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Last: >>484416813 #

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkgtQOlJp0Y [Open]

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo [Open] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I [Open] (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s [Open] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 [Open] (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfLOPJcPk7I [Open]

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5WS9Ohb-fI [Open]

>ZZZ stickers
kill all ritualposting niggers
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Corin is best girl. Anby is best girl. Piper is best girl. Lucy is best girl. Koleda is best girl.
rubbing my penis on lady fu's ribs...
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What if Inter-Knot is short for Interspecies Knotting?
So Lycaon is S tier ? should I reroll for him if I'm getting Ellen ?
Am I going to regret downloading this game?
ellen demo soon?
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China absolutely MOGGING Japan and the West in the sovl department lately, and pretty brutally too

What'd been your reaction 10 years ago that it'd turn out like this?
how many hrs
Loli armpit
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not much longer now
the excitement is starting to become STIFFENING
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>Actually responding to wuggers falseflagger
Are you guys fucking serious?
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That's a LOT of words to say "idk"
What about the COMBAT? Parry system?
>fixing anything ever
So it's over already? LAME
We don't use that word here
>I wonder if they'll even be able to pay back their outsourced animation studios.
I hope they don't. These shitty animations don't deserve more than a cup of Ramen
>110 gb
think of your poor SSD
Thanks for posting a gay icon
We hate pedos here.
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>generic CGDCT
Literal soul vs soulless. BA mogging this any time of the week
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It's gonna be hilarious when the p***s get filtered out of this game when they realize hoyo is pandering to normal people instead of sick freaks.
You'd think they would have realized by now. This is the third hoyo game.
you are the most boring poster i've ever seen and i am saying this as a completely unbiased third party.
cunny gods we won
this trailer was such a vibe
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Miyabi waiting room
Soul soulless
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Roll for shork.
lolifags are unironic pedos
shotafags are ironic
cute lesbians
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wow thats a lot of bait
>SEA shills start flooding the thread
HagGOD here, I thank cunnyGODS for shielding us from normalfags
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We love pedos here
>pander to normal people
You mean faggots and homo, for this game, animal fuckers as well.
I seriously hope you all get payed at least
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But WHERE is the parry system?
Who invited Twitter here?
friendly reminder to report all pedoposters :)
Piper, Lucy, Nekomata, the Idol squad, the fact that they got WATERKUMA to do art, you lost already DBTard. Fuck off back to X.
>That's a LOT of words to say "idk"
because you faggot is asking about a game no one here played
Do you like open world? you probably enjoy Wuwa more No? then wait 24h you faggot and see if ZZZ battle system can carry the game or not. go to sleep or do something productive, for once
Quick! Post this game breedable characters.
she needs to be bred
Don't care just gonna enjoy the game.
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oh no

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friendly reminder sex a neko
Where the panty shoot?
I thought china was supposed to ban the depiction of gayshit in their media
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what are the odds of eventually getting an option to remove cinematic character cut ins for skills? I hate that shit the way they use it in these new anime games, for a big super they're fine but for spammable moves you use every 40 seconds when the gauge fills up it's fucking annoying. I remember that being my biggest complaint when I was watching a friend play star rail for the first time.
Will she go live 6 weeks after release?
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>he doesn’t know
I don’t know what’s more pathetic about cunnytards. Their massive victim complex about their fetish, or how insecure they are when they constantly spam how much of a pedophile they are to ‘fit in’
I and my friends will tell mihoyo to stop putting sexualized children into ZZZ in the surveys.
I’m already bored. Where are the 1.1 leaks?
Skills are literally 1.7 seconds long
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Wuwakeks this is getting pathetic...
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she's most likely 2.0 or something like that
they're not gonna release another ice attacker after ellen so quick
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Waiting for an actual furry female character to roll for
kek chinks can help themselves. All they do is copy
ZZZ is cunnyge
Hagfags can see themselves out
>click image
>not stelle
I feel cheated
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more like 6 months
more like longer than 6 months
Based king.
>burning through content before the game releases

A new record.
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Wuthering Waves cucks are scrambling hard, they know its over for them as soon as this game drops. You're done.
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I put this in all the hsr and wuwa surveys lol
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That's not how 4chan works.
Literally every hoyo game general is anti loli.
It's the funniest shit I've EVER seen.
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Alright, I'm converted.
I am now a cunnychad.
they can still be 1.7 seconds long without taking me out of the fight to show me a cutscene I've seen a thousand times. just play the animation in the current arena.
What can they do? the game literally got zero content 1 day after 1.1 update, they really need to bait people with 30 pulls during 4th July the same day as ZZZ launch day.
Oh she DOES have shark teeth.
Be nice to oldest retarded avatarfag
and you got a legit answer
And shark dick
why are you avatarfagging? why are you gay
>anti cunny tard has resorted to samefagging
Give it to me straight, bros.
Is there any Artefact/Relic farm in ZZZ like in Genshin/Star Rail?
Too bad your opinions are worthless. They only care about CN and JP, the people who actually spend.
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>heard this game is for cunnychads
>almost all the girls in the game are hebes or even worse, petite adults
>literally only one actual loli on the entire cast
i hate liars
Of course
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predict the melty when the /bag/bait are all t3 characters
Yep. Back to the mines you go.
yes, it's core gacha now
I spend and they have implemented a few of my suggested changes before.
I always ask for more smol characters though.
Holy fuck, dropped.
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This game needs more teenagers. March 7th, Firefly and Ellen Joe are 10/10 characters. I want more of that. Not children. Not hags. More of the good stuff.
Yes and they're called disk drives
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Genshin and Star Rail cucks should be more scared actually. Genshin lost all of its male players to HSR and more than half of its revenue
Tell these faggots Gohan-san.
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the two sons of cunnydonia are confirmed t1 though, the best buffer and the only non-5* debuffer
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Congrats bro
No twink fujobait characters on launch means the game will be dead on arrival. You guys think cunnytards keep a game alive? There are plenty of cunny in other gacha games. It's nothing special. Meanwhile a good twink design can sell millions, billions even...
I like the saw girl, remind me of switch axe on monster hunter rise
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Ellen is a high schooler
You're right, I've seen the error of my ways.
I will only respond to high quality Ellen posts
It's identical to the HSR system.
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policebwos are we winning ?
not even trying to instigate shit but I was drawn towards ZZZ solely because of how incredibly SOULFUL this looks and feels compared to not only all gachashit in the market but also their previous chinkwank games
I mean, it's the best we can get in combination of having a loli designer for a huge brand currently. I'll take what I can, and appreciate properly depicted media from indiegames and VNs
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But she’s not even out yet?
Wuwa can take the hagfags at least
Stop posting these black youtubers
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I am gonna be honest he looks better without the fur. Yes I am furry but he looked uncanny as fuck with it.
>2 hags
>cat femboy
>oppai goblin
I doubt mihoyo would be releasing a third game if their second one cannibalized half of genshin's sales.
this shit is so goddamned hot
holy fuck

pure fucking sex
She needs to be bred
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>they really need to bait people with 30 pulls during 4th July the same day as ZZZ launch day.
holy shit that is desperate
are wuwupags okay?
ZZZ mogging modern gaming. The fuck are these other people doing
Clara exists so the anticunny schizo is completely wrong
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who is the May of ZZZ?
The Ellen trailer OST is pretty shit yo
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>more not!relics/artifacts farm
>more shipshit, now with furries to boost
>no pandering
>more chinkslop story like with Genshit and Star Rail
I've already been burnt twice by Mihomo's shitty game products. I'm just here for the lewd arts, which will be taken over by BA's anni is in 3 weeks anyway.
Only newfags actually think this game will be good or better in the future
I would watch them, but I have a reverse affirmative action initiative in place for myself, so I only watch white content creators.
it would be alright if it didn't have english lyrics.
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Cunless won and everyone else lost.
theres no way they let her cameltoe stay
I was genuinely awestruck by how soulful just watching random ads on the tv while waiting for the launch patch to install was
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That's literally a non answer. I don't know where you came from but your "logic" is toddler tier.
Just because someone may like open world games does not mean they automatically prefer them over non open world games.
Like holy shit you really need to go back to school.
Why are you obsessed? Can you explain the parry system in ZZZ?
Every time there's a gacha with big hype about to launch you have dozens of literal who youtubers who think they can cash in on the next big thing and make content about it and get their channel popular. It's the most basic bitch laziest thing, no surprise mostly black guys do this.
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My wallet is ready
Kill yourself /bag/got.
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I hope we get her JK outift as a skin. The model it's already made.
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it's so over for generic pop artists
>I doubt mihoyo would be releasing a third game
you know all of them were in production years ago? They won't suddenly stop after HSR cannibalized Genshin's sales
they would prefer that over Genshin and HSR players moving to games they don't own
Male MC is for dogbro and that’s f*ckin brave and beautiful
Deff going to be picking male MC
I don't hate black youtubers but Iyo is one of the worst in hsr community.
He recommends lightcones and character copies , is THAT bad.
>What about the COMBAT? Parry system?
Yes there is a dodge and parry system that has per character differences and nuance. Different characters have different attacks that can or can't be animation canceled in different ways you'll need to learn. Character switching leaves the old character out to complete their last attack/get hit so there's mechanics in their timing as well. Or you can just turn on all the assist features, change to easy and hold attack.
they should've hired hypergryph
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They are not, imagine instead of getting actual ingame content they just do lazy shit like this.
On the same day of your rival company new game launch day.
Game is barren as fuck
japan can only shit out regurgitated crap like totk and the new zelda that is a literal asset flip of link's awakening
they don't see their games as projects that they want to stick with and nurture, they simply consider these games as their products that sell millions and then move on to next products
that is one reason why i have completely given up on dogshit companies like nintendo, especially after what they did with animal crossing
i cannot wait for the hoyo animal crossing game because i know it will MOG dogshittendo animal crossing just like genshin shat all over zelda
i only wish hoyo would also tap into the monster collection genre, pokefags need a brutal mindraping too
>no one here played
not true. Aren't there some beta testers here?
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I am not a furry but "uncanny" is the perfect word how to describe him before they changed him. There was just something indescribable off about his old model, like it was a bit too cutesy and anime.
Suno is getting sued its over
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It looks already in-game.
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No, I can't explain it. i never played the game. That was also the first time I replied to you, I just thought it was cringe and awkward that you keep making posts using this weird pepe thing. I'm not going to reply again if you're going to be weird like this though, so feel free to get the last word in if you want.
/bag/ is our strongest alliance, anybody shitting on them here is a falseflagger of some kind.
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The other cop has one so there are actually decent odds of it sticking
WuWa is uncensored. Hoyo can't afford to censor.
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He's still coping btw
Or just hates cunnyschizos
I’m confused so who’s raiding us again? It just looks like a new boogeyman pops up every other day or so.
Not gay nor a furry but I would fuck this boy in the butt
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Syuen is for ryona
>Shounen niggers doing bait with Goku/JJK avatars
>Aktually pedos will not- samefagging faggots are here too
>Star Rail trannies attempting to shit post claiming power creep and posting tier lists from random niggers
>Frogposter claiming the most retarded things you ever read today
>Ritual posters from /gig/ and /wwg/
>Bait from trannies using words like "coded" or "lesbian" and any others
>Doomposting from faggots who never intended to play the game anyway

We are on the big leagues now bros.
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I have no idea who this girl is but I'm saving every single pic I find of her
That's because of what >>484474510 said. They're the laziest content creators that just take shit off of reddit (or even here) and put them in a video. Add le loud and funny black man reaction and upload video, then profit.
Nah his human look is more appealing
Boys were listening to Polyphia for sure.
Hypergryph produces the same generic riotslop most of the time
Fuck off baggot
fuck off baggot
common dragonball chad W
All me.enjoy reading my post bypassing your filter.
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Japanese furries are the best
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nigger the whole general is boogeymen. There's not a single first gachafag here
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Nah, Japan is SOVL, just the same way the West is: indie games.
And again, just like the West, big companies produced SOVLful games, but they stopped and now only mostly produce slop.
>image looks like someone trying to pull an arrow out of her head
You say that in every gacha thread, it smells of desperation. No one likes BAfags.
>in cunnygame
Uhhh, are you lost?
>they don't see their games as projects that they want to stick with and nurture
This is probably what I hate most about jap devs. Even when they come out with good games, they basically abandon them on release.
>not true. Aren't there some beta testers here?
All the beta testers trashed the game hard and called it DOA. Doubt we have someone here
Characters have casual costumes, so maybe.
>furris :(
>furries, japan :O
Ellen getting knotted while I watch...
only 10 the other 20 pull on seperate day
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>Inter-knot membership
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Based Astlibra enjoyer, playing on hell was one hell of a journey
>*lust provoking shark image*
>*rage promoting bait*
If you look at 4stats the only general that doesn’t die when there’s big gacha releases or update are gig and bag. Now take a good guess who’s raiding us right now.
>underage girls don't have nipples!
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>HSR had a quiet period during peak Fontaine patches like Furina release
>Genshin got filler patches once Penacony started in HSR
>now ZZZ will be added to the money-milking cycle
Can't you plebs see it? They're not cannibalizing each other, they're complementing each other. When one game has little content, another will turn up the hype. And they all have 3-week half-patches, so with three games there is 0 off-weeks now. Every week will release a new banner.
Should have gone full the sort teen rock/pop like with K-On or Haruhi
Instead, it's just generic Western pop wannabe.
I made an Astlibra thread the other day on /v/ and it got no replies. It's over...
It looks too weird like they wanted to appeal to the furries but till hope regular normies would be into him. Maybe it would been fine if they were female since Asian women are a bit less pronounced with it.
First time I ever say that, though.
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Who is the best girl and why is it Rin?
nah iyo is a generic cc youtuber, is just that he sticks with his objectively wrong opinions, similar to hex but she's just an orbiter so who cares
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>I’m confused so who’s raiding us again?
Real answer is r/gachagaming
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Any Nikke friends in the chat? I'm just going to play Nikke and ZZZ
>K-On or Haruhi
kys moeslop nigger
>couldn't even be assed to make an actual event so they're log-in rewards
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>needs to samefag
>posts literally the biggest L in manga history
Ellen is NOT above the chinky shooting lady. The shooting lady can do any boss but Ellen can only do target dummy bosses that don't move.
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Can't wait for the melty when all the FOMO bandwagoners get a reality check in 24 hours kek
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I will never understand tourists who mald because of poor reading comprehension and then start announcing that they "won't respond again" like some cringe redditor.
FINALLY someone who actually knows the game. How do you parry? Is it a separate button from basic attack?
And that "assist" feature sounds like garbage. Only shit games allow casual difficulty options.
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someone tweet this at him please
keep samefagging loser
here is (you)
/v/ is 90% eceleb and zoomer eL2en Ring these days. Unironic Fortnite threads hit bump limit there now
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>hsrg, wuwa and gig are dead
>zzz on superspeed
I'm noooooticing...
reminder on the leak kuro tried to manipulate people by saying it's appreciation reward
Because he's black just admit it
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whats up with male characters and shaking their asses this game. they're all so zesty.
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Yup. The ZZZ Internet is called the Inter-Knot.
Your ffxiv?
lycaon's balls...
>log on genshin
>do dailies
>artifact grid
>log on star rail
>do dailies
>relic grind
>log on zzz
>do dailies
>knot farm
This is my life now I guess
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Freeze is the strongest element. Absolutely retardedly broken.
The police woman has the advantage of being one of the two Ether characters in the game, because Mihoyo still releases 1 character of an element and 15 of another, for some reason.
Same happened with HSR, i thought it was too simple but in the end i prefer it over genshin now.
My expectations are higher but since i play too many gachas i'll drop it if i don't find it fun
but who am i kidding, i like this hoyoslop so unless they fuck it up tremendously i will still play it.
although i dropped hi3 after like a month
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BASED and truthpilled
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The BP support weapon is fucking busted wtf
>pedo meltdown
what happened?
that's his knot though
>Even when they come out with good games, they basically abandon them on release
this is 101% nintendo
i learnt it the hard way
what you see is exactly what you will get, so don't get your hopes up or expect anything else
and that's why nintendo games aren't for someone like me who expects a good game to get even better through future updates or dlcs, instead you will be blueballed for years until they finally reveal a new product and the old one is already abandoned
also known as interspecies knot
Just like genshin 1.0
they're gonna find out about the boring story
they're gonna find out about the mashy combat
they're gonna find out you can only use one ult per squad
they're gonna find out you can only swap to the next party member in line
they're gonna experience the turbo honkai powercreeps
They're handled by boomers stuck in 00s lol
Isn’t it a given not count those? I doubt mmorpg or even /erg/ have the same gacha audience.
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>watch gameplay
>action game with fucking skill cooldowns
I almost got my hopes up kek. I'm still gonna play it at launch but this definitely will get boring after a couple days with such restrictions.
They realized no one likes them.
How much is BP again?
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100 million more men than women required a solution
10 bucks.
7 if you use a VPN and pay with Yen
>sperging out about cunny like it’s pleddit or xitter
Wow these are the worst hours
I'll ask my zzzbroskis to gift me one
>spending money on a game that will EOS in r months
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Nikker here. Too much booba in that game and I need to balance my diet.
ZZZ is the only Hoyo game that got my interest. Hope it lasts since I like the character design in their game for once
For typical characters parrying is built into a well timed character switch.
However Ben Bigger, the bear, is the only Defense character and his special attack button is simply instead a parry button. If you time it correctly with him you'll do a counter attack. Or you can just hold it down on Ben for a generic block. This may be a common feature of other defense characters. But I don't know.
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Explain this.
Why are lolikeks so fragile?
You point out that not everyone is a freak like them and they have a melty for days.
How fast is this game gonna turn into 5 min dailies and complain about lack of free rewards? 2 weeks? 3?
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>HSR will EOS soon! Trust me!!!
You can't jump in combat either
Oooohhhh shit boy


Watch me dance on these cross threadfags
>no open world
i'll give it 1 week best case scenario
>Only shit games allow casual difficulty options.
This is a Gacha game. Some level of casual pandering is a prerequisite.
There's plenty of proxy rank levelgating of story quests so no worries
Ellenfags are in for a rude awakening. All the teasers (even Rina's) and trailers has her having a chronic biting problem and she eats just about anything. Imagine that with your dick.
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Good. The less Hoyofags here the better. Hope it flops in revenue so sales fags also fuck off
3 days
3 days
SEAmonkeys who literally don't care about gameplay and are only there to bumrush the rewards for their 0.1s dopamine hit of rooooolling on the gacha will surely do this in about a week tops. It's like what 40 hours of content? No lifes will get through in less than a week
>use VPN
What's the point of most VPNs are paid?
Which one do you use?
Do you just open the top up center with a jap IP and it works?
You use Western payment methods like a debit card or PayPal and it doesn't get you banned?
mental illness
How come the other character trailers weren't this good?
Oh christ this is another one of THOSE games?
Day 1 because of anti-hoyofags
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I heard this game has funny lingo. Apparently you use something called the Inter-Knot and it's like the Internet, but it's a play on words with rope like a web of rope. I think that's really smart. The game launches today and there's a pass called the Inter-Knot Membership? Is it a good deal? If it's a good deal, I'll get the Knot membership. Who else is getting the knot?
Day 1 nikke player here. I'm here just for the cunny and waterkuma. I hope mihoyo don't disappoint me
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>free Ben Bigger for completing Chapter 2
>free Corin from pre regs
>free 5 star just by logging into the game on launch
Freebros we are so back
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DoA if true, I'm tired of phones gimping these games but that's where the money comes from.
i trust mtashed opinion
I feel like I'm getting gaslit by this whole Ellen Joe is in highschool thing
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>action game with no jump button
/zzz/oomers will tell you this is fine
Why not play good games? Drop HSR and Genshin first
I wanted to like nikke, but the load times are so awful. It's ridiculous how a game like genshin loads so much faster than nikke.
Mentally ill people are known for being extremely aggressive when people don't agree with them.
Ellen is limited, so gotta sell her extra hard
I use Tunnelbear.
I just turn it on, google "honkai star rail top up", log in, buy the BP, close the tab and turn off the VPN.
Of course you would do zenless instead of hsr but the site isn't up until release.
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>you can't jump in this game
yeah you aren't speedrunning this take a shower NEET faggot
>worst character in the game as free A rank
Okay maybe not worst, Billy is even worse, but still.
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Belle is getting the knot. You know what they say about women and their dogs.
This is fine
I can't believe Genshin is hogging all the advanced mihoyo technology
>save patches
>not requiring double the space for updates
>jump button
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Remember to filter the grifters
>game that focuses on combat
>no aerial combat
Yeah, nobody will be able to rush the main story in one day because you need to reach proxy rank (x) to unlock it.
Character story quests for Nekomata and Grace were also locked behind proxy level in cbt3
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when is the lolice character getting added?
Genshin has no jump button and it's the best action gacha on the market
phones aren't the issue, it's a design choice for the target audience
>wuwa general at under 2 posts/minute
Kek, no wonder this place goes so fast.
>free character that gives more free pulls from ascension is a bad thing because.... because it is OKAY
Okay credit card swiper
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Paimon is NOT for the knot

What's it like to hold the hand of a animal you love?


Do they teach you how to feel paw to paw?


Do you long for having your heart interknotted.


Do you dream about being interknotted.

Have they left a place for you where you can dream?


What's it like to hold your fursona in your arms?


What's it like to play with your dog?


Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing?


Do you like to connect to things?


What happens when that linkage is broken?


Have they let you feel heartbreak?


Did you buy a present for the animal you love?

Within ZZZ interknotted.

Why don't you say that three times?

Within ZZZ interknotted.

Within ZZZ interknotted.

Within ZZZ interknotted.
I hope the dailies are short. I've dropped everything else that demanded too much of my time. I have real games for that.
Ice is busted as hell because it trivializes game mechanics.
I'm predicting Electric and/or Ether will either be buffed or receive some nutty characters.
I'll personally stick with Physical since it seems like a rather balanced choice.
What are the "other dead game"? Snowbreak? Granblue? E7?
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Despite having better devs in general China developers still haven’t surpassed the Japs in terms of gameplay.
Jumping and cuuuhrayzzeee aerial antics will be added in a future patch, you niggers
It'll be a core feature of that patch
>it's a design choice for the target audience
because they play on fucking phones
Kuro Games will soon know the mistake of copying Genshin (open world is outdated and stagnant genre) but 100x more chinky.
It's a loli game so it should be soon ^^
Paimon is for me and my peanus weanus
Is there some benefit to not having jump in combat?
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You can really tell who has zoomer brain because they can't comprehend autonomy or any type of stimulation that isn't instant or lasts longer than a tiktok
lil bro was fighting level 4 mobs and thought he was at end game lmao
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What's going to happen to this general if mihomo bows down to public pressure and censors all your cunnies? It's not like they haven't done this in the past. Why are you being so cocky when you're already walking on thin ice?
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>you can't jump
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why do people complain about "hoyoslurpers" in a hoyo general? We love hoyo here.
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I've heard that before in genshin, the moment they drop a freeze immune enemy everything just falls apart for that element
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>well timed character switch
That's not a parry system. What the hell am I reading?
Why would anyone press buttons when the game lets you press zero buttons and auto win?
Honestly this game will be successful just by the fact it doesn't have that chink stench.
so this is the power of goosefurrygods.....
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You've been surpassed in combat
These people are all faggots.
go to bed grandpa
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Belle your hairpin is upside down...
Hey, tourists. No cunnychad here is gonna follow your suit just because you bitch and whine over this game having things you do not like.
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>It's true
>Their general doesn't even exist in activity rank.
LMAO, no wonder we got sudden influx of falseflag shitposters.
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>Play a hagchads game
>"wtf? Why too many hags?"
haha remember when we said this about HSR too? That wind physical thunder and fire were useless elements because they just deal an instance of damage upon break? Fun times.
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Holy fucking KINO
I've played genshin and wuwa 100% on my phone and there's no issue at all jumping or any other aspect of the game. Hardware isn't an issue either since modern phones are faster than the PS4 the game was released for. turdworlder pissdroid phones do not count.
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>you cannot jump in Zenless Zone Zero
>and whine over this game having things you do not like.
Weird how pedos do the same whenever a new character releases that isn't pedoshit
I'm noticing a pattern here
will this game be getting 90+ rolls per patch like Honkai Star Rail????
>in a hoyo general?
ZZZ only general and everyone agrees that Hoyofags are the worst
Coincidentally Corrin is associated with Lycaon. How curious!
>All 3 hoyo games in top rank
Imagine the July Revenue PvP.
I don't need to sleep but I'm sure you do if you don't want to miss your perm appointment. I didn't respond within 30 seconds though so you'll probably forget what we were talking about.
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Zenseless Zlop Zlurping
wait what?
So its p2w?
I do not complain about wuwa though, you should probably go back there and bump the thread before it 404's
admittedly it was a pretty damn good post so he can't be blamed for samefagging at least a few dozen times
No one cares about the opinion of pedos. Buy a rope and use it.
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we love hoyo here bwo
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if you think loli is pedo why are you here and assumedly wanting to play the game? it has sexualized lolis. you want to play a game that has pedo stuff?
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we need more /m/ characters besides Billy
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>action game without jump cancels
you get one copy of Lucy for free? first time I'm hearing about this, this is great news
don't care what u said gramps
Appeals to women, casuals and furries.
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Based frogs spotted
>you cannot jump in Zenless Zone Zero
Is this REAL? What kind of action game in 2024 has no jump button? Must be a lie.
Mihoyo fanboys, I have to tell you something.

I made this general. And.... I made Wuthering Waves' general too.
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more likely to see it added to a specific character with an aerial theme
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>advanced technology
LMAO It doesn't even have a skip button
what hours are these
>is a gacha game p2w?
yes and water is wet and grass is green
? I don't get it
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Why do the youtubers just hammer the point of rerolling and free pulls down again and again? Why does no one talk about lore or combat?
need to see him knot some girls
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>He hasn't experienced Rina's movement
I don't play wuwa, not my problem
I'm gonna ignore them ingame.
because you keep clicking on their shit videos and giving them free money
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hold me bros
>r/gatchagayming trannies are here
I told you
The game isn't out lil pup
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>i-is that a curb blocking my path
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Hoyo about to make truckloads on money on top of earlier truckloads
They were already listed as one of the most profitable new private companies this year. And they funded that tokamak reactor. What's next?
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>implying they won't release a character with a exclusive jump mechanic
schizo raid hours
when is the stream
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Genshin trannies... The best action combat series in the world has no jump button either and yet is a masterpiece.
Also what's the point of jumping in combat in Genshin, exactly? I could understand if you had PSO2's combat system or something, there flying around and air combat is amazing, but GENSHIN???
>l-l-le reset
lol Literal tranny cult eating shit and praising it
not true nothing was confirmed, it's all speculations
Jumping should be available to everyone
we don't
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>3D action fighting game
>can't jump
Wrong, tourist.
>no jump button
lance CHADS can jump
>loli gets posted
>imagine them filled with beast seed
This post deserved more (you)s lol
There is gonna be a lot of characters to ignore for you, kek. Just don't seethe too much, xister
close your eyes hotaru and stop noticing
go back baggot
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This really is a cunny general
Y-You weren't supposed to point that out...
When can I download ZZZ on the PS5
If tomorrow you don't find the gameplay particularly fun, how long would you stick around?
I'm too lazy to reroll so I'm just gonna beg someone to give me a reroll account tomorrow.
Bro it comes out in 19 hours
luv me genshin
luv me star rail
luv me zzz

'ate CCs
'ate paid shills

simple as
Fuck off commie
humans can't compete against wolf and bear cock...
Until new MH came out.
If gameplay is not fun, I'm not playing at all lol
>t. worldbab
I want to suck on Mary's boobs while she jacks me off
>All 3 hoyo games in top rank
in top rank of what? Not in Japan and in China they barely reach the top 10 for a day or two before falling off
Will ZZZ flop to WUWAgods?
/r/gachagaymen, you can't win. You're against the best here.
Because metafaggotry ruined gaming culture.
>the frog samefag spammer immediately stopped after the MHGOD take a huge fat shit on him
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GJ posting the worst MH game retarded secondary
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you came to the wrong neighborhood son
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Only a matter of time
>implying this place isn't 90% gachagaming users
>bricking your UID by rerolling
>GJ p-p-p-pos-
Get a brain tumor, Gentranny.
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>To all the touristniggers
To all the touristniggers
>To all the touristniggers
To all the touristniggers
>To all the touristniggers
To all the touristniggers

wuthering waves cucks are here posting in this thread because shitposting is more fun than playing their game
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>game's not even out yet and we already have the usual local schizos
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I'd quit on the spot, I think at this point only a handful of select games can satisfy my action game cravings. This one is shaping to be too simple for me to enjoy, like there's barely any meat there but I'm not the target audience so not really their fault.
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>The best action combat series in the world has no jump button either and yet is a masterpiece.
>Posts one of the few games where you have an actual aerial combat style based on JOOMPING
Many such cases.
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Guys the game launches in less than 19 hours. I will savor this moment. The long wait is finally over.
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that's a hebe, not a cunny
Bro is fr stuck in A.D 1085 playing Supre Maradona Bros
>higher general post speed good
>even if 100% of posts are shitposting and bait
Why is there no JUMP button? This game will now never reach the levels of GOATs such as ELDEN RING, RDR2, Witcher 3, and NIER AUTOMATA. I expect it to die in 5 months
that subreddit fellates mihoyo to no end though
>talks about jump button
>"n-n-no you see, I was actually ta-"
Shut the fuck up, TRANNY.
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>110 Gigabytes of data
>Cannot jump
We need a Blade Runner collab
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CHADshinGODS... have mercy
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GODshin Impact, the king of open world games.

Honkai CHAD Rail, the king of turn based games.

Zenless Zone CHADro, the king of action games.

Hoyoverse won.
>Based Mihoyo for hiring such a talented artist.
Will tiesto stream this game? Who is his favorite character?
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care to explain zenkeks?
Imagine having a game so barren in content you rather post in other game thread that's not even out yet instead of your own general.
Wuwakeks in shamble.
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How is Anby? Is she good enough to use?
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All them boys here saying no jump no jump
When's the last time you jumped boy? Forklift for your ass to even finish the Blue Archive dalies.
it has been known that the loudest wuwupags don't even play their own game
lmao was that supposed to be a rebuttal? I don't play that game now what? Hoyo games are not at the top in Japan and make a fraction of what the real big games do in china
now either fuck off to your subreddit or discuss the game instead of sucking Hoyo's dick
I’m 120 pounds
KINGLORDVERSE won and will continue to win.
Jumping is essential to every game. Elden Ring has a jump button because it REQUIRES it for full immersion.
Wuwakeks? >>484475853
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Remember that cute girls are better than anything.
They're defending it now but eventually this stuff will cause serious damage to Mihoyo especially the blacked stuff.
lolifags were a lot more tolerable back in the day, when a word "cunny" wasn't a thing and there was no "UOH ToT" spam
now it's their whole identity
The links OP used were way too tame lmao
How can ya'll expect a jump button Elden Ring just invented jumping last week with the DLC
Why are so many people lying about there being no jump button? There obviously is one you shizos
>f*male mc
Disliked and reported
Now post that without crying, WUWANIGGERS
Is this game 12+ or 16+
yeah they have no life outside of being a pedophile
They all flod here to complain about cunny and how wanting to play zzz is literally KILLING their game
The year is 20XX.
MiHoYo owns 10 nuclear power plants, a whole country and their own Disneyland (called Hoyoland).
All top mobile and computer games are owned by them. Their fans debate amonst themselves over which is better but the money ultimately goes to the same place.
That's what happens when fags and trannies are 99% of your fanbase
bwo.... there isn't
Its like they didn't even try with the guy.
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i agree
zoomers need their epic buzzword to fit in i guess
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>Cunny shit became mainstream thanks to shit like Genshin

Great. That Seigewin trailer is ass btw.
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I'm ready to move to ZZZ. Wuwa is too chinkish for me.
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yes according to some chinks teamlists
I have a job and hobbies, and damn do I love loli as well.
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I fucking love Xianyun
Best hag ever
WuWaGOD here. ZZZ is our ally.
Hoyo males all look like fags. Other anime games don't have this problem
>still trying
You don't understand do you. Here are your average normalfags:
1) They don't care;
2) They're Redditkeks so they can't express their opinion freely but like cunny or degenerate shit;
3) They're normalfags so if what Waterkuma drawn is problematic to them they do what normalfags do best, they cover their eyes with the thickest blindfold imaginable and pretend everything is ok and fine while they die inside to keep playing the game. Normalfags LOVE signal virtuing and then immediately coping and dilating the moment they want to enjoy something, see Twitter and Discordkeks watching /lcg/'s Divegrass despite players being called NIGGER or other nono Redditino shit or just watching le nazi 4chan content to begin with.

You want to create drama, but you can't because normalkeks really really badly want to play this game so even if it had literal cunny sex they would still be ok with it because normalfags and leftcuckolds are the biggest hypocrites on Earth.
>How is Anby? Is she good enough to use?
Nondescript stun character. But stun is very valuable so yes she's usable, and will be very common in release teams. She should fall off fairly quickly though and more stun characters are released.
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Finally made it back to /nikg/
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remember to fuck your sister
take your meds thats not me
We need to have a serious discussion regarding Mihoyo and their mission to taint the gaming industry by making cash grab games, insulting real developers putting real effort into their real game and earning real money
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Based, astlibra is one of my favorite games of all time. I actually just got the gaiden chapter on the sale so I'm preparing for a nostalgia bomb when I start it.
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What's the thing about getting 160 free rolls? Are they really trying to test the waters with each consecutive game on the effects of giving out freebies?
>so many people
don't encourage him, he has trouble keeping track of all the hims the way it is
>insulting real developers putting real effort into their real game
name one
toumabwos not like this
Raita wasn't a problem for Sega.
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CBT3 fag here.
All those new players who thinks the male MC will be gone after picking their character will in for a big surprise.
I hope they enjoy getting a tall ikemen as their Paimon.
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im gonna make twitter accounts to tweet about waterkuma the people have a right to know
Fromsoft and Rockstar games
this is better than Genshin where 90% of players chose Lumine
persona 5
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>tfw Nicole appears on screen
If I pick Belle the girls will hit on her and I'm not into yurishit
I'd rather be a siscon
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File deleted.
Quiry you're lost
posts your epic 5 likes too bwo
same shit as the other games. You have to play the game and clear out every scrap of content to get those 160 or whatever it is
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>furry game
>but no kemoshota or kemololi
They better rectify that shit ASAP
Same with "cuck" and "tranny", before faggots latched onto those words the only boogieman we had were reddit and IRC trolls
Cuck and tranny are just the modern "faggot" and "nigger", it's not about a boogeyman, it's just to insult people
Its 280+ roll
150 from first week event.
50 is day one so easy for reroll with skip button.
This is a hoyo game. They don't have anything this based
>Twitter already spamming Ellen yuri from the trailer
Home… I love yuri so much
ok tranny
AC6 was good so fair enough
Okay, but what are the rates?
ok faggot
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Honestly, I don't give a fuck about your stupid game wars and tribalism flame bait. Post some zenless lolis so I can build my folder to post with. I don't want to keep posting Genshin and Star Rail's lolis here if I can help it.
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They should unironically have a PGR collab for ZZZ.
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Do hoyo games have some way to uncap characters other than dupes, after their banner is over? Like BA ligmas.
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>no jump button
If ZZZ is even half as good as Astrlibra.
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This game is DOA!
The same, but you will get almost 3 standard and 2 limited in 1.0 alone.
you can buy one A rank copy in the shop every month
S ranks no
surely you're not counting the bangapoop rolls which are free in game?
>any game having anything as good as ligmas
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Belle is the canon MC. If you pick the male counterpart, you are bricking your account forever. Also remember to date all the females and leave the males on seen. This is a yuri game
The game's not even out yet bro, wait for a month for nip artists to catch on
So, when does the game officially launch? How many hours from now?
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I'm gonna play this for a week and then uninstall it along with all my live service games. Time to return to single player games. I'm tired of these chore simulators.
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Very good post
Pretty much lol. /vg/ is pretty much the only place that cares, about this game. Even the reddit is dead.
It's not that many, there's like half of them that are bangboo rolls just to inflate the number to make you think you're getting a ton of pulls
This art is wrong. Ellen doesn't have fake nails, she only paints them.
why does every artist give Ellen puffy nipples
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Game's not out yet, we don't have enough quality ZZZ cunny art yet sadly.
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No idea why I keep farming MDs anymore
As long as Genshin is dead in a ditch I'm happy
Okay, after the initial impression of 50% banner rate up on every S-rank pull, I'm re-evaluating my opinion on Mihoyo's "pity" gacha system. I think it fucking SUCKS.
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No, this is prediction from people who play CBT3.
This also doesn't count 1.0 new quests, area and extra 1.0 events that doesn't exist in CBT3.
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Is ZZZ supposed to be open world like Genshin or is it instanced based?
The guy in genshin looks like he's 12.
[1.0 STC] All characters in ZZZ are straight
I was ready to give up on mobileshit until they made us go back to the office.
did they get some new content or something
its whatever, you're probably gonna want to go for the characters weapon instead of dupes for them.
That's smart. I actually stopped playing genshin and hsr like a month back. The only reason I can give this a shot is because of it having a skip button. But if it becomes too chorey, yeah, I'll do the same as you.
It's a trick for idiots to fall into. You don't actually play these games daily, you just play them when the patch comes out.
>Muh dailies! Muh endgame!
Genshin will make like 10 times what this sloppy roguelike will. This is gonna be another HI3rd.
She officially does.
Tectone status?
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hand it over, I'm down to 250 boxes
where did genshin hurt you
Nyooooooo I bet the Chinks in Shanghai will read some Leddit post with 300 upvotes and adjust their entire business model of hiring lewd artists who happen to be the best men for job over it
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>3AM for EU
it's fine nigger
you don't need C6 on S ranks anyway
completely mindbroken wuwapag
sadly they dont treat mental illness in the turdworld
tectone always wins when a new gacha comes out
but what about muh fomo
its wuwanigger.
the latter
Don't reply to the woowahtard
are there Leaderboards in this game like HI3?
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>can't jump
>100 gigarybytes
his contract with kuro games obliges him to avoid mentioning zzz
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>6 standard banner characters
>1/6 chance to luckshit Lycaon
He's currently fucking emiru. He won.
yes, for the minigames
There are no hallways actually. The only maps are the hub and the simulated universe combat stages.
bro we even got support from Sonicbros
now post her in-game model
Oh well.
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I don't think ZZZ will capture the nips, too much focus on males. They'll be no fapping until Azur Promilia.
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If Limbus is good for anything its good white noise. The sound of attacks clashing and meat splatter when combat is going on is really nice as you win rate through MDs
>literally all the limited gacha characters are black hair red highlights hags
This is worse than hsr during the luofu arc.
you mean fucking snake? what about the actual combat
baby designs and story
I will slurp mihomo though if they make a 16+ genshin
Bro this looks traced
Did they put an LLM in the game or something?
How come HSR is always trending.
>I'll post off-topic shit in the meantime
sasuga lolitards
Isn't this game going to be massive /u/shit or was I mistaken?
How big is it in mobile? Cam I delete other languages to free up space?
I don't think there is
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Getting more ad money than the game releasing tomorrow does that to you
>promfloppia shill is here too now
The whole Tardvengers of /vg/ is assembled now
>trying to cancel watercunny
he doesn't hide it and everyone in the industry knows what he's about
there is 0% chance hoyo gives a shit
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If you want an unbiased opinion:

If this game goes like Star Rail, you get enough f2p rolls every patch to reach at least 1 pity and half. If you add the monthly pass it's probably a guaranteed S-rank every patch.
Patches are like 100 f2p rolls usually, the monthly pass is another 20-30 rolls. You need like 160 rolls to get a character with very bad luck (losing a 50-50 and getting to 80 rolls every time).
If you don't intend to save and want to collect every character as possible, then you completely forget about getting dupes.

Dupes however are literal whale retard shit, you don't need them at all. To complete the sweatiest HP sponges stages, what's more important is to have the right characters.

The bad parts of the gacha system is that they usually release 2 characters each patch, so if you have shit luck and you're going f2p you're going to lose one. And speaking of luck, 0.6% to find a S-Rank before soft pity is absolute garbage obviously, in other gachas it's not uncommon to find your rare unit earlier, if you get it here you can consider yourself giga lucky..

This is my luck in Star Rail as a "f2p" (I bought the monthly pass 2 times and the BP 2 times at the beginning of the game and then stopped). I'm missing like 8-9 characters that I never gave a shit about and that's it.
I thought emiru was for among
Are they sharing now?
it will flop hard
Of course they're passing her around
Nips aren't that autistic anon. Just look at FGO and Genshin is still huge there.
>literally makes a burner pixiv to draw BA girls getting fucked by fat ugly bastards
anti-hoyo schizos just latch onto anything that they wish will kill and dethrone genshin
literal mental illness
Emiru and Cucktone are Asmongod's slaves
Just like HSR....
Yeah that’s why Sigewinne flopped LOL!
You're heavily mistaken. They released a demo for the game showing the female MC and Manjuu quickly addressed concerns over /u/shit by making sure people knew there was a male MC option.
Nothing I hate more than Azur Flopmilia shills. They always think their Palworld clone game will kill Mihoyo only because it won't have males in the gacha.
He has a burner pixiv? I need this link onegai
Jade news today
Azur Promilia will save gaming
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play E7 it's quite literally better than this game
It's ~20gb
no you can't
Genshin is extremely good if you're an autistic schizo that spends hours reading scraps of paper and drawing diagrams of the past dynasties of gurabad
If you want story as in interactions between characters then it sucks, go play limbus or something
but enough about wuwa
but gfl2 and endfield shills aren't here yet
need to launch the game first.
Instead you'll play abandonware simulators, cool
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>yaoi game
they're useless bwo
I have 10k ligmas and 200k gems

I have all limiteds and only buy the welkin equivalent
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Neither of those games get hardly any art anymore from the nips. BA gets all the art from nips, at least the straight male artists and it's obvious why.
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Thanks bwos
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play snowbreak
it's not from the schizo himself
>endfield shills
I've never seen one kek
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Don't say "bwo".
Don't be a faggot.
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>everyone fighting over popularity
>KanColle still trucking along
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>other devs put all their money into killing genshin
>meanwhile hoyo spawns two other hit gachas
killing mihoyo is like trying to slay a hydra
Now that the dust has settled and ZZZ has flopped, what can we do to save this game?
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Please play Goddess of Victory: Nikke
Why do I never see people shilling Uma Musume or Gakumas?
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Not even the most fervent anti hoyo shills think ZZZ will kill and dethrone genshin. Do you?
ZZZ > Genshin > Wuthering Waves > Punishing Gray Raven > Tower of Fantasy > Aether Gazer
Am I missing something?
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I kneel AstlibraGOD.
>BA gets all the art from nips
There is strong reason to suspect a significant part of that is astroturfed paid stealth marketing.
Unironically lore relevant
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got any zzzabis?
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>lost 50/50 on Arlecchino
>lost 50/50 on Clorinde
>lost 50/50 on Furina
>lost 50/50 on Aventurine
>lost 50/50 on Firefly
>lost 50/50 on Ruan Mei
>lost 50/50 on Jiyan
>lost 50/50 on Jinhsi
I don't know if I can take it anons... Every game I play, every character I pull I lose the 50/50... I unironically feel like killing myself. This unlucky streak is unreal.

I'm afraid of pulling for shark girl. I feel like I already know what will happen...
I've said it before that Genshin has really good lore and worldbuilding with a poopoo puke story
The perfect reverse of Star Rail
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Ellen sex.
Sex with Ellen.
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Proper sexhags like Changli and Kafka
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Play honkai star rail
wuwa outsold Genshin in June, it's literally over for Genshin.
That's actually really nice. I will keep my eyes on this game starting now then.
the only open world games worth looking forward to are mugen and roco kingdom because they are the only ones that are something completely different
mugen is anime gta and roco kingdom is genshin pokemon
the rest simply arent even trying
Is the music good? Not looking forward to gameplay but I would love some cold jazz and dubstep
where did all these anti male schizos even come from? no one acted like this when FGO was the biggest game around, it's like reading 12 year olds chimping out every day
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Play Arknights
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Please be excited for Endfield...
that's just what you're in for
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nice cope
uma is too old
gakumas is idolshit
lol It's nothing but confirmed that they astroturfed it. But after astroturfing it it can stay alive by itself now. Every company does it, marketing is 99% of the success of new games.
>where did all these anti male schizos even come from?
/gig/ unironically
get to bed old man
ZZZ will deliver the first blow to Mihoyo (it flops)
WUWA will deliver the killing blow to Genshin (Mihoyo now is in shambles)
HSR will soon die out

Mihoyo goes bankrupt
>>No dodge button
>>Discount Factorio
What were they thinking?
I can't take chink names seriously.
please play Idolmaster Shiny Colors
just because they were caught doing it once doesn't mean its been going on forever, what a silly conspiracy theory h-haha
Only elitist weebs play those. And they gatekeep HARD.
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You can't rest here, enemies are nearby
>yet another genshit clone
it's like we're living in ~2008 all over again when every game released was a WoW clone
it's a mental illness
these retards have played through genshin, star rail, wuthering and still dont get a clue
i think the original one was from gig, and he used to larp as aether himself
Mugen reminds me of the PS2 Spiderman game
teccysis, I have some bad news for you
It plays nothing like genshin though
>locked already
>replies are a bunch of "we do not care"
>0 updoots
kek, you tried anon
I guess this was your third try?
any day now
what about Azur Promilia anon?
Mixed toilet (male+female) games in Chyna have only really become mainstream after Genshin, before that it was all female because the Chinks wanted to emulate Kancolle.
So they disagree with the direction it has been going. But more than that, a female audience shittens up a fanbase that should be comfy bwos, and Genshin had an entire 12 month stretch where there wasn't any female character released, which pissed them rightfully off.

So thus the reaction.
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Come home to wuwa, sisters... We'll have double male banner next patch
its a XBC clone
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Yeah man and I'm sure Zun paid off thousands of artists to push up Touhou himself.

Are they paying off /bag/ to make all this shit every week too? Why can't other general make art like this? Maybe BA just attracts certain kinds of people i.e. artists.
>There is strong reason to suspect a significant part of that is astroturfed paid stealth marketing.
Mihoyo does that too. The only fanart Genshin gets from Japanese artists are paid by Hoyo
Pixiv Tag is full of shitty SEA and Western fanart if you filter AI and Koikatsu
they couldn't clone the jump button
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Based WaterGOD
not impressionable, dont care
very nice
I'm just waiting for endfield and project mugen, hopefully this game keeps me entertained until then. WuWa was dreadfully boring.
Their characters somehow even more boring looking than current emptyfield games
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let me fully skip weekly annihilations and I might.
I fucking hate arknights weeklies
>play a game with no worthwhile gameplay over a game that has gameplay
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They pay artists to shill the game. Doesn't mean it doesn't also have people willing to do stuff by themselves.

Get over it. They got caught red handed.
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Big Taito money pushed Touhou to be relevant in Japan. Japanese do it all the time like how French Bread spent millions to push their games in EVO
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I haven't tried even once yet, the images that redditor used aren't even bad.

The true time to strike is when people start complaining about other parts of ZZZ, it's best to strike when the iron's hot sister.
FGO has waifupandering that would literally kill a Hoyobro its a completely different beast
I only care about female chars since I dont want to have sex with men, so males at best artificially delay content (gacha chars) and at worst are pushed shipbait with the women
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are the games as good as the anime?
That Zhi something is a loli gunner
>The perfect reverse of Star Rail
I'd agree but after ten hours of being violated by Shaoji's middle school philosophy lecture about dead birds, tortured analogies and epic nudge nudge references, I can only call it extremely overrated
"Penacony le peak" is a forced meme by Mihoyo, as organic as the heckin trashcans
The genshin killer?
The heckity hoyoverse harbinger?
The shubaduba star rail swallower?
The mammamia mihoyo mogger?
hsr is the biggest gacha in the world, it isn't going anywhere
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BA gets more posts on futaba /b/ than any other game by a huge margin except maybe uma musume. Nexon/Yostar probably did do some stealth marketing but to suggest the rest isn't organic is just nonsense.
>project mugen
who gonna tell them
>current emptyfield games
that is exactly what these games are
there is a reason gta is considered the best in open world
it has shittons of variety in content instead of "collect 100 yellow colored shits" and "collect 300 blue colored shits"
>ba gets porn i jork to
>hoyo games dont
simple as that
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i need to see my wife in 3D
in theory it's way better to doompost when the game launches, that sub is dead right now
I love the Uma Musume anime, but it's a Japan only game whose greatest appeal is it's direct connection to the world of real world Japanese horse racing. It's niche as fuck outside of Japan.
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>Too much booba in that game
Nikke has a boobscreep problem and they need to tone it down
seriously, who likes boobs?
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Play Harry Potter Magic Awakened
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Why does she hold her tail?
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How come hoyo with its gorillion genshit dollars can't do the same?
Who is that semen demon on the right?
Every company does this, you're trying to make it look like a big chunk of BA art is that when it's obviously not because of just how many memes and inside information exist.
>let me fully skip weekly annihilations and I might.
you mean annis in general or having to click lungmen a few times to collect the orundums every reset?
I tried FGO last year for about a week
It's impossible to get into now, only oldfags that are used to such low standards can play it. And afaik many of them use scripts to make the fights play automatically. It's just that dreadful to play.
Why do you want these games to be shilled?
>baggots already ruining the comfy threads
clear the dock for entry
>Every company does this
Yes, not going to read the rest of your hurt snowflake post, that's exactly what I meant.
lmao based BAGods and this with Danbooru mods uploading the shittiest Genshin and HSR fanart they find to increase the numbers
I have a feeling ZZZ at least will get popular in Japan unlike the rest of mihomo games
BA design just that simple and good and makes people want to draw it
Fucking Nexon paying off KFC to spread BA memes

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fgo is shit but with what it does right no other gacha compares
>he is unaware
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this is just coombait shit with zero actual gameplay, nips already have something better in that regard
I hate running games on auto. I have the same issue with HSR, except at least in HSR the fights don't last 10 min each.
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>BAtroons invading
Yet despite all of this, the white man marches forward
yeah fgo is like 9 or 10 years old by now, they should really upgrade or make a new game but it rakes in too much money with zero effort
Momoi is growing too powerful
Momoi is growing too powerful
I miss my horta wife but I don't miss that game...
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Hoyoverse spends their money on the following:
>Twitter hashflags (250k per character per day)
>Tiesto collab (made generic trance slop)
>Botanist research (Because their homo HSR character is associated with roses)
>Funding chink nuclear reactors
>Orchestra concerts
>Sponsoring XQC Asmongold and other ecelebs
>Gifting every employee they have a top of the line GPU
likely only 2% of the profit is put back into the game or the community like fanart, please undertando
how are they allowed to make the boobies in this game shake so much? won't china get mad?
>wuwapag is now beefing with bagpag
why are they treating zzz as the warzone?
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nice thread ZZZuckers
>Danbooru mods uploading the shittiest Genshin and HSR fanart they find
lmao I noticed that too because I used to upload there
It's not even the biggest gacha in China lmfao.
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She's a proper sharkmaido
>>Gifting every employee they have a top of the line GPU
how do i apply for a job there
You're a gaslighting woman upset that BA is culturally bigger than whatever game you like no matter what number you see on a sensor tower chart of games that punish and exploit their players.
men liking boobs is the reason you exist, fag
Why are baggots so fragile? No wonder they never leave their own thread
idk seems based to me
people will draw fanart if they like the characters anyway, not like BAfags would know
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>BA is culturally bigger than whatever game you like
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>BA seething
This just proves that ZZZ needs more cunny
Good luck it's like the google of china work culture where everyone wants to apply and work there because you work half as much as any other chink company.

They actively encourage you to not work
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Is this dead general gathering
New mihoyo game attracts all the retards still mindbroken by genshin, except it isn't brought up enough so they do PvP
Didn’t they pay a bunch of indogs to vandalize some walls?
annis do take a shitton of time but with the chip thingies you get from missions you can completely skip them and go directly to the results so that weekly is pretty much completed in under a minute. That's why your post made me curious, I haven't had to sit through an anni replay ever.
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remember when minimum quality was a thing on that site
nice zzzabi
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They'll be fine
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probably paid them like 5 USD hombre indogs are living in squalor
Hmm, I might play this game longer than a week
>paid shills on /vg/
That chink clone of Makima flopped hard. They did cuckbait her with Blade but it wasn't the only reason why she flopped
>literal random schizo outburst
Lmao. I just wanted to tell you that no, it's not all organic, and you even agreed with me. Relax.
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azur promilia has more gameplay than ZZZ unironically lemeow
I have to be there when she returns
Is that chip thing a new addition, or have I completely missed a mechanic all this time? I haven't played AK since Jan or Feb of this year.
>remember when minimum quality was a thing on that site
It is still a thing but not for mods favorite. They're very stingy for series they hate
kotone sex
they have waterkuma, i think that's like 30% of the world's supply
Tectone hinted Project Mugen to be returning in mid july
This game needs more males so Belle can have a variety of boyfriends to pick up
Every company does it, but Nexon just at like 20 times the rate of other companies.
Like, whereas a regular gacha commissions let's say maybe 100 pieces by non-in-house artists in total over a lifetime, I can easily see how BA has 2000 such artworks, most not openly declared.
oh great
that bald faggot is going to have his turdworld army infiltrate all the game discussion with hoyo obsession
I highly anticipate that they'll hire another
god damn the shark is healthy but i've played enough hoyoslop to know not to get baited by my wiener feeling good
i want to be knotted and take gallons of Lycans viscous wolf cum
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Belle already has a boyfriend
This game needs to allow canonical sex with your sister
You're just making shit up out of your ass, why would you think Nexon spends more on it than anyone else?
100%. Penacony's writing was juvenile and self-indulgent as fuck.

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