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Previous: >>484420857

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Spino Doubleblaster" live until July 8

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
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Cute & canon
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sex with hu tao
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I like IT. I've always wanted a reason to build my 4* characters
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Yumeshitters are cringe af.
Since she allegedly is going to be on one of the 4.8 banners please give me, a clueless retard, a QRD on Yelan and why she's supposed to be good.
Is she just XQ but 5 stars for hydro application? I don't care about her dash for exploration since I already have 100% on most maps and I don't mind taking my time with Natlan
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>post about character
>get melted down on
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Nahida is really sexy.
>he skipped all geo characters because they weren't meta pre-IT
Ayato (an irrelevant nobody) is literally me
Yae is literally for me
Me on the left
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>Retards in these threads will genuinely defend this
Bros, as we speak i am getting mogged by a mosquito.
It turns invisible when i turn the lights on.
What do to defeat this scoundrel?
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have you thanked the prinzassin today
I just hate geo on the principle that you HAVE to run monogeo just to make it start to halfway function.
Navia is the exception and I rolled her without question.
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i will fap to her later
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.sexy really is Nahida
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Ayato prefers Chiori
No, it was specifically because Albedo burned me that I skipped them afterwards. Geo is suffering the consequences of bricking me.
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I only built Albedo, Zhongli, C6 Noelle, C2 Gorou, C5 Yunjin.
I cant believe IT is going to make me build my Ninnguang who was C6 since 2.0 yet benched.
Maybe I should also pull Navia next patch instead of Emilie.
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it is a popular hairstyle in Mondstadt
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>IT exposes how many anons don't build shit and just hold CA Neuvillette for every combat encounter
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Excuse me?
zzz off to a great start
>Genshins Last Archon Quest to end the Story
>Lumine: "Brother, it is done. I found a way where we can go home now."
>Dainsleaf: "But Traveler LE Loom of Fate"
>1 hour Dainslop yapping
>Traveler: "i miss the part where that's my problem"
>Credit Roll

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>he spends his day making collages of video game npcs
this bitch is a better actress than furina
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>All characters 90
>Talents and artifacts for another year

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Whats up with all the recent events in this patch only being only a week long?
I barely have time to complete them
post her BIG titty
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what's even funnier is that they deleted their account. all over a 4chan shitpost LOL
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Does Chiori trigger HIM?
Living the dream, you can use literally any team you want now...
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I wanted to roll for Nilou next patch but I don't have any geo characters for IT so I have to skip her and get for Navia instead
The upcoming teaser will have the Five Sinners reveal + Skirk and the Abyss Twin
Wait until a couple of days after ZZZ releases for the leaks.
I already forgot this guy came out
What went wrong?
wait for ZZZ to launch
then wait for the special program and teaser on Friday
>patch 4.8 Genshin collab announcements
Wanderer x Mega Coffee Korea
Klee x Duolingo
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Remember when AyaOri was a thing?
The forest remembers
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My wife
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It's okay, Chiori.
I'm gonna sneeze on the tits of the next genshin posted
Sorry bro
Chiori's a man-hating radfem dyke
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Good size, good post.
Bros... I don't have a single geo character above 70 except the traveler.....
that tail is so fucking gross. what were the designers thinking
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this patch made me diversify my moveset by holding the NA button
also neuv doesnt even need to hold down the button you can unironically tab out and he will still be pissing the full duration
Can't believe they shipped Corrin and Byleth.
your GAIZ?
your truck?
your miss Yun?
My only built geo character is ZhongGOD :/
>Lowest views on bilibili and youtube
>Lowest revenue
>New sub region is smaller compared to all the others
>New areas are practically empty
>Shorter events
>Returning events are bricked versions of their original versions
Fontaine objectively flopped
Why does everyone wants pyro archon to be black?
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Is this true?
They introduced him as a cooler Cyno rival, and then he immediately gave up what made him interesting. He's the Knuckles of Genshin Impact.
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*instagibs your favorite hag*
Nothing personnel
>Sumeru (also Inazuma technically)
Wormvillette flopped.
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weak ass bitch couldnt even beat a homeless manlet
pagden flopped
Baited and triggered
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Yea pretty much it. I've been trying lately Freminet and he is fun so far.

Honestly I don't know what happened but I tried it in the abyss, he seems kinda cool right now.
I still can't believe to this day, Dawei got away with introducing a jew named Goldman jewing everyone.
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am I in the ghettos of sumeru?
>Genshitters shitting and self harming themself because of geo restrict
>Geo MC forgotten

Really Niggas?
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when I see people say IT I don't think "Imaginarium Theatre"

I think IT like when manga characters have to use THAT
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I hope the next big trailer (not the small teaser) will show the actual Natlan cast like the overture video did so I can determine who I want to save for
I don't want them to just tease Natlan by making the teaser be about saurians and how they are used for traversing terrain
raidentroon will have a melty soon
watch out
Wormrina flopped
Based ei.jpeg melty incoming
Fontaine killed Genshin...
Emilia will deal the coup de grâce with her ugly ass banner...
It's just so funny how obsessed you are with thinking other people are mad. Literally all it does is show how mentally ill you are.
Most westerners only look at the Pyro Archon and think it's problematic because of being a spanish colonizer, but Zhongli was one too.

He was based on a Manchu Qing Dynasty emperor, the not bringing money part was a reference to it. His old suit also not a hanfu.
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when I see people say IT I don't think "Imaginarium Theatre".

I think of a bunch of pajeets getting java certifications.
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Don't lie to me anons but name your triple crown characters
The theater is an ENDGAME MODE, beginners with not many characters will obviously call it hard and some long time players who haven't leveled up many characters.

I hear people saying that it shouldn't force us to use 4 characters but THAT'S THE POINT of the Vigor mechanic, you need to manage your Vigor. If they allowed you to use only 2 or 3 characters, it would be too easy and the vigor mechanic would become meaningless.

As for the restrictive part, that's literally the premise of the whole mode, without it this mode would basically be Spiral Abyss 2.0.

I feel like this mode is something that encourages people to build and use characters they usually don't give a crap about and strategize on how to manage vigor such that your best units are reserved for last. The enemies aren't even as brutal as Abyss Floor 12 but that lack of difficulty is covered by the element restriction and vigor mechanics.

Sure there are some things that need improvement but everything considered, it's a great new mode that I personally very much enjoyed.
She is a more offensive Xingqiu.
Slightly lower hydro application, no healing and no defensive buff.
But slightly higher damage and gives a buff.
A tiny vocal minority on Twitter who likely doesn't even play the game hardly count as 'most'
This. I'd wager a lot of people are in the same boat. Emilie will flop HARD if they don't.
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Kk im going to sleep, gn cutie pie smooooch
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The biggest flopper in history vs the biggest flopper of today...
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Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong with Fontaine? What would have you changed?
Only Eula.
Next to her I have Chev and Furina double crowned.
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Nahida will never invade your dreams and make you indulge in her vore fantasies
Kazuha? More like MIDzuha!
It's hard to say Zhong is a colonizer when you realize most Chinese dynasties are formed by invading foreigners who later became Sinicized.
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Is Furina's signature weapon worth getting?
Im close to pity
I have 1 geo character, I have 2 Dendro characters.
>Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong with Fontaine?
>What would have you changed?
remove neuv
I have too many
>What would have you changed?
Remove Neuvillette and the Fortress of Slop
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>slightly higher damage
Let's not be disingenuous here. She deals almost double xis damage. Xingqiu deals ~4k crit per rain sword, Yelan deals ~8k.
C6 Xingqiu, 2->3->5 Rainswords
Total damage=40k damage
C0 Yelan, 3>3>3 Rainswords
Total Damage=72k
Granted, depending on your team, it might only be slightly higher TEAM dps, if your main DPS is dealing the brunt of the damage anyway.
why are events not lasting as long?
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What exactly is the difference between a war ravaged land and a normal one in a world with melee fights?
Do you think the place of the Battle of Hastings looks destroyed?
I'm unflopable
Klee hu tao nilou ganyu furina eula keka clorinde yae nahida yaoyao
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You guys are the most pathetic and repetitive general of all time.
We know, Raiden
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>this mode is something that encourages people to build and use characters they usually don't give a crap about
But I cleared it without building a single character except C2R1 Raiden (which you can borrow if you aren't me)
Where is he now
Genshin events (apart from the main patch one) have always been short
4 stars...
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Raiden is the most pathetic and repetitive character of all time.
More ravaged than Poland during WWII because of Visions and Guns.
i want dehya and beidou to spitroast me
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also Arlecchino and Xianyun, but I've been too lazy to update the image
flopden flopgun flopped
>Nicole is mute
what other hexenzirkel lore did we get?
Rhinedottir is genuinely insane
Why does HSR and ZZZ get black opening screens and we have to get flashbanged when we open the game?
Why do EulaLORDS love their character so much?
our game...
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Hydro Flop, Hydro Flop, don't cry...
>Reddit Midgun
what is this from?
I'm a day one player (with a couple of breaks, to be fair) and I have never used a single crown, ever.
Natlan will show whether or not Genshin has truly started it's decline in overall success and popularity or if Fontaine was just a bad egg
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people want to believe that vertical investers somehow got fucked, but its really not that hard to clear this mode with whatever you were using to do abyss already
I've been farming for Whismy since Arlecchino came out and I still dont have a single double crit piece..
>there are people here who don't level all characters to 70/80 for the free fates
don't worry bros, ZZZ will subsidize us.
People in this very thread will look at these numbers and say the playerbase hasn't shrunk
>Remove Neuvillette
it would be the same, even more, you could remove the entire cast and it would still be the same, the only relevant character in the AQ was Focalors, everyone else didn't matter
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Threadly Reminder that Furina is for you and "cunny" is now banned. The allowed term is "loli vagina."
Like: "Damn, imagine filling up Furina's loli vagina with your dick and her womb with your cum until she's pregnant. Isn't that something?"
That domain is fucked.
/gig/ isn't anything special. Every general with a lot of EU subhumans is like this.
>first new permanent gamemode releases after almost 4 years
>almost nobody talks about it
Have you just not done it yet or what?
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I can't beat this new mode on Normal either, the vishaps fuck me up.
Hu Tao
See the latest entries

Alice is the leader of the Hexenzirkel
Barbeloth has a similar personality to Mona
One of the human Hexenzirkels (Scarlett's ancestor) was the mayor of Snezhnaya hundreds of years ago
They really liked Anderstotter

On Rhinedottir
>Some mysterious handwriting appears before the main text: "It's so rare for R to be in her right mind for a spell. Should she really be wasting the precious little lucid time she has writing this?" "Don't worry. For a witch, this is the most important thing."
I like listening to Sigewinne talk. (JP)
It's reason enough to blow a pity.
/gig/ isn't anything special. Every general with a lot of NA subhumans is like this.
I've never seen an intelligent post that has a Raiden pic attached to it.
read the room, we’re busy shitposting here
/gig/ isn't anything special. Every general with a lot of SEA subhumans is like this.
>region full of brown people
I'm sure that'll go over well in China
How the fuck can retards play Arlecchinos story quest and still say Fontaine wasn't rewritten?
They literally brought Childe in for no reason other than to Retcon all of the previous dialogue about her
Anon it's like 3 AM over there
only hu tao
It's only 2:40 here
I'm an Ayato enjoyer
what is the quickest way to kill this stupid rock cube if you don't have geo characters built? only got zhongli
they use to be two weeks long, stupid nara
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Hu Tao and Chiori
Off the top of my head
I think alhaitham
Can't remember who else
Genshin isn't about the gameplay
It's about story and lore and how mich you want to fuck your favorite character
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blunt damage
use any claymore
Crucabena was supposed to be the playable one
But they killed her off during the rewrite so they can shill a Fu Hua expy (along with Boothill).
the only thing this tell me is that Kazuha is unfloppable
maybe the designer is an alien 9 fan
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>duplicates on the very last material
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>Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)02:39:17 No.484441498
>It's only 2:40 here
all her skills are relevant to her damage

that and we have to squeeze out every drop of it we can get
we have known she was rewritten ever since 4.0 bro
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least obvious yuronigs
Yoimiya, Eula, Furina, Dehya, Arlecchino, Nahida, Yelan, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
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>emelie next month
>zzz gets this.
Genshin fagdevs need to learn how to make a good looking short hair girl.
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fat xiao and floptaine have done irreparable damage to this game
>!Akemi is obsessed with being the OP of threads because he's desperate for affirmation and representation
It's actually hilarious how !Akemi is exactly the same has far left woke retards. They have the exact same mentality. Even down to freaking out if they aren't given a safe space.

You will never "trigger" anyone. But you will never accept that, because this delusion is the only thing stopping you from killing yourself.
>hu tao
why did they stop making memorable characters
I still can't believe Chiori isn't a standard character
She gives off the biggest standard roster vibes
>thick hair
>lower middle class

biggest bush in genshin.
make the plot literally anything else then some stupid prophecy and furina "stepping down" from archon for sovereignwank. No prison slop. Have everyone contribute.
From the new book

>So, the little witch found the great demon king. I'm sure you all remember that killi— defeating more demon kings causes witches to grow stronger. As such, the little witch was actually already amazingly powerful now! The great demon king was simply no match for her.
>"Can you really kill a being that looks like a human and has intelligence?" Shouted the great demon king in desperation.
>"You're right. I didn't really intend to do anything to you anyway," said the little witch.
She's from the slums remember, she may not even know how to shave
one claymore to break the pillars
I gave C4 Freminet a phys damage goblet and 250 EM, will he be Shattergod now?
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Fucking why? All of these are from standard banner. Who the fuck do I equip these extras on?
>and Baizhu's banner was during the time where Seele was mogging him to oblivion
I kneel, GODzhu...
She is so legitimately fucking sexy.
she’s 16 you sick fuck
game is pozzed as fuck now
this patch alone made a gay couple and a literal tranny
I don't have any, I don't have a single double crowned character, I don't havea a single crowned characters
Even better. Springy tits instead of flabby ones.
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who will be the first witch we actually see in person that isn't invisible
>think about building my c6 Heizou for theater
>Faruzan is c2
hold e with lvl 1 john lee.
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Bro your Bennett (bow)?
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help im confused, did i fuck up somehow. it says im out of characters but i know i selected more to use than this.
heizou is ASS. the only character in the game that makes wanderer look good. just pair faru with scara rounds 1 and 2.
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I forget Klee, Ganyu, Keka, and Eula exist all the time. Meanwhile Raiden is the biggest shitposted female here, but without that she'd be forgotten just as easily.
I remember farming that with UNMATCHED centuries ago.
Boar princess and Wolfy aren’t the same gender
>this patch alone made a gay couple
is this about seetheos line about kaveh and alhaitham or some other schizo theory
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>and will just endlessly samefaging
Sara if you have Sethos or Raiden
I have her on Fading Twilight. A little bit of ER is cumfartable.
Either Alice or a Hexenzirkel PV.
But I imagine they will have to do something amazing, since Alice is probably their best emergency button.
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I am eating trail mix and drinking a Ghost instead of having dinner because I work nights and my shift is in three hours.
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I have been on the pale flame domain that using resin on another domain feels so wrong and a waste of resin, which is ironic.
You can spend points to get more. If it doesn't give you the option you can buy boons or refresh events until it pops up
rewind and use your points to recruit more bwo
Be honest, none of us have any hope for Natlan
Albedo used solar beam!
It's not very effective...
you see the number 525 on the top right? that's currency that you should spend to recruit more characters
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is Wanderer on the next theater again?
unless you use one of the summon character boons, you only get one character from your pool added after each battle
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how was your IT experience osk
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Heizou has the coolest catalyst gameplay in the game
I think the only time I've ever reacted was in her event when she bribed that chick for info, legit did not expect her to do that. It made me instantly like Chevy.
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You're right, natlan just won't have a character as good as neuvillette gameplay wise, personality wise, or as funny has he is
Neuvillette was the peak of genshin's creativity and it's just down hill from here
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>why does paimon repeat shit to us like we're retarded
I think dinosaur jumping between walls is cooler than underwater gameplay. I, for one, am hyped
I stand with doro44 on his take on IT
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newer players can still do normal mode like i did on my alt and you only miss 180 primogems. I have a single built character (arlecchino) and filled the rest up with level 60s which i was able to level up in a day, no artifacts equipped. Just use the trial Scara for 2 floors, Trial Clorinde for 2 floors, and your own carry for 2 floors. use all the flowers you get to try and get your main carry.
too bad she is flat
Only the most devout cultists defend Arlecchino's terribly messy writing.
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That was it?
I was expecting this to be more difficult with how everyone was crying when they saw the leaks
That's part of it.
>Only the most devout cultists defend Ei's terribly messy writing.
this character is literally getting powercrept in 5.0, only people that will bring him up are sunkcost metahomos
I flopped..
So this 5 mimute thing only resets once a month?
>characters changes opinion on someone

that's not what a retcon is, retard
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Kek I intentionally levelled this as a Neuvillette off-piece, in case I roll too much CR on another piece.
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i need to sex her, medically speaking
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>arlecchino keeps saying she likes people having the wrong idea about her
>Morons still malding because they had the wrong idea about her
It's pretty funny
Me too...
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ah i see i do remember seeing something about a character card last turn but assumed it was optional. thats dumb as fuck, why make us select characters to use if you're gonna force us to spend points to use them, i rerolled and got some more, but im not happy. im jewish about any kind of my currency and i don't like being forced to spend it against my will
literally zero people defend pagden
remove Flopthesley and his mentally ill cuckposters
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Should've used yucka instead of alpedo
The pyro archon will be a more of retard then neuv and furina combined
ZZZ bros....
Gameplay wise I have no hope for natlan or the game in general. Before fontaine I already felt like I was done with getting characters because I got enough to cover every element and playstyle I could ever care for. There were so many times that I pulled for characters just because I was bored and ended up never using them at all, Itto, Klee, Yae, and Nilou for example.
I'm excited for the exploration and story though.
I'm next... Gacha is declining...
>Threatened to start a war with Mondstat because they wanted to deal with Dvalin
>Tried to sink Liyue harbor and kill their Archon
>Instigated a war and did illegal weapon trade in Inazuma
>Tried to take over Sumeru
>Tried to assassinate Furina

>The Fatui were never evil and were always our allies bro
Thanks to Fontaine, the best DPS in the game are some pedo attracted to his melusine daughterwives, a transexual that thinks she's a father and a pork.
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How do you have medical sex?
They shouldn't have changed it
I want the original plot where Focalors was a power hungry dictator who sent assassins onto dissidents and the plot revolved around (You) stirring up a Worker's Revolution to depose the ruling class.
>Tried to assassinate Furina
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why do you namedrop me bro? This is an anonymous board I liked it, IT is fun
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Is that even possible?
>Threatened to start a war with Mondstat


that was one person suggesting Jean let the fatui deal with dvalin
Slug winning
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>what went wrong with Fontaine?
There's nothing wrong about Masterpiecetaine.
Stop bullshitting.
>She is so legitimately fucking sexy.
i don't see it
>a power hungry dictator who sent assassins
That was literally revealed to be wrong in 1.X during endora's event retard
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Why does the final stage in IT give us currency?
Which Genshin would give you an STD
Your sibling HATES the HP (especially for denying both of you hot, steamy incest segs) and the Archons are basically the HP's lapdogs.
The Fatui did nothing wrong.
>she’s 16
outta 10
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>Dinduchino makes potions that turn people into dindus
You can't make this shit up
Robo Raiden did nothing wrong
FX is the modern tolkien.

Wrio. He has anal prison shower sex every morning
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To show off that big score
Characters and the writing suck. The only character I rolled for is Navia because she's fun to play
Delete Shillvillette and Focalors while making Furina the real Archon, Chodepaglia gets booted for Sandrone since she is actually relevant to Fontaine, cut the whale, and delete the filler prison.
What did he say?
such a fucking shit move after hyping it up as death
Does hoyo hate Chevreuse?
This Nara has not done his quest and it shows
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Regarding IT, is it just me or the buffs are really fucking minimal? You're better off using the currency to unlock more characters.
Pyro archon status?
The early theories were so wild lmao
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>the buffs are really fucking minimal
>You're better off using the currency to unlock more characters.
Mean yea when your characters can shred the stages why would you go for buffs over opening teamcomps
Did gig finally remember “oh right raiden is still busted” from having to use her in IT ?
This is a fucking archon quest. Why is it a powerpoint presentation instead of a high effort cutscene?
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What's his game plan for Natlan?
i came inside a gigger....
budget goes into hsr marketing
We had to make the 2 chapters of prisonslop as shitty as possible.
Because you're not supposed to enjoy yourself in prison.
She was a great support for my Alhaitham
Star rail did it so we did, probably a mandate from higher ups
They hate fat people
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Filler region, Natlan will be better. Trust the plan.
Not bad, he even got the Sussytainer is an outlander herself part right.
because there was a ton of cutscenes in the AQ and lynney getting shot to break up a fight didn't require an entire cutscene
Nothing since everyone keeps saying he's a nice and honorable guy
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I am convinced that the pedo who was mad we didn't use his 7 hour thread is the one spamming cuckshit OPs
Pyro archon will be a pale white, dragon killing colonizer screencap this
Sex mode added to the game.
You can now unlock sex scenes with your favorite character as long as you C6 them.
Man why did that faggot Ashikai had to get bigger instead of this channel
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No lmao, left that brick sitting in the box
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I'd make the person who wrote the side quests be responsible for an arc or story quest instead of whoever is currently in charge. I had much more fun doing the Narzissenkreuz Ordo quests. The main quests are always too formulaic for no reason, the writers could easily be more ambitious and the playerbase wouldn't care. Arlecchino was my biggest disappointment though. She felt more like a filler harbinger.
Raiden is dead
Fontaine killed her
I get it, but this is also billions of dollars they make every year and the corner cutting is near constant.
Right now the dendro and hydro babies (most of the playerbase) have lost their crutches. Of course they are gonna struggle.
smol indie company
please understand
because she didn't quit like that faggot
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I won.
I'm not sorry
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>there was a ton of cutscenes in the AQ
Same shit in HSR. Here's Firefly and Blade in a car talking about shit for the nth time. Fucking hell.
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>I can sex Dehya
Yup. That's my FAURKING HERO!
muh personality death
Lyney is basically Fontaine's Ayato with how quickly he was forgotten
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What about C6R5?
>If I post this it takes away the amount of cutscenes in the AQ
I saved up an entire year for that fourth banner. Got her C3, Yoi, and both their signatures. Good times.
That cutscene doesn't have GODvillette in it.
It doesn't deserve effort.
Would make sense
he's in everything the fuck are you on about
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Floptainesisters... My knees are giving out.
shartvillette melty incoming...
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Did /gig/ move on from siggy yet?
we never started lol
buddypoke flopped
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In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful,
The Raiden Shogun.
I should have saved for Emilie instead...
Clorinde Lawrence was Fontaine's Ayato
I really like Qiqi's vagina bones...
A reminder that gig voted for a meh hydro healer over Raiden
Your “almighty” was btfo’d by a slug
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I think I have to use potatos for this specific angle but I really like it.

+1 image limit, no contribution
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Absolutely nobody talks about Clorinde.
Lyney meanwhile has one dedicated schizo whenever someone remotely praises him.
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In lieu of whom?
furina's cute little butt
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Its amazing how I survived this wordslop bullshit.
The worst fucking quest Ive ever fucking seen in this game.
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Brand new song.
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What? No way. Of course Raiden isn't strong.
only cause she's going to be very meta in Natlan
Sayu sex
8 witches, 7 archons, 6 pygmyes, 5 sinners, 4 descenders, 3 moon sisters... what are we counting down for
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I always talk about my wife
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FAAAUUURK RaidenGODS I'm sorry for everything I said
2 Travelers, 1 Paimon
I'm still sitting at C5 fucking Kujo Sara.
you're worst than ACK at this point raipag
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Looking back on it
Its amazing how many people were fooled by Raiden.
Shes so fucking weak and were forced to roll for cons and weapon.
>this cope
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Cute wife and husband teamwork
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bros i think ZZZ might kill us soon i'm worried
Is this the peruano?
The only reason why she has good sales is because she's busted
>trying to cuckpost with a manlet
Gacha games peaked with Raiden Shogun, it's not my opinion, it's reality.
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this but Nahida
RaiGOD STACYgun...
So, honest question. What went so wrong with your life that shitposting on 4chan is literally the only thing you have?
funny how almost every lore channels died or went full schizo mode now
rip my nigga Wei
raidentranny melting rn
Raiden literally did outsell Flopptaine
Why does the camera start jittering after the burst animations?
There hasn't been any news about standard banner changes right? I've got over 100 fates.
>Neuv powercreep
what did I miss ?
How much damage does C6 slug burst do
The sad part is I enjoy his playstyle more than Clorinde.
the camera can't handle her power in display.
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>XXX is so strong you just need to roll for cons, Kazuha and Bennet
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Well this sword took a lot of murder to get. How good is it at R1 on Jean? I don't have the Fav Sword
New diluc tech
With Furina about 70k per tick.
he pretty much appeared out of nowhere, shill HaiKaveh as canon, then dipped from relevancy.
Because that's how this game functions what you hold your mouse don't and spam normal attacks inside an enemy's hitbox. Do you even play this game?
holy fucking kino
electro is carried by dendro
How much better is Raiden's signature compared to r5 Catch?
business is about to pick up
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Doesn't happen on gamepad, so it's definitely hand movement. Work on your hand stability if you're going to use a mouse for a gamepad game.
They're going to catch up. Is it too late to switch sides?
I would say just use Favonius but since you don't have it that's kind of an okay substitute. Problem is you'll realistically never have more than one or maybe two seeds on Jean because she's not a character you want to keep fielded. You just tap her skill then burst then she fucks off for 15-20 seconds. Occasionally you'll hold her skill for fall damage shenanigans.
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Why is her name Boobs?
Because it isn't
>Many, many years ago, there was an anime about magical girls. Think Sailor Moon. Similar to that. It was very popular on /a/, and had constant threads. But, with time, most people lost interest and moved on. The threads devolved into a deranged general thread where the same ten or so posters, tripfags mostly, circlejerked over which fourteen year old girl is having hot lesbian sex with which other fourteen year old girls. One particularly crazy person in that general developed a theory that you should only "ship" "canon ships", and called everything else "crack ships", an insult to the anime and its characters. That's where the name ACK comes from, Anti-Crack-Kun. One of the tripfags in that general, going by the trip !Akemi, would constantly taunt him and the two developed a rivalry of sorts. Since ACK is genuinely mentally ill, and I don't mean in the 4chan "you like Eula and I like Hu Tao therefore you're mentally ill" way, I mean genuinely unironically mentally ill, ACK started believing literally everyone who makes fun of him or posts "crack" is !Akemi, and started a campaign of chaos across 4chan, seething at everyone who posts stuff he dislikes by calling them !Akemi. Shitposters realized they have a lolcow on their hands, started going out of their way to taunt him, by posting "crack" in threads he is known to frequent, linking threads to other threads to summon him there, and so on. This has been going on for a whole decade. He has been banned on average three times a day for the past ten years, but he keeps ban evading. This is just the short summation, he has gotten into all sorts of wacky hijinks, from being exposed on 4chan's pokemon board of all places, to being banned from dozen other websites, to him believing a couple of specific mods are in a conspiracy against him and posting screeds "exposing" them. If you want more info, go to /a/, look for a Lycoris Recoil thread, and ask there, that's where most ACKbaiters hang out these days.
>What went wrong?
What are you talking about? He's genuinely good and a 3* weapon is stronger than most 5*s for him.
Remember the leakers saying that Furina will be a claymore user and her kit revolves around gravity.
So to recap what I just saw
A vial of about 50ml of primordial seawater can dissolve a grown man when poured on his coat, but if you have Freminet fucking inhale it while underwater he recovers fully

Does this lead to something or is it as retarded as it reads
Jean's burst is 65 energy. Her E CD is 6 seconds compared to her Q's 20 CD, but realistically, you're only looking at 1-2 E casts between Q casts, depending on your team.
First Q is most likely only going to be an EQ only unless you majorly fucked up your energy, so 59 energy burst.
After that, if your team lets you do 2 E's, then it becomes a 53 energy burst. Otherwise it's 59 energy.
It's not bad, but I would run an ER sands. It'll be fine since you have an ATK% substat on the weapon.
freminet is a vision holder
remember the leakers saying wormzhu is bis with furina and she likes healers
It will happen even if your hand isn't on the mouse and you bind M1 to a keyboard button.
Do you regret rolling for Neuvillette Lawrence?
People don't instantly get dissolved when drinking Sinthe. Concentration matters. The 50mL primordial water could've been super high concentration, whereas the stuff Freminet is swimming in was relatively lower concentration.
Diluted primordial water doesn't kill people, so it stands to reason that he came near enough to contact only diluted water and if got closer he would have died. I don't think it's great writing but it's not inexplicable.
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>or is it as retarded as it reads

you're just a retard

the vial was pure primordial sea water, the water freminet swallowed was diluted with normal sea water
Why did Floptaine flop?
frem just did drugs
post underrated teams
Thanks, it has been a number of weeks since I played the previous quests so I forgot that sinthe is a solution.
After the batshit stuff that happened to asspull the trial, I always assume the worst.
Baizhu is the straightest man in Teyvat
I need to suck hu taos cock
I need to suck furinas cock
Why did Floptaine flop?
that's not the right question, real question is how Raiden succeeded
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How can I get a qt White Mexican Genshit cosplayer?
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Two important factors:
Potency makes a huge difference. It can be diluted heavily.
Vision holders are special and they don't even need to have a Hydro vision. Anyone with a vision is basically a fish in Fontaine.
What am I supposed to see here? Who are they talking about?
Alright, I'll just keep it at R1 unless I get a sudden overabundance of billets (lmao)
>ER sands
Right, I can actually afford an off-piece. Don't know if Jean alone could off-set Furina's drain, but it might make me consider crafting the Fontaine bow for Fischl in another team
>doesnt mention hsr a single time
I've given up on this IT since i dont care for Pyro and i barely have artifacts to begin with. Next one is rumored to be Hydro, Cryo and what else?
become attractive and charismatic and go to a con
that's a leak telegram
>same videos
>same images
>same posts
>same sales charts

I hope doomucks are receiving at least some sort of financial remuneration for doing this every day
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>responding to yourself to shill your own video
fucking pathetic LMAO
Who do I use at first in Imaginarium, Clorinde, Wanderer or Arlecchino?
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raiden won btw
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>and what else?
pyro will eventually come back, are you just going to skip it every time it does?
Use the weakest characters you can get away with using. Save the strongest characters for the end.
I'd go with Clorinde, she's the most dependent on a good team outside of these easy first few floors, Wanderer needs Faru chan at least but you can save them.
save clorinde for the final boss to break the shield
>have to go to the archive for answer
thanks for nothing retard
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>buckbreaks all neuvpags
Sounds more like someone coming for Childe's international niche.
maybe it wont
Wanderer is gigashit holy fuck I had to reset by not using him on the easiest floors only
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So I am become retard. Truly this is the worst part of my glacial pace of progress, I actually have forgotten quest details and thought it was primordial water that was invariably fatal by itself. You aren't even allowed to walk on a pond of it in one of the underground quests.
In my defense, I got Childe's vision from him in January, did most of the trial in March, went to Poisson in May, and now in Meropide for late June. My goal is to finish the whole Fontaine chain before Aug 15th.
kokomis too
are you retarded? i gave you the answer dipshit
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Save one Clorinde use for the final battle. It doesn't matter what order you use everything else in. Some people also save her for the terrorshroom, but you can just use an electro sub DPS, Keka or Raiden if you get one (pretty likely) for the knockdown on it.
Think of it like this.
Frem was swimming in basically the equivalent of beer.
The big bad (forgot his name) was selling the equivalent of brandy.
Meanwhile, it needed the equivalent of pure methanol to dissolve a person.
tell us how bennett buffs an hp scaler oh wise neuvkek
he's kinda cute
I think Siggy can do the job as well if you have her
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The land of worms and the land of flops. that is the legacy of Genshin after Inazuma
Clunkchinno first since she is the weakest, than Clorox and Wanderer last
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>uses the non-Neuv vision
Name a stronger burst than C3R1 Raiden for doing damage
wanderer is useless later
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>Literally kneeled to her in the same cutscene lole
Kazubabs explain?
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>land of flops and homosexuality
That's still Inazuma?
Plenty. She can't heavily modify her burst's damage through reactions. Even Mona can do more damage.
Make sure to use an Electro against the Jadeplume and an ousia against Icewind Suite

Arlefag falseflag >>484449101
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>needing to burst to deal damage
fucking retard is still living in 2020 LOL
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>3 more days till livestream
>still no natlan leak
i can't believe mihoyo getting better at hiding assets
I asked who they're talking about and you told me something obvious you fucking moron
By that, I just meant vaporize since she has a fast application, which Neuv doesn't. It doesn't mean she'll be paired with Bennett.
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
if Natlan doesn't release any pyro characters I like or at least good off-fielders, then yes. I only care for Hu Tao for several reasons, but a big one is not being a Bennet slave like every other pyro which are majority onfielders.
Wanderer because he's the worst and weakest for the early levels, Arlecchino next if your own level 90 DPSes won't roll, then use your own level 90 DPS until Clorinde time at the end because she counters the boss. You cannot fail by doing this.
Imagine being a Arletroonfag, got jerk of to your "father"
they're talking about the neuv powercreep you humongous retard, are you literally 2 years old and can't pick up context clues? are you retarded?
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>only talked about when it comes to sales shitposting, popularity shitposting, forced cuckposting, and whatnot
>whenever her actual character is discussed, everyone shits on her
Bros... it's not fair.
9 hours shift bro
she legit has nothing worth discussing about tho
blame the writer
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What will HIS element be?
Bro your Chongyun?
nice cuck thread, genkeks
>pagden shitgun
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today we will get natlan teaser but most likely next week
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But that applies to almost every single genshin character...
>using trial versions of characters everybody should own by now
>dude! dango! dude! NEET! dude! Her excellency!
>doesn't get played with bennett
>xiangling then does no damage
why are you using xiangling then? use furina
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you already knew
Based on my own Raiden's average numbers, assuming you're using her standard hypercarry team, have C3, all buffs applied, and are doing a perfect 2xN4C+N2C combo:

>Engulfing Lightning
412,279 + ((67,079 + 66,640 + 73,924 + 113,352 + 169,187) × 2) + (67,079 + 66,640 + 169,187)
= 1,695,549

>The Catch R5
387,309 + ((53,501 + 53,032 + 58,961 + 90,408 + 134,942) × 2) + (53,501 + 53,032 + 134,942)
= 1,410,472

1,695,549 - 1,410,472 = 285,077 = 17% damage lost over the entire rotation desu
What is her character?
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Already got it.
>which character is this?
>hurr durr it's a leak telegram
Keep going fagtron
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>he rolled for the twink
Look at this fag lmao
Dendro Anemo Geo theatre cycle when
unplayable nonelemental boss
Is Furinas Healing Form actually usefull in a Team Comp or just a Meme?
>tries to talk about her """character"""
>her character is only limited to muh dango milk, and muh Yae
y'all lost before it even started.
even her recent birthday literally only talks about Yae and dango milk.
I want Xianyun to leave big green lip stick marks on my anus
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>which character is this
in response to someone asking about the neuv powercreep dumbfuck
you keep going
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XL should get her 5* version in Natlan. Ain't no fucking they won't finally release a fucking pyro sub dps after all these years. It's always a fucking 5* pyro dps.
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>*can cut literally everything*
I don't think so
It's Just a Meme, She Can't Even Use Her Own Healing Overflow Passive
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It's funny how even the writers know she doesn't have anything else going for her. This is what Miko says about her in the IT.
It's useful in overworld
so which character ?
so did /gig/ forgot about raiden hinting about another war or what
neuv"s powercreep
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Why u type like that
>tfw Xiangling will reign supreme until EoS
You WILL NEVER escape Gooba
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Such a tease not letting me sit on the bedside.
its mostly just bonus utility for overworld and co op
Capitano is going to one shot Traveler.
>from her determination to bond with her people during her SQ2 to going back to a NEET in current year
This is blatant character regression.
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flopden flopgun........
Nobody read the tower defense story either. In any event, it doesn't mean anything until 6.X most likely, since the Tsaritsa's big plan will not happen until tabibito is actually dealing with whatever happens there
No, but the writers sure did. >>484450168
I kneel to KazuGOD.
It can be useful on occasion since certain bosses basically have phase transitions but in general you want to keep the DPS going.
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we remember it but lets be real it wont mean anything for at least two years and the script will be rewritten by then
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It's the upcoming hydro catalyst girl in Natlan, but that retard doesn't know
Not that it means anything, until the beta happens leakers can spout anything and kits can change
if it makes you feel any better nahida has ZERO relevancy after scaratroon's AQ
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How many of you got xianyun?
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I have 400 rolls saved right now.
Will I be able to C6R1 the pyro archon when she comes out. For free.
Get that disco ball off your head you silly cat
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Genshin archons are mountain tier at best
Honkai Herrschers operate on the cosmic scale
please have a penis
>blacked shit all over the place in R34
>pagkatsu and MMD all over the place in pixiv
How do we save Raiden?
Is all of that hinting at a war against the Tsaritsa, or is it hinting at a Celestia rebellion
I think the former because it would be really weird for the archons to backstab their employer without good reason whereas every nation has a valid reason to want war against the Fatui
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archons are literally JANNIES of teyvat
aeons on the other hand
You need 750 on average for c6r1
lmao what is this deranged psyop
she barely mentioned Yae in her birthday message and 90% of it was talking about spending time with her cherished ones, aka (You)
and her own imaginarium theater voice lines (not Yae's) do not mention Yae at all, instead its about protecting (You), doing meditation with (You), and having a competition with (You) which has the loser buy the winner a meal
is this some kind of a psyop from butthurt shippers trying to force a narrative because Mihoyo is going all in on (You) pandering with her lately
I obligatorily had to do it to unbrick my husband Xiao, and also got C2-C6 Faruzan off her banner. Worth every primo.
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Xiao bros...
How long until the pyro archon comes out?
I have A LOT of exploring still to do, with pretty much all the world quests. So I have a lot of rolls to available.
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goodbye /gig/ it was nice dumping screenshots
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>he's still trying to cope
Didn't you get chased out of the thread last time you tried to cope?
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They didn't do it for free per se, it was either that or getting murdered by other gods. But that still shows they're weaker than "outsiders" I guess.
Lan is a janny
On the other hand, none of the archons seem to give a shit about Celestia or the gnosis, which could spell bad things for their nations
And of course there's the loom of fate.
Using Raiden of all characters to talk about that is funny though, considering how distant and remote she is from the rest of the world. Even if she did lose her sister to the previous conflict they hinted at, which does make it a more sensitive subject I suppose
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I did
Would have gotten her anyway since I like the adepti but her being a Xiao support made me roll for her weapon too.
>Raiden has her character regressed
>Nahida ceased to exist
>Furina becomes a joke character
>meanwhile, Venti and Zhongli are both enjoying their retirement
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i did, but idk how to use her.
>(You) pandering
>the most barebones lack of affection dialogue imaginable
If you think any of that is (You) pandering, you are extremely desperate. What she said is no different than Zhongli wanting to have tea in the theater, and I already know you're not going to call that (You) pandering.
She should be in 3.2 looking at the usual pattern and the next 5* leaks
>3.0 = dendro manlet and hydro hebe
>3.1 = geo hag
SukiKira top 5 disliked genshin characters
1. Kaveh
2. Lumine
3. Neuvillette
4. Navia
5. Chiori
i'm still farming cw for hu tao
i hate farming cw for hu tao
it's 3y and i still don't have a good em/hp sands for hu tao
aaaaaaaa i want a top 1% hu tao aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

tomorrow i will farm cw for hu tao
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navia ploonge is fun and the rotation is really smooth but i'm going to be moving xianyun to my klee burning team once emilie is out
it's fun hopping around with her too
C1 because poor impulse control stuck again
How I wish she could joomp in midair...
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> roll for who you like
> haven't liked anyone since Inazuma
> newer characters have convoluted playstyle (bond of life and whatnot) so even combat isn't fun anymore
>find myself pulling for Liyue characters exclusively. Yelan will be my next pull
Man I miss when 5 stars were actually fun to play. I only found furina roll worthy in all of fontaine. Hu tao and raiden are peak examples of ideal 5 star playstyle and story writing
I'm checking other character tags and not noticing much difference, in that AIslop slips through even if you set it to hidden and there's a bunch of KK slop.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E3%83%8A%E3%83%92%E3%83%BC%E3%83%80/artworks?ai_type=1&s_mode=s_tag (Nahida's tag with AI disabled)
Lampshading it doesn't make it good
yup just busted a fat nut to kuki shinobu. That's 5 today
Oh no no no...
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Next you’ll tell me she’s less for (You) than the radish or the faker
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Feel free to use my characters bros :)
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO imagine trying to deny eimko when raiden hasn't interacted with anyone but yae for the past 3 years
So, that's what? 4 to 5 months? I guess that's enough to save a few 100 rolls.
>AI disabled
>3rd result is literally AIslop
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cute sreenshot though
Bitch I’m unfriending you
>in that AIslop slips through even if you set it to hidden
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fat xiaoGODS
You're likely shitposting, but yes, she is. She's the least close archon to the Traveler and she even ignored them during Itto's event which actually has her move the plot along. Did you forget that already?
saving raiden requires saving genshin as a whole in this case, so it's impossible.
>Waited for her since 1.0
>Got tossed in a volcano and was comatose when she released
Rerun when?
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Best poster, see ya later
just show how dogshit pixiv has become and shouldnt be using as any kind of metric
>2. Lumine
Nah. She better than pagther.
>3. Neuvillette
>4. Navia
True. What a cry baby devoid of personality holey
>5. Chiori
True. Cardboard af
>Man I miss when 5 stars were actually fun to play.
They just released Clorinde
>BoL is convoluted
It's literally just a manabar in Clorinde's case, same as all the characters that get stacks of skills
>Loom's comment
>"In the world of Travelers who are shippers, there's already a dangerous vibe, but among them, shippers who like Wanderer seem to have an aggressive and intense aura."
It always goes back to him. These guys need to let it go.
later sayubro
Wormvilletteslurper detected
>walk in the Favonius library
>randomly hear Hilichurl sounds
lmao I knew its a seething shipper
got chased where, in your deluded fantasies lol
no? why would I do that? all birthday notes are (You) pandering, some stronger than others, e.g. last Xiao one being more (You) pandering than last Beidou one
the last Raiden birthday note literally just off handedly mentioned that Yae showed up with snacks, mentioned she's planning her own birthday and encouraging Ei to have fun on her own birthday and rest of the message was her talking about how she believes birthday should be spent with cherished ones and how she wants to spend her birthday with you
trying to rewrite this as her birthday note being just LOL YAE LOL DANGO MILK is a billion times more delusional than interpreting it as having romantic undertones (which I am not saying you 100% have to interpret as, but its infinitely closer to reality than the interpretation you were dishonestly pushing)
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Precisely. Raiden got a lot of nice art for her birthday in other places.
Who tossed you in a volcano? Wait a sec... Mishima?!
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I believe its kind of a shame that I cant take screenshots with the Kamera on the IT
>They just released Clorinde
Yeah but I don't like her. If she died canonically I wouldn't give af
It's so genuinely pathetic watching this mentally ill freak scream "ur seething" at literally everything. While samefagging no less.
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pagden literally flopped during her birthday, the fan art rate was the lowest since her release lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo

raidentroons are very funny
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just chiming in to say that your unhinged writing style reminds me of the schizo who keeps malding about neuvifuri ngl
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I will now masturbate to Lumine, goodnight.
>antinvfrschizo vs ACK
And there it is. Defeated by facts and logic, the lonely schizo resorts to trolling.
My condolences then
Ei might be gay, but contrary to what most believe, Miko is straight.
But /gig/ is not prepared for that discussion.
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What if instead of masturbating.
You workout to be a man worthy of Lumine?
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Why is Kaveh so hated? I thought a lot of Fujos liked him since he turned the race mixer gay.
I feel nothing for shittily-writtenlette. Dont like him but don't hate him either. Zhongli better
quite a lot of raidenlet here, heh
mummy girl is real....
>makes a fanfic of her and ei kissing
lmeow even
Schizos say otherwise
>he thinks that Ei's only cherished one is the Traveler
She literally already spent the morning with Miko as said by her letter, but here you are coping fullstop. Did Ei ignoring the Traveler during Itto's festival piss you off this badly?
>trying to rewrite this as her birthday note being just LOL YAE LOL DANGO MILK
That's literally what it was. You don't have to be a shipper to realize that Ei's entire character now is "MUH MIKO, MUH DANGO MILK". Look at >>484450168 for fuck's sake, that just shows her character has regressed into a NEET obsessed with reading light novels and sweets. That's what people are miffed about more than anything.
Man...I'm so pumped for ZZZ for the variety in characters but all they sudden they revealed the next 10 characters are going to be Lollis, people constantly shitpost over a "Lolli Artist" being on the team, and shit like this. I thought the worst I had to fear was furry pandering but this shit is ramping up fast.
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Miko is a butt sniffing dog.
Looms voice acting better than pag's crackled pre-pubescent voice
miko is a kitsune who are canonically whores. They fucked anyone
raidentroon please stop melting
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am I replying to a bot
are you just randomly meshing buzzwords
samefagging? where? what? are you on drugs?
I have never in my life made a single post on that ship onen way or another sister
Opposite. Raiden never shows any hint of being interested in sex, unlike Yae who's at least bisexual.
>keeps sexually harassing Gorou
>thinks Gorou, Kokomi, Kuki, Kirara, and the Traveler are cute
>commissioned a light novel where she feeds Raiden medicine by kissing her
>says this when gay fanfiction is a cis fetish
told y'all /gig/ was not ready.
>I have never in my life made a single post on that ship onen way or another
fair enough then, it's my bad
ei is asexual
miko is bi
I think Clorinde Lawrence kinda sucks.
GRRR I'm having a melty
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i will now fap to hu tao
Raiden is funner
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I think Amy Fischl sucks!
Ei became a celibate when her tengu general died
Yae meanwhile is a bislut.
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>latching onto birthday letters that everyone sends with little variation and pretending that there's something deeper in the IT dialogue
we lost him
No sane person says the word "seething".
No sane person cares about the emotional state of random people over the internet.
Can you show me where a relationship between Sasayuri and Ei is even hinted? Because she's literally a womanchild, I'm convinced she has never been in one.
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you'll get a reminder next patch why
>Yae meanwhile is a bislut.
Do you really think your fetishes reflect reality?
How does Raiden's burst even work for damage anyways? I've never used it except if I need more electro application for breaking through shields
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I got her but I wished that she looked more like the old HAG in WuWa unironically
cope and seethe
>Raiden is funner
And that is relevant to my post how, exactly?
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>This place is unironically discussing the sexuality of two fictional characters
you are coping hard
why are you making me repeat myself
Yae visited her, gave snacks, told her she has big plans for her own birthday and told Ei to have fun on her own birthday
Ei literally said she wants to spend her birthday with you and invited you to an outing
do you think someone else visiting you to drop off a gift and encourage you to have on your birthday is the same as you meeting up with a person specifically to celebrate birthday together, the two of you?
do you think its equally romantic if your brother drops you off a birthday gift in the morning and tells you to have fun as it is to have a fancy dinner on your birthday with your girlfriend that you invited her to because both events took place on the same day? sorry dude this is massive cope
as for >>484450168 this is literally YAE'S dialogue (and just one of the three btw)
in EI'S dialogue, Yae is not mentioned even once
its all about YOU
her protecting YOU
her teaching YOU how to meditate
her having a bet with YOU with loser paying for a meal later
See >>484452846

Go to a therapist.
>Kaveh, Alhaitham
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could someone post a cute nahida before I go to bed please
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>not farming MH for her best team
you dont love her
No one will ever have sex with you.
No video game character will have sex with you.
You will die alone.
This game will never pander to you.
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heh, no green goblin
RAIDEN SHOGUN not only does more damage, but she also provides damage buff & energy to her team.
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I kind of wish that Xianyun looked like this
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Why is nevil portrayed as a pedophile in japanese fanart?
>hkvh shilling ever since 4.6
I'm starting to wonder why alhaithamyumes even cling on to the Infinitesimal chance that Alhaitham is remotely interested in women.
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I'm not reading all of your slop, but I'll point out the funniest parts.
>its all about YOU
>her protecting YOU
You're reaching so hard I don't even know where to begin. Nearly every character says something about protecting the Traveler, why are you acting like Ei's is any different?
>her teaching YOU how to meditate
If you think that being taught how to meditate is (You) pandering, then I don't know what to tell you.
>her having a bet with YOU with loser paying for a meal later
Nothing about buying a meal was mentioned in the dialogue, so here you are making shit up. If you have to make shit up to pretend Ei has (You) pandering in the theater, then lol
I don't know which characters I should level.
All of them will be low impact power level wise for my account. But I feel I should at least level some of them so I can have a bigger roster for Fantasy Theater.
>Venti does nothing
>Zhongli does nothing
>Nahida does nothing
>No one complains
>Raiden does nothing
The way Raiden broke people is hilarious.
I seem to remember Scaramouche having a line that she presented well, but was actually monstrous at her core.
why is he wearing slutty gloves
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Majima. Solar beam.
How do we save the traveler from being corrupted by Nahida
You are a failed troll. You do not "trigger" anyone. Replying will never mean "baited".
are you honestly telling me i am being unfair when i characterize someone posting massively projecting seetheposts like >>484453269 as a seether? like come on dude
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Why isn't this confusing?
don't worry, fat xiao's already working on it by completely forgetting she exists
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>"he" is here
>her having a bet with YOU with loser paying for a meal later
lol now he's making shit up that never happened
Raidentroon melties are the best
delusional. you are dissecting a fucking birthday letter some intern wrote in 5 minutes
lol no
not a single one of her teams cares about that besides copetional, where shes worse than just running sucrose
funnily enough, Raiden rivals Zhong as the only Archons who have done something outside of the main quest.
Ei spent her birthday with Kazuha
>no teams care about free dmg or requiring less er on their artifacts
I'm calling you mentally ill. Because you are.
Not only are in fact wrong, because you're autistic and misread social cues. You shouldn't care about the emotional state of strangers in the first place.
Shitstaine killed this damn game
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Cute girlfriends
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she's very poggers
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hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina hu tao and furina sex sex with hu tao and furina
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Next IT is this, so you need 11 characters of your own for the hardest level anyway, so just pick an element that matches I guess.
been here all day
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I don't mind. It gave me something to spend the Suno credits on.
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I don't care if she's weak or strong.
I like Raiden.
And by Raiden I mean shogunbot.
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>ack is here
Go to a therapist.
>Fontaine patch
>new content to play
>yet /gig/ is STILL talking about Raiden
truly /ourgirl/
/gig/'s mascot even
no one can compete
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Why is it always Raiden that attracts this kind of autism? It's a fucking birthday letter, dude.
What did zhong do? The only thing he did was save his boy toy xiao. What else read fucking poems? He almost as irrelevant as raiden
you posted bweeh though
which one has the cuter penis
nobody cares about pagden,
it's just raidentroons trying to make her relevant lmao

Do you have Furina? Get her if you don't
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Nahida is really cute and not at all sexy.
zhongli was also humiliated by hutao and neuv on lantern rite and venti also got humiliated the worst out of all the archons by jobbing to signora who jobbed to a solo traveler
furina has it pretty good in retirement too since she has gibs from the government and even her rapist ended up giving gifts to her
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Post proof your boogieman exists.
Oh wait, you can't. You've literally been chasing ghosts for a decade+ and are now too invested to give up.
good man, but that must be grueling, that domain sucks to farm. I got a great CW set from strongboxing emblem and others, and got a god tier offset goblet for her in the process
He trapped his pet toad again
>humiliated by hutao
He's been her pet for how long now
strongest solar beam user in genshin?
i want to get humiliated by hutao...
no it is easy to remember
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shut up
I refuse to level homo twinks to 90. He's good enough at level 80.

I am not super worried about next rotation. I have a lot of hydro characters built.
he lets the melusines walk around without pants
Hutao is bad influence
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post your birb brosw
Arlecchino could oneshot Hu Tao with that move if she had it
>has total mental break down and literally can't stop spamming when he thinks his boogieman is in the thread
Is Ei the only character that has some schizo hyperanalyze their birthday letters and pretend that there's some deep meaning in them?
what is this solam beam shit
For me, it's Yao Yao.
I was the one who coined it
No lots of characters have that but Ei is the only one with actual femoid schizos who seethe at every moment she has time in the spotlight.
>zhongli was himiliated by Hu Tao
he won
>venti got humiliated by Signora
he won
god, I wish I was them...
how do you create images like this?
You really need a therapist.

Would you believe that the main shitposter in these threads is also a mentally ill freak who wants to fuck animals, and is a regular /vp/ poster. And he lost some argument about "solar beam", then tried to make a "meme" out of solar beam and claim he's "triggering" people with it. Literally the exact same thing he does here.
Picks a random thing, spams it, gets called a shitposter. Copes by thinking he makes people mad.
She has to have time in the spotlight first for that to happen.
how old are you?
Won't ever happen again precisely because femoids rage at her mere presence.
How do I play Xiao with Faruzan and CR? CR burst --> Faruzan burst --> Xiao?
gonna bweeeeeh?
>I'm not reading all of your slop,
of course you're not, that would require you to actually address arguments I am making instead of desperately trying to poke holes where you think you can
>Nearly every character says something about protecting the Traveler, why are you acting like Ei's is any different?
in fact I specifically said the OPPOSITE
see >>484451960
>no? why would I do that? all birthday notes are (You) pandering, some stronger than others, e.g. last Xiao one being more (You) pandering than last Beidou one
I have never so much as implied that Ei's birthday note is uniquely romantic, or even the most (You)pandering one, you are literally creating arguments out of thin air
>If you think that being taught how to meditate is (You) pandering, then I don't know what to tell you.
its part of a greater whole that adds up to prove that she cares about (You)
>Nothing about buying a meal was mentioned in the dialogue, so here you are making shit up.
Ei: Will you join me in a game of karuta? It is a fine way to spend leisure time. It will help us both relax, while keeping me sharp and focused.
Ei: The only thing is... It is customary for the winner to be awarded with confectionery, but I do not know whether it can be brought in here...
Ei: Hmm, in that case... We can celebrate the victor at the Sacred Sakura some other time. Now, are you ready to be humbled?
Where are these femoids you're talking about?
No video game character will ever have sex with you.
With C6 Faru I usually Faru QE Furina QE CR EQ, but if I didn't have C6 I'd do CR QE, Faru QE - shoot, and Furina QE.
In the Genshin fandom, you either are being purposefully obtuse or weren't here for all of 2021/2022. Or even now there's schizos who seethe over her.

Why? Because she's hot and feminine and relevant and strong.

Hence why they have to make every female character after her irrelevant, weak and a tranny.
Yeah. CR burst duration is pretty forgiving. Furina skill burst, CR skill burst, Faru burst, Xiao skill skill burst. I have C1 CR and still only use one skill with her per rotation really, but I have Oathsworn Eye.
>of course you're not, that would require you to actually address arguments I am making instead of desperately trying to poke holes where you think you can
You psychoanalyzed a birthday letter some intern wrote in 5 minutes and pretend it has some deeper meaning when it doesn't lol
>its part of a greater whole that adds up to prove that she cares about (You)
Of course, but if you think there's anything deeper that's intimately-inclined you're delusional.
None of this implies a bet or buying a meal, you lunatic. Again, if you think this implies (You) pandering you're a desperate retard.
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Xianyun is legitimately the sexiest character in the game. It's fine if you tried even though you didn't have enough primos. However, if you intentionally skipped without even trying, you're legitimately and unironically gay. You don't even have Shenhe's excuse where she's legitimately unusable without Ayaka, Ganyu or Wriothesley. At worst, she's a drop-in replacement for Jean.
>You psychoanalyzed a birthday letter some intern wrote in 5 minutes and pretend it has some deeper meaning when it doesn't lol
this is an interesting strategy you are employing
"haha you care so much about dumb video game shit" as if you don't care just as much if not more on this issue which is why you are replying the way you are
>Of course, but if you think there's anything deeper that's intimately-inclined you're delusional.
I don't think you quite understood the point I was making, I said meditation alone does not automatically imply romantic interest on her behalf, but it adds up to the case that she cares about (You), be it platonically or otherwise
>None of this implies a bet or buying a meal, you lunatic.
I literally directly quoted the lines
she invited you to play a game of cards
she said its a custom that the winner is rewarded (by who????? the state???? of course not its OBVIOUSLY BY THE LOSER) with confectionary (tl note: confectionery means candy, food) and complained none can be bought here, and finished that the celebration of the victor can be postponed to a later date at Sacred Sakura
>Again, if you think this implies (You) pandering you're a desperate retard.
lol talk about desperation you have literally no argument except screaming NO NO NO NO DOESN'T COUNT
Alright, I'll admit that I should look at it through the lens of platonicness, in which I can agree.
A game of karuta doesn't necessarily mean it's a bet, though, and there isn't really anything deeper as she did the same thing with her friends as per her character story where she was rewarded sweets when she won. It really doesn't go much deeper than that, anon.
how is it not a bet
if two people play a game of cards, and before starting the game, declare that winner should get candy from the loser, are they not betting candy on that game of cards
like if i were to challenge you to a match of genshin tcg and we agree that loser should buy a welkin for winner, did we not bet a welkin on a genshin tcg match
I guess because they're not explicitly betting, but I do see your point.
Either way, I think that Ei's interactions with the Traveler are more platonic, and I guess you seem to think the same way so we can agree on that. I thought you were just another pag, but you do put some coherent thought into these things which is nice. For the other stuff let's just agree to disagree.

That’s it but I have like 5 or 6 characters double crowned.

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