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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
Ripperoni >>484433818
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>Miyazaki announces there's a big secret on SotE that all players are missing and completly changes the DLC
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Post webms
what has more variety? sorcery or incantations?
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I have kind of a weird and maybe retarded question
Is there any way to get to Mt Gelmir from Volcano Manor if you got there early?
Idk how it works with Rya's teleport, but I got here from the virgin abductor and did the janky fall down the waterfall and looped around the godskin noble and down the fall you need a stonesword key for (the tall room with dagger talisman)
picrel, cant open the entrance door
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>kiss miquella
>get super charmed and go as crazy as leda
>kiss trina
>pass out
Who's the better kisser?
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How are these stats for 150?
would be cool
Is Euporia a shit weapon?
Is this fresh? I literally just killed that red as a blue.
It's always a nice touch when an artist draws their game RP characters, even if their build choices are usually rather questionable.
How good is perfumer tricia?
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Is this the entrance to Messmer? I should probably try to do quests before him right?
Do you have to teleport out of the twinblade talisman area to leave? seems out of place in a from soft game
What are all those bloodstains from?
Incants have a solid 5 or more different types all crammed together. Definitely them.
I'd be thinking about making a classic build for a long time. No flashy ashes of war or spells. Only using grease and food buffs, with the occasional incantation limited to 15 faith.

Do I rely on a strength based character for this, since most of the damage I deal cannot be done with affinities like bleed, frost or lightning etc.. Nothing but pure weapon damage. No summons.

I naturally wanted 60 vigor, whatever mind, enough endurance to medium roll, at most 66 strength if I go 2 handed OR enough to use a preferred weapon with dex, dex as a dump stat if keen is better than heavy somehow, int is irrelevant, faith at 15 like I said and arcane is irrelevant also.

Any ideas?
Thoughts on pic related?
How do I get on top there??
>over level 200
>80 STR/40 FAI
If I keep going, should I boost Dex for more weapons, or Faith for more incantations?
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Forgot to add a picture of my "goblin".
based thorn sorcery chad
Solid, I feel like you can just follow some simple rules like Vigor to 60 (unless you're ongbal and can dodge every boss on command), main scaling stat to 60, hit minimum requirements for any weapons you want to use, rest into endurance for either medium roll in decent armour or light roll with shit armour and mind.
Sorcery is unfortunately very boring in ER. With a few exceptions all the cool looking spells are locked behind faith requirements
Which one do you use most? Go Dex
ranni's questline
Yeah, just waited for the new thread to post it
>unless you're ongbal and can dodge every boss on command
Honestly I can't because I can't deal with the input delay.
people farming the shield and fucking up I guess
zamn, just put 40 hours into a mage
I think people were farming the guy for his armor since the grace is like 3 seconds away and must have gotten deathblighted or something because he barely deals any damage
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Do we ever do 2v2s or 3v3s around here? I feel like that shit is way more fun than FFAs, GGs to everyone earlier btw my game just closed after one of the matches so I dipped
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Remember to get 8 hours for her.
Just disable the parts of the game you don't want to invade, man. Use the map and literally pick the places you prefer.
Thank you, I was becoming insane looking for a way up
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Aside from those listed the great shield boys are pretty goated for pulling agro and confusing the bosses. Luciteal is pretty good throughout the dlc and basically tanks like a mother fucker in the base game (eats shit to rhaddan because of his dps and holy damage because she's undead). I've heard good things from the forge golem but haven't tried him out yet but I heard he's the tankiest of all. My favorite personally is the black knight you can get from the first catacomb. Unironically my goat and carries my ass against rhaddan 2nd phase

Sorry thread ended when I posted this.
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I have a question for you guys. Haven't made a build in over a year I'd like to ask your thoughts on my str/arc build
Level: 150
Vig: 50
Mind: 15
End: 20
Strth: 35
Dex: 14
Int: 7
Fth: 8
Arc: 80
Weapons I will be using:
Bleed giant stars
Bloodfiend's Arm
Occult greatsword
Occult flamberge
Ancient meteoric sword
Mohgwyn's sacred spear
Marias executioner sword
Occult longsword
Talismans I will be using:
Great jars Talisman for armor
Two handed sword Talisman
Two headed turtle Talisman
Lord of blood exultation if I need it

I'll be wearing the hoslow set and of course only have one weapon equipped at a time. How's this build? Would you change anything?
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What's the meaning of this?
>Vig: 50
You WILL need 60 for the dlc and I would say it's borderline non-negotiable.
I have about 300 atm. It's not horrible you're just very reliant on the basic projectile spells
Is it worth putting some points into faith just to use the dragon breaths? is the rot breath really that strong?
>for that
Bro these creatuers don't have any strength, just deception. Just go for a madness build and call it "Goyful Merchant" and run away a lot, rely on the frenzy sniper shot as your main incant
Less arcane, cap it at 60, dump 10 points in vigor for a total of 60. Consider the strength requirements for your weapons and add points there. Faith should be 15 for Flame, Grant Me Strength and a few other buffs, or 25 if you want to cast Golden Vow (but you can put this on a shitty dagger with ashes of war and save 10 points instead).
Fight club still going?
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Is haligtree even worth exploring? any cool stuff?
First time I played this I got so upset I rushed to the bosses
>needlessly big open area with a few enemies and a cookbook in it
>legacy dungeon but it's only 20 minutes long
>boss fight but it's on steroids and there's 10 things happening at once every single second
>drops boss item with extremely vague lore description
>npc who dies before you finish their questline if you enter the wrong area/progress too fast
>they also die when you finish their questline
>no characters to get invested in since they all die anyway
>copy pasted dragons
>copy pasted furnace golems
>copy pasted tree sentinels
>copy pasted tree spirits
>copy pasted dungeons
>previous bosses become open world enemies
>enemy ambushes around every single corner to the point of it being more surprising if there is no ambush
>ambushes always have to one up the ambush factor with a fakeout obvious ambush and a second hidden real ambush
>delayed enemy/boss attacks to rollcatch/punish attacking back too early, almost every enemy has a variation of this now
>6+ attack long chains
Kinda getting tired of the ER formula ngl. It feels like Fromsoft is overcorrecting in order to subvert player expectations and break conventions but they just end up being incredibly formulaic with it and creating a different flavor of the same type of fatigue they wanted to combat in the first place.
I'm still having fun going through the DLC, mostly because it's visually appealing in terms of the game world and the boss designs, but I'm also getting tired of seeing the "how can we fuck the player over in this area" design philosophy at every corner.
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which one did you do? im thinking the eye of grace for the "secret" spirit ash but sword could be cool too
i just want one successful coop dlc boss kill

oh god please save me from level 4 skibidi hosts at bayle, amen
The invasions don't respect summoning pools do they? I was getting sent places like Caelid with only couple dlc pools active.
You're gonna have to be more specific as there are three places you can use those.
>First time I played this I got so upset I rushed to the bosses
looking things up before doing anything helps

>is the rot breath really that strong?
yes, absolutely. you don't need to invest points in it though, you can just use items for it.
Why did they make the fucking rot spear not get any benefit from arcane?
You will never proct rot with it and the ash has no hyper armor
Isn't the cap for occult scaling and buildup 80? Or am I misremembring
Multiple toon bros.... what the fuck do you do when playing the DLC area? just use a guide to get the scooby fragments before doing anything?
is ranni cute and funny?
Ill take that as a no
Remember that you only need 10fth + the Two Finger talisman in Liurnia to meet the fth req.
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for this guy
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I know, but I just need to learn to dodge it. I'm terrible at managing my items in the middle of a fight. I am just not used to it and there is enough to pay attention to during the fight. Especially this nightmare of a fight. I just "died" the exact same way and got even closer this time.
Honestly I've gone 50 vig for the entire dlc and I was pretty fine. Biggest issue is defenses more then anything.
There are definitely copypasted enemies, but we've already established that there's a lot of new mobs in the DLC
Even at 60, it doesn't feel like enough.
I actually hate this game.
Second playthrough of SotE on a STR/FAI (even though it's 34/50) where I get 9 scadooties before fighting ANY boss has me feeling much more favorable to it, but I still think it's bad.
Softcaps for arcane are 20, 55 and 80.
Is she ugly on purpose?
>I hated the DLC so much I played it again
I am level 150 now. How big would the difference be if I become level 166 and pump those points into endurance (I've got 25 now). Would this allow me to take a lot more damage (with a better armor)?
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Did fine with 50
Nah. Resists and being able to dodge and guard properly matters more.
Can't help but feel that the finger ruins and Ruah are the areas that were rushed through, mainly due to the complete lack of design of the areas or consideration to enemy placement.

Rhia is just one big open area with random enemies scattered around, while Dheo has one massive horde of finger creepers on the approach into it.

Ruah is just some trash mobs with some spiders and blood fiends inside long, straight repetitive corridors
the thnig i dislike the most about elden ring is the fact that I can't tell if the next step I'm gonna take is going to ruin every single NPC questline or not
nanaya hijacked midra's wife and mindfucked him in an attempt to literally birth a newborn lord of frenzy. It wasn't just him and his wife, it was an entire cult of people who were involved.
that's why the inquisition came and executed them all, and stuck around to isolate the entire area.
>there's actually literally nothing
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>dex/int build
>keen nagakiba with scholar's armament
>double slash
>some nice spells to complement
this DLC is easy bros
If you aren't doing pvp there is no reason not to fucking level up you fucking retard.
Bosses giving you enough runes to level up multiple times and most dlc weapons having fucking 3 stats for scaling should maybe tell you that 150 isn't the final level
Why y'all so mean? I didn't make SotE suck balls.
60/80 for occult
50 for somber weapons
45/60 for blood infusion
Does Godfrey icon buff deathaxe longhaft aow?
the kinda sunken cheekbones is too much in this picture imo
half the DLC is like that.
You do realize that it's dumb to spend your free time on something you don't enjoy doing?
This is my 2nd character, this is the only area where I didn't bother killed everyone or at least intereacting with enemies, didn't even bothered checking to see if I missed something
But will it even matter for this fight? Will it make it easier? I am already 80 strength and 60 vigor.
Just like that time Peter Molyneux told everyone that Fable had a great undiscovered secret. And it turned out to be the Frying Pan meme weapon.
Or that tome Peter Molyneux told everyone there was a hidden dragon in the original release of Fable. And there wasn't.
Or that time Peter Molyneux told everyone that there was a secret named the "Sandgoose" in the original Fable. And there wasn't.
Unironically kino in the pre-mass-internet age.
Try exploring
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Ranni-aligned tarnished should be Carian Knight. Wolf is STR-fag.
So what do we think of the Rellana is a Ranni boss fight cut from the base game theory?
That's not a justification. Copy pasted elite enemies only exist to pad out the already bloated size of the game.
you're the only person on earth who ever thought it made any sense.
Sounds retarded
how would that even work narratively
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Mage niggas, not sure on what else to dump points.
First time ever playing a spellcaster, replaced the basic pebble because shit got boring
Likely not. Ranni is likely intended immortal special snowflake since the beginning.
If she is a boss then she would be Crystal sage 2.0. Rennala 2 phase is more likely if you really want to go with that theory.
No slicer?
Okay I think there's a bug where if you load from the main menu into Radahn's arena, you fall through the map and die. It's happened to me twice now.

Sounds retarded
>Dryleaf Whirlwind is cooler than Palm Blast
>former has no hyperarmor while the latter has infinite
About as well as the Miquella fight
Wouldn't make much sense, Ranni has multiple arms, entirely different proportions, has never been shown to be associated with dual wielding swords
Not to mention being "cut" wouldnt make sense because at most it would be inspired, the Rellana skeleton would not match Ranni at all
already got like 100+ hours on a melee character.
Hammer seems more fun tho
Justification for what? I simply think >>484453781 completely ignored the new enemies.
You need 80 INT, not 20 END
Who the fuck IS Nanaya anyway? Who was Midra?
Twin axe is fine too since they probably work on same logic.
I would like to personally thank Mike Zaki for not helping me be even more annoying with bows in the arena with this DLC. Ansbachs bow is busted.
Depends how many times can you dodge in a roll and then still swing a sword with stamina left over to dodge?
Literally every single level up in the dlc went to endurance for me
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>hear great things about dex/fth
>think about how cool it could be to be a sworddancer who wields incantations too
>the "fth" is literally just golden vow and flame give me strength
Didn't find this to be an issue with proper gear + talis. But... did you expect a long powerful attack string that couldn't be interrupted?
Did he masturbated in front of Trina?
I think ruah was more reminiscent of the gauntlet areas from dark souls 2 since they're a more difficult area to rush through because of the spriel spammer and bird fuckers. I enjoyed it but I wouldn't call it rushed.

The finger ruined for sure it would've been better if they were smaller or underground. I was half expecting blowing the horn and being taken through a gauntlet to get an item for metyr or something. Cool thematically but wish it was smaller or underground and the area be used as something else.
Is that supposed to be Ranni? I don't get it.
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so is the meta something like
>swift slash can be outtraded by a dueling shield
>dueling shield can be slept by a sleep spreadbow
>spreadbow can be caught from afar by swift slash
>carry 2/3 to win
Bone Bow chads shooting from the high ground
Do any of the sword sorcery spells break bosses posture?
carian greatsword looks neat but is a bit slow
pls respond
it seems like shit, i don't see it actually gain any luster
>Raging Wolf set
>Vagabond set
Which armor is the cooler posterboy set?
Hyetta 2.0
failed frenzy lord? idk im not a lorechad
Yeah so wouldn't 80 be best if I plan on using Occult weapons
Is entering the meteor area enough to get the most important things in the underground area? fuck replaying this part
If the palm blast can't be, yeah.
Who are you quoting?
Takes too long to gain luster. Very cool once it does though.
raging wolf
>three places
I thought it was just Queelign and the twins?
Get 80 int and throw the rest in mind and maybe go and throw some points into str or dex to be able to hold a fucking weapon.
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Rannibros the mod will be out soon.
Newest Radahn tech seems to be spamming Endure.
How the shit does that work?
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Assuming i'm using Glintone pebble/comet and Stars of Ruin for damage, and have a magic weapon in mainhand (so I can only use one staff), should I be using Lusat's or Azur's staff and Godfrey or Radagon's icon?
I can manage fine with endurance for this boss. I never run out. What I really need is to be able to take some more damage and / or deal some more damage. What can I level up for that? Leveling strength above 80 is not smart righ? Should I level up faith or dex (despite those not making my weapon stronger) just for the damage resist bonusses? Or should I go full endurance and get some better armor?
Endure is busted, it's just a matter of timing
Gonna start my next session. I haven't progressed much over the last 3-4 days other than beating Rellana, exploring a bit and doing Moore's cookbook questline. I've been kinda hesitant to go to Shadow Keep for the time being, afraid of disrupting even more questlines than I already did (have been bummed about missing the Dragon waifu ashes). But from what I'm looking it seems Shadow Keep acts as a sort of hub for a bunch of other stuff and places.

I'm feeling kinda lost or without directon, so what's a good order of places and bosses I should go about? Should I just go to Shadow Keep, or do I search for other remembrance bosses? I found the Cerulean coast while exploring recently, but not sure if I should go there right now.

I'm 9/6 in scadu tree/revered blessings.
huh. well, that's to be expected since it doesn't deal damage until released. this is balanced by allowing enemies to move away.
>wolf is a strfag
Actually if you look at all of the trailers and promo material he uses str weapons, dex weapons, casts fire and uses int spells. The "canon" poster boy tarnished is a jack of all trades level 300+ "build"
Nope, I take caffeine pills so I only have to get 2 hours to 30 minutes of slepe a night
It's just their Tarnished OC, idk why they're blue, they mention something about their tribe having healing flesh in another picture, so I guess like the OC's thing is they come from a tribe from outside the lands between that has different biology and are blue
>Peter Molyneux
>"Do you think that you're a /pathological/ liar?"
The one time RPS was based
It would give you more room for armor and a larger weapon selection. Personally I don't go below 40 on my 165 character because I'm in love with the Tree Sentinel set except the helmet.
nigga you need to sleep or you are going to get dementia and die shortly after
>there were no connections to radahn in the base ga-
nanaya business
>female toon so probably a tranny
>tranime shit slow mo
>golden parry instead of carian retaliation
>missing the first ash of war
this is just sad and pathetic
I used to do things like that, but I also used two other stimulants. Can not recommend it. You'll essentially get a dementia status buildup.
Not at the cost of Vigor.
Fire Knight Greatsword opinions?
Alright how do you fight ghostflame dragons on foot? Everything is fine until he flies away and does his new wing swipes.
Shadow Keep is pretty cool and there's a secret tunnel in the Moore ruins if you want another new area to explore.
Ooohhh St. Trina save this ailing soul
It looks terrible. But the concept is fun/neat, Elden Lords fighting with their god(desses) on their backs, casting magic to aid their consorts.
What about this? >>484455760
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Canon tarnished is level 713 with 100% game completion, and can 1-shot any level of NG boss
guard or roll? Wing swipes aren't really an issue, more like the AoEs
The more I play the more I come to the realization that the Frenzied Flame ending is the right ending. Like what's the point of this entire world, I'm just going through it and killing everyone anyway. I'm a walking death sentence to any living and non-living being. By the time I get to the Elden Beast pretty much every named character is dead either by my own hand or through events I have set in motion. There is nobody left but some wandering husks. Might as well burn it all down. Fuck it.
I want them both to pin me down and smother me in kisses.
>flies away
Torrent to close distance and go on foot again, rest seemed kinda ok once I learned to double roll the stomps followed up by ghostflame. Also idk if thats just me being schizo but it felt like the wing swipe it does when you approach it head on comes out faster than on other dragons, once I started rolling split second earlier than I thought I should, it was all good.
Bitch you're going to die.
If you're sub 25 faith you can't go wrong with getting there for a golden vow, flame grant me strength, and bestial vitality pre-fight buff
they were also hanging out near the celebrants


it also damages and strains the heart and can lead to a severe heart attack
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Is this weapon setup viable? Fashion needs work still.
Whenever you see someone say "you didnt beat the game" or say you cheated somehow by using in-game mechanics.
Theyre not telling you theyre bad.
Theyre upset because you triviliazed something they feel like they hold great pride in because of their own inadequacies in real life.
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St. Tryna steal a third of my life more like, I'm just taking it back
What about just overall damage reduction? If I put 10+ levels into endurance and the rest into faith, will I be able to take some more hits?
I think the fashion looks really good actually, even if it doesnt fit the weapon aestehtics
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>St. Tryna steal a third of my life
I'm following this dude's guide, unironically.
someone's insecure about not beating the game
nigga its just a meme
oh and just by the way you post, i can tell, you used max cheese tactics and a mimic tear, you definitely didnt beat the game
he's right
if you don't care (or actually want to harm yourself) I won't argue, lmao.
I did it because I wanted to die sooner
I beat the game.
I just dont place it on a pedestal like you do because I'm not a loser.
Rellana easily has the worst presentation out of any remembrance boss in the franchise not counting DaS2
>boring, featureless arena
>no dialogue
>no cutcscene
>nothing about Castle Ensis gives off Carian or Messmer vibes at all besides Moonrithyll (lmao) and two academy sorcerers .

She legitimately feels like a scrapped boss they didn't know how to incorporate into the base game so they just threw her haphazardly into the DLC
t. coping shitters. couldn't even beat a video game lmao
is this cosmetic only or she actually casts spells. because that would be dope
Michael Zachary should let you regain FP on weapon hits by default in Dark Rings 5. Why doesn't he do it?
Turn off the computer and tell me your accomplishment in a video game matters
I don't like sleeping
>She legitimately feels like a scrapped boss they didn't know how to incorporate into the base game so they just threw her haphazardly into the DLC
that is literally every fromsoft DLC. is this your first one?
Midra was a sage presumably studying the ruins of Rauh. Nanaya is his mistress, but most people assume she was a body snatcher like Hyetta puppeteering a pretty face to trick Midra into becoming a frenzyman. She's cradling the spinal column of a previous frenzyman.

Midra's that classic trope of the wizard delving too deep into arcane knowledge and being driven to the brink by things beyond the ken of man.
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Which one?
eh, just ancestral horn or the new regen tali
NTA, but my life is 100% more interesting when I'm asleep than when I'm awake.
He didnt say that
If you get better armor with the extra weight, probably. Beast champion is already pretty far up there so maybe put on a helmet.
>enjoy the thematics of sorcery and the carians
>favorite color is gold and my favorite element is lightning
oh what a conundrum
guess it's time to go arcane and be a heretic that uses both
How do we stop the mmofication of Fromsoft games?
ER seems to have attracted a lot of WoW and FF14 undesirables that run the entire game on coop and Fromsoft seems to be catering to this crowd with a growing number of coop focused spells, and their comments on the seamless coop mod were plain worrying
Even some mmo lingo like trash mobs is seeing common use here
Is missing 10 points of vigor that vital?
you didn't even play the video game, you looked up a cheese strat online. at that point you might as well watch a video.
I can't carry a helmet right now. Endurance can be helpful with that. But I was moreso talking about damage reduction that you get from leveling up the other "attack stats" like dex, faith, arcane etc. Is the damage reduction from that noticable in a fight as hard as this one? Let's say I put 30+ levels into faith, will I be able to talk one more Radahn hit? I'm still kinda new to these games.
i can leave the computer on and tell you, you didn't beat the game
greatsword, but bleed infused
Based vivid dreams chad, we get to watch the finest cinema in the world for free every day
he said that
nothing good lasts forever, investors bought a huge chunk of fromsoft's owner after elden ring took off.
just enjoy things while you can and accept the ephemeral nature of life.
ATTENTION/erg/ I'm a modder and my friends an I are working on sex animation mods for elden ring. Some consensual other rape. we're trying to figure out how to get them working for bosses we already have them for player model characters and human enemies expect a release in a year or two
Sleep shotgun isn't even all that great against dueling shield because all shields passively block like 80% of status buildup regardless of stats
Any sneak peaks desu?
bro you need help for real you’ve become too deranged
I don't like not being in control of my body or atleast brain or what I'm doing at any given time, I don't like the idea of having 1/3 of my life devoted to doing something where I can't control what I'm thinking about.
I do usually let myself sleep normally every couple of weeks though
modding animations is hard, which is why most mods reuse animations
are you actually able to rig your own animations easily enough?
Miyazaki said he uses every tool he has to make the game easier.
What does this tell you where the lead dev doesnt play the way you like?
>only enjoy Messmer and Bayle so far
I heard that Midra is good so that is good
Its fake
I don't think so but that's unexplored territory for me as well. Lord's Divine Fortification should help with that, I assume you have the Golden Braid and Pearldrake equipped already?
you're just going to die 1/3 of your life earlier
>circlet of light weighs only 1.0, has 5 poise and +1 to int/fai/arc
>goes with literally 0 armor pieces
cool, thanks from
>claws of night in a gank
it's an abvialicious shitpost anon
he didnt beat the game
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vkye's spear
prosthesis because of the running attack + status punish
40 dex for max cast speed with icon (not that this works on buffs)
27 faith regen buff
27 faith elemental damage reduction of choice
fgms and golden vow if you have the fp for them (23 for all 4 in 1 flask)
brass shield
I don't think so
You know you can ignore them without posting stuff like this right? Nobody cares that you use summon beside insecure faggots. By posting this shit, you just make yourself an insecure faggot too.
Proof or you're laying bitch
Dementia will take that control from you if you keep doing this anon. You really don't want to go down that road.
Thanks, I'll take a look.
because you got headshot
nobody cares about anons accomplishments in real life here
this is a video game general, an elden ring general you idiot
we judge you by your gaming skills and talk about the game, retard
go to >>>/soc/ or another shitty board if you want to talk about your real life
also, Y D B T G
Why the fuck Euporia is that hidden
It's a pretty sick twinblade though
When you think about it, the frenzied flame and the age of compassion Miquella seeks to bring are rooted in the same idea.
Both come from the fact suffering exists, sins, cruelty, exist and make life a living hell. That despair and the order have caused life to suffer.
But in the frenzied flame ending, the solution to the problem of suffering is burning it all down. Ending life and returning it all into the one great. Suffering only exists because life does.
But Miquella's goal, his age of compassion seeks to charm everyone like he did to the gang of tarnished seeking him out. Making everyone unable to harm one another.
The problem of suffering solved by removing free will, the capacity to inflict suffering.
Suffering only exists because freewill does.
I had the greatshield, braid and the magic damange negation one. Is the pearldrake better?
radahn deserves all the cheese in the world
creating new modded animations is basically impossible. Unless they're made using the same development tools that fromsoft uses (or a sufficiently robust copy), they just won't work. Even editing existing animations took a long time
Miyazaki, I don't know what part of this is so difficult for you:
>20+ tries on a boss
>"Nice, I'm getting there!"
Good boss
>2 tries on a boss
Bad boss
>he's never played a game who was developed by people who suck at it
I found it without a guide, but man does it take a lot of effort to make it there alive
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i only have old webms
I love how every boss just fucking NUKES the entry area as soon as you enter now so if you so much as try to summon an ash they fucking terminate you on entry INSTEAD OF JUST NERFIND ASHES
Does Elden Ring have that queue mechanic Sekiro had where if you got L1 a fuckton of times and then tried to do a different input it would fuck you up because the game had to process the first inputs? Im getting slammed for mistakes in trying to dodge out of. Also alot of these bosses have wild hitboxes
>Suffering only exists because freewill does.
Namu Amida Butsu for you too anon
Please mod in Dancer of the Boreal Valley and let me fuck her, thanks homies
Miqueila's idea is more like a romanticized version of mutually assured destruction and not a removal of free will, from how you describe it. Simply make sure everyone has stake in everyone else.
Nobody cares about how you beat the game. Why do you hold so much reverence over how you beat a video game programmed to lose?
Pearldrake stacks holy resist with Braid with the caveat of giving slightly less magic, lightning and fire than a dedicated talisman for any singleone of those elements.
>fighting bosses with more than 30 fps
Can someone please help. I'm on my 4th run of the DLC with another different build, and I'm using the fucking Milady again.
Do I need to summon Ansbach and Thiollier for the faggots boss to finish their quest?
Didn't beat the game
DMGS beamspam
I don't think so, I plan to figure out how to achieve lichdom irl
That's not a thing AND I'm probably gonna get dementia anyway cause a lot of family members on that side of the family got it and died that way
If anything, they got normal amounts of sleep so that might actually be what caused it, sleeping
Saint Trina you bitch you deserved to be shoved in the hole if I had one day where I could go back in time and do anything I would dig the hole 5 feet deeper so that you fell that much furthe
Just like, wait 2 seconds to dodge messmer's attack dude. he has a big cooldown after if you wanna summon.
>robbing yourself out of a kino experience by playing at sub 30fps
No, in fact it is an active difficulty modifier to have them summoned
I hate retarded faggots who think a good boss is one that needs 50+ tries.
Orphan took me 10 while almost every Elden Ring boss took be much more and I hate them to the point I'm never buying a From product at launch or pre-ordering again
No even on a normal hit they stagger like a colossal sword. Someone in the back of a group can just spam this and you can't press buttons or you get immediately staggered into a clusterfuck because any single random dagger in the massive fan will lock you down for a full second.
Great Katana vs Nagakiba? Weirdly leaning towards the latter
no, summoning pools are only for the red sign thingy
>robbing yourself out of the true kino difficult experience by playing at more than 30 fps
This is why Bloodborne is the goat
>missing the first ash of war
That's the funniest part of the webm. He misses another one at 01:05. You'd think that an attempt at making a "stylish" showcase would involve having everything be perfect, especially for a fight as short as this.
And even if you do make mistakes like that, you would think that someone trying to make a showcase like this would maybe edit out that mistake (by having the video start AFTER he made that mistake, which is easy to do considering that the first flub in question happened at the start of the video).
But no. He probably felt that the high profile dodge he did on that low horizontal beam was ebin and soiface-inducing enough that he had to include it in the showcase.
Another funny part is the 2handed sword guard counter he does at 00:50. He whiffs the first hit because he was way too far from Rellana. And because we can't see his health bar, we don't know if he actually got chipped from that (which would have invalidated this "stylish" showcase) or if he was using Deflect Hardtear.
>golden parry instead of carian retaliation
Golden Parry has an easier parry window. That's probably the only reason why he chose it. He wanted to make a stylish showcase and he needed to get it out while SOTE was still hot on everyone's lips, so he couldn't spend too much time trying to reset the fight to get a perfect fight.

tldr: "I NEED TO MAXIMIZE MUH CLOUT" explains everything retarded about this webm.
Hey /erg/ I love you say it back
sounds like you already got the dementia anon. enjoy your heart attack at 30
Unsheathe is still nuts
No, just the gank fight.
Sure love that Ansbach has an intro and victory line for the fight yet is worthless and makes things harder.
it's fine ill just use soreseal and godrick rune
come back when you beat the game without the fisher price playtime fragments
No, but Ansbach has dialogue during the fight so you should summon him once just to hear it.
You quoted the wrong post with #3, retard
i want to parry radahn but his stomp attack always bamboozle me. I always mistake it for his right overhead swing.
Unhinged ranting is not dimentia, esspecially if it's deliberate
What's the difference between golden parry and carian retaliation besides reflecting magic?
What if they are only using it for bosses?
Good call.
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is there a good progress route out? i know in the base game you could easily outlevel an area so its best to follow a vague guide on where to go next so you don't steam roll everything.

is that a thing in the DLC or is it more balanced and I can go wherever and it will still be a challenge?
how much damage does that nigga do with no skibidis ?
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is this gay
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>missed out on the scadu fragment because I don't want to checking all the enemies with the purple sparkling pots
What dex weapons are actually usable? Backhand blades are amazing but I'm having trouble finding anything else. Milady does literally zero poise damage and it's better to just run thrust over it's cool wing stance. Thrown weapons all kind of seem like garbage. Perfume glitches aren't really worth comparing. Stuff on my radar I need to try are falx, sword of night, claws of night, and great katana.
bad VO/sound design for that part though; he's in an open arena with battle going on. and he's reading it out like it's an audiobook dialogue. it should have been shouted to some extent, or at least with some feeling
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He's just a kid.
>npc who dies before you finish their questline if you enter the wrong area/progress too fast
there's only like 2 npcs who do this in ER
Retard, Ansbach says everything calmly in all dialogue and even when Leda is trying to kill him.
He has tonal shifts when discussing you killing Mohg.
Not everyone needs to fucking scream you fucking retard
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what's his fucking problem
peepee poopoo dmg.
most of the bosses are very challenging but doable, except radahn. had to resort to bleed for him alone, regrettably
part of ansbach's character is his extreme levels of self-control, he is more or less calm at all times.
You'll find out soon enough. If you can avoid getting hit 100% of the time it won't matter much. If you get hit every now and then you might be OK. If you take hits frequently you'll get dunked on.
ugly fuck
i think his gear is cool
Marika genocided his entire race so he's mad
>rellana’s cameo and great katana overhead stance
>stagger boss and hold the stance like a retard waiting for the red flash before triple ichimonji that does barely more than a riposte
I’m still going to use it, but I expected more for something so dumb.
sword and claws of night are pretty good, the standard great katana isn't really a dex weapon but rakshasa's is, and firespark perfume is pure dex
>rune arc'd grace duelists in poise clownsuit passively spinning in circles
I'm tired of this rerun can we change the channel
will i fuck anything up if i get marked by the frenzyflame ending before the DLC
>Not everyone needs to fucking scream
That's very true, and someone who isn't a retard might understand that by reading:
>shouted to some extent, or at least with some feeling
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I know. I don't know why he gets all the attention when Malenia is right there.
>albinauric eyelashes
DLC is dung-eater route only sorry
dung eater is a bit too gay to me, i only eat it if it's from a cute girl.
guess ill have to refund.
Does fire perfume do okay without relying on the stupid glitch? In my experience the perfumes don't do poise damage and don't do enough damage to justify the loss in poise damage. Kind of trying to work out the "s tier" weapons from the dlc and it seems like dex really only has backhand blades
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>mfw Igon
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>miquellas rune is dropped by the scadutree even though none of his markers ever indicate he came that way
Think there's any meaning behind why his rune was left there or is it just more fromsoft "we don't give a fuck next game prease"
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it is revealed in the dlc that dung eater is a cute girl all along
Yeah, but it would be even better if this final moment would indicate something important to him and showcase some fury to avenge Mohg
idunno but that fight as sick. one of my favorites so far next to Renalla.
>I recreationally consume human feces
Did this sound better in your head big guy?
yeah but he eats male dung like boggart... ew
i've noticed zero difference at 60 or 50. armor and defense talismans, yes.
no link intended
It'd be redeemable if the Miquella cross was on a balcony overlooking it or something but it's not even the same side of the castle.
>those Malenia parts in Romina's OST
Kinozaki does it again
Well you can't put Unsheathe on the Great Katana apparently but it gets Ichimonji or whatever instead
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What pisses me most off about the reused enemies in this dlc is that they reused the bosses everyone hated fighting, no one wnated to fight more rune bears, death birds and the tree spirits.
Answer the question
why'd they make the strongest boss so cute
Which spot has the highest congregation of Godrick Knights? Somehow I am missing some pieces of their gear.
Great Katanas are disappointing shit. The normal R1s have such horrendous tracking that they constantly miss smaller enemies. The "fade slash" you get by cancelling a charged R2 has such insanely bad evasive capabilities compared to the high distance and faster fade slash in Monster Hunter's Longsword or Metal Gear Rising's HF Blade or Nioh's Katana and Odachi.
what outfit would be cool for a dex samurai that's not the default samurai armors?? they all suck
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>be fromsoftware
>sold over 25 million elden ring copies
>total revenue is less than 54 million dollars
>Miyakazi: elden ring is "the limit" for from software project scale
Where does the money go? It’s not like grr martin can eat that much
only from cute girls.
and I'm still better than all of you since I don't level vig to 60
what bosses do you enjoy fighting?
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>Regular charged R2s on my greataxe are fantastic
>War cry charged R2s are slow as shit
>Shriek of Sorrow is a warcry that doesn't replace your charged R2s
>Doesn't work with roar medallion
for fucks sake
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You'd think that Miyazaki, being a shota lover, would actually put in the effort to design more attractive shotas.

Imagine being a kid and already suffering from this JUST'd hairline.
Name one field boss people wanted to rematch
Hey speak for yourself I thought the red bear fights were great. They stance break really easy as long as you stay on their ass and keep the pressure up.
The closest one is in the 4th floor storage room, which is just his right arm. You would think his rune ending up down there would have some significance.
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life size ranni doll in miyazaki's basement
Imagine if evergaol godrick just showed up out of nowhere like yo what's up land of shadows
>Great Katanas are disappointing shit
They are literally one of the best weapons in the game, and one of the best weapons FROM has ever made
Night Set
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>introduce the thrusting shield
>a beautiful defensive weapon to pair with sorcery and really fulfill the "sworcerer and board" fantasy I wanted since the beginning
>oh but staffs can't guard counter
>introduce the carian sorcery sword
>oh perfect a way to fulfill my dream
>can't change the stupid AoW but that's okay I guess because you'll be using the shields AoW
>can guard counter, sorta, so hey that's neat
>it's literally the worst weapon in the game

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Originally she was one of the demigods you could been the consort of. This was back when Millicent was just an amnesiac Malenia though.
Man this thing is... Kinda just alright.
That's not the point I'm making at all.
Fighting the bosses should be fun, even when you aren't winning. Even miyazaki says this.
Your boss should still be fun to be attempting after a reasonably large number of attempts. When your boss is frustrating and annoying like instantly, and you don't even want to be attempting it, you fucked up.
How noticable is the difference in damage taken between level 150 and 200 for example? Does this boost overall damage negation?
Why the fuck is From Software so in love with the whole "hit/stab/slam/attack the ground and then cause an AOE explosion to come out after a brief pause" move? It seems like a third of all bosses have some kind of variation of this move.
On release everything bigger than a katana had basically unusable R2s and they've been buffed basically every patch since.
But they never bothered to touch Warcry R2s because I guess they just forgot they existed.

Fromsoft unlearns and relearns everything about combat design every new title.
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>killed that red as a blue.
Would have been a kino final boss with Miquella riding on his shoulder
>Recycled MH animations is the best from has ever made
Was Radahn already crazy when he and Malenia fought? or was that scarlet nuke the thing that made him decay and slowly go crazy?
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Miquellas markers do offer the possibility that he visited Mesmer. I do wonder if they would have had anything to say to each other.

I would think Mesmer on principle would attempt to kill him.
There needs to be more Trina x Miquella shipping. Fuck Radahn x Miquella and Malenia x Miquella.
You seem to be misunderstand the point. It sounds like it's directly from a voice actor booth without any reverb applied.
And when they're in a wide open space battling a giant enemy you would at least expect them to raise their voice to be heard at all over the sound of everything else.
*Grafted onto his arm instead of a dragon
Crucible knights, Watchdogs,
Godskin Apostle but with Mesmer's flame coils
>I would think Mesmer on principle would attempt to kill him.
Malenia was trying to kidnap him to the rape dungeon and Radahn refused to go quietly.
>phase 2 fade to black
>g-godefrey what are you doing
Man I love that amnesiac Malenia idea. Why'd they change that?
they're brothers
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>1.5 billion dollars before factoring in merchandise and collectors editions and all the extra shit
>lmao here's your cut
He's wearing dirty underwear.
Were fingercreepers a regular domestic sight, pre-shattering? Did nobles keep fingercreepers as pets, a great honor bestowed by the Two Fingers?
jesus now I want to know how much their other games make?
>300+ posts
>no "Post your drip"-fag post
Well fine then, I'll do it
I wonder why a momma's boy would be mad his mom is being replaced?
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I finally got this spell to madness someone. it just took my entire FP bar
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There has to be a boob wrap that matches this color
He's still a Momma's boy, it doesn't seem like he was made aware of any of Marika's plans at all. Miquella is on his way to replace his mother.

He talks about accepting an Elden lord if they are filled with light, Miquella is not attempting to become elden lord, he's undoing everything she has done, and snake boy only finally curses her in his final moments.
comes with Sauron's armor so it's worth it
>Miyakazi: elden ring is "the limit" for from software project scale
Grim, considering that even ER involved cutting tons of corners thanks to all the reused and recycled content, and with how the game practically only had like 5-6 completely unique enemies left to unveil to players for the entire last third of the base game.
Why does it feel like every one of Radhan's attacks comes out a bit faster than literally everything else in the game? It's like the inverse of the "delay" shit they've been doing
The power of asking a publisher for money to develop your game, ladies and gentlemen.
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Why didn't Malenia embrace the rot?
They should focus on smaller maps instead if they want another open world game.
>rune bears
I did.
>death birds
I did.
>tree spirits
Alright, you've got me there.
ER got shafted mid-development by covid you dip.
ol miqqy flashed his boipussy and messmer got charmed
Why don't the cancer patients embrace the cancer?
God that would have been cinematic as fuck if you had just killed him in the entry way.
Some of them do which is why you can't dodge the second hit if you dodge the first
>bro, is it cool if I leave my arm here?
>Can the snakes eat it?
>Sure, why not.
>yeah, okay.
I'm not involved in that discussion, faggot
I'm >>484457957
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There's datamined text showing an extra line for Messmer's intro where he references Miquella telling him about the Tarnished. But if they're friendly, why wouldn't Miquella just ask him to burn the sealing tree when needed?
It was cut, but originally messmer would say that Miquella warned him of the player character.
Making an open world game with the mindset of "bigger = better" is the biggest trap a dev can walk into. Smaller, more dense maps are always better.

>that ending when its close to death
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NTA but i never thought about it like that.
Still doesn't excuse the DLC.
re. datamining
do any of the regulation.bin viewers work with the DLC?
I tried two different updates ones and they all yielded errors
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They didn't want to lock their superboss mascot behind a quest that dumb players could fail.
Leda implies that being an empyrean Miquella was just... able to get pass the sealing tree without burning it. We only burn it because we're seeking him out and it is a block in OUR way to reach him.

>the Gate of Divinity lies in the tower sealed by shadow. That is surely where Kind Miquella is headed.

>We are no Empyreans, but we must locate the path that will lead us there.
Because Miquellla is a duplicitous nigger and needs Messmer dead and have Messmer have a reason to fight someone blessed by his mother.
Messmer needs to die and the tarnished and Messmer need to come to blows for that to happen
What is fromsoft going to do now that they've blown their waifu load with Ranni? The future games won't be able to compare, and people will think their worse because of it.
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Its funny how Messmer, despite being shocked at seeing you, immediately realizes you're Marika's chosen lord, while no one else seems to realize until Enir Ilim
>you're Marika's chosen lord
What indicates this? I haven't read that much about recent lore
mama's boy messmer would know his mother's grace very well
st. trina's a cutie though
its out
But Miquella seems to be able to communicate with people from beyond the gateway. Miquella and his crew's specific plan in the DLC doesn't make a lot of sense to me
There's a grace in there.
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Are we implying that Miquella did not have access to the gate of divinity until the tarnished burned the thorns?
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No retard, her quest led to a generic throne ending, with the option to betray her for a boss fight.
>by covid
*by libtard governance and covid response
>They didn't want to lock their superboss mascot behind a quest that dumb players could fail.
psh, they should have doubled down
>if you want to be my consort, you have to prove it
>shadoo tree
Opinion discarded
Leda leaves a note that literally says that.
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What did she mean by this?
The very fact you can see the Grace. It's basically Marika's way of saying "come, prove yourself, my Elden Lord"
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He studies you with his snek and then asks "mother would you really lordship sanction someone so bereft of light?" i'm paraphrasing here but it's close enough.

Then says he's gotta fucken kill you because of your lack of light.
Thats not the point you made at all retard.
I agree. More people should have died for the economy.
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Leda was clearly charmed by the Tarnished and wouldn't believe it until it was right in her face.
Fought putrescent knight at scoobydoo lvl 4. Somwhere below 15 tries, probably more in the 6-12 range. He has way more openings than you realize at the start, but his fire is fucking annoying. I don't think he's a very good boss, far too many delay attacks
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Several characters in the DLC specifically call you Marika's lord. Not even like a candidate for it, just straight up her choice, the rightful lord of the old order
>Mother, wouldst thou truly Lordship sanction, in one so bereft of light?
> Lord of the Erdtree, Lord of Marika...You too deserve to face my reckoning.
>It was never Kindly Miquella, was it? The Erdtree was leading you all along. So that you might ascend to lordship.
>With this battle I send you on. It was an honour to face a worthy lord.
>I never could have imagined it. That you might be the Erdtree's rightful lord.
>Lord of the old order. Let us go together.
Several NPCs refer to you as such. Miquella calls you lord of the Old Order. Hornsent calls you Lord of Marika, etcv.
Original script miquella was trying to keep us out via the sealing tree, and messmer was a miquella supporter for obvious reasons.
Thanks. But can't all tarnished see Graces?

Oh, got it. Is that the only new info about it in the dlc?
Maybe use your fucking brain
mephistopheles or leda
who is more evil?

i say leda, because it's heavily implied she's killed innocents for no reason outside of paranoia (and arguably does if you help her). mephistopheles was doing a pragmatic thing that is arguably for the greater good.
Not all tarnished can see it.
Several NPCs ask if you still can and mention how they can’t any longer.
>you know what our fun open world adventure game needs? hours of item grinding
Explain the reused enemies in the DLC then.
>"Kind Miquella is bound for the tower of shadow. If we are to reach him, we must go to the ancient ruins beyond the high bridge from the shadow keep, and then burn the tree that seals the path. I make for the keep."
No. Varre at the start even specifically asks if you can still see the guidance of grace
Even as coom bait this is a million times better than the garbage that one fag has been spamming for the past week.
>gimmick giant boss that requires a legendary storm weapon
>loyal wolf boss
>wizard master swordsman boss dual-wielding fire and magic swords
>beast boss that recovers his dignity and pulls out a sword for his second phase
>gay brothers boss where the youngest embraces the eldest from behind
Has fromsoft finally run out of ideas?
Ah, that's really brings the point home at least. Thank you
So "One more, whom Grace again would bless" is just us being revives by Marika?
>can't all Tarnished see grace
they COULD, but they slowly lose it
Rogier explicitly says so to you, and other Tarnished allude to it.

it's also why when they die they stay dead. no more grace
There's tons of these bizarre little limitations they put on AOWs.
For example, you can't use Double Slash on spear class weapons.
>inb4 "b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but spears are thrusting weapons!!!!!!!"
And yet, the game allows you to use Sword Dance and Spinning Slash on spears.
Also, to this day, you still can't change AOWs on Crossbows. You're stuck with Kick for all but one Crossbow and Repeating Fire for that one Crossbow.
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oh no...
He's not killing you because you are tarnished, his entire army is tarnished. He's killing you because the idea of a tarnished lord spits in the face of every atrocity he took part in for the sake of his mother.
Reuse of assets is an industry norm.
>"Good job defeating that boss. Your choices of reward is a greatsword with the superior claymore moveset that comes with a grab AoW with massive hitbox, fuck-loads of hyper armour, and an AoE follow-up..."
>"...Or a worse Unendurable Frenzy"
What were they thinking?
None of that implies it's sealing the path from Miquella.
alright. thanks anons
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>"Dane passed on a message... The sealing tree is in the ancient ruins of Rauh. It lies beyond the high bridge leading from the first floor of the storehouse. I will join you there, once I have finished the task at hand."
>proceeds to not join you since she's too busy murdering people
Leda is lazy
They also all learn this only after gainin access to miquella. He's the one who told them.
Do y'all ever make gank squads and run taunters tongue to bait invaders?
The DLC still has a monumental amount of new enemies, but it's fair that they weren't going to design new rotbugs for the one-off rot area or new dragon worshippers for the one-off dragon cave.
All of the major dungeons are made up purely of new enemies and the only places where recycled mobs are used is where they're thematically appropriate (ie the golems in Rauh) or where they're obvious filler meant to represent a stage hazard rather than an enemy (Miranda flowers at the bottom of the valley, slimes in caves)
No, but when the game launched I ran into this a lot
we used to back in the dsg days but we haven't in awhile
what level were you thinking of taunting?
>More people should have died for the economy.
Libtard strawman and idiotic single-factor analysis. By that logic sweden should have experienced much higher excess mortalities during covid. Turns out dropping everything to focus on 1 problem was idiotic and didn't even save any lives
>two guys attacking together while puppeting a dead lion's head
I don't think so
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Marika was specifically the one who divested Godfrey and his warriors of grace in the first place. She's presumably the one who returns grace to each of them, but it was unclear how aware she was, all impaled inside the Erdtree. But the characters in the DLC imply she's pretty aware and active, and is specifically guiding Tarnished
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I just woke up after sleeping 15 hours.
Before that I played Elden Ring for about 54 hours.
I dreamt that I went into NG+ to get other items, and that I was allergic to shellfish.
That's all I remember.
Havne't played since launch year. Is there a speedrun guide or something of the important things to pick up and do as a fresh character so I can start the DLC as fast as possible? I don't feel like playing through the entire game again especially as I don't remember much of it.
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>miyazaki adds a godwyn fish face to his next game
>it also has no plot relation or explanation for the entire game
>Torrent chose a guy to kill his master
If the end of game tarnished fought Marika, would they win?
What if it is the lord of frenzy?
It more like that we are one of the few tarnished who still sees grace and we are the newest.
It seems that you lose her favor the longer you take or other factors
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>tfw no crazy religious gf with a sword
kill radahn
do varre quest and kill mohg
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Miquella calling you the champion of the festival means he must have been watching your journey
His master is st trina. The girl who wants miquella dead
>but miquella is riding torrent
Miquella and trina share a body.
We don’t know how strong Marika was, but since we can kill Radagon, probably.
Just use your original character
Because Ranni doesn't actually like or give a shit about you.
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I wonder what fragment of Marika Radagon was.
Torrent knew Miquella was a fag
Considering that she got yanked by Elden Beast, yes.
It's time to accept that the lore of elden ring is just vibes. They gave a wide swathe of artists, many of them contractors outside of the company, near total carte blanche to draw cool shit for their game and then wrote the story afterwards to half-assedly mesh it together.
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I also think Messmer hates you because he too was exiled by Marika despite doing everything she wanted, which is exactly the situation the Tarnished originally were in. He can't accept them being brought back by Marika when he never was. Very sad
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>Tfw you never hear 2:20 because you're either already dead or phase 2 has already begun
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trash, dishonest, low tier game design to be quite honest
>my loyal blade and champion of the festival, both your deeds yada yada
Isn’t he talking about Malenia and Radahn?
I've popped in to tell you that this webm caught my attention in the catalogue and it's horrible fucking cringe.
Loyalty, Duty, Strength, or Pride
I have 35 & I've been doing fine. Go be gay elsewhere
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I just beat the Golden Hippo, /erg/
Do I head further into Messmer's castle, or do I instead head into the dragon mountains past the underground temple? I've explored just about everywhere else this side of the Implier's base.
I mean, that's basically the entire purpose of your journey, it's what she wants.
it's like being hollow. you only lose grace when you give up on a boss kicking your ass then bitch about it on twitter about how elden ring should have easy mode
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How did they manage to make a smelly lunatic the most memorable NPC in the DLC?
>it's three blasts
>not two
>the third one hits when the second one guard breaks
HOLY FUCK I love the blasphemous blade so much. Why didn't they add a weapon more fun than it to the dlc
>despite doing everything she wanted
He didn't kill enough hornsent. That's the problem. More furnace golems are necessary.
>HOLY FUCK I love the blasphemous blade so much
you didn't beat the game or the dlc
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>Prime Rennala would have been terrible to fight
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Loyalty probably
>ranni being grossed out when you try to share some shrimp with her
>she tries it and it's really good, but she has to pretend like it's not the best thing she's eaten since becoming a puppet
He's talking about Malenia and you. You are the champion of the festival.
>Malenia and Tarnished
>Both of you will be forever celebrated in my new age
>So please don't struggle and give up the fight
What the fuck where they smoking when they made that Divine Lion boss...?

Like I get that it has amazing animations and music, but it's pure insanity. I can't figure out how to even touch him when he gets to his second phase.
The festival is about killing Radahn. He isn't the champion, he is the main attraction.
The deeds he is talking about is you and Malenia's combined efforts to kill Radahn. First the battle of aeonia and then the festival.
No, the champion of the festival is the one who kills Radahn.
Remember fighting Radahn is the festival however you 100% know we were supposed to interact with him because we can't be his loyal anything as are character has zero motivation to do anything in the DLC outside of maybe trying to find another shard
Leda probably thinks you're betraying the tree because kindly Miquella is just the best so why wouldn't you?
>struggle for well over 50 tries on dlc Radahn
>switch to an upgraded, but otherwise unchanged, sword lance
>kill him 2 attempts later
big "-.-" energy
I'm still of the opinion that Messmer was not born afflicted by the snake, but Marika used him to imprison it. I think the snake may have been a empyrean of the previous age, and as rhykard says a serpent never dies, so she sealed it within him.

Dudes been carrying the weight of his mothers bullshit for a long fucken time.
You should go with the fextralife
I beat prime Radahn, why would I give a fuck about prime Renalla?
Him talking about malenia makes no sense, she's not even there.
imagine if godfrey showed up and leda thought he was being guided by miquella
>second phase
just wait it out, he cycles through over time and the other forms are easier to deal with
There are several secret areas in the castle that lead to entire different zones.
The game has 3 required bosses for the game and only 3 required zones.
Do what you want
>The deeds he is talking about is you and Malenia's combined efforts to kill Radahn. First the battle of aeonia and then the festival where he finally died.
What made it much easier? The damage? Range?
He's just saying that he respects you on the same level as Malenia
After what we learn about Omens and Hornsent, the Age of Despair has a completely new contextual meaning now.
Dragon land is entirely optional and i don't think there's a damn thing over there that can be quest blocked by whatever you do else where.
>coomgroids lust after rennala and make lots of sexy art of her
>her in-game model is ugly and creepy as fuck
What's up with that?
lighting phase is basically trying to survive mode
Messmer has a single cut line where miquella told him about you, and the entourage don't realize until you are literally outside of miquella's boss room.

Miquella is the one telling people you're the lord of the erdtree. He wants you to fuck off.
Malenia and (you) are the ones who killed Radahn like he wanted. Otherwise, Miquella would not have referenced Malenia at all in the DLC, which would be truly dire
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Fromsoft character artists don't know how to make humans that don't look like freaks.
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>RL60 red phantom
>get 24805 runes after killing a furled finger
>he was RL266
Sure as fuck not to Rennala.
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drip check
>invade into a "fight club"
>the reigning champ is just walking forward holding guard and spamming guardpoke with a bleed dueling shield
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>me rn fr fr
Well Malenia would be referenced in uh... saying that she whispered in Radahn's ear "my brother waits for you to fuck his ass, please go to him."
Baggy robes leave a lot to the imagination.
How the fuck am I supposed to dodge the constant god damn barrage of beams dude, this is ridiculus, everything they do shits those things everywhere
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What I wonder is whether the vision of fire that Messmer was born with, and his fire powers, are separate from the snake, since its mentioned that the snake is eating his fire. So Messmer and Melina's fire powers are their natural birth traits, while the snake was sealed into Messmer because it would feed upon his fire. And maybe the GEQ for Melina or something
>complains about shieldpoke
>doesn't have piercing fang
i just completed that dungeon and im raging so hard i missed that helmet
>There still isn't a Radahn nerf
Bros... Are they really gonna leave it like that? I'm genuinely scared, I don't wanna fight that shit again on another NG cycle.
I took me a collective 10 hours of my life to get him 4 times already, my neighbor complained to the landlord that I kept screming.
Porn addicts masturbate to anything
Use a shield
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Its bad enough that Miquella's one reference to Malenia doesn't even have him call her his sister, but his loyal blade, as if he was talking about his lieutenant. Malenia got really screwed in the DLC lore; she's either a fujo or a bad mother. We really needed a Cleanrot Knight NPC
I like that you made a point of lying about having beaten him instead of just complaining on it's own.
All the new unique weapon skills are so annoying to play against, especially when there's 2 or 3 faggots using them at once.
But what else could I expect in a From DLC?
It is a tad strange that the snake has wings.
When did Marika cast off Radagon?
idk i just whack at their feet like all the other dragons
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>Actually, I intentionally left that bitch to rot in the Haligtree because being kidnapped by Mohg was intentional
Can the writing of this get any worse?

How do you just ruin story beat after story beat like this and not think something is wrong
We literally haven't even gotten a dlc update yet besides a calibration to fix things likes PC and Console items not being aligned.
Reminder that this guy got a $30 mil payout from suing CNN for slandering him
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>The winged serpent is the token creature of Messmer's military forces. It is a wise friend which keeps the base serpent at bay and holds its power in check.

My head canon is that Malenia was meant to be left sleeping until Miquella created his new age.
Far less chance she blooms a final time if she sleeps until that point.
It's insane just how much more difficult Radahn is than all the other bosses in the DLC. Like, people think they're hard, but once your skibidi levels are up a bit it's pretty even throughout the DLC. And then Radahn Phase 2 comes in like a freight train straight up your ass.
He was going to come back after becoming a god.
Those warriors and the spira spammers in the last area convinced me they all must be eliminated.
It had to have been before she became a god, because we literally have base game dialogue from Marika telling Radagon "you are yet to become a god, yet to become me"
how many skibidis for scadutree avatar? this guy is rocking my shit in at 10
>Where does the money go? It’s not like grr martin can eat that much
Are you forgetting that this is a Bamco-published game and that Bamco's greed is insane even by most publisher standards?
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...why Radahn? Did Miquella just give up on restoring Godwin's soul? Did Ranni pick Godwin as the one to die just to troll Miquella?
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Since the DLC came I enjoyed the game even more and did everything. First time through I just did one basic playthrough and didn't touch it again. 10/10 was better the second and third time through.
do I side with millicent or not? what's the best option?
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>Your strength, extraordinary...
>The mark...of a true Lord...
I like that Malenia in her final moments thinks maybe she should have been shipping Miquella with (you) instead of Radahn
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>make new strologer
>do all of the first 4 areas
>hit up the dlc
>IMMEDIATELY get bored and close the game
killing her gets you a much, much, better talisman.
I'm an annoying lefty, and I genuinely don't know why anybody gave a shit about this kid literally standing there doing nothing on a school field trip or whatever it was.
He just really liked Radahn ok? To Miquella's credit he did try to kill Godwyn completely for maybe a shot at resurrecting him.
Siding with her nets you an ancient dragon stone and betraying her gets you her prosthesis as a talisman.
Cleanrot wouldn't have added anything interesting and the kindred fit the DLC's overarching theme of parental trauma perfectly.
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godwyn was fanfic
Fuck you

Follow your heart.
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Bro he dumped her ass there and never said where he was going, if he was mind-controlling Mohg as they say they could've teamed up or something but then some Tarnished showed up and killed the shit out of her.
Does he have -anything- to say about it? LMAO
>Can the writing of this get any worse?
Miquella went to Caelid after he sent Malenia to kill Radahn. Did he help her by weakening Radahn with his charms? No, he healed and charmed one specific Redmane soldier, disregarded all the others killed, injured, or afflicted by the rot, then left.
Did Trina like Radahn too or was she as gay as Miquella was?
You get Rotten wing siding with her and prosthesis against her
We're a bit more than your usual garden variety Tarnished running around.
>Torrent chose us and is quite loyal even if we're going through with the Franzied Flame ending
>Malenia (possibly) killed your finger maiden just so she has an excuse to act as your maiden\
>Ranni gave you a bell that aids you in your travels just because of Torrent
>there's also a theory floating around that the Tarnished of No Renown is one of the few nameless demigods
A good guy snake.
make them a cleanrot knight that's also a kindred of rot
Nigger confirmed. You're not worth engaging any further.
The fucking hyper aggressive wallbounce collision in this dlc is ridiculous. Some weapons are genuinely unusable just because you'll randomly bounce off of EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE holy fuck.
Put it this way: Radagon, a literal living god, had the option to either fight Renalla in a no holds bared, bare knuckle magic kamahameha battle for the ages, or he could fuck her, put some babies in her, and win the long, roundabout way. He chose the latter for a good fucking reason, and it wasn't her righteous booty
One thought I had is maybe he wanted Godwyn's body for Radahn's soul, but I assume the body would still be fucked up by deathroot.
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That makes no sense and you're retarded. Never write anything ever
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>NPC "bosses"
What is the counterplay against fingerprint shield poking? These niggers rotate 180 degrees with every little spear thrust so it's not like you can backstab then.
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>Fujos made a Messmer doll already
It's over. No one can beat the doll fujos.
The fuck are you talking about?
>Strong as fuck, beautiful royal you can dick
Why wouldn't you? It's an obvious choice
>I'm an annoying lefty
Stopped reading there. You "people" need to shut the fuck up. The internet is retarded enough already without the leftard scum of the earth shitting it up
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how do I get to this section??
We literally fight Prime Rennala, anon. We come in when she's a crazy spinster and Ranni conjures an apparition of her prime form to protect her. That's her fucking second phase holy fuck.
Knight's Lightning Spear is so goated I wish I found it earlier.
Before we got the dlc I thought she spilt him off after being cursed by the fell god.
what's goated mean?
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>stars of ruin
>but faith
just what the game needed
that's a peanus
Shieldpiercing WAs.
In practice a perfectly played fingerprint turtle is unbeatable, and has been unbeatable in every souls game, but good players get bored of it incredibly quickly so 90% of the time you're getting turtled it's by a shitter that literally cannot pvp without the crutch and they'll just each piercing fangs all day.
Be sure to throw some rot pots at them for BM.
try gesture
It means one of the goats rolled into them. When they do that they steal a random one of your items and you have to kill them to get it back.
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>We never fought prime Gransax
INT increases status build up if I remember correctly right?
Elden Ring isn't even an rpg. It's an open world action adventure weapon simulator.
I wish I could "fight" prime Marika
Thanks. I think the followup of Glintstone Dart does that, right? I meant to upgrade the Kris some time during this INT/FTH run, but totally forgot.
Has she tried using Cerave every night?
Just wait until you see actual stars of ruin but faith. It's one of the messmer incantations and it's probably taken the spot as the worst incantation in the game.
even if i know i can win, why wouldn't i just fuck instead
Which is better Sword of Light or Sword of Darkness?
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gaining power for having high faith on something doesn't make sense to me
faith as a stat lore-wise is illogical, it's like a fervent christian and jesus believer gains superpowers and throw light spells and shit
stupid ass faith stat
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why fight her when she would prefer to have sex
Just to prove I can beat her in a fight before I top her.
old final fantasys weren't rpgs because you didn't create your character
are you confusing stars of ruin with founding rain of stars...?
>trying to step-parent a rambunctious Miquella and Malenia
you can say the same for any stat except str, chimpanzee
post the melina and messmer one
Weird, Midra’s cutscene dialogue and remembrance weapon description seem to point to Nanaya telling him to resist the Frenzy.
Darkness. On that note, does anyone know whether on ng+ you can powerstance one of each or do they both get switched at the altars?
>teleports away and summons an entire army of phantoms to assault your supply lines
How do you respond without sounding mad?
You can't acquire a second one.
I decided to ignore all the reports on it and give the spell a try myself.
Actually laughed out loud when I saw the damage. They had to have misplaced a decimal on the scaling.
Toss a hefty pot at them
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why is melina so pointless
That's really gay.
Because he's a White kid who doesn't live in self-loathing and didn't immediately fall onto his face in prostration begging for forgiveness from an alcoholic Amerindian conman, that's literally it. They just hate White people and can only barely tolerate them when they're self-hating cuckolds who tacitly agree to quietly disappear from the Earth with as little trouble as possible.
godwyn was DESTINED. no more hope for his soul
This is masturbation
up to you anon
become the master of your own adventure
Kill yourself
how are people on reddit bitching about messmer this much? i beat him yesterday and he was one of the easiest/fairest bosses in the game, base game included. extremely clear attack patterns, very obvious punish windows that let you get in a good 2 or 3 attacks. phase 2 is a bit messy at first but after you get down the delay of the snakes it's even easier than phase 1. what the fuck is the problem? i see people complaining that the grab is one shotting them but... if you're consistently getting hit by the easiest attack to dodge, maybe that's actually a you problem?

i loved this fight
Godwyn is actually referred to as "matyr of destined death" in the game. He was meant to die and likely CHOSE it.
being able to shield poke from behind my tree sentinel shield. was using the sunflower before that and ate shit all the time.
just stay there man
Am I supposed to have 20 skibidi to fight this enormous faggot?
Unfortunately I'm not enough of a self-hating white to kill myself. Sorry.
>good snake
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Because you can't self reflect
her burning herself made me feel nothing because sometimes, I actually forget she exists. they should have made her appear on every grace even if she said nothing
Pretty sure Fromsoft still use FaceGen middleware.
Same as what is used in Oblivion
a martyr isn't always someone who chooses to die for a cause. a martyr can be somebody who dies for a specific reason (having some opposing belief or something) and becomes a symbol. godwyn was killed and became a symbol for those who live in death. that's all
it helps a little but it's not needed
Edit it the last panel & that's why character.
Even better if you are brown. Just kill yourself
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Please also add that miquella specifically calls you aspiring lord of the old order and that leda says you're there as part of your quest to become lord. People always read these types of posts and assume by this point the tarnished had already completed the game when they haven't.
Took a while but I finally got it, just had to do some dishes, grind more, jerk off and then first drop after that gave me it
I mean I 'know why', but it was stupid.
Anyway, enjoy having overturned rule of law. Good on you guys. Big W!
did you get bitch smacked by messmer too redditor?
You catch more bees with honey, anon.
not reading any of that
i'm gooning
What if someone dropped it?
She can just repeat the rune level-up pray every time, least until she burns away.
strenght and dexterity are the only ones that make sense logically and were you develop power by training and making efforts
the other stats? beyond understanding
why are calling me a redditor? I've never been there
Gotta stick close to him like you're gay too. Solves his moveset.
And you kill more bees with Raid
You could consider it more like devotion, like how intelligence doesn't just imply natural IQ, but study of esoteric sorceries and stuff.
>it's like a fervent christian and jesus believer gains superpowers and throw light spells and shit
That's pretty much how it works in all fantasy with holy/god-given magic, and IRL with the saints and stuff obviously.
Level until you get the cool armor
Yeah, with me.
okina was there, who will be charmed by miquella.
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Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
I don't want to marry her.
enough end to wear your preferred fashion and heaviest weapon while staying under 70% load
>getting filtered by messmer
>take a break
>come back
>get filtered some more but noticed golden sign
>what the fuck summon anyway
>beat him
what the fuck why is it inside the boss room? also fuck me I didn't beat the game it's so fucking over....
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Gave up trying to melee this guy and just blasted him from horseback, he literally does nothing most of the time when you use ranged attacks. WHat a piece of shit.
People finally woke up from the Soulslop.
kek you can't self reflect
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>he didn't grind communion until he could cast triple rings of light irl
Chinese reviewbombs
fake and transitioned
Chinese need prompt in-game guides or at least a pop-up asking them to pay money if they would like to triple their damage against a specific boss for the next 60 seconds.
radahn is a bad boss
The majority of the negative reviews were from chinkoids, many of whomst were having issues with the anti-cheat
All this radahn shit annoys the fuck out of me. All Empyreans were female making it seem that God(dess)hood was an innately Feminine trait while the Elden Lord was a Masculine & married to the Empyrean, & designated to be her strong right hand.

I always though Miqy was a special case being a little androgynous twink that could be his own Lord & God at the same time & that's what the DLC was gonna be about a hermaphrodite(ish) Miquella doing weird arcane rites (like using the Halig to grow to adulthood) to become more powerful than Radagon & Marika, as well as commanding a literal army of enthralled soldiers from all over the Lands Between, all fighting for his dream.
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Absolutely understandable. If the entire Asian sphere thinks this way it must be true.
>chinese people weren't immediately able to cheese all the bosses
>game bad!
sounds about right
So Miquella is literally Griffith right?
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In-game macro-transactions region-locked to China will fund gaming's future
It's not too hard. It's the entire community telling you not to use core game mechanics because it's not really beating the game. Imagine if any other community did this.
Any rts: Oh you used anything other than basic infantry units? You didn't beat the game.
Any fps: Oh you used anything other than the basic pistol? You didn't beat the game.
Any fighting game: Oh you used anything other than basic high attacks? You didn't beat the game.
No other community is this elitist and engages in such a broad level of purity spiraling. Making what are essentially top-tier challenge runs the "correct" way to play the game.
This is the cancer that is killing this franchise's reputation and it is really being exposed with this dlc.
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Hope they let us use grabs against enemies that don't share the player model in their next games.
A community that gaslights retards is a community I want to be a part of.
that sounds even more gay than the actual DLC
Why are there new black flame spells in the game but no geq lore?
>those are death magic spells
They are not I compared them side by side in my own playthrough. They use black flame skins.
You have a queen making her own (male) self marry another queen, then marry herself and have the fucked up twins, the twink and the tomboy. Its gender-fluid shit and the director loves this shit, from Gwyndolin to Lothric.
Miyazaki kind of forgot about the gloam eyed queen
Nice to see you again, Elana
/v/ npc talking point
the dlc still has worse reviews compared to every other souls game / dlc minus ashes of ariandel
it fucking FLOPPED

>use all the heckin tools
>summon the spirit ashes and guts phantoms
>bosses become laggy unfun pieces of shit that die in 30 seconds
To be fair, elden ring's difficulty varies MASSIVELY depending on how you play it and many of the different ways to play require less skill but are still more powerful
>oh no, my retarded headcanon was incorrect
>game bad
>Sip deflect juice
>Gameplay becomes completely braindead
Whatever they do next, I sure as fuck hops they don't make more deflectslop
Occassionally getting a "innappropiate behavior detected' warning when trying to connect to someone, what the fuck is triggering this shit?
>I want to become a god without an outer god nor the Elden Ring
>I want my lord to be my jobber half brother instead of the chad Tarnished
Miquella is a fucking retard
His plan was never going to work lmao
Uhhh those are the vengeful spirits of horned bairns, bro
>So what do we think of the dumbest shit anyone could conceptualize
I think you're a retard for entertaining dumb shit
you filter out reviews by language and it vastly changes the score>>484467884.
>/v/ npc talking point
It literally is. You can look at the reviews by game language version
it should have been godwyn
How do you beat malenia as a spellcaster?
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We really need somebody to lighten this up to be able to see the detail on this.
>Any fighting game: Oh you used anything other than basic high attacks? You didn't beat the game.
people bitch endlessly about characters & mechanics being broken or fraudulent
Is it any good?
Who's that supposed to be?
Too bad fom sold out to sweet baby-tier to push lgtb high school drama instead of actually compelling fantasy storytelling. Jesus we could have had such a cool setting, but they decided to piss it ALL away for literally no reason.
I couldn't save him
It's the necessary result of having mechanics that completely trivialize encounters.
dragonbolt to get level 2 hardness
same way you beat her melee but blue
by bleeding her to death with katanas...?
>no hyperarmor on dryleaf whirlwind
into the trash pile it goes
expect to wait a year before they fix it
can any lorechads give me the qrd on Romina?
is she the outer god of rot? the one the blind swordsman sealed away? does she have any connection to Malenia? also the blue dancer is a fairy who gave the blind swordsman his flowing curved sword, did we get any lore on the blue dancer?
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How is this supposed to help?
No those are goldish brown buddy
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ER's difficulty setting is baked into its mechanics, so yes playing on baby mode is clowned on like any other game. You wouldn't care if you weren't ashamed of it.
>by bleeding her to death
do not denigrate yourself by implying you'd stoop to such indignity
so if you don't find all these pest dudes and talk to them before triggering Miquella shattering his great rune, then Moore's quest just fails?
> "I wish to be a bear, no more, and no less"
uh hello, based department?
Well fuck we are going to have to wait for some mod fag to pull the asset and give it a full 360 view. Highly surprised Messmers statue was not one of the first things the loretuber fags did not hop on.
carian retaliation is technically a magic ash.
No that's the vengeful spirits of OMEN bairns, buddy. Silly mistake, totally different.
name a good recent rts, fps and fighting game
can you use the seluvis potion on the dung eater if you feed him the curse thing?
If you did the DLC thorns.
If you didn't, I beat her in my first playthrough by spamming comet azur and perma stunlockin her.
Nah Marika was distinctly feminine in all aspects. Miqy is fluid which I'm fine with from a plot/lore/divinity standpoint, lots of that shit exists in real myths. My issue is I don't like that Miqy "needed" radahn at all. He could have been his own Lord & it would have been cooler.

My head canon is superior so yes

That sucks
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So, what about Miquella Haligtree, Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree and what about pic related?
Zero connection to SotE
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...what the fuck is that face on the baby.
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How much damage increase are we talking?
She's a lady who was taken over by the vengeful spirit of rot, which also took over Melania. Rot used to be beneficial. We see this in how the forager brood teaches the techniques of pickling, and how rot was influential in making verdigris metal. When the adherents of rot were burned in messmer's assault, it became what we know today.
I just dodged & frosted her. I did use nu DMGS a bit, but it wasn't 100% necessary
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What about Miquella's plan to cure Malenia's rot? What about his plan to grant Godwyn a true death?
I don't get the Secret Vow Scroll that you give to Ansbach.

>Lord needs a vessel

Does this mean Marika killed a random Badlands chieftain and stuffed him into the body that would become Godfrey? Or is that only because Radahn is dead and rotted that he needs Mohg's body and not a prerequisite of all Lord + God combos
what spells?
there is no damage increase. The armor just has shit defenses and damage negation. Wiki says like it is about 2% worse compared to other armors of the same weight per piece.
>the retard, Igon, is summoned by his finger
>motions to the other retard, the TARDished
>bayle proceeds to kill the TARDished easily with a single attack
Igon is so fucking stupid man, literally a dumb cripple seething eternally over a dragon for no reason, even dumber than Placidumbsax seething over a dragon for having two wings less
What a fucking loser man
What does deflect tear even do? I'm a greatsword mage so I don't ever use a shield
It genuinely feels like a contrivance to shoehorn radahn back into the story for the final boss.
What spells are good at stance breaking? I want to setup for big misericorde crits
Leda and Tarnished hate sex WHEN
So basically no downside.
obviously he's gonna come back once he's a god seeing as he cannot do shit when he was a demigod
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It's honestly really bland as fuck and I don't get people that find deflection in Elden Ring fun. It will completely trivialize a lot of enemies and just takes a fat shit on many mechanics such as stability, trading, hyperarmoring,...
IF more mobility was needed, I would prefer they would separate sprint and dodge button, and give players the ability to run into sprint and vice versa, maybe having jumps instead being holding down the dodge button. That would make a lot more sense and incentivize movement in fights, which actually fits.
Nice Ultimate Beast Claws Build costume by Chrighttâ„¢
3 rocks
Bone nubs typed this post.
Bone wing talons typed this post
Greatblade phalanx
okay but how does it feel seeing your kids hearts get eaten by random dudes
bitter butthurt bitch
The Seraphim were sometimes described as winged serpents.
Nice try, Bayle.
You block at the right time, you get no chip damage and very nerfed stamina damage.
There's no limit to the deflections or animation, you can literally just oress L1 every tine you get hit at any point and deflect anything.
Then your guard counter is boosted
where can I find the boss with darken arena?
>immediately engages in elitist bullshit
No capacity for self-reflection
Don't play them
Hellish Quart
The frost cloud. Dragon frost breath. Adulas frostsword, Zamora frost storm, frost pebble, etc. Throw patches of frost around & then just needle her with the frost pebble. If she gets too close whack her with adulas.
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Wonder why they never got rid of the eyes on the inside thing




We could ask you the same thing, Placidumbshit. Lol have fun being a dragon breath incantation forever, dead loser.
I don't trust From anymore with designing a fun experience.
>I encounter an annoying as fuck boss and waste time dealing with his bullshit without using broken shit
I feel no satisfaction.
>I use the broken shit to win
I feel no satisfaction.
>fight Midra and Romina
feel disgusted that they still know how to make normal bosses but choose not to
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>switched to the edgelord set later on (can add a part 2 if wanted)
>spammed Lightning Bolt still
How is this fun?
Darken Arena is the spell you get for trading the Scadutree Amber at the Scadutree Chalice
I like that his helm all but says that he was a greater potentate, meaning he was actively taking part in the shaman genocide.
Bayle is an insurrectionist
Toss rocks
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Thanks I was sleeping on phalanx, been using rock sling. Anything I can do to amp up the stance damage or the crit damage?
Hasn't released and also looks like shit
Marika sucked his soul out figuratively, Miquella has to do it literally.
What's a good spirit summon that will be useful but won't trivialize the game? Something like taking on a support role rather than facetanking the boss
>tooth whip L2 combos into a dagger offhand L1
This is fun.
Too bad I can't put this skill on a bleed whip to rape people.
How are you supposed to dodge his nigger meteor rocks? It doesn't seem like any direction I roll into can I dodge em all. Always get clipped by some shit
I think Stormhawk Deehn supposedly is pretty okay at that, but to be honest the second you're splitting the boss' attention the difficulty level drops like a rock, regardless.
Reminder that Finley specifically made the journey ALONE, meaning Miquella didn't give a fuck that she was knocked out and extremely vulnerable. The Cleanrots and Malenia deserved better, fuck who ever defends this travesty. What's sad is I don't think normalfag Maleniafans even realize just how badly the new lore butchers their relationship, at worst they just think the booty call motivation is dumb as shit.
>controller started getting stick drift
>open it up to clean the joystick sensors
>finally pull the board out
>solder is damaged
Deenh's pretty cool. Gives you a damage buff at the start of combat, pretty good at keeping himself alive but not massively tanky or strong himself.
Final boss?
It's literally like the easiest move to dodge in the world, just go sideways.
Or are you talking about the boar riding guy?
>Hasn't released
You can literally play it and it's good.
Godsworn is also good. WC3 spiritual successor.
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Suck my fucking cock Radahn and Miquella. Get fucking blendered
Dung Eater puppet is a nice debuffer who can take some hits but doesn't obliterate boss HP like Tiche.
you only need to find the first 4 iirc, then he gives you the 7th.
If you mean the purple meteors then just sprint to either side (diagonally backwards works as well) and roll/jump to the side as they're about to connect
I meant the boss during the preview.
The one that the reviewers fought.
>consumables restock from coop/multiplayer stuff
>crafted items don't

who the fuck designed this?
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how do I access the uppermost section of the Shadow Keep?
I think the cave in Charo's Hidden Grave, but don't quote me on that.
Anything ranged, Therolina and the hawk.
Greatshield Soldier Ashes if you want them to just hold aggro
Bigmouth Imp Ashes of you want artilerly fire on enemies
Rafters? Have to come up by the Church District elevator then keep going up. There's a piece of shit Fire Knight at the top who spams Emit Force so take him out first
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>pressing button to deflect damage = bad
>pressing button to iframe damage = good
Bonny Gaol
You have to use the eastern side entrance.
Miquella should have been the strong female Tarnished consort option.
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I've explored a lot but haven't found the way up yet
already came in through the Church District and made it to Messmer, haven't beaten him yet, but still can't find the route to the top part of the Keep
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this one?
I don't know what this is supposed to prove, besides that the powers that be have an interest in pushing your spectrum of politics, and if the powers that be are malevolent, then maybe you should question the shit you believe in.
what happens if you give ranni the seluvis potion?
Had to show Red Bear who the superior beast was.
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>Going through Shadow Keep
>Took a wrong turn somewhere
>Accidentally tripped into a coffin and fell down a waterfall
Damn it no I was going to beat Messmer up I've done enough sidetracking
she kills you and you are locked out of her quests
if you go down a cliff and then a dungeon it keeps going even longer
I think Blackguard says he was never able to see Grace.
Every vid ive seen of consort radahan with deflecting seems to still use parries. This seems to be the answer to everyone complaining about parries in the base game since you can now perfect block anything in the game as long as you time it right. Including dragon breath and huge explosions.
If you're gonna be a parry autist, you might as well perfect block everything for 5 min because that's all it will take.
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I have a question, we know that radahn is wearing the armor he wore when he was younger and the weapons he wore when he was younger. Where'd he get them from if he discarded them? Do you think he gifted them to miquella and he just kept them or something?
I'm not sure, not using my DLC character at the moment, but there's an elevator in the pool side of the castle that lets you access that spot you originally mentioned.
Not sure if we're talking about the same thing. I've already accessed the Library backdoor through the Church District. I'm talking about the very top of the Dungeon, nearing the roof, there are 2 elevators, one inside, one outside, that I can't find the way too.
I'm not being very helpful so give me a couple of minutes to check the path and see if I'm saying the correct things or if the fabled early onset dementia is finally kicking in
How can I buy the dung eater puppet if seluvis is dead? I can still buy the other 2
you fucked up and can't
whoever decided to use starlight shards as a currency needs to get shot
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Well I'm either heavily misunderstanding the question or you missed something along the way in the eastern entrance path
>Nightmaiden and Swordstress
are they good?
>Try making a faith build for the dlc
Lose interest after reaching big lake
>Try making a Strenght build for the dlc
Lose interest after reaching big lake
Ohwell, maybe elden ring just isnt fun
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okay I'll keep trying. Just so we're clear, that is without beating Messmer, right? Could you show me where to start from?
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I found it. Is this [THE WEAPON]?
Yeah, no need to beat Messmer, just go to the left of the grace site after the poolside elevator, climb the snake eater ladder, take a right, use another elevator, fight in the ceiling structure against the bats and finally you get to the place I took the screenshot.
I'll try that and report back. Poolside elevator means the elevator one takes from Church District?
The axe and the spear kind of suck because their damage falls off hard with distance. Meanwhile the hammer outdamages both, has a great moveset, and the throw doesn't lose damage with distance.
GEQ was a serpent
Marika won by fucking her and having her kids.
Yeah, that's the one. You can also start at the "Storehouse, Back Section" Site of grace or the "Storehouse, Loft" one, in the end they all lead to the same place.
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woah, I now remember this was the very place I went after arriving, but went back to explore the lower floors then forgot all about this.
This place is labyrinthine.
TYVM anon, I've been searching for hours.
Good luck with the wrath from afar knight, might want to bring a shield because he's a real bastard.
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what in the Mario 64 clock level is this???
>indian tiktok editing
nice gameplay or whatever. I also parried rellana and found it very satisfying and felt cool but the editing does nothing to add to the experience of doing it in game
if anything it makes it seem way more lame
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My greatsword IS my shield!
This is the best dungeon since Stormveil
If you include that final section that unlocks after you burn the tree then I think Belurat is a bit better and prettier. More straight forward though.
is poison actually good at any point lol
I threw a pot inside a wicker man and now he's moving around.
Do I HAVE to kill him? And if so, is there an easier way than playing the ankle biter? I JUST killed another one right outside this ruin.
just run inside and grab the two items, the golem only drops a shit tear

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