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Previous: >>484454587

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Spino Doubleblaster" live until July 8

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
I won't worry about Genshin dying until even the doomposters leave /gig/
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You will never convince me Fischl doesn't have alien tier pussy
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this is the correct thread
no one asked femcel
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Nahida is really sexy.
i asked don't mind them unless you are that weird gorespammer scaramouche poster
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shipping is cringe
self-insert OCs are based
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>furry tranny lies about their age
>engages in sexual content because of course they're a horny teen
>typical furry shit happens
>a decade later, after finding out the nigga made something of himself, one of your friends decides to try and cancel him
>turn off all replies from people that don't follow you
Diluc's EN VA is innocent
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I asked too
A Raiden yumejoshi...
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sex with alhaitham
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That makes her a himejoshi
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You must be a woman. In reality it's one retard trying to get attention by using a "friend" that doesn't have a voice anymore, with no ability to reconfirm claims. With allegations that they know will never have proof.

The only response is to lawyer up or shut up.
>Clorinde + Sethos
how good of a combo is it really? Geniunely curious
Dumbass that's a yuri sister
theatre flopped bigly
Dont tell me theyre actually on the yaka thread??
okay I'm not telling you
I am telling you hehe
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Aside from resonance and maybe energy generation, they don't have much synergy. The party is friendship characters plus shield and healer that also buffs dps. I couldn't really recommend Clorinde and Sethos in the same team otherwise.
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is that why this thread is good?
me on the left
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Why are white Mexican Genshit cosplayers like this?.
I was thinking that maybe Sethos covers Clorinde's downtime since they both benefit from Quicken, but I don't have Baizhu so I don't know his Dendro application/rotation specifics
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la goblina del fontaino...
lawyering up does nothing because you can still lose your job and opportunities over accusations alone
since the tranny lied about their age, it absolves diluc of everything
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koko cunt
qrd on this? what happened
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Alright, I'm coming over
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this is the thread
Diluc's VA said he wanted to smash Sayu.
bring pizza and fries, i got the beer and coke
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You sure are
kek, thats it?
You're going to lose your jobs and opportunities no matter fucking what if that's what they want, you might as well keep your mouth shut and try for a defamation lawsuit.

There is no winning in life as a man if a woman wants to ruin your life.
Why did Genshin flop? What went wrong?
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Why are there two threads?
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we just have so much content to talk about, 1 thread isnt enough
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the janny thought we were worthy enough to have two like the chad threads
>Why did Genshin flop?
no playable potato shota
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It didn't.
There's not a single gacha with potato shotas except FGO and it's one PNG every two years.
I wish we had the red oni in the videos.
Who? Post video.
That would maximize Genshit's flop
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Why the last events are lasting less than a week??
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For me, its executing inefficient shoppers after they already heard my subliminal messaging to buy more fresh produce and didn't heed my warnings
>the former gacha king was the one who had it
Genshin can be the first 3d one.
>There's not a single gacha with potato shotas except FGO and it's one PNG every two years.
grand blue
ark knights
dragalia lost
there is no excuse
there are probably more if i really looked
Why don't the jannies ever do anything about this faggot spamming off topic garbage all the time?
yeah i know that hsrcuck is getting annoying who the fuck cares about firefly
so many of their shotas get lots of doujins and fanart too
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God, Klee trying to impersonate Diona's tsundere speech patterns is so fucking cute I'm going to kidnap her and groom her into my wife.
When can we expect info about the next banner? Wondering if I use my guarantee on C1 Furina or not, since I need the 4* on this banner
i prefer the off-topic posts in this thread and i've read both, this one at least has me dancing
More fomo to keep you logging in.
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what does that even mean
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close your eyes
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You're lying, who?
>dragalia lost
dead and was never relevant except with women, zero art etc.

Granblue potatoes only relevant because of the lolis included in the package.
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I was genuinely invested in her story quest until they un-killed Dunyarzad because "lmao dream consciousness logic".
I'm not sure if it was worth coming back after years..
i was never invest in her character but liked the story
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>You're lying, who?
one has an ugly OP to bait the doomposters into posting there
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This is the comfy thread
Post cute Genshins that make you happy
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Not a potato and he's a limited collab unit you wouldn't even see unless you logged in for one specific two week period.

And you still saw him as just a cat for 90% of the event. You have to actually invest into him to get the shota appearance.
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>Not a potato
his age is 10
keep moving the goal post tho
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>Granblue potatoes only relevant because of the lolis included in the package.
I don't really care about relevance I just want one shota.
Iirc HSR staff said their 4* aren't made to be marketable, so they gave their designers more freedom over them, I wish it was the same here in Genshin.
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This girl is 11, what's your point? Yet they make her have decent tits and hips to the point virtually every man would fuck her.

No one cares about numbers when defining anime characters.
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Give me a source for that.
>GBF mentioned
Daily reminder that Furina is for you.
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Only if (You) are a dragon sovereign
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Neuvillette and Furina are my only 5* Fontaine units. I hope Murata and Xbalanque will have the same dynamic.
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ZZZ killed us bros
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/gig/ /hsr/ and /wuwa/ schizos all fighting in /zzz/ is a funny thing
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Been looking around the archives and couldn't find it. I give up.
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>Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ), the highly anticipated urban fantasy action RPG from HoYoverse, has shattered pre-registration records, solidifying itself as the most sought-after gacha game in history. Leading industry analysts are projecting a phenomenal debut for ZZZ, with first-week sales expected to surpass the combined launches of Genshin Impact 1.0 and Honkai: Star Rail 1.0.
genkeks, zzzchads are gonna make our dead game completely irrelevant... how can we compete?
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Drink coffee to defeat ZZZ
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it's over bro, we are HI3 status now
She wasn't dead, and her being saved came at a hefty cost.
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>how can we compete?
add 280 free pulls
kill yourself
>has shattered pre-registration records
Yeah by adding everyone who ever made a hoyoverse account to the pre-regs. I'm simply not playing ZZZ.
co-workers who barely talk to each other?
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Time for a Genshin live action movie.
You got him
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Get him as Lyney
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Rate my lineup.
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>surpass the combined launches of GI and HSR

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Kaveh and his girlfriend/wife.

He is straight and heterosexual. Let Mina Aoyama be mad at that fact that Faruzan is a straight heterosexual woman!
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Is Sapwood Sword worth crafting at R1 for Kirara? My billet luck is dogshit and I still need to R5 my Finale of the Deep
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We'll just comfortably accept 4th place.
What's the point of building who you like if the game forces you to play with who you don't?
Why haven't they done anything to bring back the hype?
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Why did Information Technology flop?
I killed the hype
What do you mean you aren't excited about beady eyed pokemon?!
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just use whatever on her if you dont have a hp sword. sac, fav, sap, literally anything that will be of some use for you.
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My wife
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WuWa... won...
there is no point anymore, they are making the worst decisions possible every patch
It's optional content, bro.
Imaginarium Theater is inherently unfun garbage. Being forced to use mismatched trash teams like Wanderer Cyno Clorinde Raiden because the RNG fucks you can never be fun, I got the primos on the first try and didn't bother with getting full stars.
If I had known the stars are literally worthless I wouldn't have gotten any, from now on I will refuse to get more than 0 stars on purpose to pad Mihoyo statistics showing the event is too difficult. I will also complain in the surveys and in the feedback every day from now on, fuck you Da Wei for adding this trash and forcing me to play it for primogems
why even play gacha at that point
Remember when people were optimistic about Arle getting an animated short since it seems like they're putting more attention into this game again?
Then Clorinde got nerfed and it all went downhill from there.
Wrong. Any content with primogem rewards is 100% mandatory. All content is either 100% irrelevant or 100% mandatory depending on if it has premium currency rewards or not.
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what if qiqi was good
Oh thanks for reminding me, I have a R5 Sac Sword rusting away, I'll just use that
you get primos for doing literally everything else, bro.
but if you're still inclined to do it for the primos, then build more characters. it's the only way.
Oh boy, ZZZ flop gonna crush Hoyo.
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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i am <redacted> goblin
>how can we compete?
we don't
we drown in our ideals and die
>Then Clorinde got nerfed and it all went downhill from there
Emilie got gigaomega buffed though, she looks stupidly op
Imaginarium Theater, negative

I'm really disappointed in the Theater, I can't make myself have fun playing it. I really dislike not being able to consistently play my favorite characters, and I really don't like having to consider when I should or should not use one. Using them always feels terrible unless it's the last 2 fights since I always end up worrying if I'm wasting them. I don't really enjoy having only a few characters to pick from to build a team, I find they feel really bad to play and aren't very fun to use. I really prefer just picking my favorite characters and trying to get the most out of them, and the Theater doesn't allow for that, which I don't think is very fun. I don't have fun playing Genshin when I'm not playing my favorite characters, they are why I continue to play the game, anything that prevents me from playing with them isn't going to be something I can enjoy very much.
I'm craving for more anime open world games
yeah, I'm starting to think it's one schizo using multiple devices.
So can someone explain how celestia has no idea that the fucking hydro archon DIED and that the dragon sovereign they stole power from got his fucking hydro power back
how would they not know this happened and do something?
>Leading industry analysts are projecting a phenomenal debut for ZZZ, with first-week sales expected to surpass the combined launches of Genshin Impact 1.0 and Honkai: Star Rail 1.0.
No one types like this. 2/10 effort. Apply yourself.
At least we can now use 'most sought-after gacha game in history' as a shitposting oneliner. Good job anon
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They're so sleepy...
Just play the lastest archon quest with dain. Loom explains it all. Unless you don't play the game ofc
Maybe they are sleeping or retarded neets
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Bros I'm getting filtered by act 8 I don't have enough dps to beat it in the time limit.

I started playing in January but I can't beat IT on hard mode I'm being filtered by Coppelius. I only have Fischl, Raiden, Yanfei and Cloud Retainer aside from Chevreuse as support options for Clorinde. I'm trying to use and overload team with Chevreuse but I used up Arlecchino, Thoma, Dehya, Bennet, Xiangling and Gaming already so I don't have any other pyros left to help Chevy trigger overload consistently.

How can I improve my Clorinde in order to clear it I don't think ascending or levelling further is a good way to spend resources as I need them for the next IT.
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Theres a datamined cutscene leak where Traveller asked his sister about his future with Ayaka if he marries her and his sister shows him a vision of his future
Hes bathing his and Ayaka's son when Ayaka comes back home with another man making out in the doorway,Ayaka quickly looks araund to see if anyone is home and doesnt notice anyone then she takes the man to the living room and they undress eachother on the couch
Traveller and his son and take a peak through the cracks in the door
Travellers son tried to say hi mommy! but Traveller puts his hand over his mouth
Ayaka undoes the bulls belt and starts sucking the guys dick and Traveller drops the soap out of shock
The bull says "What was that?"
Ayaka looks araund and notices Traveller watching and smiles and puts her finger on the lips doing her iconic "shhhh..." handsign shes known for
Then Ayaka tells the bull it was probably the wind and to go back to fucking
Traveller jerks off with tears in his eyes to the sight of his wife making whole new moans getting way better dick than he could ever provide
His son decides to imitate his dad and try jerking off too but doesnt like it and leaves the bathroom to go do what mommy is doing
Traveller quickly hides in the bath so he isnt noticed and continues watching now both his wife and his son both getting their brains blown out by big black cock
When the sex ends and Ayaka pays him for his service+tip for fucking her son too and he leaves Traveller comes out of hiding to lick all the black cum out of his wifes and sons assholes.
This scene is exclusive to the male traveller Lumine bros will be missing out on this.
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It's probably just because I'm more of a vertical investor who prefers Geo/Dendro/Hydro (so the exact opposite of this cycle), but Theater ended up being every bit as awful as I had imagined it would be. It wasn't even difficult, but the fact that I need to waste a bunch of resin and mora on characters I don't even enjoy just to participate really rubs me the wrong way.

Plus, it takes away what makes the game fun for me, which is seeing your team finally come together with proper builds. If anything, the game incentives you to scuff your teams as much as possible so that you can have a somewhat coherent team for the boss chambers, which feels awful in my opinion.

It's kind of funny, since I actually really liked Triumphant Frenzy. Everybody was on equal ground there, so the only things that mattered were your teambuilding knowledge and execution. The content was then tuned around the trial characters that were available, so when you cleared, it felt rewarding. This has... none of that, which is honestly disappointing.

Oh well, can't wait to waste another weeks' worth of resin getting Cryo characters up for the next cycle! /s
Unbeknownst to Focalors the heavenly principles said fuck it and went for a century long nap
Assuming you aren't trolling, level her to 90, lvl her weapon to 90, lvl her talents, get her crit ratio above 50%
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so youre saying they came up with a retarded explanation after they realised the giant plotholes they wrote
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Who, or what, am I?
use the trial clorinde instead
so the archons have no contact with celestia and celestia has no fucking clue whats happening on teyvat and focalors sacrifice meant fuck all?
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That seems like a waste of resin, it took a lot of fragiles just to qualify for IT. Without access topyro Clorinde's + Fischl (she's c0 with cope artifacts I only just got her from the shop) electro damage on it's own isn't seem like it's enough to beat Coppelius even if she can drop the shield easily.
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>every hydro archon ever made became a pathetic girlflop doomer either incapable or unwilling to perform her duties
As much as it's possible that they're asleep, I don't think they regret losing that particular throne all that much. The dragons can have that one back.
Game gives you plenty of character cards. If your team sucks, it's literally a skill issue.
>focalors sacrifice meant fuck all
I mean just save the characters for the last act then??
>so the archons have no contact with celestia
Did you skip Sumeru AQ too?
>focalors sacrifice meant fuck all
Fontanians would still dissolve if Neuv didn't make them human.
she has too much downtime
>Genshin is keep getting collabs each patch
Where are HSR collabs
I only remember KFC and Pizza ones
>get matched up instantly in the event
God I love it
trial Clorinde is dogshit
He's so cute he's so beautiful he's so handsome he's so
New player here, what advice do you anons have for builds?
As of now my team is Aether, Noelle, Kaeya and Lisa (eventually I want to switch Kaeya fo lr Dilluc when I unlock him)
>focalors sacrifice meant fuck all?
no it just means at some point Focalors could have come out of hiding and Furina could have stopped pretending
Nahida gambled in "awakening" the heavily principles on sumeru's archon quest
Fontaine Act 3 and 4
You should probably post your roster first, makes it much easier to give recommendations
Celestia/HP presumably has no idea what's happening at the current moment. We don't know if they'll be notified immediately once they wake up or if they'll need time to learn everything that has transpired. Similarly the archons (likely) don't have a direct speed dial to Celestia. In-universe archons are technically supposed to distribute visions on behalf of Celestia, but this process seems to mostly be automated or simply just the archons thinking "yeah ok" and then some dude across the continent gets a vision out of thin air

The prophecy about Fontaine was very real and was destined to come to pass meaning the dissolution of its citizens. Sacrifice or not, until the flooding, weeping archon and bla bla was carried out it would happen sooner or later. By letting it play out ostensibly they got it over with so it ceases to become something to worry about. As for whether or not Focalors' deception was actually necessary we'll never truly know, at least not until we know more about how HP/Celestia actually operates
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Learn to use Clorinde without Thundering Fury then. My Clorinde doing just fine in this IT with Gladiator
Where are the fontaine clothes
why do the doomkeks keep thinking they are entertaining?
like no one cares lmao
I'm so close I need like 10%-15% more damage
Lumine bros how do we cope with the fact were missing out on such awesome kino?
Why does Aether get all the cool stuff...
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They also had Lawson (some Jap store) collab and Zoff one was announced a while back.
uh oh melty
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>hydro throne destroyed & dragon regained authority
>abyss is leaking in again
>an archon is in open rebellion and collecting the gnosis of other archons
Could you imagine being Celestia and waking up to all this?
changing your clorindes build now doesnt make her change in your current run
you have to do it again bro
who lost
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My roster is just those 4 I mentioned plus Amber
The US unironically.
are you retarded? level her and her weapon up
Any sane posters.
See >>484486387
Fuckkk I'm running out of artifact domains to farm
odds dw/gd
evens eosf/sr
Archon war 2 electric bogaloo, the tsaritsa is right edition
and her talents
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shime sucks cock
just strongbox eosf
>after today, we'll only be the 4th best game of hoyoverse
It's looking grim for us...
I'm gonna eat your ass.
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Should I get Nilou or Navia
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I love Qiqi.
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What killed the hype?
why doesnt neuv just beam celestia while they're asleep
or team up with the shartcons
I'm deleting Genshin to fit Starrail and ZZZ
get emily
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I wanted to roll for Nilou but I don't have any geo characters for IT so I have to skip her and get Navia instead
Neither. Save for Natlan.
>Levelling up Jean so I can use her in theatre
>'As the wind continues to blow, so too shall I'
What the fuck? What did the acting grand master mean by this?
reminder doctore killed all his clones for nothing
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If you're aiming for e-sport later then learn2Geo from the very beginning. Meaning build your Noelle
Good thing she's on the rate up, along with Furina too. Her sync with Furina is crazy, so go for it
If not then just build who you like bro
harbingers are canonically retarded
The philipino Yae Miko Yuri tranny calling everyone else pagpags even though hes from philipines himself getting bullied off the general.
She was the only reason a lot of people came here and now with her gone so are her fans.
I killed genshin. I'm sorry.
Uhm... it was for the gnosis bro
It really feels like this shit has all been rewritten since 4.2
your favorite genshin...
I will get Emilie yeah I like her VA
And I'm choosing between Nilou and Navia
Yeah me too...
a big plot point in the game is the risk of anything you do waking HP up
Build your MC, dendro version is very good, anemo and electro are also usable. You will get Barbara (healer) for free soon I'd also recommend building her. For DPS Kaeya is ok but don't invest too much into him this early into the game.
Are you planning to roll for any 5*s?
The very first Fontaine trailer has turned 1. You feeling old yet?
Well if you're just starting off then the teams don't really matter, just use what you have the most levels in
But for some suggestions, you can run Kayea and Amber together - Kayea applies Cryo to enemies, and Amber's Charged Shot deals Pyro damage, which results in a big damage increase. Bonus points if you aim for the head. You can use your Traveler to spread the single-target Element to multiple enemies: apply Pyro with Amber, use the Traveler's skill to spread that Pyro to other enemies, and finally use Kayea or Lisa to do big damage to a lot of enemies. Once you get Barbara you can also freeze enemies. Again, for the start of the game just play around with mixing elements and pick what you like
they are 1/6/6 the gaurdian refuses to drop the right mats, my Fischl is completely garbage (only the sands is levelled, unlevelled off piece goblet and EM main stat circlet) so I think thats also an issue. Guess I'll start again and save XL or Dehya for act 8.
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It's been a while now.
How's Sigewinne? Is she worth the primos for C0?
He's a coward he'd rather cry and bully the weak Archons instead
yes, she's great if you need a teamwide healer
he could have taken it by force and rape nahida too
Key Elements of the Metaphor

The Wind:
Persistence: The wind is often associated with continuous motion and endurance. It blows regardless of obstacles, weather changes, or time of day.
Direction: The wind can change direction, signifying adaptability and resilience.
Nature's Force: The wind is a natural force that is ever-present and unstoppable.

The Speaker:
Continuity: By aligning themselves with the wind, the speaker implies that they will continue their journey or efforts persistently, just as the wind never stops blowing.
Adaptability: Just as the wind can change direction, the speaker is prepared to adapt and keep moving forward despite challenges.
Resilience: The speaker indicates a commitment to pushing through difficulties and maintaining their course of action.
Defend this shit for 10 primos you nerds

Hoyoverse spends their money on the following:
>Twitter hashflags (250k per character per day)
>Tiesto collab (made generic trance slop)
>Botanist research (Because their homo HSR character is associated with roses)
>Funding chink nuclear reactors
>Orchestra concerts
>Sponsoring XQC Asmongold and other ecelebs
>Gifting every employee they have a top of the line GPU
likely only 2% of the profit is put back into the game or the community like fanart
Did Dottore use his clones with Collei as well?
Because Celestia would OHKO him and leave him crying kekw
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>newfags seething over the theater.
Yes, C2 is the ideal though but she's meta at C0
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Meaning she'll continue throwing Fatuis off the cliff for the foreseeable future
It's fun. Jean is fun, and pretty
nahida defeated frauderer easily though
>gaurdian refuses to drop the right mats,
So just transform them to the right ones
Ah yes, because characters in-game have all the information the player does
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So what are you supposed to do in the imaginary theater when you dont have any of the primary characters?
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