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Battle Meido Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>484309079
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I just think our princesses are beautiful.
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Koreans understand BG3 better than Larian writers
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Cute maids
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Good evening. I love Shadowheart.

Sto...wait, no. Carry on.
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The narrator would never lie.
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They're mid but I like them.
Is this game really just about the fanart and fan fiction you people write in your heads? Cuz the romance is very poorly written in game.
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Woman, please.
cute cuter cutest from left to right
You have to ignore and headcanon half of the game's writing to have a good time with bg3
It's enough of a template to make fun stories out of.
this but in reverse order
She called me a dirty gith-er to my face,
Good evening.
How did she reach such an old age, not knowing when to shut up?
left to right cute cuter cutest
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Just Elf love. Now and forever.
>Halsin can inject himself into my relation with shadowheart
>I can't inject myself into Aylin's and Isobel's relation
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pride month is over
That's lesbian erasure, can't have that.
Maybe the new lgbt shit is Shart Origin getting a threesome with Aylin and Isobel
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I'll give her lots of little animals children.
>hours before
jesus why
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For someone who's trying to prove nurture over nature, she's weirdly cordial and rude towards a possible rogue gith she's trying to get help from.
larian doesn't want origins to have exclusive romances
What's confirmed for patch 7 exactly?
Can't sleep so I'm here to say I love my husband Astarion.
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>we just used the soul coins
I have never used these before now I'm not adventurous but these are crazy as fuck
I had literally never heard her yell and she just starts tarding out Infront of a set of gith it's kinda crazy the tonal shift, she does not GAF about you
>mod support
>evil endings
>gay sex featuring shadowheart, not joking
Don't forget ignore combat.
The ideal way to play this game is on explorer while treating it as a VN and I'll die on this hill.
>evil endings
Alright I'm actually excited now
/bgg/'s favorite NPC becomes a new companion, exclusive to anon's playthrough
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Good night /bgg/
Waifus, Husbandos
Love & Harmony
>The ideal way to play this game is on explorer while treating it as a VN and I'll die on this hill.
this is my third honor run
why are you not trying to be better at something you're going to sink a load of hours into?
>IT woke up
Alright, I'm leaving again.
This but also with the Party Limit Begone mod
The only good part of this game is the party banter and you should use this to avoid replaying for it
Finally some respite for Zumbo Pumbo's Populace
The thread is saved!
Nice husband!
you wanna talk about him now that you're up?
Don't let the door hit you on the way out we both know you aren't leaving
>gay sex featuring shadowheart, not joking
Alright I'm actually excited now
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We call her Cutewe around here
>uhuhu I'm better at clicking things in this specific order I read online with this vanilla game that is exactly the same as everyone else's games
Hardly human behavior, I'm disappointed in you anon
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I'm thinkin light green
>>gay sex featuring shadowheart, not joking
Is that Lae'zel's face?
This is opposed to playing this game solely as a VN...?
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>foursome with you, Shadowheart, Aylin and Isobel
I suppose Selune would be happy...
sister from another creche
Basedest video on youtube
you have a bad mindset anon, genuinely. yeah this doesn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things but like this is sad if this is how negatively you see things
fucking kek what is elminster doing to gale
gith face 3
She looks really old desu
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>93 seconds apart
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Lae'zel's sister-cousin is so cute.
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wonder how much they'll really add. doubt there will be much
Do you think Gale's a good foot massager?
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Would you want to be in a relationship with any deity?
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you're going to hell for that
I'm happy I've contributed
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>Gale and Wyll are good men with a sense of responsibility
>Astarion's a psycho manipulator killer
>Women prefer astarion
This says a lot about our society
only one
Gale has a decent fanbase and Wyll is black
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>I'll die on this hill.
Only because you're a lazy baiter or just plain stupid. The narrative (what makes a game such as this enjoyable) is made of the combined elements of story AND gameplay. It isn't just story, or you would derive the same enjoyment out of watching a playthrough on youtube, fast-forwarding to the relevant parts. Depriving yourself of the gameplay elements is counterproductive.

For example, the narrative of the Apostle of Myrkul fight is an epic fight against an avatar of a god of death. If you play on journalist mode, or if you install a hypothetical cheat that makes you one-tap any boss, that narrative crumbles. You deny yourself a memorable fight. You cheat not only the game, but yourself.
it's about experiences that happen too, like a big stupid goofy chase you just barely scrape by in.
I honestly expected this general to be mostly about lore, tactics and character builds.
stop nooticing things
Astarion is a well-written character because he wants to murder his bully master. Gale doesn't even want to murder Mystra; terrible character, very bad, awful.
Larian games have terrible writing
make your whole party sneak and surprise your opponent to burst him in a turn
abuse advantage/feats with the melee and concentration with the casters
You can make the game even easier with a custom difficulty.
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Where is your dignity, mortal?
>when you confront lae'zel about her stealing your underwear
wizards with tired eyes, questionable ethics and a hairline that screams "it's so over" >>>
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You weren't born in the right crèche. Vlaakith doesn't even know who you are...
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I love Minthy
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I'll never be as cool as her
>lol, he plays as a cleric when there's Shadowheart
>lol, he plays as a wizard when there's Gale
>lol, he plays as a warlock when there's Wyll
>lol he plays as a githyanki when there's Lae'zel
See where I'm going?
I think that I speak for the entire thread when I say that I want to be gentledommed by Karlach
I literally play none of these things because they're already in the party
I wish minthara was voiced by a woman
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I am not Noah anon. I simply honor their legacy.
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You do not speak for me.
Good evening.
You could support her as her side... You are romancing her, right?
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that's where i sleep
What is causing this fuzziness around distant items like foliage or character hair? All of my settings are set to ultra or high, but the top of my characters head is all pixelated
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Be a good person.
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Oooh, juicy gossip
I don't recall her mentioning this when I played as a non-gith. This is cool
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gaussian blur
best gith imo has some cute things to say
ilmater is so moe
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absolutely not
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Cute Jeera is cute
I'm annoyed by the rays where she stands, though
What did he mean by this.
You're going to spare the youth, right?
snitches get stitches
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this guy's always my favorite part of the creche
but the sa'varsh has some really cool lines if you're gith.
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Koreans understand BG3 better than Larian writers
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I went straight for the zaith'isk, but I'll meet them next. I kinda don't feel like risking inspirations to save the kid, but then again I can kill kobolds and Gremishkas to refill them easy. Do you have to save him to get the Orpheus disk, or can you just loot it from his body?
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I did it, boys. I finally managed to create a beautiful half-orcfu. OC Donut steel.
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The little conversations between Jaheira and Minthy are a nice detail.

Also one of my coop buddies just got to act 3 for the first time today. It's fun seeing someone amazed by it all for the first time. This game is so much fun.
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Be a Jessica person!
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you can loot it
i let him die
I miss Dixie...
I just want a BT3 High Elf wife. Is it so much to ask for?
why does she look so smug
She looks unamused to me.
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Finally...on our way to Baldur's Gate Threeâ„¢
I meant youth Qun'irel. She didn't do anything wrong.
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BG3 writers ruin their characters, koreans elevate them.
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ummm did you seek permission first
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No. Fuck dem gooks
hey he's cute
I find that impossible since Larian writers come from a broad and diverse pool of talent from Chinese to H*white. Also, without them there would be no BG3 characters. You need only look at the Korean game awards to know what they prioritize: mtx and mobile games.
that's chinese dum dum
>shadowheart wearing the slutty outfit

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Also, this is fanart not fanfiction. If we're talking about writing quality, post writing examples. I accept your concession.
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Fanarts have better character chemistry and interactions than BG3 banter lines, fucking tumblr understands BG3 companions better than the BG3 writers. I say it often and I'll say it again, the lead BG3 writers are carried by the junior writers, the art, VA and cinematic teams.
Who's talking about writing quality? What am I conceding? You're mixing up your buzzwords. This is pretty sad. I rate your rebuttal a John/10. Be better.
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>youth tra'an
The only time I killed her was in a previous playthrough when I got caught sneaking by one of the hall monitors post-inquisitor fight. She is cute, though. And bulliable
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no no no no NO NO NO NOOOOO!!!!
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It's time to save Baldur's Gate.
Pucker up chuddy
Seeing other games with body sliders never fails to be funny, you always end up with these disgusting fat player characters. I'm glad Larian didn't pander to the "body-positive." Eat a salad, go for a walk, lose some weight, it's not complicated.
> I'm glad Larian didn't pander to the "body-positive.''
They pandered to every single freak under the sun
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I don't want the Japan treatment!
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Show us her durr face
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I thought I was from a nothing creche.
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Except the fat pigs. I can't stand fat "people."
Chubby bitches get a pass
Swen got the bonus SBI DEI bribe money millions from including trannies in the game but then allowed players to murder them on sight with zero repercussions. Now those millions of diversitybux will fund space game. He's ourguy and using their own bribe money to fuck them.
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Crèche K'liir cannot compare
> It's good that the character creator is bad
>no female dragonborn companion
Not my Larian president
Admit it. You're at least curious about what the tentacles could do.
Look at the Korean game awards and tell me what they care about as a gaming collective. I'll wait.
And no, mentally deranged fanartists don't speak for an entire people.
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You're a chimp, a monkey and you're unable to understand anything that requires the modicum of thought, it's a wonder you can actually read. There's a reason I brought up tumblr alongside korean art. The BG3 writers have no idea of how to make companions interact with each other. The BG3 writers have no idea of how to make interesting scenes featuring several BG3 characters. Fans do. Forget your warped view on what korean gaming looks like and focus on what the fuck I'm trying to talk about. I could bring up what the BG3 writers care about as a collective if you want though.
not him but its funny you use chimp and monkey as insults all the time even though you say you're black. projecting?
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>even though you say you're black.
I'm a big booty latina.
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he's a handsome gith
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He talks like a zoomie, not a black guy, what's wrong with you?
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Being deliberately obtuse is one thing but incoming the gacha, bug people as an example automatically loses your argument. See pic rel.
Mainstream Korean gamers couldn't even comprehend what good character arcs were unless you forced them to buy the story in sliced up MTX bundles. They cannot fathom story without waving a micro transaction carrot in front of them.
This argument is a non-starter anon.
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Who was in the wrong here
I want to lick Karlach tummy
>Forget your warped view on what korean gaming looks like and focus on what the fuck I'm trying to talk about.
You failed. You are a dumbfuck.
They're both dumb since they fought after I tried killing the dream visitor at the creche
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Unironically yes that's what just happened to me
Larian, for pretending that BG3 will be filled with camp drama full of choices and consequences
>make """choice"""
>invalidated fifteen minutes later
Great RPG
>bearschizo is still assmad about supposed new gay content in patch 7
More than Cyberpunk
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after the fucking creche
Cyberpunk has no camp drama, sweetie. And it's not even a CRPG or an RPG honestly.
You were the one that brought up Koreans (plural), as a society or gaming community, as a better gauge of character writing. I posted what they liked from RPGs from their own Game Award. You seethe, dilate even. Curious!
Larian is the new CDPR, and their next floundering fuck up will put them out of business and Swen in jail for bank fraud
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Didn't this same sequence of events happen during one of Jennifer English's streams, and a programmer from Larian got embarrassed in chat for it?
And you're the racist acting like all korean people are identical in their tastes.
Wait and see Kumar
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i do not watch streams so i wouldn't know
Tencent will bail him out. They have all of your biometrics now. They even spied on (you) through your hacked webcam when you thought you were home alone enjoying Halsin scenes. They know you're a faggot and can reproduce an engram of you like how Disney keeps Tupac's soul imprisoned in the form of a hologram.
>, as a society or gaming community
>as a better gauge of character writing
>I posted what they liked from RPGs from their own Game Award
This is irrelevant.

I just said that korean fanarts have a better understanding of BG3 companions than BG3 writers, and they do. Tumblr does too. Western artists too. You are such a retard.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nikke had a better story than BG3.
Shart stole the relic, murdered gith for it, broke into their home to do it, and then refused to answer any questions when lae'zel asked why she has it. Shart just tells her to fuck off in a very antagonistic manner.

Lazy actually starts off with just questions, and they are valid questions. She asks why Shart has it, nothing more. And when we play this scene from Origin Shart's perspective, we learn that Lazy is actually satisfied and goes to sleep if Origin Shart just tells her that she doesn't actually know,s he lost her memories. So Lazy is actually reasonable at every starting point. She only demands a fight when Shart tells her to fuck off and doesn't answer anything.

So this scene definitely makes Shart look like the worse of the two.
And that's even before we find out how they deal with it. Lazy demands a duel in the morning because Shart has offended her, with good reason. While Shart stabs her at night and confirms that she will lie to the rest of the party about what happens. So even each of their forms of violence make lazy look better.

And to top it all off, Shart lies to the player, while Lazy does not. Shart says that Lazy is "delusional" when Lazy accuses Shart of having a relic that is important to her people, but this is a blatant lie, because this scene is triggered by you learning that the gith are looking for it, meaning Shart is bold faced lying to the player.

So there are actually several layers to why Shart is the one who is worse in this exchange, if we are being objective. But since she is the game's designated waifu, you'll often see people just ignore all this.

This all being said, obviously the "best" course of action is to resolve the situation with a charisma check. We as meta-gamers know that we can do this and just win the encounter with no downsides. But in real life, someone who is actually trying to administer fair justice, would side with Lazy. Or at the very least would demand Shart to give an actual answer.
I don't even play this game dumb shit. You're right about Tencent (CHINA) bailing out their servant though. Wonder who directed Swen to include incest and bestialities in his culture product? I wonder if they did it during one of his Pattaya trips??
Yes, I am racist, and? Use a better comparison, retarded tourist who swept in from Twitter.
You're assuming that anyone ITT is sad enough to watch a VA play the game
What would the Belgian RPG of the year be? For 2024 that is. BG3 came out last year.
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Artist =/= Writer
Bad comparison. Fan artists would be compared to concept artists. A writer or even a mangaka would be a better comparison. Both writer and concept artist have completely different jobs within the scope of a game.
Argument is also a nonstarter since OP didn't specify and compartmentalize his benchmark.
Yes, join /nikg/ if you truly believe this.
Then why are you here? The gacha threads are faster and perhaps more to your liking.
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good night
Now that I think on it, isn't this the only encounter between two followers? I haven't experienced any others like that.
Gacha games are dogshit but fuck if their bitches aren't hot as fuck. BG3 needed more gacha-horny and no tumblr-horny
imagine coming to a general of a game you don't even play, sad lol
>Or at the very least would demand Shart to give an actual answer
But doesn't the fight scene only happen after you get the younger handsome man cutscene where Shart word vomits everything about her backstory anyway? What else is there to tell?
Cute voss raider, and good night.
The only other one I can think off is the karlach/wyll one and it's resolved in 2 dialogue lines
Can't stand their writing. It must be the language barrier but all their female characters sound like retarded children. And some actually are.
Cuteness is the mindkiller anon. Even Satoshi Kon would go on to comment on the blight of commercialized cuteness and the rise of otaku culture in Japan. Now it's everywhere in SEA.
Shart doesn't automatically spill the beans at that scene. The latest you can get her to spill the beans is all they into the start of act 2. So it's coded in such a way that this scene plays even when some of the things they say won't make sense. Like if you beeline for the creche with sparingly resting, you could theoretically get the reveal about vlaakith and how you shouldn't give the artifact to the gith, and then rest and get this scene, where neither of them will make sense. It's one of the flaws of the game.

Which is why I'm talking about the intended timing of the scene, which is early in the game when you don't know about the gith yet.
>some actual drama
>two companions about to fight because one has been mislead
>the tadpole happily chimes in to verify to everyone that no one is lying, thus resolving the conflict through desu ex machina, even when the tadole theoretically has no incentive to do this
It's hilarious how they cut off the knees of even the little drama they seem to have considered writing into the game.
go to SLEEP alicia
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Nighty night /bgg/

I unironically leave every time I say I'm going to, at least for a few hours. Then I come back and check in and see I've missed absolutely nothing of value so I leave again. This time I'm leaving to go to bed.
Oh definitely. I just wish BG3 would quit shoving so many fetishes down the player's throat and settle with TnA instead.
does anyone think it's silly that if you recruit shart late at the gobbo camp, laezel will acknowledge that the gith are hunting shart for the magic box and say they'll be relentless in their pursuit of her. she accepts shart as a party member tho but then like one long rest later the same fight scene plays out where laezel wants a duel

what the fuck larian
Licking Karlach all the way from her neck down to her... *gulp* oussy...
They didn't have enough redpilled poles like the ones from CDPR making all the Panam sex scenes. Sad!
I rotate between BG3, Cyberpunk, and FF7 Rebirth, and it's very noticeable when BG3 offloads its Tumblr bdsm kinks.
>because this scene is triggered by you learning that the gith are looking for it
It is triggered on the second night after the cutscene of the artefact shielding you from the Absolute, you don't need another requirement. So technically, if the scene plays before meeting the gith, Shadowheart might still plausibly deny the importance of the artefact to Tav and Lae'zel, who is simply looking to right a wrong on principle - nobody involved has any clue what the relic represents yet. Also, everyone ignored that anon who was only making a joke.
You mean futa girlcock*
You can take her clothes off in game and see her pussy retard
For me, it's deepthroating her massive tail
>Also, everyone ignored that anon who was only making a joke
Lae'zel doesn't care for legos anymore and craves for gunpla and 40k plastic crack now.
Not in my game UwU. All the sfm porn I see of her has her as a dominant futa.
Clearly she's a trans coded character, chud.
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Where are all these wisdom saves coming from?
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Wulbren- Imperial Guard, tons of fortifications. Says the Ironhand Gnomes know how to build them. Actually comes up with some clever formations for his fortifications, but he never captures objectives and is light on infantry so he loses any objective based game.

Gale- Thousand Sons. Says they are wizards, so they're the only suitable army for a wizard of his caliber. Well painted, even a bit of kit work. Says the game sucks anytime he fails a perils of the warp, because "a wizard would never let that happen in real life".

Shart- Tyranids. She says they're cute and names them after all the animals on her farm. She says she takes care of them and is their mom. Doesn't play.

Ketheric- Plaguemarines. Takes every unit that has FNP and says his army is Myrkul followers who jumped to 40k. People make fun of him for mixing IP's but he is good at the game since he's a general irl.

Karlach- Salamanders. Buys every mastercrafted inferno, flamer, and melta weapon possible. Everything is fire themed. Loses most matches due to have a very unoptimized thematic list, but she has a blast every time she plays.

Lae'zel- Craftworld with a ton of Striking Scorpions. She insists that melee martial masters should win every engagement because they have a thousand years of experience from a militaristic order, just like her people in real life. She is enthusiastic and knows the rules but she is held back by just running her army across the table directly every match.

Wyll- Ultramarines. Very well painted, by exact example pictures from the codex. He often talks about how they are the good guys. Knows the rules to the letter but isn't very creative and doesn't change strategy between matches.

Minthara- Night Lords. She cosplays whenever she shows up to events and she gets into character by actually poisoning the bending machine. Actually very good at the game.
How to throw dead body into lava?
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[Illithid] dialogue options. Tons of them in Act 1 when being a [True Soul] essentially gives you a free pass once a day.
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>accidentally shift-click half of lae'zel's inventory while selling, esc to quit
>items are still gone and don't appear in the trader's inventory
Wtf, there should be a dozen swords and other weapons
Where the fuck did dwarfsis and gutsfag disappear to? Did some anti midget hit squad get them? Weird that they both stopped posting
The.... Bending Machine?
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this one
Ooooh the game moves the items in the barter window to whoever initiated conversation with the trader if you didn't sell them. Think I need a break
I got to them.
What would BG3 characters be in Futurama?
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I bought like 10 games in the steam sale but while playing them I think about playing bg3.

vending machine

or each lgs in the future has a bender from futurama
>thinly veiled space post
not falling for it
I just found out deleting certain info from items in mods causes the game to crash. I didn't realize it did that. weird, because I've fucked with mods before.
funny every time I play a game I just think about you overdosing on smoothies and dying in a puddle of your own urine in the basement where no one will find you for a week when the smell becomes unbearable
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I sacrificed them.
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Should Berri make the adamantine shield or a second set of adamantine armor?
what class fits a dark urge playthrough the best?
assassin, gloomstalker, barbarian, paladin
durge was written to be a paladin for some reason.
I think the only info you really get is that he uses a dagger, which is referenced a lot, and is charismatic
If I didn't like Paladin so much, I think I'd play good old Fighter. 3 APR, 4 Feats, either BM or EK is very strong and even Champion is not far behind. Very honest class, no gimmicks.
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Lae'zel carrying the team as usual
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uh oh
>Hag picks Gale to talk to because he's closest
>Well fuck me I guess I lose the hair because the intimidation check is a 20
>Roll 20
>Well fuck me I guess it's my lucky day for once
>Dialogue ends instantly and combat resumes, no hair rewarded
It looks like guidance in dialogue triggered weird magic surge and fucked up the exchange. I'm about to just end this run prematurely if this is how shit is going to keep going. So much stupid shit happening that I have never even seen before like Scratch getting bricked and the necromancy of Thay buff getting activated on the wrong character.
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Who the fuck are you
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he said the thing
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Apprentice is a cute
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Women? Hate 'em.
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it's a trap
Every time I get the urge to do another playthrough there's always a big patch coming up that everyone wants to wait for. Patch 7 seems really cool but I want to play my OOD Duergar NOW!
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Whoa, that one anon's wife is pretty

>3DPD out of nowhere
Next time you want to share trash just send it to yourself
the conversation where astarion just tells you he's a vampire is so cute
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What makes Wyll such an underwhelming character?
Complete lack of edge or anything really interesting about him. He's too milquetoast, a bit like Halsin without his horny bear shtick.
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I prefer the real Mizora
Shadowheart looks so stupid with those bangs kek
i will not abide this
is this a woman or a man?
Good morning. I love my husband Astarion.
Boring design, boring quest, boring story, boring outcomes, the only good thing about him is Mizora. Wyll is a terrible character.
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What was the thought process behind this post?
sex, you people, etc.
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