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Patch Day Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>484349703

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Joker, Jason, Banana Guard & Agent Smith

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We can only go up from here!
why is the joust nigga here? he’s getting added before scorpion?
also, any new leaks?
yeah your mum leaked all over my dick
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Jake is better than before but still pretty iffy. His neutral air and dash attack feel like a bad joke to me. They wanted him to stop being a Bite machine but it's still basically his best move. They should unnerf Bite and just put it on cooldown.
>reindog finally gets a voice
>deep as hell but still sounds like a bottom
never escaping the slut allegations
Voice where?
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Matrix Supes CHADS report in
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My bae Harley still feels great and all is fine with the world
How the hell does literally just a dog sound like a "bottom" you sick fuck
I slacked off on rifts yet my chaos gems are level 6 after doing Joker's, the final tier of the rift meter thing helps a lot. Might get them to level 7, maybe even 8 with the other chaos rift
what does he sound like?
Don’t worry anons i have completed my harley variant collection, the game will live another day, no need to thank me, thank harley for being cute
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uh i doodled something
I also don't have an operational scanner
(i am not the regular drawfag and also not taking requests)
Just take him to training mode and use some moves/dodges or run off stage
i hope we get scorpion for the release of mk2 movie
>it posted sideways
man i love phoneposting
Slightly based waifufag.
>Some characters have lines for Jason now(but he's dead lol)
>Reindog has voice lines now
>Dexter's Lab 1 is back, though maybe only in FFA since I haven't seen it in duos so far
It's weird that they don't advertise these things even in a throwaway post to be like "Hey look what's new in the meantime".
Are there any more little details like these that have slipped through the cracks?
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Thank you for the new gif, anon.
Doing this with Bugs
I hope it's a really shitty out of character voice, like a sleazebag type of voice
free for all feels like fucking shit, just having it abruptly end when someone reaches 4 fag outs is awful. it should just be on a normal timer like smash
I dunno, just...like a deep dog?
Yeah I wish they used their YouTube Community tab,
>Remove Jason
I've been their most loyal soldier...how could they do this to me...
Yeah I just noticed, that's not a voice lol those are just growls
They will probably post on Twitter through the week
Some dumb post like "check what Lab is back"
"Don't let DeeDee know"
to add onto Reindog, a lot of his moves have sound effects now that they didn't have before (or used to have in the beta)
it's like they just forgot to turn on any sounds for him except his up air before
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newest rift took me 4 hours to complete with a rando on Insanity, at least I got my last two achievements.
I just need to beat insanity but my gems are level 7 so im having trouble doing it solo right now
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dee dee twins confirmed
Dude. There it is. Another good skin for HQ.
Agent Smith video: 125k views after 8 hours
Rocksteady video: 9k views
NASBchads, we're on the rise.
Bugs has some for Tom and Jerry now.
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I would buy it if came with their voice actress, whoever it was has a nice deep voice
fuck this shit. give me the good dee dee
Melissa Joan Hart, she was the 90's live action Sabrina the Teenage Witch. She'd probably be dirt cheap to get since I think all she does now is Hallmark movies.
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>We lowered the threshold on rift stars! You don't need to bring a friend to get all stars anymore, MVPS!
>Btw here's FIVE 1v2's in the new rift where you DONT get a bot partner to take aggro for you, tee-hee :)
>>Some characters have lines for Jason now(but he's dead lol)
>Bugs has some for Tom and Jerry now.
You know, it just occurred to me... Do Bugs and Shaggy have anything to say to each other? Whether they're fighting or on the same team, I don't think I've ever heard them interact with each other.
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>"They betrayed, Jason. they took you out of the game. They abandoned you like thoses careles monitors from the camp."
>"You need to take your revenge, Jason. Kill them. Kill everyone who is part of Player First Games. Make them pay for their insolence. Do it for mommy"

How do you fuck putting voicelines in a crossover game ffs
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aight imma try posting this again but cropped so it doesn't shit itself with the orientation
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I don't regret buying this skin. Wish they added more coomer skins
Ive noticed many new voicelines.
Holy shit, that might be the first time they've ever interacted with each other isn't it? all those crappy straight to dvd crossover movies with willy wonka or whatever and they never thought to mix tom and jerry and looney tunes
they fixed the ringout screams for characters with different voices, cake doesn't have jake's anymore
they fixed Fern's ringout lines. i don't have Cake so haven't tested that
Oh word??
Would be nice to have 1 straight girl in this game, at least there’s some bi
What aggro? They die instantly and offer nothing. They even get in the fucking way on respawn by eating your attacks. I don't know why they dont get gem buffs.
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Don't worry, I'll take care of those dirty dykes for you when I get in the game!
wonder woman has always been straight
does the female banana guard counts? or cake?
I think the one that skin is based on is bi
The stone statues for the Joust stage also appear in the WB Lot stage.
They do but come on anon it’s a cat and a banana
i mean, i wasn't talking about waifu-ing them. i was just being technically correct
that's kinda hot
Mrs.Vorhees would be a sick announcer pack
More Colossal characters, please.

Audrey II
Grape Ape
Durin's Bane
The Ricks have been getting uppity. I expect humbling nerfs next patch.
looks like the battlepass shifted a whole bunch of what was in the free tier and what wasn't. Logged on and suddenly I can get a shitload of stuff and one of the last gleamium rewards is now free as well making it possible to buy the BP by simply leveling it up
Makes sense, it was weirdly out of place anyways
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Giganta could be a fun addition where her main gimmick is that she can alternate between normal size and giant.
God, please stop teaming up with Iron Giants.
Have her and Ultraman do it with different ways.
Ultrama starts as Shin Hayate, uses CQC and Ultra Psychokinesis, Beta Capsule fills up, when full he transforms into Ultraman with his own moveset, lasts for 15 seconds before he goes back to Shin.
Giganta can grow whenever she wants, but she has a stamina meter that drains while big and replenishes as she damages enemies, have to balance being big with being small.
>Switch to new character and open 2v2s
>Enemy team has the same character you're playing
I swear this happens every time I swap fighters
Game needs more Cake love

at least you aren’t the namefag
Harley Quinn’s butt
phew, thank god the store gave us free perk currency today i was starting to run out
same shit happens to me
i think the game does it on purpose, which is stupid
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The square glasses make him look like a chuddyjak.
jesus man
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He needs to complete the trinity after Godzilla and Kong get in.
I have no clue why this is a thing but i have multiversus on steam and epic, for some stupid reason the steam version lags and crashes but the epic version works fine
that's just like 30 bucks in total for the whole thing tops
What’s the current player count
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>used to main iron giant
>they delete him from the game
>switched to jason because of this
>his hitboxes could be better...
>they fix his hitboxes
Three players short of hitting 9000 on Steam.
Funny how the playercount poster has stfu since the playercount has actually started improving a little.
He's actually in shambles
Marvin in FFA is great since all projectiles track on his flag
2 now. I just hopped on
farts comes from there
>big hyped up mid-season update with no new content raised the player count by a full half and it can't even break 10k
Whoa! See you next week :^)
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>George, Lizzie, and Ralph are added
>they're in their movie designs

How would you feel?
We're at least hovering from anywhere between 9k to 15k when you actually start including console players and Epic launcher players.
>Sorry about your face!
I want to cum inside her butt
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whoever decided to pit you up against 2 AI opponents with inflated as fuck stats even with level 8 gems needs to be fucking castrated
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when will PFG add this
For an update that mostly just fixed (and broke) a few things it's not bad.
I'd dare say we'd have a stable playerbase if we ever actually had a fucking ranked mode but that'll get put in at sub 1k players again.
Surely they'll let us mix and match clothes like Sunglasses, Shark Hat, Joker/Batman shirts etc
This morning when i played shark hat shaggy he put on sunglasses
>Be me
>Banana chad
>Doing FFA
>One of the opposing players is a Morty
>Do literally nothing but attack the Morty
>We both get only one kills
>All up air spam kills
My guess at least. Or you're one of those gays who runs all game with the car and shoots arrows
Tony your "nerfs" mean fucking nothing to me
Naw, I use umbrella, singing and down moves for the most part. Popcorn Arrow setups too. The car is only used if i'm out of arrows which is rare
also no gizmo runs the dance perk but I personally love it. Nobody expects to get locked in a dance because Gizmos dont sing like me
I think thats a glitch but i hope its an intended feature in the future
I know, especially from that artist
How come my game doesnt have these?
toggle only

btw anyone know where the input buffer settings are? I don't see 'em
bottom left after the match is over. During the victory/loss animations
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Jason being broken and getting swapped for Joker in some Rifts has been a blessing disguise.
>Jason main since release
>saw he got buffs in patch notes
>startup game
>they took him out
Truly a terrible dev team all around.
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pick up the bazooka bro
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Thats not the important part.
Because then you'd be able to exploit them and beat rifts, when you could be buying rift xp instead.
Only if you have him.
No problem dude.
nope he's a guest for the bottom nodes too so you can basically do those missions for free
They do get gem buffs. Go to Easy with 9s and see them deal like 80 a hit.
He wasn't available for me
just looked up arya on game of thrones wiki and she has only had a male partner
In which rift? Because I'm looking and I have to buy him to use him in them.
Wonder if I can afford the season 2 pass with all the gleam this one gives. I'm sure as fuck not giving PFG any more money but it's probably the deciding factor on whether I drop the game or not. This is the SECOND time they've broken a character to the point they removed them from being playable, which tells me they don't actually playtest their changes at fucking all.
Happy they buffed Jake at least.
Jason vs Multiverse, should be the bottom nodes when the path splits. Jonkler's a guest now in place of Jason until he's back
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Ultraman wouldn't be Shin. It would be The Adventure Begins/USA since Hanna Barbera owned it.
should be 950 right? i'm at 590 gleam, if they continue the trend of giving a little free in the bp free track i should be able to get it just maxing one character
Break the Targets in the Jason rift was what worked for me.
danke, got halfway to tier 69 with all of that exp
>Got a ton of xp from weeklies
>Jinkler exploit let me to the bazooka weekly
>The game fucked up and gave me two additional weeklies after that
I'm on level 67 now.
FFA is absolutely dogshit and only magnified the spamming problem this game has. Didn't know it was possible to make this mode bad but they found a way.
sometimes account progression also gives you gleamium so by the time you max out the BP you can also get a few of those.
It's crazy, it almost feels like Christmas.
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Bugs shouldn't break his own safe.
I'll have around 1200ish by the time I finish the pass in a day or so, more if I get lucky with the bonus tiers. If that's enough I'm sticking with you guys for a bit longer.
How the fuck are you expected to beat the T&J + Reindog or Velma and Shaggy rifts?
Constant fucking projectile spam and if you get tapped once you're as good as dead with the bullshit team combos
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Rifts are a fucking dogshit implementation of PvE and are in desperate need of reworking.
Right under the deadzone settings
For T&J and Reindog I decided to cheese it with Banana Guard and just take advantage of the AI's inability to handle being juggled in the air. Just kept hitting them up into the upper blast zone and using the up special to knock them out. Took too long.
watching this for the first time to manifest them in
>get rid of gems entirely
>make increased difficulties just be the ai being harder and new mechanics in the fight
>replace rift cauldron rewards with fighter currency or some shitty skin ala shark hat for 100% a rift.

The gem and stat system kills the entire thing
thanks anon
what was it during beta?
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Devs in charge of being able to make their game count.
anyone else beaten megalodog on insanity? i can see why he’s worshipped like a god, that took some effort
Beat him on first try, didn't really seem that bad.
BUt it was at least fun and took more effort than dexter
>patch notes say Taz dash buffed so second hit connects more reliably
>The opposite now happens and people fall out of my dash attack when they never did before

I fucking hate these people and I hope they all get cancer.
I'm still waiting for the Story Mode to be put in. The game has one, The Nothing is threatening to destroy the multiverse and Reindog is gathering people to stop it, when are we going to embark on the mission to stop The Nothing?
>I may not know binary, but I know one zero when I zero in on one
>Oh doc, your floppy disk is showin'!
>Oh! Hey! Doc! Ever hear of Sisyphus?
>Oh I've got some pills for ya, doc
>Guess you couldn't follow dis rabbit
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Nice job not initializing your values before displaying them.
I'd honestly be fine with it, but Movie Lizzie would take up a lot of the stage with her horizontal...ness.
>Bugs Bunny rings out Immortan Joe
You'll be feelin' dat Im-da-Mortan
dunno but I like 20
smash ultimate has 10 and i play that a lot so i just went with that
i'm not at a skill level where the input buffer significantly impacts the outcome of a match and i am willing to bet money the vast majority of /msvg/ isn't either
man I love the voice acting in this game. Some really good stuff in here
Pajeet and poojeet must be very tired from their main job at the scam center they don’t get any rest
>bugs to powerpuff girls: “chocolate milks are on me”
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She's in.
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not only that, but they represent the hip hippos
>Fighting megalodog
>Something gives me 50 prestige currency in-between attempts
weird but I'll take it
Same thing happened to me no idea what that was for
Just got 100 gleamium from a 2v2 game?
Battle pass reward?
I hope they finally fucking fixed it, I'm so mad because I lost 2 tiers thanks to tony the faggony's retardation
Fighter level
>Looks like ya need ta hit the showers, plumber boy. Not the sewers.
>Oh, you had a hammer as well? Nice to see da inspiration.
>Can ya stop cowerin' and help me out, greenie?
>Yeesh, dis guy's been fightin' ghosts? I doubt he could even fight his own shadow.
>I heard ya like bananas, ya big ape. One banana cream pie, comin' right up!
>Take one step on dat barrel an' I'll break it!
>All these eggs bein' thrown around... how hard is it to understand I'm NOT the Easter Bunny?
>Bet you feel dino-SORE after dat one!
>You're a hero of time, right? 'Cuz all you're doin' is wastin' it.
>That triangle thingy shouldn't be fer courage, it should be fer bein' a maroon!
>Dose missiles sure smart, lady. Ever thought of getting Acme products?
>So you can curl up into a ball, big whoop. Let's see you travel from here to Albuquerque in dat suit o' yours!
>Let's see if ya fight as well as ya drive.
>Ya know what dey say, speak loudly and carry a big punch!
>Don't salivate over me gumwad, 'cuz rabbit is off the menu!
>And I thought Taz had a bad appetite...
>I've dealt with coyotes before, foxes like you ain't a problem.
>Yer gonna be sent right back to yer dinky little ship!
>Guess all yer fancy bats and yo-yos couldn't hit a home run against me.
>Anyone see any magic healin' butterflies nearby? A certain kid's gonna need one soon.
>What are ya doin', rat, ya trying ta fry me?
>Maybe if ya win this, we can get yer stadium back on the movie lot.
>Oh, great. The woist kind o' monster - the one with the awful singin'.
>Don't draw on me when this is through, mac.
>have almost 1000 fighter currency
>won’t use it because smith isn’t avalible until 2 weeks, which gives me enough time to get him on rifts
>PFG only will add 3 character per season, and one of them can only be obtained via BP
Jesus Christ, Megalodog was something else and I was just on crushing
Granted Taz wasn't the best for this fight but I'm scared to see what Insanity is like for this.
Almost had me for a second.
this rift has to be the most godawful one they've added
i may just skip insanity here and wait for Age of Smith
I just did the bottom path.
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its basically the old boss from arcade mode in beta
insanity took me a couple attempts, the trick is to go under the ledge and spam up attacks
>you can't cheese rifts anymore as steven
That makes a lot of sense actually since it did feel like an actual boss fight unlike some of the previous ones.
I'll have to do something like that when I'm at high damage then. On just Crushing he was able to spike you to the upper blast zone with his down air.
The tie in comic book will probably gives us more context
>Look out! It's evil Gizmo!
you can you just gotta do something different
the grind for smith continues. how the hell am i suppose to level up my gems though?
enlighten me
the dailies in the rifts
Besides paypigging, the shard things give exp at each checkpoint.
Do higher difficulties and obtain the milestone crates as they give higher and higher EXP depending on the difficulties. Dailies as well.
>I spend most o' my time underground, you spend most o' your time in a cage. We ain't so different, princess?
>Wanna have a tea party after this? You provide the tea... and I'll provide da lumps.
>Toitles? I HATE toitles!
>Anyone got a spare drawbridge and axe I could borrow?
>What's up, plumber doc?
>Are dose pills even a legal prescription?
>So they call ya a legend? I'm calling YOU a bozo!
>Guess all dat wisdom didn't stop you from trippin' up, lady.
>How are you gonna smoke bomb yer way outta dis one, ninja?
>Trust me, your taste in dress-up is only a puddle compared ta mine.
>And you conquered a kingdom before this? How gullible do ya think I am?
>Well, if you can turn into a pig, I hope dat Porky doesn't get jealous.
>Ain't you a little too young ta be playin' with swords?
>All dose masks and it still can't hide yer dumb little face.
>Yer not the foist boid I've had to take down a peg.
>Hey, Einstein! You're on MY side!
>Oh, great. I left my purple throwin' balls at home.
>Sylvester's got more bit than you, kitty!
>I wonder how Speedy would feel about you.
>The thing's hoitin' itself already. I almost feel sorry for it. Nah!
>Hey, Eskimo kids. I got a friend who'd LOVE to hug you and pet you and squeeze you...
>Don't you ever get tired of hittin' goons with hammers?
>Look at Mr. Fancy over here! Hope ya don't trip over that cape.
>CRITICAL HIT! Now how does DAT feel, doc?
>Dat ain't the way ya swing a sword, fire boy.
>You're a strategist, eh? Never really seen a strategy like that before.
>Beep beep boop. Am I sayin' this right, pancake?
>Looks like I was the "judge" o' that in da end.
Is >>484453326
Bless you
>Gets rung out by Zelda
Oh, a wise gal, eh?
oh hey it shows how much prestige you get now
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When is this skin being released, I need my half-naked Black Adam.
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Wtf is this?
>Just missing 2 more rifts for smith
>See that people already playing smith

How the fuck... Did they payed real money for a character that they could have gotten in 1 week?

Highly recommend doing the milestones for each rift (stars) so you get a better chest, even doing the shitty easy difficulty gives "okay" xp for the gems
I believe its the icon or whatever you call it when you level up your character. At least I think it is since I saw it after noticing I leveled Garnet up
>matched against a batman who keks with over 10k ringouts
>parry his gay crowbar/balloon shit every time he goes for it
>I'm two stocks over him but I'm at over 150 health
>he catches me with a ground combo
>barely survive thanks to Garnet's heavy ass, literally one more point of damage and I was toast
>dude gives up and runs to the other side of the stage then kills himself
Giving neutral dodge its own button was both a blessing and a curse, people are finally using it now but this shit is busted
>>barely survive thanks to Garnet's heavy ass
braphog chads stay winning
so are the servers getting ddosed or what
cant get into a game it keeps freezing
Is the framerate in the character select screen going to shit for anyone else?
Anons do you prefer Batkek or Summer harley? Almost reached 100k JewPoints
buy what you want, don't let your opinion be decided by others. (but I prefer summer harley)
>Shooting Gallery Rift Node
>Goal: Score over 6,500
>Earn 3,800
>Still get the reward
Summer Harley has good rift compatibility, being Summer Ready and Sports Attire, along with her usual Hero, Villain, and DC.
There's no way shark rift Crushing is Crushing difficulty. That shit is as hard as Ludicrous on the others.
Yeah, they're probably toning up the difficulty for the final three. Good luck trying to beat this on Looney.
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Same thing happened with me. Not complaining.
There was a bug for a while where you could play the tutorial on higher difficulties. I think they fixed it.
I have to assume it applies your multiplier to the overall score at the end since I have never hit 6500 on any of these and keep getting the reward.
>P-U! Get yer grubby gloves away from me, garlic breath!
>Never expected a guy dat tubby to be that fast.
>I've heard of woikin' fer peanuts, but this is ridiculous!
>Ah, the ol' banana peel trick. Gets 'em every time.
>Wonder how many blows dat big head o' yours could take.
>Ya hear that, elf boy? Da winds of change are blowin' in my favor.
>Dose boots o' yours are good fer stompin', but are they good for diggin' through tunnels?
>We can't all be as shapely as you, miss. Strut yer stuff somewhere else!
>So dat cape doubles as a pair o' wings? Talk about overkill!
>Ya know, I wonder how things would be like if I had an airship with my face plastered on it.
>Up fer a game of Whack-a-Rabbit, doc?
>I bet you and Foghorn would be great pals. Just a hunch.
>Oh boy, Sam Sheepdog's gonna have a field day with you.
>Frankly I'm underwhelmed, you're not as big and bad as da stories say.
>Save da cryin' for when I win, OK?
>Maybe you should reflect on your failure, kid. Yeesh, too soon?
>You got spunk, kid. Not as much as dat Ketchum maroon, however.
>When you're done sendin' out yer little pets, let's scrap for real!
>Seems the aura wasn't with you this fight.
>Isn't it hard havin' dat ugly spike jut out yer chest?
>You fight fer your friends, huh? I do better fightin' fer myself!
>Remember to speak softly, and carry a big sword!
>Hey, Icarus! Don't get too close to da sun, now.
>Oh, soon yer gonna be flyin', alright, but not with your wings.
>Stop throwin' those little nuisances at me and fight like a man!
>So your planet's gotten golden carrots, eh? Coitainly know where I'm goin' to fer vacation.
>Guess ya really didn't "stack up", did ya rusty?
>I'm surprised robits like you aren't in da trash already!
>I can clearly see ya there, box boy.
>You may have fought ocelots and mantises, but have ya ever fought a rabbit?
>You're the fastest thing alive? Sure a certain mouse would like ta disagree.
>Seems Bugs does what Sega... well, I'm still workshoppin' that one.
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How am I supposed to deal with this on Ludicrous?
Get steven or some other character who can stay in the air for a long time
Jump out to near the blast zone and hang out there, the shaggy will usually kill himself trying to hit you
beat up computer at your leisure
Actually fight the shaggies. When one pops up just make sure it's dead before moving on.
Bugs rocket can hit it multiple times, gives a decent early headstart. But whats more important is murdering the Shaggys.
>Jump out to near the blast zone and hang out there, the shaggy will usually kill himself trying to hit you
This did the trick for me.

I just had issue actually clearing Shaggy in a reasonable time on Bugs/Shaggy/WW before the next one would appear.
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>It's faster to just Leave a rift and start it up than hitting the restart button
Jesus fucking Christ
Restart is vastly faster on my rig.
Go marvin, run to the edge, jump up on your saucer. They will kill themselves getting to you. It's what I had to do
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the multiverse needs moms
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Guess it's one of those "it doesn't work kn my machine" problems. Everything else loads fast, but hitting restart hangs the game for a bit and then goes into the loading screen. If I exit, I can skip through the dialog fast enough that it beats out the restart function.
Also, has anyone noticed that the AI parries a lot more now since the changes? They're pull off 1 or 2 parries now per match.
Does this work on every rift
>he's a bruiser
huh, I was thinking he'd be an assasin with that build and the few moves we've seen
>Cyber Smith
Still wondering if this is an original or is it based on a piece of Lore.
Naw if the ai is smart it won't be affected, so most the harder fights they don't fall for it.
>skip through the dialogue fast enough
I wouldn't do that if I were you
The retry 'hang' is 1 second at worst on my PC. Granted I'm running the game off a fast NVMe and a 7800X3D.

Bugs nerfs must have busted it since his rocket disappears on the first collision.
Not that anon but I thought I was just accidentally pressing B when sperging out over the megalodog fight and mashing at the speed of light kek
DIdn't know that's what happens.
or did you mean holding the skip button is faster than restart? if so you need to upgrade your potato bad
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I'm aware of the purchase bug
Because I fucking purchased a Bugs Bunny cosmetic on accident
I made this mistake two days ago and it's now how I have Street Fighter Shaggy.
No, mashing it. It's not that difficult. Upgrade your thumb reaction
I am not risking accidental purchases my friend
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Skill issue
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oh god these rifts are so fucking boring and awful

and there's so many other anti-player problems with the game too, oh fuck
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>I don't know if the Mushroom Kingdom is actually on Earth or not but it belongs to Mars all the same!
>Oh, your kingdoms are conquered quite often. So it's just Tuesday for both of us...
>Infernal dinosaur, I shall render your kind extinct!
>I believe Marvin's Island has a better ring to it.
>You may have beaten space pirates, but you've never beaten a Martian!
>A Galactic Federation stooge that isn't a duck. What novelty!
>Consume them, my Pop Starian minion!
>I will sic this adorable eldritch horror against you in the name of Mars!
>Your psychic powers are no match for martian technology!
>What's the Earth creature saying? You must break a few eggs to conquer an Onett?
>Quit cowering and fight like a martian, green man!
>Yes you should be afraid! Very afraid! But maybe not so much right now...
As far as I can tell it seems to be an original idea, like presumably he somehow has a Synth body that lets him actually exist outside the Matrix. Unless it's a concept introduced in the new Matrix movie that I didn't see.

I bet if Smith was introduced in the Beta with this skin he'd have a lore explanation in his character bio, because whatever new writers they have making these new character pages fucking sucks at it. They're all short and boring now.
There were humanoid robots in Animatrix.
Oh, well, that would explain it then.
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>A concept introduced in the new matrix movie
The hackers that get neo back have an AI that's programmed to act like Morpheus and they made a nanobot swarm that makes him physical so he can exist in the real world.
>Lunatic Joker and Harley with bomb items was hard as fuck
>New rift's entire bottom line is back to back 1v2 matches
Forgot my image
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I hope Tony will add my favorite Smith skin to the game soon.
Yeah and we beat the fuck out of them those fuckers wanted peace and equal rifts we showed them who is in charge, and then they took over but it was good while it lasted
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I hope he adds my favorite smith
would be so bad if they hadn't given the AI a thousand extra pounds, they're nearly impossible to launch
Huh? How are you playing on looney? Is not out yet
Might wanna re-read that chief. Then consider going to an optometrist
Sorry, I meant Insanity
>16/20 rifts
I'm not going to finish at this rate unless they add the second-tier difficulty to the earlier ones. Not with how they bumped up the bullshit in difficulty on the new rift
I have the matrix superman and im sure i’ll get smith but anything after him seems kinda insane thank god matrix harley isn’t a reward for this
I wish they'd just reward you tokens for the skin-shit so you can just spend it on a character of your choice.
>With a Batman against a Banana and Velma
>Win the first match
>Don't t-bag
>Second match they win
>They t-bag furiously
>Third match we win
>We t-bag furiously
>Don't accept a rematch
Such my shit from the tap.
Put Dexter's Lab in 2v2
If she is not in a future event this season i have a feeling she’ll be prestige, i habe 4000 gleam but i don’t feel like buying anything right now
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Now that we know Joust is coming, post WB-owned game franchises you think have a shot at getting in the game
You think the devs are ballsy enough to make each prestige store per season only
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They'll move the previous season prestige rewards to $25 in gleam a pop.
>tfw trying to carry teammate playing Maxwell @ 10WPM and no creativity
I didn't know warner owned the scribblenauts ip, I thought that they were owned by Nintendo
I think an entire mid-season event revolving around retro Midway titles would be really cool. An entire season I don't think would work but something like an event adding a bunch of stuff would be cool as shit.
What am I expected to do with against IG
>Maxwell players can spawn the entire rest of the roster a la Watermelon Steven
>PFG removes him from the game 3 days after making him playable
How realistic are Alma's chances of getting in Multiversus?
Bounce and dance. Do the woogy. Nail him hard! Come on just boogie. Beat him out of the screen. Hit him on recovery. Make him mad. Do it now.
If you can spam Tony's dms about it, it could work. Lord knows that they need more Horror reps outside of Jason and Freddy, Warner doesn't really own a lot of horror franchises.

I dunno how she'd work out as a playable fighter, but having some F.E.A.R rep in the game would be great.
Actually I take that back, I think it could work. Make Mortal Kombat the spotlight of the season to make a shitload of people flock to it and then add a shitload of other midway stuff throughout the season.
I play Bugs so all I do is spam n.air against him, which still works even after the 'nerf'. If anything the nerf makes it even easier to not accidentally hit it too early so they can i-frame dodge the duration of the attack.
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Gauntletchads, I need food...
none of the ai fights are difficult when you realize they refuse to dodge out of marvin's up tilt
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I'd kill for Defender or F.E.A.R. getting in the game, honestly
What if this arcade machine became a character
if you have projectiles spam them hard
run snowball effect and painted target
>Rift Daily Rewards require Jason
>No Jason
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>Midway games season comes around
>Final boss of the rift the fucking Gauntlet arcade machine
>It spawns the 4 original character classes as minions you have to fight against a la Polygon Man from PSABR
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Does WB have access to any vehicle-related IPs?
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Once we get the bigwigs like Gandalf in the game already It'd be cool if we could get Talion in the game.
sounds kino desu
In a game with Loon
Looney tunes* it makes sense*
Not sure why my full message didnt get sent, lag maybe?
Gandalf is still up in the air given that they sold the rights away, but if Zaslav plays his cards right, he could buy the franchise back from what's left of Embracer once they split up next year. The new company won't just have LOTR, it'll have the franchises of Tomb Raider, Hellboy, The Mask, and Gex.
Hellboy and Mask are owned by Embracer?
Hellboy and The Mask were created and owned by Dark Horse Comics. Their parent company, Dark Horse Media, got acquired by Embracer around 3 years ago
Technically, they didn't sell it because they never had the rights in the first place. They merely own the copyright of the movie versions but the film rights lapsed back to their original owners who were then acquired by Embracer during their retarded buying and spending spree. All the more the case for buying the remains of Embracer becomes more apparent and clear to WB to have full creative control over the franchise in both movies and games, and it does fit into their plans to build up their gaming division since it's pretty lacking in any IP that people care about.
pretty sure there's some midway games franchise about vehicles that they could rummage through
Maxwell would've been perfect for a Support class had they not removed it. I can't see him as a Bruiser or Tank at all.
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I mean...
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>Release Dr. Harley skin
>Release Rampage characters
>do some images imitating scenes from World Tour including the ending
they wouldn't have the balls to do the last part but it would be insanely fucking based
Mages still exists
How the fuck do people take this game seriously when you need to spend 600+ dollars for the entire cast
because if this were disney speedstorm youd be paying thousands for the entire cast. consider yourself lucky chud.
Disney what?
I dont consider garbage
Why are you assuming people want to play the entire cast?
>Thought Lizzie was just going to peek out from her cleavage based on the thumbnail
>She actually bounces off her tits and dives in
Holy based.
Loved playing this game as a kid. I remember there was a powerup that turned you into a purple? flying monster with wings and you could fuck shit up for a limited time
Yeah that was a thing. I think Universal Tour replaced it with super moves but not sure. Like Boris the Rhino monster rams into buildings and I think another one roars and makes them collapse
>Fully complete Warner Lot stage
>Over the Garden Wall's Steamboat stage
>Vaguely Joust-like stage
>Whatever stage pic related is supposed to be, which apparently has 4 versions
It's still gonna be slow but we're finally starting to see some good progress in terms of new stages.
The direct platform seems like a placeholder from the treehouse, but could the general dock look be something like Flapjack, maybe?
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I can't fucking do it. I've been walled off by Tom and Reindog on one path and Velma and Shaggy on the other. Insanity is impossible even with 8 / 8 / 9 gems. I think I need a co-op partner to do these.
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>2 new Bugs variants leaked
>none of them are this
>* Fixed an issue where Jake could not hold special inputs using the right stick
Ground Neutral Attack
>+ Start-up window before charge reduced 6 frames. Start-up window after charge reduced 4 frames.
Air Side Attack
>+ Hitbox size increased to better match visuals
>+ Hitbox active duration increased 3 frames
Air Neutral Attack
>+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 2 frames
Air Down Attack
>+ More aerial momentum is maintained on attack start-up
Air Up Attack 1
>+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 3 frames
Ground/Air Neutral Special
>~ Now applies incapacitate-resistance buff to incapacitated enemies
Man the Jake buffs did absolutely nothing and they also nerfed him lol

Problems with current Jake
>No disjointed hitboxes
>Streetchy Hurtboxes can get you magneted into combos from far away, or even grabbed
>Still so many recovery frames on his moves
>Double up attack CAN BE DODGED
>Grab chain nerfed
>0 combos except jab BnB
>0 knockback on charged smashes or air attacks
>dAir is a super trashy random move
>Jab and has less range than a normal jab
>dAttack has less range than a jab lol

Why do they hate this character so much?
In the beta he had a kit with his disjointed hitboxes but competitive players complained enough to nerf him, but now he is complete trash and not even buffs can save him
Thank god some new stages. Sick of the PPG and Basketball court. random bull shit just killing me out of nowhere
I would offer to help if it didnt take forever to hit level 8-9 gem or whatever the requirement was
It's already taking forever to level up the gems to just get to level 4
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They're in.
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i can see it
Yeah almost doesnt seem worth it to grind the matrix skins but at the same time what else is there to do? Play PVP? Who would install this game for that
Drop your warner id
>Don't bother gettin' your kids to fight, space lady. I'm the real star 'round here.
>Nice observatory ya got there. Mind if I set up a few burrows?
>Oh, great. Another toitle with technology skills. Wanna race after this fight is over?
>With dat ugly clown car, you're already dressed for the occasion.
>Say, frog ninja. You know any tap-dancing numbahs?
>Ick! Watch where you swing dat tongue, ya slippery sneak! I don't want ta get my fur doity...
>You can change da future all ya want, you're never gettin' past me.
>Maybe I should get a mask like yours. Would fit well with some of my costumes.
>Bookwoim! Stop readin' and get into the mayhem already!
>I'm sure in yer big book of magic you'll find someone else ta bother.
>Geez, when are ya gonna pick a side already?
>You've been "dragon" me along to boredom quite nicely.
>For a goddess of light, you're not really bright, are ya?
>I've seen da way you cook, so stay away from my carrots!
>Hey, cherub bub, stop sulkin' around and give it yer all!
>Nothin' but a pale reflection. Only a complete Loonatic would make one fer me!
>I'm gonna send ya back to yer little town, shorty.
>Tell that raccoon fella that this beatin' goes on your tax retoins!
>I always could go fer some exercise.
>Oh, now you're feelin' the burn!
>Are rabbit punches allowed in your boxing ring?
>Yer gonna wish you were fightin' Mike Tyson after this!
>You'll be "really feelin' it" in a moment, doc.
>Monado boy! If you can see da future, then why did ya lose to little ol' me?
>I've had a job gettin' the best of ducks for longer and better than you have, pal.
>You've been barkin' up the wrong tree since this match started!
>Wonder if dat arm cannon could be reprogrammed ta shoot carrots...
>You may be more than a robot, but I'm more than a rabbit!
>Ever tried addin' carrots to yer diet? I could set 'em up in your little maze.
>Time fer you to "Pac" it up!
>I'm always up fer a round of street fightin'!
>If dis Sheng Long guy is listenin', tell him he's next.
>Honestly, I don't know what to "mako" of you now.
>Take a look at dose muscles. Carryin' dat slab o' metal you call a sword must be a workout!
>Da ways in which you sling yer guns could give Yosemite Sam a run fer his money.
>I'm up against a witch? Hopefully she doesn't want ta cook me in a brew.
FUCK remove the post game statistics, I feel so useless now.
>play lebron
>feel like I'm accomplishing something, throwing out balls left and right, interrupting enemy combos with the hitstun, going in for dunks, kill with the 3 jab combo etc.
>post game stats: teammate dealt 200+ damage, I'm below 100
Its ok bro you dont suck you were just zoning them and setting up your teamates
>”I hate black people, Shaggy. I really do”
Which multiversus character said that?
1940s bugs
I don't think projectiles are counting for damage done. Marvins never have more than like 50 damage done.
The unnamed announcer guy.
Who is he? The Nothing? The god of this strange multiverse everyone was pulled into?
I don't think it needs to be extremely lore specific. I mean look at Arya's skins, she has outfits that clearly could never exist in the show because there's not that many outfits to pick from for her.
I doubt we'll have two Harley skins being prestige, this smells like a 2000 gleam skin to me
How has Shark week been a thing for so long. Like how many tv specials can you reasonably dedicate to them
Mad Max, dummy.
Fury Road would make a killer stage imo, something like the retro mute city in ultimate could work, fighting on top of a car chase moving towards the camera with multiple vehicles
Played this on playstation as kid and it was one of my favorite games. Didn't understand a lick of english so I just raced through the cutscenes, but me and my buddy loved tearing up those cities.
>Over the Garden wall
fucking based, I loved how that show had the balls to be a kids show while still having this really eerie and dark atmosphere looming in the background. Reminded me of how things used to be when shows were made to be enjoyable for the adults watching alongside.
It's been a dead meme for a while. I remember the internet going absolutely crazy for shark week and shit but now hardly anyone fucking cares. I don't.
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So I randomly decided to watch Duck Amuck and Rabbit Rampage just now, and I realized that Rabbit Rampage is where Bugs' loss animation (him angrily jumping up and down and waving his arms around) is from. That's a nice little reference/touch.
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Bugs's moves are peak soul.
If Ostrich Knight ends up getting in do you think he'll have his original design or PFG will come up with a new one like what happened with Pit in Brawl?
why can’t steven have a cool reference like this and not le depression
Honestly the one thing this game absolutely has going for it is tons of SOUL when it comes to the character designs and moves. The characters don't feel like they're just designed by a big corporation trying to make a fighting game using IP as skins over their own ideas, the characters really feel like they're made by fans who know their shit. That's praise for the artists/designers/writers/modelers/animators though, I realize the game still has plenty of issues when it comes to gameplay/UI/monetization and all that.

I also feel the music in this game could have been better if not for some poor design choices. Imo this game has the same issue as modern Mario Kart in that all the music is trying to maintain a unified theme with this generic orchestra remixes of songs everyone already knows, and because all the songs follow this similar orchestra theme they all end up with a very samey feel to it instead of previous titles when songs were allowed to change genre completely between levels and really pop. That's what Ultimate is doing for its songs, they're allowing songs to really stand out by allowing them to be completely different and not all just a generic orchestra remix. I don't think any of the songs in Multiversus are outright bad though since they're mostly remixes of bangers, they just don't really stand out a lot. I'd never feel like sitting down and listening to the MV soundtrack outside of the game rather than the original songs they're based on.
>The characters don't feel like they're just designed by a big corporation trying to make a fighting game using IP as skins over their own ideas
It's how everyone introduced post-beta feels to me so far though. Banana Guard & Smith have the most uninspired movesets.

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