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Previous: >>484438008

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Spino Doubleblaster" live until July 8

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Nahida is really sexy.
is the kuroshill melty gonna continue in this thread too?
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Nahida is for gentle lovemaking on a tree branch.
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Stop making fun with lady Ayaka...
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Holy shit! Three big flops in one picture… amazing
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Lynette's hangout is the only time she does not speak or mention or say anything about him on screen
It's kind of silly how much he exists in her head lol
Happy first anniversary to the very first Fontaine trailer! Well, now that the 4.x has reached the end, what are your thoughts overall?
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French boys
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Childe SOON
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She's going to be broken and meta.
That sounds painful, why not just spend a summer building a treehouse for her instead?
are we the third wheel all along...?
we're here
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>cucks you
Yup. That's my hero.
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Arlecchino has been the biggest disappointment I've gotten out of the game so far, by a long loooooong shot.
Otherwise it was pretty good. Not as good as Sumeru or Inazuma imo, but I really liked the overall region design. Story-wise it's one of the better Archon quests we've had. The connecting tissue was shoddy as always, but the highs were really high.
Thoma should be the one fucking Ayaka, not Aether.
She’s a walking Neuvillette advertisement. Remove Neuvillette from the game please I’m sick of every character being an advertisement for him.
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I just need to see Natlan designs before I determine whether this game is forever pozzed and I can finally put 3 years of sunk cost behind me.
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What if the Traveler was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the teapot by Paimon?
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k-on references make me feel old
moe moe kyun and fuwa fuwa time feel like they happened in a completely different era in a different life
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I liked it overall, father was disappointing but I like the three siblings' dynamic, loved navia and furina but didn't care much for clorinde/wrio/neuv.
But please, let Childe talk to skirk
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You just know
Thoma is fucking ayaka. Aether is getting his ass filled by abyss cum
based. I will now stop posting in this thread.
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Is this a good cope on furina if i can't fish yet?
they should really update the models in this game.
they should do it when Snezhnaya drops, since Genshin by then will be 5 years old.
it was good, liked every character except wriothesley who leaves me indifferent
Typical women behavior, you see everyone wanting to fuck Wolfie too
the zzz chads are laughing at us again...
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Umm did anyone else find this more stressful than the Abyss despite being "easier"? I didnt like having such janky restrictive teams, I wish you had three vigor instead of two...
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They said they're updating the graphics for 5.0. Not too sure what that exactly entails though.
Fontaine, the land of scalies...
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Why are white Mexican Genshit cosplayers like this?
shut up paco
Navia fucked the prison warden AND wants to fuck animals and is a failure of mafia boss, how can anyone like her?
i dont read spanish what does it say
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what triggered the cuckposting tonight?
in two days
the real question is
will we get a real natlan trailer with all the characters and will the 4.8 preload give us the 5.0 banner?
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Yes, he's too damn cute
I've always disliked abyss, the last floor feels like beating your head to a wall trying to get the final stars. In IT at least I can just clear it and be done.
its literally every night, they are perpetually triggered and never get un-triggered now
I HATE Meropide.
That's honestly it.
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>punches the ground
>you are now healed and hit harder
how does he do it?
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>ack was around
>kleepedo was around
>caiblossom was around
recipe for disaster
Raidenfags and Aetherpags were seething last thread
Take your pic
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>Everything she has done so far amounts to nothing more than using insidious plots and base treachery to commit abhorrent crimes against the Empire and its citizens.
>Only those who are utterly helpless, teetering on the brink of death would choose to believe in a woman proclaiming to be able to hear the will of the gods and flock to her banner.
>Just as the exalted Harmost Euergetia said, she simply does not believe in any god at all for none with faith would commit such atrocities in the name of a god.
they really wrote french isis and never used them for anything
yeah im there too, imagine posting in this shithole lmao
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I need that Natlan trailer so I can have my Fatui hype already. Signora, Columbina, Capitano, I need to see them.
Emilie...has tighnari in her quest....no.....not the beastiality sisters....
I'm bored bro.
There's nothing to talk about.
Might as well shit on the thread before going to bed.
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H-hey, give me that
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I tried to fix my Furina. Is this good now?
you missed the nevifuritroons seething too, unless you are one of them trying to push a narrative, you wouldn't do that right anon?
An amber picture won't change who you are paglord
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>Might as well shit on the thread before going to bed.
I thought our threads were only filled with ironic Indians and not real ones.
holy fuck im sticking to the qiqi thread
this whole thing is like shitpost rejects unity lmao
And here I thought that anon was just being a schizo when he keeps bringing up Americans.
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The voices... They finally stopped
imagine what would happened if he punched you straight in the nuts
I want to see Childe and Skirk do a lil' dual cultivation
>we really have nothing to talk about
Ok gig
favorite and least favorite schizo?
Which schizo are you?
>thread celebrity shilling
nah, fuck this shite.
I'm going back to work.
can i do a Navia PLOOONGE without furina?
>Favorite Schizo
>Least Favorite
Omega Dottore, because Webtorre was too good for this world and was taken from us
for one of the early rounds of my IT run, I ended up using the trial wanderer, xianyun, faruzan and yoimiya, just because I wanted to use better teams for the last stages
personally, I thought it was pretty funny; my yoimiya became a burst bot, bless her soul
most people seem to hate having to do shit like this, though; besides the element/level restrictions, it's the most common complaint from what I've seen
they want to be able to make teams with great synergy for all 8 rounds
so what's the solution?
hope you like BENNYBOI
Fav schizo
All loregods
Least fav
The mexipag
they have melties almost everyday around this hour
it's morning in europe but I doubt the schizos are morning people, they are probably seanigs(highest rate of schizophrenia in the world)
I used to think that ACK was the worst thing that ever happened to this general, but now I'd rather have him back as a regular here.
At least he's a genuine schizo instead of just some lame baiters trying to farm (You)s with the exact same shit every thread.
>least favorite
When does the fucking summer event Patch start?
What's the lore on the mexipag? Does he want to convince everyone he's white?
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Wormvillette ruined this fucking game.
It was already bad thanks to sumeru, wormvillette just stinked it further
i still think most of the cuckposting is severe aetherpaggotry
like, they think there's nothing more annoying and offensive than people shipping characters, so they ship characters in order to try and annoy other people
the same way people who hate gays might spam gay porn to try and ruin a thread
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Did anyone try a Candace Xianyun Kaveh plunge team yet? I got him recently from standard and I'm planning to build him.
Tiffany ruined genshin impact.
Imaginarium Theater is inherently unfun garbage. Being forced to use mismatched trash teams like Wanderer Cyno Clorinde Raiden because the RNG fucks you can never be fun, I got the primos on the first try and didn't bother with getting full stars.
If I had known the stars are literally worthless I wouldn't have gotten any, from now on I will refuse to get more than 0 stars on purpose to pad Mihoyo statistics showing the event is too difficult. I will also complain in the surveys and in the feedback every day from now on, fuck you Da Wei for adding this trash and forcing me to play it for primogems
>favorite schizo?
ones that post on topic
>least favorite schizo?
any that spam off topic
>which schizo are you?
the one that can't help reporting all off topic even though it's obviously fucking pointless
The schizo that knocks.
I'll never understand this mentality< you ship because you think the pairing looks cute together, no one is making that much fanart of two characters just to annoy aetherkeks
oh man, we're actually ded.
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Used to think Arle flopped hard but looking at Firefly numbers (32m) and how hard she flopped in Global makes me think that gacha is dying not just Genshin
Firefly only made 2 million more than Dehya
Inazuma's best ass?
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Nevermind, now that I think about, Candace is a horrible off field hydro applier. So replace her with Furina and Yelan instead.
ack is fine when unprovoked, at worst he'll say some dumb shit and call the people who will clown on him akemi but he's easy to ignore
the schizos that constantly try bait him regularly hijack entire threads
thats why its the same pictures being spammed everyday...its such a low effort shitposting but ruins threads very easily
at least professional shizos are passionate about their art
everyone is in the thread with a none retarded OP
Genshin and HSR earned more this patch. Sensortower froze for 7 days on Google store
At what point do you start rolling on weapon banners as a f2p? Never? After you have multiple archons?
Sayu, followed by Kuki.
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>favorite schizo
>least favorite schizo?
The ones that don't like cheldposters
>Which schizo are you?
Cheldposter #3
I say kuki shinobu but I may be biased as ive busted 7 fat nuts to her today
Let's be honest, do aether pags see all ships as cuckships because of ChildeYoimiya and scarahida?
Every schizo except wuwa shills
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I'm the wuwa schizo here to remind you that Genshin lost and you spent a month shitposting and still lost kekaroo.
The first ever Homa banner since it was paired with WGS. The next weapon I rolled next was Raiden's on her first rerun since I was already loaded with primos back then.
im just here for the images. post more
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>least favorite
>which one am I?
no idea
Is it only insecure people who care about sales?
Or people trying to bait insecure people
I mean, the aetherpag and the cuckspammer always start posting at the same time, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out
Let's be objective here, I think people shipping characters is fine and aetherkeks should have no reason to bother them but when people start to tease him with then we have to admit people just want to get a raise from him. I've seen normal shipping while others post it with shit like "see this pag?", Aetherkek is a known schizo, don't incite his episodes
Who are the top WORST schizos of /gig/? Elaborate as to why.
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Fuck's sake jannies, clean that scat post up!
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Imma enter Fontaine. Do you need any gadgets that you only get from world quests to do any of the puzzles? Or can I just start doing all the puzzles without having done any quests?
problem with shipshizos in /gig/ is that none of them admit that its headcanon, they all want to make it your reality too
“Him” by far. You can tell it’s actual mental illness and not shitposting.

cheldposter is our best schizo
Fischltroon for being notorious for the worst posts on /gig/.
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I hope your first Theatre was succesful, /gig/
How are you preparing for the second one?
My selection of Hydro and Cryo is much better than my Pyro and Electro, but I still have some units to raise (marked in yellow)
Nahida will be available as a guest, but I'm unsure if I should bring her in without Nilou, is a pure bloom team without her worthwhile?
Clorindepags for unironically comparing Clorinde to Raiden's DPS
>Wuwa/nikke/SR/whatever other "genshin killer" shills
You post offtopic just because you need new players or your gachas go out of service
Aether is ugly get over it, people are going to want to see girls with actually attractive males
>Neuv/kazuha shitposter
You don't like the character you just like how gig reacts when you post these characters
He's fujobaited get over it and stop derailing threads just to say how much you hate his fujoship and deny what mihoyo does
I see them as just a branch of neuvposters but some just come to shill their favorite shonen, no one cares
Sales posters
it's strange how he still doesn't have a proper schizo name even though he has been very active in at least two different generals
too big
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That real gamer who always gets angry when someone calls Genshin a real game, then proceeds to derail the thread
I agree 100% considering how smug they were over a year ago.
Hoyo making him the biggest fujobait in Hoyoverse history is sweet catharsis.
Pov cuck schizo, yurischizos, and shipschizos
Do you really think the people who go "oh no no no clorinde fucked a vishap" or "yae is canonically ayato's wife" or whatever impulsively whenever people post those girls are doing it because they enjoy the ship and think they're cute together?
I don't think shippers actually think they are canon, I have no problem when they post "cute and canon" because I take it as a joke
>people are going to want to see girls with actually attractive males
>You don't like the character you just like how gig reacts when you post these characters
These are literally mutually exclusive statements.
Some of my personas got mentioned in the replies hehehe
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Lyney was the first and only time I rolled on a weapon banner, and a big reason for that besides me loving him is that he didn't had any free alternatives.
I hate our resident AIsloposters with a burning passion.
Mona, Yelan and, Ganyu are going to have some heavy lifting to do. Since I don't roll for the tranny element and cyro is fucking dead.
Raidenpags for being the new Hutroons
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why are we so dead bros, was 2.3 really that bad?
i thought the firefly hype train wouldn't die out
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Why are you proud of being mentally ill and/or disliked by many people?
you don't need any gadgets for Fontaine
No they aren't, on the first I'm referring to shippers that just like to ship, not the ones that like to bait aetherfag
Just good old karma
Have you not seen the current cultural climate bro?
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>one zzz thread
>two genshin threads
>one hsr thread
you have too many hoyo threads open
I've never seen any good Neuv posts, regardless of whether they're come from his haters or his shills.
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>“Him” by far. You can tell it’s actual mental illness and not shitposting.
I think I still prefer Waschizo. He only really goes off the rails when provoked like a Hornet's nest. The other just takes a dump as soon as possible and it fills up a good 3/4ths of the thread.
cute and canon posters are just shitposters trying to get (you)s, actual shipshizos will have a thread long melty by spamming fanart and latching onto every crumb that hoyo posts to convince everyone that their ship is real
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post your favorite ad
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Not big enough
>latching onto every crumb that hoyo posts to convince everyone that their ship is real
These are real shippers that like the ship and want it to be real, shitposters just post the same 5 pics they have of the pairing
Only when there's two weapons I don't mind getting and I know I have enough to go to pity 3 times in worst case scenario
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ruh roh melty
literally one of the only good posters on /gig/
I love myself and the me I love wants to cause suffering and see the world burn. Denying that desire means denying myself.
t. fischltroon
Agree, it's his fault I can't post pictures anymore, thanks to him my zone is banned
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80% of my posts are in /zzz/ right now riding the hype train
All my characters are at least lvl 80 and I have Childe, Yelan, Furina, Nilou, Eula, Ayaka, Ganyu.
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>and want it to be real
they want everyone to think its real, thats why they have thread long melties when they get even a slight pushback on their ship
stop fellating yourself Pedro.
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
Nobody worst than shipschizos/cuck posters. Every other schizo at least is funny in some way. Cuck posters and ship spam will never be funny.
honestly fischlkeks win everytime, its like gravity
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Okay you finally got me. Should I participate in /zzzg/ too? I was planning on giving the game a shot anyway.
Now that's a different statement
Real shippers = they want the ship to be real
Shitposters = want to convince /gig/ that it's real so they get mad
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Because the people I annoy become my opponents and more opponents to fight makes me go WAKU WAKU
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someone come explore Fontaine, Remuria and Chenyu Vale with me on NA next week plz
fischlpag melty
UID for this feel?
i dont think /gig/ has any real shippers and if we do, they usually keep it to themselves
bros my genshin gf broke up with me today... :(
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I’m an oldfag so I have a very well built ganyu and eula which are good for half of the theater and then I’ll just brute force whatever’s left with the all the OP hydro units that exist.

I suspect cryo will be hard on some people given all the wriothesley skippers and the fact that yaka hasn’t been considered a must pull in ages
sisters i broke up with him today :(
the neuvifuri fag that has the android phone twitter filename is an unironic shipper but he's also underage so there's that
xisters i broke today ;(
I would say haikaveh/chilumi/scaraloom/mayyybe kazuscara are real shippers
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Maybe, make up your own mind.
Licking EVERY SINGLE DROP of sweat off of Nahida's perfect divine skin
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that's crazy anon i just took a 200mg advil liquigel an hour ago because i had a splitting headache
i feel much better now. time to do my genshin dailies / kill three bosses
wish I could help, godspeed either way
This is the FIRST time in more than a year they didn't publish a "Developer's Discussion on the day of livestream announcement

The devs have nothing to discuss...
>real shipper
lmao please, they are the most notorious for thread long melties
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Pedro Doordash Santiago?
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I think there's like 3 or 4 different Fischl posters. There's the peru one, the music one, and there's one that's sorta like a cheld poster. I don't think the Peru anon posts this late honestly.
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what keeps u going?
Fontaine's sin...
both only have 1 mentally ill shipper that self inserts as the more feminine one
most liked ship here
also only has like one shipper
the most popular ships with genuine shippers are chilumi wriorinde and neuvifuri and i lurk here everyday so i would know
kuki ass
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Haikaveh definitely has more than one poster
I need genshin EU bros to explore with
Skirk, Columbine, Tsaritsa, Unknown God.
the only genuine one is the cheld loom poster, everyone else is a shizo
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Until hoyo ruins him.
Shippers. All of them, as a general rule.
I still can't believe these people are real. What had to go so horribly wrong in your life for you to develop an obsession with insisiting this or that character is totally fucking this or that other character? Especially in a notoriously puritan game like Genshin, where 90% of the cast is so sexless they probably don't even know what sex is.
I asked
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Hope, but that's quickly running out. Or rather other games are giving me more.
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Childe and snezhnaya
lol no, the only genuine one is the ritualposter but she's also a self inserter, the other i know is a yumefujo and the one with the android twitter filename is an unironic fag
The pedo posters
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I already made up my mind in trying out the game. I was only afraid of the general being absolute shit filled with Furry porn and a bunch of tribal game flame bait wars.
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I'm not the only one who's posting them
Anon they literally post about haikaveh milking and shit like that
This is just a fujo
Costume/s and C6r5
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you are the only one who genuinely likes the ship
So is the new endgame hard or it's just casuals getting filtered?
I'm pretty sure you're the only one you fucking schizo
do your IT
when did that happen? post archives
can't use Kamera or photo mode in IT zone

shit area
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Newbies are getting filtered, slackers who don't use resin are getting filtered, vertical builders are getting filtered, and casual who only do light exploring/main story are getting filtered.
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I'm actually doing it right now and jobbing to the chicken because I don't know how to use arle
Let’s SETTLE this. Are cuck posters FUNNY and do they make you laugh?
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Cause I cannot sleep
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(elf) children
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What is next month's Theatre rotation?
>he's actually Peruvian
Post UID
press E, rotate your other jobbers, return to arle, CA - > ungabunga. her Q is a panic button, it's her only source of healing and it resets E cd.
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Wrio's ass.
I did the thing on easy mode in 1 minute 40 seconds and that's where I stop. Now I have to pick something here and it seems kinda like Raiden's is the only one that can't be captured during an idle pose.
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Play ZZZ, /gig/! Or else…
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Oh so she is for NAs, I was just charging, thanks anon
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It's easy but it forces you to use full teams of random characters you don't care about.

I stated this earlier but I want to use meme teams of characters I like or solo with my C6 characters.

Remove the fucking energy and let me just play my C6 Ganyu but they want the opposite of this. They want me to spend money on random characters I don't care about. That's never going to happen and in fact it's the opposite, it's so glaringly greedy with how rapidly abyss changes have happened. I'm OK with power creep if every character is interesting or hot like in HSR, I want them all. But when 90% of characters are unappealing to me then this just comes off as exploitation.

I'm never rolling Emilie no matter how meta she is, she's ugly as fuck.
The cope hope of Amy finally getting her hangout
need my dick sucked by all of them
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forget empty sumeru, whats up with this invisible wall???
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If you say goodbye to me tonight
There would still be music left to write
What else could I do?
Im so inspired by you!!!
That hasnt happened for the looooongest time
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Any Infos about 4.8 Banners?

Shit could be tempting
If Nilou/Yelan, then its gonna be a Weaponbanner worth the 60 Pulls
Maybe i try Yelan C1 if i win the 50:50
I enjoy the game.

Also, more sexy characters in Natlan like Iansan, Sigewinne, Nahida, and Klee.
Same but their ass fucked instead
Emilie Yelan for the ugliest banner
Navia Nilou for the floppiest banner
why is Fischl so cute?
>foul legacy - the devouring deep
is the this thing itself actually related to the whale?
Same but also suck all of them
Well I don't know how much help I'll be with exploring, but sent anyway
I'm AR60 but I didn't 100% most of the maps, especially the Vale. Plus exploring sounds fun, I'll accept in a bit.
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She's autistic and dresses like a slut but she doesn't even realize she's dressed like a slut because it's just part of her autism.
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Right here
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Tested with a closeup
Yeah, her CA just collects marks and gives her BoL + infusion. She also doesn't lose her infusion when you switch.
>aloy banned
What the fuck, I just wasted resources leveling her to 70...
the most satisfying thing about pork is that i can have a sweet revenge against weekly cheld because pork is moving around even more than he is, same with raiden weekly.
that good song you are me and we are one now
we have become ultimate goku
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recommend me a comp that is mostly played by white men.
I've never brought an electro character to Raiden because I just assumed she'd take half damage from it.
>furina is actually brain damaged and didn't realize it was actually a real fight
Maybe they had a point about her and neuv being the dumbest leaders...
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cute, smart and sexy
one hell of a combo
Raiden National.
National and hyperbloom lol
Mayo monkies aren't brave enough to try different things
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because she is infinitely smarter then you ever will be in one regard
and also infinitely dumber in the most basic normie ways (that don't matter and don't count, so fuck you)
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So Fontaine had a massive navy, but it was sunk, and all of this happened in like the last ~20 years, including the replacement of its entire military with clockwork?
It doesn't matter that Furina is a dork. All that matters is that she's your dork.
if you were in her shoes you would not know that it was a real fight too anon
fischltroon triggered
*smooches Collei*
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The original Chinese text for devouring deep is
>Extreme Evil Art 'Whale Swallowing Devouring Destruction'
So it's related yes, when Childe fell he apparently immediately came into contact with the whale
Thanks a lot, just bested the chicken
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Looks pretty good.
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These teams make no sense.
they still have ships. wriothesley got himself even a floating ship because fuck water and fontaine researchers in general are playing around with antigravity.
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Scientific method is the legacy of white man, trust and the desire to spread ideas. Also the desire to build towards the stars.

Keep pushing against them though, that desire to build will quickly turn towards building manmade horrors that will destroy everyone else when they're pushed far enough.
What sank their massive armada? Was it a war with another nation? Some monster?
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Damn alhaitham will NEVER have her get this close to his face
Can't believe even the playable characters are getting cucked
PREDICT Emilie sales
you can keep your 2bit rubber wives, i got Amy
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yeah yeah sunk like my dick into colleis ass
>Extreme Evil Art
no fucking way sinners are in the right if their "art" are called like that lol. im looking forward to what fatxiao is cooking.
>chu2 chaser calling any other waifu 2bit
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I mean foul legacy is quite literally "Demon king"
fuck this is a good pic, thanks amybro, btw are you NA, do i have you added already?
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Don't pick a fight with Fischl posters. They will win.
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wonned? again?
hu tao show them whats up
Is meltcchino a thing? like if she got paired with ganyu or rosaria or something
I'm the king person, if that isn't in your friend list then lmk, i've changed names a, lot few times all the time
happy to add
I literally look like Razor irl wtf
being a food delivery guy has to be the most difficult job in the world
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its up
Haikaveh canon
oh yea i have you i think, if your signature is "more co-op events!"
they don't even tolerate each other meanwhile Wrio and Neuv have a daughter
Genshin more likely to say jit?
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I think the funniest part of fontaine is when natlan starts and everyone looks back and thinks " Fontaine was actually pretty decent"
Almost every new character has been good and all the story quests have been good as well
your falseflag is too obvious xis
it must be difficult, given how hard it is for delivery drivers to get food to my apartment's front door. the only other possibility is that 100% of food delivery people are utter morons
Bait but she's literally Wrio's mom
i will never ever consider fontaine good
only supreme retards or people that dont play the game are actually saying that fontaine is bad
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its up
I've liked the roster from Fontaine a lot, sans Lyney, in terms of their kits and designs, but the story shafts all of them so hard. Clorinde is this badass duelist but she doesn't do anything but job to childe and then job to water.
The lengthy flagship events... The filled sumeru area...
wrio doesn't see her as his mother
>if it doesn't align with my headcanon it's falseflag
keep going xis
any wriolette recs?
In terms of story I'd say Navia took the cake. Although I did like Chiori's quest a lot too.
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wait who is u tho, will i ever know
They would have to fuck up really hard to make me think fontaine was good. At that point I'm quitting this shit.
NTA but he does see her as a senior colleague and certainly not as his daughter
>she doesn't do anything but job to childe
you didnt actually play through fontaine did you
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Yea this pose is pretty...interesting.... butt aside, it will be cool in many areas and settings. I wish I had this earlier but I also hate the idea of fomo poses. It should be a permanent shop.
Post your favorite jp artists then xis
I never said she's his daughter
>they don't even tolerate each other
nice outdated info yumesister :)))
Their navy was sunk some five hundred years ago during the cataclysm when Rhinedottir had a melty and released all manner of Abyss creatures on Teyvat, it was destroyed trying to stop Elynas from rampaging across Fontaine. This new event quest is weird because it makes it sound as if Fontaine only decided to shift the focus from their destroyed navy to robotics in the last few years. Unless they ended up rebuilding their navy after that disastrous conflict only to lose it again in some as of yet unnamed conflict.
I legit forgot Kaveh existed until I did Cyno's act 2 and also looked at my owned characters...
How can anyone forget how she helped wrio by doing nothing
I don't read Wriolette fanfics because they portray Furina in a very oldschool fujo way and I grew past my misogyny.
When I showed my irl friend Neuvillette and Furina she told me they look like siblings
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touhou music is the best :)
We should really force people to play the game and not skip the cutscenes.
Next survey I'm telling them to remove skip buttons.
incels are larping as fujos again
The only Fontaine story quest I didn't particularly care about was Wriothesley's, and it's not like I hated that one either, it just felt kinda generic. IIRC, we got a bit of Paimon lore in that quest, but that's it. Rest of them have been pretty great. Neuvillette's is probably in my top three overall.
>Next survey I'm telling them to remove skip buttons.
lol, what game?
>but I also hate the idea of fomo poses
im 99% certain that they will come back. in genshin the only truly fomo shit are events and they avoid otherwise unobtainable things like a plague.
As usual
She also challenged Furina to a duel
Navia certainly got off better than most did, but she still feel a bit too much like a Neuv accessory. Still I'd say they did well with her, about as well as Dehya in Sumeru.
She helped you fight off the robots that were trying to assassinate Navia.
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How do you build Charlotte? I wanna use her with Wriothesley.
All their games.
If ZZZ has them they should remove those too.
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Sometimes they larp as yumes too. They are really weird
it's always these hours too really makes you think
I just realized that Furina's entire purpose in the AQ is simply to sit back and do nothing...
She TRIED to do something based on her flashbacks in 4.2, but it still amounted to NOTHING...
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Everything is like 500 years for Fat Xiao. Yesterday, present and tomorrow.
funny how your post is completely unrelated to what i said and what i quoted
As if we really needed help
So HP, HP, HP?
Fontaine was the exact same thing as Inazuma with the exact same characters but worse and genderbent. Wriothesley was as irrelevant as Kokomi for example.
Incredible how people will slurp shit as long as it focuses on men.
I got some bad news...
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4.3 4.5 4.7 story quests are decently paced but I don't like the characters so I can't bother to care
Plotcuck melty
Yes, that's what in creative writing is called a passive character that doesn't do anything and just lets things happen to them. Normally these characters aren't very good and Furina isn't an exception.
The thing about Furina people really like is that she fucked off for a male to be Archon.
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When are we getting genshin characters who act like superheros or sentai?
furinas entire purpose was to carry on and pretend that shes focalors. her efforts for figuring out the prophecy amounted to nothing and its part of the reason why she was literally soul crushed near the end of archon quest. cant do shit, cant speak to anyone about shit, everything is going to shit and everyone is accusing her of shit without being able to explain.
i assume at one point the ironic fujotranny spam became unironic
I love both. My fav characters are Neuvillette and Yae Miko
wtf shes just like me...
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This fucking Wanderer weekly is so retarded I'm outright not dealing any damage

We never did actually find out who won their duel, but from the way Childe worded it ("I wish she went all out instead of holding back."), I assumed he won. But then again, in the past, he also said next time he trains with Skirk, he will be strong enough to make her use both her hands to defeat, but I wouldn't apply that here. Making it so Clorinde both held back and won the duel would just make him look pathetic.
This is not good writing for what is supposed to be the protagonist of the Archon Quest
Thanks anon, that's really easy to follow
post uid ill come help you if you're na server
atk/er, NO or overheal set. Her heals are insane so mainstat atk sands and goblet should be ehough. I use oathsworn eye on her but ttds can work too if your ER needs are covered.
Do it in co-op, it skips the cutscene.
>This is not good writing
you know what? i couldnt give less of a shit about whats "good writing" i enjoyed fontaine storyline a lot except for the boring as shit prison arc and thats literally all that matters. fontaine was great.
I'm currently doing Neuv's SQ.
The part with Vautrin and Carole almost made me tear up ;_;
What was Furina even doing during this time? She was a complete no show.
Maybe I'm jaded but it just felt like an empty showy "I'm such a badass! Roll for me!" scene, she could've been replaced by anyone there.
No shit, it makes her look pathetic and worthless as a self-insert for women who want to fuck neuv.
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no problem bro just go strong box some noblesse or tenacity look for the mainstats and win : D
chelds entire shtick is that he makes himself look pathetic every time. this one time when he was chasing the whale was about the only badass scene he ever had.
are we getting another Natlan teaser on friday? did it happen in 3.8?
they showed fontaine's main city, some fontaine environment and melusines in 3.8, the teaser with the characters was released shortly after
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Will Dawei prevail yet again?
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
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Here's to Natlan. May we both get what we want.
Holy fuck I'm only in Act 6 of the Theatre and the primo's are FLOWING.
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is this what furina is based on?
trust your eyes anon
Cheld was a wreck when we next saw him, while the whale was ANGRY.
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Just circle strafe around the room, he literally can't do anything about it.
It's such a badly designed boss.
>i couldnt give less of a shit about whats "good writing"
for some reason you all did in Inazuma
Are women the problem?
your Neuvillette?
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>Focalors is a 50000 IQ gigabrain genius that managed to trick the Heavenly Principles and subvert the prophecy everyone else has been failing to deal with for the past several thousand years
>pre-rewrite Hydro Archon was supposed to be a massive megalomaniac schizo and a tyrant
Maybe in the original drafts.
>I wish she went all out...
>Got his ass kicked anyway
Ngl this would be too funny for Genshin writing.
Mihoyo dick suckers. Sales posting ruined /gig/ forever
inazuma storyline was not fun. the only really fun bits of inazuma were encounters with raiden, otherwise it was more boring than the prison arc even.
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oh man I can't wait for the somehow celestia awoke
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Klee is really
A sudden wave of nostalgia just hit me right now and I remembered people legit were shitting themselves when they thought the first weekly boss of Fontaine was another Cheld fight.
Heh.... Good times...
Childe was disappointed, he wouldn't be if she actually put up a fight
I really expected them to show the battle on clorinde's patch but eh
When was the last time you took a bath /gig/?
Are you playing in co-op with randoms? They usually have it down pretty easily. Just make sure you have a ranged pyro of some kind to overload his turrets in phase two.
First phase
>start attacking make yourself feel better
>When Scara's attacks begin, prepare to grab energy cubes
>grab and then use them on the electro symbols, one cube for each symbol
>he's knocked out. Whoop his ass
>with some luck, you've hit phase 2.
Phase 2, Same sort of deal,
>reactions are helpful, but once you see the cubes grab them and prepare to use them at the right time (not when he's charging at you or about to teleport)
>the mini wheels he drops I'm pretty sure do drop cubes as well, use reactions
>hit him enough to break the shield
>Except one of you brought a ranged pyro character, shoot the shit out of the turrets
>hop up and punch him in his puppet face
There, a quick and dirty guide.
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What are the next IT elements?
buy her the witch skin now
Hydro, Cryo, Anemo
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>hu tummy
i unzipped
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>sumeru ends in a big dissapointing slop after many patches of 0 good content, too much shitty pretentious text and dehya being ruined, killing all my will to live
>fontaine 5.0 promises an interesting story
>it's ruined by meropide
>it doesn't get better next patch
>the goddess wasn't a goddess at all, the overpowered gary stu got even stronger
>celestia is right above their heads yet nothing of value comes from it, and even worse they pulled a sneaky on them literally under it's nose
>xianyun is boring as fuck but made plunging fun for a month, then back to irrelevancy
>chiori is shit
>arlecchino promises to be a great villain
>it's a fucking troon that wants to be called a father and killed her girlfriend's mom
>clorinde is shit
>game flops so bad in this year that the devs rush changes that should've arrive during the first year
>they're mostly half baked and need to be redone
>"le abyss gives le players le anxiety"
>they made new endgame because they got anxious about losing sales
>it's a glorified 2.0 fighting event
>not even fun enough to replay it
>easier than abyss so it's not even endgame
>next patch is filler with a yucka tier hag
>game is so irrelevant nowadays even leakers aren't doing it's job
My dissapointment is unmeasurable and my genshin year is ruined.
What are the chances that Natlan will fix anything? Or at least make the game enjoyable again for longer than 2 hours every other month?
freezeGODS assemble
You won't have to wait long, whatever the fuck the Fatui do to mess with the resurrection ritual is probably going to wake Celestia up.
>What are the chances that Natlan will fix anything?
Hah hah hah.
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They never confirmed what the fuck the shadow inside the whale is so for me it's still Childe
see >>484475035
Finally, time to build Rosa and Kaeya
cryo anemo hydro with navia as special guest
Murata will save genshin
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>inb4 it's geo, cryo and electro
>fontaine 5.0
stopped reading there cuz you clearly don't play the game
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i crave fischl sex
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Why does this not give artifact EXP potions like in Star Rail? Why do I not have the option to store artifact EXP when EXP potions already fucking exist in the game?
do you often forget how to breathe?
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>What are the chances that Natlan will fix anything?
obviously zero, you should have realize that at the lizard pokemons reveal
You now remember Childe will die in Fontaine.
You now remember Electro Childe will be released in Fontaine.
Because this isn't HSR, this is Genshin, and here we like to get fucked.
busted a fat nut to kirara
maybe it's time to pack up and leave man.
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>i stopped reading because it talks badly about my hoyo overlords and I can't retort against the truth
Why doesn't genshin have auto battles like star rail?
this most likely is the same thing as chelds foul legacy
>one cube for each symbol
Isn't it two?
just feed them into a junk 5* piece retarded nigger
They really need to answer this, when you fight the whale you don't see Childe either only when you defeat it almost as if he was the knight
would you play first person genshin?
You do realise you lose EXP by wasting them like that right?
>scaracat's fantasy story is likely what melusines see him and dottore as
What a weird use of foreshadowing
why just not feed those too 5 stars artifacts
why the extra steps?
find 1 (one) /gig/ger that unironically think chink writing is good
It probably is. I should have said one attack for each electro symbol. My bad.
>20% loss
who cares if your inventory is full you have more than enough EXP already stupid bitch
We've heard you schizos repeat that fontaine and sumeru flopped for over a year now, we got the memo now post some cunny or hags instead of being a complete faggot
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Are we rolling?
I will defeat Genshin.
I will kill Genshin.
>find 1 (one) /gig/ger that unironically think chink writing is good
>a literal fifth of every thread are discussing unironically about the writing, defending the writing or admiring the writing
Schizos really live in their own world
WOW I love being inconvenienced and wasting EXP for no fucking reason leveling trash pieces I *don't* want to level or use because asking for a basic fucking feature that exists in the company's other games is *greedy*. Dumb fucking bitch.
yeah, rolling out of fucks to give
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Reason 199 why you should have rolled for Pork
BOL domain is good because both sets 2pc is a +18% and can round out a lot of 2pc2pc sets.
it's not really that deep
Cheld is the "The Foul Legacy"
The Whale is the "The Foul Pet"
Surtalogi is "The Foul"
Don't know what Skirk's official title yet, probably "The Foul Concubine" or some shit.
your problem for being a luckshitter with trash artifacts bro, now go rope
I'd rather pull on standard than for this uggo
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We roll for actual hags here, shill. Be sure to send word back to your overlords we expect her to be taller than Zhongli.
>captcha: MY4GH
My 4storytall /Gig/a HAG
more like the foul stinky hag
Since you're such a good bottom bitch, bend over and take this dick. I'll give you 60 primogems. That's like what? 50 cents? Apparently that's more than enough to have you slobbering all over Fat Xiao's cock.
You are using the English translation which is wrong, foul legacy is in reality demon king or demon king armament, not a legacy
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>We've heard you schizos repeat that fontaine and sumeru flopped for over a year now, we got the memo
post akasha uid
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>disgusting ugly hag
when Natlan and chocolate cunny is almost here? lol no
>there are literally children living in the prison
Damn I knew the world quest had cater and the girl but I figured that was just ignoring the AQ
Wriothesley literally has kids stuck growing up in his giant shithole
Why would anyone want to pull this guy???
>projecting his homosexual fantasy
yup you need a break neuvbro
>The Foul Concubine
Massive kek.
both of these regions ruined the game beyond repair

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