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Previous: >>484411117

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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You forgot me
>salesfag OP
This one
I don’t want to use the sales shitter OP…
>March 7th's companion waste
Man that was such a waste of time.
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This is the one
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Tingyunschizo my beloved
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She'll be there for Space China pt. 2 right?
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Yeah, I’m using this one
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>Jingloo mentioned
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Who was this again?
I'm glad I've only rolled her cone and none of her eidolons, the buyer's remorse would have destroyed me
Firefly love
Why are we so slow now?
Firefly potentially sold more than Acheron but we'll never know. And if she had the same privileges Acheron had, she certainly would have sold more.
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How do we feel about Maid March 7th now that we know she's coming soon?
>insecure giggers got btfo in sales after mocking Firefly since Penacony so they made different thread to hide their shame
But seriously what happened to WuWa?
Seems popular on Social media.
ZZZ's release is imminent and Genshin is going through a big melty because of the new game mode being gay. You should be able to figure out where most people are considering how many crossposters there are among hoyoslop.
mmmmmmmmmmh sweetie you ok there? it's obviously Luocha's fault there
if your dailies aren't autoplay nobody is playing your cell phone game every day
Getting a second wind. After that, who knows. From interviews they flat out mention that they're working around Mihoyo's games because they can't compete.
this is my hill, it was made for me

and I will die on it
Wuwa doesn't seem to be doing too great in China since it doesn't work on phones and the chinks are hypercritical. Probably some of them are being filtered since the combat requires a little bit of skill, too.
I doubt it'll keep beating Genshin globally, especially next patch, but it seems to be a rare gacha where people outside of China like it, apparently the gooks really love it.
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>I would make a wonderful wife
>But seriously what happened to WuWa?
What about it?
It's basically a better Genshin.
did something happened to wuwa?
we love Guina here
Stop calling me sis. Fuck you.
Space brit larping as chink doesn't count
>But seriously what happened to WuWa?
sponsorship agreements ran out
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Okay cyst.
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Which character do you look at like a tasty cheeseburger?
Having that time of the month, sis?
I'm so lucky bros
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Your reverse psychology won't work on me tranny faggot kill yourself
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>But seriously what happened to WuWa?
It melts my phone so I'd rather play on hsr's SU.
I wonder if they're aware that having so many gachas all running at the same time could fuck themselves in the long run? I don't know, feels like flooding the market.
the only stuff needing skill are the optional bosses, the other stuff like tower is metashit and relic farming like always
yunli, huohuo, fu xuan, silver wolf, sparkle, lynx, clara
Can't even spare a little hard drive space for Topaz?
She has no eggs left
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Guys I'm stumped on this one
it's not about winning, it's about outliving your enemy
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we're xisters here actually
order of operations trap
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I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Elysia
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.
either 61 or 331
>4+3 = 7
Double Sparkle is undefined so it's unsolvable.
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we are in fact already dead
What does double sparkle mean? Potence of? Addition? Multiplication?
Doesn't help that we're going back to space china
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Cute and coworkers
We need a new Firefly sales cope pasta to replace this
He's talking about Hoyo competing with themselves. With ZZZ they will have 4 running at once, with most of the same players playing Genshin and HSR (and probably ZZZ). It's only HI3 that's an outlier but that game also has no players and makes no money.

You can clear the tower earlier (e.g right now) if you actaully understand the boss mechanics while being underleveled/undergeared but yes, obviously you can still clear it easier if you're a whale.
But outside of Jiyan, a gigawhale Jinhsi or Yinlin is not going ot carry you in tower, you still need to actually play the game which is a terrible experience on mobile.
Jiyan at least has auto-parry and you can hold the attack button and he'll also auto-combo. None of the other damage dealers are that braindead or mobile-friendly.
>there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her
If you write yy or aa or whatever that's the same as 2y or 2a
Genshin is still printing money for them after almost 4 years so I don't think they care that much. And if it finally dies then ZZZ can probably fill the gap.
So 33 is the same as 6? Good to know.
people are gonna stay for lingsha to power up their ff, and that point we'll be just a patch away from greece so they'll stay for that too, and then greek firefly will drop
Reminder that TB canonically hasn't met her
i dont care how much topaz you post, i do not like the IPC they are control freaks.
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Got around to building Harmony MC for my luckshit Firefly pull. Good enough for him or does he need a ERR rope to function instead of BE?
as long as she isn't pretending to be a male i'll roll
Calm down ratio
nope, as long as you have E6 BE rope is better
No, yy = y^2 (y squared). 2y = y + y. So double sparkle would be 3^2 = 9.
I actually quit HI3 when Elysian Realm happened lol
Wasn't Gui not a space Chinks?
big gz btw
>greek firefly
I doubt it they can do better.
>nope, as long as you have E6 BE rope is better
Ok perfect not changing shit then. Thanks bro
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Fuck all happening in the game right now?
The kind of people who like Firefly are easy to bait.
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you'd be surprised
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More for me then, bitch. I will monopolize every IPC wife of breedable age.
Where do you guys think the game will be this time next year? Do you have hope or we will be worse off than we are now?
Can't believe Ratios sister looks like this
The more I think about it, I unironically miss space china.
Aye, that's a pillagin'.
Nah, you're set.
Those are pretty good numbers.
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Sorry Sparkle but I had to cum on your feet
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>That chat about Sushang Collab.
Sushang is pure!
alright this is cute as fuck
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Same, sis.
They're covering all their bases more like, releasing gachas of differents genres. So far it worked with HSR, wonder if ZZZ will be another success.
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can't find my fucking stylus pen
Lingsha is probably 2.5 so we have 2 more patches after that before Greece if leaktrannies are right about it going up to 2.7
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Her future? Pregnant with atleast 5 of my children
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Have you checked up your BUTT
less talk and more action, anon
I trust my guts telling me it's ending at x.6 again
ZZZ so far seems to be hitting the same young crowd as HSR, they just have a different gameplay approach.
Leave numby alone you sicko
good gwailo, keep rolling for firefly, we'll definitely put the money towards interesting new settings
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Where do you think i looked first?
ZZZ seems like their most casual game yet and a lot of beta testers thought the game was both too easy and too boring (mashy), so we'll see how many casuals stick with it after the flashy effects lose their luster.
In general the hype around ZZZ seems much lower than HSR and Genshin, but it's really hard to tell how much something will blow up pre-release.
I honestly expect HSR's playerbase to be older than Genshin and ZZZ's, turn based games usually attract older audiences I feel.
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>this is what they took from you
I would have rolled for this
Things take time....

Numby is our child, don't lewd it
HSR seems to have a lot of young players or players unfamiliar with jRPGs but most of the really sweaty 0-cycle autists and lorefags are boomers as you'd expect. But they don't necessarily represent the larger portion of the fandom.
I don't know if we have the actual demographics of the game though, so this is just me being anecdotal. Most of the casuals I know who play this game don't play jRPGs, but a lot of jRPG fans really enjoy the combat and getting autistic about minmaxing MoC/AS.
Just say you want to fuck a man
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Fairufry Foh
In posishon
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>a man (presumably) wants to turn another man into a women for sexual reasons
Are sigonians legally allowed to reproduce in the first place, aventurine?
>take JY
>give him some tits
I hate GBshit so much.
I got Firefly's cone but I feel like she does less damage than with S5 Aeon
she's trying so hard to sound cool, goddamn I love her
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Meanwhile, niggas that actually rolled be like
>sleepy mommy with fluffy hair and with a shota not-son
honestly an improvement but JY is fine as he is
Why would they not allow it? That would just admit the racism.
///they/// don't want you to know
this needs the music
Nah, HSR even reads like it's for a youngish crowd anyway.
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Also Dr Ratio would’ve made a perfect hebe
They are doing more and more shipshit. If Firefly didn't actually sell well then embrace the inevitable 1 year of homos.
zoomers first look into jrpgs maybe. it's good if hsr does that for them.
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No, that's why he will be the weird uncle with cats to Topaz's children in the future. It'll be cute though, I'm sure she'll appreciate the gifts he gives.
>no audio
>zoomers first look into jrpgs maybe.
Impossible. Persona 5 and FE are near ubiquitous.
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agreed but anon was talking about hsr attracting younger players who are unfamiliar with jrpgs so at that point you just assume they didn't touch fire emblem or persona. even if they may have heard of it
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I want to fuck Fireflys feet
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Cat dada
seeing this stuff really makes me wonder why they waste dev time on homos in the first place
To build the brand, gacha pulls are only a fraction of their income.
Omnipandering game. They can afford to take a loss in sales on male banners because they make so much money anyways when they release stuff like Acheron/FF.
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Mid Juan is one of the few characters that honestly wouldn’t fit being a girl, he’s literally the ideal chink man and the gentleness makes a great contrast with him being a powerful male figure
It's moyashitsukusu also know as 燃やし尽くす
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The onahole girl
no one asked dumb weeb
FF's LC or RM's LC?
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I'll append my post in the future.
in my ideal world you omnifaggots can go kill yourself while they focus on making the most money with female characters.
I asked.
but they're releasing feixiao in two patches?
>making the most money with female characters.
They did that with HI3 and oh wait
>making the most money with female characters.
All the highest selling gacha are omnipandering though.
Sadly, the all female gacha landscape is pretty fierce for that.
t'was before the genshin boom however. they can now afford to do whatever they want.
You hate capitalism?
Then go make your all female gacha and tell us how it goes.
>while they focus on making the most money with female characters
Thats not how it works. Never has the biggest gacha been not a omnipandering game. None even came close. Your sales data oracling is not proper market analysis.
the lorefag content is really out there, this is where the chink writers flex their mostly useless lit degrees from american universities. they can get away with it because the main story is pitched at kids and they won't miss anything if they e.g. skip all the trailblaze secrets text
Only the gay monkeys and sisters disagree with this
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>they can now afford to do whatever they want.
Yes and they did that with HI3 2 that flopped.
I guess Puzzles and Dragon might count? Admittedly a cope.
Barely anyone knows PaD let's be honest here.
what is hi3 2??
that poster has never been friends with a biowoman who plays these games, there's a reason aventurine sold so well and it's not homofags
Dude, one of the reasons this game exist is because the devs wanted honkai but with guys.
no that's still the same game lol
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Completely unrelated, but why is Naruto Mobile so goddamn popular in China? These are some Genshin numbers, WTF!
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1. Omnipandering
2. Omnipandering
3. Omnipandering
4. Yumes
5. Shonenfags
6. Shonenfags
7. Puzzles and Dragons
8. Yumes
Thats why its a cope, but it was the biggest at a time. Just the gacha market was tiny and irrelevant back then.
StraightGODs our response???
just so you know girls whale on girls too but they need male for retention as well
We lost... we must vacate the thread to trannies and sisters. Goodbye...
the fact that love and deepspace is so high reveals quite a lot about the audience for gachas
Ah, forgot another Shonenfags above Puzzles and Dragons
Where is my for (you) husbando?
Naruto is just as much babies first anime for a lot of them as it is in the US.
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lmeow got em
Show the Comiket stats.
feminism won...
all these nerdy hobbies and spaces are gone...
But the "lore" is just a mixture of other fiction works lol
Literally who? The last time she appeared in a cinematic meeting the shogun guy, right? Did they drop her storyline?
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I got a gf and had to cut my gacha spending, sorry straightbros but sex and being loved feels too good.
Idolmaster also just released, so on that list its really just Nikke and the gay horses.
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There isn't a single all waifu mobage that makes as much money as Genshit and HSR. Face it, you're a niche and you lost. Omniges won.
>Salesposting sneaks in again
God fucking damn it guys.
That's for fanworks, not money, and BA dominates there.
Unironically things were better for them before. Now it's all trash, clichés and wokism
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There's literally no need. Women also mog men in terms of doujin production kek
My gf also plays this game, she even pays my rolls.
Now you can roll for meta & power
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These numbers are wrong. Android shat it pants and didn't update. Only iOS numbers or CN numbers truly show what flopped and what didn't. And only iOS and CN shows wuwa died. Go figure.
HSR is Mihoyo trying to introduce four niggas in a row to the Fortnite generation (and IMO it's failing),
But I do agree its kinda playerbase that DOESN'T come and go and doesn't even know how AS works is the older generation seeking a more leisure sort of JRPG.
my gf helped me get first place in the candy crush pvp.
i'm glad you recognized the emily dickinson references, now read trailblaze secrets
(that's possibly jumping too far into the deep end, to be fair)
Doesn't matter, every month the same fucking games are ranked almost exactly like that
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>she even pays my rolls
my brother also has a "rich" gf and she buys him games and shit all the time...
and here I am at 32yo, poor and a virgin...
wtf did I do so wrong...
I got my GF into playing gacha games, so I could stop trying to figure out what to get her for her birthday. I just gift her pulls now.
Life is good.
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how could you betray your real gf like that
destruction blessings suck
How is it failing?
>(and IMO it's failing),
>Consistently top grossing on a relatively shoestring budget
Uh huh. EOS when anon?
Wuwa is done... If it's struggling already, there's no future for it
I wonder what she says to her female friends when she talks to them about you
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I still play this game with f2pass but I don't whale for characters since I'd rather buy her nice clothes or go to a nice place for vacation. I wouldn't want her to play gacha but whatever works for you guys
wuwa can't be "done", it never began to begin with. it was a flavor of the week that didn't last a week, ironyposting about it has more staying power than the game itself
>face it, you're niche
So you're saying the yumejoids whinging about gacha games being nothing but male fanservice are objectively lying. Got it.
>Looks like you two had your anniversary. Soo... what did he get you?
Christ imagine.
a game that fucking ugly and unpolished was never going to lash
It does matter because it's that sensortower chart is giving some apps more revenue than it would have made and makes some apps make less than it would have made. It's not all "universally" everyone should be higher. When your graph looks like ftx stock there's an issue with the your revenue getting inflated that month by the freeze.
If they say that then they are absolutely lying and probably whaled for a husbando on consistently high-grossing Love and Deepspace.
If your gifts are the only thing your GF has to say about you, you dun fucked up friend.
wuwa is nice... it's getting better imo and jinshi is a cutie...
I hope it last for at least 5 years
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>never going to lash
Honestly sometimes it worries me how she drops some fat cash for her favorites, but then I see my E2 Hotaru and I stop worrying.
She's supposed to be green
Posts like this, that literally ignore what the actual post says and just respond as if to a trigger word convince me we are talking to bots half the time. No human being typed this.
>people think a "greek firefly" will be better than this
gf? lol I legit can't remember the last time I came in contact with a woman other than my mom
Well, maybe your mom would enjoy gacha?
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I don't care how much money they make, I just wanted to list the target of each of them.
But fine, heres may
1. Omnipandering
2. Omnipandering
3. Shonenfags
4. Omnipandering
5. Shonenfags
6. Yumes
7. Omnipandering
8. Waifufags
9. Omnipandering
I read your post it's wrong and useless. Sales posting is annoying enough, posting wrong data like yours is even more annoying.
she's having plenty of fun with duolingo already
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What a punchable face, ngl.
Naruto is that big in china?
you haven't met many human beings have you
Everyone keeps calling Aventurine a man whore and yet you’ve got Billy ZZZ over there throwing his hips and ass around like a Latina and in need of lubricants.

THATS a man whore.
her forehead looks massive here
Because they're all L2D trash. Show me one that actually tries to be a quality JRPG.
Beating my battered wife Firefly...
Most people might be retarded, but not not completly non-functional like that.
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>Feixiao and Yunli belong to other men

Roll for snek and punished Tingyun for the real harem experience
that's where the oak cake goes
I don't care about characters that don't pander to me
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We LOVE slutty blonde twinks here
Women lie all the time, that's nothing new.
They are also hypocrites.
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how does /hsrg/ feel about the current state of this general where only fireflyposters remain
If you try to invest a lot of money into a quality JRPG, you won't reduce yourself to a small nieche market. Investors want to see stats.
you touch her and shes going to fucking kill you lol
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try me BITCH
I'll roll for Yomi only
Yunli/Jiaoqiu status?
I accept your concession
Whose Feixiao belonged to? Is she not a strong independent China woman who don’t need no man?
I don't spend jackshit on my gf, she is the one that spends money on me, I always say I'm a modern man because I let my girl pay the bill, and she does so because she loves me.
damn she must be really smart
Nerfed and Released from Acheron cocksleeve status but now doesn't do anything specific.
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Any man who is that dedicated to making friends is a bit slutty. Granted, they're mostly for personal gain and less for pleasure. But you never know, Sigga is so soulless that he probably wouldn't mind sleeping around much.
no jp version?
No, Jiaoqui needs to tardwragler her.
If i already have Himeko,(As a F2P) who should i target for the Standard banner between Bronya,Clara and Baizu?
Also is it worth picking up Tingyun from this shop or should i save up for those Cones? I really want Tingyun and i havent seen her in a banner since i started playing
bright times ahead
it probably exists but it's an unlisted video so no idea what the url is
Fireflyposters aren't real
Aventurine is a nice guy because he would gladly take my cock inside his ass while he bets who cum first and then says All In when I'm ball deeps inside his twink ass.
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Jiaoqiu literally is both her advisor and caretaker/doctor who feeds her, how can you compete with that?
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*kissable face
clara if you don't plan to roll for yunli, otherwise bronya

grabbing one ting is fine yes
my inner metafag can now be content that I will not be replacing pela or silver wife with a homosexual fox
I literally never even met you
>Jiaoqiu is a feeder
Oh god oh jeez
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Is this Acheron build good enough? Ignore the LC. I know the chest is kind of shit but I had to use a resin to get it. CR chests won't drop for me at all.
he was always 5* guinaifen but no way i'm replacing little gui
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Post more Topaz, i wanna fap.
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Feixiao's malewife...
no she didn't. ACK got 140m + 100m

It's also Firefly AND Ruan Mei you false cunt.
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As it should be. No trannies. No women posting gay shit. Only heterosexual men.
kinda scary to think FF can turn into SAM at a moment's notice, the only downside of mechsuits is that the pilot is a sitting duck when out of it but in FF's case she would probably be able to henshin to catch a bullet in mid air
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You're cooked
>but no way i'm replacing little gui
Same here, Gui-chan is too cute.
no i'm not ignoring the cone, WHY would you get e2 but leave her GNSWcucked
also she's not jingliu and needs 100% crit rate
OK doomniggers aside, has a limited 5* ever came out when they're not at least 2 tiers above whatever character they replace?
Not sharing my wife with other men
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Hmm no
you're so fucking stupid I almost feel sorry for you
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Come here
Fucking WHY?
Crit too low, anyway.
Jing, Blade, Topaz, Robin, Argenti, Ratio.
bwo this is blue board
uuh mods?
>explicit rape videos
this gen is dark
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I tried Dr. Ratio out in DU with my Topaz and JY with Huo Huo as healer and I feel like they did a good job?
Is he worth building or am I being blinded by the blessings doing all the heavy lifting?
>Finished all the content
>Bored of farming
>People talking about sales as if it somehow makes the game better
So since HSR is on top does that mean MHY will give us more content soon?
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Fuck forgot to attach my image
Robin isn't 2 tiers above Asta?
Which characters did any of these replace?
Jing Yuan was the 2nd best DPS when he came out.
Nobody does what Topaz does even to this day, Robin is BiS in FUA and for 0-cycles, Argenti is better in PF/AoE than Jing Yuan but often worse in MoC, Ratio was the best single-target character until Boothill and he's still hte best FUA DPS (even after Yunli comes out).
Blade didn't replace anyone either but he is crap.
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Cute brother and sister (I made up this headcanon so people will not ship them anymore btw)
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That's because Hoyo games are much higher quality than the competition. Until the release of Genshin, normalfags thought gacha games were only .jpg collectors.

As long as Hoyo games continue to mog the competition in quality, pandering to females to at least some degree is the optimal strategy to maximize profit, because the marginal cost of creating a new male character is minimal compared to the base cost of creating the game.
He is great as long as you have debuffers in the team.
Newfag here, Who do they replace?
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Thank you. Are any of those cones even worth saving up for in the long run? Im still rocking mostly 3* ones lol
Play ZZZ.
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Hang salesfags
this only happened with kafka replacing serval and aventurine replacing gepard. basically landaus are doomed to be powercrept
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>a brother and sister
>not getting shipped
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I am just a f2p that got lucky. That's why she's E2 with no cone. Please stop bullying me. As for the crit rate, she gets 34 extra in combat from the planar set, her E1 and the 4 piece. That's 87 CR. 99 with Fu's buff.
nope, there's a couple that are good but they're not worth dumping 30 rolls on them
>That's because Hoyo games are much higher quality than the competition. Until the release of Genshin, normalfags thought gacha games were only .jpg collectors.
And so what? Before Mihoyo it was still Omnipandering games dominating. It changed nothing.
what board was this on so i can search through archives. because he has a point desu.
Is kissing even fun? I don't think I'd enjoy another person being that close to me.
v3 Yunli gameplay
this is why pela will never marry lynx, she would instantly lose her niche to some limited 5* slut if she married into that family
she shows you this much love and all you give her is a decrepit S5 Pelacone, sad!
He's completly right of course. He makes it into a anti-zoomer thing, but yeah, social media generation is addicted to consensus. Or rather, terrified of not being part of it.
What were the v3 changes?
kissing feels amazing, it's like tasting the best food in the world except you can't run out of it
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Jade would approve of it either way. Why argue with the Word of God (Jewtress)?
They reduced her ult damage by quite a bit, but allegedly her 100% CD trace wasn't working so her total damage is basically the same as pre-nerf. Not sure if anyone credible has confirmed that yet.
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>(I made up this headcanon so people will not ship them anymore btw)
People tried the same with JadeTop and it didn't really work either bro. Pseudo-incest just makes it better.
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Your Swarm Disaster? G&G Conundruns?
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Someone dumb down Jade's kit for me
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I will always be here.
chill bro it's just some banter, no one is taking this seriously
Put buff on character, character attacks, Jade gets stacks, if she has enough she follow-up-attacks.
Rinse, repeat.
My first kiss with a girl friend who ate a cherry airheads so it was fun and sweet. I didn't not want it to end at all.
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If you kissed me, I would feel your lips soft and warm against mine. I would feel your breath on my face, and I would smell your scent. I would feel a sense of excitement and anticipation, and I would wonder what would happen next.

As we kissed, I would feel my heart beating faster, and I would feel a rush of blood to my head. I would feel a sense of warmth and closeness, and I would feel like I was in a dream.

I would want to kiss you back, and I would want to explore your mouth with my tongue. I would want to taste you, and I would want to feel your lips against mine.

I would want the kiss to last forever, but I know that it would eventually come to an end. When it did, I would feel a sense of loss, but I would also feel a sense of satisfaction. I would know that I had experienced something special, and I would cherish the memory of that kiss for the rest of my life.
If you aren't finding the secret of the Aeons for Madam Herta then it's not clear why you deserve to breathe the space station air Asta pays so much for.

Better do those conundrums.
>Soaring Clock Hand
found the patrician
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kisses are gross
Grown man fingers typed this
No, it means they can give you less because its all about finding out just how little they need to do to squeeze players.
We got less and less actual content in the patches and people give them more and more money.
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Thanks bro
what do we rank the three ships?
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Shut up Bailu everyone wants to smooch you
I'm a lot prettier than you can imagine
uid now
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why shouldn't hoyo release a match 3 game? They have like 6 franchises now can't they make a candycrush clone and use it to bridge all the characters together like hearthstone?
Blessed timeline
I'd give Bailu so many grownup kisses...
Emily/Anise/Guinafemanon I've told you before and I'll say it again. East coast or I sleep.
Soaring Clock Hand > Tatalov > Trailblaze's Stern
>click to watch a yunli showcase
>close yunli showcase
ok renata
you do not deserve her.
I would love a Hoyoverse TCG in the same vein as Hearthstone.
it's 1 guy
mei and her expies belong in the trash
now now i hate firefly as much as the next guy but let's not be delusional
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What planar set for jade? Is the new follow up crit dmg worth farming over IS?
Genshin already has a card game and it kinda sucks
I love Firefly!
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yes of course.
That's why I said in the same vein as Hearthstone. i.e. actually good.
____ literally cannot stop munching carpets
elysia expy
The new one is her BiS, but IS will be decent too.
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is this the most f2p moc team available?
People who force those headcanons only do it thinking there aren't people out there who ship incest all the time anyway
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Bronya and Seele
Guinaifen and Sushang
Pela and Lynx
Acheron and Black Swan
Jade and Topaz
using le reddit word really bolsters your credibility
Jade is a shipper albeit
She is the literal mascot and her new form sucks. How do I cope? I've already pre farmed her traces btw
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>Powercrept by Gallagher
>Powercrept by M7
Why are IMG homos so weak? It won't be long before Aventurine gets powercreeped by a 4*.
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posted in the wrong thread but genuinely, if you want to make the comparison fair just unironically drop some speed subs for attack on ruan mei side and replace swan with e1 huohuo on jiaoqiu side, genuinely hope you make a showcase with this in mind tl;dr you should be doing a lot better with the relics you put into your builds
>Bronya and Seele
>Guinaifen and Sushang
Both are straight
>Pela and Lynx
>Acheron and Black Swan
Both are straight
>Jade and Topaz
Both are straight + one ships her with a dude
HSR ended with Penacony. Everything else is filler now.
they can give a huntbrick infinity damage and he's still a huntbrick
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ummmm as someone who has zero break characters, can someone sell me on ruan mei?
just wait for 3.0, bro
I have zero break characters and RM still works on any team. FUA, hypercarry, DoT, you name it
March got nerfed this beta specifically for this reason, she's no longer better than ratio.
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I am now a Firefly superfan
She works with everyone
Her value is strictly gameplay, she is a very uninteresting character and there are better women to fap to.
Most HSR lesbos only munch one carpet, but this raccoon is a slut.
I hate shields but Aventurine is strong. Ratio has always been underpowered without his cone at the least. M7 isn't powercreeping anything unless there is a new superbreak meta. Her newest form isn't even good for SU. I'm in shambles
every team breaks weaknesses. ruan mei makes them better at it and makes breaking weaknesses better (and has a generic harmony damage buff, of course)
universal support with teamwide buffs who is BiS or near BiS even outside of break teams
spreadsheet niggers show me yunli's numbers
People said the same thing about NotOtto and look what happened. A 4* preservation will powercreep that fag soon.
she's a stat stick retard
She will be namedropped when we fight Hoolay (Borisin boss formerly sealed by her) in the prison
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wtffff im tempted as a acheronGOD
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forgot to mention she's a spdstick too
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luospud doesn't have auto cleanse or give effect res. He is too greedy. Scaling with ATK should have been your big red flag. See Blade rollers
Sustains are completely different from Damage Dealers
what is she doing in her phone?
Luochud is still the better sustain.
It's just that Gallagher is the better breaker and this patch favors break team because they need to shill FF
That can happen to Huohuo as well, abundance is a brick.
That's literally porn sir
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lol. Her kit is insane you skipped
Show me where the Damage mitigation is in her kit, because otherwise BSwan is getting one tapped either way.
I’ll roll for Tail when they make him a solo unit.
im gonna cum
japanese laws
Who's she texting?
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>big red text "USE SHIELD, MORON" every time it attacks
>game gives you 2 free characters with shield
>let's use Luochud and post it on 4chan
>damage mitigation
who needs it? I'm only E0 now but like all sane anons I will be working on getting her E2S1 which makes her completely OP.
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>scales with ACK
as a newfag, I tried to brute force this faggot monkey and couldn't do it...
there's only 3 chests left for me to get in penacony and they're all guarded by these monkies
>Spending 400 rolls on a sustain
Abundance should have been small sustain + buffs and leave the heavy lifting of defense to Preservation. Early Abundance characters are just badly designed.
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I just shit myself
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Casual bro here. Any word on when the new March 7th will release? How long do i have to catch up on the story (I assume it will need to be mostly done to obtain her)
just eat food before fighting them
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Bros, I'm so bored, I can't wait for zzz.
>his sustain isn’t 100% EffRes
Bro, your Fire Trailblazer?
Jades banner is next. I think it's after that
healers are fundamentally bricks in this game because they can't give you effective hp to survive the massive hits you often take.
the exception is fu xuan who simply takes all the damage herself into her 5-digit health pool like a good little slut
the one team gallagher is used on relies on keeping enemies too broken to hit you
Next patch, so there's still the rest of Firefly's banner and then Jade's
New March will come in an event with the next patch, roughly end of the month.
You have about a month.
Fu xuan is Preservation though, not brickbundance
I know. Like I said, I tried to brute forced them because I needed to get jades for Ruan Mei so I didn't want to change teams
Gallagher is also a better SP battery than him(which was his main use) if your team has SP issues, Gallagher's ult action advances for another basic attack.
I was thinking about spamming instances and rerolling for firefly and ruan mei, are the lightcones important too?
yes, note that when they made a healer that actually works they didn't categorize her as an abundance brick, lol
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Hold on what the fuck is this team?
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Bailu is good but she has no cleanse. Huohuo with just LC has the best healing in the game bar none, and of course auto-cleanse. There simply has only been 1 good sustain released and it's huohuo. That's it.
Not really, Firefly works fine with the Herta one
It's a SU Preservation run, if anything who the fuck invited Lynx
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Bwos I'm sick... I'm gonna b... I'm gonna bwe... BWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH
What, you don't run 1 support 3 sustain?
>Needing to build ER on a sustain
>When all other limited have ways to deal with that without relics/cones, even Gallagher has 50% ER for free in his E1
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Post your Kingu
huohuofags are so annoying.
Gallagher is abundance and he's very good
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Give me the BWWEEEEEHHHHHHH and nobody gets hurt
What did you expect, most of them are unironic trannies
>actual faggots are annoying
no shit
surprisingly enough i don't have him yet
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Just a happy family:)
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Is jadecone good for QQ?
I literally brute forced that with huohuo / Argenti team kek
I don't see MC there
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Siobhan 4* WHEN
>>Needing to build ER on a sustain
what the fuck else are you gonna build? crit rate?
2.5, believe
An abundance that immediately heals your character upon being hit would be meta as fuck
Bwehposters are .................................................................................................... cute.
Sparkle is still a clingy friendless pathetic loser.
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>Stop right there!
>I'm gonna catch Y-
I'm a newfag, my only team is firefly's team
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>climax boss is an utter joke compared to the chapter's midbosses
Who balanced this game?
Define f2p. That's 2 limiteds in there. Might as well count Acheron and Firefly too.
She'll powercreep Aventurine, to make the homos here go back to /gig/.
Bro, your Bailu?
either you're a baitposter or you're about to eat 500 spoilers, hope you're happy either way
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How are Raidenposters consistently the best posters itt
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I'm starting to want Huohuo now. Is this build good enough for her? I might pull for her out of boredom since I have the relics for her. I'm pretty sure that's 100% Eff Res too
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>Alexa, google "invigorate Honkai Star Rail"
Good, go back to your shitty family instead.
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I look forward to seeing what this means
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That's because you're still trapped in a dream and have yet to wake up and beat the real Sunday, that's why this fake final boss doesn't have more than 1 phase.
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I love them
>he STILL gets baited by the fofofags to pull for her
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no you only have SPD. no outgoing healing % chest no 2 pc healing set which you do in fact need. Same with cone it's either post op / Sig LC or you're forever coping.
>this was too easy
are you in the space china saves the day part yet?
Look forward to it.
The boss is still joke though, Aventurine was way harder
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Protective raccoons
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She WARPED you, your brain tries to cope by removing her from your memory.
Why are you using Firefly without superbreak
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I want him to pound my pussy with his tiny Sigonian cock
She's like 800 years old you freak
oh and btw they force harmony blazer in your party for the real final fight as well.
but I don't like my shitty new family...
the nerd guy is boring, the hot hag doesn't put up, march is dumb and the faggot dragon is shit
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>ctrl f "gens"
>only 13 results
That's good for this general, wow. Proud of you bwos.
I'm skipping her then. Not worth the effort to farm for specific pieces.
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The wait is way too long...
>cute big breasted chink bimbo thirsting for his cock
>ignores her because he wants to kill an aeon
Evil parts of the IPC will be Voracity and the good parts (Diamond) will be true Preservation.
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HP and defense on Huohuo and Fu, crit and defense on Aventurine, BE on Gallagher. Meanwhile Luocha needs HP, Def, Atk, ER and Speed
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It sucks waiting 6 weeks for another garbage filler patch
weird, himeko only refuses to fuck me when it's march's cocksleeve training day. which is understandable
Ran out of mats to level TB's new gear and didn't want to grind for them. Also my old DPS was Yanqing and unsupported Firefly is stronger than him.
He is just like me
god i just wanna fuck that bitch silly. like really give it to her you know what i mean. like really fill her up.
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I'm going to bed. I just hope you all understand that Huohuo is truly the best character ever released in star rail. Her kit is absolutely insane, and she scales better than any character in the game. She fits any team and regenerates energy, the most valuable resource in the game.
>Haste on E1
>2x auto-revive on E2
>Heals on ultimate
>Heals twice on ultimate with Sig

You know it's true.
>Meanwhile Luocha needs HP, Def, Atk, ER and Speed
this is the end result of anti-loucha brainrot
why does dan heng even exist. yumefags he's for you isn't he
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Nice, you honestly don't even need spd on your 2 pc. The only improvement would be a healing chest. If your dps is Kafka I would go fleet if Jingliu go keel. 30 ERR is nice but it is what it is.
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>needs E2 and sig

>Horizontal investment always beats vertical investment.
>Having more characters add much more to your account power than eidolons and lightcones.
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SU stories are hard to follow and not very well told but man they nailed the "audience with Aeons" scenes. Always great storytelling there, with quite a few insight that make your rethink your lore. The music helps a lot too.
Bro no one is rolling HuoHuo sig
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It's not really auto if you have to press a button retardbro. Now choke on your sleep.
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trailblaze secrets are for the /lit/fags, let us have this
that random scale is so weird
Recommend me some of your best doujins. I'll fap to something.
You sound like a horny slut
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There is nothing wrong with Fofo. If you hate her you’re probably E*ropean or something else icky
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So that's how it is
Any 5* that needs eidolons or s1 is shit
That's why FF is the best DPS by far and FUA is a brick
Come up with an actual counter
>reading the fashion mag with kafka
>Come up with an actual counter
a brain
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I don't use her much now but she will always be my first
He exists because...............................
Poor impulsive hands typed this.
a-am i... a... a pajeet?
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>t. jpeg roller
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>my sharp eyes
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When is TB going back to his real family...
>Dan Heng stays on the train and does nothing
>Aiiieeeee why does he exist
>Dan Heng actually gets off and takes the screentime
>Aiiieeeee why does he exist
what do you have against europeans, we're the most dedicated players of this general you peasant
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>HP, Def, Atk, ER and Speed
It's okay to not like Mr christian cowboy set healer you don't have to make up lies so he sounds worse than he is
>30 pts off from 12* AC
Jingliu you fucking freak
Just sell your mom's medicine to fund your gacha.
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I'm just going to say it, ROBBEDcha is the Seele of sustains. No buffs at E0 and no Oneshot protection, why would anyone pick him over a different limited sustain?
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neutron activation
Hey bro, are you interested in some NFTs? They're like LCs, except they're immortalized in the blockchain. You won't have to worry about losing them during an EOS.
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It's my headcanon that firefly likes being naked in public. Thoughts?
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Firefly has the most beautiful eyes
so true bestie
in fact, loucha not ONLY needs HP, Def, Atk, ER and Speed, he also needs ERR, crit rate and crit damage, his 5* limited light cone and his first 3 eidolons or he LITERALLY doesn't work and you entire game crashes from the sheer shittyness
No one wants fag heng
What even is this?
Wasnt it implied that before mindwipe the MC never saw Firefly out of the SAM suit?
And prayers, you porn-poisoned weirdo.
this, but unironically
>realized that I'm not rolling anything until Penacony reruns I skipped
You won pagfly.......I'll try for the E1
I will now masturbate to Firefly.
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For me it's also this too for some reason. She has really pretty hands/fingers
>actually does something
He didnt do shit, Acheron, Swan, Robin and Boothill carried
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I'm talking about space china
it's not really the content, I read a fuckton, it's the presentation, it's quite straining reading very flowery prose on a little square box. Also so wonky phrasing I blame on translation.
Also I progressed a lot through G&G but I'm still not sure how 3/4 of the secrets relate to finding out who killed Rupert III, which I had understood to be the endgoal.
Nothing happened in Space China. You're hallucinating, bro.
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Oi er’s yer whole boiled potaytoes without any sawlt n’ peppa, cut cucumbers a black meat disc with cranburry sauce m8. I know orange and suga is a bit too spicy for ye lad so it’s plain as the queens mum.
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What was the last time you talked to a woman, that is not from your family or a random cashier?
boss Aventurine is a poorly designed piece of shit and I want to behead whoever thought it was a good idea
It's probably the opposite, being naked probably reminds her of that one time in the War and she probably has PTSD of it
ah yes he ran around doing nothing while sushang vainly attempted to get him to talk, then said "i'm the imbibbler" and imbibbled all over the place because blade had a melty
I talked to several women today. Over the phone and email for my job.
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2 days ago, the girl cutting my hair
What games are we playing while the game dies during another chinkslop arc?
Kino group desu, I hope Elio doesn't ruin it by being a fag
The new madoka game.
He also beat up a kid though
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It's just a neat fan made video. Also we just don't know really as it's still left pretty vague, would be really neat if we eventually got a flashback arc or something. We do know from this patch that SH are a tight knit group and are very close at least, with each of them having a unique bond with one another according to Jade

>female pal back home
>my roommates
>my coworkers
I talk to women all the time.
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is Yunli still good after the changes?
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How is she with atk boots? I have her at 140+ spd and was thinking about trying a different build.
I haven’t talked to a man that wasn’t on the computer for like 2 years but I talk to other women daily
>Wasnt it implied that before mindwipe the MC never saw Firefly out of the SAM suit?
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Whoa, we have media literacy expert single mom black woman posting here?!?
Just see for yourself
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Your (me)?
As of V3, Jiaoqiu stands to be the worst limited 5 star in HSR. Do we even need more evidence that Hoyo actively despises male characters and their non-straight male fans?

It’s so unbelievably absurd. 2.x has been defined by its relentless power creep and rendering older characters irrelevant. But now all of a sudden Hoyo is scared to power creep a 4 star from 1.0? While we have 3 limited Harmonies that break the game just from existing? Make it make sense. Why CANT they make Jiaoqiu’s provide 80+% vulnerability? Why CANT they give him all type res pen? Why CANT they make him able to trigger his DOT’s or let allies do so without Kafka, if he absolutely must have DOT’s? Why CANT he provide other buffs/debuffs like speed and ATK? There’s literally no reason for him to be this bad… besides malice and intentional sabotage. I really want to say that meta doesnt matter and we should pull for the characters we like, but at the same time, I dont want to keep rewarding this over and over again. But then, if nobody pulls him, then they’ll just use that as an excuse to phase out male characters even more. We cant win. I’m just so tired of caring about this game when THIS is the reward.
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My sister and my wife if counting family. Some from my circle of friends and my coworkers just earlier today otherwise.
umm.... firefly... i can see them...
>non-stop chink banners
I have no choice but to roll on reruns now. Acheron should be back on 2.5, right?
Essentially the same character, the ~15% nerf was to compensate for the bugfix on her crit damage buff not applying correctly.
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I-i see it!
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Um, I can see it bro??
Being a metafag seems so miserable.
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I'm not reading all that slop
Go back to /gig/ homo
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Does Ruan Mei's SPD boost only include the base SPD (96)? So it's a 9.6 boost?

What's a good amount of SPD on jingliu if I don't have Bronya? She has 143 currently without RM's boost.
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I want to bite fat and juicy firefly nipples. Is that really roo much to ask?
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She doesnt have nipples there
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Why is /hsrg/ so slow nowadays?
omg hi kokomi!!
Firefly is really fire today.
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Interesting discussiong going on regarding JQ, some people think you should replace BSwan and keep RM instead of kicking out RM.
I'm about to try it but before, whats the best "neutral" enemy composition for this? I was thinking https://hsr17.hakush.in/maze/1012 MoC12-2, none of them are weak to Wind or Fire and only Kafka would be doing full damage (and ideally I'd just swap the Ascended for an Aurumaton robot)
As for blessings, should I try with an useless blessing that doesn't do anything or with a DoT favored blessing like:
>Summons a Trotter at the beginning of each wave or each cycle. The Trotter takes 200% increased DMG from Basic ATKs and DoT effects.
>When the Trotter is defeated, if any enemies are in Bleed, Shock, Burn, or Wind Shear state, immediately deals DMG equal to 50% of the original DoT effect to them, with a high chance to inflict Bleed, Shock, Burn, or Wind Shear on all enemies for 3 turn(s).
Yes. Firefly is for biting your nipples
That looks great. I'm losing my head over it.
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Opposite the only one who had explicitly not seen Firefly outside the mech was Silver Wolf. Blade's dementia is too strong that it wouldn't have mattered. It was directly implied by Blade that Kafka and Mc were responsible for recruiting everyone else.
no more firefly content, dead game
Firefly killed the game with her slow ass banner
Odds I pre-download ZZZ
Evens I stay loyal to HSR
Not enough Firefly
>Caeluspag thinks about man nipples when presented with a woman
Many such cases
Everyone is in zzz most come back in a week and some will stay.
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Have you tried out comparing Blade with his signature cone vs Yunli's cone?
10 years
It'll pick up again when they release Planet Sparkle which is just one big TB x Firefly wank
Dawei sends his heartfelt thanks for your loyalty. 3 silver passes are being sent to your email right now.

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Time for six.
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Tick tock Honkek, your days are numbered
boob's too big or not saggy enough.
She's good but ofc I'm using e2 s1 bronya.
>stelletroon experiencing dissonance when thinking of their own body
say it aint so
bro... planet Sparkle is not a real planet...
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I can do that actually, any MoC/blessing in mind? If not I'll default to Yanqing beat 'em up.
Do you want me to try with a specific sustainer (44, lynx, luochud) or is >Luochud alright?
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Holy obsessed
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nothing wrong with black pudding cunt.
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I didn't need this information
It happens. But it never goes anywhere. So I stopped trying to make it happen. Idk, 2020 I think.
no idea, must've been years by now
I hope you didnt fap to "her"
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shut up fish. go back.
hes right, they did my pink fox homo dirty
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then gotta be a friend i have a couple of days ago, we don't talk or hang out as often as before, but she invited me to her graduation party so, there's that
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LuochaGPT not like this...
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Hm...I should've rolled for Topaz...
Bullying Yanqing sounds good to me. I usually use Lynx when I use Blade but Luocha works too.
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Are we all gonna try zzz here
>No content
>Boring lore
>Boring story
>Planets are too disconnected so people can't form any kind of theory regarding the plot
There really isn't much in this game at all.
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Firefly powercreeped? Powercreeped what? You idiots keep complaining about powercreeping but do you know what that word means?

Acheron performs better
Acheron clears easily
Acheron endlessly gets a shilled side every MoC

As long as Firefly doesn't meaningfully perform better than Acheron, there is no powercreep.
>110 GB
lol no
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Oh my look at the time, it's stelle sex hours again
it's always fluctuating with dead periods and then content drops and everyone hops back on. Just wait until Jade's banner.
Absolutely not
firefly isn't beating the tr*nny allegations
I got Gallagher E6 and Firefly E1. I begrudgingly bought some pulls because I really wanted Gallagher at the very least. Now I can no longer say that I’m F2P, but I can say I haven’t lost a 50/50 since I started(FF, Ryan Mei, FF:E1)

Also is Firefly E1 good? I don’t even think it is. I think her E2 is so insane though.
wait, are we funding zzz?..
They should go back to HI3 levels of generosity of giving away 5 stars. It's too overwhelming for a new player starting out.
even in DU, my boosted E6 yanking is irredeemable trash.
It's a cosplayer anon
that's the worst part
you wouldnt want to see my sparkle/herta collection
new players just roll the powercreep units and they are already stronger than most oldfags. now imagine if you didn't start during firefly and rolled jade of jiaoqui instead.
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We have to wait for Lingsha and future superbreak supports to know for sure.
worse than that, we have been funding the ccp
It's about time to drop the Fate collab after the game is rendered dead by ZZZ and space china.
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why are we so dead?
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must be like 8 years now. i dont go outside
I'm a conversation virgin
ZZZ is imminent bro.
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I have quite a stash of herta, houhou, fu xuan, topaz, silverwolf, guinaifen twink porn saved. God bless chink femboy.
>But why
Boys make better girls than actual girls
If you want a cope piece just use literally any other set. Salsotto sucks to farm since it shares with the Belobog set.
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>15% def ignore and no longer consumes sp
How the fuck is that E1 bad? Is her E2 so utterly cracked that it makes you stupid?
Jiaoqiu's ultimate should be serving KFC
I stopped playing Blue Archive because it reminded me too much of my job so.
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Did she get bigger?
we were robbed
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*places a DoT stage in your path*
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This is your wife for tonight
It's great for SU, you can get almost infinite turns with E1 + Hunt blessings.
why is she so evil?
Cool, thanks Stelle
Who is Lingsha? I only just got to Penacony. I’m currently running around with Firefly to the spot where she’ll explain. I just finished the Sampo encounter in the town

Where does it say it reduces def? I did not see that
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can i see
survey when? I'm already sick of DU and waiting to write the complaints
>Boys make better girls than actual girls
anon that's just called being gay
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>you are just a IPC goon guardian a hallway
>See this
What do?
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>guardian a hallway
It's fucked up that Ruan mei visits TB all while the rest of the crew probably don't know what happened in that quest.
firepags just use this general to dump their porn stash now.
imagine the ZZZ doujins
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bro you wont even remember her dumbass in a year.
hes a bargin bin tranny
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>pubic hair
>lock in
>defeat her
If I told you guys my video game waifu you would all laugh at me.
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>"where is her e1 written in her e1?"
>holy shit it really did make him stupid
Yeah, if you open the game and open the character menu, you can then tab over to Firefly's first Eidolon and see it right there.
These 2 gives nothing but demerit for the run, right? This is the kinda luck I had to work with.
Carried by westerner hype but flopped everywhere else where it matters aka CN and JP markets. West are a bunch of FOTMfags and would jump to the next popular release which is ZZZzzz
Im going to need to see some proof. Upload the gallery somewhere
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>ZZZ C6/E6 art has naked furries and clothed girls
I can already see the doujins, but you might not like it
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Go back to your little boys in shorts
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HSR needs a new endgame to prevent overlap with ZZZ's roguelike
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Give Kafka her spider web bro.
Upcoming space china character, leaked to be a 5* break effect focused healer.
>We want the DEI dickrider audience
Bet the game would have no playable loli too (shotas are fine because muh punching up).
I have no idea why roguelike is suddenly a popular thing. HSR has it. WW has it. ZZZ has it.
Chinese and indie game thing.
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Any /akg/ here?
I wonder why IS is fun but DU is annoying to grind. They even follow bi monthly milestone for reward but grinding Lv 60 is painful.
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Wouldn't that just be Mecha-Sparkle
It's "content" and people slurp it up
Sounds like a worse Gallagher.
Insect nest is a guaranteed blue blessing in exchange for 20% hp
I dreamed of scorched earth...
>he doesn't know
Fischl expy is dropping on 3.x as one of the ten stonehearts
Indie devs popularized it. It's basically a cheap way to extend playtime and add "content" with less effort and resources needed
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>upcoming HoYo Animal Crossing/Stardew Valley gacha
>"Asta" is "Star," as in "Stardew Valley"
>Astaweave Haven

What has Asta been doing with the space station's funds?
What's roguelike?
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Did he deserve the suffering? He just wanted sundays all days.
DU revolves around only 3 characters (Raiden Bug Mei, Screw daddy and Herta)
IS has different routes even though only 1 is canon.
IS has no meta (more like AK as a whole doesnt, only meta is bringing as many limited units as possible to provide as many rooms for error)
no one deserves a UTI
Penacony was the Sumeru of Honkai Shart Fail.

Boring characters and unskippable chinkslop dialogue.

Tedious, disgusting world. Unlovable characters. Boring villains.

So glad it’s over. But I can’t see the game gaining any new players after that trash.
AK is more of a grind. Don't know why things like playing with a bunch of factors of rng with all your units nerfed is somehow fun. DU is what I thought HG would turn IS into.
Can't play the penacony epilogue without getting distracted by Jade's big fucking jades

How did he suffer again
choose a path between 3 randomized choices, that's roguelike
I want to fuck Clara.
Still no idea what that was about
fucking mad scientist
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You will remember me
What is IS?
Even Yanqing is more relevant than you
How can I remember someone I never even met
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Is Penacony peak narrative?
This is the first time I've roll on majority of the cast on a certain arc.
Just shot another gigantic load to Sparkle feet
I will always remember that in-character jinglu asshole licking bot I made
Integrated strategy.
It's roguelite from Arknight.
Mihoyo loves pop culture references
integrated strategies, Arknight's roguelike mode. You thought SU/DU was hard? Try IS.
Integrated Strategies, a roguelite gamemode that compared to DU/SU is more Rogue and less lite.
Personally never played it beyond the Skadi version because AK gimped its fanservice hard unless it involves men.
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I heard Director Topaz screaming that Sigonian fella's name the other day while walking past the storage closet. I've heard those Sigonians are savages, so I'm afraid it might've been rape. I wonder if I'll get a raise if I report?
Yes. also Robin is a lesbian
I don't even read the ending, lol. But yeah probably because more unit is viable on IS and you can always bring meta to soften thing when RNG fuck your ass.
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i cant wait
This girl sucks at bird game
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Shhh, director topaz fucks anyone with a pulse! Don't get her attention if you don't want exotic STDs!
Ruan Mei currently has the best sex animations; however.
I got another Clara today (from stellar warps btw), making her e3.
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Go tell Madam Jade, I'm sure she will give him a promot- I mean a proper punishment.
>early thread
hertaschizo.... this is a first
not her fault jade designed her bird to be a total brick
Different genres, not really going to overlap in terms of gameplay even if the structure is the same.
Based Clara bro

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