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Ignore the enya orgasming edition

Anniversary livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=dDDjHmcb94I
Livestream summary: https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWpR51fV6Ys
Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwEidZ5LjY

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

Version 1.8 "Realm of Illusion"

>Snowbreak 1.8 Overview & News

>New Banner Type Details

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Special Chapter "Realm of Illusion" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] Dawn Restored - Battlefronts/Encampments mode
[Jun. 24 - Jul. 8] Hero Games - Co-Op Gameplay

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Shadows of Indigo] Katya - Blue Bolt
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Seastar in Solitude] 5* Crossbow: Neptune Nova

>New Outfits Available
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Private Secretary] Katya - Blue Bolt
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Feline Grace] Mauxir - Shadow Ka

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

>Recent FAQs
>Does the new [SP] aka '100% Guarantee' banner pity carry over to the future?
Yes, both the pity count and the 5* random box count will carry over to future SP-type banners.
ST-type (50/50) banner pity will continue to carry over to future ST-type banners, respectively.

Previous: >>484376940
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Fenny lost
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>licks (You)
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Eat your fresh bread snoggers
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She won my heart though
When should I start caring about Logistics?
Fun fact: There is no Nita in this webm
Kino Snowbreak bumber for that stream
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I just realized they reused the speedy swimming kot as the thingy that marks the point you are in the video
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Is Alternny a support or was that just some funny banter here?
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It was pointed out that there is no Siris either. Maybe they are updating those dorm models and they didn't reveal them so that it's a surprise?
>there is no Siris
I forgot
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Anything I should know about this mode? It seems like the difficulty ranking doesn't quite say a level recommendation, but I might be blind and stupid and dumb.
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I did it bwos.

I uninstalled Infran, installed ImageGlass, tweaked firefox and a bunch of other annoying things but now autodownload works and this should stop fraudulent png to jpg converting. Thanks for the input.
Probably a sub-DPS like 5Enya
She might enable Dual DPS comps I hope
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Now can you let me in please, it's getting cold out here...
I want to kiss Fenny so much it hurts my heart
>lingerie yoga pants
She totally knows what she's doing
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it's over
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Don't waste your time and do it anon.
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The source. Hand it over.
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It's not fair...
Only if you can learn to do your business in the correct place.
Yeah you're about on point. I'm level 70 with my characters and I can only Barely clear difficulty 3.
they give a good amount of stat boosts. I don't think it's really worth min/maxing them unless you want to tryhard neurosim or whatever new hard content they come up with.
Random logis -> Purple logis -> On-set Purple logis -> Leveling the middle piece -> On-set Orange logis -> Re-leveling the middle piece to full -> Fully leveling each piece -> Rerolling the first 2 substats -> Rerolling the 3rd substat
I haven't been an early player since the summer patch, so I don't know which each step goes for each early-game and Adjutant level.
I found that Leveling a On-set, Orange, Middle piece is where I comfortably cleared most content. So going any past that is optional min-maxing
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It's the filename bwo.
Maybe she'll be one of the first actually good support characters.
Also, she has on-field stuff, like her ult and ammo types. There's no way they would screw her up too badly consider her popularity in China.
t. Katyafag, so I'm not just coping
getting raped by siris
>Anything I should know about this mode?
Only difficulties 1-4 give worthwhile rewards so do your best to clear those.
You only need to clear each difficulty once to unlock the skip.
If you want, you can do the last difficulty to participate in the ranking autism.
Also forgot:
For On-set logis, check: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JxDWYbljFzm1bhlz_j8WuTkakes0LGgy9v1lm67z9jA
For Substats, check: https://coda.io/@flux-kairos/snowbreak-containment-zone-beginners-guide, and scroll to "Character Guides"
Can't wait for her dps to be shit when she releases so I can finally quit
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Information. Yes. Good.
Is it even worth trying to go for the new Lyfe's wep if I am a newfag?
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Weapons are only for whales.
If you really like her, then go for it.
Otherwise just wait for the revealed kits, and if she'll be all too depended on her sig weapon.
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The way I see it, she will be able to be on-field AND support. All Fenny variants can do damage and support Lyfe
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Once upgraded Lyfe releases I will pretend like I always liked her, just like I did with Sirris and Cherno. (Only if she's good though.)

Weapons are never "worth it", they're just for people who want to pretend like their imaginary wife would appreciate it, OR people who want to be at the top of the leaderboards with zero tangible rewards.
Weapons only matter for 1%ing or style, you can just use the cope weapon otherwise. Usually around 15-20% worse.
sounds like its just better to blow my load trying to get someone off that selector banner then. thanks
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Why are these two lovers so perfect for each other?
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Yao is the kinda girl that quietly wins while the others are in the middle of fighting a bloody war.
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Actually does the dual smg count as a new weapon type or it'll be counted as 2 equippable SMGs? Are we getting 2 event cope weapons for both Lyfe and Fenny?
If you're a paypig it doesn't matter. You're going to buy whatever you're going to buy. If you're f2p, you should probably only pull for characters, because signature weapons are only like ~20-30% better. Because there are literal autists in this thread, I must say that 30% better is a good amount, but when the game is piss easy, you don't need that 30%, and getting the weapon might cost you a different girl further down the line.
same desu, but I'll be buying her wedding dress before I go
The game is legitimately not hard enough to warrant 5-star weapons, but some people like them for collection purposes. I'd get more characters first if I were you. (You can always get the weapons on a rerun if you change your mind.)
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I will riot if I don't get to use the massage chair
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Fenny's cope AR looks sick.
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32 Times... And keeps on trying...
It's just your standard reskin AR. Most cope weapons just use an existing model with a new texture.
eddabros... not like this...
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Thanks, so new type for dual "pistol" SMGs and we getting 2 copes. and a cope Shotty for Nita

We all know she's a hag (17)
>If you should get lost between the Past and the Future
>Always remember that a path to the "Present" is available to you
Mauxir-bros...It's Nyover
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Oh okay. I guess I just haven't used AR characters at all before since I only have Frito and 4-stars.
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Same model as 5chen's cope weapon by the way.
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Delete this.
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Each of these Extracts is only 1/6th of a merge or whatever, right? Is it even worth it?
If they're already retconning all of the main character's breast sizes, they need to give Chen's copegun a new coat of paint as well. It's only fair.
Those colors though... Did she buy it at Toys'r'us? I get that cosmetic gun paint is a thing, but it just looks so tacky.
Watermelon gun
Watermelon gun
If you were farming the character already, sure. It's only standard characters in that shop though. Usually you would just buy the gold cell, blue cell, and maybe the 4* character extracts so you don't have to waste your daily personnel file runs on them.
It was the first copegun. People rightfully outraged at the fact that 5* Chen was dogshit without her signature, so a week or two later they added the cpoegun to the shop. 5* Chen suffered so that f2ps could flourish
You get 120 tickets per week. I just rotate on all three orange options.
There's nothing else to spend it on
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I unironically like the watermelon AR colors
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All praise Chen for her valiant sacrifice, glorious ass and inevitable OP alter.
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Tired Caroline...
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you gotta think about the long game
Wait, that's how I unlock characters I don't have?
In theory, yes.
If you want to spend an entire year doing it, yes
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It really does look like a nerf gun. I miss nerf, do the kids today even have nerf guns and lazer tag?
Technically you can, you are better off just getting shit from the standard banner with your monthly tickets and from the pity thingy on the 100% banners though.
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They're pretty good at speeding up your shard farming a bit. It's meant to go with your daily shards that you get.
But you should just focus on using the daily Personal Files on limited characters first.
This is the correct answer desu. Also for spook dupes or "box" dupes now, you will eventually get to M2 and be stuck after a dupe needing a few more shards. If you buy from NS shop you end up getting to the next tier etc. etc.
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Why is thug Wyfe so good? I think it's the hotpants and gap moe.
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Just like you can spend 8~9 months gridding a character's personal files for the M5 upgrade It just for dedicated purposes tho.

For me it's the cap and the fact she doesn't act like a thug.
Yeah, that's what I meant by gap moe. She's like the polar opposite of a stereotypical thug so it's funny to see her in those clothes. Then again, she can also be quite violent.
Also nice Frito, you must be very proud of yourself
FritiaGOD please spare me when I roll...
Just use the 100% banner lol
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>serious woman forced to wear a cute and hipand slutty outfit
>Lyfe's has short shorts, midriff, a cutoff jacket, tiny top, and a hat
its a shame no one will see this
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Non-believers. Fenny will win no matter how long it takes.
Its the King of Fritters...
I don't like cats.
siris wife siris game
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Just roll the 100% banner, at least the frit fragments won't take away your guaranteed.

Yeah, having her at M5T2, 5*Mauxir M3T2 and Tess M3T1 is probably my only 1 year achievement so far. Still gotta work on Marian since no Orca and only M2
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Stop saying words like "bwo" or "nyo"
She got in while Ganges was distracted helping us defeat Pie. TRUST THE PLAN EDDA BROS
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hmm nyo....
No one is ready for Edda's cunning plan in the new chapter
Is that modded? I swear it doesn't look that lewd. I don't remember ass cheek peaking out.
>Edda's cunning plan in the new chapter
...which is cucking herself...
Yeah, I honestly find it hotter than any other outfit, even if it shows less skin. There's something to be said for the atmosphere it evokes.
I don't think Lyfe minds though, she's just kind of oblivious to it. And that's hot too.
>I don't remember ass cheek peaking out
Because the ass cheeks did not peek out during release. CN people complained, and they changed it to the current peeking out version.
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It's all in the pose.
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They fixed that a few days/weeks after the skin was released. Here a in game screenshot.
wow, very cool
I need this skin NOW
Cringe. But I unironically like it.
>Not a single mod out there to change that stupid color
Maybe a lot of modders weren't here when Cheng came out, hopefully when she reruns that mod can finally come out
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Too add, people probably wouldn't even have complained if Seasun didn't release a skin teaser showing the ass cheeks back in February
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Cringekino. I can't help but feel like there's an element of cultural differences involved though. Some things may be lost in translation.
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>Yeah, I honestly find it hotter than any other outfit, even if it shows less skin. There's something to be said for the atmosphere it evokes.
Casual, tasteful, intentional eroticism can be better than full-on nudity, yeah. It's why bodysuits are so hot; the woman is willingly showing every curve, crease, and nipple bump on her body, but she's not naked. She knows what she's doing.
Same goes for casual clothes. I'd much rather have hot or cool casual clothes than nudity. Cleavage, exposed shoulders, haltertop shirts, skirts so short that you can see the panties when she's standing (like with Fenny). Just have Fenny do Lyfe's entire closet. She'd sneak some racy stuff in there, and Lyfe wouldn't bat an eye.
Did they allow people that buy the old skin to keep it?
Like the fenny one
all part of her master plan, her endgame is (You) and you can't see her tricks
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GOD LORD, this is the first time seeing this
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Ah, I forgot to mention "short-short-shorts that show off asscheek and panty strings."
Silly me!
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Based as fuck!!!
Who's next?
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>all these emergency resources went to fixing Lyfe's ass cheeks and Fenny's gun skin
>instead of fixing Eatchel's kit
Anti-Eatchel dev is a Lyfenny dev confirmed.
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Kinda crazy considering that we only had 1 anon complaining about Fritia's Hare skin not being high enough because "muh art", guess that's the power of the CNbros. No, I'm not that guy.

Nope since it was only her cheeks, unlike fenny that got a new lingerie set.
This is the best example of cringekino that exist.
It's so bad and cheesy but so cool at the same time.
Sometimes I feel like they wanted Eatchel to do bad, they are so good at making sure people get what they want, what the fuck happened back there?
Pie isn't dead yet is she? I feel like she might be saved and become a threat again.
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Good as dead.
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If she's dead we didn't saw it, and the golden rule in all media is "if you don't see a body that person isn't dead" so...
Now that's a classic.
(You) can fix the last part
They were teasing it all the way back, HOLY BASED!
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>Cleavage, exposed shoulders, haltertop shirts, skirts so short that you can see the panties when she's standing (like with Fenny)
>short-short-shorts that show off asscheek and panty strings.
You understand the peak of eroticism anon. I respect you.
Fenny should change all the girls' wardrobes under the pretext of "helping them attract the adjutant's attention". Cherno will be the first to bite the bait.
>they are so good at making sure people get what they want, what the fuck happened back there?

<eatchel seems weak, can Seaslug buff her a bit?
<but don't overbuff her too much like with Katya last time
>ends up buffing her healing a truck ton, and a few buffs here and there
<nooo I wanted to play her as a DPS....
>radio silence, most likely the Eatcheldev was fired and the Anti-Eatcheldev had to cover his tracks
>acacia pads her chest
>the "lethal" injection is actually just titagen
>she reforms and joins the battle idol program
But then again, if CN don't like Esther despite her huge jugs, I don't see this happening for Pi
You'll recruit Pi for Star Master 3. Trust the plan
Titagen injections would just turn her into a rock zombie.
>Next patch
>Yeah, just give Cherno twice the DPS of Katya, why not?
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Eatchel was an inside job, don't believe their lies
Yeah, that's why it was considered "lethal", but something happens, maybe because she's a weirdo director or something and then she manifests, and as a side-effect of the manifestation has deep regrets and decides to be a good (albeit bratty) lolibaba from now on.
Ult changes her form to her big version for a time. She fires lasers from her hands.
Is Theta the new boss?
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Everything you said is correct, because I agree with it.
she is the no drama just chill option
more detailed feet soon
The new boss is false god woden, aka odin. Lyfe's manifestation is odin so it's 99% sure to be connected to her somehow.
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I can't fucking wait
Chongchong here. Due to popular demand, anniversary patch will now feature a ministory that has a free interactive scene where you can personally tie Pi up and administer the lethal drugs during her execution by injection. The ministory will have multiple endings depending on the order of the drugs administered. You can watch Pi die peacefully in an unconscious state (Normal ending) or watch her die a painful death squirming while fully strapped to the table (Good ending).
I hope we get to fight the dapper fat bastard on the far right because the masked guy and the woman with robotic arms and a leg look like badass opponents that would need the whole of Heimdall at their top potential to beat.
I want a true ending where you make her orgasm to death.
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I wish the idea of death turned me on less than it does sometimes.
I don't recognize the music in this soundpost but I'm going to GUESS and say it's from American Psycho given that's exactly what I'd imagine one would reference from this image.
It's pretty normal honestly. The neural pathways for violence and sexual arousal(and hunger)are closely intertwined.
>box losing charge while charging
just like my shitphone haha...
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Tess will put a ring where other girls can't reach.
It's a jojo reference.
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A magic trick for the ages.
>Fenny should change all the girls' wardrobes under the pretext of "helping them attract the adjutant's attention". Cherno will be the first to bite the bait.
Fenny and Lyfe actively working to help expand your harem would be a level of kino I wouldn't be ready for.
Yeah, I know I'm not crazy or anything but it's still a bit disturbing since it's involuntary. I guess it's similar to how many women have rape fantasies. Us humans are weird creatures.
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It's another Killer Queen for sure
Fuck I haven't finished part 4 yet.
And the anime, just for good measure.
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>Fenny gives (You) a ring for one hand
>Lyfe gives (You) a ring for the other hand
>Katya does a striptease poledance and then puts a cock ring on (You)
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Fenny's dps doesn't look to bad. Especially for 25 energy and 0 ammo cost.
You just know that Katya is up next despite all the other girls ahead of her in the queue.
Love the mini explosion effect
Yeah I can see it.
I just want a proper rocket or grenade launcher character.
She is going to be good, I'm 100% sure Seaslug will make you roll for the sig if you want damage for wiFenny
>ICANPLAY is using Eatchel
Bro, he can't actually play...
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what games would they play
Staring at Agave's mystic orbs for long enough has given me a vision of the future.
Pi is going to escape among all the chaos in the Anniversary and be an annoying recurring antagonist several more times.
Epsilon will show up four months from now and turn out to be an okay guy, but is killed when Theta shows up to be the antagonist in the buildup to the half-anniversary.
Star Master 3.
I wouldn't mind more Pi, she needs correction
Whatever the most recent smash is, meanwhile Acacia plays melee still.
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>it's just Eatchel running around in a circle
And then Omega will be the final villain since she's a sexy hag. On the culmination of this arc of Snobble, Tau will have to go to the battlefield herself in order to even out the hag levels. That's when she becomes playable.
same just imagine them getting small details like the coloring right as well.
B-bro she's just reloading...
>0 cooldown on her skill
>Regains S-energy while shooting making special ammo cost pointless
>Essentially has infinite special ammo
>Can move while AoE nuking
Not only did she beat Katya to marriage, but she also beats her in gameplay.
Eatchel doesn't deserve all this suffering bwos...
Yeah, the sole texures need a bit more work but I have faith they'll get it right.
She plays animal crossing.
Dynasty warrior games and Monster hunter
MMOs and dress-up Nikki.
Eatchel alt will run on all fours
>more focus on her ass
I'm sold
Baldur's Gate 2
Dwarf Fortress
Gundam Breaker
Obviously Nita plays Asura's Wrath and Digital Devil Saga.
Took me too long to realize this is actually a thing.
> Her skill doesn't get cancel when you go over ledge
this is actually quite huge improvement.
5Cherno fking support skill that get cancelled 9 times out of 10 when use near ledge
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I guess this is good enough, haha...
Still calling her wild cunt
some of you are still huge fucking niggers
kek, not this again
Omega's ded bro
He got arrowed
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This shit's too hard. Can't wait to get to level 80 on characters and weapons.
Those are some of the most annoying bosses anyway. Not very noob friendly
Just don't get hit bro. At launch we had people playing bullet hell and spending 30 minutes running around trying not to get hit with their fennys and yaos and fritters.
Fiend's a bitch regardless. And Njall is just a bulletsponge
Bro, level your Kayta's logistics. You didn't even do the middle piece.
bwo my Harusex can deal 10k damage per headshot and she's a skill type.
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I still farming her logis since her first run haha..
level 80 isn't going to help you on the tiger bitch. His nuke is still a one shot, but the pillars to stop it become uber tanky.
Logi exp transfer 1:1 so you can just feed the old ones to the better ones
You can still level them up, bwo.
You get a 100% return on your XP when you feed an old logistics piece into a new one.
Kek, you're right.
I'm still amazed at the decisions they took back there
I actually found Fiend to be the easier of the too. Just dodge his telegraphed ass moves and he's no problem. I got pretty close to beating difficulty 4 for him Njall was a fucking nightmare because like 99% of his attacks are on the ground and I can't fucking see them cause I'm looking up at him and he also vomits out a million attacks.
The easiest so far, or maybe Cherno and Siris are just that OP.
>Basically a Katya that can move while shooting
Kek, they did it again
Absolutely based. Show no mercy to people who want to kill you dead. Not this "ooooh, if you kill them, you bee just like them ohhh nooooo!" liek all of thes eother pussy ass MCs.
Put your enemies mouths on the fucking curb, and STOMP THEIR TEETH OUT!
I want you to remember this post. Remember it and savor the memory of naivety. Ohhhhhh the tragedy!
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here bwo
hi horny
Fiend is a nigger, no scratch that, fiend is a bitch ass nigger. His totem one shot shit is gay.
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>what the fuck happened back there?
My personal theory is that Seaslug wanted Eatchel to be some kind of "on-field support" in response to the complains of support units not being worth spending money on because you barely see them.
The problem with this idea is that the game is not designed to promote a playstyle of constantly switching between your characters, because, unlike other gachas, the switching here is too slow and passive, which makes it directly unfun.
Add to this other problems she had, such as the excessive cost of her U-skill and the broken state of her S-skill, and you have a character that no one wants to roll for.
Now if my theory is true, why did it take them 20 days to fix her when all they did was adjust some numbers, fix the problems with her S skill and U skill and put constant healing effect on her so she can act as out of field? that's the real question.
Eatchel. what did I tell you? You can't say that to me while there are people around, they are gonna get bad ideas.
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What interrogation methods would you use against this spy?
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You guys wouldn't really hurt her... Would you?
do you think she's still strapped to that chair?
Spanking and feet tickling
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Manifesting future playable characters
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I did more farming and I guess I'll try again with this, funny that using a lv15 logi makes you waste less coins than using the exp ones just like CE bombs in FGO haha...
Wait a minute. I've seen those pixels before. Did they literally copy paste pixels?
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Btw fuck you too game, this was supposed to be a Katya roll AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Does rape count as hurting?
they should get rid of switch cooldown, that's the starter for changes
My current high score for defense battle on difficulty 3 is 250 points.....
A gameplay style of cycling characters could work if operatives in the background reloaded their weapons automatically. Certain teamups like Eatchel Fenny Marian would be really potent if by the time you looped around, the first had a full mag ready to go. Instead you get back around and the shotgunner will still have an empty mag that causes three unavoidable seconds of downtime.
>the switching here is too slow and passive
>switch cooldown
Why is this a thing anyway? I always assumed it was because if you did it too fast it would fuck up something when communicating with the server, but now i'm not so sure.
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>dark skinned brown shorty with a cold expression and white hair
this has awakened something inside of me
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I- I am NOT a planaria!
You could be lying. There's only one way to find out.
Are you me?
> get cut into hundred of pieces and survive
> actually all pieces survive
the horror
Crossbows don't have damage dropoff
Considering only coop missions are run on a server while solo play with a team of three at your disposal are client side, rapid switching couldn't cause network issues. The one second delay is probably an easier one-fits-all "just in case" thing regarding saturation of particle effects or preventing certain types of animation/action canceling.
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Bad news bwos...
Cherno is catering for the wedding reception
Good news bros...
Katya made reservations for the honeymoon.
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>Cherno's going to put mushrooms and garlic in the cake
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fenny love
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Wait SNOGGERS, holy shit. The new dorm place is at the top of the building. Isn't the area at 0:05 in the OP perfect for the you-know-what pool?
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hand optimization when
The switching cooldown is the least of the problems, if anything, snoble has a surpisingly low cooldown in that regard.
Stuff like what >>484451751 said about the ammo, or the fact that switching stops you for a moment (which also happens whe you use a support skill, and also seems to be somethung the devs are aware of, since they gave Fenny the ability to use her support skill without stopping your on-field) are what really kills the fun from switching characters.
is she having a stroke?
Oh nyo

Oh nyes
Switching also needs a proper switch in attack like wuwa or 3rd to really feel good. Even if said attack doesn't really do anything in and of itself it makes things flow better and that sort of dynamic entry is important for the feel of combat.
Your 5Chernyo bwo? or 4Chen should skill should be enough to zap the enemies buying you times to kill other side.
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I love Her so much.
>could work if operatives in the background reloaded their weapons automatically
why does nobody have nails in this game
>Canon marriage is gatekeeping some players in twitter.
I don't understand why they think (you) will only marry Lyfe and Fenny and not everybody else.
The wages of moralism cost much
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I just don't want to marry Lyfe. Imagine the fucking day they force you to marry Nita. CN' playerbase is gonna implode.
As has been said many times, romcom anime mindbroke a whole generation to think that "Harem" means you get 1 girl at the end. Maybe seaslug needs to put out a PSA that this is a Harem game and all the girls are going to get their turn.
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>background reload
only seasoned wolves know this
Why do you keep saying this? CN doesn't hate Nita
Anon, but gacha cartel said that big tits and hardcore for (You) pandering don't gatekeep people, you're clearly lying and making shit up...
Bro maybe his name is CN and he's talking about himself.
Not him, but I did have this as a question. I noticed sometimes that if I switched back to my emergency Yao after a bit (on the way to my next fight, trying to reload her), she'd be fully loaded. Is this just a mechanic the game never explained?
If canon marriage in an ML game which literally never happens gatekeeps them then they SHOULD be gatekept, good riddance.
Based. Esther marriage soon. Trust Acacias plan.
Be a good person
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>be good
YOU FOOL! It's too late. We've fallen to the dark side.

Greetings. I'm the leader of the CN gacha cartel. That's not what we say at all. We believe that games should be "for everyone" and pandering should be done for any group except straight males. Male targeted harem games should be burned to the ground and straight males should just accept that they are second class citizens in the gaming world.
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no bush?
Good. Bushes are gross
But I need to be cunning in order to protect my operatives...
>the fact that switching stops you for a moment (which also happens whe you use a support skill
This is the thing that I hate the most, that 1 second delay in which you can't move, shoot, do anything!
See >>484442049
Cunningly Good
I hope you guys are actually sending Seaslug your ideas through the customer service portal and eventually the end of patch survey. They actually read them.
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You will buy a ring for your wife right?
I'm bad at maths but... given the marriage rings dont appear unless you pay... does that mean to make the harem a real thing in your game you have to pay aprox 400 USD adding all girls to skin price?
Is Chaotic-good acceptable?
Bwo I can't fap to hentai if there's no well drawn bush...
hmmm 1238 fanart in pixiv, thats a nice increase in a short time
Gross. The girls take care of themselves.
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>When you roll on the 50/50 banner
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There's Nita in a different clip (live stream instead of the PV)
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He's a little crazy and a lot racist. don't mind him.
cowardly authors that start a harem only to have the MC end up with one girl have totally destroyed the genre. Best girl wars for the "winner" are retarded, all girls should be happy at the end or they shouldn't attempt harems. They should just introduce multiple couples and focus it on events and shenanigans between them. Heck, it worked for Takagi san's author.
My beautiful pink gremlin genius wife...
>Certain teamups like Eatchel Fenny Marian would be really potent if by the time you looped around, the first had a full mag ready to go
well, they'd still need buffs out the ass, because a maxed solo Siris has higher dps than that whole team at max
it's kinda funny Seaslug is even bothering with skins for Eatchel and Marian; they're set up to fail by being released alongside nu-Lyfe and nu-Fenny and being weak as shit
Doesn't happen, not real.
It doesn't help that the new Eatchel skin is total dogshit. I mean god damn it's terrible. I wouldn't even have thought it a costume.
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It's explained in one of the loading screen tooltips.
>cowardly authors that start a harem only to have the MC end up with one girl have totally destroyed the genre. Best girl wars for the "winner" are retarded.
The problem is that most of Harem anime ended up not following the real route, at least we can be happy the biggest Harem anime go the real Harem ending that also gate kept a lot of normies.
>caring about gameplay
I play this game to coom
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Bu~But I love seeing fanboys's tears.
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The image says outfit exclusive, if it's only the outfit and assuming it costs 98 bitgold it would be way less
didn't ask
he was specifically talking about strength and gameplay interactions
>new Eatchel skin is total dogshit
holy shit don't remind me again, i'm still seething with the ending
>he was specifically talking about strength and gameplay interactions
>"it's kinda funny Seaslug is even bothering with skins for Eatchel and Marian"
Probably will desu. How much is it, like 30$ each?
dont call eachother fags
hmmm... nyo
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Please... not again anon. I'm still seething that all the other girls lost.
>The problem is that most of Harem anime ended up not following the real route, at least we can be happy the biggest Harem anime go the real Harem ending that also gate kept a lot of normies
Makes me remember my first "Harem" anime, one where it was a human dude hat had to pick between a demon, human, and god girl. it had a VN too and it didn't have a harem route. I was pissed
>I love seeing fanboys' tears
But I hate seeing 90% of the girls being unhappy. 'tis bullshit.
The new Eatchel skin would be 11/10 if she was actually riding a skateboard, doing some kicks and grabs while dodging, jumping, standard skill
Unseasoned opinion.
Stop projecting for one second and open your eyes, anon! You know it to be true.
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I haven't used her even once.
I'll ask seaslug to add an option to prevent Heimdall operatives (and Tau) from shaving down there.
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Yeah, it should be 198 bitgold for each bundle. I haven't seen the prices confirmed anywhere
It's a BP skin, buddy, it ain't gonna do squat
learn to read, retard
well I do and i'm better than them
i will never, ever touch stinky shita
Certain minigame in The Hangar
I really hope fenny is wearing some skimpy panties. This will be the deciding factor for if I buy the skin.
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She's literally me
Fenny needs more drills and, "ohohoho"s.
>But I hate seeing 90% of the girls being unhappy
Calm down anon if it's < 9 persons harem. it's 88% max.
let's be real a bit since I'm self-insert as MC. I will sympathise with him, not those heroines. if he's happy with having harem. i'm also happy. if he want to choose one. I am okay with it.
but you're probably bigger guy than me( or you are that redman), I can see why you have that ideal
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What if I don't want to marry Lyfe?
You do.
Joke's on you Lyfe will marry you anyway.
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That means you are a homosexual.
Headcanon against it, you have no choice anymore.
It is what it is.
Adjutant has obligation to make every girls happy. There will be no exceptions.
Imagine not being canon.
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What if I don't have enough seasoning to properly season every girl?
sounds like Edda's been messing stuff up in your brain again
better get that looked at
Then you have a terminal case of shit taste
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Ah fuck.
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You got to marry them all!
But Lyfe has autism
First cum first serve
another notch in the pink gremlin's belt
she can't keep getting away with it
It was my fourth 10 pull on the Beginner banner. My second 5* from that banner after Yao.
I'm SUPPOSED to have a fifth 10-pull, but the game has told me to "fuck off" and is now pretending I did five pulls.
Wake up Acacia, time to code Star Master 3
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unseasoned pup
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Groping my wyfe's saggy tits
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>what if I don't want to marry Lyfe
Then you're not the adjutant, because I want to Marry Lyfe and the adjutant is literally me.
>There's an actual chance she's getting a marriage ring not too late
The hatefuck honeymoon correction sex is going to be so unreal. She might actually go permanently dumb.
Not to mention, if she fucks with the Adjutant because of her gremlin attitude, he's literally fucking her later for it. A hole for an eye type situation.
Reminder that they are doing serious model revamps, especially the feet and hands but we do know which one of the two is getting more polish.
It's the game telling you to quit bwo
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>Tfw you realize you will get Acacia pent up enough by rejecting her requests due to being married, forcing her to give in to a marriage proposal unironically. Finally forming a Triumvirate of wives.
Is she really that bad?
fraid so
>He doesn't want the straight-to-the-point trainable wife who is dead serious about the "till death do us part" of the oath and melts with basic affection because she has no reason to hide her true self and wishes when alone with you (And Fenny hugging you from behind I guess)
You probably beat Lyfe on the spectrum.
By a wide margin.
>rolling NOW instead of waiting for when anniversary event comes
You done fucked up.
Only if you care about the Meta too autistically.
You should still have a meta-squad just for the higher difficulty rewards, but that's optional. The real meta right now credit cardmaxxing if you want the real experience with skins.
If it was the beginner banner it doesn't matter. Unless he used purple crystals on it then lel
Go on and finish it then! You will have great days while doing it!
>start matching for hero games with Siris
>Frito joins the room
>Katya joins the room
>check my stats
>~80% total damage
Katya probably dealt ~19.5%. Frito is there to provide moral support at best.
The whole point is that you can kinda gatekeep the ones you don't really like from the harem by not marrying them when their marriage option is released.
The only real issue being that subsequent main story chapters will likely have them being all lovey-dovey with you because the marriage still happens in-universe even if at base you are just fuck-buddies or friends (Nita... Dog...).
It's going to be interesting to see what Seasun gets right using this system and will likely be studied by future gachas or competitors to create a more balanced version of the same system. Not anytime soon tho. Also don't expect fucking MiHoYo and similar studios to try this. Seasun is kinda shooting in the dark right now trying to see if this will be another massive hit or not, but the results won't be in anytime soon.
The eventual Katya marriage assuming Seasun is not blueballing us is going to make waves tho.
SnowPEAK strikes again!
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remember to buy these this month
Yeah, next month accounts are going to be drained of all precious resources. Not stocking up right now would be stupid
let's put it this way
in co-op, yes, absolutely that bad
in Neural Sim, bad unless you have M3 Frito with T2 Lava Bones and strong logis - M3 Tess - 5Mauxir
if you do have that setup she can perform quite well, but still not as well as Yao with identical setup (and Yao only needs M2 and M2 Tess, not M3).
Her support skill is also the most useless in the game
In summary, you should ignore her entirely unless the game decides to drop 2 Lava Bones in your lap from spooks
You should ignore Marian if you get her too
Just use THAT
Comfy thread
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Still no Mauxir swimsuit rerun...
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Anyone here plays First Descendant? It's a worse Warframe+Destiny but with coombait and plays like a mobile TPS.
ads for other games... dead thread again...
I hope that all swimsuits will be updated to reflect the new direction, making certain parts optional.
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Maybe in the swimsuit patch...
We get swimsuits in winter bwo
I'll take a look later but i'm not hopefull
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I'm gonna buy pic related. what am I in for.
Intense combat, beautiful visuals, and a new alignment system.
Is there always some event going on in Snobble? I'm wondering when I should switch from farming event maps to focusing on non-event logistics for Fenny and Yao
For non event logistics, just use your weekly gigalink currency to buy them
If you get blue text with a note to the left you can click on it for more information
interesting, I certainly don't play this series for the "visuals". I'll do a nightmare run first since I enjoyed it the past couple of games.
Does the Abandoned Area in Underground Purge reset or is it always there?
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Fenny wedding skin will be sold in advance?
>he is asking
I love Mumu...
One time clear type of content.
Played until the first big boss it was kinda fun then I saw the drop rates on items from the boss core and it became a lot less fun. Will probably go back for the rest of the bosses but definitely not going to grind it like I did Warframe back in the day.
>seasoned wolf
>amazing seasun games
>seasuned wolves
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Katya, you're officially relegated to support
>framed it as a suggestion to squash the schedule doubters
Devious but effective. I kneel, Mumu.
Is the anniversary gonna have some new limited time offer whale packs? I need more rolls and the current packs are dog shit value for getting more rolls.
Converting to 2x digicash has the most value for rolls
I'm 35s on this with Katya thougheverbeit
on the right, using Siris instead of Tess doesn't make sense
Enya would also be better, Wild Hunt with Twilight would be better, 4Acacia + Kaguya would be better...
Is the Njall shield counted as a breakable part? My Katya is only M0 and I'm missing the event weapon part.
Enya is on the Cherno team and I don't have Kaguya.
It was a dick move not to include crossbow part, along with cope weapon, in the event shop.
I've got 380 digigold so we'll see when the update drops what I can work with.
Don't forget about 2x digicash reset on anni
At least you'll have a way to get it for free (40 days of dailies) after anni
Huh? I don't get it
Breakable parts have yellow health bars
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I got impulsive.
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Thank you for funding the server
New Fenny, which has only one skin, makes good old Fenny, which has many skins, go brrr. I see it as an absolute win.
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New response:
1. The skin will be delivered on original schedule (July. 25th)
2. Fenny's affection story at affection 50 will be revisited and will be available on July. 11th
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Well at least I unbricked myself from rolling for Katya and can now get Lyfe and even another old character that I want.
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Where was this from? Fenny, Frito and Nita are the ones who welcome you back if you haven't logged in in quite some time
This is probably for the best. Have people excited for middle of the patch as well
Nice, I guess we should expect other similar revisions to other aspects later on.
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So are you going to buy every wedding costume we get? You won't be picky and choosy and neglect your wives right?
Wait, do you have to have her trust at 50 before being able to marry her?
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>Chapter 10 spoiler
I know most of you are done, I am warning about it anyway
hoooly fuck bro! everything is going to shit!
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I'll be buying both wedding skins, the new Marian skin, the Eatchel BP skin, and all eight rerun skins.
You don't have to.
What should I focus on in a shop event? Roll tickets > dorm tickets > dorm collection items > gold cells > weapon parts? New player here, so seems like I won't be able to buy much anyway
Flooding seems to bring out the negative emotions and memories of many of the girls.
And then you have those who just got loopy,
And Acacia who was just unbothered. there's something special about her and I hope that branches to another plot. I'm ready to wait for Alt Grandma
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Jesus H. Christ oh a bike that's 1600$.
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>Acacia who was just unbothered
She's autistic
That's her disability
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>That's her disability
Nah, an autist would've made a better game than star master.
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