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- This Week in WoW:


>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

Previous >>484373593
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Good OP. Concise, clean and with a good image.
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already said I couldn't make the thread cuz im in bed, I don't freak over someone else making the op
>teehee im going to bed
I've seen this trick before
I await your total meltdown
Nigger that's you
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>no u
good reply
I'll see you in an hour
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you do you, im in your walls
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Are you playing right now or taking a break between expansions? I actually started playing the civ games out of boredom for the first time ever but I'm thinking of playing wow again
I’m leveling alts I’ve never had the chance to inbetween playing the games I picked up on the summer sale
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since were spoiling
sitting in a shuffle que rn
mythic plus is literally putting me to sleep, doesnt help i cant get a real key atm
thinking about playing the elden ring dlc but i want to do a full playthrough since '22 and its kind of putting me off
my sub expired yesterday so i'm just gonna wait until at least prepatch to resub
Just doing sales and getting people their Fyrakk mounts, game is turbo dead at the moment
i miss dragonflight
He certainly will.
I report every blood elf death knight
i report you too, dw
All that accomplishes is pushing yourself down on the report trust ranking so your reports effectively get ignored.
Real thread.
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No, retard. Use this current thread.
terrible false flag
Next thread, friend. I'm going to bed soon. Tell me what you did in the game today. I'm curious.
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>I can be racist in this game
>astroturfs and pretends to falseflag so this thread hits bump limit faster
>will occasionally post in other thread so it doesn't 404
man get a life
fyi this post will get deleted but his off topic spam and avatarfagging won't
I install retail for MoP Remix right? Do I need to own Dragonflight as well? Last expansion I bought was Legion if that matters for Remix.
>teehee im in bed
>immediately tries to have a little false flag melty and flubs it
you're so predictable it's stupid.
>I install retail for MoP Remix right? Do I need to own Dragonflight as well
Install retail and no you dont need df
you just need a sub
if you decide you want to play tww all the expansions are included up to that i believe, dont quote me on that.
when your characters get moved after remix i would not be surprised if jewzard turns your characters into class trial style type things where you have to upgrade to log inm but i dont know desu
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>Choose violent options
>She ignores everything I've said and says we have to make peace with the dragonkin and listen to their feelings
Was this game ever an rpg? Have we ever had actual decisions matter? I heard you could switch factions or something similar in bfa but I didn't play that expansion
Not everyone you dislike is one person brother.
You're starting to sound like the stalker.
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>try to make friends in WoW
>try to make friends online
i guess my charisma is at an all time low and I'm really unlikeable plus it's my karma to be alone and pug mythic plus like a retarded loser with nothing better to do
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Pretty much no, never. There's never been any meaningful RPG choices in the game.
What happened in BFA is that you got the same outcome but through a different questline. Oh, and a toy cloak, I guess.
you're just a free spirit, embrace it

hmu on discord
just keep in mind that I'm extremely cringe
This. No one *actually* believes the "oooh it's actually multiple people and you can't prove that it's not, teehee!" bullshit.
You're a paranoid schizophrenic who is offended on behalf of someone else. I'm sorry you are like this but you can change.
Which race looks best in lock armor, Orc/UD/Troll/Tauren?
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I've been doing nothing but Archeology since Cata Pre-patch dropped, and used it for experience to 85, that netted me all the Archeolgy Cheevs, and every item so far, except the dwarf staff, and the vial of the sands recipe. I'm in the long run on getting those, so I'm just going to do lost relic of Argus to rng decide what continent I grind for 12 hours to try and get the last juicy pieces from the Dwarfs, Trolls, and Tol'vir

I haven't touched a single dungeon, or PVP event, and I've never had a comfier time playing this game. Just listen to tunes, flapping about, doing quests at 85 for max gold to pay for runes. No schedules, no expectations, just a big wide world of warcraft.
cool it with the racism, maye
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I'll play Mythic+ with you anon. Are you on NA servers?
Undead always look badass in Warlock gear.
>ghost reply
now say it without crying
That login music SLAPS holy
>5 fingers
Non-canon *kills you*
>enh dead
What do we think
that's really optimistic Iol

thanks guys but it's time for bed for me now. good night bros
its over.
G'night anon, take it easy.
>thread this dead
guess they really did abandon
I hate class discords
Things were much better when I could just click over to a forum in my web browser and read up on all the latest beta theorycrafting in a well organized thread that was moderated properly and kept clean and concise.
now you have to be in a million different discord servers, mute the 1000000 useless channels nobody uses so they get hidden from the menu, and then scroll through days of retards having retarded conversations about nothing in the hopes you can find the one person with an IQ above 10 that actually uses the server for its purpose.
OG is killing us, no doubt about that.
But see
The return of the glory days is coming...
Did you cheer for the tranny?
Try figuring things on your own, it's fun
This black elf bitch is my new favorite character in the franchise.
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keep melting for me mmmm it's delicious
>add dwarven focus to the plot
>gay shit dei ceases
hell yeah
I just use archon to see what builds people are running and try them out.
Loving the meltdown. Take the L
the fuck you talking about? faerin loktar is badass
i just look at the top ten on rio for gear/build and read a top log if i feel like im not performing where i ought to be
see you when you reset your router, futafag
you mean like you just did?
not who you think I am, sorry paranoid schizophrenic xx
>nyoooo im totally a different person
keep posting on cooldown for me
get your phone out too, assuming you didnt get it rangebanned again.
My man. Reading guides won't help, watch what top players do and copy that
From gear to talents to cd usage
That's how you learn to master your class
Now learning when to use what is where it's about skill expression, because it's very situational
You're so transparent, maye. Your avatar ring stopped the moment you needed to focus attention onto me. Xx
you are so fucking dumb nigga
you're literally dancing like a puppet on my strings, going through the exact same meltdown you do every time.
Dance for me.
>replaced the er with an a.
oh no...
You mad whiteboy?
>i am the puppet mastah!
>indirect seethe
Haoni... got more?
>1 filtered post
who could it be???
>x filtered post
yeah that's a skip
She's fine in game and that's all that matters
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Genuinely surprised it's that few. I've got half the thread as stubs
Reminder that this is in no way the last we have seen of the Emerald Dream, just a small ordered part of it
holy shit actual magni's back?
I honestly didn't expec tthat desu
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>another expack where blizz forgets about worgen completely again
I would be sad, but then I remember the last time they tried to give worgen content and I just go back to writing my own fanfic
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of course, i have a massive folder of fem pandas, but i don't wanna get banned
They can continue to ignore worgen until they get actual writers again (so never)
Worgen weren't even relevant in the expansion they became playable. They're more throwaway than Pandas.
>another expack where blizz forgets about worgen completely again
you got your fucking city back, a new mog and a mount (all was fucking horrible but that's what you get out of blizz)
I hope that Genn shows up again at some point in TWW
Why would you get banned, we all appreciate thicc fempandass
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You are avatarposting for like 16 hours now. Literally get away from here you sick freak.
Sounds like we need more worgs
I wouldn't mind..
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>Why would you get banned, we all appreciate thicc fempandass
depends of the mod i guess, anyway, more pandas

and worg
I'll carry you through m+ and pretend to be your friend if you gift me tww deluxe edition and 2 years of gametime
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Who on earth are you quoting
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Its better if they don't produce any worgen content.
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Why, you didn't like how the worgen saved gilneas from the random scarlet crusade invasion with your new best friends, the undead?
maybe you want another fox mount?
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That's pretty much what I said, and the problem is, you're completely correct
>furfags out in full force
Bet that anon was telling the truth when he said they're all part of the same cringe group.
Yeah but the counterpoint of that is that roleplaying also means you have to subject yourself to other people's retarded headcanons
Wtf is wrong with these two?
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No guys Worgen are bad because bad rpers. Post trolls.
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Ahhh Gilneas.... home.....
Show us your headcanon.
Didn't get enough attention with his human posts
They can't write for shit in general, and everything they wrote for the reclamation was them at their absolute worst.
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The good part about roleplaying is that you get to choose who you interact with. Just ignore the cringe "dark ranger" and act like they do not exist; similar to how you would ignore a normie non-roleplayer trying to interact with you.
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Having to comprehend other people's dogshit forum-tier roleplay and headcanon is the worst part about RP.
very nice bow
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This is a good point however from my experience some people have explosive meltdowns when they are not accepted into your roleplay.
What's wrong with someone pretending they are a dark ranger again?
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I warned you.
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My headcanon is that worgens still have the fucked up snarl
My headcanon is that you're all stupid and I'm the smartest, strongest, bestest hero of Azeroth.
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Let them make a fool of themselves. It reflects poorly on them, not you.
Undead abominations are not, and will never be tolerated in the middle of Stormwind. They are typically played by children and/or Horde shitters whose faction is completely dead in terms of roleplay. They not like us.
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>and everything they wrote for the reclamation was them at their absolute worst.
That story was heartbreaking levels of bad.
I really hate how bliz never give something for the pandaren but desu is for the best, they really suck.
I'm sure your futa roleplay is leagues ahead
Don't you have a death knight who hangs around in stormwind?
t. Demon Hunter
I'm roleplaying as a keystone player during push week
that means I will be flaking on all my promises and hiding away in my 5-mans private discord 16 hours per day.
A human could fir in to his mouth.
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I completely agree. :^)
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The story of Pandaria may only be recounted by Lorewalkers and their kin. Will they remember my exploits? My sacrifices? The war I fought to keep them safe? Hmph. Let them forget me. My actions will speak louder than their words ever could. Pandaria itself will be my legacy. Let my death earn it another ten thousand years of peace and tranquility! That is how I will be remembered. Let my name be lost to time, along with those who would seek to destroy our blessed homeland. Oblivion awaits, I am prepared to face it.
I wonder how many vulpera he could fit in there haha
Having to read your dogshit abhorrent mentally ill ramblings every day while looking at that disgusting troon character is worse.
>Oblivion awaits
enjoy maldraxxus nigga
If only there was a way to just not do that.
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>Death Knights staying in Orgrimmar/Stormwind in-character
You rp a futa with a foot fetish on every toon you make. Pipe down retard.
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Who could pine in there, though
Or oak
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>still 2 more years till midnight kino
I don't think I'm going to make it bros...
Well nothing, I'm not fucking sorry I like elf feet
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It's not odd. It's the natural way of things as how they should be. Elf feet are overwhelmingly based.
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Would've made more sense if it said Worgen/Vulpera
alright but why are male vulpera on there
male vulpera have far better paws than the females
why does everyone itt beat off over midnight so much
Well they devolved from Trolls who don't wear shoes, so ingrained in their genealogy.
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Pandas are better, it's the reason Blizzard covers them up.
This picture just earned pandas up a tier or two in the next update.
>get whispered by someone named pawjob
alright who manifested this?
cooler theme and setting than underground troon dwarves
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Heeeey, I don't remember posting that.
But it is my image, even if the filename doesn't match... Guess I think Worgen are bad now.

It's true. They have slightly more detail in their paws.
Me, sorry
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do we have enough pedo avatarfags to fill this image for the next general OP?
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Is anyone even supposed to know what this is?
certified lover boy, certified pedophile post
Are people actually excited for tww? Doesn't it just look like dragonflight 1.5?
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>"I can't explain why its supposed to be funny so you're a pedophile."
legitimate single digit IQ retard who cant even use google search

typical avatartranny
>"Google a random building!"
Okay sperg.
>reverse image search it
>some negro music
absolutely awful
hes saying that m*ye and toughpaw are feds
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Does this work on anyone anymore?
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I have attained Keystone Hero. Maybe I can stop running M+ now.
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I think it's time to dog out...
or cat out??
it's murlok
murloc links to some browser hijacker addon bullshit
Well thanks for murlok.io then
>sometimes closing a window closes your bags
>sometimes it doesn't
Driving my autism nuts
the sword tooltip lied
they didnt even rizz up darkhans model
new to hunter, if im playing marksman spec do i need to take lone wolf and play without a pet? a lot of damage seems to be tied up in lone wolf and the 2 point talent directly under it

but i like having my animal buddy
Lone wolf is getting nerfed to 5% in TWW so it won't be as much of a dps loss to have a pet out
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>This can happen up to 3 times.
3 times what? per fight?
Someone wrote this and thought it was clear?
>happens one time
>if they aren't dead it happens again
>if they aren't dead it happens again
>cannot happen again
how is this not clear? Are you autistic?
>this mob will die
>it won't kill him btw but it can die three times!
Yeah perfectly clear
Dog in, cat out.
bosses are immune to death effects chuddy
it's a catch for an edge case where some retard actually uses that trinket outside of a dungeon
>grinded m+ last week for vault
>came into the conclusion that why should i even bother since it's less than 30 day until the prepatch hits
>didn't do any m+ this week
>todays vault is empty
time spent better, no regrets for no real improvement
here's your playable nerubians
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forgot the pic lol
Per proc, buffoon
Use your brain, if it's still working at all up there
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Goat Gang.
Imagine how wet they would get. With dragon saliva.
I'd put my penis in this thing's cecum
I'm going to get this soon. Just failed a +9 nelt.
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How is there still no flying mount that is just magically running through the air
I dont give a fuck about new races I just want all races for each faction or make factions not matter. Anyone who thinks having 6 alive servers with 3 being 99% horde and 3 being 99% ally in every version of the game is based is fucking coping.
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just b urself.
the self in question.
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good morning this thread is fucking terrible
why the fuck have we reverted to fetish and furry posting
in tbc classic you could drink a nog on druid and use the skelly as your flight form
was actually kino
all the pretenders are playing the new xiv slop so furry and fetish posting is the only way to keep this thread "alive"
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Worgposting is the fundamental truth that belongs at the core of all things WoW
You'd be better served asking why we ever gravitated away from posting worgs.
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goat on the right looks unwell
what about playable nubians
nice falseflagging xivie
wish the schizo would gear back up and stir up 200 posts worth of drama again
its more entertaining than furshit at least
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i was referring to these two furry posts >>484470932 >>484470661 specifically
maybe i should become a pretender so i don't have to witness the absolute state
rabi has infected so many generals across the board, if you must know i stole that one (and the others i posted at the start of the thread) from /twg/
i dont like xiv at all because it simply does not appeal to me
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>i was referring to these two furry posts
Well, I don't have any explanation for footfags or foxfags, I'm sorry. They're just broken, that's all I've got for you

What the fuck is this penis music lmao
actual living under a rock knuckle dragging retards. How on earth even if you hate niggers and nigger music have you not heard the most popular song which is about accusing one of the most popular artists of being a pedo. Do you just listen to video game music or something?
I hate taylor swift and avoid her music but I still know she is notorious for breaking up and making songs about it.
sounds good
we'll get the longer version at prepatch, cant wait sister
>being an unironic normalfag
>have you not heard the most popular song which is about accusing one of the most popular artists of being a pedo.
because we have to deal with a pedo of our own itt
you are too far gone, you think just being vaguely aware of what happens outside makes you a normalfag. Ill take it you only communicate here and only listen to videogame music.
>sounds good
good joke
Music actually sounds nice though oddly viking-ish.
That log in screen though is truly awful.
nice try doomer.
back to wuk lamat, bitch.
>How on earth even if you hate niggers and nigger music have you not heard the most popular song which is about
Why the fuck would I be listening to music I don't care to listen to, regardless of whether its "the most popular song"?
You know you don't HAVE to do things just because faggots enjoy it, right?
I watched some videos of Wuk Lamat and I like its voice. I like it's face, too. I like it's masculine proportions. I think it's a man. He can be my bro.
he's probably some thirdie who has to take public transit and listen to other people's shit music
Says the eternally online avatartroon
Imagine a dragon slurping up vulpera like this:
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this includes futa btw
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>Ret paladin
>music 6/10
>login screen 1/10
No i don't think i will

Maybe because of people like you that constantly post off topic, hmm? Your picture isn't related to WoW, is it? Theirs are.
the state of the thread in my absence is not caused by me
Yeah actually it is, unless you're stating that upbringing or surroundings has nothing to do with peoples behavior going forward, which would be quite wrong!
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Leftist really shit up every beloved fantasy IP imaginable and then think to themselves "why are so many people support project 2025?" the lack of insight is startling. Should have left gaming (and especially WoW/FF) alone.
bad bait
i suppose youre right that i am right to blame the footfags and furries for my behaviours
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Do we know if this is a pvp or raid recolor yet?
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Why, its bad
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I don't think any of them have said anything like that, actually
Get farted on, nerd.
Never should of come here
Sounds good imo. Longer version should be closer to release. I like it
stay gay
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I think I will gank Moon Guard's pristine inn, Goldshart, today.
man, the drums of war never get old. fuck
nobody plays the game right now because of nothing to do and waiting for the pre-patch
Dead game...
Who's 'nobody'?
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Shaman status?
Yinz guys excited 'bout sod phase 4 in 8 days?
yes and no, like the game cycle is at a point where it's just a waste of time to grind anything
i started playing this exp in season 4 and i did everything on my main, finished all in remix, now forcing myself to play would be just an instant burn out (already have a minor one as if i log on i just run around in a circle around valdraken for a minute and log off)
asmon said phase 4 is bad so no
dragonflight may be gay and cringe but valdrakken shits all over TWW main hub.
no one asked if you're playing 24/7 schizo
Dornogal is cool too wtf are you smoking
I refuse to believe anything can ever be as shit as Oribos or the Horde city in BFA
Oribos is the best city this game has ever seen.
>Oribos is the best city this game has ever seen.
no oribos is fucking shit, everytime i have to go back there to do something i fucking want to kill myself
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Please be joking. I FUCKING BEG YOU
Alright explain to me why it is shit.
It's an uninteresting fucking circle with the exact same scenery everywhere you go.
You cannot fly and every area looks the same.
Just like Ironforge right?
dunno man mazerats keep grinding and it seems they are part of the shit quality of the thread
>no flying
>a literal circle with 2 floors
>flying anywhere from there takes forever, if you want to go to a different zone you have to go zone -> oribos -> zone
>color scheme is literally just bronze and gray
>no flying
Flying was a mistake.
you can't even run anywhere from there you retard
go play classic if you want to run around you shitter
I don't care for Ironforge either, but each section of Ironforge at least looks very different to each other, both in whats there and colouration. You can get the impression the Dwarfs are living in a proper mountainous city with each section clearly indicating its purpose.
>Paladins are even more like Warriors now
Why is there always people in Oribos?
I would take this over the retarded horse.
bots or people doing stuff from the older content
Ironforge had different themes in each zone.
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It's where all the cool people hang out.
People farming SL mogs.
Ele rework is meh. One trick high pushers will do good aoe but severely fall behind on ST. You will never get a raid spot in a serious guild.

Enhance is shit.

Resto is still a numbers game. Healing in raids is still very unfun and cloudburst is terrible. You have lots of mana issues and you suck at spot healing. They basically gave you some DF tier set bonuses as talents. If the numbers are OK, you will be able to get a raid spot.
Best city.
how much onions did you have to consume that you think flying ruined the game
knowing my luck resto will be poopy shart.
There is always some amount of people in every capital
Engineers still get a free port to Oribos.
If you compare Oribos with Ironforge, then you're a fucking retard, period.
SL has some of the best mounts and mogs. Meta cheevo is hard to get, but the mount is really sought after.
Retarded and dellusional classifags.
>I don't want to run!
>I want to fly but I want to do the flying myself!
Fucking princess generation.
Huh? Whenever I go to Oribos I can find maybe ONE afk dude and that's it.



Any new Jaina slop?
Post Oribos right now.
>avg. classicfag own fart smeller reading comprehension
just go back to your own general again
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Only thing that sucks about TWW is that it has flying right from the beginning.
Eat your own shit and choke on it retard.
They announced 3 expansions at the same time. Anyone who expected the quality to go UP is on some mega copium.
i actually enjoy this a lot, why are you hating it lol
mazed + and parsing killed wow
I have no idea what they were smoking when they made this.
That's why i rerolled to holy priest. Easy to get spot even if numbers are shit. I am not really happy with holy in dungeons, but I won't do anything except 4x Necrotic Wake for vault each week so I won't deal with TWW dungeons except the first week. I hope you get some love shaman bro
classshitter exposed again and seething
>bad thing is bad
>good thing is good
this is every fucking post. can you discord trannies please get some new material?
>expecting anything else from the "OH NO NO AHAHA" shitposter
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true, also mythic raiding
>turns out SL has actual content
>DF only offers maze+ with horrible dungeons and disgusting raids
>people actually doing maw dailies instead of maze+

Shadowlands chads, I kneel
Are the discord trannies in the room with us right now, schizo?
I hate Turalyon
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bad player cope
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>euros wake up
>thread quality increases drastically
>erp fetishfagging and furfagging grinds to a halt
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Literally the only reason i'm still here.
The Jailer saved the game but they got rid of him...
>Howlahs guild had a streamer in it named Thiji who would try his luck with every artist to get his rp fantasies drawn with other OC's without their consent after they denied him ERP
Furry guilds, never do it.
Sneedolands has no content, everyone rather play Slopmix instead until they get all the things they want
Arena rating is inflated out the ass right now
Gonna try and climb before season end
>Sneedolands has no content
Look, a shitter! HAHAHAHAHA
brown hands typed this post
brown hands typed this post
I am a woman
most of wow players are brown retard
woman love turalyon
Post yfw you aren't a maxed rat cuck
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this sounds like the average dawntrail thread on /v/
chud hands typed this post
fuck I made a typo my post is ruined
9.0 had more content than dagonflight as a whole has. the problem with sl was the quality of the patches
>mazecuck is an archiveschizo
im behind you, rat
Shadowlands was good.
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>mazecuck is also a mazecuck in a different maze
god i wish i were my dracthyr
it really does feel like it's synthesized and not actually made with an actual orchestra
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I may be a chud, but you will never be a woman
go to bed american you need your "beauty" sleep for your cheese hunting tomorrow rat hahahaha stupid shqipir
Last thread was pretty good, but this one is tainted by certain posters and lots of falseflagging. Sad.
Oh well, EU hours begin, time to once more talk about the game and save the thread for a few 200-300 posts or so.
god I wish you were my personal dracthyr
do not be too excited, certain american posters are NEET and will stay up until 10am their time before saying goodnight and then they will shit up the thread for another hour or two after saying that
Just don't do it. Do the simplest dungeon on repeat for vault and don't touch mythic raids. It's literally that simple and you'll have fun.
*farts and shits pants a little*
The last thread was also full of false flagging by certain posters.
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now this is wow related
Da log
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World of Emasculation: The Future is Female
her books were unironically good THO
The Woman Within
post logs
>Doomtroon doesn't keep up with the news
oh no no no no no
For all its faults, sl has very nice mogs mounts and pets
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I got someone's old Jainaslop if that helps
What makes you guy so certain it will be kino? Is it just cope, because TWW will be mid, or did they actually drop any new info?
I like this a lot, I don't understand your problem with it.
Probably because 1 elves 2 it takes place in the old world, so that means QT/EK and other parts will be updated and 3 they said during interviews that midnight's features will knock players socks off
I'm still looking forward to tww, looks great so far and if we also get goblin kino as datamined, it would make a 10/10 expansion for me
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post it
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this is peak
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You're the best poster itt
Very true my friend, I am sadly very aware of this. Maybe we can take solace in the times the threads do go smoothly.
I think 'full' is an over-exageration!
kino... pvre kino...
With a collar on.

>just failed a +8 uldaman
How does it keep happening
computer.... pull up the screenshots of the WoW dev that hates white men
cringe nigger tiktok dance
>expansion split into three different patches
>"patch 11.1 is going to be kino guys!"
They are willing to say anything at this point to keep remaining players in for two more years when the product is going to be mid at best.
TWW is basically just 70-80% empty space just because of dragonriding requires so much open area to be used.
MIDnight is just two smaller old zones so you can obviously see the updates instantly because how tiny the area is compared to TWW.
Considering the amount of avatarfagging by the pedotranny gang

Yes, they are

>dh gets slutmog
>other leathers get fucked

>just failed a +9 AV on first boss
How does it keep happening
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total goontroon death
which tank is fun? the monk one looks the most interesting
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>Play frost dk
>Mog is blue
what did futapedo mean by this?
shut up Howlah
Why avatarfagging furrytroons are like this
The most based retard this thread has seen in years
He refuses to come online anymore, he only plays tekken
>saves image because he totally hates them
bro it's playing a belf
fatherless behavior
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Never forget she is the reason why Baine is such a faggot.
well she got the boot. good riddance.
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>everyone i don't like is some 'Howlah' person
many such cases for our resident schizo avatartroon futapedo!!!

>This is a terrible map and a terrible idea for a map
>I don't know what the fuck they were doing with this
>looks unfinished

This can't be the final map, right?
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Surprised about the husband.
Not surprised about the cats.
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Good night /wowg/.
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Picture of her husband
mazecucks don't care about the map, all they do is sit in the capital applying for keys then getting summoned before returning to capital after the key to afk and apply for more keys
This is the person spamming wowg with pics of its ugly chars. Makes total sense.
Good night chu~
Even mythic raiders have more dignity than maze rats at this point.
>Immediately falseflags orochi after "going to bed"
>teehee im going to bed
I've seen this trick before
I await your total meltdown
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posting some chemo after NA hours.
thank you doctor
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thank you doctor
Wake up, anon. She was fired.
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>no male orc fury warrior to abuse me cross-faction
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Never seen it pointed out before but the two pandaren NPCs you meet in the Wandering Isle look identical. I know Blizzard are lazy sometimes but wow. These two NPCs spent a considerable amount of time standing right next to each other, and not a single Blizzard dev thought to themselves that maybe they look too similar - identical, in fact - and maybe they should change one of them?

Bunch of hacks.
Nah as you can see the dude on the right has bushier eyebrows unlike ji
>Mazecucks are just waiting for a new expansion so they can run new keys non-stop
Now this is a sad reality.
zamn that's crazy
i will do it
What's the name of the law according to which the closer you get from finishing casting a channeled spell in the outdoor, the higher the chance of aggroing the nearest mob becomes?
>new keys
brother they are excited to run the same old expac dungeons as keys that they have been doing for years now
tseric's law
That's even more sad.
vulpera, world of warcraft, persian, from behind, kneeling, high-skirt, tank-top, kneesocks, abstract background, paladin/priest, white fur, thick thighs, white ears, hood, robes, cute male, large ears, fennec ears, high quality, 4k render


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I know that specific video is about the world map and not the zone maps, but I am genuinely surprised at just how bare the zone maps are. You might say it is because the TWW zones are specifically designed to feel open and explorable, but Outland and Northrend zones did that while still having lots of villages and forts and other settlements.
hold on nigga, are you arguing that blade's edge mountains is a better zone than the whatshername on the right?
why not vanilla remix?
Blade's edge mountains is obviously much better zone anon.
There is no Vanilla Azeroth, it was replaced with Cata shit
People say asch-urrr vaults and I say a zoo-ur
What the hell happened to this guy?
he was consistently trolled on the forums until he had a meltdown and quit
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>Blade's edge mountains is obviously much better zone anon.
the one upside of blizzard ignoring feedback from everybody but world first sweats is that they also ignore people like you

>ignore normal people feedback
This is why WoW will never grow again.
I got dat orinoco flow.
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can you explain what's wrong instead of linking grifters?
he got bus shocked
>PvE players are fucking miserable all the time
>Regularly stop playing and treat the game as seasonable
>PvP GODS actually enjoy the game and actually play it
I resub for 1 month every season, get 2500, then log off
PvP is dead and doomed.
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I think it's pretty weird that everytime certain anons 1:1 copy the ffxiv op layout the same anons immediately post "now this is a good thread"
Is it some ffxiv refugee's or something?
Even removed the "general resources" part to make it look closer to the xiv general. Pretty weird thing to do. There's a lot of fighting about and in wowg....
pvp is in the worst state it's ever been since the games inception

What set is this?
sunwell set i think
>the same anons immediately post "now this is a good thread"
those "anons" will say any thread is a good thread provided the op doesn't tell people to report and ignore avatarfagging
Oh boy time for another meltdown from our favorite schizophrenic faggot!
So much for going to bed kek
Ohhhh, I gotcha. Maybe it is them then. I prefer the normal op we have but I don't really care either way, I just think it's weird how sometimes it's trying to become a replica of the ffxiv one as if that is somehow "good"
>Enhance is shit.
Enhance is fine. Crybaby.
I hate that I'm forced to play this game
born to raid, forced to wipe
>I'm forced to play this game
i aint playing until the new expansion hits, my sub should be renewed today but i cancelled it
OK I'm really going to bed this time. But don't talk about me or I WILL reply.
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Here's what I have to add to this thread.
Da log has been dropped.
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that's not bugsnax
How did you find my video?
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I've just figured out what my evoker's name will be.
rip bozo

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