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>Run Energy Changes

>Colosseum NPC Clickboxes & More

>New Slayer Boss - The Araxyte

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous: >>484377075
is that you in the picture?
its a nice op
how do you kill the bulwark ppl at revs?
juiceb0x private open but im muted
D333cay post ass.
get better gear to do more dps
d333cay has a big ass
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is d333cay built like mewtwo? i had a goth baddie that loved mtg that broke my heart that looked like mewtwo. i will never fully recover.
more like snorlax cankle bitch lol
just freeze them
oooh i dont have cankles i do not
why did troons have to ruin gdq with there shit. not the politics but just making everyone so scared for making jokes. i tused to be funny and now its so sterile
lmao troon BTFO
i got kwuarm grime in my hair x_x
why would a biofem willingly move closer to an autist? seems AI generated
im a transgender f2p uim
>how i react to thread trannies
>how i react to d33cay
i need you so bad
go spam pick nettles (without gloves on)
the guy gestured her closer she was going to sit a seat away
she seems a little autistic too most people that go there are
omg me too he makes me feel so special u.u
why would i need proof it rapes osrs
the amount of sexual tension in these threads is getting a bit too high and it's making me very uncomfortable i come here to discuss old school runescape not play third wheel to you lovebirds cut it out or i will be taking my leave
there is no sexual tension theres a weird old man and two strange freaks
im sorry im only attracted to people who play runescape so this is the only place i can find a lover
When are they releasing the kissing skill? Going to train that with a osg
what do you expect when trannys are around? they're perverted freaks that ruin everything
sorry i fucked the trannies mom and left them so thats why they have no good father figure in their lives
ill talk about oldschool runescape with you what do you want to talk about
this general is men larping as trannies it's not the same
im a girl and i play a crazy little video game called old school runescape
why do gargoyles print money? it can’t help inflation i’ve made like a mil this task
idk lil bro i've heard some of the voocaros and some of them sound like trannies or fags.
ummmm im not trans im bisexual we have a flower crown in osrs silly boys
don't call me lil bro i mog the fuck out of you
im a gay man and im slaying basilisk knights

what's you're excuse chud?
im a real tranny that pretends to be a boy for attention
anyone with a cute geeky twink voice want to post a vocaroo?
post your rune stats lil guy
are you a runes cape run escape or a rune scape
hi im a boy
>real tranny
you are a boy, unless you are FTM tranny then okay.
anyone want to lay their head on my chest while we watch anime and play osrs on our laptop/phone and i read /osg/ posts to you as we giggle and discuss them and we occasionally type up replies together :>
Same except I play RS3 and pso2.
why are you even here go shit up rsg
i want this so bad yeah >.<
im more of a head in lap type of girl but that sounds nice too
yes but not if ur a troon
when I make my potions I put the whole herb in, grime and all
Cause I just started old runescape also but I don't know what I'm doing
okay well. check the wiki
im going out for a cigarette break, i wish i had someone to keep me company out in the cold that i could talk about runescape with while we share a cig and lean on eachother, brb
your toon is going to get salmonella
cuddling with a osg anon
if you're not a smoker i dont want you either
do i have a twink voice https://voca.ro/17aVzTeSHiST
i do not like jaycutie needy arc dont you have like 8 girlfriends you can talk to about this
ok & im a man (male)
absolutely disgusting kys you stinky subhuman
im straight edge
is tht actually how americans say iron or are you doing a little joke
need me a boy to yap to me about his interests like this frfr
goddamn stop yapping bitch
idk im not american
why did she leave me? i was a good guy and told her i wanted a future together. she wanted someone to use and abuse her and i like ot think i wrecked that pussy up but ig that wasnt enough. i played my hand telling her i only wanted her she wanted to have to compete for love like a broken women. i have to move on
are you the vocaroo anon? is the vocaroo anon canadian? if canadian please replace the word "american" with "canadian" in my original question and then answer the question
what flavour of european are you
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not really twink-sounding but you're yappy which is pretty cute
ok i get it i'm yappy i like to talk about my interests sue me

you made one of these getting a dragon defender a few months ago i remember
thats not how you said it but thats fine i hope you have fun doing whatver youre doing vocaroo too long
how do i x log out?
hit hte x
who are you talking to use the reply function
she was talking to me and im ignoring her
i have 1 girlfriend and she's asleep :c, and im not being needy i think im just yearning
i dont want to get too ahead of myself but i might complete an osrs goal tonight
my cannonballs are ready
ideal male voice
how come the bone sack doesn't store bones
its just one clue after another in this bitch of a game
That would be too OP when combined with bonecrusher necklace and redemption prayer, we’ll never get micro-prayer restore
i mean id assume you could only withdraw from a bank like every other storage item in the game
prayer regen potions are going to be 20 minutes of prayer per dose
what a truly amazing video it brought a tear to my eye this is the most soulful video ive watched in years holy fuck im tearing up
was catchy at first then it went on too long and sounded retarded so I closed it
thank you ece emery this motivated me through killing a hellhound and receiving an elite casket
there goes d333cay shitting on women again
i wouldnt say anything bad about ece how dare you
are the allegations of you having a big butt true?
idk you tell me
where do i find an rsgf like this
rufus needs to stop leaving his shop zoja and svetlana are in here and hes just outside not manning the till
you have to give me something to go off of first babe
d333cay always shows her true colors when other women are given attention
dont leave
its my fault
bababababa i neeeeed
i went to big butt town and nobody knew you...
>ece emery's last upload was 5+ years ago
where did the time go bros
i dont have 90+ in every skill yet
please wish my cat good health she had a kitty cold rn and is making a good recovery
juiceb0x cat i wish you well juiceb0x i wish you ill
when i google "puzzle box" it should show me osrs puzzle box i have in my inventory at time of searching
as for me i solve puzzle boxes without a guide or picture reference
i cant do that i have adhd and you re bieng extremely ableist
i appreciate the wel wishes for my kitter but i dislike th eill wishes towrads me. she has started to make a good recovery
yeah you would dislike that wouldnt you. typical.
there should be a reward for hitting 200m in a skill its a great achivement that goes unrewarded
they should not reward mental illness
unironically i wante 200m capes to go to 120 idk if retards dont want it
maybe you could set up a twitter bot similar to the hcim death one that would post the username of any new 200m and maybe a congratulatory gif
as for me i i tick perfectly arrange the puzzle box into its image with my eyes closed im a UIT (Ultimate IronTroon) btw
top kek
mods she used a wow word mods help
i like this idea its really cute i think there would be a lot of cooking bots though :\

i think 200m in some skills isn't mental illness. i can see someone really enjoying barb fishing or seppy or hunter. something like 200m construction is a lil insane though i wont lie
feel very sleepy but if i go to sleep now ill miss my cbt telling me to go outside im fishing amethyst
im cooking :3c
dawntrail was fucking dogshit. guess i'm back to grinding out slayer
i got some very interesting cloggables i got a rune cane and nunchaku (thats japanese for nunchucks)
post a pic
fremennik trials is a very long quest
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ive gotten 4 in less than 400 kills why do i have luck here and not at basilisk knights????? why has god forsaken me? why do women not like me? i am a broken man
why are there so many women here wtf
bondie posted a 300k drop titled ez money NAH NAHHHHH im actually dead
you're a bondie just buy the jaw and stop doing knights
bluds out here doin brine rats
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im saving up my points for a herb sack i dont want to do tithe farm
i do all my pvm on slayer so i doubt jaw would be good man like im just here so i dont get fined
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this is the music that plays when my toon is in toa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzl3bSM1H4o
i hope you escape toa soon that place freaking stinks!!
drank too many grape pops now my stomach hurts and mouth feels weird
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im gonna cum
you shouldnt drink pop its extremely unhealthy and bad for your teeth
it sound like naruto
i have a tooth growing out of the roof of my mouth
quiet bitch grape pop is good for you everyone knows grapes are healthy
whats the fastest way back to anglers im not a clown so i dont like juggling clues
ok now you shut your dumbass mouth stupid bitch grapes arent the smae as grape pop first of all pop has 3x the amount of sugar and none of the fibre so you're basically drinking liquid sugar which is very bad for your liver
the fishing cape should have a teleport to anglers
Waif coded
Definitely bpd
you can't tell if someone is bpd by a 3 second voice clip..
if theres anything osg knows about its girls im not sure
actually grape pop has 0 sugar so its probably even healthier than grapes if you think about it
i just keep the book equiped and you can menu entry swap the book and just click on it and run north
ive always been scared of using the book because it said it had limited charges
cute and girlbrained
everyone in osg wants to sniff a hairy female ass i mean i dont think they speak to women like ever
Someone answer me
whatr does this mean
the void >>484468683
? her last upload was in 2018 which was 2 years ago
what's wrong with that d333cay encouraged it
god i want trans wo men
i want to eat ass but i'm worried she might shit in my mouth
Why did you say this?
i dont think thats what it actually means my anon
i love eating ass and have never had this thought. just have good communication lmao
its here lads
cis white man thumbnail not clicking
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holy shit my lcan is working out this dudes marriage problems
she was a fortnite girl
he was an runey boy
could i make it anymore obvious
Tombs of Amascut or God of War
stop posting gifs annoying reddit bitch
why, is it loading slowly for you its loading slowly for me
>he is so poor his computer cant load 200 kb gifs
the gif loads fine its just actually quite cringe to post gifs thats why youre the only one doing it
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shut up yappy slow bitch how about i load this clip GRATATA
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you mean this magazine
you just know
what a beautiful webm eala and it looks like lovely weather at anglers today
runescape has no weather.....
i wish i could make it rainy in runescape i love rain soo much
it has climates though and theres going to be a shader update that will show off all the beautiful climates
i believe there is a plugin i dont know whether you can request rain in it though
theres a weather plugin but it stinks if im being honest with you
thanks for being honest thats a good quality
eala i just wanted to let you know that i cant fish on your world but im fishing with you in spirit kind regards
have you entered your weight loss arc yet jay
d333cay total lvl mogged
what world ill fish with you
How about i knock you up d
oh are you guys fishin anglers i wanna join, i need something afk to do on my iron while i woodcut on my uim
yes maam
just had sex
yes we moved to w464 some chud followed us
threadgirls L
chud fisher W
what was the chud saying
gay shit
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oh you know the usual we saw him get a frog event and he was soo mad he was turning red lol chud got owned by a frog
lol x3
is 800m a lot of gp to make for 6 months of daily play
4.5mil a day isnt a lot depending on what youre doing
as long as your consistent not really
mostly slayer, cba with raids unless its with friends
D333cay do u gym
of course she does you don't get that figure on anchovy toast alone
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she finished a goal osrs yayy
gz enjoy barrows
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she obviously doesn't lol don't listen to her cumguzzling simps
picrel is what a girl that goes to the gym looks like
no this is what a girl on t and roids looks like cute girls go to the gym to get nice figures
do you think zoepancakes likes to strangle boys like me
that girl has lower bodyfat than me which is more of a genetics and to a lesser extent diet thing
i wish i could go to the gym but my leg injuries hurt pretty bad
cope. this is peak female physique, nobody wants a girl with plumpy stomach
Who is she
nuh uh
it's almost exclusively diet
Gz lil anime

I hope you heal up lil anime
i could starve myself and not look like that because its not how im built but you would already understand that if you werent retarded so i wont be spending any more time on it
my heart belongs to esskayuwu
don't compare yourself to her babe. At least you aren't asking for advice on how to farm simps on twitch
you're full of it i mean sure you wouldn't have her frame but that has nothing to do with body fat percentage once again you don't know what you're talking about
Whats your height.
go shitpost in fit retard
u.u its something i need to go to physical therapy for but i'd rather sit at my desk all day playing runescape instead of going through that pain, ily tho it makes me happy to be called a lil anime
post thighs i love a good thick girl
i accept your concession
you dont ask a girl her weight stupid retard
ok i was having fun bamboozling in the wildy but then i got bamboozled one too many times and now i hate the wilderness and will never be going back there again
your body is beautiful and natural and thats ok
fat bitch lol
think about it, you guys are simping for a fat cranky bitch who fucks chad every night
U got ur just desserts lil anime

U should heal up, make a little effortz you are worth it lil anime
nobody gets any desserts as long as ece is around haha
dont call herthat im sure she has a thyroid disease or something ad is beatuiul. post tmmy so i cna se ehow thck u r
Hey man. Don't spread anymore raw hard facts around here anymore, k? It won't be good for you, ya heard me?
Wtf happened to the price of stam pots?
Best uses for soulreaper besides bh and vardorvis?
im simping for a nice beautiful pure runey toon
idk panic sell for energy changes or panic buy for energy changes im an ironman i do not concern myself with the invisible hand of the market
as a twink i dont fw fatties the size difference is too apparent
I love this general c:
*does an easy medium and hard clue like a boss*
me and the girls are trying to fish but the clapping of my cheeks keeps spooking the anglers
omg eala is clapping her cheeks
um actually it seems jaycutie is the one who claps
holy shit stop gooning for like 20 seconds to type out a sentence properly you pathetic bitch.
no its me d333cay i was trying to make a callback to the conversatio that just happened ugh just neverrmind
is there a secret 4th girl who is clapping her cheeks?
angler polycule i know it smell crazy in there
some of you are thicker than my thighs fr
this really throws a wrench into the weight loss arc
i could show up and fish but i have soo many things that need doing...
can you please use the reply function my girlbrain cannot take it im getting dizzy i can't handle this im starting to get pukey
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im sobbing it was the last step
I really should build out my stash units but I cba
just take a fire staff to thormac?
D333cay post thighs but boobs feet amd chest and I will be sweet to you
abt to unlock yews on my uim
im being 100% serious when i tell you to kill yourself and stop talking to me in that order
stop being greedy she posted pics yesterday
How rude and unbecoming. Is this a woman or an uglynswamp sewer creature. Btw you forgot to post an image?

Chud boys run this general. Always remember that.
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she knows as soon as she posts butthole pics she loses all her simps so it will never happen
We heard Chudlords are massing in OSG chat. It's gonna be yuge. Kali yuga.
It's those creepy chuds mahmoud and jon that are trying to rape her
Whatever happened to sayuri?
slayer-ing + imagining going on a runey date with a cute girl in the north part of farming guild while we hold hands and stare affectionately into each others eyes as we take about our day and take turns stealing seeds from the master farmer while listening to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUCnI_SsyMg
yeah i think those were the chuds that crashed us at anglers
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mory diaries!
omg a threadgirl sandwich
omg tyler ^^
i think this guy who pk'd me is racist against ironmen
Jon is an extremely generous and kind man. He has supported many to enjoy richers lives. He is a shining example of a strong masculine man.
mine star. star disintegrate.
everyone shuit up my emo wife is posting her listenings
Based af
Chuds keep winning
*shuts right up*
who are you talking to use the reply function
i didnt know there were so many couples in osg theres still so much about this place that i dont understand
everyone that i like is my wife and everyone that i dont like im going to kill them its not hard to follow
can we get a list
im a loan wolf awooooo
have any of you ever had sex
im a minamaniac but i pretend to be a yejibro for the memes
not me
yes many times not that its any of your business
im a iron man *hits my iron helm with hammer a little too hard* im an iron man
i like to think im in the top percentile of ironmen who've had sex
i had sex with a theatre girl 12 years ago and didnt like it im ace so cuddling is good enough for me this all happened in runescape of course
whys everything have to be a competition with your sick helmie freaks
every time i receive a (You) thats a body
im going for a ciggy i'll be back in like 20 stay safe d<3<3<3cay ^^
okay bestie enjoy
i dont think sh333 likes smokers its gross
girls shouldn't smoke
dont speak for me bitch im not a smokescold
what do you mean 20 are you smoking 100s a cigarette takes me like 5 minutes
forgot i had to get a slayer task for this diary and now my night is ruined this is a disaster
sorry i have never seen this movie i only watch like 3 movies a year i turned it off after the bodies started to crumble to dust it was boring me
yes i smoke newport 100's lol
yuck what are you my dad where are the marlboro reds
hello son please stop posting here its making you gay
also i like going on little walks sue me
marlboro reds are what i smoke in europe where they dont have menthols, i smoke newports cuz my mom does
>smoking Newports
The trashiest shittiest brand of all cigarettes
all im saying is this farting around is really cutting into your ehp with the girls
me personally im not a fan of looking like a grandpa in my 50s and dying of lung cancer in my 60s
i didnt know there were so many smokers in here hopefully we never meetup it would smell so vile
"so many smokers"
there are 2
Just finished an easy clunge scroll
22 many
but your grandpa was a racist bigot
wow i cant believe sh333 likes runeyboys that smell bad thats crazy
peepaw..... no.......
uh actually my grandpa was a jewish mathematician
my grandpa is really racist but i dont think he hates gay
hitlers dad?
neither of my grandpas smoked after i was born so i dont think any of this applies to me
bed time gn osg i love you
does anyone want a bite of my fish toast
no sorry i had my meal 5 hours ago
my grandpa had cancer once but he actually beat it. i wish he could come here and beat this place too
that sounds lewd
lol u want ur gramps to beat me off? gay bro
both of you are so gay you immiediatly thought of old men jacking you off
idk bae couldnt you eat something nicer like vegemite cheesy bite
id let him tell him to hit my line
i dont believe in vegemite cheesy bite if i wanted cheese with my vegemite id buy a cheesymite scroll if im honest
its like an evil cinnamon roll
why would you eat an evil snack omg
I think the threadgirls should start a gym club
like in bugsnax technically all of the titular bugsnax were evil since bugsnax are people
cheesymite and cinnamon are the two most pure and delicious of (sc)rolls. that reminds me i have ikea cinnamon rolls int he freezer perhaps i will eat them while i scape this evening thanks anon
for me its swiss rolls
i think when you press the boost option on the fishing cape your toon should say "oh yeah its fishin time", thoughts?
i agree and furthermore all capes should have the same phrase but obviously with the relevant skill substituted in
thats a le epic idea
what if instead the toon did the one pound fish dance
soulful and whimsical
omg i think ive become a ryujinizer
whats more boring doing scurrius for melee xp or doing slayer in general
mum said i have to get a job
my runescape days are over i will never be 200m all
Agility is good whilst listening to tay tay and k pop
ive been bankstanding doing nothing and scrolling down youtube shorts kubrick staring at my monitor for 3 hours modern technology was a mistake i should have a wife and kids and be hunting deer
Rip to d333cay's 200m all dream...
a lot of guys have a wife and kids and hunt deer in modern day currently
midzy L
i need to start a new life somewhere else
who wants to join me
Zoomettes are on birth control and ssris starting at like 8, and they started fucking monkeys at at least 12 if not way earlier, but hey if you're into bpd narcissistic coalburning histrionic hypochondriac whores, then go for the gold
i mean just look at billy eyelash, that's the idol of every zoomerette who's not a retarded swiftie (arguably even worse)
what the fuck are you talking about
speak your mind why dont you lmao
bro has to be at least 58 years old
It is in plain english retarded zoomerette
They react because it's true and they feel personally attacked.
bro had to get linked here on a facebook group or something what is he waffling on about
im so upset that some old man who wandered into the thread off the street 2 days ago and doesnt play the game doesnt want to fuck me i cant even see old school runescape through the tears
thats okay im thread king and i will plap at a moments notice

They are having a bdp histrionic response right now lmao
what if instead of saying toon we just said troon
That youtube short makes me feel uncomfy
why didnt anybody tell me about the cg recolor plugin
follow the thread stupid slut it got linked today
how did you not see it? it was on the front page of r/osg
they should make a star recolor plugin
this reminded me to give myself a nice pink skybox like that one guy on gg now its like sunset all the time :)
what a coincidence im level 58 in magic!
my skybox is sort of tan like a sunset during a wildfire
i can fix you (no really i can) lol iykyk
What do u mean
i still forget sometimes that the youngsters nowadays are gen alpha and zoomers are adults now an entire generation went by while i clicked virtual rocks and trees
im cooking sharks who up cookin they sharks!!
i have like 13k sharks i need to cook
what level can you cook sharks at
i keep on top of my fish cooking thats why theyve been calling me the guy who has almost 16 million cooking xp
thats a really long nickname
and not a very good one either
not to toot my own horn but im the girl who almost has 30million cooking exp
you know what they say about guys with long nicknames ;)
but if youre a girl then you dont have a horn you can toot
girls can have horns too you know
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yews are online on my f2p uim
who's afraid of little old me
youre not a girl if you have a horn then you are a boy
if you're not cute don't cut my trees
fanfic ive been reading was updated twice weekly for months and suddenly stopped 2 weeks ago the author better not have died this sucks im mining amethyst old school runescape
maybe she is just in the mental hospital a likely place for a fanfic writer to be
remember to vote yes on the kissing skill
i hope theyll release a bloreable lipgloss with the blore minigame i need to make sure my toons lips are well moisturised
gonna share sis?
voting no to kissing
voting yes to handholding
simple as
what are you talking about
shes an asexual trying to push her disgusting lifestyle on to the rest of us
got caught kissing other girls at the seers yew
my cinnaming buns are ready
can i sniff ur cinnamon buns
i recognize that interface
we got ourselves a regular herlock sholmes
ok my bank pin that I forgot when I played for like 5 hours total a few years ago finally reset so now I can buy stuff at the grand exchange
how come osrs sherlock gives you challenges instead of solving mysteries and smoking opium
what are you going to buy
I was going to buy villager sandals but I guess they're member only so I logged off.
d333cay should wear villager sandals irl and post a pic
im absolutely destroying this mozzarella string cheese
Tonalztincock of Ralos in Amascunt.
okay well im going to buy some string cheese
you go girl string cheese is easy to forget about
whats the name of the cute osg clan again
i hope the pride shit infects the rest of runescape. i hope every other new quest includes two men kissing and having sex.
just got notified of a system update that i DID NOT VOTE FOR
this is the update where theyre putting gay kissing and sex into every other old quest
hope you like men kissing. because you will be getting it
but if the game goes offline whats gonna happen to this place and to us
im killing myself later today so i hope this place dies too.
osrs emo boys kissing expansion
word on the street is the string cheese sisters are in town and theyre stringing up a storm. in runescpae
there's no update this week they're just turning it off and on again
osrs brokencyde expansion
the update is that the pride event is permanent
yeah but you know how theyre turning it on? gay porn
yay 1 troon down hopefully the other troon sisters follow you to the grave =)
if only i was
why was the pride march removed?
great question from someone who knows what a march is
a march is generally a frontier or border territory between two volatile or disputed territories. in this case the pride march would be the flower garden that keeps varrock safe from the gross barbarians
that is a much less common definition of the word which does not apply to this situation
we run this general xisters
the only thing you run is yourself into an early grave sis(sy)
will stop baiting each other please
I will outlive you xister
actually march is much more common definition if you play historical strategy games
okay well why was the pride frontier or border territory removed?
idk lol
it's because jagex hates gays
wait then why are they putting gay sex and kissing in every other quest
the event is over because it's pride MONTH not pride MONTHS idiot
he didnt ask about the event he asked about the march stay on topic please plus the event isnt over
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nieve should have been mod geed like the elves
why would i be a homophobe im not scared of you sissies
games down?
its back up and the pride event is still up southwest of varrock yep its permanent
Post photo of the cinnaming bunnies
me when i prefer lightskin bbc
i heard they are going to rename runescape to pridescape
they should put chiitan in old school runescape
i just voted yes on the poll i personally wont be doing the slayer boss but i want other people to enjoy it
i dont bleieve in voting someone else will do it for me
I cant wait to go see harambe in camelot zoo
and for me i cant wait to band together with my fellow adventurers to stop kony
was kony even really the bad guy in the end i heard his nemesis who set up the campaign against him was raping children in public parks or somehting
i voted yes to ban all trannies from this general
vote failed 0.01% voted yes :p
i voted no with my 4chan pass so it counted for 80085 votes
xisters we can't stop winning
>trying to conceal your location
embarrassing honestly.
not as embarrassing as those statistics
maybe instead of considering suicide, you should actually commit suicide.

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