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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484432257
You will give my femlala a headpat...
it's ok to not like dawntrail's msq
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my fiddie is
You will rape my catgirl...
can we have some more koana gunplay porn
What do I get in return?
is it okay to rike it
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is grummmz /ourguy/?
Let's post some more ebin twitter links
I will look up at you with my eyes and type /beam
I will give a femlala an INT-draining headpat.
What's the most Elden Ring-esque job?
Jeb is right. Youre all just chuds and secondaries!
every pf is missing 2 healers
the healer strike won
with my froth+?
Fuck no, he's a cancerous grifter
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>/tp gold
>/tp lim
>/tp est
I became a summoner just for the sister, but in the end the job isn't fun and it wasn't worth it.....
Only if you're browner than Erenville
She let me hit cause i'm goofy
is the alexandria theme based on some ff9 song?
most skippers are wowfugees so kinda yeah
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Cute maybe? Post her coward.
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i hope zepla dies for welcoming asmon to this game, i hope xeno get outed as the pedo he is for siding with rape cambell, i hope the 7 who carried the rapy jew get raped by sand niggers
Time to get a chocokorpur mount
>skips over vtubers/avatars
>skips over women
>skips over familiar names like Xenosys
>finds some random male cam streamer who just seems chill
Here's your watch time fella.
/s Ohokaliy
I've heard lately that RPR is kinda shit to play nowadays, is that true?
>Everyone who disliked the msq was a skipper
cats are cute sometimes
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would you?
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my property
based. i salute you, king
Okay but for real I'm gonna fw a goofy guy who's nice and makes me laugh without being mean to other people more than some guy who walks around like he owns the place and acts tough.
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Okay.. where is she?
No you're going to be in my fhroths bed all night instead
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did you save up beforehand... how much have you spent already...
/pet /pet
did we really not get a single emote this expansion?
How to link twitch to account?
You dont have to link, that part is wrong. You'll get the code sent to your inventory.
All people mentioned in this post did nothing wrong.
cbu3 worked really hard on the graphics update and wuk lamat, ok?>????!!!
didn't realize Jeb was a snarky cunt
guess I won't be nice to him anymore
in a heartbeat
I only listen to opinions when their character gets posted along with it
not for you
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Don't encourage them
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That's weird. Is the CN/KR omelette emote even in the files?
No so this is probably the one place where SB is better
MY property
jeb plays mobileslop gachashit games
he gave up what little value his opinions meant a long time ago
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Crystal queue for casual CC at 1:45 ET
>pitfag expansion
>somehow I'm supposed to believe it's bad
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you don't have to link, you just get a mogstation code in your twitch inventory
Please PLEASe shut the fuck up, we already got 2 hairstyles instead of one I'm tired of you leech beggars asking for scraps instead of just buying the stuff you want
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Can I hear the thoughts on the MSQ from people who aren't insane?
>that rant about PCT
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What armor set is this?
ermm... etto... umm.. why am I supposed to like wuk lamat? I'll change my opinion on her if we have to like her.
What should I spend my GC seals on? I keep capping and already have thousands of ventures

So I just have to watch some top streamer for how long and my twitch account gets a code for a mount?
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Fellow Hakama enjoyer!
True and real.
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post AGP kino
everyone who's insane thinks they're the sane ones anon
Can I mute these twitch streams for drops or is it gay and doesn't count me as a viewer if muted?
>Alexandrian armies were hyped up as giga advanced unstoppable troops
>less efficient than a garlean conscript with a projectile weapon in story
what did the writers mean by this? why is everything so downscaled
If by that you mean "can I hear about the MSQ from people who will tell me only what I want to hear" then sure. There's someone out there for you.
Mute the tab with your browser
Wake me when I can be a big baby
It's a bit dull to start but picks up, the comic relief bit being a spaghetti western is nice too. the ending is a big heavy handed but it's a nice feely topic
My male middie is La Sombra Siniestra....
male midlanders
What's the difference between AGP kino and AGP cringe?
i think it 6/10 so far, it got better once you get to texas like everything in life. i have high hopes it will improve in patches like SB but i the EW patch story isn't filling me with hope
You aren't supposed to welcome that
isnt that the guy who takes advantage of pornsick gooners
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Happy for my Steiner bros, he fucking won.
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>I am incredibly sane
DT in my opinion didn't have a coherent, single theme, but that is just fine, perhaps even preferable, in a story like this. The extreme non-violence we commit to (WoL kills a grand total of two people in the MSQ, if I counted right. Animals, the Endless and the soul-powered machines don't count) might feel jarring to some, but I haven't really liked the role of the unstoppable killing machine we've been forced to play sometimes in the past. The importance of peace in this new nation formerly torn by constant war is hard to underestimate, and it's not exactly a good look to just go around killing people as we're basicly foreign mercenaries assisting a political candidate. The usual lessons about friendship and hope weren't that interesting but the emphasis on getting to know and understand people was in my opinion fresh and interesting enough. Some themes regarding Sphene were a bit too close to Emet and the other Ascians, but still their ideology and role in the story were different enough. Also, I like that we acted more as a mentor rather than someone still learning new things (not that we did not learn)
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which race has the best glams?
I think Smile has a good melody (the instrumental version that plays in sad cutscenes is great) and especially the "just imagine what's around the bend" part has really beautiful harmonies, but the vocalists are kinda bad and the mix is fucking awful

And there's like a ~30 second portion of the song that sounds completely out of place and is the worst part, and that's the part that they play in every goddamn cutscene
>>Alexandrian armies were hyped up as giga advanced unstoppable troops
They were? When?
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*crowd booing*
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it's kino if you're a chaser or have agp (not mutually exclusive) and cringe if you're a lame straight man
i thought it was just ok
i was already expecting wuk to be lyse 2.0 so she didnt bother me that much
*crowd cheering*
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Sure, here's mine:
Wuk lamat was perfectly fine but she was overused in the latter half, especially in spots where other characters would've made more sense *cough*last trial*cough*
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Do you want solution nine housing?
Yes or no?
Such a wasted opportunity to not have an inn there.
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You don't do this do you?

Tell me you don't do this...
>have been watching zepla's inane rambling for the past 2 hours
>realize I haven't gotten credit toward the items yet
>I wasted an afternoon for nothing
The themes of inheritance, family, and so on were extremely relevant to me as I'm currently tied up in a confusing probate situation with my deceased godfather and what he left behind for me.
>why is everything so downscaled
Because Alexandria comes from 1/14th of a shard while the source is 7/14th or something.

Garlemald was also personally led by an Ascian.
I'd call it section 8 with how shitty it looks
meh it would clash too hard with 99% of the furniture and house skins in the game
sharlayan housing would be better
I want werlyt housing. Neon pink strips are the worst brand of cyberpunk.
tf is this even
why was it called solution nine anyways
is it literally because it was the ninth floor?
I always thought it was strange that people are never willing to post with their character when they drop MSQ criticisms or thoughts
I don't. I hornypost a lot on the thread but begging for ERP like this is cringe imo (and I have roleplayed in the thread)
I'd rather build a house on the frontier with the boys
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yes they literally told you that in the msq
My bro was planning to turn his character into a Whataburger employee. I'm meanwhile going full Wild West for the foreseeable future with my catboy.
>Garlemald was also personally led by an Ascian.
Break off legions were much threatening than them still
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how would you rate DT so far?
ive noticed someone uploading my gposes to paheal, but not xxx so i dont see stuff like this
It's fun and relaxing for 90% of the expansion but that same 90% is basically an extremely long-winded Beast Tribe quest.
It is Stormblood 2.0 but better
Viper and Pictomancer are fun
Music is really good
Last 10% of the game feels a tad rehashed, a mixture of Shadowbringers and Endwalker
solid 6/10, it's just kind of okay
first half is important but it feels like a slog, second half is good but there's parts of it that don't work very well
dungeons and trials are very cool, and the solo instances should have been used more because they were good
kill all "people" who bitched about in from the cold, because that's probably why they had so many tell don't show moments
they've been living in a bubble even before the merge. they probably know nothing about war besides fighting in their colosseum for all this time, and they'll just face tank shit and get revived. those troops also were mainly robots which was probably controlled by some solution 9 gamer.
why do they always put a ~ at the end
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I just took this screenshot to update a friend but it kinda looks good
i hate grown men so much
I am insane, but you get to hear my thoughts anyway.
Like all of the MSQ it's kind of heavy handed with life lessons about believing in yourself and learning about others to resolve differences peacefully after beating the shit out of them. Shonen storylines basically.
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yt: @God
Being a 3rd worlder without NoClippy is pain... 300+ latency nightmare...
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It's mildly better than Stormblood but worse than any of the others. 6/10

how horny do you have to be to not only BROWSE but also comment????
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message to all my opps here
now show your butt you whore
Can you only buy bicolor gemstone vouchers once all shared fates are at rank 4?
>Because Alexandria comes from 1/14th of a shard while the source is 7/14th or something.
Ok, this is confusing, so does that mean 1/14th wasn't a fully formed existence/reality what dictates this and how much of the 14th did the 2nd Shard we go to in Shadowbringers have?
Stop posting pictures of me.
I'm sure it's ironiic for the most part
I also find it arousing but that's just me
>don't get comm as a black mage
Yep. It's time to kill myself.
my hrothgal stinks
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So after a few days with the live GFX update and lots of close-ups in cutscenes, who won, who lost?

>Way too cutscene driven
>Too many chores in the first half
>Playing the bodyguard to a new protagonist doesn't feel fulfilling
>The tribes in the new world don't distinguish themselves enough from Eorzean counterparts to be interesting
>Many of the tribes act completely illogical, and their problems end up getting solved in like 10 minutes after years of suffering
>The competition with the other Scions was essentially over 10% in which felt lackluster
>Two of the inheritors are completely unredeemable psychopaths but the father somehow doesn't notice or care
>Galool makes this elaborate series of trials, but says he can revoke the winner if he wants if they aren't what he hoped; It should have been clear only two even qualify
>The final villain is a total psychopath without any of the redeeming qualities of Emet
>Game tells you to love the tribes, while they simultaneously engage in evil acts just like in ARR
I know you're the Ryneposter who went to ERP. You should have tried your luck with some of the anons there.
Who is this
you need to be cuter, sis... its the only way...
What if I'm an agp that chases straight men?
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this looks like wow facial animations
do they really want me to believe the model changes were and upgrade?
I cannot wait for this game to fail and tank Squeenix's revenue
Yawntrans will be the ultimate downfall for Squeenix catering to DEI woke slop
The healing will begin this year
>DT in my opinion didn't have a coherent, single theme

The other theme is also just as hamfisted and that is the importance of understanding other people's cultures in order to forge greater bonds and cooperation.
it tends to drag on for a while at a bunch of points but there's still some pretty good moments, music and dungeons/trials are all really good
get all endwalkers to max and you can buy them from radz.
i've been buying them everytime i am full from DT grinding.
6/10. Many good ideas but poor pacing multiple times and poorly developed or thrown away characters.

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>so many people at the main square your pc wants to explode
>5 people crafting at the MB that is literally right next to leves
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>power to change worlds
>get defeated in a few mins by cowboys ooga boogas and scions

the wars vs garlemald actually devastated entire countries and a whole continent and their main soldiers were conscripts given a rifle a sword and told to go die
I gained drop progress while having the stream muted.
Tildes are cute anon~ They make you sound all flirty and fun~
solid 0/10
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The Hellhound armor set, it was a reward from the top 100 of Feast season 5.
We can't get it anymore ingame sadly...
I don't know what you're talking about~
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I personally liked it, my opinion is the same as this guy's about Wuk Lamat.
I don't really care about other reflections but their plight was still compelling. I guess Wuk did overstay her welcome but it is her duty as the ruler of the continent or whatever. I just wish I got to knew what was under Heritage found before all that stuff came to be.
>I always thought it was strange that people are never willing to post with their character when they drop MSQ criticisms or thoughts
Why would I post my character?

How is it relevant at all? The only outcome from me posting my character is you derailing valid criticisms into shitposting my character or trying to doxx me.
everyone but femra
I'm surrounded by people but I'm never the most important to anyone in particular. Everyone knows I exist yet no one really bothers to give me their undivided attention. People only have good things to say about me but they never decide to seek me out. The loneliness will kill me before I can physically do it myself.
how many bitcoins can that badboy pump out
This armor kinda fire
Anyone else just get booted from CC?
>You disagree with me? Time to dox and harass you for literal years
Ive seen it happen on this site many times anon
you people are bullshitting when I was seeing those comments happen here daily when someone was slutposting.
stop shilling your channel stupid smug cat
not enough for the Endless i guess.
>he is unaware
blue tummy
made a rule with myself that if i can get 5 replies to this message id buy a bunch of degenerate fetish stuff. do as you will.
The only tribe that's arguably evil was Mamook.
Lyse is the best Scion and I WILL die on this hill.
moonie feat

an amazing deed
how do you like the changes on your duskie bro?
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>that ending credits theme
Come on man I'm trying so hard to like this expansion
Hellhound, faggot locked to 100 wintrading Jews from 2017
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>someone will type mean things about me in the thread
imagine being afraid of being PERCIEVED
believe it or not but you dont actually have to avatarfag when you post about anything
i'm not subbing to a trash game i quit years ago only to resub and play this woke mental illness catering slop
of course
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DPS Queues are cursed. Using MSQ to level a DPS was the right call though.
the same reason why there's always more people in limsa than the other two
shit layout that forces you to go through more loading screens
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I dunno when that cringey chorus starting singing during the coronation I know the music in this expansion was going to be more hit or miss than usual
is there a setting to stop the shitty trailer from playing on the title screen?
i miss the imperial palace
i miss zeno and fandanvana'niel
There were Pelus in the MSQ arguing that they should support the first promise because "war is good for the economy"
Anonymous website no matter how much people pretend it isnt
What relevance does posting my character have with criticising the story?
Healer strike please understand
Can't relate
Solution 9 is genuinely the worst thing they've added to FFXIV, the culmination of the artstyle of FFXIV being eroded away to appel to modern core fags for a quick buck, the whole area deserves to get potatosacked
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they were very agressive with cut-scenes with no plot and i think they lore dumped up a bit too hard in the opening stages of the msq which i hope they dial back on. and honestly i not really bothered by being a side character but i think wuk lamat didnt get enough development in the msq

other than that ive enjoyed the update
>mods are broke, can't coom
>have to follow a tranny tiger around
>z axis in every zone
It's shit
More people need to avatarfag if they're hornyposting though.
Overall? happy
maybe the eyebrows are bothering me a lil
built for my male midlander
do you erp
which tank won?
why are the devs referring to baby mamool ja as "they" and not "it"
wow facial animations havent been that exaggerated in a long time. Microsoft should swing back around to the over exaggerated Warcraft3 animations.
I suddenly like femhroths now
I know that you should have had Ryne's ass so full of cum that I can't finish this post without getting banned for three days.
you look familiar... what dc
>z axis in every zone
This is a good thing.
Welcome to american tranny devs getting a say era of FFXIV
They literally can't create anything that isn't disneyslop/marvelslop
everyone but drk
>what defines family?
You could define me as your parent after I fucked your mom.
why did you giggle after rating dawntrail 6 out of 10
bros imagine when plogons are up and we can see the first ever femhroth tiddies...
There is nothing that would change the validity of someone's opinion on the MSQ unless they flat out hadn't completed it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on it. You would reply with shit like "Oh you dont ultimate raid so you dont matter." "Oh you arent top 100 CC you dont matter." "Oh you go to movie meetups you dont matter."
>those hands
oh no
I horny post without avatarfagging
Every other tank lost so WAR won since they stayed exactly the same
really degenerate stuff like over 300 dollars worth of fetish related outfits and stuff in general...
ok what datacenter do you play on
PLD also stayed exactly the same though
Z E R O (0) votes for Au Ra out of 30+ people. WHEW. Get fuck scalescum.
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Yes, again.
i recall seeing femhroth titties in the benchmark
All I got from this is
It's okay to shit on other people for giving MSQ takes
We're not feeding your stupid fetish unless you post pics
Textools is up
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Now that the dust has settled, do femhroths make good wives?
Anyone else in their 30s
I'm 35
yes, but they only marry male midlanders
I feel like it's the first time in a long time an expac has added more to the story than it's removed. ShB and EW have served as systematic deconstruction of every mystery in the setting from the nature of the Echo to the foundations of every religious and cultural belief in Eorzea (though I'm biased because I was really into the Azim-Bahamut-Azeyma theory in Stormblood). The First is an irrelevant isekai world with 90% of its history reduced to light dust and EW reduced Thavnair and Garlemald to footnotes after a decade of buildup. We now have a whole suite of new possibilities considering we don't even definitively know which shard Alexandria was originally and the key is a total mystery. Tural has a lot of strange history, and from what I've seen there's been no definitive explanation for the meteor storm decades prior that fucked up the ecology of Yak T'el and nuked at least one Viera village. This alone makes it an immense positive for me. I'm still putting together my thoughts since I only finished last night but at minimum I'm happy the writers have decided to stop trying to overexplain everything everywhere, between this and the new Black Auracite shit from 6.4.

There were some questionable aspects, chief among them being how Bakool Ja Ja's punishment for releasing a primal amounted to little more than guard duty in fucking nowhere, but considering nobody was really injured by it and Fordola got the same treatment I'm not that bothered. The actual mechanical structuring was at times pretty ass, in particular the incessant need to put cutscenes everywhere for even the smallest conversations. They could do to tone that back a bit going forward. Also not using Vamo' alla Flamenco in the duel scene was STUPID

Overall 7.5/10.
Also with how it's happened twice now I'm starting to think Emet's list of vacation destinations was actually just a list of Ascian fuckups and failed projects that we need to clean up in his absence.
I want a femmy hroth for a wifey
*lionhearts you*
*doesn't crit*
No one won
Wasted artist and dev time
Should have just ported the game ue5
What about them?
Choose your next set of words wisely
yea duskie brows are kinda shit, nice that you like it overall tho...
i lost my matte lips and the shape is off.........its not the same char anymore...
just aquired my wizard title last month
>Game tells you to love the tribes, while they simultaneously engage in evil acts just like in ARR
"Have you tried planting some other plants as an alternative to killing babies?"
>t. koana
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Jeb's fucking retarded here.
FF6 through 12 shit all over Dawntrail to such a degree it's not even funny. Octopath shits on it and buries it in the fucking ground and burns down the house it lived in.
Are those supposed to be tattoos on scales?
Gap closer changed
Im not one of the people who engaged in personal attacks. I just think its fucked up to call people secondaries because they didnt like the MSQ.
this is so fucking disappointing man. i was looking forward to this expansion for so long
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lads im going cold turkey without papachin's pld mod and it is NOT going well. the supplicant combo is cool though, whoever decided to make them combo actions is a real one
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I don't think you want that.
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i'm not sane but i'd give it a 75 / 100 I think
they failed to make characters interesting at all; the ones that had potential ended up being written into a corner and turned into tropes, mostly because of wuk lamat
the supporting cast was really good, I liked erenville and krile's stuff a lot, GJJ is probably my fave character of the expac, with ZJ right behind, koana ended up disappointing me because once again, he just got turned into a wuk lamat setpiece, BJJ was a fun character but in the span of 2 quests he went from comically evil retard to good guy, sphene also got ruined in the last trial
first arc was just not interesting in the slightest, second was good but riddled with macguffins and convenient plot devices which really soured it, which is insane because there was so much potential there and practically nothing happened
in every MSQ, I feel like there is that one moment where it's like "holy shit"
I did not get one of those moments this expansion, stuff just happens and there's no payout to all the lore expositions, all the character arcs all the politics and "culture"
you just are left unsatisfied, it's an unsatisfying expansion, regardless of whatever "camp" you're in
>quads trips
meena won...
>BTFO someone
>"ummm post your character :3" "I just wanna see your character real quick" "Just tell me your character name lol"
You people act like women, and that's not a compliment.
did it? looks the same to me
still has potency
lol, lmao
wait fuck i meant NOT combo actions
Can't rape the willing and all catgirls are sluts.
No it didn't? That was DRK and GNB
It's okay. Very slow start and pretty good once you get to like the halfway point. But it's also plagued with a lot of tiny issues
ShB > HW > EW > DT > SB > ARR
Elezen or Hyur
I dont understand how people cant stand the perma clipping of Lizards and Cat tails on everything
This elf is even more smoochable now
yaoi hands
didnt the kids just die by themselves, they just knew they had a low survival% but continued anyway?
actually that is kinda like killing mhhh
Dont you know what they say about girls who paint their nails black?
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hand them over for inspection, please...
i considered a moonie, but i dunno
femezen is too good to change
6/10, carried entirely by its fights, zones and a great middle section.
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>go to the movie theater
>start talking LOUDLY about the same movie
this lmao
you're right, I'm afraid of committing blasphemy and saying this expac story was eh. my threadcred is my life and I need people here to care that I exist.
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sometimes i think he's making fun of his fanbase but they're too fucking retarded to see it
man hands akemi
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Where are they?
>systematic deconstruction of every mystery in the setting from the nature of the Echo to the foundations of every religious and cultural belief in Eorzea
This I have really really hated. I understand you need to explain some mysteries occasionaly but learning how every religion in Eorzea is 100% false and everyone is living a lie was just really shitty imo.

Also cute bunny, do you like femra?
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yeah I sure do love having to run in circles constantly to get around 5 foot high walls I can't climb over
Ardbert's world is also only 1/14th.
So is the Void.
And so is Alexandria.

Bro that had me shocked. Especially when they decided to use it in the very next scene as a transition song to the next zone. What the actual fuck were they thinking not using the song in the ONE PLACE it belonged?!??!???
nice boobies bro
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I need a femhroth goonbarbie plapbeast so much bros.
Based and truth bearing post
i turned 22 last month
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>Forcing myself to stay awake with 3x500ml energy drinks to keep doing MSQ
What the fuck even Yanxia or 3 hour SB dungeon queues never had me do as much as yawn
in the next criterion dungeon prease rook forward to it
>bad story good because other stories exist
Am I reading this right?
love this moonie
The way they handled the twelve was the absolute fucking worst of this.
my femlala fits in very well with the pelupelu... it runs in my blood...
>Nose ring
Almost perfect.
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Pacing feels off and it quickly trends away from lighthearted adventure-vacation. I have some nitpicks and issues which have been beaten to death, but I would say strictly speaking from the MSQ it's an overall 6/10. It gets more interesting toward the end, but by the time it does it doesn't leave itself much room to breathe and then it's over. It wasn't the "low stakes" people pegged it as, but frankly as long as we aren't reaching cataclysmic universe ending threat levels of space-monster again I'm not that bothered I guess even if this expansion's final antagonist was quite threatening to the Source and its reflections.
is Wuk Lamat's accent even real? it doesn't sound like an actual accent that's real.
>Shadowbabs continuing to struggle
femhroths make the best wives, and no one can prove me wrong
The next expansion will be inspired by FFO
Am I having a fever dream because why isnt holy circle and holy spirit not giving me HP?
I can't tell if I like it less than SB or not. It definitely doesn't have the great moments of ShB or even EW, but is it as shit as Alamhigger slop, I'm not sure yet

>I like that we acted more as a mentor rather than someone still learning new things (not that we did not learn)
This hits a nail on a lot of why I like DT. I get so annoyed at us being naive. Also how they un-did Alisaie's and Alphinaud's character development THREE EXPANSIONS IN A ROW and had them act like naive children each time, and for once didn't do that again.
I literally fell asleep during the follow quest in Kozama'uka. It's bad
long live the 'bing
Hes basically saying "If you didnt like DT you just didnt understand it"
Its like it was written for children
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mods will fix it.....
Don't worry, the VA forgets to do the accent half the time anyway
They get relegated to a single line of reference in one of the cutscenes in which Erenville says "but that is a story for another time".
finally a good expac
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I wish to see entire comic edited into xiv characters
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I love how silly headphones look on certain races
Pictomancer feels clunky
Does it get smoother?
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I hate leveling crafting
I fanta’d to face 3 aura….
My fiddie maid was getting uppity so I activated her regulator. I think I accidentally erased most of her personality...
I'd rather grind crafters and gatherers for money than ERP with the kind of pondscum that pays for it. If you can't find someone to do it for free you probably just suck.
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>Last boss of Deadwalk
>Healer drops to ward of spirits at about 65-70%
>Me and both DPS still alive
>PCT Dies to AoE at about 40-45%
>Just me and Reaper
>Final Stack marker happens and it goes right through my invuln
>Reaper left and he solos the last 8%
All of which took about maybe 3 or so extra minutes. Not sure why the healer would take an entire 30 minute penalty instead of thugging it out and waiting for us to finish, fun dungeon though
why was the lv95 dungeon music so sad
s-sis... surely they'll fix it in 7.1 :^))))
this genuinely feels like a completely diff character
Did you get synced down? The healing effect is from a trait at level 80-something
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Crystal please queue...
I thought I was just getting old and needed more sleep than before, but I fell asleep a whole lot during the opening bits of Dawntrail
do not like how you're forced into a back seat role, yet you're also made to do fucking everything. do not care for wuk lamat, she's boring and incompetent unless you[the wol] force her into a situation by doing everything.
do not like the cyber-futuristic aspects of this expansion, they corrode the XIV artstyle, theme, and general lore of the game. but that's nothing new as the glamoures have been becoming progressively more modern or futuristic as time's gone by.
dungeons are cool, mechanics for them are cool. i like a lot of the gear itself outside of the futurey cyberpunk shit. mobs are cool. zones are great (again, outside of the cyberpunk shit.)

solid 5/10 average experience.
It feels better with actual progression with the CYM side but all the canvas shit remains stupid the entire way.
do you hate it more than wuk lamat
>someone complimented my new fanta
maybe it's not so over after all...
i dunno maybe because all of the dead baby mamool ja water?
What if they injure you during sex?
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>Bingers got filtered by an ARR fashioned expansion
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all the DT zones are way better than the EW zones 2bh
Viper. Even has a trick weapon
they will nurse you back to health
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I have done the level 93 dungeon so many times that the only gear I can still get from the dungeon when I complete it is the chest piece, which is the only thing that I wanted in the first place. I am now level 97
The headphones can stay on during sex.
The FSH questline unironically
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>Plugins are currently unavailable due to game update.
stupid sexy blue dog
what penalty
>this genuinely feels like a completely diff character
korbro also not doing well with the update.........
A moment of silence for these two who have been marked with Doom
Oh, yeah I suppose so
That they're gothy?
The DT zone design is actually quite good. EW's was basically the lowest in the entire game though, so not a high bar.
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Why is yok tural city day theme 2 different songs with 2 different tempos and 2 different time signatures mixed together with barely any transition between them?
female? wife
>he doesn't know
El em ah oh
i'm a binger and i liked it (i didn't like shadowbringers bringing me to another world)
i had a lot of sex with this cat
I just sleep
I bruned through SHadowbringer and Endwalker in a few days
This shit is gonna take me a week
ARR never had a character so on top of your dick, they ruined every single zone your character visited.
Wuk not liking boats is truly comedy gold. Not since Alphinaud being unable to swim have they been able to come up with such an amazing joke.
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How are people farming aesthetic tomes?
Edengrace manatrigger...
my one true love...
femlalas help what are some good glam pieces?
The penalty you get for leaving a duty
4 months to go...
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>ok bro get the corrupted crystals so you can reach garuda
>no those are the wrong crystals
Do they mention the Whalaqee at all or did they simply pretend they never existed
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I hope shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan is actually a cool show.
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"bing bing"
"i NEED lizard pussy, luigi"
"mamma mia"

this crossover event is great
oh i saw korbo malding greatly, poor sis
finally, us Blueniggas will reign supreme!
unironically though, everything seems way too wet/greasy on characters to me
I really wish I knew who made such a retarded comment on Picto and Viper combined.
do your fishing role quest
whats in it for me?
do you want to look cute, cool, or skimpy?
There was (one) mention when you get to fantasy Texas, but that's it.
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>they put the soul-sucking battery on the paralyzed kid
fucking grim
You get to plap me free of charge.
you really hate being a moonie huh sis...
>looking at eorzea collection
>browse some glams for palidan
>alliance ass WoW trannie glams here and there
>its always a femra posting them
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whalaqee name was mentioned by erenvilel once in an off hand remark regarding ceruleum in the western cow riding intro scene
but just that it plays a big role in their culture
the things I would do for an eb femra with an huge ass
An actually good take from Miau Miau
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Play Ninja
why is there no in-game way to see your ping
which slant eyed jap retard thought not being able to easily see your ping was good
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The fisher story is about a Whalaqee blue mage that only knows to spit fish.
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It's literally the nichijou tier anime you know it's going to be full of japanese slapstick humour and loud=funny
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I beat the story so I can return to the thread, and my people, all of you.

Personally I mostly liked it but I also understand why I have seen people complaining about it in my glances here and there and don't fault people for disliking it.
I look forward to arguing it with all of you for the next several years (anonymously, of course).
*fucking punches u*
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We're blessed.

What they did to the Twelve was criminal and my only cope is that there is a distinction between the metaphysical concept of an entity and the actual expression of that entity. The latter is dead but in theory it should still be possible to manifest representations of the Twelve and their influence in the same way as one might a primal, like what happened with Shiva. Also DoHs still have Byregot's Blessing so... :^)
also yeah femra can be pretty cute

I had the exact same thought process. Legit baffling.
Search archive for how to fix it.
>Game has officially been out less than 24 hours
>People posting spoilers without using the spoiler options that are literally built into the website specifically for that reason
Frontier dress, quaintrelle's duffled dress, ala mhigan gown, and adventuring sweater are all cute
That "fix" didn't fix it enough
All i'm seeing is that viera liked the story.
Myths of the Realm is perhaps my least favourite questline. Even if the battle content was great I would hate it for what it did to the lore, the world and the people of Eorzea and Hydaelyn.

Absolutely! I wish Alphi hadn't hanged behind so much given how much I like him but it's probably for the best. And as much as I enjoy hearing him yap about his life, we didn't have to yet again hear about how sad he is about the Crystal Braves.
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i hate you more
all my takes are based and true
we'd all be happier if people just accepted the things I say as fact
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uh bro the end is upon us
he's just like me fr fr
>go to the store for chips and ranch dipping sauce
>come back to a 600+ player queue
It's been out since Friday though
I dont understand
Early access was effectively the launch date. Buying the most basic package of the expansion had early access.
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i just want my old elezen back
old biggrin...
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Change that number from 0 to 1 and that should fix them :p
>Bragging about something being bad
ily too iri
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Works on my machine
what the FUCK is this guy's problem
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Just remembered that my wife, Nophica, is dead
Just use GShade lol
Except if you updated GShade, your quint_MXAO needs to be manually fixed
You killed her too
I accept everything you say as fact, but only while your ass is out
Zones: 10/10
Story: 7/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Dungeons: 7/10
Characters: 7/10
*fucked with a knife starts playing*
yuuup this kind of rape
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>this wasn't Nophica's tankbuster.
I just buy the teleport tickets so I can use my return and discount aetherytes on other things.
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Spoiler-free poll: Who should rule in Tuliyollal?
>Don't want to get spoiled
>Turn on your computer
>Open your internet browser
>Type in the name of a website
>Purposely enter a space known to house the dregs of humanity who don't give two shits about social decorum
>"What the fuck why u guys spoil me?????"
Get off the internet, lil bro.
My Male Midlander is the Legionary Assassin of /xivg/
Hunt trains
imagine if there was a tural vidraal that was a giant snake and it had hypnotic eyes and it coiled people and squeezed them haha wouldnt that be crazy
>Dungeons: 7/10
it'll be soul-less nichijou but seasonal anime watchers will love it because they have never seen nichijou
Why is reshade making Dalamud ugly now?
My Male Midlander is the Frank Ocean of /xivg/
Story is the worst it's ever been. Even SB wasn't this bad, unironically. at least SB had Azim steppe kino
Solution 9 design and music is pretty kino
Solution 9 story is very bad.
Alexandria is bad.
Dungeons are good, fights are good
I'm very happy with the lighting and texture updates.
My biggest complaint with EW was that it was unfocused. This has not been remedied yet.
Please bring back Ishikawa.
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this happened sooner than i thought it would
Your femra looks like she wants anal
all the hunt quests being VPR lore makes me sad it's not a tank and therefore shit for hunts
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if you dont read every single word from every single npc for 40 hours straight then im afraid you just dont like video games
>I'll just do new game+ later *skips cutscene*
Not a single person has ever followed through with this
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Why so low?
He speaks truths!
Not only that. You're also Indian.
tags: instaloss, ugly_old_bastard, brat, mating_press, cockdrunk
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>The Circle of Life starts playing
god i wish we could sex these sisters
Literally nobody who remotely cares about XIV didnt play during early access
what if i just don't like you and have you blacklisted
So is Alexandria just a fragment from a specific shard or is it a prelude for us to go into its shard fully be it in a later end of expansion life update or a full on expansion?
Usually right after the expansion releases we get some breadcrumbs to what we'll be doing for the foreseeable future to some degree, I thought the class quests were going to allude to that but it feels like that entire topic is null void with what basically equated to a roided primal being released for mid-tier plot point seems kinda pointless now; I had assumed at the time that was going to play a larger part

Also feel like with everything that transpired in the ending... if we could bring over Y'sholta and G'raha Tia in a simple scene change we could have easily gotten Cid and his boyfriend over to do some Allagan magic bullshit with Omega Weapon to find a different solution?
I am a femlala
who farmed fates so I can listen to the zone 6 ost in my house
because it reminds me of family even if it makes me sad to remember
this but without a hint of sarcasm
Is macchi really a pajeet?
I am
A male elezen
doing anal only with fiddies
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Go ahead, post your MSQ takes
My blacklist needs filling
I liked dawntrail until y'shtola showed up
Wait, after Bakool released that giant monster, why's he still allowed to compete in the cooking contest?
Didn't the bird say that violence against an elector can have him dejected from the competition?
What about potential violence against the entire continent?
why did ishikawa leave us
why didn't they just offer her millions
he's the pastiest ass femboy
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I just reached Solution 9
How long till this shitshow of an MSQ ends?
i am
a twilight town femlala
I should be a fiddies
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Why'd she take so long to show up?
I wonder how many people who go "DUDE THE STORY IS SO AMAZING I LOVE X EXPANSION SO MUCH" made liberal use of the skip cutscene function or just skimmed dialogue.

Makes sense why when I try to discuss the story on more than a surface level I get met with the most brainlet takes imaginable.
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My femra looks and acts like this
Femroe+ please report to my appartment.
my femlala doesn't have a pass to say ______...
>I liked dawntrail until y'shtola showed up
But she says like 1 line of sentence then dissapers until the end
fairly certain the Heritage Found section is a part of the alexandria shard fused onto ours somehow. The last zone is the alexandria shard itself.
Indian, white, same thing
she was having sex with me
probably like 15 hours
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Gay swimming pool.
sorry anon, he's a genetic anomaly so he's allowed to run around like a pitbull looking for toddlers
please understand
It doesn't. That stopped it from flickering every few seconds but it still doesn't focus properly.
Okay, I'm switching back. Gshade had noooooo problems, smaller filesize, didn't have to photoshop my vertical images, and all the shaders worked instead of just some! AAAAAAAAH I'm pissed
nobody died or even got hurt
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i love my fc
Which races practice circumcision?
Same bro.
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>be the voice director of Dawntrail
>get told some of the VAs are a bit new because SE went with cheap non union American actors for flavor
>okay should be able to do something with it
>most go well, a bit wonky but it works
>get to Wuks va
>she gives a really stilted performance
>ask her to emote more
>still shit
>constantly drops or changes the accent
>everytime she screams she holds back
>never once changes her cadence
>delivers the comedy and tragic scenes in the same tone
>after 20 takes you realize this is the best take you'll ever get
OHHH I thought that was part of the fragment. Aren't the people in the shard basically all dead with those batteries sucking them off?
I unironically enjoy macchiposts
i will poke you at the next meetup
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Your femra is unironically cute when doing a neutral expression
Do they ever even mention dealing with the apocalypse or did it magically never happen outside of areas we were at?
I never removed any of the 73 people I had blacklisted before. I dont even remember who they are, but Im sure I blacklisted them for a reason
femezen look much less schizo now on god, for better or worse
overall most of our emotes just look much more normal compared to before's crazy look
I don't really know what to say about that, but it feels kind of inconsequential
There's nothing in the rulebook against potentially killing thousands. If you were wise and mighty enough to be dawnservant you'd understand.
Alexandria is most likely a country on the Twelfth shard that had the lightning calamity. There is a chance we could set up to see more of it in the future.
Watchout till you get to AMERICA SECTION
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Keepers (Both female and male)
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I'm in level 93 msq so far.
I was interested in Swole TikTaq'to's "Let's be The Empire minus the retardation" angle until he revealed he was actually also retarded but in denial about it. Currently rooting for the cat man since he seems to be the least retarded of the bunch which is depressing given that he's clearly a sperg.
>got my mount hours ago
>still watching Zepla because it's a lot of fun
I love my life.
>avoids unions
>it's shit
>>everytime she screams she holds back
This is the case for virtually every single NPC in the entire game especially in the MSQ
G'raha has one of the best VAs in the game and even then his "We stand togetha!!" in 5.0 is one of the limpest lines in the entire story
>last zone
>after pulling the plug on everything, there's no lightning weather
>there's a day/night cycle so it's clearly outside unlike solution 9
I don't get it, it is supposed to be a real place on a different shard correct?
if you dont move, no one can see you
Half right. The cutscenes right after have Alphinaud tending to people in the village with burns from the monster.
All femhroths owe me sex
Think twice before you fanta
They're unironically just dehydrated
Feels like they just added her because they needed to round out the second trial duty support. Then again Y'shtola seems to usually get introduced late. Or otherwise get removed right at the beginning of the story.
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I can give you a real schizopost
Thank you, it comes natural
I already fanta'd. Where do we meet?
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So I just keep this on in a tab and Im gonna get sent a code in twitch?
tending to every shota in tuliyollal to make sure they were fine after the attack
She is used as a plot device when a nerdy problem needs solving.
>"got mine fuck you mentality"
ah yes, this is the kind of behavior that will get your mother and wife (lol your crush) raped by a pack of wild and feral nignogs and I will say to you as you are fighting back tears "not my family, give the women in your life anti rape whistles next time, chud"
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My guy's not made for instaloss, so no
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>Just use GShade lol
do you mother fuckers have the memory of a goldfish?
get with the future times, even if you don't want to
I think I remember you, didnt you post your woober last week
Ah, that sucks, especially since they still show it off with the weapons

It's cool that PVP has it's own rewards, but it kinda feels like such a micro-niche of the community that it'd be like time-gating ultimates or something.
Balmung ul'dah back alley
Fertilizer is le bad...?
I still think krile is cool
I forgot how fucking retarded he was
If you don't tamper if the code like you modbeasts always do, then there is no worry. Besides, there is no more of that. No more forced updates either.
this dlc was supposed to appeal to scalies and furries!
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Man, aren't you glad for these new mute and blacklist features.
Expect Y'shtola always at least show up for the big trials since she's now the designated "I teach noobs the mechanics" character.

Of course, as always, her reward will be to get booted out of most of the game.
I need a new NIN top
With how Dawntrail ended, does this mean we will soon freely travel between shards? Will we be going to the 12th to maybe fix the lightning situation, or bring Yshtola back to the 1st to sex her hroth husband?
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I agree with both of you.
But its not okay to like Wuk Lamat.
Unions take the piss though.

Did you know it's a voice actors union rule that if you get brought back for a sequel, they have to pay you DOUBLE or else you're banned from working on that game?
>CC gives 1 mil xp each
bros, we queueing?
her new dlc outfit was being knitted
I don't give a fuck
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>same screencap
Faggot nig fuck shit stain KEK take NEW SCREENSHOTS!
Imagine being Y'shtola's clumsy apprentice, but she keep you around because she loves teasing your shota cock.
Have roulette's been fucking rough as hell for anyone else? I'm not even talking about just the new stuff but pretty much everything. I want to believe it's people coming back to the game but I don't see to many returning adventurer icons.
real shit?
I haven't used it yet. What are /xivg/'s 10 recommended filter words?
Are you going to eat all of that?
But anon, the proper analogy would be to avoid going to the place you know said feral folk exist. Just because its illegal doesnt mean you shouldnt take precaution.
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This. I'm still supremely assmad about Persona 3 Reload and how much of a downgrade some of the cast was
I wonder about this too, we really didn't get any breadcrumbs to what comes next, like I said earlier I was hoping the Class Quests would hint or suggest something but that's a outright dead-end
The mention of one of the shards having a lightening and thunder calamity was when Emet said in Endwalker right?
you and several others apparently
>Besides, there is no more of that.
until he schizos out again, don't use software by people who would put in fucking malware on a whim idiot
>met Otis
He seems based
fuck off corpo
Click your profile picture to see the progress bar
anyone getting major lag on eu servers
The AF placement was really bad and I don't know why they made you do the 99 dungeon and 99 trial without them
It's on you to make decisions that protect you.

It's not everyone elses responsibility to protect you from spoilers. Don't use the internet if you're afraid of spoilers. The internet is not a human right. You won't die if you don't use it.
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oh no
As far as we know yeah the shards pretty much dead. Alexandria was the only kingdom we know of but Sphene talks about how the war and resulting cataclysm pretty much wiped the rest out. They were just hanging in there for centuries as the endless grew in numbers. Solution 9 complex and that surrounding zone is their only real living citizens to our knowledge.
She's lalabvll only. Take a step back.
lmao that dude aint got no money
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He's basically Spock. Clever and logical, usually stoic but given to emotional outbursts in rare circumstances, probably a better fit as the right-hand man rather than the Captain of the ship.
>they're doing the forced streamer viewership boost that warframe does
G r i m
>Besides, there is no more of that
its still closed source so how do you know that
Why not just use reshade though? Why should I trust a power tripping sketchy dev?
all smiles look kinda ass
I will probably just have to forget the old look...
>But its not okay to like Wuk Lamat.
oh but it is okay when she's called Lyse apparently
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disable my moonie feet inhibitors
start taking futa cocks up the ass and you will be 100% correct, for now you are still wrong by fucking only catboys
Yes, the 12th. I assume thats where Heritage Found was from before it was transported as a last ditch effort to escape the storm. Which explains why the orb brought over the eternal storms with it.
My malera erps in the comments on Rule34
Get ready for the Dissidia expansion.
>Genolt is obsessed with energy drinks
Just put recuperate on your bars and don't spam Nice job! or Good match! early.
He won't be able to do harm to your computer if you don't update it or tamper with it in the first place. Do you also use XIV launcher and its many plugins? Do you trust each and every one of those developers, just because they have not done anything malicious yet?
Because it's broken.
can i blacklist wuk lamat
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Hell yeah
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Crystal queue casual CC at
Unions are the opposite side of the corpo coin.

The end result is you get an inferior game and a handful of rich people get even richer. Besides, voice actors in video games are insanely overrated. Movie actors sell movies. No one is buying games because of Nolan North or Troy Baker.
hes broke lol
>Do you trust each and every one of those developers, just because they have not done anything malicious yet?
That's kind of how trust works yes. When someone has a history of breaking that trust, you don't want to trust them again after that.
I'm using base reshade 5.6.0 as we speak.
useless feature
all I'm reading is the justifications of a reshade addict who trusts people they shouldn't
>b-but he can't do it now
until you update and he snuck it in again, don't trust people like that idiot
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I wish.
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jesus christ ai was a mistake
Why did so many people stop playing pictomancer?
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trannies finding out its not braindead ez
is gposingway gshade, reshade or its own thing?
I'm really glad Zoraal Ja was actually just evil/insane.
If he did sneak it in again, it wouldn't affect me because I use the software as intended. Nothing different than those anti-cheating devices on other games.
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Just finished my drip now rate it
>we will have the four characters pair up
>should we do something interesting like force Wuk to work with the man that kidnapped and stole her shit or maybe the brother that feels absolutely nothing for her?
>no give her the smart brother that loves her and would do anything for her

Jesus fucking christ this writing
its boring
Hey Aether friends, let's clear the first dungeon.
Gposingway is a shader pack for reshade.
>Dev rootkits your PC
>"B-But muh convenience..."
You people deserve to be wageslaves with a boot on your throat.
I dont think I could run Vanguard that much.
Only if you use the visor so you have the virtual eyes.
Whatever happened to "we have to kill people in war or else they'll die in war"? He just kind of went crazy towards the end.
i hate this lil nigga
No, ask erenville
its reshade for retards, or gshade without the powertripping tranny
How many faces does the helmet have?
still better than stormblood, chud
People say the story is amazing, yet they generally can't say why. It really feels like a cult.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
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fuck you mang
his entire shit was pure cope
start taking futa cocks up the ass and you will be 100% wrong, for now you are still right by fucking only catboys
I want someone to count the number of fucking times a quest objective reads "speak with wuk lamat"
they really did pick the most boring choice, and they probably did it because they realize Konoa had fuck all development because all the screen time went to Wuk
He was coping
Unpopular opinion: I don't like wuk lamat
I mean he was denied a stone for that one and the others got one for free.
I accept everything you say as fact, but only while your pits are out
post characters wearing the Vanguard helmet and NOTHING else or a very skimpy outfit from the head down.
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yeah this is a femlala post
At first I liked the weapons.
But then someone in my FC made me realize they look like fucking Nerf toys....
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sorry sis... got too much game to play its hard to take screenshots a lot
it is pretty easy though
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SB post
Its harder to paly optimally than summoner and redmage
queueing up RIGHT NOW
If I can get 5 replies to my degen self I will spend 300 dollars buying fetish gear and will upload screenies on the /aco/ thread of my character wearing similar outfits with similar stuff.
Which flouride stare should I commend
>If he did sneak it in again, it wouldn't affect me because I use the software as intended.
you're the kind of person that would willingly install windows 11 with it's ai spyware I see
>Speak with Wuk Lamat.
>Speak with Wuk Lamat again.
>Why aren't you still speaking with Wuk Lamat?
Was there a delivery yet on that drawfag a couple threads back or did we get drowzeed?
Did we defeat rapelander too?
she is mia for a while now
30 years of hatred and in a pure echo chamber probably wasn't helping
it is but not braindead ez. and its a spellcaster with long casts
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SE doesn't do nerfs when it comes to job balancing in PVE right?

So instead of nerfing PCT they will buff BLM/RDM/SMN right?
>Legit baffling
I can't understand it at all. I genuinely want to question them about this because it's so out of place to choose not to use it and then use it.

Frankly all Alexandria adjacent themes were thematically WAY out of place everywhere except for Living Memory. The scifi clashes really hard with it and referencing ff9 just to reference it is hollow.
Not interested in your poll.
Having Koana as King and Wuk Lamat as Queen is extremely sensible. I wouldn't put her in charge of the army but shounen bullshit is apparently all you need to power her up enough to be that strong.
I waved to this femlala earlier
the based malera
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Sound effects sucks ass.
are you the one who said we have the same eye color... you are really cute
Lyse was unironically better, and hotter. I don't care for either though, but I have a stronger hate for one more than the other.
No, they have nerfed before.
Meracydia in 8.0.

You help Luk Wumat unite the disparate warring tribes of not-australia. And then at the 11th hour IDS DA HEGGIN ALLAGANS AGAIN. Turns out some Allagans escaped the calamity and maintained a "nazis on the dark side of the moon/in argentina" style operation in the Meracydian outback.
post catbox woobers
bonus point if the breasts are visible
better start painting yourself some new kneecaps artist
>SE doesn't do nerfs when it comes to job balancing in PVE right?
The only one getting buffed is BLM because the other two are glorified jannies.
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>msq suddenly introduces steiner out of nowhere
>horns outside of the helmet
i honestly forgot your kind existed when playing DT. It was a blessing
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After he killed his father, his life lost all meaning and he went off the deep end.
>Turns out some Allagans escaped the calamity and maintained a "nazis on the dark side of the moon/in argentina" style operation in the Meracydian outback.
we genuinely are not ready for this level of biblically accurate kinowino
Need a femhroth to lick on my bunboy meatrod
i meant in a previous thread also i know who you are!!!
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Just finished the MSQ
>Solution 9 fails miserably to be the "Elpis moment" when it tries so hard to be, it's pathetic
>The last area turns into a Dark Souls 2' zone when you finish it
>The WoL never gets any actual spotlight or new motivations, so any potential to create an emotional moment or growth for your character gets voided.
>Music is arguably the worst of any expac, the songs really show how much they lost track of what made them good in the first place.

What the fuck is their deal? Do they want to accelerate until EoS?
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Sorry I only have consensual sex with my catgirl wife
>Lar Ore
>no Star ore
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Playing DT solo sucks
OH yeah that was me! and thank you...
/beam /pet
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it's probably the most fun i've had playing caster in this game
>Started seeing real bad ebins as im playing the game
>I see some of them STARING AT ME
If I see that whore clench her fists one more time I'm discontinuing her existence holy fucking shit m8
Can she handle a big roegadyn cock?
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content is the best in ffxiv history
story is the worst in ffxiv history
so the average is 5/10
>keep trying to get fc to pick out my male lalas outfits
>end up wearing panties and a skirt every time
why does this keep happening...
that's because you're a femlala
picto is a femlala coded job
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>take fat nap
>plogons still dead

It's over, society has fallen

billions must complain
This is unironically the worst expansion to play solo, and also simultaneously probably the one the most people are playing solo b/c of how much the in-game social stuff has been destroyed at this point.
If they buff the other casters you will literally just play double caster in raids. It's a positive because you will only have to deal with 1 melee player and not 2
>what 30 years of 4chan does to a motherfucker
How do you command your chocobo to heal? I have it max lvl with all skills in every tree but I am dying to fates since it wont heal..
Honestly? I respect the devs for not putting Ascian shit into the story. No the chalic/stargate key doesn't count.
>People actually rocking AF gear without glams on
Love to see it with every expansion
My reshade works fine.
And it runs better than gshade does. I got lower fps with gshade.
But it has the azem seal on it. Shit might have been made by Azem himself
We need a doujin of this
14 hours of it is purest slop
You cheated so hard while playing BLM you commissioned yourself having your plugins drawn as BLM because you forgot how the vanilla game is played
I can't take your take on PCT seriously because of it
>ugly ass miqo freaking it out he can't put a cock on his tranny character
*respectfully puts your black toes in her mouth when she sensually fuck your ass*
Should be a healer stance command in actions and traits. I dunno though
I'm pretty sure Ascians are all done. I mean I get what you're saying, respect for keeping them dead.

Speaking of which, you think the rest of Eorzea realizes the Twelve are dead too?
erenville, i...
Riversbreath War Scythe looks super cool.
>300 ping

but why
The final zone was SO shit bros.
>Nooo you can't defeat the final boss because you have to look at flowers and eat ice cream and play in Disneyland and help a fake dead guy find a fake ring he can't give to his fake dead girlfriend because we're deleting them from the server
>/ourgirl/ is streaming XIV again
Why is no one talking about her
Do I dare make a roulette PF
i will gpose my lalaboy being brutalized the moment gpose comes back
It's probably not the 12th. We don't have precise information on what a successful rejoining looks like because the two examples we get are A)a failed one and B)one we stopped halfway through but from what they say the calamity itself shard side is supposed to scour all life from the planet and the rejoining itself is supposed to literally delete the shard in the merge. The 12th got lightning fucked like Alexandria but they still had holdouts which isn't supposed to be the case. Every single soul there should be merged back into the source. The general assumption seems that the Alexandria shard is one in which they attempted a lightning calamity and it stopped 80% of the way through (because the Ascians all fucking died).
are you talking about the slidecast bar lol
the fuck are you talking bout
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Make it sit in healer stance. Having something like HQ Hyper-Potions for emergencies can also be beneficial.
The sudden switch to pure evil by attacking the old man in his hut and executing his lackey at the gate came out of fucking nowhere.
This is supposedly the same guy that was leading troops to defend citizens, the same dude who apologizes to you when he accidentally cuts off your path during the mountain dungeon.
Who wrote this shit.
The content is actually good.
The story was ok outside of the fact that it was horribly paced and had way too many extraneous cutscenes and weird choices of when to VA things or not.

7/10 Right now, but could end up being an 8 or 9 if the post-patch story is better and they actual have a reasonable content release schedule.
you know why bitch
have you tried expressing thoughts in ways other than wojak memes
uhhh sisters, the TERF is winning again....
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28 minutes without a queue pop
think about what that does to a man
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Fuck OFF
He didn't apologize lmao he just "Oh well"
what's wrong with dark knight
>executing his lackey at the gate came out of fucking nowhere.
Sareel Ja was a massive creepy faggot and killing him was overdue. Dude had spent the entire expac urging Zoraal Ja to go full Chaotic Evil.
Sis, your Koana?!
ohh I didn't even know about the stance window
>12,000 people watching this old woman eat
Based Ryona lalaboy
By mamool ja or hroths is possible
oh god ishikawa please save us/10
did you read that I said to read anon
isn't the collectability cutoff like 700 for max rewards or something? I don't think getting to 1000 really matters
>12k viewers
>not actually playing the game
lmao typical FFXIV
im gonna rape the reason right out of her
do it
8/10 but I was lucky enough to like both "halves" and Wuk Lamat.

If you don't like Wuk Lamat, you'll hate it.

Otherwise some people like the first half and hate the second, some people like the second half but not the first.

People are gonna argue this expansion to death for the next three years, have fun.
Ala Mhigo was bad but it gave us something to be interested in : Zenos mogging the fuck out of you and wounding someone from your crew, which has not happened once this expac
my femra gives that hock tua
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>finale is literally just getting the people there to accept Mono no aware
>people freak the fuck out
Genuinely why do you play this game?
what kind of penises do the lizards have. i need my mods to be accurate
>the same dude who apologizes to you when he accidentally cuts off your path during the mountain dungeon.
You should do that dungeon again
He tells you to fuck off and hits your party with a 7 second lightning stun before blocking your way, there was no "accident" abou tit
This game used to have like 7% GPU load in main menu and 35% in game now it's 70% at all times according to afterburne
And that with upscaler on because you can't turn it off ever
What the fuck happened to optimization?
Damn I wish you were a femlala
How big of a buff is this? That's like 10% a bar I take it? I think it was like 5% before right?
Good luck out there
Cocks are for others to staple onto themselves, I like to put big tits and ass cheeks on mine.

>rp in vg thread
>BLACK toes at that
I hope I never find out who you are

It has some nice moments and I liked some of the dungeons and boss fights. As well as many visuals and music. But it was the weakest one since SB. Not going to get into a SB vs DT argument. If they had curtailed Wuk's presence in the story after the competition was over and only brought her in sparingly after that, I might have ranked it a lot higher.
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The Arcadion will save Dawntrail

Datamined announcer lines for all 4 bosses (eng)
>DT dungeon
>everyone is <The Ultimate Legend> except me
>it's the worst DT dungeon experience I've had so far
>we almost wipe to a boss twice because no one but me can stay alive
I haven't done dungeons/roulettes since EW, so I forgot that the game was like this
yeah about 10%, a bit more than an MSQ quest and even more than a FL win
Everything was good to great.
Except the story which was abyssmal.

Regrettably, I'm mostly here for the story, and even if I wasn't it's still what they make us go through first of all and before accessing any other content, so it's a 4/10.
Do you really have to make this thread your personal blog, you narcissistic cumbrained faggot? Is this what it's like not to have a father?
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wow your whole raid cleared an extreme fight??? i cant believe they were bad at the game!
>not liking BLACK toes
I don't get it
is PCT actually doing much better atm?
I am ready to farm the bird, but I dunnyo what these PF strats mean. somenyan spood feed me pls
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my cumbrained wife
for like the class quest stuff, but normal collectables its 1000
Thank god he's not American.
Post a nude and I will.
watch the hector video and dont get hit
you should slurp up my gock
I only care about combat content and combat content is actually good considering what was realistic for us to get, if they keep getting hits this can be a very good expansion within the framework that the game has established.
>over 12 hours after official release
>still hasn't mastered all the PF strats
Yeah, that's a blacklist from me. Better luck next expac.
NTA but read what about DRK?
I'm already holding it
It's already working great, it's only healing me now so I can just take aggro fine. I was hoping it would heal me randomly before
That's pretty cute looking on f4mra
why couldn't we have just been sent on a secret mission to save a princess, disguised as a theatre group. God I fucking hate beast tribes dull ass forgettable 'world building'
The first interaction you have with him is Krile going Echo autism and saying she stared into his soul and found a black pit of crazy with everyone going "he cannot be Dawnservant at any cost". Every interaction you have with him in the story is either him outright being antagonistic or at his best just being above outright cheating or beating you to death.
Just a few things; I dont think it was terrible or great, just safe and pretty much on the same level I expected from SE. Wuk is incredibly boring, it really doesnt help that she's the furry race too, I fucking despise furries. The writers are so bad at handling more than 1 character to the point that I kept forgetting the twins were even with us. I'll still remember it fondly because it's carried super fucking hard by the content being fun as fuck.
bros I think these new EX are harder than most first tier savage floors, hopefully this expansions savage will be fun to prog if it keeps up
just use them as one
Miau Miau...... Miau Miau......
Playing Dawntrail with cutscenes takes a solid three days. I wouldn't be shocked if skipping cutscenes cuts it down to one day.

The graphics update genuinely did deliver a much better experience. Still, it got to a point where I was ready to just flash through the dialogue and get to the point.
/plap /plap
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Theres something special about this quest
>it's not the tekken/yakuza 0 arena announcer
FFXIV development approach represented by painting a house:

>Splish, splash, splosh
>"New and shiny, you like?"
>Well yes but you got paint all over the gutters and on my paving slabs
>"No worries, no worries, we'll return in 2-4 years to fix this for you"
>"So long brother, we'll be back in 4 months to paint your shed"
>2 years later
>"We fix paint on gutters and paving slabs, good yes?"
>Well yes but you scratched the fuck out of them while doing it, are you gonna fix that?
>"Yes, yes of course...in 2-4 years, so long bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
>*distant sounds of Japanese buttrock*
It takes 8 hours to beat all of DT without cutscenes
because I did that
what do the japs think of wuk lamat
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That explains all the Wuk Lamak Hate, a normal audience would be slightly annoyed, Wuk isnt enough of a character to spam death threats to the VA so I knew something was up
dogshit furry lyse
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It matters
Three days? I've been playing since Day 0 and I won't be done until tomorrow at this rate.
I want to spatter my cum all across your face
the same thing as us, despite the reddit post that keeps getting posted
It took you this long to figure out it was outrage golems?
Which Brush is that? That's so cool
It was interesting to me that Zoraal Ja kills everyone of use to him when he doesn't need them anymore, but then lets his son go at the end after using him as a prisoner to get away.
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I like Wuk Lamat but I still hope the english VA kills himself.
hellhound brush from pvp
Wuk Lamat suffered more from really horrible writing than the VA desu. Some of those lines were fucking impossible to say with a straight face.
i think i saw you once, goddamn the update hit you like a truck, your eyes look so dopey wtf
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/pet /pet /pet
No dye? What the fuck...
>I don't care if the VO is trans, but it does sound pretty wooden and stilted and forced here.
>It is also curious that English/USA is the ONLY place they cast a trans VO
Come on man you're making it too easy for them
>Wuk isnt enough of a character
Yeah that's the problem, that Wuk wasn't enough of a character to make an entire expansion where no one is allowed to do stuff except for Wuk Lamat and if anyone manages to it's only so that Wuk Lamat can react to it.
zone 5 to zone 6 transition really feels like something out of a Final Fantasy game. One last hurrah before entering the final dungeon, if you will
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that nigger and his fans unironically believe the English localization team for FFXIV is responsible for shrinking Tifa's tits and the writing done by a Japanese person
There were a few moments where I said "THIS is final fantasy."
if Wuk was a cute tan miqo'te nobody would be complaining about her voice
Wuk Lamat is very annoying. the EN VA does not help in the slightest and actually makes it worse.
I do think she "gets better" much later on, but not by much. The second half of the story is far more engaging and interesting. Erenville should have been MC. Music, and environments are great.
Can't stand that Grummz grifter, 50+yr old 4channer from /pol/
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They hate her just as much
grummz is a retarded grifter that makes narratives, DT being bad is the devs fault, not people who are just performing roles, eng Wuk is shit but the retard is just peddling culture war idiocy
>Please bring back Ishikawa... *dies*
There were people doing extremes at like noon the first day
>from the FFO board on 5ch
lol lmao rofl even.
And yet you keep coming back to render their services
Bend over
>FFO board on 5ch
rating dawntrail is funny?
Yeah PCT is overtuned as fuck when well played.
>Can't link threads due to sub rules
Same. I didn't even changed race, just fixed some features the update fucked up.
last zone needs to go back to black and golden. its post-msq state is too depressing

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