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Previous: >>484439361
Happy birthday to Popukar!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
No Reedposting allowed.
My soulmate...
Doc is gonna get seduced by random sarkaz ladies again...
Would you save Kazdel? Is Kazdel for (You)?
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Sona feet
Catapult is a whore
Reed will get more skins, Tal will be the strongest guard, Eblana will make Burn damage meta, Siegealt will be the weakest operator and Mandragora will remain dead.
Dracochads own this game
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Since this banner should be running while the stream is up, I predict one of these ladies will get a 24 op L2D skin during the summer stream. Most likely Penance.
Wouldn't it be funny if all the Sarkaz reverted back to their original form?
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Penance just got a skin on Ulpipi's banner, so that's already disproven
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Focus on her hands, there is something wrong with proportions, is not it?
At this point eblana being a burn riutalist seems very likely, as we just got a 6* primal caster. I'd kneel if she has a skill like ebenholz S2 where she summons her zombie army
You let Kazdel burn, but heroically save all the pretty women whilst it's being destroyed.
Penance got a skin 3 weeks ago retardbro.
It's Degen, if we are going by the 6 months gap thing.
I'm thinking about owls.
Catapult is sexo
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And who are you to tell me what to do?
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Reserve OP Team A6, Catapult, reporting in! Hey, I can tell you're hella different from that stuffy old bit - I mean, that esteemed, honorable instructor Ms. Dobermann. Right? Like it's obvious!
>Penance just got a skin
Like that matters
>It's Degen, if we are going by the 6 months gap thing.
Unlikely since Degen's banner will be long gone.
Doctor is a whore
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Finally the Catapult fans are rewarded. All four of us are happy.
Dumb Penancekek.
I think her arms would look better if her head wasn't so fucking big.
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my wife my wife mywifemywifewifewifewimywifemywifemywifewifemywifewifweifwiefifmeiewfmywmymfweiymmyfewififewwife
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patience is rewarded as always.
I sincerely doubt Catapult has more fans than us Vanillafags...
She just got one on CN, retardbro.
Degen is going to get a rerun on CN, you know
Dobermann should whip Catapult to death
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Just shaved to be like my role model, summer totter
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Predict her class.
Honestly I only remember one vanillafag that cant get over her not being in the BSW event and one Catapultfag that brings up that they think she is cute every once in a blue moon
NPC jail.
I believe in draco supremacy
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Updated thread info
Pretty sure there will be CN standard banner news soon
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Ulsulah bros, I don't feel so good...
She has the same figure as a boy, no curves, no ass and no boobs.
It will be Asky Wasky
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can we have more FEMALE vampires next time
Reed has curves anon. Just because you don't doesn't mean you have to project
We don't have any male vampires.
How could you forget Midnight?
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Make some yourself doc
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Where do you live so I can fuck the boys you're talking about
What race is the new Hebe?
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she's your IS5 welfare, anon
Either puller or pusher
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nyo kyotposting >:(
The weak should fear the strong but it's her and Crownslayer.
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My wife
Oh that's fear. In the PV I thought it was a heart, so she was charming enemies into attacking each other.
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It is done: Wakata as first E2 6* after 6 days of playing.
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Happy birthday, Popukar! You'll get a skin one day.
IS5 welfare is Ermengarda
timeskip popukalt
ranged operator that uses her laser eye to attack
I'm hoping it's what you thought it was instead of just fear, but either way it's nice to get a new debuff
Based. Enjoy his S3 newbro
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Moose skin doko
Moose module doko
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nice job homie
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Ermengarde has been shilled for too long to become a welfare. Welfares are always literally whos
Executor, she vores the first enemy she blocks but it gets back out when she's retreated.
Popualt soon
Moose are known for being fast swimmers. Summer skin moose rapidly approaching
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Old Man Nacho operator when?
Microbikini skin soon
Thanks, bros. I heard he can carry IS#2 for freebies and most story stages, so I went and did it.
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infinite always-fresh ooey gooey mac n cheese exactly the way you want it whenever you want it
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What kind of banner is this
He'll carry all events and story too, as much as tierlistfags wanna play him down. He's very good in all maps in this game.
Popukar but she can't solo 1-7.
Strong Women Banner.....
And they say AK is not new player friendly. Im convinced people just don't think. tbf, the TD genre is kinda dead anyway
Do emergency stages give more rewards than standard ones?
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careful not to fall into lupo psychosis
Asky skipper Redemption banner
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Ze kots
too late, my wife is a lupo
Yes, the give a relic.
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>harold is a holdbackknight
Is there anyone one on Rhodes Island who's giving it their 100%?!??!?
you posted her
the only hard worker on rhodes
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>Banish Harold to a snow-free realm
Hold back no more when no snow to fling
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>Is there anyone one on Rhodes Island who's giving it their 100%?!??!?
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Yes, (You)
ceobe works at full capacity to put on clothing and slap baddies to get bountiful honey biscuit rewards
the background people?
dont particularly recognize their weapons or clothes
It probably doesn't help that it was mainly a flash game genre in the first place and after those died the only big ones were all more action based.
Showed up in the PV about as much as Valarqvin did
Some nacho
Probably new vampire operator that was teased in PV4
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Talk me out of wasting one pity.
Bottom is the IS4 sarkaz >>484467000
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The girl from the PV.
The Furnace Keeper of the new gen.
Nevermind, it's the new tactician and IS4 Sarkaz
Wrong, your 100% is blocked by Theresa since she never restored your memory
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Friends with benefits...
I'm a Nymphomaniac...
Save for limiteds
This banner has a separate pity system
I now regret rolling for Degenbrecher on the current banner.
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Ritualist or some other supporter
You'll get him in 25 at most, do what you think is right.
>Moran was the only NPC with eyes drawn because her eyes were bad
>Reed somehow got two L2D skins

How did she do it?
It's actually going to be fucking hilarious if Nymph uses necrosis. Logos is still pretty recent and he's a necrosis primal caster in all but name. Necrosis does seem more likely considering that it's a sarkaz and the theme though.
Being overpowered, standard ops l2d skins are absolutely assigned by usage metrics.
You will have Typhon sex.
Ursulah will be the Highmore of IS#5.
She's burn
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Are we getting a rerun event in between the upcoming grinning valley and shu limited?
I'm gonna lean towards Burn.
It's better anyways.
She's Ermengarde's errand girl that works for her because she's somehow screwed liches over in the past. Liches promised to free her if she collected revenant souls that had escaped the furnace
Remember when Lee got one?
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>Enemies get hit by Nymph debuff started walking Backwards
Damn Succubus
The canon route would be her making the decision to leave Kazdel for the wild to stop being a man-eater.
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Who is it going to be?
New PV yet?
She'll get her own new shiny elemental effect and won't have a ritualist supporter for that effect for a year
I forgot what Primal Casters even do
They're logos with less attack
Deal a lot of elemental damage but can't really deal elementa buildup damage
Asbestos for (ME)????
free Ifrit
Win more class for elemental damage
If you don't have a Ritualist, they're kinda ass
but a ritualist doesn't need a primal caster.
Enough that Letos mom can leverage it against asbestos.
Is it possible that IS#5 would be her playing inside Fremont's memories?
Oh btw

>Is it possible that IS#5 would be her playing inside Fremont's memories?
The blurb says it's inside the memories of the dead soul furnace that powers Kazdel.
>Djall is literally 'Devil' in Islamic mythos
Well core casters aren't supposed to deal elemental damage and get you've seen Logos, who's saying we don't get another elemental focused talent
>Ermengarde gonna be 5* IS welfare
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Will it be good?
Will it be bad?

I don't see any +atk sign. I have a bad premonition that it's going to be something useless like "range extend" or "1.5x damage in entire range", to fuck over Choom
You'll be surprised what Diablo means
Why would they need to fuck over an overhyped powercrept unit?
Broken, trash, good, good.
115% damage to blocked enemies, take it or leave it
Typhon won! and so did I because I don't have the time to play IS4 to unlock her skin.
I am out of Kohl again
JP version
What the fuck is a djall?
They aren't going to make a first module for a 6* that directly conflicts with their kit retard. Modules are designed for the 6* first and foremost.
Mind Flayer.
She inflicts fear/confusion, new status effect.
Get on my level.
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Sometimes that first bit is too much for her...
IS#5 will most likely get datamined too with the new banner.
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we are so boned
Just checked last year's schedule, going from that IS#5 will drop on 15th July this year. Two weeks to go.
Free breathing perro pussy...
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She's so fucking ugly it's insane.
What the actual fuck were they thinking.
Did Hoshieve straight lose his fucking marbles?
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Oh yeah…
(Bumpy road made my fingers slip, hence this shot)
>done like 5 battles now
>not a single stack
This thing is a scam
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fucking retards...
You said the same thing about GG before..
And GG is still ass-ugly and just got worse with every skin, your point?
I would take that gremlin and put her on a shelf and tell her to watch children to make sure they aren't naughty.
It unironically looks like a cheap gacha design.
good lord
>Mostima 2nd module
It's time for the caster SP aura module. Hope they can make it actually worth taking, I want to make my slow ass 60 second cool down caster skills better.
Don't worry Homobros, she's guaranteed to sell better than Ulpianus.
Waiting on the skill animations.
isnt this also a good buff to her s2?
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I hate that every single boss needs to be a project now, I don't want to fucking follow a guide just to get to the EX stages
GG was the symptom
you can say that about the past 3 years of designs
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Good evening. Mudrock love.
Is IS4 finished? No more updates?
mudrock lactatio
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Renounce hags
What do you love of her?
I just hope Aosta gets his DoT talent uncucked by removing the unblocked enemies only rule.
In CN yes. The biggest update is left for Global, ending 4.

Yostarniggers delayed IS#4 by several months (while CN casually overlapped events), that's why we don't have it yet. It was supposed to be already here.
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Romance hags
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The real question is if we're getting SSS at the end of this month
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Shut up pedo.
Apply rigorous amounts of fertility boosters to hags
The IS#5 website with some lore/minigame should pop up soon.
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God I fucking hope Nian gets an L2D summer skin, there's no reason for her not to get one after Reed gets two L2D in the span of a year
the slut walk
literally impossible to romance, get real
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I agree even if you're looking for yous, she hits a lot of red flags for me.
Something that'd appeal to the opposite type of person to me
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I'd rather romance one.
Pure pride and confidence
Slut life goes wild
So Ermengarda or Ulsulah? Who's the IS5 welfare?
We will find out during the event itself.
It's actually Ermengarda vs IS#4 Nachzerer Sarkaz, as welfare candidates.
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If Penance is viable, Ch'en is too
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What would she be like as a wife?
Why is /akg/ trying to force this Ermengarde welfare meme?
"did you eat all your vegetables honey?"
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my wife didn't get a summer skin
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Calm down Mandy.
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I thought she was going to play mahjong from the thumbnail
Because Ermengarda is in the main art, right next to the new 6* for the event that is meant to setup IS5? One of the last scenes in chapter 14 is Ermengarda meeting Odda in Kazdel and asking where Babel was.
Slutshinny is very hot and Reed RBQ is also hot
And? Which of the IS welfares ever had any previous set-up?
I'm going to sexually assault Penance.
Watashi wa Dublinn da
There is no such thing as absolute justice, but I still invoke it!
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Mandy...I'd tell you to go write coomfics on paper instead, but you can't write coomfics when you're illiterate
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Please show proper respect.
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Anon it's retarded to act like Ermengarda isn't likely when she's in the main art...
I'm going to bed Penance.
So IS4 sarkaz is a good girl and wife material after all?
Sexually assaulting Penance and she enjoys it because it's the first sexual attention she's had in years!
...are you going to answer my question?
Nice long tail, also
>tail wings
That's a new one
>one of the hottest Sarkaz hags is going to be another welfare that is useless both in IS5 and outside
what did they mean by this
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>suddenly reed news
>immediately start shitposting about her
You guys really hate her or something?
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is this even worth? i wish it went up to typhon
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Here's a quick refresher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4z94ojpZ50

The IS#5 welfare does not show up in the Typhon Omnibus PV. Stop creating imaginary patterns.
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Yeah, she guards the portal.
Yes, that's a great lineup
Only brick there is Pallas
Well, kinda. I would pull but only if I had a good stash.
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I want Penance to peg me
>no new 4*
>only 2 new characters
>literal who nobodies just to pump out more soulless slop
>reed summer skin for no reason

The only good thing is the Typhon skin even tho it's not even l2d and it's not even hot.
This kusoge keeps getting shittier by the day.
The stacy power stride...
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>character is clearly present prominently in the trailer
>is also present the only character other than the 6* present in the key art
>main story showed her in Kazdel with a mission (just like it showed and teased Ulpianus)
>even appears before the actual 6* does in the new trailer
She's an existing character, not an all new one like the other IS welfares, she doesn't need to be hidden. You claim I'm looking for patterns while bringing up supposed patterns from old events. Fuck off.
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It looks like Ermengarde has a tail or something closely resembling one, so that one anon won
IS#5, my friend.
The most important content in Arknights.

Only if they mess that up, it's a bad update.
Anon, gacha 4* only released on the banner right before (half-)anniversary, it's been like that for years now. At least we'll get two of them soon
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>arktrannies will say this is a good character design that fits the game's theme

You'll just lap up any trash that chinks dump on your plate I guess.
Personally I'm more confused they're dropping an instant E2 4* ticket without actually releasing a new one.
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Arts Fighter keep getting cucked
I know it's you sanjay
Reminder it's the fucking retarded system where EVERY member of a class needs a module that stops so many 5*s and 4*s on this list from getting the buffs they need, because HG can't do that without buffing Surtr/Mlynar/Ch'oom/Skadiva.
>people can't dislike something
It's like they wanted to design an operator based on hearts and love (for some fucking reason) and barfed up whatever they could but they were also afraid that uhhh maybe people won't get the theme so better make her horns into a heart, her hair into a heart, and also give her a big fucking lockpad heart that does something lmao who even knows or cares not the designers that's for fucking sure
I guess the summer event modules will be wandering medic alongside the new Eyja skin?
What furry is Mlynar?
Yeah, it hits my smooth brain with a hammer
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Ever since Roberta, and except Luo Xiaohei (Collab) and Lutonada (Becuz EP14 banner is so stacked Luto had to be banished to Babel banner), every 4* has been released in a main plot banner.
Now when will they introduce a new act?
Her staff has a heart too...
All the keys are probably something like "unlock the heart"/let out your true feelings or something but it's so over the top.
You somehow forgot about Caper, a red cert operator, who is in the running for best 4*
>stops so many 5*s and 4*s on this list from getting the buffs they need, because HG can't do that without buffing Surtr/Mlynar/Ch'oom/Skadiva.
This has never stopped them and they can always just give out extremely small buffs if they so choose. Suzuran and Bagpipe are good examples of that.
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just give them a dogshit module with 1%+ to fingerless glove meter.
Rough sex with Bestie!
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I will not stand for this slander against my wife
I completely forget Caper and Quartz, the 2 Red Cert 4* released after Roberta
>Brainlets STILL haven't figured out that attacking furnaces from the heat area of another furnace makes them charge much faster
>Eight normal stages + seven EX stages later
>"omgf why can't I light these furnaces up"
sasuga Harold-sama, the great intellect filter
Her actual motif is keys, you're hyper fixated on hearts. I would not agree that her hair or horns look like hearts. The actual focus is on keys.
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The depressed wet blanket kind
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>first she steals my wife skin
>now she gets a second one before her
I will never forgive Typhon
>attacking furnaces from the heat area of another furnace makes them charge much faster
Where do you think people are attacking them from, smartass?
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Giving Typhon her daily dose of rough face-fucking using her convenient handlebars and cumming down her throat
In the last few threads retards were trying to cold start the furnaces.
Will IS5 deliver the kino Surtr's lore...
Catapult CHADS ww@
It's okay, Typhon will eternally suffer because of her being drawn by the hack LM7
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>I would not agree that her hair or horns look like hearts.
Blind bro...
It's blatant.
You should have complained when Pilnus Sylvestris came out anon
I'm mildly upset they just dropped the whole berry/nut thing.
Next summer we'll get the Beagle summer outfit...
Wall lapipi...
Plasticknights is KINO and SOVL and BASED and CANON
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He he snek
Tina will never beat the rape allegations
Plastic is core AK fashion.
Where the fuck is Leizi's skin...
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Maria will correct her
>the previous Monkey
>Obligatory male,
>6 star that already got a L2D this year
>6 star that already got a skin this year
What The Hell?
she's gonna get a busted alter in the next chinese new year event trust
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I fucking wish she wouldn't get a bland swimsuit skin, give her something comfy or cool please.
CCP spy hags don't get skins, only Victorian spy fuccbois do.
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>Yuji made the first succubus character
I knew those BG3 fanart is a sign!
Don't deal with a dragon either YUJI
Those designs are cooler than what we got tbdesu.
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>days without Leizitent:
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>silly birds
Silly succubuses soon.
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Tender, loving sex with Dobermann, followed by cuddles with lots of headpats and ear scratches!
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don't worry anon you can switch place with me
Surtr dies in IS5
Reminder that we WILL eventually recruit Talulah who effectively murdered all of these and the writers are working overtime to sweep it under the rug (did you ever really care???)
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Asky coin status?
The perfect banner. I have none of them and I won't mind getting any of them. Penance dodged me in 300 rolls on Texalt banner. Good thing I waited before rolling on degen.
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Rock bottom, elemental damage caster with a unique status is huge value.
it was deathless snake the real Talulah is a HERO to the infected.
Hair vents make for such a capable AC that Rhodes Island has saved millions on cooling for the past year.
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I just got off work
who won? Who lost?
Asky's so cool...
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>Telling Blemishine that I'm a better defender than her
>Listening to her arguments about it
>Telling her that just because she's Big Nearl's little sister doesn't mean she's the best defender
>Laughing as she brings Zofia into it
>Telling both Blemishine and Zofia there's an easy way to settle this
>Let's see who can take a hit better
>Tell them that I'll kick Blemishine in between her legs, as hard as I can, then she can do it to me, Zofia can time us to see who recovers the quickest
>The fastest recovery wins
>They both have a quick team talk and Zofia says it's a deal
>I take a run up at Blemishine, and kick her in the cunt as hard as I can
>It lifts her a good foot off the floor
>it sounded like a steak being dropped onto a granite work top
>She's rolling on the floor, tears streaming down her face
>A good 6 minutes pass before she weakly gets to her feet
>Blemishine looks at me with.a determined look in her eyes and whispers "My turn now.."
>I simply smile and say "you know what, you win" then walk away humming a jaunty tune.
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Don't really care about Talulers, and I don't want her if it means Nine comes with her.
Logos elemental application is bad anon, it takes 2/3 of his S3 to proc a necrosis.. He kills basically everything long before then
We already recruited W and Hoe and they got free pass.
Reedbros won. We all lost.
mysterious integrated strategy sarkaz woman my beloved
Woman moment, out of her control.
He said he was sorry.
Right in the middle of the court
For all to see and cheer
Who deserves this?
Hoe is literally (me) and Wuh is the daughteru I never had, so it's fine thoughever?
It's good against HP bloated enemies with relatively low def/res, aka found in IS.
What did Hoe even do?
Simp for Ines?
W is literally lowlights waifu and will always get a pass, why do you think she has two limiteds and one of them is the most broken operator in the game?
This is how you get raped in your sleep with a horse strap-on, anon
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What about good men?
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Unironically my favorite part of the PV, since we have a realistic chance of recruiting her now.
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these AI upscaled thumbnails are nightmarish what the fuck

>I was the one who killed Scout. We made a 'transaction,' then I jammed my sword through through his heart. Mercenaries like us could put a price on anything. Hmph, the most unfair part of the deal was that I had to keep on living.
Is this suitable for a professional workplace?
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Hello? Is Doctor here?
Sounds like he regrets it.
Unlike Talulah who torched an entire city of people and still doesn't feel bad about it.
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That was on Tally's orders.
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Hello? Is Doctor here?
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I'd rather pet her tail.
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It's okay to kill our operators as long as the one who does that is a cute girl.
Nyes *smooching press*
I hope the Chen module is really really good. Chen's kit relies on the class's base trait after all.
I'm not blaming Talulah.

It's Doc's fault. Trading Scout life for a worthless little shit like Doc isn't worth it.
Yeah, but we forgive Tally, because unlike another certain dragon, she's not a turbo virgin
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Wait just a moment... You're not my bunny
she will get at BEST 15% buff
Who's the Peacemaker of Arknights?
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I have no intention to roll or use Walter.
Hmm... no. You're not Amiya.
Okay, then can we throw hoerder out the airlock?
You will do it anyway and later brag that you totally didn't do it just like you're doing now.
Mating press
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I missed the characer kit discussion, how's Harold? Is he better than the other 5* berry?
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How about we throw you out of the airlock bozo?
You just not gonna roll on the anniversary banner then not spark a limited you're missing?
Best berry. Only honeyberry has a sidegrade for being an afk one
Ines personally tossing Hoederer out of the airlock without permission after finding his U-Official stash...
Okay, I'll build him then.
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>A gorillion tubes and beakers shatter as Doc turns abruptly.
>"Kal, Kalt'sit, shut the fuck up for a second. I think I heard Amiya's voice in between all your yapping."
Fuck you I didn't ask to be woken up
Amiya decided that she can't live without me
After the version update at 16:00 on July 9, [Secret Sanctuary] will be closed. Please pay attention to use the contract bounty in time. The contract bounty will be automatically converted into crystal contract bounty (1 contract bounty can be converted into 1 product contract bounty, and crystal contract bounty can be used to redeem rewards in [Crystal Sanctuary])
where the FUCK is HER skin, i KNOW they're hiding it somewhere
IS5 welfare will be Toddialt
Replaced her with Nymph
VA of the new 6 star.
Tokens for CC ops were being added to event stores, right? Wondering if I should spend my tokens on those or just wait.
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This is not the Reed I know and love...
This is a WHORE!
Reed was always a whore. All girls with big tails are whores.
Good sexy skin, gives me hope for the 6 star Summer Alt.
>even devil bitch's swimsuit is more modest
Did you forget him acting like a sarkaz in Victoria? He was going around looting and murdering.
>h-he had to blend in!
He was under Manslave Manfred, he'd prefer his men to not do that.
>All girls with big tails are whores.
Even Tomimi?
Give it a rest Mandy, it's 4 AM
Reed's warm, firm butt cheeks
Will you still be buying Reed's skin with the new skin just announced?
Why Was The Gardener So Powerful?
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Reminder Ace and Scouts death is all Amiya's fault
She literally talked to future self of her before chernnobog and did nothing to prevent their death
There is only one explanation.
Reed was ALWAYS a whore, she was just suppressing her whore desires and tendencies.
Yes, I love hats
Witch reed S3 is too cool not to get. I wont get the swimsuit slop
She saw even farther, and saw that their deaths were needed.
Pram pissing
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I'm buying both
Especially Tomimi
Talulah's* fault
Nice diversion though
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Shut the fuck up doctor, YOU are a whore.
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Those were past memories
Harold is a pretty fun guy, but man FUCK him as an enemy.
I'm too retarded to keep track of heat vents.
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The only whores are the strumpets known as the Sarkazi.
>It's Doc's fault
As the commander general of Rhodes Island, it really is. It's really disgusting to see all of you shirk away from your responsibilities like this. You killed them, because you couldn't save them.

protip: You can't save anyone.
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I look like this.
It takes effort to make two skins, E0 and E2 art for an operator to be ugly af. Congrats, Tyflop.
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Place your bets on who's going to be a boss in IS5, Fremont or Nacho?
>already posted the collage
This means he's done with this series...
Fuck off supah. Still not rolling for Ray.
Where's Lemuen? He drew her in the outfit too.
ooc for lappland to be so well dressed
>*runs to her room*
Assuming historical figures, Nacho is a bigger deal.
Fremont also participated in the last big war of Sarkaz vs Humans, he is most likely one of the 6 heroes, but Nacho was the Commander.
The stacy stride
Who the hell wears pointed high heels to the beach?
A gigaslut.
She's here to get fucked by every moving thing on the beach.
Public humiliation!
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Clearly nyot
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They listened to popular operators today...
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Woman can have stashes and shrines of Higashi-pop idol but a man can't even have a few merch of his favourite chuuba...
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Monie in the other room making the posts that are pissing her off.
>Ermengarde in another event
>still not playable
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Imagine a clean lupo.
They are properly building up hype.
She's actually a friend of the little Sarkaz in the current event.

Ehrm herself is also very young it seems, 40 year old only (Lichs are immortal).
Yeah it's great. More forbidden sarkussy.
What is Reed's tax policy?
Ines cosplaying as U-Official for Hoederer after finding his stash
So what do we think of Nymph?
Endless typhon skins... we won lm7 chads
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This is the base effect for spreadshooter's trait
>Attacks all enemies within range, and deals 150% damage to enemies in the row directly in front of this unit.
I think feasibly they could push the number up to 200%, it's quite a restrictive trait and not many people are using spreadshooters to begin with.
Reed is taking advice from Eblana on how to seduce Doctor...
not fan of yuji's ops but don't dislike them either
Cute hebe.
I divorced Kalshit for being a jerk. Can I have a wife that gets me through hard times.
Looks cute and portable and also has a nice long tail and ears. Would probably roll, it depends on her personality and summer/anni operators.
LOL, you will be lucky if they buffed it up to 165%
Cute but will be skipping. Primal caster omnibus banner inbetween a bunch of limiteds. She's the next ray
Pushes the lock and key themes too hard for my liking. Might be my least favorite YUJI.
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I want to steal the key to her chastity belt
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I don't wanna...
Harmonie instinctively sniffs out Mandy. That's why she can call out her posts so effectively
A fucking disaster in design.
Chen is the face of Arknights and Executor is one of their special boys, it's going to be a very good module
I'm going to go work out. Arturia hate.
if they cared about Ch'en they would not giga powercreep her with Degen
It only takes around a week to clear IS2 and IS3 main sequence rewards because the rewards are a permanent one time only thing. Monthly squads must be cleared by hand. Deep Investigations must be cleared by hand. For IS4 you need to play up to Braving Nature 3 by hand and then you can use MAA on the rest up to the end of those rewards.

I've leveled my main/CN/JP etc accounts like this. Arknights devs are clearly aware that MAA exists, which is why difficulties under braving nature 3 on IS4 don't give full score, you have to beat it by hand a few times to unlock BN3 and then you can use it. However, MAA will use different strategies on different maps with different units just like a human will.

Also trim medals (these are shinier medals that require you play on higher difficulties) will require you to play once by hand. MAA will also help you with resetting your runs and farming ingots for this.
Has anyone drawn Arturia in Artoria's outfit?
Giga powercreep AND make her role as a battery useless!
I heckin love eos squeeze operator designs!
Base Chen actually received one of the best modules in the game, it's just that her base kit is still her base kit.
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>start IS2
>get picrel on floor 1
>quit IS2
This is a good thing on floor 1-3
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Is this the most stylized fashion group shot they've done yet?
>Chen is the face of Arknights
You mean Wuh
S2 is great clear and serviceable arts nuke, S1 can almost permastun slow attackers, S3 was the go-to for low-def bosses.
She had a greater purpose in being an offensive recovery battery after her module except, you know, they kind of tossed offensive recovery in the trash because they care more about easy broken operators that they can flip for fast cash over supporting existing playstyles.
You can literally finish floor 1 without deploying any units when you get this.
I'll take this any day over the dp debuff/enemy hp+ of IS4
I want to stylize Reed's ass and Typhon's breasts.
Foot Victoria the bill
Proviso getting a second skin is confusing. She's alright gameplay wise, the only reason everyone builds her is LMD.
A character that costs 300$ in rolls can't be the face of anything.
Maybe the face of a future lawsuit.
the floor plays by itself, which fucking sucks. I also took a -2 to dogs because I had no medics.
Don't like her look much, hard skip unless she's turbo meta
The horns irritate me when I look at them.
I hope Nymph is Logos powercreep so the homofags and women seethe
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Don't tell anyone.
i really don't like her design, which is a shame since i liked yuji's other operator designs.
Logos is the most future-proof op alongside Shu and Ela.
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I'm gonna collar nymph.
Based, but I doubt it because she doesn't even have a module yet.
However she should be good, Nymph has a Unique status effect which means they put effort in her kit.
Nymph kinda reminds me of Liz…
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Would roll
I like their weapons
Standard banners are a complete waste of pulls. Just like when Typhon came out and she got powercrept by Ray and Walter immediately in like 3 months.
Walter powercreeps everyone in the game bro...
I'll be using Typhon constantly over Ray, and possibly W, for the convenience though. That range + the S2 is a top pick for 99% of content.
Well yeah, and her banner delivers the highest value out of every limited banner. You get an OP physical nuke and an OP arts nuke that is enough to carry an account to basically not give a shit about surtr/mlynar/chalter. Even texalter and yalter matter a lot less with such overwhelming DPS.

Furthermore, Walter's banner won't rerun, while this new unit, no matter how shiny she looks, will eventually be buyable for only 30 bucks or for 180 gold certs eventually which dilutes her value.
Cute. Not sure how my rolls will be by then though. And unless she's busted a lot will skip her because Lapp alt should be on the horizon.
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Top comment: Cute
This unit will be getting a free skin and will have some focus for the next half year of content.
why are they shilling proviso?
Idk, might fuck Mlynar in the future or something in the next Honsetent.
But he will lose his wizard powers...
Because HG releases skins based on stats.
Stats are telling them that a lot of people have E2d Proviso, so she gets skins. Mongs don't realize that people are only doing it to make her a base-slut though.
You can already pick her up on the anniversary 5 star selector for base metafaggotry.
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I was joking when I say Amiya is a donkey. BUT Catapult does looks like Amiya in this skin...
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A watched pot never boils, but beware the fury of a patient man.
Blind retard
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Too cluttered. Maybe it's HG's instruction but the birb sister got a way cleaner design.
Unironically cute than Amiya.
What a massive change in artstyle kek.
If you don't like Nymph's design just remember that she'll be getting a free skin.
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Fuck you donkey brain.
The resident Amiyafag is extremely aggressive and easily triggered, don't pay him much attention.
Yeah Catapult is cuter. Unlike the other donkey.
don't like pink or hearts
>say dumb shit
>get called a retard
Happens every time
arr donkis rook same
>Because HG releases skins based on stats.
They do based on what artists are cheap or in house
That's why astesia and friends have the most skins
Based and true.
>different hairstyle
>different ears
>different eyes
What is similar here? Brown hair? The collar that is a different design?
So you're telling me a ton of people E2'd Tsukinogi? Really?
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Seeing as its no longer a pipedream, which IS Sarkaz seductress would you like to become playable?
You have an IQ of 10, anon.
>different hairstyle
Literally the same hairstyle but shorter, single bang in the same exact way and brown hair.
>different eye color
>more bunny like ears
Those are differences yes.
New caster looks great hope she is strong as well
Guys please E2 Matoimaru
Nothing, anon forgot to take his meds before posting
Retardbro I...
I am cum
Last time with IS4, they released a full half hour of footage of gameplay in the mode before it came out so it won't be too long.
IS4 gal did nothing wrong.

IS2&3 gal actively try to fuck with you.
IS4 treat you well and only get angry when you start rummaging her house. She did nothing wrong.
Guaranteed to be at worst GG tier
HG does not release bad 6* anymore
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Okay, now you.
What exactly is wrong about what I said, intellectual-kun?
>IS2 gal
Isn't she first in Fungimist?
IS1 had a cautus
The earlier thing left is the website, IS#3 and #4 had websites with minigame/lore. Mizuki minigame and the Foldartal lore thing in #4.

The IS#5 PV is 10 days away. If we don't get the website, it means HG is cutting down on the effort.
I never managed to clear IS1... rerun doko...
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nta but that you have no facts to back what you're saying up.
How do you know "a lot of people have E2d Proviso"?
Additionally, according to this theory, like 80% of the player base must have E2d Astesia.
She's been that like 4 years by now. How bout you?
Proviso is top tier base meta. This unit is an LMD printer with a 6 month ROI. You should definitely be getting proviso on the 5 star selector we will get on anniversary.
Maybe they also have stats of skin purchased for E0 operators?

I know I would still bought GG skin even if she isn't meta because I don't want to see her crying face.
I want the IS2&3 vamp, but I know it won't happen, it'll be the IS4
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Hg doesnt give a fuck anymore and goes all out. Degen in slingkini next.
I will not post my wife online for you all to ogle.
Mental illness. She not even your wife. Probably some E0L2 guy once again.
Honestly would prefer her in a nice bikini w/a sun hat & sarong. Give the sling to someone sluttier looking, with bigger tits. Either that or a complete fuckin washboard.
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Should I do it? I kinda want ebonholdz
At the end of the day, base Ch'en might as well effectively be a launch Op. Most of which have been powercreeped to hell and back already. Regardless of intentions, they're not going to look backwards and specially design/balance/calibrate the game around an old Op's old kit
Primal sex with a primal caster...
>I kinda want ebonholdz
Wait until he comes into the gold cert shop and buy him with certs, this is cheaper on average than pulls and there's no chance of being fucked by a 50/50. Do not pull on the bait banner
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For 24 American Dollars you can instantly E2
>One 6*
>One 5*
>Two 4*
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Mmmm bait!
Must resist hg bait!
fatty plap plap onahole demon sex
Newbie here. Is Degen a virgin?
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Really big
I don't care
>primal caster
>no indication of what elemental type she's supposed to interact with
It ain't looking good
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It's weird that Typhon's presumed innocence is so sexo. But she's obviously is not. I mean not that she's fucking around but that she must obviously seen many animal copulating.

But she still project an image of innocence. That is so sexo.
She's 40 and has fans in the nobility too as seen in the manga, hence extremely popular. So she could fuck anyone she fancies, like celebs do.
She hasn't lost her virginity because she never loses
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What >>484487283 said
new caster is too zoomer, not for me.
typhon remains ugly
I hope the module allows Aosta to stack bleed. Surely they will do that with DoT effects now after they did that to Thorns and not go BP route of just giving like extra 40 arts damage a second.
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>They also sells 36 data blocks for 4 + 10 bucks
Calm down Closure
Paying 14 for 6*, 6 for 5* and 4 for two 4*.
Thinking the same, unless a skin fixes her I'm not rolling
Fear mechanic is nice to see at least.
Jellyfish love
She looks like an ailment (charm) inflictor.
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36 data blocks? Huge brick for whoever doesn't buy that.
Would be ideal but they probably wanted to give thucman a big boost and won't care much about the 5* mods. Aosta has slow ASPD too so him stacking DoTs won't help much either
Which one has the cock?
Damage bar and Elemental Bar doesn't show up in PV, that's why.
It's guaranteed her S3 will have ED, as there was no "fear/charm" in her S3.

Judging by the Furnace theme, it's fire.
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Please...hold me...
>wake up
>Proviso swimsuit skin
>it's also looking similar to that swimsuit Meteor was drawn in that never became a skin
I might be one of the only 5 people who care, but holy honse lawyer sexo
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I'm back from the gym. Arturia HATE.
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I finally beat this boss, thanks to Jerboa and random GG.
Never went to the gym. Arturia LOVE.
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wtf just happened my entire team popped
You just know that spreadshooters will get +15% on their trait. For some reason they just love giving +15% or +10% to traits and think that's enough
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>Judging by the Furnace theme, it's fire.
It's going to be kinda weird either way
>make her a burn merchant: you still do not have a burn ritualist but now you have two burn primals and one delta?
>make her a necro merchant: do we really fucking need more of those?
>make her do a whole new damage type: Warmy 2.0
>make her ignore the elememe and just have kit that works without it: why is she a primal caster then, while Logos is a core caster with more necrosis than Valarqvin?
Either way, so much for the "no you NEED to use primal casters and ritualists together, you MUST" retards who said that Warmy's kit being griefed for 6 months is okay because bro just use her with an operator that (still) doesn't exist, now that Nymph must be usable as a standalone 6*
Any upgrades? My auto exploded after I gave Degen her module.
Thank you.
Currently I am running IS3 auto while sleeping, though I feel tempted to keep it running 24/7 to speed up the process.
Bro your fires?
It's enough for wet Ch'en
Gee I wonder why
It's not necessary to keep it running 24/7 since you will be finished with grinding pretty fast. Just remember to buy the tech tree upgrades, as there are nodes in the tech tree that increase score.
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Who made Ch'en wet?
Bros Reed is practically wearing a thong and stripper heels
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Who is your favorite character, and why is it Priestess?
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We still Top 5%?
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Literally who?
Who is your least favorite character, and why is it Arturia?
It's not enough for any spreadshooter that isn't wet chen
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Fake, misleading translation.
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t. seething cunt
Stupid donkeynigger.
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Remider, Doc doesn't give a shit about Priestshit
That's really pretty, I like how you made sure to get her thick brows right. Good work.
Does anyone know a place with some good rubber Arknights keychains? Not those shitty plastic ones.
Easy on the drinks Lavinia...
Literally me.
Have the chibi animations been released yet for the new skins?
They all look literally built to bear Doctor's children
all just cuckshit, don't spam that crap here
30 taps per day...
C getting dicked! I wish all of his defeated operator stuff would get translated too.
Custom order on any rubber keychain maker nearby?
But /akg/ loves cuckshit
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Elf wife!
Nuh uh
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Why can't I connect to catbox?
Chinese NGA spammer does, not /akg/
Mizuki loves me and he would never touch this whore or engage in your degeneracy. Begone.
It was slow to upload those images, took way longer than it should have. Guessing cat box is having issues right now.
I think catbox is banned in some countries
You aren't missing out though
Watch. Now few posts will suddenly start praising the cuckshit
You keep using that word, I do not think you know what it actually means
I've been able to connect fine before.
Missing out on some coom pics from here kinda sucks.
weird cope when /akg/ constantly talks about it and when that's main tag for the Arknights doujins
Nah I think I know exactly what NTR is. If you don't think it's NTR then hit up Horn/Wood and tell him to stop marking his nsfw posts as NTR because that's what he does.
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Alright, thread privileges revoked. Time for feet.
>main tag
>when there were only two dozens doujins
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>can finally pay to xatch up slightly
Good, another reason to wagie
They really brought her back for another IS?
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No, this time she's becoming a NPC.
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Begone feetfags.
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I'm the only one who can save this thread when you faggots start arguing about cuckolding
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That's our cue boys
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You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
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Jokes on you because Mudrock has cute feet
It's just rape, not NTR. There's a significant difference.
Nymph is definitely a slut, right
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It's time.
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paws is where it's at.
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When is Exu going to get her swimsuit l2d skin?
67°56'43.4"S 54°01'05.4"W
Okay so what's the general timeline of Doc joining Babel? A few years back the impression was that Doc signed up before Kal'tsit but the recent event stuff made it sound like Kal'tsit brought out Doc to help Theresa.
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I have failed you /akg/ I have failed you.
Closeted slut. Super slutty with her boyfriend at the time but is otherwise pretty normal as far as sex and relationships go.
Theorycrafting Chen's module.

853 base attack.
Spreadshooter trait is 150% damage.
S3 gives +100% attack and double shots.
853*2*2*1.5=5118 damage per shot
2569 damage per individual hit.
She also gives enemies -220 defense.
She is meaningfully walled by enemies with 2k defense which would take 789 per hit or 1578 damage per shot. She is fully walled at around 2.5k defense and higher.
Her total damage per S3 is 81888 damage assuming no ammo procs.
Realistically, it will add about 3-4 more shots at 20% chance.
At 20 shots, total damage per skill is 102360.

The simplest spreadshooter trait upgrade is going to 165%. This would be purely a +10% damage boost on any of the numbers previously stated. It would bring her DPH to 2815. Against 2k defense enemies she would hit for 1035*2. About a 31% increase.

For her talents, she has her ammo saving talent and a +ASPD talent.
The ASPD talent is nearly worthless as she is purely ammo based. It would have to have an entirely new effect added on or it would have to do something ridiculous like get buffed to +40 ASPD to be meaningful.
Her ammo saving talent would increase total damage, but not help very much with DPH/high defense enemies. The ammo saving talent is hard to buff as it's effect compounds with itself.
Going from 20% to 30% would make her shoot on average 22-23 shots compared to 20. 40% 25-26 shots, 50%, 31-32 shots. The higher it goes, the more likely long tails become as well. Going all the way to 35-40 shots becomes a real possibility at 50%. 50% is too optimistic however. Maybe even 30% is too, but lower than that would be a nearly meaningless buff adding only an extra hit or two on average.

The worst case scenario for Chen is 165% trait and a minor increase to either of her modules, giving a very minimal 10% increase in damage and 5-10% increase in total damage on top if buffing the ammo talent. A better buff for her talents would have to be something completely new.
when HG needs the big bucks. As usual, it will be cash only and $30 or more.

>1090 - "The Doctor" wakes up on "Rhodes Island"
>1090 - Amiya embarks on a journey with the "Doctor"
>1094 - "Doctor" was placed in the "sarcophagus"
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Sex with adult post-grad.
You forgot a +80 raw atk boost.
Making Ch'en modernly good again is not that easy, so I can't theorycraft. They would need to add new stuff.
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Dyomain Exnyansion: Infyinite Nyo
Operators that are constantly meeting up with Mizuki for bed breaking sex?
Mudrock is the only operator that canonically uses stirrups. She's the designated feet devil
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Domain Expansion: Sarkaz Wife Feast.
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It was love at first sight for me…
Good morning I heard Loughshinny got a Slutshinny skin?
I think something they could realistically do is to have her gain increased damage after an ammo refund.
Yeah, she's a proper Victorian now
I love whore
they put Reed in a thong and high heels
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Place your bets.
Harmonie, please pick up Mandy from the big baby daycare already
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Wife-shaped Draco mentioned
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Ah, you're right.
That'd make it a 20% damage increase in the worst case scenario at 3079 damage per hit or 6158 per shot.
For absurd buffs, the trait could get something like 200% multiplier for the single tile directly in front.
Or we could get the DP cost reduction trait splash casters got. That would be a real fuck you to Chen.
I imagine the ASPD talent would realistically just have +attack tacked on similar to other stat talents that were buffed slightly by adding other stats.
For going beyond with the ammo talent, maybe they could add passive ammo regeneration.

That actually seems pretty feasible. It would basically give her crits.
Roundhouse kick stirrup lovers
Hmm... nyo.
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It will be SHITsiai
Harmonie would make a terrible mother
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New vanguard looks like he has a micropenis. What are the odds he ends up stronger than Vigil
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Finally... more green asshole
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That's just her Wild Operation outfit without the jacket
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this took me over an hour and it wasn't even a CM stage
i couldn't relight the things fast enough
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You sworn ally
It's the hardest boss of the year, and the Last Hard Boss of Arknights.
No correct guesses. No points.
Naturally it had to be one of the 3 I have at max pot.
Is the new 5 star on CN really called MITM? Man in the middle?
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I think I identified the problem with your setup
I hate this, can we go back to overpowered operators handholding you through missions?
Just in time to retire in favor of Shu...
>Last Hard Boss of Arknights
That would imply that they will never add a hard boss. With IS5 around the corner I'm sure that will change
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Wyvern (Female)
>Sarkazknights now have a Vanguard
Lupobros....... it's over.....
Bed breaking sex with Nymph (Kal it's not my fault did you see her fucking codename?)
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Harold EX CM retries cost me ~30 drill plans and 40 sanity.
she is absolute shit and i don't understand what they were thinking
but i brought her in my team because i was trying to stick to a team of
1) bears
2) operators that would do well in a cold environment
3) caper
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Whether you want her to come or not was never a consideration
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>emperor's cuck defeated by a mushroom
Pathetic. Ursusfags truly are losers.
IS bosses are only ever "difficult" because you can't get ever get the perfect team for them and have to make do.
Nymph looks like a shoujo heroine. Her name is the Greek word for young woman or young bride and are commonly nature spirits and often feature a love motif in greek legends. She's literally built to marry Doctor.
Is there any easy way around Lofter's restrictions now or do you have something convoluted to get a Chinese phone number to see their shit?
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1. Not a real Sarkaz
2. Chargers are shit at generating DP
Double RETARD. Don't (You) me again.
If you only want pics, there's a tag-workaround script.
Here >>476614231
I would think that she is pretty good on those stages. She can tank harold better than most. Or her stats are in some strange thresholds that she can't. Never used her but her kit seems to be good in this particular situation.
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Don't be mean!
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Please stop using this sticker set.
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Why is she so pissed?
I love Amiya
I already have my way of saving the pics, I was asking about ways around the fact that you can't get to tags without logging in now.

Maybe he can't (you) (you), but I can.
>marrying a succubus
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You tried
Sorry, wrong one.
Here is the real one:
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This Deep Investigation is like a power wet fantasy.
Fuck Emepror's Cucks.
I don't really vibe with these operators. Easiest skip of my life.
Surtr isn't a "succubus"
You're asking a shitposter to stop shitposting. I don't think this will work
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Is that...
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Reset Ceobe!
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Reset Amiya
I'm... I'm going to strangle her...
Mostima, Fia and Lemuen
Thank you, I'll give this a shot.
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Our Martyr
>Is that...
A walkie-talkie?
Picture of the team?
What the fuck did you meant by this?
Based and cute!
I hope Andoain dies of a ruptured anus after extreme diarrhoea.
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>Never used her but
No butts
Why does he make people seethe so bad?
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Can't wait to finally get Andoain THIS year
Mommy Vigna...
you will now spam 50 fanarts of fiammetta and andoain
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What the hell is this Deep Investigation? Does the final ending boss get significantly harder? Because this is a ridiculous overpowered walkthrough.
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>letting fanart decide how you view character(s)
This devil fuckboy is kinda cool
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Spungebob takes the wrong turn in Rock Bottom and find himself in Aegir
Oh is he a lich
Next lupo when?
why did they turn totter into a super hot chinky cultivator?
Scout's son...
Thank God, finally a banner I can skip after Ray's.
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Under da sea
Is where you're meant to be
I had a dream last night that I buried my face in between Vigna's bosom. Then I woke up and I had a massive erection.
Shut the fuck up faggot
This fucker is gonna get tons of art. I've already seen 5 separate artists say "he's my type".
Why do they look like they came from Alchemy Stars
Are you telling me they taunted us with ermengarde and gave us a completely different lich?
How do you bury your face in a plank?
How do you guys have a dream like that? I want to dream of ak girls too but not even once in my life get to dream about anime girls
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First it was Stultifera Navis
Then The Rides to Lake Silberneherze
What's with unrelated events suddenly getting Blemished out of nowhere?
Shit design
You've got Lapp alt soon, shut up.
I hope so, that'd be hilarious, as long as the IS5 welfare isn't her
>the only Sarkaz vanguard
Oh come on, if you're fine with Ifrit being a Sarkaz then Ines can be too! fucking sheep kek
blemishine is the protagonist of the arknights universe
I think it's odd just how many people dislike her.
>first it was one event
>then it was two events
Wow, two whole events?
Kill yourself
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like THIS
>mommy mommy mommy mommy iloveyou m-mommy....
Great, now I have a boner as well
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Hilariously broken Deep Investigation.
I never used a chinese phone number but I managed to make an account on Lofter by making an account on Bilibili, which allows me to make a Weibo account and thus a Lofter account
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Vigil's doggy stack has its own niche, I've really warmed up to him. He's a nice starter vanguard in IS4 too since his dogs are 3 block with decent dps.
Meanwhile I still don't fucking know how and when to use Lessing.
> which allows me to make a Weibo account


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