for the archetypical terminally online loser freak. You have to wonder, does someone become a nazi-loving transexual pedophile by contrarianism alone or is there some other factor at play?
>play spy
>die to a guy doing windmills
How do we BUFF Spy?
a bunch of retarded gimmick shit that's completely unnecessary and actively makes the game worse obviously
Fix hitreg to prevent failstabs (and facestabs), add speed boost and damage resist on backstab for all knives, rework the kunai and big earner to account for this, and do not give it to the YER but make the YER completely silent and remove its cloak drain debuff. Also revert amby nerfs. Boom, now we have a decent class. If this makes him too annoying then decrease cloak damage resistance.
the other factor excluding IRL circumstances which are the actual cause is 4chan
4chan is a home for contrarians but since contrarians need to be in opposition to majority, they double round and take on even more extreme positions (initally for the lols)
>4chan is a home for contrarians but since contrarians need to be in opposition to majority
I've been under the effect of this myself, as a contrarian, but I just started taking on normalfag positions instead. I like to think this makes me more normal
This video about sums it up
I think Dragon Slayer Minigun looks good/cool
All the Dragon Slayer skins are good because they were custom mapped for each weapon instead of randomly repeated
Why is TF2's melee hitreg so bad? At the time of release, the only important application of melee was Spy's backstab, since melee was an afterthought emergency option for every other class. So wouldn't it have been especially designed with Spy in mind?
Get on castaway…
why not freakaway
I only play on fempyroaway
is there a strange variant of DS?
whats a good cosmetic combo that looks good with purity fist
The deus specs of course
Spine Chilling Skull + Iron Jaw + Purity Fist was popular for Cyberdemons for a while
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Who do you think lives in this house in gravelpit?
anon are you ok why do you live next to a gravelpit
the administrator
who lives in the creepy house...
on cp_gravelpit...
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i do like doom. i was gonna settle for jensen.
Thanks anon
i wish there was a 4th slot
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The dark secret lore of TF2
Trick question, it's nobody's. It's a fake house to make the war zone look innocent
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now make her BLU
objection: its next to a fucking gravelpit
It works just as well as the cardboard cutouts of cows on 2fort
So casual's back, but the teams are so bad that I'm better off staying on community servers anyway?
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meeic booba
exactly, if casual had longer rounds with team scramble and being able to switch teams it would become 100% better
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You’ll have to pry them from her cold, dead hands.
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I've got a question! I watch pro players like Rapha and how they play in Quake games compared to tf2 pro players who play in teams only (obviously), is it possible to incorporate solo quake skill play with tf2? And how so with the way it works? I've only got a rocket launcher and a shotgun and melee after all.
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she definitely gave that *sexdoll* a sausage
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which version do you play on? I play on Legacy because, last times I tried, the Vulkan build will randomly get all stuttery after playing for approximately 15 minutes. The game will play just fine and then all of a sudden becomes a slideshow. I'm on Linux, btw. Playing on OpenGL legacy doesn't have that problem and just works perfect. I'm grateful that the Legacy build is also 64-bit, so I get all the performance improvements that come from that.

I'm curious if there's another reason why one might choose one over the other.
I'd give her mine if she wants
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I want to know what wisdom is in this book bros but I can't find any pdfs and it costs like a hundred dollars used.
Why would Engi be mining with a pickaxe instead of building a machine to do it for him though?
probably not so easily since tf2 is a lot slower of a game compared to quake, but you could just try it in game in see for yourself
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There's a pdf of it and the rest of the books in the series in this thread, along with many other programming books. I don't think the Engineer would know how to pirate textbooks, somehow, not that he would need to.
I like that he bothered recoloring the diamonds into rubies but otherwise stole the render wholesale
gravel addiction?
I need moar cute Pauling x Scout fanart NOW
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Weezy when he has gone on a gambling dry streak for 20 hours (he can go for another 15 hours)
are you the tf2 medic
I look like him
reminder that miss pauling is canonically a virgin and anyone who tries to cope otherwise is a seething delusional incel
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this is everyone who plays uncletopia
I have no problem with vulkan. GPU? Distro? Shit performs a lot better than it did when it was 32bit.
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forgot gif
seething delusional incels triangulated
gravel tasty
I think I would get banned from uncletopia for having a taunt in my inventory named "the jew fears the samurai".
>complains about the current degenerate playerbase
>also a tranny
Whoops, too late! Scout already popped her cherry.
another cheater who is using walls + aim projectile and of course he was playingf sniper
players who don't have anime avatars are worse at the game than the players who do
1000 uncles is fun. You are BLU and you play against a ton of RED Engineer bots spamming sentries who seem to always have 20 sentries up at all times and you have to strategize a plan to defeat them. I was so proud when I convinced my team to spam cow mangler charge shots to disable all the sentries, then I pushed the cart to the final checkpoint.
Sad thing is I’m banned from uncletopia now so I can’t enjoy this fun gamemode. This is like if MvM actually took skill and thought and not mindless gas passer and Scottish resistance spam.
delusional incel cope
Players who don't have anime avatars are less trans than players who do
>I'm bored of this thing, instead of moving on I must cling on to it and try to kill it
I don't get it. Is it a zoomer thing? Can other people not enjoy things you don't? Are you the protagonist that the world revolves around?
He's not bored, he's angry. He lost his bots and his inventory.
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Players who have Konata avatars have more fragging skills than players who don’t have Konata avatars.
FixTF2 status:
I mean before he got banned and when he started botting.
Players who have Konata avatars have more faging skills than ones that don't
multiple possibilities
>1: he was abused/bullied as a kid
>2: power hungry
>3: genuiny just slow
>4: hes miserable himself
Zesty was right about these people being broken because they were diddled
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>i main scout
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A man of culture
Are strange still cool? Idk what modern tf2 trends are.
I heard botkiller fell off.
Stranges are still desirable, yes. They added CS:GO's stat track thing to strange skins so if you have a skin it has a physical display of the kills (although it's a lot bulkier compared to CS's).
You can also get hats in strange and they count points while worn.
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>be anon
>live in a house next a gravelpit
>"anon are you ok why do you live next to a gravelpit?"
>"gravel addiction?"
>"gravel tasty"
>doesn't elaborate further
a lot of the raw aim transfers over but tf2 is fundamentally a game about taking space more than quake is. quake does have a lot of map control stuff but the way pushes and stuff work in tf2 don't really have much in common with 1v1 quake
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I think I figured out who anon is
This but I main heavy
Uhh β€œMiss Pauling is a lesbian” sissies…. We lost
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>your mouth is supposed to move FORWARD
every time
delusional incel cope
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sorry chuds. she's a lesbian.
Give him a kunai that starts him off with 140 base health, but only grants 70 health on melee kills and nerfs his ability to heal from other sources.

Also give him a Dead Ringer that takes twice as long to fully drain its cloak and grants cloak on kill in exchange for meter refill speed, 5 health, and possibly cloak on hits while active.

Maybe we could also give him a shotgun.
The only """evidence""" we have of the ban wave being in the works for years is a retarded dicksucker attentionwhore Youtuber with a history of baiting who rushed to tweet about having "insider information" when the banwave started and then deleted his tweet like an hour later.
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>sorry chuds. she's a lesb-ACK
AI wrote this post.
Spy with a shotgun would be stupid and nobody is asking for that.
Spy's damage ability is fine, and his health is fine. If anything I think his disguising needs some work so it's easier to infiltrate as an enemy, like a spy should.
I saw a weapon idea, I think it was on leddit that was really cool and sort of towards this goal. Replaces the sapper, it's a camera that lets you snapshot some players and then they'd get outlined so you (or maybe your team) could see their movements. It would be a cool utility tool to make spy more of an espionage and information class
while I did say buffing disguising would be good, I don't think there's really a good way to do it. it's not really a buffable mechanic or anything. perhaps you gain a stacking buff stat or something the longer you stay disguised, so if you're disguised for 30 seconds you get bonus cloak regen or something. not a game designer so lot of unbalanced shit but I think there's plenty to do without touching his gun, knife, or health
valve was actually testing something similar to that but on sniper (where it gave him wallhacks. fucking stupid idea lol) but they kept running into issues with the outline glow system
Explain the combination of the Brass Beast, the Dalokohs Bar, and the Gloves of Running Urgently, I’ve heard this is the optimal Heavy loadout but struggle to comprehend why.
You troonies do realize that when lesbians say "I prefer women" they mean, you know... real women. With vaginas and wombs and two X chromosomes. Pauling being gay wouldn't give you a shot with her even in your retarded self-insert fantasies.
I would've expected everyone here to be proponents of the bot hosting movement. This whole shtick you've all got going on now where you find and post bothoster's steam accounts is very troon-like in nature. I don't think you guys are any better than the tranny faggot anymore. You've all lost my respect. You some kinda tranny lovers now? Sucking so hard on girl cock that you've forgotten what side you're on? The bothosters need to get their bots back into the game ASAP to punish you tranny-lovers.
Dahlokos and GRU are easy to explain, by GRU-ing your health down to the minimum you can achieve a near full heal by eating the chocolate and sometimes it glitches and overheals you. I'm not sure why Brass Beast would interact well with that though.
I am a real woman with two x chromosomes and pauling is not my type
but i'd let zhanna tie me up and scissor me anytime
>captcha: MVMT0
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after hours and hours of trying to figure out how to download stable diffusion and make it work on my computer, I got this
I think we are doomed anons, I can't even imagine how realistic AI pictures will look like in about 5 years from now, right now it feels a bit like half drawing half picture but it's maybe the model I've downloaded that does it

And the files are so heavy, I'm using something called SD XL, I might just delete it
See a doctor you dyke, you may have an inability to differentiate fantasy from reality.
>I am a real woman with two x chromosomes
tits or gtfo
Bot troons like tf2cutcontent on suicide watch
they're trolling you
brass beast kind of sucks, chocolate is good but only in specific situations, GRU is actually really good but most people use the fists of steel
Therapists never helped me
This is a blueboard retard
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>I would've expected everyone here to be proponents of the bot hosting movement.
Why? Bot hosting is troon behavior (citation: multiple bot hosters use tranime/furry avatars). Exposing troons is redpilled behavior (citation: I am based and love exposing troons)
>watch fishsticks new video
>he randomly brings up defense funding and lobbyists when discussing bots
Link it on catbox.moe, people have been blatantly linking porn the past couple threads and it never got deleted
tits or gtfo, dyke
>This is a blueboard retard
You can still catbox 'em or link from a red board
I promise not to dox you from your reflection in some background element and the angle of the sun
That's just a false flag operation, like how all those January 6 "insurrectionists" were just lefty libcuck plants. They're not actually troons.
Election year, politics drives engagement
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Troons are men pretending to be women. If you pretend to be a troon, you are a man pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. Effectively, you're still a troon.

Good luck with your bottom surgery, botsister.
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I just use one of the sites that gives you free credits but also has LoRAs because I'm lazy and dumb
coping incel seethe
meds incel schizoid
>I would expect tf2 players to support the trannies who made casual unplayable for years
unfunny troll or dumbest retard ever, call it
>I'm the sane one, he says, spamming the thread incessantly with buzzwords
GRU and Dalokohs synergize because when you eat Dalokohs then switch back and forth between GRU and your minigun, it'll glitch and heal you more than intended. Since Dalokohs also increase your maximum health by 50 points it will help you to hit Brass Beast's 20% damage mitigation when you rev it up at half health threshold under 175 health instead of 150 health.
As for Brass Beast itself dealing 20% damage can be used for sniping and annoying long distances without suffering damage fall off too much. The issue is that you need to back jump rev BB more than intended at the open and have to tap fire or burst fire at long distances. Only when your cover is blown and backed against a wall you may decide to forward jump and rev the BB again but that takes some guts.
To be honest this loadout is not exactly optimal as you really suffer from longer rev up time and at the open you would be an open target unless you stick close to environment and walls for cover.
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Cheaterchads always win… just you wait, legitoddlers
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it's really troublesome to set up, I might just delete it from my computer because it takes so much space, and I have to wait like 4 minutes to get a decent render, like that femscout picture I sent
ugly dogshit like all ai slop
If you want to commit to the bit, you need unusual. Vivid plasma, kill-a-watt, something yellow.

Too bad you will never get it :^)
/tf2g/ - incel schizophrenia edition
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You can get decent results with the online sites. Not as good as setting it up yourself like you did but decent: https://files.catbox.moe/s2yw4f.png
Although I made that one last year which I think was still under SD1.5. I should try it again, haven't used the Fempyro LoRA in a while, would probably come out a lot better nowadays.
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/tf2g/ - trooncel melty edition
my meat when it sees me open the 4th femscout incognito window this night
zoomer seethe made me believe the black rose and poker night items are rare but backpack stats show theres 400k of them lmao
It's literally just latefags who joined post JI upset they missed out and their only options are glitched ones worth 200+ keys
jay could NEVER
>kunai and dr is fine because it makes you not play like spy
WHO THE FUCK is Gay Niggerturd?
Someone who's clearly not in a position of authority considering he left the company
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scout is a pedophile
but he worked on hl alyx doe.
These shitty things are bound to happen, same goes with the hands that look a bit weird.
I think AI will be good the day there will be an actual logic filter that checks out if the anatomy is set up right, it could be difficult to set up and might limit a lot the renders.
He was gone for a couple years, clearly not someone who's reliable for the company or the IP
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>23 year old banging high school girls is pedo
A 23 year old with a highschool girlfriend was normal in the 60s doe
kys pedo
Highschool seniors are 18
he'd be a hebephile at best

it's still normal in 2024 too
cope delusional incel
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reminder that the mentally unwell tranny above me who seethes any time ms pauling is mentioned is also the same person obsessed with bagboy (revealed when he got banned, he'll probably get banned again)
pauling is only a lesbian when scout is nearby
kys pedophile
take your meds schizo
Scout impregnating Miss Pauling and then doing the Shred Alert taunt on yuri-trannies.
delusional incel cope
Congrats on the bots getting banned lads.
I'll still never respect Valve again for letting it go rampant for 4 fucking years though.
Are the bans just automated based on "x amount of reports in <timeframe>" like Blizzard bans now? Or does Valve have a jannie manually banning shit?
Seems like there's a janny, some profiles that got posted here and report 3 days ago only just got banned while some got banned within a day of the banwave starting
How the fuck do i blacklist Pedotopia from Masterconfig Quickplay?

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